Painful red bumps on the skin of the legs. Painful induration on the leg under the skin: treat or resolve on its own

Some rashes and formations that occur on our body cause concern and may not look aesthetically pleasing in the photo and in life. A bump on the leg under the skin is one of these disturbing symptoms. A ball of dense consistency, easily palpable, mobile. Usually does not cause discomfort or pain. However, a harmless "sore" can be a serious symptom of the disease.

Compaction can be of different localization, on which the causes of the disease depend:

  • at the base of the big toe;
  • on the "lift" of the foot;
  • on the sole;
  • shin.

A bump on the leg near the big toe is called a "valgus foot" by orthopedists. It is a deformity of the position of the finger due to a violation of the articular connection. This deformation is especially pronounced in the elderly, in especially neglected cases, the thumb takes an almost horizontal position relative to the foot.

The main reason is wearing too tight, narrow shoes. This is aggravated by the presence of a heel, the frequent wearing of uncomfortable shoes leads to a forced concentration of body weight pressure on the toe. Under constant load, the metatarsal bones under the weight of the whole body begin to diverge, leading to changes in the foot. Accompanying the appearance of compaction is horizontal flat feet.

Padding on shin and sole

There are many reasons for the appearance of such bumps, they differ in accompanying symptoms, thanks to which a specific diagnosis can be determined. Soreness should be taken into account - at rest and when pressed, whether there is an increase in size from the moment it appeared, a local increase in temperature, skin manifestations and disruption of normal functioning.

What diseases can form formations?

  1. Neoplasms - can be both malignant and benign, differ in tissue affiliation. They can represent the growth of adipose tissue (lipoma), bone, cartilage (fibroma) and much more. At first they do not cause concern, later they can become painful and increase.
  2. Rheumatism - one of the manifestations of this disease are rheumatoid nodules, which are located along the projection of the joints. The ball is painless. But the joint under it often worries when walking, its deformation is possible.
  3. Inflammatory processes are often abscesses. The seal covers red, shiny skin, sharply painful, hot when palpated.
  4. The subcutaneous cyst is a hollow formation, dense on palpation. Usually serous fluid inside. Painless, with inflammation it can start to hurt, it is possible to open fistulas with the release of its contents.
  5. Enlarged lymph nodes - small in size, can be located both on the sole and on the back of the foot. The consistency is dense, burning when touched. Usually combined with other manifestations of general infection of the body - fever, weakness.

Many of these diseases require surgical intervention. Contact a specialist if you experience these symptoms if you find a lump on the sole or instep of the foot.

Neoplasms and cysts

The most common cause when a seal appears on the arch of the foot or sole is neoplasms and cysts. Usually this "ball" is:

  • lipoma;
  • hygroma;
  • atheroma;
  • fibroma.

Lipoma is a benign formation of adipose tissue. It does not cause concern, the wen easily moves under the skin, dense. This type of tumor rarely becomes malignant and grows slowly. Most often does not require treatment, if it does not cause aesthetic inconvenience.
Hygroma is another type of benign tumor. It is formed in the place of the articular bag, the presence of fluid is characteristic. The most common localization is the back of the foot, at the base of the toes. It is painless, with a sharp growth there may be pulling pains from overstretching of the articular bag. Compaction usually appears as a result of frequent injury to the foot.

Atheroma - occurs when the patency of the sebaceous duct is completely blocked. Since there are no sebaceous glands on the sole, such a ball cannot form there. However, compaction is possible on the rise. The tumor is painful on palpation, may become inflamed, complicated by an abscess. Due to poorly developed subcutaneous fat, it does not reach large sizes. Occurs after bruises, poor hygiene, metabolic disorders.

Fibroma is a connective tissue tumor, predominantly localized on the sole. The formation is felt as a dense nodule, the color of the skin may change for days, it is prone to overgrowth. Due to the specific location, it causes inconvenience when walking or standing for a long time.


The seal on the sole and instep of the foot is most often removed surgically. The severity of the intervention depends on its origin. In malignant neoplasms, surrounding tissues can be excised. In inflammatory diseases, drainage is established for the outflow of purulent contents, be sure to add antibiotics to the treatment.

With inflammation of the lymph nodes, you need to find out the underlying disease. The ball of the lymph node should regress with the right therapy. You should not do warm compresses on them and warm them up - there is a high risk of worsening the inflammatory process.

Treatment of tumors on the leg

All benign neoplasms are treated more often with a minimally invasive surgical method. Depending on the morphology of the tumor, drug therapy is added to the treatment. Fibroma undergoes cryo or laser removal.

Lipoma rarely undergoes treatment, but if it is inconvenient, it is possible to excise the formation under local anesthesia. Laser removal is gaining popularity - the method is almost painless, does not require preparation, and does not leave scars. After such a procedure, traces will not be visible even in the photo under high magnification.

The hygroma can be removed both surgically and undergo conservative therapy. Due to the rapid progression, there is difficulty in wearing and fitting shoes, so patients often decide to have it removed.

With a conservative method, the cavity is simply pierced, removing the accumulated fluid. Then, a drug is injected into the cyst to scleroze the capsule. It is carried out without local anesthesia and a splint is applied to immobilize the foot. However, with this method of treatment, a recurrence of the disease is possible. During surgical treatment, the capsule is completely removed under anesthesia. Recurrence of the disease with such therapy does not occur.

Treatment of atheroma is similar to the surgical removal of hygroma, due to the similarity in structure.

Healthy feet are the key to good health and full activity. Seal on the foot can cause a lot of trouble with untimely treatment. More often pay attention to the condition of the feet, in the early stages, the appeared "ball" is easily treated, without the risk of complications.

A person's life is filled with events that further affect well-being. Mostly they feel the load during the day, the legs, gradually too active lifestyle affects the condition of the limbs. The veins begin to appear, a soft bump suddenly appeared on the leg under the skin, the joints periodically hurt.

A frequent occurrence on the legs of a modern person is seals in the form of bumps, which are quite soft to the touch. In most cases, at first a person does not attach importance to the formations, considering them just a cosmetic defect - until they begin to bring discomfort. A person is already going to the doctor when the bump begins to rapidly increase in size, creates pain.

Often, these bumps under the skin flow into serious accumulations of pus, causing the development of a serious inflammatory process. The reasons for the appearance of bumps under the skin are varied, they can represent enlarged lymph nodes or nodules of veins. Formations become a sign of skin cancer or eczema, cysts, and other disorders. Treatment primarily depends on the nature of the occurrence.

There are many reasons for the appearance of compaction under the skin. Appear on the leg, other parts of the body. Consider the reasons that can provoke the appearance of bumps under the skin:

Separate reasons for the formation of bumps on the legs under the skin are listed. If a red bump appears on the leg, it is shown to immediately consult a doctor to establish the nature of the formation and prescribe the only correct treatment.

How to get rid of bumps

If a pathology is detected, you should immediately contact a therapist. By prescribing a known number of tests and procedures, the doctor will see results that help to correctly establish the diagnosis and nature of the neoplasm. The doctor has the right to start from the results when prescribing treatment. Each type of bump under the skin has its own treatment.

Consider the popular treatment options:

  • If the bump appeared as a result of an infectious disease, a course of medications is prescribed, primarily consisting of antibiotics, antifungal agents. It is important to monitor the hygiene of the areas where the bumps have formed, to eliminate the friction of the affected areas with clothing.
  • If the lump is diagnosed as a cyst under the skin, often no treatment is needed. The cyst resolves on its own, during periods of inflammation cortisone injections are prescribed. Periodically, after examinations, the doctor prescribes a surgical operation to remove it.
  • Cones after lipoma do not require surgical intervention, do not damage neighboring tissues. Removal occurs at the request of the patient and if the formation has become an impressive cosmetic defect.
  • In case of cancer, the bumps are removed with neighboring affected tissues.
  • For the treatment of warts, sometimes representing bumps under the skin, a method suitable, according to the doctor, is used in a particular case. Sometimes the removal is carried out with the help of drugs or exposure to a laser beam.
  • Bumps resulting from blows, especially in children. The first step is to apply a cold compress. After stopping the formation of puffiness, a cream or gel is applied to the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, designed to relieve swelling and resorption of hematomas.

It is important for the surgical removal of bumps under the skin to choose a highly qualified doctor with experience in performing operations. If the formation is not completely removed, the violation will reappear, and repeated removal will be required.

Often, in the absence of movement in growth, or if the bump under the skin does not cause inconvenience to the owner, the doctor leaves the formation without treatment. Tumors often disappear on their own. This applies to moles, small cysts, lipomas.

Often, bumps on the skin appear due to insect bites; it is recommended to use special insect repellents before going outside.

Traditional medicine recipes

Not all types of bumps under the skin will help recipes from the bins of grandmothers. Sometimes the solutions work. It is possible to get rid of bumps on the legs and pain caused by tumors in simple ways:

Traditional medicine procedures should be carried out regularly, and not from case to case. Only in this way the treatment of folk remedies will give results. Basically, the course is a month for compresses and baths, often carried out at night just before bedtime. It will be possible to achieve the maximum effect by reducing the load on the legs and carrying out procedures several times a day, but for a modern person this is not always possible.

For the period of treatment, doctors recommend adhering to a diet that categorically prohibits the use of salted, smoked, fried foods. The diet is based on dairy and vegetable products. If possible, it is worth eating more berries of bone and blueberries, provide the body with plenty of fluids, at least 2 liters per day.

It is worth forgetting about bad habits, first of all, about the use of alcoholic beverages. Replace ethanol with vitamin-rich cocktails. Such a diet will help to fight with more force with the resulting disease, will help get rid of extra pounds, if any.

The article is for informational purposes only. Without the consent of the doctor, you should not resort to any of these methods of treatment, the consequences can become a difficult test for the body. Only a doctor, after conducting diagnostic examinations, will be able to identify the structure of neoplasms under the skin and prescribe the correct treatment, taking into account the characteristics of the body and possible consequences and complications. Any bump requires immediate examination for the nature of the occurrence and appropriate treatment.

Seal on the leg under the skin occurs in many people. It may be painful or not uncomfortable. Buds differ in other symptoms: some grow quickly, others grow extremely slowly.

A number of seals are accompanied by reddening of the skin, the color of others is no different from the skin. The clinical picture depends entirely on the disease.

If a seal appears on the leg under the skin, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The surgeon will make a diagnosis and help get rid of an unpleasant pathology.

Main Factors

Doctors distinguish about ten types of seals on the legs. It is customary to single out several main reasons that affect the occurrence of various growths.

Among them are the following factors:

  • Hormonal changes - any failures in the human body lead to the fact that the work of the sebaceous glands changes, etc. As a result, there is a blockage of the channels, leading to the development of balls. The same factor can be attributed to the consequences of hormonal treatment.
  • Complications after injury or after surgery on the leg. As a result of surgery or undertreated pathology, a growth may develop.
  • Prolonged stay in a psycho-emotional state or stress provokes the development of balls. Seals may appear on the legs under the skin on the lower leg or thighs.
  • Infectious processes in the body impair immunity, can lead to the appearance of atheromas, lipomas and other tumors.
  • Leading an unhealthy lifestyle, irrational and unbalanced nutrition, bad habits.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Prolonged exposure to sunlight, ultraviolet radiation in a solarium increases the risk of seal formation.

Reasons for the appearance of different types of cones

  1. Atheroma is one of the most common neoplasms on the skin. Appears if the patient's sebaceous gland is clogged. The secret has nowhere to go, it begins to accumulate in the capsule. As a result, hard balls appear. Atheroma is dense and painless to the touch. But it can become inflamed when exposed to favorable factors (for example, hypothermia). In this case, atheroma hurts and swells. It becomes a little soft, with palpation, the liquid inside is clearly felt. When the tumor matures, it bursts and the contents flow out. But the atheroma itself will not disappear anywhere, the capsule will remain in place. A small and hard growth will be diagnosed on the leg. Completely get rid of atheroma is possible only surgically.
  2. Seals on the legs under the skin with redness may be an abscess. This is an acute and purulent-inflammatory process. It occurs if bacteria enter a wound or microcrack on the skin, as with. An abscess is characterized by a hard and painful swelling, severe hyperemia. There is general fatigue and possibly an increase in body temperature. An abscess is treated only surgically, the wound is opened and cleaned.
  3. Lipoma - this tumor is often called a wen. Consists of adipose tissue, soft and mobile to the touch. Lipoma never hurts, does not itch, does not bother the patient in any way. It is removed only because of aesthetic discomfort.
  4. Dermatofibroma is a benign tumor on the leg or other parts of the body. The reasons for its appearance have not yet been clarified. The neoplasm is purple, brown or red. The diameter rarely exceeds 5 - 6 millimeters. Dermatofibromas in rare cases can itch and cause discomfort.

Often, with varicose veins, bumps form on the legs. This occurs as a result of improper or untimely treatment of the disease. Fluid accumulates in the veins, so seals appear. They can dissolve and appear in new places.

Other types of cones

There are other types of balls on the legs:

  • Furuncle - inflammation of the hair follicle. Bacteria (staphylococci and streptococci) enter it. An acute infectious process occurs, pus accumulates in the bulb. A rod is visible on top of the cone. Fixed pain around the boil, severe redness of the skin. To the touch, the ball is mobile and dense, similar to a tight bean.
  • A hygroma is often a bump on the outside of the foot. It is an accumulation of fluid between tendon fibers. With a strong blow, it bursts and disappears, but may appear again. The only 100% cure is surgical removal.
  • Ingrown hair - this type of seal is usually found in girls after unsuccessful depilation. Hair after shaving grows in a different direction (deep into the skin). As a result, purulent bumps are formed. It is necessary to remove the hair, then the bump itself will be eliminated.

In the photo you can see different types of seals on the legs. But first you should consult a doctor and make an accurate diagnosis.

Seals on the feet

The most common pathologies are atheromas, lipomas, abscesses, boils. Do not self-medicate, all types of bumps are treated in the hospital. Surgery is usually indicated, especially if the lump is deep in the muscle.

Induration in the form of a ball under the skin is a frequent formation that can be presented in the form of bumps, tumors and seals. The formations in question do not pose a threat to health.

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    Medical indications

    White bumps on the skin can occur on any part of the body: face, arms, legs, back. Benign education in the initial stages goes unnoticed. There is no pain, while the formation grows slowly. The patient notices it when the formation becomes large.

    If the seal under the skin shows signs of local inflammation, then pain, discomfort are felt, the local temperature rises, the skin becomes redder. Additional disorders are also observed: weakness, general malaise, headache. These neoplasms occur against the background of an infection. You can get rid of them if you undergo competent and timely treatment.

    Bumps under the skin can be malignant growths that are less common. They can be identified independently by external signs. In such cases, urgent medical attention is required. Often nodules on the skin are a wen, which is harmless and arises from adipose tissue. This soft neoplasm has clear boundaries. Sometimes its surface can be bumpy. At the same time, the skin does not tolerate any changes, retaining its color and density. In this case, you can collect the fold.

    The usual place for the formation of a spike is the hairy parts of the body. If the lipoma reaches a large size, it presses on neighboring organs or muscles, which provokes pain. Often a wen is called atheroma. But atheroma is a cyst or sebaceous gland in an extended state, which has a clogged excretory duct. Over time, the iron stretches.

    On palpation, there is a dense formation of a round shape with clear boundaries. The skin soldered with atheroma is not going into a fold. It changes its color, and in the middle you can see a dot - this is a clogged duct. There may be inflammation or suppuration. The main method of treating atheroma is surgical removal.

    Other neoplasms

    Sometimes a person may notice that he has a white bump on his leg under the skin or on another part of the body. This bump does not cause any pain or irritation. Sometimes there is cosmetic discomfort associated with its location. With a strong blow, it can burst and dissolve. But this is not dangerous, as there is an accumulation of fluid in the tendon.

    In the presence of various diseases associated with the joints, you can notice that a bump has appeared under the skin. It has the shape of a knot and is motionless. This neoplasm is called nodules on the joints. If they are on the elbow joint, they are called rheumatoid, and they are one of the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. The formations that are on the extensor surface are Heberden's or Bouchard's nodules. Their presence indicates deforming osteoarthritis.

    With gout, there are nodes called tophi. These seals are made up of uric acid salts. Their presence can be noted in people who have been suffering from gout for a long time. Particular attention should be paid if bumps have formed on the body under the skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joint of the thumb. They can lead to its deformation. This greatly complicates the process of walking, provoking severe discomfort.

    The manifestation of a hernia

    A hernia is a soft bulge under the skin that occurs during heavy exertion. It disappears while lying down or during a period of calm. Basically, the hernia is localized in the navel, on the inner surface of the thigh. When touched, there is a painful sensation. During palpation, the hernia disappears.

    Pathology can appear against the background of extrusion of the organ through the weak points of the abdominal wall. This occurs during increased intra-abdominal pressure, with coughing, heavy exertion. This is a dangerous occurrence. Therefore, if there is a suspicion of a hernia, it is urgent to see a doctor.

    Lymphadenopathy is an enlargement of the lymph nodes, which can be caused by colds. Normally, the lymph nodes can be felt under the skin in the neck, under the collarbone, knee. This is a small ball that does not have a soldering with the skin. The lymphatic system is part of the immune system and is represented by a filter. It cleans the fluid that is between the tissues from toxins and other harmful substances.

    Enlarged lymph nodes can be noticed when bumps appear under the skin. When touched, a person feels pain. This occurs in diseases of an infectious nature, in the presence of wounds and burns. With the manifestation of the above symptoms, the underlying disease should be treated.

    When the skin turns red over the node, this indicates a possible suppuration of the lymph node. In this case, you must immediately consult a doctor. If the form is already running, the operation is assigned. With a mild course of the disease, antibiotics are indicated. When the seal under the skin has a bumpy relief, the lymph node is affected by a malignant tumor. In this case, consultation with an oncologist is required.

    Other options

    Other bumps may appear on the body, which have a different shape, size and color. They have different names: wart, condyloma, papilloma. They can be either benign or malignant.

    The reasons that lead to their occurrence are different: viral infections, disorders in hormonal regulation, mechanical injuries. A wart and papilloma can appear without a reason. They can be localized on any part of the body and even on the nose. Most of them are benign growths that cause only visual discomfort. But since their shape and size are varied, it is impossible to visually distinguish simple outgrowths from malignant tumors. Therefore, in such cases, a consultation with a dermatologist is required.

    A woman may experience subcutaneous bumps in her breasts. It has to do with the menstrual cycle. In the second phase of the cycle, under the action of hormones, physiological changes occur in the mammary glands, which end with menstruation.

    If the inflammation under the skin has not ended with the menstrual cycle, you should consult a gynecologist. He must examine the chest, prescribe the appropriate treatment. More often, a bump in the chest is not dangerous, but sometimes they are recommended to be removed or subjected to conservative treatment.

    Reasons why people need urgent medical advice:

    • the presence of large lymph nodes found in the armpits;
    • unexplained discharge from the nipple;
    • the presence of pimples with uneven outlines;
    • soreness of the mammary glands not during menstruation;
    • deformation of the skin over the inflamed lymph node;
    • very high growth rate of the lymph node.

    With the manifestation of the above phenomena, an urgent consultation of a mammologist, gynecologist, oncologist is required.

    Skin ulcers

    Sometimes purulent accumulations appear under the skin on the forearm and throughout the body. In this case, there is no infection. The cause of suppuration may be the bacterium staphylococcus aureus. When affected, the skin becomes red, swollen. Bumps are localized on the face, on the nose, neck, abdomen and back. A general increase in body temperature and local pain may be noticed.

    Unlike other formations, malignant ones appear in rare cases. In the first stages of the patient, nothing hurts, there is no scabies. Education is presented in the form of a nodule or seal, which is rapidly developing.

    The main signs of a tumor:

    • the edges are uneven and bumpy;
    • high growth rate;
    • nearby lymph nodes become inflamed;
    • adhesions between the tumor and the skin;
    • the presence of wounds and ulcers over the tumor;
    • blue-red color education.

    Different tumors can arise from normal formations (birthmark). When a tumor is suspected, the help of an oncologist is required. Diagnosis is based on the collection of anamnesis and a thorough examination of the patient. It is necessary to find out when and under what circumstances a skin tubercle appeared, which led to its appearance.

    The treatment that the doctor prescribes depends on the cause of the disease. Often therapy is carried out in a hospital setting. Persons in whose body an infectious process takes place take antibiotics and drugs that strengthen the immune system. If the neoplasm is malignant, it must be removed surgically.

    The effectiveness of therapy depends on the period of detection of compaction. If there is evidence, the doctor removes a simple wen. But with surgical treatment, there is a risk of recurrence or rapid spread of the neoplasm throughout the body.

    Modern medicine helps to eliminate the tumor by introducing a special medicine. Under its influence, resorption of the neoplasm is observed. Treatment of any lump under the skin depends on the etiology and complexity of the course of the disease.

The human legs are a complex mechanism, consisting of 26 bones, 33 joints, 126 muscles, and ligaments of nerves. It is a hardy system of the body that can withstand the weight of a person.

Every seventh person on the planet suffers from pain in the foot. Unfortunately, people go to the doctor when the process is already running, perceiving the first painful sensations simply as a bruise.

The appearance of compaction and pain on the foot are symptoms of serious problems in the body. Untimely treatment leads to lameness.

Physical causes of hardening and pain in the foot include:

Common cause of discomfort and pain. Thickening of keratinized dead skin tissue on the soles of the feet is a consequence of uncomfortable shoes, excess weight, flat feet, excessive sweating of the feet, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Corns are: convex, flat, dry, with a rod. They have a yellow-brown hue, a rough surface of the skin with reduced sensitivity. Sometimes there are cracks, with physical exertion, painful sensations appear.

With untimely treatment, deformity of the foot, displacement, and enlargement of the thumb occur. This position causes pain. Treatment is possible at home, traditional methods and surgery.


Skin seals on the toes and heels of the foot, with pressure cause pain. Unlike corns, they have certain outlines, round, not large.

Calluses are both dry and wet. Wet calluses often leak blood, the fluid that accumulates there appears due to tissue damage. Wet corns are transformed into dry, with deep roots.

Treating corns is a long process, possible at home or through surgery.

And corns are not allowed at home!

Traditional medicine prescribes antibiotics for inflammation, infection in the foot. In severe cases, surgery is possible.

Causes of corns, corns - uncomfortable shoes, flat feet, physical damage. This is the process of the protective mechanism of the skin in the zone of friction, excessive pressure.

The results are obtained by treatment with folk remedies, while observing the rules of hygiene, respect for the condition of the legs.

Warts on the feet

Relate to infectious causes of compaction under the skin. Warts are viral infections that occur in fleshy growths and are classified as benign neoplasms.

In appearance, they resemble a corn. They have the same skin color, the surface of the foot is rough to the touch. On the other hand, the skin of the legs is softer, pain with pressure on the wart gives the feeling of having a sharp pebble in the shoe. A distinctive feature of warts is a dark dot in the center, if it is deep, it is problematic to see with the naked eye.

The cause of warts is the human papillomavirus, the strains of which are more than 100 species. Warts on the feet cause the first 4 types of HPV and weak immunity of the body.

The strains of the virus that cause are not contagious. The virus is not transmitted from person to person, and thrives in warm, humid environments. To spread, you need an entry point - a small abrasion on the foot to enter the body. When a wart appears depends on immunity.

It is believed that when warts are removed by a surgical or folk method, the disease disappears. This is not true. Without getting rid of the virus, the likelihood of recurrence of warts is high. The doctor performs a biopsy of the tissue, making sure that the structure is benign. Warts often disappear without surgery. In acute forms of the disease, it is necessary.

Remember! After foot surgery, healing is slow, the depth of the wart roots is deep. Causes pain with pressure on the foot. Subsequently, careful skin care is needed.


Seal under the skin is soft to the touch, mobile. Occurs when the sebaceous gland becomes inflamed. Often does not hurt. Inflammation causes pain. Leads to foot deformity. With a constant load, the likelihood of pain is high.

They are treated with folk remedies and with the help of surgery. Recurrence of the disease is possible. The main thing is to maintain foot hygiene and the absence of injuries so that the seal does not reappear. Maintain the immune system at the proper level, keep foot hygiene, do not forget about comfortable, high-quality shoes.


The disease is attributed to the chronic causes of the appearance of compaction under the skin. Violation in the process of outflow of blood leads to the formation of a clot. The vein becomes inflamed, forms a seal. Dark blue bumps appear on the skin, pain occurs when pressed.

Treatment takes place under the supervision of a physician. Venous diseases of the body as a whole are also treated.


Rounded gel-like contents of a benign tumor in the periarticular region of the joint. Determined by palpation. Round seal under the skin, soft, elastic to the touch. The cause of the disease is bursitis.

Foot bursitis causes pain and swelling that increases throughout the day. The disease appears with inflammation in the synovial bag (bursa). When there is a constant accumulation of fluid in the calcaneal sac, the bursa increases in size. The surface of the skin above the walls becomes rougher, thickens. The place of the tendon under the skin will be inflamed, pain in the leg during physical exertion.

Treatment requires rest for the inflamed joint, physiotherapy, comfortable shoes. In the chronic stage, a puncture of the bursa is prescribed, the cavity is washed with antibiotic solutions, treatment with hormonal drugs. A purulent wound on the foot is treated according to generally accepted rules.

Phlegmon of the foot

Often occurs with diabetes. A wound, a crack in the foot, become the cause of suppuration. Boils, carbuncles often appear, wounds heal slowly.

Phlegmon on the leg resembles a carbuncle. The leg hurts a lot. At the first symptoms, a person is sent to a hospital. Treatment is complex and can result in limb amputation or death.

Heel spurs

Calcium deposition, during development, provokes the growth of the calcaneus. The soft tissues in the foot become irritable, swell, press on the nerves, and cause pain. Increases with age, adipose tissue wears out on the bottom of the foot.

Treatment is reduced to the appointment of external drugs, if necessary, carry out drug blockade. Drugs administered orally remove the syndrome, relieve inflammation. If the methods do not help, surgical treatment is necessary.


This is a group of dermatoses that provokes a violation of the keratinization process. Rare disease, causes unknown. Represents solid yellow-brown bumps above the skin with small depressions, sometimes the skin takes the form of horn-shaped protrusions. They are thought to be caused by mutations in the genes. It is treated like an autoimmune disease. The disease lasts throughout life. The leg does not hurt, itching and discomfort are constantly present.

Seals under the skin of the feet cause severe discomfort. The causes of seals are injuries, exacerbation of diseases, metabolic disorders, infections. Sometimes painful neoplasms are harbingers of inflammatory processes in the body.

Prevention of foot diseases

Parts of the foot are associated with the work of internal organs, a healthy foot is a sign of health. Therefore, the legs must be protected.

Don't forget about prevention. It is divided into two types:

  • hygiene rules;
  • physical exercises.
  • Keeping feet clean.
  • Pamper your feet with herbal baths and rubbing.
  • Wear comfortable shoes. If you need to wear stilettos, let your feet rest. Better to have a change of shoes.
  • Socks buy from natural materials, allowing the leg to breathe.

Physical exercise:

  1. For the foot are useful: cycling, running, swimming, skiing.
  2. Special gymnastics for the feet. Not difficult, does not take much time.
  3. Massage, self-massage.
  4. Walking barefoot on the grass, sand.

Remember! Physical injuries: abrasions, cuts, wounds on the foot must be carefully treated. The skin on the foot is thick and needs to be taken care of. A person can forget about the injury, the appearance of a seal on the foot later can not be associated with an old injury. You can't joke with the skin on your leg!

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