The body began to smell. Body odor: an individual sign or symptom of an illness. Types and structure of sweat glands

Body odor is a unique feature of each person.

It can be completely neutral or have a strong aroma.

Body odor changes under the influence of external and internal factors.

The appearance of an unpleasant odor from the skin not only interferes with communication with other people, but also creates psychological complexes.

This is an important diagnostic sign of a developing disease.

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Topic: I got rid of hyperhidrosis!

To: site administration

Moscow city

I have recovered from excessive sweating. I tried powders, Formagel, Teymurov's ointment - nothing helped.

The main function of the sweat glands is excretory. Their secret consists of water, organic and inorganic compounds, which are metabolic products in the body. Also, toxins that get inside are removed with sweat.

In various diseases, there is a violation of metabolic processes (hormonal disruptions), as a result of which a large amount of side substances enter the blood and lymph, which the body tries to remove, including through the skin. This is the reason for the unpleasant smell from a person.

Another important reason why a person smells bad is a violation of hygiene. On dirty skin, a huge number of harmful bacteria and fungi multiply, decomposing sweat with the formation of bad-smelling compounds. Also, various skin diseases, manifested by diaper rash, weeping wounds, inflammation, give the body a specific stench.

Slagging of the body, digestive problems, regular constipation lead to extremely unpleasant heavy amber from the skin.

A sharp strong aroma appears with excessive sweating. The following factors influence the strengthening of the work of the sweat glands:

  • accompanied by fever;
  • hormonal disorders that occur during the period in women and men, as well as during pregnancy;
  • constant leads to malfunction of the nervous system and excessive sweating;
  • insufficient intake of minerals and vitamins with food;
  • regular use of foods that increase sweating - onions, garlic, spices, hot sauces, carbonated drinks, coffee, smoked and fried foods;
  • hyperfunction.

The natural flavor of the skin is a hereditary trait. If strong, sharp sweat is characteristic of all relatives, this indicates a special structure of the sweat glands and is not a pathology.

bitter smell

Bitter sweat and other similar odors are signs of the following diseases:

  • fungal infection of the skin of the feet is characterized by bitterness, the stench of unwashed socks;
  • the resinous aroma of turpentine appears in diseases of the digestive tract, is associated with a violation of the absorption of nutrients;
  • rotten smell from the body indicates oncological processes;
  • sharp - a sign of violations of the urinary system and the accumulation of urea in the blood;
  • the body smells of bleach with liver damage;
  • the aroma of bitter almonds accompanies cyanide poisoning;
  • the stench of sheep's wool from the skin indicates problems with the adrenal glands (Itsenko-Cushing's disease)
  • the reason why from a person may be uncontrolled intake of antibiotics or antidepressants;
  • musty skin is characteristic of phenylketonuria, a genetic disorder of amino acid metabolism;
  • if the body stinks, a rare hereditary metabolic disease, trimethylaminuria, can be suspected;
  • moldy smell comes from skin affected by scabies.

In addition to bitterness, mustiness and rot, an unpleasant sweetish plume sometimes comes from the body, which also indicates the presence of serious diseases.

  • the sugary aroma of rotten apples indicates the threat of developing hypoglycemic coma, which complicates uncompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • the sweet honey smell of sweat indicates a severe course of Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • a sugary-sweet smell may be from a person suffering from diphtheria;
  • the body of a woman smells unpleasant with the development of fibrocystic seals in the chest - mastopathy;
  • in children, sweat with profuse sweating is a symptom of vitamin D deficiency (rickets);
  • foul-smelling sour amber manifests tuberculosis and other serious lung diseases, characterized by the decay of lung tissue;
  • a sugary plume of musk is a sign of acute peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum);
  • some dermatological diseases have a floral aroma;
  • antifreeze poisoning can be detected by a fruity body odor.

Body stench gives a person and his environment a lot of inconvenience, disrupts the usual way of life, sometimes leads to the development of neurotic conditions and severe psychological complexes.

To get rid of the unpleasant smell of the skin, you must follow certain recommendations:

  • carry out regular daily body hygiene;
  • apply special to problem areas after washing;
  • choose clothes, underwear and shoes from high-quality, natural materials;
  • carry out frequent change of things and timely washing;
  • for hyperhidrosis, use drugs that reduce the work of the sweat glands and disinfect the skin - formaldehyde-based preparations (, ),;
  • apply to combat sweating - decoctions of medicinal herbs, and salt baths, lotions with and;
  • adhere to a balanced, proper diet rich in minerals and vitamins;
  • exclude from the diet that increase sweating and unpleasant skin odor;
  • timely treat chronic foci of infection, skin diseases;
  • in the presence of chronic disorders in the work of internal organs, annually undergo a preventive examination by a specialized doctor;
  • try to avoid stressful situations, organize a rational mode of work and rest;
  • for women and men during menopause, it is necessary to choose a competent hormone replacement therapy, undergo regular examinations with doctors of narrow specialties;
  • when

By studying smells, primitive people could get a lot of useful information, for example, they could distinguish between edible and harmful products. But not all the most smelly substances and objects are unsuitable for human use.

The stinkiest fruit

Oddly enough, but the most terrible smell belongs to the fruit, which also has the most exquisite taste. Durian has already won many hearts of those who have tasted it. People note that the combination of tastes in it resembles a mixture of cheese and nuts, and the smell is rotten meat. But at the expense of the characteristics of its aromas, as soon as people did not excel. Someone compared it to the smell of decaying flesh, someone spoke of a rotten onion and dirty socks.

One Englishman who tried durian back in the 19th century said: "It's akin to eating a herring with blue cheese over an open sewer." It is because of these characteristics that in public places in Thailand you can find the image of durian crossed out with a red stripe. This means that entry into the premises with such a product is prohibited.

The durian is native to Thailand. Local residents have already got used to cooking soup out of it, making ice cream or just eating it raw. They can safely eat the fruit and not be disgusted. For beginners who decide to try the fruits of the smelliest tropical tree, they simply recommend holding their nose or taking a deep breath through their mouth to enjoy its unusual taste. In addition, it is not recommended to eat durian with your hands - it is better to use a spoon. Otherwise, the smell from the skin of the fingers will not be washed off for a long time. Also, you can not drink this fruit with strong alcoholic beverages. This combination causes a strong reaction of the stomach.

By the way, in addition to taste, durian contains many useful components and is rich in proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Even a small slice of this fruit causes a feeling of fullness and satisfies hunger for a long time.

The stinkiest celebrities in history

Henry IV, King of France, was one of the most foul-smelling people. Being an avid hunter, he didn't bother washing himself often after killing a few animals. Therefore, even the daily change of shirts could not hide the unpleasant smell.

Howard Hughes became not only one of the most foul-smelling people in history, but also received legendary fame. In 1957, he locked himself completely naked in a film studio, taking milk, chocolate and napkins with him. When Howard returned to society, he firmly refused to wash, and cut his nails and hair only once a year. Therefore, in order to identify his corpse, the police had to take fingerprints from the body.

smelly foods

What people don't eat! Sometimes the degree of their imagination rolls over. And okay, if eating foods from this list was just a way to survive, for example, in a hungry age. But how can you eat dishes prepared in this way in the modern world?

The first place among such unusual "delicacies" is occupied by casu marzu cheese, which is produced on the island of Sardinia. To make this dish, cheese fly larvae are planted in pecorino cheese. Feeding on this product, they decompose it, as a result of which it acquires a rather pungent odor and a soft texture. Usually, before eating, the cheese is placed in a plastic bag and wrapped tightly so that the larvae die. But some gourmets prefer to put slices of cheese along with insects on bread and drink wine. This way of using the product is dangerous to health. In the human gastrointestinal tract, the larvae can continue to multiply, causing intestinal dysfunction.

In second place is the rather strange dish kiwiak, a traditional delicacy of the Eskimos and Inuit. They wrap about half a thousand uncleaned birds in sealskin, fill them with fat and sew the skin tightly so that air does not get inside. Buried in the ground, crushed with a heavy stone. After some time, the kiviak is dug up, the birds are plucked and eaten, biting off their heads and sucking out the insides. During the manufacturing process, bird carcasses acquire a disgusting specific smell.

The most fragrant flowers on earth

The first place of the most fragrant flower is given to hyacinth. In addition to the unusual smell, this flower has a beautiful legend. It is believed that it is named after the ancient Greek god Hyacinth, who for a long time was the best friend of Apollo. They often organized various competitions in the form of games and sports tournaments. In one of these competitions, Hyacinth had an accident. Apollo threw discs and accidentally hit his friend with one of them. Crimson drops of blood splashed on the lush green grass, where beautiful flowers appeared after a while. Their stately appearance and magnificent aroma resembled a dead Hyacinth. So Apollo named these flowers after his friend. Phloxes have an exquisite aroma

It is still believed that phloxes are a symbol of love and mutual fidelity. If this flower is placed on the pillow of a sleeping lover, whose feelings have cooled, they will flare up with renewed vigor.

Surprisingly large flowers also grow on Earth. For example, Rafflesia can weigh up to 11 kg. .
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The body of each person, whether he is healthy or sick, has a unique smell. It is formed as a result of metabolic processes and sweat on the skin, as well as the breakdown of secretions and dying epithelium by bacteria or fungi of opportunistic flora. This forms the smell of sweat, which can be subtle in the norm and strongly pronounced in the disease. Ancient doctors could make diagnoses by the smell of the skin, today they use more modern and accurate methods, but a change in the aroma from the body often directs the doctor's opinion regarding a particular diagnosis. So what do diseases smell like?

Under normal conditions, the human body does not have a pronounced smell of sweat or other secretions, provided that all the rules of hygiene and care are fully observed. Often, an unpleasant smell of sweat occurs with hyperhidrosis (increased activity of the sweat glands), hygiene problems or various infections, somatic diseases or metabolic disorders.

The nose of a person almost does not catch the special aroma of the body and the smell of sweat if the person is healthy and washes on time. But at the subconscious level, the human brain perceives certain odors emanating from the body - pheromones. It is by their level that people select the most suitable partners for themselves in terms of genetic characteristics. But these substances trap special cells in the nose, and pheromones have nothing to do with the smell of sweat. If sweating is increased, the skin is sticky and the smell of sweat literally knocks you down with its sharpness, has a sour, putrid or sugary-sweet, and sometimes chemical aroma, we can talk about the presence of a serious illness.

What do diseases smell like?

Doctors say that sometimes, based on the smell of the patient's body, they can already suspect that they have certain diseases, for example, diabetes, especially in the decompensated stage. But not only this pathology can be recognized thanks to the sense of smell, but also many others associated with significant disruptions in metabolic processes. For example, a persistent acetone odor emanating from the body will be a reason to exclude endocrine diseases, as well as digestive problems. In addition, ambergris-like ways to give kidney or liver diseases, as well as some pathogenic bacteria, viral infections and fungal pathologies.

In the presence of a particular disease, malfunctions occur in metabolic processes, intermediate metabolic products are formed, in particular, in the presence of an acetone smell - ketone bodies (usually this is formed during the breakdown of lipids), which, together with sweat, enter the surface of the body, evaporate and smell. In the presence of diabetes, an increase in such an aroma indicates the threat of ketoacidotic coma, which requires immediate medical intervention.

Often the body smells of acetone or urine in the presence of kidney pathologies. This is due to a violation of the full excretion of metabolic products by these organs - ketone bodies, urea and ammonia. They accumulate in the blood plasma and, together with the sweat fluid, enter the surface of the skin. In this case, when the water evaporates, the aromatic molecules give the body such a strong smell. Against the background of such a body odor, symptoms such as hypertension, swelling in the legs and face, urinary disorders and back pain, appetite disorders and nausea will also speak in favor of kidney problems.

If the body smells of acetone, there is a sharp weight loss and irritability, sleep and appetite are disturbed, it is worth checking the thyroid gland, often its vigorous activity forms similar symptoms.

The smell comes from bacteria and more

If a person’s skin smells unbearably of cats, and he does not have a couple of dozen fluffy animals in the house, it is worth excluding the presence of dangerous bacteria in his body. So, such aromas can be produced by tuberculosis bacteria or digestive pathologies. Sometimes inflammation of the kidneys, caused by opportunistic bacteria that got there from the intestines, also gives a similar smell.

If this is the smell of vinegar, other bacteria are to blame for its development, leading to purulent-inflammatory processes in the bronchi and lungs, as well as vitamin deficiency, and women also have breast problems.

There are special odors that the skin can exude with certain pathologies, they are so specific that they can be one of the diagnostic criteria. So, if the skin smells like rotten fish, it is necessary to exclude fungal, microbial infections and metabolic pathologies, especially protein ones. A sweet or rotten smell from the skin and from the mouth is typical of diphtheria, and the aroma of hydrogen sulfide is often found in peptic ulcers or dyspeptic disorders.

In case of violation of the work of the adrenal glands for the production of hormones, the skin can exude the aroma of sheep's wool, and the specific smell of old age will often be evidence of problems with the thyroid gland and pituitary gland. The unpleasant smell of rotten meat can occur in cancer patients due to the processes of tissue decay.

Such odors are usually persistent, poorly eliminated when taking a shower and applying deodorants, and not only natural folds and areas of high sweating, but the entire surface of the skin smell. A similar problem should be solved not at home in the shower, using folk remedies and soap, but in the doctor's office. A detailed questioning and identification of provoking factors is necessary, as well as examination and testing to identify metabolic disorders and pathologies that lead to such odors. Often, after the initial examination, the therapist or dermatologist sends the patient for additional consultations with doctors of a narrow specialization - neurologists, endocrinologists or infectious disease specialists.

Smell when overweight

A particular problem is body odor when overweight. Fat people are prone to excessive sweating and the appearance of an unpleasant odor due to increased metabolism. But not always the body smells only because of extra pounds, against the background of obesity, diabetes or thyroid disorders can develop, iodine deficiency or kidney disease, hypertension or infections are formed. Therefore, an increase in body odor in the presence of excess weight is also a reason to visit a doctor and additional examination.

Body odor is individual and unique to each person. But this "calling card" serves not only to transmit a non-verbal signal to the outside world. The change in aroma is an informative diagnostic criterion in the determination of certain diseases.

The smell of the body and the painful conditions that provoke it, in the diagnostic sense, are inseparable concepts. The unpleasant odor exuded by human skin is a delicate problem that can be both a cause and a consequence of certain diseases. The main factors of change do not lie outside, since no one will consciously neglect the rules of personal hygiene, but inside. But the discomfort from this does not become less and a person who smells sharply and unpleasantly is a social outcast.

The aroma varies significantly not only by gender, but also depends on the age of the person. Men will always sweat more than women, the smell of the male body is sharp and intrusive. And the sweat of the fair sex gives off “sourness”, and this does not necessarily mean the presence of a disease. The change in shade depends on the rate of metabolic processes and hormonal levels, as well as on the intensity of reproduction of saprophyte bacteria.

A common cause of pungent odor and profuse sweating is hyperhidrosis. This disease is rarely primary and in most cases is the result of more serious and severe endocrine or autonomic ailments. The regulatory process of sweating is disturbed and bad smell is just a consequence of the disease.

What disease can be associated with a change in the smell of sweat

Doctors have long used an unpleasant odor as one of the primary diagnostic signs of illness. Repulsive amber serves as a symptom of metabolic disorders and emerging pathologies. Any abnormal change in the organs and systems of the body immediately leads to the fact that the composition of sweat also changes. The surface of the skin is colonized by other bacteria, the colonies of which displace previous saprophytes, and, consequently, the products of their vital activity smell differently.

  • Oncological tumors without differentiation of malignancy - an unpleasant acetone plume begins to emanate from the skin. It cannot be eliminated with a contrast shower or deodorant. The same problem is typical for people with extensive liver damage.
  • Kidney failure and urinary tract infections - sweat begins to smell like cat urine. This is a characteristic sign of pyelonephritis and nephritis. Apocrine glands become part of the body's cleansing system, which leads to such a smell.
  • Tuberculosis and diabetes smell like vinegar. For women, such a smell should be an incentive to immediately contact a mammologist, its causes are breast cancer or mastopathy.
  • Diphtheria changes the smell of sweat to sweet, even sugary caramel.
  • Metabolic disorders and problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract - a clear amber of rotting fish, algae or rotten eggs comes from the skin.
  • Oncology of the genitourinary organs - the body exudes the stench of rotten meat.
  • Problems with peristalsis and digestion - an unpleasant smell of wet wool. But in this case, everything is easily solved, it is enough to exclude spicy and smoked foods from the diet.

Specific odors: a consequence of dangerous pathologies

The question of specific disease-causing odors is of purely practical interest to physicians. They are often used to determine disease states, comparing the aroma with the norms, since a healthy body exudes an odor that is almost imperceptible to others.

When differentiating the disease, there is an important point based on variations in odors in representatives of different races. The skin of a European, a Negroid or an Asian will smell completely different, and this aroma will annoy and seem unpleasant to an outsider. But it is not a symptom, but rather an anthropometric sign. In women, the plume often changes during menstruation, which is not a pathology.

  • Sweat of people with pathologies of the urinary system, as well as with urinary incontinence, smells of ammonia.
  • Turpentine is felt with problems of cooking food, the causes of pathology - the stomach is not able to absorb foods high in fat.
  • The body of a person with gout smells like whey, it leaves behind an unpleasant sour trail, sometimes a clear note of a familiar moldy smell slips through this “bouquet”.
  • Rheumatism is characterized by the presence of formic acid in the sweat, especially at the time of manifestation of the disease.
  • Sweat in diabetes mellitus may have a pronounced smell of fresh hay, this is a specific deviation of the vinegar shade. Two fragrances seem to mix, forming an individual trail.
  • A sugary musky aroma is characteristic of acute peritonitis.
  • Scrofula is distinguished by a persistent smell of sour beer, for which fermentation products are responsible.
  • Scarlet fever is a pleasant note of freshly baked bread.
  • Measles smells like rotten straw, and skin rashes caused by excessive sweating can even smell like flowers.
  • With scabies, a shade of mold appears in the sweat, with diphtheria, an unpleasant plume of decomposition is clearly felt.
  • Sarcoma is characterized by the "odor" of decomposed fish, a shade of sulfur appears with a stomach ulcer, but may be the result of the abuse of certain medications.

Unpleasant odor: a biochemical sign of disorders

At its core, the human body is a complex system, the work of which is based on various biochemical processes. In the course of life, the body produces and releases a wide variety of odorous products. But any disease involves a biochemical component in the pathological process, which is why the aroma emanating from the skin changes. The secretion of the sweat glands is a natural secretion, so odors in medicine are of practical interest. However, today the ability to recognize an ailment by its aroma is practically lost, since more accurate laboratory diagnostic methods have appeared.

Below is a table according to which even very serious diseases that cause critically dangerous conditions can be detected by smell.

A hint of smell


Alcoholic Acute alcohol intoxication
Ammonia Uremia
boiled cabbage leaf Tyrosinosis, hepatomegaly, rickets, hemorrhagic syndrome.
rotten radish selenium poisoning
rotten apples Hyperglycemia, ketoacidosis
Almond Cyanide or hydrocyanic acid poisoning
Pear, kerosene or chlorine Chlorine poisoning
Ozone Potassium permanganate poisoning
Sauerkraut crusted scabies
horse sweat Allergy to penicillin derivatives
Honey Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Sheep's wool Itsenko-Cushing's disease, pituitary adenoma
raw liver Hepatic coma, liver failure
Burnt meat Infectious inflammation of the lungs
Fresh fish Trimethylaminuria, bacterial infection of the intestine.
Waxa Nitrobenzene poisoning
Resin Turpentine or solvent poisoning
fruit liqueur Poisoning with dichloroethane or antifreeze.
Cheese Isovaleric acidemia

If lately a person has not subjected himself to increased stress, he did not have stress, and there are only healthy foods in the diet, but the body still smells differently, then it's time to sound the alarm. This is probably a symptom of a serious pathology, and the solution to the problem lies not in the use of cosmetics designed to mask the amber. It is impossible to do without the participation of a qualified diagnostician, even if the sweat has already changed the aroma, then the disease will definitely not go away on its own.

Each person has a unique, individual body odor. If the latter has become unpleasant, this indicates certain changes in the body. In extreme cases, such a symptom may indicate the development of the disease. The causes of unpleasant odor from the human body can be different, it is important to know about them in order to eliminate the problem in a timely manner.

Why does body smell bad?

Sweating in the body occurs through the sweat glands, of which there are more than 2.5 million. They are located throughout the body and, according to the type of secretion, are divided into eccrine and apocrine. The former occupy almost the entire surface of the skin, providing thermoregulation of the body. With their help, the body is cooled in hot weather and during physical labor. This sweat is made up of salt and water.

Apocrine glands are localized in hair follicles in the armpits and genital area. Their small number is located near the ear canal. Apocrine glands secrete a secret that determines how a person smells. They emit a whitish liquid into the hair, which, when in contact with bacteria on the body, produces a foul odor.

Many different microorganisms live on human skin, including harmful bacteria and microflora, without which the existence of the organism is impossible. A huge number of these microbes absorb components that are released with sweat, and leave their waste products on the surface of the skin. This creates a specific, unpleasant body odor.

stressful conditions

If your own smell makes you nervous, then the situation only worsens. Due to stress, the body produces more fetid sweat, so it is important to try to calm yourself. Under stress, sweat is secreted by apocrine glands, which are characterized by the creation of an unpleasant odor. If you're on steroids, your discharge will always smell like stress.

Foods that cause body odor

With an increase in body temperature, in the process of physical activity, during stress, heat, the sweat glands are activated. However, sweat by itself does not smell. The stench that a person fights with deodorants and soaps is the result of the vital activity of bacteria that are constantly on the skin. Why does the smell sometimes become so unpleasant and sharp? Food may be the culprit. These include:

  1. Cabbage. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage, and cauliflower contain sulfur, a foul-smelling substance that becomes more smelly when it comes into contact with sweat and bacteria.
  2. Asparagus. The use of the product is the cause of the acrid, "ammonia" stink of urine. Although this effect does not last longer than a couple of hours, the smell emanating from the body may deteriorate for a short time. This is due to the fact that during the digestion of asparagus, a foul-smelling gas, methanithiol, is released. It is formed during the decay of proteins and is part of the intestinal gases.
  3. Eggs. The product is rich in choline and is not recommended for people with trimethylaminuria, a genetic syndrome in which trimethylamine accumulates in the body. As a result of this pathology, the skin smells like fish.
  4. Garlic, onion, curry. These spices contain sulfur, and when it enters the bloodstream, its compounds are released through sweat and breath. The body after eating seasonings smells unpleasantly of acid.

Diets low in carbohydrates

Low-carb diets are famous for their ability to lose weight quickly. When the body stops getting the usual amount of bread, pasta and other carbohydrate foods to convert them into energy, the body begins to burn fat stores. At the same time, it produces a substance that gives sweat the smell of acetone, which persists throughout the period of dieting.

When carbohydrates are removed from the diet, the body produces ketone bodies as an alternative fuel. If the level of the latter in the blood rises sharply, ketosis develops - a characteristic condition for diabetics. This explains why the breath of people suffering from this disease smells like acetone. Doctors do not recommend removing all carbohydrates from the menu, even for diabetics. Instead, you need to choose the healthiest carbohydrate foods.

Insufficient hygiene and untimely washing of clothes

Many people wear trousers and jeans much longer than they should. At the same time, you need to wash them more often if you want to prevent the appearance of stench. The same goes for bras: some women get so used to the 1-2 most comfortable ones that they wear them for a long time without washing, although this toiletry item is in direct contact with the body. Sweat is absorbed into the fabric, and after a while the bra starts to smell bad. Fungi and bacteria exacerbate the situation. To avoid the problem, it is recommended:

  • regularly wash linen, clothes;
  • shower daily with antibacterial soap to keep sweat from stinking;
  • choose things that are suitable in size from natural materials such as cotton, silk, linen, etc. (synthetics do not allow the skin to breathe and promote the active development of bacteria);
  • monitor the level of hair on the skin (shaving the armpits significantly reduces the intensity of the smell of sweat).

Taking vitamins and certain types of medicines

Many types of medications and even vitamin complexes have a long list of side effects, including increased sweating. If you are concerned about this problem, carefully read the annotation to the drug before taking it. Examples of the effect of drugs on body odor:

  • Birth control pills cause dry mouth, resulting in plaque and bad breath.
  • Painkillers and antidepressants often increase sweating.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs stimulate more active production of fetid sweat.

Poor quality teeth cleaning

With the appearance of bad breath, there is reason to suspect the active reproduction of anaerobic bacteria. The latter can live in an environment without oxygen. In the process of their vital activity, they release sulfur compounds, which are the cause of stink from the mouth. Bacteria can multiply due to the following factors:

  • tooth or gum disease;
  • improper or insufficient oral hygiene;
  • poor-quality cleaning of the prosthesis.

In addition to brushing your teeth twice a day (in the morning and at bedtime), you should rinse your mouth after each meal and use dental floss at least once a day. Even the wrong choice of paste can cause a bad smell. Cheap products contain a lot of alcohol, which dries the mouth, creating a beneficial environment for pathogenic microbes. It is better to give preference to proven chlorine-based antiseptic pastes.

Sinusitis and rhinitis of various nature

An unpleasant odor is a common symptom that occurs in people with purulent nasal congestion. The stench can appear with an allergic or chronic form of respiratory pathology, which is due to the activation of bacteria. The most common cause of stink is sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. Mucus accumulates in the upper respiratory tract, which later turns into pus.

The disease develops due to the spread of infection within the mucous membrane, which often happens with prolonged nasal congestion, not fully cured colds. At the same time, the stench does not always appear, but is observed, as a rule, with purulent and chronic sinusitis. In some cases, the symptom also occurs in allergic pathology, when a beneficial environment is formed in the mouth for the reproduction of pathogenic microbes. With sinusitis, the stench appears and disappears, but therapeutic measures must be taken in any case.

The stench can come from both the nose and the mouth. As long as the decay process continues, the problem will remain unresolved. In addition to sinusitis, there are other causes of stench. These include:

  1. Rhinitis. In an acute form, the disease leads to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, the appearance of purulent discharge. An atrophic form of rhinitis is ozena - nasal congestion, accompanied by the appearance of dry crusts. With this form of rhinitis, patients experience a partial loss of smell, burning, drying of the mucous membrane in the nostrils, and the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the nose. Pathology causes the constant use of vasoconstrictors, in addition, it can be hereditary.
  2. SARS. As a rule, a cold can cause a purulent stench from the nose only in children, while its intensity will be low. To prevent complications, it is extremely important to immediately begin treatment of SARS.
  3. Sinusitis. The pathology is caused by a fungus, a viral infection and various pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae or Streptococcus pneumococcus. In addition, trauma to the face can stimulate the development of sinusitis. The disease is characterized by nasal congestion due to the accumulation of thick yellow or green mucus, a bad smell from the nasopharynx, mouth.

Refusal to wear socks

Do not wear closed shoes, be it shoes or sneakers, without socks. If you neglect this rule, the leg heats up and begins to sweat actively. Since there is no ventilation, the smell remains on the skin of the feet and in the shoes. For this reason, there is a stink. If you wear sneakers or shoes on a bare foot for a long time, mold may appear in them, and the feet and nails themselves will suffer from a fungus, which will further aggravate the problem.

Abuse of alcoholic beverages

If you drink too much alcohol, you start to smell bad. This is due to the fact that in the body alcohol is metabolized into acetic acid, after which it exits through the pores. In addition, alcohol intoxication negatively affects the freshness of breath. The more alcohol was drunk the day before, the longer the sharp, unpleasant smell will remain.

A significant amount of red meat in the diet

The product does not have the best effect on how a person smells: being slowly digested, meat activates a number of digestive enzymes and reagents. Its cleavage products, including amino acids, are absorbed by the intestines and enter the blood, then sweat. Upon contact with bacteria, the stench of the secretions intensifies. The negative effect persists for at least 2 hours after eating red meat.

Pregnancy and menopause

During childbearing, a woman's body begins to smell differently. This is due to an increase in the rate of metabolism and blood circulation in all parts of the body. In addition, changes are associated with hormonal changes, which often lead to bad breath. The latter factor is also characteristic of menopause, when women experience hot flashes, sleep problems, and their natural aroma changes. Under the action of hormones, the internal temperature rises and, as a result, there is a more abundant sweating.

Choosing the wrong antiperspirant

Among the variety of funds presented, it is difficult to find a suitable option. There are two main types - antiperspirants and deodorants. The latter are made on the basis of alcohol, they mask the smell and prevent the growth of bacteria on the skin. Antiperspirants tend to block the pores through which sweat escapes, so the skin remains dry. It is recommended to choose a product that combines these two properties.

Causes of body odor that signal health problems

Scientists say that people choose a partner for their body odor, and the sense of smell allows you to find a person with the most suitable set of genes. Each organism secretes pheromones - substances that arouse interest in members of the opposite sex. However, there are situations when the body smells unpleasant and this is a kind of distress signal, since this symptom sometimes indicates the presence of a serious illness. Doctors believe that some diseases are characterized by their own individual "aroma":

Body odor


  • endocrine diseases;
  • digestive problems;
  • human infection with bacteria, viruses;
  • malfunctions of the thyroid gland.

Ammonia smell for kidney and liver problems

Such a sign in a person of any age indicates certain diseases of such internal organs as the kidneys and liver. Urine breath comes from saliva with an admixture of ammonia released from urea. In this case, the taste of metal can be felt in the mouth. A common cause of such stench from the mouth is kidney failure or other kidney pathologies. Thanks to this organ, the body removes toxins and decay products, so it is extremely important to diagnose and eliminate the problem that led to the ammonia stench in a timely manner. The main diseases of the kidneys include:

  • organ failure;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • dystrophy;
  • pyelonephritis.

Ammonia breathing, in addition, sometimes accompanies cystitis. If the skin smells of ammonia, then this indicates the inability of the kidneys and liver to process excess nitrogen, so the body removes it through the pores. To do this, he needs a large amount of water, and the first thing that the symptom indicates is a possible lack of fluid in the body. Ammonia sweat can be a sign of excess protein. This problem is faced by people who prefer low-carbohydrate diets. To stop the breakdown of proteins, it is necessary to introduce the right amount of carbohydrates into the diet.

Vinegar for endocrine disorders or infectious and inflammatory diseases of the lungs

The body can smell like vinegar, and often the person sweats a lot. Among the reasons that can cause such symptoms are endocrine disorders, deficiency of vitamins B, D and infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the lungs. If the problem is at the hormonal level, there is often an iodine deficiency in the body, which immediately leads to the appearance of stench. If acetic sweat is accompanied by cough, weakness, high body temperature, this indicates the possible presence of tuberculosis.


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