Why do edema appear after abdominoplasty and how long do they last. Possible complications and rehabilitation period after abdominoplasty Dense bumps on the abdomen after abdominoplasty

The recovery stage after abdominoplasty is a long and responsible process. It includes medical supervision throughout the entire postoperative period and implies the active participation of the patient in it.

The rehabilitation period consists of several stages and lasts from 3 months to six months from the moment of the operation.

This period depends on the volume of surgical intervention: it implies complete healing of the sutures, the absence of complications and the functional restoration of the muscle layer.

Patients return to their usual way of life, the opportunity to work earlier - after 3-5 weeks.

Subtleties of the postoperative period

    Surgery is performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia (depending on the indications) and lasts 2-3 hours, after which the patient is transferred to the intensive care unit for 1 day. Do not be afraid - this is a common practice in which all surgical patients are the first time after surgery under round-the-clock supervision of specialists to exclude various "surprises".

    On the second day, the patient is transferred to a regular ward of a surgical hospital, where he stays for 2-4 days, after which he is discharged to a day hospital.

    On the 12th day after the operation, with favorable healing of the site of surgical intervention, the patient is removed the suture material and the drainage, which was installed for the outflow of blood and fluid, is removed. The postoperative suture may differ in color from nearby tissues for a long time. Over time, the color evens out and the scar becomes almost invisible against the background of the skin.

    In the early, postoperative period, the patient will experience swelling of soft tissues and hematomas, which can develop not only at the site of surgical intervention, but also along the anatomical pockets and formations - in the abdomen, lower back. At this stage, therapeutic and preventive measures are taken to prevent the development of complications: the removal of postoperative pain, antibiotic therapy. This period lasts up to 3 weeks from the date of surgery.

    After removing the sutures (the first 1.5 months after abdominoplasty), wearing a special compression corset or underwear is indicated, which is necessary to prevent the development of complications: first of all, the formation of blood clots and improper tissue fusion.

    At the entire stage of rehabilitation, there may be a loss of skin sensitivity in the abdomen. Do not be afraid, this is a common reaction after such operations (the so-called surgical and postoperative violation of the innervation of the peritoneum), which disappears in 2-4 months after the operation.

How is rehabilitation going?

First stage of recovery

Abdominoplasty is a full-fledged surgical manipulation with tissue trauma. Therefore, in the early postoperative period, pain is possible with spread throughout the abdominal wall.

Pain relief occurs with the help of narcotic (on the first day with severe pain) and non-narcotic analgesics.

There may also be pain in the muscle fibers with a feeling of tightness (due to the presence of a postoperative scar), which disappears on its own after 2-3 weeks after the operation.

At this stage, swelling of the soft tissues and small hemorrhages appear - hematomas, which disappear with time.

Recovery at home

After the end of inpatient treatment, the patient is transferred to a day hospital and visits a medical institution according to the indications of a personal doctor.

This stage requires the patient's careful and careful attitude to his condition: scar care, limitation of physical activity, proper diet.

Activities that will help to successfully complete the home stage of rehabilitation must be agreed with the attending physician.

Usually they come down to a standard list of recommendations:

    It is mandatory to wear compression underwear for proper fixation of muscles and tissues in the operated area. The first two weeks after surgery, it can only be removed when taking a shower, then, over the next month, you can do without it during sleep or rest.

    Rehabilitation depends on the work you do. If your position is not related to physical labor or stress, then you can start performing professional duties 2-3 weeks after the operation, in other cases, the rehabilitation period must be increased by at least a month.

    The first 3 months after abdominoplasty, you should perform a set of exercises recommended by experts for a speedy recovery. Physical activity should be very "dosed", it is necessary to completely abandon strength exercises, weight lifting more than 3 kg, as well as fitness and athletic sports.

    It is necessary to adhere to a diet: you need to eat in small portions, foods that provoke the formation of gases in the intestines should be completely excluded from the diet, since during the operation not only the upper skin layer was affected, but also the muscular belt of the anterior abdominal wall was damaged.

    Taking medications that are not related to rehabilitation must be agreed with the attending physician who monitors the recovery process, since the side effects of some pharmacological agents can affect the recovery time.


To achieve an effective result of abdominoplasty, you need to follow a few tips that DO NOT do:

    In the early postoperative period - bed rest, a minimum of any physical exertion, sudden movements, especially those associated with tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. In order not to separate the seams and soft tissues, it is necessary not only to avoid loads at first, but also to walk and move almost in a half-bent position to prevent tension on the skin on the abdomen. It is necessary to sleep with legs bent.

Important!!! Physical exercises are important in recovery, they must be GRADUALLY included in the rehabilitation process, with an increase in intensity and load, which is determined by the doctor.

    Diet: exclude from the diet hard-to-digest food and especially the use of alcohol. Alcoholic beverages affect the intestinal flora, blood formula. If these indicators are violated, the processes of tissue regeneration can increase over time.

    water procedures. Until the stitches are removed, you can only take a shower. For a month and a half, the seam must be protected from exposure to too humid and hot air (you should forget about the sauna and bath during this period), this contributes to improper scar formation. You will have to refrain from sunbathing and visiting the solarium for a longer period (about 6 months).

For faster and more correct recovery after abdominoplasty, doctors recommend the use of physiotherapy techniques using various therapeutic ointments and gels.

A tummy tuck implies a fairly large scar. After removal of the suture material, the scar is dense to the touch and differs in color from the neighboring skin.

The use of hormonal ointments (hydrocortisone) or heparin-based gels (contractubex) in combination with ultrasound physiotherapy reduces the time for complete healing of the suture: the scar becomes elastic, soft to the touch and acquires a normal color.

Therapy with ointments and gels begins after the initial healing of the scar and the removal of sutures.

Good results are obtained by application on an immature scar. Silicone applicators impregnated with medicinal substances are used.

The effect of such treatment is twofold: by increasing the pressure on the scar (in combination with wearing compression underwear), it becomes less convex and, accordingly, almost imperceptible, and the drug component of the plate contributes to faster tissue regeneration in the scar area.

To obtain a similar effect, you can use another method of cosmetology - press therapy. When using this physiotherapeutic method, pressure is created on the anterior abdominal wall, and the movement of blood and lymph through the vessels improves, which is very important at the first stage of recovery, when the patient is limited in movement.

A photo

Frequently asked Questions

How long do you need to stay in the clinic?

Treatment in the clinic depends on the volume of the operation, the type of anesthesia and the individual characteristics of the organism. During surgery, the patient stays in the clinic for 2-3 days, after which he is discharged home, remaining under outpatient supervision until the scar is completely healed and the general condition is normalized.

With mini-tummy tuck, inpatient treatment is not indicated: the patient can leave the clinic on the day of the operation.

When can you play sports?

The beginning of sports activities depends on the course of rehabilitation. If the scar healing process goes well, there are no complications, physical exercises can be connected from the second month after the operation: start with sparing types, gradually increasing the load.

With the development of a postoperative complication (hernia, for example), sports should be postponed until the condition normalizes.

Video: One week after abdominoplasty

In the process of rehabilitation after abdominoplasty, the patient plays an important role. Before deciding on this procedure, you need to weigh all the pros and cons. If you are ready to go under the surgeon's knife, go through a long recovery period, then the result will certainly give you a lot of positive emotions: a beautiful shape of the abdomen, excellent health, self-confidence and attractiveness.

The rehabilitation process after abdominoplasty is quite long and sometimes very painful. This is understandable, because abdominoplasty is a full-fledged surgical operation with all the ensuing consequences. In the process of rehabilitation, in order to consolidate the positive effect achieved by abdominoplasty, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions of the attending physician.

Compression underwear after tummy tuck

An important element of the recovery period is compression underwear after abdominoplasty. It is usually a wide bandage encircling the body in the abdomen. Such underwear provides the necessary compression, accelerates healing and prevents swelling. Sometimes it is worn on a person immediately after an abdominoplasty, when he is still under general anesthesia. This allows you to protect the seams and swelling after abdominoplasty from excessive mechanical stress.

It usually makes sense to purchase at least two sets of supportive underwear, in which case it is easier to ensure that it is washed on time. Some types of laundry need to be air dried, and this happens quite slowly, so it is logical to have a spare set. In most cases, compression underwear is worn for at least 3-4 months after the abdominoplasty has been performed, the rehabilitation period for this plastic surgery is very long.

Compression garments are available in various sizes. Putting it on may seem a bit difficult at first, but practice solves this problem. It is usually easier to put it on in a standing position. Compression underwear should be completely smooth on the body, it is important to avoid any wrinkles and folds. Usually during the day it is required to correct the position of the linen on the body 1-2 times, as it gets a little off in the process of wearing. Compression underwear after abdominoplasty is actively discussed in the corresponding section of the forum of our website.

How to ease the recovery period after abdominoplasty

Immediately after an abdominoplasty, the abdomen is usually swollen and there may be a feeling of pulsation in the operated area. The doctor prescribes painkillers to the patient, which must be taken when severe pain occurs. It is important not to delay taking painkillers until the pain becomes severe. Early intake of analgesics can reduce their total consumption. Pain should not be tolerated, as painful sensations worsen well-being and slow down recovery.

The pain usually subsides within a few days, as does the swelling. Small bruises may remain, but they will also disappear in a few days. It is important to understand this in order not to become depressed and not to get upset in vain. The formation of hematomas and swelling is a completely normal consequence of surgical interventions, including abdominoplasty. It depends on the careful observance of the doctor's recommendations after how many days the swelling subsides and the hematomas disappear.

Upon discharge from the hospital, the attending physician provides the patient with detailed written instructions. The plastic surgeon provides his patient with a list of medications to take and detailed instructions regarding behavior, hygiene, wearing compression stockings and lifestyle in the coming weeks and months after tummy tuck. In the event of any alarming manifestations and adverse signs, such as fever or bleeding from the incision, you should immediately notify the doctor.

  • special diet throughout the rehabilitation prescribed by the surgeon
  • a sharp limitation of motor activity in the first days after abdominoplasty
  • a significant reduction in physical activity and lifting weights in the first months after surgery
  • regular performance of special sets of exercises prescribed by a plastic surgeon
  • smoking cessation throughout the entire rehabilitation period, as nicotine interferes with recovery processes
  • refraining from sunbathing on the beach and in the solarium for a many-month recovery period, until obtaining permission from the attending physician
  • avoiding saunas, hot baths and contrast showers for an extended period until a doctor's permission is obtained

Lifestyle during the rehabilitation period

If you are taking oral contraceptives, then remember that some antibiotics may interact with them in an undesirable way. Therefore, in addition to oral contraceptives, additional methods of contraception should be used. Of course, in the first weeks after abdominoplasty, most patients simply abstain from sexual activity due to malaise. Before resuming sexual activity, you should consult with your doctor to make sure that such actions are safe for the body.

Your doctor will often recommend that you place extra pillows under your head and shoulders for the first 2 weeks to keep your upper body elevated. In the first days after the operation, the patient should lie down a lot. In an upright position, pain intensifies and it is better to lie or at least sit. It is important not to overload your body and nervous system for the first time after the operation, you need to rest and sleep a lot, as this ensures an accelerated recovery after abdominoplasty.

In the first weeks after abdominoplasty, it is important to regularly measure the temperature. An elevated temperature usually indicates an infection or inflammation. The first time after surgery, the patient is usually prescribed antibiotics, which must be taken exactly according to the doctor's instructions. Even if a person feels normal, one should not arbitrarily reduce the dosage of antibiotics or stop taking them, as this is fraught with the development of an infection.

  • After abdominoplasty it is necessary to exclude heavy physical exertion, playing sports, lifting weights for 2 (two) months.
  • Exclude thermal procedures, hot baths, saunas, baths, do not travel to countries with a hot climate for 2 (two) months.
    You can not sunbathe and visit the solarium until the postoperative scars turn pale (for 3 (three) months or more).
  • You can take a warm shower on the 5th - 6th (fifth - sixth) day or the next day after the removal of the drains.
  • Wearing compression underwear for 4 (four) weeks constantly, then another 2 (two) weeks only during the day, removing at night.
  • For pain, take "Ketonal" or "Nise" in tablets.
    "Lyoton" (gel) or "Essaven - gel" or ointment "Traumeel C" and "Bepanten" mix in a ratio of 1: 1 apply to the places of edema and bruises 2 - 3 (two - three) times a day for 10 - 15 (ten - fifteen) days, previously remove the ointment base from the previous application with a damp cloth.
  • Treat the seams on the skin with a cotton swab dipped in an aqueous solution of "Chlorhexidine" or "Miramistin", wipe dry, and then treat with a cotton swab with a 40% solution of alcohol or vodka, and then with a strong solution of potassium permanganate 2 - 3 (two - three) times a day.
    Wounds on which special medical glue is applied do not need to be treated and dressed! The adhesive will come off on its own in 3-4 weeks. after abdominoplasty.
  • Make sure the seams are always dry!
  • "Traumeel S" 1 tablet under the tongue every 1.5 hours for 10 (ten) days (6 - 8 tablets per day), then 1 tablet 3 times a day - 5 (five) days.
  • "Ascorutin" 1 tablet 3 times a day for 2 (two) weeks.
  • "Detralex" 1 tablet per day (with meals) for 5 (five) days, then 1 tablet 2 times a day for 3 (three) weeks.
  • "Lymphomyosot" 15 - 20 drops 3 times a day for 7 (seven) days.
  • Antibiotics only as prescribed by the attending physician.
  • Lymphatic drainage procedures: microcurrent, magnetic therapy, light therapy on the zones of liposuction and lipofilling must be performed from the first days after the operation, 1 day later, for 2 (two) weeks after abdominoplasty.
  • Manual massage, SPA - procedures (wraps), magnetic laser therapy, electromyostimulation, local dynamic micromassage on the abdomen should be performed 3 - 4 (three - four) weeks after the operation with an interval of 1 - 3 days for 1 -2 (one - two) months.
  • After removing the sutures for 2-6 weeks, glue on the area of ​​the sutures in the transverse direction adhesive plaster stickers "Steri-strip" 5-10 mm wide with an interval of 1 (one) cm.
  • After 4 (four) weeks after abdominoplasty daily apply silicone-containing gels "Dermatix" or "Kelo Cote" or adhesive plaster "Mipiform", etc. to the seams. within 3 - 4 months, until the complete blanching of the scars.
  • You should refrain from drinking alcohol and smoking, as the recovery processes may proceed somewhat worse, and swelling may increase.
  • Be sure to consult your doctor before starting any new medications. Important: liposuction and abdominoplasty are not a method of losing weight, but a method of body shaping. After this operation, it is necessary to control your weight and keep it at the same level, because. otherwise, fat in the treated areas may be deposited unevenly again, creating irregularities, defects in body contours, imitating cellulite and worsening the result achieved with the help of the operation.

If you have any complaints and questions, you should consult with your doctor and follow only his appointment!

Follow-up visits: 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks, 6 months.

Abdominoplasty is one of the five most popular plastic surgeries in the world. It still remains one of the most difficult from a technical point of view, since a plastic surgeon has to work with the skin, and with subcutaneous fatty tissue, and with muscles, and with the divergence of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall (diastasis), and with possible hernial protrusions that occur in this area.

The goal of abdominoplasty is to restore the ideal proportions of the abdomen, sides and lower chest.

Abdominoplasty. Photos before and after

What are the ideal proportions?

Causes that lead to a deterioration in the appearance of the body

One of the main reasons why patients are forced to turn to plastic surgeons is radical weight loss.

This is not about losing three to five pounds. Usually a significant omission of the skin is the result of "parting" with 7-10-15 kg or more.

The second most important reason leading to a significant deterioration in the appearance of the abdomen is pregnancy.

Here, in addition to overstretching of the skin in the abdomen, frequent complaints are stretch marks and divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles (diastasis). Also, after pregnancy, not everyone likes the protruding navel, which can be set back, or may remain deformed.

Also among the reasons are age-related changes that occur in the skin, hormonal imbalance, constitutional features, when there is an increased deposition of fat in the abdomen, the consequences of operations, and some others.

Types of abdominoplasty

Patients turn to plastic surgeons not only with cosmetic, but also with surgical defects of the abdominal wall.

The severity of defects may be different.

Therefore, to date, a large number of surgical techniques and types of abdominoplasty have been developed that are suitable for solving specific problems that a plastic surgeon faces in each case.

The main types of abdominoplasty include:

It is used in cases where the patient does not have a significant excess of adipose tissue (obesity) and there is a cosmetic defect in the form of excess skin.

This is the most popular and demanded type of plastic surgery on the abdominal wall.

Full abdominoplasty, which can be done with or without umbilical ring plasty

This operation is also called abdominotorsorrhaphy.

During this type of operation, not only the front wall of the abdomen is changed, but also the areas of the sides, back and buttocks.

A full abdominoplasty is used when there are pronounced fat deposits, the skin on the abdomen, sides, lower back is overstretched and deformed, there are stretch marks.

If, after the areas of excess skin have been removed, the umbilical ring is deformed or displaced from the midline, then the navel is transferred to its original place, making a new hole in the skin for it. Middle tummy tuck.

Medium tummy tuck

It is also called an apronectomy, which can literally be translated as "removal of the apron." Such an operation is indicated if the skin of the abdomen is overstretched and hangs like an apron.

Plastic surgery on the anterior abdominal wall goes well with liposuction.

Vertical abdominoplasty

Applies when:

  • a scar from a previous operation runs vertically along the midline of the abdomen;
  • the patient is severely obese;
  • it is necessary to remove a large amount of tissue not only in the lower, but also in the central and lateral regions of the abdomen;
  • pronounced divergence of the abdominal muscles.

Incisions in this case pass along the lateral surfaces of the abdomen. It is used in cases where you need to shape the waist.

Compared to other types of abdominoplasty, it allows you to get fewer complications from the postoperative wound, since the skin exfoliates from the muscles with such access on a smaller area, there is less tissue tension on both sides of the scar, and better conditions for the formation of a thin scar.

During this type of intervention, special attention is paid to the creation of clear and smooth curves of the lateral areas of the abdomen, which allows you to create a waist in case of its absence. To do this, in some cases, one or two pairs of lower ribs can be removed.

Endoscopic Abdominoplasty

It is used mainly in young patients with elastic skin, when there are muscle defects that can be eliminated through small skin punctures using endoscopic equipment.

Indications for surgery

Excess skin (ptosis)

This is usually flabbiness of the skin, which can be expressed evenly throughout the abdomen, or appear most strongly in the area below the navel.

Or is it a hanging of a fat fold of different thickness and length with an “apron”.

This also includes cases of loss of skin elasticity, when after liposuction there is a risk of soft tissue prolapse.

Degrees of ptosis:

1 degree: stretching of the skin is insignificant, the fold is not formed, there are multiple striae;

2nd degree: the skin is loose and flabby in the area above and below the navel, a fold is formed in the lower abdomen, which is not very pronounced;

3rd degree: a hanging fold of skin is formed in the lower abdomen (“apron”) with a thickness of not more than 10 cm, the transition of the fold to the lateral sections of the abdomen is only outlined;

4 degree: a fold of skin and fat hangs down beyond the abdomen, its thickness exceeds 10 cm, the "apron" passes to the lateral surfaces of the abdomen.

Abdominoplasty. Tummy tuck

no waist

It happens as a constitutional feature or as a result of training, during which the oblique muscles of the abdomen are “pumped up”.

  • Cicatricial atrophy of the skin (stretch marks or stretch marks).
  • Excess adipose tissue.

This includes cases where the amount of fat on the front and sides of the abdomen exceeds the amount that can be removed with liposuction. And also those cases when fat does not go away with diet and regular exercise.

  • The presence of rough scars, hernias.
  • Stretching of the aponeurosis.

In some cases, with excessive exposure to the abdominal wall from the inside (pregnancy, obesity) and genetic weakness of the connective tissue, the aponeurosis that connects the muscles of the right and left sides is stretched, and the muscles diverge.

Muscle diastasis is formed, which can be combined with hernias of the white line of the abdomen and the umbilical ring. This discrepancy and hernias are also removed surgically.

It is the formation of aponeurosis that is the most common reason for tummy tuck after childbirth.

If the navel needs to be restored after it was removed during emergency surgery, then a plastic surgeon can also handle this task.


  • age up to 18 years;
  • acute infectious diseases: exacerbation of herpes, colds, sexually transmitted diseases, tuberculosis, etc.;
  • severe diseases of internal organs;
  • chronic heart and / or pulmonary insufficiency;
  • blood diseases and clotting disorders;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy and HB;
  • pregnancy planning less than a year after surgery;
  • mental disorders;
  • unstable psycho-emotional state;
  • diabetes mellitus of all types;
  • arterial hypertension with frequent crises;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • the presence of fresh postoperative scars;
  • tendency to form hypertrophic and keloid scars.

Limitations are significant obesity and plans for weight loss after surgery.

If weight loss occurs after tummy tuck surgery, then there is a risk of developing skin laxity, which will negate the results of the operation and cause the sagging belly to return.

In the case of significant obesity, the risk of developing a number of complications increases significantly, such as slow healing, suppuration of the postoperative wound, and the development of seroma.

It is more rational in the latter case to perform liposuction as the first stage, and after six months to carry out abdominoplasty.

Preparing for the operation

The first stage in preparation for the operation is a consultation with a plastic surgeon, who conducts an examination, finds out the patient's wishes regarding his appearance, determines the scope of the operation and its expediency in this particular case.

At the second stage, a therapist is consulted, who prescribes a series of examinations and tests, collects data on diseases and injuries that were in the past, the presence of chronic or acute diseases in the present.

Minimum list of tests:

  • general blood and urine tests;
  • biochemical blood test, coagulogram;
  • blood tests for markers of viral hepatitis, HIV, Wasserman reaction;
  • blood type, Rh factor;
  • chest x-ray or fluorography.

The list of examinations at the discretion of the therapist can be expanded, if there are no contraindications to the operation, then at the third stage, an anesthesiologist is consulted, who finds out if there are any contraindications to anesthesia.

Two weeks to a month before the operation, it is necessary to begin to follow a number of recommendations that will facilitate the postoperative period:

  • quitting smoking and alcohol;
  • refusal to take blood thinners, hormonal and some other drugs in agreement with the doctor;
  • a light breakfast the day before the operation and no food until the operation itself.

How is the operation

In terms of time, the operation takes from 2 to 4 hours. It is performed only under general anesthesia.

  • Applying markup.

Already in the preoperative room, the plastic surgeon applies special markings to the patient's body, which will help him navigate how much tissue can be removed so that everything looks beautiful and natural, and most importantly, symmetrically.

The marking also does not allow you to remove the excess so that the edges of the wound converge and are not strongly stretched at the same time.

Marking is performed in the patient's standing position, since in the prone position the tissues shift and the picture changes.

  • Cuts.

The incision is usually made along the pubic hairline.

If necessary, the second incision can be made vertically, perpendicular to the first, the midline of the abdomen.

Its length can be 5-6 cm. If a significant skin tightening is expected, then the incision is also made around the navel.

  • The main stage of the operation.

The approximate scheme of the operation is as follows:

  • first, adipose tissue and skin are separated from the muscle wall;
  • then, if necessary, the muscles and connective tissue of the aponeurosis, which these muscles cover, are sutured to create a perfectly flat stomach;
  • if there are hernias, then the hernias are reduced and sutured or fixed from the inside with a special medical mesh;
  • if liposuction is planned, then after muscle correction, excess fat is suctioned through cannulas, since Body Jet liposuction allows you to do this without a preparatory period, which involves the introduction of a large amount of fluid into the subcutaneous tissue;
  • a new umbilical ring and a new navel are formed if the tissues have moved down significantly during the lift;
  • excess skin and subcutaneous fat is removed;
  • The surgical incision is closed with suture material or special glue.

What is mini abdominoplasty?

After the operation is completed and the surgical wound is sutured, the suture is treated with antiseptic solutions and covered with a sterile bandage. A fixing bandage is put on over the bandage.

Compression underwear

Compression underwear, which is used after abdominoplasty, performs several functions at once:

  • reduces pain due to the fact that it reduces tissue displacement during movement and especially walking;
  • prevents the growth of edema;
  • prevents stretching of the postoperative scar, as it reduces the tension of the tissues on both sides of it.

In appearance, compression underwear can be made in the form of a corset with a special rigid insert at the level of the operation, in the form of strips of elastic fabric sewn together, elastic shorts with straps, or in the form of a closed swimsuit.

The last two options are the most convenient, as they exclude the possibility of the product sliding down when moving.

Recovery period

The duration of rehabilitation after abdominoplasty surgery is up to 6 months. The first 4-6 weeks are usually the most difficult.

But, judging by the reviews of those who had a chance to survive both a caesarean section and an abdominoplasty, the recovery period after plastic surgery is easier.

The postoperative period involves the patient being in the hospital for three days. Only then can you go home. And even then, if health allows. In some cases, you will have to spend a whole week in the hospital.

1 day: you can lie in bed with a raised headboard, drink plain or mineral non-carbonated water, light food after bowel function is restored after surgery;

2 days: getting out of bed with the help of medical staff is allowed, you can eat light food, drink without restrictions.

In the first days, the state of health may be poor, the mood is lowered. Perhaps a slight increase in body temperature.

  • The seam.

If skin sutures were applied during the operation, they are removed on the 14th day after the operation.

If an intradermal suture with absorbable material or an adhesive suture was performed, then nothing needs to be done with such sutures.

In the first days after discharge, the suture must be treated with antiseptic solutions 2-3 times a day.

It is impossible to wet the seam for the first five days. Only on the 6-7th day you can take a shower, avoiding soapy water on the incision sites.

  • Compression underwear.

The bandage must be worn almost continuously for the first 4-6 weeks. Then, with the consent of the doctor, the bandage can be worn periodically when physical activity is expected.

But you should not neglect wearing a bandage, since a strong tension of the tissues at the site of the postoperative incision can lead to divergence of the seams, and after their removal, to the formation of a wide and loose scar.

  • Recommendations regarding procedures and sports.

The terms for which restrictions on physical activity, sports and thermal procedures are established depend on the volume of the operation. If a skin tightening was performed, then you will have to deny yourself the pleasure of only a couple of weeks. If the operation was more extensive, then the restrictions must be observed for 3 months.

The ban on solarium and sunbathing lasts for 12 months, since an unformed scar can become pigmented under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Techniques aimed at reducing swelling and lifting the skin are allowed from the third week after surgery. Sometimes earlier at the discretion of the plastic surgeon.

Such procedures include cold wrapping (algae, for example), manual or hardware lymphatic drainage massage, pressure therapy, LPG massage, ultrasound therapy, mesotherapy.

Read what was wrong with the previous methods of liposuction, and why it was created
water-jet liposuction on the Body-Jet machine.

Do you know that electrode electrolipolysis requires more sessions to achieve a long-term lasting effect? Read about it.

Consequences of the operation

  • Edema.

Edema usually appears in the first hours after surgery and may gradually increase throughout the first week. The appearance of edema is a physiological reaction of the body to injury, so you should not worry. Edema can persist up to several months after the operation, so the final result of the operation should not be evaluated immediately.

  • Hematomas.

Also present in all patients after abdominoplasty. Hematomas can be large and impressive, but they are superficial and disappear quickly without a trace.

  • Scarring.

Abdominoplasty incisions are usually made in such places that the scars are easily hidden under the linen. This means that the incision goes well below the navel. And this means that you can afford the most revealing swimwear and sexy panties with a minimum of fabric.

Modern plastic surgeons use special suture material and such suturing techniques so that after about six months after the operation, the sutures turn into almost imperceptible, thin, slightly whitish stripes.

If in this case the scars continue to bother you, then after the complete healing of the postoperative wound, you can level the surface of the skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe scars with a laser and retouch it with the help of a medical tattoo.

  • Loss of sensation.

Since small nerve branches that provide skin sensitivity can be damaged during the operation, some areas of the skin in the area of ​​the operation may remain insensitive for up to six months. Usually, over time, the sensitivity is retained in full.

Abdominoplasty (surgery)


  • Accumulation of blood or tissue fluid in the cavity of the operation.

Rarely, a complication develops after the patient is discharged from the hospital. Prevention of the development of subcutaneous hematomas and seromas is drainage, when thin tubes are introduced into the cavity of the surgical wound, through which fluid flows out of the cavities. By the amount of discharge, the surgeon judges whether there is bleeding or the risk of bleeding.

  • Inflammation of the area of ​​the postoperative wound.

Most often occurs in patients with severe obesity. To prevent complications, all patients are prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics after surgery.

  • Divergence of seams.

It happens as a result of exerting effort when doing physically strenuous work, such as lifting heavy objects.

In this case, the sutures cut through the skin and the edges of the wound diverge.

Or the divergence of the seams may be the result of suppuration of the skin in the area of ​​suturing, then the wound simply falls apart.

In any of the cases described, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to receive the necessary treatment, otherwise rough scars may appear at the site of the parted sutures after the operation.

  • The necrosis of the edges of the postoperative wound.

This complication occurs when:

  • the edges of the wound were too tight after excess skin and subcutaneous tissue was removed;
  • there are already scars and scars on the abdominal wall from previous operations.

Treatment in this case is only surgical. Sometimes additional plastic surgery may be required to move areas of viable skin on the so-called "vascular pedicle" in order to close the defect formed after the removal of dead tissue.

  • The formation of a "roll" of adipose tissue above the level of the seam.

If a sufficiently large movement of tissue is made from top to bottom with a significant thickness of subcutaneous adipose tissue, then a thickening in the form of a roller can form above the level of the postoperative scar. To remove such a roller, one more operation is needed.

  • Chronic pain syndrome.

This complication is extremely rare, but, nevertheless, the risk of its occurrence should also be remembered. Not treated. Pain can be stopped for a while by taking painkillers.

  • Asymmetry.

It is especially often expressed with inaccurate suturing of the muscles and their aponeuroses. Eliminated by surgery or by filling with own fat or hyaluronic acid preparations.

  • Profuse skin pigmentation.

In place of subcutaneous hematomas, a persistent zone of skin hyperpigmentation may eventually form.

Abdominoplasty with navel repositioning

Is it possible to give birth after abdominoplasty?

It is possible and even necessary to give birth after abdominoplasty. But planning the onset of pregnancy should not be earlier than a year after the operation.

It should also be borne in mind that pregnancy can significantly worsen the results achieved with the help of the operation: flabbiness of the skin, skin folds below the navel, stretch marks may appear again.

When can you have sex?

You can have sex after the doctor allows you to remove and no longer wear compression underwear. This may be a month after the operation, and three months after it. But even in this case, you should not rush if you continue to feel discomfort in the area of ​​​​the postoperative scar, since the load (and sex is still physical activity) can provoke increased discomfort and pain.

How much does the operation cost

In our table, we indicated prices in Moscow as the highest in Russia. In the regions, the cost of the service may be lower, about 80 thousand rubles.

In many ways, the cost of an abdominoplasty operation depends on the volume of intervention, the presence of hernial protrusions, adhesions, old scars, and other nuances.

Photo: before and after plastic tummy tuck Photo: before and after full abdominoplasty
Photo: before and after miniabdominoplasty
Photo: before and after abdominoplasty with navel relocation

Abdominoplasty of the abdomen for many women is the only option to restore harmony to their figure. Tummy tuck allows you to get rid of the flabbiness of the abdominal wall, removes excess fat, restores the aesthetic contour of the waist area. The operation is highly effective, but rather complicated in its technique, and therefore complications after abdominoplasty are not uncommon, some of them disappear on their own, to eliminate others, repeated surgical intervention or long-term treatment is required.

The first operations aimed at tummy tuck were carried out in the 19th century. Since then, the technique of surgical intervention has completely changed, innovative approaches to surgical intervention, the latest medicines and the experience of surgeons make it possible to obtain excellent results in plastic correction of the figure. However, some complications cannot be avoided. Some of them arise in connection with the individual characteristics of the organism of a particular patient, the other is due to the lack of the necessary qualifications for the surgeon.

Undesirable consequences of abdominoplasty can be divided into two main broad groups.

This type of complications affects all body systems and is typical not only for plastic surgery, but also for all others performed in connection with general diseases.

Local complications are associated with extensive trauma to the abdominal wall that occurs at the time of incision and removal of skin-fat folds.

Common complications include pulmonary edema, hypostatic pneumonia, extensive blood loss, and the possibility of thrombosis. All these complications develop in the first hours and days after surgery. The likelihood of their occurrence largely depends on compliance with the prescribed regimen, the patient's performance of all recommended procedures and, of course, on the professionalism of the doctor. In order to minimize the risk of complications, the patient after plastic surgery should be under the supervision of medical staff and undergo the entire prescribed course of treatment.

The development of local, that is, formed at the site of surgical intervention, complications depend on many reasons. Unsuccessful abdominoplasty occurs most often with extensive accumulation of fat, in the absence of sufficient experience from the surgeon. Unpleasant consequences are often explained by the individual characteristics of the organism, the presence of diseases that occur with impaired blood clotting, non-compliance by the patient with the measures recommended by the doctor in the first days after the operation.

The most common local complications of abdominoplasty include hematomas, seromas, wound suppuration, and necrosis.

Seroma is the accumulation of exudate in a wound. Seroma develops as a result of the fact that lymph nodes are disturbed during surgery. When they are traumatized, serous fluid begins to enter the cavity of the sutured wound, it is defined as a dense, moving infiltrate in the wound area. Seroma after abdominoplasty in most cases is recorded in obese patients with extensive fat in the abdominal region. To remove the seroma, puncture or drainage is used, with such a complication, the recovery process is significantly delayed.

Hematoma in the area of ​​surgical intervention develops in very rare cases. If bleeding is completely stopped during plastic surgery, the abdominal wall is sutured and drainage is performed, then there is practically no risk of developing hematomas.

Swelling of soft tissues to one degree or another occurs in almost every abdominoplasty. Minor swelling goes away in a few days. Prevents the development of edema after abdominoplasty by wearing compression underwear, massage of the abdominal wall prescribed by a doctor, lymphatic drainage procedures. Large tissue swelling may resolve in six months or more.

Infection of the suture area occurs due to non-compliance with sterile conditions during the operation or when pathogens are introduced into the area of ​​the healing suture during the treatment and dressing of the wound.

Necrosis of soft tissues, that is, their death, is provoked by excessive tension on the edges of the wound surface at the time of suturing. Also, necrosis often occurs in those patients who have already undergone operations on the abdominal wall, which means that they have scar tissue on their abdomen. Most often, necrosis occurs with a complete abdominoplasty at the location of the navel.

A decrease in the sensitivity of the skin occurs with the inevitable intersection of nerve fibers at the time of tissue dissection. A decrease in sensitivity may also be due to swelling of the tissues that press down on the nerves. Restoration of the work of nerve fibers in most cases occurs independently in a few months.

Scar formation. For many young women, the formation of unsightly hypertrophied and keloid scars can also become an unpleasant consequence of abdominoplasty. The ideal scar is considered inconspicuous, pale and small. Hypertrophied scars are formed during the development of postoperative complications - infection, hematomas, necrosis, suture divergence. Keloid scars most often occur in people with a predisposition to their formation. Scars after abdominoplasty will be minimal and almost invisible if all the recommendations of the attending physician are followed during the recovery period.

Most possible complications can be prevented by following the regimen prescribed by the doctor in the postoperative period. Usually, after plastic surgery, the patient stays in the hospital for two to three days, where all rehabilitation measures are carried out:

After plastic surgery, you can not resort to diets
  • In the first days, sutures are processed and sterile dressings are applied.
  • The patient is advised to wear compression garments.
  • Complete immobility leads to many undesirable consequences. Therefore, a person should move slowly, even if there is severe pain.
  • Before removing the stitches, abundant water procedures are not recommended, you can only take a shower.
  • During the month, significant physical activity, weight lifting is prohibited.
  • About 8 weeks you can not visit the sauna and bath.
  • For a long time you can not resort to diets. Women are not recommended to plan a pregnancy for two to three years.
  • You can not change bandages on your own, use medicines and ointments not prescribed by a doctor. It is strictly forbidden to tear off the crusts on the scar.
  • A photo of complications after abdominoplasty is a clear indicator of the conditions that may arise if you choose the wrong clinic or do not follow all the doctor's recommendations.
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