What does separate nutrition for weight loss menu mean. Separate nutrition for weight loss. Menu for the week. Starting from the next week, the cycle repeats

The popularity of separate nutrition for weight loss arose due to the possibility of achieving visible results in improving the figure without exhausting yourself. strict diets. The main requirement is the competent preparation of the menu, guided by specific rules.

Basic principles of separate nutrition

He developed the theory of separate nutrition, successfully tested and put into practice Herbert Shelton, a naturologist from the USA. The result of his activities in this direction are the rules of separate nutrition, which are not difficult to implement, but require self-discipline.

It is based on the scientifically proven concept that for the digestion of each type of food, certain kind digestive juice. Therefore, when a mixture of various foods enters the stomach, all processes slow down, fermentation and decay begin, accompanied by the appearance of a large number harmful substances, which accumulate, provoking bad feeling.

With separate meals, monotonous food is used that does not overload the stomach. The principles of separate nutrition are based on this postulate. In this case, there are a number of rules that should be followed:

  • Food should not be taken unless there is a feeling of hunger.
  • Food should be chewed very carefully.
  • While eating, try to get rid of negative thoughts.
  • No need to drink food. Water is consumed before a meal (10-15 minutes) and after it (after 30 minutes). After starchy meals, the time period for drinking water increases to two hours, and after protein foods - up to four.
  • In general, you should drink at least 2 liters of pure water per day.
  • Don't overeat.
  • Make a diet so that half of the food is consumed raw.

The amount of butter, mayonnaise, sugar, canned food, coffee and tea is limited. Smoked meats, marinades, pickles, refined oil are included in the menu as rarely as possible.

  1. At the same time do not consume acidic food varieties and carbohydrates. Therefore, tomatoes are not eaten with bread and potatoes, and bananas during fruit salad do not mix with pineapple or citrus.
  1. Exclude the combination of carbohydrates with protein (potatoes and meat, rice and fish, bread and cheese).
  1. It is taboo to consume protein foods at the same time. different groups. Do not combine eggs with fish, cheese or meat. The combination of milk, fish or peas with meat is also excluded. No need to mix cottage cheese with nuts.
  1. Protein doesn't mix with fat.

  1. Also excluded are mixtures of different carbohydrates with simultaneous use.
  1. Food is poorly digested, for example, pastries, if sugar and starch are present in it at the same time.
  1. Porridge or potatoes are not eaten with bread, as different starchy foods cannot be integrated.
  1. Milk and melon are mono products. They are absorbed only if consumed separately from any other food.
  1. Tomatoes can be combined with fatty foods. You can combine them with leaf lettuce, green vegetables.

With separate meals, a break between separate meals is observed at 4 hours. It is not recommended to exceed this value.

Separate nutrition for weight loss

Subject to the basic rules of separate nutrition, you can achieve good result for weight loss, without experiencing discomfort and hunger, as with many types of diets. If the doctor has not found contraindications, then a three-month course is enough for the figure to become noticeably slimmer.

The benefit to the body of the use of a homogeneous, easily digestible meal at one time causes the stimulation of intestinal activity without colic and swelling. Active metabolic process virtually eliminates the retention of harmful substances, which contributes to minimal deposition of slag and rapid withdrawal toxins.

Ability to change menu different types recommended products make a separate diet balanced, allowing you to increase efficiency and mood. Having reached the predicted weight, in the future it is enough to practice separate nutrition as preventive measure monthly every three months. Doctors do not recommend constantly being in this mode, so as not to cause negative consequences.

Product Compatibility Chart

In order to correctly comply with all the rules and principles of separate nutrition, a compatibility table for different types of products is being developed. It clearly demonstrates which combinations are preferable, and which are completely excluded from the diet.

Such a table of separate meals serves as a convenient navigator when compiling daily menu, since the main types of products recommended for consumption are listed, and the degree of their compatibility with each other is reflected - bad, acceptable or good.

Since in most tables the products are combined into groups, it is necessary to know their content.

  • Sour varieties of fruits include citruses, plums, kiwi, pomegranates, sour apples.
  • Semi-acid fruits are apricots, peaches, cherries, sweet varieties of plums.
  • The group of sweet fruits includes green grapes, bananas, dried fruits.
  • Among starchy vegetables there are carrots, rutabaga, dry peas and beans, beets. Also included here are squash, zucchini, celery, potatoes. Contains starch radish, pumpkin, Jerusalem artichoke, radish.
  • The rest of the vegetables are considered low starchy or non-starchy. These are cabbage - broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Peking, kohlrabi, cabbage. Also included in this category of vegetables are eggplant, green pea, asparagus, leaf salad, cucumber, sweet pepper, radish.

Having such a table in the kitchen constantly before your eyes, it is impossible to make a mistake, realizing, for example, that meat is best served with non-starchy green vegetables, sauerkraut or greenery. Pumpkin, zucchini are well digested in the company of potatoes, sour cream, vegetable oil. You can make many combinations in accordance with the reflected data by diversifying your menu.

Read also: - different types of bananas are considered, is it possible to lose weight on them and how they are useful.

Sample menu for the week

The main principles for developing a weekly menu are the following provisions:

  • selection of the most compatible products;
  • balanced diet for all essential vitamins, minerals, trace elements;
  • calorie control.

Three basic meals and two snacks are planned per day. Alternate products during the day so that the body is provided with carbohydrates, fats, proteins, avoiding the repetition of homogeneous meals. For snacks, it is advisable to choose mono fruits that do not accept integration. These are dried fruits, melon or watermelon.

For a better understanding of the concept of separate meals, it is enough to analyze one example of a menu for a week, which can serve Starting point further dietary planning.

Number 1 stands for breakfast, approximate time which 8-00.

2 - lunch (11-00).

3 - lunch (13-00).

4 - afternoon snack (16-00).

5 - dinner (19-00).


  1. . Add pieces of fruit if desired. Used as a drink green tea.
  2. One kind of fruit.
  3. Boiled lean meat - 200 g, steamed vegetables - 200 g.
  4. natural yogurt with low fat content - 250 ml.
  5. Fried egg with broccoli, vegetable salad, a glass of sweetened compote.


  1. Oatmeal, cooked with large quantity low-fat milk or water. Herbal tea sugarless.
  2. Dried fruits - 200 g. Drink plenty of water.
  3. Baked or boiled lean fish- 200 g. Steamed vegetables - 200 g. A glass of compote.
  4. Nuts - 100 g. One apple.
  5. Fat-free cottage cheese, grated with fruit and a small amount of honey.


  1. Rice porridge with one variety of fruit. Unsweetened herbal tea.
  2. Salad of compatible vegetables.
  3. Vegetable broth - one plate. Egg fried with vegetables.
  4. Dried fruits - 150 g.
  5. Chicken steak. Stewed vegetables - 200 g.


  1. Boiled egg, sweet apple, unsweetened tea.
  2. One fermented milk product - fermented baked milk, kefir, varenets or yogurt with low fat content - 250 ml.
  3. Boiled or baked fish - 200 g. Steamed vegetables - 200 g. Natural fruit or vegetable juice one type - 200 ml.
  4. Dried apricots - 150 g.
  5. Broccoli baked with mushrooms.


  1. Oatmeal porridge, to which you can add any kind of fruit. Unsweetened herbal tea.
  2. grated fresh carrot- 2 medium pieces.
  3. Salad from fresh cucumbers with the addition of one ripe tomato. Vegetable soup with a piece of veal - a plate.
  4. A handful of nuts, a glass fresh juice from one type of fruit.
  5. Diet cheese - 50 7, vegetable pie - 200 g.


  1. Lavash baked with wholemeal flour - 1 piece. Can be smeared thin layer honey. Weak black tea without sugar.
  2. Yogurt or low-fat kefir - 250 ml.
  3. Hard-boiled egg. Steam vegetables - 200 g. A glass of compote.
  4. Dried fruits - 200 g, washed down with water.
  5. Lean veal or steamed chicken. Tomato and lettuce salad. Tomato juice - 250 ml.


  1. Cheese with low fat content - 200 g. A handful of nuts. Herbal tea.
  2. Salad of compatible vegetables.
  3. Lettuce leaves. vegetable soup with lean meat- plate.
  4. Orange juice - a glass.
  5. Fresh cabbage salad dressed with olive oil. Baked potatoes - 200g. A glass of compote.

There are many menu options. Based own capabilities, you can choose the right products.

Several popular recipes

Having understood the basic rule about the prohibition of use in one dish incompatible products, you can cook delicious, easily digestible meals.

Required: 200 g chicken breast - fillet, one grapefruit, red onion head, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, a teaspoon of French mustard seeds. Salt, ground black pepper, basil to taste.

The fillet cut into pieces is marinated for 10 minutes in olive oil with salt and pepper. Fry until cooked and cool. Peeled and freed from partitions, the grapefruit is cut into pieces, onions - into half rings. Mix the ingredients and add mustard with basil.

  • Vegetables with chicken breast in a slow cooker

You will need: one chicken breast fillet, cabbage - cauliflower, broccoli, greens - parsley, dill, cilantro. Pepper, salt to taste.

Chicken breast with pre skinned rub with salt and pepper and put in the refrigerator for two hours. Wash vegetables. Pour 1/3 water into the multicooker. Chicken with vegetables is placed in the basket and the “steam” mode is turned on for 40 minutes. A healthy lunch dish is ready.

  • Tuna salad with vegetables

For 4 servings you will need: canned tuna - 200 g, tomatoes - 150 g, lettuce - 200 grams. small head onion, cucumbers - 150 g, a clove of garlic. Still need vegetable oil - a tablespoon, lemon juice- a teaspoon, soy sauce - 2 tablespoons.

Cucumber without peel is cut into slices, tomatoes - into small slices, onions - into half rings, lettuce - into thin strips. For dressing, mix oil, sauce, chopped garlic, lemon juice and add it to a salad of mixed ingredients.

Have you already tried a lot of diets, but still not satisfied with the result? What's the catch? Maybe you're not following the rules correctly. diet food or do you give up and treat yourself to a delicious cake after 18:00 (ay-yay-yay)? Everything is on your conscience, but have you ever thought that your body no longer works as rhythmically and clearly as a clock? And it’s all the fault of an unbalanced, sometimes overly fatty and heavy diet, which is quickly replaced by error correction, that is, a diet.

If your body had the right to vote, it would have read you well for a long time, because such loads, go ahead, endure. Today you went to a name day and arranged a “belly feast”, and the next day you drink some water, hoping to dissolve calories. And everything seems to be correct, but the metabolism is in a slight shock, and over time the retribution comes: the weight is worth it, the diets do not help, and the fat in the thighs and abdomen is categorically against leaving the habitual living space. Something needs to change!

Pay attention to . What many have heard about it is beyond doubt, but a very small part of the people have put it into practice. What is the problem? Most likely, there is a lack of awareness about this nutrition system and laziness, and perhaps fear of something new, because many are conservatives by nature.

The beginnings of separate nutrition appeared in ancient Rome, even then many doctors spoke about the incompatibility of certain products and urged to be especially careful with fatty, salty, sweet and flour dishes. The basics and main principles of separate nutrition were eventually brought out by the naturologist Herbert Shelton, who dedicated long years study of the processes of digestion of food.

Separate food based on eating simple food, because the usual and exotic dishes are very heavy with various products, which, although tasty, are often incompatible. There is no question of weight loss when eating such food. The most important thing is never combine proteins with carbohydrates.

The catch is that for the absorption of proteins, the body needs acidic environment, but carbohydrates are perfectly broken down into alkaline environment. If you eat protein and after carbohydrate, then there is a conflict of environments: acidic and alkaline enzymes, being released overnight, begin to neutralize each other, due to which the digestion process slows down, and part of the food simply remains unprocessed by gastric juices.

As a result, the accumulation of fats, slags and salts becomes completely natural process, because they say that what matters is not how much food we consume, but what kind of food it is.

What foods require an acidic environment?

various seafood and fish

milk (debatable)

cheeses with low content fat

pome fruit

all exotic (other than bananas) fruits

citrus fruit

various berries

natural juices

fruit teas

all semi-dry wines (including sparkling)

Such carbohydrates need an alkaline environment


some vegetables
(green cabbage, potatoes, parsnips, and Jerusalem artichoke)

processed tomatoes and spinach

figs (and dried)

There are, so to speak, neutral products

For their processing, both acidic and fir-tree environments are necessary.

all leafy vegetables

cabbage (not green)

various fats

nuts and change (other than peanuts)

vegetable juices (diluted)

herbal teas

Separate nutrition for weight loss has a few more principles:

Proteins - proteins

This combination is unacceptable, especially if the protein is saturated. In other words, you should not combine meat with fish, nuts or eggs, as these protein products different in composition and in order to process them qualitatively, a lot of food juices and time will be required. Otherwise, 100% absorption may not occur, which will lead to gas formation in the intestines, poor health and slagging.

Proteins - fats

In no case do not allow yourself such a harmful combination of food. The crux of the problem is that fats (vegetable, butter) do not allow gastric juices to be secreted into required quantity, thereby slowing down the process of food processing by 5-10% (Shelton's calculations). Based on this, the doctor was strongly against oil enemas.

Proteins are acids

Should not be combined protein food along with sour fruits. Many may be outraged by this rule, but the bottom line is that those gastric juices that are naturally secreted are enough for protein digestion, but acid from the outside only slows down digestion, as a result, the food begins to rot. Based on this, you should not eat meat, eggs and cheese with tomatoes.

Carbohydrates - acids

This combination should also be avoided. Acid in foods such as oranges, lemons, grapes, apples, sorrel, etc. destroys an enzyme ptyalin, which is actively involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates - carbohydrates

To say that it is harmful is probably in vain, because many people themselves understand that bread, potatoes or pea mash jammed with a cake will not only negatively affect the figure, but also slow down the metabolism. The stomach will digest only one carbohydrate, it is so harmful, and the rest will be unaffected and will cause fermentation.

Carbohydrates - sugar

As it turned out, eating traditional cakes with marmalade and various jams, casseroles based on cereals or pasta, bread with honey or jam along with cereals or potatoes cause fermentation. Avoid these combinations.

There are also two products that must be consumed separately - this.

Milk due to the fact that it, in general, is not processed at all in the body (some advise not to drink it at all). There is an opinion that milk is the food of cubs, it is not in vain that a calf drinks cow milk, a kid - goat milk, a man - breast milk. It turns out that we benefited from milk earlier, now it is not necessary in the diet.

Melon, eaten together with any product, often decomposes in the stomach, thereby causing fermentation and indigestion (has a laxative effect). But its separate consumption will gently cleanse the gastrointestinal tract.

Separate power: product compatibility table

1 Meat, fish, poultry 2 Pulses 3 Butter, cream 4 Sour cream 5 Vegetable oil 6 Sugar, confectionery 7 Bread, cereals, potatoes 8 Sour fruits, tomatoes 9 Semi-acidic fruits 10 Sweet fruits, dried fruits 11 Vegetables that are green and non-starchy 12 Starchy vegetables 13 Milk 14 Curd, sour-milk products 15 Cheese, cheese 16 eggs 17 Nuts
The product's name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

How to use the Product Compatibility Chart:

Product Compatibility Chart lists the most consumed foodstuffs. They are assigned numbers, the row number corresponds to the column number (so row 16 and column 16 are eggs).

The color at the intersection of the row and column means the following: gray - an invalid combination, blue - an acceptable combination, green - a good combination.

EXAMPLE: Can you eat bread with cheese?

Bread - No. 7, cheese - No. 15. At the intersection of row No. 7 with column No. 15 - yellow light. This is a valid combination.

Separate nutrition for weight loss at one time caused a lot of controversy about "is it good or bad", disputes continue to this day. Some loudly say that it makes no sense to divide food into proteins and carbohydrates, because in modern world there are no pure protein or carbohydrate vegetables. Yes, and in the duodenum there is a complete digestion and assimilation of all products, regardless of their type. But on the other hand, we ourselves complicate the work internal organs, forcing the heart, liver, kidneys and stomach to work hard after a hearty lunch, or worse, a heavy fatty dinner.

Another thing is to wean ordinary person from previously permitted sweets and goodies. How to be without your favorite fried potatoes with garlic, or a juicy steak with a glass of wine? Few people dare to take such a step, because following such a diet is worth a lifetime.

Speaking of life....

Herbert Shelton and his predecessor Howard Hay lived for almost a hundred years, and this is taking into account the fact that the last doctor was very ill and doomed to death. But literally in 8 months there were cardinal changes in the body, for which Howard is grateful, first of all, to a separate diet, which not only healed him, but also gave him a lot of vitality and spiritual strength. Is it possible to say after this that separate meals are meaningless and have no right to exist?

There are absolutely no contraindications for separate nutrition, but there are a lot of indications, and first of all, these are diseases of the liver, kidneys, stomach, gastritis, ulcers, etc. Every person who wants not only to lose weight, but also to improve their health should definitely pay attention to separate nutrition, which allows them to find appetizing forms for the benefit of the body.

It is worth considering that the separate meals menu is quite diverse, you can cook different dishes, without completely depriving yourself of delicious, and most importantly healthy food. Herbert Shelton developed several menu options, so:

As first breakfast you can eat some kind of fruit (no more than three types). On the first day, for example, you can have breakfast sour fruits, and the next - sweet. AT winter time when fruit abundance is no longer possible, you can enjoy sun-dried apricots, grapes or apples. Store-bought dried fruits are best avoided., because apart from dyes and harmful additives you will not find anything there, no matter how you look.

second breakfast maybe a vegetable salad, but without a tomato, plus one boiled green vegetable and a starchy product (you can potatoes).

On the dinner(dinner) prepare a large bowl of salad from different raw vegetables, two starchy vegetables and one protein product (if you chose nuts or cottage cheese, then it is permissible to put a tomato in the salad).

First breakfast the choice will be as follows: a bunch of grapes, a pear and a few dates; melon; orange or grapefruit; apples with dates (prunes).

As second breakfast choose from this list: baked potatoes with green salad, cucumber and celery; baked potato with lettuce, steamed spinach and a small piece rye bread With butter; lettuce, cabbage and cucumbers, beets, a slice of whole grain bread.

Lunch and dinner will consist of: lettuce leaves with tomatoes and cucumbers, spinach, walnuts(almonds, peanuts, etc.); steam cabbage, celery and spinach with fried meat(preferably grilled or with a minimum amount of oil); vegetable salad, tomatoes, spinach, one egg and steamed eggplant.

Separate food - recipes

Caught yourself thinking that separate meals are perfect for you?

Recipes for him, or rather their abundance will definitely not disappoint you. Many people think that diets and nutrition systems are not diverse, they are boring, because there is even nothing to really cook and they are very mistaken, because restrictions on food compatibility do not mean that you need to eat everything strictly separately. On the contrary, separate food recipes have excellent ones that even supporters can really like.

Here are a few examples of dishes that won't take long to prepare and leave you full and satisfied.

Would need:

3-4 cucumbers
- a couple of eggs
- greens of your choice
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- salt and spices to taste

Hard boil eggs, cool and peel. Cut into cubes or pass through a special strainer, add cucumbers sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin half rings or cubes to them, season all this with oil and salt. Salad ready!

If you have a double boiler, this is great, because you can cook a lot with it. healthy meals no added oil or other fats.

To prepare the dish you need:

Hake fillet (you can take any other lean fish)
- lemon juice
- a couple of carrots and bell pepper(or your own choice)
- salt
- oriental (any other) spices
- extra foil needed

Marinate hake fillets in lemon sauce, salt, add your favorite spices and wrap in foil. We carry out the same actions with vegetables. We load fish and vegetables into a double boiler and simmer for 20-30 minutes (depending on the mode and power). Fish and vegetables should be cooked separately so that their flavors do not interact with each other. Ready!

For the salad you need:

A couple of potatoes
- 1 beetroot
- 150 gr. cauliflower
- medium carrot
- lettuce leaves
- greens
- olive oil and salt

Boil potatoes, beets and carrots until tender and cut into cubes. Chop the boiled cauliflower, disassembled to the inflorescence, and combine it all in a bowl. Salt, season with oil and garnish with herbs and lettuce. Enjoy your meal!

As you can see - separate power is a universal system which allows you to improve your health and get rid of excess weight, which in recent times plagues many men and women with its presence.

The first time like this proper diet may seem boring and non-nutritious, but over time you will get used to it, and you will no longer be able to move on to unhealthy, complex dishes.

Everyone has heard of such a thing as separate meals, but not everyone dared to put it into practice. What is this diet? How separate nutrition for weight loss works, what are its principles, and most importantly, the results.

This is not a new system

Separate nutrition has been known since the days ancient rome when the then doctors responded positively about the use of certain products. And they even warned those who like to “burp”. But, the very essence and idea of ​​this type of diet has not been clearly formulated for a long time.

And only in 1928, a unique system was fully formed and proposed. The father of this system was american doctor— Herbert Sheldon. But this method earned great publicity and popularity only in the second half of the twentieth century, when the fashion for magnificent ladies passed, and healthy lifestyle life began his journey around the world.

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Basic principles

Herbert Sheldon actively studied food, and was even able to prove that separate nutrition for weight loss is a reality. He just shared everything food products into groups and subgroups, and with the help of experiments concluded that some products are compatible, but some are absolutely forbidden to be mixed.

The principles of product combination are as follows:

  • Lean meats and fish are combined with green vegetables, or those that do not have starch in their composition.
  • Most of types of legumes and legumes are ideally conferred with oils plant origin. Along with these products, you can eat green vegetables.
  • Oils must be of vegetable origin, unrefined and unroasted.
  • Starchy vegetables and semi-starchy foods should not be combined with animal fats. An example of a wrong combination: eat bread with dumplings.
  • Products with acid and tomatoes are best combined only with themselves. Also, the use of these products is recommended well in advance of meals.
  • Starch-free vegetables and greens can be consumed with a small amount of fat, animal and vegetable origin.
  • Milk is food, not water. Thus, due to the acidity of the stomach, it coagulates. If you drink milk with food, the digestion process will be complicated, and the processing process itself will be much slower.
  • Cottage cheese is also a separate food, it can be combined with greens and fermented milk products.
  • Eggs are effectively combined with green foods.
  • Walnut is completely effective without additions.
  • Mushrooms are a neutral category that can be combined with carbohydrates and proteins.

Thus, suddenly you have a desire to experience all the wonderful moments of separate nutrition, then the product compatibility table will become your most reliable assistant in this matter.

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Compatibility table and how to apply it

The table lists commonly used products, and numbers have been allocated for them that correspond to the line number. For example: row 9 and column 9 are semi-acid fruits.

Now you just need to analyze and find out if the products are compatible.

Now, after you know what you eat with what, that carbohydrates need acid, and proteins need fats, and the fats themselves can effectively help without any additions, you can start compiling the menu. After all, it needs to be thought out in advance so that everything is balanced and compatible.

Menu for the week with separate meals

In this case, there are several systems that help not only to normalize and improve nutrition, but also to lose weight.

In this case, we have compiled a menu for the whole week without taking into account any individual preferences, intolerances and allergic reactions.

The first day

  • Hercules porridge, boiled in milk or water, kiwi - 2 pcs, tea without sugar.
  • Green apple or any green salad seasoned with a spoonful of vegetable oil.
  • Chicken meat with broccoli, no salt. You can also add a piece of low-fat cheese.
  • Pear.
  • Any vegetable soup, preferably with legumes. For the second, an omelet in the composition, which will be tomatoes and porcini mushrooms.

Second day

  • Buckwheat without additives. Orange and unsweetened tea.
  • Green apple.
  • Fish, better fillet, cook lean. Add pre-stewed vegetables and vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil to everything.
  • Natural yoghurt without fillers.
  • Fresh salad.

Day three

  • Fresh, rye porridge, tea without added sugar.
  • Apple or pear.
  • Boiled piece of lean veal, fresh vegetables.
  • Nuts.
  • Cauliflower with low-fat cheese.

Day four

  • Barley porridge boiled in non-fat milk, tangerine, green tea without added sugar.
  • Apple - 2 pcs.
  • Lean boiled fish with fresh salad.
  • Dried fruits.
  • Omelette with tomatoes and boiled vegetables.

Day five

  • Oatmeal with fruits, kiwi - 2 pcs, unsweetened tea.
  • Apple.
  • Chicken fillet, green salad, boiled broccoli and cauliflower.
  • Bananas and orange.

Day six

  • Buckwheat porridge, orange and green tea without added sugar.
  • Apple or banana.
  • Green salad, vegetable soup and boiled fish.
  • Nuts.
  • Vegetable ragout, salad and scrambled eggs with mushrooms.

Day seven

  • Throughout the day, eat only apples, at least 1.5 kg.

This system is designed as a basic one, but for women there are still many different methods, and one of the most effective is the 12-week system.

Separate nutrition for weight loss in 12 weeks

You need to prepare for this type of diet: remove all foods that are not included in the menu from the refrigerator, get a doctor's advice. Moreover, even recommend to cleanse the body. Also, to obtain and consolidate the effect, you cannot modify the diet, add or skip days, and no less important, the correct order.

1st day - protein

Allowed the use of dairy products, eggs and poultry meat. Soup without potatoes and heavy carbohydrates.

2nd day - vegetable

It is acceptable to eat rice and vegetables of any origin, salads. Portions should be small, but with a lot of ingredients.

3rd day - carbohydrate

You can use flour desserts, pasta, pizza. You can use tomato paste in the form of a sauce. Dark chocolate and biscuits with a minimum of calories.

4th day - fruity

You need to eat only fruits, while mixing sour and sweet fruits should be avoided.

IMPORTANT! The time between meals should be within 2.5 - 3 hours. For salad dressings, use only olive oil.

The appearance of excess weight is a problem, the struggle with which lasts forever.

People exhaust themselves various diets, starvation, completely forgetting that real reasons accumulation of excess kilograms may lie in a disturbed metabolism and malnutrition. Undeservedly left without due attention simple, but effective method separate nutrition for weight loss.

What is a separate diet for weight loss, what is its advantage

Separate nutrition, as a way to lose weight, appeared a very long time ago. Even ancient healers believed that for any type of food - fatty, protein or carbohydrate organism secretes a separate enzyme that promotes its digestion. When food enters the body in a mixed form, for example, meat proteins, bread carbohydrates with butter fat, the enzymes knock each other down, starting to break down the food at the same time. Ultimately, not all food is digested in the stomach, it enters in this form further into the intestines and causes various unpleasant processes, for example, fermentation, gas formation.

Therefore, in order not to interfere with the work of enzymes, it was proposed to use protein, carbohydrate and fatty foods separately. And each new trick food should begin after complete digestion of the previous type of food. It’s not enough to simply classify foods into types and consume them individually, you also need to know how to combine them correctly. Very often, it is ignorance of the features of combining products that kills interest in this useful and healthy type weight loss and cleansing of the body.

The basic principles on which separate nutrition for weight loss is built

Main and most important rule separate nutrition for weight loss - never eat proteins and carbohydrates at the same time. In addition to it, there are several other fundamental prohibitions:

1. The combination of different protein products. This rule is especially true in the case of saturated proteins. For example, you should not combine meat and nuts or eggs, meat and fish. These products have different composition, although they are protein, so the body needs a lot of time and effort to completely process them. When he does not have time to cope with such a task, slagging, heaviness, and gas formation form.

2. Combination of proteins and fats. This combination of ingredients can be called detrimental. Any fats, be they vegetable or creamy, slow down the formation gastric juice. And this means that the processes of digestion of food in the stomach will be slowed down by 10% of the time.

3. The use of proteins at the same time as acids. This means that protein foods should not be eaten with any acidic fruits. There is a lot of controversy about this rule. However, it has a scientific basis. with protein digestion natural way the stomach copes quite well, there is enough gastric juice for the normal course of the process. But when acid gets inside from the outside, the digestion processes also slow down, as is the case with fats. Leftover food begins to rot, causing various backfire.

4. Do not combine with acids and carbohydrates. Any acidic foods and fruits, such as lemons, oranges, tomatoes, sorrel, apples, grapes and others, can have a destructive effect on the special enzyme ptyalin, which is necessary for the breakdown of carbohydrates in the body.

5. Double carbs. Combine carbohydrate products such as bread and potatoes, mashed peas, cakes and pastries, for example, should not be. And without the rules of separate nutrition, it is known that most carbohydrates are ardent enemies of harmony and normal exchange substances. While the stomach is busy digesting one of them, the rest will remain intact and will gradually decompose on their own, causing fermentation.

6. Combining carbohydrates with sugar. It is necessary to limit the use of products such as cakes, casseroles and other pastries with the addition of jam, jams, marmalade, honey at the same time as cereals, pasta and potatoes in order to avoid the same fermentation.

7. It is forbidden to combine milk with other products. It is believed that the body is not able to process it, some experts recommend that adults do not drink it at all.

8. One more incompatible product- melon. When melon is eaten at the same time as any product, the melon begins to decompose and can provoke indigestion. Separately eaten melon is only able to gently cleanse the digestive tract.

The basic rules of separate nutrition for weight loss

Compliance with the basic rules and principles of separate nutrition leads to the improvement of the whole organism as a whole and the digestive organs, in particular. Assimilation of food occurs faster, easier, and most importantly - completely, preventing the formation and accumulation of toxins, as well as the removal of already formed slagging. As a result, the weight begins to gradually decrease and stabilize.

To make the process of separate food intake effective and safe, the following rules should be observed:

Refuse evening meals after 8 hours;

Chew each piece of food thoroughly, thereby helping it to be better absorbed in the future;

Do not forget about drinking, you should drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily;

Exclude varieties of strong alcohol from the diet, if possible, completely abandon any of its types;

Perhaps the use of 1 glass of white wine in the evenings;

Nourish the body with vitamin and mineral complexes;

Minimize salt intake, replace sugar with honey;

Diversify your daily routine physical activity e.g. walking, cycling, swimming.

How to combine foods with separate meals for weight loss

1. Any kind of meat can only be combined with vegetables. Preference should be given to green varieties of vegetables, not starchy ones. It is also worth making sure that the meat is lean.

2. Grains and legumes are dual. Their starch part is well absorbed when combined with fats, sour cream, vegetable oil. The protein part can be consumed with herbs and vegetables.

3. Butter and cream itself are combined with salads from non-starchy vegetables and fruits, herbs, and bread.

4. Sour cream fermented milk product can be used as a dressing for vegetable salads, cottage cheese or combine with other similar products.

5. Vegetable oil is also an ideal addition to salads, you can use it with cheese. However, in this case, you should carefully monitor the calorie content, it is very easy to overdo it with this product.

6. Sugar, sweets, muffins and other confectionery products are very poorly absorbed, cause not only discomfort, but also gastritis, accumulation extra pounds and other troubles, so it is advisable to completely exclude them from the diet.

7. Potato dishes, bread products, cereals are representatives of heavy carbohydrates and are harmful to the body. The ban on these foods is the basis of food sharing. However, there are exceptions, for example, whole grain bread can be eaten in any quantity.

8. Fruits with high content acidity and tomatoes themselves are very useful. They should be used separately different time.

9. Sweet dried fruits are not compatible with other types of products. It is best to eat them 20-30 minutes before the main meal.

10. Green and starch-free vegetables - unique products, which are combined with any other varieties, with the exception of milk and melon, mentioned earlier.

11. Vegetables with a starch content do not tolerate combinations with sugar.

12. Curd and others dairy products it is good to combine with each other, with cheese, you can add nuts, honey to the cottage cheese.

13. Eggs are heavy proteins, which, in combination with other products, will be difficult for the body to digest. Therefore, they should be used separate product, in small quantities.

14. Nuts are easily digestible fats and rich in vitamins.

The system of separate nutrition is very useful for the body, it has no contraindications, however, with prolonged use, it completely rebuilds the work of the digestive organs.

Women who dream of losing weight often resort to strict restrictions. They begin to drastically reduce the number of calories consumed, refuse important foods for the body. Any diet can lead to back effect, as a person after it will begin to rapidly gain weight, returning to a normal diet.

Separate food is The best way weight loss for those who do not want to severely limit themselves and face negative consequences malnutrition. This system was devised renowned nutritionist Herbert Shelton.

In the course of his research, he proved that some products are simply incompatible with each other, which is why their one-time use leads to the deposition of fat. The method of separate nutrition was invented for those who want to rebuild their diet and make it right.

Every day in the human stomach is a whole mixture various products. Often, varieties of food begin to compete with each other, which is why they are less absorbed by the body. Slags and body fat are the consequences of eating incompatible foods.

The process of digestion of food requires the release of various enzymes. The simultaneous use of carbohydrates and proteins provokes the production of two competing substances, each of which needs its own environment: alkaline or acidic.

Enzymes begin to neutralize each other, which slows down the absorption and digestion of products. A proper nutrition system eliminates such consequences, thanks to which digestive system works stably.

In order to start eating according to the separation method, you need to learn the following principles:

  1. It is necessary to use only products that are compatible with each other and are in the same group. Meals should consist of ingredients that are well digested and absorbed when they enter the stomach together. Otherwise, the process of losing weight will stall;
  2. Meals need to be approached wisely. There should be 3-hour breaks between meals. They are necessary so that the stomach has time to digest food. It is equally important to choose products that have passed the minimum heat treatment, as they are much more useful;
  3. In the theory of separate nutrition, there is separate group products - neutral. Food from this category is different in that it can be consumed together with carbohydrates and proteins, as well as separately. The neutral group includes: animal fats, vegetables and fruits, butter (butter), cream, fatty varieties cheeses. These products are great for garnishing.

The whole methodology of separate nutrition is built on these principles, so you definitely need to know them. It is worth immediately preparing for the fact that from many familiar dishes will have to be discarded, as they contain incompatible ingredients.

The main rules of separate meals

Methodology proper nutrition on the separation system includes several important rules and a list of prohibited products. Based on this information, a competent approach to this method weight loss.

There are the following rules:

Only by following these rules will it be possible to achieve the desired result. The method of separate nutrition is aimed not only at stabilizing weight, but also at cleansing the body.

You can't combine proteins and carbohydrates. Because of this, classic food pairings need to be modified to suit your own diet. For example, choose greens or another light side dish instead of pasta for meat.

It is not necessary to completely give up sweets.

According to this method, you can eat foods that contain sugar, but rarely and in small quantities. It is recommended to replace the usual sweets with healthy, consisting of natural ingredients.

Prohibited food combinations

The usual human diet contains many dishes, the components of which do not combine with each other. Exactly because of this reason modern people often suffer from gastric diseases. In order to go to new system nutrition, it is necessary to exclude from your menu such combinations of products as:

Such dishes should be completely removed from the diet, as they are poorly digested. Another important rule: do not use more than one flour product during meals.

Compatibility table

Below you can see detailed information about how to combine products from different groups with each other.

It is important to note the following nuances:

  • it is recommended to eat only low-fat meat;
  • separate meals do not imply the adoption of alcohol separately or with any products;
  • the leguminous category includes elements such as peas, beans, lentils and so on;
  • cream is best used with meat or salads;
  • confectionery products have poor compatibility with other foods;
  • sweet dried fruits are also recommended to be consumed separately, half an hour before the main meal;
  • eggs can be added to light salads, but they should not be combined with fatty foods;
  • nuts are easy to digest and rich in vitamins, they go well with almost all other foods.

All factors from this list must be taken into account when compiling a diet according to the table.

Examples of a separate diet menu for weight loss

The method of separate nutrition does not include any restrictions on the number of meals. You can eat 3-5 times a day, but the portions should be small. Small size dishes are needed for their better assimilation.

The menu for such a power system can be compiled independently or you can use it already ready-made schemes. In any case, it is important to consider the following recommendations:

  1. For breakfast, non-acidic foods rich in vitamins are best suited. It can be cereals or salads. Morning food should energize and saturate the body with nutrients;
  2. For lunch, it is preferable to eat fish or meat with a side dish. An hour after eating, it is recommended to have a snack with a sour apple or orange;
  3. You need to eat carbohydrates.

These tips will help you make correct menu(at least for a week, at least more), which will fully meet the requirements of the method of separate nutrition.

Menu for 7 days

Breakfast. Porridge cooked in water or low-fat milk. Fruit, tea without sugar.
Dinner. A slice of cheese and half a boiled chicken breast.
Dinner. Low-fat omelette or lean soup.
Breakfast. Orange and buckwheat boiled in water.
Dinner. boiled fish(150-200 gr), vegetable side dish or salad.
Dinner. Vegetable soup and salad.
Breakfast. Rye porridge cooked in skimmed milk. Natural Orange juice diluted with water.
Dinner. Any lean meat, for example, veal - 100 gr. Vegetable garnish.
Dinner. Oven baked cauliflower.
Breakfast. Tangerines, tea without sugar. As a main dish: barley porridge boiled in water.
Dinner. Boiled meat, for a change, you can use squid. 2 pieces of cheese, stewed vegetables.
Dinner. Egg with tomatoes.
Breakfast. Oatmeal and yogurt, tea.
Dinner. Half boiled chicken breast, vegetable salad.
Dinner. Vegetable soup, baked cheese.
Breakfast. Buckwheat cooked in water, orange and tea.
Dinner. Vegetable soup, two slices of cheese.
Dinner. Omelet with mushrooms and stewed vegetables.
Fasting day. It is recommended to consume only fruits or vegetables. Apples are preferred.

Menu for 21 days

The menu for 21 days should be compiled according to the following rules:

  1. Breakfast should be light. In the morning you can eat: salads, lean soups, fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals cooked in water or skim milk;
  2. At lunch, you need to eat hearty, but low-fat meals. It can be, again, lean soups or stewed vegetables. In addition, dishes such as: buckwheat, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, chicken breast, boiled veal or pork are suitable. From 13:00 to about 17:00, you can snack on acidic foods;
  3. During dinner, it is recommended not to eat too much, as the stomach should not work while a person is sleeping. AT evening time days it is best to use: salads, eggs, bread, cereals, boiled chicken breast, rice, vegetable stew.

Fruits and vegetables are good for snacking. You can drink food green tea without sugar, any natural juice. Ordinary White bread should be replaced with rye.

Every week you need to arrange a fasting day. This will help you quickly get rid of extra pounds and remove harmful toxins from the body.

Recipes for separate meals

It is not necessary to take expensive components to stick to a separate power system.

Below are simple and budget recipes for every day.

Chicken breast with bell pepper

For this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • a pinch of hot pepper;
  • 2 small onions;
  • greens;
  • medium chicken breast;
  • a couple of red bell peppers.

Cooking time: 40 minutes. Calories: 500 kcal.

First you need to chop the onion and fry it in olive oil. After that, you need to rid the chicken breast of the skin, cut into cubes and place in a pan with onions.

Garlic juice squeezed out with a garlic press, as well as a pinch of pepper, must be added to the roasting ingredients. The remaining vegetables must be cut and placed in a pan, then pour its contents boiled water. Simmer over low heat for 20-25 minutes.

Simple salad for every day

This recipe is very easy to prepare, you will need:

  • cucumber;
  • tomato;
  • egg;
  • olive oil.

Cooking time: 20 minutes. Calorie content: 220 kcal.

Boil the egg. Finely chop the cucumber and tomato on a board, then place in a bowl. After that, cut the egg and add to the rest of the ingredients. Dress the salad with olive oil.

Cottages of carrots and cottage cheese

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 large carrot;
  • a mixture of greens;
  • 150 gr low-fat cottage cheese;
  • a piece of hard cheese;
  • salt.

Cooking time: 25 minutes. Calorie content: 280 kcal.

First you need to boil, cool, peel and grate the carrots. After that, it must be placed in a bowl along with cottage cheese, herbs and salt. Cheese should be rubbed on a fine grater and added to the rest of the ingredients.

Then thoroughly mix the contents of the bowl to get a homogeneous mass. It is necessary to mold round balls from the carrot-curd mixture, after which they must be fried in a pan on both sides. You will need very little oil, and frying will take a total of 8 minutes.

Meat stew with vegetables

Almost any vegetable can be used in this recipe, so the most popular ones will be listed in the ingredients list. To prepare the stew you will need:

  • 400 gr of pork or beef meat;
  • 3 carrots;
  • 3 onions;
  • 2 sweet peppers;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • spices (pepper, salt, paprika optional).

Cooking time: 35 minutes. Calorie content: 700 kcal.

The meat must be cut into small cubes, and then fried in oil (vegetable). It should be salted at the moment when it is already covered with an appetizing crust.

Peppers, onions and carrots need to be peeled and cut into cubes, the size of which should be smaller than that of meat ones. Peppers and carrots should be added to the meat immediately after cutting, but onions are placed in the pan only after the rest of the ingredients are ready.

After completing all these steps, you need to cut the tomatoes and pour them into the rest of the ingredients when the onion is already transparent. At the end, spices are added and poured a small amount of boiled water.

The dish must be stewed for 10 minutes, after which it will be ready. It's perfect for dinner.

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