Lean pork meat is good or bad. Useful properties of pork meat. The harm of pork for the body - you may not know this

"Pork has an unpleasant smell and taste because pigs are dirty animals."

"Pork is too fatty."

“Pork should never be eaten uncooked, let alone raw.”

Let's try to figure it out.

Pig - special

The isolation of pork is understandable: among all livestock the pig is the only non-ruminant omnivore. On the one hand, this is good, because the pig is easier to feed, it is unpretentious in food; in addition, pigs are prolific and quickly gain weight. All this makes pork cheaper and more affordable than beef. In Soviet times, they ate more of it, but now no one wants to eat it: unlike, for example, beef, it is often considered unfashionable, difficult to digest and tastes unpleasant. Especially in cities where people have a wide choice of food. Despite the fact that pork is healthy, tasty and easy to prepare.

Oh this omnivorous

On the other hand, the food promiscuity of pigs can be the cause of diseases dangerous to humans. In ancient times, there was such a problem with pigs: they ate everything and you don’t understand where. For this reason, an unpleasant worm, trichinella, was often found in pork. It was big problem because this worm is dangerous for a person who has eaten such meat. Most likely, religious prohibitions on eating pork grew on this basis: thousands of years ago, people could not cope with such a scourge.

But progress, as we know, does not stand still. Modern conditions keeping pigs on farms exclude contact with wildlife and pasture, and strict veterinary control before sale negates the risk of getting contaminated meat in a store or market. When raising pigs on free range, this pasture is still limited, both for pigs from the inside, and for rodents and other evil spirits from the outside. The risk still remains - if you buy pork in a spontaneous market, meat that was grown in some village somewhere by a walking pig that ate some kind of carrion. Eliminating such a risk is simple: you need to buy meat from trusted suppliers, in stores, in markets where the meat undergoes a veterinary check.


The peculiar aroma of pork is also interpreted by many as the result of the promiscuity of pigs in nutrition. Firstly, as I mentioned above, the diet of pigs on farms is carefully controlled, and they do not eat everything in a row. Second, the absorption process nutrients is quite complex, and the meat (actually, fat) does not take on the taste of everything the animal eats. Only some substances are deposited unchanged in adipose tissue and further affect the taste and other organoleptic properties of meat. For example, the basis of the diet of black Iberian pigs in recent months, before they become jamon, - acorns rich in unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants. it important reason why the fat of such a pig is very fragrant, soft and develops taste in the process of long drying. In general, the characteristic taste of pork is rather genetically determined, and it is for this taste that we appreciate it.

Fat is good

Yes, pork is often fatter than beef, and pork fat melts more easily, which adds a fat feel to the food. There are many breeds of domestic pigs, only in Russia about two dozen are bred. There are bacon (meat), tallow and mixed breeds, differing in the ratio of meat and fat. The meat of bacon pigs is not very fatty. Other than that, fat is not a problem at all because the newest paradigm healthy eating declares moderate consumption of animal fats as a benefit, and fat is the cause of juiciness and a conductor of flavors in meat. Especially fusible, enveloping pork fat.

So what's with the undercooked pork?

According to old memory, pork is preferred to be fried until the juices are completely squeezed out, when the temperature of the meat inside approaches the boiling point of water. This is, how to put it, too much. Most pathogenic bacteria and organisms for humans die at more low temperatures, but excessive overheating of meat makes it much less tasty and nutritious. It is also useful to know that the death of these bacteria and organisms depends on the combination of temperature and the time they spend at that temperature. The same trichinella dies at a temperature of 52 degrees within 47 minutes, and at a temperature of 55 degrees - within 6 minutes. The official recommendation with a margin is to cook the pork to a temperature of 63 degrees inside and leave it at this temperature for 3 minutes before eating. In amateur kitchen reality, the range of 59-62 degrees is optimal in terms of softness and juiciness of meat and at the same time safety, you just need to remember to check that in the thickest part of the piece the temperature reaches a value from this range and stays in this state for several minutes.

In a professional kitchen, using sous vide technology (read "suvid"), you can cook pork even more raw, because it becomes possible to pasteurize the meat long time at a constant low temperature (for example, 52 degrees). And even more raw pork means new culinary possibilities: pork tartare, carpaccio, the perfect pork steak and more and more. In general, the flip side of the pig's omnivorousness is that it has become a universal object for a cook of any nationality and any qualification. It suits the widest range of tastes, textures and technologies. From ham to fake tuna, from pâté to steak.

"One and a half billion Chinese people can't be wrong"

Despite the fact that most people on the planet eat goat meat (surprisingly, but true), pork holds the world championship in terms of the amount of meat eaten. Most pork per capita is eaten in China and it is also produced there most of all. Pork remains the most popular red meat in Hungary, Spain, Montenegro, Belarus and other European countries. The reason is the same: pork is easy to breed, grow, cheap to produce and very tasty and nutritious, in general, not meat, but a dream.

Peace, love, pork chop.

In the summer of 2014, on the instructions of the chef and co-owner of the Delicatessen and Yunost restaurants, Ivan Shishkin, Petya Pavlovich went to study at the American Butcher School in New York. Since then, in the kitchen of the Yunost cafe, he has been carving meat, curing ribs and steaks, and preparing pastrami, roast beef, sausages, smoked ham and jerky from the rest. Since March 2016, Petya has been running a funny and smart blog

Pork occupies a leading position among the available types of meat. The product is used as the basis for many national dishes in Europe, Asia, America and the Far East. Restrictions on the consumption of pork apply only to those parts of the world where the population professes Judaism or Islam. In other places, the product is stewed with pleasure, fried, smoked, boiled and eaten. This raises many questions regarding the harm and benefits of meat.

The composition and benefits of pork

  1. Selenium is an essential element for immune system, this mineral compound can be extracted from other animal products (egg, meat, seafood, milk). However, the most the best source is pork.
  2. Zinc - a substance has beneficial properties for the male and female reproductive system. Interestingly, more than 20% of the recommended daily intake of zinc accumulates in 100 grams. pork meat. The element is needed for the proper functioning of the brain, building bones and muscles, and the functioning of the immune system.
  3. Phosphorus is a mineral compound that strengthens bones, nails, hair and teeth. Phosphorus acts as an energy source, it nourishes the body and energizes. The substance is responsible for tissue regeneration, one serving of pork contains about 25% of the recommended daily allowance of phosphorus.
  4. Iron - a component responsible for blood circulation, the production of red blood cells, hemoglobin balance, full activity vascular system. With the systematic intake of pork in food, the likelihood of developing anemia (anemia) in adults and children is reduced.
  5. Magnesium is a substance necessary for the body to maintain the work of the heart muscle, saturate tissues with oxygen, and gently dilate blood vessels. Magnesium makes the brain work at full capacity, stimulating neurons. In 100 gr. meat accumulates about 7% of the recommended daily allowance this element.
  6. Potassium - substance plays important role in stabilization and control blood pressure, as well as water-salt balance. In combination with magnesium, potassium eliminates the risk of cardiac pathologies, and also relieves limbs and internal organs from edema.
  7. Vitamin B1 - a component otherwise called thiamine. He is responsible for nervous system, as well as the general psycho-emotional state person. Thiamine can be obtained from other types of meat, but pork occupies a leading position in terms of the amount of this substance in the composition (more than 50% of the daily requirement).
  8. Vitamin B2 - the accumulation of riboflavin in meat makes pork good for skin, hair and nails. With regular intake, cravings for nicotine and alcohol disappear, body weight stabilizes. Against all odds, pork cannot be named high-calorie product, it is often included in diets for those who want to lose weight.
  9. Pyridoxine - the element has a different name - vitamin B6. The substance is necessary to maintain all metabolic processes, proper digestion, as well as the activity of the central nervous system. Pork relieves a person of apathy and reduces susceptibility to extraneous stimuli. About 35% of the allowable daily allowance of pyridoxine is concentrated in a serving of meat.
  10. Vitamin B12 - is contained in an amount of 8% of the daily value. Interestingly, only animal products serve as a source of vitamin B12, and pork is no exception. The element is needed to produce red blood cells, improve vision, increase digestibility and information processing. Vitamin B12 deficiency leads to anemia and senile dementia(older people).
  11. Creatine - is responsible for the formation of muscles, so pork meat is useful for athletes and those who lead active image life. Creatine does not allow the fibers to disintegrate during sleep, maintains muscle relief, compensates for the lack of energy and vigor.
  12. Niacin - in other words, it is vitamin B3. Niacin is needed for proper cell growth and membrane strengthening. Substance accelerates metabolic processes in the skin, preserving the beauty of the face for a long time. Therefore, pork is eaten by older people who want to get rid of wrinkles and pigmentation. More than 40% of the daily value is concentrated in a serving of meat.
  13. Taurine - the human body can produce the amino acid on its own, but extra help not prevent. Taurine affects the activity of the heart muscle, eliminates the likelihood of pathologies, heart attacks and strokes.
  14. Cholesterol - pork meat includes animal sterols. However Scientific research proved that the presence of these substances in food does not affect general indicators cholesterol in the blood. That is why meat can be consumed by diabetics and obese people.
  15. Glutathione - component is a natural antioxidant. The substance cleanses the liver and fills the holes in the organ cavity. Glutathione removes toxic compounds and poisons, cleanses intestinal tract from stale waste.

  1. Meat is a source of protein. Nutritionists recommend including pork in the diet of athletes and people who want to lose weight. The product makes up for the lack of energy and increases physical performance.
  2. Pork helps to quickly recover from illness or surgery. inbox active ingredients enhance brain activity, improve memory.
  3. Micro and macro elements strengthen bones and reduce the likelihood of fractures. The product improves immunity, and also compensates for the lack of vitamins between seasons.
  4. Meat has a positive effect on the nervous system, reduces susceptibility to extraneous stimuli and relieves chronic fatigue.
  5. The pulp has a beneficial effect on reproductive function female. The product also showed itself well for men, meat improves potency and relieves some of the sexual ailments. The special composition of pork reduces the risk of infertility.
  6. Pork meat belongs to low-calorie foods, it contains high percent iron and no less useful trace elements. Such substances have a positive effect on the functioning of the circulatory system.
  7. Nutritionists strongly recommend eating lean tenderloin at least once a week for people who suffer from anemia. Regular consumption of meat makes up for the lack of milk in a nursing mother during the lactation period.
  8. For the pork to bring maximum benefit, meat must be baked, boiled or stewed. It is enough for an adult to eat 200 gr. finished product per day.

Harm of pork meat

  1. It is worth knowing that meat has a lot of growth hormone. When abused excess amount trace elements causes hypertrophic and inflammatory processes in humans. Appears potential risk development of new benign tumors and cancer cells.
  2. Meat is rich in histamine. Excess similar substance in the human body is fraught with the development of allergies, diseases of the bile ducts, inflammatory processes and thrombophlebitis.
  3. Excess histamine provokes the formation of a number of dermatological ailments. Over time, a collapse or shock may occur. Abuse of pork leads to the development of arrhythmias, cardiac pathologies and heart attacks.
  4. Virologists have found that lung tissue pigs, which are part of sausages, sausage products, sausages, are the best environment for the development of influenza viruses varying degrees. When these foods are consumed, harmful bacteria enter the human body.
  5. Microorganisms may not manifest themselves immediately, the condition for reproduction is usually excessive physical exercise, beriberi, hypothermia. In this case, the virus begins to actively develop, provoking a disease with the ensuing consequences.
  6. It is forbidden to consume pork meat to persons with low acidity stomach. The main part of the product has a high fat content (with the exception of the loin) and excessive energy value. Abuse of the product leads to obesity and the development of atherosclerosis, cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

pork meat in a small amount useful for healthy person. It should be borne in mind that it is recommended to consume lean animal tenderloin. In other cases, the product can significantly harm.

Video: pork meat - benefits and harms

Pig meat contains enough vitamins, trace elements and minerals to eat it every day. It contains B vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B6, B12. There is also a lot of zinc and iron, vitamin A and holil, vitamin D and magnesium, lysine and vitamin E, tin and nickel, cobalt and phosphorus, fluorine and chromium, manganese, iodine and sodium.

AT recent times lean pork is gaining more and more popularity. To reduce the amount of fat, simply cut off pieces of fat and cook the meat in any way. The meat of a young, milk boar is the tastiest. It is soft, fragrant and has an incredible taste.

The benefits of pork

It has long been proven that the benefits of pork for the body are quite large. Daily rate for an adult - 180-200 grams, no more.

It is better to cook such meat without fat, clean it completely, but do not throw it away. Make sure that the pork is completely cooked so that there are no raw pieces, blood in the middle of the piece.

The benefits of pork are as follows:

  • magnesium and calcium have a positive effect on the functioning of the whole of cardio-vascular system, including cardiac muscle;
  • lysine helps to properly form skeletal system growing organism;
  • iron quickly fills all cells of organs with oxygen and restores hemoglobin levels;
  • fights well with anemia;
  • reduces the acidity of the stomach;
  • stabilizes metabolism, brings it back to normal;
  • favorably affects the work of the large intestine;
  • promotes the secretion of bile and pancreatic juice;
  • effective in case of kidney failure;
  • raises the level of protein in the body;
  • fills the body with all vital important vitamins, minerals and amino acids;
  • fills a person with strength and energy;
  • nourishes the muscles, which is especially useful for frequent physical exertion;
  • well and quickly restores strength and spent energy;
  • on the highest level supports the life of the human body.

Advice! The benefits of pork will come when you eat it in the recommended amounts and cook it properly.

Pork harm

Raw pork meat carries great danger for the body. Great content various harmful bacteria, namely in raw pork, can serve as a source various diseases and infections. They are difficult to tolerate by humans and have detrimental consequences.

If the dish is not fully cooked, then it carries a danger that threatens:

  • poisoning;
  • nausea, vomiting, upset and pain in the stomach and intestines;
  • the appearance of worms;
  • various infectious diseases, which is carried by the pig.

Speaking about the benefits and harms of pork, it is worth mentioning lard. It contains a lot of cholesterol. Its use is completely contraindicated for those who have problems with the kidneys, liver, overweight, varicose veins veins, high cholesterol in the blood and there is a predisposition to the formation of cholesterol plaques.

Indications for use

Eating properly cooked meat is recommended for absolutely everyone, of course, taking into account individual characteristics.

It must be in the diet:

  1. Children from 8 months of age.
  2. pregnant women.
  3. Women during lactation (strictly observing the norms).
  4. Old people.
  5. People who are employed in hard work and / or spend a lot of strength and energy per day.
  6. Those who suffer from gastritis with high acidity.
  7. Diabetics (subject to all doctor's recommendations).
  8. People with reduced level hemoglobin in the blood.


Pork should be abandoned to people with certain ailments and their complications. So, pork is contraindicated:

  1. With obesity.
  2. During the post-infarction period or high risk myocardial infarction.
  3. With cholecystitis. Eating pork leads to a large production and release of bile, and this can aggravate the development of the disease and lead to surgery.
  4. With eczema.
  5. Allergies to meat or its individual components.
  6. The presence of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels.

Pork calories

Pork meat is very high in calories. This is known to all women of fashion who follow the figure and avoid using it. But there are also parts pork carcass, which are characterized by low calorie content and content of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

The table will help you figure it out.

Part of a pork carcassThe weightCalorie content, kcalSquirrelsFatsCarbohydrates
in grams
Canned pork100 g486 11.5 48.9 0
boiled pork 364 22.6 30 3.1
Braised pork 225 11.4 19.8 1.2
Brisket with bone 174 21 10 0
shoulder blade 257 16 21.7 0
Ham 261 18 18 0
collar 267 16.1 16.1 0
Dewlap 630 7.4 67.8 0
Breaded Chops 351 19 24.1 15.9

Pork for children

Advice! You need to start introducing pork meat with half a teaspoon and gradually increase the portion if everything goes well. For children, it is worth taking lean pork, absolutely no fat and completely home-fed.

It is recommended to grind the pork completely, mix it with potato or vegetable puree. This meat is second only to the ease of digestion. It is useful for children because, due to its rich composition, it helps to develop the body. It is involved in the formation of all the bones of the body, making them stronger, more resistant and durable. Good effect on gastric tract, fills the body with vitamins, minerals, helps the heart to do its job and positively affects the composition of the blood. It also stimulates growth hormone, and the baby grows in accordance with the norms.

Children are very fond of cutlets, meatballs, pork chops. All this, preferably, is steamed, with minimal use of seasonings and. You can bake in the oven and stew in a pot.


Pork offal is no less useful. These include:

  • heart;
  • language;
  • liver;
  • brain.

These insides are useful for everyone, both adults and children. It is worth knowing all the secrets of preparing these products in order to get the maximum benefit x and not spoil it.

Useful properties of offal

Pork offalCompoundcalories and the nutritional value(g) per 100 gBeneficial features
HeartVitamins E, C, PP, B.

Potassium, iodine, phosphorus, iron

  • 118 kcal

  • 16.9 proteins

  • 4.8 fat

  • 2.2 carbs

Indicated for anemia and low hemoglobin. It has a good effect on the nervous system, strengthens it, reduces stress and other nerve disorders
LanguageVitamins B, PP.

Magnesium, calcium, potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, sodium, iron, fluorine, copper

  • 165 kcal

  • 16.5 proteins

  • 11.1 fat

  • 0 carbs

All its rich composition is absolutely useful for the whole organism, for all organs and their proper functioning. It is especially useful for children, pregnant and lactating girls, and the elderly.
BrainVitamins B, PP, E.

Phosphorus, calcium, iron, sodium, magnesium, iodine

  • 119 kcal

  • 10.5 proteins

  • 8.6 fat

  • 0.8 carbs

Phosphorus stimulates the human brain - this is its main advantage

The benefits of pork for men and women

Many experts note great benefit pork meat for men, their health. It is believed to have a beneficial effect on male power, restores it, supports it in old age. Helps to cope with impotence. In addition, pork is rich in proteins, which is important for muscle recovery.

It is recommended to use pork for those men who are engaged in physical labor, sports, want to increase muscle mass. Young dietary pork is very useful for men after a heart attack. She promotes speedy recovery and helps to gain strength and recover faster.

For women, the benefits of pork are also very large. In addition to all the above listed useful properties, it is very useful for pregnant women. All her vitamins provide positive effect on the fetus and during pregnancy. All spent body reserves are well and quickly restored thanks to pork.

In childhood, each of us heard that the use of meat products is necessary for our body. It is in meat that contains a sufficient amount useful substances for the proper functioning of the body. Many of us have often wondered: Why is pork useful?About the benefits of pork for a long time not only amateurs argue, but also doctors. For some reason, people have such an opinion that pork is very fatty and is a heavy product.

In fact, it turned out that pork is only slightly more difficult for the body to digest compared to other types of meat. But the main thing is that pork is ahead of other types of meat in terms of the amount of nutrients and vitamins. Really, pork contains almost all B vitamins which is not characteristic of other types of meat.

Doctors have long proven that the benefits of pork meat are really great. But first of all, you need to follow the rules for its use. The daily norm of an adult should not exceed 200 g. Also, in order for pork to bring maximum benefit, it is recommended to cook it in the oven. Before you start cooking, the meat must be cleaned of fat and during cooking, carefully monitor that it is well baked. Since raw pork contains a large number of bacteria that can adversely affect the human body.

Due to the fact that pork contains almost all the B vitamins, this is the main benefits of pork meat. I recommend it to mothers who are breastfeeding, as the protein contained in meat has a good effect on milk production. Pork is recommended for men, it has a good effect on male power.

Don't Forget the Benefits lard. It must also be used in small amount then it will be useful. The amount of cholesterol contained in it is much less than in butter or in eggs. People suffering from inflammation of the liver or bile ducts, for cholecystitis or atherosclerosis, the use of lard is strictly prohibited.

Pork harm

Despite the fact that pork contains a large number of useful properties, it is also human. Many measures are currently being taken to reduce negative impact pork on the human body, but this does not completely protect pork from harm.

No matter how clean the pork is fed, or in what hygienic conditions stomach, it is still the same animal that feeds on its own excrement. As a result, pork produces a large amount of antibodies, as well as hormones that, in the process of metabolism, enter into muscle tissue pork.

Growth hormones are also a great danger to human health. If you eat pork very often and inordinate amounts, the body succumbs to the attack of growth hormones. This causes a significant increase in body weight, and get rid of these extra pounds- not easy. As a result, deformation of the figure and lines of the body may occur.

You can start giving your child intensive complementary foods from the age of eight months, and nutritionists also recommend slowly introducing meat products, usually minced meat in the form of mashed potatoes with already proven vegetable puree.

Meat contains a lot of minerals such as potassium, iron, phosphorus and animal protein. Each type of meat is special in its own way, so you need to start trying each of them separately, for a start it is better to start with half a teaspoon meat puree. Lean, tender turkey meat is best for a start, then slowly the diet can be enriched with lean veal and pork.

Many foods can cause allergies in a child, so many parents do not give pork to children, limiting themselves to chicken and beef. Although these products require caution, because if the child is allergic to dairy products, then he should not have veal. Doctors and nutritionists recommend giving pork to children from the age of eight months.

Many refuse pork because of the content of histamines in it, which causes allergic reaction, but this only applies to fatty meat, so diet pork will not harm the baby. If you notice a manifestation of an allergy, then eating meat should be postponed.

Speaking about the dangers of pork kebab for human health, first of all, it is worth mentioning the carcinogens that are contained in tobacco smoke and are an integral part of the vapors. The vapors themselves are formed when the fat from the meat gets on the coals, and begin to rise up, settling on the meat. The second one disadvantage of shish kebab is the harm of the fried dark crust of the shish kebab and it doesn’t matter whether it is meat or fish. Since such a crust contains a large amount of carcinogens that provoke the occurrence cancer. Therefore, to avoid this danger, it is necessary to cut off the burnt or dark part of the barbecue.

Another in a good way protected from carcinogens is the marinade. For example: wine, vinegar, various juices. Well-soaked meat will not only reduce the amount of carcinogens, but also protect against germs and food poisoning.

If you do not abuse barbecue and adhere to certain rules, then it is unlikely that pork barbecue will cause great harm. Lean varieties of pork are best suited for barbecue, as they are easier to digest and have a wonderful taste.

Useful properties of pork Video

Thanks to this video, you can see what the benefits of pork are and what myths about this product are false.

You were going to cook something delicious from pork, but when buying, you were puzzled by the question of how to choose good and fresh meat?

Unlike the nose of a predator, the human nose does not have such a strong sense of smell to accurately distinguish fresh meat from stale meat, but choosing good meat armed with not cunning advice is not difficult.

To begin with, let's decide what kind of meat we want to choose fresh (chilled) or frozen, I prefer fresh, but situations, as they say, are different.

So, we choose fresh (chilled) pork.

Wherever we go for a purchase, to the market or to the store (I personally trust the market more, you can feel everything and look the seller in the eyes), let's pay attention to the following points, namely appearance, smell, check the meat to the touch.

First, let's make a reservation that high-quality pork meat should be practically without films, in thin fatty veins, like marble, without bad smell, as well as elastic and dense.


Pay attention to the color of the meat, good pork has pale pink color(not red), the color should be uniform and glossy.

The appearance of fat says a lot, even if you are going to cut it off and throw it away, its appearance can tell a lot.

good fatshould be a solid white or cream, but not pink or yellow.

A thin pale pink or pale red crust from drying out meat is a completely normal phenomenon, but there should not be any extraneous shades or spots on the meat.

You can determine how long the meat has been on the counter by looking at the cut.

If on a piece of pork, with it inside still raw, but the crust that has begun to dry out, and meat juice flows from the pulp - it means the piece is fresh.

Against on an old cut, the crust is dense and brown, and the meat is dry in appearance. There should be no mucus, darkened or having a very dried-up surface, greyish-brown pork should not be taken.


another faithful assistant when determining the quality of meat. A distinct unpleasant smell indicates that this meat is no longer the first or even the second freshness, under no circumstances should you buy it.

Pork should not have any strong odors, it should have a pleasant and fresh aroma. Fat also should not have an unpleasant or rancid smell.

Let's check the meat to the touch.

Fresh pork should be dense and elastic, when pressed, fresh meat immediately takes its primary shape, if you apply it to fresh meat palm, it will remain practically dry, the hand will not get dirty. If the meat is not leveled immediately, but after about a minute, then its elasticity is broken - before you the goods are not the first freshness.

The presence of mucus and liquid is not allowed, the piece should not ooze blood and be sticky. In the event that the hand remains wet after that, and the meat releases juice when pressed on it, then the pork was frozen.

In addition, if, when pressed on the meat, it releases liquid, it is possible that water was pumped into it from a syringe to increase weight in the store, it happens that a dishonest seller does this.

Choose frozen pork.

To check, knock on a piece, quality meat gives a clear, clear sound. If we put a finger on a frozen piece, then on quality product leaving a bright red spot. If the stain did not appear, then this piece was frozen more than once.

In particular, frozen, pork neck of all briquettes is better to choose the one where the meat is lighter - it is from a younger animal. It is also easy to distinguish under what conditions the product offered to you was stored.

Ideally quality frozen meat determined by the color, as well as the quality of the packaging. If the package is transparent, it was stored correctly. If it is smeared from the inside, has drains of meat liquid, smudges - it means that the meat has repeatedly thawed, and the product has been defrosted several times, I would not recommend such meat to you, because with such storage it loses its qualities.

Frozen pork should only be washed after the meat has completely thawed. It is better not to re-freeze pork.

The pork we chose, why not make something delicious but not too complicated, what could it be? for example - pork chop in batter.


Pork is the most valuable supplier of animal proteins for our body. In addition, it is rich in iron, zinc, quickly absorbed by the body and quickly prepared.

600 grams of carbonate

2 chicken eggs

3 garlic cloves

5 tablespoons flour

¼ teaspoon ground black pepper

½ teaspoon salt

1 tomato

3-5 olives

sprig of parsley

The traditional recipe for battered pork chop is very simple, I prefer to use carbonate for this purpose ( upper part backs).

We cut the carbonate into slices across a thickness of about 2 cm. Then carefully beat the meat on both sides with a kitchen hammer for beating or reverse side knife. Salt the meat and rub with black pepper.

Half the work is done, now we dip our fragrant slices of meat into the cooked consistency - from a slightly beaten egg with the addition of finely chopped garlic (this is our little secret-meat is wrapped more evenly and acquires such a wonderful taste and smell after complete cooking!).

Next, roll the meat in flour or breadcrumbs (I still recommend flour, it retains moisture better from this, the meat turns out to be more juicy), put it in a preheated pan and fry on both sides until cooked.

We lay out the finished chops on plates, decorate all the splendor with parsley, add a few olives, carefully lay out slices of chopped tomatoes on the edge.

You can serve with fried potatoes and a glass of chilled red wine, drops of moisture drip invitingly down the glass, you will lick your fingers.

Everything original is simple, tasty and healthy!

Good health and bon appetit

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