Separate food. The history of separate nutrition. Product Compatibility

Separate nutrition as a method of diet therapy

Usage separate power supply in the treatment of various diseases

Despite the constant criticism of the separate power supply, G. Shelton demonstrated the effectiveness of his concept in practice. And today, separate meals are often used in the form of short courses of treatment under constant control doctor.

What is Diet Therapy? It is the treatment of various diseases proper nutrition. Therapeutic nutrition ensures the normalization of metabolism and activity various systems our body.

Diet therapy involves:

Calorie Compliance daily ration the needs of a particular patient;

Selection, depending on the type of disease, a certain diet;

A balanced ratio of all nutrients necessary for a person;

Strict adherence to the prescribed diet;

Adequate to the requirements of treatment, the choice of methods of processing and preparation of products.

Thus, clinical nutrition must satisfy all the needs of the body in nutrients, energy, the food itself should be easily processed and fully absorbed by the digestive organs.

Separate nutrition as a course of diet therapy is prescribed:

In chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

With diseases of the liver and spleen;

With diseases of the kidneys and bladder;

With diseases of the cardiovascular system;

In cases where, after a serious illness or operation, facilitated digestion of food is required;

For the purpose of weight correction;

For general health purposes.

Dietitians managed to prove that their patients, who underwent treatment according to the Shelton method or made a choice in favor of separate nutrition, were able to achieve a significant improvement in health and well-being, in particular:

Clear the gastrointestinal tract from the sediment formed from the remains undigested food and body fat;

Get rid of dysbacteriosis;

Eliminate persistent constipation or intestinal disorders;

Normalize weight;

Get rid of bad smell from mouth.

Of course the greatest benefit a course of separate nutrition can bring patients who need to normalize digestion. Purpose similar treatment It is allowed only by a dietitian, it is carried out strictly individually with the constant supervision of a specialist.

The transition from mixed to separate nutrition should begin during periods of remission, that is, when there is no exacerbation of the disease and the patient feels well.

Subsequently, preventive courses of separate nutrition become a reliable way to prevent relapses.

As discussed in the previous chapter, it can be very difficult, both physically and psychologically, for a person who has been on a mixed diet all his life to change his stereotypes. Therefore, the period of transition and adaptation should be gradual, and in patients suffering from chronic diseases, be sure to take place under the supervision of a doctor, often even in a hospital.

They begin the transition with an increase in the diet of fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables (if there are no contraindications), and at the same time, the separate use of incompatible foods is gradually introduced.

What dishes from the cooking of a separate diet are recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract?

So, for example, the following dishes are useful for patients with gastritis.

Salads and appetizers

Salad from cabbage kohlrabi.

Crayfish salad with sour cream.

Salad of grated carrots, kohlrabi, beets and onions.

First meal

Soup puree from kohlrabi cabbage.

cabbage soup from sauerkraut with herbs and sour cream.

Chowder with carrots and onions.

Milk whey soup.

Sorrel borscht.

Main dishes

Steamed cauliflower.

Pea cutlets with garlic.

Carrots stewed with green peas and nuts. Stewed pike with carrots. Potato dumplings. Fish meatballs (spices can be excluded). Fish baked with mushrooms.


Various jelly (in particular, oatmeal or oatmeal jelly), compotes, classic and green tea, tea with herbs, as well as infused with fruit.

Patients suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases digestive tract, when choosing foods and dishes, you must take into account your individual characteristics and make adjustments accordingly treatment course separate food.

1. Meat and fish should be low-fat, “lean”, and during their preparation it is necessary to remove fat inclusions and coarse meat films and veins. Strict ban imposed on fatty meat and a variety of canned food, sausages and smoked meats.

2. Meat, fish and poultry should be steamed, stewed, boiled or grilled. It is better to cook food for one meal, since reheating, like repeated heat treatment, highly undesirable.

3. Fractionality of meals. According to Shelton, the interval between doses incompatible products should be approximately 2 hours. This rule is extremely convenient for patients with chronic gastritis. It is more useful for them to replace the traditional three meals a day with 5-6 meals a day.

4. Less spices, spices, seasonings! Shelton recommended cutting back on spices or limiting their use. He believed that spices do not benefit, distort taste sensations, artificially stimulate appetite, provoking overeating.

Following the advice of Shelton, do not forget that during exacerbations of gastritis with increased and normal secretion are prohibited: white cabbage, dairy products, sour fruits, sorrel, spinach. With gastritis, decreased secretion sweet green peppers and cucumbers are not allowed.

In addition, during an exacerbation chronic gastritis any type should be discarded following products: eggplant, legumes, white cabbage, green onions and onions, cucumbers and garlic.

Tomatoes, as you remember, are also sour fruits. Their heat treatment is very undesirable due to the decomposition of the acids contained in the tomato with the formation of inorganic compounds that can cause urolithiasis and salt deposition. Therefore, if the doctor allows you, eat tomatoes only fresh, unprocessed.

Weight management with separate nutrition

How many diets are offered to those who want to reduce their weight, so many failures, probably, and these people suffer. What is the reason? Remember the difference between any diet and a whole food system. This is a short-term restriction of the body in food, which protests against violence against itself and, after the end of the diet, is more than gaining the lost kilograms.

What is the difference between the methods of Shelton and Hay from similar diets?

1. Not a single product is prohibited, and therefore, human nutrition remains complete, with all the set of vitamins and microelements required for it.

2. Food is digested easily, satiety sets in quickly, and a person does not overeat.

3. The body is cleared of toxins, which in itself gives weight loss.

4. Shift in qualitative composition diet towards greens, fruits and vegetables, limiting fatty meats and fish, as well as the rejection of appetizing spices, spices and artificial, refined foods helps to reduce calories consumed and improve digestion.

5. You can achieve real and lasting results if you continue to eat separately or if you conduct regular nutrition courses according to Shelton and Hay. It is good if during such courses you, under the supervision of a doctor, cleanse the body, starting with the intestines.

6. Exercise will help you maintain your weight. In addition, physical activity (eg, jogging, aerobics, fitness) also contributes to the production of “feel good hormones”, which will allow you to always remain cheerful and cheerful.

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Separate nutrition as a method of diet therapy The use of separate nutrition in the treatment of various diseasesDespite the constant criticism of the separate nutrition, G. Shelton has demonstrated the effectiveness of his concept in practice. And nowadays separate

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5. Separate food At present, separate food is very popular. Its main principle is the division of products into compatible and incompatible. Avicenna is considered the founder of this theory. The scientist proved that food in

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From the author's book

Separate nutrition: pros and cons The theory of separate nutrition is based on not mixing different chemical composition products. Simply put, it is the consumption of certain foods in different time.One of the options for separate meals is the separation of groups

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| Daria and Galina Dmitriev
| Separate nutrition: Principles of separate nutrition for children and adults

There are no medical dogmas in this book that must be strictly followed. The authors tried to explain the essence of the separate power supply system, the main task which is the ability to properly combine food products.
If you are not an enemy to your health, this book is for you. She will teach you how to use and combine the products necessary for your body. 101 products recommended by authors contain " correct composition"- a composition that will help you live a long and productive life, get rid of diseases.
Recommended for a wide range of readers.

The main task of the practice of separate nutrition is to learn how to combine food products correctly. But before you start mastering the system of separate power supply, you need to learn how to do right choice food. Complete food has much in common with the separate power supply system. They are united by a restriction in the consumption of processed foods. industrial way, because with such processing, vitamins, trace elements are lost, minerals and enzymes.
In addition, products during industrial processing are often mixed with nutritional supplements which can also be harmful to health.
In the system of separate nutrition, when choosing food, preference is given to herbal products. This is due to the fact that in the body of an animal in high concentration poisonous substances accumulate, which enter it in different ways, for example, through plant food obtained from plants treated with artificial fertilizers and pesticides, as well as medication residues (including hormones). It should also be borne in mind that in the body of an animal there are hormones that are formed due to deadly fear animal before slaughter.
All of the above-mentioned toxic substances consumed by a person in food along with meat can adversely affect his health. In addition, you should avoid eating offal, wild mushrooms, as well as foods that contain all kinds of food additives - they are all replete with toxic substances. When choosing food products, preference should be given to environmentally friendly plant products grown without the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides, moreover, grown in a particular area and in accordance with the season, which reduces their transportation routes and storage period.
The system of separate nutrition, therefore, recommends eating only natural and industrially unprocessed foods whenever possible.

Overly processed foods such as white sugar, industrial fats, white flour and foods prepared from it should be avoided. And, on the contrary, the consumption of greens is highly recommended, because in natural form plants contain all the elements necessary for the body human, in a highly concentrated form. These substances include vitamins, amino acids, minerals, trace elements and enzymes.
The method of separate nutrition consists of two basic rules:
- consume proteins and carbohydrates separately;
- constantly maintain in the body acid-base balance.
If we properly combine the food we eat, then we ensure that it is more efficiently digested, since we do not get the benefit of food that is digested with difficulty. Therefore, the right combination of food, in addition to its better assimilation, protects our body from poisons. Some people suffer, for example, from food allergies; having learned how to properly combine food products, they easily part with it. Allergy is a form of protein poisoning. The food products we have purchased are just raw materials for food, which, by the way, in addition to useful organic compounds, also contain indigestible substances, simply speaking, waste.
The food we eat is broken down into digestive tract with the help of digestive juices and enzymes to the smallest elements. After that, they pass from the intestines to the liver. There, the body either collects elements according to its own pattern, or completely digests them in order to obtain energy. Products in pure form are not absorbed by the body. In the beginning, they are subject to decay.
The physiology of digestion is a complex chemical changes occurring in the digestive tract. Changes in the process of digestion are greatly influenced by enzymes - non-living enzymes. All foods produce enzymes during digestion. Enzymes act as a physiological catalyst in the stomach. And we know from chemistry that many substances do not interact with each other, but can combine in the presence of a third substance. It only contributes to the onset of the reaction. Such a substance or agent is called a catalyst, and the process itself is called catalysis. Previously, these substances were called enzymes, since their action in the process of digestion resembles fermentation, which is carried out by living enzymes - bacteria. The products obtained during the fermentation (fermentation) process, which are not identical to the enzymes formed in the stomach, are poisonous. Decay also causes the formation of poisons. Each enzyme only works on one class of foods: carbohydrates, proteins, salts, fats... And they only do their job. If, for example, pepsin did not convert proteins into peptones, then the enzymes that convert peptones into amino acids cannot act on the above proteins, etc.
The process of digestion begins with the crushing of food in the mouth. Already in saliva, an enzyme (ptyalin) appears, which breaks down starch into maltose (complex sugar). Maltose, getting into the intestines and acting as a new enzyme, turns it into a simple sugar. Starch that has not been digested in the mouth and stomach can be broken down provided that it has undergone fermentation on its way to the stomach. The enzyme found in the mouth is called ptyalin. If we mix starches of different composition, then the action of ptyalin stops, and we get an acid reaction of the body, which will be discussed below. Depending on the nature of the food eaten, the composition of the gastric (gastric) juice changes: from neutral to strongly acidic.
Gastric juice contains three enzymes - pepsin, lapase and irennene. Only pepsin is able to initiate the digestion of all types of proteins. Protein on various stages digestion is broken down by various enzymes. Without the prior action of pepsin, other enzymes are unable to break it down. Pepsin only works in acidic environment, which can be neutralized with alkali. When drinking chilled drinks, the action of pepsin slows down or stops altogether; the result is stomach pain. The stomach sometimes hurts even after eating a portion of ice cream, which contains sugar, protein and fats, and as it is already known, pepsin cannot simultaneously break down different substances entering the stomach during digestion. Alcohol also precipitates this enzyme.
At the sight, smell, or thought of food, a person involuntarily releases saliva, which can cause a discharge gastric juice. To highlight it importance also tastes like food. However, the secretion of gastric juice does not occur if you chew substances that are not food, that is, the secretory action does not occur if difficult-to-digest substances enter your mouth.
On the different kinds food enzymes render different action, as will be shown below. Various elements in the composition of gastric juice make it capable of digesting numerous foods. Monitoring the activity of the stomach secretory mechanism show that it has the ability to adapt to the food consumed. Adaptation is possible because gastric secretions contain 5 million microscopic glands that secrete the same number of constituents of gastric juice. From what foods we consume, the juice can be sour, weakly or strongly acidic, as well as neutral. The same adaptation occurs with saliva. For example, weak acids cause copious excretion saliva, while weak alkalis do not produce salivary secretions. Well, if unpleasant-tasting substances accidentally get into your mouth, then saliva will help you here too: the secretions caused by this unpleasant feeling help wash them off.
The process of digestion does not always begin in the mouth, only gastric juice is able to digest more of what we consume. These conclusions of scientists once again confirm the idea of ​​the importance of choosing food, as, for example, people who are not spoiled by civilization do.
Like lower beings, man once instinctively avoided harmful food combinations. But, having adapted to the new conditions, where the intellect rules the show, he began to stray from the right path. But since man is a higher being, with the help of acquired knowledge he will finally be able to control his body. And only an ignorant person will ignore the rich physiological experience leading to good practice nutrition.
One of the conditions for proper digestion is maintaining the acid-base balance in the body. Our body has certain regulatory mechanisms, the so-called "buffer systems", which constantly maintain this balance. And yet, as it turned out, certain factors create such a load on the body that the “buffer systems” no longer work. This factor, along with in the wrong way life, there may be an unfavorable diet.
The foods we eat pass through the body different stages metabolism. When some are digested, acids are formed, and therefore they are called "acid-formers", while others are digested, alkalis are formed, and therefore such products are called "alkali-formers". Different authors provide different information on this matter. The contradictions are partly due to the fact that products can behave differently each time. It depends on the specifics of their cultivation, processing, age and preparation. Yet most agree that finished products are more acid-forming than raw.
Foods can be divided into strongly acidic, weakly acidic, weakly and strongly alkaline-forming. Highly acidic foods include: meat, sausage, fish, eggs, cheese, sweets, white flour products, alcohol and coffee. Weakly acid-forming foods include: cottage cheese, sour cream, nuts and wholemeal flour products. Foods that are weakly alkaline include dry fruits, raw milk, and mushrooms. Highly alkaline-forming foods include: vegetables, fresh fruits, potatoes and green salad. Thus, both products consisting predominantly of protein and products rich in carbohydrates act acid-forming. In addition, animal products are acid-forming, while vegetable products (fruits, vegetables and green salad), on the contrary, are alkali-forming. The fact that the pH value (hydrogen intensity) in the urine of vegetarians is more alkaline than that of mixed eaters who consume meat and fish provides a solid foundation for this theory. The alkaline-forming effect of vegetarian food is explained high content it contains minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium.
How does our body deal with acids created by itself? In the process of digestion of foods rich in carbohydrates, a lot of carbonic acid accumulates. It is transported through the body fluids to the lungs and it is exhaled as carbon dioxide. Yet excess acid remains in the body. As a result of protein digestion, urea and uric acid. They remain in the body until excreted through the kidneys and shift the acid-base balance towards acid. If, after that, acid is again added to the tissue already ready for the release of the remaining acid through food, the body will peroxide even more. Urea contains chemical element nitrogen, which is excreted in small portions through the kidneys in the form of ammonia, which has alkaline reaction; as a result of the activity of the body can be released too a large number of acids. Another group of acids to be excreted arises during the digestion of foods containing sulfur and phosphorus, such as meat.
Phosphate is also found as an additional substance in Cola drinks, meat and sausage products. This means that these products act in the body acid-forming. When consuming mainly acid-forming foods, the body can come to overacidification. According to Dr. Hay, this is the main cause of numerous diseases.
The above is just one of the mechanisms that show how nutrition can affect acid-base balance. But there are other connections between the nature of nutrition and overacidification of the body. In the first place is the consumption of foods unnatural for the body. Industrially processed foods rich in carbohydrates (e.g. flour premium, white sugar, etc.) break down in the body into carbon dioxide. For the digestion of such acid-forming products, alkali-forming minerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron) and B vitamins are needed. They would have to maintain an acid-base balance. But, since they undergo a metabolic process and are themselves neutralized, they can no longer perform their task of maintaining an alkaline balance.
The probable cause of acidification should include the wrong selection of food products. The result is an overload digestive organs and delayed digestion and, as a result, acids are formed. Thus, in order to avoid many diseases, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of separate nutrition, which consists in the fact that certain products should not be taken at the same time, i.e. at the same meal.
Indiscriminate mixing of products would mean chronic overload of the digestive system and would call into question the optimal implementation of each product, which is in the wrong relationship with others. For example, a very valuable product is egg. Rye and wheat are also good concentrated foods. But if you take them at the same time - scrambled eggs and wholemeal bread - you get an unhealthy mixture, because each of these products affects the digestive process in its own way. In addition, the effect of the usefulness of each individual nutrient product is reduced. In the case of the simultaneous consumption of eggs and bread, the body needs a much greater expenditure of energy in order to cope with the simultaneous digestion different products nutrition. If the egg and bread are eaten at different times, the digestion process will be more rational.
Separation nutritious foods into groups with a predominance of proteins or carbohydrates is only an approximation to the principle of separate nutrition. Enzymes necessary for digestion are of real importance here. There are products that are completely absorbed in an acidic environment, i.e., their splitting occurs when a mixture of food gruel and digestive juice will be sour. And there are those that break down in an alkaline environment. Alkali and acid are so opposite and far apart that they cannot coexist simultaneously in the stomach. If they are together, then their mutual neutralization occurs. That is why, if we return to our example with an egg and bread, the body itself is not able to in the best way digest neither egg nor bread. Of course, it comes to complete neutralization very rarely, since sour digestion most often predominates in the stomach. But in our example, it will be already weakened. The egg will still be split, but not completely. The grain will be completely redundant. It, not being split, will ferment, which will result in flatulence.
The whole secret of separate nutrition is to know which food elements can be taken at the same time, i.e. e. in one meal, and which cannot be combined. It is not recommended to mix alkali-excess products with acid-excess ones.

Protein food is food that contains high percent protein. The richest in protein
– Nuts, including sunflower seeds, pumpkins, melons, watermelons, etc.
– All-cereals
– Mature beans
- Soya beans
– All-Lenten meat products, including fish, eggs
- Cheese
– Olives
– Avocado
- Milk

Unfortunately, the common practice of food consumption is that we are offered to eat disparate foods, for example, bread with meat, porridge with sugar, fruit pie, etc. Thus, we eat proteins first, and then carbohydrates, and all this food enters the stomach in the most disorderly way. Eating these two types of food is not recommended for the reason that the first stage of starch digestion requires alkaline environment, and the first stage of protein digestion is acidic. Protein digestion begins in the stomach. Responsible for this are ferent pepsin and hydrochloric acid. For normal digestion, the environment of the stomach must be sharply acidic. If, for example, foods rich in protein (meat and fish are included) are consumed together with foods rich in carbohydrates (such as potatoes), then digestion cannot proceed optimally, since the enzymes amylase and pepsin counteract each other, since they need different environment: amylase - slightly alkaline, pepsin - sharply acidic. Consequently, the work of digestion is excessively difficult for the body, besides, undigested starch absorbs the enzyme - pepsin, and without it, the digestion of proteins is difficult.
It is unwise to consume more than one type of protein, as this leads to a glut of proteins, and the tendency to increase protein intake can be considered harmful. Two proteins, different in their composition, require the release of gastric juice in different time lines. The secretion of gastric juice not only begins in different times, but also depends on their, proteins, quantitative composition. Academician I. Pavlov even singled out specific secretions, naming them according to the types of food: “milk” juice, “bread” juice, etc. The nature of the food eaten affects not only juice secretion, but also the composition of acidity. So, when eating meat, the acidity is highest, and when eating bread, it is the lowest. At this time, the juice is regulated. The most potent juice is released in the first hour of digestion of meat, in the digestion of bread - in the third hour, and in the digestion of milk - in the last hour. In this case, the digestion time depends on the amount of food. We must remember a simple truth: easier dish the faster it is digested. The variability in the production of gastric secretions gives reason to say that, for example, such types of food as bread and meat should not be consumed at the same time. I. Pavlov also pointed out that bread and milk are spent different amount gastric juice, despite the equal amount of proteins in them. The same thing happens to the enzyme when meat and milk are consumed at the same time. Pepsin for the assimilation of meat nitrogen is required more than for milk. These different types of food in terms of protein composition receive the enzyme in quantities that correspond to its digestibility. Meat requires more gastric juice than milk. Due to the slow action of acids, sugars and fats on the digestion of foods containing these elements, they should not be eaten with proteins. The fat that is full butter, cream, vegetable oil, margarine, etc., slows down the digestion of protein, so the use of the latter with fat is impractical.
The largest number fat is found in fatty meats, in fried eggs and meat, in milk, nuts, etc. These foods require a longer digestion than lean roast, soft-boiled or bagged eggs. Fat is neutralized large quantity green vegetables, especially raw cabbage. With cheese, nuts, it is better to eat green vegetables, and not sour fruit, although some may find it tasteless. Sugar also interferes with protein digestion. He himself is not digested either in the stomach or in the mouth, but lingers in the stomach and wanders. Therefore, you can not eat proteins with foods containing sugar. For example, cream with sugar after a meal delays digestion for several hours. Acids also create problems in the digestion of protein foods. The exceptions are cheese, nuts and avocados; acid does not have a noticeable effect on the digestion of these products. Non-starchy foods and juicy vegetables are best combined with proteins of all kinds: spinach, chard (leaf beet), kale; tops - beets, mustard, turnips; Chinese cabbage, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale, asparagus, fresh green beans, caviar, all fresh tender varieties of zucchini and pumpkin, celery, cucumbers, radishes, watercress, parsley, chicory, dandelion, rapeseed, escarole (lettuce), bamboo shoots. The following vegetables go well with proteins: beets, turnips, pumpkins, carrots, goats, cauliflower, kohlrabi, swede, beans, peas, artichokes, potatoes, including sweet ones. They contain starch, and therefore they perfectly complement starchy foods. Beans and peas contain protein and starch. They are good to eat in combination with those vegetables that do not have other proteins or other starches.
We recommend you a breakfast menu that contains the right combination of fruits. Just don't add sugar to fruit.

Some doctors claim that fruits depress digestion. Answering that eating fruits with various foods leads to disorders of the body, they blame the fruits. However, eaten separately from another meal, they do not cause any trouble.
Fruits bring not only aesthetic pleasure, because you never get tired of admiring them. This is the most delicious product, which contains a mixture of pure, nutritious, healthy nutritional elements. Veste with nuts (also fruits), they represent the ideal food for humans. And if you add green vegetables to them, then you won’t find a better combination of products. True, for better assimilation fruits, one condition must be observed - do not combine them with starches and proteins. Avocados and olives are especially poorly digested with proteins; from this may arise eating disorders. Thus, one should not eat fruits with meat, eggs, bread, etc. Fruits are almost not digested in the mouth, but immediately go to the intestines, but there they perform their task quite regularly. If they are eaten with other foods, then they will not be able to be digested until the turn of these other foods comes. As a result, they are not digested, but decompose under the influence of difficult-to-digest mixtures. Fruits should not be eaten between meals either, since the stomach at this time is busy digesting another, before food taken. The habit of drinking any fruit juice between meals is also frowned upon, as this is often the cause of indigestion. Can be cooked for breakfast delicious salad with proteins. Its composition: grapefruit, orange, apple, pineapple, lettuce, celery, 120 g of cottage cheese or nuts, or a large number of avocados. Another salad recipe: peaches, plums, apricots, cherries, smooth peach, lettuce, celery. But, if you intend to add protein to the salad, you should not put sweet fruits in it: bananas, raisins, prunes, etc.

Separate nutrition is the right combination of food.

The foods we eat contain varying amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and other substances. For the splitting of each of them, different parts of the digestive tract are used and, accordingly, different times. If you eat mixed food, then during digestion, different types of products “interfere” with each other, as a result, some will not be completely digested, others, on the contrary, will stagnate.

Separate power rules mean that you can not mix with each other:
- acidic foods and foods rich in carbohydrates;
- proteins and starches;
- proteins and fats;
- different proteins;
- proteins and sour fruits;
- starches and sugars;
- different starches.

Also, all meals should occur with a difference of 3 hours, so that the products of the previous meal have time to be digested and excreted from the stomach. It is advisable not to eat more three different products at the same time.

So, products with separate meals are divided into certain groups.

Meat, fish, poultry
Together with this group of products, proteins and animal fats, as well as some minerals, enter the body. According to the rules of separate nutrition, such products are incompatible with each other, but go well with green and non-starchy vegetables. Also, animal proteins are absolutely incompatible with alcohol, and this combination brings great harm to the body.

Flour products, cereals, potatoes
This group of products "supplies" another source of energy to the body - starch. This substance is easier to digest than animal fat, but they should never be consumed together. Bread is not considered an addition to any kind of food, as many are accustomed to, but is consumed as a separate meal (for example, bread with butter). Flour food is combined with vegetables.


Thanks to vegetables, the body is enriched with fiber, minerals and vitamins. They can, as we have already found out, be used with both meat and flour products. But vegetables are incompatible with fruits.

Fruits are incompatible with other products. They should be taken 15-20 minutes before meals. Fruits are easily digested, but if you eat them, for example, after meat, which will be digested for a long time, then the fruits will stay in the body for a long time, fermentation and decay processes will occur.

Sugar should be avoided. As well as various confectionery products, in which it is found in large quantities. Honey does not belong to the group of sugars, it is easily digested and does not burden the body.
In addition, products such as milk, melon, watermelon, banana cannot be combined with anything, it is advisable to use them within 3 hours as a separate meal.

It is recommended to use more products vegetable rather than animal origin.
Separate nutrition is useful for the organs of the digestive tract and for the whole organism as a whole. Since food is easier to digest, it is well discarded excess weight. Subject to the constant observance of the rules of separate nutrition, the result is quite stable.

Of course, sticking to a separate diet is quite difficult, it requires great strength will and most often - the willingness to give up favorite dishes.

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Comment with FACEBOOK

I followed a separate diet for about 4 months, lost weight up to 42 kg. After that, I started eating properly again and gained weight. Now, no matter what diet I use, I drop it to a maximum of 45 kg and that’s it) I really want to try separate meals again, but I’m postponing everything for tomorrow). By the way, in addition to losing weight, my skin, hair and nails have significantly improved.

Separate food is ideal option to get out of any diet. After all, everyone knows that when after losing weight you switch to a varied diet, the weight returns by almost half of the lost kilograms. Especially actively there is an increase after fast mono-diets. They both quickly lose weight and quickly return. If you stick to a separate diet, then you can consolidate the result and not have reverse effect after stopping the diet.

I heard a lot about the benefits of separate nutrition. One of my friends, thanks to this diet, was able not only to lose weight, but also to maintain weight. But I love to eat, and for me it would be very difficult.

I have my own experience of separate nutrition - I have been "sitting" on the so-called 90-day diet of separate nutrition for 60 days now. So far, very satisfied. Not only that, without starvation and discomfort, I lost 6 kg (the celebration of 3 anniversaries, 2 weddings, etc. affected me, I did not adhere to the diet particularly strictly), but most importantly, my allergies disappeared! And all you had to do was not eat until 12 noon (or only fruits) and eat according to a 4-day cycle: 1- protein (meat, fish, eggs, dairy products + as many fruits and vegetables as you like, except for potatoes); 2 - starchy (vegetables, including potatoes, legumes, cereals); 3 - carbohydrate (vegetables, except for potatoes, cereals, flour products without eggs, milk, butter); 4 - fruity. Yes, I almost forgot, every 28th day - drink only water, but I did not fulfill this requirement

Separate nutrition is the concept of nutrition, which is based on the belief that it is impossible to effectively simultaneously digest certain foods. Although this idea is more than a hundred years old, it is still around. Separate food advocates are irresponsible and immoral people who seek to earn or become famous at the expense of people's health.

The history of the concept of separate nutrition

Among the founders of the theory of separate nutrition are, in particular, the names of Americans - surgeon William Hay (William Howard Hay, 1866-1940) and public figure Herbert Shelton (Herbert Macgolfin Shelton, 1895 -1985). In those days, gastroenterology was at a very low level of development, and in some circles there were misconceptions about the processes of digestion. In particular, supporters of separate nutrition were of the opinion that products different composition are digested in different parts of the digestive tract at the same time. Hence, the founders of the theory of separate nutrition had conjectures that while some products are digested in one or another section of the stomach and intestines, others are decomposed by putrefactive bacteria. This figurative picture causes horror in unprepared people even today.

William Hay also promoted the idea of ​​regulating the acid-base balance, which, in his opinion, is disturbed due to the wrong combination of foods in the diet. On the recommendation of this surgeon, healthy diet should consist of 80% alkaline-forming foods (vegetables, fruits, whole grains, almonds, etc.) and only 20% acid-forming foods (dairy products, meat, fish, Wheat flour, sugar, etc.) According to Hay, these product groups should not be mixed; their combination is allowed only with neutral products - fermented milk products, butter and cold-pressed vegetable oils.

The main essence of the theory of separate nutrition

If we carefully analyze the various diets invented by the preachers of separate nutrition, then the main principle becomes clear - the separation of foods high in fat and carbohydrates in the diet. Also, the diet is aimed at reducing the calorie intake. Numerous books with millions of copies have been written and are being written on the topic of separate nutrition, films are being made, lectures are being given, hobby groups are being created - everything is like in some heretical sect. The goal of these heretics from nutrition is to make money, to impose on people a deceptive hope of healing, to direct them along the wrong path.

The theory of separate nutrition exposed and debunked

Arguments in favor of separate meals were initially misleading. In particular, the propagandists of this unhealthy theory deliberately keep silent about the fact that most foods contain both fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Therefore, separate nutrition using natural products is, in principle, impossible. In addition, studies in gastroenterology have shown that all food components are digested simultaneously, and pathological fermentation during healthy microflora bowel does not occur.

It also turned out that mixed food not only became familiar to people over the many millennia of life on Earth, but that it is also ideal for normal digestion. Separate power supply creates an unnecessary burden on digestive system and does much more harm than good. Acid-base balance, which Hei proposed to control, is actually regulated in humans. naturally no dietary restrictions. Therefore, in no case should you trust the persuasion of the propagandists of this harmful diet and expose your body to unnecessary stress and risk.

The secret of the popularity of separate nutrition

Of course, the main reasons for the success of separate nutrition programs are the low awareness of citizens in gastroenterology, gullibility and disappointment in traditional medicine, in which many unskilled and irresponsible people work. However, in the ideas of supporters of separate nutrition, there are some attractive points that serve as a good bait, for example.


There are no medical dogmas in this book that must be strictly followed. The authors tried to describe the essence of the system of separate nutrition, the main task of which is the ability to properly combine food products.

If you are not an enemy to your health, this book is for you. She will teach you how to use and combine the products necessary for your body. The 101 products recommended by the authors contain the “right ingredients”—the ingredients that will help you live a long and productive life and get rid of disease.


The main task of the practice of separate nutrition is to learn how to combine food products correctly. But before you start mastering the system of separate nutrition, you need to learn how to make the right choice of food. Wholesome food has a lot in common with the system of separate nutrition. They are united by a restriction in the consumption of industrially processed products, since vitamins, microelements, minerals and enzymes are lost during such processing.

In addition, food additives are often added to products during industrial processing, which can also be harmful to health.

In the system of separate nutrition, when choosing food, preference is given to plant products. This is due to the fact that poisonous substances accumulate in the animal’s body in high concentrations, which enter it in different ways, for example, through plant food obtained from plants treated with artificial fertilizers and pesticides, as well as medication residues (including hormones). It should also be borne in mind that hormones are present in the animal's body, which are formed due to the mortal fear of the animal before slaughter.

All of the above-mentioned toxic substances consumed by a person in food along with meat can adversely affect his health. In addition, you should avoid eating offal, wild mushrooms, as well as foods that contain all kinds of food additives - they are all replete with toxic substances. When choosing food products, preference should be given to environmentally friendly plant products grown without the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides, moreover, grown in a particular area and in accordance with the season, which reduces their transportation routes and storage period.

The system of separate nutrition, therefore, recommends eating only natural and industrially unprocessed foods whenever possible. Overly processed foods such as white sugar, industrial fats, white flour and foods prepared from it should be avoided. And, on the contrary, the consumption of greens is highly recommended, because in their natural form, plants contain all the elements necessary for the human body in a highly concentrated form. These substances include vitamins, amino acids, minerals, trace elements and enzymes.

The method of separate nutrition consists of two basic rules:

- consume proteins and carbohydrates separately;

- constantly maintain the acid-base balance in the body.

If we properly combine the food we eat, then we ensure that it is more efficiently digested, since we do not get the benefit of food that is digested with difficulty. Therefore, the right combination of food, in addition to its better assimilation, protects our body from poisons. Some people suffer from, for example, food allergies; having learned how to properly combine food products, they easily part with it. Allergy is a form of protein poisoning. The food products we have purchased are just raw materials for food, which, by the way, in addition to useful organic compounds, also contain indigestible substances, simply speaking, waste.

The food we consume is broken down in the digestive tract by digestive juices and enzymes into tiny elements. After that, they pass from the intestines to the liver. There, the body either collects elements according to its own pattern, or completely digests them in order to obtain energy. Products in their pure form are not absorbed by the body. In the beginning, they are subject to decay.

The physiology of digestion is the complex chemical changes that occur in the digestive tract. Changes in the process of digestion are greatly influenced by enzymes - non-living enzymes. All foods produce enzymes during digestion. Enzymes act as a physiological catalyst in the stomach. And we know from chemistry that many substances do not interact with each other, but can combine in the presence of a third substance. It only contributes to the onset of the reaction. Such a substance or agent is called a catalyst, and the process itself is called catalysis. Previously, these substances were called enzymes, since their action in the process of digestion resembles fermentation, which is carried out by living enzymes - bacteria. The products obtained during the fermentation (fermentation) process, which are not identical to the enzymes formed in the stomach, are poisonous. Decay also causes the formation of poisons. Each enzyme only works on one class of foods: carbohydrates, proteins, salts, fats... And they only do their job. If, for example, pepsin did not convert proteins into peptones, then the enzymes that convert peptones into amino acids cannot act on the above proteins, etc.

The process of digestion begins with the crushing of food in the mouth. Already in saliva, an enzyme (ptyalin) appears, which breaks down starch into maltose (complex sugar). Maltose, getting into the intestines and acting as a new enzyme, turns it into a simple sugar. Starch that has not been digested in the mouth and stomach can be broken down provided that it has undergone fermentation on its way to the stomach. The enzyme found in the mouth is called ptyalin. If we mix starches of different composition, then the action of ptyalin stops, and we get an acid reaction of the body, which will be discussed below. Depending on the nature of the food eaten, the composition of the gastric (gastric) juice changes: from neutral to strongly acidic.

Gastric juice contains three enzymes - pepsin, lapase and irennene. Only pepsin is able to initiate the digestion of all types of proteins. Protein at different stages of digestion is broken down with the help of various enzymes. Without the prior action of pepsin, other enzymes are unable to break it down. Pepsin works only in an acidic environment, which can be neutralized with an alkali. When drinking chilled drinks, the action of pepsin slows down or stops altogether; the result is stomach pain. The stomach sometimes hurts even after eating a serving of ice cream, which contains sugar, protein and fats, and as it is already known, pepsin cannot simultaneously break down various substances that enter the stomach during digestion. Alcohol also precipitates this enzyme.

At the sight, smell or thought of food, a person involuntarily releases saliva, which can cause the release of gastric juice. The taste of food is also important for its selection. However, the secretion of gastric juice does not occur if you chew substances that are not food, that is, the secretory action does not occur if difficult-to-digest substances enter your mouth.

Enzymes have different effects on different types of food, as will be shown below. Various elements in the composition of gastric juice make it capable of digesting numerous foods. Observations of the activity of the gastric secretory mechanism show that it has the ability to adapt to the food consumed. Adaptation is possible because gastric secretions contain 5 million microscopic glands that secrete the same number of constituents of gastric juice. From what foods we consume, the juice can be sour, weakly or strongly acidic, as well as neutral. The same adaptation occurs with saliva. For example, weak acids cause profuse salivation, while weak alkalis do not produce salivary secretions. Well, if unpleasant-tasting substances accidentally get into your mouth, then saliva will help you here too: the secretions caused by this unpleasant sensation help wash them off.

The process of digestion does not always begin in the mouth, only gastric juice is able to digest more of what we consume. These conclusions of scientists once again confirm the idea of ​​the importance of choosing food, as, for example, people who are not spoiled by civilization do.

Like lower beings, man once instinctively avoided harmful food combinations. But, having adapted to the new conditions, where the intellect rules the show, he began to stray from the right path. But since man is a higher being, with the help of acquired knowledge he will finally be able to control his body. And only an ignorant person will ignore the rich physiological experience that leads to the correct practice of nutrition.

One of the conditions for proper digestion is maintaining the acid-base balance in the body. Our body has certain regulatory mechanisms, the so-called "buffer systems", which constantly maintain this balance. And yet, as it turned out, certain factors create such a load on the body that the “buffer systems” no longer work. Such a factor, along with an unhealthy lifestyle, may be an unfavorable diet.

The foods we eat go through different stages of metabolism in the body. When some are digested, acids are formed, and therefore they are called "acid-formers", while others are digested, alkalis are formed, and therefore such products are called "alkali-formers". Different authors provide different information on this matter. The contradictions are partly due to the fact that products can behave differently each time. It depends on the specifics of their cultivation, processing, age and preparation. And yet, most agree that finished foods are more acid-forming than raw.

Foods can be divided into strongly acidic, weakly acidic, weakly and strongly alkaline-forming. Highly acidic foods include: meat, sausage, fish, eggs, cheese, sweets, white flour products, alcohol and coffee. Weakly acid-forming foods include: cottage cheese, sour cream, nuts and wholemeal flour products. Foods that are weakly alkaline include dry fruits, raw milk, and mushrooms. Highly alkaline foods include vegetables, fresh fruit, potatoes, and lettuce. Thus, both products consisting predominantly of protein and products rich in carbohydrates act acid-forming. In addition, animal products are acid-forming, while vegetable products (fruits, vegetables and green salad), on the contrary, are alkali-forming. The fact that the pH value (hydrogen intensity) in the urine of vegetarians is more alkaline than that of mixed eaters who consume meat and fish provides a solid foundation for this theory. The alkaline-forming effect of vegetarian food is due to its high content of minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium.

How does our body deal with acids created by itself? In the process of digestion of foods rich in carbohydrates, a lot of carbonic acid accumulates. It is transported through the body fluids to the lungs and is exhaled as carbon dioxide. Yet excess acid remains in the body. As a result of protein digestion, mainly urea and uric acid are formed. They remain in the body until excreted through the kidneys and shift the acid-base balance towards acid. If, after that, acid is again added to the tissue already ready for the release of the remaining acid through food, the body will peroxide even more. Urea contains the chemical element nitrogen, which is excreted in small portions through the kidneys in the form of ammonia, which has an alkaline reaction; as a result of the activity of the body, too many acids can be released. Another group of acids to be excreted arises during the digestion of foods containing sulfur and phosphorus, such as meat.

Phosphate is also found as an additional substance in Cola drinks, meat and sausage products. This means that these products act in the body acid-forming. When consuming mainly acid-forming foods, the body can come to overacidification. According to Dr. Hay, this is the main cause of numerous diseases.

The above is just one of the mechanisms that show how nutrition can affect acid-base balance. But there are other connections between the nature of nutrition and overacidification of the body. In the first place is the consumption of foods unnatural for the body. Industrially processed foods rich in carbohydrates (for example, premium flour, white sugar, etc.) break down into carbon dioxide in the body. For the digestion of such acid-forming products, alkali-forming minerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron) and B vitamins are needed. They would have to maintain an acid-base balance. But, since they undergo a metabolic process and are themselves neutralized, they can no longer perform their task of maintaining an alkaline balance.

The probable cause of acidification should include the wrong selection of food products. As a result, the digestive organs are overloaded and digestion is delayed and, as a result, acids are formed. Thus, in order to avoid many diseases, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of separate nutrition, which consists in the fact that certain foods should not be taken at the same time, that is, at the same meal.

Indiscriminate mixing of products would mean chronic overload of the digestive system and would call into question the optimal implementation of each product, which is in the wrong relationship with others. For example, a very valuable product is a chicken egg. Rye and wheat are also good concentrated foods. But if you take them at the same time - scrambled eggs and wholemeal bread - you get an unhealthy mixture, because each of these products affects the digestive process in its own way. In addition, the effect of the usefulness of each individual nutrient product is reduced. In the case of the simultaneous consumption of eggs and bread, the body needs a much greater expenditure of energy in order to cope with the simultaneous digestion of different foods. If the egg and bread are eaten at different times, the digestion process will be more rational.

The division of nutritious foods into groups with a predominance of proteins or carbohydrates is only an approximation to the principle of separate nutrition. Enzymes necessary for digestion are of real importance here. There are products that are completely absorbed in an acidic environment, that is, their splitting occurs when the mixture of food gruel and digestive juice is acidic. And there are those that break down in an alkaline environment. Alkali and acid are so opposite and far apart that they cannot coexist simultaneously in the stomach. If they are together, then their mutual neutralization occurs. That is why, to return to our egg and bread example, the body itself is not in a position to digest either egg or bread in the best possible way. Of course, it comes to complete neutralization very rarely, since sour digestion most often predominates in the stomach. But in our example, it will be already weakened. The egg will still be split, but not completely. The grain will be completely redundant. It, not being split, will ferment, which will result in flatulence.

The whole secret of separate nutrition is to know which food elements can be taken at the same time, i.e. e. in one meal, and which cannot be combined. It is not recommended to mix alkali-excess products with acid-excess ones.


Protein food - this is the food that contains a high percentage of protein. The richest in protein

– Nuts, including sunflower seeds, pumpkin, melon, watermelon etc.

- All cereals

– Mature beans

- Soya beans

- All lean meat products, including fish, eggs

- Cheese

– Olives

– Avocado

- Milk

Unfortunately, the common practice of food consumption is that we are offered to eat disparate foods, for example, bread with meat, porridge with sugar, fruit pie, etc. Thus, we eat proteins first, and then carbohydrates, and all this food enters the stomach in the most disorderly way. Eating these two types of food is not recommended for the reason that the first stage of starch digestion requires an alkaline environment, and the first stage of protein digestion requires an acidic one. Protein digestion begins in the stomach. The enzyme pepsin and hydrochloric acid are responsible for this. For normal digestion, the environment of the stomach must be sharply acidic. If, for example, foods rich in protein (meat and fish are included) are consumed together with foods rich in carbohydrates (such as potatoes), then digestion cannot proceed optimally, since the enzymes amylase and pepsin counteract each other, since they a different medium is needed: amylase is slightly alkaline, pepsin is sharply acidic. Consequently, the work of digestion is excessively difficult for the body, besides, undigested starch absorbs the enzyme - pepsin, and without it, the digestion of proteins is difficult.

It is unwise to consume more than one type of protein, as this leads to a glut of proteins, and the tendency to increase protein intake can be considered harmful. Two proteins, different in their composition, require the release of gastric juice in different time lines. The secretion of gastric juice not only begins at different times, but also depends on their, proteins, quantitative composition. Academician I. Pavlov even singled out specific secretions, naming them according to the types of food: “milk” juice, “bread” juice, etc. The nature of the food eaten affects not only juice secretion, but also the composition of acidity. So, when eating meat, the acidity is highest, and when eating bread, it is the lowest. At this time, the juice is regulated. The most potent juice is released in the first hour of digestion of meat, in the digestion of bread - in the third hour, and in the digestion of milk - in the last hour. In this case, the digestion time depends on the amount of food. You need to remember a simple truth: the simpler the dish, the faster it is digested. The variability in the production of gastric secretions gives reason to say that, for example, such types of food as bread and meat should not be consumed at the same time. Even I. Pavlov pointed out that different amounts of gastric juice are spent on bread and milk, despite the equal amount of proteins in them. The same thing happens to the enzyme when meat and milk are consumed at the same time. Pepsin for the assimilation of meat nitrogen is required more than for milk. These different types of food in terms of protein composition receive the enzyme in quantities that correspond to its digestibility. Meat requires more gastric juice than milk. Due to the slow action of acids, sugars and fats on the digestion of foods containing these elements, they should not be eaten with proteins. Fat, which is full of butter, cream, vegetable oil, margarine, etc., slows down the digestion of protein, so the use of the latter with fat is not advisable.

The greatest amount of fat is found in fatty meats, in fried eggs and meat, in milk, nuts, etc. These products require more digestion than lean roast, soft-boiled or bagged eggs. Fat is neutralized by a large number of green vegetables, especially raw cabbage. With cheese, nuts, it is better to eat green vegetables, rather than sour fruits, although this may seem tasteless to someone. Sugar also interferes with protein digestion. He himself is not digested either in the stomach or in the mouth, but lingers in the stomach and wanders. Therefore, you can not eat proteins with foods containing sugar. For example, cream with sugar after a meal delays digestion for several hours. Acids also create problems in the digestion of protein foods. The exceptions are cheese, nuts and avocados; acid does not have a noticeable effect on the digestion of these products. Non-starchy foods and juicy vegetables are best combined with proteins of all kinds: spinach, chard (leaf beet), kale; tops - beets, mustard, turnips; bok choy, broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, collard greens, asparagus, fresh green beans, caviar, all fresh tender squash and squash, celery, cucumber, radish, watercress, parsley, chicory, dandelion, canola, escarole ), bamboo shoots. The following vegetables go well with proteins: beets, turnips, pumpkins, carrots, goats, cauliflower, kohlrabi, rutabaga, beans, peas, artichokes, potatoes, including sweet ones. They contain starch, and therefore they perfectly complement starchy foods. Beans and peas contain protein and starch. They are good to eat in combination with those vegetables that do not have other proteins or other starches.

Some doctors claim that fruits depress digestion. Answering that eating fruits with various foods leads to disorders of the body, they blame the fruits. However, eaten separately from another meal, they do not cause any trouble.

Fruits bring not only aesthetic pleasure, because you never get tired of admiring them. It is also the tastiest product that contains blends of pure, nutritious, wholesome food elements. Veste with nuts (also fruits), they represent the ideal food for humans. And if you add green vegetables to them, then you won’t find a better combination of products. True, for better assimilation of fruits, one condition must be observed - do not combine them with starches and proteins. Avocados and olives are especially poorly digested with proteins; this can lead to eating disorders. Thus, one should not eat fruits with meat, eggs, bread, etc. Fruits are almost not digested in the mouth, but immediately go to the intestines, but there they perform their task quite regularly. If they are eaten with other foods, then they will not be able to be digested until the turn of these other foods comes. As a result, they are not digested, but decompose under the influence of difficult-to-digest mixtures. Fruits should not be eaten between meals either, since the stomach is busy digesting other food that was previously taken. The habit of drinking any fruit juice between meals is also frowned upon, as this is often the cause of indigestion. For breakfast, you can cook a delicious salad with proteins. Its composition: grapefruit, orange, apple, pineapple, lettuce, celery, 120 g of cottage cheese or nuts, or a large number of avocados. Another salad recipe: peaches, plums, apricots, cherries, smooth peach, lettuce, celery. But, if you intend to add protein to the salad, you should not put sweet fruits in it: bananas, raisins, prunes, etc.

The following menu is based on the correct combination of starchy compounds and is intended to be consumed during the day and evening time. Necessary condition for him is the inclusion of vegetable salads. For dinner, we advise you to consume more salad with proteins, and for lunch - the same salad, but with less starch. These combinations can be enough, but only taking into account individual approach to every person.

Menu for lunch

Vegetable salad, turnip tops, pumpkin, chestnuts.

Vegetable salad, spinach, green beans, coconut.

Spinach, red cabbage, boiled root vegetables.

Green beans, grated rutabagas, Irish potatoes.

Spinach, beets, potatoes.

Beets, carrots, potatoes.

Beets, carrots, potatoes.

Beet greens, okra, rice.

Turnip tops, asparagus, rice.

Kohlrabi, fresh corn, rice.

Beet tops, cauliflower, stewed zucchini.

Turnip greens, okra, artichokes.

Kale, okra, artichokes.

Beets, pumpkin, artichokes.

Beet tops, pumpkin, potatoes.

Beetroot, okra, rice.

Spinach, green beans, peanuts.

Okra, cauliflower, carrots.

Cabbage, green beans, stewed zucchini.

Curly cabbage, green beans, turnips.

Green zucchini, okra, stewed zucchini.

Turnip tops, broccoli, peanuts.

Okra, beet greens, whole grain bread.

String beans, broccoli, pumpkin.

Cabbage, okra, rice.

Asparagus, white zucchini, sweet potato.

Beet greens, cauliflower, sweet potatoes.

Asparagus, okra, peanuts.

Swiss beets, peas, pumpkin.

Yellow beans, kale, potatoes.

Spinach, green beans, rice.

Beets, asparagus, stewed beans.

Beets, pumpkin, stewed root vegetables.

Okra, beet greens, steamed root vegetables.

Pumpkin, beets, potatoes.

Spinach, turnips, artichokes.

Okra, green beans, artichokes.

Okra, Brussels sprouts, potatoes.

Beets, green beans, peanuts.

Spinach, cabbage, stewed pumpkin.

String beans, pumpkin, potatoes.

String beans, cabbage, sweet potatoes.

Beetroot, broccoli, sweet potato.

Spinach, cabbage, chestnuts.

Menu for dinner Green zucchini, spinach, nuts.

Chard, asparagus, nuts.

Asparagus, yellow pumpkin, nuts.

Okra, spinach, nuts.

Chard (beet), pumpkin, nuts.

Chard, okra, cottage cheese.

Okra, yellow pumpkin, avocado.

Beet greens, green beans, avocados.

Yellow pumpkin, cabbage, sunflower seeds.

Spinach, broccoli, sunflower seeds.

Beet tops, okra, sunflower seeds.

Chard, pumpkin, avocado.

Spinach, green zucchini, cottage cheese.

beet tops, green pea, cottage cheese.

Pumpkin, broccoli, cottage cheese

Spinach, cabbage, raw cheese (not processed).

Braised eggplant, chard, eggs.

Spinach, pumpkin, eggs.

Turnip tops, green beans, eggs.

White cabbage, spinach, nuts.

Broccoli, green beans, nuts.

Okra, red cabbage, avocado.

Asparagus, artichokes, avocados.

Pumpkin, chard, avocado.

Kale, green beans, sunflower seeds.

Braised eggplant, chard, soy shoots.

Chard, pumpkin, lamb chop.

Green zucchini, kale, raw cheese.

Steamed onion, swiss beetroot, raw cheese.

Green zucchini, turnip tops, roast beef.

Red cabbage, spinach, cottage cheese.

Asparagus, green beans, walnuts.

Okra, beet tops, sunflower seeds.

Asparagus, broccoli, eggs.

Braised eggplant, kale, avocado.

Pumpkin, mustard greens, pecans (nuts).

Green beans, okra, roast lamb.

Brussels sprouts, kale, nuts.

We offer the following diagram meals for a week. It will serve as the basis for your own compilation of the corresponding menu. You need to approach it creatively, in accordance with your tastes and capabilities.

Spring-summer menu


1st breakfast Watermelon, cherries, apricots.

2nd breakfast Vegetable salad, chard, pumpkin, potatoes.

Lunch Vegetable salad, green beans, okra, nuts.


1st breakfast Peaches, cherries, apricots.

2nd breakfast Vegetable salad, beet tops, carrots, stewed beans.

Lunch Vegetable salad, spinach, cabbage, cottage cheese.

1st breakfast Cantaloupe (melon).

2nd breakfast Vegetable salad, okra, zucchini, artichokes.

Lunch Vegetable salad, broccoli, fresh corn, avocado.

1st breakfast Berries with cream (no sugar).

2nd breakfast Vegetable salad, cauliflower, okra, rice.

Lunch Vegetable salad, zucchini, turnip greens, lamb chop.

1st breakfast Peaches, apricots, plums.

2nd breakfast Vegetable salad, green cabbage, carrots, sweet potatoes.

Lunch Vegetable salad, beet greens, green beans, nuts.

1st breakfast Water melon.

2nd breakfast Vegetable salad, stewed eggplant, chard, whole wheat bread.

Lunch Vegetable salad, pumpkin, spinach, eggs.

1st breakfast Bananas, cherries, a glass of curdled milk.

2nd breakfast Vegetable salad, green beans, okra, potatoes.

Lunch Vegetable salad, cabbage, broccoli, soy shoots.

Autumn-winter menu


1st breakfast Grapes, bananas, dates.

2nd breakfast Vegetable salad, Chinese cabbage, asparagus, stewed root vegetables.

Lunch Vegetable salad, spinach, pumpkin, stewed beans.


1st breakfast Persimmon, pear, grapes.

2nd breakfast Vegetable salad, cabbage, cauliflower, sweet potato.

Lunch Vegetable salad, Brussels sprouts, green beans, pecans (nuts).

1st breakfast Apples, grapes, dried figs.

2nd breakfast Vegetable salad, turnip tops, okra, rice.

Lunch Vegetable salad, cabbage, pumpkin, avocado.

1st breakfast Pears, persimmons, bananas, a glass of curdled milk.

2nd breakfast Vegetable salad, broccoli, green beans, potatoes.

Lunch Vegetable salad, okra, spinach, piñol.

1st breakfast Fruits of melon tree, orange.

2nd breakfast Vegetable salad, zucchini, parsnips, whole grain bread.

Lunch Vegetable salad, red cabbage, green beans, sunflower seeds.

1st breakfast Persimmon, grapes, dates.

2nd breakfast Vegetable salad, carrots, spinach, steamed root vegetables.

Lunch Vegetable salad, chard, pumpkin, cheese (not processed).

1st breakfast Grapefruit.

2nd breakfast Vegetable salad, fresh peas, cabbage, coconut.

Lunch Vegetable salad, spinach, steamed onion, lamb chop.


1st breakfast Melon

2nd breakfast Vegetable salad, green beans, vegetable soup, sweet potato.

Lunch Vegetable salad, stewed eggplant, cabbage, eggs.

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