Skt after. Diagnosis by CT method: what is it and why is it better than other methods? Alternative methods of examination

SCT survey in Russia has been carried out since 1988. The body is scanned by feeding and transforming x-rays into electropulse and transfer of the necessary information to the computer. This procedure allows you to get accurate results and the errors are small.

Spiral CT scanner recognized today best method diagnostics for scanning soft tissues in the body. The study is equated to computed tomography and the principles of action are similar.

But compared to x-rays, a person takes on irradiation ten times less. Today it is the most modern model tomograph, and harmful effect on the body is significantly reduced.

What is a spiral computed tomography?

  • Feature of SCT as an accurate and informative tomograph- spiral movement of a rotating emitter around its axis to obtain high-quality images that allow you to examine many organs and tissues in any plane.
  • The tomograph is equipped with a variety of detectors, and when setting up, it is possible to obtain the most accurate information, in particular, when carried out together with contrasting.
  • it modern way obtaining information by scanning the body with X-ray emitters and sensitive, spirally rotating sensors.
  • The research method allows get a lot of different pictures in projections up to 64 slices. Then they go to the computer monitor with the installed program, which is responsible for processing and interpreting information. Physicians can take a close look at everything. soft tissues in the right place, quickly identify the location and size of the pathology or unwanted neoplasm, put accurate diagnosis.
  • High-speed spiral computed tomography allows you to visualize big picture practically any part of the body, and is widely applicable to examine the soft tissues of the liver, peritoneal and pelvic organs, spleen, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys, adrenal glands.

How is the examination carried out?

Before the examination, the patient is invited to undergo some preparation:

  1. do not take food and water 3 hours before the CT in order to obtain more reliable images;
  2. inform the radiologist about the presence of individual tolerance to the administered honey. drugs, whether there are signs of claustrophobia and metal objects in the body, in particular a pacemaker.

Children or disabled people, due to their illnesses, cannot stay motionless and calm for a long time, so the procedure will be carried out for them in a gentle mode. If necessary, the doctor prescribed sedatives, sedatives.

SCT is a painless procedure, quite comfortable. It takes no more than 5 minutes with the issuance of complete information about the disease immediately on a computer monitor.

What does it show?

Spiral computed tomography of the brain is indicated for examination of the bones of the skull and brain in cases of suspected disorders in the structure of tissues and functions.

Able to quickly and accurately point to:

  • development of pathology in the brain;
  • acute or chronic course pathological processes in the spleen, liver, pancreas;
  • development with tumors in structures and soft tissues;
  • state of lymphoid tissues;
  • injury internal organs, in the gastrointestinal tract, spinal cord, spine.

SKT is indispensable for tracking the dynamics medical process already after the appointment of the main therapeutic course to the patient, as well as the recognition of the disease or neoplasm at the initial stage.

This allows doctors to choose the most optimal and effective treatment for the patient, to prevent the occurrence of relapses and exacerbations of a particular disease.

Advantages and disadvantages?

Unlike other diagnostic methods SKT gives more truthful and accurate information, has many advantages in contrast to conventional scanning.

  1. obtaining high-quality images in 3D projection;
  2. high information content of the data;
  3. the possibility of studying several areas at once, without summing up and without increasing the time of the procedure;
  4. identification of the nature, exact location of the pathology;
  5. the ability to use in conjunction with angiography for complete visualization of the arteries, detection of aneurysms and the degree of narrowing in the vessels.
  • SCT is a non-invasive diagnostic method and unlike myelography, ventriculography does not produce artefacts in the event of bleeding in any organ. It is prescribed even for children from 6-7 years old due to minimal exposure, unlike a conventional tomograph. Patients feel free and at ease.
  • Spiral computed tomography is relevant for diagnosing a part of the head in case of brain damage, for example, after an accident. Allows you to establish the most accurate diagnosis, and doctors immediately receive a lot of thin sections and high quality images (up to 200 pieces per second).
  • The disadvantages of this method include a slight, but still harmful exposure to the body, which is important, especially for the elderly. Many people are wondering how often can CT be done? In fact, this is also radiation, but only in smaller doses, unlike CT, x-rays.
  • Conducting research as needed and will not lead to side effects even after 2-3 times a year. However, it is unacceptable for pregnant women and nursing mothers due to the possible penetration of iodine-containing administered drugs through the placenta. Children are assigned a study only from the age of 7.


SCT is indispensable today in order to detect tuberculosis, stones in gallbladder or kidneys and is able to identify the causes that led the patient to:

  • headaches;
  • clouding of consciousness and reason;
  • sudden onset of paralysis;
  • loss of sensation in the limbs;
  • visual impairment.

SCT is performed for suspected brain tumor, intracranial bleeding, aortic rupture.

Spiral computed tomography of the brain is indicated for:

it alternative method for scanning bone tissue in the brain, correction of the treatment process after the appointment, examination of the pelvic organs in case of injuries after trauma, road accidents. It is prescribed for children with abnormal development of organs, before planned operation to eliminate pathology.

Introduction contrast agent allows you to quickly detect a tumor, atherosclerotic plaques, complex brain injuries or hemorrhage after an accident, other internal organs.

Such an accurate and deep method as spiral computed tomography of the chest cavity makes it possible to detect even the smallest damage in bone structures, ligamentous apparatus, intervertebral discs, it is advisable to conduct if you suspect:

  • portal hypertension;
  • damage to the spleen, organs abdominal cavity;
  • urolithiasis;
  • abnormal development of the retroperitoneal space;
  • pathology in the adrenal glands, lymph nodes, abdominal aorta and its branches, inferior vena cava, varicocele;
  • aneurysm;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • intracranial pressure.

Thanks to the tomograph, doctors are able to identify physiological, morphological changes in organs on early stage and fix the pathology on the monitor, capture it on the pictures.


SCT is contraindicated for patients:

  • during pregnancy;
  • in the presence of mechanical devices, a pacemaker in the heart;
  • with mental illness;
  • if it is impossible to remain calm at the time of the procedure or take a prone position;
  • children under 4 years old;
  • in the presence of hyperpneumatization in the intestine, effusion in the pleural cavity;
  • with intolerance to the contrast agent;
  • when suffering from claustrophobia, inappropriate behavior of the patient;
  • excess body weight.

On the advisability of conducting SCT, you first need to consult with specialists, in particular, a radiologist, tell about the available individual contraindications. Although SCT today has no special contraindications and is necessary for almost every patient.

Preparation for the procedure

Preparation is minimal.


  1. stop eating, smoking, drinking coffee 4-5 hours before the study;
  2. undergo ultrasound, MRI;
  3. tell your doctor if you have an allergy or chronic diseases and health problems.
  • The duration of the procedure is no more than 30 minutes. The patient will be comfortably placed on a mobile table, then placed inside the tomograph. At the moment of rotation, it is necessary to lie still to obtain more detailed and high-quality images.
  • After that, all information will be immediately issued with a record on a computer monitor. and if desired by the patient - on a CD. A few hours after the procedure, the radiologist will decipher the analysis and redirect the patient for a consultation to the right specialist.
  • No special preparation required. To obtain maximum information about the presence of pathology in the vessels, diseases in the brain and its structures, bolus contrasting is possible. The attending physician and the radiologist should additionally tell about this on the eve of the diagnosis.

Difference between CT and MRI

The difference between CT and MRI is the use of an electromagnetic field during MRI and the use of X-rays during scanning. Applicable different subjects for shooting.

MRI cannot provide information about the state of the skeleton and bones in the body. To recognize the structures of the bones of the skull, skeleton, upper and lower extremities just SKT will become simply irreplaceable.

CT is performed to examine the brain or chest cavity.

If MRI fails to recognize hard tissues bones and is better suited for diagnosing softer parts of the body, then spiral computed tomography of the chest cavity, on the contrary, gives excellent results in the study:

Cost of the procedure

The cost in Russian clinics is 5000 rubles. The price directly depends on the professionalism, level of service, availability of equipment used with the introduction of a contrast agent.

Today thanks to this method— CT doctors can examine the entire brain, organs chest, peritoneal space, circulatory system, musculoskeletal system.

A tomograph is especially indispensable for studying the brain after an accident, tumors or pathologies in the structures and membranes of other organs.

The whole process takes a total of 3-4 hours, after processing the data, the radiologist will issue an order and recommendations.

Spiral computed tomography is one of the modern methods for diagnosing many diseases. different parts human body. Now we will try to figure out what SCT is and what is the essence of its action.

Relatively recently, medicine appeared completely new method diagnostic examination various parts body. It's about about spiral computed tomography. In the recent 1986, the first spiral tomograph passed all the necessary tests and two years later it began to be actively used in hospitals to diagnose many pathologies, the definition of which had previously caused many difficulties.

It should be noted that such tomographs were produced by Siemens and TOSHIBA, which are still actively working in the medical equipment market. Each of their new scanners has large quantity detectors, up to 5000 and conduct full examination in more short time. The fourth generation device takes less than a second to scan the patient's turnover.

SCT in medicine is a relatively new phenomenon. It is based on conventional computed tomography, but with some differences. This feature consists in the simultaneous rotation of the x-ray emitter and the table - the conveyor, on which the subject is located.

This double rotation provides a special so-called "slip ring". In which there is an x-ray cabin. When you turn on the tomograph, the tube begins to emit x-rays in one clockwise or counterclockwise direction. At the same time, the patient table begins to move, and due to this, in one approach, the tube does not make a circle around the examined person, but a kind of spiral.

Another feature of SCT is that it does not make one topographic cut, but scans the entire area under study. For example, if an CT scan of the brain is performed, then not one image will come out, but several, which will show the state of almost all the structures of this organ.

The main characteristics of a spiral tomograph are the speed of movement of the table - conveyor and the thickness of the slice. Moreover, the accuracy of shooting depends on the speed of movement of the table, the faster it moves, the less clear the reconstruction will be.

How is an image obtained during CT?

The image of the studied organ is obtained due to several mandatory steps:

  1. X-ray beam width setting;
  2. Scanning the kidneys, lungs, liver, or other organs with x-ray radiation;
  3. Capturing pulses with special sensors and processing them into digital data;
  4. Computer data processing;
  5. Displaying information on the monitor screen.

What are the advantages of CT over MRI?

As already mentioned, spiral tomography is a new generation in the field medical diagnostics. So what is the difference between CT and MRI? The following paragraphs display not only the differences between these two types of diagnostics, but also the advantages of spiral tomography over magnetic resonance imaging.

  • CT can diagnose a specific organ (liver, kidneys) separately, and not as part of the entire abdominal cavity or chest. The degree of differentiation of SCT is 1-2%, and in MRI - 15-20%.
  • The speed of the study is much higher than in MRI.
  • It makes it possible to obtain a clear cut of the organ under study, without unnecessary layers.
  • The quality and resolution of the obtained images as a result of SCT is much higher than in MRI.
  • With the help of SKT, you can learn about exact dimensions, features of various organs and pathological formations.

When is the use of helical computed tomography recommended?

Spiral computed tomography is usually recommended in some circumstances, when it is necessary to diagnose one or another internal organ as soon as possible. Examples of such circumstances might include:

  • Serious injuries to internal organs and the main brain;
  • Examination of the chest cavity if a person cannot hold his breath for a long time;
  • Diagnosis of patients, close contact with which causes some difficulties;
  • During the diagnosis of patients with sharp pains, which are greatly enhanced during prolonged lying.
  • When children under the age of twelve need examination;
  • When to Diagnose Pathologies blood vessels and especially the coronary arteries.
  • If necessary, virtual endoscopy;
  • If it is necessary to build an accurate image in the frontal, sagittal and axial planes.
  • During demonstration operations to train young doctors.

How to conduct SKT

For SCT, the patient needs to lie down on a special table, the conveyor, which drives into the tomograph. The radiation procedure itself lasts no more than 3-4 minutes. During the study of the chest and abdominal cavity, a person needs to hold his breath so that the images are as accurate as possible. For the same purpose, the subjects are asked not to move and not to leave metal objects on their bodies (pendants, chains, watches, etc.).

Does SKT harm the human body?

Helical computed tomography is based on x-rays, which, as you know, do not bring much benefit. Therefore, such a tomography is contraindicated for pregnant women and young children.

In general, due to not quite favorable influence x-rays on the human body SCT is prescribed for especially serious illnesses and after a detailed consultation of an experienced specialist. But still, a small X-ray does not compare with the chance to be cured and be a completely healthy person.

How often can SKT be done?

Based on the fact that SCT is based on X-ray irradiation, the question is how often it can be done. There are no clear guidelines on this matter, the only thing is that the radiation dose received in a year should not exceed allowable norms. But if a person’s life depends on the diagnosis using SCT, then you definitely shouldn’t pay attention to the harm of x-rays.

What is the cost of spiral tomography

CT is a relatively new method of diagnosing various pathologies and neoplasms in human body. It allows you to get clear images of internal organs in a relatively short time. Remember that you can only undergo a CT scan after a complete medical examination and expert medical advice.

Modern diagnostic methods make it possible to detect pathological processes and changes in the human body at an early stage, which means that they increase the effectiveness of treatment. Among the high-precision methods of research include spiral computed tomography. What is it, and when is this procedure indicated, what are the contraindications for diagnosis? How is it different from conventional computed tomography and MRI?

What is SCT in modern medicine?

In medicine, this type of study, like MRI, is used for a relatively short time - less than 30 years. When conducting a spiral computed tomography, the patient's body is scanned using x-rays. The latter are transmitted to the monitor for analysis after converting them into electrical impulses. main feature lies in the fact that both the table on which the patient lies and the tube rotate during the scan. This technique allows to detect neoplasms up to 0.1 cm in size.

What organs and systems are examined?

Spiral computed tomography - effective diagnostic method, which can be used in the study of almost any human organs and systems. Due to the minimum thickness of the cut, it reveals the most insignificant pathological changes in the body, allowing you to make an early diagnosis and start therapy in a timely manner. Not always effective when examining soft tissues.

It should be taken into account that, from a theoretical point of view, helical computed tomography can be used to examine any patient, since it has no absolute limitations.

However, there is a list of conditions in which its implementation is not recommended and is possible only after an assessment by the attending physician of the ratio of potential benefit and probable risk. These contraindications to SCT include:

  1. effusion in the pleural cavity;
  2. pregnancy (in this case, it is better to conduct an MRI);
  3. fear of closed space;
  4. children's age up to 7 years;
  5. body weight exceeding that specified by the manufacturer of the device as acceptable;
  6. lack of physical ability to take a lying position;
  7. the patient cannot hold his breath for a long time;
  8. there are mechanical devices in the human body (for example, a pacemaker is installed in the heart);
  9. with individual intolerance to the contrast agent.

Conducting spiral computed tomography is acceptable for diagnosis pathological changes in almost all human organs and systems. If the patient complains of headaches, visual disturbances, loss of sensation in the limbs, clouding of the mind and consciousness, or unexpected paralysis occurs, then a spiral CT scan is recommended. CT scan of the brain is indicated in the following cases:

  • vascular damage;
  • pathology of the lymphatic system;
  • suspicion of pathological processes in the structure of the lungs;
  • assessment of brain damage in case of suspected acute stroke;
  • pathology auditory canals, temporal region skull, sinuses;
  • increased ICP;
  • to confirm / refute a brain tumor;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • neurotic disorders;
  • anomalies in the development of the child are also a reason to conduct an CT scan of the head;
  • deformation inner ear, which provoked a decrease in the level of hearing;
  • epilepsy ( epileptic seizures are also an indication for CT scan of the brain).

Differences between spiral computed tomography and MRI and CT

SCT and MRI are methods for examining internal organs and systems that differ in 3 important features:

  • principle of operation - an electromagnetic field is used in MRI diagnostics, X-rays are used in CT;
  • informative - MRI is used to study soft tissues, SCT - in most cases, to examine solid bone structures;
  • the time of the procedure - MRI can last up to one and a half hours, a spiral study lasts a few minutes on average.

Both CT and conventional computed tomography are varieties x-ray examination. The basic principle of operation is almost the same - a layer-by-layer scan of the body is carried out or a separate body. However, there is a difference between them. The main difference is in the thickness of the cut. While CT has a minimum thickness of 10 mm, CT allows a more accurate picture due to the thickness of the layers of about 3 mm. This is achieved due to the fact that the table with the patient enters the apparatus smoothly (with CT this happens step by step, while the “step” is 1 cm), and the radiation source rotates around it in a spiral.

Research stages

Conducting spiral tomography, taking into account the time spent on the preparation, processing of data, the formation of prescriptions and recommendations by the radiologist, takes no more than 4 hours. No special preparation is required. The patient is recommended to undergo preliminary MRI and ultrasound, and 4 hours before the study, you can not eat, drink and smoke.

Stages of CT diagnostics:

  1. administration of contrast (intravenously or orally);
  2. placing the patient on a mobile table (since it will be necessary to lie still, in some cases the doctor prescribes sedative medications);
  3. the table drives inside the gantry - “pipes” (the radiation source rotates along a spiral path);
  4. a scan is performed (usually the procedure takes from 5 to 30 minutes);
  5. information is displayed on a computer monitor (if desired, it can be recorded on a portable device);
  6. the radiologist deciphers the result of the diagnosis and issues a referral for a consultation with narrow specialists.

An CT examination is completely painless and may cause minimal discomfort associated with being in a confined space.

If an examination of the abdominal cavity or chest is performed, then the patient will need to hold his breath for a while.

In order for the interpretation of the results of the study to be as accurate and reliable as possible, you need to provide the radiologist with your medical card or the conclusion of the attending physician indicating preliminary diagnosis. Then the doctor will be able to take into account all previous diseases and injuries, individual characteristics structure of the patient's body.

What does the picture show?

What does the picture that the doctor receives as a result of the procedure show? It allows you to visualize injuries to bones and internal organs, determine the state of lymphoid tissues, identify a tumor, and diagnose pathological processes of both acute and chronic course. The study also makes it possible to monitor the patient's condition in dynamics and thus evaluate the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment.

For example, in the study of the kidneys, it is possible to identify not only malignant or benign formations in their structure. Polycystic kidney disease, abscesses, developmental anomalies are also diagnosed. Renal tomography is indicated in postoperative period(if a transplant or removal was performed), as well as with an organ biopsy.

How much does SKT cost?

The average cost of a spiral computed tomography in Russian clinics is 5 thousand rubles. For scanning one organ, you will have to pay from 4 thousand rubles, while the diagnostics of the whole body costs three times as much - about 13 thousand rubles. The price may vary depending on the region, the qualifications of the specialist and the equipment itself - the results of the study on the latest generation tomograph will be more accurate, but it is more expensive.

Computed tomography is a non-invasive method radiodiagnosis, which allows one to study the layered structure certain body or anatomical area. It provides for computer processing of information about the attenuation of X-ray radiation during the passage of tissues with different densities. Due to the high information content, low radiation exposure, the absence or minimum quantity discomfort, ease of preparation and affordable price computed tomography in Moscow is one of the most popular methods used in the process of diagnosing many diseases of various organs and systems.

Research History

This technique became known and began to spread rapidly around the world in the 70s of the last century. However, the history of the creation of computed tomography began much earlier. In the early 1930s, the principles for obtaining a layered X-ray image were developed, but the insufficiently high development of technologies did not allow bringing the developments to a level that would allow affordable mass research. In 1963, the American physicist Cormack created tomographic reconstruction programs similar to Radon's algorithms, but performed in a different way. In 1969, the British physicist Hounsfield designed the first CT scanner. Equipment tests were carried out in 1972, and in 1979 Cormack and Hounsfield received Nobel Prize for the development of computed tomography.

For almost half a century that has passed since the introduction of the methodology in clinical practice, 4 generations of CT devices were created. The first tomographs had one X-ray tube and one detector, which rotated together and scanned each layer separately with each rotation. Scanning of one layer lasted several minutes. Modern devices for performing computed tomography have more than a thousand detectors installed along the equipment ring. Only the X-ray tube rotates, the rotation period is less than 1 second. Along with classical technique, multislice tomography (SCT) and multilayer computed tomography (MSCT) are used to minimize the radiation dose, reduce the duration of the study and increase its information content.

Method principles

In conventional radiography, an X-ray tube is located on one side of the area under study, and on the other, a film on which an image appears, obtained during the passage of X-ray radiation through organs and tissues. As a result, a three-dimensional (three-dimensional) area of ​​the body is displayed on radiographs as a flat (two-dimensional) object. This reduces the information content of the technique, since some shadows of tissues are superimposed on others, and part of the tissues is not visible.

Computed tomography allows you to recreate a three-dimensional image and examine any tissue layer almost as if it were presented in a section (taking into account the features of the image on x-rays). This is possible because the X-ray tube in the CT machine is not fixed in a certain position, but rotates very quickly around the patient. When performing computed tomography, sensors located around the tomograph capture many images (about 1000 per second) and transmit data to a computer that processes the information received using a special program. Subsequently, the doctor may different ways work with data obtained during computed tomography: examine any section, zoom in and out of the image, determine the size, shape and structure of anatomical formations.

Types of CT

Taking into account the features of collecting information, the following types of computed tomography are distinguished:

  • Conventional computed tomography- the x-ray tube moves around the patient, the image is captured by a plurality of sensors evenly distributed along the device ring. After each series of images, the table moves a little deeper into the ring, making it possible to obtain data on the state of the next linearly located layer.
  • Spiral computed tomography (SCT)- as in the previous case, the tube rotates around the patient, while the table continuously moves horizontally, due to which the scanning axis becomes not linear, but spiral. The technology made it possible to reduce the radiation dose and reduce the duration of the study.
  • Multilayer computed tomography (MSCT)– an image of multiple slices is simultaneously transmitted to the computer (the number of slices depends on the features of the equipment). The technique made it possible to reduce the duration and increase the information content of computed tomography, expand the anatomical coverage area, improve the contrast and temporal resolution, and at the same time reduce the patient's radiation dose.

A new step in improving computed tomography was the CT machine with two tubes, created in 2005. The tubes can work in an independent mode, which allows you to get a more accurate image of moving objects (for example, the heart) and nearby structures with different densities. The rest of the technology is similar to MSCT.

Allocate also computed tomography using contrast agents. X-ray contrast computed tomography makes it possible to increase the information content of the study, to more accurately differentiate various tissues, to assess the condition of the wall, the size, shape and size of the lumen hollow organs, identify areas of impaired blood supply, collaterals and vascular networks in malignant neoplasms. X-ray contrast agents can be used for any computed tomography: conventional, spiral or multilayer.

Taking into account the location of the studied area, computed tomography of the head, musculoskeletal system, blood vessels, abdominal organs and chest are distinguished. Each of the listed zones is divided into several areas corresponding to a separate study. The type of CT is chosen based on complaints, objective symptoms and the results of previous diagnostic procedures(usually x-rays).


Computed tomography in Moscow is usually used at the stage of final diagnosis, after other, more accessible, but less informative screening studies and first-line diagnostic procedures (fluorography, plain radiography). The purpose of computed tomography may be to clarify the diagnosis, accurately determine the size, shape and structure of pathological foci, evaluate the effectiveness of therapy and monitor the dynamics.

Computed tomography of the head is prescribed to identify or clarify the location, nature and prevalence of pathological processes: skull fractures, intracerebral hematomas, hemorrhages, ischemic foci, abscesses, neoplasms of the brain, eyes, paranasal sinuses, soft tissues of the face and other structures. Computed tomography of the head can be performed with or without the use of a radiopaque agent.

Computed tomography of the chest is used to assess the condition lung tissue, bronchi, trachea, pleura, mediastinal organs, bone skeleton and soft tissues. Computed tomography of the lungs, mammary glands and chest organs is prescribed in the process of diagnosing traumatic injuries, congenital and acquired structural disorders, inflammatory processes, benign neoplasms, primary tumors and metastatic lesions of lung tissue, mediastinal lymph nodes and other structures.

Computed tomography of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space is performed for a detailed study of the intestines, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, urinary system, adrenal glands, intra-abdominal and retroperitoneal lymph nodes. Computed tomography is used in the process of diagnosis and differential diagnosis diseases and conditions, which include injuries, inflammatory processes, neoplasms, enlargement of the liver and spleen. Computed tomography of the abdominal organs can be contrast or non-contrast.

Computed tomography of the musculoskeletal system is an auxiliary method for diagnosing injuries and diseases of bones and joints. It is used in difficult cases, when the data of conventional radiography do not allow to clearly differentiate the pathology, to determine the nature and localization of the pathological focus. Computed tomography of bones and joints is prescribed for complex fractures (especially intra-articular), degenerative-dystrophic lesions, inflammatory diseases, malformations and tumors. Sometimes used to monitor the progress of surgery.


Contraindications to a non-contrast study are pregnancy, childhood, pronounced motor restlessness and body weight exceeding the standards established for this equipment. Most tables of computed tomography are designed for a patient weight of no more than 120-130 kg, however, there are models with a limit of up to 200 kg. If there are contraindications to non-contrast computed tomography, it is replaced by other methods or postponed to a later date. Possibility of conducting research in childhood determined individually. During the gestation period, the study is prescribed for health reasons.

Contraindications to X-ray contrast computed tomography include intolerance to iodine preparations, blood clotting disorders, diseases thyroid gland, severe pathology of the heart, liver and kidneys. The presence of metal implants is not a contraindication for computed tomography, however, the metal in the area under study creates an obstacle to the passage of X-rays and may reduce the information content of the technique.

Preparation for CT

Usually special training not required. Before performing computed tomography of the abdominal cavity, products that contribute to increased gas formation(milk, fresh fruits and vegetables). For several hours before the procedure, you need to refrain from eating. In some cases, it is necessary to take a laxative or an enema. The doctor informs the patient about the recommendations regarding the preparation for computed tomography when issuing a referral for the procedure.


The CT scanner is a table that moves inside a wide ring. Unlike an MRI machine, there is no closed space, which can cause an attack of claustrophobia during a CT scan. Immediately before laying on the table, the patient is asked to remove metal objects. During the procedure, the table moves in the scanner ring. The study lasts from 3-4 minutes to half an hour. During this time, the patient can contact the doctor in the next room.

In computed tomography with contrast before the procedure in cubital vein patient is placed with a catheter. Contrast is applied automatically. With the introduction of a radiopaque substance, the patient may feel cold, heat, or a taste of metal in the mouth diverging through the veins. These reactions are normal and do not require discontinuation of the CT scan. If you experience nausea, headache, dizziness, shortness of breath or discomfort in the stomach, you should immediately report the symptoms that have appeared to the doctor - these reactions may indicate hypersensitivity to iodine preparations.

The cost of computed tomography in Moscow

CT - modern technique widely used in many areas practical medicine. The study is being carried out in specialized centers and fairly large multidisciplinary medical and diagnostic institutions equipped with special equipment. Factors affecting the price of computed tomography in Moscow are the type of technique (CT, CT, MSCT), the area of ​​study and the need for the introduction of a contrast agent. Recording the results on a CD is an additional charge. In private medical centers the cost of CT is usually higher than in public clinics.

The effectiveness of treatment depends entirely on the accuracy of the diagnosis. Often there are so-called medical errors”, when a person begins to be treated for a completely different disease, causing irreparable harm to his body. Incorrectly prescribed therapy leads to chronic course illness or even lethal outcome. Comparatively recently, spiral computed tomography has been used in medicine, which makes it possible to make an accurate diagnosis.

The essence of the technique

What is such a high-tech method, characterized by numerous advantages and unique accuracy. At the same time, the doctor receives the result much faster than with standard procedures.

How it is carried out During its implementation, the table on which the patient should lie begins to move smoothly and slowly. Around it in the same way begins to rotate with detectors located on its surface.

The device is able to recognize neoplasms very small size, up to 1 mm. This allows early detection and treatment oncological disease. Scanning of one anatomical area is carried out for 5 minutes, and the laser camera takes large-format images.

A striking effect is achieved on 64-slice modern high-speed tomographs - with a low level of radiation, two-dimensional and three-dimensional images of excellent quality are obtained.


Spiral tomography is necessary in the following cases:

  • a study of the brain, as a result of which the doctor can detect areas of stroke and injured blood vessels;
  • detection of inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses;
  • establishing the cause of education on the neck lymph nodes;
  • confirmation of the diagnosis before abdominal surgery;
  • detection of changes in the lungs;
  • diagnosis of intervertebral hernias.


Spiral has certain advantages over conventional research methods:

  • Scanning (collection of information) is very fast. For a short period of time, an image of a certain anatomical region is formed, while the quality of the images is very high.
  • Spatial 3D images are more accurate, and 3D models show the exact location of the pathology. The use of spiral scanning techniques allows you to examine the arteries, identify vascular aneurysms, their length, and narrowing.
  • Non-invasive compared to myelography, ventriculography.
  • Artifacts from blood flow are not visible on the pictures.
  • Compared to conventional tomography, the exposure of the patient to x-rays is reduced.

How is the procedure carried out?

For 4 hours before the tomography will be carried out, you can not drink and eat. Sometimes the patient is required to drink a contrast agent before examining specific organs.

To do a spiral computed tomography, the patient must lie down on a table, which is movable, due to which it rolls into a special tunnel. To make the patient more comfortable, the table is equipped with special belts and pillows. This helps to limit its movement during the examination so that the images are not blurry and clear.

Those patients who, for certain reasons, cannot lie still for a long time and on a short time hold your breath, inject sedatives.

In another room there is a computer station, at which a doctor-technologist works, using the screen to control the scanner and give the patient appropriate instructions.

Spiral computed tomography is considered quite safe. Although during the examination the patient receives a small amount x-ray exposure, but it is so small that it does not cause any harm to the body.


There is a certain risk of allergic reaction when the patient is injected with a contrast agent or sedative.

If the patient suffers from asthma, diabetes, kidney failure, diseases of the thyroid gland or heart, then he must inform the doctor about it.

This procedure is contraindicated for pregnant women. If it is carried out in case of emergency, then the stomach is covered with a lead screen. Examination is also prohibited for those patients who have pacemakers, ferromagnetic implants, as well as those weighing more than 130 kg.

Abdominal examination

Spiral computed tomography allows you to see a clear multilayer image of organs such as the spleen, liver, pancreas and others. It is carried out if the patient complains of pain in the pelvis, abdomen, as well as in some diseases of the large and small intestines.

In addition, the procedure is necessary for the diagnosis:

  • appendicitis, diverticulitis, pyelonephritis, stones in bladder and kidneys;
  • liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis, internal bleeding, polyps and inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • cancerous tumors of the abdominal organs;
  • diseases of the lymph nodes and blood vessels.

Spiral computed tomography of the abdominal organs is performed with the obligatory use of a contrast agent.

Before the procedure, the patient is injected into a vein with a contrast agent containing iodine. If you are allergic to this remedy, you should inform your doctor.

brain examination

Spiral is widely used to diagnose severe and very severe injuries head, at high intracranial pressure, changes in blood circulation. The device is able to detect pathological conditions(neoplasms, abscesses, cavities), which are not visible on a conventional tomograph. This procedure increases the likelihood of detecting and preventing strokes and heart attacks.

In addition, spiral tomography is necessary in the following cases:

  • to establish the causes of headaches, sudden paralysis, periodic clouding of consciousness, various visual disturbances, in violation of the sensitivity of certain areas of the body;
  • if there is a suspicion of a brain tumor, aortic aneurysm rupture, intracranial bleeding;
  • to establish a dysfunction of the inner ear in case of hearing loss;
  • if it is necessary to develop a plan for an upcoming operation or evaluate the success of a brain operation;
  • to identify damaged areas of the brain.

Sometimes a brain examination requires the use of a contrast agent, which greatly facilitates the detection of cysts, atherosclerotic plaques, tumors, metastases, and blood clots.

Thoracic examination

Spiral computed tomography of the chest cavity is performed to detect tuberculous foci, bronchopleural fistulas and bronchiectasis cavities. This procedure allows you to very accurately determine the location of the tumor, rupture or stratification of the walls of blood vessels, to identify an increase in lymph nodes.

Such an examination is successfully used in oncosurgery, allowing to study the state of a cancerous tumor, to determine its boundaries and dimensions. In some cases, helical tomography is prescribed to detect foreign bodies, to urgently determine the cause of shortness of breath or difficulty swallowing.


Thus, spiral computed tomography is modern method examinations of various organs, which allows to establish very precisely correct diagnosis. The radiation doses in such a study are so negligible that they do not cause any harm to a person, so you should not be afraid of such a procedure.

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