Menu and recipes. Baked chicken fillet. Recipes for the Six Petals diet, menu for every day

All recipes vegetable day 6 petal diets are based on the use of vegetables, a small amount of seasonings and salt. , any other fats, dairy food, meat are completely excluded.

Drinks are available, but not those that are sold in stores - you will have to cook them yourself. Shop juices are saturated with salt (tomato) or sugar (carrot, pumpkin), made from concentrates and stuffed not with vitamins, but with preservatives. They will not be of any use.

You can drink unlimited tea without sugar and mineral water.

Vegetable mono-diet involves only dietary cooking methods. Vegetables cannot be fried, you can only boil, steam or bake them.

The beauty of a vegetable day is that there are no restrictions on the choice of vegetables, you can eat what you like, even potatoes and other starchy root vegetables can be on your menu.

It is important to combine different vegetables when cooking, do not eat only carrots or zucchini, do not try to spend the day on cucumbers alone. The diet will not require such feats from you - at a completely acceptable and delicious menu you will still lose weight!

The total number of vegetables per day is 1-1.5 kg.

The usual one is quite suitable - but only without potatoes and almost without butter. And if you replace pickles with fresh ones, the vinaigrette will become even healthier, and its taste will become more tender and unusual.

But the most delicious and healthy, of course, is all sorts of salads from fresh vegetables. In summer, there are no problems with them, but in winter it is much more difficult. For some reason, "plastic" tomatoes, "wax" peppers and cucumbers of unknown origin do not inspire confidence. Who knows what kind of chemistry they were poured over in unknown distant countries?

The safest of what lies on store shelves in winter and is suitable for the vegetable day of the Six-petal diet, cabbage (white and Beijing), root vegetables and fresh herbs, including lettuce. We have already made soup and vinaigrette from cabbage and root vegetables, now we will invent something tasty for salad dressing.

Leaf salad in principle, it tastes like grass-grass, various dressings and seasonings make this silage a dish. Unfortunately, according to the diet, we cannot use traditional sour cream, mayonnaise or just vegetable oil. Therefore, we will prepare two spicy dressings based on dried fruits.

Soak in warm water a small handful of prunes and dried apricots. After 15-20 minutes, drain the water, rinse the fruits thoroughly so that there is no dirt and fragments of bones left, and pour, now, with boiling water.

We steam a small beetroot or bake it in the microwave - this way more useful trace elements will be preserved in it.

For prunes and beetroot dressing, we need: soaked prunes, boiled or baked beets, a large clove of garlic, a few walnuts.

Finely chop the beets, prunes, garlic and nuts with a knife.

We mix it all, season with lemon juice and granular mustard. Instead of salt, it is better to take soy sauce. We mix everything, and beet-prune dressing is ready.

To make the vegetable day of the Six Petals diet as colorful as possible, I will also make a bright orange sauce. Cooking sweet and sour sauce with dried apricots and ginger. If the dried apricots are very dry, simply soaking may not be enough. Pour a little boiled water and send dried apricots for a few minutes in the microwave.

What we are preparing now is a classic Chinese sweet sauce, it goes well with anything: meat, poultry, and greens. In addition to dried apricots and ginger, we need garlic, lemon and hot pepper(can be fresh or dry). Personally, I prefer to use chili peppers in paste form - it's easier to dose.

Finely cut dried apricots, ginger and garlic, add a little pepper paste and lemon juice, break everything with a blender. Instead of salt, we use classic soy sauce, for sweetness we add a little honey. If it turns out thick, pour a little boiled water.

Both sauces are ready, it is the turn of the already washed and dried salad. Leaf lettuce is generally a very delicate product, it is even undesirable to cut it, except to tear it directly with your hands. Or you can not chop the salad at all, but simply dip the whole leaves or coat with sauce. Approximately like this:

In order not to mess around, we immediately spread a lot of lettuce, fold each leaf in half, add a couple of celery stalks, a little parsley and thinly chopped lemon. After such preparations, the usually dull vegetable day of the diet turns into a real vegetable vitamin feast.

And, most importantly, that all dietary requirements are met! Delicious, beautiful, but useful, how!

Throughout the day, we do not forget about water and teas, as in the previous fish day, and when we fall asleep, we remember that a hearty day awaits us tomorrow. 😉

The 6 petal diet is nothing more than six mono-diets for six days of the week. Fish, vegetable, chicken, cereal, cottage cheese and fruit days, replacing each other, provide a loss extra pounds. Food - enough to not experience an acute feeling of hunger. The seven-petal diet has a similar menu, it is designed for the whole week. During each day of the diet, you can eat quite varied.

Psychological motivation before starting a diet, according to its author, can be a drawing with six petals. After a day, tear off the petal and throw it away, after indicating on it the number of kilograms dropped. If you decide to use the Petal diet, detailed menu can be seen.

fish day

As the name implies, the main ingredient of the dishes will be fish. Diet 6 petals fish day offers as a start to the diet.

  1. Breakfast consists of baked or steamed fish in the amount of 200 grams. You can use salt and spices, but oil is taboo. Drink green tea without sugar.
  2. Lunch is the first course. Fish soup puree is prepared simply: boil a piece lean fish boneless (200-250 grams), adding salt and pepper, chop with a blender and boil a little more. Add a pinch of parsley or dill to the finished soup.
  3. For dinner, we bake fish on the grill, if possible, or in the oven. Put a piece of fish on foil, sprinkle generously with lemon juice, pepper and salt. It would be nice to put a sprig of rosemary or thyme on top. Wrap the foil and put in the oven for 20-25 minutes.

During the day, drink up to two liters of liquid - water, mineral or pure, green tea without sugar. Use only low-fat fish for cooking - pollock, pike perch, hake, blue whiting, pike and others. We cook for a couple, grill, bake, stew, cook the broth. Diet 6 petals reviews of the fish menu and other days are only positive, since a fairly wide range of products for cooking is allowed.

vegetable day

During a vegetable day, you can eat up to 1.5 kilograms of different vegetables. Vegetable day diet 6 petals involves cooking by boiling, baking.

For breakfast, you can cook a salad of fresh cabbage with tomatoes or cucumbers, crushed with herbs. Instead of vegetable oil use lemon juice and spices, salt. You can add any seasonal vegetables to the salad - radishes, lettuce, peppers.
Lunch in the diet of 6 petals of the menu is varied, since vegetables are also presented in a large assortment. The first dish can be vegetable soup. For him you will need:

  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 eggplant;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 clove of garlic, dill, basil;
  • pepper, salt.

We cut vegetables, throw them into boiling water: first eggplants and carrots, after 10-15 minutes - onions, tomatoes and herbs. At the end of cooking, salt and pepper.
For dinner, a vegetable snack - stuffed cabbage is suitable. For the filling, we use finely chopped and stewed in water zucchini with onions and carrots. When stewing, add 1 tablespoon of tomato paste, salt and pepper. We wrap the filling in the leaves of white cabbage or Beijing cabbage and simmer in vegetable broth for 20-25 minutes. Sprinkle the finished dish with parsley or cilantro.

chicken day

The third day of the diet 6 petals sample menu can suggest this:

  1. Breakfast: boiled chicken breast with salt and spices. The broth can also be used as food.
  2. Bake for lunch chicken fillet without skin in foil, rubbed with salt. You can sprinkle with lemon juice and sprinkle with chopped parsley.
  3. Grill chicken for dinner. To make the meat more juicy, periodically baste it with chicken broth.

Diet six petal recipes chicken day has simple, accessible to everyone. To prepare dishes, you will need chicken meat without skin, seasonings and spices, as well as a little imagination.

cereal day

On a cereal day, the 6-petal diet suggests eating various cereals with the addition of salt, spices, parsley, dill.

Can be cooked for breakfast oatmeal, sprinkling it with seeds and bran - a very useful combination. For lunch, boil buckwheat, salt. You can eat cereal breads that are made without adding oil. For dinner, multi-cereal flakes are suitable, which are simply poured with boiling water. You can add germinated wheat grains. Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. On this day, in addition to green tea or water you can drink kvass.

cottage cheese day

Using the 6 petals diet, spend a cottage cheese day on dairy products. Allowed to use in food skim cheese, natural yogurt, milk.

Prepare for breakfast curd dessert: take 100 grams of cottage cheese, add nuts and a little fruit syrup. To make the dessert juicy, season it with yogurt. For lunch, you can make a cottage cheese casserole: mix 150 grams of cottage cheese with 50 grams of milk, beat. We spread it in a refractory form, sprinkle with seeds on top and pour 1 teaspoon of honey. Bake for 10-15 minutes. Dinner should be light - 150 grams of yogurt or a glass of milk + nuts.

fruit day

The six-petal diet of the fruit day menu offers to make up a variety of fresh fruits. Most varied menu will be during the summer season. Fruits can be used to prepare various desserts, salads, smoothies and fruit drinks.

For breakfast, prepare a beautiful summer dessert:

  • dice half the banana and mango;
  • Separately beat a few raspberries and a spoonful of sugar;
  • put the cubes in a glass, pour over the syrup, garnish with a mint leaf and nuts on top.

For lunch, you can make a salad of pears, melons, strawberries and pineapple, canned. All ingredients are cut into cubes, sprinkled with lemon juice. During the fruit day, you can drink not only water, but also prepare fruit compotes, fruit drinks, smoothies. In the summer heat, please yourself with popsicles: puree any fruit with a blender and put it into a special form by sticking a stick. After 2-3 hours in the freezer, the ice cream is ready.

  1. First petal. Fish meat. We eat fish meat of any type. It can be eaten boiled, baked or stewed. Greens and soft seasonings can be added. Ukha is cooked exclusively from broth with herbs.
  2. Second petal. vegetable crops. Various vegetables are used. We boil, stew or bake them. It is permissible to use greens, salt and not hot seasonings. We drink juice from vegetables, if there is a desire.
  3. Third petal. Chicken. Chicken breast meat baked, boiled, stewed. You can lightly salt, sprinkle with mild seasoning and herbs. You can drink chicken broth if you like.
  4. Fourth petal. Cereals and cereals. Eat different cereals, seeds, cereal products. It will be useful to use sprouted seeds, bran, bread. Salt and herbs are allowed. Drink kvass.
  5. Fifth petal. Creative food. Eat milk and cottage cheese with little or no fat.
  6. Sixth petal. Assorted fruit. Eat a variety of fruits. They can be baked in the oven or eaten raw. You can sprinkle with cinnamon or vanilla. Juices without sugar are allowed.

Attention! Sugar should not be consumed while the dietary procedure is underway. Drink water, any tea. Milk, kvass, juices - according to mono-diets. It is desirable to drink coffee quite a bit.

Follow exactly the instructions given by Swedish nutritionist Anna Johansson. Then you will quickly and easily part with your hated fat. At the same time, without tormenting yourself with hunger or laxatives.

The first day of the protein diet (fish)

The menu of the first day of the diet excludes all foods, except for fish, due to the high digestibility and low calorie content of this product, which prepares the body as quickly as possible for all the following mono-diets. All this is possible thanks to a large number polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega3, which are not converted into fat, which helps to deceive the body. On this day, you can eat only fish (up to 500 grams) of all varieties in stew, baked or boiled and broth.

Pollack meatballs (with herbs)

Make minced meat from pollock fillet, put finely chopped dill, onion, parsley. Stir, salt, pepper, make meatballs and put on a baking sheet.

White fish meatballs

A kilogram of white fish, such as cod, pepper and greens. Make minced meat from fish and spices. Blind small meatballs and bake in the oven on a baking sheet covered with parchment.

Baked Pollock

Season the gutted pollock with salt, pepper, bake with dill and parsley in the oven.

Steamed Keta

Cut the salmon into small pieces, add pepper, salt and put on a stand. Pour a small amount of water into the slow cooker and put a few sprigs of herbs for flavor. Flip 1 time.

Baked Trout

Sprinkle the fish with various spices, wrap in foil, and bake in the oven until cooked. Remove the skin from the cooked trout and you can eat it.

Cod with spices

Fish fillet, oregano, rosemary, lemon. Grate fish pieces with spices, add lemon juice, hold for 20 min. Then cook the cod in a double boiler or bake in the oven.

Mackerel "The Fisherman's Secret"

4 gutted mackerel, 100 ml celery broth, lemon juice, white onion, 1 carrot. Coarsely chop the carrots and onions, so that later you can quickly separate the fish from the finished dish. Pour vegetable broth, lemon juice into the bottom of the sauté pan, put vegetables and chopped mackerel pieces in portions. Simmer over low heat for 40 minutes, adding water if necessary.

Daily diet example

  • 8:00 - boiled fish
  • 11:00 - baked fish with herbs
  • 14:00 - rich ear without anything
  • 17:00 - steam fish
  • 20:00 - boiled fish
Between main meals, you can drink fish broth and tea without sugar.

The second day of the carbohydrate (vegetable) diet

On the second day, it is allowed to eat up to 1.5 kg of various vegetables (even some potatoes), various forms except fried. The vegetable mono-diet is very low in calories and rich in vegetable carbohydrates; to digest these carbohydrates, the body needs more energy than it receives from food. Because of this, the body begins to actively use its own fat reserves. Salad Salad made from leaves of fresh cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers and greens. Without oil!

Peppers stuffed with vegetables

Vegetables are sautéed on water, tomato paste or tomatoes are added. Season with spices, stuff the pepper and stew. Boil and grate the beets, add salt and a couple of cloves of garlic. Mix and serve.

Eggplant stewed with tomatoes

Eggplant cut into cubes, salt, put in a colander and wait half an hour, rinse and dry. Cut tomatoes into a pan with a non-stick coating, add water, eggplant slices and simmer for 20 minutes. Add garlic, seasonings, simmer for a couple more minutes.

Vegetable soup (32 kcal)

1 carrot, 2 onion, eggplant, 2 tomatoes, garlic, dill, basil, salt, pepper, a liter of water. Cut vegetables: eggplant - into cubes, carrots - into cubes, tomatoes - into circles, greens - finely. In boiled water, lower the vegetables in the same order and cook for 20 minutes. At the end, add garlic and salt.

Cabbage rolls from vegetables

It will take cabbage, small zucchini, carrots, bell pepper, 2 teaspoons of soy sauce, salt, half a kilogram of tomatoes, onions. Boil the cabbage until the sheets are soft (without the stalk). For the filling: cut all the vegetables into strips, simmer for 10 minutes. Add soy sauce. Wrap the filling in cabbage, place on a baking sheet. For the sauce: chop and pass the onion in the water, add the pureed tomatoes and any seasoning. Pour stuffing over stuffed cabbage and bake in the oven.

Carrot and cabbage salad

In addition to the main ingredients, you need salt and natural yogurt. Grate the carrots, chop the cabbage. Put the vegetables in a salad bowl, pour over the yogurt and salt. Mix.

broccoli recipe

Boil in salted and lemon-flavored water (about half). For the sauce, mix 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice and broccoli broth. Add garlic, herbs and pour sauce over broccoli.

Sample meal for the day

  • 8:00 - two small pureed carrots
  • 11:00 - mashed potatoes without oil with potato broth
  • 14:00 - stewed vegetables with spices
  • 17:00 - steamed vegetables
  • 20:00 - any raw vegetables
Between meals: juices squeezed from vegetables, tea without sugar

Day three - chicken (protein)

The basis of the menu of the third day is 500 g of chicken fillet, a small amount of herbs, spices and salt. Weight continues to decrease rapidly due to the fact that the body, having abandoned carbohydrates, is forced to receive energy by burning fat cells.

Baked chicken fillet

Wash the chicken fillet, remove the skin, salt, season with spices and wrap in a baking sleeve or foil. Bake in the oven until done.

Braised chicken

Washed chicken pieces, salt, sprinkle with herbs and place in a bowl with thick walls. A cast iron skillet or roaster is best for this purpose. Close the lid tightly and cook for 2-3 hours over low heat. Well-braised chicken releases a lot of juice, so you should not add water or oil.

fried chicken recipe

In order for the meat to be soft and juicy, soak it in a mixture of spices, herbs and grape vinegar 2 hours before cooking. After pickling, each piece must be dried and evenly fried without using oil in a Teflon pan. Ideal complement for this dish will be a side dish of pickled red beans. It contains a lot of protein and goes well with chicken.

Example of food on the third day

  • 7:30 - boiled chicken fillet
  • 10:30 - juicy chicken breast with herbs
  • 13:30 - chicken soup with herbs and spices
  • 16:30 - Grilled chicken, previously peeled
  • 19:30 - boiled chicken fillet
Between the main courses, you can drink tea and low-fat chicken broth.

Day four - cereals (carbohydrate)

The basis for the cereal menu are cereals (no more than 200 grams per day), bran, seeds, fiber, as well as wheat and rye bread. These foods are rich complex carbohydrates, which easily restore glycogen stores and force the body to break down fat cells for energy.

Oatmeal cookies

Mix 10 tbsp hot milk, 8 tbsp. oatmeal, a third of a teaspoon of extinguished soda, a teaspoon of honey and vanillin. Let the mixture sit for 10-15 minutes and spoon onto a foil-lined baking sheet. You should end up with small neat cookies that should be baked in a preheated oven until cooked.

Buckwheat cutlets (65 kcal)

With a blender, grind the boiled cooled pate into a pate. buckwheat porridge, add to it a browned onion and a clove of garlic, chopped herbs, salt and pepper. You can repeat the mixture in a blender. From the resulting mass we form small cutlets and bake them in the oven for 20-30 minutes.

Natural muesli

Natural muesli is the perfect snack for a cereal day. They are made from oatmeal, coconut and prunes. Pour oatmeal with boiling water 1 cm above the level of the cereal and leave for 10-15 minutes, after covering with a lid. Drain the remaining liquid, add the chopped prunes and sprinkle with coconut flakes.

Oatmeal bars

Fill a glass of Hercules with a glass cold water and wait until the flakes become soft. Using a blender, we turn the resulting mass into a homogeneous "minced meat", add cardamom, cinnamon, vanillin. Spoon the mixture onto a baking sheet lined with foil or baking paper. We bake in the oven at a temperature of 160 degrees until cooked for about 20-30 minutes. You can wrap each bar in Japanese rice paper and raise the temperature to 180 degrees.

Flatbreads from buckwheat

Pour a glass of boiled, chilled buckwheat with half a glass of boiled water. Using a blender, grind into a homogeneous "minced meat", add 1 tbsp. rye bran, cumin and coriander. add cardamom, cinnamon, vanilla. Spoon the mixture onto a baking sheet lined with foil or baking paper. Very thin cakes should be baked at 180 degrees until they are crispy.

Sample menu for the fourth day

  • 7:30 - Sprouted wheat porridge boiled in water
  • 10:30 - salted buckwheat porridge cooked on water
  • 13:30 – boiled rice not steamed
  • 16:30 - oatmeal boiled in water with seeds or nuts (50 grams)
  • 19:30 - buckwheat porridge with herbs
In the intervals between the main meals, you can drink herbal tea and natural kvass.

Day five - cottage cheese (protein)

The main ingredient of the dishes prepared on this day is low-fat or low-fat cottage cheese (no more than 500 grams per day) and low-fat milk. This diet provides the body essential minerals and high quality proteins.

cottage cheese pudding

Cook from 30 grams of semolina and 100 ml of milk semolina without lumps. Cool it and mix with cottage cheese (150 g), raisins (1 tbsp), dried apricots (1 tbsp). Mix well and add beaten egg white. Carefully place in a greased deep dish and bake until golden brown over low heat, about 20-30 minutes.

Cottage cheese casserole

Mix with a blender two packs of low-fat cottage cheese, one egg, 1 tbsp. semolina, 1 tsp raisins, 5 tbsp. low fat sour cream. Bake in oiled deep form, at a temperature of 180 degrees. Brush with sour cream before serving.

Curd with cinnamon

If you have no idea how you can eat cottage cheese without sugar, add cinnamon to it. Dilute in a small amount water 1 tsp cinnamon and 2 sweetener tablets. It turns out a very tasty dressing for cottage cheese.


Cut 600 g of young Imeretian or Suluguni cheese into thin slices and dip into a saucepan with hot milk (1 cup). As a result, you will get a viscous mass that you need to take out, sprinkle with finely chopped mint greens and form a cake out of it. Gadazelili should be served in a deep bowl, pouring milk on top, which remains after heating.

Cheese curd dumplings with milk soup

Mix 200 grams of cottage cheese and one whipped protein. In a water bath, melt 50 g of cheese until it becomes like a thick porridge. We make small dumplings from the cooled cheese, put cottage cheese in the middle of each and form a ball with cottage cheese inside. Dip the balls in boiling milk (250g) and boil for 3-5 minutes.

Nuts with cottage cheese

Pour the crushed nuts to the bottom of the glass and cover them with a layer of fat-free cottage cheese mixed with yogurt. Next, fill everything with homemade blueberry syrup and repeat the layers in the same sequence. Blueberry syrup can be replaced with strawberry, apricot or raspberry. Use strawberries and blueberries to garnish.

Yoghurt chocolate dessert

Beat with a blender 0.5 cups of milk or 150 ml of Greek yogurt, 100 g of cottage cheese mashed to a creamy state, 1 tsp. cocoa, 0.5 tsp coffee, a little sweetener - stevia powder. If you use milk, then the amount of cottage cheese should be increased to 180g. The finished dish can be frozen in dessert molds.

Curd soufflé

Beat with a blender 200 g of cottage cheese, mashed to a creamy state, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 100 ml of yogurt, powdered stevia, a little cinnamon, one and a half tablespoons of agar. Yogurt can be substituted skimmed milk, but in this case, the amount of cottage cheese should be increased to 250 g. Gelatin can be used to prepare this dish, after soaking it in warm water, 1 tsp. per 100g

Sample menu for the fifth day

  • 7:30 - fat-free cottage cheese + 2 tablespoons of natural yogurt
  • 10:30 - fat-free cottage cheese and milk
  • 13:30 - fat-free cottage cheese
  • 16:30 - low-fat cottage cheese and milk
  • 19:30 - fat-free cottage cheese
Between main meals, you can drink one glass of milk per day and tea without restrictions.

Day six - fruits (carbohydrate)

On the fruit day of the mono-diet, you need to consume 1-2 kilograms of fruit. They can be raw, baked in the form of juices.

Kiwi and banana smoothie

Whip a banana, two kiwis and 60 ml in a blender apple juice. The dish quenches thirst well and uplifts the mood.

mango smoothie

Put the sliced ​​mango, half banana, pineapple puree into a blender bowl and turn it on for 1-2 minutes. Mango smoothie looks very impressive in a glass decorated with a sprig of thyme, along with fruit slices and any other berries.

Sample menu for the fifth day

  • 7:30 am - a couple of red apples and a cup of coffee
  • 10:30 - banana
  • 13:30 - orange and a bunch of grapes
  • 16:30 - kiwi and pineapple
  • 19:30 - a couple of green apples
In between meals, you can drink fruit juices and herbal teas.
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