Is it possible to eat cucumbers while breastfeeding. How to eat right during lactation and is it possible for a nursing mother to eat fresh cucumbers

Adults and children enjoy ice cream. Nursing mothers also want to eat a cool briquette, especially in hot weather. But you need to know which variety to buy and how much you can eat this high-calorie and sweet product so as not to harm the child. The same requirements apply to the use of cucumbers and bananas.

And now let's dwell on this in more detail.

Is it possible for a nursing mother ice cream

Every woman who is breastfeeding a baby needs to be selective about any food and remember that only quality foods should be eaten. Ice-cream is in high demand, manufacturers are in favor of it, and they are trying to reduce the cost of production in order to obtain large profits. Therefore, in store refrigerators there are often such briquettes with a delicacy that are not only harmful to nursing, but also to everyone else.

Real ice cream should contain only whole milk, its derivatives and sugar. Often it includes natural supplements in the form of fruits, berries, nuts, chocolate, and so on. If the products are state-owned, then all the ingredients in it will meet the requirements of high quality standards, if the frozen mass is made according to specifications, then the safety of the incoming components is in question. Often, unscrupulous manufacturers add palm oil and other vegetable raw materials instead of cream, which doctors categorically do not recommend for mothers to use during lactation.

The product can be dangerous without the inclusion of prohibited mixtures, since milk and sugar are allergens. For example, the protein in cow's milk is dangerous for babies. When breastfeeding, mom can eat ice cream only when the baby reaches the age of one month.

The largest amount of animal protein is found in ice cream, so it is better for mothers to abandon this variety in the first months of breastfeeding. Popsicles also carry a certain danger, since their production uses sorbet with a high content of sugar and flavorings. From this brand of goodies, you should also refrain from at least the first three months.

Allowed types of ice cream include those that you can make yourself at home. For lovers of banana-flavored ice cream, we recommend using a simple recipe:

  • Bananas - 2 pcs;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • cream - 350 g;
  • milk - 350 g.

From bananas you need to make a puree in a blender, simmer the cream, milk and sugar over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. The mixture is cooled, packaged in molds and frozen in the freezer. Such a delicacy can be eaten during lactation, but taking precautions.

  1. In the first month, you can not even eat homemade ice cream.
  2. In the second month, try a little treats and monitor the well-being of the baby.
  3. Popsicles should be tried in the third month of a child's life.
  4. After eating a spoonful of ice cream, you should observe the baby for 24 hours, if there are no unpleasant consequences, then you can eat your favorite treat in moderate doses. With adverse consequences - a violation of the baby's stool, the appearance of allergies, restless behavior - give up ice cream until about six months of the child's age.

Cooking frozen portions for yourself is an additional burden for a nursing mother, so it’s better to buy a ready-made briquette. But when choosing, try to give preference to well-known brands and trusted manufacturers. Study the information printed on the packaging - terms of manufacture, expiration date, list of incoming products. It is better not to buy formulas with additives, because you do not know how the child's body will react to nuts, strawberries or chocolate. For babies, all of these ingredients are often allergens.

What should you do if you have eaten ice cream and your baby has an allergic reaction? In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor. The baby is still too weak for his body to cope with the antigen on its own, but it is impossible to give him medicines in the first month without the consent of the doctor. Be as careful as possible when breastfeeding and remember that there is no categorical ban on ice cream for nursing mothers, but it is recommended to start using it as late as possible, preferably after three months of age.

Is it possible for a nursing mother bananas

- this is the period when the relationship between the baby and the mother is very close. The well-being of the child depends on how the nursing mother feels, what she eats, what mood she is in. The mother's nutrition should be balanced, she needs to receive vitamins, microelements, proteins, fats, carbohydrates along with food. But at the same time, it is firm to know what foods her baby can become ill from, and what she needs to eat so that the child develops excellent health from the first days of life.

The goodies that you are used to, you want to eat during lactation. This is especially true for fruits and berries. But from many of them, babies develop indigestion, so you should know which ones you should not eat. Regarding bananas, doctors say that they are useful for mother and child, because they contain a lot of substances necessary for a growing body.

  1. Everything is useful in bananas - pulp, peel, foliage. They have a rich mineral composition, characterized by a high content of zinc and magnesium. These substances have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
  2. Vitamin B group is widely represented in the fruit pulp, which is useful for the formation of intelligence, memory, and attentiveness.
  3. E-vitamin affects the health of the skin and hairline.
  4. Vitamin C is necessary for immunity, which protects the child from diseases.
  5. Banana can be eaten to increase hemoglobin, every mother should be aware of this.
  6. Amino acid - contributes to the normalization of digestion and sleep. Doctors say that if you eat only one fruit a day, then mom will do an excellent job with her duties and have a good rest in her sleep.
  7. Serotonin helps to cope with postpartum depression.
  8. Fiber helps to stop constipation, which often torments women after childbirth.

Babies tolerate this fruit without unpleasant phenomena from allergic reactions. They are not at risk of skin rashes. This happens only with individual intolerance to the product.

The algorithm for eating bananas by nursing mothers is associated with whether the mother ate them during pregnancy. If she ate and did not experience any problems, she and the baby in the womb, then in the first days after childbirth, you can enjoy the fruits. At first, only one banana per day is allowed.

If you did not eat bananas during pregnancy, then check the reaction of the child to this fruit. One piece, eaten in the morning, will give you a complete picture of the tolerance of the product to the child for two days. Watch him carefully, then eat this delicacy for health, if you do not find any unpleasant consequences.

The negative reaction of the baby includes stool disorders, bloating. In a similar situation, you need to give up bananas, but not forever. After a couple of months, try again to eat part of the banana and again observe the child. You can do this several times until you see that the baby's body has begun to accept this product. It is necessary to introduce it into the diet, since the pectin contained in it helps to normalize the stool in the mother and child.

To get the multifaceted benefits, you need to combine the use of bananas with other healthy foods.

  • Banana plus yogurt. This is a cocktail with a wonderful aroma and taste, which is an excellent digestive stimulant. Banana puree in a blender is poured with yogurt and mixed again, then consumed 150 ml once or twice a day.
  • Banana plus pear plus apple - the dish is called fruit salad and dressed with yogurt.
  • Grind banana plus cottage cheese and eat for health, you can make cookies on this basis by adding flour and sugar. The finished dessert is baked in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.
  • Banana plus cottage cheese and apple. Grind all the ingredients or cut the fruit, season with sour cream. It will turn out a delicious mass, for an afternoon snack or a second breakfast (dinner).

Doctors consider banana to be good for mom and baby. It helps a woman cope with postpartum unrest, and gives a child through breast milk many necessary components to strengthen immunity.

Is it possible for a nursing mother fresh cucumbers

Replenishment of vitamins and trace elements during breastfeeding for the mother is an urgent need. She should eat healthy foods in order to maintain balance in her body and the health of the child. Most of the necessary substances the mother receives by eating vegetables, among which cucumbers are the favorite for many.

But cucumber dishes in the mother's diet must be introduced according to certain rules. They are developed by nutritionists in all details, it is necessary to listen to the recommendations of specialists. should not be used at first
days, if you don't want to. But it is not recommended to refuse it, because it contains the necessary substances for you and the baby.

  1. Vitamin complex B plus P, plus C. B is strength, P is the well-being of the heart, C is protection from disease.
  2. Microelement composition - phosphorus and calcium for the formation of bones, joints.
  3. Iodine - to normalize work.
  4. Iron - counteracts anemia.
  5. Fiber - to stimulate digestion.

In addition, cucumbers are a low-calorie vegetable and help mothers regain their former attractive forms after pregnancy.

This product should be introduced into the diet from the second month. At the same time, be guided by how often you ate cucumbers before childbirth. That is, whether this product will be new for your baby, or whether he is already used to it in the womb. If you have always consumed cucumbers, then there is almost no risk of unpleasant consequences for the baby.

But in order to be convinced of this, it is necessary to verify this fact by experiment. In the morning, eat a small piece of cucumber and see how the baby will feel. If all is well, then the portion can be increased and brought to one per day. In the case of such responses of the child's body as bloating and indigestion, stool disturbance and anxiety, the use of the vegetable must be stopped.

It should be remembered that cucumber is a useful product, its complete exclusion from the diet is undesirable. Try again in a month. If this time everything worked out, then you can safely introduce cucumber salads and dishes with cucumbers into your diet.

Eat only fresh cucumbers, pickled vegetables are dangerous because marinades contain many harmful compounds. This is especially true for vinegar, flavors and preservatives. However, and here there are exceptions, homemade cuddles without vinegar can be consumed in limited quantities during breastfeeding.

For nursing mothers, it is important to put their appearance in order after pregnancy. Cucumber is also useful for your beauty. It brightens the skin on the face, which contributes to the disappearance of age spots. Masks from cucumber slices have a tonic and moisturizing effect on the skin. In the same way, you can remove circles under the eyes from sleepless nights, the first mimic wrinkles around the eyes.

An excellent refreshing and rejuvenating effect is provided by cucumber ice cubes, which are frozen in a cucumber juice freezer. Taking a fragment out of the mold, treat the skin of your face with it, attach it to the stretch marks on the body, the result will please you. In this way, you can make the stretch marks less noticeable, and the face refreshed.

Doctors recommend remembering one important rule. Refusing any products outright, you will harm your child. He will be prone to allergies to them in the future. During lactation, try to eat a little of everything, then during the feeding period you will have fewer problems.

Cucumbers are useful for women at any age, including breastfeeding, but given some features and contraindications. This vegetable has practically no contraindications, as it effectively cleanses the body of toxins, helps to satisfy hunger and replenish vitamins and trace elements. But when using cucumbers during lactation, mothers should be careful, as the gastrointestinal tract of babies reacts differently to the substances contained in them. We are not talking about the complete exclusion of the product from the diet, but there are restrictions on its inclusion in the nutrition of nursing mothers. Therefore, each of them should know how, when, how many cucumbers can be eaten so as not to harm the health of the baby, and which one to give preference to.

About the principles of breastfeeding

In order to understand how the quality of milk depends on the nutrition of the mother, you need to understand how it is formed and what processes take place in the body when certain products are consumed. Many people ask the question of what can and cannot be eaten by nursing mothers. Doctors say there are no forbidden foods. There is a rational and correct approach to organizing the nutrition of the mother herself.

Basic principles of breastfeeding:

  1. Do not give up healthy food, including vegetables.
  2. The mother herself can determine from what food she has eaten the baby's tummy swells and colic begins, and should stop eating these foods.
  3. If you completely give up cucumbers, there is a risk of allergies in your child in the future.

The rules that every woman should remember when determining the diet have long been determined by experts. Their professional advice must be taken seriously.

  1. Do not give up healthy food, including vegetables. All substances that enter the mother's blood and are secreted into milk pass the blood-milk barrier. Many harmful components do not overcome it. This is a natural protection for the health of the baby with HB.
  2. The mother herself can determine from what food she has eaten the baby's tummy swells and colic begins, and should stop eating these foods. This also applies to cucumbers.
  3. If cucumbers have always been in the mother's diet, then they should not be abandoned, but they should be consumed in moderation.
  4. If you completely give up cucumbers for fear that they will cause adverse events or reactions in the baby, then this will not be right. The risk of your child developing an allergy from cucumbers in the future will be increased.

That is, all products with HB must be treated with common sense. Little by little, you can eat everything, you only need to exclude harmful foods, such as alcohol, smoked meats and chemical additives in preservatives.

What are the benefits of cucumbers

Cucumber consists of 95% water, therefore it has a powerful cleansing effect, removes toxic substances from the body and at the same time solves many other problems.

  1. Cleansing occurs naturally, while the stool is normalized and the work of the urinary tract is activated. Many women have problems in this regard after childbirth, eating cucumbers in an amount that does not harm the baby helps to solve them.
  2. Useful components - vitamin (PP, B, E) and microelement complexes contained in cucumber, together with mother's milk enter the child's body, strengthen his immune system and increase resistance to diseases.
  3. For mothers, an important factor is the effect of tartronic acid on carbohydrate metabolism. Under its influence, carbohydrates do not turn into fats, but become a source of energy and vitality. This contributes to the successful fight against extra pounds accumulated during pregnancy, and supports a woman in difficult days of caring for a newborn.
  4. The low calorie content of the product, which can kill the appetite, also helps to stabilize body weight. There are only 9 kcal per 100 grams of cucumbers, so you won’t be able to gain weight, but bananas can cause excess weight. ABOUT USE you can read a separate article.
  5. The high content of potassium and iodine has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and endocrine systems of the mother and child. Potassium is useful not only for the heart, it is an indispensable element for the normalization of kidney function.
  6. Sodium, fluorine, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium have a beneficial effect on all systems and organs and ensure their normal functioning.
  7. The presence of dietary fiber stimulates the digestive tract, which normalizes digestion and metabolism.
  8. Rich in fiber helps digestible animal proteins

The effects of general recovery and increase in vitality can be expressed by a four-component formula:

1) cucumber helps the absorption of nutrients from food;

2) removal of harmful components;

3) helps to eliminate constipation;

4) stimulates metabolism.

This effect on the mother's body has a positive effect on the child. With the help of cucumbers, you can adjust body weight, improve the appearance of the skin, fight congestion in the body. This vegetable is digested without the participation of enzymes, that is, there is no additional load on the pancreas.

Cucumbers with HB - is it possible or not?

When not to eat cucumbers while breastfeeding:

  • serious diseases of the stomach and duodenum. These include ulcers and hyperacidity.
  • bloating and fermentation in the intestines in a child, which they can cause
  • place of cultivation, technology, season (buying greenhouse cucumbers or from abroad is not recommended due to the large amount of fertilizers and chemicals).

Despite the long list of useful properties, some nursing mothers are not recommended to eat cucumbers. This applies to those who have serious diseases of the stomach and duodenum. These include ulcers and hyperacidity. The use of this vegetable can cause complications in them in the form of a relapse of ailments, and at the same time destabilize the feeding process. Used during an exacerbation of ulcers, intensive therapy requires the cessation of feeding. This is done to avoid harm to the health of the baby.

A serious reason to stop eating cucumbers is the bloating and fermentation in the intestines of a child, which they can cause. Such phenomena cause diarrhea and colic in the baby. The baby does not tolerate them very well, constantly cries, does not sleep, becomes restless. To prevent anomalies, it is enough for mom to stop eating cucumbers.

Doctors do not recommend that nursing mothers eat cucumbers grown in environmentally polluted areas or with the use of large amounts of fertilizers. All these chemicals with breast milk will enter the baby's body and can cause allergic reactions and poisoning. Pickles should be eaten with great care. In this case, mothers may have swelling, because salt negatively affects water exchange, and the quality of milk may deteriorate from the composition of the marinade.

If you choose vegetables carefully, then you should take into account such indicators as the place of cultivation, technology, season. Winter greenhouse cucumbers are always saturated with nitrates, they are dangerous for the health of mother and child, so it is better to refrain from introducing them into the diet in winter and early spring. Homemade cucumbers grown in our own beds are the safest. If you do not have a garden, then it is better to buy them at the farmers' market from mid-June to mid-October. This will ensure that you get ground vegetables and do not harm yourself and the baby.

In what form and how to eat cucumbers while breastfeeding?

The diet during breastfeeding is more strict than during pregnancy. Those who have children know this from their own experience. They have already experienced such childhood ailments as allergies, gases, so they eat vegetables and fruits with caution, and only those from which there will be no problems. And young mothers are surprised to learn from the doctor that they are not allowed to eat many delicacies and favorite dishes while breastfeeding, or they can, but a little. Cucumbers belong to the category of such products, and you need to know when you can start eating them for a nursing mother, how much to eat and what fruits to buy.

Doctors clearly prefer fresh vegetables. Only in this type of product contains the whole complex of useful substances that contribute to improving the health of mother and child. A woman can eat a small amount of cucumber at breakfast and conduct an experiment by observing the well-being of the child. If you find that the baby has bloating and colic, then forget about cucumbers. This product is not suitable for your baby.

You need to focus on your own feelings and on the condition of the baby.

If there are no unpleasant phenomena in the form of colic, gas and diarrhea, then you can eat fresh vegetables, but do not overeat. Remember that you need to focus on your own feelings and on the condition of the baby. Proper use of fresh cucumbers contributes to the fact that the beneficial effects will affect the rest of the day and night:

  • you will have a good supply of milk, thanks to the water in the composition of the vegetable;
  • digestion will work like clockwork, because the fruits are rich in fiber and dietary fiber;
  • the laxative effect is useful for both you and the baby, this property allows you to cope with constipation in a child and helps to regulate the work of his intestines;
  • microelements and vitamins, together with milk, enter the baby's body and contribute to strengthening health and normalizing metabolism.

Why pickled cucumbers should be treated with caution

The digestive system of the baby during breastfeeding is not directly, but depends on what the mother eats. If you want a lightly salted cucumber, think about how your baby will react to this. Try eating half a fruit from homemade pickles. They are not as dangerous as store-bought preservatives. At the same time, do everything in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor.

  1. The first use should be only after the baby is three months old.
  2. Eat one piece of cucumber and don't add any other new foods to your diet that day. In this case, you will know for sure that the negative reaction (if any) is from a lightly salted cucumber.
  3. You need to start the experiment in the morning, by the evening the dysfunctions that have arisen from the new ingredient in the child will pass.
  4. After the baby's normal reaction to the piece of lightly salted cucumber you ate, repeat the experiment no earlier than two days later. You can slightly increase the amount of food eaten. If this time there are no troubles, then you can eat lightly salted cucumbers.
  5. You need to limit yourself to 2-3 cucumbers, no more. Eat them with other foods, and not on an empty stomach. Eating pickles on an empty stomach is not recommended for everyone, especially nursing mothers.

To understand how your baby reacted to salted cucumbers, you need to know the symptoms of unpleasant consequences.

It consists of the following features:

  • flatulence, painful swelling;
  • anxiety, crying, nervousness;
  • skin rash, that is, a manifestation of an allergy to the product;
  • violation of the stool, expressed in diarrhea or;
  • thirst.

The appearance of even one of these signs indicates that the baby's body is not ready to accept this product. You need to give up pickles, you can try again only after a month.

Important. For the mother's body, the use of pickles can also be harmful. It consists in swelling due to water retention in the body and in a change in the quantity and quality of milk. The worst consequence is the fact that milk is missing, but this happens extremely rarely.

The introduction of cucumbers in the diet of a nursing mother

The reaction of the mother's body to the product is always transmitted to the baby. Therefore, cucumbers should be introduced into the diet with caution. Medicine knows cases of the occurrence of various intestinal disorders in a child with the early introduction of fresh and lightly salted cucumbers into the mother's diet. They consisted, as a rule, in painful swelling, gas formation, colic. A serious consequence that can happen is the occurrence of dysbacteriosis.

The optimal time for the introduction of a vegetable into the mother's diet is the fourth to fifth month.

For children up to three months of age, unregulated bowel function is characteristic. Milk ferments in it, which causes pain. This phenomenon, when the mother consumes cucumbers, can be aggravated and bring a lot of suffering to the child. It is for this reason that it is not recommended for a nursing mother to eat cucumbers in any form when the child is less than three months old.

The optimal time for the introduction of a vegetable into the mother's diet is the fourth to fifth month. By this time, his own infant digestive problems disappear, and the baby reacts to new foods less sensitively. You need to do this gradually, in small quantities, eat cucumbers in the morning in order to follow the reaction of the child during the day.

Remember, cucumber is a useful product for both a nursing mother and a baby; you should not refuse it. But you need to eat it in accordance with the recommendations of doctors and additionally focus on your own observations of the well-being of the baby.

Most mothers, especially in the first months of a baby's life, are afraid to shiver to eat something extra that is not suitable for the child. An important role in the formation of these fears is played by “useful advice” from relatives and girlfriends with “own experience”, as well as pediatricians of the old formation, who are sure that the best diet for a nursing mother is milk porridge and soups. With regard to cucumbers, as a rule, the following arguments are given:

  • the product causes increased gas formation and colic;
  • cucumbers are not digested and evidence of this is the green feces of the child;
  • Cucumber is an "empty" food that contains nothing but water and fiber.

Do such statements have any basis, and yet - is it possible to breastfeed cucumbers or is the ban on them based on real threats to health and well-being? We understand sequentially.

Fresh cucumbers during breastfeeding as a source of discomfort in the baby's abdomen

This does happen, but it is a very individual reaction. Some mothers claim that after eating cucumbers, the child puffs up, becomes restless, sleeps poorly and cries a lot. Others boast that their child does not care what mother's nutrition consists of during breastfeeding. The only way to determine which of the groups your baby belongs to is by observing his behavior and well-being after feeding.

To minimize the risks, it is advisable to do the following:

  • introduce the product in question into the menu after the baby is 3 months old and his gastrointestinal tract adapts to the outside world. If a mother really wants to eat a cucumber while breastfeeding in the first month, it is better to do it in the morning, leaving herself the opportunity to assess the baby's condition during the day;
  • add cucumbers to the diet in small quantities and at one meal per day. Doing this at first is not more than 3 times a week;
  • choose cucumbers grown in the open field, since greenhouse vegetables often roll over the amount of nitrates. It is better if they are home or farm. Preference should be given to small young cucumbers - they are more useful and better digested.

Cucumbers and green feces: is there a connection?

More like reverse than direct. The fact is that a poor and varied diet of a nursing mother negatively affects the nutritional value of milk. In particular, the foremilk and hindmilk are not balanced with each other, which can lead to scanty volume and a greenish tint to the stool.

The same situation occurs when the baby eats only foremilk from both breasts alternately within the same meal. There are no reasons or prerequisites to associate the unusual green color of feces with the fact that mom ate a vegetable of the same shade at dinner.

Water and fiber... but not only

Before confidently asserting that cucumbers are a useless product, adherents of this theory should study its micronutrient composition in more detail. Good young cucumbers contain in one quantity or another:

  • vitamins A, B1, B12, C and PP;
  • potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, silicon, bromine, zinc and cobalt;
  • beta carotene;
  • folic and tartronic acids.

With pickled cucumbers, the situation is more ambiguous. Spices, herbs, spices, and vinegar contained in the marinade can significantly change the taste of milk. In this case, the baby's refusal to breastfeed is quite likely. Also, allergic reactions of crumbs to this product are not uncommon. Excess salt acts on mother and baby in the same way as in the case of pickles. Although no one forbids trying it - your child will answer the question whether pickled cucumbers can be breastfed or if you should refrain from them. Is the baby constantly thirsty? Are there signs of an allergy? Baby categorically refuses to breastfeed? So, for now, pickled cucumber is not your product.

In any case, home and, especially, industrial preservation can be introduced into the diet of a nursing woman after the child is 6 months old. And even better to do it closer to the year.

Can cucumbers be breastfed? Many people love this vegetable: fresh, salted, canned, pickled ... But is it worth it to eat mother's cucumber during breastfeeding or still refuse them? After all, vegetables are a source of vitamins and minerals, which are very necessary during breastfeeding.


This green vegetable is present on almost every table. On a hot summer day, it's so nice to crunch on them. Someone likes pickles, and someone likes to eat pickled ones. What is the use of this vegetable?

  • a large amount of potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart muscles and kidneys;
  • dietary fiber that improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • iodine, necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • vitamins B, E, PP;
  • a large number of various trace elements: sodium, iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium.

Cucumbers can be eaten when needed:

  • improve digestion;
  • cope with stool problems;
  • improve the functioning of the urinary tract;
  • normalize metabolism.

All this is very useful for the body, but is it possible to eat cucumbers while breastfeeding?

Introduction to the diet of a nursing mother

What a mother eats can affect the well-being of a child who is breastfed. Cucumbers, despite their beneficial properties, can adversely affect the body of both the mother and her baby. If you eat them from the very first days after childbirth, then the newborn may experience bloating, gas formation. He may also have severe colic.

In the first three months, the child's body only gets used to eating. Breast milk itself can cause stomach discomfort. And cucumbers, salted or just fresh, can worsen the not so good condition of the newborn. That is why a nursing mother should not eat them immediately after childbirth.

It is better for a nursing mother to eat cucumbers three months after the birth of a child, when his digestion process improves. You can not use them in large quantities for the first time. First, you can eat a small piece of vegetable during breakfast. All day you need to monitor the well-being of the child. If he has problems, then it is better to refuse to eat cucumbers. Well, if everything is in order, then the young mother can eat a little more, but the main thing is not to overeat.

vegetable selection

You need to choose cucumbers carefully, look at their quality. So, in winter they sell fresh cucumbers grown in greenhouses. Typically, these vegetables contain a lot of nitrates and other chemicals. Therefore, it is better not to eat them at this time of the year, but to wait for the onset of summer.

Pickled cucumbers retain all vitamins and microelements, so they are not inferior to fresh vegetables in usefulness. However, nursing mothers need to eat them carefully. They can cause a fermentation process in the stomach, which is unlikely to please the baby. Pickled vegetables contain a lot of salt and vinegar, which can also cause discomfort.

Therefore, it is better to give preference to fresh cucumbers.

If you eat pickles in large quantities, they can cause the baby:

  • allergy;
  • gas formation;
  • increased nervousness;
  • violation of the chair;
  • thirst.

salad recipes

To treat yourself to this crunchy vegetable, you can make salads with it. There are many recipes that include cucumber, not only fresh, but also canned.

Cucumber salad with sour cream

  • 1 kilogram of fresh cucumbers;
  • half a glass of sour cream;
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • salt pepper;
  • greens.


  1. Peel cucumbers, cut and remove seeds.
  2. Cut the vegetables into thin strips and season with salt. Let stand for about an hour to release the juice.
  3. After an hour, put the cucumbers in a colander and let the liquid drain.
  4. Put the chopped vegetables in a bowl and pour over them with sour cream mixed with lemon juice.
  5. Add spices and herbs to taste.

cheese salad

To prepare it you will need:

  • 400 grams of hard cheese;
  • 200 grams of fresh cucumbers;
  • 3 small apples;
  • any salad dressing.


  1. Cut cheese into small cubes.
  2. Peel the washed apples from the peel and seeds, cut into slices.
  3. Cucumbers cut into small cubes.
  4. Mix all ingredients and season with sauce.

The vinaigrette

To prepare it you will need:

  • 400 grams of beets;
  • 400 grams of potatoes;
  • 300 grams of carrots;
  • 200 grams of sour cabbage;
  • 200 grams of cut or pickled cucumbers;
  • 150 grams of onion;
  • salt and vegetable oil.

Doctors' opinions about is it possible for a nursing mother cucumbers, diverge. Some say that this product is useful because it contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, but others argue that the baby may experience colic and bloating. So is it possible to introduce cucumbers into the menu of a nursing mother? Let's try to understand this issue.

Vegetables are valuable source of vitamins in the human diet. They should also be on the menu of nursing mothers, but this should be done with caution and introduced gradually.

Breast milk is the best and staple food for a newborn baby, so what his mother eats is very important.

With mother's milk, the child receives the vitamins and minerals he needs, which affects strengthening his immunity. Therefore, in the absence of allergic reactions, the use of vegetables is simply necessary.

Useful properties of cucumbers

  • A large amount of potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle
  • An excellent diuretic that cleanses the kidneys
  • small calorie content
  • Improved digestion, which is associated with a large amount of dietary fiber
  • High iodine content, which reduces the chance of thyroid problems
  • Vitamins PP, E, B, C
  • Many trace elements such as sodium, fluorine, iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc

When to introduce fresh cucumbers into the diet while breastfeeding?

The above properties of this vegetable are useful for adults. But will they benefit the baby, with its imperfect digestive system?

Food eaten by mom does not pass directly into milk, and the reaction of the mother's body to this product is transmitted to the baby. And if you include fresh cucumbers in the menu, this can lead to gas formation, bloating, colic, and possibly dysbacteriosis.

Usually in the first 3 months of life, babies suffer from abdominal pain, which is associated with fermentation in the intestines of drunk milk. And cucumbers can exacerbate this situation.

When introducing cucumbers into the diet, you need to start with a small amount, and best of all in the morning, in order to observe the reaction of the child during the day, and if colic appears, then by nighttime sleep they will already pass.

If the child does not react in any way to taking cucumbers, then they can not be excluded, but eat in moderation.

You also need to consider the quality of these vegetables. Often they are grown in special greenhouses, treated with various chemicals. Accumulated in fruits, they can lead to poisoning, in which case it is better to refuse the use.

During feeding, all products must be grown in the most natural environment. It's best if it's grown in your own garden, or bought from good friends who cultivate this crop in the village.

Pickled and pickled cucumbers while breastfeeding

In pickled cucumbers, the content of the necessary substances does not differ from fresh ones. But a nursing mother should use them with even greater caution, introducing them into the diet gradually and in small portions, closely monitoring the condition of the baby.

If there are no negative reactions, such cucumbers can be left on the menu, but within reasonable limits, because. they are able to retain fluid in the body.

Pickled cucumbers can cause a baby:

  • Stool disorders
  • Strong gas formation
  • increased nervousness
  • thirsty
  • Allergic skin rashes

When pickling cucumbers, vinegar and salt are used, which is not recommended for breastfeeding.

As you can see, when answering the question of whether it is possible for a nursing mother to take cucumbers, the most important thing is to start the introduction with small amounts and observe how your baby reacts to this.

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