Table of vegetable combinations. I'm not a couple for you: incongruous products

For the first time, the idea of ​​food compatibility and incompatibility came to Herbert Sheldon. Years of research helped him determine the enzymes that are necessary for the digestion of certain foods and develop such a popular diet as separate meals. A table that clearly demonstrates all the principles of the system is an easy way to stick to this nutrition system.

The basis on which separate nutrition is built is a product compatibility table.

Features of the separate power supply system

The undoubted advantage is that this system can be used for a long time. If you don't want to starve, skip meals, and eat monotonous food, choose a diet of separate meals. The table below clearly demonstrates how varied your diet will be.

The principles of separate power, in addition to the compatibility table, include:

  • no overeating and late dinners (after 8 pm);
  • slow and thorough chewing of each piece of food;
  • drinking 1.5 liters of water per day;
  • refusal of alcohol (only 1 glass of dry white wine is allowed for dinner);
  • mandatory intake of vitamins during the period of active weight loss;
  • gradual reduction in salt intake;
  • incorporating physical activity into your daily schedule (long walks, swimming and cycling are especially recommended).

Despite many criticisms, all nutritionists recognize the benefits of separate nutrition. Compatibility tables help to normalize the diet and make it more balanced. Moreover, such a regimen helps a person adhere to a diet from a psychological point of view. The presence of rules, but at the same time, the availability to independently form a menu is a great opportunity to learn healthy eating skills and lose weight.

Taking vitamins is a necessary component of success in losing weight.

Compatibility table

So, you have chosen separate meals. The product compatibility table is as follows. Products in opposite columns have perfect compatibility. They can be safely used together. Other combinations are contraindicated, as they cause discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract and are poorly digested, provoking the deposition of excess fat.

Separate power - product compatibility table

Dietary varieties of meat, poultry and fish, offalAny green and non-starchy vegetables (best paired with lettuce)
Dairy products and cottage cheeseAny vegetables except potatoes, dried fruits and sweet fruits, nuts, sour cream, salty cheeses
MilkCannot be combined with any other products and must be used alone.
Sour creamGrain products, potatoes, sour fruits and tomatoes, any vegetables, cottage cheese and dairy products
Various types of cheeses (brynza, feta)Cottage cheese and dairy products, any vegetables (except potatoes), sour fruits and tomatoes
ButterBread and cereals, sour fruits and tomatoes, any vegetables (potatoes are also allowed), cottage cheese and dairy products
Vegetable oilsGrain products, legumes, any vegetables (including potatoes), sour fruits and tomatoes, nuts
EggsNon-starchy and green vegetables
Sour fruits (orange, grapefruit, tangerine, pomegranate, kiwi, lemon, pineapple, etc.) and tomatoesButter and vegetable oils, cheeses, sour cream, non-starchy vegetables, nuts
Sweet fruits (bananas, pears, apples, etc.) and dried fruitsNon-starchy and green vegetables, cottage cheese and dairy products
Starchy vegetables (beets, carrots, pumpkin, corn, swede, Jerusalem artichoke and cauliflower), not including potatoesCottage cheese and dairy products, cheeses, butter and vegetable oils, nuts, cereals, non-starchy and green vegetables
Non-starchy (cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, zucchini, etc.) and green vegetablesAny food except melon, watermelon and milk
Melon and watermelonNot compatible with anything (including each other)
Cereals and legumes (rice, buckwheat, soybeans, oats, beans, chickpeas, lentils, peas, etc.)Starchy vegetables, except potatoes, non-starchy and green vegetables, vegetable oil, sour cream
Cereals, bread, pasta and potatoesButter and vegetable oils, starchy, non-starchy and leafy vegetables
nutsVegetable oils, cottage cheese and dairy products, any vegetables (without potatoes), sour fruits and tomatoes

Sample menu for one day

What should the menu look like with separate meals? The Food Compatibility Chart will help you create many different diets based on this example.

  • Breakfast: orange; buckwheat porridge cooked in water; coffee without milk and sugar or green tea.
  • Snack: 2 apples or a bunch of grapes.
  • Lunch: lean fish stew; large portion of salad.
  • Snack: natural yogurt; a handful of dried fruits and nuts.
  • Dinner: vegetable soup with potatoes; a piece of whole grain bread; a glass of natural juice.

Thus, if you want to quickly and safely for the body, separate meals will be an excellent choice. The compatibility table will help you master its principles and easily create tasty, varied and healthy diets.

The obligatory task of food is to satisfy human needs for food, as well as to bring benefits to health. That is why you should understand which products are vital, and what they are best combined with.

If the foods consumed are completely healthy, but incompatible with each other, then this is slowly detrimental to health. The work of digestion in the body takes too much effort, which can be seen after eating very often you want to sleep. Therefore, you can not overload the stomach. To do this, you must follow the correct combination of products for.

Vegetables and fruits are processed already in the small intestine, and meat and bread are first digested in the stomach. If you add fruit juice to them, then in the process of work, fermentation is formed from these nutrients, resulting in the formation of alcohol. Also, you can not combine dairy products with fish, sugar with peas, honey with butter. It takes more than an hour for the digestive system to process fruit food. Vegetables are digested even more slowly: at least two hours are spent on them.

So it turns out that with the wrong use of food, you can harm your health. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that food can be digested normally in the body. It will also be useful to eat green fresh vegetables, from which it is useful to prepare a salad and add vegetable oil to them. It is in order to avoid the misuse of food that a food compatibility table for proper nutrition was created.

Matching table, how to combine food correctly

This table includes a list of useful products that may or may not be compatible for consumption. If you strictly follow all the instructions, you can get healthy and tasty food for every day with benefits for your health.

In order to learn how to eat right without harming your health, you must follow a specially created compatibility table. It includes frequently used products, and each has its own row and column number. It also has three colors, each of which indicates how compatible these foods are.

  • Green color indicates that products can be combined.
  • Yellow indicates that combining products is possible, but not desirable.
  • Red means a ban on the use of allocated nutrients.

So, for example, if cheese and vegetables are marked in green in the table, then this will be a good combination that will only benefit the body.

But potatoes and eggs, marked in red in the table, do not match.

After three months, the working capacity of the human body improves, the appearance becomes more attractive, new forces come, and diseases disappear.

About separate meals

It is best for a person to follow a proper diet, which is very useful for. This is not a diet, just the right combination of some foods with others. It is because of the improper use of food that nausea, bloating, heartburn occurs when incompatible food is not digested. How simpler the food will be, depends on how much easier it will be processed.

That is why you need to follow a certain method of separate absorption of food, which will help normalize the body. Proper combination of products with proper nutrition helps to get rid of excess weight.

Pros and cons of separate meals

The system of such nutrition was invented at the beginning of the twentieth century, and it still remains relevant. If a person follows all the rules regarding this feeding system, then in a couple of months his condition will improve much. Thanks to this, you can get rid of toxins in the body and achieve. Also, with a separate diet, you can recover from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

With improper use of dishes, completely undigested food is deposited in the human body in the form of fats. And if you eat fruits on an empty stomach, heartburn and indigestion can be caused. If before that you eat meat or poultry, then a process of decay will occur in the stomach, which will cause injury to the body.

Separate food has its pros and cons. First, let's take a look at its benefits. Thanks to him, a person is charged with new energy, chronic fatigue gives way to a fresh surge of strength, extra pounds go away.

The disadvantages include the constant feeling of hunger, which should be learned to control, the lack of a sense of satiety, the search for recipes for the proper use of food.

Given these disadvantages, the method of separate food intake should be moved carefully so that the vital organs can get used to this system.

The main task of separate nutrition is the separation of carbohydrate products from protein products. For nutrition that will benefit health, the interval between the absorption of such nutrients should be at least two hours.

Carbohydrate foods include potatoes, bread, pasta, sugar, etc.

Food items rich in proteins include fish, meat, milk, cottage cheese, eggs, legumes.

Food products that are neutral are also known. They are easily combined with carbohydrates and proteins, because they do not cause complications in processing. This list includes vegetables, fatty cheese and cottage cheese, animal fat, sour cream, fruits and vegetables.

It is worth noting that melon does not belong to any of these categories. It is best to eat it separately, as an independent dish.

The transition to the method of separate meals should be gradual, allocating one day a week for this. It can become unloading so that the body can get rid of toxins and toxins and prepare for a new treatment. This day should be dedicated to the fact that a person will eat dishes only from raw or stewed vegetables without salt and seasonings. You can eat pure fruits and fruit salads. In this case, you need to drink plenty of mineral water or tea with honey to help the body get rid of toxins more easily. It is worth noting that on such a day you may experience a headache or pain in the joints. Do not be afraid of this, this indicates that this is how the body reacts to the removal of accumulated poison. The next day, these pains will pass.

For those who plan to switch to separate meals, it is best to adhere to the following principles:

  1. Breakfast with fruit, cheese, sour cream, bran bread sandwiches and butter.
  2. Eat protein for lunch. In this case, you can not eat meat or fish with potatoes or pasta. It is best to pay attention to vegetable soups and broths. You need to drink juices from fresh fruits.
  3. you need carbohydrate foods. These include carrot casserole, cooked potatoes, pasta cooked with cheese, sweet fruit.

If you stick to this diet, you can achieve the desired effects and feel much better.

You should also follow the recommendations regarding the method of separate absorption of food. So apples and melons are best consumed as independent dishes. They cleanse the body and energize. If they are incorrectly combined with other foods, this can cause fermentation in the stomach. And you should not drink sweet tea with food, since sweet liquids should be separate dishes. It is best to drink tea 60-80 minutes after eating. And incompatible food is more useful to absorb with an interval of 2 hours.

In order to and for 20 days, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Replace sugar with honey in tea.
  2. Eat protein foods before dinner.
  3. Drink milk separately, as an independent dish.
  4. Diligently chew food (preferably into the smallest pieces).
  5. Eat food slowly.
  6. Refuse meat decoctions.
  7. Eat more fruits and raw vegetables.
  8. 4 hours should pass before each meal. In between times, lungs are acceptable.
  9. Often eat (at least six times a day).
  10. Do not drink water and tea with food.
  11. There are fruits with skins.
  12. Refuse to use refined products.
  13. Eat only wholemeal bread.

If a person suffers from chronic diseases, then before switching to a separate diet, he needs to consult a doctor.

Many people know that good digestion largely depends on the correct combination of foods consumed. But, there are many nuances, the failure to take into account which can cause a negative reaction of the body even when switching to a raw food diet. Why does the long-awaited lightness of the body not come, sleep does not improve and endurance does not increase? Where is the promised rejuvenation, fullness of energy and increased vitality? Why aren't there? Everything is explained simply and prosaically - mixing incompatible products leads to the fact that our body cannot absorb what is coming, and therefore the processes of fermentation and decay of food residues begin. What an ease.

Well-known among admirers of a healthy lifestyle, Herbert Shelton believed that indigestible food not only does not benefit the human body, but also greatly harms it, forming poisons that are carried throughout the body by blood streams.

Only knowledge about the compatibility of individual food groups and, most importantly, the application of this knowledge in practice will give our body the opportunity to work in favorable conditions, and this will immediately affect its general condition.

Let's take a look at the opinions on food compatibility between such experts in healthy nutrition as hygienist scientist Herbert Shelton and raw foodist with many years of experience Frederic Patenoud. A summary table and a simplified product matching chart are suitable for everyday use.

It is well known that according to the chemical composition, food is conditionally divided into proteins, carbohydrates and fats. For the processing of each group, a certain environment (neutral, acidic or alkaline) and a certain type of enzymes are required. When mixing products of different composition, for example, protein with starch, the stomach begins to produce both acid and alkali at the same time, which have a neutralizing effect on each other. As a result: the load on the organs is increased, the products are not assimilated, and they begin to rot in the stomach and intestines, forming poisons and poisoning the body. Resisting this poison, the body reduces the overall immune defense and becomes more susceptible to all kinds of diseases.

The combination of products in a healthy diet: basic concepts

When developing his nutrition system, Herbert Shelton identified 10 basic rules that must be followed for the harmonious functioning of the body and the achievement of excellent health at any age. He advised not to mix and not to use at the same time the products of the following groups:

  1. proteins and carbohydrates;
  2. acid and starch;
  3. squirrels and proteins;
  4. fats and proteins;
  5. acids and proteins;
  6. proteins and sugar;
  7. fats and sugar;
  8. starch and sugar;
  9. starch and starch;
  10. fats and fats.

Let's analyze each group separately and find out why it is recommended to separate these product groups.

This prohibition should be learned once and for all, and made it the main rule of your separate diet. It is known that the process of digestion of starch and protein requires the presence of completely opposite environments: for starch - alkaline, for protein - acidic. With their simultaneous development, mutual mixing and neutralization of each other occurs.

Look around and you will see many clear examples of separate nutrition among animals. In the wild, the inhabitants do not eat different types of food at the same time - only at different times.

Why can't starch foods be mixed with acidic foods? Let's figure it out. Most of the starch is processed in our mouth by interacting with the enzyme contained in saliva - ptyalin. Even a weak concentration of acid can destroy this enzyme. By eating foods containing acid, we destroy salivary ptyalin, thereby preventing starch from being digested.

The following foods are considered the most starchy: bananas, potatoes, most legumes and cereals. Acids, to a greater extent, are found in acidic fruits and berries, as well as in tomatoes.

That is why you should not combine tomatoes with any cereals, and bananas with oranges. If you really want to make a fruit salad with bananas, add sweet apples or mangoes to them.

Different types of proteins have a significantly different composition and require the production of certain types of digestive juice, which causes an additional burden on the housing and communal services. That is why experts do not recommend mixing several protein products at the same time.

There are numerous objections to this, stating that the body requires a wide range of amino acids, which are found in different types of protein-containing foods. And precisely in order to supply the body with all the necessary substances, it is required to consume several types of protein. In principle, everything is correct, but, with the modern reusable diet, what prevents you from taking these proteins at different times of the day?

Fats slow down the digestion of protein foods by the stomach, as they inhibit the production of the corresponding enzymes of gastric juice for about 1.5-2 hours. During this time, undigested proteins can begin to decompose and rot.

Green vegetables will help to partially correct the situation - they neutralize the inhibitory properties of fats on the work of the gastric glands and contribute to the normalization of the process of assimilation of proteins. Thus, if you still have to consume fats with proteins at the same time, eat such a meal with green vegetables in large quantities. It is best if they are raw.

There is a widespread belief among lay people that if protein-digesting pepsin is activated only in an acidic environment, then effective additional acidification will help the stomach digest protein foods faster. Unfortunately, it is not. If acid is present both in the mouth and in the stomach, gastric juice ceases to be secreted, or is not secreted efficiently enough. This leads to the destruction of pepsin, the indigestion of proteins and the development of the process of putrefaction.

Remember that vinegar, and lemon juice, and mayonnaise, and any sour seasonings, when used with protein foods, greatly disrupt its digestion.

Nuts are an exception. Of course, they are not considered ideal ingredients for pairing with sour berries and fruits, but they are digested quite efficiently, as they contain a large amount of fat that slows down gastric secretion for a longer time than acids can act.

Well, firstly, any sugars (honey, fruits, etc.) inhibit the production of gastric juice and inhibit the mobility of the stomach.

Secondly, sugars are not digested either in the mouth or in the stomach, but this happens in the small intestine, where they still need to get. If sugar is consumed separately, it quickly bypasses the stomach and ends up in the intestines. If foods containing sugar are eaten at the same time as other foods containing protein or starch, the sugar will stay in the stomach for a long time, waiting for the other ingredients to be digested. During this time, it can begin to ferment (ferment).

The reasons why you shouldn't mix sugar with fat are similar to why you shouldn't mix sugar with protein. In the same way, sugar lingers in the stomach and begins to arrange fermentation processes there.

Some authors consider it possible to consume acidic fruits (oranges, pineapples) at the same time as nuts or avocados. They justify this as follows: the percentage of sugar there is small, and fruit acid will speed up the digestion of fats.

  • dates and nuts;
  • avocado with any sweet fruit;
  • fruit salads with coconuts.

And again, the main reason for not recommending the joint intake of these products is the special conditions for the digestion of sugar. We disassemble again: the digestion of starch begins in the mouth (under the action of saliva enzymes) and ends this process in the stomach after some time. Sugar is not digested either in the mouth or in the stomach, but is waiting to move to the intestines, which becomes possible only after the digestion of starchy foods. During this time, in a warm and humid gastric environment, sugar is guaranteed to begin to ferment.

Taking several types of starch at the same time leads to the fact that none of them will be absorbed, and this will cause fermentation and an increase in the acidity of gastric juice.

It has been proven that even products that are similar in composition can interfere with the absorption of each other. You should not mix several types of fatty foods at one meal, because it is already difficult to digest, and the simultaneous intake of different types of fats slows down digestion even more. Do NOT take at the same time:

  • nuts and avocados;
  • vegetable oil and nuts;
  • coconut and avocado;
  • nuts and coconut.

Remembering all the harmful combinations at first is not easy, so Frederic Patent, based on his many years of raw food experience, suggested highlighting three main rules. Even if you follow only them, the result will be magnificent. Remember:

  • Do not mix sugar and fat.
  • Do not mix acid and starch.
  • Do not mix fats of different types.

By adhering to these simple principles, raw food beginners can avoid most digestive problems.

Features of some product groups

Those who have embarked on the path of a raw food diet should be aware that some food groups also have individual characteristics in terms of compatibility. Let's take a look at these groups.


This category includes: beans, peas, lentils, soybeans, beans, etc. All legumes have a dual nature: they combine starch and protein. As a starch, they are good in combination with fats, and as a vegetable protein, they are preferred with herbs and vegetables containing starch. An example of a good combination: chickpeas and beets. Chickpeas are a source of vitamin B6, which aids in the absorption of beetroot magnesium.


Unlike other vegetables, tomatoes have a high percentage of acids: citric, oxalic and malic. Because of this feature, they are recommended to be consumed with herbs and vegetables that do not contain starch. The combination of tomatoes with proteins and fats - facilitates the digestion of the latter. It is highly recommended to take tomatoes at the same time as avocados, as the fat of this fruit promotes the absorption of lycopene from the tomato. And the combination of tomato and broccoli is thought to enhance the cancer-fighting properties of both vegetables.


It is better to share fruit intake with any other meal with an interval of at least 30-60 minutes before meals, and about 3 hours after. Fruit eaten as a dessert after a meal will cause fermentation in the stomach. It is especially not advisable to mix sweets (sugar, honey, syrup) with grapefruit.

Fruits go well with greens, especially leafy ones. Such a mix is ​​not only useful, but also easily digestible. Green smoothies are a great example of a harmonious combination for fruits.

Honey cannot be fully attributed to the category of sugars, because it is a product that has already been processed by the digestive apparatus of bees. That is why it is absorbed into the blood within just 20 minutes, without burdening the liver and other human organs.

Melon and watermelon.

There are two completely opposite opinions about the compatibility of melon with different products. The first of them says that the melon is not combined with any of the products and can only be eaten separately. Proponents of this hypothesis do just that. Another point of view, expressed by G. Shelton in one of his books, believes that melon can be combined with other fruits.

In any case, the ability of the human body to assimilate melon or watermelon largely depends on the degree of their ripeness. An immature watermelon is mostly water, but as the sugar matures and accumulates, so do the options for using it.


This fruit goes well with avocados, herbs and dried fruits.


The perfect combination for avocados is all kinds of vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, lettuce, sweet peppers, carrots and corn. Combination with bananas or dried fruits is possible. It is not recommended to use with nuts.


The best partner for lemon is kale. The iron contained in cabbage is better absorbed under the influence of vitamin C, which is rich in lemon.

Compatibility table for different product groups

To make it easier to remember the degree of compatibility of various product groups with each other, we will use a special table that visually reflects different combinations.

Composition of different food groups

Let us consider in more detail which products are included in the above product groups.


Protein includes all legumes (beans, soybeans, lentils, peas, beans, etc.), mushrooms, olives, seeds, avocados.


Almost all cereals contain starch (buckwheat, wheat, rice, millet, oats, barley), as well as: legumes and beans, peanuts, chestnuts and corn.



All kinds of nuts.


Any kind of fruits and dried fruits.


All types of greens and vegetables, with the exception of starchy ones: turnips, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and kohlrabi, green corn and green peas, as well as radishes and peppers.

Spinach, celery, lettuce, beet leaves and chard, watercress onion, chives and garlic, parsley, mustard and marigold, oxalis, clover, dandelion, nettle, asparagus, watercress, rhubarb, sverbiga, plantain, quinoa, shepherd's purse, birch leaves, linden flowers and leaves, bamboo shoots, asparagus, etc.


Sour fruits and berries: oranges, grapefruits, pineapples, lemons, sour apples and peaches, sour grapes and plums, pomegranates. Currants (all types), lingonberries, cranberries, sour cherries. Vegetables and greens containing acids: sorrel, sorrel, rhubarb, sauerkraut, larch needles.

Starchy vegetables

Potatoes, carrots, beets, pumpkins, eggplants, zucchini and squash, swede, cauliflower, as well as parsley and celery roots and horseradish.

Simplified division of products into 2 groups

An even simpler division of products into two groups can be used in everyday life. Within each of these groups, any products can be combined.

Group A:

Protein nuts: hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, peanuts, cashews, apricot kernels.

Edible seeds: sunflower, pumpkin, sesame.

Fruits and berries with sour and sweet and sour taste, as well as their juices. Vegetable oil, raw herbs, olives, cucumbers, tomatoes, pollen, etc.

Group B:

Starchy nuts (chestnuts and coconuts) and starchy fruits (bananas), sprouted cereals, herbs, olives, vegetable oil. Juices from non-acidic vegetables: carrot, pumpkin, beet, turnip, etc.

The idea of ​​the compatibility of products and its effect on the body arose in antiquity. By studying the reactions of the digestive system, people came to the conclusion that not every food is useful in combination with certain foods. Today, separate nutrition has a lot of fans. And a diet based on his principles is recognized as one of the most effective, safe, and also easily tolerated psychologically.

Food combination - what and how do we eat?

If you watch a person eating dinner, you will notice how many different foods he eats at one meal. Even if its portion is small, it is unlikely to be just one product. We start lunch with soup, in which we combine meat, potatoes, peas and other vegetables. The second will be followed by a meat dish with a side dish of vegetables or cereals, a salad with fatty dressing or vegetable oils. For dessert, you will need a cake or other culinary product. And someone will add an orange - it's not for nothing that they say that fruits are healthy.

What kind of work will the gastrointestinal tract have to do to process each of these products! Not a single dish from such a dinner is digested to the end. Nutrients will not be fully absorbed, and a mess of protein, carbohydrate and fatty foods will begin to deteriorate and release poisons. Heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, bloating, general lethargy - these are just a small part of the consequences of improper product compatibility.

In order to get the maximum benefit from food, a system of separate nutrition has been developed. It involves the unification of all products into several groups, which, to varying degrees, are combined or not combined with each other. This does not mean that you have to limit yourself in food. This scheme is also called proper nutrition. The combination of products is clearly shown in the tables, using which you can prepare delicious and healthy meals for yourself.

How is food digested in the human body?

The speed of digestion of different foods is different. So, a fruit eaten on an empty stomach will be in the intestine after 15-20 minutes. Other foods take much longer to process in the stomach, so if you eat an orange after the main meal, it will get stuck on top of the whole mass and begin to decompose.

In the process of digestion, not only gastric juice is involved. An important role is played by microorganisms in the stomach and intestines, pancreas, intestinal juices, bile and even saliva. Failure at any stage will disrupt the entire process.

Certain foods require different digestion conditions. The body secretes special enzymes to process different nutrients. Sometimes food requires opposite reactions in the body. For example, proteins are digested in an acidic environment, while starchy foods are digested in an alkaline environment. As you know, these substances neutralize each other. As a result, the stomach will expend much more energy trying to digest foods that are mutually exclusive. An overworked stomach is a common cause of lethargy after meals and throughout the day. After all, most of the calories obtained from food, our body spends on the digestion of food.

But even having spent so much energy, the stomach is not able to process food that requires a different environment. The undigested mass will enter the intestines, where the hard work of its assimilation will continue.

That's how much trouble you're creating for yourself by ignoring the food pairing chart, food separation advocates say. Opponents appeal to intestinal digestion, during which all substances are broken down, regardless of their combinations. However, it is worth remembering that improperly selected foods overload the digestive organs and significantly reduce the amount of absorbed nutrients.

Separate nutrition - product compatibility: history

Already in ancient times, people were familiar with the basics of proper nutrition. Dr. Celsus from Ancient Rome urged his patients to watch how they combine fatty, salty, stewed and sweet foods. In the 10th century AD. The Persian physician, known in the West as Avicenna, in his "Canon of Medicine" raises the question of the dangers of the simultaneous use of different products. Academician Pavlov studied the enzymes that are involved in digestion, and came to the conclusion that the chemical composition of gastric juice changes depending on the food entering the body. Nowadays, the system of separate nutrition is one of the most popular among fans of a healthy lifestyle.

Shelton's theory

The entire medical experience about the division of food was brought together and rethought by an American naturopathic nutritionist. It is his extensive work that is the basis for all modern separate power systems.

The doctor recommended connecting therapeutic starvation to the system of simple and separate nutrition. This aspect of his theory caused a lot of negative criticism from his colleagues. Thanks to his theory, Shelton managed to cure such complex diseases as diabetes, asthma, and neurosis in his patients. But there were so many cases of unsuccessful treatment that the doctor even went to prison for them.

It was Shelton who compiled the product compatibility table as we know it. The doctor recommended taking no more than 3 ingredients for one meal. He called the ideal option the use of only one product at a time.

Hay's theory

Howard Hay gravitated toward naturopathy, as did Shelton. He started from the methods of the American physician, but in the end he created his own theory.

Hay divided all food into 3 classes: foods rich in proteins, carbohydrates and neutral. He called vegetables and fruits the basis of the diet. Some of the food naturopath recommended to exclude altogether. Like Shelton, Hay had an extremely negative attitude towards refined foods like sausages.

The doctor believed that a person eats too much food, which "acidifies" the body. As a result of this "acidification" we suffer from a variety of ailments, from headaches and acne to stomach diseases. Therefore, Hay recommends eating more food that causes an alkaline reaction in the body: fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits, whole milk. The share of such products should be 4 times higher than the share of "acidic" foods, which are meat, fish products, eggs, citrus fruits, coffee, alcohol, and sweets.

Food Compatibility - Groups

sweet fruits

Consume all fruits and juices from them separately or before meals so that they have time to digest and do not start to rot on top of the food. Fruits are compatible within their group and with sour fruits. Feel free to add dairy products to them. Dried fruits also combine with cereals.

Semi-sweet (semi-acid fruits)

This includes berries (cherries, plums, blueberries, raspberries, watermelon, etc.), apples, pears, peaches, apricots, mangoes, etc. They are combined with any fruit group, as well as sour milk products. Well absorbed with protein-fat foods (legumes, dairy products). Melon, blueberries, peaches, grapes eat only separately.

sour fruits

Here are citrus fruits, pineapples, pomegranates, some berries (blackberries, cranberries, currants). The class is compatible with semi-sweet fruits, herbs, sour milk products, fatty dairy products. Animal proteins, starches, vegetables should not be mixed with it.

Compatible vegetables

The class includes most vegetables (carrots, sweet peppers, cabbage, onions, garlic, beets, etc.), which are combined both with each other and with all other categories - hence the name. The only retreat is milk, which is poorly combined not only with vegetables, but also with any other food.

Less compatible vegetables

Pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant, cauliflower, etc. are digested with starches and vegetables. Mixing with vegetable fats is allowed, but combining with animal protein, whole milk and fruit groups is contraindicated.

Foods rich in starch

Cereals, cereals, potatoes. This also includes baked goods and pasta. Good in combination with any vegetables, herbs and fats. Within the group, the components are poorly combined, such combinations are dangerous for problems with weight. Their mixing with animal protein, milk, fruits, sugar group will bring harm.

Foods rich in protein

This includes animal (meat, fish and dairy products) and vegetable proteins (legumes, seeds, nuts). The best combination is with vegetables. Vegetable proteins are digested with any fats, but animals - only with fats of animal origin. A negative effect will cause an alliance with starches, fruits, sugars. Always drink milk separately.


The group includes all green herbs that are used for cooking. Greens are combined with all food groups. Eating a bunch of greens daily will speed up the absorption of nutrients from other foods.


This includes all oils, animal fat, lard, fatty dairy products. Fats are combined with greens, vegetables, starches. Do not eat fats with sugars, and avoid combinations of fats of different origins.


Sugar, fructose, jams, honey, syrups. Eat sweets in isolation from other meals and especially avoid sugar after the main meal.

Separate food - product compatibility table

The main data of the technique are listed in the table. Guided by it, you can in a matter of seconds compose your own according to the principles of separate nutrition.

Proper nutrition - food compatibility table for weight loss

By following the rules of food separation, you will be able to bring your weight back to normal, regardless of whether you suffer from excess or underweight. Among diets, separate nutrition rightfully occupies one of the leading positions. This is not even a diet, but just a set of tips on choosing foods that, by the way, can be consumed by everyone without exception.

Weight Loss Product Compatibility

The following combinations of products lead to completeness:

  • proteins and flour dishes;
  • a combination of different proteins in one meal;
  • a combination of several types of flour dishes;
  • protein foods and sugars;
  • fruits and flour;
  • milk and flour;
  • milk and protein.

90 day split diet

A real treasure for those who could not lose weight on other diets and exhausted their body with them. In the initial stages, you will need a little patience to get used to the new diet. Further, the diet will continue easily, without effort. This system will teach your body to eat on time and with the right foods, so when you exit the diet, you will be protected from food breakdowns.

The basis of the technique is a repeating cycle of 4 days: protein, starchy, carbohydrate and vitamin. Alternating your diet in this sequence, you will achieve good results in losing weight and will not lack certain foods. On a carbohydrate day, you are allowed to eat sweet foods, including cakes, pastries, chocolate.

Food Compatibility Chart - Pros and Cons

Positive sides...

  1. Due to proper digestion, products do not linger at different stages of digestion, rotting and fermentation do not occur. Decreased toxicity of the body.
  2. The load on all organs that are involved in digestion is significantly reduced.
  3. General well-being improves, a person receives more energy from food.
  4. Separate nutrition allows you to keep the weight always normal.
  5. The body absorbs more nutrients from food.

Each of us at least once experienced a state when something from our food did not suit our body. Certain product combinations are known to be unsuitable. Let's pay tribute to this fact and make our food more enjoyable, while improving our health.
The principles and rules of food compatibility were first formulated in the 30s by Dr. Hay.
His theory is that we should eat as much alkalizing food as possible, eat fruits separately and in their natural form, avoid processed and refined foods, and do not mix concentrated protein and concentrated carbohydrate foods in one dish. Over the past 65 years, we have received a lot of convincing examples in support of this theory. These rules are very easy to follow.

Rule 1:
Meat, fish and eggs are concentrated protein foods. Your stomach needs to produce large amounts of acid and digestive enzymes to absorb it.
That's why:
- Limit fluid intake during meals;
- Do not eat sugar;
- Eat more vegetables and vegetable protein along with animal protein;
- After a protein meal, take a 2-3 hour break before the next meal. It is necessary for its assimilation.
______Rule 2:
Potatoes, turnips, pumpkins, green vegetables, pasta, nuts, seeds, Brussels sprouts, and bread are complex carbohydrates. The use of these products leads to the formation of an alkaline environment in the stomach.
They are very easy to digest. That's why:
- Do not eat sugar;
- Take a 1-2 hour break before your next meal to allow carbohydrates to digest.
______Rule 3:
Fruits are the best way to provide immediate energy. They are the best source of sugar that we periodically need. The assimilation of fruits proceeds very quickly, since our body is able to easily produce the necessary enzymes and hormones. An alkaline environment is formed in the stomach. That's why:
- Eat fruits between main meals;
- Do not eat sweets, chocolate, other sugar-containing products with fruits;
- Take a break of 30 minutes, necessary for the absorption of fruit, before the next meal.

Along with the simple rules listed above, there are Nutrition Principles:
1. The acid-base balance of the blood is directly determined by our diet. As noted in the Methods of Dr. Shishlov, maintaining an optimal alkaline blood reaction ensures stable health and cheerful, energetic well-being. Try to provide 55-70% of the required daily energy intake from complex carbohydrates, since "internal stress" and body acidification are in one-to-one correspondence.
2. Many foods are a mixture of proteins and carbohydrates. Eat them as they are, as it is not possible to separate protein and carbohydrates from each other.
Another thing is mixing concentrated proteins and concentrated carbohydrates (like steak and fried potatoes). One can hardly expect any benefit from such mixing.
3. Acids are formed in our digestive system from phosphorus, sulfur, nitrogen and chlorine, which we get mainly from animal foods such as meat, fish, eggs, etc.
Alkalis are formed in the digestive system from calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium, which are most found in vegetables, pasta, legumes and almost all fresh fruits.
Fresh milk gives a weak alkaline reaction. Our body's needs are met
due to the diversity of this type of product.
4. Our body does not need a "quick" energy supply with pure sugar and sugar-containing products. In fact, the body is simply unable to cope with the flow of sugar, and this leads to an unacceptable rise in blood sugar. When this happens, a wide variety of hormones and enzymes are produced to restore balance. In addition, sugar begins to feed "unfriendly" microorganisms in the digestive tract, such as fermentation bacteria. Ripe fruits are easily digested and assimilated without disturbing the balance of the blood. Almost all fruits are immediately digested by the action of gastric juice. Therefore, they must be consumed separately from other foods. The exceptions are bananas, coconuts and apples. They don't ferment well. Therefore, bananas with oatmeal or some other porridge are perfectly acceptable food.

Food Compatibility

It is very important for us to know which foods can be consumed together, in what sequence, and which ones can be consumed separately. If quickly digested food is consumed after food that needs to be processed for a long time, then the last portion of food is not removed in a timely manner due to the fact that the exit from the stomach is blocked by food that requires long digestion. After eating, astringent foods, such as quince, or foods that contribute to the decomposition of food, should not be consumed. If you eat garlic after cabbage, then the cabbage will not be digested, but will rot. An apple eaten on an empty stomach leaves the stomach for 15-20 minutes, and oranges even faster. If fruits are eaten for dessert after a hearty meal, they remain in the stomach along with long-digested food and begin to ferment after 20 minutes. Each type of food requires a specific composition of enzymes. This means that a special composition of gastric juice is necessary for the digestion of a particular food. Yes, and other conditions for the digestion of a particular product are different from each other - an acidic environment is necessary for the digestion of proteins, and starchy foods are broken down in an alkaline environment, and acidity will only inhibit the activity of the necessary enzyme. Therefore, it is better not to eat protein and starchy foods together. Carbohydrates are best not eaten with acidic foods such as vinegar, lemon, or ketchup. If you drink bread with tomato juice, then the activity of amylase in saliva, an enzyme responsible for the breakdown of starchy foods, is suppressed.
There is also a phase of intestinal digestion, when, under the influence of pancreatic juice, the food slurry that has left the stomach is broken down. But the complete breakdown of food gruel in the small intestine is possible only if the food in the stomach is fully processed. For example, porridge on water quickly breaks down under the influence of not very strong gastric juice and quickly leaves the stomach. If, however, porridge is eaten with meat, the stomach cannot produce gastric juice of such a composition that is necessary for both foods. Therefore, such food remains in the stomach for too long and leaves the stomach incompletely digested. Of course, pancreatic juice will bring the digestion of this food to the end, but this will require an additional load on the liver, pancreas and small intestine. And the eater himself will feel a "stone in the stomach."
It is also essential that beneficial microorganisms mainly feed on plant fiber, and meat contributes to the reproduction of microflora, which determines the processes of food decomposition. The human digestive tract is designed for plant foods: fruits, cereals, vegetables and herbs. Bacteria in the gut are important. The conversion of fiber into either nutrients or toxins depends on them. The quality processing of other nutrients also depends on microorganisms. If a person ate right, then the result is obvious: the feces have practically no smell, no gases are formed.
Now in more detail about food groups.

Sweet fruits:
Bananas, dates, persimmons, figs, all dried fruits. Fruits break down quickly, sweet fruits stay in the stomach a little longer than sour fruits. Fruits should be taken separately, for example, at an afternoon snack or before a meal. It is very unfavorable to eat fruits after eating, because then fermentation in the stomach begins. Separately from the intake of other food, it is necessary to drink fruit juices, because they are a concentrated food. Sweet fruits pair well with each other, as well as with semi-acid fruits such as persimmons and apples. Worse combined with other fruits bananas. Sweet fruits can be combined with cream, sour cream, herbs and fermented milk products.
__________ Semi-acid fruits:
Mango, blueberries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, apples, pears, plums, grapes, apricots, peaches, watermelon. These fruits can be combined with sweet fruits, sour fruits, fermented milk products, cream, herbs, as well as high-fat protein foods such as cheese, nuts, and high-fat cottage cheese. These fruits cannot be combined with eggs, fish, mushrooms, peas and legumes. It is not advised to consume these fruits along with starchy foods. In a separate meal, eat peaches, blueberries, blueberries, grapes, melon and watermelon, because these fruits are processed very quickly in the stomach and do not combine well with other foods.
____________ Sour fruits:
Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, pineapples, pomegranates, lemons, gooseberries, cranberries, sour apples, pears, plums, apricots, grapes.
These fruits are well compatible both with each other and with fermented milk products, cream, sour cream and fatty cottage cheese.
They can be combined with nuts, cheeses and herbs.
Acidic fruits are incompatible with animal proteins, legumes, peas, starchy foods and vegetables.
____________ Well-Combined Vegetables:
Cucumbers, fresh cabbage (except cauliflower), radishes, sweet peppers, beans, turnips, onions, garlic, beets, rutabaga, carrots, early zucchini, early pumpkin, lettuce.
These vegetables are well combined with any food, contributing to its digestibility, for example, with proteins (meat with cucumbers, carrots with cottage cheese), with fats (cabbage with butter), with other vegetables, with products containing starch (bread with beets, with greens .
You can not combine vegetables with milk!
It is undesirable to eat fruits and vegetables at the same time.
_____________ Badly combined vegetables:
Cauliflower, green peas, late zucchini, late pumpkin, eggplant, squash.
These vegetables go great with starchy foods like bread, all vegetables, fats like sour cream and herbs.
It is acceptable to use with cheeses.
Less desirable is the combination of these vegetables with animal proteins, such as eggs and meat.
Absolutely incompatible with milk and fruits.

Foods containing starch:
Wheat, rye, oats, and products made from these grains, such as pasta and bread, as well as buckwheat, rice, potatoes, edible chestnuts, and corn.
Perfectly combined with herbs, fats and all vegetables.
A combination of these products is also acceptable. This should be avoided by people with a tendency to be overweight. In addition, different cereals differ in the amount of proteins, so it is better not to combine cereals with each other.
When combining foods containing starch with fats, it is necessary to add greens or vegetables at the same time.
The combination of carbohydrates and proteins is very unfavorable. It is especially important not to combine carbohydrates with meat, milk and sour-milk products, for example, porridge with milk, bread with kefir. It is undesirable to combine starchy foods with sugars, for example, bread with jam, porridge with sugar, as well as with any fruit or fruit juices.
___________Protein products:
Meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, cheeses, cheese, milk, buttermilk, kefir, legumes, lentils, peas, nuts, seeds, mushrooms.
Ideal with seeds and well-matched vegetables. Promote the processing of proteins and the removal of various toxins.
Milk is an exception - it must be consumed separately. It is better to give preference to warm, unboiled, unpasteurized milk. Pasteurized milk is very heavy in quality. In some cases, milk can be combined with sweet fruits, such as bananas, but each person has their own individual food tolerance.
A combination of proteins with fats is acceptable, moreover, animal fats are better combined with animal proteins, and vegetable proteins with vegetable fats. Keep in mind that fat slows down the digestion process. To improve digestion, it is necessary to combine with fresh vegetables and herbs.
Proteins are not combined with foods containing starch, fruits and sugars.
Exceptions include cottage cheese, cheeses, dairy products, nuts and seeds - they can be combined with fruits.
Lettuce, dandelions, nettles, plantain, green onions, sorrel, coriander, parsley, acacia, rose petals, dill, etc. Greens are compatible with all products except milk.
Butter and ghee, sour cream, cream, vegetable oils, lard and other fats of animal origin. Fatty meat, oily fish and nuts are sometimes included here.
Fats slow down the secretion of gastric juice, especially if they are consumed at the beginning of a meal. But sometimes eating fat clears the congestion in the stomach caused by bad food combinations.
Fats go well with greens, vegetables, starchy foods, such as porridge with butter. In some cases, a combination of fats and fruits is acceptable, especially for berries, for example, strawberries with cream.
You can not combine fats with sugars, for example, cream with sugar. Ghee is compatible with almost all products. Vegetable oils are best consumed with fish, which contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acids. It is better not to combine fats with meat.

Fructose, jam, honey, molasses, brown sugar, syrups.
Together with proteins and starchy foods, they cause fermentation and contribute to the decomposition of other products.
Sweets are best consumed separately, but you can not do it at the end of the meal. Ideally, it is better to give up sweets or eat them as a separate meal.
The exception is honey. In a small amount, meld is recommended to be taken together with other foods, since honey promotes the absorption of biologically active substances and delays the processes of food decay. Honey cannot be combined only with products of animal origin. Honey should not be heated because it becomes toxic.
Meat, fish, cottage cheese and cheese are very concentrated protein foods. It is possible to live without them; if possible, these foodstuffs should not be consumed daily.
After eating, it is advisable to sit at the table for at least 5 minutes, and then take a slow walk for 20 minutes.
If you follow the rules of proper nutrition, soups are not necessary. It is better not to cook soups on the broth, but to eat puree soup first.


Foods containing starch, sugar, do not eat with proteins and acidic fruits
interval between meals at least 4 hours
do not eat refined foods (flour, sugar, margarine)
All products are conditionally divided:



All food products are divided into two main categories according to the place of digestibility in the gastrointestinal tract:

The main protein foods of animal and vegetable origin: meat, poultry, fish and all products from them, cottage cheese and dairy products, milk, cheeses, eggs, legumes, nuts
Foods rich in starch: bread and all flour products, cereals, potatoes, rice.


The first column is the most important, because this is where it's easiest to break product compatibility rules. For meat of all kinds, a combination with green, non-starchy vegetables is favorable, since such a combination neutralizes the harmful properties of animal proteins, helps their digestion and the removal of excess cholesterol from the blood. Use meat and poultry raised without hormones and antibiotics. The combination of animal proteins with strong alcohol precipitates pepsin, which is necessary for the digestion of animal proteins.

LEGUMS (beans, peas, lentils):

Features of the compatibility of legumes with other products are explained by their dual nature. As starches, they go well with fats, especially easy to digest - vegetable oil and sour cream, and as a source of vegetable protein, they are good with greens and starchy vegetables.


Use only fresh, without yellow coating, with a short period of use, without preservatives, emulsifiers, heat treatment is not desirable, contain vitamins A, D, E.


Vegetable oils - in its raw form, it is better to use the oil of the first cold pressing ("virgin"), store in the refrigerator, it is better to fry without oil, if necessary - minimal heat treatment.


The use of sugar and confectionery products should be avoided, not combined with any other food. All sugars inhibit the secretion of gastric juice. For their digestion, neither saliva nor gastric juice is needed: they are absorbed directly in the intestines. If sweets are eaten with other food, then lingering in the stomach for a long time, they very soon cause fermentation in it and, in addition, reduce gastric motility. Sour belching, heartburn are the results of this process. Honey - a product already processed by the digestive apparatus of bees, is absorbed into the blood 20 minutes after ingestion and does not burden the liver and all other body systems.


Useful, but without special treatment with sulfur dioxide, blanch before use.


All foods rich in starch should always be treated with caution, because. starch itself, in its pure form, is an extremely difficult to digest product. The ban on the combination of animal proteins with starchy foods is the first and perhaps the most important law of separate nutrition. Bread is considered a separate meal and not a mandatory addition to each meal. However, bread made from unrefined, whole grains can be eaten with a variety of salads, regardless of their composition. Make your own bread from whole grain flour with the addition of BRAN - a source of fiber, B vitamins, calcium, iron. Keep refrigerated.

Only not polished - brown.


It can partially replace cereal starch, only boiled or baked, preferably with a peel, if you are sure that there was no special processing. Pairs with vegetable salads.


Sour fruits in all cases include citrus fruits and pomegranates, and all the rest to taste. Tomatoes stand out from all vegetables with a high content of acids - citric, malic, oxalic.


Their combination with milk and nuts is acceptable, but in small quantities, because. it's hard on digestion. But it is better not to combine fruits (sour and sweet) with anything at all, because. they are absorbed in the intestines. You need to eat them at least 15-20 minutes before eating, but not after eating. This rule should be especially strict in relation to watermelons and melons.


These include the tops of all edible plants (parsley, dill, celery, radish tops, beets), lettuce, wild "table" herbs, as well as white cabbage, green and onions, garlic, cucumbers, eggplant, bell peppers, green polka dots. Radishes, swedes, radishes, young squash and turnips are "semi-starchy" vegetables, which, in combination with various foods, are more likely to adjoin green and non-starchy.


This category includes: beets, carrots, horseradish, parsley and celery roots, pumpkin, zucchini and squash, cauliflower. The combination of these vegetables with sugar causes strong fermentation, other combinations are either good or acceptable.

Separate food, not drink. Once in the stomach, the milk should curdle under the influence of acidic juices. If there is other food in the stomach, then the milk particles envelop it, isolating it from gastric juice. And until curdled milk is digested, the food remains unprocessed, the digestion process is delayed, the movement of food slows down, which leads to constipation, flatulence, gastric and intestinal discomfort. Milk goes best with fruits and vegetables.

Cottage cheese, fermented milk products:

Cottage cheese is an indigestible complete protein. Let's combine with homogeneous products (sour milk, sour cream, cheese, feta cheese).

The most acceptable cheeses are young cheeses of the home type, i.e. something between cottage cheese and cheese. Processed cheeses are an unnatural product, significantly processed. Brynza is a healthy protein product, which, however, requires soaking in cold water to remove excess salt.

This protein product is not easy to digest. However, eggs are good paired with green and non-starchy vegetables.

Almond, hazel. Due to their rich fat content, nuts are akin to cheese. However, cheese contains animal fats, while nuts contain vegetable fats that are easier to digest. Peeled nuts should be used immediately, due to the rapid oxidation of fat or frozen. Pair with vegetable and fruit salads.

Sunflower, pumpkin, sesame - a source of protein, magnesium, calcium. Store in the refrigerator, because. rapidly oxidize.
Recommendations for separate meals:


Bread, potatoes, peas, beans, beans, bananas, dates and other carbohydrate foods should not be eaten with lemon, orange, grapefruit, pineapple, cranberries, tomatoes and other sour fruits.


This means: do not eat nuts, meat, eggs, cheese and other protein foods along with bread, cereals, cakes, sweet fruits. In one meal, you need to eat eggs, fish, milk, cheese, in the other - bread, cereals, noodles (if it is not possible to refuse them).


Two proteins of different types and different composition require different digestive juices and their different concentrations. These juices are released into the stomach at different times. Therefore, you should always follow the rule: ONE PROTEIN IN ONE MEAL.


Cream, butter, sour cream, vegetable oil should not be eaten with meat, eggs, cheese, nuts and other proteins. Fat suppresses the action of the gastric glands and inhibits the secretion of gastric juices when eating meat, eggs, nuts.


Oranges, lemons, tomatoes, pineapples, cherries, sour plums, sour apples should not be eaten with meat, nuts, eggs. The less complex food mixtures, the simpler our meals, the more efficient our digestion.


Jelly, jams, fruit butter, molasses sugar, syrups on bread or in one go with cereals, potatoes, sugar with cereals - all this causes fermentation.


If two types of starch (potatoes or porridge with bread) are consumed at one time, then one of them goes for absorption, and the other remains intact in the stomach, like a load, the intestines do not pass, delay the absorption of other food, cause it to ferment, increase the acidity of the stomach. juice, belching, etc.


Watermelon, honey, musk and other types of melons should always be eaten separately.


Milk fat prevents the secretion of gastric juice for some time. Milk is absorbed not in the stomach, but in the duodenum, so the stomach does not react to the presence of milk with secretion, which interferes with the absorption of other food.

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