Healthy menu for the week with recipes. Proper and healthy nutrition - menu for the week

Diet time is running out! The era of healthy and varied nutrition is coming. People are beginning to understand that, only by adhering to the principles, one can maintain excellent health for many years. There is an opinion that everything tasty is harmful, and healthy is tasteless. But this opinion is wrong. There are a huge number of recipes for organizing proper nutrition. These recipes are easy to make and very tasty.

Where to begin?

Pretty simple:

  1. You need to eat fully at least 3 times a day. Be sure to do snacks (preferably at least twice a day).
  2. It is necessary to exclude the most harmful from the diet - alcohol, fast food and convenience foods, and introduce more fresh tasty foods into the diet.
  3. Food is best consumed steamed, boiled or raw.

We start metabolism and gain strength

Let's take a look at some healthy food recipes. The first in our ranking will be dishes consumed in the morning, that is, for breakfast. for breakfast - these are diet cereals. The carbohydrates contained in them will help to be in good shape throughout the first half of the day. The feeling of hunger will not be distracting during work, the hand will not reach for a "harmful" sandwich. Buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, barley porridge is a healthy and nutritious product.

Methods for making porridge

The recipes for making porridge are quite similar:

  1. Combine one part of the cereal (pre-rinse) and 2 parts of water, cook over low, low heat.
  2. Add salt in a minimal amount, because it provokes the body to “store” water and negatively affects the work of many organs.
  3. Nutritionists do not recommend adding oil to porridge.

Don't like porridge? Not a problem, because there are other delicious analogues and recipes for morning meals. Here are some great breakfast ideas.

Fruit salad

Starting the morning with a fruit salad is both tasty and healthy. To prepare it, peel 1 banana and cut it into rings, disassemble the orange into slices, cut the pear into cubes, mix the ingredients and sprinkle with finely chopped mint and lemon balm (literally 5-6 leaves). And after a couple of hours you can drink herbal tea with honey.

germinated grains

To eat this kind of breakfast, you will need to prepare in advance. To prepare it, rinse 2 tablespoons of whole wheat grains and cover the plate with them with a damp cloth. Leave the grain for 2-3 days for germination, the napkin must be constantly moistened. When sprouts appear, this is a sign that the grain can be eaten. Add finely chopped 2 dried apricots and 2 prunes to the sprouted grains. The benefits of this salad can not be overestimated. If you make it a rule to start your day with, you will feel the result immediately. You will notice that the work of the digestive tract has improved, your mood has risen and a new surge of strength has appeared.

Refresh with the mind

Snacks are essential for a healthy and smooth functioning of the body. The principles of proper nutrition are simple, so you can refresh yourself in between:

  1. Raw vegetables (carrot, cabbage, greens, tomato, cucumber).
  2. Unsweetened fruits (apple, kiwi, orange, grapefruit, etc.).
  3. Cereal loaves.
  4. Herbal teas and decoctions.

An ideal option for a snack is a delicious salad of cabbage, carrots, beets and parsley. It perfectly cleanses the liver, improves complexion, promotes the growth of nails and hair.

Lunch break

Recipes for delicious lunches amaze with their variety. We can’t do without proper nutrition even in the middle of the day. Several of our lunch dishes will surprise even skeptics.

Vegetable stew

Delicious stew can be prepared quickly and without much cost. You will need: 2 small zucchini, 4 potato tubers, 2 onions, 2 bell peppers, 2 large tomatoes, cilantro, parsley, dill, basil and a little olive oil.

Peel potatoes and onions. We cut the potatoes into circles and line the bottom of the dish with them, sprinkle with chopped onions in half rings, put the chopped bell pepper on top, a layer of zucchini, cut into rings, sprinkle with finely chopped greens and put a layer of tomatoes on top in the form of circles. Lightly salt everything. Repeat all the manipulations in the same sequence, laying out all the remaining ingredients. Add vegetable oil to taste, pour ½ cup of water and simmer under a closed lid for ½ hour. Sprinkle with finely chopped garlic before serving.

Mushrooms "Olympic"

Half a kilo of mushrooms is peeled. Water (200 g), lemon juice, olive oil (20 g) are mixed and put on moderate heat. After 5 minutes, cumin, laurel, coriander, garlic, onion, sweet pepper are added. Everything should be stewed for 30 minutes, after which the mass is crushed in a blender. This mediterranean tasty sauce should cover the prepared mushrooms. It remains to boil them for 4 minutes, add ripe tomatoes and leave for another 5 minutes until boiling.

The above recipes will not take much precious time to cook, and the taste and aroma will enchant any culinary skeptic.

Evening delights

For dinner, you usually want something simple, but at the same time tasty. We remember that contemporaries have very little free time. Our delicious recipes will help in this case too.

Vegetables in a pot

Vegetables cooked in a clay pot in the oven retain many useful properties. This recipe will help you quickly make a delicious dish. Potatoes, eggplant, zucchini, tomato, onion and a little greens to taste - cut into cubes, lightly salt and put in a clay pot, put in the oven on a slow fire to stew. Dinner is ready in 40 minutes. Both tasty and healthy.

Braised cabbage

Prepare stewed cabbage for dinner according to the recipe below. Cut 500 g of cabbage into white strips, grate medium-sized carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the onion, add vegetable oil to taste and put it to stew in a thick-walled dish under a closed lid over low heat. Do not add water, cabbage is stewed in its own juice. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, sprinkle the cabbage with ground dill and coriander seeds.

You can complete such a delicious dinner with an apple, carrot, banana cocktail, whipped in a blender with 1 glass of mineral water with the addition of 1 teaspoon of honey.

Recipes for healthy and tasty food, as well as easy for the stomach, are easy to find in any kitchen in the world. We advise you to experiment with products and combinations of flavors on your own. First, it's interesting. Secondly, it gives confidence and reveals creativity. Thirdly, it has a beneficial effect on well-being and attitude. Do not forget about the three basic rules, and you can always be proud of your figure and health.

For maximum results in losing weight, you need to use, when compiling a daily menu, recipes for proper nutrition for weight loss. A balanced diet will help to improve metabolism, get rid of extra pounds and gain the desired size. All that is needed for this is to be able to combine products with each other and know their properties. Recipes for weight loss are built taking into account the calorie content of products.

Basic principles of proper nutrition

The diet of any diet for weight loss is based on a combination of foods that help get rid of excess weight. In addition, such nutrition systems include several basic rules, following which the effect of losing weight is achieved. These include:

  • recipes of all dishes should be balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In addition, it is imperative to add fiber and foods containing vitamins and trace elements necessary for the body to maintain vital functions in recipes;
  • You need to watch your portion sizes. It is necessary to be guided by the rule “less is better, but more often” - reducing the size of portions, but increasing the frequency of meals;
  • every person adhering to the principles of proper nutrition and striving for weight loss should at least approximately be able to calculate the energy value of recipes;
  • you can't skip breakfast. Even if the body does not experience a feeling of hunger, it cannot be deprived of this meal - breakfast provides it with energy for the whole day. Also, half an hour before the first meal, you need to drink a glass of warm water - this will start the metabolic process. To diversify breakfast, there are many recipes for weight loss;
  • Harmful foods should be excluded from the daily diet to the maximum. These include: fried and fatty foods, flour products, fast food, sweets, alcoholic beverages. Their use significantly slows down the process of losing weight;
  • if it is difficult for the body to adapt to a diet consisting only of recipes prepared without added sugar, then it is better to replace such menu components with useful analogues: sweets can be made from dried fruits and nuts, cookies can be baked from oatmeal according to a homemade recipe, and sugar in tea can be replaced honey;
  • It's best to purchase prescription products from reputable manufacturers who don't grow or manufacture them with various chemicals and hormones. Especially, this applies to meat and fish - they contain the most growth hormones, which negatively affect both the process of losing weight and the human body as a whole;
  • the use of salt in weight loss recipes is also best minimized, as it contributes to the accumulation of fluid and can provoke swelling. Recipes for proper nutrition for weight loss should contain a very small amount of salt;
  • in addition to recipes for weight loss, the PP menu should consist of a daily intake of at least 2 liters of liquid;
  • chew food thoroughly and slowly. This will help you feel full faster while eating less food.

Food table for recipes

To make recipes for proper nutrition on your own, you can be guided by the following table, which lists allowed and prohibited products for weight loss

How to plan your diet for weight loss

Proper distribution of meals and portion control can affect the achievement of weight loss results, so it is better to plan your meals in advance and stick to this daily routine:

  • in the process of losing weight, in no case should you skip breakfast;
  • you need to avoid the feeling of hunger - as soon as the body lacks food, it begins to store fats. To avoid this, you need to use snack recipes for weight loss;
  • all recipes for proper nutrition for weight loss should be balanced in composition;
  • you need to eat measuredly - in small portions, but often;
  • it is necessary to plan the day in advance so as to include physical activity in it, but combine them with meals - so as not to exercise on a full stomach and not to eat heavily after a workout;
  • in case of an urgent need to eat one of the prohibited foods, it is better to do it, but keep yourself in control.

Recipes for proper nutrition

It is easy and simple to prepare the right dishes according to these recipes using photos, and each of them can be a great example of a healthy diet and lead to weight loss.

Recipe: Pasta with Vegetables and Chicken

Boil pasta (from durum wheat) without adding salt. Cut a small zucchini into thin circles (do not peel off the skin from the vegetable), add green beans and broccoli to it. Stew vegetables in a frying pan, adding a little soy sauce or teriyaki sauce. Cut the chicken breast into small pieces, add to the vegetables. Once cooked, vegetables and chicken can be tossed with pasta or served separately.

Recipe: Fish with White Sauce

This recipe for weight loss is good because the ingredients can be varied according to personal preferences. The sauce can be prepared in advance: mix a couple of tablespoons of sour cream (with a low percentage of fat content) with a pinch of nutmeg and black pepper. Add chopped (preferably in a blender) pickled or pickled cucumber, a small spoonful of mustard.

cook fish: for this, you can take any white sea fish (cod, sea bass, hake, tilapia, halibut), free from skin and bones, pour a little lemon juice, put on a baking sheet and bake. You can do this by first adding vegetables to the fish - leeks cut into thin rings are perfect. After cooking, serve the dish with white sauce, sprinkle with caraway seeds on top.

Recipe: Stuffed Zucchini

Small zucchini (the smaller the better) cut in half lengthwise, get the pulp out of them. Grate some cheese first. Add it to the pulp of the zucchini, seasoning with garlic and a mixture of Provence herbs. Fill each of the halves with the resulting mixture. Cut the cherry tomatoes into 2 parts and put into the “boats” along the entire length. Top with finely chopped parsley, cilantro or onion.

Tip: in such recipes it is better to use Adyghe cheese - it is a low-calorie product that allows you not to add salt to the dish, contributing to weight loss.

Recipe: couscous with vegetables and fish

Couscous is a cereal that helps to normalize the salt balance in the body, significantly lowers cholesterol and leads to weight loss. Recipes with this cereal can significantly diversify the usual diet for weight loss. Couscous can be cooked in a double boiler or boiled in water. It takes only 5 minutes. Any stewed vegetables can be added to cooked cereals, but it is best combined with young green peas, carrots, onions and bell peppers. You can eat couscous as a side dish with grilled or oven-baked red fish.

Salad for weight loss from vegetables with beans

Boil 2 types of beans: white and red. Add diced tomato. Supplement the salad with corn grains and finely chopped dill and parsley. Season the salad with 1/3 of wine vinegar (as an option: you can add finely chopped onions previously marinated in vinegar) or lemon juice, pepper.

Tip: in salad recipes for weight loss, it is better not to use canned beans, corn or peas, but to prepare a dish from fresh ingredients - boil the beans, replace the baked or frozen corn, and also take fresh or frozen peas.

Shawarma for weight loss

This recipe is suitable for those who want to lose weight without denying themselves their usual food. As a pita bread, it is better to take a tortilla made from whole grain flour. You can also cook it yourself. Instead of mayonnaise, grease pita bread with sour cream with the addition of chopped herbs (dill, parsley, green onions, basil, you can use combinations of various spices without monosodium glutamate). Sliced ​​chicken stewed in soy sauce. Put sauce, fresh cucumber (rings), avocado (thin slices), chicken, lettuce, add pomegranate seeds in the center of the cake. Wrap in envelopes or rolls.

Recipe for weight loss: Stuffed champignons

This recipe can be a substitute for pizza with proper nutrition and weight loss. Mushrooms are better to take more. Separate the stems from the caps of the mushrooms. Finely chop the legs, add to them the broccoli, disassembled into inflorescences, bell pepper in cubes and tomato in cubes. Stuff mushroom caps with this mixture, sprinkle with cheese on top. Bake in the oven.

Vegetable salad

This is one of the variations of tomato and cucumber salad recipes, which is an integral part of the weight loss menu. Cherry tomatoes are cut in half, fresh cucumber is cut into thin strips, pre-marinate the onion in wine vinegar. Mix everything, adding arugula, sprinkle with spices on top.

An approximate diet of proper nutrition for weight loss for every day

In order to learn how to control your diet over time, without calculating the calorie content of dishes each time, you can start by keeping a proper nutrition diary in which you write down all the foods you eat per day. This contributes to the analysis of food eaten, weight loss and will allow you to make recipes for dishes on your own without difficulty in the future. To get started, you can use the approximate daily menu of proper nutrition:

Breakfast Dinner Dinner Snacks
all day)
1 Oatmeal on the water Chicken breast stewed with vegetables. As a garnish - durum wheat pasta Vegetable ragout with pieces of soy meat 50 g dried fruits;
bread sandwich with a piece of red fish and avocado
Non-carbonated water;
green tea;
herbal tea;
sugar free coffee;
natural vegetable and fruit juices.
2 Cucumber salad with tomatoes and herbs.
Whole grain bread sandwich with tomato wedge, mozzarella slice and herbs
Broccoli, cheese and egg casserole. Brown rice with squid (or other seafood) 1 apple;
whole grain bread sandwich with curd cheese (or cottage cheese) and herbs
3 Buckwheat porridge on the water Vegetable soup with a slice of black bread A small piece of boiled beef and stewed zucchini with eggplant 50 gr of any nuts;
a glass of kefir (you can add a small spoonful of honey)
4 Cottage cheese (low fat) with sour cream or fruit Chicken with buckwheat. Groats can be varied with carrots and onions Egg omelette with vegetables (broccoli, tomatoes, onions, bell peppers) Oatmeal cookies (no sugar)
a handful of dried fruit
5 Fruit salad dressed with natural yoghurt Rice cream soup with vegetables Cheese casserole. Fresh cabbage and carrot salad A glass of kefir; 1 apple
6 Millet porridge on the water Vegetable casserole (zucchini, tomato, carrot, eggplant, egg) A piece of boiled white fish with brown rice Rice bread sandwich with salted trout and cucumber slice
7 Rice porridge on the water Omelette with a piece of baked chicken Salad of fresh beets, cabbage and carrots and a piece of boiled beef A glass of kefir; a handful of nuts

Approximate diet for weight loss for a week

Proper nutrition recipes should include dishes that take into account the characteristics of the body, while promoting weight loss:

  1. For breakfast, it is better to eat food that will give the body enough energy for the whole day. The most useful breakfast is cereals cooked on water. Useful cereals include: brown rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, millet. You can supplement your morning meal with a boiled egg or a black bread sandwich with cheese or a slice of lightly salted fish.
  2. Lunch should be a balanced intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Vegetable, fish or chicken soups can be the best solution. Days of liquid meals can be alternated with solid food: a piece of boiled meat or fish, supplemented with a side dish of boiled cereals or vegetables.
  3. For dinner, you should eat to take into account recipes that are easier for the body to eat. These can be vegetable salads, casseroles, vegetable stews with pieces of meat or seafood. A light dinner is the key to weight loss success.
  4. As a snack drink a couple of glasses of low-fat kefir a day. Also, fruits (in reasonable quantities), nuts and dried fruits will be an excellent solution.
  5. Adhering to proper nutrition, you can arrange weekly or 1 time in 2 weeks fasting days.

Approximate diet for weight loss for a month

When drawing up a proper nutrition plan for a month, you need to adhere to the general rules that form the daily diet. The recipes are the same, they are based on a combination of healthy products. The main thing to remember is that the result does not come instantly. You need to be patient and not deviate from the principles of proper nutrition. Only in this case, a slender figure will cease to be a dream, but will become a real reality. There is another useful tip that often helps to lose weight no less than healthy recipes: go grocery shopping on a full stomach.

Right snack options

These meals are equally important in the preparation of proper nutrition in an effort to lose weight. They should be healthy, nutritious and promote weight loss. Dried fruits and nuts have all these qualities. It is important to consume them little by little - a small handful is enough. Also, recipes for proper snacks can consist of healthy sandwiches. In this case, it is better to use whole grain bread, and healthy sandwich recipes are supplemented with a slice of cheese, cucumber, lightly salted fish, tomato, herbs or cottage cheese. All of these ingredients can be used individually or combined to create delicious slimming sandwich recipes. A glass of kefir contributes to the normalization of metabolism, so you should also pay attention to it. Such recipes do not require a lot of time to prepare them, but they can keep you from eating junk food.

Compliance with all the principles and conditions of proper nutrition with the help of weight loss recipes, combined with active physical activity, will be the solution in the fight against excess weight. At the same time, it is important to be patient and confidently go to the intended goal.

Almost everyone is familiar with starvation diets, exhausting workouts and magic diet pills. But despite the cult of a beautiful body, the problem of excess weight does not lose its relevance. Are you looking for an effective and safe way that will lead you to the ideal? Having mastered proper nutrition for every day, you can easily get in shape and maintain the desired volume for life.

Proper nutrition for every day is easier than you think!

Eating right is not only healthy!

  1. Complete lack of hunger. No more stomach pain, fatigue and headaches. You will always have healthy snack options in case of sudden hunger.
  2. The ability to independently plan your own healthy food menu for every day. You will no longer have awkward situations in cafes and at a party. You can always find something that fits into your program.
  3. No hard limits. The program does not imply categorical prohibitions. Despite the existing list of recommendations, you can always adapt it to your taste preferences.

But proper nutrition for every day has its downsides, oddly enough. The only drawback of the system presented below is its long-term nature. A healthy diet is not about rushing. It will not help you lose all those extra pounds in a short time, but it will allow you to consolidate and maintain the results achieved. If you want to speed up the process a little, or take a special massage course.

Planning a healthy menu

A healthy diet for every day implies the presence of 50% carbohydrates, 30% proteins and 20% fat in your menu.

What is a healthy diet for every day? Modern nutritionists consider the correct diet, which includes 50% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 20% fat, with a total calorie content of 1800 kcal for women and 2100 for men, depending on the level of daily activity. In addition, such a menu should include all vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities.

Such recommendations do not mean at all that you need to immediately start a notebook, pick up a calculator and scrupulously calculate the nutritional value of each piece you eat. It is much more convenient to use the ideas given below. Just choose one of the meal options. Try to make your healthy meals for each day as diverse as possible. Do not repeat your favorite dishes more than once every 3 days.

Breakfast Options

  1. Oatmeal with water or low-fat milk with dried fruits and a small handful of nuts. Alternate with buckwheat, rice and millet porridge.
  2. Sandwich of whole grain bread, boiled chicken breast or lightly salted salmon, lettuce, tomatoes, low-fat cheese and herbs. A glass of curdled milk or any other fermented milk drink.
  3. Omelette of 4 proteins and 2 yolks with herbs. Fruit salad.
  4. A large portion of cottage cheese with sour cream, jam and fresh fruit.
  5. Fruit soup with seasonal fruits and light sour cream.


  1. Goulash from soy meat. Boiled whole grain pasta with low-fat cheese.
  2. Baked cauliflower breaded with semolina, 10% cream and egg white.
  3. Low-fat vegetable lasagna.
  4. Vegetable cream soup with rice.
  5. Low-fat rolls or a few slices of vegetarian pizza.


  1. Stewed vegetables with pieces of boiled chicken breast.
  2. Seafood with boiled brown rice.
  3. Vegetable omelet of 4 proteins and 2 yolks with herbs.
  4. Cottage cheese casserole and vegetable salad.
  5. Boiled beef with baked vegetables.

Snacks (you can choose any 2 items)

  1. A glass of kefir with 1 tsp. honey or jam.
  2. 20 g dark chocolate and green apple.
  3. 2 rice or buckwheat breads with cottage cheese and herbs.
  4. A handful of nuts and dried fruits (should fit in the palm of your hand).
  5. 3 pieces of homemade oatmeal cookies.

Eat natural food, refraining from industrially processed products.

What is better to refuse

As you already understood, the main advantage of proper nutrition for every day is the ability to independently form your own menu. But this does not mean at all that you can replace a healthy breakfast option with a chocolate bar of the same calorie content. Moreover, there are foods that you will have to avoid.

A healthy diet for every day imposes a ban on:

  • dry breakfast mixes, including most types of muesli (read the composition carefully);
  • white bread and rich pastries;
  • chocolate bars and confectionery;
  • crackers, chips and other fast food;
  • ready-made sauces;
  • nectars and unnatural juices;
  • carbonated drinks and their dietary substitutes;
  • alcohol (only one glass of dry wine is allowed for dinner 1-2 times a week).

This product list is for guidance only. If you have a sweet tooth and absolutely cannot imagine your life without your favorite buns, start small. Replace them with homemade cakes with reduced butter and sugar. The same is true with fast food. Try to find useful alternatives!

If you're off the diet, don't quit and don't think about starting over on Monday. Continue the program as if nothing had happened, slightly adjusting the fat content and calorie content of the following meals.

Thus, a healthy diet for every day is a real way to achieve your dream figure without harm to health!

» Ekaterina Polivanova

  • Sooner or later, we all think about our diet: problems with weight, skin, health in general make us open our refrigerator and examine its contents with skepticism. We ask ourselves the questions “what to exclude from the diet?” and “how can I start eating right?”, looking for our way to a healthy and beautiful body.

    Meanwhile, a healthy and proper diet is not a strict debilitating diet, not a mockery of the body and not depriving it of its joys, it is just a series of rules, following which you can radically change yourself, acquire new healthy habits, a beautiful figure and significantly extend life.

    Our body is a reflection of what we eat

    It's no secret that obesity has become a huge problem of modern people - we move less, consume a large amount of fatty foods, high-calorie sauces, sweets. There are endless temptations everywhere, and manufacturers are competing to come up with the next super product that no consumer can resist. The result of this race can be observed on the streets of any metropolis - according to statistics, almost every second inhabitant of developed countries is overweight. Obesity, unfortunately, leads to problems not only in aesthetics and self-esteem, but also to serious consequences for the body: the risk of many diseases is directly proportional to the amount of excess weight. Diabetes, problems with the heart, gastrointestinal tract, reproductive function - this is only a small part of the possible diseases that occur when the diet is not followed.

    The good news is that in recent years, taking care of the condition of your body has begun to come into fashion: more and more calls for sports are heard from the state, public organizations, organic and dietary products appear on store shelves, advice on how to eat right is distributed in the press. .

    Basics of healthy eating, or how to eat right

    When compiling a healthy diet menu, you should remember a few general rules: first, you need to eat often and in small portions. It is most convenient to get yourself a small plate, in which a handful-sized portion is placed. No need to be afraid of hunger! A healthy diet involves 5-6 meals a day. It is also good to accustom yourself to eat at the same time - this stabilizes the work of the stomach and will contribute to weight loss.

    The second important rule is remember about calories. There is no need to scrupulously calculate them throughout your life every time after eating, it is enough to follow your diet for a week or two, and the habit of automatically “estimating” the calorie content of food will appear by itself. Everyone has their own calorie norm, you can find it out, for example, using a special calculator that is easy to find on the Internet. For example, a woman of 30 years old, weighing 70 kg with a height of 170 cm and little physical activity per day needs about 2000 kcal. To lose weight, you need to consume 80% of calories from the norm, that is, in our example, about 1600 kcal per day. Additionally, there is no point in cutting the diet - the body will simply slow down the metabolism, and the harm from such a diet is more than good.

    The third rule - we keep a balance between "income" and "expenses", that is, the energy that the body spends on basic metabolism, work, sports, and caloric intake. Food includes four main components: proteins, fats, carbohydrates and dietary fiber - all of them are necessary for our body. The only question is which of them (fats and carbohydrates are different), in what quantities and proportions to use. Approximate recommended indicators are 60 g of fat, 75 g of proteins, 250 g of carbohydrates and 30 g of fibers. The fourth rule is to drink water. Often we do not want to eat, our body simply takes the lack of fluid for hunger and makes us eat what we do not really need. One and a half or more liters of pure drinking water will help get rid of pseudo-hunger, make the skin more elastic, improve the general condition of the body, and speed up the metabolic process.

    And the fifth rule is to choose products wisely. Read the labels, composition and caloric content of products, exclude fast food, mayonnaise sauces, products with chemical additives, preservatives, dyes from the diet. You must know what you eat, and then the path to beauty and health will be fast and enjoyable.

    healthy food

    We will try to answer the age-old question "what to eat to lose weight?". The main thing when compiling a menu for a healthy diet is to maintain a balance between expenses and consumed products.

    So, be sure to include in the diet of a healthy diet for every day:

    • cereals, in the form of cereals and muesli, rich in slow carbohydrates that will provide our body with energy;
    • fresh vegetables (cabbage, carrots) provide the body with dietary fiber - fiber;
    • legumes - a rich source of vegetable protein, especially necessary for those who rarely or do not eat meat;
    • nuts, especially walnuts and almonds, have a beneficial effect on the entire body and are a source of omega-6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, trace elements;
    • fermented milk products: natural yoghurts (without added sugar), kefir, low-fat cottage cheese provide calcium and improve the functioning of the digestive tract;
    • sea ​​fish contains protein and omega-3 essential fatty acids;
    • fruits and berries are a storehouse of vitamins, heal the skin and protect the body from diseases;
    • lean meat - chicken breast, rabbit meat, beef - a source of protein.

    Useful products should not contain preservatives, artificial colors, palm oil. It is better to limit pickles - you can treat yourself to them from time to time, but you should not get carried away.

    If you have a problem of excess weight, then sugar should be completely abandoned, even if you have a sweet tooth and can’t do without a cup of sweet coffee in the morning - sweeteners will solve this problem. Do not be afraid of them, high-quality natural-based substitutes are harmless, contain virtually no calories and taste good.

    Under strict ban!

    We have decided on useful products, let's look at the list of foods that are incompatible with a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition:

    • Sweet carbonated drinks. They do not quench thirst, irritate the gastric mucosa, as a rule, contain a monstrous amount of sugar - about 20 g in each glass, artificial colors and flavors, preservatives.
    • Deep fried food. French fries, chips, crackers and everything that is fried in a lot of oil should be crossed out of the diet. Carcinogens, lack of nutrients and fat are not what a healthy body needs.
    • Burgers, hot dogs. All such dishes contain a mixture of white bread, fatty sauces, meat of unknown origin, appetizing seasonings and a lot of salt. What do we get as a result? A real high-calorie "bomb", which instantly turns into folds on the body and does not carry any nutritional value.
    • Mayonnaise and similar sauces. Firstly, they completely hide the natural taste of food under spices and additives, forcing them to eat more, and secondly, almost all mayonnaise sauces from the store are almost pure fat, generously seasoned with preservatives, flavorings, stabilizers and other harmful substances.
    • Sausages, frankfurters and meat products. There is hardly any need for clarification at this point - just read the product label. And that's just the official data! Remember that under the items "pork, beef" in the composition, the skin, cartilage, fat are most often hidden, which you would hardly eat if they were not so skillfully processed and beautifully packaged.
    • Energetic drinks. They contain a high dose of caffeine combined with sugar and acidity, plus preservatives, dyes and many other ingredients that should be avoided.
    • Fast food meals. Noodles, mashed potatoes and similar mixtures, which are enough to pour boiling water, instead of nutrients contain a large amount of carbohydrates, salt, spices, flavor enhancers and other chemical additives.
    • Flourish and sweet. Yes, our favorite sweets are one of the most dangerous foods. The problem is not only high calorie content: the combination of flour, sweet and fatty foods multiplies the harm several times and instantly affects the figure.
    • Packaged juices. Vitamins and other useful substances almost completely disappear during processing. What would be the use of a concentrate diluted with water and flavored with a fair amount of sugar?
    • Alcohol. Enough has already been said about its harm to the body, we will only once again note that alcohol contains calories, increases appetite, interferes with the absorption of nutrients, and if the minimum doses are not observed, it slowly destroys the body, because ethanol is a cellular poison.

    The transition to a balanced healthy diet will not be a burden if you follow simple recommendations.

    First, do not torture yourself with hunger. If you feel discomfort, eat an apple, some nuts, dried fruits or muesli.

    Secondly, drink plenty and choose healthy drinks. Chicory contributes well to weight loss - it suppresses the feeling of hunger due to the large amount of fibers in the composition, it has a beneficial effect on the body. Green tea is also useful, especially with ginger.

    Diversify your diet! The more different healthy foods you consume, the more the body receives various trace elements, vitamins, amino acids.

    If you really want something forbidden - eat it for breakfast. Of course, it is better to give up harmful products altogether, but at first the thought that sometimes you can still treat yourself helps.

    The less unnatural ingredients in food, the better. If you want to eat healthy foods, it is better to choose a piece of meat instead of sausage, fresh vegetables instead of canned ones, muesli instead of buns.

    We compose the menu "Healthy food"

    How to start eating right? First of all, you need to find out how many calories your body needs. Let's say it's 2000 kcal daily. In order to lose weight, you need to consume 1600 kcal per day, distributing them over 5-6 meals.

    So, let's make a healthy food menu for every day:

    Breakfast. Should be rich in slow carbohydrates and proteins, it can include:

    • oatmeal, muesli or grain bread;
    • kefir, unsweetened yogurt or a piece of cheese.

    Second meal– light snack between breakfast and lunch:

    • any fruit weighing approximately 100-200 grams, or some nuts, dried fruits;
    • 100 grams of cottage cheese or unsweetened yogurt.

    Dinner should be the most significant meal of the day:

    • 100 grams of buckwheat or brown rice, durum flour pasta. You can add carrots, onions, peppers to the dish;
    • boiled chicken breast;
    • Salad of fresh vegetables dressed with yogurt, a small amount of soy sauce or linseed, olive oil.

    afternoon tea, between lunch and dinner - another light meal:

    • A small fruit or a glass of freshly squeezed juice, preferably from vegetables.

    Dinner– light and tasty:

    • 100-200 grams of lean beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken, fish or legumes;
    • Salad of cabbage, carrots and other vegetables rich in fiber.

    And finally a couple of hours before bedtime:

    • A glass of kefir, chicory or drinking unsweetened yogurt.

    Throughout the day, water, green tea and chicory drinks with natural extracts of rose hips, ginger or ginseng can be consumed in unlimited quantities.

    Portion sizes are approximate and will depend on individual parameters - daily calorie intake, weight loss rate and other individual factors. In any case, it is better to consult a nutritionist.

    A healthy lifestyle allows people to live long and disease-free lives. Healthy nutrition is the basis for good human health. Recipes for preparing healthy meals are not difficult, because. You can buy all the ingredients at the nearest store and prepare a tasty and healthy dish in a few minutes. Below in the article you will find the main recommendations and tips for a balanced diet, and recipes for every day.

    1. While eating, do not rush, eat at an average pace, but rather slowly.
    2. Do not grab food on the run, but sit at the table and eat calmly.
    3. At one time, you do not need to fill your stomach so that you cannot get up from the table. Know the measure, do not stretch your stomach, get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger.
    4. Every day, your menu should include vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, onions), greens, etc. They contain fiber, and it has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract.
    5. Do not cook a lot at one time, because. you have to put food for tomorrow in the refrigerator. Fresh food is more beneficial for the body, it contains more vitamins and other useful substances.
    6. Do not stuff your mouth full, and do not swallow large pieces of food. Help your stomach, it will be grateful to you for it. Healthy eating means eating small amounts of food.
    7. If you suddenly drink water during or after a meal, you will dilute the gastric juice, and this is bad. Drink 15-20 minutes before a meal, 1 glass of water 200 ml.
    8. Healthy eating says - the main part of the daily menu, you need to eat before lunch. In the evening or after 6 pm, try to eat foods rich in protein and fiber.
    9. Try not to fuss at the table, but to be in a calm, measured state.
    10. Sometimes hunger is confused with thirst. First we went to the kitchen or office and drank 150-200 ml of water. After 20 minutes, if the feeling of hunger remains, then go boldly eat a healthy diet.
    11. Give preference to natural products, not any chemistry. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Healthy eating for every day is your choice.

    Follow the principles of a healthy diet every day, and you will notice improvements in 5-10 days. You will feel light, there will be a lot of energy, a great figure and mood.

    Healthy and balanced menu for the week

    Healthy food means tasty and healthy food. Look at the sample menu for the week and then there will be recipes for healthy dishes.


    Breakfast: Omelette with herbs, oatmeal, green tea.

    Lunch: Cauliflower soup. Rice with chicken fillet. Compote with black bread.

    Dinner: Sliced ​​vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, onions). Steamed buckwheat with fish, tea with lemon.


    Breakfast: Baked fish with vegetables, fresh fruit juice.

    Lunch: Vegetable salad, durum pasta with chicken, tea.

    Dinner: Buckwheat porridge, 1 grapefruit, fat-free cottage cheese with sour cream 5-10% fat.


    Breakfast: potatoes with mushrooms and lean meat, compote.

    Lunch: Borsch with beans, chicken fillet, jelly and 1 fruit (apple, banana, orange, pear).

    Dinner: Pilaf, sliced ​​vegetables, green tea with lemon.


    Breakfast: semolina porridge with milk, tea with oatmeal cookies.

    Lunch: Fresh cabbage soup, 2 oranges, chicken fillet with tea and lemon.

    Dinner: Steamed meat cutlets (1-2 pieces), vegetable stew, jelly.


    Breakfast: Hercules porridge, a glass of milk, oatmeal cookies.

    Lunch: Rice with chicken, 1 cucumber and 1 tomato, tea with lemon.

    Dinner: Apple pancake, low-fat yogurt, oatmeal cookies.


    Breakfast: sugar-free corn flakes with milk 0.5-1.5% fat, 1 favorite fruit.

    Lunch: Borscht, lean meat, cucumber, tea with lemon.

    Dinner: Buckwheat with meat, grapefruit, apricot juice.


    Breakfast: Salad of vegetables and herbs, steamed fish, tea.

    Lunch: 2 fruits (apple, orange), rice with chicken fillet, a glass of milk.

    Dinner: Vegetable stew, chicken cutlets, salad, black tea with lemon.

    The best healthy recipes

    Recipe #1: Light Vegetable Soup

    • Potato - 260 grams.
    • Carrots - 2 pieces are not large.
    • Cauliflower - 260 grams.
    • Peas (canned) - 110 grams.
    • Onions (bulb) - 1-2 pieces, to taste.
    • Greens, salt, pepper - to taste


    1. First you need to do the preparation of vegetables. Peel the potatoes and cut them nicely into cubes. Wash and peel the carrots, then slice or chop them in a fun way. You can disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences. Peel one or two bulbs.
    2. Put the water on and wait until it boils. Put chopped vegetables in water (potatoes, carrots, cabbage). Salt to taste and you can pepper (optional). Put the whole onion in the water, when the soup is cooked, they will need to be removed from the pan. Add the green peas to the soup after removing the onion.
    3. Almost ready, ready to serve. Chop dill and parsley and crumble into soup for beauty.

    Recipe number 2: Casserole with chicken fillet and vegetables

    Ingredients (based on 3 servings per day):

    • Carrot - 1 piece (medium size)
    • Chicken fillet - 220 grams
    • Cauliflower - 380 grams
    • Broccoli, salt to taste.
    • For the sauce: chicken (can be meat) broth - 150 grams, nutmeg, hard cheese, ground black pepper, flour, milk, low-fat cream, 2 egg yolks.


    1. A head of cauliflower must be washed, disassembled into inflorescences and boiled a little, until the state is half ready.
    2. Add the following ingredients to the cabbage broth: broth, milk, cream, then pepper, salt, add nutmeg, pour out the flour and cook the sauce for 4-7 minutes and stir occasionally. Whisk a couple of egg yolks and add them to the sauce, then cook to thicken in a bain-marie.
    3. Take a baking dish and grease it well with butter (do not overdo it). Put there boiled chicken fillet and diced, cauliflower, broccoli, cut carrots for beauty, cut into circles, salt to taste.
    4. Pour sauce over the whole thing and sprinkle cheese on top.
    5. Final part. Place in the oven for about 15 minutes and bake until nicely golden.

    Recipe #3: Sardine Rice Salad

    Ingredients (based on 3 servings per day):

    • Rice - 150 grams
    • Corn and peas (canned) - half a glass each
    • Cherry tomatoes - 2-5 pieces
    • Sardines (canned) - 190 grams
    • Cucumber, green onion, parsley
    • Pepper, salt (to taste)


    1. Cut the cucumber into cubes.
    2. Divide the sardine into pieces and mix with boiled rice.
    3. Finely and finely make green onions and parsley.
    4. Now you need to mix everything together: fish with rice, corn, peas, greens.
    5. Cut the cherry tomatoes into quarters and garnish the salad.
    6. Enjoy your meal

    Try these delicious and healthy recipes and write your review below, we are interested.

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