Can nursing mothers eat bananas and green apples? Can Mom Eat Bananas While Breastfeeding?

Photobank Lori

Some facts about bananas

Banana contains substances that help a nursing mother regain strength, normalize blood pressure, digestion and the state of the nervous system.

If a woman regularly ate bananas during pregnancy, then after childbirth she can continue to use them in the same rhythm, only in the first weeks of lactation it is better to limit herself to one per day. Bananas from the diet of a nursing mother almost never cause an allergy in infants to breastfeeding, but they can affect the stool of babies.

It is believed that bananas are able to regulate stool. With diarrhea, they fix, and with constipation, they weaken. However, the effect of tropical fruits on the body of each of us is individual. This is important to consider when introducing a banana to an infant as a complementary meal.

About the benefits

Banana is a source of a wide variety of nutrients. In tropical countries, it occupies the same place in the diet that we have for bread.

Unsweetened bananas - plantains - are used to make flour, hot dishes are prepared from them, which, unfortunately, are almost unknown to us. But sweet dessert bananas are a favorite delicacy of children and adults around the world. About them and will be discussed further.

For a nursing mother, a banana is the perfect dessert and snack between meals. Due to the content of the so-called "slow" carbohydrates, it can maintain an optimal level of sugar in her blood for a long time.

And this means that a woman will feel more energetic and cheerful without sharp fluctuations in her state, as happens after eating sweets or baking. One banana contains about the same amount of nutrients as a serving of oatmeal with milk. At the same time, he is ready for use at any time and in any place, this is his invaluable advantage in the eyes of newly-made parents.

Many people know that magnesium and B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, making it more resistant to stress, increase concentration, and improve memory. The amino acid tryptophan, which is found in bananas, normalizes sleep, which is important for a nursing mother, who finds it difficult to quickly adapt to a new regimen of sleep and wake cycles.

The same amino acid regulates appetite and prevents overeating, keeping the weight of a nursing mother within the genetic norm. In addition, tryptophan helps the body produce serotonin, the pleasure hormone. When a nursing mother is happy with life, her baby also behaves calmer.

Banana for two

If during pregnancy a woman regularly (at least twice a week) ate bananas, she can keep the same frequency with the birth of a child. The baby is already familiar with the “taste” of these fruits, because the proteins of the food that the expectant mother eats enter the amniotic fluid.

True, at first it is better to eat one banana every day than two - every other day. Better yet, in the first week after giving birth, limit yourself to one “approach” every three days to check the baby’s reaction to a treat.

Despite the fact that bananas are a hypoallergenic product, individual starch intolerance occasionally occurs in newborns. A sharp change in stool or a strong anxiety of the child after eating a banana by mom will require you to wait a week with them. And next time try only half a banana.

If the reaction repeats, try the next banana no earlier than a month later. If it is not there at all or it is limited only to a change in the color of the stool, you can try another half of the banana in three days. Usually, in three to four repetitions with an interval of 2-3 days, the child's body gets used to a new product in the mother's diet.

If a woman did not eat bananas during pregnancy and does not feel any attraction to them during feeding, an excellent source of slow carbohydrates and tryptophan will be a baked potato eaten for breakfast for her. However, in cases where the love for bananas wakes up only after childbirth, a nursing mother should adhere to the same recommendations that we gave above: do not introduce a banana into your diet too quickly and constantly monitor the reaction of the child.

So weaken or strengthen?

Banana pectin is famous for its beneficial effect on the intestines. It perfectly absorbs harmful substances and helps to remove them from the body. This substance is included in many products that are used to treat diarrhea in both children and adults, because it can reduce fluid loss in the body and avoid dehydration. With severe bowel disorders, a ripe banana rich in pectin will help to improve the stool.

As a rule, if neither the nursing mother nor the child has problems with the regularity of the stool, the banana does not affect digestion in any way. However, some women notice that it can act as a mild laxative. Most often, this property is attributed to unripe bananas.

In some countries, a banana is the first food for a 6-month-old baby. However, in our latitudes, doctors recommend first introducing unsweetened vegetables to children, and a banana is “given the go-ahead” at 7-8 months.

That happy, blissful time when it is already possible to take your own baby, smelling of milk, in your arms and not let go is priceless. Every woman who has just given birth wants her newborn to be comfortable, well around. And it depends on the nutrition of a nursing young mother. After childbirth, you can not eat all foods and fruits. In this article, we will help you figure out whether it is possible to eat bananas while breastfeeding, what will they bring to mom and baby: benefit or harm?

Is it possible to bananas while breastfeeding

When nutrition must be carefully monitored, and only the most harmless foods for a newborn can be eaten, the body requires tasty and sweet. Losing a lot of calories during lactation, the appetite of a newly-made nursing mother is most often large. Bananas are usually the first thing that comes to mind.

But still, it is better not to use bananas during breastfeeding in the first month after childbirth. Here's the reason. Bananas on gv can cause tummy discomfort in a small child. Unfortunately, the digestive system of a newborn is not yet properly formed. Sugar, starch, can cause fermentation, bloating, colic in the baby. But allergies during lactation should not be feared. This is a low allergenic fruit, a reaction can occur very rarely.
Starting from the second month, and preferably from 7-8 weeks of age of the baby, you can try to eat bananas for a nursing mother. Then the food tract will get a little stronger, get used to food, digestion will be better.

Banana benefits for a nursing mother

Besides the fact that these fruits are sweet and nutritious, they have many useful properties:

  • Quickly saturate the body. Able to help restore strength, add energy. After 2 fruits eaten, a full two-hour activity begins. This is due to slow carbohydrates that break down for a long time, give a feeling of satiety.
  • Fruits contain tryptophan. It is able to improve mood, which is important for a nursing mother who does not want to fall into postpartum depression.
  • Useful for the digestive system, as it will start to work better. The starchy, viscous consistency acts very gently on the walls of the intestines and stomach.
  • Bananas while breastfeeding help increase hemoglobin, which is often below normal.
  • With a large amount of sugars and starch, the fruits have a low calorie content: 89 calories per 100 grams.
  • Helps strengthen and improve the condition of hair, nails, skin. And a young nursing mother often has problems with this, since a child receives more vitamins through breast milk.
  • Helps to cope with stress, improve sleep, calm the nervous system.
  • The record content of potassium has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle and blood vessels.

Rules for eating banana while breastfeeding

For the first time, bananas when breastfeeding should be introduced from a small piece in the morning. You can divide the whole fruit into 3 parts, eat every few hours. Add sweet fruit to milk porridge, a hearty, healthy, delicious breakfast is provided to you. Watch the child's reaction. If the baby tightens his legs, cries, there is a rumbling in the tummy, then the nursing mother should not continue to eat fruit. It's just that the stomach of a newborn is not yet ready for such a heavy food for him, it is better to postpone acquaintance with a banana.

If there is no reaction, the child sleeps and eats well, there are no rashes, pain in the tummy, then you can eat fruit once a day, once every 3 days. Gradually, the child's body will get used to the new product, 1-2 fruits in the diet will bring joy to both.

Excessive consumption of fruits can provoke an allergy even to low-allergenic foods. Therefore, everything is good in moderation.
If the mother, being pregnant, often ate sweet fruits, then bananas during breastfeeding are likely to be well received by the newborn. But if, on the contrary, in an interesting position, she refused a tasty fruit, and after giving birth she really wanted to, then it should be introduced into the diet with extreme caution, since this fruit will be new to the baby.

In order to avoid possible discomfort in the tummy of the baby, it is better not to use bananas in the first month after childbirth for a nursing woman. The ideal time is considered to be 7-8 weeks, when you can introduce the child to the fruit through mother's milk.

The effect of bananas while breastfeeding on digestion and stool

Since a young nursing mother often experiences discomfort and irregular stools after childbirth, it is important for her to know how bananas affect her body. Are they strengthening or weakening?
Eating bananas can give different results. If there are no problems with digestion and stool, then the fetus may not affect the gastrointestinal tract at all.
It is worth noting that the riper the fruit, the more sugars and pectin it contains. Ripe, even overripe banana is able to strengthen a little. Eating fruits of medium ripeness, you can not be afraid of constipation, eat fruits with pleasure.

But green, unripe bananas, due to their high starch content, can have a laxative effect.
It must be remembered that bananas can cause fermentation in the tummy of a newborn, hence colic and gases. If your baby has begun to behave restlessly after you have introduced a banana into the diet, then it is better to postpone eating the fruit until the baby's digestive system gets stronger.

Possible harm

Despite all the benefits that mothers receive from an exotic fruit, remember that bananas can be harmful to nursing, albeit in rare cases:

  • An allergic reaction is very rare, possible to starch or chemicals used to process fruits.
  • So that the fruits do not deteriorate during long-term transportation, they are removed from the trees green. Often treated with ethylene for a more attractive appearance and ripeness.
  • If a nursing mother wants to lose weight, then you should not eat bananas in the evening and at night. The sugar found in the fruit is quickly digested and will help you gain, rather than lose, excess weight.
  • Fastening, loosening the stool, both in a nursing mother and in a baby, can cause abdominal discomfort, colic, gas and bloating. In this case, you should not completely abandon the sweet fruit. You just need to reduce the dosage or postpone the introduction of fruit into the diet for up to 3-4 months.

If bananas do not negatively affect the body of the baby and the nursing mother in any way, then they will only bring them benefits, a charge of vivacity, energy, cheer up and saturate the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals. Therefore, they can and even should be eaten during breastfeeding.

Bananas have become a familiar part of the diet for a long time, we use them almost every day - it's hard to imagine your table without this sweet nutritious product. But how safe is it for a nursing mother and a newborn, is it possible to eat bananas in the first month of breastfeeding?

Nutrient Exotic Fruit Bananas
for the intestines special nutrition during pregnancy
laxative vitamins

All the nutrients in the food get to the baby through breast milk. And its composition changes from what mom ate. The reaction of the baby may be different: he may not react at all, or a rash may appear in the mouth, on the cheeks or throughout the body. To avoid such a reaction, mothers consider each product in terms of its effect on the baby's body.

Therefore, not only useful products are considered, but those that can be consumed without harm to the health of the child. And what a mother's appetite after childbirth! The body is exhausted not only by childbirth and sleepless nights. During feeding, a lot of calories are lost, which must be replenished. To do this, you need to eat well, and so you want something tasty.

nutritional product

These fruits are the best solution: they are tasty, healthy, and do not take time to cook - you can just peel and eat. But not everything is so simple - you need to make sure that bananas are safe for breastfeeding.

About the benefits of the fetus

This exotic fruit contains a lot of useful vitamins and minerals. Mom needs this - after childbirth, the body is weakened, a boost of energy is needed.

The vitamins A, C, E, H, D, K, vitamins of group B, microelements - iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, which are part of it, significantly affect not only the woman who has given birth, but also the baby during breastfeeding.

Vitamin C improves immunity, potassium cleanses the body, improves the functioning of the heart muscle. B vitamins have a positive effect on the nervous system, improve memory. The amino acid tryptophan normalizes sleep, regulates appetite, and produces serotonin, the hormone of pleasure. When a mother is happy, her baby is also happy.

Adding to Mom's Diet

If the mother regularly consumed this fruit during pregnancy (twice a week or more), she can continue to eat it after childbirth - the baby has long been familiar with its taste.

True, it is best to protect yourself from surprises - in the first month, it is recommended to eat bananas during breastfeeding every three days, paying attention to the baby's reaction. Although this is a hypoallergenic product, it is not uncommon for newborns to experience individual intolerance to the starch contained in it. If the child's stool has changed dramatically, it is necessary to wait a while with the intake of fruits for at least a week, and then try no more than half.

If a negative reaction is repeated, the fruit can be tasted only after a month. If the child responds normally or only the color of the stool changes, another half of the banana can be eaten after three days. With this rhythm - three to four times every two to three days, the child's body will get used to this fruit.

Impact on the intestines

The pectin contained in the product has a beneficial effect on the intestines, absorbing harmful substances and removing them from the body. Ripe fruits are used for diarrhea - they are rich in pectin, help to improve the stool in both children and adults. If the baby has frequent stools, problems with weight gain, the pediatrician may advise the introduction of rice porridge as a complementary food, which after two weeks can be diluted with a mashed banana.

exotic fruit

Unripe fruits can be used as a mild laxative. Nursing mothers can use them as a remedy for constipation while breastfeeding both for themselves and for their baby.

If neither mother nor baby has problems with stools, bananas do not affect digestion at all during breastfeeding.

What is the danger of fruit

The product is quite high-calorie, and infants up to three months do not have enough enzymes to digest food. Therefore, bananas that come to the baby during breastfeeding in the first months of his life can cause such unpleasant consequences as:

  • increased gas formation;
  • colic;
  • constipation;
  • bloating.

The baby will be restless, which indicates intolerance to the product - you need to wait with it until the intestinal microflora is fully formed (3-4 months).

When breastfeeding a newborn, you must carefully choose bananas so as not to harm yourself or the baby.

It must be remembered that these exotic fruits are brought into the country still immature. Then, in a chamber with ethylene, according to an artificial ripening method, they are given a marketable appearance. As a result, not only useful substances are almost completely destroyed, but also harmful calories appear - all harmless carbohydrates turn into ordinary sugar.

It is best to buy the fruit green and leave it to ripen at home in a dark place. It is better not to use green bananas - the poorly digestible starch contained in the fruits will cause gas formation in both the mother and the child.

The fruit cannot be stored in the refrigerator along with other fruits - they spoil much faster.

Before transportation, the surface of bananas is treated with toxic substances - phenol, preservatives E 231, E 232. This protects them from pests and mold, but fruits must be thoroughly washed before use.

Bananas with milk are a very difficult combination for digestion, especially when breastfeeding in the first month, so it is better to mix the fruits with fermented milk products.

What kind of fruit is useful

Bananas are best consumed fresh, but if you want some variety, then this fruit is great for baking or other dishes. Breastfeeding mothers can cook:

  • fruit purees;
  • salads;
  • smoothies;
  • cereals;
  • compotes;
  • cocktails.

When breastfeeding, it is especially useful to eat baked bananas, especially if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Covering the mucous membrane of the stomach, they protect it from the effects of hydrochloric acid.

Don't forget dried bananas too. They are very convenient to add to compotes or cereals. But it is better not to use them on their own - they are very high in calories.

Have a beneficial effect on the mother's intestines

Almost all nursing mothers want to try bananas during feeding, but not all babies tolerate this product. If you are careful and introduce it gradually, everything will go smoothly, and the product will firmly enter the postpartum menu. But it is necessary to take into account the individual intolerance of the fruit in babies. If the baby suffers from colic and swelling, there is no need to rush - it will be possible to introduce the fruit two months after birth. It's definitely worth a try. One must have something in reserve when a lot of things are prohibited.

During the period of breastfeeding (HB), the diet of a young mother is very important. A well-designed menu will help avoid digestive problems in the baby, prevent the appearance of bloating, gaziki. However, there is one difficulty - the constant desire to eat something tasty. It is forbidden to get involved in sweets, but is it possible to eat bananas? Are these fruits safe for HB and should they be eaten?

Benefits of Bananas

Exotic fruit contains a large amount of nutrients. Bananas during lactation contribute to:

  • Accumulation in the body of potassium, magnesium - microelements that ensure the smooth functioning of the heart and vascular system.
  • Improving concentration. A large amount of B vitamins during breastfeeding improves mood, prevents postpartum depression.
  • Favorably affects the condition of hair, nails. Contributes to this vitamin E contained in fruits.
  • Strengthening immunity. The abundance of vitamin C helps the body resist viral infections.
  • An increase in hemoglobin. When combined with other iron-containing products, bananas during lactation allow the woman in labor to avoid anemia.
  • Improving digestion, normalizing sleep. The amino acid tryptophan contributes to this. It becomes easier for a woman to return to her usual rhythm of life after childbirth.
  • Stool normalization. Bananas with HB contribute to the natural emptying of the intestines. The abundance of fiber acts like a brush, preventing constipation.

You can eat bananas even for mothers of allergic babies, because this is the only fruit that almost never causes itching and intestinal problems.

Is it possible while breastfeeding

Pediatricians have noticed that women in labor who use bananas while breastfeeding are calmer and more balanced. This condition is transmitted to babies, and also affects the general psychological background of the house.

Can bananas be given to mothers who have not eaten these fruits during their entire pregnancy? Then the introduction of an exotic product should be postponed. Especially in the postpartum period. Then you can gradually introduce them, it is better to start with a small piece before lunch. Throughout the day, you should monitor the condition of the baby. If there are no undesirable consequences from the gastrointestinal tract, fruit consumption is continued.

If the baby has colic, the stool is broken, you should not use bananas for HB. At least a month. Then it is worth trying to enter the fruit again.

Impact on lactation and the baby

Despite the significant benefits and rich composition of these yellow fruits, their introduction during breastfeeding is not always advisable.

Practicing pediatricians have repeatedly noted problems with the gastrointestinal tract in infants precisely because of bananas. Even if the mother used them regularly during pregnancy.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat them in this case? It's better to take a short break. As practice shows, the point is not in the fruits themselves, but in their excessive quantity. The recommended dose of the product per day is 1 pc. Excess is fraught with negative consequences: itching, bloating in the baby.

The danger of eating them when breastfeeding a baby is determined by the specifics of collection and storage. So, the fruits are removed immature, then transferred to transportation. Then they are placed in special chambers, where, under the influence of ethylene, the fruits acquire a presentable appearance.

Opponents of bananas argue that such a long journey of exotic fruits kills all substances valuable to the body, and therefore mothers cannot eat fruits. Proponents of this product argue the opposite. In their opinion, eating bananas during lactation is extremely important. After all, their sweetness improves the taste of mother's milk. Babies eat more readily and spit up less.

The main thing is to observe the measure, not to overeat with sweet fruits. With diarrhea, the fruit will only aggravate the situation, with constipation, it will fix it even more.

In case of gastrointestinal problems in a mother or baby, eating bananas should be abandoned for a while.

Bananas in the first month

The initial 30 days are the hardest for mothers and babies. Children are sensitive to the introduction of new foods. So, can you eat bananas while breastfeeding? In the absence of problems with digestion, one fruit throughout the day will only benefit.

If the baby is allergenic from birth, it is better to refuse fruits in the first month. This applies to both bananas and baked apples. In a rare category of infants, starch intolerance is observed. Then you should not aggravate the situation by eating yellow fruits and potatoes.

After two weeks, you can try to reintroduce the fruit. If the reaction is negative, their reception is continued, gradually increasing the dosage.

It is better to eat at first no more than ¼ part every 2 days.

When the body of the newborn gets used to this fruit, it can be added to the daily menu.

If the child is not gaining weight well, pediatricians recommend that mothers not neglect the consumption of yellow fruits. After all, they contribute to an increase in milk production, add sweets to it.

Is it possible for mom bananas if they do not affect the unformed digestive system of the baby? – Of course, yes.

dried bananas

Exotic fruits can be consumed fresh, dried, dried, in the form of chips. Young mothers prefer to add dried bananas to diet compotes that improve lactation.

Properly dried fruits retain all the nutrients, and therefore are sometimes more valuable than fresh ones. They perfectly nourish, saturate the body with vitamins, contribute to the production of the hormone of happiness. However, due to their high calorie content, they should not be abused.

One hundred grams of the finished product in terms of energy value is comparable to a large serving of milk oatmeal with sugar.

How to buy the "right" bananas

Often on the shelves of stores you can find fodder varieties. Can these bananas be eaten? It’s better not to, because they don’t taste good.

  • It is better to stock up on fruits for future use. That is why they are bought greenish and allowed to ripen at room temperature.
  • Do not refrigerate fruit to extend shelf life. On the contrary, the cold is harmful to them - they deteriorate faster.
  • Small, streamlined fruits are the only right choice. Bananas with pronounced edges are forage varieties and have a mild taste.
  • The presence of small brown spots is a sign of the ripeness of the fruit, but the grayish tint of the peel indicates improper storage conditions.
  • For better preservation, they are treated with preservatives. Prewash is a must.

brown and soft

They are sweeter than yellow or green bananas, but they have their own unique benefits. Contains nutrients that support healthy bones and muscles. In addition, they contain tryptophan, an amino acid that reduces anxiety, stress and improves mood.

hard and yellow

Yellow bananas are very healthy and tend to be sweeter than green ones. They are easily digestible. The antioxidants in all-yellow bananas will help protect your body from a wide range of diseases.


Green bananas contain resistant starch, which helps control blood glucose levels. In addition, they have a low glycemic index and can make you slimmer.

This makes them a great snack for people with diabetes and pre-diabetes. Eating foods high in resistant starch reduces the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

yellow spotted

These bananas contain many antioxidants and are recommended for the treatment of tumors. This is because they have 8 times more tumor necrosis factor than fully yellow bananas.

Tumor necrosis factor is an anticancer agent. Plus, these bananas are said to boost immunity better than any other type.

Bananas should be chosen carefully. Only then will they benefit the organisms of the mother and child.

Banana Rules for Breastfeeding Moms

When eating these fruits, you should follow simple recommendations:

  1. Banana, for all their usefulness, is introduced carefully, starting with a small piece. If during pregnancy they were present in the daily menu, you should not be afraid to eat them after the birth of the baby. It is better to divide one fruit into several doses and eat during the day. In the next few days, observe the condition of the baby.
  2. In the absence of an undesirable reaction from the gastrointestinal tract, they are allowed to eat 2-3 times a week.
  3. Even non-allergenic foods, when consumed excessively, can cause negative reactions. This also applies to bananas. Everything needs a measure.
  4. Allergic babies are introduced to the fruit no earlier than 2 months after birth.

Side effects

Despite the benefits of these fruits, there are negative consequences of their use.

  • colic;
  • gaziki;
  • bloating;
  • chair problems.

In order to avoid an unpredictable reaction of the gastrointestinal tract of the baby, pediatricians still recommend to refrain from consuming them in the early postpartum period.

Bananas during lactation can provide invaluable assistance to the mother's body. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, allowing you to recover faster and avoid postpartum depression. The main thing is to learn how to choose the right fruits and avoid overeating.

Preparing for feeding a child, a woman is mentally prepared for various food restrictions. Young mothers have heard that many fruits and berries can cause allergic reactions in babies, and they are wary of them. Fears intensify when it comes to such an exotic fruit as a banana.

Often, lactating women refuse the usual sweet fruit, believing that eating such a product can harm the baby. Others, on the contrary, consider bananas healthy and enjoy them with pleasure.

Who is right? Is it possible to eat bananas while breastfeeding, how much to use them without harm to the health of the mother and newborn?

Useful properties of fruit during lactation

In tropical countries, a banana occupies the same place of honor on the table as our bread. Some species are even used to make flour and hot dishes.

In European countries, the product is mainly used as a dessert.

The pulp of the fruit is rich in nutrients. In the composition - vitamins B, E, C, A, proteins, carbohydrates, trace elements (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron).

In the postpartum period, a young mother especially needs to “feed” her body, weakened by recent childbirth and caring for the baby.

Under the influence of a sense of responsibility for a new life, women can fall into long-term depression, which can be overcome by the hormone of happiness - serotonin, which is contained in a banana in sufficient quantities.

If a woman used them during pregnancy, the baby's body gradually absorbed the nutrients of the product. That's why no need to stop eating.

They are nutritious and high-calorie, rarely cause allergies in a child.. Eating them will help:

  • increase efficiency, give energy to the body;
  • calm the nervous system, eliminate stress;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • restore physical strength, raise muscle tone;
  • regulate the functioning of the digestive system;
  • improve appetite, normalize sleep.

Banana is available at any time of the year, which is important in winter in the absence of fresh fruits and berries.

What can harm you while breastfeeding

Although the banana belongs to hypoallergenic foods, when breastfeeding, a newborn may experience individual starch intolerance, which is included.

Consequences - bloating of the baby, colic, sudden changes in stool, restless behavior of the baby. The product must be temporarily excluded from the diet because the baby's body is not yet ready for it.

Mom should also remember that banana is a very high-calorie product and does not contribute to weight loss after childbirth. It is not recommended if the mother or baby has poor blood clotting, thrombophlebitis, diabetes.

They say the banana weakens. Many are afraid that it will cause an upset stomach in a child. In fact, it has a positive effect both for diarrhea and.

To avoid negative reactions, introduce the product into the menu gradually and in moderation. It is better to play it safe and not eat bananas in the first month of breastfeeding. A month after the birth of the baby, you can eat one fruit every three days.

If the baby does not have negative reactions during breastfeeding, you can eat bananas more often. To minimize the occurrence of allergic reactions in infants, You should start eating bananas during pregnancy.

You don't have to limit yourself to the fruits themselves. They can be eaten in fruit salads along with apples, pears and cottage cheese, added to cheesecakes and cereals. The pulp of the fruit is very tasty in baking: cookies, muffins, cakes.

When and how to breastfeed

So at what age can you give a banana to a baby? Pediatricians recommend giving complementary foods from 5-6 months. The best choice is vegetable purees and cereals.

Banana while feeding Recommended to give from 7 months when you can start giving your baby other fruits and berries. Earlier inclusion of the fetus in the child's menu is not advisable, his digestive system still does not perceive such food well.

If the baby is overweight, it is better to refuse such a dessert. even after 8 months, because the sucrose it contains can do more harm than good.

Like any food banana start to give in small portions. First give 1/3 teaspoon. If there are no rashes and problems with the stool, the amount is gradually increased.

It is absolutely understandable that mothers want to cook delicious mashed potatoes themselves at home. However, it is very convenient and safe to use factory-made fruit purees.

Such a product has the consistency necessary for the baby's digestive system and all the necessary vitamins. If you still cook the dessert yourself, you need to be very careful when choosing fruits.

Since the banana is brought from afar, it is plucked while still green. They enter our country having lost a certain proportion of their useful substances.

  • choose bright yellow ripe fruits;
  • do not buy the most fragrant specimens - they may be overripe;
  • do not take fruits with brown spots - they may be spoiled;
  • gray spots on the peel indicate violations of storage;
  • do not buy a product with a damaged peel.

It is believed that small bananas are tastier and healthier than large ones. It is a myth. The size of the fruit does not affect their taste and useful qualities.

Find out more about the rules of nutrition during breastfeeding, a list of allowed and prohibited foods from the following video:

Finding both tasty and healthy treats for the little ones is difficult. Banana will be a good choice for the formation of good health of your beloved child.

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