Sour fruits and berries. Classification of products in separate nutrition. Butter, cream

Disputes between supporters and opponents of the principle of separate nutrition, taking into account the compatibility of products, do not stop. Why is it important for a person to know about the proper use of food and the combination of its various types? How to help the body regulate the processes of digestion is a question that is interesting to answer.

Compatible and incompatible products

The study of product incompatibility began hundreds of years ago. The ancient healers thought about the solution of the issue, and modern researchers pay a lot of attention to it. For the health of the body, it is important that the digestive system works properly, which has its own characteristics:

  • products are processed at different rates;
  • for the assimilation of each one needs its own enzymes;
  • gastric juice for the digestion of unequal food is allocated in different ways;
  • protein processing requires an acidic environment, and carbohydrates require an alkaline one.

The use of incompatible products causes the body to spend more energy on processing. When one type of food has been digested, ready to be absorbed and excreted, it is not time for another. Enzymes have not yet been developed - ptyalin in the mouth, the rest - in the stomach. Intestinal dysfunction occurs:

  • the process of decay, fermentation begins;
  • food is not digested;
  • splitting stops;
  • there is no absorption of nutrients;
  • toxins are formed that poison the body;
  • various diseases develop.

Buckwheat compatibility with fish

One of the postulates of separate nutrition is the prohibition to mix animal proteins and products containing starch. Buckwheat and fish are foods that are not recommended for consumption at the same time. The best option is to eat both products separately, with the addition of greens and vegetables. The reason of that:

  • fish- protein foods that require acid production;
  • buckwheat- belongs to the type of cereals, rich in starch, it needs an alkaline environment for the assimilation process.

Compatibility of cottage cheese with banana

Is it right to eat a dessert that adults and children love, containing cottage cheese and a banana? It is believed that the combination of sweet fruits, sugar, is incompatible with protein foods. There is a great exception to the rule. Quickly splitting bananas can be used in combination with the following foods:

  • fermented milk products (sour cream, kefir, etc.);
  • sour cream;
  • cream;
  • greens;
  • seeds.

The combination of fruits

Thinking about incompatible products, it is important to know that they include gourds - watermelon, melon. They require consumption separately from other food, a few hours after it is taken. This is especially true of melon, which is digested instantly, starting the fermentation process, leaving other products to rot. The combination of fruits depends on the type to which they belong:

  • sweet;
  • semi-sweet;
  • sour.

It is believed that fruit is a product incompatible with other foods, requiring separate consumption between main meals. They fit together like this:

  • sweet- dates, banana, persimmon, dried fruits - are digested slowly, their separate use is preferable, simultaneous use with semi-sweet, with each other is acceptable;
  • sour- orange, grapes, pear, currant - compatible with everyone;
  • semi-sweet-, wild berries, apricots - compatible with the first two types.

Compatible vegetables with separate meals

The most favorable food, combined with most products, is vegetables that are actively used in separate meals. This speeds up the digestion process. It is not recommended only to mix them with milk, fruits. Allocate compatible vegetables, combined with several groups:

  • with his- cabbage, sweet pepper, radish, cucumbers;
  • with proteins- meat, cottage cheese, fish, eggs;
  • fats- vegetable oil;
  • starchy food- bread, pasta, flour products, potatoes.

What products cannot be combined

As a result of the research, it turned out which food is not recommended to be mixed. This includes a combination of products:

  • coffee- - caffeine prevents the absorption of useful substances;
  • tomatoes- (rice, buckwheat, millet, etc.) - acid in vegetables prevents the absorption of starches;
  • meat, eggs,- sugar - fermentation occurs;
  • fish- cereals, legumes (peas, beans, lentils, etc.), sour cream - different times for digestion;
  • fermented milk food- meat, bread, cereals - the reason is the same.

Product incompatibility table

To make life easier for those who want to lose weight or preach the benefits of separate nutrition, a table has been developed to help you quickly navigate the choice of healthy food. With her help, you can figure out which foods can not be eaten together. The table is a grid, at the intersection of the vertical and horizontal columns of which there is a mark of compatibility. Wherein:

  • in the first column, from top to bottom, products are listed under numbers;
  • the top line contains the numbers corresponding to the order of the food in the first column.

Shelton Compatibility Chart

Seriously, the American scientist Herbert Shelton, who wrote many books on weight loss and fasting, dealt with the issues of separate nutrition. Thanks to his research and advocacy, the system of combining incompatible products has become widespread. Shelton developed a table with which you can easily figure out what to eat with what. This favors the work of the stomach and the ability to stay healthy.

Shelton's table at the intersection of the graph helps to find out the compatibility of the main types of food used by humans. Examining the material, you can understand that the melon is not compatible with anything. It is recommended, for example, to apply together:

  • meat- non-starchy vegetables - eggplant, cucumber, sweet pepper;
  • potatoes, bread- vegetable oil;
  • cereals- all vegetables;
  • sweet fruits- dairy products, cottage cheese;
  • starchy vegetables- cauliflower, pumpkin, carrots - everything except sugar.

Incompatible products for weight loss

Using the ideas of separate nutrition, you can not only help the body become healthy, but also lose weight due to the proper functioning of the digestive tract. There are diets that take into account incompatible foods when losing weight. You should know incompatible groups:

  • squirrels- eggs, meat - flour products;
  • bread- sugar, tomatoes;
  • fish, meat- cereals;
  • sour cream, butter- nuts, proteins;
  • porridge- tomatoes, sour fruits;
  • zucchini, pumpkin, berries, nuts- sugar;
  • at the same time proteins of animal, vegetable origin.

What foods are incompatible with antibiotics

When a doctor prescribes a course of antibacterial drugs, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of their combination with food. Antibiotics already have a negative effect on the body, so incompatible products should not add problems. It is necessary to read the instructions for the drugs, which stipulate contraindications to the use of certain foods at this time. This is especially true for alcohol intake.

There are products incompatible with antibiotics that cause problems:

  • milk, dairy products- calcium in the composition binds the active substance, which, instead of being absorbed, is excreted from the body, neutralizing the therapeutic effect of the drug;
  • cola, pepsi- irritate the gastric mucosa;
  • sour fruits, dry wine, vinegar, pickles- negatively affect the liver.

Products incompatible with milk

Dairy products for an adult are a special food. The body does not produce the necessary amount of special enzymes for their digestion. Does milk go well with other foods? This product is not compatible with anything. It is advisable to use it in the diet separately from other products, otherwise complications are possible:

  • when combined with melon- laxative effect;
  • consumption with salty-sour foods- herring, cucumbers - pain, poisoning;
  • along with soda- turbulent process in the stomach.

Products incompatible with alcohol

It is believed that alcoholic beverages can cause poisoning. At the same time, few people think that these consequences are possible when using incompatible products for snacks. This reaction is associated with the peculiarities of the interaction of food with alcohol:

  • mushrooms- actively secrete poisons that enter the bloodstream, affect the liver;
  • - stimulates the outflow of bile, and alcohol makes it difficult to remove it, provoking a spasm of the sphincter of the duct into the duodenum - acute pancreatitis develops;
  • grapefruit- blocks liver enzymes that break down alcohol - causes severe poisoning.

It is necessary to combine food and alcohol with care so as not to get an undesirable reaction:

  • when washed down with drinks, juices containing sugar, the latter is quickly digested, leaving the alcohol unsplit, which leads to poisoning;
  • spicy snacks- horseradish, pepper, mustard, slow down the destruction of alcohol, which poisons the liver, harming the heart and blood vessels;
  • melon in combination with alcohol has laxative properties;
  • grilled meat requires prolonged digestion, alcohol, remaining in the body for a long time, causes symptoms of poisoning.

Video: Food incompatibility

Most often, questions regarding the compatibility of products begin to be interested at the moment when they decide to switch to a separate diet or “sit down” on any diet that requires separate consumption of food. What is the essence of proper separate nutrition, and how does the compatibility of products affect their absorption by the body?

The thing is that in order to digest different types of food, our body produces digestive juices that differ in composition.

Classification of types of food

When using compatible food, absorption is easy and fast, since digestive juices of the same type take part in this process. Incompatible products are digested by various digestive juices that neutralize each other's action. The assimilation of incompatible food products is delayed, the processes of fermentation and decay develop, which very often causes severe intoxication of the body.

A huge number of scientists have developed a special food compatibility table for food compatibility issues. With its help, it is very easy to create your own menu, thereby helping the body to cope with the food that has entered the stomach as best as possible.

There is a certain classification of products, all their diversity is usually divided into the following ten groups:

  • Sweet fruits;
  • semi-acid fruits;
  • Sour fruits and berries;
  • starchy vegetables;
  • Non-starchy vegetables;
  • Moderately starchy vegetables;
  • Protein products;
  • Greens;
  • Fats;
  • Sahara.

By adhering to the principles of separate nutrition, you can quickly and effectively lose weight and improve your body. The compatibility of staple foods is the basis of many diets for weight loss and health improvement, thanks to the observance of which many people have become more confident and happier.

At first glance, it is not possible to take into account all the rules and remember what can be combined and what not, so often separate meals remain only in the plans for the future. The product compatibility table is just compiled in order to facilitate the process of remembering. Over time, all this information will be stored in memory, and compliance with the rules of separate nutrition will become a habit.

Sweet, sour and semi-sour

Sweet fruits and berries include dates, figs, bananas, persimmons and absolutely all dried fruits. They are best combined with semi-acid fruits and kefir. Their combination with milk, nuts, herbs and vegetables is allowed.

When they are mixed with any other food, the fermentation process is provoked, so it is best to use sweet berries and fruits as an independent meal. It is best to drink any juices 30-60 minutes before meals and in no case after it.

Semi-acidic fruits and berries include apricots, watermelons, mangoes, blueberries and blueberries. Also in this group are sweet-tasting melons, pears, peaches, grapes, apples, cherries and plums. Tomatoes also belong to this group because of their properties. The ideal combination is considered to be with each other, with sweet and sour fruits, as well as with kefir and yogurt.

The compatibility of these products is ideal for proper nutrition in order to lose weight. If necessary, semi-acid fruits can be combined with non-starchy vegetables, herbs, fatty cheese, cottage cheese. Compounds with other proteins are unacceptable, and with moderately starchy vegetables they provoke fermentation. Blueberries, blueberries and melons are best eaten separately from any other food.

Sour fruits are lemons, tangerines, pomegranates, grapefruits, pineapples and oranges. This group also includes sour-tasting apples, cherries, grapes, plums, as well as blackberries, cranberries and currants.

All of the above fruits go well with milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, as well as with semi-acid fruits. They can, if necessary, be combined with herbs, fatty cottage cheese, cheeses, nuts, seeds and non-starchy vegetables. With other proteins, starches and sweet fruits, sour fruits are incompatible.

Non-starchy, moderately starchy and starchy foods

Non-starchy vegetables include cucumbers, green beans, sweet peppers, and cabbage. They pair best with fats, moderately starchy vegetables, greens, and proteins. May occasionally be combined with fruit, but should never be combined with milk.

Moderately starchy vegetables are beets, green peas, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, as well as seaweed, turnips, eggplant and rutabaga. Combinations with greens, fats, vegetables are recognized as successful. Can be combined with cottage cheese, cheese, seeds, nuts and kefir. Combinations with fruits, sugars, proteins and milk are considered harmful to digestion.

The group of starchy foods includes rye, oats, wheat, products made from them, as well as rice, barley, buckwheat and millet cereals, potatoes and chestnuts. Starches are ideally combined with greens, as well as vegetables. Their combination with each other and fats is allowed, it is not advisable to combine them with nuts, seeds and cheese.

Proteins, greens, fats and sugars

The group of proteins includes eggs, cheeses, milk, kefir, cottage cheese, curdled milk, meat and fish. Protein also contains dry beans, beans, peas, nuts (with the exception of peanuts), pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Proteins go well with greens, non-starchy vegetables, and can be combined with moderately starchy foods.

It is highly undesirable to eat them together with fats, semi-acidic and sour fruits, it is unacceptable to use them together with sweet fruits, starchy foods and sugars. In the table, among the incompatible foods, the only exceptions are nuts, seeds, fatty cottage cheese and cheeses, they can be eaten along with semi-acid fruits and sour berries.

The greens group includes horseradish, radish, sorrel, onion, dill, parsley, lettuce, as well as chicory, dandelion, acacia and coriander. They can be combined with absolutely any food except milk, so their compatibility with weight loss products is often used in diets.

Fats are vegetable oils, fatty sour cream, butter and ghee, lard, cream and other fats of animal origin. They pair best with greens and moderately starchy vegetables. Combinations with starches are acceptable. Harmful combinations: with sugars, fruits, animal proteins.

The group of sugars includes honey, white and yellow sugar, jams and syrups. It is best to consume them an hour or a half before a meal, and always separately from other meals. Sugars can occasionally be combined with greens and non-starchy vegetables.

In combination with starches, fats and proteins, they provoke the fermentation process, so various desserts are very unhealthy foods for digestion. Honey is an exception, it can be combined in small quantities with any food, except for animal origin.


When studying the above list of products, it becomes clear that if you want to organize separate meals for yourself or even for your entire family, it is not so difficult. It is erroneous to assume that this type of nutrition implies the use of any food separately from each other.

It is very important to know which foods can be consumed together and which separately.
An apple eaten on an empty stomach leaves the stomach for 15-20 minutes, and oranges even faster.
If fruits are eaten for dessert after a hearty meal, then they remain in the stomach along with long-digested food and begin to ferment.

Each type of food requires a specific composition of enzymes. This means that a special composition of gastric juice is necessary for the digestion of a particular food. Yes, and other conditions for the digestion of a particular product differ from each other - an acidic environment is necessary for the digestion of proteins, and starchy foods are broken down in an alkaline environment, and acidity will only inhibit the activity of the necessary enzyme. Therefore, it is better not to eat protein and starchy foods together. Carbohydrates are best not eaten with acidic foods such as vinegar, lemon, or ketchup.

Sweet fruits:
Bananas, dates, persimmons, figs, all dried fruits. Fruits break down quickly, sweet fruits stay in the stomach a little longer than sour fruits. Fruits should be eaten separately, for example, for an afternoon snack or before a meal. It is very unfavorable to eat fruits after eating, because then fermentation in the stomach begins. Separately from the intake of other food, it is necessary to drink fruit juices, because they are a concentrated food. Sweet fruits pair well with each other, as well as with semi-acid fruits such as persimmons and apples. Worse combined with other fruits bananas. Sweet fruits can be combined with cream, sour cream, herbs and fermented milk products.

Semi-acid fruits:
Mango, blueberries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, apples, pears, plums, grapes, apricots, peaches, watermelon. These fruits can be combined with sweet fruits, sour fruits, fermented milk products, cream, herbs, as well as high-fat protein foods such as cheese, nuts, and high-fat cottage cheese. These fruits cannot be combined with eggs, fish, mushrooms, peas and legumes. Do not consume these fruits along with starchy foods. In a separate meal, eat peaches, blueberries, blueberries, grapes, melon and watermelon, because these fruits are processed very quickly in the stomach and do not combine well with other foods.

Sour fruits:
Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, pineapples, pomegranates, lemons, gooseberries, cranberries, sour apples, pears, plums, apricots, grapes.
These fruits are well compatible both with each other and with fermented milk products, cream, sour cream and fatty cottage cheese.
They can be combined with nuts, cheeses and herbs.
Acidic fruits are incompatible with animal proteins, legumes, peas, starchy foods and vegetables.

Good Combination Vegetables:
Cucumbers, fresh cabbage (except cauliflower), radishes, sweet peppers, beans, turnips, onions, garlic, beets, rutabaga, carrots, early zucchini, early pumpkin, lettuce.

These vegetables are well combined with any food, contributing to its digestibility, for example, with proteins (meat with cucumbers, carrots with cottage cheese), with fats (cabbage with butter), with other vegetables, with products containing starch (bread with beets, with greens .
You can not combine vegetables with milk!
It is undesirable to eat fruits and vegetables at the same time.

Badly combined vegetables:
Cauliflower, green peas, late zucchini, late pumpkin, eggplant, squash.
These vegetables go great with starchy foods like bread, all vegetables, fats like sour cream and herbs.
It is acceptable to use with cheeses.
Less desirable is the combination of these vegetables with animal proteins, such as eggs and meat.

Absolutely incompatible with milk and fruits.

Foods containing starch:
Wheat, rye, oats, and products made from these grains, such as pasta and bread, as well as buckwheat, rice, potatoes, edible chestnuts, and corn.
Perfectly combined with herbs, fats and all vegetables.
A combination of these products is also acceptable. This should be avoided by people with a tendency to be overweight. In addition, different cereals differ in the amount of proteins, so it is better not to combine cereals with each other.
When combining foods containing starch with fats, it is necessary to add greens or vegetables at the same time.
The combination of carbohydrates and proteins is very unfavorable. It is especially important not to combine carbohydrates with meat, milk and sour-milk products, for example, porridge with milk, bread with kefir. It is undesirable to combine starchy foods with sugars, for example, bread with jam, porridge with sugar, as well as with any fruit or fruit juices.

Protein products:
Meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, cheeses, cheese, milk, buttermilk, kefir, legumes, lentils, peas, nuts, seeds, mushrooms.
Ideal with seeds and well-matched vegetables. Promote the processing of proteins and the removal of various toxins.
Milk is an exception - it must be eaten separately. It is better to give preference to warm, unboiled, unpasteurized milk. Pasteurized milk is very heavy in quality. In some cases, milk can be combined with sweet fruits, such as bananas, but each person has their own individual food tolerance.
A combination of proteins with fats is acceptable, moreover, animal fats are better combined with animal proteins, and vegetable proteins with vegetable fats. Keep in mind that fat slows down the digestion process. To improve digestion, it is necessary to combine with fresh vegetables and herbs.
Proteins are not combined with foods containing starch, fruits and sugars.
Exceptions include cottage cheese, cheeses, dairy products, nuts and seeds - they can be combined with fruits.


Lettuce, dandelions, nettles, plantain, green onions, sorrel, coriander, parsley, acacia, rose petals, dill, etc. Greens are compatible with all products except milk.

Butter and ghee, sour cream, cream, vegetable oils, lard and other fats of animal origin. Fatty meat, oily fish and nuts are sometimes included here.
Fats slow down the secretion of gastric juice, especially if they are consumed at the beginning of a meal. But sometimes eating fat clears the congestion in the stomach caused by bad food combinations.
Fats go well with greens, vegetables, starchy foods, such as porridge with butter. In some cases, a combination of fats and fruits is acceptable, especially for berries, for example, strawberries with cream.
You can not combine fats with sugars, for example, cream with sugar. Ghee is compatible with almost all products. Vegetable oils are best consumed with fish, which contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acids. It is better not to combine fats with meat.

Fructose, jam, honey, molasses, brown sugar, syrups.
Together with proteins and starchy foods, they cause fermentation and contribute to the decomposition of other products.
Sweets are best consumed separately, but you can not do it at the end of the meal. Ideally, it is better to give up sweets or eat them as a separate meal.
The exception is honey. In a small amount, meld is recommended to be taken together with other foods, since honey promotes the absorption of biologically active substances and delays the processes of food decay. Honey cannot be combined only with products of animal origin. Honey should not be heated because it becomes toxic.
Meat, fish, cottage cheese and cheese are very concentrated protein foods. It is possible to live without them; if possible, these foodstuffs should not be consumed daily.
After eating, it is advisable to sit at the table for at least 5 minutes, and then take a slow walk for 20 minutes.
If you follow the rules of proper nutrition, soups are not necessary. It is better not to cook soups on the broth, but to eat puree soup first.

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It is known that it is separate nutrition that remains the most affordable and, at the same time, painless option for weight loss, which can be recommended to almost everyone. The essence of separate nutrition comes from a premise that was discovered even before Pavlov. The fact is that the stomach has a predominantly acidic environment. The duodenum, a direct continuation of the stomach, has a predominantly alkaline environment. Both environments are important for the processing of different nutrients, which allows us to be omnivores.

But from the course of chemistry it is known that acidic and alkaline environments neutralize each other. If these two environments were mixed, then we would be guaranteed belching, bad breath, indigestion, etc. When we mix different foods that require acid or alkali treatment (for example, at a festive table), we deliberately use up the resources of our organism. Therefore, a separate nutrition program was recommended, where all products are divided into acidic, alkaline and mixed.

The largest representative of the school of natural methods of treatment was the American physician, hygienist, honorary doctor of medicine, natural hygiene, philosophy and literature Herbert Shelton. Along with interesting and useful philosophical concepts that he developed, his method of separate nutrition should be noted.

As an example of separate nutrition, we offer you a program according to the method of G. Shelton.

The method is based on the following basic principles:

  1. Classification of food products by nutritional value and acidity.
  2. Determination of incompatible food combinations that can only be consumed separately (acid-starch, protein-carbohydrate, protein-fat, acid-protein, sugar-starch, protein-protein, starch-starch, take melon separately, take milk separately).
  3. Gradual, smooth transition to a separate power supply!
  4. Admissibility of occasional consumption of mixed food.

For the right selection of possible product combinations
you need to know the following classification:

A protein food is a food that has a high percentage of protein (concentrated proteins). Proteins are found in most nuts, cereals, mature beans and peas, soybeans, peanuts, meat and fish products (except fat), cheeses, olives, avocados. Despite the fact that milk contains little protein, G. Shelton classifies it as a protein product.

G. Shelton divided their carbohydrates into three groups: starches, sugars and sweet fruits. Starches - all cereals, mature beans (except soybeans), mature peas, potatoes, chestnuts, peanuts. Moderate starchy foods - zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower, beets, carrots, eggplant. Sugar - brown sugar, white sugar, milk sugar, cane sugar, honey. Sweet fruits - bananas, dates, figs, raisins, raisins, prunes, dried pears, persimmons.

Fats and oils are olive, soybean, sunflower, corn and cottonseed oils, avocados, fatty meats and fish, butter, cream, sour cream, nut butters and most nuts, lard in any form.

sour fruits
Most of the acids eaten with food are found in sour fruits: oranges, pineapples, sour apples, sour peaches, grapefruits, pomegranates, lemons, sour grapes, sour plums, etc. G. Shelton includes tomatoes and sauerkraut in the same group.

Semi-acid fruits and berries
Fresh figs, sweet cherries, apples, plums, peaches, mangoes, pears, apricots, blueberries.

Non-starchy and green vegetables
All juicy vegetables fall into this group, regardless of their color. These are mainly chicory, cauliflower, spinach, green beet leaves, mustard, turnips, broccoli, leafy fodder beets, green corn, cucumber, celery, cabbage and Brussels sprouts, dandelion, green turnip leaves, sour sorrel, turnips, fodder cabbage, Chinese cabbage, eggplant, kohlrabi, parsley, garlic, bamboo shoots, asparagus, sweet pepper, green peas, rhubarb, onion, leek, summer pumpkin, radish.

Banana, Persian, musky, Christmas. Watermelon also belongs to this group. According to the concept of G. Shelton, most foodstuffs are normally and painlessly absorbed by the body only when they are used separately. This position is based on data from the physiology of digestion - for fats, proteins and carbohydrates, special enzymes are needed that are suppressed by "foreign" food. For example, fats suppress the secretion of gastric juice and prevent the normal digestion of proteins, which leads to fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid "unnatural" combinations of products.

The main options for useful and harmful food combinations
presented in the table.

According to the theory of separate nutrition, there are good and bad food compatibility.

All food according to its chemical composition is conditionally divided into fats, proteins, carbohydrates and starches. An alkaline environment is created for starches in the stomach, and an acidic one for proteins. And different enzymes are secreted for each type of food.

When we mix starch with protein, acids and alkalis begin to be produced at the same time. This causes them to oppose each other. As a result, there is an increase in the load on the organs; putrefaction of food in the stomach and intestines due to incomplete assimilation; development of pathogenic microflora; the formation of poisons and their poisoning of the whole organism; weakening of the immune system and susceptibility to disease.

If we combine foods correctly, we will minimize the harm from food intake and improve our health.

So, let's begin.

Product compatibility.

Meat, poultry, fish, seafood.

Combine with sour fruits, non-starchy vegetables, tomatoes, herbs. Greens help better digestion of meat, removes cholesterol and almost removes the harmful effect of its consumption.

Do not combine with each other, with fats, starches, carbohydrates, alcohol. Alcohol should be tried to be consumed separately from meat, as it interferes with its normal absorption.

Legumes(beans, soybeans, beans, peas, lentils).

Combine with non-starchy vegetables, herbs, tomatoes.

Not combined with proteins, carbohydrates, starches, fats.

Confectionery, sugar(cakes, sweets, cakes, jam, sugar.)

Combine with each other.

Eat separately from all food.

Try to eat them as little as possible. They load the internal organs and systems of the body, inhibit the secretion of gastric juice, cause heartburn and belching. Consumed with other food, they retain food in the stomach and cause fermentation processes in it.

Assimilated directly in the intestines, do not need saliva and digestive juice.

Cereals, baked goods, potatoes(cereals, cookies, bakery products, pasta, potatoes).

Combine with other grains, non-starchy vegetables, fats and herbs.

Do not combine with each other, with sour fruits, carbohydrates, proteins.

Starch with carbohydrates causes fermentation in the stomach, poisoning the body.

The use of two starches leads to a fermentation process, an increase in acidity in the stomach and the absorption of only one of the starches (for example, bread with porridge or bread with potatoes).

Whole grain unrefined grain bread is most useful.

By itself, starch is very difficult to digest by the body. Therefore, they should not be abused.


It is better to eat separately, without mixing with anything (3 hours after eating and 30-60 minutes before eating).

Fruit should not be used as a dessert after a meal. This causes fermentation in the stomach.

sour fruits(oranges, tangerines, lemons; sour varieties of apples, grapes; cranberries) and tomatoes.

Combine with each other.


They are combined with greens, non-starchy vegetables, proteins and fats, making them easier to digest.

Sweet and sour fruits(strawberries, raspberries, apricots, peaches; sweet and sour varieties: apples, pears, plums, grapes; oranges, pineapples, tangerines).

Combine with each other.

Eaten separately from all food.

Sweet fruits and dried fruits(bananas, dates, figs, persimmons, raisins).

Combine with each other; with nuts and milk (in a small amount).

Eaten separately from all food. Absorbed in the intestines.

In a small amount combined with proteins.

Greens and non-starchy vegetables(parsley, dill, celery, lettuce, onion (feather), sorrel; cabbage, onion, garlic, cucumbers, eggplant, bell pepper, radish).

Combine with each other, with proteins, starches, fats, carbohydrates.

Do not combine with milk, melon.

starchy vegetables(beets, carrots, potatoes, pumpkin, cauliflower, squash, zucchini).

Combine with greens, among themselves.

Not combined with sugar, carbohydrates (this leads to fermentation in the stomach).


Doesn't match with anything.

It is better to use it by turning it into a fermented milk product. The process of curdling of milk takes place in the stomach. If there is still other food, then milk envelops its particles, preventing them from being digested. As a result, the process of decay begins.


Doesn't match with anything.


Doesn't match with anything.

Sour milk drinks(kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk), cottage cheese, homemade cheese.

Combine with each other; with tomatoes, sour fruits, herbs, non-starchy vegetables.

Do not combine with carbohydrates.

Hard cheeses, cheese, eggs.

Combine with greens and non-starchy vegetables, tomatoes.

They do not combine with each other, with starches, carbohydrates, fats.

nuts(walnut, hazelnut, almond, peanut, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds).

Combine with each other, with greenery.

Do not combine with other proteins, fats, carbohydrates, starches.

Animal and vegetable fats(butter, cheese, sour cream, cream; nuts, sunflower seeds, avocados, vegetable oils).

Combined with starches.

They are not combined with proteins, since fat suppresses the work of the pancreas.

So, do not match:

carbohydrates with acidic foods, starches with starches, starches with sugar, proteins with sour fruits, proteins with carbohydrates, proteins with starches, proteins with proteins, fats with proteins.

Combine with green vegetables:

Vegetable proteins and fats: nuts, sunflower seeds, avocados, vegetable oils;

Legumes: beans, beans, lentils, peas;

Animal proteins and fats: kefir, cottage cheese, cheese, cheese, butter;

Animal proteins: meat, poultry, eggs, fish, seafood;

Starches: bread, cereals, pasta, noodles, vegetables, potatoes;

Grains: wheat, buckwheat, rice, rye, barley, oats, millet.

Eat separately:

Fruits, melons, watermelons, bananas, milk.


The simpler the composition of the food, the faster and easier it will be absorbed.

Knowing which combinations of products are better and which are worse, you will be able to combine them more successfully, which means you will improve your well-being and health.

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