How to give up sweet and starchy foods, is it worth it. "Beyond one's own capabilities": How to give up sweet and starchy foods

Good day, dear members of the forum, and you have never thought, that when you want something, it’s not casual! Today, after the first fishing, I wanted something that I don’t know myself and remembered one table I saw a very long time ago, of course, on the Internet ... I think maybe someone will be interested!

Fishing was not to say how we wanted, but I had a good rest ...

what is missing in the body, if you want ...

The information in the post was collected from several sources, here is another link where there is a good table, but I couldn’t drag it here - the format is not the same.

I want to sweet- lack of magnesium. chromium picolinate
I want to herring- lack of proper fats (herring and other marine oily fish contain a lot of useful Omega 6).
I want to of bread- again there is not enough fat (the body knows that you usually smeared something on bread - and it craves: smear it !!).
In the evening, I want to drink tea with dry cookies- during the day they didn’t get the right carbohydrates (lack of B vitamins, etc.)
I want to dried apricots- lack of vitamin A

I want to bananas- lack of potassium. Or drink a lot of coffee, hence the lack of potassium.
I want to chocolate
I want to of bread: Lack of nitrogen. Found in: high protein foods (fish, meat, nuts, beans).
I want to gnaw ice: Iron deficiency. Contained in: meat, fish, poultry, seaweed, herbs, cherries.
I want to sweet: 1. Lack of chromium. Found in: broccoli, grapes, cheese, chicken, calf liver
2. Lack of carbon. Found in fresh fruits. 3. Lack of phosphorus. Found in: chicken, beef, liver, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, legumes and legumes. 4. Lack of sulfur. Found in: cranberries, horseradish, cruciferous vegetables (white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower), kale. 5. Lack of tryptophan (one of the essential amino acids). Found in: cheese, liver, lamb, raisins, sweet potatoes, spinach.
I want to fatty foods: Lack of calcium. Contained in: broccoli, legumes and legumes, cheese, sesame seeds.
I want to coffee or tea: 1. Lack of phosphorus. Found in: chicken, beef, liver, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, legumes and legumes. 2. Lack of sulfur. Found in: cranberries, horseradish, cruciferous vegetables (white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower), kale. 3. Lack of sodium (salt). Found in: sea salt, apple cider vinegar (to dress salad). 4. Lack of iron. Found in: red meat, fish, poultry, seaweed, green vegetables, cherries.
I want to burnt food: Lack of carbon. Found in: fresh fruits.
I want to carbonated drinks: Lack of calcium. Contained in: broccoli, legumes and legumes, cheese, sesame seeds.
I want to salty: Lack of chlorides. Found in: unboiled goat milk, fish, unrefined sea salt.
I want to sour: Lack of magnesium. Found in: Unroasted nuts and seeds, fruits, legumes and legumes.
I want to liquid food: Water scarcity. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, with lemon or lime juice added.
I want to solid food: Water scarcity. The body is so dehydrated that it has already lost the ability to feel thirsty. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, with lemon or lime juice added.
I want to cold drinks: Manganese deficiency. Found in: walnuts, almonds, pecans, blueberries

Zhor on the eve of critical days:
Deficiency: zinc.
Found in: red meat (especially organ meats), seafood, leafy vegetables, root vegetables.
The general invincible zhor attacked:
1. Lack of silicon.

2. Lack of tryptophan (one of the essential amino acids).
Found in: cheese, liver, lamb, raisins, sweet potatoes, spinach.
3. Lack of tyrosine (amino acid).

Appetite vanished completely:
1. Lack of vitamin B1.
Contained in: nuts, seeds, legumes, liver and other internal organs of animals.
2. Lack of vitamin B2.
Found in: Tuna, halibut, beef, chicken, turkey, pork, seeds, legumes and legumes
3. Lack of manganese.
Found in: walnuts, almonds, pecans, blueberries.
Want to smoke:
1.Lack of silicon.
Contained in: nuts, seeds; avoid refined starchy foods.
2. Lack of tyrosine (amino acid).
Found in: Vitamin C supplements or orange, green, and red fruits and vegetables.

Want something...
Peanuts, peanut butter.
The desire to gnaw peanuts, according to scientists, is inherent primarily to residents of megacities. If you have a craving for peanuts, as well as legumes, then your body is not getting enough B vitamins.
If you lose your head at the smell of ripe bananas, then you need potassium. Banana lovers are usually found among those who take diuretics or cortisone preparations that “eat up” potassium. A banana contains about 600 mg of potassium, which is a quarter of the daily requirement of an adult. However, these fruits are very high in calories. If you are afraid of gaining weight, replace bananas with tomatoes, white beans, or figs.
Passion for bacon and other smoked meats usually overcomes dieters. Limiting fat-containing foods leads to lower blood cholesterol levels, and smoked meats are just the product in which saturated fat is the most. Do not want to reduce the effect of the diet to nothing - do not be tempted.
Melons contain a lot of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, as well as vitamins A and C. People with a weak nervous and cardiovascular system have a special need for them. By the way, half of the average melon contains no more than 100 kcal, so you are not afraid of extra pounds.
Sour fruits and berries.
Cravings for lemons, cranberries, etc. observed during colds, when a weakened body experiences an increased need for vitamin C and potassium salts. Draws on sour and those who have problems with the liver and gallbladder.
Paints, plaster, earth, chalk.
The desire to chew all this usually occurs in babies, adolescents and pregnant women. It indicates a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D, which occurs during a period of intensive growth in children and the formation of the skeletal system of the fetus during pregnancy. Add dairy products, eggs, butter and fish to your diet - this way you can easily correct the situation.
Onions, garlic, spices and seasonings.
An acute need for spices, as a rule, is experienced by people who have problems with the respiratory system. If a person is drawn to garlic and onions and he smears bread with mustard instead of jam, it is possible that there is some kind of respiratory disease on the nose. Apparently, in this way - with the help of phytoncides - the body tries to protect itself from infection.
Milk and dairy products.
Fans of fermented milk products, especially cottage cheese, are most often people who need calcium. A sudden love for milk can also arise due to a lack of essential amino acids - tryptophan, lysine and leucine.
Ice cream.
Ice cream, like other dairy products, is a good source of calcium. But people with impaired carbohydrate metabolism, hypoglycemia or diabetes mellitus experience a special love for him. Psychologists see the love of ice cream as a manifestation of longing for childhood.
A constant craving for seafood, especially mussels and seaweed, is observed with iodine deficiency. such people need to buy iodized salt.
Olives and olives.
Love for olives and olives (as well as for pickles and marinades) arises from the lack of sodium salts. In addition, salty addiction occurs in people with thyroid dysfunction.
It is adored by those who need calcium and phosphorus. Try replacing cheese with broccoli cabbage - it contains much more of these substances, and there are almost no calories.
Cravings for it are observed in vegetarians, whose diet is low in fat, and in the inhabitants of the North, who lack vitamin D.
Sunflower seeds.
The desire to nibble on seeds most often occurs in smokers who are in dire need of antioxidant vitamins, which are rich in sunflower seeds.
The love of chocolate is universal. However, caffeine adherents and those whose brains especially need glucose love chocolate more than others.

SWEET. Perhaps you are working to the point of exhaustion and have already irritated your nerves. Glucose is actively involved in the production of the stress hormone - adrenaline. Therefore, with nervous and mental overstrain, sugar is consumed faster, and the body constantly requires more and more portions.
In such a situation, pampering yourself with sweets is not a sin. But it’s better not to gobble up pieces of rich cakes (they have a lot of heavy carbohydrates), but limit yourself to chocolate or marshmallow.
SALT. If you pounce on pickles, tomatoes and herring like a beast, if the food all the time seems unsalted, we can talk about an exacerbation of chronic inflammation or the appearance of a new focus of infection in the body.
Practice shows that most often these problems are associated with the genitourinary system - cystitis, prostatitis, inflammation of the appendages, etc.
SOUR. Often this is a signal of low stomach acid. This happens with gastritis with insufficient secretory function, when little gastric juice is produced. You can check this with a gastroscopy.
Also, food with a sour taste has cooling, astringent properties, helps to alleviate colds and fever, and stimulates appetite.
BITTER. Perhaps this is a signal of intoxication of the body after an untreated illness or slagging of the digestive system.
If you often want something with a bitter taste, it makes sense to arrange fasting days, to do cleansing procedures.
BURNING. The dish seems bland until you tip half a pepper pot into it, and your feet lead you to a Mexican restaurant? This may mean that you have a "lazy" stomach, it slowly digests food, it needs a stimulus for this. And hot spices and spices just stimulate digestion.
Also, the need for spicy can signal a violation of lipid metabolism and an increase in the amount of "bad" cholesterol. Spicy food thins the blood, promotes the removal of fats, “cleanses” the blood vessels. But at the same time, it irritates the mucous membrane. So don't jump on chili and salsa on an empty stomach.
BINDER. If you suddenly feel an unbearable desire to send a handful of bird cherry berries into your mouth or you can’t calmly pass by a persimmon, your defenses are weakening and urgently need to be recharged.
Products with astringent taste contribute to the division of skin cells (help heal wounds), improve complexion. They help stop bleeding (for example, with fibroids), remove sputum in case of broncho-pulmonary problems.
But astringent food thickens the blood - this can be dangerous for people with increased blood clotting and a tendency to thrombosis (with varicose veins, hypertension, and some heart diseases).
FRESH. The need for such food often occurs with gastritis or stomach ulcers with high acidity, constipation, as well as problems with the liver and gallbladder.
Fresh food weakens, helps relieve spastic pains, and soothes the stomach.

Passion chocolate-sweet
More often than others, caffeine lovers and those whose brains especially need glucose suffer from “chocolate addiction”. This also applies to other sweets. If you eat an unbalanced diet, your body will also need glucose as the fastest source of energy. Chocolate is the perfect way to do this. But keep in mind that this product contains a lot of fat, the excess of which is dangerous for your blood vessels and figure.
*** Eat more vegetables and grains - they are rich in complex carbohydrates. And as a dessert, choose dried fruits or honey with a small amount of nuts.
passion cheese
Spicy, salty, with and without spices... You can't live a day without it, its taste drives you crazy - you're ready to absorb it in kilograms (at least you eat at least 100 grams a day). Nutritionists claim that those who are in dire need of calcium and phosphorus adore cheese. Of course, cheese is the richest source of these much-needed and extremely beneficial substances for the body, but fats ...
*** Try replacing cheese with broccoli cabbage - it has a lot of calcium and phosphorus, and almost no calories. If your body perceives milk well, drink 1-2 glasses a day, and eat a little cheese (no more than 50 g per day) and along with raw vegetables.
Passion sour-lemon
Perhaps your diet is dominated by hard-to-digest foods, and the body is trying to increase the acidity of gastric juice to facilitate its work. With a cold, you can also be drawn to sour fruits and berries - an excellent source of vitamin C.
*** Choose moderate-fat meals and don't mix too many foods in one sitting. Avoid fried, salted and overly spicy foods, as well as those that have been overcooked. Noticing problems with digestion (especially from the liver and gallbladder), be sure to be examined by a gastroenterologist.
Passion smoked
Passion for smoked meats and similar delicacies usually overcomes those who are on too strict a diet. Long-term restriction in the diet of fat-containing foods leads to a decrease in the level of "good" cholesterol in the blood, and in smoked meats there is an abundance of saturated fats.
*** Do not get carried away with low-fat food - choose one that still has a little fat. For example, buy yo-gurt, kefir or fermented baked milk with one or two percent fat content. Eat at least a tablespoon of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of butter a day, even if you are on a strict diet. Scientists have empirically proven that it is those who consume enough fat that lose weight faster.
Food passions and diseases
Onions, garlic, spices and seasonings. An acute need for these foods and spices, as a rule, indicates problems with the respiratory system.
Olives and olives. Such an addiction is possible with a disorder of the thyroid gland.
Ice cream. People with carbohydrate metabolism disorders, hypoglycemia or diabetes mellitus have a special love for him.
Bananas. If you lose your head from the smell of ripe bananas, pay attention to the state of your heart.
Sunflower seeds. The desire to gnaw on seeds most often occurs in those who are in dire need of antioxidant vitamins. This means that in your body there are a lot of free radicals - the main provocateurs of premature aging.

Unexplained cravings for certain foods often occur for no apparent reason. But in fact, sudden food cravings appear as a result of some changes taking place in the body. And quite often the culprit of their occurrence is the deficiencies of all kinds of nutrients. Therefore, by carefully analyzing the sudden passion for certain products, you can find out in time what our body needs. And today we will consider what is missing in the body if you want flour and what to do with such a symptom.

Some nutritionists claim that the obsessive craving for various bakery products is due to a nitrogen deficiency in the body. With a similar problem, skin color changes and various rashes, increased swelling, decreased muscle mass and the occurrence of various infectious lesions can be observed.

You can cope with the lack of nitrogen by providing the body with an adequate intake of calories. The diet should be balanced in terms of the balance of proteins-fats-carbohydrates. In addition, it will not be superfluous to additionally consume multivitamin preparations. It is worth noting that scientists are quite skeptical about the very idea of ​​nitrogen deficiency in the human body.

A possible reason for the obsessive craving for flour lies in the lack of fat in the body. As you know, fats are extremely important for the full flow of many processes in our body, we must receive them daily, along with food.

The deficiency of such substances makes itself felt by drying of the skin, memory impairment, an irresistible feeling of hunger, visual impairment and fatigue. And to replenish healthy fats, readers of “Popular about Health” should include nuts and seeds, oily fish, and vegetable oils in their diet. At the same time, it is better not to get carried away with fatty meat, fast food and other unhealthy foods.

Sometimes a constant desire to eat various flour products occurs in those who are in a depressed state, feel oppression and lack of joy. In such a situation, we can conclude that there is a lack of choline and tryptophan in the body, these substances, in combination with carbohydrates, help to produce the hormone of joy serotonin and calm down. In order not to eat frankly unhealthy flour products without measure, it is better to include hard cheese or low-fat varieties of cheese, represented by cheese, mozzarella, and Adyghe cheese, in the diet. Eat cottage cheese systematically and consume kefir with yoghurts (natural). Also, look out for avocados, peanuts, egg yolks, olives, vegetable oils, and bananas. All of these foods contribute to the natural synthesis of serotonin.

Tryptophan, which is deficient in many people who crave starchy foods, is essentially an amino acid. This substance not only maintains a harmonious mood, but also stimulates our thirst for knowledge, helps to stabilize emotions and have a good night's rest. Tryptophan deficiency can be suspected by weight loss, skin problems, occasional diarrhea, and irritability. And the deficiency of such an amino acid adversely affects body weight, the functioning of the brain and nervous system. To compensate for the lack of tryptophan, you can purchase a dietary supplement with such a substance at the pharmacy, or you can include offal, meat, eggs, fish, seafood, caviar, nuts, dried fruits and dairy products in the diet.

A constant desire to eat something floury can occur as a result of an energy deficit, insufficient glucose intake. A similar situation often occurs in cold weather, when the body needs a lot of strength to maintain optimal body temperature and protect against frost. In addition, an obsessive desire to eat something starchy foods can appear in those who follow a strict diet or subject themselves to heavy stress, for example, giving all the best in the gym. Therefore, if you feel an incomprehensible craving for bread or buns, you should reconsider your diet. Make your menu balanced and, even if you are actively losing weight, return to your usual calorie intake (not excessive) for a while. Indeed, otherwise you risk falling for frankly unhealthy food and all efforts will go down the drain.

The constant desire to eat something specific indicates that the body lacks some substances. Let's figure out why we want sweet or sour, fatty or cold.

Often people have a desire to eat or drink something specific. For example, on a diet, you urgently want sweet and starchy foods. In a non-smoking area, there is an irresistible urge to smoke. We do not always associate the desire that has appeared with the fact that at this moment the body gives an alarm signal and hints at the absence of some substances.

Let's figure out what is the reason for our desires and what the body wants to tell us when we want to eat something specific.

When you want chocolate

If you unbearably want chocolate candy, then the body thus warns of a lack of magnesium. In order to replenish its reserves, it is not necessary to rush to a chocolate bar, you can limit yourself to a small portion of nuts or seeds. Together with magnesium, the necessary dose of healthy fats, proteins and carbohydrates will also enter the body.

Alternatively, you can also snack on your favorite fruit or have a serving of a salad based on legumes or legumes. Fruits will add extra energy and saturate the body with all the necessary vitamins, while legumes and legumes will enrich it with zinc, iron and potassium.

When you want bread

When there is a desire to eat bread in large quantities, this may mean that you are not getting enough nitrogen. In order to replenish its reserves, it is enough to choose a portion of any product with a high protein content - for example, steak or steam fish. For the same purpose, nuts and beans are suitable. Nitric oxide deficiency leads to unpleasant consequences - obesity, diabetes and hypertension, therefore, replacing bread with healthy proteins, you saturate the body with this important component and other useful trace elements.

When you want something sweet

With a constant desire for sweets, there is not enough carbon in the body. To change the situation will help the constant use of portions of any fruit. True, you should not get involved in them either. On average, a serving of fruit is 1 large fruit or 2 medium-sized ones.

When you crave salty

If you want salty foods, then the body suffers from a lack of chlorides. In order to make up for their lack, you need to drink unboiled goat's milk, eat a serving of fish, or start seasoning salads with unrefined sea salt on an ongoing basis. With goat's milk, the body will also receive the portion of calcium and vitamins A, B1, B2, B12, C, D that it needs.

When you want sour

You want acidic foods in case of a lack of magnesium. Nuts, seeds, fruits, legumes and legumes, as in the case of chocolate, will solve this problem if consumed regularly.

When you want fat

When you regularly want fatty and high-calorie foods, it means that the body feels a lack of calcium. A large amount of it is found in broccoli, cheese, sesame seeds, legumes and legumes. In addition to calcium, broccoli contains omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, vitamin C. And cheese and sesame seeds nourish the body with calcium, protein, polyunsaturated acids, iron, phosphorus, and zinc.

When you want overcooked

When a person constantly feels the desire to eat overcooked foods, then he does not have enough carbohydrates, which are found in fresh fruits. Their constant use will reduce the need for heavily fried foods and enrich the body with all important vitamins and minerals.

When you crave liquid food
If you can’t imagine your day without soup and feel the desire to eat liquid food, then the body is talking about its dehydration. You just don't have enough water. Get in the habit of drinking at least 1.5 liters of pure water a day.

When you crave solid food

The desire to eat only solid food, oddly enough, also indicates a violation of the water balance in the body. He is so dehydrated that he does not even have a strong need for water. Water with the addition of lemon juice, drunk regularly, will change the situation.

When you crave carbonated drinks

When you want lemonade or any soda, it means that you have a lack of calcium. Cheese, broccoli, sesame, legumes and legumes will replenish its reserves without harm to health. Do not rush to drink Coca-Cola.

When you want coffee or tea

Fans of tonic drinks often lack sulfur. It is the absence of this substance in the body that is responsible for the desire to drink coffee or tea. You can make up for the lack of cranberries, horseradish, broccoli, white cabbage, kale. All these products will add vitamins, pectins, healthy sugars, fiber, folic acid, and carotene to you.

When you want cold drinks

If you want to drink a very cold drink, it may be due to a lack of manganese. Walnuts, almonds, blueberries will come to the rescue. Nuts are also rich in vitamins A and C and healthy fats. And blueberries are a storehouse of phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium and iron.

When you want to eat a lot

If you overeat and feel that you want to eat more than you should, then the body can thus speak of a lack of tryptophan and tyrosine. The first element can be obtained from the liver, cheese, lamb, spinach, sweet potato, raisins. The second is from orange, green, red fruits and special vitamin supplements with vitamin C.

When you want to eat less
If you suddenly lost your appetite not due to stress or illness, then this may indicate a lack of vitamins B1 and B2. The first vitamin can be found in nuts, seeds, legumes, liver and organ meats. The second is in turkey, chicken, beef, pork, seeds, legumes and legumes.

When you want ice

If there is a desire to gnaw on ice, then you do not have enough iron. This desire will disappear after a portion of meat, fish, poultry, herbs, cherries or seaweed.

When you want alcohol

If there is a desire to drink, then perhaps the body thus requires to replenish protein reserves. Eat a portion of red meat, fish, nuts, seeds, seafood or dairy products. By the way, seafood will replenish your body with sodium, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, zinc, copper, potassium and manganese.

Have you noticed that at certain moments you have a burning desire to eat something sweet, fatty or salty? This does not mean at all that such a desire can be quenched by similar products. Most likely, the reason lies in the lack of certain elements in the body. What? Let's find out!

1. Craving something sweet?

It may seem strange, but when you feel like you are craving sweets, it means that your body lacks chromium, carbon, sulfur, or tryptophan. What healthy foods can satisfy your cravings for cookies, candy, or ice cream?

These include grapes, sweet potatoes, and turkey. Useful products, the regular use of which eliminates the desire to eat sweets. In addition, such products include fresh fruits, chicken and nuts. A great treat for the sweet tooth!

2. Do you want flour?

Many of us just love flour. Most often, the reason for such cravings lies in the fact that flour contains nitrogen, which the body lacks so much.

Bread, pasta and a pile of pancakes can be easily replaced with salmon, nuts and legumes. They contain a sufficient amount of nitrogen, which will calm your

3. Want some fat?

Who among us has not longed to get to a serving of greasy fried potatoes, for example? The reason for this craving lies in the lack of calcium.

You can replenish it with cheese, yogurt, milk, fish, lettuce, broccoli, orange juice, soy milk, whole grains. Several meals in

4. Want coffee?

Many are accustomed to caffeine and cannot imagine their life without a few cups of coffee a day. If you decide to stop drinking coffee, sooner or later your body will begin to lack phosphorus, sulfur and iron.

What can fill it up? Red pepper, eggs and cherries. In addition, do not neglect onions, garlic, herbs. Then your hand will not reach for coffee!

5. Want alcohol?

If in the middle of the day you suddenly want to drink a glass of wine and this desire does not disappear with time, it is possible that the body lacks protein, avenin and potassium.

To curb this unhealthy desire, cook a steak, eat black olives and oatmeal for breakfast. Bananas, which are rich in potassium, are also great for curbing those cravings.

6. Want a soda?

As with fatty foods, the desire to drink a carbonated drink may be due to the fact that you do not have enough calcium.

Spinach, asparagus and other green vegetables will perfectly cope with this desire. In addition, the use of almonds will not be harmful.

7. Want something salty?

If you want salty, most likely, the body lacks silicon and, oddly enough, salt.

What can replace chips and salty cookies?

Fish is a wonderful product that will eliminate the burning desire to eat salty. Also, between meals, you can eat unsalted cashews and drink fresh goat's milk.

8. Want everything and more?

But what if you have a desire to eat everything and more? Most likely, you do not have enough silicon, tryptophan and tyrosine.

In this case, lamb meat will come to the rescue. In addition, between meals, you should eat seeds (sunflower, pumpkin and others), as well as red berries.

Have you noticed an uncontrollable craving for flour products or sweets? This may indicate not only bad eating habits, but also problems in the body. Let's figure out why you want sweet and starchy foods and what to do in such cases.

Photo: Running, dieting, fitness exercises

I want sweets: reasons

Do you ever find yourself unable to work or sleep peacefully unless you eat something sweet? If it's not about taste habits and preferences, this is an occasion to think. Often the body thus gives a signal that it is missing something.

If you watch your figure or try to limit the consumption of junk food, then cravings for sweets become a real problem. Not even high sugar fruits or light desserts help and the diet is in jeopardy? Let's try to figure out the problem.

There are many reasons for cravings for sweets. If you are used to eating stress or coping with other problems in this way, then this is a psychological addiction.

But if you have never loved cakes and pastries, but at the moment you cannot exist without them, then this is a physiological dependence.

Psychological addiction most often occurs due to stress, problems, self-doubt, low self-esteem, or the desire to reward yourself for any work done.

It is easier to deal with psychological addiction - a positive attitude or replacement of harmful products is enough.

Sometimes it is enough to allow yourself a small cake so that the craving for sweets weakens. If you can not overcome the desire on your own, it is better to contact a psychologist.

Let's talk about physical addiction. An uncontrollable desire to eat something sweet and high-calorie speaks of many problems.

Let's define the most common causes of cravings for sweets and starchy foods:

  • carbohydrate addiction.

Addiction is not just a desire to eat something harmful. This is a disease that can and should be fought.

Often, carbohydrate addiction occurs due to malnutrition and insufficient amounts of protein in the body.

The cause of the disease is that fast carbohydrates increase the amount of sugar in the blood, improve mood and performance. As a result, you feel that after eating a piece of cake, you are ready to move mountains.

But a certain time passes, and the sugar level drops sharply. You feel a breakdown and an acute desire to eat sweets. And so on ad infinitum.

No wonder they say that for the brain you need to eat sweets.

The thing is that during active work, the body needs a lot of energy. The fastest way to get it is to eat something rich in fast carbohydrates. And this, as you know, sweet and flour products.

Also, the causes of cravings for sweets can be: low-carbohydrate diets, lack of sleep, a change in physical labor, bad habits, taking certain medications and critical days for women.

If you find uncontrollable cravings for sweets, analyze the events of recent days, and also listen to the body. This way you will find the problem and fix it.

I want sweets: what is missing in the body

We figured out that if you want sweets, most likely, there is a certain reason. But it can be hidden not only in mental or physiological dependence.

Cravings for sweets are caused by a lack of certain substances in the body. Replenishing their stocks, get rid of the desire to eat junk food.

Consider what is missing in the body when you want sweet or starchy foods. If you are dreaming of:

  • chocolate.

The desire to eat a chocolate bar or chocolate candy often signals a lack of magnesium.

The absence of this mineral also often causes stress, fatigue and irritability.

A handful of nuts or seeds, bananas, grapefruits, pumpkins, brown rice and sea fish help replenish magnesium deficiency.

  • Flour.

Often there is a desire to eat a bun, bread, pancakes or other products with a high content of flour?

This may indicate a lack of tryptophan, an amino acid that is responsible for the production of serotonin (the hormone of good mood).

Tryptophan is found in turkey, bananas, eggs, and nuts.

  • Sweet.

Do you want to eat marmalade, caramel, jam or other product with a high sugar content?

This means that the body lacks carbon or chromium. Carbon promotes energy conversion, while chromium is responsible for balancing insulin and preventing blood sugar spikes.

Carbon is found in corn, potatoes, radishes, rice and soybeans. Chromium is found in liver, carrots, chicken meat, eggs and asparagus.

Also, cravings for sweets may indicate a lack of phosphorus or sulfur. These elements are found in meat, dairy products and greens.

If you notice a desire to definitely eat dessert, try replacing sweet or starchy foods with the proposed products.

Proper nutrition helps reduce cravings for sweets and starchy foods. By eating more foods rich in various vitamins and minerals, you will notice that the need for harmful foods has disappeared.

Nutritionists advise not to give up sweets at all, but to replace harmful ingredients with healthy ones. Eat honey, sweet fruits, dried fruits more often. Sometimes treat yourself to marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade or dark chocolate.

You have learned what the uncontrollable desire to eat sweet and starchy foods signals.

Perhaps your body is trying to tell you something. Do not ignore the signals - be sure to understand the causes of cravings for sugary foods.

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