What can you see without eyes? Here is your starting point for developing clairvoyance! How to feel with closed eyes


Many people think that seeing with their eyes closed is simply not possible. But in fact, every person has a so-called "third eye", with the help of which he can see those things that he had not suspected before. Everyone can discover such a gift on their own. This can take a lot of time and patience, but the result is worth it.

How to learn to see with closed eyes?

In order to open the “third eye”, you need to set aside several hours a day for exercise.

Third eye exercises

First you need to prepare yourself and your body to open the "third eye" - learn to get rid of negative emotions, experiences, fears that block the spiritual power of a person. To do this, you just need to relax your body and forget about all the problems and worries.

Any emotions - positive or negative - still block the spiritual power of a person, so only calmness and relaxation will help set you up for the fact that the "third eye" exists.

Next, you need to focus on the energy centers - the chakras. Chakras are six rotating circles that form an energy field around the human body. Only after you learn to feel them and cleanse your body of all negative emotions, it will be easier for you to work on discovering your new gift. And for this you need a lot of time (in the morning or after work) to devote to meditation, which helps to clear the mind, relax, and also gain positive energy.

Each exercise should begin with breathing relaxation. To do this, you need to breathe slowly through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth until the air in your lungs runs out. Repeat several times.

Now you can proceed to the exercises to "open the third eye." So, with your eyes closed, try to touch the middle of your forehead with your index finger, where your “third eye” should be. Gently and slowly press on this point. Next, focus all your attention on a single object, and, as if through your eyelids, try to see its color and shape. You can't open your eyes and look. As soon as you succeed, you need to take a break and try to continue the exercise with a new object.

As soon as you learn to distinguish the color and shape of an object with your eyes closed, you can begin to learn to zoom in on objects and study them in more detail.

After that, it will be possible to use your new gift to observe distant objects. All that is needed for this is to close your eyes and be transported to a long distance.

The blind can see

There is a lot of information about people who could see with their eyes completely closed. So, in the last century, the Hindu writer Ved Mehta gained particular popularity in his homeland. At the age of three, he became completely blind. Blindness did not prevent him later from going on hikes, cycling and traveling around the United States without the help of his relatives and friends. The famous French doctor Jules Roman, in his research, which he conducted after the First World War, proved that people born blind can see objects. And in 1960, the American press blew up the world with the news of a 14-year-old blind girl who could read books and magazines taken at random, as well as accurately name objects shown to her.

How to develop astral vision and begin to see what is inaccessible to the eyesight of most people? Techniques are available to everyone, and they are described below. The existence of alternative vision has long been proven by scientists, and anyone can develop it.

In the article:

Astral vision - what is it and is such a phenomenon possible?

Astral vision is the ability to see or feel objects and navigate in space with your eyes closed. In addition, the ability to see what is happening behind the back, walls or other obstacles is also called. At the same time, the reliability of what is seen does not differ from that which is present in ordinary vision.

Astral vision was first talked about in the last century, at the same time this term appeared. Sometimes it is called psychic or alternative vision. Ethereal Vision different from the astral. It allows you to see what is impossible to see with ordinary visual perception - the flows of energy, auras, spirits and other entities.

The development of etheric vision is considered a dangerous undertaking. For example, there are legends about fairies who gouge out the eyes of those who happen to see them. Therefore, before trying to get abilities, think about it - can you cope with their consequences?

Scientific studies confirm the existence of such a phenomenon. Among the scientists who studied it are Bekhterev, Bronnikov and Pytiev. Bronnikov worked with children, some of whom suffered from visual impairments, and some were completely healthy. He founded a school of alternative vision, whose students eventually could see blindfolded - both blind children and children with excellent vision.

Bekhterev and Pytiev also studied the brains of people who used alternative vision. They proved that during this process, brain impulses increase. At the same time, impulses in normal vision and in alternative vision were compared. Scientists have proven that everyone is able to use such vision, but this needs to be learned.

So, what opportunities does vision with closed eyes give and what does a person who wants to master this skill get? There are people who are able to see the internal organs of people. This is also astral vision, and one of its areas of application is in the appearance of organs. With it, you can look through walls, keep in sight what is happening behind your back, and also understand what is happening underground, and the veins of metals. Seeing auras will allow you to learn more about people without any questions. In general, it is much easier to find a use for such abilities than to develop them.

Astral vision - training with a table

The best time for training in astral vision is in the morning, but before breakfast. It is undesirable to exercise with a full stomach. It is better to have a snack long before class so that hunger does not distract from it. For the very first exercise in seeing with your eyes closed, you will need a chair and an empty table, as well as a blindfold. The presence of the latter is optional if you are not going to deceive yourself. After a few astral vision trainings, you will notice that you begin to see and feel much more than before.

So, sit on the chair in front of the table with your eyes open for now. Relax, concentrate on the task that you are trying to complete, discard extraneous thoughts. Now rub your palms together and remember this feeling. With a warm palm, you need to lead over the surface of the table without touching it. The distance between the hand and the table is two to three centimeters.

Try to catch how the sensations change when the hand approaches the edge of the table. If successful, repeat the exercise with your eyes closed. In the future, through constant practice, you will be able to determine the boundaries of any large object without touching it with your hands and without being able to see with ordinary vision.

After a while, the task can become more difficult. To do this, you need any item made of a different material - not the one from which the table is made. For example, it could be a plastic plate. Repeat the exercise with your eyes open, remembering how the plate feels. Then try to locate it on the table with your eyes closed.

The next version of training astral vision with a table is also aimed at determining the boundaries of objects. Hold your hand about twenty centimeters from the tabletop and close your eyes. The goal is to stop the hand two centimeters from the tabletop. Over time, this will teach you to more accurately determine the boundaries of objects.

Stand close to the table and try to approach it with your eyes closed, without touching the table with your hands and without opening your eyes. Knowing when to stop so as not to crash into furniture can be considered success. Try to stop a couple of centimeters away from her. After that, you can start trying to navigate in space without using ordinary vision. Enter a room with unfamiliar surroundings and try not to step on objects or bump into furniture.

Few are wondering how to learn to see through walls. Only advanced yogis can do this, but their secrets have been revealed for several decades and are available to almost everyone.

Indian yogis and Tibetan monks use the method of completing the missing parts. This is a fairly simple exercise, and it is easier to explain its essence with examples. If you see a closet, try to imagine what its back wall and internal contents look like. The method is good because it can be practiced anytime and anywhere. Has a car passed by? Try to "see" what the part of it that is inaccessible to ordinary vision looks like. At the same time, you need to keep in mind everything that surrounds you - cars, people, houses.

Thus, you can move from easier tasks to more difficult ones. Sooner or later, you will be able to figure out on your own how to learn to see through walls. Yogis say that this ability is closer to sensation than to sight. However, it makes it possible to understand what is happening behind the wall.

Development of alternative vision - visualization

It is hard to believe that there is a technique that will easily answer the question of how to learn to see with your eyes closed and at the same time not spend a lot of time on training. Visualization can be done anytime and anywhere, for example, on the way home or to work.

The meaning of the exercise is to determine the appearance of what you heard. Can you hear the roar of a car engine? Imagine how it looks, which way it goes, how many passengers are in its cabin. Did you hear a voice or footsteps? Try to imagine what the person who makes this noise looks like.

This technique allows you to develop subtle perception, which works not due to ordinary vision, but completely different sensations. Over time, when you succeed in small things, increase the load - try to determine the colors of cars, the gender of their passengers, the topic of conversation of people traveling somewhere, their mood and, perhaps, even their character.

How to develop astral vision and see with closed eyes

The essence of this technique is to teach vision with closed eyes. At the same time, no other sensations play a role anymore. You will have to rely solely on what the third eye will send, so the methods for opening it will not be superfluous here.

Relax completely and close your eyes. Carefully look at what will appear before your eyes. You can see images and pictures. Your goal is to get a better look at them. Well, if you can notice something familiar. Remember what you see, you may have to see it with normal vision in the future.

A similar technique also exists for obtaining, and it is quite possible while performing such a vision with closed eyes. It helps not only to learn to see with closed eyes, but also to develop clairvoyant talent.

Astral and ethereal vision - the role of peripheral perception

developed peripheral, or lateral vision is often the deciding factor on the path to success in alternative vision. It can be developed in parallel with any other techniques, this technique affects only peripheral vision, but it will be useful. Its dynamics are partly involved in astral vision.

Find the object you will be looking at while doing this exercise. It can be absolutely any object, up to a spot on the wall or a brick in it of a different color. Stand in front of him so that the object is directly in front of you.

Now spread your arms out to the sides. Looking at the selected object, move your fingers. Your task is to see the movements of your fingers without looking away from the object. In this case, you need to try to catch with peripheral vision the movements of the fingers of both hands at the same time.

In general, astral or ethereal vision can provide almost unlimited possibilities in the perception of the surrounding world. However, in order to succeed in this difficult task, you will have to arm yourself with patience and a great desire to become a real psychic.

In contact with

It has been noticed that in a week of regular trainings on this technique for the development of clairvoyance, people have learned to see vivid images in front of their eyes!

And seeing vivid images before your eyes is the beginning of clairvoyance!

And here's what's most interesting...

Even if you are more predisposed to other superpowers (you can learn about your abilities from your personal brief diagnostic >>>), but want to develop clairvoyance, then the technique that you will learn about now will help you do it!

The best technique for developing clairvoyance!

This practice allows you to develop the initial skill of clairvoyance. It is good to use for beginners and people who find it difficult to see bright, clear images in front of their eyes closed.

So, right in front of you you see shri yanra:

How to develop clairvoyance with its help?

1. You should sit comfortably and focus on the yantra. You need to look at it without stopping and without blinking for 3-5 minutes. If you really want to blink, you can slightly squint your eyes (or one eye), thus wetting the surface of the eye with tear fluid.

2. Then you need to close your eyes. Most people immediately after closing their eyes for a fraction of a second see bright lines of yantra before their eyes (the same will happen if you look at a white background). But this is not the main thing.

3. You need to continue to look directly in front of your eyes closed (or look at a light background without blinking). After a while, lines, stains, figures, or something else that does not repeat the image of the mantra will appear before the eyes.

This is the beginning of clairvoyant images!

The longer you train, the clearer and brighter the pictures will be before your eyes.

Yes! Not everyone gets to see these images the first time. You may have to make 2-3 attempts.

Here is what one of the women who tried this practice for the development of clairvoyance said

“When I first closed my eyes, I saw only a maroon square on a red background. There were no lines or afterimages. Then I tried again.

I looked at the yantra longer. When she closed her eyes, glowing bright lines from the yantra appeared before her eyes for a fraction of a second. Then this burgundy square appeared again on a red background. I began to peer into it, and suddenly I saw 2 phosphorescent triangles - one apex up, the other down. Inside the triangles glowed phosphorescent points ... "

Such images are only the beginning of the development of clairvoyance!

They appear before the eyes as a result of projecting an image onto the retina. This is a kind of visual illusion. But such training activates the visual center of the brain. At first, thin lines, dots, figures and other pictures in front of the eyes that are not related to the yantra may be unclear, fuzzy. But later, with regular practice, the images will become clearer and clearer.

And then the moment will come when it will be possible (already without any yantra) to simply close your eyes or look at a light background, think about something, and see bright pictures about it.

And this is real clairvoyance!

It will be like your own TV in front of your eyes!

It is enough to tune it to the desired wave, and - voila! You begin to see what interests you.

Surely you have already imagined how you could use this ability. After all, you can tune in to objects, people, money, events ... This is an amazing opportunity to read information!

And the last important secret for the development of clairvoyance!

With the help of this technique for the development of clairvoyance, one can learn to see images in front of closed eyes, or without closing the eyes at all (when the gaze is focused on a light background).

But it is better to start the practice of developing clairvoyance, working with closed eyes (it's easier).

And only later, when clear images will easily appear on the inner screen (dark space in front of the eyes), it will be possible to look at a light background (for example, on a white sheet of paper) and focus on it.

Alexander Kling

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Clairvoyance - a type of extrasensory perception, the alleged ability of a person to receive information in addition to the channels of perception known to science and determined by modern scientific means, including information about past and future events (

In addition to ordinary vision, there is also the so-called chakra vision, or vision with the third eye. In a state of trance, by an effort of will, one can activate the area of ​​the third eye and receive information not only with closed eyes, but also through obstacles. For example, through a tight bandage.

For training, you will need a partner, a tight black blindfold, and a solid skill in entering a trance. The training itself consists of several steps, which must be carried out strictly sequentially, without jumping to the next one until the previous one is well mastered.

Sit comfortably in a chair, tie a black blindfold over your eyes, and go into a trance state. After reaching this state, raise one of the hands and place it in front of you so that the palm is opposite the eyes. Focus your attention on the palm of your hand, trying to "see" it with your third eye. The purpose of the exercise is to learn to see your hand clearly and clearly with your inner eye. In addition to your palm, you can see the biofield surrounding it. On the next step, you will need the help of a partner. Ask him to hold his hand in much the same way as you held it. When you reach the goal of the exercise and you can clearly see the assistant's palm, ask him to move his hand in front of your eyes. Watch the helper's hand move until you can clearly "see" it move.

Next step. The partner should make movements not in front of your eyes, but along your entire body. At the same time, he must comment on his actions, describing the movements of his hand. You just watch the movements of the palm, trying to "examine" it in as much detail as possible. After you reach perfection, ask your partner to silently move his palm. And you try to describe the movements of his hand yourself. At the next level of development of inner vision, prepare various objects in advance by placing them on the table. After tying a black bandage over your eyes, immerse yourself in a trance. The partner must remove all objects from the table, with the exception of one, of his choice. He does not have to name the rest of the subject. Then he should take your hand in his and hold your palm over the object at a distance of 2-3 cm from it. Try to correctly determine which object is located on the table.

As soon as you begin to confidently perform the previous exercise, try to identify the object lying on the table without moving your hand over it. Try not only to identify the thing, but also indicate its location on the table and pick it up. The purpose of the exercise is to learn to accurately name an object, indicate its location and take it several times in a row. At the same time, the assistant must change the objects.

Keep improving your skills. Try to "examine" several objects with your inner eye, consider the symbols printed on a sheet of paper. Then develop your ability to read blindfolded, etc.

"How to see with closed eyes?" is a question of millions. Think it's impossible and you'll never be able to? But in vain. After all, we can do a lot, and we can do a lot. All you need is your desire and effort. How to see with closed eyes? You think that only clairvoyants and other people who are endowed with can make you happy, this is not so. Any person who wants to learn this can achieve such magical results. I will say in advance that you need to stock up on great patience in order to see with your eyes closed. It's real and very interesting!

Steps to your goal:
1. First you need to learn how to relax, get rid of all the problems and negative emotions that worry you. By doing this, you are preparing yourself and your spiritual power in order to open the third eye. By the way, the third eye is slightly above the eyebrow line.

2. Now you need to start opening your energy centers, also called chakras. They can be opened with the help of a need in a quiet place where no one will disturb you, where you can forget about your problems and hardships. Sit comfortably, you can take any other position that is comfortable for you. Close your eyes and try to calm down, try to relax as much as possible.

3. Start practicing if you want to be able to see with your eyes closed. Absolutely all sets of exercises should begin with balancing breathing. You need to inhale slowly through the nose, and exhale through the mouth, until the air in the lungs runs out. This exercise should be repeated several times.

4. Next, close your eyes and touch the middle of your forehead with your index finger. This is where your so-called third eye is located. Very gently begin to press on this point, as if trying to open it slightly. Soon you will not only know the answer to the question "how to see with your eyes closed", but you will also be able to demonstrate it clearly.

5. Now we will learn to distinguish the colors of objects with our eyes closed. We focus on any object and try to see what color it is. When it starts to work out, take a short break.

6. We turn to the practice of distinguishing the shape of objects, looking at them with closed eyes. As soon as you learn to see colors, you will be able to recognize the shapes of objects.

7. Having learned to see the shape of objects with your eyes closed, try something new. The next step is to practice mental approach to these subjects and study them in detail. Keep a notepad or notebook in order to record your progress in the exercises, and compare them with previous results. Do you want to know what you can see with your eyes closed? And you can even see what you can not see open!

8. As your ability to see objects with your eyes closed improves, you will be able to use your third eye for distant observations. To do this, you need to close your eyes, try to slow down the pace of breathing and allow your mind to tune in to long distances. It can be space or This technique works very well, you just have to make a little effort and perseverance, and everything will work out. In addition, you will improve your body. Many people ask the question: "How to see with your eyes closed?" The answer is simple: do these exercises, and the result will not be long in coming.

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