How to make the correct diagnosis. How to diagnose yourself. Advice from American doctors. Infections of the cranial structures

    DIAGNOSIS- DIAGNOSIS, DIAGNOSIS (from the Greek. diagnosis recognition). The word diagnostics means all those actions and reasonings, with the help of which the individual picture of the disease is reduced to the symptoms and characteristics of the organism known to the science of the given ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

    diagnosis- put an action make a diagnosis action put correct diagnosis action put accurate diagnosis action to diagnose action ...

    One of the most common diseases to diagnose. Karl Kraus We do not know what we live for; and doctors don't know what we're dying of, either. Henryk Jagodzinski Our illnesses are still the same as thousands of years ago, but doctors have found them more ... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    Make a diagnosis. Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. diagnosis noun, number of synonyms: 3 conclusion ... Synonym dictionary

    put- a question to put an action a matter to put an organization a diagnosis to put an action a task to put an existence / creation to put a matter an organization to put a question an action to put a voice change, a positive put a date ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    The definition of the disease, made by a doctor on one or another basis. A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. Popov M., 1907. DIAGNOSIS recognition of a disease, determination of its quality by one or another sign. ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    DIAGNOSIS, a, husband. Medical report on the state of health, definition of illness, injury based on special study. Put d. Clinical d. Preliminary, final d. | adj. diagnostic, oh, oh. Dictionary… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    - (inosk.) determine, draw up a conclusion (a hint of a diagnosis, a definition of a disease) Cf. Who has no hope? Now that I self-diagnose and treat myself at times, I hope that my ignorance is deceiving me, that I am wrong about ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    Make a diagnosis (inosk.) Determine, draw up a conclusion (a hint of a diagnosis, a definition of a disease). Wed Who has no hope? Now that I'm self-diagnosing and treating myself at times, I hope I'm being deceived by my... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    BUT; m. [from Greek. diagnōsis recognizable] Determination of the nature and characteristics of the disease on the basis of a comprehensive study of the patient. Put d. D. was not confirmed. There is no diagnosis yet. ◁ Diagnostic (see). * * * diagnosis (from the Greek diágnōsis ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Analysis decoding. How to make a diagnosis on your own, Rodionov Anton Vladimirovich. The fourth book of the "Academy of Health" is devoted to the discussion modern methods laboratory diagnostics. Readers who like to explore or are forced to do so because of their…
  • Deciphering the tests: How to make a diagnosis on your own, Rodionov A.V. Readers who love...

Our body often gives us certain signals about a disease. Absolutely any disease has a number of some signs, which are called. In order to correctly diagnose, you need to identify them. This process called diagnosis.

General concepts of diagnosis

What does the concept of “diagnosis” mean in medicine? This is nothing but the recognition of an ailment. Moreover, this is not only the disease itself, but also the results of the patient's study, which allow the specialist to move from thinking to treatment.

When staging, the specialist is guided by the complaints of the applicant (symptoms), examination of the patient and the results of the tests. This takes into account gender, age, place of residence and other non-medical factors.

It is customary to distinguish several types of diagnoses in medicine: clinical, pathological-anatomical, forensic, epidemiological.

How to diagnose by symptoms?

Previously, only people who had a special medical education, but after the Internet entered our lives, many of us began to engage in diagnostics and prescribe medications ourselves. This is not good, because without being a professional in this matter, you can easily make a mistake in making a diagnosis, and because of this, there can be serious consequences.

First of all, you need to carefully monitor. Its rapid decline can signal many ailments, for example, hyperthyroidism (excessive secretion of hormones thyroid gland). This disease women are often exposed young age. As for the elderly, sudden loss weight may indicate malignancy.

If you get sick, then watch how long the cough lasts. If this continues for more than 3 weeks, it may indicate a serious illness. For example, bronchial asthma, about tuberculosis, pneumonia or other oncological diseases.

Read also:

After the massage, the head is spinning: is this considered a norm or a pathology?

Blood in stool ah can talk about polyps in the intestines, hemorrhoids or anal fissure. Black stools can be caused by certain foods, such as beets, prunes, or medical preparations (Activated carbon, some vitamin complexes). If the color has changed without visible reasons, you should contact as soon as possible medical institution, since this is most likely internal bleeding that was caused serious illness GIT.

Every day you should count the water you drink, not tea and coffee, but water. If you are thirsty and you drink more than 3 liters of water, then this alarm bell. This may indicate pathology of the kidneys, liver, as well as diabetes.

Girls and women are encouraged to keep a schedule of the menstrual cycle. Unscheduled periods can begin due to hormonal imbalance, malnutrition, strict diets, and certain medications. It is recommended that you seek the advice of a specialist as soon as possible.

Self-treatment of a sore throat cannot last more than 3-4 days. After that, it is necessary to consult a specialist, especially in the case of streptococcal infection which can spread throughout the body.

If you have heartburn often enough, you need to see a specialist to rule out diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

A sharp deterioration in vision, the appearance of "flies" before the eyes - quite dangerous symptoms. Be sure to contact a specialist, because this may indicate detachment of the retina or cerebrovascular accident.

And finally, pay attention to your mood, if it changes too often and you are constantly haunted by depression - this is a reason to consult a psychotherapist, because it is during this state that chronic diseases worsen.

How to make a tongue diagnosis?

AT normal condition our tongue should be pink, have a slight cover and be weak, which can be removed with a toothbrush. If it begins to thicken over time, acquire a yellowish or gray shade, this indicates a reduced immunity.

By the way, if you find a white-yellow coating in the morning and it can be easily removed with a brush, then this is not a reason to panic. And if this could not be done, then this may indicate a fungal infection, various diseases oral cavity or dysbacteriosis.

  1. Pale plaque may indicate anemia, while another sign can also be distinguished: fatigue.
  2. If you have appeared gray coating, then this may indicate that your body does not have enough iron.
  3. When it is slightly enlarged and has a pale coating, and when low acidity, on the contrary, is slightly reduced and drier.
  4. A yellowish color may indicate liver pathologies.

Which is correct: diagnosis "cancer" or diagnosis: cancer?

Correctly: cancer diagnosis(no punctuation between the word being defined and the application) ; Diagnosis - cancer(a dash is placed between the subject and the predicate).

Question No. 296127

Good afternoon! Question on the word "nosology". Often in the educational and methodological literature on pedagogy there are phrases "children with various nosologies", " training program compiled according to nosologies, etc. Under the nosologies in this case refers to hearing, speech, vision, etc. Physicians say that their professional slang uses the word "nosology" in the meaning of "diagnosis" or "several diagnoses". However, in dictionaries, I did not find a different meaning of this word, except for "The section of medicine that studies the types of diseases and their classification." Tell me, please, is it correct to use this word in the meaning of "diagnosis / diagnosis"? Or should one use, for example, the phrase "form of the disease"? Thank you!

Answer help desk Russian language

We believe that such use is limited to the professional sphere (does not correspond to the literary norm).

Question #294978

Pay attention to question #294554. The phrase "hydrocephalus of the brain" is not pleonasm, because. there is hydrocephalus spinal cord. In this case, the definitions of "head" and "spinal" are very important, because they are responsible for the correctness of the diagnosis a. The medics would have killed you guys.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The question was whether the combination is pleonasm. Yes, it is pleonasm. However, it does not follow from this that such a combination is forbidden to be used by physicians (apparently, in this understanding of the answer, the reason for the possible threat). Not every pleonasm is a mistake. There are pleonasms that have become fixed as terms. The turnovers you cited are an example of this.

Question No. 291204

If it is not possible to improve the adaptive capabilities of the body, operate on patients with a diagnosis of postoperative ventral hernia only according to vital indications. Do I need a comma after the word "if"?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

A comma is not required.

Question No. 285045

Put the numeral in the correct case: We met with 1574 similar cases. In 478 cases out of 866, the diagnosis was confirmed. Add 11 to 284. The weight of the whale's heart reaches 1200 kilograms. About 679 people called the editorial office.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

We don't do homework. The Writer will help you to do the task on your own.

Question #283998

good afternoon! tell me if quotes are needed in this case: diagnosed ("childish" cerebral paralysis("") How are medical diagnoses written in writing?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The name of the diagnosis is written with lower case and enclosed in quotation marks.

Question #282241
Diagnosed with diabetes mellitus./Diagnosed with diabetes mellitus.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Quotes are needed.

Question #279848
The question is the following. How to correctly punctuate?
1. Diagnosis: "Obesity of the first degree."
2. The diagnosis of "obesity of the first degree" is not a problem.
Which option is correct 1 or 2? Thanks in advance.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Correct spelling: diagnosis "obesity of the first degree" is not a problem.

Question #277491
Hello. Raises the question of writing a diagnosis with capital letter and in quotation marks in this sentence: "The percentage of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder continues to rise." Prompt, please, what spelling of the name of the diagnosis and in this case will be correct. Thanks in advance.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

There is no reason to capitalize the diagnosis.

Question #274962
What punctuation should be used in a sentence like "The patient has been diagnosed with amnesia"?
Is the word "Amnesia" in quotation marks and capitalized, or is it preceded by a dash or a colon? How right?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Right: A diagnosis of amnesia was made.

Question No. 272052
Hello! Can you please tell me whether it is necessary to enclose the name of the diagnosis in quotation marks and write it with capital letters, for example, ... diagnosed with epilepsy or ... diagnosed with "Epilepsy"?

Thank you in advance.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

If the name of the diagnosis a does not agree with the generic word, quotation marks are usually used. But there is no reason to write in capital letters. Correctly: diagnosed with epilepsy.

Question #264804
please tell me, and if possible, explain how to write the correct "name" of the doctors in the following sentence:
"Wide application general x-ray examination clinicians manual therapists due to a greater extent the need to form a nosopathological diagnosis a ... "
i.e. I wonder if a dash will be put here by analogy with a hyphen in a single attachment "doctor-therapist"?
thank you in advance. help a lot)

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Yes, a dash is appropriate here.

Question #262815
Dear "Literacy", I repeat my question. Answer, please (very interesting and important for work).
Why are there no quotation marks in combinations of luxury class, swing style, profession welder, but in combinations the color "metallic", the stamp "top secret", the diagnosis "pneumonia", the specialty "mathematics" have quotation marks?
Why in the combination "director Petrov" the application is the director, and in the combination "swing style" the application is swing? And in the combination "my son Borka" is the application my son or Borka? The rule is inconsistent. It says: if the application is in front of the word being defined, then the comma is not put, and if it is still put, then the word being defined and the application will change places - that's all. In "my son Borka" the application is my son, and in "my son, Borka" the application is Borka. This rule explains the already placed comma, but does not explain when to put it.
What determines the clarifying intonation (and the setting of a comma) in applications expressed by a proper name?
He looks like my son Borka.
He looks like my son, Borka. Here, according to Rosenthal, the criterion is singularity or plurality. What other criteria are there? The Complete Academic Guide to Punctuation hints that, in a single application, the comma is affected by the prevalence of the combination being defined, but there are no examples or clarifications.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Thanks for the questions!

You are pointing to one of the most difficult and controversial passages in Russian spelling. First, about quotes. The fundamental difference between combinations profession "welder" and specialty "mathematics" no, it is desirable to write such combinations uniformly. (However, there is still one difference: you can make a grammatically correct coordinated combination welder profession and cannot be combined specialty of mathematics; this is already a difficulty in the field of grammar, and not in the field of text design, although the latter stems from the former).

And how uniform - let's proceed from the emerging practice of writing. If the application is a changeable, inflected word, then in the case of a case mismatch, quotation marks appear, which act precisely as a graphic sign of mismatch. Therefore, in practice, combinations such as by profession "mathematics", by profession "welder" etc. Combinations style + luxury, retro, pop, empire, baroque and others are combinations with immutable applications, in order to additionally mark this immutability, quotes are not needed.

These are polar cases. The examples you named are intermediate between the two poles, which is why there is a design inconsistency in them.

Now about commas. The root of the problem is what is considered the main and what is the dependent word in the phrase, because the phrase implies a subordinate relationship between its parts, between the words included in it. Thus, the problem again leaves the purely punctuation framework and moves into the sphere of grammar, that is, the structure of the text, its structure, and the logical relationships between words. And these logical relationships are built by the author of the text, the author of the thought, the message. And therefore, the final decision - when choosing one of the possible (we emphasize: possible, that is, logically consistent) options - is up to the author of the text.

Question No. 261014
Would the phrase "diagnosing a" be correct? What about "diagnosing a"?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Combination making a diagnosis wrong, establishing diagnosis - correct.

Question #252692
How to spell the diagnosis "diabetes mellitus" or the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus or the diagnosis " Diabetes"?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Correctly: diagnosis of diabetes mellitus.

The presented online service "Diagnosis by symptoms" of diseases operates on the principle of intellectual medical guide pointing to the doctor possible options disease diagnosis. The principle of operation compares the symptoms of diseases selected for a given patient, and the symptoms of diseases that are in the directory database. A list of 589 symptoms allows you to convey in detail clinical picture at the patient.

List of 330 diseases describes all segments practical medicine. Eventually differential diagnosis, the doctor receives a list of disease diagnoses possible in the presence of the selected combination of symptoms, in which the disease diagnoses are sorted in descending order of probability.

Diagnostic reference book-online therapist, with elements differential diagnosis diseases, intended for use by practicing physicians in clinics, admissions offices hospitals and for doctors leading patients in hospitals. It can also be used as a teaching tool for diagnosing diseases in the preparation of medical students.

Symptom selection and analysis

Groups of symptoms

Head and face area Ears Nose Eyes Mouth and throat Neck area Rib cage Back area Abdomen area Respiratory system The cardiovascular system Gastrointestinal tract Urine genitourinary system men genitourinary system women Nervous system Skin Hair Lymph nodes General clinical symptoms Psychological status Peripheral blood Blood biochemistry

Symptoms (adding - double click or Add symptom button)

Selected symptoms (removal - double click or the Delete symptom button)

Symptom Information Add Symptom Remove Symptom

Question and answers about the service

Question:Hello, I am 18 years old, lately it has been very difficult to breathe (when inhaling) - it especially intensifies when lying down; constant yawning and feeling tired; There is also a very strong heartbeat. What could it be?

Answer: There can be many reasons. Internal consultation of the doctor for survey and inspection is necessary to you.

Question:Hello! My mom's throat is on fire. And when it burns very strongly, a little blood appears. What could it be? Laura also had d-z pharyngitis. The gastroenterologist diagnoses pankogastritis. Two months of treatment, but there is no sense. Whether there can be from these diagnoses a blood at strong burning? Or maybe tell me something else. Thank you.

Question:Hello. every evening it starts with a sharp spasm in the lower back, it rises up, nausea and severe vomiting begin gastric juice. what could it be?

Answer: You need a face-to-face consultation with a therapist to prescribe the necessary examination.

Question:Hello! I'm 28 years old. A month ago I had a stomach ache. Now started severe diarrhea. Sometimes even vomiting. The pain is worse after eating. Didn't take medicine.

Answer: Disease of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, gastric ulcer, cholecystitis, etc. You need to be examined by a gastroenterologist.

Question:Can there be heaviness in the stomach and pain with VSD.

Answer: This is possible, but cardiovascular and neurological signs are decisive.

Question:Hello! I have a formation on the gum with a white spot (it hardens over time, and then softens again). Doesn't hurt, doesn't interfere. With many consulted, they say that the cyst. But I can't rely only on the opinion of my friends, can you tell me what it could be?

Answer: Only a dentist can answer this question during an INTERNAL consultation.

Question:Hello. 10 days ago, while playing football, she collided with an opponent, the blow hit her in the head. I went to the hospital because of the injury, they did an x-ray. Wrote that a bruise of the soft tissues of the frontal part. My head still hurts, less, but it still hurts, which prevents me from working fully. What to do in such a situation?

Question:Hello, I'm 12, I was in good health, but when I woke up last week I had a lot of health problems, sore throat, temperature jumps up to (39 degrees), drool became more sticky and thick, my neck started to hurt when I get up from the couch the first 2-3 seconds sharp pain in the head, medicines do not help much. Diagnose if possible, and if it can be cured.

Answer: Many diseases (from the flu to more dangerous ones) can be the cause of your condition, so we recommend that you undergo a full-fledged medical examination. Start with a therapist.

Question:Hello, I have small blisters on the tongue at the base and on the sides, also small white coating at the base of the tongue, itching on the tongue.

Answer: Maybe, fungal stomatitis. Contact your dentist in person.

If the doctor did not make the correct diagnosis, then this does not always indicate his lack of professionalism, sometimes the diagnosis depends on the patient. How can you help your doctor make a diagnosis?

A typical visit to the doctor most often looks like this: the patient describes his symptoms, takes tests and undergoes examinations, then the doctor analyzes the information and makes a diagnosis. The clinical picture is not always clear, so the diagnosis is a theory based on symptoms. Often there are circumstances that prevent a correct diagnosis.

There are three types of misdiagnosis:

  • Misdiagnosis - the doctor compared the symptoms with the wrong disease and made a mistaken diagnosis;
  • Delayed diagnosis - the diagnosis was made, but the doctor did not prescribe treatment until the symptoms became more unambiguous;
  • Missed diagnosis - the disease fits the symptoms, but the doctor did not make a diagnosis.

Many medical errors occur due to the fault of the patient, for example, people often hush up certain facts, considering them insignificant. In order for the doctor to make the right decision, you must help him. Treat this information with all your attention, as a wrong diagnosis makes you waste money and effort, and also undermines your trust in doctors.

Doctors make a wrong diagnosis in about 10% of cases, and it does not matter the status of the doctor and the level of the medical institution.

High achievements in the field medical technologies play an important but not decisive role. Conclusions of the most modern tomographs and results genetic tests will be interpreted by a person who may be mistaken. It's about about the simplest and most common diagnoses, rare diseases, on the contrary, are most often diagnosed accurately.

First of all, you need to understand that a doctor is a person just like you, he can also get tired, get distracted by serious problems at work or family, being hungry or not getting enough sleep. Nobody is immune from medical error, you don’t need to react to them too emotionally, your task is to follow a few rules and help the doctor make a diagnosis.

Find an experienced and caring doctor

Physicians must be meticulous with their patients and patient in gathering information. If you have a thought that your doctor is neglecting additional examinations, then you need to find another specialist whom you will trust.

Get ready for your visit

Before visiting a doctor, write down all your complaints on a piece of paper, as well as serious changes in your life lately, these can be strong psycho-emotional upheavals, traveling abroad, physical exercise and other. Consider every factor that could somehow affect your condition. During the initial visit to the doctor, you need to prepare for him all the results of the latest tests and examinations, the conclusions of other specialists, as well as a list of all the diseases that you had before.

Talk about all the symptoms

Just state to the doctor everything that you feel, without missing a single symptom, perhaps an insignificant trifle will help the doctor build a logical chain. When you describe pain, mention the nature of the pain when it first appeared. Speak clearly and voluminously so that the doctor does not have to extract information from you or think it out on his own.

Ask about all diagnostic options

Very often doctors choose the most severe symptoms and select a diagnosis for them, so do not hesitate to ask a question, what other disease can be with the same symptoms? A simple question will allow you to get more information about your health, and the doctor will be able to look at your clinical picture from a different perspective.

Check information about surveys

If the doctor has prescribed tests and examinations for you, then ask him about each of them, you need to understand why you should take this or that test, in parallel with this, the doctor will justify the diagnosis for you.

Don't think that the absence of bad tests is good news.

If all examinations and analyzes show normal values, then you should not be glad that you are not sick with anything. If you continue to feel unwell, tell your doctor about it, pay attention to every sign of the disease.

Respect the doctor's work

You should never get into a conflict with a doctor or react to him too emotionally, this will only prevent him from making a correct diagnosis. At the doctor's appointment, be calm and reasonable, do not spread negative emotions to a specialist, they will immediately reflect on you.

Understand your role in making a diagnosis

A correct diagnosis can be made only with the joint coordinated work of the doctor and the patient. If you feel like you're getting little attention, consider looking elsewhere.

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