The cat does not open the third eyelid. Third eyelid in a cat: causes and treatment. Tumors and various neoplasms

Every owner of a fluffy pet should know the numerous causes of the third eyelid in a cat and understand how to deal with the problem. If timely treatment is not carried out, the inflammatory process will cause visual impairment, from which the cat will begin to feel uncomfortable, and its quality of life will decrease. If measures for therapy are taken in a timely manner, then the condition of the animal is restored, and the cat can continue a normal, full life.

Reasons why the eyelid falls out

The nictitating membrane (nictitating eyelid), which in some cases forms the third eyelid, is normally necessary for high-quality cleansing of the surface of the eye. The veterinarian, to whom the cat should be shown, will be able to accurately determine the reason for the prolapse of the membrane and the formation of the third eyelid.

Most often, the appearance of a problem (third eyelid) is caused by the following factors:

  1. Viral, bacterial or fungal eye damage - if the cat is infected, third eyelid prolapse is one eye symptom from a number of other manifestations of a disease that has already captured the entire body;
  2. Disease of organs and systems - prolapse of the nictitating membrane is observed as a symptom of the disease or after treatment with very strong antibiotics, which the animal was hard to tolerate;
  3. Inflammation of the ears - with pathology, a violation occurs in the work of the visual system, which causes the third eyelid to appear. If treatment is not started, there is a high risk that the cat will lose its sight;
  4. Malfunctions of the central nervous system (central nervous system) - in this case, the transmission of nerve impulses is disrupted in the animal, due to which, after cleaning the eye, the nictitating membrane does not return to its place and remains extended;
  5. Worm lesions and fleas - a general deterioration and intoxication of the body, which torments the cat, disrupts the visual apparatus and the third eyelid falls out;
  6. Injuries (damaged third eyelid) - the defect in this case is one-sided. It manifests itself from the side of damage;
  7. Foreign body - if the rubbish that has entered the eye is not removed quickly, then inflammation of the cornea begins, which leads to the fact that the third eyelid falls out. Also, the cat at this time suffers from profuse lacrimation;
  8. Conjunctivitis - appears for many reasons, and even allergic;
  9. Adenoma of the third century;
  10. Atrophic processes in the eyeball;
  11. A genetic predisposition to the disease, which is especially visible in Persian cats;
  12. Sudden weight loss of the cat. With such a violation, a failure occurs in all processes in the body;
  13. Eversion of the base of the eyelids (cartilaginous);
  14. Weakness of the ligaments responsible for the movement of the third eyelid. The treatment is difficult.

It is important to immediately, without delay, carry out therapy in order to prevent the progression of the disease. If you start the disease, then the treatment is seriously delayed and does not always lead to a complete recovery of the animal.

Diagnosis when the eyelid fell out

When diagnosing a disease, it is imperative to identify its cause, since otherwise the treatment will not be effective enough. The problem can rarely be identified after only a visual inspection. Most often, for an accurate assessment of the condition, the cat must undergo a comprehensive examination.

After receiving its results, the necessary treatment is selected for the animal. Diagnosis requires:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • flushing from the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • PCR diagnostics.

Taking an anamnesis is also of great importance, as it allows the specialist to better determine the condition of the cat.

Treatment if the eyelid comes out

It is impossible to self-medicate, because of this, the cat can completely lose sight, and if the problem is caused by internal pathology, then die without the necessary therapy. Treatment is selected depending on what caused the violation.

Infectious lesions due to which the third eyelid appeared

When inflammation of the third eyelid in cats is diagnosed, therapy is carried out with the use of antiviral, antifungal or antibiotic drugs. Their action is aimed at the destruction of causative agents of inflammation. The following tools are also used in parallel with them:

  • analgesic - inflammation is always accompanied by destructive processes in the tissue that cause pain. From them, the eyelid will not fall into place, but the condition of the animal will improve;
  • antipyretic - the temperature usually rises during the inflammatory process, and it must certainly be normalized. The most common is the use of a subcutaneous injection that combines analgin with diphenhydramine, from which the cat quickly feels better. It is even possible that the eyelid will shrink a little;
  • vitamin complexes - improve the general condition and help treat a sore eyelid;
  • immunomodulators - help to restore the eyelid faster;
  • drugs that stimulate tissue repair, such as Traumatin, if the inflammation has gone too far.

The drugs are administered mainly in the form of injections, as this is the most convenient form that can be used in the treatment of an animal. If the infection affects only the eyes, then antibiotics are applied only topically in the form of drops and ointments. If the animal is aggressive, then injections are also injected with local infection, since the use of the medicine in the eye area will not work.

Adenoma of the third eyelid

A benign tumor that requires removal if it grows and bothers the animal. If the neoplasm of the cat does not bother, then the operation is not required and you should simply observe the animal so that if the adenoma begins to grow, do not miss this moment and help the pet in time.


When a cat's third eyelid becomes inflamed due to trauma, therapy is usually very easy. If possible, try to apply local treatment in the form of drops, ointments and suspensions for application to the affected area. If foreign objects are found in the animal's eye, they must be removed. Surgical treatment of the disease is required extremely rarely - in the presence of serious diseases.

Internal illnesses

Often the third eyelid does not fold when the cat suffers from internal pathologies. In such a situation, after determining what kind of violation occurs, a full-fledged therapy is carried out using various drugs aimed at eliminating the underlying disease directly. Without this, it is impossible to save your pet from eye problems. The main methods of therapy are subcutaneous or intramuscular injections. and intravenous infusions. After a course of therapy and elimination of the disease, if necessary, correction of violations of the third eyelid is carried out.


There are measures to prevent the appearance of problems with the eyes of the pet, thanks to which the cat is well protected from the loss of flashing film. The main preventive measures are:

  • regular antihelminthic treatment;
  • Timely application of flea remedies;
  • Proper feeding;
  • home examination once a week;
  • Scheduled visits to the veterinarian once every 6 months.

If there are suspicions about the beginning of the formation of the third eyelid in the corner of the eye, it is urgent to show the cat to a specialist for high-quality therapy. Self-medication is extremely dangerous and leads to serious consequences. When a cat's third eyelid has come out, and time for competent therapy has been lost, it is not always possible to completely eliminate the pathology even by a very experienced veterinarian, which is why the cat remains disabled for life.

The third eyelid in a cat is located in the corner of the eye, between the outer part of the eye and the cornea. The cat needs a third eyelid to protect the fragile shell of the eye. The nictitating membrane, as this fold of skin is otherwise called, secretes a certain amount of mucus that covers the surface of the eyeball. Mucus collects dust, traps microbes. Prolapse of the third eyelid of cats is an unpleasant disease, often blocking vision. The treatment for prolapse depends on the cause of the excessive protrusion of the membrane.

When a cat closes its eyes, tilts its head, the nictitating membrane straightens, completely closing the eye. Therefore, in the normal state, the fold should not be visible. When the third eyelid falls out, the natural moisturizing of the eye is disturbed, the barrier function of pathogen rejection decreases. There may be significant waterlogging, or excessive dryness of the eyes.

Causes of the fall of the third century

Finding out the reasons for slipping of the third eyelid is best left to a specialist. A protrusion of the nictitating membrane is quite dangerous for the cat's visual system. Prolonged exposure to the external environment can provoke the development of secondary infections. Then the therapy will be very long.

Diseases of the third century of cats

There are two diseases that can be attributed to the real diseases of this part of the eye. First, an adenoma, simply a tumor. The neoplasm causes the membrane to swell severely, taking the form of a bean. Adenoma occurs due to hormonal problems, injuries, breed characteristics. It has been noticed that cats of Persian, British breeds are more likely to encounter adenoma.

A cat with adenoma cannot close its eyes normally, becomes irritable, aggressive. Gradually, the tumor falls out of the eye, turns red, the temperature rises, pus may flow. The general condition worsens, the cat loses its appetite. Treatment of adenoma is shown only surgically: the tumor is excised. It is desirable to keep the third eyelid itself, to restore its former size.

Secondly, prolapse. A specific kind of climbing out, which is characterized by maintaining the membrane in a constantly straightened form. There is no inflammation, the color is normal. The manifestation of the disease also has a lot of true factors, prolapse will never occur from scratch. As soon as the real source of problems is found, eliminated, the third eyelid will return to its place.

Third eyelid prolapse symptoms

The main problems are as follows: the nictitating membrane is clearly visible, the cat closes its eyes with difficulty, redness of the conjunctiva, swelling, excessive tearing, itching is possible, body temperature rises. Any symptom listed requires a visit to the veterinarian. Treating yourself is fraught: drops will relieve local irritation, but aggravate the general condition. It will be difficult to make a diagnosis due to the distortion of signs.

Eyelid prolapse treatment

Sometimes the protrusion of the nictitating membrane goes away on its own, during the day the membrane refuels to its original position. However, the cause of the condition is still worth establishing, relapses are possible. Treatment depends on the etiology, if there is an underlying disease, then anti-infective drugs are prescribed, focused on the desired disease. If inflammation of the adenoma type is detected, the tumor is removed promptly. There is no need to fear the intervention of a surgeon: the operation is quick, simple, and the recovery period is short.

Cats are predisposed to. And there are countless such diseases. One of the most common and frightening is the third eyelid in a cat.

It is worth noting that in cats the third eyelid is always present and this is the norm. This education is necessary for them to protect their eyes from injury during hunting or to save their eyesight from infectious diseases. This is a thin transparent mucous film on the eyes of a cat. When it is in its normal state, it cannot be seen with the naked eye.

The problem is inflammation of the third eyelid in cats. This indicates that the pet's eyes are affected by pathogenic microflora.

Why there is a problem

Prolapse of the third eyelid in cats is not an independent disease, but rather a concomitant symptom of the underlying pathology. This is a signal to the owners that something is clearly not right with the eyes of the pet. The visible third eyelid in a cat, its causes and treatment have been known for a long time. And such a defect says about the presence of one of the problems:

There is another issue worth discussing separately. This is an adenoma of the third eyelid in cats, which is a benign tumor that looks like a small bean. Any of the above reasons or hormonal processes in the animal's body can cause such a problem.

Therefore, the film on the eye of a cat is an ambiguous formation, and it is impossible to say for sure why it appeared.

The 3rd eyelid is a non-single symptom, most often accompanied by such signs:

  • increased lacrimation;
  • the presence of blepharospasm;
  • mucous and purulent discharge;
  • voluminous formations in the corners of the eyes.

The film on the eye of a cat becomes inflamed for the following reasons:

  • weakening of the ligaments that hold the animal's eyelid in the correct position;
  • eversion of the cartilaginous base.

Treatment of the third eyelid in cats can be performed surgically, but conservative therapy is sometimes acceptable. Only a professional veterinarian evaluates all the symptoms of pathology and choose the most effective and least risky way of treatment.

If the film on the eye of a cat is due to the presence of a viral, fungal or bacterial infection in the body, then the veterinarian may well prescribe conservative treatment.

To begin with, the doctor selects special preparations in the form of ointments that are applied to the eyelid, which allows you to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms. Also with special antibacterial solutions to disinfect the affected area.

You can not treat the pet halfway, because the health problem will return again. Therapy should be continued until not only the visible lesion, but also the invisible symptoms disappear. Even with a noticeable improvement, you cannot stop the treatment, you need to bring it to the end.

The third eyelid in a cat can be a serious problem, due to which the animal's vision is rapidly reduced. Many owners who are faced with this pathology are interested in treating the third eyelid at home. In this case, self-medication is highly not recommended. This phenomenon is often a symptom of a pathological condition of some internal organ of the pet, which requires mandatory veterinary care.

It is possible to carry out therapy on your own only if the cat's eyelid has suffered an injury, and there is no way to visit a veterinarian. Often such damage can be caused by another cat or dog during a game or fight. In all other situations, it is necessary to find out what disease caused the eye problem when the third eyelid appears.

Treatment Methods

When third eyelid prolapse is detected due to trauma, the cat should be treated as soon as possible. There are some remedies that you need to apply on your own if a visit to a specialist is forced to be postponed. The disease of the animal, if it caused the third eyelid to fall out, will be determined only by a veterinarian. He will also prescribe a course of treatment and, if necessary, replace the medication that caused the allergic reaction, and will also help to immunomodulate the cat's condition.

First of all, you should examine the pet and, as far as possible, determine the degree of damage (protrusion) of the eye. During the inspection, the probable presence of foreign objects is also checked. If the cat is aggressive, then the help of an assistant will be required. It is also convenient to stick the animal into the sleeve of a thick jacket - this way you can reliably isolate the claws.

When dirt particles are visible on the surface of the eye, it is necessary to rinse. For this, the following means are used:

  • saline (not glucose);
  • a decoction of calendula after careful straining (prepared at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 200 ml of boiling water);
  • eye drops albucid (bought at a regular pharmacy);
  • quality black tea.

The selected agent in a volume of 1 to 2 ml is drawn into a sterile syringe (without a needle) and the damaged eye is washed. After that, it is necessary to lay an antibacterial agent under the eyelid. For use for this purpose, it is best to use tetracycline eye ointment, which is sold in a pharmacy.

In order to prevent the loss of vision in animals against the background of damage and the appearance of the third eyelid, it is useful to use taufon drops, which are intended for people. Such a remedy is instilled when the cat has damaged not only the eyelid, but also the shell of the eye. Do this 2 times a day until the inflammation is completely eliminated and the damage is prolonged.

It is necessary to treat the third eyelid of a cat at home before visiting the veterinary clinic regularly, isolating the animal from free time on the street. As soon as possible, the cat should be shown to the veterinarian. It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely eliminate the problem of the third century on its own. Home therapy is a necessary measure when it is not possible to immediately visit a veterinarian to provide quality care to a pet that has a third eyelid. Course treatment at home in accordance with the instructions of a specialist is always successful

Paul Miller (University of Wisconsin-Madison).

Inner eyelid of cats(Tertia palpebra) is a fold of mucous membrane at the inner corner of the eye. Its other name is third eyelid.

Previously, similar to the appendix or human wisdom teeth, it was estimated by some scientists as a rudimentary organ. Early 20th century veterinary studies even described methods of removing this supposedly unimportant organ in order to make it easier to examine the cat's eye. Today it is already known for certain that the third eyelid of cats plays a significant role in the health of the outer part of the eye. Moreover, the inner eyelid is very important. It is found in almost all mammals, as well as birds. Its absence in some species, such as humans, and our close relatives, the primates, is rather a biological curiosity, an exception to the general rule.

The structure of the inner eyelid of a cat is quite complex. The nictitating membrane is a fold of conjunctiva located on the eyeball in the medial corner of the eye. On the one hand, it covers the inner part of the eyelids (facing the eye), on the other, the cornea. In the scleral (bulbar) surface there are dense areas of lymphoid follicles that are in contact with the surface of the eye and a thin layer of fluid - the tear film. These structures function like the lymph nodes of the eye, protecting it from dirt and dust.

Between the two layers of the conjunctiva is a T-shaped cartilaginous plate. The "upper bar" of the plate reinforces the free edge of the third eyelid. It is curved along the surface of the cornea. The "trunk" of the T-cartilage is surrounded by the appendages of the lacrimal gland, which produce much of the fluid in the tear film. Through tiny channels, the tear leaves the gland, and from the third eyelid it comes out between the lymphoid follicles, spreading in a thin film over the entire eye surface.

Like in other animal species, the third eyelid of cats is quite large. It completely coats the cornea, acting in the same way as a windshield wiper, removing debris while distributing the tear evenly across the cornea.

When a cat is awake, most of the third eyelid is hidden in the eye socket, only a small part of it is visible in the inner corner of the eye. However, when a cat sleeps or blinks, the eye muscles cause the inner eyelid to passively move across the surface of the eye from the inner corner to the outer.

The movement of the cat's third eyelid is partly regulated by the sympathetic nervous system, as well as the smooth muscles of the innermost eyelid. This fact is widely used in studies of the effect of drugs on the sympathetic nervous system.

The exact function of the cat's third eyelid has not yet been fully explored. Most scientists are inclined to believe that it is designed to protect the cornea from injury. Injuries could occur, for example, when a cat moves through tall grass or when prey is captured. In addition, the presence of lacrimal appendages allows the production of more tear fluid and, therefore, better flushing of the eyes than in primates. Lacrimal fluid, passing through the lymphoid follicles covering the third eyelid, is saturated with a number of immunological mediators, including secretory IgA and lactoferrin. Diverging along the outer surface, the tear fluid provides immune protection against bacteria and fungi that can live even on a healthy eye.

The third eyelid is also thought to help keep the surface of the eye moist by better keeping the tear film on the cornea. Loss of the third eyelid after trauma or neoplasm treatment often results in chronic irritation of the cornea and remaining conjunctiva. In fact, the question that should be asked is not "Why does a cat have a third eyelid?", but "Why does a person not have a third eyelid?". In fact, in ours it has shrunk to a vestigial fleshy bulge in the inner corner of the eye. Today, the exact reason why a person's third eyelid disappeared is unknown. This may be due to the fact that people do not usually catch prey with their teeth (like cats), and do not eat vegetation from the ground (like horses). Thus, the third eyelid does not provide any benefit to the individual for providing additional eye protection.

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