Komarovsky vitamins. Komarovsky: which children's vitamins are better Dr. Komarovsky vitamins for children

"- the first 3 months - 1 capsule per day, the second 3 months - 2 capsules per day, then 3 months, 3 capsules.

Nursing: complex vitamins for pregnant women, where vitamin D, of course, is present ("Pregnavit", "Prenatal" - 3 pieces per day).

at any cold, incl. flu, American doctors recommend drinking ascorbic acid- the first 3 days, 1 g 3 times a day, then 0.5 g 3 times.

The experience of the countries where the monopoly-manufacturers of vitamins are located did not improve the health of the younger generation. I would still advise to lean on fruits, vegetables and greens. And vitamins will be supplied to the child's body in the right amount and perfectly absorbed. But everyone is free to act in accordance with their convictions. In particular, if a child does not want to eat vegetables or does not like fruits, of course, it is better to make up for their lack of vitamins.

Most of all ascorbic acid is in citrus fruits, tomatoes, pineapples, and if you choose which is cheaper, then in currants and cabbage, especially sauerkraut. But unlike earlier most of the vitamins that were discussed, it is almost absent in meat, eggs, fish, and not at all in dried cereal grains. In addition, vitamin C is destroyed during heat treatment. In many animals vitamin C synthesized in the body, but in humans - alas.

hypervitaminosis A leads to significantly more severe consequences than hypovitaminosis, so vitamin preparations should be taken strictly according to the directions on the label. And best of all - eat more carrots, it does not give hypervitaminosis.

Previously, a person worked more physically, and his body is adapted precisely to this. And now a person works mainly mentally and emotionally, the brain needs carbohydrates, so his owner is hungry all the time. A person reaches for sweets - he does not have enough glucose for the brain to work. He ate something - the excess goes to fat. Therefore, food is limited, and with the amount of food that a person can afford today, he does not receive the amount of vitamins that our ancestors received. In addition, in the past, simpler, unprocessed foods contained more vitamins.

Rye bread is very rich in vitamins, unlike white bread. A kilogram of black bread can provide almost a complete daily requirement for vitamins. it is better to eat bread with bran, grain, and not only for the sake of vitamins, but also for the intestines to work. And you need more vegetables and fruits - again, not only because of the vitamins. Not all vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins, first of all they are a source of ascorbic acid and carotene. It takes five to six servings of vegetables and fruits a day, and a serving is a glass of freshly squeezed (not from; a box!) juice, or a large apple, or a large grapefruit.

There are specific symptoms of vitamin deficiency, for example - cracks in the corners of the mouth, "geographic tongue" - with deep cracks, desquamation of the epithelium on the tongue. These are symptoms of a serious disorder. At the initial stage - increased fatigue, sleep disturbances. But vitamin deficiency manifests itself massively, primarily in the increase in colds and infectious diseases - because immunity is reduced.

Taking multivitamins in our conditions allows you to more freely build your diet. Taking vitamins is a general hygiene measure, like brushing your teeth in the morning and evening and washing your hands before eating. You can not wash your hands and not catch dysentery. But it is better to wash, then the likelihood of infection will greatly decrease. If the entire population of Russia took at least 50 mg of vitamin C, people would become much healthier.

Should I give vitamins to my child? On this occasion, heated discussions between supporters of vitamins and their opponents do not cease. The former are sure that the child should receive additional nourishment in the form of ready-made complexes from pharmacies. The second insist that the child receives all the necessary substances from food. But is there a golden mean? How to determine the lack of vitamins in a child?

What do experts say about vitamins for children?

The best nutrition for an infant, which contains all the necessary substances and trace elements, is perfectly absorbed by a small body - breast milk. But sooner or later the child has to be transferred to an "adult" diet, which includes a standard set of dishes. Here, parents face an important task - to provide the growing body with a healthy diet that optimally combines proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Famous Dr. Komarovsky recommends that every parent honestly answer the question: is the child's diet balanced enough? Under a balanced diet, the doctor means the daily presence in the menu of fresh vegetables and fruits, a variety of cereals, dairy products, meat and fish dishes. If the parent gives an affirmative answer, you should not be afraid of a vitamin deficiency, according to Komarovsky.

Pediatrician of the highest category Nelli Zorina adheres to the point of view that vitamins should be given to children from the age of one and a half, paying particular attention to the content of iodine and iron in vitamin complexes. It is from the lack of these substances, according to the doctor, that modern children suffer the most.

Another question is, what is the quality of the products that come to our table? Specialists of the well-known pharmaceutical company Geydzhi conducted studies according to which most products, even fresh vegetables and fruits, began to lose their beneficial properties, and the amount of useful vitamins, trace elements and minerals is irreversibly reduced. According to the figures of the Gaethje researchers, the calcium content in ordinary potatoes has decreased by 78% in recent years, carrots have lost one of their most useful miners - magnesium - by 75%. Vitamin B6 has become less in bananas by 95%, and apples have lost 60% of vitamin C.

WHO specialists (World Health Organization) are convinced that in practice it is very difficult to determine in what dose vitamins enter the body with food: each person has different needs and the ability to absorb nutrients from food.

What problems does a lack of vitamins in a child lead to?

The body of a small child is very sensitive to the lack of a particular substance. Many health problems, ranging from increased excitability to obesity, occur precisely because of a deficiency of vitamins, beneficial trace elements and minerals.

For example:

  • Vitamin A deficiency leads to dry, brittle nails. Vision is reduced, the skin becomes dry and flaky.
  • Lack of vitamin B1 leads to a decrease in appetite, increased excitability, indigestion, circulatory disorders (legs and hands in this case are constantly cold).
  • Vitamin B6 deficiency fraught with general weakness, increased nervousness, anxiety.
  • In the absence of vitamin C in the diet the child may be sick more often, suffer from bleeding gums and nosebleeds.
  • Vitamin D deficiency leads to a sedentary lifestyle, sleep becomes intermittent, appetite - poor. Metabolism may be disturbed, and the child will be obese, or, on the contrary, gain weight very slowly.

Harmful and useful vitamin D for children

Hot debate flares up about. In Russia, it is customary to prescribe it to a child in liquid form almost from the very first day of life, while in Europe, doctors recommend that mothers walk more often in the fresh air, "bathe" children in sunbathing, feed cereals and fatty fish (there, according to them It is believed that vitamin D contains the most).

In such children, in their opinion:

  • Higher stress tolerance.
  • Less risk of developing a disease such as hay fever.
  • Better mood.
  • Higher performance.
  • Faster development.

Doctors are united in one thing, no matter which drug to choose: the Russian "Aquadetrim", the Finnish "Devasol" or the American "Baby Drops". The main thing is to give it systematically and coordinate the dosage with your doctor. .

Vitamins for children by age

Here is a table with examples: what vitamins do children need, according to age needs

Age Name of vitamins Benefits for the body Note
12 to 24 months Vitamins: D, PP, B2, B1, B6, B 12, A
  1. Helps to increase body weight
  2. Active growth of the child
  3. The development of organs and tissues of the baby
  1. Make sure that the complex does not contain vitamin K - it can provoke bleeding, have a negative effect on the child's immune system, cause an allergic reaction
24 months
  1. Contribute to the harmonious development of the child
  2. physical growth
  3. Smooth psycho-emotional state
  1. Vitamin K should not be given
From 3 years Vitamins: A, B1, B6, B2, C, PP, B12
  1. Vitamins strengthen the immune system, which is extremely important for this stage of the child's growth.
  2. It is worth considering the fact that a three-year-old child begins to attend kindergarten, which means that more attention should be paid to the prevention of colds.
  3. Vitamins also increase stress resistance and help the child adapt to a new environment.
  1. As before, it is better to choose complexes that do not contain vitamin K.
  2. Pay attention to the dosage recommended by the manufacturer
4-5 years Vitamins: D, A, PP, B1, B6, B12

Trace elements: calcium and phosphorus

  1. Microelement compounds help to form salts in the body that strengthen the bones of the child
  2. Vitamins provide the baby with substances for active growth
  3. Helps build muscle mass
  1. Insufficient amounts of vitamins, trace elements can lead to bone deformity
  2. Growth retardation
From 6 years to 7 Microelements: folic acid, iodine, phosphorus, iron and calcium

Vitamins: A, C, B1, B6, E

  1. Preparation for school, growing intellectual loads, creative and logical games: during this period, the child's brain structures are actively formed and require additional resources from the body.
  2. Vitamins and trace elements help the child grow up active, full of strength and energy.
You should carefully monitor the dosage - it can vary significantly from manufacturer to manufacturer.
7 to 9 years old Vitamins: D, A, B1, B6, B2

Trace elements: iron, copper, manganese, panthogenic and folic acid

  1. Vitamins help the development of brain structures, nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the body
  2. During this period, the child's immune system is finally formed and rebuilt to an adult rhythm.
  1. It is recommended to carry out fortification in the autumn-winter period, when the body is especially vulnerable.
  2. Courses recommended by pediatricians
9 years and older Vitamins: A, E, D, PP, all B vitamins
  1. During this period, vitamins are especially needed for the child.
  2. Deficiency can have a negative impact on the growth and development of the child's physical and mental activity.
  1. It is believed that at this age the need for vitamins in children is the same as in adults.
  2. Only children feel the deficit much more acutely, reacting with a general breakdown

When to give vitamins to a child: we make a decision

Of course, there will be no harm from additional fortification. However, it is strongly not recommended to abuse vitamin complexes.

  1. Give vitamins in the season of colds (autumn, winter and spring) when the body is weakened and the immune system needs additional support.
  2. Be sure to give vitamins to weakened children , after acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and other diseases, especially if they were treated with antibiotics.
  3. Vitamins can be given from 24 months, when the baby is weaned. But to choose the right vitamin complex, contact your doctor. The pediatrician will advise: how to correctly compose the baby's daily menu.
  4. Organize your child the right daily routine . Conditions for normal development should include not only good nutrition, but also sound sleep, outdoor walks, sunbathing, and water treatments.

Vitamins are valuable substances that allow you to feel energetic, live and develop fully, and quickly rehabilitate after colds and viral infections.

When is the best time to say no to vitamins?

However, it is strongly not recommended to abuse vitamin complexes.

When making a decision, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Is the child prone to allergies?
  2. Does the child have chronic diseases?
  3. How often does he have an individual reaction to a new product.

Main rule - observe moderation and use vitamins in the correct dosage.

Give children time, attention and they will definitely be healthy and happy.

An eternal dilemma for parents is the question of replenishing the child's body with vitamins. Many controversial statements arise on this basis. With the growth of the baby, the choice of vitamins becomes a serious task for every parent who is worried about the development of their child.

How to choose and what vitamins to give to a child for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes? We will try to find an answer to this question with you.

vitamin fever

Vitamins are low molecular weight biological substances with high biological and biochemical activity.

They are of two types:

  • fat-soluble vitamins include category A, D, E, F, K;
  • water-soluble - vitamins of all other groups.

It is also worth saying right away that vitamin preparations are divided into:

  • one-component - the composition of the therapeutic and prophylactic agent includes only one component;
  • multivitamins or a multivitamin complex are therapeutic and prophylactic agents that include a group of vitamins or a group of vitamins with the addition of trace elements.

The topic of vitamins for pediatricians is quite delicate. This fact is confirmed by the famous children's doctor Komarovsky. Very often, parents, and especially of the modern generation, ignore visiting a pediatrician and choose vitamin preparations themselves. Parents buy a box of “biologically active substances” for their child and, even without always referring to the instructions, self-medicate, which can lead the baby to a hospital bed due to an overdose.

How to make the right choice?

You just need to give, personally for yourself, the answers to the following questions:

  • Does your baby have a balanced and rational diet?

Comments: under the phrase "balanced and rational nutrition" Dr. Komarovsky means that the child has one or more types of vegetables and fruits, meat or fish, lactic acid products, as well as side dishes from cereals in the daily diet. If all of the listed products are present in the baby's diet, then he will not face any problems with the immune system.

  • In what ecological environment does a family with a child live, what are the conditions there?

Comments: the ecological environment is an integral factor in deciding whether to take vitamins for children. If the living conditions of the child do not imply the presence of useful factors, such as water, sun, clean air, then taking vitamins is mandatory.

  • What is the most common state of health in a child, how does it grow?

Comments: only a pediatrician will answer this question after a preliminary examination and a developmental diagnosis.

It is also worth considering the main factors that can affect the decision to take vitamins:

  • vitamins are used as a general preventive, seasonal fortification, as well as to increase the immunity of children;
  • vitamins should be prescribed for weakened children, for example, after antibiotic therapy;
  • from the age of 2, namely, as soon as the children's body weans from breast milk, a pediatrician's consultation will be required to replenish the baby's body with vitamins. The doctor will help to draw up and select a rational menu for the child, select vitamin complexes for immunomodulation and body support according to the age characteristics and general well-being of the baby;
  • proven clinical or laboratory beriberi, according to Dr. Komarovsky, is an undeniable diagnosis that needs treatment.

Variety of fortified preparations

Pharmacy shelves attract with a variety of vitamin complexes for children, and the most important thing is not to confuse them with various dietary supplements, since the desired effect simply will not be achieved. This is due to the fact that the formula of the dietary supplement does not contain the optimally required concentration of vitamins: it is available, but in small doses.

  • "Multi-Tabs Kid";
  • "Pikovit";
  • "Kinder-Biovital gel";
  • "Vitrum Baby";
  • "Centrum";
  • "Panheksavit";
  • "Aquadetrim";
  • "Vita Bears";
  • "Alphabet".

Let's get acquainted with vitamin complexes, which can safely be called "the best", and also analyze their composition and features.

"Multi-Tabs Kid"

A complex that combines the best vitamins and useful minerals for children from 2 to 7 years old.

It contains 13 vitamins (A, D, E, K, C, B1, B2, B6, B12, Niacin, Folic acid, Biotin, Pantothenic acid) and 7 minerals (Ca, Fe, Zn, Se, Cr, I , Mn).

Pharmacological form of the drug: chewable tablets.

The daily dose of the drug is 1 tablet. It should be taken with food.

According to the indications for use, the drug is used to prevent hypovitaminosis and lack of minerals for children from 2 to 7 years of age.

It is advisable to use the drug with an unbalanced diet, after illnesses, for children who have a deterioration in appetite as an additional source of vitamins and microelements.

The manufacturer of the drug is Denmark. The shelf life of the medicinal product is 2 years. Average price: 450 -510 rubles.

The most popular vitamin preparation

Complex "Alphabet" - or as pharmacologists-developers speak about it - "the sum of the achievements of the science of vitamins" - a vitamin complex that has a number of age categories of release.

"Alphabet - Our Baby" for children from 1.5 years to 3 years of age and "Alphabet - Kindergarten" are created for children from 3 to 7 years old, there is also "Alphabet-Schoolboy" and "Alphabet-Teenager", recommended for more older children.

Consider "Alphabet - Our baby."

The composition of the drug includes 11 vitamins and 5 minerals. The package contains 3 types of sachets with a different complex of vitamins.

You need to take 1 sachet per day in any order. The drug has indications for use in the absence of appetite, lethargy, insomnia, as well as to increase immunity.

Country of origin - Russia.

Shelf life - 2 years.

The price for "Alphabet - Our baby" is 300 - 330 rubles.


The drug is a unique complex that includes 11 vitamins and 8 minerals. It acts in several pharmacological forms, depending on the age category of use, sweet syrup is intended for children at 1 year of age, and chewable tablets from 3 years of age.

The duration of taking Pikovit vitamins is 1 month.

Country of origin - Slovenia

Shelf life - 2 years.

The price of Pikovit vitamins is 250 - 290 rubles.

"Kinder Biovital Gel"

Combined preparation containing a complex of 10 vitamins and 4 minerals. It has a pronounced metabolic effect.

Indicated for use in children with:

  • decreased immunity due to viral diseases;
  • with inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth;
  • for the prevention of rickets, as well as for stunting.

Helps increase appetite.

Dosage - 1 tsp gel per day for children from 1 year to 6 years. Pharmacologists recommend giving the drug during meals.

Country - manufacturer German company A.Nattermann and Sie. GmbH.

Shelf life - 2 years.

The price of Kinder Biovital Gel is 200 - 220 rubles.

The subtleties of the consumption of miracle vitamins

The main task of every parent is to explain to their children that vitamins are not sweet candies that you can take as much as you like. Children need to understand that vitamins play an important role just like medicines. This is necessary so that the baby clearly knows that these delicious tablets or powders will bring him treatment, and not just pleasure.

For a baby who is 2 years old, a complex of vitamins in the form of chewable tablets, syrups, effervescent powders is suitable. Each vitamin complex has instructions, and with its help, parents will clearly understand in what doses the drug should be given to children.

Tablet or fruit?

Probably every parent faced a similar choice, and there is no definite answer. You just need to understand for yourself that the quality of products drops significantly every year, and sometimes there is simply no benefit to the immune system and to replenish the growing body of the baby.

This is a proven fact, which is cited by the specialists of the pharmaceutical company Geigy over the past 17 years (from 1985 to 2002):

  • potatoes lost in Ca - 78%;
  • carrots lost in Mg - 75%;
  • bananas have lost the amount of vitamin B6 - 95%;
  • apples have lost the amount of vitamin C - 60%.

However, this does not mean that the consumption of vegetables and fruits for children should be completely ignored or stopped. On the contrary, parents are obliged to provide the child with a complete and balanced daily menu with the addition of vegetables and fruits, as well as constantly monitor the baby's appetite.

When deciding on the choice of vitamin products (fresh fruits and vegetables), parents need to take into account their seasonality when they appear in stores, quality and manufacturer. And, already on this basis, to determine whether or not to give the child fresh fruits or vegetables, what can be, or is it better to take a vitamin?

Opinion of pediatricians and parents

As already mentioned, parents are especially careful about taking vitamins for their babies. The main factor for resolving this issue should be the general well-being of the child and indications about the state of his health.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, taking vitamins is needed exclusively for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, according to the advice of a pediatrician. But do not forget that seasonal fluctuations in immunity is also a weighty argument for taking vitamins.

Most mothers, relying on the advice of forums and reviews on the Internet, have long introduced drugs of this direction into the diet of their children. According to reviews, vitamins are popular: "Multi-Tabs Baby", "Alphabet Our Baby", "Pikovit", which for many years have established themselves as the "best" in the pharmacy market. Giving a child such complexes is not only safe, but also effective, to improve overall well-being, increase immunity and appetite.

Not all vitamins that enter the child's body with food are absorbed. For a 3-year-old baby, for this reason, it is especially important to take vitamin complexes. It is at this age that children go to preschool institutions, where they get into a large group and are at risk of catching an infection, become more independent and can refuse wholesome food, so it is most important to strengthen the immune system and saturate the body with useful substances at this age.

Thanks to the receipt of all the necessary substances in a child at the age of 3, the brain, cardiovascular system and bone tissue fully develop. Taking additional vitamins helps to avoid vitamin deficiency.

What vitamins are necessary for the full growth and development of 3-year-old children?

In order for a 3-year-old baby to fully develop, he needs vitamins of the following groups:

  • E - naturally stimulates the immune system, protects against infections, participates in the processes of tissue regeneration;
  • A - helps prevent or alleviate the course of most skin diseases, has a beneficial effect on the cells of the skin and mucous membranes, is important for vision;
  • C - improves the functioning of the immune system, participates in carbohydrate metabolism and other vital processes;
  • B - helps to improve neural connections, memory and concentration, improves metabolism and normalizes stools.

Essential Minerals and Other Trace Elements:

  • potassium (contributes to the normal functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous, musculoskeletal and excretory systems);
  • calcium (forms the skeleton, affects the processes of blood coagulation and water metabolism);
  • magnesium (necessary for normal muscle function and the formation of healthy bone tissue);
  • iron (responsible for maintaining the required level of hemoglobin in the blood);
  • phosphorus (ensures normal growth of dental and bone tissues);
  • iodine (responsible for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and the production of hormones), etc.

Foods containing vitamins necessary for three-year-old babies

Forms of release of vitamins for children, their advantages and disadvantages

Vitamins for children from 3 years old are available in the form of:

The most favorite for children are jelly figurines. Thanks to their attractive shape, bright color and fruity taste, kids prefer them. In addition, when using marmalade figures, the possibility of an overdose is excluded. However, vitamins in this form are not always useful. To give the preparations a pleasant taste and color, synthetic flavors and dyes are used, from which there is no benefit, and an allergic reaction may occur.

Many kids love vitamins in the form of syrup. They are sold with a measuring spoon, so an overdose is also excluded. However, funds in this form can cause an allergic reaction.

Rating of the best vitamin complexes for children from 3 years old

The abundance of vitamin preparations in pharmacies makes it difficult to choose really useful vitamins that will not harm the child's body. Rating of children's vitamins of modern manufacturers:

The best special vitamin complexes

Good vitamins for children are chosen not only by age. An important criterion for choosing which supplements to use is the appointment of vitamin preparations. Useful substances for growth, improving appetite and improving immunity can vary significantly. For allergic children, choosing a vitamin complex can be the most difficult.

To improve immunity

To strengthen the immune system of the child, drugs are prescribed containing all the substances necessary for the body. The composition of such preparations must be balanced with the content of certain doses of all components.

The most common vitamins to boost immunity are:

  • Jungle Baby - contain ascorbic acid, vitamin D3 and retinol, compensate for the deficiency of A, D, help with influenza, are allowed for diabetics;
  • Multitabs Vitrum - contribute to the overall strengthening of immunity, they can be used up to 14 years;
  • Vitrum Kids - contain groups of vitamins A and D;
  • Pikovit - is available in the form of lozenges, tablets and syrup, has 2 additional components (Omega-3 and prebiotic);
  • Supradin - gel, tablets, dissolving lozenges, jelly bears with the addition of Omega-3;
  • Alphabet Kindergarten - prevents the occurrence of colds and flu;
  • Complivit - tablets for chewing with the taste of cherries, bananas;
  • Vetoron - available in the form of drops or chewable tablets.

To improve appetite

The best way to increase appetite is preparations containing vitamin C (ascorbic acid) (we recommend reading:). It is thanks to the required amount of this element in the body of a child that a desire to eat appears.

The most common vitamin complexes are:

For growth

During the period of active growth, it is best for a child to take vitamin preparations containing calcium, phosphorus, potassium and selenium. Vitamins A (retinol and beta-carotene), D (ergocalciferol and cholecalciferol), E (tocopherol), C (ascorbic acid), B (B1, B2 and B6) also contribute to growth. The main ones are A and D, all the rest are auxiliary.

Babies should not be given vitamin K, which can cause excessive blood thinning and life-threatening bleeding. This effect of vitamin K is associated with the immaturity of the regulatory systems in children.

Effective and safe vitamin-mineral complexes that promote the growth of children from 3 years old:

  • Calcium D3 Classic;
  • Complivit Calcium D3;
  • Multi-Tabs Kid Calcium+ (we recommend reading:);
  • Growth-Norma;
  • Unicap Y.

Children prone to allergies

Children from 3 years old with allergies also need vitamins. However, special complexes of vitamins and minerals, taking into account the predisposition to allergic reactions in such babies, are prescribed only for clinical manifestations of the pathological process. In other cases, a balanced diet is enough.

A vitamin preparation for an allergic person should be selected with a doctor. It is important to clarify the dosage of the drug with a specialist, because. some vitamins can accumulate and adversely affect the body of children.

Hypoallergenic vitamin complexes include:

Recommendations for the correct intake of vitamins by three-year-old children

As Dr. Komarovsky notes, in addition to the huge benefits, vitamin complexes can harm the child's body if they are not used correctly. Komarovsky recommends observing the following rules:

  1. Carefully study the instructions before using the drug about dosages, overdose and storage conditions.
  2. Regular use of vitamins at the same time. The most favorable for reception is the first half of the day.
  3. Do not exceed the indicated dosage.
  4. Monitor the child in the first days of taking the drug, timely identify possible allergic reactions.
  5. Do not give vitamins to a child with vomiting or diarrhea - in such cases, they will not be of any use.
  6. Keep the vitamin complex out of the reach of the baby. Their attractive appearance and pleasant taste can provoke the baby to eat more than the norm, which is fraught with an overdose and other unpleasant consequences.

Vitamins are indispensable for the normal functioning of the human body at any age. They are of particular importance at the stage of development and growth of a child at 3 years old. Kids are physically very active, improve and master new skills, so you can’t do without the intake of important trace elements. Vitamins for children from 3 years old please with variety, but at the same time they confuse parents when choosing.

A three-year-old child is growing and developing rapidly, so he simply needs vitamin support.

Indispensable useful elements

Strong immunity for three-year-old children is very important, because at this age the kids are open to communication. They play in the playgrounds, go with their mothers to cafes, cinemas and parks, and start attending preschools. This often leads to an increased risk of contracting a respiratory or other disease. The next stage of development brings new diseases and is often accompanied by stress, so it is difficult for a child's body to do without help.

Deficiency of essential vitamins manifests itself in decreased appetite, developmental delay and a general lethargic state. It makes sense to visit a pediatrician - perhaps the child does not need a complex of vitamins, but a single substance.

The effect of vitamins on the child's body

No matter how hard modern mothers try to make a correct and balanced diet, it is unlikely that it will be possible to fully adhere to the given norms. Calculating the right dosage of important substances is not easy even when weighing products or ready meals. The main criteria for the use of vitamins are indicated in the table:

vitaminsImpact on the children's bodyfood sourcesDaily rate at 3 years
BUTOrgans of vision, skin and mucous membranes, immune system, normal growthLiver, dairy products, eggs, pumpkin, carrots500 mcg (1600 IU)
IN 1Metabolism, nervous system, functioning of the gastrointestinal tractNuts, greens, meat, liver, cereals, cereals, bread0.8 mg
IN 2Metabolism, organs of vision, skin and mucous membranes, energy production0.9 mg
B3 (RR)Organs of the digestive tract, skin, cell health10 mg
AT 5Hormone synthesis, antibody formation, fat metabolism3 mg
AT 6Antibody production, hematopoiesis processes1 mg
B7 (H)Hair, nails and skin health, liver health, metabolism25 mcg
B9 (folate)cell division75-100 mcg
AT 12Nervous system, hematopoietic processes0.8 µg
DImmune and skeletal systems, dental health, calcium absorptionEgg yolk, parsley, butter. Produced under the influence of sunlight10 mcg (400 IU)
ESkin and mucous membranes, cardiovascular system, tissue regenerationWhole grains, nuts, vegetable oil6 mg
FROMImmune system, blood vessels, connective and muscle tissueFresh vegetables and fruits. Vitamin is destroyed by heat treatment, as well as under the influence of light and air.45 mg
ToBlood clottingSoybean oil, pumpkin, tomatoes, green peas, green leafy vegetables, fish oil, liver, egg yolk (recommended read: )30 mcg

The influence of microelements on the children's body

With the selection of a daily menu that contains the required amount of trace elements, mothers will also have to work hard. Food sources are a real storehouse of nutrients, but their content in the finished dish is different from the original volume in the raw product. The daily rate is given in the table:

trace elementsEffect on the bodyfood sourcesDaily rate at 3 years
CalciumSkeletal system, hair and nail health, transmission of nerve impulses, blood clottingBroccoli, dairy and sour-milk products, including cottage cheese and hard cheeses800 mg
CopperThe formation of red blood cellsNuts, meat and seafood, liver0.7 mg
Zincimmune system, wound healingCrab meat, turkey and chicken, beef10 mg
Prebiotic (oligofructose)Immune system, maintenance of beneficial microflora in the intestinesDoes not exist

Copper in the human body is responsible for the formation of red blood cells.

Indications for use

Reception of a vitamin complex is prescribed individually in each case. What useful supplements are suitable for the baby, the doctor decides. Necessary drugs are prescribed for:

  • recovery period after surgery or illness;
  • seasonal vitamin deficiency;
  • frequent SARS and colds;
  • increased mental or physical stress;
  • general fatigue, accompanied by whims, as well as a deterioration in appetite and sleep quality;
  • unbalanced diet.

Offers of the pharmaceutical market

It is not always possible for parents to create an ideal diet with which a child of 3 years old will be able to receive all the necessary substances for full development. Vitamin complexes of industrial production come to the rescue. When choosing pharmaceutical preparations, one should take into account the condition of the baby, the results of his tests and past illnesses. The best vitamins have the same contraindications as conventional medicines. Do not forget about the compatibility of nutrients, because they can either enhance or completely neutralize each other's action. Before buying and using vitamins, it would be useful to visit a pediatrician who will select the best option for a 3-year-old child.

It is better to entrust the selection of the ideal vitamin complex to the doctor who has been leading the child from birth

All currently existing industrial vitamins can be divided into several types. The choice is up to the parents:

  1. One-component. They are used for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes. Vitamin C is prescribed for seasonal colds, and vitamin D is indispensable for the prevention of rickets.
  2. Multivitamins. They include the main vitamins and have a general strengthening effect on the children's body. Used to improve appetite and the immune system after stress or illness.
  3. Mineral and vitamin complex. It includes both vitamins and the most valuable minerals that maintain balance in the body of a three-year-old child.

For many children, taking the tablet form of the drug becomes a real problem, so the manufacturers have taken care of this. Vitamins are available in various forms:

  • syrups;
  • suspensions;
  • jelly Bean;
  • lollipops;
  • marmalade figurines.

You can safely give children vitamin gels, which they are unlikely to refuse. It is enough to choose the form of the supplement that will appeal to the picky crumbs.

If the child does not want to swallow pills, you can buy him vitamins in the form of chewing figures

The basic rule is: never buy a vitamin complex on your own, without consulting a doctor. Before visiting a pharmacy, you should listen to the advice of professionals:

  1. It is advisable to opt for products from a well-known manufacturer in order to avoid unpleasant surprises. The more information about the drug is collected, the better. A good help will be the experience of friends and relatives who can write a review about a particular pharmaceutical product.
  2. It should be checked whether the vitamin preparation is suitable for babies from 3 years old. It is important to make sure that there are no individual contraindications.
  3. The danger of syrup is that there is a risk of overdose if the measuring spoon is accidentally lost. It is better to choose a complex in the form of marmalade figurines or sweets, so as not to worry about observing the recommended volume.
  4. Vitamins for children are available with sweeteners and flavors, so you will need to find out exactly which substances were used in the production. It is likely that they will not suit your baby.
  5. Vitamins of dubious origin should be avoided, because dietary supplements are often released under their guise. They do not pose a danger, but they will not bring any benefit to children. It is enough to carefully read the instructions to make sure the quality of the drug.

The vocabulary of three-year-old children is still too poor for the baby to be able to accurately describe the adverse symptoms after taking vitamins. For this reason, mothers need to carefully monitor the condition of the baby, as soon as the children begin to take a useful complex.

Sometimes taking fortified preparations causes allergies and a number of side effects, and an overdose is dangerous to health and even life. You should not be led by a little sweet tooth, who will probably ask for the addition of a delicious medicine.


Despite the clear benefits of vitamins for children 3 years of age and older, even good drugs cannot be used in some cases. These include:

  • kidney disease;
  • individual intolerance to one or more components of the drug;
  • hypervitaminosis.

To exclude or confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to consult with the local pediatrician. Basic tests before taking vitamins will not interfere either.

If a child is prone to allergic manifestations, multivitamins may not be suitable for him.

Where to stop?

An analysis of consumer purchases in pharmacy chains made it possible to rank the best vitamin supplements. For children, modern pediatricians are advised to purchase only proven brands of drugs, after taking which there were no negative reactions. It is necessary to take as a basis the recommendations of the attending physician, because he knows everything about the health and general condition of the child.

Vitamin and mineral preparation is suitable for children from 2 to 7 years. The composition includes 7 minerals and 13 vitamins, additionally the complex is enriched with calcium, which is responsible for the growth and condition of bones. Reception fully compensates for the lack of important elements and vitamins that are indispensable during the period of teeth change and active growth.

  • Pros. Many children do not like the taste of dairy products, which leads to calcium deficiency. This drug will ensure the supply of the required amount of the microelement to the body.
  • Minuses. Does not have a sweet taste, dissolves in the mouth for a long time. For this reason, the child may refuse further admission.

The composition contains 8 minerals and 11 vitamins, which are necessary for the development of a child of 3-7 years. Additionally, macronutrients are included: iodine, iron, copper and a number of others. Enriched formula promotes overall health and active prevention of beriberi.

  • Pros. Efficiency is noticeable after just a few doses, thanks to a thoughtful and perfectly matched balance of nutrients. If you take the drug regularly and according to the instructions, the child becomes more active, less tired. Memory improves and processes in the digestive system are normalized, which leads to an increase in appetite.
  • Minuses. Not a very convenient dosage, but parents attribute this factor to a conditional disadvantage. You should give your child one tablet of a certain color every day (there are three in total). For the forgetful or hurried parent, this can create a problem that journaling solves. An organizer or short notes on the refrigerator will help you keep track of your medication.

Chewable vitamins Pikovit Yunik

The unique shape in the form of a funny teddy bear will help persuade the most fastidious kids to take the drug. The medicine is suitable for children from 3 years old, enriched with 11 vitamins and 8 minerals:

  • selenium;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • copper.

Pikovit Unik is prescribed by pediatricians as an optimal addition to an unbalanced diet. Also, taking vitamins is justified for:

  • intensive growth of the child;
  • increased mental, emotional and physical stress;
  • constant fatigue;
  • deficiency in the diet of vegetables and fruits;
  • poor appetite.

Pros. The absence of artificial flavors, sweeteners, preservatives, dyes and other chemicals in the product. All children, without exception, like it, thanks to their attractive shape and sweet taste.

Minuses. Outwardly, they are no different from ordinary marmalade, so parents need to strictly control the dosage. It is unlikely that children will refuse a sweet supplement without realizing the danger of a vitamin overdose.

One of the most expensive complexes in terms of cost. Contains 11 trace elements and 13 vitamins. When developing, the needs of children 2-5 years old were taken into account, so the drug includes all substances important for the versatile development of the baby.

  • Pros. The maximum number of useful elements automatically raises the medicine to the first positions in the rating. Mom does not have to persuade the fussy eat vitamins, because the pills are available in the form of animals. The taste is vanilla-fruity, reminiscent of candy, so a rare baby will refuse a tempting treat.
  • Minuses. The disadvantages are identical to the drug "Pikovit Unik". One kind of delicious sweets makes the child really excited and makes him want to eat an extra pill. One dose includes the daily norm of vitamins D and A, and their excess is excreted from the child's body with great difficulty. Along the way, an overdose causes a number of side effects, including allergic reactions and digestive disorders. It is important to remember that vitamin D intake should be done with caution during the summer period. The only way out will be strict adherence to the instructions and a firm “no” to the request of the baby to give the “last” candy. Alternatively, you can also choose a less attractive drug.

Supradin Kids

The medicine is available in the form of a gel, chewable lozenges and tablets (more details in the article:). The most optimal form is selected by parents, based on the preferences of the baby. It's a shame if the money is wasted, and the child refuses to take the drug.

  • Pros. In addition to useful minerals and vitamins, the composition includes lecithin, without which not a single cellular reaction in the body can do. Also, this component supports the digestive, cardiovascular and nervous systems. Calcium included in the complex is an important building material for teeth and bones. The tablets and lozenges additionally contain Omega-3 and choline, which are involved in the psycho-emotional and mental development of the baby.
  • Minuses. No disadvantages were found, but the age of the child should be taken into account when choosing a particular form of the drug. The gel is allowed for children from 3 years old, and chewable lozenges and tablets can be recommended for use after 11 years.

Expert opinion

The popular pediatrician Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky is sure that you can independently determine the child's need for vitamins. To do this, you need to use the methodology developed by him and answer a few simple questions:

  1. How can you rate a child's diet? Is it balanced enough?
  2. What are the living conditions of a family with a baby? Is the environment favorable?

Komarovsky himself gives hints when answering questions. "Rational and balanced" nutrition, according to the expert, implies the inclusion in the daily menu:

  • fruits and vegetables of different types;
  • fish or meat;
  • dairy products;
  • cereal side dishes.

A child's need for vitamins is determined by the usefulness of his daily diet.

With the regular use of these products, vitamin deficiency does not threaten the child. No additional measures are required to strengthen immunity.

The ecological environment plays an important role in the development of children, so it is necessary to pay attention to natural factors: clean air, sun, water. If the baby has more than enough of all this, then there is no need to take vitamins. The main conditions under which vitamins are prescribed should be taken into account:

  • seasonal fortification to strengthen the immune system;
  • after completing a course of antibiotics;
  • avitaminosis, confirmed laboratory or clinically.

Children who are weakened after an illness will also not interfere with additional vitamins. However, when prescribing them, you should listen to the recommendations of the local pediatrician.

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