Recipe: Mashed potatoes - with pumpkin and garlic (family recipe). Potato-pumpkin puree Pumpkin and potato puree

Pumpkin and potatoes are very versatile foods. You can cook a wide variety of dishes from them (and we usually have a lot of such vegetables in our family)))

Mashed potatoes with pumpkin will be an excellent side dish for meat or fish. And you can also eat it just like that, with a salad.

The proportions of potatoes and pumpkin can be changed at your discretion, depending on your taste preferences.

To make puree, we need these products.

We cut the peeled and washed potatoes into large pieces so that it is convenient to put in a pan.

We do the same with pumpkin.

Then we put the vegetables in a saucepan and pour in water so that it covers our vegetables.

Put the pot with vegetables to boil. When the water boils, salt the water to taste and continue to cook until the vegetables are ready. Then we pour the vegetable broth into a separate bowl, it can still be useful to us.

Put a piece of butter on the vegetables.

Puree the vegetables with an immersion blender or masher of your choice. If the puree seems too thick to you, you can add some water in which the vegetables were boiled.

Everyone knows how to make mashed potatoes, only now we will add fresh pumpkin to the ingredients. Or you can take it out of the freezer

We take a ripe pumpkin. Such a pumpkin is easily kneaded after cooking and does not leave fibers. And most importantly, there will be no taste of the raw product.
Peel the pumpkin, select the core with seeds and cut into large pieces.

Peel potatoes and cut into pieces.

We send the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bto the pan, fill it with water and cook until the potatoes are ready. It is advisable not to mix anything in the pan so as not to spoil the integrity of the pumpkin pieces.

After the potatoes and pumpkin are cooked, drain the water and add the butter. We knead everything into a homogeneous mass.
I do not use an immersion blender, but work the old fashioned way - a pusher.

When we mash potatoes and pumpkin into a homogeneous mass, then gradually add milk and mix.

Everyone is free to make the consistency of mashed potatoes to their liking. I like it a little liquid.
After all these manipulations, you can beat the puree with a blender.

You can serve with anything. Usually these are meat condiments.
Our family loves fried minced meat and vegetables.

Mashed potatoes with pumpkin

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How often do you make mashed potatoes? Still, it's a simple, delicious popular dish! But do you know how you can diversify the usual recipe - so that it turns out even tastier, and at the same time more original and more beautiful!

The secret is simple: we'll make mashed potatoes... with pumpkin! And don't worry: no one will guess that it is there. Even pumpkin haters will gobble up mashed potatoes and ask for more, because pumpkin is not felt at all in it. But it gives a pleasant orange tint, evoking thoughts of a sunny autumn day! With fresh parsley and a green onion, such a puree - you just lick your fingers! Delicious even without meatballs.

Thanks for the idea Ain. I just missed a piece of pumpkin in the refrigerator, which was left after cooking pasta (also, by the way, a delicious thing!), And we already made pumpkin porridge. Therefore, I was very happy when I accidentally found this simple recipe on the Culinary Sketches website.


  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 400 g pumpkin;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of butter;
  • 2 tablespoons of sour cream;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Fresh greens.


We clean the potatoes and pumpkin, rinse. We cut the pumpkin into cubes, and the potatoes into slices.

Fill with purified water, put on medium heat and cook under the lid until soft. When the vegetables are almost ready, add salt from 1/3 to ½ tablespoon to the water, according to your taste. When the pumpkin and potatoes become soft, drain the broth - it can be used for vegetable soup - and crush the vegetables with a crush for mashed potatoes.

Add butter, sour cream, grated garlic on a fine grater to the pumpkin puree, beat well with a crush.

Serve mashed potatoes with pumpkin warm, sprinkled with finely chopped parsley, dill and green onions.

Potato-pumpkin puree "Sunny"

Well, how can you not fall in love with this pumpkin, at least for its sunny color? Even ordinary potatoes can be made brighter! I understand that, most likely, this dish is too simple and modest for competitions, but it can create a “Bright mood”! It’s also a great way to get your little “non-wants” interested in lunch!

Ingredients for Solnechnoye Potato-Pumpkin Puree:

  • Pumpkin - 300 g
  • Potato - 500 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Milk - 0.5 stack.
  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Spices (turmeric, ground black pepper, hot red pepper, paprika) - to taste
  • Salt - to taste

Time for preparing: 30 minutes

Recipe for Potato-pumpkin puree "Sunny":

First, peel the potatoes, cut them into several pieces and set to boil. In a pot with potatoes, immediately throw the onion, peeled and cut into 4 parts. In 20 minutes. add salt and bay leaf. Cook for another 3-5 minutes.

In the meantime, the potatoes are being cooked, cut the peeled pumpkin into pieces (about 4-5 cm) and also cook in lightly salted water.

When our vegetables are ready, we combine them by removing the bay leaf from the potatoes. We crush everything with a crush.

We add spices. I have listed the ones I like the most in this puree, but feel free to experiment! Delicious, for example, with a little cinnamon. Potatoes are good friends with her.

Then add milk (preferably boiled), butter and sour cream. And very carefully knead everything until smooth.

Here you go! Recipe for dummies, right?
Bon appetit and bright mood.

This recipe is part of the "Cooking Together - Cooking Week" campaign. Discussion of cooking on the forum -

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I am revealing to you our family recipe for mashed potatoes for a feast or for dinner with relatives. There was no such person who did not like this option for mashing. No one guesses a pumpkin in it, but they always admire the beautiful peach color of the dish. Garlic gives the potato a special sound, piquant, with an appetizing aroma.
First, peel the potatoes and dip them in water.

Then add 3-4 small pieces of pumpkin (I had frozen), garlic, peeled, bay leaf and salt.

Cook the potatoes so that they are slightly boiled so that there are no lumps. We sometimes get mashed potatoes a little differently - sometimes like velvet, sometimes not so homogeneous. Probably depends on the type of potato.
We crush the finished potatoes with a crush. You can also blend a little.

Don't forget to take out the bay leaf.
Boil milk. We have it homemade and fatty (perhaps this is one of the important points).

We also add homemade butter. The more the better, but on average you need to add a hundred grams.

After the vegetable mass is crushed, we begin to introduce milk and butter. In no case do not add milk immediately! There will be a lot of lumps!
Do a good job of pushing. Then the potatoes will be perfectly mashed and their texture will be fine. Add milk until the puree is a little thinner in consistency than you would like. The mass will thicken a little more.
We always serve mashed potatoes right away, piping hot. Such a side dish will be perfect for meat, fish and just eat with vegetables.

What side dish do we usually serve at the table? Agree, cutlets, meat in French, fish at a festive or everyday table, we usually eat with mashed potatoes. Undoubtedly, this is one of the most popular and delicious additions to meat and fish dishes. But potatoes go well with other vegetables! Remember, at least mashed potato and carrot soups. What about zucchini and potato pancakes? Is it possible not to love them? So, for a side dish, you can make not just mashed potatoes, but potato-pumpkin. Due to starch, it will retain its structure, and pumpkin will make it more fragrant in taste and richer in color ....


  • potatoes - 6-7 pieces __NEWL__
  • onion - 1 head__NEWL__
  • fresh squash - quarter fruit __NEWL__
  • butter - 1 teaspoon __NEWL__
  • milk - about ¼ cup__NEWL__
  • salt to taste__NEWL__

The pumpkin does not have to be fresh. If you froze a lot of it during the harvesting season, but still don’t know what to do with it, it’s time to take the pumpkin out of the freezer. In this case, the process of making puree will change slightly, but not its taste. Throwing a frozen pumpkin into a pot with potatoes is at the very end, i.e. when the potatoes are almost ready, but they need another 5-7 minutes. It will not be digested and will not become a fibrous porridge.

So, cut off the desired part from the whole fruit. Scrape the pulp with seeds, cut off the peel. Wash and cut pumpkin into small pieces. Then we do the same with potatoes: cut the peeled and washed tubers into pieces.

We throw them together with the pumpkin into the pan. We put the onion there, fill it with water and set to boil.

If you do not want the vegetables to become hard and cook for a long time, add salt not immediately, but after 10 minutes after boiling. When the water boils, cook potatoes with pumpkin and onions over medium heat for about 25 minutes. Then we drain the broth we do not need, and put butter in the pan and pour in the milk.

Do not pour a lot of it, because the pumpkin itself will help the potatoes become juicy. If you overdo it with milk, you get, rather, potato-pumpkin soup. Crush vegetables to the desired and favorite consistency.

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