Strengthen tooth enamel in dentistry. Is it possible and how to strengthen tooth enamel at home? Deep and conventional fluoridation

Modern fashion dictates its own rules not only in relation to clothing and accessories, there are also unspoken criteria that any person striving for ideal parameters must meet. A snow-white and beautiful smile is a kind of visiting card, which must be presented almost every day. Unfortunately, not everyone has enough time to visit the dentist in order to restore the whiteness of the teeth, as well as prevent their destruction. Strengthening tooth enamel at home is a very real task, which can be accomplished with the help of improvised means.

Tooth enamel primarily takes on all the negative effects of external factors. By maintaining its anatomical integrity, the risk of significant damage to the teeth can be significantly reduced.

Bad tooth enamel

So, what does tooth enamel suffer from? There are many reasons, but the main ones are the following:

  1. The most common reasonimproper brushing of teeth. It is best to choose a brush with soft bristles, or medium hardness. Toothpaste to strengthen tooth enamel should contain fluorine and calcium - active substances that contribute to the restoration of microdamages. In addition, with insufficiently thorough cleaning, tartar forms over time, contributing to the development of caries.
  2. Eating foods and drinks that inhibit the beneficial microflora of the mucous tissues of the oral cavity. These are, first of all, sweets, as well as drinks with gas and chemical dyes, citrus fruits and other sour fruits.
  3. Smokers always suffer from damage to tooth enamel. Tobacco smoke contains substances that very quickly have a negative effect on the teeth.
  4. Self whitening teeth with chemicals severely damages the enamel.
  5. hereditary predisposition, or insufficient supply of nutrients to the fetus in the third trimester of intrauterine development. Teeth develop during this period, and expectant mothers should pay special attention to this issue.
  6. Diseases of the digestive system which are often associated with heartburn or vomiting. The gastric juice that enters the oral cavity during these processes has a very bad effect on the teeth.

Signs of weakened enamel

How to strengthen tooth enamel at home? It is necessary to think carefully about possible solutions to this issue if the following signs of a negative nature are noted:

  1. The first, and most obvious sign of a violation of the integrity of the enamelincreased tooth sensitivity, as well as mucous tissues of the oral cavity. This is expressed in the appearance of painful sensations when eating both excessively hot and cold food, as well as when inhaling frosty air.
  2. Teeth changed color. Usually this is the appearance of a yellowish or grayish tint. The most unpleasant symptom related to similar symptoms is transparency along the edges of the teeth.
  3. The appearance of small chips or cracks on the surface of the tooth.

How to prevent tooth decay

When the above symptoms appear, measures should be taken to prevent further destruction of the bone tissue of the teeth. This can be done through not only medication, but also non-traditional treatment. How to strengthen tooth enamel at home with folk remedies?

First of all, you should change your usual way of life. You need to acquire the following good habits:

  1. Several change your diet. Sour, spicy foods, as well as foods rich in preservatives and chemicals should be excluded. It is good to increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits, as well as to give up sweets.
  2. Vegetables are best eaten raw.. When cooking, stewing and frying, vegetables lose a lot of useful substances, which means that the body receives an insufficient amount of a number of useful substances necessary to maintain dental health at the proper level.
  3. Increase fluid intake. Without the right amount of water, saliva is not properly secreted, which regulates the balance of the oral cavity.

Unconventional enamel strengthening methods

If changes in the anatomical integrity of the tooth enamel are insignificant, then you can not run to the dentist, but try to restore it at home. Of course, we are talking about folk remedies, which our grandmothers and great-grandmothers often resorted to, and had healthy and strong teeth until old age.

Tooth enamel before and after procedures

Strengthening tooth enamel at home with folk remedies involves the use of the following methods, both individually and in combination:

  1. gum massage. You need to do it daily, massaging the gums with soft movements. Such a simple action will increase the blood supply to the bones, mucous membranes, and enhance the regenerative abilities in the oral cavity.
  2. Increasing intake of foods containing calcium. These are dairy products, sesame, nuts, soy, parsley, cinnamon.
  3. Introduction to the diet of foods containing vitamin D. This vitamin is well absorbed along with calcium, and is found in foods such as chicken eggs, cream, butter, mackerel, caviar and many others.
  4. Rinsing. After each meal, rinse your mouth as thoroughly as possible with purified water. This will help remove food debris and prevent the growth of bacteria that contribute to the destruction of the enamel.
  5. Another very radical method, which, nevertheless, has a very high popularity. You should brush your teeth for a minute with a soft brush using ordinary soda.

    Soda and toothbrush

  6. Two tablets of regular activated charcoal, without any additives, crush into a fine powder, then add quite a bit of water. Brush your teeth with this “paste” every 3 days.
  7. Softly crushed strawberries, used as a mask for teeth, is also an excellent tool for restoring enamel.
  8. The best and safest remedy is tea tree essential oil.

    Tea tree essential oil and smile

    1. First way. A glass of water and 2-3 drops of oil. This mixture is an excellent replacement for traditional rinses. This method not only strengthens the enamel, but also disinfects the oral cavity, and is an excellent prevention of the appearance of caries and tartar.
    2. Second way Enamel strengthening with tea tree also helps to lighten the enamel. Directly on the brush should be applied a couple of drops, and then brush your teeth with oil. With this procedure, there may be a slight numbness of the gums and tongue, but this will pass. This simple action quickly strengthens the enamel, heals microcracks on the gums, heals bleeding gums and removes already formed tartar.
  9. Should be used decoction of common sage instead of a chemical post-cleansing rinse. To prepare a decoction, take a tablespoon of sage herb and pour a glass of cold water. Let simmer on low heat for about fifteen minutes, then strain.

    You can add a clove of garlic to the sage broth. Such a decoction will be even richer in vitamins and microelements, but much less palatable, and has a corresponding specific smell, so for those who are going on a date, it is better to postpone such rinsing for another time.

  10. Also effective decoction of wormwood. Prepare it in accordance with the above recipe, which indicates a decoction of sage, but you still need to insist for half an hour before filtering. This decoction has a very unpleasant taste, but its effectiveness has been confirmed by generations.
  11. It is very important to strengthen the teeth during pregnancy .

The main thing to remember is that it is best not to treat, but to prevent the problem. Prevention of the destruction of tooth enamel will not only prevent the occurrence of caries, but also protect mucous tissues from the development of inflammatory processes.

Statistics show that today the number of visits to dentists for dental diseases has increased. Despite advances in medicine, this problem remains relevant. Moreover, cases of treatment of patients who are diagnosed with a deterioration in the condition of the enamel have become more frequent. As you know, this not only gives unpleasant sensations to a person, but also leads to dental diseases. Therefore, today we will talk about how to strengthen tooth enamel. We will look at several effective ways.

What is tooth enamel?

It is the hardest tissue of the dental unit. The enamel is wear resistant. The anatomical crown of the tooth is covered with a layer that is located on top of the dentin. With him, she has a close structural and functional relationship during the development of the tooth and after its formation. Enamel has a protective function. It protects the dentin and pulp from the negative effects of irritants from the outside.

With all this, the enamel is fragile. Sometimes this manifests itself in the form of chips. And yet, its strength, in combination with the shock-absorbing properties of dentin, allows the teeth to withstand significant mechanical loads.

The thickness of the enamel on different sections of the crown is not the same. In the region of the neck of the tooth, it is the thinnest (approximately 0.01 mm). In other areas, its thickness does not exceed 1.7 mm. The coating has a translucent color of various shades (yellow, grayish, white). These variations are due to the varying thickness of the enamel and the shade of the underlying dentin.

The first sign of hypermineralization of the protective layer is just a change in its color. Enamel loses its transparency in problem areas. This needs to be addressed immediately.

Reasons for the deterioration of the enamel

Several factors (external and internal) are determined that can provoke a deterioration in the condition of the enamel. Depending on the nature of the origin, external factors are also classified by specialists. Temperature fluctuations often cause the destruction of the protective layer. It is the contrast that leads to the formation of cracks. And this already opens access to pathogenic microflora to the deep layers of the tooth. Chemical factors are considered the most dangerous. They are very aggressive to the enamel and lead to rapid destruction. Mechanical action leads to deformation and thinning of the protective layer. It can be blows, excessive pressure, chewing too hard food. Incorrect oral hygiene practices or lack of it are among the main factors.

Internal causes are due to general health and malnutrition. Common factors include malocclusion. If this problem is not solved, then it will certainly provoke violations in the structure of the enamel.

Let's go to the dentist

Specialists in service have several ways to strengthen tooth enamel. In cases of minor chips or cracks, filling materials can be used. This method is often used. The materials used perfectly clog microcracks, preventing microbes from penetrating inside the tooth.

The remineralization procedure allows you to make up for the lack of fluorine. This is the main substance that strengthens tooth enamel. The tissue is also saturated with calcium and other mineral elements. They perfectly fill the voids formed in the crystal lattice of the tissue. The procedure consists in covering the teeth with a special preparation. It is long, but very effective.

Fluoridation is a procedure that allows you to saturate tissues with healing and regenerating molecules. It consists in applying varnish or is carried out by the application method. The second method is to apply a fluoride gel daily for a month.

Innovative enamel restoration methods

Today, significant destruction of the protective layer of the tooth is not a problem for a specialist. There is a new technology for its restoration - enamel implantation. As a rule, the method is used for significant damage, as well as to achieve a high cosmetic result.

Enamel implantation solves the following problems.

  • Malocclusion.
  • Shading defects.
  • Irregular shape of teeth.
  • Excessive sensitivity.

The procedure consists in applying special preparations to the surface of the dental unit. They are identical in composition to tissues of natural origin. This substance perfectly integrates and has a protective function.

The advantages of the technique include:

  • The ability to completely restore the enamel.
  • Achieve excellent cosmetic results.
  • Restoration of bite without the use of braces.
  • The result obtained is stored for life.

Toothpaste that strengthens tooth enamel

It is no secret that in many respects the key to the success of hygiene procedures depends on the correct choice of brush and paste. Consider the basic principles that need to be considered in patients with enamel problems.

Those with sensitive teeth should only use a low abrasive toothpaste. At the same time, it must contain any active component (potassium or strontium chloride, potassium nitrate, hydroxyapatite). Also, the paste should differ in the content of an increased dose of fluorides. These products include LACALUT Extra Sensitive, PRESIDENT Sensitive, SENSODYNE F, SILCA Complete Sensitive and others.

Many experts say that today the Lakalut paste has the best composition. It simultaneously includes two active substances that reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings. It also contains two substances that strengthen the enamel. Moreover, one of which tends to remain on the surface of the teeth and penetrate into the enamel after the cleaning procedure. This component is called aminofluoride. It is very expensive, so not every manufacturer has the opportunity to introduce it into the paste.

How to strengthen tooth enamel at home?

In the event that the protective layer has minor damage, you can start treatment yourself. It is necessary to replenish the missing substances in the body. Products that strengthen tooth enamel should be present in the human diet every day. Experts recommend eating foods rich in calcium, vitamin D, and fluoride. For example, it can be dairy products, cabbage, fish, greens. There are also special complexes of minerals and vitamins. They will make up for the lack of nutrients.

How to strengthen tooth enamel at home with a special toothpaste? Everything is simple. It is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures in the usual way for you. The only condition is that the paste must be kept in the mouth for at least 10-15 minutes. Such daily procedures will allow you to quickly restore damaged areas.

You can also purchase special pastes or gels designed for remineralization. Usually they come with a cap for applications.

However, it is better to consult a specialist. He will be able to choose the right treatment that is right for you. Uncontrolled use of drugs can, on the contrary, aggravate the situation.


The enamel of milk teeth is inferior in strength to the protective coating of the permanent units of the jaw arch. Therefore, its condition must be closely monitored. The above signs of enamel deterioration are fully applicable to babies. And you need to respond immediately. In childhood, all dental diseases can proceed quite quickly. Every parent should know how to strengthen tooth enamel in children.

Modern techniques allow you to safely and painlessly solve problems with the state of enamel in children. A specialist may recommend a deep fluoridation procedure. Preparations that strengthen tooth enamel are absolutely harmless. They perfectly compensate for the lack of substances in the crystal lattice of enamel, seal microcracks. Fluoride varnishes do not change the natural color of the teeth.


Of course, dentists today are armed with various means that strengthen tooth enamel. However, any disease is better to prevent. What do experts recommend to us as prevention? How to strengthen tooth enamel?

The rules are quite simple. But they require a lot of patience from the patient.

  • Regular and thorough cleaning of the oral cavity.
  • Properly selected toothpaste and brush.
  • Respect for the teeth (do not bite, do not chew on hard objects, nuts, etc.).
  • Proper nutrition.
  • Regular visits to the dentist for check-ups every six months.

It is necessary to remember the fact that the right attitude towards your health will allow you to maintain it in excellent condition.

Instead of a conclusion

In the article, we examined several issues that relate to the protective tissues of our teeth. We learned what enamel is and what are the signs of its deterioration. We considered several options for how to strengthen tooth enamel on your own and in the doctor's office. All this information and its application will help to preserve the beauty of a smile for many years.

Taking care of your dental health is not only about going to the doctor from time to time, but also some of the obligations of taking care of your teeth at home. This includes daily proper brushing of teeth, the use of dental floss, special rinse solutions. But is this enough? And are there any other simple, literally improvised ways to strengthen the enamel at home? Of course, there are, it makes sense to consider them in more detail.

Tooth enamel and its description

If you take a dental unit, paint its structure, the enamel will be the hardest of the tissues. The main function of enamel is protection, it must protect the dentin, as well as the pulp, from the action of external stimuli. With this its main task, the enamel is still a fragile layer. This can be expressed in chips, but caries is the most dangerous for enamel.

Enamel does not differ in uniform thickness on the crown part of the tooth. A crown is the visible part of a tooth that sits above the gumline. It is thinnest in the region of the neck of the tooth. As for the color, it is translucent, it can be white, yellowish, grayish. The color is explained by the thickness of the layer, and the shade of the dentin itself, what is under it.

If the enamel in some areas has lost its transparency, this is the first symptom of hypermineralization. You need to see a doctor who will coordinate your actions, establish the extent of the problem.

Why enamel is destroyed

There are several factors that affect the condition of the enamel. They can be external and internal. So, internal factors are the general health of a person, chronic and acute diseases. Also, these factors include malnutrition, which greatly affects the health of the teeth. Incorrect bite is like a time bomb: it will definitely affect the health of the enamel.

External factors of enamel destruction:

Factors Affecting Enamel Health


Among them are the “pencil in the mouth” syndrome, seeds, opening sachets of sour cream with teeth, etc.

Excessive consumption of sour or sweet-sour juices is harmful to enamel.

This is a too hard toothbrush and highly abrasive pastes.

If there are voids in the dentition, the chewing load will be uneven, some teeth will be subject to excessive load, and this will also damage the enamel.

If the body lacks calcium and fluorine, then the crystal lattice of the enamel is destroyed

Of course, if you find any unpleasant symptom, you need to see a doctor. Only he will correctly diagnose and prescribe effective treatment. In addition to clinical treatment, the doctor will tell you how to care for enamel at home, and offer methods that are comfortable and affordable for the patient.

Using toothpaste to strengthen enamel

This is what comes to mind, probably, to everyone - it is worth buying the right toothpaste, namely the therapeutic effect. If the patient has teeth with high sensitivity, then the paste should be only with low abrasiveness. It must contain some active ingredient, for example, potassium chloride. The paste should contain an increased dosage of fluorides.

On the modern market, you can find pastes containing two active substances at once, which reduce the very sensitivity of the teeth. There are two substances in the paste that directly strengthen the enamel. One substance remains on the teeth after brushing and then penetrates directly into the enamel. This is aminofluoride - an expensive component, if it is in the composition of the paste, its price will be high.

Products: what destroys enamel

Improper nutrition will definitely negatively affect the integrity of tooth enamel. It makes sense to introduce some dangerous products under the ban right in childhood, so that their use is as limited as possible.

Enamel-damaging products:

Reduce the use of these products, and if you allowed yourself sweets or a glass of lemonade, rinse your mouth with soda solution, thoroughly clean the interdental spaces with dental floss.

And these products have a beneficial effect on tooth enamel:

  • water,
  • dairy and dairy products,

  • greens,
  • Strawberry,

  • cabbage,
  • vegetable oils,
  • green tea,

  • sesame seeds,
  • fish,

  • egg yolk.
  • If you decide to give up junk food, switch to proper nutrition, at first you can make a weekly menu. Distribute products from the list of healthy foods by day of the week, combine, try in different forms. Such innovations will definitely affect the condition of the teeth and gums, and the sooner you come to proper nutrition, the better for your teeth.

    Folk recipes to strengthen enamel

    It will not be superfluous to draw some useful information from the so-called traditional medicine. There are recipes, as they say, time-tested. But they also need to be chosen and used wisely.

    One of the best natural products for dental health is honey. In particular, propolis is considered a healing agent for teeth. Propolis chewing gum strengthens enamel, maintains healthy gums. You can add honey to propolis, a couple of drops of lemon juice, and two drops of mint oil will not hurt. You can also apply propolis to your toothbrush and use it as a natural toothpaste from time to time.

    Another natural, health-improving component for teeth is salt. This is perhaps the most affordable enamel care product at home. A small spoonful of salt in a cup of warm water is the simplest and most effective rinse, good for the mouth as a whole. And if you mix sea salt with oil, you get a healing mask for your teeth. You can keep the composition on your teeth for 5-10 minutes, then rinse your mouth.

    The following plant components will also be useful for enamel:

    What can be done daily is self-massage of the gums. It is done with fingertips, light movements. No need to press hard, the massage should be pleasant. It improves the processes of blood circulation in the gums, which has a good effect on the teeth, including enamel.

    If you didn’t like green tea before, now you can try to make this drink frequent in your menu. Tea has many enviable properties, one of them is that catechins are found in its leaves. And this, by the way, is the strongest antioxidant. It destroys pathogenic bacteria that lead to thinning of the enamel and subsequent carious processes.

    Strengthening tooth enamel in a child

    The child's teeth are still weak and sensitive. Many parents are concerned that caries appears on their child's milk teeth, they think that this indicates a weakness of the teeth. But the carious lesion of milk teeth does not at all mean that the permanent teeth will be weak, prone to caries. So the most important thing is to teach your child how to properly brush their teeth, take care of them, and not be afraid of the dentist.

    Milk teeth definitely need to be treated. Damaged enamel will cause caries, a diseased tooth will “infect” the neighboring one, and healthy teeth will suffer. Teeth affected by caries do not grow properly. They leave difficult-to-remove stumps that interfere with the growth of permanent teeth.

    Perhaps the best folk remedy for strengthening children's enamel is propolis. If honey is not allergenic for a child, you can give him a piece of propolis to chew. In addition to the fact that this product strengthens the enamel, it also disinfects the oral cavity.

    Sodas, especially sweet ones, should be rare on kids' menus. The real enemy of tooth enamel is juices with a straw. And the juices themselves are a huge amount of sugar, and drinking through a straw is too harmful for fragile enamel.

    Teach your child to eat the right food, cottage cheese with a small amount of sour cream, honey will be especially useful for teeth, you can add dried fruits or berries there.

    If a competent attitude towards your teeth becomes a habit, a beautiful smile is guaranteed without the efforts of dentists.

    Video - Strengthening enamel at home

Enamel is the thinnest but strongest layer of the tooth that covers and protects it. Tooth enamel consists of the following components:

  • minerals,
  • calcium,
  • phosphorus.

With the age of a person, the percentage of the composition of the enamel changes, it becomes thinner. This leads to the development of various diseases. How to strengthen tooth enamel, you will learn from the article.

What causes damage to tooth enamel?

When enamel is damaged, its inner layer (dentin) is exposed. Dentin contains a huge number of nerve endings, which is why the tooth becomes sensitive to cold, hot, and other irritants.

In addition, without enamel, teeth begin to deteriorate quickly. Enamel, unlike bones, does not have the ability to recover, so even a slight chip or crack is a serious damage to the tooth. Enamel does not contain living cells that can self-repair. Its damage or thinning is an excellent condition for the development of a carious process.

Why does enamel break down?

The destruction of enamel can occur for the following reasons:

  • heredity,
  • malfunctions in the digestive tract, resulting in dry mouth, heartburn, vomiting,
  • fluorine deficiency in enamel,
  • improper oral hygiene,
  • taking certain medications: aspirin, antihistamines,
  • bruxism (teeth grinding),
  • problems with saliva production: insufficient saliva leads to drying out of the teeth, making them vulnerable to infection,
  • plaque contains food debris and bacteria that release special toxins that destroy enamel. As a result, it wears out faster, and the possibility of developing a carious process increases significantly,
  • excessive consumption of foods that destroy enamel: carbonated water, sweets, acidic foods.

Symptoms of enamel damage

  • increased sensitivity of the teeth: cold, hot, sour foods and even cold air cause pain,
  • when a tooth is damaged, the dentin is exposed and becomes more vulnerable to external factors, so the tooth may (turn yellow or blacken),
  • chips and cracks appear
  • the formation of carious cavities.

How to strengthen tooth enamel: 5 reliable ways

If you want to strengthen the enamel, the following methods will come to the rescue, which must be used in combination:

Proper nutrition

Include the following foods in your diet to help strengthen your teeth:

  • Dairy

Milk, cheese, kefir, yogurt contain a lot of phosphorus and calcium, which provide enamel remineralization. In addition, dairy products contribute to the normal production of saliva, which performs a protective function. For people with lactose intolerance, calcium-fortified soy milk is suitable.

Dairy products are a source of calcium, which certainly has a good effect on tooth enamel.

  • Strawberry

Contains a lot of vitamin C and antioxidants. Helps to maintain in order both the teeth and the oral mucosa. Strawberries contain malic acid, which naturally cleanses the surface of the teeth from plaque, and also has a slight whitening effect.

Who would have thought, but strawberries perfectly clean teeth from plaque, thereby strengthening tooth enamel

  • Celery

Contains a large amount of fiber, which makes it possible to effectively clean the surface of the teeth from plaque. It is very useful to slowly chew celery, so you will provide not only brushing your teeth, but also an excellent massage of the gums, as well as stimulation of saliva production.

  • VitaminD

This element plays an important role in the regulation of proteins that create tooth enamel. These are fish, fish oil, egg yolk.

  • Sesame

Contains abrasive particles that help clean bacteria from enamel. Sesame contains a lot of calcium. You can add a handful of sesame seeds to a salad, it is very tasty.

  • Parsley

This green has a powerful antibacterial property, preventing the development of infection in the oral cavity. You can add it to salads, or you can just chew it.

  • Vitamin K

Promotes bone growth and the absorption of nutrients by them. Helps strengthen teeth when combined with vitamin D (cabbage, broccoli, egg yolk, hard cheese).

  • Tea

Tea leaves are high in antioxidants and fluoride. Green tea contains a special substance - a polyphenol, which prevents plaque from attaching to the surface of the teeth.


Strengthening enamel involves saturating it with useful trace elements. For these purposes, dentistry uses several methods:

Teeth absorb fluorine through their surface, which is why to saturate the enamel with fluorine, various gels and pastes containing this substance are applied to the teeth. Special ones are also used, which are filled with a special fluorine-containing gel. Such devices are worn at night.

In addition, special applications are used: individual wax casts are made. A substance containing fluorine is poured into them and applied to the teeth.

There is a special technology that allows you to restore teeth with cracks and chips. For such purposes, materials are used that, in composition, are as close as possible to a natural tooth. They connect to the tooth at the cellular level, penetrating into the enamel and filling all the voids.

Teeth fluoridation before and after photo


To restore the enamel in this case, substances are used that maximally resemble the composition of saliva. Stay tuned for a full article on remineralization coming soon. Read a separate article here.

Folk remedies

You can strengthen the enamel using folk proven methods:

  • rinse your mouth with saline before bed
  • slowly chew the white flesh of the lemon peel,
  • brush your teeth once a week with a mixture of activated charcoal and water,
  • massage the gums with a soft brush, so you will ensure a rush of blood to the mucosa,
  • chew carrots, apples, celery, these products naturally clean the surface of the teeth from plaque,
  • rinse your mouth with a solution of propolis tincture and warm water,
  • 1-2 times a year spend,
  • use floss (dental floss)
  • rinse your mouth with tea tree oil water (3 drops of oil in a glass of water),
  • drink enough pure water.

Proper Prevention

  • brush your teeth regularly with a quality toothpaste
  • don't go for sweets
  • Don't Overdo Whitening Toothpastes
  • treat dental diseases in a timely manner
  • eat dairy and dairy products
  • limit your coffee and tea intake
  • stop smoking.

The key to the successful operation of the body systems and its internal organs is healthy teeth and gums. And how to strengthen the teeth, if necessary?

We will reveal the methods of strengthening with the help of nutritional correction and the use of special tools in more detail.

How to strengthen teeth

To keep your teeth strong, you need to carry out simple preventive procedures:

  1. Brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day;
  2. Rinse your mouth after eating;
  3. Get checked out by your dentist every six months
  4. Use dental floss;
  5. Include foods rich in fluoride and calcium in your diet;
  6. Take vitamin complexes.

Foods to keep your teeth strong:

Salt treatments with a therapeutic effect at home

Historical information

For the first time, Boris Bolotov proposed to strengthen the gums with salt, who discovered the rejuvenating properties of sea and edible salt.

But about the healing properties, Siberian healers knew back in the last century, who used this substance for treatment

Salt is usually used not only for dental treatment, but for the restoration of the intestines, stomach and other organs.

It is compatible with mixtures, preparations, medicinal plants.

Bolotov's recipes to strengthen teeth and gum tissue

  • Using Garlic Salt Filling. In the place of damage, it is necessary to lay a mixture of salt and garlic powder, cover with cotton wool on top. Helps with caries.
  • Salt gum massage. Sea salt is applied to the toothbrush along with oil, brush your teeth for three minutes
Periodontitis lesions are treated with saline solutions with the addition of tincture and decoction of herbs.

Sea salt, to which a decoction of herbs in the amount of 200 grams is added, will help get rid of suppuration of the gum pocket. Helps to cope with the disease in just one day. Rinsing with a water-salt solution eliminates unpleasant odors, keeps gums and teeth healthy.

Important! If you daily rinse your mouth with saline solutions, then soon you will completely forget about diseases of the mouth, throat and respiratory infections.

Strengthening teeth and gums with folk remedies

In addition to medical methods for the treatment of dental diseases, folk remedies are always used. Apply tinctures of herbs, their decoctions or teas. Using them for prevention, you will visit doctors less. They are cheap and available, practically have no contraindications (exception: allergic reactions).

The effect after their application occurs in a short time, sometimes bleeding, pain and inflammatory reactions decrease immediately after administration.

  • eggplant have healing properties. It is necessary to dry the skin of this vegetable and grind it in a meat grinder, pour boiling water over it and leave to infuse for 30 minutes, then add a teaspoon of salt. Rinse several times a day.
  • Hypericum tincture. Eliminates bad breath and strengthens gums. One tablespoon is poured over the floor with liters of vodka and insisted for a week, then 40 drops are dripped into a glass of water, and taken three times a day for one week.
  • A decoction of oak bark and linden flowers. How to make: mix one to one to make one teaspoon, pour boiling water (1 cup), cool and strain. Take one spoon (table) 4 times a day. Great for preventing bleeding.
  • Sage. Strengthens weak teeth and gum tissue. You can rinse your mouth daily or take a decoction of this plant, even for a child.
  • pharmacy chamomile. Take chamomile flowers (in dry form) in the amount of two tablespoons and pour water. Rinse your mouth after meals for three months intermittently. Flowers perfectly heal, strengthen the gums, and increase their resistance to adverse conditions for them.
  • Propolis. Stimulate and restore the gums, excellent protection against inflammation. It is necessary to take one teaspoon of propolis and pour it with warm water. Rinse in the morning and evening for a month. Repeat the course 4 times a year.
  • Milk. Strengthens tooth enamel. The effect is only from homemade natural milk, and not powdered with chemicals.
  • tea tree (oil). It is freely available in every pharmacy. In a glass of water - three drops of oil, rinse the mouth with a solution every day. Oil freshens breath and neutralizes microorganisms.
  • Beeswax chewing gum. It is necessary to mix, melt 100 grams of wax, then add 3 drops of mint oil, 10 drops of lemon juice, 50 g of honey. Let the mixture cool and form into small balls. Chew these gums after meals.
  • Horseradish. Prevent the growth of pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity.

Folk medicines improve the condition of the oral cavity within a month. When using funds, do not forget to visit the dentist. A tandem of dental procedures and folk remedies will protect against gingivitis and periodontal disease.

Medications to strengthen teeth

Well strengthens tooth enamel remineralizing gel called Rocks. It minimizes the sensitivity of the teeth, normalizes the microflora of the mouth, strengthens the enamel of the teeth and whitens by a couple of tones, is often used for caries. Application: apply to the surface of the teeth (after brushing) in the morning and evening.

In order for teeth to retain their health and beauty for a long time, it is necessary to give up bad habits, this applies to drinking alcohol in unreasonable amounts and smoking.

Bad habits wash calcium out of the body, the teeth wear out quickly, and the gums become inflamed.
  • Immune functions are significantly reduced under the influence of alcohols and nicotine, enamel deteriorates, and the risk of inflammation in the oral cavity increases.
  • Bad habits also include excessive consumption of coffee, which leaches calcium. For these reasons, it is recommended to drink no more than two cups of strong drink per day.
  • Teeth are not designed for opening bottles or cracking nut shells. Such loads increase the sensitivity of the teeth, and lead to cracks.
  • Avoid too hot drinks and food.

In conclusion, I would like to say that dental diseases are often hidden. It is incredibly difficult to determine the causes of pain and bleeding on your own. At the first symptoms of pain and discomfort, you need to seek help from a doctor who will determine their causes and prescribe treatment and preventive procedures, including folk ones, in order to improve your health.


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