Pain and heaviness in the stomach. Where is the epigastric region. Pain in the pit of the stomach: causes and treatment

Which doctor should I contact if there is pain in the pit of the stomach:

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Do you have pain in your buttocks? You need to be very careful about your overall health. People do not pay enough attention to the symptoms of diseases and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific signs, characteristic external manifestations - the so-called symptoms of the disease. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, it is simply necessary to be examined by a doctor several times a year in order not only to prevent a terrible disease, but also to maintain a healthy spirit in the body and the body as a whole.

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Pain under the stomach

Epigastric region (epigastrium, regio epigastrica) - the area directly under the xiphoid process, corresponding to the projection of the stomach onto the anterior abdominal cavity.

If you mentally draw a line along the abdomen, through the lower edge of the ribs, everything above this line to the ribs (a triangle is obtained) is the epigastric region.

What diseases cause pain in the pit of the stomach

In the stage of subcompensation in patients, the feeling of heaviness and fullness in the pit of the stomach increases, belching appears with an unpleasant smell of rotten eggs due to a long delay in food in the stomach. Patients are often disturbed by sharp colicky pains associated with increased peristalsis of the stomach. These pains are accompanied by transfusion, rumbling in the abdomen. Almost every day there is profuse vomiting, which brings relief, so often patients cause vomiting artificially. Vomit contains an admixture of food taken long before vomiting.

The stage of decompensation is characterized by a feeling of fullness in the pit of the stomach, profuse daily vomiting, sometimes multiple times. In the absence of self-vomiting, patients are forced to induce vomiting artificially or resort to gastric lavage through a tube. The vomit contains foul-smelling, decomposing food residues many days ago. After emptying the stomach, relief occurs for several hours. Thirst occurs, diuresis decreases as a result of dehydration. Insufficient intake of food and water in the intestines is the cause of constipation. Some patients develop diarrhea due to the ingestion of fermentation products from the stomach into the intestines.

Pain in the stomach what does it mean

Pain in the pit of the stomach, why?

In our age of technological progress, a person often sacrifices his precious health. The constantly deteriorating environmental situation around the world negatively affects the body of each of us. Despite progress in the field of medicine, there are many diseases that are beyond the power of doctors. In this article, we will consider a rather interesting symptom - pain under the left rib. What actually causes discomfort in this area?

Many people consider pain on the left under the ribs a sign of heart disease. However, this is not quite true. Only acute and burning symptoms on the left can be caused by myocardial infarction. Pain radiates to the arm and shortness of breath appears. It is with such symptoms that a person needs urgent hospitalization in order to avoid dire consequences.

If you are suffering from acute pain under the ribs, it is quite possible that you have neuralgia. In this case, frequent convulsions, vomiting appear, the skin becomes pale.

In the left side it can hurt as a result of an enlarged spleen. This is very dangerous for human health. If you delay, the organ can rupture and cause severe, and sometimes even irreversible consequences. This disease is manifested by the following symptoms: bruises under the eyes, blue spots appear in the navel.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Often, many people experience severe pain in the pit of the stomach. Of course, for a person without a medical education, this expression will seem strange. However, we will try to shed some light on this issue. The so-called epigastric region is a synonym for the above expression. It is pain that has arisen in an imaginary triangle. Draw it like this: you need to draw a line that will be a tangent to the lower edge of the ribs and mark the place above it. It is pain in this area in everyday life that is called "pain in the pit of the stomach." Unfortunately, many of us experience this disease.

There are many reasons why pain occurs. To begin with, we list some of them and define the symptoms. So, a number of so-called extra-abdominal diseases is the first reason that causes pain in the pit of the stomach. These include urolithiasis, pneumonia of the left side, various pathologies of the pleura. Well-known pancreatitis can easily cause discomfort under the left rib. Banal gastritis, infectious diseases, frequent constipation contribute to the manifestation of acute pain in the epigastric region. When internal organs are affected (duodenum, pancreas, spleen and diaphragm), discomfort immediately arises in the left side. And these are not all the reasons why pain in the pit of the stomach torments people. Move on. Hepatic colic, the symptoms of which are burning sensations in the epigastric region, do not bode well. It is not excluded that the pain in the pit of the stomach can be caused by acute appendicitis.

Duodenitis, manifested by gag reflexes and lethargy, is another reason why the epigastric region is worried. Do not exclude the possibility of myocardial infarction. With this disease, excessive sweating, dizziness occurs. Our "pump" pumping blood is located on the diaphragm. As you know, under this area is the stomach. This is why misdiagnosis is often made. However, the very fact of the occurrence of the above symptoms is a reason for reflection. Most often, this is how myocardial infarctions manifest themselves in the fair sex.

This ailment is caused by a formation called a thrombus, which entails necrosis of the heart muscle. With such a serious and life-threatening disease, you must immediately take nitroglycerin, which dilates blood vessels. Best of all - medicine in the form of a spray. It's convenient and more efficient. See a doctor who will prescribe you a heart aspirin. This drug will prevent blood clots from forming. Remember one thing: if the discomfort does not subside within minutes, you need to urgently go to the hospital, otherwise you risk your health.

As you can see, pain in the pit of the stomach is caused by many diseases. Determining the cause yourself is almost impossible. That is why it is best to turn to doctors who will correctly diagnose and, accordingly, prescribe treatment. Take care of yourself!

If the pain in the stomach radiates to the back, you should not hesitate to treat

Abdominal pain radiating to the back can be a symptom of serious dysfunction of the internal organs, requiring immediate treatment from specialists. There can be many reasons for such pain, and only a doctor can determine what you are sick with and prescribe the right treatment. If the characteristic girdle pain in the stomach radiates to the back, there may be chronic cholecystitis, pancreatitis, or diseases of the lungs and heart, peptic ulcer. In any case, such symptoms should not be ignored and “treated” with painkillers, because they will only temporarily alleviate the condition, but they will not solve the problem.


The most common symptomatic disease diagnosed when stomach pain radiates to the back is pancreatic dysfunction. In this case, even acute or chronic pancreatitis is possible. Often, pain occurs when the disease recurs and may be accompanied by nausea, bloating, vomiting, and digestive upset. Feeling that the pain in the stomach radiates to the back, most often appears within an hour after eating or at night.

stomach disease

When a sharp pain in the stomach radiates to the back, shoulder blade or right shoulder, an urgent need to consult a doctor due to the high probability of having a perforated stomach or duodenal ulcer. These diseases can be a threat to a person’s life, therefore, with such symptoms, an ambulance should be called. While waiting for the doctors, you need to ensure the rest of the patient. It is strictly forbidden to give him painkillers, food or water.

Gallbladder diseases

Violations of the functions of the gallbladder and stomach can cause such a condition when the stomach and back hurt. During this, patients feel bitterness in the mouth, localization of pain is in the sacroiliac region, intestinal spasms often occur, hearing may deteriorate, dizziness and runny nose may appear. All this points to dysfunction of the gallbladder. In this case, you need to urgently consult a gastroenterologist. It will determine if there are gallstones in the gallbladder that need to be removed surgically.

hepatic colic

Hepatic colic occurs against the background of cholelithiasis. Acute sharp pain appears quite suddenly and rapidly increases in the right hypochondrium, radiating to the collarbone or shoulder blade. It can be provoked by intense physical activity, malnutrition, etc. The pain often intensifies with a deep breath. Along with it, nausea, fever, and sometimes vomiting appear.

What to do while waiting for an ambulance?

For all cases when very severe pain in the stomach radiates to the back, it is recommended to call an ambulance, as a fatal outcome may occur, for example, if it is a recurrence of a peptic ulcer and bleeding has occurred. Before the arrival of specialists, it is necessary to provide the patient with complete rest, do not give any drugs. He can't eat or drink either. Only a doctor can identify the real cause of the pain and prescribe treatment. Remember that self-medication in the case when the stomach hurts, gives to the back or other parts of the body, can lead to fatal consequences.

Sucking under the spoon. What does this mean and where is this "spoon"?

Exactly in the center of the junction of the ribs above the stomach. It has the shape of a spoon, which is why it is called so. By the way, it breaks from the most unprofessional blow and causes severe pain - as it affects not only the stomach, but also the lungs (“Do not breathe, do not fart”).

A blow by a professional to this place is able to send a person to a meeting with his great-great-grandfather.

Sucking in the pit of the stomach - reflex contraction of the muscular sac (stomach) due to lack of filling (for example, water). It just "pulls", and the spoon here is just a designation of the item.

When they say that they suck in the stomach, they mean a aching dull pain in the stomach. This usually means that the person is experiencing some pain from hunger.

In the figure below you can see where this spoon is located, namely this is a1.

The spoon is located in the middle of the upper abdominal region, limited by the cartilages of the 6 lower ribs.

Sometimes such an expression can be applied to a feeling of fear or hunger, which are associated with the human body.

And in fact, it is this spoon that is called the initial section in our stomach. And there is such an area in the place where the lower ribs on the human body are connected.

When a person begins to worry or worry a lot, then there may also be such a phenomenon in that place.

“The spoon is the epigastric region, that is, the initial or cardial section of the stomach. On the body, it really has the shape of a spoon and is externally located at the junction of the lower ribs. Sucking in the epigastrium or under the “spoon” happens with an empty stomach and a feeling of hunger, with helminthic invasions, with diseases of the stomach, even with early toxicosis of pregnancy.

Sucking in the pit of the stomach - this means that there are problems with the stomach, possibly gastritis.

Another cause of ventricular sucking is myocardial infarction.

The third option is appendicitis.

As for the place that this spoon is, in the photo it is clearly marked with the number 1.

To be honest, anatomically accurate, I don’t know where this very “spoon” is located, but judging by some of my own feelings, in moments of anxiety (or danger) it usually “sucks” in the “solar plexus” area. So, most likely, somewhere there it should be looked for.

The spoon is located approximately between the ribs, it is easy to feel, especially for thin people. This is a hole under the heart, under the end of the sternum. When a person wants to eat, he feels a rumbling, pushing, gurgling under this place. This means that it's time to eat, in this case you should not delay lunch.

This condition may also be accompanied by nausea, dizziness, discomfort in the stomach. Perhaps you should see a gastroenterologist, this may be the beginning of gastritis, ulcers or pancreatitis.

If sucks in the stomach, then the stomach asks for food. Personally, this is how it is for me.

As soon as you eat, and sometimes after drinking, you stop sucking under the so-called spoon, which is located in the place of the solar plexus. The place where the ribs fuse in front at the very bottom on the chest (the end of the sternum).

Sometimes sucking in the pit of the stomach begins with excitement, fear. Then you need to calm down and everything will pass.

Under the spoon - this area corresponds to the stomach, located in the lower part of the chest between the ribs. If you starve long enough, then at first there will be a feeling of emptiness, hunger, and pain may also begin.

A spoon in Russia has long been called a hollow between the ribs, it is clearly visible in fairly slender people and really looks like a spoon.

Sucking in the stomach is a set expression that is used in colloquial speech. Most often, this expression implies a feeling of hunger.

The spoon in this case is an outdated word that denoted a depression under the xiphoid process at the bottom of the ribs (the place of the solar plexus).

And what can hurt in the left hypochondrium?

A sudden pain in your left side makes you worry about your health. The pain can be sharp, dull, aching, occur suddenly or gradually increase. Most importantly, you need to understand what caused the illness.

A hernia of the left dome of the diaphragm, a hernia of the Spigelian line on the left are not visually determined, they are not visible, but they make themselves felt with pain.

Chronic pyelonephritis, its exacerbation, renal colic, inflammatory processes in the left appendages, ectopic pregnancy - these are not all the causes of pain in the left side, the trigger of which is trouble in the genitourinary system.

It would seem that the respiratory organs have nothing to do with the stomach, but left-sided lower lobe pneumonia with reactive pleurisy is the case that needs to be remembered.

Pain under the stomach

General information

The epigastric region is the area directly below the xiphoid process, corresponding to the projection of the stomach onto the anterior abdominal cavity. If you mentally draw a line along the abdomen, through the lower edge of the ribs, everything above this line to the ribs (a triangle is obtained) is the epigastric region.

Discomfort in the epigastric zone (the area below the xiphoid process, corresponding to the projection of the stomach onto the wall of the peritoneum) is commonly called pain in the pit of the stomach.

If we draw an imaginary horizontal line at the level of the lower edge of the ribs, and also outline the bottom of the costal vaults, then the resulting triangular region will correspond to the epigastrium. Pain in the pit of the stomach, depending on the localization of the clinical syndrome, serves as a guideline for establishing the diagnosis.

Causes of pain in the stomach

Pain in the pit of the stomach and right hypochondrium is more often observed with damage to the diaphragm, esophagus, duodenum, biliary tract, liver, pancreas, cardia of the stomach, and also with:

Pain in the pit of the stomach and left hypochondrium is noted with hiatal hernia, fundal gastritis, pancreatitis, damage to the spleen, splenic angle of the colon, constipation, as well as extra-abdominal diseases (left-sided pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, vesicoureteral reflux, left-sided pneumonia).

The appearance of pain primarily in the pit of the stomach or around the navel, followed by the movement of pain to the right iliac region, the greatest soreness and muscle tension in this area are characteristic of acute appendicitis.

Pain in the stomach;

pain on palpation in the pit of the stomach.

The diagnosis is confirmed by duodenofibroscopy, which reveals inflammatory changes in the duodenal mucosa. With a very rare phlegmonous duodenitis, the general condition of the patient worsens sharply, the tension of the muscles of the abdominal wall under the pit of the stomach, a positive Shchetkin-Blumberg symptom, fever, neutrophilic leukocytosis, and an increase in ESR are determined.

Other diseases

The compensated stage of pyloroduodenal stenosis does not have any pronounced clinical signs, since the stomach relatively easily overcomes the difficulty in passing food through the narrowed area. The general condition of the patients is satisfactory. Against the background of the usual symptoms of peptic ulcer, patients note a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the pit of the stomach, mainly after a heavy meal, somewhat more often than before, there is heartburn, belching of sour and occasionally vomiting of gastric contents with a pronounced sour taste. After vomiting, the pain under the spoon disappears.

In the stage of subcompensation in patients, the feeling of heaviness and fullness in the pit of the stomach increases, belching appears with an unpleasant smell of rotten eggs due to a long delay in food in the stomach. Patients are often disturbed by sharp colicky pains associated with increased peristalsis of the stomach. These pains are accompanied by transfusion, rumbling in the abdomen. Almost every day there is profuse vomiting, which brings relief, so often patients cause vomiting artificially. Vomit contains an admixture of food taken long before vomiting.

The stage of decompensation is characterized by a feeling of fullness in the pit of the stomach, profuse daily vomiting, sometimes multiple times. In the absence of self-vomiting, patients are forced to induce vomiting artificially or resort to gastric lavage through a tube. After emptying the stomach, relief occurs for several hours. Thirst occurs, diuresis decreases as a result of dehydration. Insufficient intake of food and water in the intestines is the cause of constipation. Some patients develop diarrhea due to the ingestion of fermentation products from the stomach into the intestines.

Gastrointestinal disorders in PTI are almost always accompanied by intoxication phenomena:

an increase in body temperature;

short-term loss of consciousness;

Often, patients name a “suspicious” product, which, in their opinion, served as a factor in infection. Pain in the pit of the stomach is characteristic of food poisoning, salmonellosis and certain forms of acute dysentery, which proceeds according to the type of food poisoning, for the initial period of viral hepatitis. At the first symptoms of pain in the pit of the stomach and other painful conditions, it is necessary to seek help from a gastroenterologist. The doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment that will relieve the patient of pain and restore the normal state of the body.

What is the pain in the stomach associated with?

Pain in the pit of the stomach - pain that occurs in the area just below the median edge of the sternum. This place - behind the anterior abdominal wall - corresponds to the location of the stomach and other equally important organs of the digestive system. Sometimes the location is shifted to the left or right, and then the pain is felt immediately under the ribs. It should be noted right away that the location of pain in a certain place will not always indicate any organ. In medical practice, there are enough examples when the affected organ “gives off” its pain sensations to a neighboring or generally located on the periphery and in no way connected with it. But, despite this, the characteristic localization of pain can serve as the main symptom of the disease, and at the same time a signal for immediate treatment.

The reasons why there is pain in the pit of the stomach are different and may not even be associated with the organs of the digestive system:

  • acute inflammation of the appendix;
  • gastritis;
  • acute or chronic pancreatitis;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • pinched nerve;
  • pathology of the nervous or vascular system;
  • banal overeating;
  • sudden perforation of a stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the large intestine, etc.

What does shifting pain to the side mean?

Pain on the left under the ribs will almost always indicate the development of gastritis or pancreatitis. Unpleasant sensations in this area are associated with colds of the kidneys. Pain in the right hypochondrium indicates a disease of the liver or gallbladder. It is often associated with a violation of the outflow of bile in cholelithiasis or malfunctions of the liver when taking large amounts of fatty or spicy foods (especially after hepatitis).

Causes of acute pain

Acute pain in the pit of the stomach occurs in case of exacerbation of pancreatitis or with acute inflammation of the appendix. In this case, the pain can be so severe that the patient loses consciousness. In both the first and second cases, urgent hospitalization is necessary, because in the event of a rupture of any of the organs, there is a danger of purulent peritonitis. This disease is very difficult to treat and in many cases is fatal. Acute pain under the left rib indicates an attack of gastritis or perforation of an ulcer, in rare cases, a heart disease or osteochondrosis.

Causes of dull pain

Dull pain in the pit of the stomach is an alarming symptom and indicates chronic gastritis or acute atony of the stomach. The first case manifests itself with long-term unbalanced nutrition, and the second - as a result of myocardial infarction, surgery or infectious lesions.

To relieve pain in the pit of the stomach, you can take one tablet of drotaverine (or No-Shpa), but no more. It must be borne in mind that without mandatory research procedures, an accurate diagnosis is impossible. Therefore, immediately after taking the pill, you must urgently contact the clinic, where they will establish the true cause of pain. The pain itself cannot be cured. This is not an independent disease, but only a concomitant symptom. Therefore, speaking about the treatment of pain, they mean the elimination of the true cause of its occurrence.

News of health, medicine and longevity

Interesting, useful and necessary information for your health

Who hasn't had a stomachache in their life?! The usual reaction in this case is to drink a painkiller or wait until everything passes by itself. In most cases, everything works out, and the pain disappears. But the trouble is that pain is often a sign of disorder in the body. And if it appears regularly, then it is worth looking for its causes. Especially if the pain is accompanied by other symptoms. In order not to panic in vain, you need to at least approximately know what the pain in a particular area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen is talking about. This will help to notice a dangerous disease in time or not to worry about a temporary bowel disorder.

So, the types of pain and what they mean:

Pain under the stomach

Does the pain appear, as they say, under the spoon - under the right rib and closer to the center, most often on an empty stomach or immediately after a meal? In 95% of cases, this is a stomach disease. Very, very rarely, under the guise of stomach pain, a heart attack can be masked. But with heart problems, nausea, heartburn, vomiting, and belching are unlikely to be present. These symptoms will testify in favor of the stomach.

But stomach diseases can be different. Acute dagger pain is characteristic of a stomach ulcer. Intolerable dagger pains may accompany the perforation of the ulcer. In this case, the pain intensifies with sudden movements and breathing, does not subside and gradually spreads throughout the abdomen. In this case, there should be no delay - after perforation, bleeding begins, which threatens life. If the pain is accompanied by a sharp pallor, sudden weakness and a drop in pressure, an ambulance should be called.

With a stomach ulcer, the pain may be mild - it all depends on the severity and location of the ulcer. But she is always “hungry” - she appears when she wants to eat, and disappears after eating. When the stomach is affected, "early pain" appears - an hour after eating. If there is a duodenal ulcer, then "late pain" appears a couple of hours after eating. With this disease, the stomach often hurts at night. Pain is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, heartburn, belching, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen.

All these symptoms are similar to gastritis, gastroduodenitis, which we wrote about on our website Only a doctor can accurately distinguish gastritis from an ulcer after an unpleasant procedure of swallowing the intestine of fibrogastroscopy - FGS. But you can approximately understand what it is - gastritis or an ulcer - on your own. The time of onset of pain depends on the acidity of the gastritis. With gastritis with low acidity, pain often occurs after eating, subsiding on an empty stomach. With increased acidity, pain is tormented on an empty stomach. Therefore, appetite in patients with gastritis is often reduced or absent altogether. Gastritis is characterized by morning pain. The strength of the pain is completely different - from acute to dull, barely felt. But for gastritis, to a greater extent than for ulcers, severe pain in the stomach is characteristic.

Pain is accompanied by the same bouquet - nausea, vomiting, heaviness in the stomach, heartburn or belching. But with gastritis, unlike an ulcer, heaviness appears in the stomach after eating, diarrhea often occurs, as well as headaches. The latter are not associated in any way with gastritis and gastroduodenitis, but in vain. In addition, with gastritis, pressure is often lowered.

Severe burning pain and heartburn is gastroesophageal reflux disease.

A herniated diaphragm can cause pain similar to that of gastritis or an ulcer - upper left. Very often it is accompanied by pain in the chest, which immediately suggests a heart. In order to dismiss suspicions of a heart attack or angina pectoris, a test is performed - you need to bend or lie flat on your stomach. If the pain remains unchanged, then it is urgent to check whether there is a heart attack and other heart diseases. If the pain intensifies, then there is a hernia of the diaphragm.

Pain in the left side

This symptom has many contenders for victory.

For the defeat of the spleen is characterized by vivid symptoms. Any movements and even lying on the left side cause bouts of stabbing pain. Also join the pain in the navel. Purely visually, you can see a dense ledge on the left. The skin becomes pale. If the process goes too far and the rupture of the spleen begins, then the skin around the navel turns blue.

Pain in the left side of the abdomen, in the lower part, often accompanies problems with the intestines - an intestinal infection, colitis, enterocolitis. In this case, diarrhea is observed, sometimes with mucus and blood. With an intestinal infection, the temperature rises. Sometimes such pains are characteristic of irritable bowel syndrome. The reasons for this misfortune have not been determined. But it is known that suffer from irritable bowel syndrome most often nervous and sensitive people, as well as children. This disease is characterized by periodic spasms of the intestine, manifested by acute pain in the abdomen. The pain disappears as suddenly as it appeared, very often after a bowel movement or taking antispasmodics. The disease is accompanied by bloating, increased gas formation, and instability of the stool.

Oddly enough, but pain in the left abdomen can cause pneumonia and viral pleurisy. If at the same time the diaphragm is touched, then it seems that the stomach hurts. The difference between pulmonary pain in this case is that acute pain occurs only when a person takes a breath. And the deeper the breath, the stronger the pain. So you can try to determine if lung disease is hiding under the mask of stomach pain.

Pain in the left lower abdomen can cause colonic diverticulitis. Its difference is that the pain is not accompanied by diarrhea, but by constipation, as well as a rise in temperature, nausea and vomiting.

Pain on the left can provoke the pancreas. In acute pancreatitis, there are quite severe pains in the upper left side of the abdomen that do not go away. Gradually, the pain becomes encircling and captures the back. The pain is aggravated by eating and by lying on the back. This is an important sign that allows you to distinguish pancreatitis from gastritis, ulcers and other diseases. In addition, there may be the same nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating.

The difference between pancreatitis is an increase in temperature, which does not happen with an ulcer, but rarely happens with acute gastritis, and a strong sensitivity of the abdominal wall if you touch the stomach. Bruising and bluish spots may appear around the navel.

In chronic pancreatitis, the pain is aching in nature and is localized around the navel and upper abdomen, and it appears after eating fatty foods. Very often, pancreatitis worsens during the New Year holidays - and it is not surprising why. You can distinguish the disease by nausea, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, heaviness in the abdomen, sudden onset nausea and vomiting in case of malnutrition.

With a cyst in the pancreas, pain is felt in the upper abdomen. With a tumor, pain constantly occurs on the left and in the center of the abdomen. It intensifies if you lie on your back - just like with pancreatitis. And gradually moves to the back. The tumor is characterized by loss of appetite and body weight, the appearance of jaundice. A person with a tumor gradually takes a forced position - bends forward to avoid pain.

It should be noted that pain on the left in the pancreas can cause diseases that are far from the gastrointestinal tract - pyelonephritis, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, osteochondrosis of the spine, intercostal neuralgia, herpes zoster. And all because the pancreas is located in such a way that even the organs located on the right can influence it - the pain in them is given to the area of ​​the pancreas. Therefore, it is logical to go here to the pains on the right.

Pain on the right

Gallstones can cause a lot of problems. Especially when they were about to move. When moving, the stones begin to injure the ducts, which causes a lot of discomfort.

The movement of stones leads to the development of biliary colic. The pain is sudden and severe enough. Often it is often localized to the right and in the center of the abdomen. But an increase in pressure leads to pain, as in diseases of the pancreas. Also, pain can be given to the sternum, which is why it can be mistaken for an attack of angina pectoris or a heart attack. The difference between pain in biliary colic is that it radiates to the lower back and right shoulder blade.

Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder. It is characterized by acute paroxysmal pain on the right. Sometimes the pain can give under the shoulder blade and in the right shoulder. Acute cholecystitis is characterized by fever, nausea, vomiting, chills, and jaundice. In chronic cholecystitis, the pain is dull and barely noticeable, and it occurs half an hour after eating. He also has frequent nausea.

Dyskinesia of the gallbladder and biliary tract is a violation of the outflow of bile, associated either with a violation of the motility of the ducts due to the activity of the sphincter of Oddi, or with their anatomical shape. Dyskinesia is characterized by dull, Sololift2 from the Danish company Grundfos provides uninterrupted work for many years, unclear pain on the right, especially after eating, bitterness in the mouth, nausea, bad breath. The pain may radiate to the right shoulder.

Severe paroxysmal pain in the right abdomen may indicate inflammation of the appendix - appendicitis. It may be accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, fever. This is reminiscent of an intestinal disorder, so you can self-medicate, miss the time and get to the operating table already with a rupture of the appendix and peritonitis. Therefore, it is extremely important to know the signs of appendicitis.

It is important that in this case the increase in symptoms is quite fast. The pain does not subside when taking antispasmodics. If, when taking no-shpy, the pain remains as pronounced or intensifies, an ambulance should be called. In addition, attention should be paid to the presence or absence of a rigid abdomen syndrome. With appendicitis, a person reflexively strains the muscular walls of the abdomen when trying to feel it - the stomach becomes hard.

It is also very important that if the symptoms of acute pain are not treated in time, it can begin to subside and become diffuse. This is a dangerous symptom, indicating that the appendix has burst. With purulent appendicitis, the pain may also not be severe, since inflammation leads to a blockade of nerve endings.

Abdominal pain not related to the abdomen

With pyelonephritis, pain can appear in the abdomen, which people who are far from medicine do not expect at all. And therefore, it never occurs to anyone to go to a urologist - no-shpa or motilium is taken out and self-treatment begins. Which leads to the fact that then you have to spend a lot of time and money on treatment.

So, pyelonephritis can masquerade as diseases of the pancreas. They arise in the side and spread to the back and lower back. The difference between pains in this case is that they are located to the right or left of the spine and can be strong or aching. In chronic pyelonephritis, pain often occurs in cold and wet weather. With pancreatitis, such dependence never happens. Pain accompanies in most cases painful and frequent trips to the toilet.

In acute pyelonephritis, there may be fever, nausea with vomiting, weakness. These symptoms just make it difficult to distinguish between acute pancreatitis and acute pyelonephritis.

Pain on the left or right side of the abdomen can cause the kidney stone to move. In this case, there is a very acute paroxysmal pain in the lower back and side of the abdomen. The appearance of blood in the urine may suggest renal colic. But the nausea and vomiting will only confuse you.

In chronic urolithiasis, as long as the stones do not move, the pain may be dull, as in chronic pancreatitis. But its difference is that it intensifies after physical exertion, when running, long walking, after trips over bumps.

Pain in the lower abdomen on the right or left, especially sudden and acute, in women may be witnesses of an ectopic pregnancy that led to rupture of the fallopian tubes. Cutting in the abdomen, in the lower part, in women is a likely sign of cancer, and constant aching pain from the bottom right or left - adnexitis, ovarian cysts, inflammatory diseases of the appendages.

Sharp pains in the lower abdomen may indicate acute cystitis. If they are accompanied by frequent and painful urination with false urges, then the presence of cystitis can be almost certain.

Abdominal pain is a serious symptom that is characteristic of a variety of diseases. And so it is worth taking a closer look at your body. Then you can have time to help him and turn to the right doctor in time, and not bypass many specialists.

Mild pains "under the spoon"

Pain in the upper abdomen, that is, in the stomach area, “under the pit of the stomach”, or, as doctors say, in the epigastrium, usually indicates the most common diseases of the “upper floor” of the abdominal cavity - gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

Pain in these diseases is often associated with eating. In other words, they can either occur on an empty stomach (the so-called "hungry" pains) and subside after eating, or appear, on the contrary, after eating, sometimes some particular one - fatty, spicy, etc. It is widely believed that it depends on the intensity of secretion of gastric juice or, more simply, on "acidity": for reduced gastric secretion, pain after eating is characteristic, for increased - "hungry" pain. However, in fact, it is not the intensity of gastric secretion that plays a role here, but the localization of the lesion: with a lesion of the stomach, pain after eating is more typical, with a lesion of the duodenum - on an empty stomach.

As for the increased and decreased "acidity", the differences in the symptoms of these conditions can only be formulated on paper: with increased "acidity" - pain, heartburn and "sour" belching; with reduced - not so much even pain, but a feeling of heaviness, fullness in the stomach, nausea, and sometimes belching (air and food). However, in reality - that is, on yourself - you are unlikely to be able to correctly assess these symptoms (for example, determine how "sour" the burp is).

Nevertheless, a violation of gastric secretion in the direction of decreasing or increasing is a real fact, on which both diet and treatment, prevention of exacerbations of gastritis and peptic ulcer depend. In addition, if you experience stomach pain, you need to determine whether it is gastritis or an ulcer. Peptic ulcer requires special attention and control, as it often gives complications, including life-threatening ones. For all these reasons, with pain in the stomach, you should definitely consult a doctor in order to make an accurate diagnosis.

Endolymphatic therapy gives good results in gastritis and peptic ulcer.

Ulcer complications. Complications of peptic ulcer disease are very serious. With complications, the nature of pain may change: acute, dagger pains indicate perforation of the stomach wall; persistent, stubborn, not relieved by medications are suspicious of ulcer penetration into adjacent organs (ulcer penetration). It is also possible gastric and intestinal bleeding (vomiting "coffee grounds", diarrhea, black stools). In all these cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Pain in the epigastric region, reminiscent of pain in peptic ulcer, but not associated with eating, can also be caused by a hernia of the white line of the abdomen. This is due to the fact that the umbilical-hepatic ligament is often found in the hernial sac, and its tension or compression leads to irritation of the solar plexus. Outside, only a small protrusion is noticeable in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe white line of the abdomen, which appears when straining and goes into the abdominal cavity if the patient relaxes the abdominal wall. It is possible to identify a hernia only with careful palpation of the entire white line.

For a long time in medicine, a rather unpleasant and lengthy procedure, probing, has been used to determine the acidity of gastric juice. At present, this research is hardly used. And not only "out of humanity", but also because the inserted probe irritates the walls of the stomach and thereby "interferes" with normal secretion. As a result, it is rather difficult to assess true gastric secretion by probing.

Now for these purposes, the determination of the pH (acidity index) of the contents of the stomach is used. In this study, you also need to swallow the probe, but it lasts only a few minutes, so that discomfort is minimized.

The doctor will also prescribe fibrogastro-duodenoscopy - an examination of the cavity of the stomach and duodenum using an endoscope - a flexible fiber-optic device. At the same time, a biopsy of the stomach is taken and the presence of Helicobacter is determined - a microorganism that is considered the "causative agent" of peptic ulcer and, often, gastritis.

In some cases, an x-ray examination of the stomach is performed (especially if ulcer penetration is suspected).

A fecal occult blood test is also usually prescribed.

Pain under the stomach

Discomfort in the epigastric / epigastric zone (the area below the xiphoid process, corresponding to the projection of the stomach onto the wall of the peritoneum) is commonly called pain in the pit of the stomach.

If we draw an imaginary horizontal line at the level of the lower edge of the ribs, and also outline the bottom of the costal vaults, then the resulting triangular region will correspond to the epigastrium.

Pain in the pit of the stomach, depending on the localization of the clinical syndrome, serves as a guideline for establishing the diagnosis.

Causes of pain in the stomach

The exact location of the pain syndrome helps to identify the disease, and therefore the causes of pain in the pit of the stomach.

Diseases that cause discomfort in the epigastric zone:

  • pain from the hypochondrium on the right can be caused by damage to the diaphragm, duodenum, esophagus, part of the stomach, dysfunction of the liver and bile ducts, pancreas, with problems with the cardiac and pulmonary systems;
  • pain on the left is the cause of the development of hiatal hernia, pancreatitis or gastritis. Discomfort occurs with constipation, diseases of the spleen, large intestine, as well as problems with the lungs, pyelonephritis, disorders of the urinary system;
  • acute appendicitis;
  • an attack of pancreatitis;
  • myocardial infarction in gastralgic form;
  • inflammation (pleurisy) or accumulation of air (pneumothorax) in the pleura;
  • purulent peritonitis (infection of the abdominal region and intestinal paresis);
  • ulcer perforation;
  • hepatic colic;
  • infectious diseases;
  • intoxication;
  • disease of the Crimean hemorrhagic fever (causative agents ticks);
  • typhus.


An attack of appendicitis proceeds with a sharp, constant type of pain in the pit of the stomach and spread to the umbilical zone. Further, the pain is localized in the iliac zone with significant muscle tension.

Pain in the pit of the stomach of a girdle type is a consequence of acute pancreatitis. Worsening occurs after taking fatty foods and alcohol. There is frequent vomiting of bile, which does not alleviate the condition.

With the gastralgic form of myocardial infarction, rather acute pain initially manifests itself in the epigastric zone, covering the cardiac region and the scapula. There is a decrease in pressure, rapid and arrhythmic pulse. The patient maintains a sedentary state to reduce soreness.

Pneumonia of the basal type (the location of the focus is the lower segments of the lungs) and pleurisy occur with an acute pain syndrome, which is aggravated by breathing and coughing. The disease is described by frequent pulse, noise and wheezing in the sternum, abdominal tension and fever up to 40°C.

Symptoms of pain in the pit of the stomach with spontaneous pneumothorax are localized in the chest on the left or right.

An attack of "dagger" pain in the epigastric zone describes purulent peritonitis, which occurs with a through defect in the intestinal or gastric wall (ulcer perforation). The disease is accompanied by muscle tension. Over time, the pain subsides.

The state of perforation of the ulcer of the posterior gastric wall is characterized by cutting pain if the outflow occurs in the peritoneal cavity. Filling the stuffing bag has less pronounced soreness.

Pain in the epigastrium during probing along with nausea, vomiting, severe weakness are symptoms of exacerbation of duodenitis (inflammation of the duodenum).

Cramping, acute pain in the pit of the stomach, radiating to the hypochondrium on the right side, subsiding after taking antispasmodics, accompanies hepatic colic.

  • headaches, dizziness, general weakened state;
  • high fever, chills;
  • state of nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • fainting, convulsions.

The defeat of the Crimean hemorrhagic fever is fraught with a gag reflex, a moderately pronounced febrile symptom and pain in the epigastric zone.

Pain in the pit of the stomach after eating

The most common diseases such as gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers are indicated by pain in the pit of the stomach after eating. Symptoms of diseases with increased acidity - pain, heartburn, "sour" belching. Patients with low acidity note - a feeling of heaviness, fullness of the stomach, nausea, belching. Pain syndrome can also appear on an empty stomach, which is more typical for problems with the duodenum.

Cutting pain in the epigastric zone after eating is a sure sign of an exacerbation of pancreatitis. The pains are permanent, up to several hours, sometimes days. The degree of intensity of pain manifestations depends on the stage of the disease, often radiating to the back, hypochondrium. The pain is excruciating in nature. Increased pain in the pit of the stomach is observed if you take a horizontal position on your back, and leaning forward, on the contrary, reduces pain. The disease occurs with dry mouth, nausea, accompanied by hiccups, belching, vomiting, diarrhea. The patient often loses his appetite, and he loses weight. In a critical condition, pressure drops, the pulse quickens, there is an increase in temperature and shortness of breath.

Aching pain under the stomach

A "sucking" feeling in the pit of the stomach is a reminder of the body to eat. Such a feeling often accompanies a state of increased excitement, a nervous experience. Aching pain in the stomach of a pulling type, especially after a meal, is a clear sign of gastritis.

The disease occurs if:

  • there was an unpleasant smell from a mouth, there was an eructation;
  • marked decrease or loss of appetite;
  • aching/sucking in the epigastrium.

An insidious disease - stomach cancer may not appear for a long time. Symptoms of the early stages of the development of the disease are similar to chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis or cholecystitis. Many patients self-medicate and seek help only at the stage of exacerbation, when treatment is difficult or impossible.

For stomach cancer, pain in the pit of the stomach is often aching and very strong. Soreness can be associated with food intake: occur after eating or on an empty stomach. Some patients experience a change in eating habits or a complete lack of appetite. Vomiting contents that look like coffee grounds and black stools are dangerous signs that may indicate stomach bleeding. In complaints of patients the general weakness and fast fatigue comes to light.

A hernia of the white line of the abdomen also provokes aching pain that is not associated with eating. When the abdomen is tense, a tubercle is released, which disappears with relaxation.

Severe pain under the stomach

The signal of the body, which in no case should be ignored, is a severe pain in the pit of the stomach. Acute pain syndrome can overtake you both at rest and during the period of maximum physical or mental activity. Such pain may indicate a myocardial infarction. The states of dizziness, active sweating, unreasonable fear of death are indicative symptoms. Pain often captures the area of ​​​​the arm, jaw and back.

Acute, sometimes girdle type, pain indicates the stage of exacerbation of pancreatitis. It should be noted that the nature of the disease can be judged by the place of manifestation of pain. If severe pain is localized on the left, then the cause of discomfort is the tail of the pancreas. Girdle pain indicates damage to the entire organ.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum occur with a sharp, acute, burning, stabbing pain. Studies have shown that men suffer from this disease twice as often as the female part of the population.

Dull pain under the stomach

The process of acute atony of the stomach is a rare disease in which the muscle tone of the stomach is disturbed and its stretching occurs. The disease can be reflex in nature or appear as a result of myocardial infarction, peritonitis, pneumonia, thrombosis of gastric vessels and a number of infectious lesions. Postponed surgery, recovery from anesthesia can lead to gastric atony.

The condition is characterized by dull pain in the pit of the stomach, heaviness, a feeling of a full stomach, hiccups. Vomiting with a greenish liquid is noted. Symptoms develop rapidly, often leading to disruption of the blood supply to the gastric walls, the possibility of their rupture.

Chronic gastritis with increased secretion is characterized by dull, aching pain in the epigastric zone. Among the symptoms, there are: heartburn, sour eructation, bursting or pressing feeling in the stomach, constipation, less often - vomiting. The exacerbation occurs, as a rule, after eating, when taking alcohol or not following the diet.

Pain under the right side of the stomach

Paroxysmal, severe pain in the right pit of the stomach is inherent in biliary colic in violation of the outflow of bile. The soreness is caused by the musculature trying to overcome the barrier created by the sand/stone. A factor in the development of the disease can serve as a mucous mass in cholecystitis, dysfunction of the bile ducts, tumor processes.

The aggravation of the condition is provoked by errors in the diet - immoderate, excessively fatty, fried foods, soda, alcoholic beverages, shaking in transport, physical and mental stress. Soreness of the epigastric zone on the right passes to the back, the right side of the sternum, the area above the collarbone, shoulder blade and right arm. Among the complaints of patients are often noted flatulence, constipation, yellowness of the skin, fever, nausea. The vomiting process does not bring relief.

Sharp pain under the stomach

Symptoms of pain manifestations in pancreatitis can be so strong that the patient often loses consciousness during an attack. Inflammatory disease of the pancreas is insidiously rapid development. Acute pain in the pit of the stomach appears suddenly, covers the back, hypochondrium on the left side.

Soreness in pancreatitis has a daily dependence: before noon, most often, it is not detected. Further, an increase in pain is read, which reaches its peak at night. By changing the position of the body, you can feel the whole gamut of unpleasant sensations - from strong pressure to unbearable burning and drilling in the supine state. The pain syndrome is relieved by sitting.

Emergency medical intervention is necessary, otherwise a crisis condition can turn into a fatal outcome due to pain shock.

The most dangerous consequence of pancreatitis is peritonitis, in which there is a filling of the peritoneum with pancreatic enzymes during its rupture.

Acute pain of the epigastric zone, violations of the digestive function, the formation of a false cyst is manifested.

Cancer, infectious processes, intoxication, appendicitis also lead to the development of acute, sharp pain syndromes of the epigastric region.

Pain when inhaling under the pit of the stomach

An indicative symptom in diagnosing renal colic is pain when inhaling under the spoon, giving in the hypochondrium on the right, and spreading to the entire abdomen.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic region may initially be mistaken for diseases of the lungs or heart. Constant, aching nature of the pain is aggravated by inhalation, sneezing. Accompanying signs: sensation of "goosebumps" on the skin, tingling, numbness, limitation of the motor function of the hands, crunching when moving the shoulders.

Problems of the pulmonary and cardiac systems are accompanied by limited mobility of the ribs and pain when breathing in the epigastric zone. For example, with myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, pneumonia or pleurisy.

Localization of pain depends on which part of the lung is affected. Common pulmonary symptoms (cough, shortness of breath, fever, chills, etc.) are accompanied by pain during breathing.

Pain and burning in the stomach

Complaints about a burning sensation, belching, heaviness after eating, rapid satiety are recognized as the most common among residents of all countries. Unpleasant symptoms interfere with active life, make you change your taste preferences, reduce the quality of life.

This phenomenon is called functional dyspepsia. The mechanism of the development of the disease includes changes in the motility of the stomach and duodenum 12. The causes of the disease are:

  • smoking;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • pharmacological agents (including aspirin);
  • stomach hypersensitivity;
  • reactions from the peripheral and central nervous systems.

Dyspepsia is certainly accompanied by pain and burning in the stomach. Some patients describe a burning sensation as a manifestation of heat. And pain can be perceived as a state of tissue damage. If all symptoms are detected, it is necessary to exclude the presence of organic pathology.

The course of acute gastritis occurs when there is a burning sensation and pain in the epigastric zone of varying intensity. Patients note an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, bloating, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. With the disease, herpes, a feverish condition may appear. Sometimes the primary sign in diagnosis is vascular collapse (a condition of vascular insufficiency). Acute gastritis develops rapidly, but not for long (up to 5 days).

In our age of technological progress, a person often sacrifices his precious health. The constantly deteriorating environmental situation around the world negatively affects the body of each of us. Despite progress in the field of medicine, there are many diseases that are beyond the power of doctors. In this article, we will consider a rather interesting symptom - pain under the left rib. What actually causes discomfort in this area?

Many people consider pain on the left under the ribs a sign of heart disease. However, this is not quite true. Only acute and burning symptoms on the left can be caused by myocardial infarction. Pain radiates to the arm and shortness of breath appears. It is with such symptoms that a person needs urgent hospitalization in order to avoid dire consequences.

If you are tormented by acute, it is quite possible that you have neuralgia. In this case, frequent convulsions, vomiting appear, the skin becomes pale.

In the left side it can hurt as a result of an enlarged spleen. This is very dangerous for human health. If you delay, the organ can rupture and cause severe, and sometimes even irreversible consequences. This disease is manifested by the following symptoms: bruises under the eyes, blue spots appear in the navel.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Often, many people experience severe pain in the pit of the stomach. Of course, for a person without a medical education, this expression will seem strange. However, we will try to shed some light on this issue. The so-called epigastric region is a synonym for the above expression. It is pain that has arisen in an imaginary triangle. Draw it like this: you need to draw a line that will be a tangent to the lower edge of the ribs and mark the place above it. It is the pain in this area in everyday life that is called "pain in the pit of the stomach." Unfortunately, many of us experience this disease.

There are many reasons why pain occurs. To begin with, we list some of them and define the symptoms. So, a number of so-called extra-abdominal diseases are the first cause of pain in the pit of the stomach. These include urolithiasis, pneumonia of the left side, various pathologies of the pleura. Well-known pancreatitis can easily cause discomfort under the left rib. Banal gastritis, infectious diseases, frequent constipation contribute to the manifestation of acute pain in the epigastric region. When internal organs are affected (duodenum, pancreas, spleen and diaphragm), discomfort immediately arises in the left side. And these are not all the reasons why pain in the pit of the stomach torments people. Move on. symptoms of which is a burning sensation in the epigastric region, do not bode well. It is not excluded that the pain in the pit of the stomach can be caused by acute appendicitis.

Duodenitis, manifested by gag reflexes and lethargy, is another reason why the epigastric region is worried. Do not exclude the possibility of myocardial infarction. With this disease, excessive sweating, dizziness occurs. Our "pump" pumping blood is located on the diaphragm. As you know, under this area is the stomach. This is why misdiagnosis is often made. However, the very fact of the occurrence of the above symptoms is a reason for reflection. Most often, this is how myocardial infarctions manifest themselves in the fair sex.

This ailment is caused by a formation called a thrombus, which entails necrosis of the heart muscle. With such a serious and life-threatening disease, you must immediately take nitroglycerin, which dilates blood vessels. Best of all - medicine in the form of a spray. It's convenient and more efficient. See a doctor who will prescribe you a heart aspirin. This drug will prevent blood clots from forming. Remember one thing: if the discomfort does not subside within 20-30 minutes, you need to urgently go to the hospital, otherwise you risk your health.

As you can see, pain in the pit of the stomach is caused by many diseases. Determining the cause yourself is almost impossible. That is why it is best to turn to doctors who will correctly diagnose and, accordingly, prescribe treatment. Take care of yourself!

An attack of appendicitis proceeds with a sharp, constant type of pain in the pit of the stomach and spread to the umbilical zone. Further, the pain is localized in the iliac zone with significant muscle tension.

Pain in the pit of the stomach of a girdle type is a consequence of acute pancreatitis. Worsening occurs after taking fatty foods and alcohol. There is frequent vomiting of bile, which does not alleviate the condition.

With the gastralgic form of myocardial infarction, rather acute pain initially manifests itself in the epigastric zone, covering the cardiac region and the scapula. There is a decrease in pressure, rapid and arrhythmic pulse. The patient maintains a sedentary state to reduce soreness.

Pneumonia of the basal type (the location of the focus is the lower segments of the lungs) and pleurisy occur with an acute pain syndrome, which is aggravated by breathing and coughing. The disease is described by frequent pulse, noise and wheezing in the sternum, abdominal tension and fever up to 40°C.

Symptoms of pain in the pit of the stomach with spontaneous pneumothorax are localized in the chest on the left or right.

An attack of "dagger" pain in the epigastric zone describes purulent peritonitis, which occurs with a through defect in the intestinal or gastric wall (ulcer perforation). The disease is accompanied by muscle tension. Over time, the pain subsides.

The state of perforation of the ulcer of the posterior gastric wall is characterized by cutting pain if the outflow occurs in the peritoneal cavity. Filling the stuffing bag has less pronounced soreness.

Pain in the epigastrium during probing along with nausea, vomiting, severe weakness are symptoms of exacerbation of duodenitis (inflammation of the duodenum).

Cramping, acute pain in the pit of the stomach, radiating to the hypochondrium on the right side, subsiding after taking antispasmodics, accompanies hepatic colic.

Symptoms of intoxication:

  • headaches, dizziness, general weakened state;
  • high fever, chills;
  • state of nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • fainting, convulsions.

The defeat of the Crimean hemorrhagic fever is fraught with a gag reflex, a moderately pronounced febrile symptom and pain in the epigastric zone.

Pain in the pit of the stomach after eating

The most common diseases such as gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers are indicated by pain in the pit of the stomach after eating. Symptoms of diseases with increased acidity - pain, heartburn, "sour" belching. Patients with low acidity note - a feeling of heaviness, fullness of the stomach, nausea, belching. Pain syndrome can also appear on an empty stomach, which is more typical for problems with the duodenum.

Cutting pain in the epigastric zone after eating is a sure sign of an exacerbation of pancreatitis. The pains are permanent, up to several hours, sometimes days. The degree of intensity of pain manifestations depends on the stage of the disease, often radiating to the back, hypochondrium. The pain is excruciating in nature. Increased pain in the pit of the stomach is observed if you take a horizontal position on your back, and leaning forward, on the contrary, reduces pain. The disease occurs with dry mouth, nausea, accompanied by hiccups, belching, vomiting, diarrhea. The patient often loses his appetite, and he loses weight. In a critical condition, pressure drops, the pulse quickens, there is an increase in temperature and shortness of breath.

Aching pain under the stomach

A "sucking" feeling in the pit of the stomach is a reminder of the body to eat. Such a feeling often accompanies a state of increased excitement, a nervous experience. Aching pain in the stomach of a pulling type, especially after a meal, is a clear sign of gastritis.

The disease occurs if:

  • there was an unpleasant smell from a mouth, there was an eructation;
  • marked decrease or loss of appetite;
  • aching/sucking in the epigastrium.

An insidious disease - stomach cancer may not appear for a long time. Symptoms of the early stages of the development of the disease are similar to chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis or cholecystitis. Many patients self-medicate and seek help only at the stage of exacerbation, when treatment is difficult or impossible.

For stomach cancer, pain in the pit of the stomach is often aching and very strong. Soreness can be associated with food intake: occur after eating or on an empty stomach. Some patients experience a change in eating habits or a complete lack of appetite. Vomiting contents that look like coffee grounds and black stools are dangerous signs that may indicate stomach bleeding. In complaints of patients the general weakness and fast fatigue comes to light.

A hernia of the white line of the abdomen also provokes aching pain that is not associated with eating. When the abdomen is tense, a tubercle is released, which disappears with relaxation.

Severe pain under the stomach

The signal of the body, which in no case should be ignored, is a severe pain in the pit of the stomach. Acute pain syndrome can overtake you both at rest and during the period of maximum physical or mental activity. Such pain may indicate a myocardial infarction. The states of dizziness, active sweating, unreasonable fear of death are indicative symptoms. Pain often captures the area of ​​​​the arm, jaw and back.

Acute, sometimes girdle type, pain indicates the stage of exacerbation of pancreatitis. It should be noted that the nature of the disease can be judged by the place of manifestation of pain. If severe pain is localized on the left, then the cause of discomfort is the tail of the pancreas. Girdle pain indicates damage to the entire organ.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum occur with a sharp, acute, burning, stabbing pain. Studies have shown that men suffer from this disease twice as often as the female part of the population.

Dull pain under the stomach

The process of acute atony of the stomach is a rare disease in which the muscle tone of the stomach is disturbed and its stretching occurs. The disease can be reflex in nature or appear as a result of myocardial infarction, peritonitis, pneumonia, thrombosis of gastric vessels and a number of infectious lesions. Postponed surgery, recovery from anesthesia can lead to gastric atony.

The condition is characterized by dull pain in the pit of the stomach, heaviness, a feeling of a full stomach, hiccups. Vomiting with a greenish liquid is noted. Symptoms develop rapidly, often leading to disruption of the blood supply to the gastric walls, the possibility of their rupture.

Chronic gastritis with increased secretion is characterized by dull, aching pain in the epigastric zone. Among the symptoms, there are: heartburn, sour eructation, bursting or pressing feeling in the stomach, constipation, less often - vomiting. The exacerbation occurs, as a rule, after eating, when taking alcohol or not following the diet.

Pain under the right side of the stomach

Paroxysmal, severe pain in the right pit of the stomach is inherent in biliary colic in violation of the outflow of bile. The soreness is caused by the musculature trying to overcome the barrier created by the sand/stone. A factor in the development of the disease can serve as a mucous mass in cholecystitis, dysfunction of the bile ducts, tumor processes.

The aggravation of the condition is provoked by errors in the diet - immoderate, excessively fatty, fried foods, soda, alcoholic beverages, shaking in transport, physical and mental stress. Soreness of the epigastric zone on the right passes to the back, the right side of the sternum, the area above the collarbone, shoulder blade and right arm. Among the complaints of patients are often noted flatulence, constipation, yellowness of the skin, fever, nausea. The vomiting process does not bring relief.

Sharp pain under the stomach

Symptoms of pain manifestations in pancreatitis can be so strong that the patient often loses consciousness during an attack. Inflammatory disease of the pancreas is insidiously rapid development. Acute pain in the pit of the stomach appears suddenly, covers the back, hypochondrium on the left side.

Soreness in pancreatitis has a daily dependence: before noon, most often, it is not detected. Further, an increase in pain is read, which reaches its peak at night. By changing the position of the body, you can feel the whole gamut of unpleasant sensations - from strong pressure to unbearable burning and drilling in the supine state. The pain syndrome is relieved by sitting.

Emergency medical intervention is necessary, otherwise a crisis condition can turn into a fatal outcome due to pain shock.

The most dangerous consequence of pancreatitis is peritonitis, in which there is a filling of the peritoneum with pancreatic enzymes during its rupture.

Acute pain of the epigastric zone, violations of the digestive function, the formation of a false cyst is manifested.

Cancer, infectious processes, intoxication, appendicitis also lead to the development of acute, sharp pain syndromes of the epigastric region.

Pain when inhaling under the pit of the stomach

An indicative symptom in diagnosing renal colic is pain when inhaling under the spoon, giving in the hypochondrium on the right, and spreading to the entire abdomen.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic region may initially be mistaken for diseases of the lungs or heart. Constant, aching nature of the pain is aggravated by inhalation, sneezing. Accompanying signs: sensation of "goosebumps" on the skin, tingling, numbness, limitation of the motor function of the hands, crunching when moving the shoulders.

Problems of the pulmonary and cardiac systems are accompanied by limited mobility of the ribs and pain when breathing in the epigastric zone. For example, with myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, pneumonia or pleurisy.

Localization of pain depends on which part of the lung is affected. Common pulmonary symptoms (cough, shortness of breath, fever, chills, etc.) are accompanied by pain during breathing.

Pain and burning in the stomach

Complaints about a burning sensation, belching, heaviness after eating, rapid satiety are recognized as the most common among residents of all countries. Unpleasant symptoms interfere with active life, make you change your taste preferences, reduce the quality of life.

This phenomenon is called functional dyspepsia. The mechanism of the development of the disease includes changes in the motility of the stomach and duodenum 12. The causes of the disease are:

  • smoking;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • pharmacological agents (including aspirin);
  • stomach hypersensitivity;
  • reactions from the peripheral and central nervous systems.

Dyspepsia is certainly accompanied by pain and burning in the stomach. Some patients describe a burning sensation as a manifestation of heat. And pain can be perceived as a state of tissue damage. If all symptoms are detected, it is necessary to exclude the presence of organic pathology.

The course of acute gastritis occurs when there is a burning sensation and pain in the epigastric zone of varying intensity. Patients note an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, bloating, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. With the disease, herpes, a feverish condition may appear. Sometimes the primary sign in diagnosis is vascular collapse (a condition of vascular insufficiency). Acute gastritis develops rapidly, but not for long (up to 5 days).

Pain in the upper abdomen, that is, in the stomach, "under the pit of the stomach", or, as doctors say, in the epigastrium, usually indicates the most common diseases of the "upper floor" of the abdominal cavity - gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

Pain in these diseases is often associated with eating. In other words, they can either occur on an empty stomach (the so-called "hungry" pains) and subside after eating, or appear, on the contrary, after eating, sometimes some particular one - fatty, spicy, etc. It is widely believed that it depends on the intensity of secretion of gastric juice or, more simply, on "acidity": for reduced gastric secretion, pain after eating is characteristic, for increased - "hungry" pain. However, in fact, it is not the intensity of gastric secretion that plays a role here, but the localization of the lesion: with a lesion of the stomach, pain after eating is more typical, with a lesion of the duodenum - on an empty stomach.

As for the increased and decreased "acidity", the differences in the symptoms of these conditions can only be formulated on paper: with increased "acidity" - pain, heartburn and "sour" belching; with reduced - not so much even pain, but a feeling of heaviness, fullness in the stomach, nausea, and sometimes belching (air and food). However, in reality - that is, on yourself - you are unlikely to be able to correctly assess these symptoms (for example, determine how "sour" the burp is).

Nevertheless, a violation of gastric secretion in the direction of decreasing or increasing is a real fact, on which both diet and treatment, prevention of exacerbations of gastritis and peptic ulcer depend. In addition, if you experience stomach pain, you need to determine whether it is gastritis or an ulcer. Peptic ulcer requires special attention and control, as it often gives complications, including life-threatening ones. For all these reasons, with pain in the stomach, you should definitely consult a doctor in order to make an accurate diagnosis.

Endolymphatic therapy gives good results in gastritis and peptic ulcer.

Ulcer complications. Complications of peptic ulcer disease are very serious. With complications, the nature of pain may change: acute, dagger pains indicate perforation of the stomach wall; persistent, stubborn, not relieved by medications are suspicious of ulcer penetration into adjacent organs (ulcer penetration). It is also possible gastric and intestinal bleeding (vomiting "coffee grounds", diarrhea, black stools). In all these cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Pain in the epigastric region, reminiscent of pain in peptic ulcer, but not associated with eating, can also be caused by a hernia of the white line of the abdomen. This is due to the fact that the umbilical-hepatic ligament is often found in the hernial sac, and its tension or compression leads to irritation of the solar plexus. Outside, only a small protrusion is noticeable in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe white line of the abdomen, which appears when straining and goes into the abdominal cavity if the patient relaxes the abdominal wall. It is possible to identify a hernia only with careful palpation of the entire white line.

For a long time in medicine, a rather unpleasant and lengthy procedure, probing, has been used to determine the acidity of gastric juice. At present, this research is hardly used. And not only "out of humanity", but also because the inserted probe irritates the walls of the stomach and thereby "interferes" with normal secretion. As a result, it is rather difficult to assess true gastric secretion by probing.

Now for these purposes, the determination of the pH (acidity index) of the contents of the stomach is used. In this study, you also need to swallow the probe, but it lasts only a few minutes, so that discomfort is minimized.

And where is it - under the spoon?

Pain in the pit of the stomach - pain that occurs in the area just below the median edge of the sternum. This place - behind the anterior abdominal wall - corresponds to the location of the stomach and other equally important organs of the digestive system. Sometimes the place of localization shifts to the left or right, and then the pain is felt immediately under the ribs. It should be noted right away that the location of pain in a certain place will not always indicate any organ. In medical practice, there are enough examples when the affected organ "gives" its pain sensations to a neighboring or generally located on the periphery and in no way connected with it. But, despite this, the characteristic localization of pain can serve as the main symptom of the disease, and at the same time a signal for immediate treatment.

Possible causes of pain

The reasons why there is pain in the pit of the stomach are different and may not even be associated with the organs of the digestive system:

What does shifting pain to the side mean?

Pain on the left under the ribs will almost always indicate the development of gastritis or pancreatitis. Unpleasant sensations in this area are associated with colds of the kidneys. Pain in the right hypochondrium indicates a disease of the liver or gallbladder. It is often associated with a violation of the outflow of bile in cholelithiasis or malfunctions of the liver when taking large amounts of fatty or spicy foods (especially after hepatitis).

Causes of acute pain

Acute pain in the pit of the stomach occurs in case of exacerbation of pancreatitis or with acute inflammation of the appendix. In this case, the pain can be so severe that the patient loses consciousness. In both the first and second cases, urgent hospitalization is necessary, because in the event of a rupture of any of the organs, there is a danger of purulent peritonitis. This disease is very difficult to treat and in many cases is fatal. Acute pain under the left rib indicates an attack of gastritis or perforation of an ulcer, in rare cases, a heart disease or osteochondrosis.

Causes of dull pain

Dull pain in the pit of the stomach is an alarming symptom and indicates chronic gastritis or acute atony of the stomach. The first case manifests itself with long-term unbalanced nutrition, and the second - as a result of myocardial infarction, surgery or infectious lesions.

How to relieve pain?

To relieve pain in the pit of the stomach, you can take one tablet of drotaverine (or No-Shpa), but no more. It must be borne in mind that without mandatory research procedures, an accurate diagnosis is impossible. Therefore, immediately after taking the pill, you must urgently go to the clinic, where they will establish the true cause of pain. This is not an independent disease, but only a concomitant symptom. Therefore, speaking about the treatment of pain, they mean the elimination of the true cause of its occurrence.

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