After tooth extraction, there is a bump on the edge of the gum. A lump on the gum: after treatment or extraction of a tooth, a red soft or hard ball formed in the hole. What absolutely cannot be done

In dentistry, tooth extraction is considered complicated operation. Because after it, various complications often arise. hard bump gum after tooth extraction and there is one of these pathologies. It indicates that processes that affect human health begin. There are two types of bumps on the gums:
  1. infectious
    Arise from the spread of bacteria and toxins of their vital activity;
  2. Non-infectious
    Consequence of gum injury or from use medicines.
Doctors believe that the cause of such formations is poor hygiene oral cavity. As a result, there is an accumulation of bacteria on the teeth and gums. Caries and plaque also occur. Therefore, cones full of purulent fluids are formed. But still, most often the patients themselves notice formations precisely after the removal of teeth. Do not consume food while the wound is bleeding. When a white hard bump forms, you should immediately contact your dentist.

What is the danger of neoplasms on the gum after tooth extraction?

Neoplasms on the gums can be heralds of serious diseases of the mucous membranes. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to understand their consequences. This is enough discomfort, which increase with the growth of the cone. The doctor will no longer put the prosthesis, because it will irritate the gums more.
Signs of concern:
  • The bump presses on the roots of the teeth;
  • The innovation develops into malignant tumor.
It’s not worth diagnosing a growth on your own, because you don’t know true reason its occurrence.

How to treat a hard bump on the gum?

To begin treatment, the diagnosis is first made:

When purulent formation Maybe surgical intervention. Medical treatment appointed after finding out the causes of the bumps. It is not uncommon to prescribe antibiotics. They add the use of immunomodulators and vitamins. Situations in which antibiotics are administered before tooth extraction:

  • Wisdom tooth;
  • infectious inflammation;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • Complicated operation;
  • The need for antibiotic therapy;
  • Weak immunity;
  • broken bone tissue;
  • Need fast healing wounds.
Thus, the risk of complications after tooth extraction is reduced.
There are many ways to treat folk remedies. Of course, it will take more time and the relief will not be permanent, but in combination with traditional medicine, the situation can be significantly improved.
Video: "Lump on the gum - what to do?"

Gingival growth is formed various sizes. It may not cause any sensations or cause quite serious pain. As a rule, the neoplasm is white or bright red in color, about the size of a pea. In certain cases, a small White spot which publishes bad smell. Both a hard bump on the gum and a soft one may appear. Most often, it is filled with purulent exudate, which causes a sharp pain reaction.

Causes of bumps on the gums

Many of dental problems associated with poor oral hygiene. As a result, a certain pathology develops with its own specific symptoms.

A ball on the gum can form due to the following factors:

  • plaque, which irritates periodontal tissues and spreads infection;
  • complication of caries;
  • chronic apical periodontitis;
  • complications associated with dental implants;
  • cystic formation;
  • orthopedic structures;
  • various injuries;
  • oncological lesions of the gums;
  • benign neoplasms (fibropapilloma, epulis).

A white bump on the gum may indicate the presence of exostosis. This is a jaw anomaly associated with the close location of bone tissue to the surface of the mucous membrane. In other words, these are ordinary bony protrusions. With age, this anomaly can increase and cause discomfort.

The causes of this pathology are:

  • hereditary factor;
  • jaw injuries;
  • formation after tooth extraction;
  • congenital anomaly;
  • long-term wearing of improperly manufactured and delivered orthopedic structures.

Exostosis is determined using x-ray examination. Pathology is not subject to mandatory removal. However, there are cases when the tubercle degenerated into a malignant tumor.

Features of the clinical picture

When a bump appears, symptoms may be quite acute or completely absent. But the absence of manifestations does not mean that the pathology should not be treated.

If there is no pain

When a lump appears on the gum and it does not hurt, these are most often signs of a just beginning pathological process.

The absence of pain can be in the following cases:

  • superficial mucosal injury;
  • the initial stages of periodontitis;
  • fibrous epulid;
  • bubble syndrome;
  • beginning periostitis;
  • hypertrophic gingivitis.

If the appearance of a bump is accompanied by pain

The increase in symptoms indicates that suppuration and an inflammatory focus are formed.

According to certain signs, you can make a diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment:

  • Fistulous tract . It looks like a growth with a diameter of up to 5 mm. A whitish spot is defined in the center. The fistula is a channel through which purulent exudate from the focus of inflammation, located deep under the mucosa, and sometimes in the bone tissue. Due to the fact that the exudate periodically comes out, the disease becomes chronic.
  • Periodontitis . With this pathology, the bump on the gum above the tooth has a dense texture. Its diameter can reach 1 cm. Such a lesion is formed as a result of pulpitis or open root canals. A purulent formation is formed directly at the top of the root. At the same time, it appears characteristic syndrome- pain reaction as a result of vertical pressure on the tooth.
  • Periostitis . More serious disease associated with purulent inflammatory process periosteum of the alveolar process. It usually occurs as a complication of periodontitis. In this case, the purulent exudate does not break out through the fistulous tract, but integrates directly into the bone. A similar bump may occur on the gum after tooth extraction. Periostitis is popularly called flux. In addition to a purulent bump, there are symptoms such as fever, inflammation lymph nodes, acute pain, swelling of soft tissues (lips and cheeks).
  • Gingivitis . With this disease, against the background of bleeding gums and edema, a formation of a small diameter of red color appears. This is usually characteristic hypertrophic gingivitis. The disease is the initial form of inflammation of periodontal tissues. If left untreated, gingivitis can develop complications that may be irreversible.
  • Periodontitis . These are more severe damage to periodontal tissues, resulting in loosening and sometimes tooth loss. Not only soft tissues are affected, but also the bone of the alveolar process. In the advanced form, pus forms between the tooth and the gingival margin. This area is called pathological pocket. Convex small balls with a whitish tint begin to appear on the gum. In the pockets, accumulations of a large amount and granulation tissue are determined.
  • Epulis . This tumor has a more common name - supragingival. The cause of neoplasm formation is chronic mechanical injury soft tissues of the periodontium. It can be applied by the sharp edges of the filling, carious cavity or chipped part of the tooth, poorly made or installed prosthesis, as well as orthodontic appliances (braces). Neoplasms reach sizes up to 3 cm in diameter.

If a bump is found on the gums of a child, you should immediately contact your dentist. This manifestation is especially dangerous for milk teeth. A purulent focus can spread to the germ permanent tooth and damage it. As a result, it will no longer form, or it will have serious anomalies in the anatomical and histological structure.

This is what this neoplasm on the periodontium can say about children:

  • When a hard growth forms on the gums of a baby white color, then this is a sign of imminent eruption milk tooth. In the event of a pain reaction, it is recommended to use anesthetic gels such as Dentinox or Kalgel.
  • Another reason for the appearance white balloon next to the milk tooth or behind it is a change of bite. Education indicates the approach of eruption of an already permanent tooth. During this period, it is necessary to visit a doctor, especially when the milk teeth do not fall out and do not move.
  • If a bump appears in the milk bite and pus accumulates, this requires an early relief of the process. When the cause is in a decayed tooth, it should be removed. This will help prevent the spread of infection to neighboring areas.
  • When an outgrowth appears in the area of ​​​​a permanent tooth, all measures must be taken to preserve it. The pathological focus is opened, treated with antibacterial and antiseptic preparations. They are necessary because the bumps are usually filled with pus and are localized on the gum close to the root of the tooth. In some cases, a course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed.

Which doctor should I contact if there is a bump on the gum?

The resulting education must be seen by a doctor. You can contact a dentist. He will determine the severity of the pathology and, if necessary, refer to the surgeon. But most often, it is the dentist-therapist or dentist who deals with the treatment of bumps on the gum. There is one more narrow specialization- periodontist. His intervention is necessary if the cause of the formation of the neoplasm was periodontal disease.


The gingival cone is diagnosed by visual inspection and instrumental examination. An x-ray is required to clarify the diagnosis, and sometimes laboratory methods. For example, a biopsy is indicated for angiomatous epulis and giant cell granuloma.

Treatment of bumps on the gum

The amount of therapeutic intervention directly depends on the cause of the appearance pathological education. First of all, it is necessary to limit the spread of infection to neighboring areas and eliminate the pain reaction.

Treatment of diseases is carried out as follows:

  • Fistulous tract . In this case, there is a need to remove purulent formations from the pathological focus. For this, mouth rinses are recommended. antiseptics, such as Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, a solution of salt and soda, decoctions medicinal herbs. It is necessary to rinse during the day, very often, after about 1-1.5 hours. Physiotherapy is recommended for the fistula area. good effect produces light from a helium-neon laser.
  • Periodontitis . Root canals must be unsealed and cleaned. Through them, the accumulated purulent exudate at the apical opening will come out. In this case, the tooth remains open, oral baths are prescribed from soda solution or decoctions of herbs. From physiotherapy, transchannel electrophoresis is recommended. By using electric current in the apical region, it is possible to create a depot of active drugs, for example, from sulfonamides or enzymes.
  • Periostitis . If the tooth is sealed, it is necessary to remove the material and open the channels. Then under the temporary filling are placed medications, and the cavity is closed for 2-3 months special paste. Later given time the procedure is repeated. In parallel, the focus is opened along the transitional fold in the region of the root apex, and antiseptic rinse. With inefficiency conservative treatment the tooth is removed.
  • Gingivitis and periodontitis . The doctor prescribes the main treatment at home. At the appointment, the dentist performs cleaning of periodontal pockets, antibacterial and antiseptic treatment. If necessary, overgrown tissues and pathological formations are removed.
  • Epulis . Treatment is carried out only by a surgical method. The neoplasm is removed with a scalpel, either by cryodestruction or diathermocoagulation. It is important to eliminate the cause that caused the formation and epulis. If this is not done, a relapse is possible.

Folk methods of treating bumps on the gums

When a bump occurs on the gingival surface, the entire Alternative medicine should be considered as additional technique. She doesn't contradict traditional medicine, but only enhances the therapeutic effect of drugs.

Good healing effect give the following components:

  • Kalanchoe juice. It must be rubbed into the affected area.
  • Tincture of sage, chamomile calendula. It has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. Recommended as a rinse.
  • A mixture of honey and salt. It is important to ensure that the crystals are completely dissolved in liquid honey. Such a tool has an enzymatic and soothing effect.
  • Alcohol tincture of horseradish or garlic. It has a pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. However, it is not recommended to use pure form and more than 3-4 consecutive days.


Preventive measures for the appearance of bumps on the surface of the periodontium are standard. It is necessary to monitor high-quality oral hygiene, visit the dentist in a timely manner for preventive examinations and not self-medicate. Early diagnosis and appointment correct therapy will help to get rid of the pathology quickly and without consequences.

Any neoplasm on the gingival surface requires a mandatory diagnosis. Many dental diseases have an asymptomatic onset and are difficult to self-identify. Early detection help you quickly build right plan treatment, stop inflammation and prevent the development of further complications.

Useful video about flux treatment

What to do if a bump appears on the gum? First of all, do not panic and try to establish the source of the pathological process. The cause of compaction or purulent formation on the gums may be dental disease developed as a result of caries, poor blood supply gums, deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Need to contact dental clinic where diagnostics will be carried out.

Why can a lump form on the gum?

The tumor is indicative of internal infection in the dental pulp or in soft tissues caused by various reasons:

  • With periodontitis (the disease occurs due to a diseased tooth and canal damage) a dense abscess with a diameter of up to 1 cm appears at the root of the affected tooth. A fistulous tract is formed, where pus is periodically discharged. To save a diseased tooth and to avoid all sorts of complications, you must contact the dental center.

A tumor is a symptom of the presence of an internal infection in the dental pulp or soft tissues.

In the absence of treatment pathogenic bacteria continue to spread, a cyst may develop. If the tooth is filled, it is necessary to remove the filling, clean the canals and the affected tooth tissue. Dentist prescribes treatment medicines and .

  • With periostitis (complicated course of periodontitis, accumulated pus penetrates into bone tissue, which becomes inflamed) the bump that appears on the gum becomes extremely painful. Apart from acute pain, soft tissues swell, there is an increase in temperature.

The patient needs urgent help a dentist who will remove the filling, remove the crown, clean, expand the channels. It is possible that the tooth, where there is inflammation or, will have to be removed.

Non-infectious causes

A pathological neoplasm may have a non-infectious origin:

  1. Epulis - inflammatory formation on the gum, which develops as a result of mechanical injury to soft tissues. Inflammation can develop due to a chipped tooth, poor-quality prosthesis, poor filling. Neoplasms are removed surgically.
  2. Toddlers often injure tender gums during tooth growth, when they pull everything that comes to hand into their mouths. The baby needs to be watched. Usually, if the irritation of the gums stops, the hematoma decreases and disappears.
  3. A white bump on the gums of a child may swell where the first milk or new molar tooth erupts. If an abscess has formed in the area of ​​​​a milk tooth, it is urgent to visit a dentist and remove the diseased tooth. Otherwise, the infection can spread to the growing permanent tooth.
  4. Consolidation may result from side effect while taking a strong drug.

The bump can be completely painless. Pain can occur when you touch the inflamed area with a brush while brushing your teeth or when chewing food. But even in the absence of discomfort, close attention should be paid to the problem. The infection continues to develop in the body.

If the abscess breaks through, the infection can spread deep into the tissues.

Aching Blunt pain, which appears at the beginning of the inflammatory process, becomes strong and sharp if the abscess progresses. When the disease progresses to chronic stage, may be required surgery. In the absence of treatment or an attempt to open the abscess on their own, the infection can spread deep into the soft tissues, get into the blood, cause the development of oral phlegmon or sepsis.

Do not delay treatment. If you find any seal or swelling on the gums, try to quickly seek the advice of a dentist. Even if pain and discomfort are not felt, pathogenic bacteria, spreading through the blood throughout the body, can cause severe general intoxication.

Do not self-medicate. Put correct diagnosis and treatment can be prescribed only after computed tomography or x-ray.

Simple home treatments and prevention

Nutrient medium for the reproduction and spread of pathogenic bacteria and pathogenic organisms contributing to the development of caries and the appearance of pathological neoplasms is plaque. Enamel is destroyed under the combined influence pathogenic bacteria and easily digestible carbohydrates.

Teeth covered with a layer of plaque are destroyed most intensively. Very often, the cause of bumps on the gums is neglected caries. The infection penetrates into the pulp, then through the root canals passes into the bone tissue. Near the root of the diseased tooth develops purulent inflammation and a fistula occurs.

If you find a lump on your gum, see your dentist.

For the prevention of inflammatory processes and tooth decay, it is necessary:

  • observe oral hygiene, brush your teeth in the morning and evening, rinse your mouth after eating, use dental floss;
  • visit the dentist regularly and follow all the instructions, then it will be possible to stop the disease at an early stage;
  • fill diet vitamins and minerals needed to enhance defensive forces body, help boost immunity, maintain healthy teeth and gums;
  • limit sweets and foods containing fast carbohydrates.

Attention! If a ball is inflated on the gum, categorically prohibited:

  • warm compresses;
  • hot rinses.

To dull the pain and slow down the development of the purulent process, cold must be applied to the cheek, in the area of ​​​​the bump. Get rid of pain and to remove accumulations of pus formed as a result of the appearance of a fistula, regular rinsing of the oral cavity with warm soda solution will help.

Room juice is a natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. kalanchoe plants. He is colloquially referred to as "doctor". organic acids, tannins and Kalanchoe macronutrients help strengthen tooth enamel.

The juice is rubbed into the soft tissue of the gums, in the place where the bump has formed. The disappearance of the tumor and the removal of pus will help medicinal decoctions herbs: calendula, chamomile, horsetail, yarrow, eucalyptus.

Quite often, patients turn to dentists with the question, did a bump appear on the gum, does it hurt, what is it? Any neoplasm in the oral cavity is usually considered as a pathology. Healthy gums have a smooth pale pink color, a clear and even relief, without any cones and tumors. In no case should you ignore the growth that has appeared on the gum, even if it does not bother you at all. Such neoplasms are usually the result of various pathologies developing in the oral cavity. A hard bump on the gum over time can degenerate into a malignant tumor and lead to very serious consequences.

What diseases cause a bump on the gum

What is a bulging gum? If the bump on the gum does not hurt, then, most likely, this may be a manifestation the following pathologies:

  • - looks like a white bump on the gum and has an exit hole;
  • - on the x-ray looks like a mushroom-shaped formation with a cap on the gum and a leg to the root or neck of the tooth;
  • exostosis - pathological bone outgrowths;
  • - manifested by the formation of a hard lump on the gum;

Sometimes, after the removal of a molar tooth, a hematoma appears on the gum in the form of a hard reddish bump. Each of the above pathologies should be distinguished.

The fistula most often appears with advanced forms of periodontitis. This disease most often develops due to non-compliance. In this case, the gum grows abnormally (hyperplasia) and becomes loose. Pathogenic microorganisms can easily settle in such tissue, causing inflammation. First, a small whitish bulge appears. If the accumulated pus does not find a way out, then due to the pressure inside the cavity, a strong It's a dull pain. it acute form fistula. It is treated surgically followed by washing. Under local anesthesia a small incision is made on the gum and washing with antiseptic agents (for example, Furacilin).

If left untreated, the lump sometimes bursts on its own, and pus enters the oral cavity. With free flow of pus pain syndrome disappears, but in this case the fistula acquires chronic and does not heal on its own. Fistula treatment chronic form- the process is much longer. In this case it is also removed surgical methods or burned with chemicals. After the operation, the patient must be prescribed antibiotics. a wide range actions and rinsing the mouth with Furacilin or a solution of iodized salt. It is necessary to treat a fistula, otherwise the development of the inflammatory process can lead to loss even healthy teeth.

What is epulis

Epulis is a white tumor-like formation. It may look like a bump on the gum above the tooth. If the epulis formed on mandible, then it looks like a white bump on the gum under the tooth. This pathology can occur in both adults and children. In babies, the formation of epulis is often observed during teething. Women suffer from this disease three times more often than men. Epulis occurs mainly over the incisors and premolars. The main reason for the appearance of bumps of this kind is long-term trauma to the gums with an uncomfortable filling, sharp edges of a destroyed tooth, large tartar, or an improperly made prosthesis. The factors contributing to the occurrence of epulis are malocclusion, misaligned teeth, various hormonal disorders.

Depending on the clinical symptoms There are fibromatous, angiomatous and giant cell epulis. Fibromatous and angiomatous epulis develop as an abnormal growth of gum tissue in response to chronic inflammation. Giant cell epulis can develop both from the tissues of the gums and from the bone of the alveolar process.

  1. Fibromatous epulis is usually colored healthy gums, may be round or irregular in shape, and has a peduncle that is adjacent to the teeth. It is painless and does not bleed.
  2. Angiomatous epulis is different rapid growth, bright red color and bleeding, which occurs even with a slight injury. The bump in this case is formed in the neck of the tooth and has a relatively soft texture.
  3. Giant cell epulis - this formation is also painless, it is purple in color and elastic. It grows slowly, easily injured and bleeds. The surface is bumpy due to healed erosions and ulcers.

First of all, in the treatment of epulis, the traumatic factor is eliminated. Education itself is removed only surgically under local anesthesia. After removal, the wound is cauterized with a laser or chemicals in order to prevent recurrence, then treated with an antiseptic. The disease can be avoided if gum injury is prevented.

Exostoses are pathological bone outgrowths that can form in the sky, inner surface lower jaw, alveolar processes. In many cases, these formations are almost invisible. Sometimes they can be felt with the tongue as firm, smooth bumps on the gums. Exostoses are completely painless, but tend to increase over time. AT rare cases these neoplasms become malignant. Exact reasons the occurrence of this pathology has not yet been elucidated. Of the factors contributing to the development this disease, note genetic predisposition, abnormal structure of the jaw, injuries (fractures, bruises) of the jaw, complications after incorrect extraction of teeth and other surgical dental operations.

If exostosis does not cause discomfort, dentists usually do not recommend taking any action on these formations. However, if it is necessary to install prostheses, exostoses must be removed, since any prosthesis will injure soft tissues in the area of ​​pathological bone outgrowth. In addition, it should be borne in mind that these formations can increase in size. The operation is carried out under local anesthesia. Bone outgrowths are cut off with a drill or a laser scalpel. Then the surface of the jawbone is polished to give it a normal shape.

Infectious diseases that cause bumps on the gums

Periodontitis in most cases occurs with massive destruction of the tooth and unsealed dental canals. Once on the root of the tooth, pathogenic microorganisms cause inflammation of the soft tissues in this area, which leads to the formation of a granuloma or cyst that looks like dense bump on the gum With acute infectious process severe aching pain may be felt, but over time, the pain goes away or decreases significantly. If the treatment is started at the beginning of the disease, then it is usually enough to clean the canals and remove the carious tissues of the tooth. Then the canals are carefully sealed and the filling is placed on the crown.

When chronic process root canals expanded and treated with an antiseptic. Then a temporary filling is placed medicinal material and prescribe a course of antibiotics. After about a week, the temporary filling can be replaced with a permanent filling with a preliminary filling of the root canals. In some cases, if the tooth is under a crown, surgeons resort to surgical treatment periodontitis. In this case, under local anesthesia, an incision is made on the gum in the area of ​​​​the diseased tooth. Then the tip of the tooth root affected by the cyst is sawn off with a drill and polished. To prevent the development of inflammatory processes, a course of antibiotics is prescribed, and starting from the third day after the operation - rinsing the mouth disinfectants. For these purposes, diluted alcohol solution Chlorfilipt, Furacilin solution or infusions of herbs that have antiseptic properties(sage, chamomile, calendula).

When advanced periodontitis pus may not break out through the soft tissues of the gums, but accumulate around the jawbone, causing inflammation of the periosteum. In this case, a massive formation in the form of a tumor, known as a flux, forms on the gum. In dentistry, this disease is called. In the absence of treatment this pathology may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature, an increase in local lymph nodes, in some cases, acute pain.

With improper care of the oral cavity and teeth, a disease such as often develops. In addition to swelling and redness of the gums, among the symptoms of this disease there is often the formation of small red bumps on the gums, which are easily injured even with a toothbrush and often bleed profusely. A lump can form on the gum in the gap between the teeth or above the tooth, it does not hurt. Treatment of gingivitis consists of a dentist and subsequent, carefully carried out at home oral hygiene.

Treatment of periostitis takes several months. First of all, the crown (if any) is removed, the old filling is removed, then the root canals are cleaned and expanded, creating an opening for the pus to exit. Assign rinsing of the mouth with antiseptic solutions and a course of antibiotics. When the flux passes, a temporary medical treatment is put on for 2–3 months. filling material. Then the channels are washed again and put permanent filling. Unfortunately, this disease often relapses. With frequently repeated relapses, the tooth, on the root of which a cyst has formed, must be removed.

A painless bump on the gum may occur in case of subgingival formation. In this case, the bumps may be irregularly elongated, whitish in color, or the color of a healthy gum (depending on the location of the stone). Such bumps are most often found on the inner surface of the gums under the incisors on the lower jaw or on outside gums over molars upper jaw. The reason for the formation of tartar is insufficient or improper brushing of the teeth. The lack of treatment of this pathology eventually leads to the development of such a serious disease as periodontitis, in which even healthy teeth loosen and there is a high probability of their loss. Treatment consists of removing tartar mechanically, to which recent times resort less and less, or with the help of . The latter method is absolutely painless, does not damage the enamel of the teeth and disinfects the treated gum area.

Since most problems in the oral cavity, including education painless bumps on the gum, occurs due to inadequate hygiene oral cavity, it is necessary to follow the following rules from childhood:

  1. Brush your teeth twice a day every day. The first time after breakfast, the second time before bed.
  2. The procedure for cleaning the teeth and oral cavity should take at least 3-5 minutes. Teeth must be cleaned from all sides.
  3. In addition to the teeth, the gums, the mucous membrane of the inner surface of the cheeks and the tongue should be cleaned with a toothbrush.
  4. The brush should be clean, with properly selected bristles. Change toothbrush it is necessary once every three months, since various bacteria also accumulate on it.
  5. To clean the space between the teeth, you need to use floss (dental floss). This procedure is desirable to carry out after each meal.
  6. After snacking during the day, you need to use chewing gum sugarless. You can chew it for no more than 15 minutes.
  7. Limit sweets. It is the sweet environment that contributes to the accelerated reproduction of all pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity. That's why frequent use in food products of the confectionery industry inevitably causes various diseases teeth and soft tissues of the oral cavity.

Even in the absence of disturbing problems, it is necessary to undergo at least once every six months preventive examination at the dentist. Often self-discovery developing disease fails. This can only be done by a professional with a thorough examination. Early treatment can help keep healthy teeth and avoid various serious complications.

The process of tooth extraction is not just a procedure, but a whole operation. After it, complications may occur, this is not always the fault of the dentist.

Expert opinion

Biryukov Andrey Anatolievich

doctor implantologist orthopedic surgeon Graduated from the Crimean Medical Institute. institute in 1991. Specialization in therapeutic, surgical and orthopedic dentistry including implantology and prosthetics on implants.

Ask an expert

I think that you can still save a lot on visits to the dentist. Of course I'm talking about dental care. After all, if you carefully look after them, then the treatment really may not reach the point - it will not be required. Microcracks and small caries on the teeth can be removed with ordinary toothpaste. How? The so-called filling paste. For myself, I single out Denta Seal. Try it too.

After tooth extraction, a lump may appear on the gum

One example is the appearance of a bump on the surface of the gum. How she looks like? This is a hard neoplasm that bulges above the surface of a healthy gum.

Reasons for the appearance

Cones are classified according to two schemes. The first is simple, but ambiguous. As part of such bumps appear for reasons of non-infectious or infectious effects. The first is mechanical disturbances in the structure and so on, the second is the influence of diseases.

Infectious bumps form when the bacterial environment in the mouth and on the gums exceeds the desired concentration. Bacteria are different. The microflora of the mucous membrane contains the necessary and pathogenic bacteria, their number is regulated natural processes organism. If this doesn't happen, dangerous organisms develop and become the cause of the onset of the disease.

There are several types of bumps on the gums.

Non-infectious causes are typical for cases when a person injured the gum after tooth extraction, hit the surface with a hard object. Taking medicines can lead to the formation of growths when the risk for their occurrence is high.

Another classification of the causes of the formation of bumps on the gums after tooth extraction:

  • Improper oral hygiene. The problem may lie in the use of a poor-quality toothbrush with hard teeth that injure the gums. Caries is a significant problem. A large number of plaque provokes the formation of hard joints on the teeth and inside the gums.
  • Soft tissue trauma during tooth extraction. soft tissues were damaged, their structure changed, acquired a solid structure.
  • Allergy. Anesthetics that were injected into the gums before the procedure can cause unexpected allergic reaction, which manifests itself only in the compaction of tissues. A person may not feel other health problems.
  • Purulent processes. The reason is the infection in the wound. Pus accumulates inside. When looking at the gum, it seems that it is a bump, but in fact it is an abscess that hurts when touched.

A bump in the oral cavity may appear if hygiene is not followed.

Pay attention to whether there blood clot, protecting the wound, on the surface of the gums, if the tooth was recently removed. If it is not present, it may increase the suspicion of infection. If problems arise, you should consult a doctor.

Methods of treatment

Allergy is not subject to treatment, no problems arise when it occurs. The bump will resolve itself over time, the doctor must confirm the allergy.

If there is pus inside the bump, you need to start fighting the inflammatory process earlier. Otherwise, the consequences can be serious.

If there is a bump or seal, be sure to take an x-ray of the teeth

The bump, which was obtained due to injury, resolves on its own just like other types of hematomas.

How to diagnose:

  • Palpation. The doctor assesses the condition of the growth, establishes the causes of the problem.
  • X-ray. It may be prescribed when it is impossible to make a diagnosis. Allows you to determine what the growth is filled with.
  • CT scan. Allows you to confirm or refute bone growths, malignant or benign neoplasms.

How is inflammation treated?

  • Open the gum. Pus is removed, a drainage system is installed.
  • Purpose antibacterial drugs, antibiotics.
  • The appointment of sprays with an anesthetic effect, antiseptics, which help speed up the healing process.

The method of treatment is selected by the doctor based on the patient's data, examination and studies.

Features in children

If a child has a bump on the gum after the removal of a milk or main tooth, do not heat anything. It is better not to drink hot drinks yet, do not put lotions from medicines. For children, a reduced dose of medication is needed, which the doctor will help you choose.

Do not remove the bump yourself. If the child complains of pain, before going to the doctor, you can use the anesthetic spray that the dentist prescribed earlier for problems.

If a bump appears in the child's mouth, you should not deal with it yourself

Assess the condition of the gums. If the problem is in the bump, there is no other damage, no plaque and ulcers, but the formation causes the child pain, you can use furatsilin, soak gauze with it and attach it to the gum. This will help relieve swelling and reduce inflammation, but the method is only suitable for the first time before the doctor's visit.


Bumps after tooth extraction can appear in everyone. It is impossible to reduce the likelihood of formation - if something goes wrong during the course of the operation, a person can only influence the process with treatment.

Do you get nervous before visiting the dentist?


What can be done to prevent infection?

  • Brushing teeth, tongue, rinsing the mouth twice a day. Brush with soft teeth.
  • Cleaning the interdental space with a floss after eating - this will help remove food debris, avoid the development of bacteria in the mouth that can enter the wound.
  • The use of products with high content calcium, C, PP, B.

The main prevention is timely diagnosed diseases. A dentist can help with this, which must be visited periodically (1-2 times a year). If there is plaque on the surface of the teeth, the likelihood of caries increases. Teeth brushing techniques allow you to deal with potential problems.

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