Pain in the knee from the outside side: treatment, causes. Sore and aching knee: causes and treatment

Pain and crunching in the knee joint is one of the most common complaints at the appointment of a traumatologist or therapist, and both the elderly and young athletes who cannot imagine life without daily training suffer from such problems. Sometimes it is quite difficult to determine why the knee hurts from the inside, because such can occur with arthrosis, arthritis, inflammation of the tendon, or damage to the meniscus.

Causes of knee pain on the inside

The knee joint is a very complex mechanism, because in order to connect 2 bones of the lower leg and 1 femur and ensure their well-coordinated joint work, a huge amount of muscles, ligaments, a special “shock absorber” - the meniscus and a lot of “lubrication” - synovial fluid are needed. The condyles of the femur and tibia are connected by internal and external ligaments and a meniscus, a cartilaginous formation that reduces stress on the bones and helps distribute them evenly.

Outside, the joint is surrounded by an articular capsule, inside which is synovial fluid, which is necessary for the free sliding of bones and reduces friction of the tendons. Movement in the knee joint is provided by the muscles of the thigh and lower leg, as well as the cruciate ligaments. A violation in the work of any of the above elements is enough for a person to experience acute or chronic pain in the knee joint - from the outside or from the inside. Most often, the knee on the inside hurts due to:

  • knee injury- usually sports young people who get injured while playing sports, hiking or outdoor activities suffer from such problems. Meniscus injuries are the most common - up to 30% of all calls, and to damage the cartilage plate, it is enough to awkwardly turn the leg or fall on the knee. In case of injuries, there is a sharp pain on the inside of the knee, the joint turns red, increases in size, swells, the knee joint does not bend and the patient hardly steps on the sore leg or even loses the ability to move independently;
  • deforming osteoarthritis or arthrosis of the knee joint is a chronic disease that develops gradually and is clinically manifested in older people suffering from metabolic disorders or being overweight. With arthrosis, elastic cartilage slowly begins to break down, which ensures uniform distribution of the load on the bones and reduces friction between them. At the beginning of the disease, pain occurs only after physical exertion, for example, after walking up the stairs, the pain gradually intensifies, appearing not only when walking, but also at rest, and the joint itself is deformed and loses mobility. Pain from the inside of the knee joint is typical for those patients who, in addition to arthrosis, suffer from clubfoot, flat feet and other similar gait disorders. With such disorders, the load on the inner surface of the joint is greater and the cartilage here wears out faster;
  • rheumatism, arthritis, synovitis or bursitis- inflammation of the articular cartilage, joint bag, ligaments or muscles may occur due to a viral or bacterial infection. Characterized by the appearance of aching pain, redness and swelling of the joints on both sides after suffering a sore throat, colds, hypothermia or seasonal exacerbation - in the spring-autumn period or in winter. The joint increases in size, becomes hot to the touch, a general deterioration in the condition and an increase in body temperature are possible. If untreated, the disease becomes chronic and can cause complete immobility of the joint;
  • tendonitis or inflammation of the tendons- such a pathology develops in athletes, people engaged in heavy physical labor and women who constantly carry heavy bags. Pain in the knee joint occurs during active movements or after heavy loads;
  • rickets- this disease is typical only for childhood, most often children under 3 years of age suffer from it. Due to the lack of vitamin D in the body, calcium is not absorbed and the normal growth of bones and the musculo-ligamentous apparatus is disturbed. The bones become softer, do not withstand the load, there are pains when walking and cramps of the lower extremities;
  • neoplasms- benign and malignant neoplasms in the knee joint often cause severe pain on the inside of the knee. For example, Baker's cyst - the accumulation of fluid in the synovial bag under the knee can cause stretching of the capsule, pain and stiffness of the knee joint.

What to do if your knee hurts

In most cases, pain on the inside of the joint is associated with knee injuries or degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the cartilage and bone tissue, so you cannot do without seeking medical help. Only after examination and examination, the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a treatment that is very different in each case. So, in case of injuries, it may be necessary to stretch the joint, arthrosis is treated with steroid hormones, and the presence of neoplasms in the knee joint is an indication for surgical treatment. Before going to the doctor, at home you can:

  • to provide the sore leg with complete rest - it is advisable to give the limb an elevated position and not step on it, if it is impossible - to limit motor activity as much as possible;
  • use a support when walking, to reduce the load - a walking cane or crutch;
  • in case of injury - apply a cold compress and do not bend the leg at the knee joint;
  • with inflammation and severe pain in the joint - it is recommended to use ointments with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Voltaren, Ortofen, Dolgit, Fastum-gel and others. With severe pain, you can also take an anesthetic inside - drink a tablet of indomethacin, diclofenac, ketanes, and so on.

Take other, potent drugs, massage, baths or compresses before establishing an accurate diagnosis, it is impossible to categorically, this can completely distort the picture of the disease or even cause a worsening of the patient's condition.

The human body is unique. All organs and systems in it are interconnected. Ideally, it should function without any difficulty. It can also be compared to a mechanism in which all the work is adjusted. But, as with any mechanism, failures sometimes occur in the body. Most often it is associated with a disease of some organ. And if the unpleasant symptoms do not stop, the person begins to sound the alarm.

Pain in the knee joint


In order to find out why the knee hurts from the side, from the outside, it is recommended to understand the structure of this organ. Basically, the cause of all misfortunes is hidden in the knee joint. It is considered one of the most difficult in the whole body. The main function of the joint is flexion and extension. In its structure, it includes many ligaments, articular bags and condyles. He controls, as it were, two huge levers - the bones of the lower extremities. Attached to the knee are two large bones: the femur and tibia. There is also another bone - the patella. One can only imagine what enormous loads the knee joint experiences, it, like a shock absorber in a car, makes the movement of a person smooth and without sudden movements.

You should be aware that the surface of the bones that connect to each other are not the same. Between them are special plates shaped like a crescent. There are also many ligaments in the cartilage that allow the knee to move. There is a joint that performs several functions. First of all, it forms a special fluid that lubricates the knee. It is in it that inflammatory processes often occur.

Pain on the outside of the knee

When it hurts under the knee on the side, from the outside, there may be several reasons. It all depends on the nature and duration of the pain syndrome. The most common reasons:

  • Injury to the ligaments that are located on the outside. Most often occurs with stretching, with swelling observed.
  • Inflammatory processes in the tendon. Localization of discomfort occurs under the knee and from the inside. The process of inflammation may be accompanied by clicks.
  • It can also be ligament irritation, which is most often seen in athletes.

But it is recommended to remember that asking a question about why the knee hurts from the side, from the outside, is best for a specialist. He will be able to correctly diagnose, make a complete diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

The knee hurts from the side, from the outside, when bending

If there is a sharp pain, then the person immediately begins to sound the alarm. Since the result of this can be serious consequences and disorders in the body. And if the pain occurs during flexion and extension of the leg, then this, in turn, hampers movement. And then it can lead to dysfunction of the leg. Difficulties in diagnosing the causes of such a symptom is that the knee joint is complex in structure. And withstanding enormous physical exertion, it can often fail. The reason for this is its anatomical structure, which is considered one of the weakest, subject to deformation.

If the knee hurts from the side, from the outside, it hurts to unbend after sitting, this may indicate an injury. And also about the increased loads on the leg. It could also be osteochondropathy. The onset of the disease can occur in adolescence, when not all joints are formed yet. This age is considered transitional and vulnerable due to a hormonal surge. The body begins to rebuild, reaches puberty and all organs are finally formed. The disease is not dangerous if it is cured in time, otherwise it becomes chronic. Subsequently, in adulthood, a person is faced with such a problem with prolonged and intense loads on the legs.

Painful sensations when walking

If there are no pathological and visible sensations, but the person feels that the knee hurts from the side on the outside when walking, there may be such reasons as:

  • Various injuries, accompanied by the destruction of cartilage and ligaments. This also includes bruises, in which there was a fall on the cup, blows against heavy and hard objects. The first symptoms will be acute pain when walking, blood spots and bruises in the area of ​​the knee joint, swelling. It can also be displacements, sprains, fractures and dislocations.
  • Osteochondropathy (or as experts call it, Appears in adolescence, pain also occurs in the area under the kneecap.
  • Cut off the blood supply to a specific area. With such a disease, the area that does not have a blood supply dies off. Dead cells get inside the joint and the inflammatory process begins.

In the case when discomfort occurs after aerobic exercise, this may indicate diseases such as bursitis and tendinitis. It should be remembered that when the knee hurts from the side, from the outside, for a long period of time, you need to urgently contact a specialist.

When Knee Discomfort Occurs at Night

Most often in everyday life and bustle, a person does not always pay attention to discomfort in the kneecaps. Heavy employment and many factors that distract attention can simply drown out visible symptoms. And already in the evening, after a hard day's work, a person begins to listen to his body. And just then those symptoms that have been hidden for a long period of time may appear. Causes of pain at night are:

  • Gout is a metabolic disease. It mainly occurs due to malnutrition, when salt metabolism is disturbed. Even with such a disease, the knee hurts on the side from the outside when pressed
  • Arthritis - the pain is present throughout the day, intensifies in the evening and is accompanied by an increase in body temperature.
  • Thrombosis - occurs due to blockage of the veins and insufficient blood supply.

This is only a small part of what can cause discomfort that occurs at night.

Causes of knee pain

In fact, there are a lot of reasons. It depends not only on external factors, but also on internal ones. So, for example, if the human body does not receive enough nutrients, then disturbances begin to occur in all organs. Accordingly, normal functioning is disturbed and this manifests itself in a number of diseases.

Some of the most common reasons are:

  • Injuries.
  • Overload, especially if it occurs in old age.
  • Inflammation.
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Degeneration.
  • Congenital genetic changes.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Bad habits.
  • Excess weight.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diabetes.
  • Infectious diseases.

If you lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and get rid of all bad habits, you can avoid many diseases. It all depends on the person and his attitude to his health.

Diagnosis of the disease

In order to conduct a correct diagnosis, when the knee hurts from the side, from the outside, the treatment should be prescribed, you only need to contact a specialist. Diagnostics includes:

  • External examination of the problem area.
  • Collecting an anamnesis, by which it is possible to determine the cause of the disease.
  • Collection of data about pain sensations and their localization.
  • Tests to clarify the result of the diagnosis.
  • X-ray.
  • If possible, the patient undergoes ultrasound.
  • Angiography, in which the doctor looks at the veins of the legs.
  • If necessary, the patient undergoes a complete computer diagnostics.
  • Analysis of blood, urine.
  • If necessary, puncture.

All the data collected will help to provide a complete picture of the cause and nature of the pain, as well as make it possible to prescribe an effective treatment.

The knee hurts from the side, from the outside: how to treat?

The causes of the disease can be different, the correct diagnosis will be able to identify them. Only after the causes of pain are known, the specialist will prescribe treatment. There are also general rules for various diseases that should be followed:

  • Reduce stress on the knee joint.
  • Do not warm up.
  • Purchase orthopedic shoes or insoles.
  • For severe pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.
  • In case of infection, antibiotics are used.
  • Various ointments, gels, compresses are used.

You should also follow all the prescriptions of the doctor.

Prevention of joint diseases

In order to be healthy and not face severe consequences, you should follow the basic rules, such as:

  • Healthy food.
  • Weight normalization.
  • Rejection of bad habits.
  • Active lifestyle.
  • Load regulation.

A person should lead a healthy lifestyle and take care of himself, since in many ways his well-being depends on himself.

In the image on the right, fusion of the joint space is visible.

The knee joint is one of the largest and most complex. Every day it is subjected to a huge load, so it is not surprising that periodically it ceases to function normally. If, and the pain is almost constant, then it is necessary. Such a pathological condition may be a signal of the development of one of the deforming joints. Naturally, it is necessary to learn to distinguish situations when a visit to the doctor is very necessary. But the lack of or self-therapy can lead to complications.

The structure of the knee joint

To better understand why your knees hurt, you need to understand their anatomy. So, the articulation consists of the femur, tibia and patella. The two largest bones have two protrusions each: the inner and outer condyles.

All surfaces that come into contact with each other are covered with hyaline cartilage. Thanks to him, the mobility of the knee joint, its depreciation properties are ensured. Around this connection of bones is a kind of capsule, lined from the inside with a synovial layer. It is filled, thanks to which the articulation is powered, its mobility is ensured.

The knee joint is made up of more than just bones. All its elements are united by cruciate and collateral ligaments, femoral muscles, tendons. The kneecap is attached to other elements through its own ligament. In order for the knee to move, 6 synovial bags are needed. The nutrition and innervation of the presented joint is carried out through nerves and blood vessels, which are located in the soft tissues surrounding the joint.

Pain in the knee joint: causes

If the knee begins to hurt, swelling appears, mobility is limited, and the discomfort is severe enough, you should immediately consult a doctor. If the destructive process has already begun, then it will be impossible to completely cure the knee. However, it will be possible to stop or slow down its progression.

So, we can distinguish such causes of pain in the knee joint:

  • . This disease is more often diagnosed in women who have a large body weight and who are already 40 years old. At the same time, discomfort is felt when climbing stairs, when straightening the leg. The pathological process affects the tendons, ligaments and muscles, the joint capsule. , edema appears on the limb;
  • . This disease is characterized by the formation of small nodules of cartilage, which are located in the shell of the articular bag. At the same time, dehydration of the joint is manifested, its mobility is limited, a crunch is heard when moving. Since the soft tissues are pinched, the patient feels severe pain;
  • . Here the cartilage undergoes degenerative changes: it simply dies. The reasons for this pathological condition are banal: knee injury, features of some professions. At the same time, the knee hurts very much, the discomfort becomes more pronounced with any movement. In the left or right knee, a crunch, crackle is very well heard. A person practically cannot stand on the affected limb;
  • bone tumor. Pain in the knee appears due to the growth of a neoplasm that compresses soft tissues with nerves and blood vessels;
  • . This is a small hernia that can occur in young people and children from 3 to 7 years old. It is so small that it cannot always be diagnosed on examination. It does not pose a threat to human health and does not present discomfort. However, if it grows, then the joint may hurt, especially when the leg is straightened. If the hernia is large, then an operation is performed to remove it;

These reasons are the main ones, but not the only ones. Therefore, it is necessary to consider other factors, due to the influence of which there is pain in the knee.

Diseases of other organs, as the cause of pain in the knee

Some pathologies that are not related to the knee joint can cause pain in it:

  1. Fibromyalgia. Discomfort is localized in the muscles and soft tissues, but can be given to joints located nearby. The inflammatory process does not develop. In addition to aching pain in the knee joint, a person feels stiffness in movements, fatigue, he may experience convulsions.
  2. or . The pain syndrome in this case extends to the entire leg.
  3. . It is pinched by the vertebrae of the lumbosacral spine. Strong pulsating.

What systemic pathologies can cause knee pain? In addition to the reasons that have already been described above, there are other factors that contribute to the development of pain syndrome:

  • . The presented disease occurs due to a violation of the metabolism of uric acid in the body. It is poorly excreted from it, turns into, which accumulate in the joints. In this case, the knee can also hurt. And the pain is very sharp, sharp. More often, pathology occurs in men who abuse, eat improperly. In the affected area, the skin becomes red, and at night the knee joint hurts more. The duration of the attack ranges from a couple of days to several weeks;
  • . Pathology is associated with low bone density due to its improper formation. The pain in the knee joint is dull and aching, it is not so easy to remove it. Bones in this pathology are highly susceptible to fractures;
  • . This is a systemic pathology, which is characterized by inflammation of the connective tissue. It begins its active development with a decrease in the protective functions of the body. Manifested by a feeling of stiffness, which a person can feel after a long stay in a state of rest;

  • osteomyelitis. The presented bacterial pathology causes quite severe pains of a boring nature. In the area of ​​the affected joint, the skin turns red, and the discomfort increases with any movement. The danger of this disease is that its consequence is the beginning of the death of the bone marrow;
  • infectious diseases. They are characterized by pain in the area of ​​the knee joint, which disappear after a course of treatment;
  • Paget's disease. In this case, the bone tissue is formed incorrectly, so the spine begins to deform. With this pathology, it is the tubular bones that are affected, which subsequently become very fragile. Recognizing this disease is quite difficult, since symptoms may not appear. The only thing that can indicate the presence of pathology is that the sore knee hurts at night, and heat is felt at the site of the lesion.

If knee pain was caused by a systemic disease or skeletal pathology, then it is not always possible to completely get rid of it. However, treatment must be carried out without fail so that the disease does not develop further or at least slows down its course.

Trauma as a cause of pain syndrome

Pathological processes in this case can develop both immediately after the injury, and some time after it. We can distinguish such injuries of the knee joint:

  1. Break, tear or. These injuries lead to the appearance of the articulation "advance" syndrome. In addition, a person feels severe pain, hemarthrosis of the joint develops, which becomes unstable.
  2. . Here the intensity of the pain syndrome is low. There are no serious consequences after the injury. Swelling, as well as hematoma, usually disappear on their own in one to two weeks.
  3. . It results in a strong blow to the anterior region of the knee joint. After the acute period of pathology has passed, the pain syndrome usually worries the patient while climbing stairs, which is quite difficult to implement. There is slight swelling in the area of ​​the knee joint.
  4. Fracture. It appears when falling from a great height or a strong shock effect. The pain is strong, sharp, swelling appears in the affected area, and the skin turns pale. The victim cannot stand on his injured leg. During a fracture, a crunch and crackle is heard, and the bone can break through the skin.
  5. Tendon rupture. This injury is not common, but it leads first to acute, and then to aching pain. left or right knee is aggravated.
  6. . In this case, some of the constituent parts of the joint may come out of it.

Trauma can cause chronic illness. See the video for more on this:

Most pathologies of the knee joint have similar symptoms, so it can be quite difficult to recognize them. That is why self-medication is not worth it, as you can aggravate the situation even more.

Who is at risk

Knee pain, crunching, and swelling in the affected area are more common in some people than others. The risk group includes those people who:

  1. The presence of primary pathologies.
  2. genetic predisposition.
  3. Constant sports overload of the knee.
  4. Excessive body weight.
  5. Injury.
  6. I had surgery on my knee joint.
  7. Insufficiently good development of the muscular apparatus of the knee joint.

In addition, women are more susceptible to knee diseases, as well as people of advanced and older age.

In what cases it is necessary to consult a doctor

If a person feels that his knees hurt, then he urgently needs to contact a specialist in this case:

  1. The patient has been experiencing aching pain for more than two months, which does not allow him to sleep peacefully at night.
  2. If the pain syndrome is characterized by high intensity, it appears suddenly.
  3. A crunch is heard in the knee joint when walking.
  4. Knees hurt daily, and at a certain time, under certain conditions.
  5. In the knee joint, instability is felt from time to time.
  6. If additional pathological signs are present: skin rash, fever, fever.
  7. Aching pain appeared, which is accompanied by deformation of the joints, limitation of their mobility.
  8. Pain syndrome becomes a constant companion of a person.
  9. Signs of an inflammatory process appeared: redness of the skin, swelling, increased local temperature in the affected area.

Already these signs are enough to make a decision to see a doctor. By delaying the visit, the patient increases the duration and complexity of therapy, and also allows the pathology to develop further.

Varieties of pain

Why the knees hurt, most of the reasons for the development of the pathological condition are already clear. But the nature of pain can be different. For example, depending on the disease that caused it, the pain is of the following nature:

  • sharp, sharp. It is caused by a rupture of the meniscus or ligaments, the acute phase of bursitis;
  • dull, pulling. Bursitis or synovitis can provoke it;
  • aching. This type of pain is characteristic of arthrosis, gonarthrosis;
  • pulsating. Her person feels with an injury to the menisci or as a result of a lesion;

  • burning. It is characteristic of pinching the sciatic nerve, as well as bone tuberculosis;
  • stabbing. It is caused by a cyst in the synovial bursa. And stabbing pain is characteristic of osteoporosis, an old injury to the menisci;
  • drilling. It is caused by osteomyelitis;
  • periodic. It appears when the patient develops inflammation of the tendons or muscles;
  • shooting through. It causes pinching of nerve endings.

Diagnosis of pathology and first aid

Many people complain that their knees hurt and they don't know what to do. But when it is felt, it is necessary to undergo an examination and begin treatment.

Diagnostics involves the use of such procedures:

  1. Laboratory tests of blood and urine.
  2. Blood chemistry.
  3. Puncture of the bone marrow and.
  4. Smears for the presence of bacterial microflora.
  5. . This procedure is used both as a diagnosis and as a treatment for joint pain. It is easy to do, and a long period of rehabilitation is not required.
  6. Radiography.
  7. or CT.

Knee Pain: First Aid

If a person feels aching or pulling pain in the leg in the knee area, first of all, he must ensure the rest of the limb. involves taking or anti-inflammatory drugs - Analgin, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.

Pain can be relieved with a cold compress. It is used as a method of pain relief when the cause of pain is trauma. The limb is immobilized and placed on a hill. When there are wounds in the articulation area, they should be treated with an antiseptic. These measures are not a complete treatment. They should be taken only before a visit to the doctor.

Knee Pain: Medical Treatment

So, what to do if a crunch is heard in the joint and severe discomfort is felt? First you need to find out why these symptoms appear. One of the stages of therapy is drug treatment. So, with pain in the knee joint, you can quickly remove severe symptoms with the help of such drugs:

  • antibiotics (when discomfort is caused by a viral infection);
  • - Ibuprofen, Aspirin.

Some pathologies need to be treated with surgery. If present, it must be removed. The cyst can also be treated with surgery or hydrocortisone blockade.

Quickly get rid of the pathology will not work. In this way, you need to treat the knee for at least two months. In addition, you need to find really effective products that have good reviews.

The following recipes may be helpful:

  1. In half a liter of boiling water, pour 2 large spoons of cinquefoil grass, after which you need to let it brew. Drink the drug should be twice a day for 100 ml. You can apply a decoction of cinquefoil on a sore knee as a compress for the night.
  2. A decoction of oats will help get rid of pain. To prepare it, you need to take a liter of water and a glass of grain. The mixture is boiled, after which it is left overnight to infuse. During the day you need to use 2 glasses of liquid, dividing it into several parts. It takes 2 weeks to treat joints in this way.
  3. To relieve discomfort and improve blood circulation in the affected area, you can apply a compress of grated potatoes and horseradish, taken in equal proportions. It will help to quickly get rid of pain. Apply a compress to the affected knee and cover with a clean cloth. Wash it off after 15 minutes. To relieve unpleasant symptoms, only 10 procedures are enough.
  4. A mustard compress, which is applied to the sore leg at night, also received good reviews. To prepare it, a tablespoon of mustard is taken, mixed with the same amount of honey and soda. By morning, the compress will help relieve severe discomfort.
  5. If the knee joints hurt, tincture of bitter pepper can be used for rubbing. Half a liter jar should be filled with chopped pepper, and then pour alcohol to the very top of the container. You need to insist the remedy for a week.

You can do self-massage of the knee at home. How to do it, see the video:

If you already know why the discomfort appeared, then you can choose the appropriate folk therapies that will help remove them. But before that, you should consult a doctor.

Prevention of pathology

In order for the knee joints to remain healthy and function well for a long time, you must follow the simple recommendations of doctors:

  1. Reduce joint stress.
  2. It is rational to combine rest and work.
  3. Timely treat any infectious diseases in the body.
  4. Avoid hypothermia of the extremities.
  5. After 35 years, it is advisable to start taking chondroprotectors.
  6. During sports, it is necessary to protect the joints - with special orthopedic devices for fixing the joint.
  7. It is important to normalize your weight.
  8. Nutrition plays an important role in skeletal health. It is better to reduce the consumption of animal saturated fats, white bread, sweets. More fiber, vegetable oils, vegetables and fruits should be introduced into the diet. Proper nutrition will not only help relieve discomfort, but also improve the functionality of the joints.

Traumatologist Vitaly Kazakevich talks about the rehabilitation of an injured knee:

The image on the right shows the narrowing of the joint space.

Pain in the knee is one of the most common manifestations of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Moreover, not only people of the older age category, but also quite healthy young people face discomfort and pain in the knee joint. In most cases, there are complaints of pain in the knee from the outside, from the side.

The knee joint has a very complex anatomical structure. The elements of the joint are localized very close, and therefore even a qualified doctor will not be able to immediately tell which of the elements is affected. Pain in the leg may indicate damage to various components of the joint. That is why it is important to know what components the knee consists of.

Briefly about the structure of the knee joint

Knowing what elements the knee is made of, you can better understand the nature of the discomfort. The knee joint is made up of:

  • blood vessels;
  • nerves;
  • three bones: (patella, tibia and femur);
  • ligaments;
  • tendons;
  • hyaline cartilage;
  • joint bags (capsules).

The joint has two tubular bones and a rounded patella located in the middle. In the surfaces of the joints there are bone formations - condyles: in the tibia they are flat in the form of a gutter, and in the femur they are somewhat elevated.

The epiphyses of the bone, or endings, are covered with cartilage, the main function of which is to reduce the friction of the bone during movement, as well as softening the impact. Cartilage is a kind of natural shock absorber, which normally reaches six millimeters.

An important component of the joint is the synovial bag. There are at least five of them in the knee. As for the exact number of bags and their size, these figures change somewhat with age. Articular bags are provided with a synovial membrane, which is attached to the bone and surrounds the tendons.

Ligaments are also located in the cavity of the joint itself. The main role of connective tissue fibers is to fix the ends of the articulating knee bones. The main function of the external ligaments is to strengthen the articulation on the right side, and the internal ones - to limit the eversion of the knee joint back and forth.

As for the menisci, they are responsible for stabilizing the joint during movement. They are localized inside and outside the joint. The main function of the popliteal nerve, located in the popliteal fossa, is to provide sensation.

The maximum load falls on the knee joint: while walking, carrying heavy objects, abnormal physical exertion. As a result of all this, the knees are subject to various kinds of damage and changes.

Causes of knee pain


There are many factors and causes that provoke leg pain. One of them is the presence, or. As a result of this pathology, thinning of the cartilage is noted. Subsequently, bones are involved in the process. If the condyles are affected, the appearance of pain in the joint from the outside is noted.

Osteoarthritis of the knee can develop due to:

  • the presence of obesity;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • congenital anomalies of the knee;
  • decrease in the body's defenses;
  • unbalanced nutrition;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • the presence of endocrine pathologies.


The second reason may be an inflammatory process, or drives. The disease is characterized by the development of inflammation in the synovial articular membranes and subsequent.

With this pathology, the appearance of severe pain, as well as limited mobility of the knee joint, is noted. The main cause of gonitis is an infection that penetrates the joint during injury or through the bloodstream.


The most common cause of pain in the knee joint from the outside is an injury. Absolutely no one is immune from knee injury, however, young people are most susceptible to this condition, in particular, athletes and those who constantly perform hard physical work.

It is important to understand that trauma is not always a bone lesion. , tear, or (cruciate or lateral) - no less common joint lesions. The condition is characterized by the appearance of intense painful sensations, which intensify at the moment of bending the leg.

Due to damage to the ligaments, there may be complaints of soreness in the knee joint, in the area that the blow fell on, and hematoma,. If at the moment of bending the knee there is an increase in pain, and in the inner side of the knee joint, then this indicates a lesion of the internal ligament.

Unpleasant sensations also arise due to. An unsuccessful fall or a strong blow can provoke not only displacement or compression, but also a rupture of the cartilage lining. The detached particle remains in the joint cavity. If the element is optimally located, such injury may not manifest itself at all. Any load - all this provokes the appearance of intense pain on the outside of the side of the joint, since with strong loads or movement, a change in the position of the torn fragment is noted.

The condition is characterized by an increase in temperature, the appearance of redness and swelling of the skin, with any movement of the leg.

In any case, such injuries should not be ignored. Cartilage tissue will not recover on its own, especially when there is no blood supply in the affected area, as such. The lack of therapy can provoke serious changes - from stratification to the degeneration of formations into a cyst and the appearance of erosions and cracks. Subsequently, the menisci will not be able to perform their depreciation and protective functions, which is fraught with the development of arthrosis.

synovitis, bursitis

Often, pain in the leg appears due to the development of inflammation in the synovial membrane of the knee - synovitis or in the joint bag - bursitis. Both diseases are characterized by the accumulation of exudate in the joint capsules and membranes. In the initial stages, the symptoms of pathologies are implicit. Complaints are received on the appearance of soreness and swelling in the affected area.

Both bursitis and synovitis can develop due to:

  • trauma;
  • allergic reaction;
  • metabolic disturbances.

If measures are not taken in time, synovitis can be complicated by hydrarthrosis (dropsy), and bursitis -.

Causes of pain that are not related to knee damage

Osteochondrosis of the lower back

Pain in the knee joint is not in all cases due to the presence of pathology in the knee. Discomfort and pain in the joint may occur as a result. This ailment is characterized by irritation of sensitive roots due to displacement of the intervertebral discs. Pain resulting from disc displacement, and slightly higher -.

Coxitis and flat feet

A fairly common cause of pain in the knee joint from the outside is coxitis. This disease is characterized by development. Pain in the joint can also occur against the background of a disease such as flat feet. Due to the weak depreciation of the foot, an increase in the load on the leg is noted. Constant muscle tension and provokes the knee.

Varicose veins of the lower leg

Often, pain in the knee joint occurs due to the presence of varicose veins of the lower leg. In this case, pain radiates to the joint area, slightly below or above it. It may also be noted.


With the appearance of discomfort and discomfort in the knee in the first place. This is the only way you can find out why the knee hurts on the side. The doctor will examine the leg and conduct the necessary examinations. For this purpose, the following is scheduled:

Treatment is selected individually in each individual case, depending on the cause, location and nature of the pain. For the treatment of pain in the knee from the outside, radiating slightly above or below the joint, prescribe the use of:

  • antibacterial drugs - Cefotaxime, Ceftriaxone, Cefuroxime;
  • painkillers - Nalgezin, Dexalgin;
  • - Dicloberl, Ketoprofen, Aertal, Naklofen.

If the cause of discomfort is trauma, the first thing to do is to apply ice and immobilize the limb. A minor knee sprain may heal on its own. The patient, for the purpose of the fastest

Knee pain is one of the most common symptoms associated with a violation of the musculoskeletal system. Usually people complain of pain in the side of the knee on the outside on the right or left. This symptom may indicate dangerous disorders not only in the knee joint, but also in the body as a whole. In this case, there may be a situation when the joint is swollen, swollen, reddened and makes it difficult to move the entire limb. It is important to identify the cause of the pain and take appropriate measures to avoid serious consequences.

In order to prescribe effective treatment, you need to know.

Among the causes of pain in the knee from the outside, there are pathologies associated with disorders in the functional activity of the knee joint, as well as factors not associated with diseases of the knee.

Causes associated with disorders in the knee joint

If there are any pathologies or inflammatory processes in the knee joint, the joint will immediately respond to the changes that have occurred. Pain on the side of the knee from the outside can be caused by the following disorders in the joint:

  • Arthritis.
  • Drives.

Rheumatologist Pavel Valeryevich Evdokimenko tells more about the causes of the disease:

  • Bursitis.
  • Injury.
  • Meniscus injury.

Table 1. Pathologies of the knee joint

Pathology Description
Arthrosis Joint disease associated with damage to cartilage, which begins to wear out with age. In young people, it can be caused by hereditary factors and excessive physical exertion. The disease develops slowly, the patient does not even notice any violations. Over time, the symptoms get worse. When bending and unbending the knee, a characteristic sound appears in the joint, and while walking and from the side from the outside. With an advanced form of arthrosis, pain worries the patient even at rest, deformation of the bone tissue affects the person's gait. The pain becomes constant, reduces physical activity. It is important to consult a doctor at the first signs of the disease, when the cartilage tissue is not so thin that it can still be saved. Prolonged inactivity or treatment only with folk remedies will cause complications. Medical intervention is needed.
Arthritis Symptoms of the disease are similar to those of arthrosis. It affects people regardless of age and is often chronic. The occurrence of arthritis may be due to disorders occurring in the body, it may be a manifestation of other diseases. For example, with rheumatism, so-called rheumatoid arthritis is often diagnosed. If it is necessary to find out its cause and in the course of treatment to eliminate it or reduce the degree of manifestation.
Drives An inflammatory process that occurs in the knee joint, in which the synovial articular membranes are damaged, and blood or purulent fluid accumulates in the joint cavity. The inflammation causes severe pain on the side of the knee and limits its mobility. The cause of the disease is an infection that enters the joint when tissue damage has occurred (due to injuries), or when there are infectious foci in the body, from which microorganisms move into the joint with the bloodstream.
Bursitis The inflammatory process takes place in the articular bags of the knee. It can be caused by an infection, excessive exercise, a trauma, or a complication of arthritis. In this case, the pain in the knee increases when pressed, swelling occurs, and the temperature rises. Bursitis begins instantly, there is a sharp pain in the process of movement. The disease is treated both by traditional methods (painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs), and surgically with advanced forms of inflammation.
Injury The most common cause of knee pain. No one is immune from traumatic injury. Especially vulnerable to injury are young people, athletes and those whose field of activity is associated with heavy physical labor.

Pain syndrome can occur not only as a result of bone damage, but also in connection with a bruise, sprain,. In this case, the site of damage is accompanied not only by soreness, but also by the appearance of swelling and hematoma. Joint mobility is limited. If the internal lateral ligament is damaged, then the knee will hurt on the side from the outside. In case of minor damage, the doctor will prescribe conservative treatment, including splinting, fixation with an elastic bandage, and resting the injured leg. Torn ligaments often require surgery.

meniscus injury The meniscus is the most vulnerable part of the knee joint and is most often damaged. The inflammatory process is accompanied by pain in the knee on the side from the outside during the descent, while the most common staircase can become a problem for the patient. The appearance of edema and redness, an increase in local temperature is characteristic. Each movement of the leg is accompanied by a kind of clicking in the knee.

Treatment is prescribed depending on the nature of the damage. If the meniscus is completely torn off, an operation is required and its removal. If the damage is less significant, traditional methods of treatment can be dispensed with:

  1. Drug therapy to relieve pain and swelling, normalize temperature.
  2. Physiotherapy procedures.
  3. Therapeutic gymnastics.

The recovery period is quite long and lasts from several weeks to several months. After the rehabilitation course, it is necessary to follow the doctor's recommendations: limit physical activity, do not make sudden movements, and perform special gymnastic exercises.

Untimely treatment or refusal of medical care can cause serious complications, up to the formation of erosions, cracks, cysts.

Causes not related to knee diseases

Pain on the outside of the knee does not always indicate a disorder in the knee joint. Often, pain is a complication of a disease or a consequence of an existing pathology in the body. The knee joint may be disturbed due to the following diseases:

  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Flat feet.
  • Tendinitis.

Therapist Elena Vasilievna Malysheva and her colleagues understand the causes, signs and treatment of flat feet:

Table 2. Other pathologies that caused pain in the knee joint

Pathology Characteristic
Osteochondrosis A disease of the spine is caused by a displacement of the intervertebral discs, as a result of which sensitive roots are irritated. In this case, the destruction of the connective and cartilaginous tissue of the joint occurs. . The disease affects not only the elderly, more and more often osteochondrosis of the spine is diagnosed at a younger age.
flat feet With the normal structure of the foot, the weight of the human body is evenly distributed over the foot. If the foot is flat, these proportions are violated. The knees bear a significant part of the load, as a result of which pain can appear on the side of the knee. This is especially evident in overweight people and in women during pregnancy. To alleviate the condition, the patient is advised to wear comfortable shoes that support the arch of the foot.
Varicose veins of the leg With varicose veins, the patient feels, above and directly in the joint area
Tendinitis Inflammatory process affecting tendons and ligaments. It occurs as a result of injury, infection, or pathologies of tendon development. In this case, there is pain in the muscles, swelling. It is difficult for the patient to climb stairs and even get up from a chair. It is possible to determine the disease by taking a blood test and x-ray examination


In a preliminary conversation with the patient, the doctor finds out when pain symptoms appeared in the outer part of the side of the knee; what preceded the pain syndrome; whether there were previously diseases associated with impaired functional activity of the joints and spine; What chronic diseases does the patient have? Having compiled a clinical picture and having studied the history of the disease, the doctor must determine the cause of the pain in order to prescribe the correct treatment regimen.

Diagnostic procedure - arthroscopy

In order to determine the root cause of knee pain, a comprehensive diagnosis is required. The knee joint has a complex structure and even an experienced specialist cannot always determine which part of the joint is damaged. There are several diagnostic methods that differ in duration, accuracy, and cost.

If the patient complains of pain in the knee from the outside, after a visual examination by a doctor, he may be prescribed one of the following procedures:

Table 3. Diagnostics

Features of treatment

To eliminate discomfort and get rid of pain in the knee from the outside, a doctor will help, who, based on the patient's complaints and the results of the diagnostics, will prescribe a suitable course of treatment. Self-medication and self-selection of medicines is strictly prohibited. Folk remedies can only temporarily relieve pain. After a while, the pain will return again, and perhaps with much greater intensity.

It is important to eliminate the cause of the disease, which is hardly possible without qualified medical assistance.

Treatment should be complex, combine various methods and techniques. As a therapeutic method, a doctor may prescribe:

  • Therapeutic gymnastics and massage.
  • Physiotherapy procedures.
  • Drug therapy, which includes taking antibacterial (Cefuroxime, Cefotaxime), anti-inflammatory (Dikloberl, Ketoprofen, Naklofen), painkillers (Dexalgin, Nalgezin) drugs.

In each case, the treatment is selected individually, depending on the cause of the pain, its localization, and also takes into account the general condition of the patient's body, its individual characteristics, in particular drug intolerance and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Depending on the cause of the disturbing pain in the knee area, the following procedures are performed:

  • In case of injury, first aid should be provided: immobilization of the limb and finding it at rest, applying ice to the place of pain.
  • In case of damage to the meniscus, conservative treatment with medications (with a tear or pinching of the meniscus) or surgery (with a rupture of the meniscus) can be used.

Cooling the injury site with ice

Do not neglect medical help if you experience pain in the knee area. Regardless of the degree of damage, timely drug therapy is required. By eliminating the source of pain, you return life and movement to your joints.

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