Treatment of bronchitis in adults with folk remedies. Recipes of folk remedies for bronchitis. How the disease occurs and develops

Treatment of bronchitis with mixtures based on fat, honey, resin, propolis is very effective at home. These folk remedies can often cure almost all diseases of the bronchi and lungs. Also, these and other mixtures will quickly help with exacerbations. chronic bronchitis, for coughs and any colds.

Chocolate mixture treatment

In the home treatment of bronchitis, a mixture based on fat, aloe, honey and chocolate (or cocoa) is often used. Take 0.5 l. aloe rolled through a meat grinder, 0.5 l. baked badger or pork fat, 0.5 kg of chocolate, 1 kg of honey. Combine everything, heat to 35-40 degrees, so that everything melts, and mix well. Take this remedy for 1 tbsp. l. three times a day, before meals. This mixture can also be used for any cold. In chronic bronchitis, conduct a course of treatment with this remedy in spring and autumn for prevention. (HLS 2002, No. 22, p. 20). (2009, No. 22, p. 31)

This tool has helped many people get rid of bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia at home. The woman had chronic bronchitis with an asthmatic component. Treatment in the hospital did not give results - the cough did not go away. At work, she was given a recipe for a folk remedy: melt 300 g of butter (or interior fat), add 300 g of honey, 1 cup of sugar, grind until smooth, add 100 g of Golden Label cocoa. You will get a chocolate paste that can be stored in the refrigerator for a year. Take this paste for 1 tbsp. l. in a glass of hot milk 2-3 times a day. When the patient ate all this portion and came to the reception, the doctors were very surprised by the results of the treatment. (healthy lifestyle recipe 2004, No. 5, p. 26)

How to treat bronchitis with eggs and cognac: an easy recipe for adults

This is an old proven folk remedy for the treatment of bronchitis. Gotta take 10 fresh raw eggs, put them in an enamel pan. Pass 10 lemons through a meat grinder and spread the lemon puree over the eggs. Leave for 14 days. A hard crust of mold forms on the layer of lemons, it must be removed, crushed and mixed, strained through cheesecloth.

Add 0.5 l of cognac and 1 kg of honey to the resulting liquid. Stir, leave for a day. Drink this remedy 50 g three times a day before meals. Course - until the remedy runs out. To prevent the disease from returning, repeat the course after three months home treatment bronchitis, and in six months to conduct the third course. (HLS 2002, No. 16, p. 18)

Honey can help with cough and other symptoms

This recipe has helped many people cure chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia. man with last stage lung cancer was discharged home to die, and given a lifespan of 1 week, thanks to the treatment according to this prescription, he lived another 1 year. (2004, No. 6, p. 25)

Home treatment with cocktails

It is necessary to prepare two cocktails - vitamin and creamy. Vitamin use 30 minutes before meals 50 g, creamy 1 tbsp. l. after eating with milk.


Mix 50 g of radish, carrot, beet juice, 150 g of cognac, 200 g of aloe juice, 500 g of honey, 50 g of cocoa powder. Keep refrigerated.


Melt 500 g of butter, 500 g of pork interior fat, 100 g of cocoa powder, mix everything, add 200 g of aloe juice. Keep refrigerated
(healthy lifestyle recipe 2006, No. 25, p. 31).

Vegetable juices to cure severe wheezing

The woman had chronic bronchitis. She was advised to treat it at home and prepare such a folk remedy: mix 200 g of juices of carrots, beets, black radishes, 200 g of honey and 200 g of alcohol, insist for a day. Take for any diseases of the lungs and bronchi, 1 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals. With the help of this remedy, the woman managed to cure chronic bronchitis. At the beginning of treatment, white hard (like cartilage) sputum came out of the lungs. (2002, No. 14, p. 18,)

This folk recipe helped another woman to cure several relatives: her daughter-in-law cured chronic bronchitis, and her son tuberculosis. She insisted the mixture for 10 days in a dark, cool place. Dose for adults - 1 tbsp. l. three times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. Should be enough for three weeks. Then take a three week break. 10 days before the end of the break, make a new portion, and drink it to the end, although there will be no symptoms of the disease. (2009, No. 13, p. 29)

The use of resin and wax at home

The man had chronic bronchitis for many years. A folk remedy helped to cure him: 1 cup chopped beeswax, 1 glass of sunflower oil, 1 glass of pine resin (resin), 1 glass of honey. Put all the ingredients in an enameled pan and bring to a homogeneous state while stirring. over low heat, do not bring to a boil. Take 1 tsp. 3 times a day before meals, drinking 0.5 tbsp. hot milk. The man drank one liter jar of this remedy and for 10 years chronic bronchitis has not bothered him. (2003, No. 12, p. 18,)

At hyperacidity the stomach is not allowed to use resin

from chronic and acute bronchitis this folk remedy will help: Heat 1 liter of unrefined sunflower oil in an enamel pan, but do not bring to a boil. Add a handful of spruce, pine, fir, larch resin mixture. Cool to room temperature and heat again. Do this for three days (infuse for a day, heat up and insist again). Drink 1 tsp. in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed. Course - 1 month. Then a month break and a new course. (HLS 2005, No. 22, p. 10).

A very simple way: horseradish and lemon

With chronic bronchitis in the acute stage, such a folk remedy quickly helps: Horseradish 150 g, lemon - 3 pieces, scroll in a meat grinder, mix. Take the porridge in the morning on an empty stomach and before going to bed. This remedy has a very good anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. (2011, No. 3, p. 33)

Effective folk remedy: l ukovoe jam

With prolonged chronic bronchitis in adults and children, this folk remedy helps 100%: mince 500 g of onion, add 1 liter of water and 400 g of sugar, mix in an enamel saucepan, boil over low heat for 3 hours. You should get a little more than a liter of funds. When cool, add 50 g of honey and stir. Keep refrigerated. For the treatment of bronchitis every morning, take 4-6 tbsp. l. means to warm up room temperature, and eat 1 tbsp. l. 4-6 times a day, depending on the severity of the disease, for children 1 tsp. The course of treatment is until the remedy ends. Repeat courses every three months until the lungs and bronchi are completely healed. (HLS 2000, No. 20, p. 12) (2002, No. 21, p. 27) (2007, No. 24, p. 37)

The woman had a long-term cough with wheezing. Onion jam helped cure chronic bronchitis. She cooked it according to a different recipe: she passed 2 kg of red onion through a meat grinder, added 400 g of sugar, did not add water. Boiled for two hours, then threw it on cheesecloth. It turned out 700 g of syrup. I drank 100 g of this remedy all day, I drank the entire portion in a day. She wanted to treat the kidneys with this remedy, but she cured both the kidneys and bronchitis. After treatment with onion jam, I forgot about these diseases (2006, No. 13, p. 30)

Lilac treatment: down with cough!

The woman suffered from bronchitis since childhood - after each cold, acute respiratory infections and flu, she had a debilitating cough for six months. 20 years ago, she was told how to cope with the disease. It is necessary to fill a full jar with lilac flowers and pour vodka, insist 10-20 days. Before going to bed, pour 20 g of tincture into a glass of hot tea, drink in small sips and go to bed. Such treatment helps after three days (HLS 2001, No. 9, p. 19), The woman had chronic bronchitis, she was in the hospital 2 times a year, the treatment did not help, but when he prepared a lilac tincture and treated her, the disease is completely gone. (2007, No. 10, p. 33)

Herbs, warm-ups and gymnastics

Coltsfoot has long been used in the treatment of childhood colds and similar ailments.

The woman had chronic obstructive bronchitis and severe trachitis - she breathed with wheezing and whistling, could not carry bags, moved with difficulty, could not sleep. I decided to be treated with folk remedies. Used many methods:

1. She treated bronchitis with an infusion of herbs: coltsfoot, plantain, wild rosemary.
2. Every morning I cleaned the root of the tongue with a spatula to cause coughing and expectoration of sputum.
3. It was treated by heating with mustard plasters - 1 time per week, and banks - 1 time per week
4. Every day I ironed my chest with an iron through 3 layers terry towel- 15 minutes once a day, then rubbed turpentine ointment and went to bed.
5. I sucked on pieces of salty food several times. lard.
6. Went to the pool
7. Did gymnastics Strelnikova every morning.

The condition improved a lot, there were no problems with breathing (2002, No. 3, p. 17).

Herbal tea for bronchial cleansing

Mix 100 g each of: black tea, rosehip flowers, lemon mint, thyme, oregano, linden flowers. Brew like tea and drink. The woman drank this tea for a year. Chronic bronchitis was cured (healthy lifestyle recipe 2002, No. 6, p. 18,).

Carrot seed treatment for chronic bronchitis

1 st. l. carrot seeds pour 200 g of 40% alcohol, insist 7 days in a warm place, drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day on an empty stomach 1-2 hours before meals. Do not eat or drink anything. Chronic bronchitis can be cured with this remedy very quickly. (2003, No. 9, p. 26)

How to deal with the disease with lingonberries

12 years ago, a woman fell ill with acute obstructive bronchitis, since then she has been ill with bronchitis every year from November to March. Somehow they gave her a lot of lingonberries, she filled them with water, added sugar and kept them in the refrigerator. Every day, 2-3 times, I drank half a glass of lingonberry infusion, warming it to room temperature. A week later, the cough stopped, and there were no more relapses of the disease. (healthy lifestyle recipe 2003, No. 23, p. 27)

In addition to the treatment of bronchitis in the appendage, you will get rid of accumulated toxins with the help of lingonberries.

Folk recipe with white lily

The white garden lily is considered strong natural antibiotic and is successfully used in the treatment of bronchitis, sore throats, coughs, colds. White flowers are taken.

There are two ways to use lily:

Recipe #1 Pass 40 lily flowers through a meat grinder, grind with 1 kg of honey. Store in the refrigerator, take 1/2 tsp. under the tongue until completely resorbed 30 minutes before meals

Recipe #2 Fill the jar 1/3 with crushed white lily flowers, pour chilled pasteurized vegetable oil, insist 3 weeks. Keep refrigerated. Take with bronchitis and any lung diseases, 1 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before meals 3 times in the morning and evening. (2004, No. 13, p. 13)

Honey and turnip

If you have chronic bronchitis, then such a folk recipe will help alleviate the condition and avoid complications: mix turnip juice and honey in equal proportions. Take 2 tbsp. l. after 3-5 hours. The course is 3-4 weeks. (2005, No. 18, p. 28,).


Calamus treats diseases of the lungs and bronchi very well, there is a good folk remedy: in the fall, dig up the roots of calamus, rinse, dry. Prepare a powder from the roots in a coffee grinder. Take with chronic bronchitis 0.6 g of powder 3 times a day before meals. (healthy lifestyle recipe 2005, No. 22, p. 10)

Treatment with honey compresses and radish

A 10-year-old woman suffered from chronic bronchitis, there were exacerbations twice a year. Such recipes helped to cure the disease. At night she rubbed her back and chest with black radish juice - there were no attacks of night cough after such rubbing. Mixed 1 tbsp. l. rast. oils, vodka, salt, honey. This mass was applied on the back, on top compress paper and fastened with a handkerchief, then the woman drank hot tea and went to bed. A lot of sweat came out at night. The cough passed quickly. (healthy lifestyle recipe 2006, No. 5, p. 30).

Black radish

It is quite possible to replace sugar with honey - it's healthier

The woman coughed for 20 years, the diagnosis is chronic bronchitis. The following folk remedy helped to cure bronchitis: finely chop the black radish and put it in layers in a mug in layers: 1 tbsp. l. radish, 1 tbsp. l. Sahara. Do not mix, soon (after three hours) the juice will stand out. Drink it for the whole day, 1 tbsp. l. in one hour. Repeat daily until the cough stops. (healthy lifestyle recipe 2008, No. 15, p. 32).

Treatment of chronic obstructive bronchitis folk remedies

The woman often had bronchitis, over time he fell ill with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - COPD. Used for treatment various medicines, antibiotics, but shortness of breath, cough, sweating did not go away. In a healthy lifestyle, she read the advice of a pulmonologist: “to thin the sputum, complete each meal with onion infusion in milk.” To prepare this remedy, you need to chop 5-6 onions, a head of garlic, boil them in 1 liter of milk. Drink 1/4 cup after every meal. The woman began to be treated according to this recipe, the drink turned out to be pleasant to the taste, relief came very quickly, cough and shortness of breath disappeared. (2010, No. 24, p. 14).

The disease will win ... fat!

The woman had chronic obstructive bronchitis for many years. Somehow she was advised the following folk remedy: put 1 tsp in 100 g of hot milk. goose fat, when the fat melts, pour soda on the tip of the knife and drink. A woman used this method, drank this remedy with goose fat 3 times a day, cough and shortness of breath disappeared. He still uses this method, but he drinks the remedy once a day (2011, No. 4, p. 41)

How to treat chronic bronchitis with original methods according to healthy lifestyle recipes

This article says how non-standard methods treatments have cured chronic bronchitis. It turns out that bronchitis can be treated with beer, kvass, breathing and simple exercises.

Hydrotherapy according to the method of Sebastian Kneipp

With the help of hydrotherapy, the man managed to cure chronic bronchitis in 10 procedures, which is confirmed by pictures before and after the treatment of bronchitis. He soaked a linen sheet in salty cold water, wrapped himself tightly in it and in a warm blanket with the help of an assistant, then on top two more warm blanket, a scarf around the neck. Lie in this form for 1.5 hours, then wash the body warm water. A man carried out such wraps 1 time per day. After the procedure, wash and iron the sheet (healthy lifestyle recipe 2002, No. 2, p. 17).

Folk treatment with beer

A woman suffered from chronic bronchitis for 4 years, every spring and autumn she had exacerbations, and she coughed for months. The nurse suggested her folk recipe. Lightly heat 150 g of beer. Add there 2 cloves of garlic, grated and 1 tbsp. l. sour cream. Stir and drink on an empty stomach 1 hour before breakfast. Take the same portion at bedtime, 4 hours after dinner. Course - 1 month. If the disease does not recede, then repeat the course of treatment in six months. That woman managed to cure bronchitis in 1 course. 15 years have passed and the disease has not returned. (2006, No. 3, pp. 29-30).

Quite often, beer is also used to treat sore throats.

Another way to treat chronic bronchitis with beer: in 500 g of beer, dilute 1 tbsp. l. sugar, warm up. Drink 1 or 2 glasses of this beer at night. The woman drank this remedy for 2 weeks and chronic bronchitis subsided (healthy lifestyle recipe 2010, No. 4, p. 30).

How kvass will help

The woman had chronic bronchitis. After another exacerbation, she coughed for three months - day and night, the medicines did not help. A friend advised me to drink homemade hot kvass instead of tea. The woman drank hot tea only in the evenings, as much as she could. A few days later I said goodbye to bronchitis. (healthy lifestyle recipe 2008, No. 8, p. 30).

Cold treatment

The man was sick frequent bronchitis, pneumonia, every autumn he was in the hospital, asthma appeared. They tried to treat bronchitis with various folk remedies: decoctions of herbs, massage, honey mixtures. The pain receded only briefly. The man learned that some doctor treats diseases with cold. The man failed to get an appointment, but he saw honey in the yard. the center is attended by lightly dressed, despite the winter, coughing children. Then the man decided to treat himself. I decided to take up winter fishing - I went to the reservoir for the whole weekend, sometimes I went completely sick. And in the spring, the man abandoned his inhaler and completely forgot about the disease. (healthy lifestyle recipe 2007, No. 24, p. 10).

What are the benefits of push-ups

The woman had chronic bronchitis for a long time, since the beginning of the 90s she has been registered. Soon an asthmatic component appeared. In 2006, she read an article by S. M. Bubnovsky, who believed that pneumonia, bronchitis are not colds, diseases associated with stagnation in the body, and argued that “treatment of a disease is the work of the patient himself.” He suggested treating bronchitis with hardening (to stimulate the immune system) and exercise (to activate the intercostal muscles and diaphragm). The woman began to do push-ups from the windowsill. In the lungs on exhalation there were screeching and wheezing. But after about 10 days, sputum began to leave, the bronchi began to clear. Soon the chronic bronchitis passed. She continues to do push-ups for two years, during which time there was not a single cold. (healthy lifestyle recipe 2008, No. 14, p. 9).

Folk treatment with garlic

Garlic is an excellent antimicrobial agent

It's vintage Chinese way healing of the whole organism. Garlic does not enter the stomach, but immediately into the blood. Vessels, lymph are cleansed, many chronic diseases. Several people who have used this folk remedy have had anemia, vasospasm, periodontal disease, pyelonephritis, etc. The results are visible within a month. The woman managed to cure chronic bronchitis - in spring and autumn, when it worsened in her, it began barking cough, now she has been living without this cough for several years.

Here is the remedy: finely chop 1 clove of garlic, let it lie down for five minutes, then put the garlic in your mouth and drive with saliva in your mouth, suck the juice. Suck for 30 minutes, spit out the cake. You can start with a plate and eventually reach a clove. (2010, No. 5, p. 9).

Rubbing of iodine and ammonia

Combine iodine and ammonia in a ratio of 1: 1, the composition will turn black, close the container tightly. There will be a reaction, then the composition will become transparent. Rub your chest and back before bed. The woman suffered from chronic bronchitis for 30 years, this folk recipe quickly helped her: the cough immediately disappeared. Also, this remedy helped to cure bronchitis to friends and relatives (2007, No. 17, p. 8,).

How to treat bronchitis with burdock

In chronic bronchitis, warming with burdock will help. Heat the burdock leaves in a warm kettle. Lay a warm diaper on the bed, put 2-3 leaves of burdock on them, lie on them on your back, also put burdock leaves on your chest, put a bottle of hot water on them. She will then warm up the bronchi along with burdocks. Then tie the ends of the diaper on the chest and stomach, cover up warmly and sleep until morning. A course of at least five procedures. (healthy lifestyle recipe 2009, No. 12, p. 30)


The man was ill with chronic obstructive bronchitis, in the bronchi was constant whistle, the man was tormented severe shortness of breath. For the treatment of leg vessels, he decided to use a folk remedy - foot baths with wormwood infusion. He soared his feet in this infusion, breathed the vapours. As a result, after three such baths, shortness of breath and wheezing in the lungs disappeared, and sputum ceased to stand out. That is, he treated his legs, but cured chronic bronchitis. (healthy lifestyle recipe 2006, No. 8, p. 31).


With the onset of cold weather, people begin to suffer from infections and colds. Accustomed to enduring a cold on their feet, they do not always start treatment on time, and the disease often turns into complications such as sinusitis, pneumonia, bronchitis and others. In order for folk remedies therapy at home to be effective, it is necessary to use such recipes that will help you quickly turn a dry cough into a wet or productive one, and then remove the mucus from their bronchi. But, unfortunately, most people suffering chronic illness they don't know how to get rid of it.

Productive and non-productive cough

Many people think that a strong cough is just a symptom of an advanced cold and do not know what bronchitis is and how to deal with it. The effectiveness of therapy largely depends on how correctly the type of perspiration is determined. It is known that a cough can be dry (unproductive) and wet or wet (productive).

For dry, the following features are characteristic: characteristic sounds similar to barking, the patient cannot cough up, there is no sputum, there is pain in the sternum. Wet, on the contrary, is accompanied by the separation of mucus and it is much easier for the patient to get rid of it.

At unproductive cough must be taken medications to relieve spasms. As soon as it becomes productive, medications will be required to help remove sputum from the respiratory system.

Traditional therapy at home

The onset of acute bronchitis in its symptoms is very similar to a common cold. A person begins to tickle in the throat, a runny nose appears. If you do not follow the regimen, do not start timely and adequate treatment diseases, then the disease becomes chronic, which is much more difficult to cope with.

Therapy should be directed to:

  • fighting viruses and infections;
  • elimination of factors provoking the disease;
  • improving the patency of the respiratory system;
  • excretion of sputum and mucus.

Before taking medications on your own, you need to consult a doctor so that he can diagnose the disease.

First of all, you need bed rest in the first 2-3 days of illness, and then semi-bed. Carrying the disease "on the legs" is harmful to the whole organism, which is already weakened. In order for a dry cough to quickly turn into a wet one, it is necessary to properly humidify the air in the room where the patient is located.

In addition, during the period of illness, the body needs vitamins, so nutrition should be balanced and varied. The diet includes cereals, vegetables, fruits, dairy and sour-milk products. It is also necessary to drink more liquid, which favors the thinning and removal of sputum.. This includes teas, decoctions medicinal plants, mineral water.

Traditional methods:

  1. Take drugs of mucolytic, expectorant action.
  2. Antiviral or antimicrobial medicines are needed to fight the viruses and infections that caused the disease.
  3. If bronchitis is complicated by a symptom such as fever body, then antibiotics will be required, they are especially important in the treatment chronic form.

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine offers recipes for cough and bronchitis based on herbal ingredients. Decoctions, infusions, inhalations, rubbing and compresses help well in combination with drugs. Below are the most popular remedies that can be used at home.

Honey, lemon and glycerin

This recipe should be used at the first symptoms. Preparing the remedy is not difficult, although labor-intensive. To do this, you need to take one lemon, rinse it thoroughly under water, you can even remove dirt and plaque with soda. Then the fruit must be wiped with a towel and make several punctures in it in the peel in different places. You can use a fork or a toothpick. Boil water in a separate container and dip the citrus in boiling liquid for five minutes, then remove it and leave to cool.

Now it is easy to squeeze out all the juice from it, which needs to be poured into a two-hundred-gram glass. To it, add 2 tablespoons of glycerin and mix, and then top up with liquid unsweetened honey. Mix everything again and leave to infuse for 3-4 hours in a cool place. Take this mixture 2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day. If the patient is worried about a strong cough, then you can increase the number of doses up to 6-7 times a day until the symptoms disappear.

badger fat

Bronchitis treatment badger fat suitable for people suffering from chronic forms of the disease. It has anti-inflammatory and tonic properties, is easily absorbed by the body, includes useful trace elements and vitamins. This therapy is also recommended for children suffering from a prolonged cough.

Medicinal decoctions and infusions

Medicinal herbs are prescribed to the patient in the form of fees for decoctions. In a pharmacy, you can buy a ready-made breast collection and brew it like tea. The dosage is indicated in the instructions and depends on the age of the patient.

  1. Mix in a glass container one tablespoon of thyme, eucalyptus, chamomile and St. John's wort herbs. Pour all 500 ml of boiling water and wrap tightly so that the product is well infused. After that, the infusion should be filtered and drunk warm at 50-100 grams during the day at regular intervals.
  2. Onion peel is also effective means for bronchitis and cough. Take the husk, put it tightly in an enamel pan so that it fills the entire bottom by one centimeter. Then add cold water to the pan so that it is higher than the husk by the palm of your hand. Now put everything on a small fire, cover the pan with a lid and simmer everything for at least an hour. Remove the decoction from heat, let cool without opening the lid, and strain. Add a tablespoon of honey to the warm broth. Drink 100 grams 3-5 times a day in a warm form.

Radish with honey

Take note of this fairly popular and easy-to-follow recipe. It will help to get rid of the usual dry cough very quickly, and will become indispensable tool with home treatment.

Wash large black radishes well with a brush. Then cut off the top horizontally. Set this hat aside for now, and carefully remove a little pulp from the radish itself with a spoon or knife to make a cavity. After that, make 1-2 holes through from top to bottom, but not very large, so that the juice can only drip from there, and not flow out.

Put the radish in a cup so that it does not fall to the bottom, but hangs on this cup. Put honey inside, as much as it fits in the cavity you made. Cover with a hat. After 1-2 days, radish juice with honey will begin to drain to the bottom of the cup. Drink it 3-4 times a day for a tablespoon, add honey as needed. upper part. Treating a cough with bronchitis in this way is not at all difficult, and even tasty.

Honey with milk

There is another very effective folk remedy - honey with milk. Boil the milk, let it cool a little and add a teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of soda to it. Drink the remedy moderately hot in small sips, just do not burn your throat. Getting rid of painful cough will come very soon.

During treatment, do not forget to walk on fresh air, if there is no temperature, do inhalations from decoctions of herbs, eat well and take vitamins.

Bronchitis is an inflammatory lesion of the bronchial mucosa. Treatment of bronchitis should be comprehensive. As practice shows, the use of some folk remedies.

Effective treatment for bronchitis

The recipe is as follows: unrefined vegetable oil - a quarter cup - boil in a water bath. Find a towel, preferably woolen, long enough to tie the baby around. Soak the towel with warm oil (not hot and not cold!) and wrap the baby. (By the way, if you wash the towel immediately after the end of the procedure, there will be no traces left) Place cellophane over the towel and wrap the child with a warm blanket.

When the woman returned from work in the evening to see how her niece was doing, at that moment she was already sleeping peacefully. She breathed easily, her cheeks flushed. And the woman’s sister smiles, says, “You should have seen the reaction of the nurse when she saw the baby. Only the nurse was called to give injections, and the little patient is already almost healthy.

The woman said that she had worked as a nurse for more than thirty years, and there had never been such cases in her practice. A similar compress can be done by an adult. The main thing is not to catch a cold after the compress. But since the body gets used to the oil very quickly, the “oil bath” is done only once. Repeat this procedure maybe a little later.

Source: healthy lifestyle newspaper

Other recipes:

Treatment of bronchitis with lemon, honey and glycerin - the best remedy for bronchitis

This recipe easy to perform: the ingredients can be found without problems, the drug is prepared quickly, but at the same time its effectiveness has been proven in practice. How can you prepare this remedy:

    To boil water.

    You should take a medium-sized lemon, rinse it thoroughly in water (you can use a brush).

    Make several punctures on the fruit (in different places).

    The lemon is placed in a pot of water brought to a boil.

    Boil the lemon for five minutes, after which the fruit is removed and left to cool.

    The next step- Squeeze the juice from half boiled lemon. This can be done manually, and a household juicer (or a citrus juicer) is also suitable for this purpose.

    The resulting juice must be drained into a faceted glass (or other container with a total volume of approximately 250 ml).

    Add glycerin to the juice (about 2 tbsp. / L.). Based on the volume, it is about 25 ml

    The resulting composition is thoroughly mixed. After that, you need to add honey to fill the remaining volume of the container (honey should be liquid, settled, candied honey is also suitable, but in this case it will have to be heated so that it acquires the necessary consistency).

    Nearly finished product should be mixed again.

    Send the container with the drug to a cool place. There, the mixture should be infused for several hours (from 120 to 240 minutes).

How to apply?

There are no age restrictions, the tool is equally suitable for both adults and children. Dosage difference. single dose for adults is 1 tbsp./l. For children, this is 0.5 tbsp. / L. (reduced by exactly half the dose).

The remedy is recommended to be taken on an empty stomach, half an hour before a meal. However, you can use the drug after a meal, but in this case, at least two hours should pass from the moment of eating. The number of doses per day depends on the severity of the ongoing pathological process. If the patient is worried about a strong cough, it is recommended to take the drug in a tablespoon 4-7 times a day. In other cases, the recommended dosage is a tablespoon 2-3 rubles / day.

With a strong cough, if it is not possible to wait for the remedy to infuse, you can prepare it in another way. To do this, it is enough to pour boiling water over the lemon, and then grind it to a mushy state in a food processor or blender. Then mix lemon gruel with honey and glycerin.

This recipe has beneficial effect on the patient's body in three directions at once:

    Helps to increase the body's resistance (vitamin C stimulates the immune system).

    Relieves cough (glycerin helps to soothe and moisten an irritated throat).

    Helps in the fight against the causative agent of infection (honey is a natural antibacterial agent).

Contraindications: it is recommended to exercise caution to persons suffering from gastrointestinal diseases: such a composition can aggravate the course of the disease or cause an exacerbation. It is unacceptable to take this folk remedy for those who are allergic to any of the ingredients.

Onion decoction for cough with bronchitis

To prepare the remedy, you will need the following ingredients:

    Onions - 2-3 small onions.

The bulbs must be peeled and finely chopped. Place the peeled onion in a bowl (not too deep pan will do). Crushed onions are poured with milk. The mixture must be boiled (cook until the onion becomes soft). When ready, honey is added to the broth. The amount of honey is calculated based on total decoction (for each glass of the mixture - 1 teaspoon of honey). The course of treatment of bronchitis is several days (1-3). Take the remedy should be a tablespoon once an hour.

onion honey

Dilute one glass of sugar with one liter of water. Put two medium onions whole into the solution. Boil until you get half. Remove the bulbs, now the onion honey is ready, so to speak. Take half a cup. This decoction can also be used for acute respiratory infections or flu.

Chronic bronchitis will pass easily if you start using onion honey. Drink it in two days. If there is still no improvement, repeat the course of treatment.

Treatment of bronchitis with black radish with honey

To prepare the remedy, you need to find a small radish. Only black radish is used. The fruit must be thoroughly washed (preferably with a brush). Then, using a knife, remove the core from the radish (a deep circular incision is made). The fruit should take on a cup-shaped shape (a depression should form).

Add one spoonful of honey to the resulting recess (depending on the size of the radish, add a teaspoon or a tablespoon). Filling the hole to the brim is not recommended: during cooking, the resulting juice will overflow. Next, place the radish in a bowl: depending on the size of the fruit, an ordinary glass or a 0.5-liter jar will do.

The radish prepared in this way is left at room temperature for several hours. At this time, the cut out core with a “hat” can be returned to its place. After about 4-5 hours, the fruit will release the juice. It is even better if the fruit is "infused" during the night. The resulting juice is used as a medicine. The same fruit can be used for several days (the main thing is to periodically add honey).

Admission rules this tool simple: adults can take a tablespoon up to 4 times a day. For children, the dosage is halved (taken in a teaspoon up to 4 times a day).

Duration: from 7 to 14 days. The term of taking the remedy can be increased, depending on the nature and severity of the disease. It's simple and effective remedy is used not only for the treatment of bronchitis: radish with honey helps with colds, diseases of the throat and upper respiratory tract, whooping cough and other pathologies that are accompanied by cough, as well as a general tonic.

It is important to keep in mind that if you are allergic to radish or honey, this medicine cannot be used.

Alternative recipe for radish with honey

You can cook radish with honey in another way. To prepare the product, you will need 2 medium-sized radishes and honey (only black radish). The radish should be peeled. Next, the fruits can be cut into cubes, straws or grated ( of great importance does not have). Place a small amount of radish in a jar (a 0.5-1 liter jar is suitable for this purpose). Then add 1-2 tablespoons of honey to the laid out radish. So, layer by layer, alternate radish with honey until the jar is full.

The jar is sent to the refrigerator for several days (during this time, the radish will release juice). A kind of syrup is formed, which must be drained into a clean dish. Adults are recommended to take the remedy 2-4 times a day for a tablespoon, for children - 2 times a day for a teaspoon. Keep refrigerated.

Treatment of bronchitis and cough with milk with cedar cones

To prepare such remedy you will need a medium-sized cedar cone and a liter of milk. The cone should be rinsed with water. Place raw materials in a saucepan and pour milk. Bring the product to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat. Boil the cone in milk for 1-2 hours. Milk itself has a medicinal effect. It must be poured into a clean bowl.

You need to take the remedy for 6-7 tablespoons every two hours. The duration of treatment is several days.

Milk boiled with cedar cones becomes bitter and unpleasant. To improve the taste, you can add a few tablespoons of honey.

Treatment of bronchitis with propolis

Bee products have a proven healing effect. However, they can be used, as in other cases, only if there is no allergy.

To prepare the product, you need propolis, butter and also honey. Proportions: for 10 grams of dry propolis, 100 grams of honey and 100 grams of butter. Propolis is crushed with a knife or rubbed into a grater. Next, you need to melt the butter. Add crushed propolis to melted butter, mix thoroughly. After that, honey is added to the mixture. Mix thoroughly again.

Such milk spoils quickly, so you need to store it in the refrigerator. Take in a diluted form (a teaspoon of the product is diluted in 0.5 cups of water).

Treatment of bronchitis with adjika with horseradish and garlic

This is an easy-to-prepare, but effective recipe that allows you to fight not only bronchitis, but also other colds. For cooking, you need 3-5 medium cloves of garlic, 1-2 horseradish roots. Often as additional ingredient use tomatoes (2-3 tomatoes). Garlic, horseradish and tomatoes are crushed to a paste-like state in a meat grinder and everything is mixed.

Take the remedy should be a tablespoon before meals.

Bronchitis cake with mustard and honey

Recipe 1. To prepare the product, you will need the following ingredients: grain mustard (crushed), honey, sunflower oil (one tablespoon of each ingredient), as well as table vinegar and wheat flour, 2 tablespoons each. All components are laid out in a bowl (you can use a plate). flour on this stage no need to post. The rest of the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Dishes are placed on water bath. The mixture should be steamed until the temperature reaches 40-50 degrees. At the end, the plate must be removed from the bath. Add flour to the mixture. Now you should knead the dough.

The resulting cake is used topically as a compress. On the place of application of the compress (back, chest), gauze is applied, folded several times (in size it should be 3-7 mm larger than the application area). First, gauze must be moistened in water and squeezed out. Then a cling film or cellophane is applied to the gauze (the size of the film should be 1-3 cm larger than the gauze).

The resulting product is laid out on top. The cake is chipped with a layer of cotton wool (you can use a thick cloth). Such a “construction” is tied to the body with a scarf. It is recommended to keep the compress for at least 6 hours (it is even better to leave the compress overnight). At the end of the procedure, the body in the area of ​​application of the compress is wiped with a dry towel.

Therapeutic effect achieved after 3-5 repeated sessions. Mustard can irritate the skin, so it is important to monitor the condition of the skin. If redness and irritation occur, it is recommended to sprinkle the skin with baby powder, and reduce the time of application of the compress to a comfortable level.

Recipe 2. Take 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil, solid goat fat, mustard powder, honey, vodka or alcohol, and 3 tablespoons of vinegar.

Mix everything and make 3 cakes, 2 of which should be placed vertically on the back in the area of ​​​​the lungs and one on the chest. Secure with a bandage to keep warm all night. If the cough is strong, then only on the 5th day it will pass.

This recipe was sent to us by a pediatrician, so it is approved for use even for children.

Recipe 3. Take 1 tablespoon of dry mustard, flour, vodka, any interior fat, aloe juice, honey. Nowhere to take fat - replace it with unrefined sunflower oil. Stir and heat in a water bath. Put gauze on the patient in the area of ​​the lungs, then ointment, then gauze again and a plastic film on top. Cover with something warm.

Good to wrap too elastic bandage, so that the bandage does not budge. Leave the compress overnight. No need to be afraid that a burn will appear, the skin will only turn slightly pink. This bandage can also be done on the chest, but not where the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart is. This remedy helps to get rid of bronchitis very quickly. You need to do just a couple of such procedures, and even the most - chronic cough will pass.

Other folk remedies for bronchitis

    Interior lard is a good folk remedy. It is necessary to mix melted and filtered pork through a strainer suet, unsalted butter, honey (preferably buckwheat) and granulated sugar (100 g each). Boil over fire for five minutes. Although if honey is boiled, then it medicinal properties will drop a lot, so you can add honey later, when the mixture has cooled down a bit. Then pour 2 teaspoons of cocoa powder - and put on fire for another 7 minutes (honey is added at the very end, when the medicine has cooled down a bit). That's it, the medicine is ready. They should be treated by taking only one tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach, drinking milk.

    Butter. Take two teaspoons, one of which will contain natural honey, and the other - butter. Pour all this into an enamel bowl and put on gas. Stir until you get a homogeneous mass. Let it cool down, and smear it on at night, but do not rub it in. Put gauze or cotton wool on top, you can use cellophane. Continue treatment of bronchitis for a month, but improvement will come in a week.

    Magic mixture. You need to take one glass of crushed wax, one glass of flower honey, one glass of sunflower oil, one glass pine resin. Pour all this into a saucepan and put on the stove, cook, stirring, until everything is thoroughly mixed, but do not bring to a boil. It turned out a liter jar of the mixture. You need to put it in the fridge. Take one teaspoon half an hour before meals with 0.5 cups of hot milk. Continue the course of treatment until a liter of the prepared mixture is over.

    delicious recipe from bronchitis. Mix half a liter of aloe juice with one kilogram of honey and half a liter of pork fat. Add chocolate and stir. The mass is consumed before meals. Keep refrigerated.

Running and hardening with bronchitis

In the field of therapy chronic diseases lung, exercise stress and increasing the adaptive capabilities of the body are of key importance. However, hardening must be done with caution and certain rules. In addition, ideally, hardening should be combined with running, since in combination these activities not only increase the protective capabilities of the body, but also train the weakened respiratory system.

One of the most popular and affordable methods of hardening is cold hardening. Cold procedures help to increase the adaptive capabilities of the body, thereby reducing the risk of developing colds. The most common practice is water quenching.

Dousing with water promotes training nervous system. As a result of the impact cold water on the skin covering a reflex is developed: work is intensified thyroid gland and adrenal glands, adrenaline is released into the blood, body temperature temporarily rises, and heat generation increases. The blood supply to individual parts of the body and organs is enhanced. At one point, the body's defenses increase dramatically (as a result of stress).

Classic way hardening consists in a gradual decrease in water temperature (the maximum from which hardening begins is 23 degrees). However, this method was found to be insufficiently effective.

AT contemporary practice the following methods are applied:

    Wiping with a wet towel (lower temperature water can be used).

    Taking a contrast shower.

    Taking baths with cool water(the duration of such baths should not exceed one and a half minutes).

    Pouring water.

Depending on the individual features You can start the body with one or another type of cold procedures. Wiping with a towel is recognized as the most gentle. Hardening procedures are carried out daily 1-2 times a day.

When carrying out hardening procedures, a number of rules must be observed:

    After cold procedures, it is forbidden to be in a cold room or in a draft.

    During exacerbation of chronic diseases or colds, hardening is not practiced. This will aggravate the course of the disease.

    In itself, hardening is just an element. Wellness treatments must be complex. So, to combat bronchitis, in addition to hardening, you need to do running and breathing exercises.

Juices are used not only for the treatment of lung diseases, but also as a general health remedy.

    Cabbage juice. It has a bitter taste. For improvement palatability you can add sugar. It is an excellent expectorant, in addition, it has a beneficial effect on the stomach.

    Beet juice. Freshly squeezed beetroot juice is not recommended. It should be insisted in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. Promotes rapid detoxification of the body, increases blood clotting. Has a diuretic effect.

    Blueberry juice. Like cabbage, lingonberries have an expectorant effect. Thanks to lingonberry juice, sputum will not stagnate in the bronchi.

    carrot juice has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. Because a lot beetroot juice you can’t drink (no more than half a glass), it is recommended to dilute it with freshly squeezed carrot juice.

Salt lamp and halotherapy for bronchitis

Halotherapy is a relatively new drug-free method of treating many diseases (including pathologies respiratory system). Its essence lies in the creation of an artificial microclimate that has a beneficial effect on the affected broncho-pulmonary structures (a strictly defined level of air humidity, its temperature, etc.) is established. By its nature, such treatment is close to speleotherapy, when the patient long time stays in a special microclimate of natural geological structures: caves, grottoes, etc.

At home, patients also have the opportunity to simulate the beneficial effects salt caves and halotherapy rooms with so-called salt lamps. Salt lamps are made from salt mined in caves. When heated, salt ions are released into the air, providing therapeutic effect on the patient's body.

Unlike halotherapy, salt lamps, as was said, are only an imitation (or rather, an incomplete replacement). However, it has been proven that salt lamps have a therapeutic effect. The only problem is that with the help of a salt lamp it is impossible to fully influence everything microclimate factors: humidity, air temperature, etc.

The benefits of salt lamps

It has been repeatedly scientifically proven that the benefits of a salt lamp are not just another myth.

These simple devices have a lot of positive effects:

    In a wide radius disinfect the air. The bactericidal action is especially important during infectious diseases.

    Salt lamps help strengthen the immune system.

    Lamps reduce harmful effect electromagnetic radiation.

    Help normalize sleep.

    Promote relaxation.

In addition, practice has shown that such lamps help with a number of diseases:

    Chronic obstructive bronchitis (also called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD, smoker's bronchitis).



    Bronchitis (acute and chronic).



    Bronchial asthma.

    Rhinitis of allergic origin.

You can safely place salt lamps near electrical appliances (moreover, they reduce the harmful effects of technology on the body). Salt lamps also act as a natural air ionizer, which means that there will be no place for mold and fungus in the apartment.

The salt lamp has a whole host of advantages:

    As mentioned, it acts as a natural ionizer, destroying pathogens.

    lamp reduces adverse effect electromagnetic radiation on human body. A person encounters such radiation every day when working with office and household appliances.

    Regulates the level of humidity in the room.

    In addition to practical value, a salt lamp has excellent aesthetic qualities and is used as an interior element.

    The lamp helps to fight unpleasant odors.

How to choose a salt lamp?

When choosing a salt lamp, it is important to consider several points:

    Room area. Positive effect will be achieved only if one lamp weighing 2-3 kg will "serve" the room no more than 15 square meters. m area. Otherwise, you need to purchase a lamp bigger size or install multiple lamps.

    Characteristics of the crystal. The crystal should be even, without chips, cracks and other defects.

    Stand. The stand must be of sufficient size. Otherwise, the lamp cannot be placed stably. There is a high risk that the lamp will fall and break.

Education: Moscow Medical Institute. I. M. Sechenov, specialty - "Medicine" in 1991, in 1993 " Occupational diseases", in 1996 "Therapy".

If symptoms appear - cough with sputum, wheezing, fever - you should consult a doctor. Treatment usually includes antiviral or, drugs to thin sputum and make it easier to cough up, antipyretic and vitamin complexes.

Of some importance is the so-called distraction, or reflex therapy, as well as ingestion herbal remedies that improve the condition bronchial tree. These treatments can be used at home, are simple, and are traditionally used for airway inflammation.

"Reflex" therapy

The following means are used:

  • medical banks;
  • mustard plasters;
  • warm foot baths.

All of them have one main contraindication: elevated temperature over 37.5˚С. At a lower but still abnormal level of body temperature thermal treatments it is recommended to reduce the time or completely abandon them. It depends on how you feel and how it changes after the thermal procedure.

Cupping causes an increase in the blood supply to the skin and tiny hemorrhages in her. This leads to a reflex improvement in blood flow in the underlying tissues. At the same time, lymphatic drainage is normalized in them. As a result, tissue supply is improved nutrients and oxygen, foci of inflammation resolve faster, and the disease is cured faster.

To put jars, the skin of the interscapular region and under the shoulder blades is smeared with a greasy cream (can be for children). Prepare tweezers, cotton balls and alcohol. Grabbing the ball with tweezers, moisten it with alcohol, set it on fire and quickly heat the air inside the jar, and then apply it to the skin. As the air cools, it shrinks in volume, sucking in part of the skin and subcutaneous tissue inside the bank. They are placed for 15 minutes, and then carefully removed, slightly pressing with your finger at the glass edge, with your free hand tilting the jar in the opposite direction.

Mustard plasters are also intended for reflexology at home. Mustard oil causes local irritation of the skin and expansion of its vessels. At the same time, blood flow is activated in deeper located organs.

Before use, the mustard plaster is dipped in warm water for 5 seconds and applied to the interscapular region and side surfaces chest for 5-15 minutes, the patient is covered from above with a towel and a blanket. Mustard must be placed with great care in allergic diseases, as well as in skin diseases.

Warm foot baths for bronchitis are very useful to do at night. They usually contain mustard. The water temperature should be 39-40˚С. For 10 liters of water, take a tablespoon of dry mustard powder, stir it in a small amount of water, filter and add to the basin. From above, it is better to cover the basin with a towel. The patient takes a warm foot bath while sitting, the legs should be bent at the knees at a right angle. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. Then the legs should be wiped dry with a towel, put on clean thin socks, and woolen over them, and so go to bed. Foot baths can be done every day or every other day as long as the cough continues.


During inhalation, the patient inhales an aerosol formed by medicinal or biological active substances. In this article, we will not touch on inhalations using. This device uses only ready-made medicines prescribed by a doctor. Let's talk a little about ordinary steam inhalations that can improve sputum coughing.

Useful for acute and chronic bronchitis steam inhalation with soda or table salt. To prepare a solution of a 2% solution of soda for inhalation, you need to take a teaspoon with a small slide of soda, dissolve it in 2 glasses of water, heat the water in a small saucepan until steam is formed. You can bend over such a container, covering yourself with a towel, or you can make a cone out of cardboard and put it on the kettle, inhaling the steam from the cone. It is important that the steam does not burn the mucous membrane.

For inhalation with salt, a 2% solution of sodium chloride is used. The proportions for its preparation are the same. Such inhalations can be carried out 1-2 times a day when coughing, but when normal temperature body. The duration of the procedure is 5-7 minutes.

Allowed and old method « potato inhalation". Boil the peeled potatoes, drain the water and breathe over the pot of potatoes, covered with a towel.

Help a patient with bronchitis inhalation based on eucalyptus leaves. Along with an expectorant effect, eucalyptus disinfects the respiratory tract and promotes the healing of microdamages of the mucous membrane.


To accelerate the cleansing of the bronchi from sputum, herbal remedies are used.

Herb thermopsis lanceolate - universal remedy in diseases of the respiratory tract. It has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory effect, restores mucociliary clearance, that is, self-purification of the bronchi. It grows in the Baikal region, in the south of Siberia, but it is more convenient to purchase ready-made raw materials in pharmacies. It is prepared from medicinal infusion. It can also be added to solutions for inhalation.

Marshmallow root has an enveloping, protective, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and analgesic effect. For bronchitis, a decoction of the root is used.

Helps to cough up stagnant sputum and a decoction of plantain leaves or coltsfoot. You can prepare an infusion of oregano. Most of the listed herbal components are included in the composition breast collection, sold in pharmacies and conveniently packaged in bags.

If you get sick with acute bronchitis, you have a cough, do not rush to buy expensive drugs in pharmacies. Consult your doctor, because in many cases folk remedies will help to cope with the disease along with medicines.

Which doctor to contact

If symptoms of acute bronchitis appear in adults, it is necessary to consult a therapist. If the disease lasts more than a month or more, you should consult a pulmonologist, allergist, infectious disease specialist. All "home" remedies should be used only after examination and permission from the doctor. If, then a visit to a doctor is necessary: ​​self-medication can be dangerous for the mother and fetus!

If you prefer to treat diseases at home, then read the publication about the treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies, the most effective recipes will help cure the disease in adults and children, and even get rid of very severe cough. If you have symptoms of a chronic form of the disease, we will select for you herbs that cause expectorant effects.

Bronchitis is a disease that most often manifests itself as a complication against the background of SARS. In adults, the cause of development is often caused by bad habits such as smoking, but the most likely causative agents of the disease are viruses.

Therefore, if you seek help from a doctor in time, you can get rid of the disease faster than in 10 days. Treatment consists not only of drug therapy, but also physiotherapy procedures, as well as traditional medicine.

Treatment of bronchitis folk remedies

It is possible to cure inflammation of the respiratory tract only by observing certain rules and regimen.

If you treat bronchitis with folk remedies, the most effective ways that can be used at home are:

  • plentiful warm drink. It thins the mucus in the bronchi and helps it to move away easily;
  • bed rest and stress avoidance. Allow the body to focus on recovery;
  • smokers should get rid of the bad habit.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis with folk remedies in adults does not imply absolute abstinence from drugs. It complements medical measures and speeds up recovery.

The most effective folk recipes for symptoms of cough and bronchitis

Folk recipes for cough and bronchitis improve general state the patient, liquefy and help to expectorate the accumulated sputum in the bronchial tree.

Herbal infusions and decoctions Compresses, ointments Physiotherapy Inhalations
  • Based on onions;
  • thyme;
  • raisin;
  • pine buds and needles;
  • aloe juice;
  • collection based on licorice, plantain, coltsfoot.
  • Mustard;
  • badger fat;
  • essential oils;
  • alcohol;
  • plant extracts;
  • garlic;
  • ginger;
  • radish;
  • sunflower oil.
  • Breathing exercises;
  • drainage exercises;
  • massages;
  • sports.
  • Eucalyptus;
  • menthol;
  • anise oils;
  • essential oils;
  • alkaline, consisting of salt and soda.

Most Effective folk recipes offer a reliable method of therapy with the help of interior lard. To do this, take a glass warm milk, mix with a little honey and lard. If you drink such a drink in the morning and in the evening, the condition will improve and the disease will go away.

Herbs for chronic bronchitis in adults

In the treatment of the disease, herbs are selected depending on the manifestation of symptoms.

The most effective herbs include:

  • elecampane root;
  • plantain leaves;
  • thermopsis;
  • oregano.

For the treatment of chronic bronchitis are herbs that are aimed at prolonging remission, reducing exacerbations.

Phytotherapy has a number of advantages:

  • normalizes the functioning of the respiratory system;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • facilitates breathing;
  • stimulates liquefaction, production and removal of sputum.

In the treatment of bronchitis, a collection of chamomile, cumin and nettle leaves is used. Plantain and coltsfoot will help rid the bronchi of accumulated mucus. The most effective herbs in the treatment of dry cough are St.

How to cure a very strong cough in children with traditional medicine

Getting rid of the disease with folk remedies has a significant popularity, which is explained by the mild effect, the minimum absence of contraindications and the ability to save the child from a very strong cough. To cure it, you need to transfer the dry form to the wet one.

There are many of the most effective recipes for expectorants for children. They are used in the form of decoctions and infusions and contain collections of various medicinal herbs. In this case, the child should be treated under the supervision of a pediatrician.

by the most effective methods during treatment unpleasant symptoms acute bronchitis are:

  • a mixture of raw egg yolk, honey, soda and butter;
  • burnt sugar;
  • a mixture of grated carrots hot milk;
  • lemon syrup;
  • raspberry tea;
  • soda and garlic inhalations;
  • onion decoction.

Folk methods are safe for the child, as they consist exclusively of natural ingredients. Many of them can be suitable even for children prone to allergic reactions.

Doctor's opinion

Samokhina Elena Ivanovna, general practitioner.

Chronic bronchitis is often accompanied by bronchospasm, which leads to a dry, unproductive cough. At the same time, it is accompanied by wheezing and expectoration. a small amount mucus. For all patients who come to me, at the first signs of symptoms, I prescribe bed rest and drink plenty of fluids. good effect bring in the absence high temperature warm compresses. At the same time, I recommend taking medicines of plant and chemical origin, expectorants. Treatment of bronchitis is symptomatic: lowering the temperature, inhalation, expectorants. To do this, herbal preparations can be purchased at pharmacies or prepared independently. If within 5 days the patient's condition does not improve, I advise you to do laboratory tests and then I prescribe treatment in accordance with the results obtained. I do not advise relying on folk remedies, as the only option for therapy. It is necessary to carefully monitor the symptoms and not miss the appearance of blood in the mucus, shortness of breath and others. danger signs. In this case, it is required complex therapy with the use of antibiotics.

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