Ultrasound its effect on the human body. Harm of ultrasound for humans: a dangerous effect on the body? Swelling and bruising around the eyes

Ultrasounds are mechanical vibrations of an elastic medium that have the same physical nature as sounds, but exceed the upper threshold of audible frequency (over 20 kHz). Low-frequency ultrasounds (frequency - tens of kilohertz) have the ability to propagate in the air, high-frequency (frequency - hundreds of kilohertz) - quickly fade. In elastic media - water, metal, etc. - ultrasound propagates well, and the propagation velocity is significantly affected by the temperature of these media.

Ultrasound is often found in nature, accompanying the rustle of leaves, the sound of the surf, etc. In the animal world, with its help, a number of vital important functions: echolocation of bats signals of insects, etc.

In the mechanism of action of ultrasound on inanimate and living objects, mechanical, thermal and physico-chemical effects take place. The mechanical effect is due to the nature of ultrasound (compression - tension), the thermal effect is due to the transition of mechanical energy into thermal energy, which is especially enhanced at the interface between two media: solid- liquid, liquid - gases, etc. Physical and chemical effects are associated with the fact that during the propagation of ultrasound in liquids, the so-called cavitation occurs - the appearance of compression and rupture zones due to the movement of elastic waves, which causes the formation of bubbles filled with liquid vapor and dissolved in it gas. When the waves pass, they disappear: in this case, the temperature rises and pressure develops (up to millions of atmospheres). This is accompanied by the appearance of electric charges, luminescent glow, ionization. In water, hydroxyl radicals, atomic hydrogen (H 2 O - HO + H) are formed. With contact sounding, ultrasound causes enzyme inactivation, protein breakdown, acceleration chemical reactions, and at high energies - burns and death of living organisms.

ultrasound found wide application in medicine for the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. In engineering and industry, high-frequency ultrasound is used for flaw detection of castings, welds, plastics and physical and chemical research substances - determination of density, elasticity, structure, etc. Low-frequency ultrasound is used for washing, degreasing, emulsification, grinding solids in liquids, for cutting, welding metal, crushing, drilling fragile materials, etc. Industrial installations operate mainly at frequencies of 16-44 kHz (less often up to 80).

Under production conditions, short-term and periodic contact exposure to ultrasound occurs when holding a tool, a workpiece, loading products into baths, unloading them, and other operations. With systematic prolonged contact with sources of ultrasound, medical workers occupational diseases were observed - paresis of the hands and forearms.

Changes in the health status of workers air way ultrasound transmissions are the result of the simultaneous action of ultrasound and noise, the intensity of which in the frequency range of 8-16 kHz can reach 100 dB or more. During ultrasonic cleaning of parts, the air environment is often contaminated with toxic substances - vapors of gasoline, acetone, toluene, etc. Health disorders are manifested mainly in the form of asthenic-vegetative reactions with complaints of headache, sleep disturbance, irritability, fatigue and objective signs of hearing loss, vestibular disorders and etc.

8.3. Vibration and its effect on the human body

Vibration as an industrial hazard is a mechanical oscillatory movement, directly transmitted to the human body or its individual parts. Due to the mechanization of many types of work and the use of pneumatic and electric tools, its importance has increased dramatically, and at present vibration disease is among occupational diseases takes one of the first places.

Concerning the Danger of Vibration Disease highest value has a vibration with a frequency of 16-250 Hz.

It is customary to distinguish local (local) and overall vibration: the first is transmitted to the hands or other limited areas of the body, the second - to the whole body (staying on an oscillating platform, seats).

The effect of vibration on workers is often combined with the influence of other industrial hazards: noise, cooling microclimate, awkward position body.

The effect of vibration on the body. Vibration, depending on its parameters (frequency, amplitude), can have both positive and bad influence on individual tissues and the body as a whole. With a physiotherapeutic purpose, vibration is used to improve trophism, blood circulation in tissues in the treatment of certain diseases. However, industrial vibration, being transmitted to healthy tissues and organs and having a significant amplitude and duration of action, turns out to be a harmful influencing factor.

Vibration causes primarily neurotrophic and hemodynamic disorders. In small-caliber vessels (capillaries, arterioles), spastic-atonic conditions arise, their permeability increases, and nervous regulation. Vibration, temperature and pain sensitivity skin. When working with a hand-held power tool, a “dead finger” symptom may occur: loss of sensitivity, whitening of fingers, hands. Workers complain of chilly hands, aching pains in them after work and at night. Skin between attacks have a marble appearance, are cyanotic. In some cases, swelling, skin changes on the hands (cracks, coarsening), hyperhidrosis of the palms are found. Osteoarticular and muscular changes are characteristic. Dystrophic processes cause a change in the structure of bones (osteoporosis, overgrowth, etc.), muscle atrophy. Possible deformation of the carpal, ulnar, shoulder joints with impaired musculoskeletal function.

The disease wears general character, as evidenced by fast fatiguability, headaches, dizziness, irritability. There may be complaints of pain in the region of the heart and stomach, increased thirst: weight loss, insomnia. Astheno-vegetative syndrome is accompanied by cardiovascular disorders: hypotension, bradycardia, ECG changes. During a medical examination, changes in skin sensitivity, tremor of the hands, tongue and eyelids can be detected.

When exposed to general vibration, changes from the side of the central nervous system: complaints of dizziness, tinnitus, drowsiness, pain in calf muscles. Objectively, changes in the EEG, conditioned and unconditioned reflexes, memory impairment, impaired coordination of movements are detected. There is an increase in energy expenditure and weight loss. More often than under the action of local vibration, vestibular disorders are detected. When combined with noise, vibration leads to hearing loss. This is characterized by a deterioration in the perception of sounds not only high, but also low frequencies. Sometimes visual disorders are detected: a change in color perception, the boundaries of the visual field, a decrease in visual acuity. On the part of the cardiovascular system, there is instability of blood pressure, the predominance of hypertensive phenomena, and sometimes sharp drop blood pressure at the end of work. Possible spasms coronary vessels, the development of myocardial dystrophy. Lesions of the osteoarticular apparatus are mainly localized in the legs and spine. The action of general vibration can contribute to disorders functional state internal organs, the appearance of pain in the stomach, lack of appetite, nausea, frequent urination. Pathological changes in the pelvic organs may be accompanied by impotence in men, and in women menstrual cycle, prolapse of the pelvic organs, increased gynecological morbidity.

The initial forms of vibration disease are easier to reverse development after a temporary cessation of contact with sources of vibration, introduction rational regime labor, use of massage, water procedures etc. In more late stages illness is necessary long-term treatment and complete elimination of vibration during operation.

Theoretically, it would seem that it does not matter which instrument causes vibration: other things being equal, its parameters play the main role. In principle, this is the case, but this is true only "ceteris paribus." In reality, the nature of the profession determines some features in the course of the disease, for example, any local process develops more acutely. So, as Japanese researchers note, truck drivers have widespread gastric diseases. It is also known that skidder drivers at logging sites have symptoms of vibration disease accompanied by sciatica. Pilots, especially those working in helicopters, often experience loss of visual acuity. As shown in special studies, single, and short-term - about 20-30 minutes. vibration, increases the time for solving elementary tasks, i.e. impair attention and mental activity, while up to 30% of the solutions turn out to be erroneous.

The research revealed a very important biological pattern. It turns out that the weakening of attention is observed only at certain frequencies of the order of 10-12 Hz, while other frequencies, higher and lower, but with the same acceleration, do not cause such changes. This pattern gives the key to clarifying the features of vibration diseases associated with a particular production activity. Each machine or unit generates, along with a mass of side frequencies (harmonics), one main frequency for this machine. This frequency determines the specificity of diseases.

If a vibration with a frequency above 15 Hz (especially with a frequency of 60-90 Hz) affects a person along his torso in the direction vertical axis, then visual acuity decreases, the ability to follow the oscillatory movements of the object is lost already at frequencies of 1-2 Hz and almost disappears at 4 Hz. From this a simple example it is clear what danger transport vibration poses: drivers, pilots, drivers of other vehicles cease to distinguish between moving objects.

The frequency of vibration caused by road roughness and the imperfection of land transport lies in the range up to 15 Hz, i.e. represents real danger and can cause accidents.

Vibration disturbs human speech. At frequencies between 4 and 10 Hz, speech is distorted and sometimes interrupted. To maintain clear and correct speech, special training is needed, since intelligible speech is difficult to maintain at a vibration level of 0.3 dB. It is easy to understand how this affects the communication of pilots and cosmonauts with ground control points.

Pilots, drivers, machinists develop the same signs of vibration disease as workers. Helicopter pilots have a particularly severe disease. In flight, low-frequency vibrations occur, which are poorly damped by the human body and have a destructive effect on the entire body, primarily on the nervous system. Violations of nervous and cardiovascular activity in pilots occur almost 4 times more often than in representatives of other professions, and vibration plays a significant role here.

The intensity of the ultrasound applied to medical diagnostics and physiotherapy, well below its intensity in industrial settings. But still, does ultrasound harm the body during medical examinations? Ultrasound doses received by patients during diagnostic studies have practically no effect on the patient's body, and therapeutic doses have a therapeutic effect. Focused and directed high-intensity ultrasound cause local destruction of individual sections of living tissue. Such ultrasound is used in surgical interventions.

In order to study the effects and harms of ultrasound for the body, numerous animal studies have been conducted. The results of these studies showed that the repeated action of ultrasound with an intensity of 1-3 W / cm2. caused damage to the cells nervous tissue, liver, kidneys and other organs. At an intensity of 5-10 W / cm2. pathological changes also appeared in muscle fibers and blood cells, and an increase in the dose to 60 W / cm2. caused paralysis in "voiced" rats. At the same time, it was found that ultrasound doses of less than 0.05 W / cm2. practically indifferent to the organism. They do not have any noticeable effect on him.

In standard diagnostic ultrasound equipment, ultrasound is used with an intensity of 0.001 to 0.05 W / cm2, which is safe for the body. In addition, most diagnostic medical ultrasound devices operate in a pulsed mode; they generate ultrasound not all the time of the study, but for only one thousandth of every second. The remaining 999 thousandths are allocated for receiving echo signals and their analysis. It is easy to calculate that with a half-hour echocardiographic study, the total "clean" time of ultrasonic irradiation will be no more than 2 s. But even this dose does not fall into one place, since the sensor moves from one position to another during the study. All this together guarantees the complete safety of the impulse ultrasound diagnostics for the patient.

When using diagnostic ultrasound devices that operate not in a pulsed mode, but in a continuous one, the body receives several large dose ultrasound. But since the intensity of ultrasonic irradiation in them does not exceed 0.015 W / cm2, this dose is also safe for the health of the examined persons.

In cardiology, to date, it has already been carried out great amount ultrasonic diagnostic tests, however, nowhere - neither in our country nor abroad - has it ever been mentioned about adverse effects associated with the use of ultrasound for diagnosis. According to recent reports, ultrasound may even be beneficial for the heart in some cases. Canadian scientists found that after intense physical activity Under the influence of ultrasound, the rhythm of cardiac activity normalizes faster in both patients and healthy people. Researchers explain this fact by the fact that ultrasonic vibrations massage the membranes and internal partitions of the fibers of the heart muscle. At the same time, the transport of oxygen and calcium ions to myocardial cells is enhanced, which favors the normalization heart rate.

The question of the dangers of ultrasound was of particular concern to obstetricians, since even a small harmful effect on the fetus can have very dangerous consequences. The results of experiments with multiple irradiation of pregnant animals (rats, mice) with diagnostic doses of ultrasound are unambiguous: sounding does not harmful influence either to the fetus or to the mother.

Diagnostic ultrasound has become an integral part of obstetric practice. Hundreds of children were monitored, whose mothers in different periods pregnancies were exposed to ultrasound, the long-term results of this exposure were analyzed, but the doctors did not note any abnormalities in the course of pregnancy, childbirth or the development of children that could be associated with the diagnostic ultrasound examination that took place.

With regard to the doses used in ultrasound physiotherapy, there are separate reports of an increase in the number of developmental anomalies in fetuses in animal experiments under the influence of prolonged exposure to ultrasound with an intensity of 0.125-0.50 W / cm2. Therefore, during pregnancy, it is not recommended to prescribe ultrasound treatment procedures.

In ultrasound therapy, ultrasound is usually used at a relatively safe intensity - from 0.05 to 0.8 W / cm2. High power - from 0.8 to 1.2 W / cm2. are used very rarely. The time of therapeutic sounding does not exceed 10-15 minutes. The course of treatment is prescribed from 6 to 14 procedures performed daily or every other day. A second course is prescribed no earlier than two months after the end of the previous one. The power of physiotherapeutic ultrasonic devices is checked monthly using special reference devices (ultrasonic power meters). Numerous experimental studies and clinical observations they convince that if the methodology and regimen, dose and time of irradiation are observed, ultrasonic physiotherapy does not give any complications.

In surgery, destructive ultrasonic action is used. But surgical ultrasound cannot be called dangerous either, since its destructive effect is short-term and strictly localized, while the surrounding tissues remain intact. If we add such advantages of using the "ultrasonic scalpel" as a small soreness, a good stop capillary bleeding, fast healing surgical wound, it becomes clear why ultrasound, along with a laser, is successfully used in facial plastic surgery, in eye surgery, in brain surgery, crossing additional cardiac pathways, and many other complex surgical interventions.

We all know that the heart works rhythmically. Even short-term disturbances heart rate - "interruptions", "heartbeat" - are a sign of serious trouble in the body. The main working mechanism that controls both the rhythm and the ordering of contractions of the heart muscle is inherent in it itself. This is the so-called conducting system of the heart, which operates on the basis of the reflex principle. It consists of atypical muscle tissue, nerve cells and fibers. With changes in the conduction system of the heart, heart rhythm disturbances develop. In some cases, the heart rate can slow down sharply (bradycardia), in others it can accelerate excessively (tachycardia), and sometimes its complete disorganization can occur. In some cases, the “culprits” of tachycardia may be additional pathways left in the heart as a result of an abnormal development. Several types of operations have been developed to interrupt them. Israeli surgeons from transplantology and artificial organs ultrasound was used in the operations of destruction (destruction) of additional conductive pathways. After the operation, performed with the help of an ultrasonic destructor, the normal sinus rhythm was established in the patients.

The actual question to this day is whether ultrasound is harmful to humans. However, it is easier to prove its usefulness and vital necessity. Diagnosis and examination of internal organs is currently almost impossible to imagine without ultrasound or ultrasound. Ultrasound is much more effective than many other examinations, because it is possible to visually assess both the condition of the organ under study, as well as the tissues surrounding it, and nearby organs too.

One of the varieties of ultrasound is Dopplerography - the study of blood vessels and blood flow velocity. This method allows you to identify the causes of various diseases: from urological to neurological.

Ultrasound diagnostics is necessary for examining pregnant women, thanks to ultrasound, the presence is confirmed, the sex of the child, the size of the fetus are recognized, various pathologies are detected. Modern high-precision devices provide the possibility of ultrasound examination in 3D and 4D format. Thus, you can see the baby from all sides even before his birth, as well as assess the blood flow in the uterus. With this method, you can get the first child and even record on DVD how the baby in the womb reacts to the mother's voice, to touching the stomach.

Ultrasound has many advantages over other studies. These are painlessness, ease of examination, non-invasiveness (i.e., penetration into the body is not necessary for the examination), in most cases, ultrasound does not require preliminary preparation. Modern ultrasound equipment is equipped with color printers, this allows you to track the development of diseases or the effectiveness of treatment.

Among the shortcomings of ultrasound, one can single out the low resolution of the image relative to MRI, but in most cases this quality is enough to diagnose a particular ailment, or its absence.

Other possibilities of ultrasound are now used in medicine and cosmetology. One of the types of physiotherapy treatment is ultrasound therapy. Ultrasound has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic, tonic effect. It stimulates blood circulation, thereby providing tissues. Most often, ultrasound therapy is used for diseases of the ears, nose, throat, and is effectively treated. gynecological diseases, the cornea of ​​​​the eye, ultrasound can crush stones in the kidneys or bladder.

With the help of ultrasonic massage, you can activate lymphatic drainage and cell metabolism. In beauty salons ultrasonic cleaning face and peelings, they not only cleanse the pores of pollution, but also increase the elasticity of the skin. Conductive gels, lotions or oil solutions serve as contact between the ultrasound machine and the skin.

Ultrasound therapy, or ultrasound therapy, is a treatment technique using ultrasound. Ultrasound therapy is used in physiotherapy for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. The technique is used in various fields of medicine, such as orthopedics, surgery, gynecology, ophthalmology, dermatology, otolaryngology, dentistry, and pediatrics. Ultrasound therapy can reduce the frequency of exacerbations, as well as reduce the recovery time after surgery, acute pathologies.

Historical information

Ultrasonic waves were discovered in 1899 by K. Konig. The Russian engineer K. V. Shilovsky and the French inventor Langevin tried to use ultrasound in practice in 1914-1918. The research of these scientists led to the creation of an ultrasound emitter. He worked on the basis of the piezoelectric effect, in accordance with the development of the Curie brothers. After that, a device based on magnetostriction was made. Over time, the beams emanating from the apparatus became more directed towards a specific object. This allowed the use of ultrasonic waves in industry and medicine.

Ultrasound began to be used in medicine after 1927. The impetus for the use of ultrasound was the work of scientists on biological impact ultrasound on the body. It is believed that R. Polman was the first to use ultrasound. He created a vibrator that emits ultrasonic waves. Polman treated sciatica, neuralgia, myalgia with ultrasound waves. The results of treatment were positive.

By 1945, ultrasound began to be used in Germany, Western Europe, the USA, and Japan. In our country, the technique began to be applied only in 1953. Scientist V. A. Plotnikov first tried to treat Dupuytren's contracture with ultrasound. In 1955, ultrasound waves began to be used in the treatment of neurological, articular pathologies, skin diseases.

Starting from 1961, they began to produce domestic ultrasonic devices. Their production was serial, which served as an impetus for the development of ultrasound therapy. In 1986, scientists from Belarus (L. I. Bogdanovich, V. S. Ulashchik, A. A. Chirkin) were awarded a prize in the field of science and technology. Methods of ultrasound therapy in physiotherapy are widely used today for the treatment of various diseases.

Characteristics of ultrasonic waves

For physiotherapeutic procedures, ultrasonic waves with a frequency of 800-3000 kHz are used. For surgical manipulations, the oscillation frequency is 20-100 kHz. The dosage of ultrasonic impact on the body depends on the intensity, duration of exposure, as well as the type of generation of ultrasonic waves (continuous, pulsed).

Intensity of ultrasonic waves:

  • Low (no more than 0.4 W/cm2).
  • Medium (0.5-0.8 W / cm2).
  • High (0.9-1 W/cm2).

With continuous exposure to ultrasound, ultrasonic waves are sent to tissues without stopping. Impulse impact on the organs is an interrupted stream of waves with a duration of 2.4 or 10 ms.

The degree of absorption of ultrasonic waves depends on acoustics and vibration frequency. If the tissues are soft, then absorption will occur at a depth of 4-5 cm at a frequency of 800-900 kHz, at a depth of 1.5-2 cm at a frequency of 3000 kHz.

Absorption of tissues in relation to blood:

  • fatty - 4 times more effective;
  • muscular - 10 times better;
  • bone - 75 times more intense.

At the crossing point various kinds tissues, the intensity of absorption of ultrasonic waves is much higher. In the air, they are immediately absorbed, therefore, various media are used for ultrasonic physiotherapy.

Mechanism of exposure to ultrasonic radiation

There are several mechanisms of the impact of ultrasound on the body. These include: mechanical, thermal, physico-chemical, neuro-reflex. They are the primary mechanisms of ultrasound therapy.

The mechanical effect consists in high-frequency vibrations that are transmitted to the tissues.

In this case, a very small vibration, imperceptible to a person, occurs. Vibration effect leads to an increase in blood circulation, an increase in metabolism in cells.

Under the action of vibration in the cell, the viscosity of the cytoplasmic fluid decreases. The tissues begin to loosen connective tissue. Diffusion of trace elements is accelerated in cells, the work of lysosomes is stimulated. Enzymes begin to come out of lysosomes, which increase the function of protein compounds. These processes contribute to the acceleration of metabolism. When high-frequency waves are applied, the permeability of histohematic barriers increases.

The thermal effect implies the transition of the energy of ultrasonic waves after absorption by tissues into heat. The temperature in them increases by 1°C. At the same time, it accelerates enzymatic activity inside tissues, biochemical reactions are stimulated. Heat is generated only at the boundaries of tissues of different density. Thermal energy is more absorbed by organs with a lack of blood flow, saturated with collagen fibers, as well as nervous and bone tissue.

The physico-chemical effect is caused by mechanical resonance. It increases the speed of movement of molecular structures, the process of disintegration of molecules into ions increases, new electric fields appear. Lipid oxidation is accelerated, the work of mitochondrial cell structures improves, physical and chemical processes in body tissues. Biologically active substances such as histamine and serotonin are activated. Under the influence of ultrasonic waves, respiration and oxidation in the organs improves. All these processes accelerate tissue repair.

The following phases of the body's reaction are distinguished:

Phase Characteristics
Immediate impact phase All types of influence are stimulated: mechanical, physico-chemical, thermal.
The phase of predominance of the stress-inducing system It continues for 4 hours after the action of ultrasonic waves on the tissue.
LPO activation Synthesis is stimulated various hormones, biologically active substances. Sweating increases, urine production increases, skin pH decreases, wall contraction increases digestive tract. Phagocytosis is activated, immunity increases.
The phase of predominance of the stress-limiting system Works for 4-12 hours. The secretion of cortisol, adrenocorticotropic hormone decreases, metabolic and regenerative processes in organs are accelerated.
Phase of amplification of compensatory-adaptive processes The duration is 12-24 hours. The work of mitochondrial structures is increased, stimulated respiratory function cells and tissues, pentose-phosphate metabolism, the process of division increases cell structures, improves lymph flow from organs, accelerates blood flow.
Late trace period Duration up to 3 months. All metabolic processes are accelerated.

Therapeutic effect of ultrasound waves

Ultrasound waves are a specific stimulus when they act on organs and tissues. If the effect of ultrasound is directed to the skin, then a inflammatory response, redness of the skin, increased metabolism. During ultrasound therapy (UZT), the number of mast cells increases, the function of cambial (stem) cell structures is stimulated, and the concentration of mucopolysaccharides increases. Against the background of therapy, the function of the glandular apparatus (sebaceous sweat glands) in the skin increases, the reaction of the skin to stimuli becomes brighter.

The tissues of the nervous system are very sensitive to the effects of ultrasonic waves. Ultrasound inhibits the work of synaptic cleft receptors, which helps to reduce the transmission rate nerve impulses. Improving general state in patients with disorders of the autonomic nervous system.

If the ultrasound waves act on the area of ​​the glands, this leads to stimulation of the synthesis of hormones. Increases immune activity.

When exposed to cardiovascular system ultrasound can increase blood flow, slightly reduce arterial pressure, raise the heart rate. Rheological properties blood becomes better, the function of erythrocytes and leukocytes increases.

Indications and restrictions for the appointment of ultrasound

The ultrasound procedure has its indications and limitations.

Indications Restrictions
ENT diseases (the presence of adenoids, tonsillitis, pharyngitis in the recovery stage and other diseases).

Sjögren's disease.

Therapy of cicatricial changes in the postoperative period.

Eczema, neurodermatitis.

Pathologies of the nervous system.

Diseases of the articular apparatus.

Enuresis in a child.

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar region.

Lumbar radiculopathy, lumbar hernia.

Arthritis, arthrosis (rheumatoid, as well as with joint deformity).

Trigeminal neuralgia.

Eye pathologies (cataracts, corneal lesions, retinal diseases).

Scar contractures.

Scars after burn injury.

Consequences of trauma.

Ulcers in venous insufficiency.

Fractures of bones (tubular).

Pathology of the prostate.

Decreased ovarian function, infertility.

Serous mastitis.

Diseases of the uterus, tubes, ovaries, adhesive formations of the small pelvis.

Purulent discharge or abscess.




icteric syndrome.

vein thrombosis.

Hepatic and renal colic.

Hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis.

Vegetative dysfunction.


Diabetes mellitus (late stage).

Chronic nephritis.

Atherosclerotic vascular disease.

Tuberculous lesion of the lung tissue.

Severe hypertension.

Malignant tumor process.

Infectious diseases of any etiology.

The period of gestation.

Violation of blood coagulation.

Neuropathy of the facial nerve, neuralgia.

During the application of the ultrasound method of treatment, the emitter should not be directed to the region of the heart, brain, bone growth points in children.

Ultrasound technique and devices

When conducting ultrasonic physiotherapy, it is necessary to eliminate purulent foci of infection. This can be done using medicines and disinfectant solutions. should also be treated infectious diseases viral or bacterial.

The physiotherapy algorithm is as follows. Before starting therapy, the skin at the point of contact with the apparatus head of the emitter must be lubricated with a special substance (vaseline, lanolin). Turn on the device, adjust the intensity of the waves, set the time. After that, the emitter is installed in the required area on the surface of the skin and they begin to drive at a speed of 1 cm per second.

On the initial stage treatment, you can process no more than 1-2 fields in 1 session. After two days of treatment, up to 3-4 fields can be irradiated. The duration of the procedure in the first two days should not exceed 5 minutes. The duration of subsequent sessions is up to 15 minutes. For children, the procedure is recommended to be carried out no more than 10 minutes.

When treating limbs (feet, hands, joints, forearm, lower leg) with ultrasound, the procedure is carried out in water. The patient lowers his arm or leg into the bath, and the emitter is immersed there. Temperature regime for water is 32-36°C. The duration of the physiotherapy is up to 15 minutes.

During therapy, the safety of medical personnel must be ensured. The nurse who holds the emitter in the water must put on a woolen mitten, and on top of it rubber glove. This protects the healthcare worker's hand from ultrasonic exposure to the hand. A wool mitten has air in its pores, which completely absorbs ultrasonic waves.

Types of devices used in institutions:

  • For physiotherapy - UZT-1.01F.
  • In dentistry - UZT-1.02S.
  • For urology - UZT-1.03U.
  • For eye diseases - UZT-1.04O.
  • For women - UZT-3.01-G.
  • In dermatology - UZT-3.02-D.
  • For a child (skin irradiation) - UZT-3. 06.
  • General purpose - UZT-3. 05.

Today, the following devices are also produced: Gamma, Barvinok, Rod, Prokton-1, Geniton, LOR-3, Sonostat, Sonopuls, ECO, ECOSCAN. To conduct ultrasound therapy at home, you can purchase an ultrasound machine in medical equipment stores. For home use the Reton device is perfect.

Before using an ultrasonic device, you must always consult a doctor. The doctor will full examination. This is very important, since ultrasound therapy is not allowed for all patients.

Ultrasound in children

Ultrasound therapy for children is prescribed only from the age of 7. In more early age method should not be used. Therapy is used for the same indications as for adults.

In adolescent girls, URT is used to treat menstrual irregularities. Patients younger age ultrasound is indicated for adenoiditis and other ENT pathologies. Ultrasound treatment children also need with enuresis. Ultrasonic waves improve tissue condition Bladder, which helps to form a normal urination reflex, reduce the reactivity of the bladder.


Ultrasound therapy is a relatively safe treatment method. It is used when various diseases. It is allowed to apply the ultrasound treatment technique to hospitals, as well as sanatorium-and-spa institutions. For ultrasound therapy, you must definitely consult a doctor. He will determine the duration of the sessions, the intensity of exposure to ultrasonic waves, the duration of the course.

Ultrasound- mechanical vibrations of the elastic medium, the frequency of which exceeds 16-20 kHz, not perceived by the human ear.

Ultrasound is widely used in industry and agriculture (cutting, drilling, welding of various metals, cleaning the surface of products from impurities, ultrasonic testing methods, etc.), as well as in medicine (for diagnosing and treating a number of diseases). In addition, ultrasound is generated during the operation of powerful production facilities (turbines, jet engines, etc.).

The most characteristic frequencies of ultrasound encountered in industrial conditions are in the range from 20 to 70 kHz.

During the operation of ultrasonic equipment, there is also high frequency noise, as a result of which clinical data are usually interpreted as a result of the combined effect of both of these factors on the body. Ultrasound has an effect on the body of workers by contact when the worker's hands come into contact with liquid, tools or parts. A number of authors point to the possibility of the influence of ultrasonic vibrations on the body of workers through the air.


For the action of ultrasound, the damage to the nervous system is most characteristic. faces, long time maintenance of ultrasound equipment, complain of a headache, general weakness, sleep disturbance, irritability, memory impairment, increased sensitivity to sounds, a feeling of congestion in the ears, sometimes cold extremities, bouts of pallor or, conversely, reddening of the face, fainting. Complaints of a dyspeptic nature are not uncommon. In a clinical study, asthenic or asthenovegetative syndrome is noted. Sometimes there are diencephalic disorders (weight loss, subfebrile condition, paroxysmal seizures such as visceral crises, hallucinations). There are scattered organic microsymptomatics, cases of dysfunction of the thyroid and sex glands, and the adrenal cortex are found.

There is a decrease in the perception of high and sometimes low tones, inhibition of vestibular excitability. Ultrasound causes vegetative or vegetative-sensitive polyneuritis (cyanosis, pastosity, hyperkeratosis, decreased surface sensitivity in distal parts hands).

Phenomena observed neurocirculatory dystonia(complaints of pain in the heart, a tendency to bradycardia and hypotension, with electrocardiography - bradysystole, impaired intra-atrial and intra-ventricular conduction). In the blood - monocytosis, eosinophilia, later - eosinopenia. Often - a decrease in blood sugar, a two-humped type of sugar curve, a decrease in vitamin saturation. The described symptoms are in most cases unstable.

There are 3 stages of changes caused by exposure to ultrasound:

Initial (functional changes in the nervous system, endocrine changes, vestibular disorders, autonomic polyneuritis - all changes are not pronounced);

Moderately pronounced(the same changes in a more pronounced form, diencephalic disorders of an unsharp degree);

Severe (diencephalic crises, mild diffuse symptoms of organic damage to the central nervous system).


Treatment is symptomatic and restorative.

Working capacity examination

In the presence of unsharply pronounced phenomena of asthenia and vegetative-vascular shifts, the ability to work is preserved. There is a need for ongoing monitoring and ambulatory treatment; referral to a dispensary, a night sanatorium, a rest home, a health resort. In some cases - temporary (for 1-2 months) transfer to work, excluding the impact of ultrasound. With the development of persistent and severe neurodynamic and neurocirculatory disorders, hearing impairment and vestibular apparatus, along with appropriate treatment on an outpatient or inpatient basis, permanent rational employment is recommended.


Ultrasound equipment should be located in isolated rooms whenever possible. It is necessary to sharply limit (if possible, completely eliminate) the contact of hands with the washing liquid in ultrasonic baths, with the instrument at the time of ultrasonic vibrations passing through it. Loading and unloading of parts must be done with the ultrasound generator turned off. When working on machines and machines, parts must be fixed with special devices. Worker's hands must be protected with two-layer gloves: outer - rubber, and inner - cotton.

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