Nutrition for weight loss. How to properly adjust nutrition for weight loss. Simple Tips on How to Set Up Your Eating Plan

How and how much food should or can be consumed during the day? This issue is very important for human health. Many women do not know how to build their daily diet correctly.

In Ayurveda, the ancient Hindu teaching about healthy life- food throughout the day is coordinated with the rhythms of nature. The ancient sages noticed that during the day three periods are successively replaced, 4 hours each.

The first period is rest (in Hindu "Kapha", which means "Plime"), the second is energy activity ("Pitta", which means "Bile") and the third period is physical activity ("Vata", which means " Wind"). These periods are primarily associated with solar activity.

The period of "Slime" (begins at sunrise) - from 6 to 10 hours. As a rule, the morning is calm. At the physiological level of the body, this affects the rest and heaviness of the body. The "Bile" period lasts from 10 to 14 hours and is characterized by the high position of the sun. At this time, a person experiences the greatest feeling of hunger and the "fire of digestion" is most powerful in the body (by analogy with the sun). The "Wind" period lasts from 14:00 to 18:00. The sun heated the earth, warmed the air. From this, the movement of air masses begins, the wind rises and everything starts to move - trees, grass, water, etc. sway. At the physiological level, this is a period of motor activity, the highest efficiency. Then comes the repetition: from 6 pm to 10 pm - "Slime", from 10 pm to 2 am - "Bile", from 2 am to 6 am - "Wind". It is in this rhythm that the whole world of animals and plants lives. Moreover, such activity is observed in both diurnal and nocturnal animals.

Based on these premises, the sages of Ayurveda give the following recommendations regarding nutrition during the day.

  • Get up during the "Wind" (motor activity) period a little earlier than 6 am (local time) - you will be active all day. If you get up during the period of "Slime" (rest) - you will be inert all day.
  • After getting up, drink a glass of warm protium or spring water. "Wind" enhances the work of our intestines and promotes the evacuation of the contents of the large intestine. This recommendation coincides with the active time of the large intestine from 5 to 7 in the morning. (Additional information will be given on the daily activity of the organs.)

  • Usually from 7 to 9 o'clock in the morning there is a slight hunger - eat.
  • During the period of "Bile" (especially from 12 to 14 hours), when the digestive "fire" is strongest, eat the largest meal. Within 2 hours after eating, stay in vertical position(sit or walk).
  • During the end of the "Wind" - the beginning of "Slizi", before sunset (17-20 hours), - a light dinner in the form of fruits, a vegetable dish, a glass of sour milk or a warm decoction of herbs. After that, it is advisable not to eat anything else.
  • Go to bed between 21:00 and 22:00. This is the period of "Slime", sleep creates heaviness and drowsiness in the body.

Such a biorhythmological mode of life is most favorable for the functioning of the human digestive system. Falling asleep, you will not feel bad from the stomach filled at night. Night sleep will bring you rest and be calm. When you wake up, you will feel rested, go to the toilet, and around 9 o'clock in the morning a healthy feeling of hunger will appear.

But if you even moderately ate at night, then the processes of digestion will not allow the body to rest. It will work by digesting and assimilating food in adverse conditions(body temperature drops at night, which negatively affects digestive enzymes). Such digestion is defective, a lot of toxins are formed. Wake up unrested and, to cheer yourself up, take some kind of stimulant - tea or coffee. You will want to eat only at lunchtime, and then in the evening. So malnutrition weakens and slagging the human body.

To change the way of life, eating habits, it is necessary, firstly, to understand the process of nutrition, digestion and, secondly, to change the stereotype eating behavior in your mind, develop and consolidate the necessary character traits.

The second meal - at noon from 12-13 to 13-14 o'clock - should be when feeling very hungry and consist of vegetables (salad or stew) or first courses (especially in the dry and cold season). Next - whole porridge, nuts, soup or bread from sprouted grains, potatoes, etc. (you can eat meat food but not more than 2-3 times a week).

The third meal - no later than 17-18 hours - should consist of only one dish. These can be: seasonal fruits (soaked dried fruits), any vegetable dish(preferably fresh or properly cooked) spoiled milk. You can limit yourself to drinking freshly squeezed juice from vegetables or an infusion of herbs with honey.

The daily amount of food should not exceed 1-1.5 kg. remember, that accepted food should become yours internal environment, and the digestive system in this respect has limited abilities. Excess food "extinguishes the digestive fire", depresses energy, disrupts acid-base balance and detoxifies the body.

About what you consume normal amount food per day, confirms a small feeling of hunger that persists throughout the day. This is a kind of life on the verge of hunger, lightness and vigor of the body.

Meals should be separate: eat protein food in one step, and starchy - in another.

Of course, there may be other options, depending on traditions and habits, but this one is the best, and you will see for yourself.

AT modern world people are constantly in a hurry: to work, to the bank, to pick up the child from kindergarten. Due to the extreme lack of time, rash snacks often occur on the wrong ones. breakfast modern man practically devoid of lunch - if there is enough time (most likely it will be a sandwich or a business lunch), but dinner - from the heart. Abundant and high-calorie.

Such a situation gives rise to extra pounds, ailments and health problems. It is always worth thinking about what enters the stomach. The body requires a certain set of nutrients every day. But calories - not so much. The average woman only needs 2,000 calories per day. For a man - 2500. Of course, we are talking about people who are not engaged in active physical labor.

There are firms that organize healthy nutrition on a turnkey basis. You place an order and report your wishes for the diet (or the wishes of your trainer), and professionals prepare breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks for you, taking into account the rules of healthy eating, and deliver them to your home or office. All that is required of you is to eat it all on time and not have a snack. harmful products like store-bought sweets, especially if your goal is to lose weight. Read more at This approach is very good because you do not need to study the tables of glycemic indexes and food compositions in the store, think about how to make muffins from whole flour, and salad - delicious without mayonnaise. In addition, proper nutrition most often involves the rejection of semi-finished products, which means spending time on cooking.

If you decide to take care of your own nutrition, you will have to make some efforts (and make them regularly). We know from our own experience that over time it will become a habit, and a noticeable effect will not allow you to return to irregular meals and harmful products.
So what is the right diet?


Breakfast should be the most plentiful and the most high-calorie of all daily meals. There are a lot of variations. Only here the "advertising" options for fruit salad or - at the other extreme - fried bacon will not work. At the beginning of the day, the body should receive a good amount of carbohydrates. It should be noted that carbohydrates must be "correct". Any kind of porridge is great. You can add fruit or a little honey to it. A piece of bread with cheese and an egg, sweet tea or coffee - in the morning you can afford it.


A snack is required before lunch. Otherwise, it will be eaten 2 times more. As a second breakfast, bran bread or dried fruits are suitable. You can choose your option. The main thing is that the food is healthy.


It must be remembered that the soup for the stomach is simply irreplaceable. It also prevents the absorption of a large number of second courses. Soup is better to choose either vegetable or chicken broth.

Protein with a side dish should serve as a second dish. You can choose any lean meat. Rice, buckwheat, fresh vegetables - everything you need. The main thing to remember is that you need a little cereal, but vegetables - several times more than meat.


Cottage cheese or a delicious vegetable salad is perfect for this role. You should not eat sweet fruits and berries in the afternoon, as they contain a lot of sugar.


Again protein. If there was meat for lunch, you can eat seafood for dinner. And again, a vegetable side dish would be an excellent option. From drinks, you can choose herbal infusions.

Last meal

A couple of hours before bedtime, in order not to go to bed hungry, you can drink a glass of kefir, eat green apple or cucumber.

And finally, some useful tips:

  • Every time you feel like eating something, you should ask yourself the question: "What is useful here?"
  • You can not drink food with water, it increases the volume of the stomach.
  • Always have a light snack on hand. For example, banana or muesli bar.
You can't be afraid that it won't work! The desire of a person to change his life is always commendable. If it doesn't work today, it will definitely work tomorrow!

It turns out that when you first feed your husband and children, and then eat yourself, you follow one of the rules of Ayurveda. Who would have thought! Many of us, without knowing it ourselves, fulfill other commandments of this ancient teaching: do not drink food cold water, fruits are eaten in a separate meal, they try to avoid snacking ... And here full list tips to improve digestion and metabolism.

Meals and rituals

In ancient Ayurvedic science, it was customary to honor food through prayer and rituals. While eating, people were supposed to feel gratitude. When we pray before a meal or eat mindfully, food anxiety subsides. By taking the time to bless food, we can change our mood to be more positive, which will improve digestion.

Here simple ways make eating a ritual.

  • Be grateful. Say "thank you" for food created by mother nature. Feel that she is giving you nourishment. For this, other living beings - plants and animals - were sacrificed.
  • Set the table, even if you eat alone. When you lay out a beautiful tablecloth, lay out coasters for plates and linen napkins, you inform your subconscious that food is sacred.
  • Feed others first. In Ayurveda, we first offer food to other people as a sign of gratitude to Mother Nature who nourishes us. If you live alone, prepare an extra portion and take it to your neighbors. You can also water the flowers or feed the birds.
  • Eat with focus. When you eat and surf the web, watch TV, text, or drive at the same time, it dampens the digestive fire.
  • Chew slowly and mindfully. Feel grateful for what you have achieved this stage own life.
  • Eat in a good mood. Our mood affects the quality of the food we eat. When we eat and get angry, sad, or experience others negative emotions, the food is “infected” with this mood, and it penetrates even deeper into the body and thoughts.

With our food infused with the power of the ritual, let's explore ways to speed up or at least balance our metabolism. To get started, choose 1-2 points from this list and put them into practice. As these principles become a habit, adopt a few more.

  • Drink a glass first thing in the morning warm water with lemon. ¼ of a medium lemon, squeezed into a medium-sized cup, is enough.
  • Try to avoid bread, pastries, cookies, cakes, any fried foods, cheese, canned and processed foods, yesterday's food, nuts, alcohol, sugar and pasta.
  • The main meal should be lunch. It is at lunchtime that the digestive fire is at full capacity.
  • Have dinner around 6pm. Keep dinner light: steamed vegetables, rice, a bowl of warm soup.
  • Cook with spices that improve digestion: dried or fresh ginger, fennel, black pepper, cayenne pepper, mint, rock salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, dill, turmeric, cumin, coriander, azhgon seeds (scented iovan, Indian cumin). These spices not only help digest and assimilate food; they also help flush out toxic mucus from the body.
  • Try not to snack between meals.
  • Eat a thin slice of fresh ginger before every meal. Drizzle with lemon or lime juice and sprinkle with a pinch of rock salt.
  • Eat, but do not fill up: let the stomach remain ¼ empty.
  • Never (never, never!) drink food ice water! Don't drink too much with meals. Why fill it with water and cover it with ice?
  • Before eating, sprinkle the dish with ¼ tsp. olive oil or clarified butter (ghee).
  • Before cooking cereals, eating nuts, seeds, lentils and rice, it is better to soak them in water for at least 30 minutes. Some types of legumes (harder ones) need to be soaked overnight. Boil cereals with spices (ginger, black pepper, asafoetida, some seaweed). The spices will help prevent gas and bloating and aid in the digestion of grains and legumes.
  • Throw away the plain white table salt. It's full of chemicals that wash away nutrients from bones. Use natural, unprocessed types of salt - sea and Himalayan rock.
  • Drink more digestive teas such as ginger, cardamom, fennel, cumin, and coriander.
  • Consume more products that improve metabolism: these are soups, most spices, garlic, leafy vegetables, olive oil, oatmeal, apples, pears, grapefruits, green tea, tomatoes, broccoli, celery, parsley, nettle, turmeric, beets, fennel, carrots, fresh ginger, mung bean.
  • Avoid any product that says "with low content fat", "fat-free", and "sugar-free". Avoid white sugar and table salt, artificial sweeteners and colors, foods fried in unknown oils, trans fats, and fat substitutes (margarine and cooking oil).

Product combination rules

For splitting various products different types are required. digestive enzymes. When you put two foods into your stomach that require two different types enzymes, you seem to order the stomach: “Hey you! Do the right job!" Avoiding incompatible products We make life easier for our body.

  1. Eat fruits separately from other foods. Melon should never be combined with anything.
  2. Drink milk only separately from everything or in combination with sweets (cereals, honey, brown sugar). It is best digested if. Here are the ones that are suitable for milk: cardamom, cinnamon, black pepper, nutmeg. Worst companions are bananas sour fruit, yeast bread, fish, meat and yogurt.
  3. Try not to eat fish and dairy products at the same time.
  4. Eggs do not go well with fruits, milk, meat and yogurt.
  5. In no case should honey be boiled and subjected to heat treatment.
  6. Solanaceae (eggplants, tomatoes, potatoes) do not go well with melon, cucumber and dairy products.

Get Started Now: Healthy Food List

How to know that digestion is working without failures? The tongue will become clean and pink. AT certain time during the day you will feel hungry. The bad ones will disappear.

When there are fewer toxins, the body will be able to digest heavier and more nutritious foods, increasing the supply vitality. With a good supply of energy, we are better able to cope with stress and illness. Here are products that will help you not only exist, but live life to the fullest.

  • Sesame seeds and sesame oil
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Dates
  • Coconut and coconut oil
  • Avocado and avocado oil
  • Olive oil
  • bee pollen
  • Barley
  • Almonds (soaked overnight in water and peeled)
  • Flaxseed and oil
  • Walnuts and their oil
  • fresh honey
  • Fresh organic milk and cream (cow, goat)
  • Ghee (clarified butter) or butter
  • Sweet potatoes and yams
  • Zucchini
  • eggplant
  • Spinach
  • Mango
  • Blueberry
  • red lentils
  • homemade buttermilk
  • Homemade unsalted cheese
  • Bone broth, thick soups and stews in this broth

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great, take note

Drink as much water as possible. At what from under the crane - it is strictly forbidden. We are what we eat.

"Throw away plain white table salt. It's full of chemicals that leach nutrients out of the bones" Gee!!! And I thought that there was only one "chemical" - sodium chloride)))

Comment on the article "How to improve metabolism: 15 tips from Ayurveda"

pros cupping massage from cellulite? helps to cope with the most “neglected” areas on the skin in the process, blood circulation improves, metabolism normalizes in the subcutaneous layers, toxins, salts, ureas are removed, puffiness disappears after several sessions, the body contours are significantly strengthened, the figure looks more toned with the help of vacuum massage cells begin to renew faster, which allows you to maintain youthfulness and elasticity of the skin for a long time, muscle pain, stiffness disappears ...

It seems to me to improve the metabolism is very difficult. Everyone would have such a ratio of height and weight at 40! But in general, after 30 metabolism slows down, so you need to eat less food and be attentive to what you eat 06/30/2015 18:19:18, Kissynia.

Experts Russian counterpart fitness trainer Irina Turchinskaya, nutritionist Yulia Bastrigina, psychologists Andrey Kukharenko and Irina Leonova shared their secrets and practical advice. On the reasons for weight gain Irina Leonova: If a child in childhood was not taught to cope with stressful situations, calls from the outside world with minimal cost vital energy, he risks getting food addiction. The set of such factors is very individual. Very important...

April 15 at 19:30 in the center " open world» there will be a meeting for expectant mothers “Food in position”. The event dedicated to proper nutrition before, during and after pregnancy will be held with the support of the Traditional Obstetrics Center and the World of Childhood company. The health of the baby depends on the condition of the mother. Proper nutrition will help maintain good health during pregnancy. In the abundance of today's information on this topic, it is difficult to single out worthwhile tips that will be useful to expectant mothers...

Very often in recipes for losing weight, I came across this oriental seasoning, but it turns out that Turmeric is not only a spicy spice, it is also treatment plant, which has amazing beneficial properties, a necessary attribute of oriental cooking and medicine. Turmeric adds freshness to dishes spicy aroma, beautiful colour reduces cravings for sweets and fatty foods. In many ancient and modern recipes Turmeric plays an important role in improving health. Beneficial features...

Vitalact - fermented milk product, which includes whole complex beneficial microorganisms: lactic acid bacteria, kefir fungus and acidophilus bacillus, which makes it indispensable in baby food. This product is intended for children over 1 year old. Vitalakt has a number useful properties– improves appetite, has a positive effect on metabolism, normalizes digestion processes, in the process of fermentation, microorganisms synthesize a complex of vitamins and biologically active substances...

In order for the body to be perfect, it must be constantly improved. Wedding has selected the most fashionable movements and sports trends, each of which is unique in its own way. It remains only to choose an occupation to your liking and go to your goal. For the brave In Russia, a new sport has recently appeared, but already loved by the Australians (namely, Australia is their homeland) - Pole Dance. Pilon exercises, a sports pole, are an art form that combines elements of dance and acrobatics. Pylon dance...

Recipes for delicious and healthy food which is easy to prepare. You will create your own diet that will help you become younger, feel a surge of energy and joy. At the same time, help your body cleanse and improve. It's about about amazing food product With a wide range preventive and therapeutic effects on the human body - oatmeal miracle kissel, Russian balsam, as it was called abroad. oatmeal jelly indicated for diseases of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder ...

Avocado oil is a natural product that, due to its richness, is biologically active substances is fantastic useful product. It can be safely called the center of youth, health and beauty. Vitamin F (a complex of unsaturated fatty acids) in avocado oil is 3 times more than in fish oil (about 94.8%). Polyunsaturated acids are involved in the construction and development of cells in our body, regulate fat and cholesterol metabolism, and normalize blood circulation. Moreover, they...

During this month, it is easy to lose weight by improving metabolism, for which you can take vitamins and move more. Keep in mind that the same planet, Mercury, is in charge of information exchange and metabolism.


Excellent! I was just reading about the 10 days and was thinking about joining the company - albeit belatedly. And tomorrow I will have exactly a month before the DR - so it's decided! Tomorrow buckwheat with milk!

Well, wow, I just started to lose weight in the first month after the other, under Capricorn. It was easy enough, I threw off 9kg and continue on. Although before that I had never been able to diet for more than 3 days :) probably everything coincided successfully.

Tibetan recipe designed to improve exchange. I have it somewhere, you can look it up. The stigmas told me to drink with cholecystitis, so I would not risk it, maybe just drink them.


me from herbal preparations lose weight such a zhor understands that there are no forces: (it’s better without them, just green tea :)

The Tibetan recipe is designed to improve the exchange. I have it somewhere, you can look it up. The stigmas told me to drink with cholecystitis, so I would not risk it, maybe just drink them. But ... You still need to decide on a diet, and then look at what the oranism lacks. IMHO yes.

Also prescribed drugs, consisting of amino acids, which improve the metabolism of the brain. There was an improvement in the characteristics of behavior, motor skills, attention and memory.


I don't understand what the controversy is about. Good article, first time I see plain text it is written that MMD is not medical diagnosis. It always seemed to me that a medical diagnosis should be based on one way or another identified physiological pathology, and MMD is just, they looked at the child and decided that something was wrong with him. And no encephalograms, emerai or something else, even a blood test is not necessary. So the nanny looked at the child and said: not everything is in order with his head, well, not so much, then they would immediately write UO or mental retardation, and so, a little, in the end we get the diagnosis of MMD. And if you look at the topic below, then from the point of view of many employees of "institutions", and many doctors, orphans a priori have something wrong with their heads. So we get such diagnoses en masse: in infants, perinatal hypoxia and encephalopathy, in older children, MMD, and so on.
So everything is written correctly in the article and explains a lot, what is there to break spears about?

04/01/2006 05:29:47 PM, ssss

and really, what was the point of trying so hard to post this "good article" here. There are a lot of different diagnoses, MMD and ADHD are not the most common, according to BlackScore. Why rush about in advance, we solve issues as they come.

30.03.2006 18:42:56, Also an adoptive parent

That is, they improve metabolism by maintaining the level of insulin in the blood for several hours (the metabolic rate at a constant level of insulin accelerates up to 10%) Calcium also helps to speed up metabolic processes.


I don't know if it's in place or not. I found such a material for a long time, there is no link, so I give it as I kept it.
The article is called 5 ways to melt fat. About food that stimulates a more active metabolism in the body (use in reasonable amounts!)

1. metabolic kit No. 1: milk, wholemeal bread, rolled oats. Carbohydrates in combination with fiber are absorbed rather slowly. That is, they improve metabolism by maintaining the level of insulin in the blood for several hours (the metabolic rate at a constant level of insulin accelerates up to 10%) Calcium also helps to speed up metabolic processes.
2. metabolic kit #2: red peppers: jalapeno, habanero and cayenne. These foods increase the heart rate and increase the temperature. Based on research, serving spicy food speeds up metabolism by 25%.
3. metabolic kit #3: green tea and coffee.
4. Metabolic Kit #4: Lean Beef, Chicken, Turkey, and Pork. The body spends more time and energy (twice) on the process of digesting proteins than on digestion simple carbohydrates. According to scientists, a 20% protein supplement in the diet (due to carbohydrates)
5. metabolic kit #5: salmon, tuna and sardines. Omega-3 fatty acids regulate the level of leptin in the body, it is responsible, according to scientists, not only for the metabolic rate in the body, but also decides whether to burn fat in this moment or accumulate. How more fish, the higher the level of leptin, the higher it is, the faster fat is burned. (fish can be substituted fish oil



Composition and form of release

Capsules: in a package of 21, 42 and 84 pcs.
1 caps.
orlistat 120 mg

pharmachologic effect

Gastrointestinal lipase inhibitor. The mechanism of action is associated with the formation of a covalent bond with the active serine site of gastric and pancreatic lipases in the lumen of the stomach and small intestine. At the same time, the enzyme loses its ability to break down fats that come with food in the form of triglycerides into absorbed free fats. fatty acid and monoglycerides. As a result, the number of calories entering the body decreases and, consequently, the body weight of the patient decreases.
After 24-48 hours after taking the drug, an increase in the concentration of fat in feces. After discontinuation of the drug, the fat concentration returns to its original level after 48-72 hours.


- obesity and overweight body (combined with a moderately hypocaloric diet).

Dosing regimen

Assign 120 mg 3 times / day along with the main meals. The drug is taken with meals or no later than 1 hour after a meal. If a meal is skipped or if the food does not contain fat, Xenical can be skipped.
Increasing the dose above the recommended one does not lead to an increase in the therapeutic effect.

Side effect

From the digestive system: oily discharge from the rectum, gas, imperative urge to defecate, steatorrhea, increased defecation and fecal incontinence (as a rule, these phenomena are transient and occur in the first 3 months of treatment); rarely - pain or discomfort in the abdomen, flatulence, liquid stool, pain or discomfort in the rectum.
Allergic reactions: skin rash, itch, angioedema, anaphylactic reactions.


– syndrome chronic malabsorption;
- cholestasis;
hypersensitivity to the drug.

Pregnancy and lactation

Xenical should not be administered during pregnancy due to the lack of reliable clinical data confirming the safety of its use.
It has not been established whether orlistat penetrates into breast milk, in connection with which the use of Xenical during lactation ( breastfeeding) is not recommended.
AT experimental studies no teratogenic and embryotoxic effects of orlistat were detected.

special instructions

During therapy with Xenical, the patient should receive a balanced, moderately hypocaloric diet containing no more than 30% of calories in the form of fat. With more high content fat in the diet increases the likelihood of developing adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract.
Weight loss in patients may improve metabolism in patients with diabetes and require dose reduction of oral antidiabetic drugs.
The safety and efficacy of Xenical in patients with impaired liver and / or kidney function has not been established.
AT clinical research in most patients who received Xenical for 2 full years, the concentrations of vitamins A, D, E, K and beta-carotene remained within the normal range. In some cases, for adequate intake of all nutrients in the body, multivitamins can be prescribed, which should be taken at least 2 hours after taking Xenical or at bedtime.
Pediatric use
The safety of the drug in children has not been established.


Cases of overdose are not described. In clinical studies, a single dose of 800 mg or multiple doses of 400 mg 3 times / day for 15 days was not accompanied by significant unwanted reactions. There is experience with the use of the drug 240 mg 3 times / day for 6 months.
Treatment: in case of severe overdose, it is recommended medical supervision within 24 hours

drug interaction

Not installed drug interaction with the combined use of Xenical with digoxin, warfarin, metformin, oral contraceptives, nifedipine, statins and ethanol.
With the simultaneous use of Xenical, it can reduce the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

Terms and conditions of storage

The drug should be stored in a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life - 3 years.
Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
The drug is dispensed by prescription.

84 capsules cost 90 euros in Germany. You can only buy with a prescription. One of the developers of this Xenical, our friend from Basel (Switzerland) swears that this is the most harmless drug, does not affect the brain, nervous system and ost. organs. Contraindications are, - to mine at whom with a liver not vpryadka.

For people who decide to lead a healthy lifestyle, there are two main challenges: maintaining a constant physical activity and establishing proper nutrition. For the most part, we eat at home, so the question of how to properly organize meals outside catering outlets is very important.

What is proper nutrition

To begin with, it is worth deciding what kind of food is considered correct.

Firstly, it must be balanced, that is, contain all the necessary useful material. Secondly, varied, so as not to bother with a healthy, but the same menu. Thirdly, do not contain anything that can harm the body: too fatty, too salty, too sweet food. Fourthly, nutrition should be high in calories in order to completely cover a person's need for energy.


Nutritionists and fitness instructors are of the opinion that during the day you need to eat at least four times, and preferably five. Between meals should be an equal period of time, not less than two hours and not more than four. It is both convenient and does not lead to overeating. In addition, an equal interval between meals allows digestive system reduce the load on the body and improve the absorption of products.

Four to five meals a day reduce the desire for something to snack (and we tend to snack different kind chips and snacks, not too healthy food). And it is necessary to plan the time of meals so that the last meal is no later than two hours before bedtime. This does not mean that you should definitely not eat after six if you go to bed at eleven, but it is worth following the principle of “two hours before bedtime”.

In how to organize proper nutrition at home, it is worth adhering to a flexible attitude. After all, it is difficult to immediately begin to observe the described principles, and a person will break down. You need to start gradually, gradually removing unnecessary foods from the diet and increasing the amount of useful ones. And most importantly, focus on exactly how we eat, how often, in what quantities. Once the body enters the mode, sticking to proper nutrition will become much easier. Losing weight is not an end in itself, but only side effect from well-applied principles of healthy eating.

To follow the principles of proper nutrition, it is also important not to remain hungry, which often affects those who are on a diet. Proper nutrition is not a diet, but a lifestyle that always accompanies a person. Breakfast and lunch should be the most nutritious, and dinner should be light. It is for breakfast that you need to eat all the most high-calorie (carbohydrates), and for dinner leave mostly fiber and protein.

enough water

It is very important that the amount of water per day is sufficient - at least one and a half liters, and preferably more. It should be exactly plain water, not juices, broths or compotes. At enough water, the electrolyte balance in the body remains unchanged, and the blood does not thicken. In addition, very often our desire for something to eat masks a simple thirst, so water in sufficient quantities reduces appetite. It is better not to drink water half an hour before and half an hour after a meal, so as not to reduce the concentration of gastric juice.

Simplicity and freshness

Food should be simply cooked and fresh. No many hours of stewing and soaking in vinegar, you do not need a lot of ingredients and a lot of spices, you do not need to use frozen meat and fish, let them be better chilled. It is convenient and useful if the diet contains a lot of foods that do not need to be cooked (fruits, green vegetables, yogurt, nuts). How less sugar and salt, the better. The less fried, salty, spicy, sweet - the better.

Right products

The correct ones include those products that combine utility with taste. This is, first of all, natural products with minimal processing: boiled and stewed meat, boiled fish, natural vegetables and fruits, cereals. The less processed a product is, the more natural it is. So, for example, whole grain bread is much healthier than bread made from refined flour.

Approximate diet of a person eating properly may look like this:

  • Breakfast (fats, proteins and carbohydrates) - porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice), whole grain bread, boiled eggs or scrambled eggs, red fish, nuts.
  • Second breakfast - cottage cheese casserole, dried sandwiches whole grain bread, fruits, berries, nuts.
  • Lunch (vegetables, meat and cereals) - boiled veal or chicken, or fish, durum wheat pasta, brown rice, buckwheat, vegetables (fresh or stewed).
  • Snack - kefir, cottage cheese, bread, vegetable salad, fruits.
  • Dinner (fiber and protein) - fish, seafood, chicken, cottage cheese, eggs, vegetables.
  • The second dinner (only protein) is kefir.

Wrong Products

Wrong means unnatural. Everything that contains large doses preservatives, flavor enhancers, dyes, sugar, salt - not useful. This applies to sausages and sausage products, sweets, cakes, sweet carbonated drinks, smoked meats, pickles, canned food, sweet yoghurts without milk fat and the like. It is necessary to limit the use white bread, butter, pastries, chips, popcorn, crackers and all sorts of snacks. Do not lean on semi-finished products (instant noodles, dumplings, mashed potatoes in powder, etc.). Filling food with store-bought sauces (primarily mayonnaise and ketchup) is also not worth it.

Chocolate is not forbidden with proper nutrition, but you need to choose bitter dark chocolate and eat it in small quantities. But instead of white sugar, it is better to use brown cane sugar, honey, fructose.

Be sure to give up sweet breakfast cereals (cereals, pads, puffed rice), as well as factory-made juices (they are made from sugar syrups and diluted with water. There is an extremely high amount of sugar in these juices). To organize proper nutrition, it is generally better to eat more at home, and not in cafes and canteens. Because in public catering you don’t see how dishes are prepared and what is added there.

Thus, how to organize proper nutrition is suggested by the principles healthy lifestyle life: moderation, variety, balance. Here it is worth adding the naturalness of the ingredients, adherence to the diet and not leaving yourself hungry.

How to plan your diet for weight loss? Basic postulates to follow. Myths about diet and exercise.
The American physiologist and nutritionist L. Macdonald writes that the diet does not have the same importance that we attach to it. A healthy person can eat from 3 to 8 times a day, and the frequency of meals makes little difference. Domestic nutritionist M. Koroleva, on the contrary, believes that it is very important to eat fractionally, dividing large lunches and dinners into a couple of small ones. AT different sources in fitness and bodybuilding we meet that it is simply necessary to eat at least 5 times a day. Allegedly, this "accelerates the metabolism." Is this true, and what can you achieve from yourself by setting a certain diet for weight loss?

Remember, in children's sanatoriums they always fed porridge at 8.00, at 13.00 soup and the same porridge, but with steam cutlet, and at 19.00 with stunted cabbage leaves and sluggish cod on vegetable pillow? About the same thing we are offered to do with our diet in adulthood, if we want to lose weight. True, now you still need to add a couple of apples for a snack and a handful of nuts. We will get a typical food menu "according to the regime". On the Internet, this phenomenon has received the name "Proper Nutrition" or PP, but it has nothing to do with correctness.

First of all, for a healthy person correct mode Nutrition for weight loss is not the number of meals, but regularity. The gastrointestinal tract is "tuned" to work in a strictly certain period time. In textbooks on medical nutrition for adults healthy people It is recommended to eat 3-5 times a day. At the same time, it is important to take food at the same time so that the nutrients are fully absorbed. This regimen is especially important for women over 40 who want to lose weight.

In addition, you need to consume from 1 to 1.5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight, from 0.8 to 1.2 g of fat per 1 kg of body weight, and at least 3 g of carbohydrates, of which only 10% can come from sugar, fruits and fructose with honey. This is the minimum for normal functioning our metabolism. Therefore, no spacing of meals in time will not help if you simply eat too much or too little.

The human body adapts very well to any dietary changes. In particular, if you do not systematically eat up, as many dieters do, you will simply lose weight more slowly.

If you are not too lazy and count the macronutrients in the “proper” diet, you can see a serious imbalance towards carbohydrates. And a lack of proteins and fats. Therefore, the first thing to do is to look at your diet "in the face", that is, determine its calorie content and chemical composition.

How to improve your diet?

For weight loss, the reference regimen is 3 main meals, between each of which there are 4 to 5 hours and 2-3 light snacks between them. For example, like this: 8.00 breakfast, 13.00 lunch 18.00 dinner, and snacks at 11.00, 16.00 and 20.00.

This "layout" has opponents. In particular, R. Minvaleev (PhD, physiologist) writes that with such nutrition, the stomach simply does not have time to empty itself between meals. And the pancreas is forced to constantly produce insulin, and therefore - overloaded. The same author points out that frequent meals, for example, every 1-2 hours can lead to overeating rather than to the correct mode.

Issues you may encounter

On the Internet we read the following:

  • Breakfast: porridge, fruit, cottage cheese or an egg
  • Second breakfast: fruit and nuts
  • Lunch: porridge, fish or meat, vegetables with butter
  • Snack: yogurt and berries or vegetables
  • Dinner: fish or cottage cheese, or an egg, non-starchy vegetables

Some people, however, experience quite strong hunger if they start the morning with porridge. This is how insulin resistance works. A couple of hours after carbohydrate breakfast such people feel hungry. And others train before dinner, and it looks rather doubtful to be able to recover with steam pollock and a bunch of vegetables. In general, all these things can and should be adapted for yourself and make up your diet for weight loss in accordance with the needs of the body.

The rules are - you just have to observe the intervals between meals and the overall "matrix" of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates for weight loss. How to distribute all this over free days is your question.

Myths about nutrition, training and regimen

Important points of the daily regimen are the obligatoryness of 8 hours of sleep and at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day. This does not mean training, but, for example, walking or outdoor games with kids. Training is a completely separate issue. It is better for an amateur to perform strength exercises every second day, and “cardio” - as needed. Physically active people can do it no more than once a week, and those who work for office work should practice more often - 2 to 6 times a week. It can take 30 to 60 minutes between a snack and a workout. Between meals and training - 2 hours, if the meal precedes.

After class, contrary to popular belief, you can eat. And even necessary - this will save muscle and avoid negative impact cortisol on hormonal background. Another thing, progress in weight loss always depends on how much energy you got and how much you spent, and not on when you ate your chicken breast with buckwheat and cabbage. Yes, even immediately after the gym in the locker room, eat, it's not critical.

Another important point weight loss diets are myths about the benefits and harms of refusing a particular meal The Western world is universally refusing breakfast, switching to a protocol intermittent fasting. Domestic "users" do not eat in the evening, frightened by the fact that calories allegedly turn after 6 immediately into fat due to a slowdown in metabolism. Is it fair? In fact, all these arguments have nothing to do with reality. Pushing breakfast closer to the middle of the day and skipping dinner does not affect the rate of weight loss.

At least as long as these measures are given to a person quite naturally, he will lose weight, remaining in the "zone" of a calorie deficit. And as soon as the deficit is replaced by "support" or "excess" - to keep or gain weight. Skipping meals is only justified when simply helping the person eat. right amount food. And they lead absolutely nowhere if they are given with great difficulty and provoke overeating.

And great tips in the video:

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