Make false teeth. Removable and non-removable dentures: what are their differences in price. The best denture is one that fits well

The only way to preserve the beauty of a smile in the event of the loss of a significant number of teeth is the false jaw. Depending on the complexity of the situation and individual preferences, patients can be offered several types of devices. Each type of removable prosthesis has its own functional characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Indications for the use of a removable jaw

To correct the shortcomings of the dentition, artificial products of domestic and foreign production are used. Before installing the prosthesis, the dentist takes casts from the oral cavity to prepare the future bed. Also, before prosthetics, the bite height, the range of motion of the lower and upper jaws are determined.

False teeth look better than incomplete dentition. Designs are recommended for use both with complete loss of teeth and with partial adentia. Among the indications for the use of removable jaws, one can also note:

  • difficulties in chewing food and, as a result, the development of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity;
  • psychological disorders due to an unattractive smile;
  • change in the shape of the face and its asymmetry.

Advantages and disadvantages of the design

The advantages of the false jaw include: the possibility of using in situations where other types of prosthetics are prohibited; a wide range of materials for creating a product; quick installation of the structure.

There are a lot of negative patient reviews on the Internet about removable jaws. Users note a long addiction to the product (up to several months). Only implanted designs give the patient a feeling of comfort.

Other disadvantages of removable jaws include:

  • psychological discomfort due to wearing artificial teeth;
  • the development of degenerative processes of bone tissue due to an unevenly distributed load during chewing;
  • frequent appearance of sores and scuffs in the area above the prosthesis;
  • fragility of products - from 2 to 10 years;
  • the need to remove dentures from the mouth at night;
  • the need for additional hygiene procedures for the device.

The main disadvantage of removable jaws is the possibility of damage to the mucous membranes of the mouth, due to which ulcers and erosion occur on the surface of the gums.

Types of prostheses depending on the degree of replacement

Dentures are either complete or partial. The first type of devices is used when all or most of the elements of a row are lost. In the presence of such a system, the entire load during chewing is redistributed to the gums, and therefore the person experiences pain and discomfort. Gradually, the bone tissue becomes thinner, and the patient is forced to regularly change the product to a new one. Attachment of a complete prosthesis in the oral cavity is carried out only by suction cups. The method is used only for prosthetics of the upper jaw, since the device does not hold well on the lower jaw.

Partial prosthetics is possible while maintaining at least a few units in a row. These elements will serve as a support for the removable jaw. The technique is preferable to full prosthetics, since in this case the chewing load is evenly distributed between the gums and teeth. A partial denture is more securely attached to the oral cavity.

Butterflies are more often used for temporary rather than long-term wear. The only prerequisite for the installation of the structure is the presence of stable elements on both sides of the prosthesis

In the absence of 1-2 teeth in a row, a butterfly is used, equipped with clasps on both sides. The color of the fasteners does not differ from the natural shade of the gums. Due to this, the prosthesis remains almost invisible to others.

Materials for manufacturing

For the production of false teeth, artificial materials are used. They differ from each other in external characteristics, density and processing methods. Most often, acrylic, nylon (silicone) and polyurethane are used for the manufacture of structures in dentistry.

The photo shows false teeth made of acrylic

Acrylic materials for the creation of prostheses began to be used in the early 1940s. The advantage of the design is that it does not differ in color from natural fabrics, has a long service life and is resistant to various mechanical stresses. The demand for acrylic prostheses is due to their affordability. However, many users also note the disadvantages of products:

  • release of allergic substances;
  • problematic care;
  • bad breath.

If allergic reactions occur, remove the prosthesis from the oral cavity and contact the dentist again. The doctor will suggest false teeth made of other materials, such as nylon.

The main advantage of nylon products is softness. This prevents injury to the mucous membranes of the mouth from mechanical damage. At the same time, the material withstands chewing loads well, does not change shape and does not break. The option is optimal for patients with sensitive periodontal tissues.

Nylon jaws will cost more than acrylic jaws, but they also last longer.

An alternative smile restoration is polyurethane products. One of the popular types of prostheses is produced under the brand name "Dentalur". Unlike acrylic jaws, the material is less likely to grow bacteria and is easier to clean. A distinctive advantage of the material over nylon is the price.

Types of structures depending on the method of fastening

According to this criterion, false teeth are divided into removable, non-removable and partially removable. The first type of prosthetics is recommended for complete edentulous. The removable jaw is supported by the gum or hard palate. The system is fixed using a suction action or special adhesive compounds: Korrega, Rocks, Lacalut, etc.

Removable jaws are considered one of the most affordable and easiest ways to correct a smile. At the same time, the prosthesis is easy to use and maintain.

For partial-removable restoration of teeth, plates with artificial teeth are used. For their installation, it is necessary that several units remain stable.

Systems in the oral cavity can be fixed using:

  1. Krammers or hooks. Bulgel prostheses are most often installed in this way. The basis of the structure is made of a metal frame. It is a reliable support for artificial teeth. Modern materials make the designs almost invisible when talking. Hooked prostheses are more often installed in place of the lateral teeth or are used when elements are lost through one.
  2. Locks or attachments. Designs are characterized by aesthetic appearance. Locked dentures will cost more than crammed dentures. A metal crown is installed on the supporting elements, and then one half of the lock. The second part of the lock is located in the cavity of the prosthesis. Under pressure, the micro-locks snap into place, and the removable product is fixed by adjacent teeth.

For the production of partially removable dentures, polyurethane, acrylic, and less often rubber are used.

Modern types of products

New generation prostheses are jaws without a palate. The structure of the products is combined from various types of removable systems. Sandwich constructions can only be used with partial edentulous. The body of the prosthesis is created from two types of material - polyurethane and acrylic.

The system has a solid structure, but in places where natural teeth are preserved, elastic crowns are inserted, stretching over the supporting units. The approximate cost of a sandwich prosthesis is from 40,000 rubles.

The category of non-palatal structures includes bulgel prostheses, which do not have a massive base. Products do not cover the upper palate and mucous membranes located under the tongue. Bulgel products look imperceptible in the oral cavity

The category of conditionally removable systems includes systems on implants. They are securely fastened in the oral cavity, but the patient can easily remove artificial teeth if necessary. The structure is fastened with locks not on its own units, but on implanted pins. The method is especially suitable for patients who have lost all their teeth and have thinned jaw bone structures.

Features of choice

Which jaw is better to choose? The answer to the question depends on many factors. In the presence of natural elements in the mouth, preference is given to bulgel prostheses. With complete adentia, acrylic structures will be an ideal option. To prevent the jaw from falling out of plastic, implants can be used. Dentists often recommend nylon products to patients. But we must remember that it is inconvenient to chew rough and hard food with such teeth.

The choice of design can also be influenced by its cost. The price of the jaw depends on the material of manufacture. How much do removable structures cost? Nylon dentures are more expensive for patients than plastic dentures. An acrylic jaw costs about 15,000 rubles, and a silicone jaw costs about 20,000.

Care rules

In order for the removable jaw to last as long as possible, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of hygiene. After each meal, the prosthesis is removed from the oral cavity and washed with running water. Food residues remaining on the surface of the product lead to the multiplication of pathogenic flora and bad breath.

Care of products is recommended to be carried out with a brush with two types of bristles. Hard bristles clean the outer edge of the prosthesis, and soft bristles clean the inner edge.

How to clean artificial teeth? Preference is given to pastes with a fluorine base. The composition is applied to the jaw and in a circular motion the brushes foam the paste for 10 minutes. Designs are processed at least 2 times a day.

Dentists recommend using soap formulations to care for acrylic systems, as the bristles can scratch the product.

It is important to regularly carry out disinfection measures. The prosthesis is stored in special antiseptic solutions at night. The compositions are purchased at a pharmacy or do it yourself. Such solutions not only disinfect the prosthesis, but also remove excess glue from its surface. Home plate care is no substitute for professional cleaning. The removable jaw is regularly given to the orthodontist for correction and examination.

Hello dear site visitors. Today we will discuss a question that is of interest to many. These are removable dentures. Over the long history of this invention, people have created many options. Not always they were made of reliable, and most importantly - safe materials.

Important nuances of the question

No matter how sad it may be, "getting younger." If earlier grandparents applied for such services, now there are many middle-aged people among the patients who apply for this. There are many reasons - poor ecology in certain regions, heredity, nutritional habits, the growth of diseases that affect the condition of the teeth.

Many people who have to order such products do not even know how to wear removable dentures. Moreover, ordinary people do not know how they differ, what are the pros and cons of their different types. It is for these people that this article is written. I decided to collect information about what prostheses are, how they are convenient, in what cases they are used. And, of course, purely domestic moments associated with care.

For some, the thought of a prosthesis is scary. Someone remembers the terrible grandmother's dentures floating in a cup (I remember this myself). The pictures are repulsive, to be honest. But is everything as bad as it might seem?

According to modern experts, the devil is not so terrible. Although any, even the most expensive prosthetics, have disadvantages in comparison with implantation.

Video - Removable prosthetics

Types of removable dentures

There are various criteria by which dentures are divided. For example - fully removable and partially removable. The first option is made of either nylon or acrylic. The second option is considered better. If the prosthesis inside the jaw is attached to implants, this type is called conditionally removable dentures. In order for them to hold well on the jaw, small metal implants are introduced into the bone. If the patient has at least one natural tooth, he may be recommended this option for the correction of the dentition.

The next type of division is according to the material of manufacture. There are three main types - (with a metal mount), nylon and plastic.

Plastic prostheses

Acrylic plastic is used for their manufacture. Why are they good? Firstly, the fact that they do not need to be looked after in a special way, to use special tools. Partially removable plastic models on implants are ideal for those people who have no teeth left at all. Unlike conventional ones, which are fixed in the mouth solely due to vacuum, they are securely fixed. To fix the prosthesis on implants, a beam or push-button lock is used.

Sometimes an intracanal implant can be used to mount such a design. To do this, it is necessary that a person has either single-rooted teeth or roots into which it is possible to mount the implant pin.

Acrylic is a material that can be very well matched in color. As a result, people around you do not notice that you do not have your natural teeth in your mouth.

Acrylic dentures

You can talk as much as you like about the fact that plastic is not durable and that it will break. I remind you that any prosthesis will have to be replaced over time. Even if you pay a million dollars for it, over time you still need to make a new one. Over the years, the jaw bone becomes thinner and this process is irreversible. What can be done? The maximum is to increase the required volume. But it's time and a lot of money.

Clasp removable dentures

This type of prosthetics can be called without exaggeration one of the most progressive. If a person cannot install a bridge, orthopedic dentistry recommends this option to restore chewing function and aesthetics.

As a base for such a prosthesis, metal is used, or rather, surgical steel, which does not oxidize and does not cause allergies. The base is small, occupies a minimum of space, does not cause discomfort and a foreign body in the mouth. Thanks to this feature, the prosthesis can not be removed at night. Installation requires one or more teeth suitable for anchoring.

Removable dentures of this type are installed in three different ways:

  • attachments (mini-locks). The mini-lock is the most aesthetic. When people laugh, others do not see the prosthesis.
  • clasps, which are part of the metal structure itself (minus - visibility). These are small metal hooks that cling to the supporting teeth;
  • locks.

Please note that this type of prosthetics has contraindications:

  • the patient is allergic to metal or other material contained in the product;
  • with a shallow depth of the bottom of the oral cavity;
  • with a deep bite;
  • too low supporting teeth / their complete absence;
  • diseases leading to a decrease in bone volume;
  • with a short frenulum of the tongue;
  • any diseases in the oral cavity, if they occur in an acute form.

The service life of such a prosthesis is approximately ten years. Once a year, the patient needs to come for correction. Of course, this method of restoring teeth will not replace implantation, but it is a good alternative, at least temporarily.

Nylon removable dentures

Nylon is a very controversial material. On the one hand, the material is comfortable and hypoallergenic, and does not cause any difficulties in terms of installation. On the other hand, for some patients, such prostheses rub the gums.

In general, there is not much difference between acrylic and nylon dentures. Is that nylon can not be removed from the mouth at night. But there is one important nuance.

If you put nylon removable dentures, for example, on the upper teeth, consider the fact that their (dentures) softness can negatively affect the condition of the bone tissue and even lead to its atrophy.


Sometimes you need to make a prosthesis that is installed on only one tooth. It can be safely fastened with metal locks to adjacent, natural teeth. Similarly, the installation of bridges is performed, which are placed in the presence of several of their teeth.

Many dental patients are looking for models without a palate. This is due to the fact that some people experience discomfort from the sensation of a foreign body or even a gag reflex when there is a fixation plate in the sky.

Advantages of partial dentures:

  • perfectly restore aesthetics;
  • help restore chewing function;
  • have a relatively low cost.

Disadvantages of partial dentures.

  1. Influence on diction. The owner will have to learn to talk with the foreign body in the mouth. This will take time.
  2. The taste perception will change.
  3. Some owners complain of tangible discomfort. Its degree depends on the material and quality of the prosthesis.

Surely many have heard about partial silicone removable dentures. What is it? For their manufacture, nylon, plastics and, in fact, silicone are used, from which the outer part is made. The teeth themselves are usually made of plastic. Therefore, this type of prosthetics is inexpensive.

The advantages of this type include:

  • high resistance to enzymes and dyes that can change the color of surfaces. Silicone does not change its color for years;
  • great aesthetics. A silicone-based bridge is indistinguishable from a natural dentition. Even his clasps are made of materials that have a natural color. Usually nylon is used for this;
  • high strength and durability of the structure even with prolonged use;
  • there is no difficulty in adjusting to the anatomical features of the palate and gums. As a result - rapid adaptation of the patient;
  • Great design that stays on securely and won't fall out. Does not require grinding of teeth;
  • does not cause allergic reactions. Suitable for those who suffer from allergies to acrylic;
  • always natural distribution of chewing loads over the jaw area.

There are also cons:

  • with significant chewing loads, the patient experiences discomfort;
  • higher price. More expensive than an acrylic prosthesis;
  • insufficient hygiene leads to the appearance of unpleasant odors, which can only be eliminated by using specialized care products. For a complete cleaning, you need to contact a specialist;
  • very poorly polished surface. On a rough basis, bacterial plaque is collected, leading to the appearance of inflammatory processes;
  • among the owners of such a prosthesis, many complain of gum injuries while chewing food;
  • the need for regular adjustments;
  • receding gums, destruction of the jaw bone. When the prosthesis sags, the clasps damage the mucosa;
  • there is a possibility of damage when eating solid food.

Video - Removable partial denture - its manufacture and installation


Such prostheses are used in the complete absence of teeth. Not every person is ready to live with an "empty mouth". This is inconvenient, causes discomfort, creates a lot of problems with the use of most products. Not to mention the mass of complexes that develop over time.

So, about the benefits:

  • restoration of the dentition;
  • aesthetic improvement;
  • simple adjustment to the customer's jaw. It is much more convenient to make a prosthesis on the entire surface than a partial one.

However, this does not mean that everything is so cloudless. In any case, a correction is needed. Over time, the gum sags, the bone tissue becomes thinner. You have to adjust the level. When installed on the upper jaw, they are attached due to a snug fit to the sky. Some people may not like this option. The issue is solved by installing implants in the jaw bone tissue.

If you want to install a similar prosthesis on the lower jaw, the procedure is carried out according to the same principles.

This type of prosthesis is recommended for those patients who have lost their main chewing teeth, are allergic to metal-containing prostheses, or have any contraindications for implant placement. Often used as a replacement for temporary prostheses.

Removable prostheses are those that cannot be removed on their own. This can only be done by a dentist.

How convenient is this design? In any case, while you eat or communicate with others, your jaw will not fall out. This is already a big plus. After all, we all remember how it happened in the old days, when false teeth could fall, for example, into a bowl of soup. And the visibility of such products of the new sample is far from the same as before. It's not hard to get used to them.

They are fastened either with screws or with special cement. Therefore, it is simply impossible to remove them without outside help. The crown can be made of metal-plastic, metal-ceramic.

Conditionally removable prostheses

Options for conditionally removable prosthetics:

  • gluing to abutment teeth / in special grooves of abutment teeth using a cementing material;
  • installation on four implants installed in the front of the jaw.

There are also disadvantages. After all, this is a temporary solution. Fasteners serve a little more than a year, after which a new design has to be made.

Manufacturing of removable dentures

It all starts with a visit to the orthodontist. The patient comes for an examination so that the doctor can study a specific case, make an impression, and select a suitable design. Further, based on the shape of the existing cast, a blank is made. After trying it on, it is adjusted more precisely so that the finished product is ideally suited to the anatomical features of the customer.

After that, using the parameters of the workpiece, the prosthesis itself is made in the dental laboratory using the type of material that the client has chosen.

After manufacturing, the prosthesis is tried on. The patient picks it up and wears it throughout the day. After that, if there is a need for correction, he comes to the doctor.

If the main structure is made locally, the teeth are often ordered from other countries. They are produced in Germany, Japan and other countries. It is worth noting that the quality really depends on this. If we compare them with cheaper analogues, then the service life of "imported" ones is longer.

No matter how accurate the prosthesis is, it will need to be adjusted later. The jaw changes, the bone becomes thinner. To prevent plastic or metal from pressing on the mucous membrane, causing irritation and inflammation, you need to adjust the exact position. In some cases, structural repairs may be required. It is performed in the same dental laboratory where the product is made (unless, of course, this is technically possible).

How to care for removable dentures

One of the key issues is related to the features of care. Many simply do not know how to properly store removable dentures so that they serve for a long time and retain their properties. Of course, any teeth get dirty, even if they are artificial. So how do you clean removable dentures? In this regard, caring for them is no different from caring for ordinary teeth. That is, you need to use toothpaste and a brush.

In particular, to remove pigmentation from food, you can use pastes with a whitening effect. Considering that this is an artificial material, you can not be afraid to damage the enamel with abrasive particles or an aggressive chemical component.

Do I need to clean my dentures every time after eating? It doesn't have to be done that regularly. Simply rinse it under running water to remove food debris. Clean the product twice a day - morning and evening

Removable dentures - which are better?

No matter how much time passes, people continue to argue which is better. In dental prosthetics, such a “cold war” has also been going on for a long time. People argue because they don’t understand, manufacturers because they want to sell their products, and specialists because everyone has their own arguments for a certain material and method.

Types of dentures

  1. If you have your own teeth (five or more) on your jaw, then it is recommended to install a clasp prosthesis.
  2. With the complete absence of teeth, options are possible. Firstly, you can install implants on which any modern prostheses are attached. Secondly, you will be offered simpler ones - acrylic and nylon prostheses.

The selection depends not only on the financial capabilities of the client, but also on his anatomical features, health status (presence of contraindications).


So, my dear readers, we have come to the key issue. All of you are worried about the cost of modern removable dentures. I decided to approach the issue thoroughly, having studied the offers of various clinics in the CIS countries.

The St. Petersburg clinic was the first to come across:

  1. Byugelnye (arc) - an average of 65 thousand rubles. That (at the time of writing) was roughly $970. The amount is considerable for most ordinary people. It is written that the teeth themselves are made in Germany.
  2. Quality nylon. Also German teeth and nylon from the USA. The price is about 60 thousand rubles. This is about 900 USD.
  3. For plastic teeth (plastic - Germany, teeth - Japan) they ask from 25 thousand rubles - 372 USD.
  • on clasps - at least 45 thousand rubles (670 USD);
  • on locks - from 35 to 80 thousand rubles. (521-1192 c.u.);
  • on telescopic crowns - 100-200 thousand rubles (1490-2980 USD);
  • on implants - 90-200 thousand rubles (approximately from 1340 to 3000 dollars).

Dental prosthetics

As you can see, the price of removable dentures very much depends on the material, complexity and other factors.

They also offer Quattro Ti nylon prostheses. They mix nylon and hypoallergenic plastics. The result is increased strength, no allergies, the complete absence of metal. Over time, such a prosthesis is not deformed. It costs from 45 thousand rubles and more (670-1000 dollars).

In Ukraine, prices are relatively affordable:

  • for a partial laminar prosthesis, they require from 2130 hryvnias (85 USD);
  • full lamellar prosthesis - from 3000 hryvnia (120 USD);
  • clasp prostheses on clasps - 5200 hryvnia (207 USD).

Let's move on to Minsk prices:

  • nylon, quadrotti, etc. from 10,600,000 ($540);
  • a clasp prosthesis without attachments will cost 7,740,000 (almost $4,000).

Feel the difference? A little more and Kyiv clinics will become the object of mass “dental tourism”.

What do people write?

I was also interested in the reviews of people who used such services. Because even I think about taking advantage of such offers in the future. All of us are not eternal, and our teeth are even more so. Fillings fall out sooner or later, implantation is not always possible. Therefore, it is worth considering this possibility.

Of course, octogenarian grandmothers do not unsubscribe on review sites (although there are exceptions). But there are quite a few people 45-60 years old who spend time on the Web. Many of them were clients of dental clinics, where they install different types of prostheses.

In the capitals, people are very keenly interested in clasp prosthetics. Muscovites, St. Petersburg and Kiev residents install such prostheses quite often. Complaints are not so much about the products themselves, but about the level of workmanship. In some unthinkable way, the masters manage to make the prosthesis inaccurately using a cast or even a computer model.

People praise prostheses on implants. They are more reliable and do not have to constantly run for correction. But for medical reasons, this option is suitable, unfortunately, not for everyone.

Choosing the type of prosthetics, the doctor takes into account a huge number of factors related to the patient's condition, his age, etc. If this is not done, various risks are not predicted, you can get a lot of complications. That is why it is so important to contact only experienced professionals. Fortunately, there are now quite a lot of good clinics in the CIS and beyond, where they can make a high-quality prosthesis.

Video - Making dentures in the laboratory

In dentistry, prosthetics is perhaps the most popular service. Lost and decayed teeth are not only an aesthetic but also a physiological problem that affects overall health. Therefore, the restoration of teeth, their structure, shape or replacement if it is impossible to restore is of great importance.

To date, dentures are the only alternative to your own teeth, it is not surprising that much attention is paid to the development of new technologies and methods in the field of prosthetics. But the many options for prosthetics make you wonder which one to choose.

There are two types of dentures: removable and non-removable. Each of these types has its own varieties, which differ in their functionality, aesthetic appearance, material of manufacture, installation method and, of course, price. Accordingly, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Removable are distinguished by the fact that they can be removed and installed when it is convenient for you. Fixed ones are fixed in such a way that they can only be removed with the help of a specialist.

Removable devices are generally universal. That they can take it off and put it on again, when its owner needs it, is a definite plus. But at the same time, they do not fit snugly in the oral cavity, and if you wear them for a long time, the palate is deformed, and the fit becomes even more loose.

Fixed structures fixed tightly and securely in the mouth, but they are difficult to install, moreover, if there are not enough teeth, such prostheses are not suitable. Of course, the patient himself chooses the type of device for prosthetics, after he gets acquainted with all the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of each type.

But anyway consultation with a dentist is required who will be able to determine which prosthesis can be installed in a particular situation, which one will be optimal, whether there are any contraindications or any factors that interfere with prosthetics.

Removable dentures

When it comes to removable devices, they can be divided into the following types:

Partially removable dentures

Partially removable products are used if it is impossible for the patient to install a fixed prosthesis. To do this, you must have several of your own teeth in the oral cavity, which will act as a support for the prosthesis.

Such prostheses replace several (from two or more) missing teeth on any side of the jaw - both upper and lower. They are sometimes used as a temporary cosmetic for certain dental procedures. Temporary prostheses are called immedia prostheses. Most of the partially removable structures have no age restrictions.

Partially removable devices on a plate basis

Such prostheses are made from one to four weeks by an orthodontist and a technician, while the patient must visit the dental clinic frequently. Lamellar devices are used to replace a row of 2 or more teeth.

If one or more teeth need to be replaced, it is best to use soft removable structures based on nylon. If replacement of one to a whole row of teeth is required, then you should pay attention to one of the latest developments in orthopedics - clasp prostheses.

The advantages of these prostheses:

  • Economical.
  • Reliable and durable.
  • Safe.
  • Aesthetic.

But many patients complain of discomfort and even pain from wearing such a device, as well as a frequent violation of diction and taste sensations. Dentures are the most uncomfortable made of hard plastics, but at the same time they are cheaper than more convenient products made of soft plastics.

Nevertheless, plate products are available to most patients, they are unpretentious in care, quickly manufactured and installed, besides, they have an undoubted advantage - they allow you to evenly distribute the load on the entire jaw.

The main disadvantage of such structures is that they can cause soft bone atrophy. However, specialists are gradually moving from a plate base to a metal one, which no longer causes such deformations.

Nylon based prostheses

Flexible nylon-based prostheses have existed for several years, but are already well known to patients in clinics. They are recommended to be used only as temporary, limiting wearing to a few weeks.

They are made from thermoplastics that do not cause allergic reactions, hygienic, flexible and are distinguished by enviable strength - a nylon prosthesis does not break if, for example, it is dropped on the floor.

For such structures, it is not necessary to pretreat the teeth - it is enough to take an impression. Their prices are quite reasonable - a full removable nylon prosthesis costs about 25 thousand rubles.

Nevertheless, thermoplastic prostheses are not ideal: they absorb water, losing their original properties, accumulate extraneous odors, including unpleasant odors, and are not able to distribute the load over the entire oral cavity.

Because of this, over time, the design stops holding on the way you need it. And although nylon products can be used for up to 10-15 years with a healthy oral cavity, experts advise against making full dentures out of them and wearing them for a long time.

Clasp prostheses

These prostheses are high-tech. They appeared not so long ago, but quickly became popular, and even among picky patients. The development of this design made it possible to realize all the advantages of conventional prostheses, while their disadvantages are minimized.

These compact devices are based on the basis − arc plate construction made of metal on which artificial teeth are attached. They cover only those places in the mouth where there are no teeth, without touching the healthy part of the mouth. In general, such a prosthesis looks very aesthetically pleasing, moreover, its cost is not too high and is quite comparable to the price of dental implants.

The disadvantage of this product is that the design is attached to clasps - special hooks - on healthy teeth and, as a result, on them enamel can be damaged. And, of course, like any foreign body, at first, clasp prostheses can cause discomfort up to a gag reflex, increased salivation and loss of taste sensations.

In some cases diction may change, the patient may be uncomfortable eating - biting and chewing food. But over time, addiction occurs, discomfort disappears.

Such dentures are indicated if the destruction of the dentition has just begun in the oral cavity and a small number of teeth are missing, plus there are healthy ones on which the prosthesis will be fixed. They do not have to be removed at night, they are easy to care for. By the way, clasp prostheses can also be fixed.

Acrylic dentures

Acrylic-based dental structures are also quite in demand, especially if the patient has no teeth left at all or there are contraindications for implantation. Otherwise, such prostheses are not inferior to other types, and from an aesthetic point of view, they are almost flawless, as they imitate the natural appearance of the jaw system.

They can be installed on any jaw or even on both at once, so acrylic dental products very popular in older people who have lost all or almost all of their teeth, however, they have no contraindications for installation at any age.

Such prostheses are made both partially and completely removable. They are light, quite comfortable, easy to care for, distribute the load on the entire jaw. Thanks to the manufacturing technology, acrylic dentures are not only reliable, but also quite affordable, and they are also produced very quickly, literally in one visit to the dentist.

The cost of a complete acrylic prosthesis is on average from 8 to 20 thousand rubles. However, these seemingly ideal dentures have their drawbacks:

  1. Physical impact causes atrophy of soft tissues in the oral cavity.
  2. Abrade the tooth enamel of healthy teeth by fastening.
  3. They have allergic reactions.
  4. They provoke the development of negative microflora, as a result of which bad breath appears.

Fixed dental structures

A fixed denture, as the name implies, cannot be removed when the patient wants it. But these prostheses are different. reliability and long service life and have excellent aesthetic characteristics.

  • microprostheses (or partial);
  • crowns (single and console);
  • bridges;
  • implants.

All of them differ in design, materials of manufacture, method of installation and preparation for it, as well as price. The choice of the type of fixed prosthetics depends on the condition of the patient's jaw system.

Microprostheses are indicated for partial damage or destruction of the tooth. They are aesthetically pleasing mimic a natural tooth, can mask significant defects in the teeth, which is especially important when the visible side is damaged, while they are much stronger than any filling.

Dental crowns are placed on implants. And also on partially damaged teeth and even on the roots of the tooth. Dental bridges are recommended when one or all teeth are missing.

Micro prostheses

Microprosthetics include: inlays, veneers and lumineers. Inlays are used as an alternative to fillings, veneers and lumineers are used to correct the appearance of teeth. They are made of porcelain or ceramics, fixed on the visible outer side, without touching the back side.

Despite its external fragility and microscopic thickness, this very durable products that reliably protect the tooth for up to 10 years without losing the aesthetic component. Inlays also last much longer than conventional fillings, but they are undesirable for serious dental disease.

Veneers and lumineers also cannot be used in some cases, for example, with extensive caries. It is worth noting that of the majority of ways to preserve the appearance of teeth or mask their deformation, veneers and lumineers are the fastest and at the same time inexpensive.

Crowns for teeth

The dental crown also perfectly hides the defects of the tooth, while restoring its physiological functions. Crowns are often used to prepare abutment teeth for a bridge. Crowns are indicated in case of loss of a natural tooth, severe tooth defect and fluorosis.

In many cases, crowns are an indispensable tool for straightening a tooth and giving it the right look, they durable and reliable products, and at a price affordable to the absolute majority.

However, they are not recommended in case of allergic reactions to the crown material, periodontitis and weak tooth roots, and if the upper part of the tooth does not allow the crown to be placed securely due to compromised integrity. In addition, crowns are not installed for children while the body is still being formed.

Various materials are used to make dental crowns:

  • Ceramics.
  • Metal.
  • precious alloys.

From the point of view of aesthetics, it is advisable to install crowns on the front teeth ceramic or metal-ceramic. In addition, this material is less likely to be rejected by the tissues of the tooth.


A bridge, as a bridge is often called, is a reliable and durable type of prosthesis, indicated for the loss of one or more teeth.

The bridge is affordable, in addition, there are different ways to attach such a prosthesis, so it quite popular with patients.

Bridges are attached in the following ways:

  • on your own teeth
  • on implanted implants
  • with special glue.

In addition to reliability, the bridge structure almost does not change color from exposure to various dyes such as tea or coffee, with its help you can eat any food, even the hardest, getting used to the bridge occurs very quickly.

If we compare the bridge, for example, with implanted teeth, then, of course, it is inferior in some technical characteristics, but at the same time, its teeth practically do not differ from real ones, and the cost is much more pleasant.

If the patient has problems with the presence of teeth, a bridge can be placed on pre-implanted implants that will be used as a support for the bridge, but this is a long and complicated procedure, and also not too cheap. Of the other disadvantages of such prostheses can be canceled the need for pre-cutting dental system.

Features of implantation

Installation of implants is the most advanced technology for restoring teeth, implanted teeth are absolutely identical to natural ones in all respects. The price of such prostheses is noticeably higher than that of others, but this is justified by the effectiveness and aesthetics of the result.

The procedure itself is quite complex, not accessible to everyone- and not only in terms of cost, but also in terms of the state of the dental system. The decision on whether implantation is possible is made by a specialist after a complete examination of the patient's jaws.

However, if this type of prosthetics is indicated, the patient will appreciate the advantages of this method:

  1. Implants do not cause discomfort.
  2. They can replace one or all of the teeth in a row.
  3. These are the most durable prostheses of all.
  4. They can be installed as supports for the installation of other dentures.

Implants are made from a variety of materials, but most titanium are considered durable and comfortable. The prosthesis of any design has its own service life. After this period has passed, it is necessary to replace the prosthesis.

And you can also restore it with the help of rebase - that is hardfacing plastic layer where the soft tissues of the palate are most deformed from wearing the prosthesis, in order to avoid further deformation, loose fitting of the prosthesis and discomfort. Relining cannot be done only for nylon prostheses.

If several decades ago, when restoring teeth, patients had a very limited choice of orthopedic structures, today there is an abundance of various structures on the market. Which removable denture is better to put and which non-removable prosthetics is the most high-quality and durable, says the candidate of medical sciences, the head physician of the Esthetic Classic Dent clinic in Moscow.

Choice according to indications and budget

The best dentures are those that are shown to the patient. In general, the most modern will be designs based on implants. However, there are two very important points here: implantation has a number of limitations and is considered an expensive procedure (especially if we are talking about full restoration of teeth). In this case, other designs come to the rescue, which are also designed to restore functionality and aesthetics. Before we start talking about the various systems in more detail, a distinction needs to be made so that you don't get confused.

All dentures are usually divided into several types. First of all, the number of teeth to be replaced is taken into account: this criterion implies the installation of a partial or complete denture. According to the method of extracting the structure from the oral cavity, removable and conditionally removable dentures are distinguished. Which one is better - read on.

The best dentures for partially missing teeth

Which fixed dentures are better to choose in the absence of one or more teeth? Implants can achieve the best balance of aesthetics and functionality, however, other modern prostheses are also of good quality.

Photos before and after treatment at the Esthetic Classic Dent clinic

What are the best removable dentures?

Removable structures are those prostheses that the patient can independently remove from the oral cavity for hygiene and cleaning of the prosthesis itself. Find out which removable dentures are the best in this category.

What is the best denture for missing teeth?

Previously, patients who, for one reason or another, could not install implants, had to put up with rather uncomfortable hard plastic prostheses. Today, there are modern designs on the market that practically do not cause inconvenience to their owner. Many people are also looking for the best removable dentures for the upper jaw, since it is in the restoration of teeth in the upper jaw that good fixation of the structure is especially important so that the denture does not fall out in the most unexpected cases. The installation of a high-quality non-removable (conditionally removable) complete prosthesis is not complete without implantation.

When several teeth are missing in a row, implant dentures are the ideal choice. As a rule, 2 implants are implanted, on which a prosthesis is subsequently installed that imitates the crown part of the tooth.

Fixed structures that replace a fragment of the dentition and are installed on adjacent turned teeth. The most modern dental bridges are usually made of ceramic and look more aesthetically pleasing compared to metal counterparts.

It is named so because of its shape, which resembles the wings of insects. Allows you to replace several missing teeth. A plastic prosthesis-butterfly imitates the crown of the tooth and part of the sky, attached to adjacent teeth with clasps. The application is justified as a temporary measure.

Clasp and plate prostheses

The best prostheses of this type are nylon and acrylic structures that mimic part of the dentition on both sides of the jaw. These are the so-called plate prostheses. There are designs with metal arches (clasp dentures), which are less beneficial in terms of aesthetics and possible allergic reactions.

It is considered the best option for a full denture on implants, since the load is distributed most correctly and high stability of the entire structure is achieved.

A ball-shaped abutment is installed on each implanted implant, which is fastened to the prosthesis by means of special locks. It is also considered an excellent option, but slightly inferior to beam structures in terms of reliability.

Mini-implants are also implanted into the bone, so the volume of bone tissue is just as important here as with standard implants. In this case, only removable structures are suitable for prosthetics, since mini-implants are used as a temporary option and cannot carry a more serious load.

Removable full dentures completely model the jaw and palatine part. There are many models on the market today, but the new generation of acrylic and nylon prostheses are considered the most modern. Learn more about modern types of dental prosthetics by calling the clinic.

Which denture material will last the best and last longer?

The material from which the prosthesis is made has the greatest impact on wearing comfort, and this is especially true for removable systems. If no mistakes were made during the manufacture of the structure itself, but the prosthesis still causes significant discomfort, then the matter is most likely not in the highest quality material. Of course, no such system is capable of providing 100% convenience (especially at the stage of getting used to it), but modern materials make it possible to achieve very high rates. So, what qualities should the best materials for dentures have:

  • Hypoallergenic. Many people are allergic to plastic and acrylic.

  • "Friendly" to the gums. If the prosthesis strongly rubs the gums, wearing it will be a complete torment.

  • Color fastness. Resistant to staining and environmental influences.

  • acceptable strength. Despite the fact that a removable denture rarely lasts more than 5-6 years, the design should not be too fragile.

If we talk about specific brands of removable dentures, the best acrylic denture is Acry-Free (“Akri-Free”) made of non-acrylic plastic: it is very comfortable, does not shrink when worn, does not stain and does not cause allergies. The best nylon dentures at the moment are the Quattro Ti brand. However, Quadrotti has limitations for use: for their installation, one of the jaws must have several healthy teeth, however, like other clasp-type prostheses. As for non-removable systems, metal-free structures are increasingly being used here, which look more aesthetically pleasing, do not cause allergies, but are also less durable.

When, for one reason or another, one or more teeth are lost, a natural question arises - how, in fact, could they be restored? And so that it is not very expensive (implantation is not affordable for everyone), and that the denture looks beautiful and does not cause discomfort when talking and chewing food.

In addition, as practice shows, many people are afraid that a removable denture may simply fall out of the mouth at the most inopportune moment (for example, when talking), or it will be too noticeable to others, associating with the "set teeth".

All these fears are partly really not without reason - there are a lot of negative reviews about dentures, when the patient could not get used to the removable structure, and she went "to the far corner of the table." However, fortunately, there are also removable partial dentures that are comfortable to wear and have a high level of aesthetics.

On a note

A partial denture is a denture that replaces one or more missing teeth. There are also complete dentures used in the complete absence of teeth in one or both jaws.

In general, the situation when there are at least a few preserved teeth in the mouth, from the point of view of the upcoming prosthetics, is much better than if there were no teeth at all - after all, there are supports for which one or another structure can be attached. Therefore, it is important not to rush to remove diseased teeth if there is at least the slightest chance of curing them and saving them for the future.

Next, we will look at what types of partial dentures exist today, what are the pros and cons of each option, and which one may be the best choice in a given clinical situation ...

Types of partial dentures

Among removable dentures used in the partial absence of teeth in the oral cavity, the following types occupy a significant niche in orthopedics:

  • Acrylic (plate). Acrylic plate denture got its name due to the fact that the basis of this design is a plate that transfers the masticatory load to the palate and gums. Such prostheses are made of rigid acrylic plastic. There are complete acrylic dentures and partial ones. A partial acrylic denture has special metal hooks (clasps) for fixing to the abutment teeth. A removable acrylic prosthesis can be used for almost any degree of tooth loss (especially with a significant one, and it does not matter in which section - end, lateral or anterior);
  • Nylon - differ from acrylic primarily in their elasticity - they are soft. Their advantages and disadvantages follow from this property - they are more comfortable to wear, but they keep worse in the mouth and distribute the chewing load worse, as a result of which gum atrophy under the prosthesis can proceed at an accelerated pace;
  • Clasp (from the German "bugel" - arc) - have a power frame in the form of a metal or plastic arc, on which a base with artificial teeth is welded. In the vast majority of cases, the clasp prosthesis will be much better in terms of functional characteristics than lamellar or nylon;
  • Immediate prostheses (the so-called butterfly prostheses). Usually used to replace 1-2 teeth. The base of the butterfly prosthesis can be made of acrylic plastic or nylon and has hooks for attaching to the abutment teeth;
  • The so-called removable dentures of a new generation without a palate (another name is Sandwich). They are a combination of a rigid base made of acrylic resin and elastic polyurethane crowns that are stretched over the abutment teeth. Artificial teeth are installed in the plastic base. This is not the best option for prosthetics, since in a number of characteristics it is inferior not only to clasp prostheses, but also to standard acrylic ones.

Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of each of these options.

Features of prosthetics with acrylic prostheses

Acrylic prostheses have been used in dentistry for more than 50 years, and during this time tremendous experience has been gained in their use both in complete removable prosthetics (when there is not a single tooth in the oral cavity) and in partial ones. Now they continue to be installed in huge numbers, especially in Russia - due to the fact that they are cheap, affordable, have a fairly long service life and are relatively easy to manufacture.

Availability and low cost often become a decisive factor of choice not only for the patient himself, but also for an orthopedist with a small production base (for example, in villages) or insufficient experience in working with other, more complex and expensive prosthetic options.

The photo below shows a partial acrylic denture:

Prosthesis clasps (hooks) are not only metal, but there are also plastic and combined ones. The materials used greatly affect the cost of the product - for example, instead of stainless steel, a gold or gold-platinum alloy can be used as a metal for clasps (if you are allergic to stainless steel).

On a note

Acrylic prosthesis is held not only due to clasp fixation, but also due to adherence to the relief of the mucous membrane - it seems to stick to the palate and gums. Therefore, the reliability of its fixation in the oral cavity will significantly depend on the accuracy of the manufacture of the prosthesis.

Here are some of the indications for acrylic partial dentures:

  1. Unilateral and bilateral end defects on the upper or lower jaw (in other words, when there are no far chewing teeth on any jaw on the right or left). In such a situation, it is not possible to place a bridge prosthesis, since one of the supports for the “bridge” is missing;
  2. When the condition of the remaining teeth does not allow them to be used as a support for a bridge prosthesis (for example, against the background of periodontitis, the supporting teeth could simply loosen);
  3. Included defects in the dentition (that is, limited on both sides by the teeth in the mouth), including the absence of only one tooth;
  4. The presence in the oral cavity of only single teeth on the upper and lower jaws;
  5. Presence of contraindications to prosthetics on implants.

In other words, the scope of acrylic partial dentures is very wide - they can be used in the vast majority of clinical cases.

Significant disadvantages of partial acrylic dentures are:

Be that as it may, with a partial absence of teeth, the use of an acrylic prosthesis is today the most popular budget option for prosthetics.

Advantages and disadvantages of nylon removable dentures

Soft nylon prostheses are used both with complete and partial absence of teeth in the oral cavity. Moreover, they are positioned in the advertising of dental clinics as a modern and more convenient alternative to rigid acrylic prostheses. However, advertising is silent about the shortcomings of such products, and meanwhile, it is useful to know about some of the nuances in advance.

But first, we note the most significant advantages of partial nylon dentures:

  • Due to their softness and flexibility, they are more comfortable to wear, adaptation (addiction) is faster to them;
  • Such prostheses, as a rule, are smaller in size and weight than acrylic ones, therefore they disrupt articulation less;
  • Nylon prostheses in terms of aesthetics look much better than standard acrylic and clasp prostheses, as they are practically invisible from the side. The hooks of nylon dentures have a color close to the color of the gums (unlike the metal hooks of partial acrylic and clasp dentures);
  • Nylon does not cause allergic reactions - it is a biocompatible material.

At the same time, nylon dentures also have serious drawbacks that significantly limit their widespread use in orthopedic practice:

On a note

There are also polypropylene dentures, which are in many ways similar to nylon. However, unlike nylon, polypropylene has more rigidity, so products based on it distribute the chewing load better, and they have to be adjusted less often.

Clasp prostheses with partial loss of teeth

It is clasp prostheses in most cases that will be the best option for removable prosthetics in case of partial loss of teeth.

Here are some of the key benefits of clasp dentures:

  1. Due to the rigidity of the structure, a uniform distribution of the masticatory load between the abutment teeth and soft tissues of the prosthetic bed is achieved (the bone will not atrophy as quickly as under separate sections of nylon prostheses);
  2. With a locking system of fixation (attachments), high aesthetics are realized - no hooks or other foreign elements will be visible. The same can be achieved when fixing on the so-called telescopic crowns (the methods of fixing clasp prostheses will be discussed below);
  3. It is much easier to get used to a removable clasp prosthesis than to a plate one, since it takes up less space in the mouth and does not cover the entire palate (which means that gag reflex, prosthetic stomatitis and impaired diction are practically excluded);
  4. The reliability of fixation of the prosthesis in the mouth is very high. Moreover, it is possible to securely fix the structure even in difficult cases - when there are end defects in the dentition (in this case, micro-locks are used);
  5. The design of the clasp allows not only to restore the lost function (normal chewing) and aesthetics after tooth extraction, but can also have a therapeutic effect when special splinting clasp prostheses are used that eliminate the mobility of groups of teeth;
  6. A durable clasp prosthesis, unlike acrylic, is not so easy to break.

There are several ways to attach clasp dentures to abutment teeth:

  • Using a system of clasps (hooks). Usually they are made of metal, but there are also plastic clasps. Such hooks securely clasp the abutment teeth, transferring part of the chewing load to them;
  • With the help of attachments (micro-lock fasteners). Part of the lock is in the prosthesis, and the other part is in the ceramic-metal crown, previously fixed on the abutment tooth. When putting on the prosthesis, the micro-lock snaps into place, ensuring a secure hold of the removable structure;
  • With telescopic crowns. Metal crowns (non-removable) are preliminarily fixed on the abutment teeth. The clasp prosthesis also contains crowns that are simply put on the crowns of the abutment teeth. This type of fastening is characterized by high aesthetics and reliability.

Each of these methods of fixing clasp prostheses has its own advantages and disadvantages. So, clasp clasps are the easiest to manufacture and affordable, but with a smile, metal hooks located on the outside of the teeth can be noticeable, which worsens the aesthetics.

As for lock fastenings (attachments) and fastenings on telescopic crowns, they are almost invisible from the side, which gives excellent aesthetics and wearing comfort. However, such prostheses are difficult to manufacture and, in addition, a decent number of abutment teeth need to be turned for crowns.

Despite a number of disadvantages, clasp prostheses can still be considered the best option for prosthetics with partial absence of teeth - both in terms of wearing comfort, functionality and aesthetics, and in terms of price. Yes, a clasp prosthesis will cost more than an acrylic one, but much cheaper than prosthetics on implants.

On a note

On average, clasp prostheses with fixation on clasps cost about 25-40 thousand rubles. But the prices for structures with micro-locks are almost twice as high - a bilateral prosthesis on two attachments can cost about 80-100 thousand rubles.

Removable prosthesis "butterfly" for immediate replacement of lost teeth

Imagine a situation that you have removed 1 or 2 teeth. While the hole is healing and a fixed bridge is being made (or an implant is planned to be installed in the future), you will have to walk with a gap in the dentition for some time, which many patients would like to avoid.

It is for such cases that the best option would be to use a removable immediate prosthesis - in other words, a butterfly prosthesis (Latin "immediatus" means "immediate", that is, we are talking about the possibility of replacing a tooth with a prosthesis immediately after removal). Such a prosthesis was called a butterfly because of the external similarity of its basis and hooks with butterfly wings.

The photographs below show removable butterfly dentures:

Removable prosthesis-butterfly can be made both on the upper and on the lower jaw. It is held mainly due to the girth of the adjacent teeth with hooks. The base and hooks can be made of acrylic or nylon (in the latter case, a particularly good aesthetics is achieved).

On a note

Generally speaking, an immediate prosthesis is a temporary construction for the period of rehabilitation before the manufacture of fixed prostheses (for example, bridges). But, as practice shows, some patients use the butterfly prosthesis all the time, not wanting to grind their teeth under the crowns of the bridge prosthesis and not having the finances without implantation.

In general, it can be said that butterfly prostheses allow not only to restore aesthetics immediately after the extraction of a tooth (or teeth), but also improve chewing functions, allowing you to evenly distribute the load and avoid overloading the teeth that limit the “hole”.

It is interesting

The use of removable dentures in case of partial loss of teeth is not only of aesthetic and functional significance for the patient, but also, with a competent approach, preserves the health of the entire dentoalveolar system. This is especially true for the prevention of diseases of the temporomandibular joint, periodontal disease (gum disease) near the remaining teeth, as well as maintaining a normal bite.

About new generation removable dentures without a palate

The so-called new-generation removable dentures without a palate (sandwiches) really have an important advantage over standard plate dentures, namely, they do not cover the palate (therefore, they do not reduce taste sensitivity, do not cause a gag reflex, do not worsen articulation, do not create the sensation of a massive foreign object in the mouth, etc.)

Recall that in sandwiches, the hard acrylic part with artificial teeth is combined with elastic polyurethane crowns, which are stretched over the abutment teeth.

Therefore, despite the fact that the design of prostheses is quite original, in general they are much inferior to clasp prostheses in terms of functional and aesthetic characteristics.

On a note

If we talk about the convenience of wearing due to the lack of overlapping of the palate, then it is worth noting that in removable clasp prostheses for the upper jaw, due to the rigid arc, the overlapping of the palate can also be minimal. In the case of using clasp prostheses for the lower jaw, the sublingual space also overlaps to a minimum.

Conditionally removable dentures on intracanal implants

In the absence of a significant number of teeth in the oral cavity and especially the not very good condition of the crown of the remaining teeth, a good option for prosthetics can be the use of a conditionally removable prosthesis with installation on the so-called intracanal implants.

To install such a design, it is necessary to have at least 2 (and preferably 4) teeth on one jaw (upper or lower). The essence of the method is as follows:

  • The crown parts of the remaining teeth are cut down to the level of the gums;
  • A titanium implant with a spherical abutment is screwed into the root canal of each tooth;
  • A prosthesis is made that has recesses on the inside with special locks for the spherical abutment of implants.

As a result, a removable denture is attached very securely, it is not noticeable from the outside, they can chew even hard food without any fear and discomfort, it is comfortable to wear. At the same time, the preservation of the roots of the teeth allows minimizing atrophic processes in the jaw bone.

Disadvantages of this type of prosthetics:

  • high price;
  • low prevalence of this service in clinics;
  • not suitable for every clinical situation (the patient does not always have the required number of teeth, and even if they do, the condition of their roots is not always satisfactory).

Rules for the care of removable dentures and a few words about their repair

After the delivery of a removable prosthesis to the patient, the orthopedic dentist explains how to properly care for him so that the design lasts as long as possible.

  1. Daily cleaning of the removable denture with a toothbrush with non-abrasive paste;
  2. Rinse with water after eating;
  3. Use special disinfectant solutions;
  4. Store dentures in boiled water or in a special solution;
  5. If you feel pain during the operation of the prosthesis, it is important to urgently visit a dentist to find the cause of the pain.

It is useful to use special products for the hygiene of removable dentures:

It often happens that after several years of wearing the prosthesis, the prosthetic bed (mucosa) sags, and the design becomes inconvenient to use - for example, the laminar design may not adhere well to the palate, food may get under it, it begins to rub the gums, etc. Therefore, after receiving the prosthesis, it is advisable to apply for preventive examinations at least once every six months for correction and professional hygiene of the structure.

It is better to entrust the repair (repair) of dentures to specialists, since an attempt to independently restore the structure can only accelerate the process of atrophy of the jaw bone due to the uneven load transmitted by an illiterately repaired prosthesis to the prosthetic bed.

Repair options can be very different: gluing parts of a cracked plate prosthesis, repairing a clasp, installing a fallen artificial tooth, relining so that the structure fits snugly against the mucosa, etc.

On a note

A big disadvantage of a removable nylon prosthesis is the impossibility of its relining. Meanwhile, relining is extremely important, since over the years, atrophy of the bone tissue under the prosthesis occurs and the shape of the alveolar process changes, which disrupts normal chewing and aesthetics. If it is not a problem to rebase acrylic lamellar dentures, then it is practically impossible to rebase dentures made of nylon and polypropylene with high quality - it is easier to buy a new product.

How much does it cost to install a partial denture today

Prices for partial removable prosthetics depend on many factors:

  1. From the level of the clinic (economy, premium, business class);
  2. Whether prosthetics are performed in Moscow or anywhere in the region (prices in Moscow are almost always higher);
  3. From the choice of design and materials used.

In case of partial absence of teeth, prosthetics with plate acrylic prostheses with metal clasps are considered the most budgetary (it is not always aesthetically pleasing, since metal hooks are clearly visible in the smile zone; other disadvantages of such structures have already been mentioned above).

The table below shows the estimated prices for partial removable dentures in Moscow in mid-2017:

In conclusion, it is worth noting that even in the absence of a small number of teeth in the oral cavity, one should not delay too much with prosthetics. Even the choice of the most inexpensive prosthesis will be much better for the entire dentoalveolar system than if you do nothing and walk around with holes in your mouth.

At the same time, you should not follow the lead of advertising and immediately focus on the now fashionable nylon prostheses. If we do not take into account implantation (due to its high cost), then the most practical and perfect option for prosthetics will be the use of a clasp prosthesis.

Be healthy!

What are removable dentures and what is important to know about their properties

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