What is a cyst and how can it be cured. Follicular ovarian cyst and pregnancy. Surgical methods for the treatment of ovarian cysts

How to treat a cyst? The answer to this question depends on the type, location and severity of the disease. Such a pathological phenomenon as a cyst can develop in many internal organs; although there are some common features for different types of this disease, the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease varies significantly. Most often, the treatment of the process varies markedly, which requires a clear differentiation.

The problem of "How to treat a cyst" in most cases is solved by surgery, since therapeutic and other conservative methods are rarely effective, and then only in the early stages. In our time, the technique of surgical treatment has been sufficiently developed, and the possibility of conducting safe operations is available even in small clinics. Therefore, the appearance of a cyst should not be considered a tragedy - the prognosis for the cure of such a disease is quite optimistic.

Essence of pathology

In the general case, regardless of localization, a cyst is a pathological cavity in an organ or tissue with bounding walls and liquid filling. It is usually referred to as benign neoplasms. Some types of such pathology, under certain conditions, can turn into malignant tumors, which especially emphasizes the danger of their presence and failure to take measures for treatment.

At its core, any cyst is a closed sac-like structure, the composition of which does not match the composition of the surrounding tissue. Education can be of various sizes and shapes; sometimes it acquires such dimensions that it can displace the organ. The contents of the bag may be different, but it appears when the excretory channels of the glands are closed and secretory fluid accumulates. A cyst can form in almost any part of the body; quite often localized in the liver, kidneys, mammary gland, male testicles, even in the tooth. Most often, pathology prefers to appear in the female ovaries and in the skin.

What are the types of pathology?

The cyst is usually divided into true and false type. True formations are characterized by a cavity, on the walls of which epithelium settles; and the false type has no such bedding. According to its fundamental etiology, the disease is divided into acquired and congenital. The congenital form is determined by the abnormal formation of the structure of a tissue or organ in the womb, and the acquired type occurs as a result of various internal and external factors.

According to the mechanism of flow and etiology, cysts are classified into the following types:

The main reasons for the development of cysts are genetic predisposition and improper intrauterine development of the embryo at the stage of tissue structure formation. Infectious lesions, tumors, chronic inflammatory processes, hormonal imbalance, metabolic disorders, neurological disorders and stress, and malnutrition can become provoking factors.

In order to decide how to get rid of the cyst, it must be identified at the initial stage. A small formation may not give any signs, which makes it difficult to diagnose them. In general, the clinical picture depends on the type of cyst and its localization. Suppuration, ruptures, and the appearance of signs of malignancy should be considered as serious complications.

The cyst is diagnosed, first of all, according to the results of palpation: most often, the formation is palpated with fingers, and sometimes even visually noticeable. The most effective diagnostic methods are ultrasound, X-ray, computer scanning and tomography. The problem of how to cure a cyst can only be solved after differentiating the type of disease.

Treatment of pathology

Treatment of a cyst depends on the localization of the process and the severity of the manifestation. In the early stages of the onset of pathology, non-hormonal methods are used. In this case, they are treated in the following areas:

  • prescription of homeopathic medicines;
  • phytotherapy; taking vitamin complexes;
  • the introduction of iodine preparations;
  • appointment of neurological and psychotropic drugs;
  • the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • the use of enzymes and immunomodulators;
  • application of physiotherapy methods.

With a more severe course of the disease, hormonal therapy is performed. Minimally invasive methods are used. So, with a cyst of the liver, pancreas, kidneys, treatment by percutaneous puncture and drainage is quite effective, which are necessarily performed under the control of ultrasound machines.

The only way to completely cure the cyst is surgery to remove the affected tissue.

With such a common disease as an ovarian cyst, the most commonly used surgical method is laparoscopy. In this case, 3 precise incisions are made in the anterior abdominal wall, and tissue is removed through them in the affected area. Such an operation ensures the safety of other tissues and does not violate the main function of the ovaries. In very difficult circumstances, a hysterectomy is performed (i.e., removal of the uterus and its appendages) and oophorectomy (the ovary is removed along with the cyst). These extreme lesions are applied only when there are clear signs of a transition to a malignant course of the process.

In the treatment of liver cysts, a palliative method is used, including the following surgical procedures: opening and complete cleansing of the cyst; marsupialization (suturing the boundaries of the cleaned cavity); cystogastroanastomosis. The conditionally radical method of operational impact combines the following operations: removal of the affected area; along with the shell; excision of wall tissues. The latter technique uses laparoscopic fenestration to excise large lesions by opening the cavity, draining the fluid, excising the capsule, and providing coagulation.

Treatment with folk remedies

In the treatment of cysts in the initial stage and to consolidate other methods of treatment, the following medicinal plants are used:

  1. Burdock (burdock) juice: the juice after pressing is infused in a dark place for at least 5 days, the course of treatment is 60 days with the intake of 2 tablespoons 2 times a day before meals.
  2. Elecampane: infusion - dry grass (40 g) together with dry yeast (1 tablespoon) is poured with water (3 l) and infused for 2 days; treatment regimen - 50 ml 2 times a day for 20 days.
  3. Acacia: an infusion of leaves and inflorescences (5 tablespoons) is poured with vodka (0.5 l) and infused for 7 days, the course is 1 teaspoon 2 times a day before meals for 60 days.
  4. Medicinal collection: oregano, sorrel, walnut leaves, nettle, string, burdock, knotweed, immortelle, St. times a day for 30 days.

Despite the many folk remedies for treatment, it must be remembered that self-medication is not always beneficial. In any case, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

A cyst is a pathological formation in tissues or organs that has a membrane and contents. The size of the cyst, its contents and the density of the walls can be different depending on the location, duration and mechanism of formation.

Ovarian cyst: what is it

An ovarian cyst is a neoplasm filled with fluid, located on the surface or in the thickness of the ovary. The size of the body can be insignificant, only a few millimeters, or reach a couple of tens of centimeters. The occurrence of an ovarian cyst is often associated with the normal functioning of the organ, which does not pose a serious danger to a woman's health. However, in some cases, the appearance of a neoplasm may indicate the presence of a serious disease that requires special treatment.

How are cysts formed? Every month, every woman develops a cyst in one of her ovaries, called the dominant follicle. This is a vial filled with liquid, where the reproductive cell matures. In this case, its value can be from 0.5 to 2 cm.

On the 15th day after the start of menstruation, the dominant follicle bursts, releasing the egg, which enters the fallopian tube and, in the presence of sperm, is fertilized. For unknown reasons, the follicle sometimes does not burst, but accumulates a large amount of fluid in itself. Its diameter can reach 70 mm. This will be a functional or follicular cyst. However, do not immediately panic. These types of ovarian cysts are considered harmless and often resolve after a few menstrual cycles.

After the rupture of the follicle, a corpus luteum forms in its place. It is a collection of progesterone cells. In it, again, for unknown reasons, fluid collects and leads to the appearance of a corpus luteum cyst.

Varieties of ovarian cysts

In addition to the aforementioned functional formations that disappear on their own over several weeks or months, there are other types of ovarian cysts that appear against the background of various diseases.

These include:

  • Endometrioid cyst - a cavity filled with blood, formed against the background of endometriosis (a gynecological disease in which there is growth on various organs of tissues similar to the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity).
  • Dermoid cyst, formed from cells of other organs. Its contents may include hair, bones, cartilage. The size is large, it is removed by surgery.
  • Hemorrhagic cyst resulting from hemorrhage into a functional formation.
  • Polycystic syndrome is a gynecological disease, accompanied by the appearance of a large number of cysts of different sizes.
  • Cystadenoma is a benign formation that grows to a very large size, but does not show any symptoms.
  • Mucinous neoplasm filled with mucous contents.

How a cyst manifests itself: symptoms

The disease does not have any characteristic clinical manifestations. Symptoms are similar to those of many other diseases of the abdominal cavity and pelvic organs. However, some large cysts may have the following symptoms:

  • pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
  • short attacks of acute pain with slight bloody discharge from the vagina;
  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • slight spotting between periods;
  • pressure or heaviness inside the abdomen;
  • pain during and after intercourse;
  • pain after exercise;
  • vomit.

This symptomatology can be more or less pronounced depending on the degree and type of the disease.

Cyst detection

In order to detect an ovarian cyst, it is necessary to undergo a gynecological examination, during which pain in the lower abdomen or enlarged appendages can be determined. Ultrasound examination allows painless and reliable determination of the size of the neoplasm and its location.

The presence of blood or fluid in the vagina will help detect a puncture of the posterior fornix. This method is often used in case of complications.

It would be useful to donate blood for analysis, which will determine the markers of malignancy, the level of hemoglobin and the ability of the blood to clot.

MRI allows you to determine the size, structure, contour, nature of the contents and how the cyst affects neighboring organs.

To rule out an ectopic pregnancy, a pregnancy test must be done.

Ovarian cyst: what is dangerous?

The disease in most cases is considered benign, and the treatment of ovarian cysts without surgery is quite possible. But in some cases, complications can lead to irreparable consequences.

It is dangerous for the ovaries to twist the legs of the cyst. This can happen under the influence of intense physical exertion or with vigorous sexual intercourse. This is fraught with tissue necrosis, since when twisting, the access of blood to part of the ovary is complicated. Such a process is expressed by strong sharp pains in the abdomen. This is not possible without surgical intervention.

An increase in body temperature, pain in the lower abdomen is accompanied by suppuration. If it breaks through, the ovarian cyst cannot be treated without surgery.

Physical activity can also lead to rupture of the cyst. This happens if the neoplasm grows, its walls become thinner, and more and more fluid accumulates. When ruptured, the contents of the tumor can enter the abdominal cavity and provoke peritonitis. Surgical intervention in this case will be less traumatic than when twisting the cyst.

Only a functional ovarian cyst can pass without complications. The consequences of, for example, endometrioid and dermoid formations can be deplorable, as they can degenerate into a malignant tumor.

Every woman should think about the question of how to treat an ovarian cyst, since a constantly growing neoplasm, even if it is not malignant, can lead to disruption of the neighboring internal organs as a result of compression. And another extremely unpleasant consequence of a cyst can be female infertility.

An ovarian cyst, the consequences of which can be very different, requires an urgent visit to a doctor and the appointment of immediate treatment to avoid serious conditions and complications.

Conservative methods of therapy

How to treat an ovarian cyst depends on its origin, size, dynamics of development and age of the patient. If the hormonal background provoked the appearance of a cyst, then the use of oral contraceptives is prescribed for several months. This will block the work of the ovaries, normalize the production of hormones, the menstrual cycle, which will lead to a decrease or complete disappearance of the neoplasm.

Treatment of ovarian cysts without surgery is possible by taking pills containing progesterone. In a healthy body, this hormone is produced in the second half of the cycle and during pregnancy. However, an insufficient amount of it against the background of an excess of estrogen leads to the formation of a cyst. Tablets will help reduce the size of the neoplasm.

Treatment of cysts with "Duphaston"

"Dufaston" is one of the drugs prescribed for the treatment of ovarian cysts. The active substance is an analogue of progesterone - dydrogesterone. Despite its chemical nature, it is an excellent substitute for natural progesterone, performing its functions well. It acts on the walls of the uterus, has no side effects.

"Dufaston" with a follicular ovarian cyst is mandatory, as it contributes to the timely transition of the 1st phase of the menstrual cycle to the second, while not allowing the endometrium to grow. Moreover, long-term use of "Duphaston" is prescribed for endometrioid cysts, since the drug is able to prevent the appearance of new tumors. In this case, the medicine is combined with surgical treatment. "Dufaston" with an ovarian cyst often remains the only medication that can help in the fight against neoplasms.

The beauty of a woman depends on a healthy hormonal background, the successful functioning of all body systems. A special role in the production of hormones is played by specific glands of the reproductive system - the ovaries. Being paired organs in which the female germ cell matures, they are responsible for reproductive functions. Having heard from the lips of a gynecologist the diagnosis is an ovarian cyst, the symptoms and treatment of which are often very vague, do not rush to get scared. What is the danger of the disease and what are its features?

Symptoms of an ovarian cyst in women

The disease is characterized by the absence of pronounced symptoms in the initial stages. In order to avoid the development of a neoplasm, which in some cases leads to oncology, visits to the gynecologist should be made a regular procedure. The recommended intervals between preventive examinations are six months. What does the diagnosis of an ovarian cyst mean, what are the symptoms and treatment?

Cystosis is a disease, the difference of which is the formation of a capsule or cavity having thin walls with a semi-liquid substance inside. The size of a benign neoplasm varies from a couple to two tens of centimeters. A cyst of the left ovary, as well as a cyst of the right ovary, are accompanied by similar symptoms, which are the reason for an unplanned trip to the gynecologist:

  • decreased sexual activity;
  • pain symptoms during intercourse;
  • uterine bleeding, discharge;
  • failure / absence of menstruation.

What are the signs of an ovarian cyst in women that require immediate medical attention (call an ambulance):

  1. Sudden, sharp pains in the abdomen.
  2. Nausea, severe weakness, dizziness.
  3. Bloody discharge not related to the menstrual cycle.


An ovarian cyst whose specific symptoms and treatment suggest conservative/surgical intervention is a common condition. The mechanism of its "launch" in many respects remains a mystery to physicians and scientists. Most experts identify the following causes of ovarian cysts:

  1. Imbalance of hormones in the body. Symptoms are fatigue, mood swings.
  2. inflammatory processes. As a result of improper therapy, an ovarian cyst is formed, the symptoms and treatment of which have a pronounced picture.
  3. A history of surgical interventions: abortion, childbirth by caesarean section, an illiterate examination by a gynecologist.
  4. Hypothyroidism is an insufficient activity of the thyroid gland to produce hormones, as well as hyperthyroidism is an excess of the latter. Both options lead to cysts.

It is not uncommon for an ovarian cyst to be detected during pregnancy during an examination. Up to 90% of them do not pose a danger to expectant mothers. The doctor controls any changes in the tumor with the help of planned ultrasound scans of a pregnant woman. Based on the indicators of the study, the specialist makes a decision. It is possible to both postpone the removal of the tumor to a later date, and prescribe the patient a course of conservative treatment with Utrozhestan or Duphaston.

How to treat an ovarian cyst without surgery

Retention, otherwise, a true cyst, is a blockage of the ducts through which the secret of the gonads is secreted. The course of cystosis depends on the mechanism and causes of occurrence. Doctors consider most types of tumors to be functional. They are characterized by the absence of specific symptoms. Retention neoplasms include:

  • follicular tumor;
  • endometriosis;
  • cyst of the corpus luteum (luteal);
  • paraovarian.

Options, the doctor determines the results of ultrasound, in some cases - by laparoscopic examination. The greatest danger is represented by serous tumors capable of malignant degeneration. Hormonal treatment of ovarian cysts involves the normalization of the functions of the glands of the body, "blocking" the process of ovulation. Be sure to include drugs in the complex. The presence of chronic inflammation requires antibiotics.


The alleged cause of the formation of doctors consider the entry of endometrial cells into the blood during menstruation. Accumulating in the region of the ovaries, they form a "pouch", the contents of which are the secret of the gonads, the blood and the endometrium of the woman. The main symptoms of the disease: violation of the menstrual cycle, pain during sex. When treating with drugs, most specialists adhere to the scheme, prescribing:

  • hormonal agents that increase progesterone levels;
  • oral contraceptives that prevent ovulation;
  • painkillers - "Ibufen", "Paracetamol" and antispasmodics for the time of menstruation.


It is formed in the middle part of the ovary, tends to grow towards the abdomen. The follicle “stretched” by the liquid lends itself well to hormone therapy, has a small size. It is able to dissolve on its own. Symptoms in the follicular form of the disease are almost imperceptible. How to cure an ovarian cyst caused by follicle growth:

  • with insignificant growth and sizes from 6 cm, hormone treatment is used;
  • if the tumor degrades / does not grow, expectant observation for up to three months is used.


The existing embryonic rudiments present in the ovaries of most women sometimes accumulate in one place, causing a dermoid cyst. The tumor has an oval or rounded shape, which is clearly seen in the photo, and small - up to 7 cm - dimensions. Treatment of the disease involves only surgical intervention. This is due to the internal content of the neoplasm, which cannot be removed in any other way.

Yellow body cyst

After the maturation of the egg, a corpus luteum is formed, the main task of which is the "production" of gestagen hormones. The "unnecessary" corpus luteum resolves on its own (in the absence of the conception process). However, in some situations, cells attach to the ovary and begin to grow. The danger is the absence of symptoms. Conservative treatment includes immunotherapy, hormonal contraceptives.

Methods for removing an ovarian cyst

The significant size of the tumor, the lack of results of conservative treatment, the likelihood of rupture or the presence of torsion of the cyst are indications for surgical intervention. To remove it, in most cases, the method of laparoscopy is used - an operation performed with an optical endoscope through small incisions in the peritoneum in the navel. This method has a low likelihood of adhesion formation after surgery.


An ovarian cyst, the characteristic symptoms and treatment of which are often not taken seriously by women, often becomes an impetus for the degeneration of a tumor into a malignant one or provokes acute peritonitis. The diagnosis does not tolerate a "disregard" attitude: a neoplasm without supervision by a doctor can progress, reaching a significant size. What happens if an ovarian cyst is not treated?

Rupture symptoms

The most severe complication is the rupture of the walls of the cystic "pouch" and the penetration of the contents into the abdominal cavity. The result is an inflammatory process that progresses rapidly, threatening peritonitis. Distinctive symptoms of a ruptured ovarian cyst:

  1. Acute pain in the abdomen, radiating to the hypochondrium, lower back.
  2. Rapid rise in temperature.
  3. Intoxication of the body: nausea, diarrhea, vomiting.
  4. Falling blood pressure leading to fainting.


Lifting weights, strenuous training, playing sports, hard work in the garden are taboo for women with a history of ovarian cyst. These types of physical activity can provoke torsion of the tumor stem, which leads to the death of blood vessels or necrosis of the neoplasm. The detection of this variant on ultrasound by physicians is considered as a direct indication for surgical intervention.


The secrets of using herbs in the treatment of various diseases are kept by traditional healers. Winter-loving, upland uterus, dandelion are effective means of combating neoplasms. Healing decoctions based on these plants help to reverse the growth dynamics of an ovarian tumor. Coordinate with your gynecologist phytotherapy, not forgetting to undergo monthly examinations and ultrasound. Learn how to cure an ovarian cyst at home by watching the video.

An ovarian cyst is a benign neoplasm that is a tumor on a stalk, with a liquid content inside and prone to growth with the accumulation of secretions. This disease most often affects women of reproductive age. Less commonly, an ovarian cyst occurs in women over fifty.

What kind of disease is this, what are the causes, symptoms and possible consequences for the female body, and also why it is important to start treatment when the first signs appear, we will consider later in the article.

What is an ovarian cyst?

An ovarian cyst is a formation in the form of a bubble with liquid or semi-liquid contents that occurs in the structure of the ovary and increases its volume several times. Unlike a tumor, such a neoplasm grows and enlarges due to the addition of fluid, and not cell reproduction.

Anatomically, the cyst looks like a thin-walled cavity in the form of a sac. The size of this formation ranges from a few to 15-20 centimeters in diameter.

The main functions of the ovaries:

  • development, growth and maturation of eggs in follicles (cavities in the form of vesicles that are located in the thickness of the ovarian tissue);
  • release of a mature egg into the abdominal cavity (ovulation);
  • synthesis of female sex hormones: estradiol, estriol, progesterone, etc.;
  • regulation of the menstrual cycle through secreted hormones;
  • ensuring pregnancy through the hormones produced.

The ovaries must be examined at least 2 times a year, since a cyst can be dangerous for a woman's reproductive health and cause the onset of oncological processes.

Ovarian cysts are a widespread disease and are more common in women in the childbearing period: in 30% of cases they are diagnosed in women with a regular menstrual cycle and in 50% of those with an impaired one. During menopause, cysts occur in 6% of women.

Types of cysts

Classification of cysts occurs on the basis of the identified causes of their formation.

Follicular cyst

A follicular ovarian cyst is a cystic formation, which is an enlarged follicle. Such a cyst has thin walls and a cavity with liquid contents. Its surface is even and smooth. Its dimensions usually do not exceed 8 cm.

Cyst of the corpus luteum

The cyst of the corpus luteum is characterized by the presence of thicker walls, its diameter is from 2 to 7 cm. The cyst has a smooth rounded surface. Inside is a yellowish-red liquid. It persists for a longer period of time, compared with the follicular. There may not be any special symptoms, the cyst is located on only one of the ovaries.

Endometrial cysts

Already one name gives women a clue what an ovarian cyst of endometrioid origin is. Such capsules are formed as a result of mutation of endometrial cells. They have thick walls, and inside, instead of a grayish, bloody or yellow liquid, there is a dark brown content (which is why it is sometimes called chocolate).

Dermoid cysts

This ovarian cyst is a benign formation, while a woman with such a cyst very rarely expresses complaints associated with its manifestations. Very rarely, there may be a feeling of heaviness or discomfort in the lower abdomen.


Hemorrhagic cyst in the ovary - refers to functional, but in this case, blood vessels burst inside the follicle or corpus luteum. There is hemorrhage, severe pain in the lower abdomen.


Mucinous ovarian cysts are often multi-chambered, filled with thick mucus (mucin) that is produced by the inner lining of the cyst. Most often they are found in women in their 50s.

All of the following types of ovarian cysts exacerbated by severe consequences.- reach large sizes, degenerate into malignant formations, there is a risk of infertility. A woman should be alerted by pain in the lower abdomen, brown discharge, irregular menstruation.


This disease can be both congenital and acquired. But basically, most of its varieties occur during life. The contents of the cyst appear either when the excretory duct of the glands is clogged and secretion accumulates, or when a cavity produces fluid that did not previously exist.

Basically, a cyst on the ovary is diagnosed in young girls and women. According to statistics, cyst formation occurs in 7% of sexually mature women including after menopause. The appearance of this pathology is associated with the menstrual cycle and does not depend on the age and health of the woman, so it is logical that after menopause, an ovarian cyst is a very rare occurrence.

The reasons:

  • Menstrual irregularities- if a girl's menstruation does not come on time (the period of 12-15 years is considered the norm), or menopause occurs too early (up to 50 years), in adulthood, the appearance of a cavity filled with liquid is quite likely.
  • Violation of the functions of the endocrine system, menstruation at an early age, abortions, a lack of hormones produced by the thyroid gland, inflammatory diseases and sexual infections - all this also causes ovarian cysts.
  • Lifestyle - smoking leads to impaired blood circulation in all organs, so a lady who cannot live without a cigarette may experience diseases of the reproductive system.

Symptoms of an ovarian cyst in a woman + photo

In most women, their detection occurs by chance, after a routine examination or diagnosis for other diseases or complaints. This is due to the fact that with ovarian cysts in women, the symptoms in most cases are not felt in any way.

Symptoms and signs:

  • The most common (and often the only) symptom of cystic tumor growth is pain during menstruation and ovulation.
  • Disorder of the menstrual cycle. In the presence of hormonally active neoplasms in women, that is, there is no menstruation. In addition, menstruation can be painful and profuse, there may be delays in menstruation, irregularity and rarity of their appearance, uterine bleeding.
  • symptoms of compression of organs and blood vessels. A growing ovarian cyst can compress the bladder or lower intestines, which is manifested by dysuric disorders and constipation. Compression of the venous vascular bundles can cause varicose veins of the lower extremities.
  • Asymmetry and enlargement of the abdomen with large sizes. Such a phenomenon as the growth of the circumference of the abdomen, as well as asymmetry, arise either due to ascites, when fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity, or from the large size of the cyst.
  • Nausea, vomiting after sexual intercourse or physical exertion (training, weight lifting);
  • Abdominal pain that gets worse after exercise
  • Abdominal pain during intercourse
  • False urge to urinate and defecate.
right ovarian cyst In the case when the process has aggravated, the cyst on the right ovary will make itself felt:
  • sharp pain in the right side;
  • tension in the abdominal muscles;
  • spotting, which is in no way associated with menstruation;
  • frequent urge to urinate, but poor emptying;
  • asymmetric enlargement of the right side of the abdomen.
Cysts on the left ovary
  • discharge with blood from the genitals in addition to menstruation;
  • nausea;
  • pain on the left side of the abdomen;
  • disturbed menstrual cycle;
  • sudden sharp pain in the abdomen;
  • abdominal pain after exercise, during sex;
  • false urge to stool;
  • an increase in the abdomen, palpation of the formation on the left side.

Signs that you need to see a doctor

At the same time, there are signs that, accompanied by the above symptoms, indicate that it is time to see a doctor:

  • temperature over 38 degrees;
  • weakness and dizziness;
  • copious discharge during menstruation;
  • increase in the volume of the abdomen;
  • facial hair growth in a male pattern;
  • intense thirst with copious urination;
  • abnormal blood pressure;
  • uncontrolled weight loss;
  • a palpable lump in the abdomen;

This ovarian disease is not always harmless - sometimes its growth causes compression of nearby vessels and organs. It can cause not only discomfort, pain and bleeding. The thinned walls of the cyst, with sudden movements, can rupture, the dilated contents often cause purulent peritonitis.

Consequences for the woman's body

If treatment is not carried out in a timely manner, in some cases, severe complications can result from the disease. First of all, the risk of developing cancer increases. Therefore, gynecologists make every effort to identify the cyst in a timely manner and ensure the correct approach to therapy.

Possible complications and consequences of an ovarian cyst:

  • The most unpleasant complication that can occur with an ovarian cyst is its rupture. If the cyst was inflamed, pus may exit into the peritoneal cavity. In almost 80% of cases, this ends in an acute and can cause development.
  • The disease can cause infertility in women in the presence of concomitant risk factors.
  • Certain types of cysts can become cancerous, especially over the age of 45.

In the early stages, treatment without surgery is effective. In the later stages, surgical intervention is indicated.


To determine whether the patient has an ovarian cyst, a number of specific studies allow, in particular this:

  • Gynecological examination. It helps to identify neoplasms even in the initial stages, to assess their soreness and mobility.
  • Blood and urine tests to determine inflammation, possible blood loss.
  • Ultrasound of an ovarian cyst. This survey is considered quite informative. Its value increases with the use of a transvaginal transducer.
  • CT scan. This method is often used for differential diagnosis. Tomography allows you to distinguish an ovarian cyst from other possible neoplasms.
  • MRI. Allows you to assess the general condition of the ovaries, the presence and number of follicles, the nature of the cystic formation;
  • a pregnancy test or hCG blood test to disprove an ectopic pregnancy. Such an examination is associated with the similarity of symptoms in an ovarian cyst and signs of pregnancy.
  • Diagnostic laparoscopy. For removal and subsequent examination of the cyst.

Treatment of cysts in the ovary

After confirming the diagnosis, many women immediately begin to get nervous, worry about how to cure the cyst and what medications are needed for this. First of all, you should calm down and remember that stress negatively affects the disease and aggravates the situation. The choice of treatment method depends on the causes of the pathology, the size of the cyst, the characteristics, the age of the woman, the presence of concomitant diseases, and pregnancy.

Principles of therapeutic treatment:

  • hormonal agents;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • lifestyle correction;
  • diet therapy;
  • physiotherapy.

Therapy is not always required. For example, a functional cyst may disappear on its own within 1-2 menstrual cycles. If it has not resolved, the question of the need for drug therapy is being decided.

Conservative therapy consists in prescribing drugs that relieve pain, prevent pregnancy and suppress new formations.

  • In such cases, hormonal preparations are often used, for example, Duphaston, which contains a large amount and slows down the growth of education. The course of treatment is quite long - about six months.
  • Pain with an ovarian cyst can be relieved at home with various painkillers, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs: ibuprofen, acetaminophen, etc. You should also limit yourself from physical and strenuous activities to avoid twisting or breaking it.

There are cysts with a benign course, which are eliminated after 2-3 months of therapy. However, in some cases, education threatens the life of the patient. This happens in the following cases:

  • rapid growth of education with compression of surrounding organs;
  • malignant degeneration;
  • risk of leg twisting.

Any sign is the reason to the operation.

Types of ovarian cysts that can resolve without surgery:

  • follicular - small sizes (up to 4 cm);
  • yellow body cyst of small size (up to 5 cm);
  • retention cysts of the ovary;
  • requires medical treatment.

The operation is shown with the following varieties:

  • dermoid ovarian cyst;
  • mucinous;
  • endometrioid.

What can't be done?

If there is a neoplasm contraindicated:

  • massage, cold, hot wraps, any physiotherapy;
  • hot baths, bath, sauna;
  • Tan;
  • intense physical activity that can lead to rupture;
  • self-treatment.

Surgery to remove a cyst

If the cyst is larger than 10 cm, or does not go away after a course of treatment or after 3 menstrual cycles, then the doctor may prescribe surgery.

Removal methods:

  1. Laparoscopic removal is a minimally invasive intervention that does not require opening the abdominal cavity, but is carried out through small holes using a laparoscope. It has the shortest recovery period and minimal risk of complications.
  2. Hollow operation. It is used in situations where a good overview is needed, or the contents of the formation have entered the peritoneum (violation of the integrity of the cyst), bleeding has opened.

Before laparoscopy, the following preparations are necessary:

  • Eating no later than 22 hours the day before the intervention;
  • First you need to clean the intestines with activated charcoal (4 tablets 3 times a day);
  • In the presence of mental disorders, doctors prescribe sedative drugs.

Before the operation, the following clinical diagnostic methods are performed:

  • Biochemical analysis;
  • Examination of urine and blood;
  • Fluorography;
  • Blood clotting test;
  • Electrocardiogram.

Consider the cases in which an operation can be assigned:

  • Severe bleeding and apoplexy.
  • Tumor processes, under the influence of which a large part of the ovary fell.
  • A neoplasm of a malignant nature, directly related to female hormones.
  • Removal of the uterus during menopause.
  • If an ectopic pregnancy develops in the ovary.

An ovarian cyst can be removed in the following ways:

  • Adnexectomy - the uterine appendages are removed.
  • Ovariectomy - the affected ovary is removed.
  • Cystectomy - excision of education.
  • Electrocoagulation - cauterization.

During the operation, a biopsy is performed - taking ovarian tissue for histological examination if a malignant tumor is suspected.

Recovery after surgery

Recovery after removal of an ovarian cyst by laparoscopy, as a rule, occurs quite quickly.

Before discharge from the hospital, the attending physician must make recommendations:

  • Baths must not be taken for fifteen days after the operation;
  • After taking a shower, it is necessary to treat the seams with disinfectants;
  • In the first month after the operation, it is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages and heavy food;
  • Sexual rest during the first month after surgery;
  • Planning pregnancy not earlier than three months after the removal of the cyst;
  • Periodic observation by a gynecologist until complete recovery.

Pregnancy can be planned 4-6 months after surgery. During this period of time, a woman should be observed by a doctor. For a detailed examination, she may need a stationary regime. Medical treatment of the patient will be needed to normalize hormone levels and restore health.


Try to eat fiber-rich foods every day. These products include: cabbage, carrots, bell peppers, eggplant, potatoes, cucumbers, zucchini. It is advisable to eat vegetables either raw or pre-boil them.

From the diet you need to exclude such harmful products as:

  • carbonated sweet drinks;
  • tea and coffee;
  • cocoa;
  • chocolate.

They provoke the formation of fluid and gases, which causes the growth of ovarian cysts. To avoid exacerbation, you need to stop using these products, focusing on taking more useful ones.

The hormonal background of a woman is also associated with the work of the liver, kidneys, adrenal glands and gallbladder. A large intake of fatty foods, too spicy or salty disrupts the functioning of these organs, thereby causing an imbalance of hormones. Therefore, such foods should be excluded from the diet or at least reduced in quantity.

The diet in the postoperative period should be carried out strictly in accordance with the doctor's prescriptions. This will eliminate the possibility of complications, and speed up the recovery of the body.

Folk remedies

Before using folk remedies for the treatment of ovarian cysts, be sure to consult a gynecologist.

  1. Dandelion . For therapy, the roots of the plant are used. They are crushed in a convenient way, poured with hot boiled water and infused for up to half an hour. Two tablespoons of roots will need 250-300 ml of liquid. Before taking, filter and take 1/3 cup an hour before the morning meal and an hour after the evening meal. The course is held 5 days before menstruation.
  2. Take 14 walnuts, pull out the kernels, grind the shell with a hammer and put it in a jar, pour 500 g of vodka, close the lid, leave for 7 days in a dark warm place. Then strain and refrigerate. Drink infusion in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. l until it's over.
  3. 30 g of boron uterus herb pour 300 ml of vodka, leave for 30 days, strain. Take the tincture for a month 3 times a day before meals, 40 drops, diluted with water.
  4. Kalanchoe is a medicinal plant that relieves inflammation, promotes the resorption of neoplasms. Pick a few leaves of Kalanchoe, squeeze out the juice and mix it with honey - a product that contains a lot of useful substances necessary for women's health. Dip a gauze pad into the mixture and insert as usual.
  5. 2 bunches of fresh burdock leaves pass through a meat grinder, and squeeze the juice from the resulting mass. You need to take the remedy 1 teaspoon 2 times a day for the first 2 days, and then 1 tablespoon 3 times a day in the following days. The course of treatment is 1 month. Burdock juice is perfectly stored in a glass container in the refrigerator.


Ovarian cysts of a functional nature can form repeatedly throughout life, as long as menstrual function is maintained. Properly selected hormonal therapy helps to avoid relapses.

There is an unfavorable prognosis in cases where, despite the presence of an ovarian cyst, a woman does not receive adequate treatment and is not observed by a gynecologist. In such situations, the risk of complications increases significantly, and therefore the prognosis becomes unfavorable.


  • Avoid overeating and obesity.
  • Timely treatment of inflammatory diseases of the genital area and hormonal imbalance in women.
  • Fidelity to a sexual partner and avoidance of casual relationships
  • Regular gynecological examinations for the purpose of early detection of ovarian neoplasms, even in the presence of minor complaints (brown discharge, pain in the lower abdomen) and timely treatment.

A cyst is a pathological formation filled with fluid. With a small size, a few millimeters, it does not cause concern, and is detected after ultrasound. But if it has grown more than two cm, there may be discomfort in the abdominal cavity, an unstable menstruation cycle.

The cyst on the ovary is amenable to conservative treatment. And with a good set of circumstances, it completely resolves. But sometimes it indicates serious diseases. Therefore, if an incomprehensible seal is found, it is necessary to undergo a thorough medical examination.

No need to despair if you have found an ovarian cyst - treatment without surgery is quite real. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations of the doctor, unconditionally follow all his instructions.

Medical treatment

If the size of the formation is up to 10 mm, and there are no signs of a tumor, then the operation is not prescribed. The doctor prescribes such drugs for the treatment of ovarian cysts:

  1. Hormones.
  2. Painkillers.
  3. Sedatives.

They normalize the processes in the body, serve to inhibit the bacterial microflora and strengthen the immune system.


Contribute to the reduction and prevents the emergence of new formations of hormonal agents. Results appear after about 3 months of use.

The most commonly prescribed contraceptives are:

  • Rigevidon. The beginning of the reception is the first day of menstruation, drink 1 capsule daily, at the same time. After 21 days - a break for a week. Then a new package begins. There is a kind of medicine where white tablets are drunk first, and then brown ones. Then you don't need a break.
  • Logest is also taken if a follicular ovarian cyst has formed.
  • Marvelon. If the body does not take the medicine well, then it is recommended to postpone the time of taking the drug to the evening.
  • Diane-35 is a fairly safe remedy, it has no side effects.
  • Qlaira contains hormones of plant origin. Packing is designed for 28 days. The course is 4 months or more, you do not need to take a break.
  • Utrozhestan in the presence of severe side effects, the doctor may recommend to enter directly into the vagina. Take 200 mg tablets per day: start at 17, end at day 26 of the cycle.

The doctor selects contraceptive drugs based on the individual characteristics of your body.

After 3 months, an ultrasound scan is required to monitor the state of the pathology.


If inflammation is detected during the treatment of an ovarian cyst, additional medications are prescribed. It could be:

  1. Longidaza - depending on the severity of complications, 1 suppository is prescribed in 1-3 days. The course lasts 10-20 procedures.
  2. Distreptaza. Prescribed if a caudal purulent cyst of the left ovary has developed. The drug has an antibacterial effect and is administered rectally. The dose depends on the severity of the inflammation.

Distreptase in severe cases is prescribed 3 times a day. In every 3 days following them, the number of doses is reduced by 1. As a result, the course lasts 9 days, in total you will need 18 candles. But with moderate symptoms, the drug is put 2 times 3 days in a row. The next 4 days, 1 candle is administered once.

The action of enzymes contributes to the dissolution of pus, blood clots, adhesions.


In the initial stages, the pathology develops asymptomatically, but in the process of its growth, pain occurs in the suprapubic zone, radiating to the side. Since it is possible to treat an ovarian cyst without surgery, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to improve well-being:

  • Indomethacin. Candles are recommended to be inserted in the evening at 100 mg. Relief comes in 15 minutes.
  • Diclofenac. Candles are administered rectally up to 2 times a day. The daily norm is up to 150 mg. Duration of application is not more than a week.
  • Acetaminophen. Take 500 mg one hour after a meal, drinking plenty of water. The course is 7 days, but the attending doctor, if necessary, can increase it.
  • Ibuprofen (200) is prescribed to drink before meals, but if the discomfort is severe, it is possible on an empty stomach. The maximum dose of the drug per day is 800 mg. The duration of admission is 10 days.

In addition to the analgesic effect, NSAIDs reduce inflammation, swelling, and temperature.

There are many painkillers, but not everyone is suitable for a patient who has an ovarian cyst. So only a doctor should deal with the selection of medicine.


The reasons for the appearance of pathology include increased stress. Since it is impossible to get rid of an ovarian cyst and normalize the hormonal background without putting the nervous system in order, the doctor may prescribe sedatives.

What can a gynecologist prescribe:

  • Motherwort tincture. Drink 30 drops per glass of liquid 3 times a day.
  • Valerian - 2-4 tablets 2-6 times a day.
  • Peony tincture is also suitable as a good sedative. It, in addition to the main effect, helps to reduce the cyst. 30 cap. dilute in 100 gr. water. Consume 30 minutes before meals.


With the development of pathogenic flora in the formation, and an increased likelihood that the endometrioid ovarian cyst will rupture, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed. For example, Lincomycin. It is taken 3 times a day, 500 mg, on an empty stomach. The capsule, without chewing, is washed down with plenty of water.

The doctor prescribes the duration of the course individually, its duration is 1-3 weeks.

Folk methods

Treatment with folk remedies is based on the healing effect of plants. It is aimed at normalizing the functions of the affected organ, stabilizing the hormonal background.

Is it possible to cure an ovarian cyst without surgery using traditional medicine recipes? Yes, their use does not give serious side effects like hormones. But discuss the use with your doctor, and study in detail the possible consequences.


The root of the flower contains substances that contribute to the removal of fluid from the cyst, and as a result, its reduction, preventing the appearance of new formations. You can use fresh and dried.

Common recipes:

  1. Infusion. A teaspoon of finely ground root pour 200 gr. boiling water. Insist under a tightly closed lid for 15 minutes. The solution is filtered and drunk on an empty stomach 60 minutes before meals, at bedtime.
  2. Decoction. 2 chopped roots brew 1.5 liters. boiling water and simmer for 180 minutes. Cool, then strain, send in the refrigerator. Take daily 3 times 60 gr., an hour before meals.

Treatment with both the first and second means should be performed monthly 5 days before menstruation.

3 female herbs

The treatment of ovarian cysts with folk remedies was used by our ancestors, using a red brush, an onboard uterus, a winter-loving. These plants are quite effective in combating the pathologies of the female organs. But acting together, they complement each other's healing properties.

Decoction recipe: brew a teaspoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and let stand for 20 minutes. Strain, add 15 gr. honey. Drink 3 times a day on an empty stomach.

  • 1st week after menstruation - take an infusion of the onboard uterus.
  • 2nd week - drink the infusion of the red brush.
  • 3rd week - winter-loving infusion.

After 7 days, repeat the course.

As a result of such treatment, it is quite possible to cure a cyst without resorting to surgical intervention, because the production of hormones is normalized, tumors resolve. In addition, decoctions contain natural antibiotics and have an anti-inflammatory effect.


Phytosterol is a substance that depresses cancer cells and stimulates the reduction of benign formations.

How to cure an ovarian cyst using burdock? To prepare the medicine, grind clean leaves, for example, in a meat grinder and squeeze, you can use a juicer. In summer, freshly squeezed juice should be taken according to a certain scheme before meals.

  • 1-2 days after menstruation 2 times in 24 hours, 5 gr.
  • 3-4 days - 3 times a day, 5 gr.
  • Then you need to drink juice at 20 gr. 3 times a day until the next menstruation.

The most powerful effect has a fresh medicine. Therefore, it is not recommended to cook it for the future.

Infusion: If the leaves are not available, use the dried root. In the evening 15 gr. brew raw materials with a glass of boiling water, wrap and leave warm. In the morning, strain and drink 1 tbsp. l. half an hour before a meal. With a favorable combination of circumstances, the results will be in 15 days.

Do an ultrasound in a few months - the formation will decrease significantly or completely resolve.

chaga mushroom

Folk recipes are often advised to use a tinder fungus. Its action is recognized even by traditional medicine, and the mushroom extract is widely used in the manufacture of medicines.

Decoction preparation.

  1. 100 gr. mushroom pour 500 gr. water and heat up to 60 C.
  2. Keep covered for three days.
  3. Strain and add half a liter of purified water. Keep cool.

Treatment with folk remedies using the fungus:

  • Drink the infusion after the end of menstruation. The first 3 days 30 minutes before meals, 125 gr. In the next 2.5 weeks, the amount of medicine is increased to a glass.
  • In the evening, insert a swab soaked in decoction into the vagina. Perform the procedure every other day.
  • Douching with warm infusion.

When treating with birch fungus, it is desirable to exclude heavy protein foods from the diet. Giving preference to vegetable and dairy products. It is contraindicated to take antibiotics, aspirin, put droppers with glucose.


The shell contains a high concentration of alkaloids that have a healing effect on the cyst, fibroma, myoma, and other formations in the internal organs. There are many different recipes:

  1. Tincture. A glass of chopped green nuts pour 750 gr. alcohol. The medicine will be ready in 4 weeks. It must be filtered, stored away from heat sources. Drink before eating 20 gr. The course lasts until recovery occurs. Take a break during your period.
  2. Sweet syrup. Mix 1 part of green nuts twisted in a meat grinder and honey. The maximum concentration of train substances occurs after 2-3 months. Consume 1 teaspoon before meals. You can take the mixture without passes. This medicine will not only help you avoid the question of “treatment or surgery for a cyst”, but also strengthen the body, increase immunity, and cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins.
  3. Tincture. Fill a half-liter container with walnut partitions and shells, pour alcohol to the top. Strain after a week and a half. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach, 20 gr. with breaks for menstruation. But the medicine is contraindicated in gastritis, eczema, urticaria.
  4. Decoction. 4 tbsp. l. crushed walnut partitions pour 600 gr. Boiling water and simmer for 20 minutes. Strain after cooling. Drink 3 times a day for 0.5 cups before meals.

2-3 months after the start of treatment, you need to undergo an ultrasound scan to find out how folk remedies have affected the ovarian cyst. After resorption of the formation, it is advisable to take the medicine for another month for preventive purposes.


Thanks to the healing action of natural components, the pathology resolves. Therefore, special tampons are no less effective:

  • Wrap the candied honey in gauze and place it in the vagina in the evening. The number of procedures depends on the size and type of cyst. Other components can be used to increase efficiency.
  • 3 gr. dissolve the mummy in a few drops of water, add thick honey. The course is 2 weeks, after which a rest for 14 days is required.
  • Onion prevents the growth of pathological tissues and promotes the resorption of the cyst. Bake a peeled medium-sized onion, pour honey for several hours. Wrap with gauze, insert into the vagina before going to bed. Remove in the morning. The procedure should be carried out for at least 12 days in a row.
  • Mix equal amounts of honey and aloe. This method is not recommended for use during pregnancy.
  • Soak a swab with fresh nettle juice. The procedure can be combined with other methods. Perform until healed.
  • Ointment. Melt 25 gr. wax, add 50 gr. sea ​​buckthorn oil, boiled yolk, 10 ml. aloe. Stir until smooth, remove from stove, strain. Apply the ointment to a swab and use at bedtime. The course consists of 14 or more days.

Every woman's body reacts differently to treatment. For some, some means are effective, while for others they are useless. Someone has an allergy. Therefore, treatment should not be based on the advice of girlfriends / acquaintances.

If you are going to treat an ovarian cyst without surgery, and using these methods, please note: if the neoplasm is on the right side, go to bed on your right side; from the left side - to the left side, respectively.


Everything in the body is interconnected. And a change in nutrition is immediately reflected in the work of his organs. Consumption of certain foods affects the production of hormones. For example, the abundance of animal fats and meat increases the level of estrogen.

Constipation and impaired intestinal motility can provoke a complication with a cyst. Indeed, at the same time, putrefactive processes take place, the body is poisoned by toxins. And alcohol intake inhibits liver function, which affects the hormonal background.

When choosing a traditional or folk method of treating pathology, you need to remember that a harmoniously selected diet will bring recovery closer. Doctors recommend to use:

  • Lean meat.
  • Seafood.
  • Fish.
  • Foods containing fiber (bran, all types of cabbage, zucchini, carrots, beets, celery, etc.). It is recommended to eat raw, but you can stew, boil, bake.
  • Cottage cheese, kefir, butter.
  • Kashi.
  • Products rich in pectin (apples, currants, cranberries, raspberries and other berries).

If you have been diagnosed with a pathology or have had cured polycystic disease in the past, you must exclude from the menu:

  • Fast food.
  • Fried.
  • Fat meat.
  • Sausages, smoked meats.
  • Strong coffee, tea, cocoa.
  • Alcoholic drinks.
  • Sweet soda.
  • Flour products.
  • Rice and mango.
  • Sugar and chocolate are limited.

Your diet should be rich in vitamins and fiber. Avoid foods that negatively affect the body and slow down digestion.

Since it is not a quick matter to cure a cyst on the ovary without surgical intervention, please be patient. Tangible results will be in 3 months. If all this time you follow the doctor's recommendations, there is a great chance that the neoplasm will resolve.

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