Gingivitis treatment in adults drugs are effective. Treatment of gingivitis at home in adults. It won't work quickly. Types of gingivitis: catarrhal, hypertrophic, ulcerative, atrophic

) - dentist therapist, orthodontist. Engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of anomalies in the development of teeth, malocclusion. Also installs braces and plates.

Gingivitis is an inflammatory process in the gum tissues, accompanied by redness and bleeding. In some cases, due to the development of pathological processes, necrosis or proliferation of gum tissue occurs. Untreated gingivitis becomes a complication stage - periodontitis, which leads to pathological destruction of the bone and jaw tissue and tooth loss. In the article we will tell in detail about the treatment of gingivitis of various forms and methods of preventing the disease.

The process of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gums - gingivitis - has several degrees of development:

  • catarrhal;
  • ulcerative necrotic;
  • hypertrophic;

Each degree of development of inflammation has its own distinctive features. The choice of treatment for gingivitis depends on the diagnosis. Let us consider in detail the causes of the appearance of pathology and the characteristic symptoms.



Sometimes catarrhal gingivitis requires treatment with antibiotics. In this case, preference is given to the following medicines:

  • Metronidazole;
  • erythromycin;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • doxycycline;
  • Cephalexin;
  • Monocycline.

Metronidazole has a pronounced bactericidal and antimicrobial property. However, this medicine has an aggressive effect on the body, so it is prescribed only in special cases. Metronidazole is not prescribed for children.

Erythromycin fights gram-positive microbes, Amoxicillin belongs to the group of penicillins. In exceptional cases, with a severe form of gingivitis, drugs of the tetracycline group are prescribed.


With the help of anti-inflammatory drugs, you can quickly stop unwanted processes in the gum mucosa. In this case, assign:

  • Pro-ambassador;
  • Eludril;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Romazulan.

Proposol contains an alcohol solution of propolis with glycerin. Spray irrigate the inflamed mucosa several times a day (usually five irrigations). The tool has a mild effect on the mucous membrane, eliminates inflammation and heals wounds. Burning in the affected areas is caused by exposure to alcohol, but soon passes.

Eludril contains Chlorhexidine in its composition, so it should be diluted with boiled water. Since Eludril contains medical alcohol, it is not advisable to swallow the solution during rinsing. This is especially true for children and drivers of vehicles.

Chlorhexidine is an inexpensive analog of Eludril, has a strong disinfecting property. During the rehabilitation of the oral cavity does not cause burning or discomfort, like alcohol. Chlorhexidine contains no toxic substances, so it can be used to treat the oral cavity in children.

Romazulan consists of essential oil and chamomile extract. When using the product should be diluted in water according to the instructions. It has a strong disinfecting property, relieves inflammation and disinfects the mucosa. Romazulan helps to get rid of the putrid taste in the mouth.

Treatment of necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis

This form of gingivitis is treated by a dentist. At the beginning, petrified plaque and deposits are removed, as well as necrotic areas of the mucosa. After removal of infected tissues, washing is carried out with an antiseptic solution - peroxide, Chlorhexidine. Hydrogen peroxide eliminates the accumulation of bacteria and stops bleeding.

In case of large bleeding, instead of peroxide, drugs that break down necrotic tissues are used. For example, trypsin is prescribed, which dissolves dead epithelial cells.

Then a course of antibiotics is prescribed to destroy anaerobic microorganisms, spirochetes and fusobacteria. In addition to manipulations, antiseptic rinses and gel applications are prescribed. After the aggressive microenvironment is eliminated, drugs are prescribed to restore the mucosal epithelium, for example, Solcoseryl gel.

Treatment of hypertrophic gingivitis

Treatment of the fibrotic type of the disease includes the surgical removal of overgrown mucosal tissues. Another type of therapy is cauterization with Piocide, current (under local anesthesia). Vikasol is used to prevent blood loss. The complexity of the treatment of this form of pathology lies in the possible recurrence of tissue growth: repeated surgery is required.

The edematous form is more often observed in pregnant women due to a shift in hormonal balance. Pregnancy gingivitis is treated with the removal of deposits and sclerosing therapy. To do this, a special composition is injected into the swollen papillae, and local anesthesia is used to prevent pain.

Treatment of atrophic gingivitis

Treatment of gingivitis in adults includes the above methods of therapy with the exception of a course of antibiotics, since this form of the disease is not infectious. Treatment procedures include:

  • mucosal treatment with hydrogen peroxide;
  • applications on the gums with rosehip / sea buckthorn oil.

Remember that only a dentist can prescribe the correct diagnosis and treatment. It is unacceptable to use antibiotics on your own without a doctor's recommendation: this can cause various complications and side effects.

folk therapy

The treatment of gingivitis in dentistry also involves the use of herbal remedies, which were used by our great-grandfathers and grandfathers. However, it should be understood that herbal therapy can be used either in the initial phase of the development of inflammation, or as an adjunct to drug treatment.

Herbal infusions

In its initial form, gingivitis can be cured with simple decoctions and herbal infusions. Oak bark and calendula flowers have proven themselves well. Oak bark contains natural tannins, which leave a protective film on the mucosa. The film blocks the way for microbes, thereby stopping the pathological processes in the mucosa. You can apply a decoction of oak bark several times a day, especially after snacks and main meals. A similar property has ordinary green tea, which must be brewed without sugar for rinsing the mouth.

The following remedies will help stop bleeding gums quickly:

  • steam of crushed burdock root - it is recommended to rinse your mouth after eating;
  • decoction of herb cinquefoil - grass (2 tbsp / l) is boiled over low heat for 28-30 minutes, the mouth is rinsed with a filtered solution;
  • make a decoction of calendula flowers and rinse your mouth after eating;
  • steam dry herb St. John's wort for an hour, rinse your mouth with filtered steam;
  • a decoction of fresh blueberries helps well - rinse your mouth;
  • alcohol tincture of celandine, aged for 2 weeks, eliminates bleeding - diluted with water before use;
  • fresh plantain leaves are crushed, insisted in boiled water and used for rinsing;
  • thyme is brewed (like tea) and rinsed with gums;
  • the combination of chamomile and lime blossom helps well - brew together and sanitize the mouth;
  • infusion of water pepper has an astringent property, increases blood clotting and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Herbs can be found in the pharmacy. Together with rinsing with an aqueous solution, applications can also be applied to lesions - a cotton pad / swab is moistened in a solution and applied to the gums.

Other means

In addition to herbal rinsing, the use of other means is used:

  • before each meal, sea buckthorn oil is kept in the mouth for 7 minutes, half an hour after that you can eat;
  • dilute 2.5 g of mummy in half a glass of warm water - the solution is taken orally and the mouth is rinsed, the course is 3 weeks;
  • wax, honey and lemon juice help eliminate irritation - you need to make chewing gum from the listed ingredients;
  • baking soda, which is diluted in drinking warm water, also differs in hemostatic action.

Rules for the use of herbal remedies:

  • rinse your mouth after every meal, even after a snack;
  • a mixture of herbs for decoctions is taken in equal volumes;
  • green tea should not be neglected - it contains tannins that block the activity of microorganisms;
  • along with rinsing with herbs, saturate the body with vitamin C - it helps fight the disease;
  • massage of the gums helps quick healing - use grapefruit seed extract for this, the extract can also be combined with toothpaste (just drop a few drops on it).

gum massage

Together with rinsing and applications, rubbing medicinal substances into the gums can be used:

  • juice from Kalanchoe leaves;
  • fresh cranberry juice;
  • Birch tar;
  • grated beets with sunflower oil.

The juice from the leaves and berries is rubbed into the mucous membrane with a slight movement in a circle, slowly. Kalanchoe / Aloe leaves can be chewed for 10-12 minutes several times a day, then spit. Plant juice disinfects and disinfects the mucous membrane, produces a healing effect.

Popular folk recipes for the treatment of gingivitis

St. John's wort oil

Pour the leaves and flowers of the plant in a glass container with olive oil (1: 4) and place in sunlight. After two weeks, the oil will acquire an intense red hue. After that, the oil is filtered through gauze / sieve and heated to no more than 50 degrees. Used for rubbing into mucous membranes.

Viburnum oil with elderberry

Fresh fruits are rubbed with a pestle or scrolled in a meat grinder. The puree is diluted with a decoction of eucalyptus leaves and olive oil - add a coffee spoon of oil. Eucolyptus decoction is prepared separately: three tablespoons of dry leaf powder are poured with boiling water (a quarter cup) and wrapped in a ceramic container for 40 minutes. You can use a mug with a lid to brew tea.

Honey with salt

Liquid honey (10 g) is mixed with sea or ordinary salt (5 g) and gently rubbed into the gums. Salt draws out pus, frees the mucosa from inflammation. Honey heals and disinfects. However, be careful not to injure the mucous salt with coarse grinding - it is better to grind it with a mortar beforehand.

The benefits of essential oils

Massage of the mucosa with essential oil serves as an aid in the treatment of gingivitis. Massage activates the processes of tissue metabolism, improves blood circulation and accelerates recovery processes (renewal). To eliminate inflammation, fir, peach, olive and sea buckthorn oils are used. In addition to massage, applications are also made on the affected areas.

Treatment of gingivitis in pregnant women

Gingivitis of pregnant women - treatment consists in the complex effect of medicines and folk remedies. With the initial form of gingivitis, as soon as the appearance of bleeding is noticed, it is necessary to visit the dentist. If the disease can be eliminated with herbal remedies, the doctor will tell you how to do it correctly. Self-medication is dangerous.

Remember that fetal crowns form during the second and third trimester, and maternal dental disease can adversely affect baby's baby teeth. There is also a risk of infection from the mother's body to the fetus, which can cause infection.

Wax chewing gum

For the treatment and prevention of gingivitis, you can prepare chewing gum from natural products. To do this, melt 100 g of wax in a bath, add a few drops of lemon juice and mint oil (3-5 drops), liquid honey (50 g) to a warm substance. Divide the mixture into portions and chew after meals.


Mummy Gorno-Altai (2.5 g) diluted in warm water (half a glass) and rinse your mouth. The course of prevention and treatment is 20-21 days.

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From this article you will learn:

  • what is gingivitis and how to treat it;
  • how to treat gingivitis in dentistry and at home;
  • about the main stages of treatment of various forms of the disease;
  • features of self-treatment - what to do, how to eat right with gingivitis;
  • about effective medicines;
  • about the cost of treating gingivitis.

Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums of a superficial nature, which occurs without violating the integrity of the gingival junction. With the aggravation of the pathology without the provision of medical assistance, the disease can progress, turning into a more serious destructive form -.

Usually, the inflammatory process develops as a result of the accumulation of microbial plaque on the teeth as a result of poor oral hygiene. In combination with improperly performed orthodontic treatment, non-compliance with hygiene standards contributes to the intensive reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

The main risk factors include:

  • violation of hygiene rules;
  • accumulation of dental deposits;
  • bite pathology;
  • stress and depression;
  • diabetes;
  • smoking;
  • problem fillings;
  • weak immunity;
  • deficiency in the body of vitamin C;
  • viral diseases (tonsillitis, influenza, SARS, tuberculosis);
  • nasal breathing disorder.

With gingivitis, there are no pathological periodontal pockets, which determines the methods of treatment and its prognosis.

How to treat gingivitis

The most harmless and widespread form (over 90%) is considered catarrhal, and more serious and dangerous - ulcerative necrotic and hypertrophic. The main symptomatology is expressed in swelling, bleeding, as well as redness or cyanosis of the gums.

Depending on the form of the disease, the symptoms and treatment differ, which is prescribed taking into account the characteristics of the clinical situation.

The way how to treat gingivitis is determined after diagnosis, which will clarify the nature of the lesion and its severity:

  • analysis of patient complaints;
  • visual inspection;
  • blood analysis;
  • x-ray of teeth;
  • indices - bleeding and plaque.

Direct treatment of gingivitis includes the following steps:

  • thorough cleaning of the teeth to get rid of all types of plaque (usually ultrasonic cleaning);
  • conducting anti-inflammatory therapy - rinsing with antimicrobial agents (Furacilin,
  • Chlorhexidine, Furamistin) followed by the use of painkillers and healing drugs (Solcoseryl, Cholisal, Asepta gel);
  • carrying out antibacterial therapy based on herbal preparations - Salvin, Novoimanin, etc.;
  • surgical intervention according to indications (if it is necessary to remove necrotic areas and if
  • hypertrophic gingivitis;
  • recovery course necessary for the mucous membrane of the gums;
  • indicated for orthodontic treatment.

About the features of the treatment of various forms of the disease

Taking into account the diagnosed form of the disease - catarrhal, ulcerative-necrotic, hypertrophic - the method of treatment and the most effective drugs are selected.

With a catarrhal inflammatory process, the gums change their natural color and become more red, against the background of painful sensations, swelling and bleeding appear. Avoiding unnecessary touches to the inflamed areas, patients cannot carry out high-quality hygiene procedures, and thus plaque accumulates in even greater quantities, exacerbating the situation. To get rid of inflammation on the gums, it is enough to schematically outline the procedure and immediately begin to implement it: conduct a hygienic cleaning of the teeth using ultrasound, use antiseptic solutions and antimicrobials as prescribed by the doctor for some time.

Gingival hypertrophy is expressed in their growth and develops as a result of chronic catarrhal inflammation. Often this form of the disease is associated with endocrine changes in the body, so pregnant women, adolescents, and diabetics are at risk. The treatment process begins with the obligatory removal of dental plaque and anti-inflammatory therapy.

If the doctor sees that it is not possible to effectively cure gingivitis, he prescribes sclerosing therapy, i.e. against the background of the use of painkillers, injections of special solutions (glucose, magnesium sulfate, calcium chloride) are performed. In a more complex case of fibrous tissue growth, surgical excision of the gingival tissues is indicated, followed by a course of anti-inflammatory drugs.

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Ulcerative necrotic disease is a complication of catarrhal gingivitis, the development of which is favored by weak immunity and the presence of chronic inflammatory processes in the body. This form of the disease is treated urgently, since the inflammation proceeds in an acute form and is growing rapidly. First of all, the entire volume of dental deposits is removed in combination with necrotic plaque. After this procedure, treatment with antibiotics is performed, which effectively affects anaerobic bacteria and spirochetes. After reducing the inflammatory process, drugs are used to help accelerate the epithelization of the mucosa (Solcoseryl Gel).

How long it takes to treat gingivitis depends entirely on the form and stage of the disease. Of course, it is in the interests of the patient not to delay the visit to the clinic and start medical procedures as soon as possible.

Gingivitis: treatment at home

Very often, patients are interested in the question of how to cure gingivitis on their own and what needs to be done for this.

Before you begin to treat gingivitis, it is important to remember that it is impossible to effectively cope with the disease by relying entirely on homemade recipes. Folk remedies are clearly not enough, and with their help you can only reinforce the main course prescribed by the doctor. Gingivitis in adults is dangerous for the development of complications, so the main emphasis is on traditional treatment, carried out in combination with proven folk remedies.

With catarrh of the gums, it is quite acceptable using well-established recipes. But if you are dealing with ulcerative necrotic or hypertrophic form of gingivitis, it is better not to practice self-treatment.

In addition, in any case, it is impossible to do without a thorough cleaning of the teeth and removal of the entire volume of dental deposits in a dental clinic. In the case of treating gingivitis at home, the symptoms will only subside for a while, but then they will again make themselves felt, since its causes will not be eliminated.

As useful home remedies for gingivitis, you can use herbal decoctions based on eucalyptus, chamomile, oak bark, sage, St. John's wort, which, by the way, are often recommended for treatment if diagnosed. Essential oils help well (cloves, fir, tea tree). As an aid in catarrhal gingivitis, aloe and kalanchoe juice is considered useful, which perfectly destroys bacteria and has beneficial properties recognized by official medicine. Some experts recommend including salt in the treatment of gingivitis, which is used as a rinse solution. As an additional measure to strengthen the immune forces of the body, it is recommended to use vitamins A, E, C.

A nutritional diet using foods containing vitamin C (sauerkraut, citrus fruits, currants), as well as the use of vegetables and fruits (zucchini, carrots, apples, pears) can balance the right diet, strengthen blood vessels and normalize metabolic processes.

Preparations for the treatment of gingivitis

If gingivitis is diagnosed, treatment is carried out using the following drugs:

  • antibiotics are prescribed in case of ulcerative necrotic form of gingivitis to remove dangerous bacteria; at the same time, Lincomycin, Metronidazole, Lincomycin, Amoxicillin, Erythromycin are recognized as the most effective in the treatment;
  • Chlorhexidine is a popular gingival decontamination agent and is used for rinsing twice or thrice a day;
  • Holisal Gel is recognized as an effective analgesic for fighting bacteria, as a rule, it is prescribed for 10 days to be rubbed into the gums in the morning and evening;
  • Tantum Verde - a solution based on benzydamine hydrochloride, aimed at eliminating inflammation; used twice for 10 days in the form of rinses;
  • a vitamin complex that allows you to maintain the immune forces of the body; the presence of vitamin C in vitamin therapy helps to increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and block bleeding.

In modern dentistry, a variety of methods for the treatment of gingivitis are used, ranging from the use of medications and antibiotics to laser therapy. The choice of one or another method of treating the disease depends on many factors - on the age of the patient, on the severity and neglect of the disease, on the form of the disease, on whether acute or chronic gingivitis is diagnosed in the patient.

The treatment process begins with a thorough cleaning of the surface of the teeth and gums from plaque and other deposits. In the treatment of gingivitis, oral hygiene is of decisive importance, since for successful therapy it is extremely important to eliminate the causes that predispose to the onset of the disease. And since one of the main causes of gingivitis is insufficient oral hygiene, first of all, it is necessary to set the patient on the most serious attitude to the systematic conduct of hygiene procedures.

If the cause of gingivitis is the constant injury of the gums with a poorly fitting dental filling, the doctor must definitely correct the situation by changing or filing the filling so that it does not injure the gums.

In particularly complex and advanced cases, it may be necessary - a small surgical intervention, during which the doctor removes dental deposits with the help of special devices.

As a rule, the treatment of the disease will not be able to avoid taking antibiotics, and sometimes antifungal drugs, as they help to effectively eliminate the cause of the infection. In each individual case, the dentist will advise the most effective remedies for gingivitis, which will help you quickly and effectively get rid of its symptoms.

Antibiotics and other drugs

Drug therapy for gingivitis is an integral part of the entire treatment process. Since the very appearance of the disease indicates a decrease in immunity, vitamins and microelements must be prescribed to the patient, especially vitamin C, which is “responsible” for the health of our gums. The doctor may also prescribe local immunomodulators, which help increase the body's resistance to the harmful effects of pathogenic bacteria.

Treatment of the disease with drugs also involves taking antibiotics, since without them it is very difficult to cure the inflammatory process, especially chronic. Antibiotics for gingivitis help to quickly and effectively eliminate bacteria and microorganisms that provoke inflammation.

Antibiotics allow not only to quickly and effectively cure the acute phase of the disease, but also to prevent the occurrence of various serious complications, such as, for example, periodontitis.

The treatment of the oral cavity with special anti-inflammatory drugs also has a positive effect in the treatment of the disease.

Application of gels and ointments

Gingivitis is characterized by such unpleasant symptoms as painful and bleeding gums, and unpleasant itching. Help to cope with these symptoms can special gels and ointments. In particular, an anti-inflammatory ointment will help you not only relieve the itching of the gums, but also reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process, as well as anesthetize the gums.

The use of gels (for example, Metrogil-denta or Solocoseryl) allows you to anesthetize the gum for a long time, covering it with a thin protective film and thereby extending the duration of the drug's effect on the diseased gum.

These drugs have the advantage that they act on the gum locally, at the site of injury or inflammation. This is especially important in the treatment of pregnant women, who often experience this unpleasant disease. Since antibiotics are contraindicated during pregnancy, it is often ointments and gels that become the drug of choice for a dentist.


As already mentioned, with gingivitis, oral hygiene is the main component of the treatment process. Despite the fact that every touch of the inflamed gums causes acute pain, brush your teeth twice a day, remembering to rinse your mouth with an antiseptic solution or herbal balm after each meal.

Toothpaste for inflammation of the gums should be therapeutic, it must necessarily include medicinal herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect. Please note that the composition of the toothpaste includes extracts of chamomile, calendula, yarrow, sage. They have a healing effect on inflamed gums, reducing their bleeding and soreness.

In no case should you use whitening toothpastes, as they are too abrasive and can additionally irritate the gums, provoking an aggravation of the inflammatory process. Therefore, for the duration of treatment, refuse to whiten your teeth until the time when your gums are healthy again.

Sometimes a dentist may recommend using hydrogen peroxide instead of toothpaste and traditional brushing, which perfectly removes plaque and at the same time disinfects the surface of teeth and gums. It is necessary to systematically wipe the teeth and gums with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of hydrogen peroxide, this will keep the oral cavity clean and not injure the inflamed gums by mechanical cleaning with a toothbrush.

Folk remedies

For lovers of folk remedies, we note right away: it is impossible to completely get rid of gingivitis only using folk recipes; for a complete recovery, complex treatment is necessary using the entire arsenal of means, both drug and non-drug. However, the use of folk remedies simultaneously with the drugs prescribed by the doctor will significantly speed up the healing process.

Since it is very important for a full and quick recovery to maintain a constant cleanliness of the oral cavity, the use of herbal decoctions and tinctures for rinsing is highly desirable.

The sage leaf has healing properties, it has not only an anti-inflammatory, but also an antiseptic effect on the inflamed gums. To rinse the mouth, prepare a decoction according to the following recipe: pour one tablespoon of sage leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for twenty minutes, then strain and cool. Rinse your mouth 5-6 times a day, preferably after each meal.

Rinsing with a decoction of chamomile has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect in case of gingivitis, and also speeds up the process of regeneration of inflamed and damaged gums. A decoction of chamomile flowers should be prepared in the same way as a decoction of sage leaves.

Rinsing with a soda solution also has a positive effect on inflamed gums. To prepare it, dissolve one teaspoon of soda in a glass of boiled and slightly chilled water. Rinse the mouth with this solution after each meal until complete recovery.

To cure gingivitis once and for all, it is necessary to eliminate its root cause - the inflammatory process in the oral cavity. You can get rid of soreness and bleeding gums in just 5-10 days, the main thing is to contact a periodontist in time. Rinsing with soda will not help - an integrated approach is needed here, including local and general therapy.

How to treat gingivitis in adults

Treatment of acute and chronic gingivitis includes 3 components:

    Sanitation of the oral cavity

    Removal of tartar and bacterial plaque, elimination of carious cavities, removal of decayed teeth. This will prevent further spread of the infection.

    Local anti-inflammatory therapy

    Antiseptic rinses, applications of anti-inflammatory and wound healing gels, the use of natural toothpastes with herbal ingredients.

    Restorative therapy

    Reception of vitamin and mineral complexes, immunomodulators. This promotes soft tissue regeneration and enhances the body's defenses to fight infection.

The catarrhal form of the disease refers to the initial stage of inflammation. It can be easily eliminated with ultrasonic cleaning and drug therapy.

Physiotherapy is also useful, for example, hydromassage of the gums, exposure to short-spectrum UV rays, electrophoresis, etc. These are painless procedures that improve tissue trophism and remove accumulated toxins. The course of treatment includes 5-10 sessions.

Medical treatment

  • Rinsing with chlorhexidine raster;
  • applying oil solutions with vitamins A and E;
  • the use of antimicrobial ointments and sprays - Romazulan, Metrogil Denta, Holisal or others.

Chronic inflammation of the gums can develop due to deformities of the dentition. In this case, you must definitely see an orthodontist to correct the bite.

The cause of the hypertrophic form of inflammation often lies in hormonal disruptions, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, do not be surprised if the dentist refers you to a specialist of the appropriate profile - an endocrinologist or a gastroenterologist.

And to relieve local symptoms, the following therapy is used:

  • bandaging with antimicrobial ointments;
  • taking oral antibiotics - Erythromycin, Amoxicillin, Metronidazole;
  • darsonval, electrophoresis and other methods of physiotherapy;
  • at an advanced stage - injections of hypertrophic solutions into the gingival papillae - calcium chloride, calcium gluconate, glucose.

In the most severe cases, surgical excision of damaged gum tissue is used.

Atrophic and ulcerative forms of the disease are accompanied by necrotization (destruction) of the marginal gums. At this stage, it is important to save living periodontal tissues, since atrophied areas can no longer be restored.

As a rule, dentists prescribe:

  • local anesthesia with a solution of novocaine or lidocaine;
  • systemic antibiotic therapy;
  • oral baths with antiseptics (furatsilin, miramistin, chlorhexidine).

Dead gum tissue is removed mechanically or treated with trispin. This is an enzyme that promotes the resorption of necrotic epithelium.

Most often, adult patients with purulent inflammation of the gums, gingivitis, are prescribed metronidazole. It is effective against protozoa and various anaerobic bacteria. It is taken three times a day, the daily norm of the drug is 1500 mg. The course is designed for 10 days.

In dental practice, metronidazole is necessarily prescribed in combination with lincosamides. This group of drugs includes lincomycin and clindamycin.


Fights infections caused by gram-positive cocci and anaerobic bacteria (daily intake - 1500 mg, divided into three doses of two capsules).


It differs from lincomycin in its effectiveness against protozoa, it is taken 300 mg three times a day.

Lincomycin capsules often cause side effects - disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, an allergic rash. It is better to replace lincomycin capsules with a 30% solution for intramuscular injection (2 ml twice a day) or prefer clindamycin. The latter, by the way, can also be taken as intramuscular injections - 2 ml (300 mg) twice a day.

For patients with diabetes mellitus and / or resistance to other antibiotics, preparations based on norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin or ofloxacin are prescribed. For example:

  • nomycin - 400 mg twice a day;
  • tarivid - 500 mg in two doses;
  • syflox - 250 mg twice a day.

Antibiotic therapy is prescribed only by a doctor, it is forbidden to take antimicrobial drugs on your own!

Injections of antibiotics into the gums are an outdated and ineffective method that only additionally injures soft tissues. Antimicrobials are prescribed only orally (through the mouth) or intramuscularly (injections into the gluteal or deltoid muscles, the anterior surface of the thigh).

Treatment of gingivitis in children

Therapy for children is not much different from treatment for adults, but there are a number of features. The course of events includes:

    Ultrasonic teeth cleaning

    Lasts an average of 20 minutes, painless procedure.

    Anti-inflammatory and antibiotic therapy

    Applying gels such as Holisal (for children of any age) and Metrogyl Denta (from 6 years old) to the mucous membrane. Rinse your mouth with Chlorhexidine or Miramistin.

    Strengthening immunity

    Vitamin therapy will help speed up recovery. Oil solutions with vitamins A and E positively affect the regeneration of gum tissue.

    Orthodontic treatment

    For small patients who have chronic gingivitis due to malocclusion.

Tooth brushing to prevent gingivitis in children

If a child has been diagnosed with necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, after the first stage of treatment, doctors remove dead soft tissues under local anesthesia and cauterize the gums with electric current. Before and after the procedure, anesthetic gels with lidocaine are used - Kalgel, Bobodent, Kamistad.

Of great importance in the treatment of gingivitis is given to teaching children about oral hygiene. After all, without proper dental care, inflammation will reappear.

It is also worth mentioning that babies without teeth, babies, gum disease are treated differently. It is enough to massage the gums and clean them from germs with a special silicone brush that is worn on the finger.

Treatment of gingivitis in pregnant women

The so-called "pregnancy gingivitis" develops against the background of hormonal surges, as well as a deficiency of vitamins and trace elements in the body of the expectant mother. Therefore, patients must be prescribed vitamin therapy.

During the period of bearing a child, antibiotics are contraindicated, but in any case, the dentist must remove dental deposits and recommend safe antiseptics. Vacuum gum massage is also shown.

You can rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile at room temperature, this will help relieve bleeding and swelling of the mucosa. All oral preparations should be used only after consultation with a gynecologist.

To protect the gums from mechanical damage, it is recommended to use toothbrushes with soft bristles, and also to refuse too hard food.


The cost of dental treatment of gingivitis depends on the methods used and the procedures performed. In all cases, therapy includes professional cleaning:

  • 200 rubles for the mechanical removal of plaque from one tooth;
  • from 4000 rubles for the removal of tartar with an ultrasonic scaler;
  • from 4300 rubles for cleaning with the Air Flow method.

There is an additional charge for the treatment of periodontal pockets:

Periodontal inflammation affects not only adults, but also children. The most common disease is gingivitis. It affects the mucous membrane of the gums and is characterized by pronounced symptoms.

If left untreated, the pathology leads to complications that affect adjacent bone tissue and internal organs.


There are several types of this pathology, differing in symptoms and intensity of their manifestation:

  1. catarrhal. It proceeds with minimal manifestation of symptoms: redness and bleeding of the gums.
  2. ulcerative. It is characterized by severe symptoms: swelling of the gums increases, they become cyanotic. With a slight touch, there is a release from under the papillae of blood and gum fluid.
  3. Ulcerative necrotic. It passes with a deterioration in general well-being and the formation of bleeding ulcers on the gums in the neck of the teeth. The crown bases are exposed.
  4. atrophic. It is characterized by a decrease in the volume of gum tissue in the area of ​​​​the neck of the teeth, which leads to its exposure.

Stages of the disease

Depending on the symptoms manifested, several stages of the course of gingivitis are distinguished:

  • first (initial). Inflammation covers only the tops of the interdental papillae, which turn red and become painful;
  • second. From the interdental papillae, the disease passes to the edge of the gum
  • third. Pathology extends to the soft tissues of the alveolar ridge.

The disease in an acute form without proper treatment becomes chronic.


The following symptoms signal the onset and development of gingivitis:

  • sore gums on palpation;
  • bleeding;
  • promotion salivation;
  • puffiness;
  • soft tissue around the roots of the teeth lose their density, becoming loose;
  • gum discoloration: redness or cyanosis;
  • discomfort when chewing;
  • deterioration in general condition: lethargy, fever, pallor of the skin;
  • swollen lymph nodes.


Gingivitis is a rapidly developing disease. Lack of timely treatment often leads to complications. This is especially important in childhood.

In order to eliminate the disease at the initial stage of its development, local therapy with the use of sparing techniques.

To cure the advanced stage, it is necessary to apply general therapy using antibiotics. In some situations, only surgical intervention.

If you notice symptoms, you should contact your dentist as soon as possible. Depending on the cause of the disease, the help of other specialists may be needed: pediatrician, endocrinologist, immunologist, otolaryngologist.

In the clinic

Treatment in the clinic, regardless of the degree of development of the pathology and its type, must necessarily include:

  1. professional cleaning with complete removal of tartar and soft bacterial plaque. This procedure is carried out using ultrasound, which does not injure the soft tissues of the oral cavity.

    It allows you to completely remove hard deposits not only on the visible part of the tooth, but also from under the gums, deeply cleaning the gum pockets. Cleansing procedures are completely painless.

    After exposure to ultrasound, the crowns are polished with a special brush and dental paste, and the gums are covered with a soothing agent.

  2. Anti-inflammatory therapy. It is used to speed up the healing process and relieve the symptoms of gingivitis. Depending on the type and form of the disease, drugs of local or general action are used.
  3. Hardware physiotherapy. For this, a course of intraoral electrophoresis, laser therapy, UVI is prescribed. The main effect of these techniques is to stimulate metabolic processes that affect the restoration of periodontal tissues.

In the treatment of complex forms of the disease (ulcerative, necrotic, hyperplastic and atrophic gingivitis), in addition to the listed methods, others are also used.

Typically, these methods involve direct impact on gum tissue. These methods include:

  1. Gingivectomy (gum excision). This method is used only in special cases, when other methods of treatment have not yielded results. The operation is performed only under general anesthesia.

    During the procedure, the doctor excised only pathologically overgrown tissue. After that, to avoid recurrence and bleeding, cauterization or freezing of the operated area is carried out.

  2. Freezing It is used not only as an additional, but also as an independent method of stopping pathology.

    The essence of the procedure is as follows: a solution of calcium chloride or dextrose is injected into the inflamed periodontium, which have a freezing effect.

    After insertion, the interdental papillae completely harden, which temporarily stops their pathological growth.

  3. Chemical cauterization. It involves applying a special mixture to the painful areas, which included sulfuric acid and ether. Due to the action of these components, the upper layer of the periodontium is burned and the cells die, which helps to stop the disease.
  4. Electric shock. In essence, this procedure resembles the previous one. Here they also provoke a burn of the mucous membrane, only for this they use a current with a power of no more than 5 amperes. Manipulations are painful, therefore they are performed under local anesthesia in children older than 5 years.
  5. Necrolysis. Allows you to remove pathological cells by resorption. To do this, a special preparation is applied to the mucous membrane, which includes sodium chloride and trypsin (an active enzyme). Penetrating into the cells of the gum tissue, the drug contributes to their gradual destruction.


Treatment of gingivitis is not complete without drugs, which, depending on the severity of the pathology, can be used topically or constitute a general therapy.

In any case, only forms with a dosage calculated for children are used.

For the treatment of gingivitis in childhood, the use of the following topical agents is acceptable:

  1. Calgel. It is intended for the treatment of catarrhal and ulcerative gingivitis. It is presented in the form of a gel that is easy to apply and adheres well to the periodontal tissue. The gel has a pronounced aseptic and analgesic effect.

    The composition includes components that allow the use of the drug for the treatment of even one-year-olds children. For a quick recovery, it is necessary to apply about 7 mm of gel to the painful area no more than 6 times a day.

    The approximate cost of the drug is 330 rubles.

  2. Propsol. It is a spray for mucosal treatment, made on the basis of propolis. The tool has a pronounced aseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, effective against catarrhal gingivitis.

    In addition, the spray has an analgesic property. Recommended for use by adults and children from 5 years. Treatment regimen: 2 times a day, 3 injections. The spray can be used until complete recovery.

    The cost of funds is 180 rubles.

  3. Eludril is a mouthwash based on chlorhexidine. Shows high efficiency in all forms of gingivitis.

    The use of the solution helps to relieve inflammation and pain. The drug can be included in the therapy of children from 3 years. For the procedure, dilute 2 teaspoons in 150 ml of water and rinse your mouth for 30 minutes.

    The price of the drug is 240 rubles.

  4. Holisal. It is a dental gel used to treat catarrhal, necrotizing and ulcerative gingivitis. In addition to the pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, it has a high activity against bacteria.

    The gel is indicated for the treatment of children starting from infancy. The therapeutic effect occurs when the gel is applied twice a day.

    The average market cost of the gel is 250 rubles.

  5. Chlorhexidine (0.05%). Effective in catarrhal form of gingivitis. The product is available in the form of a solution and is intended for rinsing about 2 times a day. Solution has no age restrictions.

    With daily use, there is a decrease in the intensity of the symptoms of the disease.

    Chlorhexidine has a low cost - about 14 rubles.

  6. Miramistin- spray for irrigation of the mucous membrane. Designed to relieve the symptoms of catarrhal gingivitis. May be included in the treatment of children from 3 years.

    The spray relieves inflammation well and, in addition, anesthetizes periodontal tissues. It is applied 3 times a day for no more than 10 days.

    The cost of the drug is approximately 240 rubles.

  7. Metrogil Denta- this antimicrobial drug, made in the form of a gel, is effective in the treatment of acute and chronic gingivitis.

    Used in pediatric therapy from 6 years old. Promotes the removal of symptoms and rapid tissue regeneration. The gel is applied to the mucous membrane 3 times a day.

    Its average market value is 250 rubles.

In the absence of the effectiveness of local therapy, treatment with antibiotics is prescribed. The choice of antibiotic should be made only by the dentist.

The most common antibiotics used to treat gingivitis are:

  1. Amoxicillin. Available in the form of tablets or suspensions. The drug belongs to the penicillin series and is distinguished by its speed against pathogenic bacteria. Amoxicillin can be purchased for 50 - 80 rubles.
  2. Metronidazole. This is a combined action drug that has an antibacterial and antiprotozoal effect. Can be used in combination with antibiotics. The price of the drug starts from 70 rubles.
  3. Erythromycin- available only in the form of tablets. This antibiotic belongs to the group of macrolides and has a bacteriostatic effect. The cost of the drug is 90 rubles.

The treatment regimen and dosage are prescribed by the doctor individually in accordance with the age, body weight of the patient and the severity of the pathology.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies that also have anti-inflammatory and aseptic effects can help with drug therapy:

  • rinsing the mouth with a decoction based on chamomile, sage and oak bark. To prepare, you need 3 tablespoons of each plant, pour 250 ml of boiling water. After insisting for 60 minutes, rinse at least 6 times a day;
  • St. John's wort oil. To prepare it, you need to pour the grass with 150 ml of sunflower oil and leave for 12 hours to infuse. Lubricate the inflamed areas of the mucous membrane with the resulting oil about 3 times a day;
  • has a good effect mummy. It is heated in a water bath and then mixed with kefir. Rinse your mouth with the resulting mixture for 3 minutes.


Gingivitis is a pathology that requires mandatory treatment. And in childhood, this issue is particularly acute, since during this period there is an active development of the jaw apparatus and internal organs.

If the disease is not stopped in a timely manner, it can lead to the formation of malocclusion and impaired functioning of body systems, which quickly becomes chronic.

In addition, if left untreated, complications such as:

  • periodontitis, which threatens to lose teeth;
  • accession purulent infections;
  • development of caries;
  • periodontal disease;
  • heart pathology;
  • jaw bone infection.

Gingivitis is one of the most easily treatable diseases in its early stages.

For timely treatment, you just need to contact the dentist in time. This will save the child from more complex problems that undermine his health.

In this video, Dr. Komarovsky talks about gingivitis and stomatitis:

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