Installing a permanent filling after a temporary one. Why put a temporary filling, what is it made of and how long can you walk with it, how does it differ from a permanent one? The process of placing a temporary filling

Probably many had to deal with temporary fillings more than once. Treatment of caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, as well as prosthetics rarely do without the use of a filling procedure. With the help of a filling, the structure of the dental tissue is restored, as well as the appearance and all the functions of the tooth. However, usually in the treatment, many dentists use two types of fillings - temporary and permanent. If the permanent is usually used for long-term bone replacement, then the temporary is used only for short-term protection of the cavity. Usually it incorporates inexpensive materials, which are then easily cleaned. But still it is worth considering in detail the features of temporary filling.

The main purpose of temporary filling is diagnostics. For example, this filling can show how the nerve behaves during deep caries. And already in the subsequent period, depending on the symptoms of the result, the dentist determines and conducts the necessary medical therapy.

Deep caries is the last stage of a carious lesion, it destroys not only the enamel, but also the pulp.

Often temporary fillings are used during endodontic treatment. Usually, when placing a drug in the root canals, in order to achieve the greatest effect, it is necessary to tightly close these channels. This procedure is performed using a temporary filling.

Attention! Sometimes temporary filling is used during prosthetics. Usually in these situations, the temporary material acts as an obstacle that protects against the penetration of saliva, food debris and other harmful microbes.

But unlike a permanent one, a temporary filling is installed for a certain time. Often this time is different, but it should not be more than three weeks.
In addition, temporary filling has one unpleasant feature. Due to the fact that it is installed on a tooth that has not yet been fully cured, after installation, a person may experience unpleasant painful sensations.
Usually pain is not strong, sometimes it can be only at the first stage. But it is best to consult a dentist when they appear, especially when the pain becomes stronger and stronger every day. Also, it is recommended to consult a doctor in cases where the filling begins to crumble, crumble, or even flies out.


Modern dentistry offers a wide range of temporary fillings. All of them differ in composition, solidification rate, according to their purpose, as well as the period of application. Basically, the largest part of this material consists of calcium and components that are antiseptics.

A temporary filling is a method of treating caries in dentistry, its installation allows you to understand whether the tooth hurts after a few days or weeks, if the patient does not complain of toothache, then the temporary filling is replaced with a permanent one.

There are several types of temporary fillings:

  1. Diagnostic;
  2. Used during endodontic therapy.

The first type is used to assess the general condition of the pulp during caries. It helps to identify the main reason why pain occurs.
During endodontic treatment, a temporary filling is the main barrier that prevents food debris, saliva and pathological microorganisms from entering the cavity.


Basically, dentists use a one-component base during temporary fillings. It is this composition that allows for simple application.
Typically, the following types of one-component materials are used for temporary fillings:

  1. Artificial and water dentin. The base is composed of powder and liquid. Distilled water is used as the liquid. The powder can be based on kaolin, zinc oxide and zinc sulfate. In order to obtain the desired consistency, the doctor mixes the liquid with the powder and stirs everything with a special glass stick;
  2. Oil dentin or dentine paste. This base contains kaolin, zinc oxide and zinc sulfate. The kneading of the dry powder is based on the use of peach or clove oil. Typically, dentine of this type is produced in a ready-to-cook form. The duration of hardening is from 2 to 3 hours;
  3. cement material. This type of material is used for areas that require increased chewing and pressure. This material is usually made from the following types of cement - zinc phosphate, zinc eugenol and polycarboxylate cements. Basically, seals of this type are used in the form of gaskets;
  4. polymeric materials. This type of filling base looks like light-curing one-component pastes. In structure, they have a rubber-like consistency. Polymers have high lightness and good adhesion to dental tissue, so they are easy to use. This material does not require additional processing, its hardening is carried out as a result of the use of a special light device.

In dentistry, one-component bases are used for temporary filling, here are some of them: water dentin (powder), dentin paste, cement (aqua-cem) and polymer (fluorax) materials.

How long can a temporary filling last?

The very name temporary suggests that this material is not intended for long-term use. However, in practice, many dentists have encountered cases when patients could walk with a temporary filling for several years from 5 to 10 years, but this is still an exception to the rule. It is worth remembering that this material should never be used for permanent filling.
But after all, many patients are always interested in the question - how long can a temporary filling last, and for how long is it installed? Only a highly qualified doctor can answer this question. It is he who determines the period of installation of a temporary seal.
After installing a temporary filling, unpleasant painful sensations may occur, this is considered the norm, but only if they are not strong. If the pain becomes constant and becomes aching in nature, then in these cases it is worth consulting a doctor. After the examination, the dentist may prescribe pain medication. But in more serious cases, he can remove the temporary filling.

With the help of a temporary filling, it is possible to isolate medicines inside the tooth, which are installed for treatment in the dental canals.

Pain can occur due to various factors:

  • Inflammatory process of the nerve;
  • The appearance of a tooth cyst;
  • Violation of the integrity of the tooth;
  • The appearance of periodontitis;
  • Pulpitis.

Attention! Usually a temporary filling is installed from one week to three weeks. Before installing, the doctor dries the canals and the bottom of the tooth. It should be borne in mind that some compositions require some time to harden. Therefore, doctors often recommend not eating or drinking liquids for several hours after installing this material.

Important rules to remember when installing a temporary filling

Whatever the problem with the tooth, it is worth remembering that a temporary filling is not a solution. It only temporarily replaces a permanent filling. Her doctor uses only to identify the underlying cause that caused the appearance of pain, caries and other pathological disorders. Therefore, do not use this material for long-term use. Sooner or later it will collapse and the cavity will reopen. Needless to say, what harmful substances can get there along with food, saliva? As a result, you can completely lose a healthy tooth. Therefore, it is imperative to strictly adhere to the important recommendations of the attending physician.
In addition, after installation, you should follow a few important tips for oral care:

  1. After installation, do not forget about a full-fledged brushing of teeth and rinsing the mouth;
  2. Since the materials used for temporary fillings are quite hard, regular toothbrushes can be used for cleaning. Their bristles will not harm the material;
  3. The main thing when cleaning is not to be too zealous, it is better to do everything neatly, carefully;
  4. Do not abuse too hard food. Nuts, crackers, bones can cause serious damage to a temporary filling, so it is better to stop eating this food for the period of its installation.

Installing a temporary filling is a necessary step in the treatment of a tooth. It helps to identify the main cause of pain and pathological processes occurring in the tooth. The main thing after its installation is to clearly follow all the recommendations of the doctor, you should not keep it longer than the prescribed period. First of all, this is a temporary material, which is intended for a period of no more than three weeks.

Dentists may place temporary fillings in order to make further diagnostics or continue treatment after nerve removal, root canal cleaning, or other therapeutic measures. If the tooth stops hurting, then after a couple of days it is sealed completely. Otherwise, the doctor is looking for its cause in order to eliminate discomfort. To do this, special preparations are placed in the dental canals. Read more about why a temporary filling is placed after cleaning the canal or removing the nerve and how long it can be worn, below.

What is a temporary filling

This concept is called a filling material supplied by a dentist at an intermediate stage of treatment. It is made from cheaper compounds and is easily removed, because it is not intended for long-term use when replacing defects. Why is it impossible to immediately fill the tooth completely? The dentist in some cases, the doctor can not accurately determine whether the dental nerve is damaged. It takes a couple of days to understand this, when the patient will either feel pain or not. In the first case, the nerve is removed and treatment is continued, and in the second, a permanent filling is placed.


The specific material is selected taking into account the physiological characteristics of the patient and the clinical picture of the disease. At the same time, the hardening time of the filling mass is also taken into account. This question is important in order to then determine the period during which the patient should not eat. For short-term filling, amalgam is used - an alloy with mercury in the composition, which is non-toxic when combined with other materials. Medicine has been using it for about a century.

There are other materials for temporary fillings. The main cement is often polycarboxylate, glass ionomer or based on zinc sulfate or its mixture with eugenol. This is an active substance that has a sedative effect. Zinc oxide is added to it in the form of a powder, which is distinguished by a certain interaction with various reagents. When filling, it is necessary for the hardening of eugenol. After mixing these two ingredients:

  • a sticky soft mass is obtained;
  • gradually it hardens;
  • over time, the material completely crumbles and falls out.

Why put a temporary filling

There are a number of reasons why a short-term filling is indicated for a patient. Non-permanent materials are used in dental prosthetics. The main reason is caries. With it, it is impossible to seal the tooth immediately, because there is a high risk of developing pulpitis due to work close to the nerve. In this case, it is necessary to treat dental canals. With deep caries, medical pads are placed in them, which must be removed after a while. The doctor may put arsenic with eugenol, which calms the nerve. Filling in this case protects the tooth canal.

It also allows you to remove the gaskets after a few days. That's why they put a temporary filling after removing the nerve. In general, the list of indications includes:

  • diagnostics;
  • treatment of diseases, for example, pulpitis and carious cavity;
  • cleaning of dental canals;
  • production of a ceramic inlay for a permanent filling;
  • the impossibility of treatment immediately.

The filling material is often placed several times until the patient no longer feels pain. This will indicate the absence of an inflammatory process. At the first visit, the doctor removes the neurovascular bundle from the tooth chamber. The next step is medical treatment. Turundas with medicinal substances and antiseptics are left in the canal. Only then is the filling material placed. The second time you have to visit a doctor, for example, with periodontitis. To begin with, the canals of the tooth are expanded to remove pus.

How long can you walk with a temporary filling

The period that short-term material will stay on the tooth is determined specifically by the dentist. This period varies from 1 day to 3 weeks. In special cases, the service life is extended to 3 months or even six months (Vinoxol). Such a long period is explained by the fact that this is only the beginning of treatment, which can be delayed. Permanent filling is carried out after the end of the tooth restructuring, its cleaning from caries and the necessary therapy.

Can I chew on a temporary filling?

To exclude the loss of the filling mass, it is necessary to follow a number of rules recommended by the doctor. You can not eat the first two hours, while the material hardens. But it may not completely harden even after this time has elapsed. To avoid loss or damage to the filling mass, do not chew hard food or food that sticks to the teeth. It is worth trying to process food on the opposite side. So you will not load the sealed tooth. Do not press hard with a toothbrush when brushing your mouth.

Why does a tooth hurt under a temporary filling

The feeling of pain, acute or quite tolerable, in this case is understandable, because an unhealthy tooth is being sealed, which is supposed to be treated. It is imperative that you tell your dentist about your health at the next appointment so that the doctor can treat you. Pain in the tooth when biting or pressing in general may indicate:

  • pulpitis;
  • the effect of the drug on the pulp;
  • reaction to the material used for filling;
  • non-compliance with doctor's recommendations;
  • material falling out and infection entering the hole;
  • nerve inflammation;
  • tooth cyst;
  • periodontitis;
  • violation of the integrity of the tooth.

What to do if a temporary filling falls out

There are situations when a non-permanent filling composition may begin to crumble or fall out altogether. At the same time, patients often complain that the gums begin to itch. In this case, you need to urgently make an appointment with your dentist. The doctor will be able to carry out the procedure again or put a permanent filling, if possible. Leaving the cavity open is fraught with consequences such as the ingress of particles of food or saliva and the subsequent infection with an inflammatory process.

Many patients are interested in the answer to the question: “Why does the dentist put a temporary filling and offer to come back for a follow-up appointment for the final treatment?”. Some mistakenly believe that temporary filling is carried out in order to increase the number of visits, artificially inflate the total cost of treatment.

Indeed, thanks to the development of modern technology, the procedure is performed less and less. But you should not respond with a categorical refusal to the proposal to install a temporary filling. This article provides answers to the most common questions that will help you make the final decision.

1. What is a temporary filling?

As the name implies, a temporary filling is installed for a limited period of time. The materials used for this type of filling are short-lived and can be destroyed by exposure to normal saliva.

It is very important to undergo further treatment, because otherwise the risk of re-development of caries, abscess increases significantly.

A temporary filling is also called a diagnostic filling.

2. Differences from a permanent filling

Filling the tooth cavity with temporary material is not the final stage of treatment. Unlike a permanent filling, a temporary one practically does not stay in the tooth cavity and does not protect against further development of the carious process.

Also, temporary and permanent fillings are made of different materials. Pre-filling is carried out using:

  • cement with zinc oxide and eugenol;
  • zinc phosphate cement;
  • kawisila.

Permanent filling is performed with composite photopolymer materials.

See also: Filling milk teeth in children, in pediatric dentistry

3. Why put a temporary filling?

In most cases, a carious cavity can be removed in one visit to the dental office. But if during the removal of pathological tissues the deep layers of the tooth were affected and there is a risk of developing pain, then a decision is made to temporarily fill the cavity with cement with zinc oxide and eugenol. Eugenol helps to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, and zinc destroys microbes.

If caries has destroyed most of the tooth, then treatment is usually carried out in several stages. In particular, if a crown is required, the dentist puts a disposable filling with medicine. Also, if the doctor performed root canal treatment, then a special material protects the cavity from food particles.

A temporary filling is placed after canal treatment, before installing a permanent filling.

Temporary filling for pulpitis

If the pulp is inflamed or irritated, the patient may complain of mild aching pain. The dentist will remove caries, put medicine in the hole and close it with a temporary plastic material on top. After 3-4 weeks, it will be necessary to carry out a full filling.

In some clinics, a permanent filling is placed during the first appointment. In this case, there is a risk of developing pain under the hardened composite material.

4. How long can I eat after a temporary filling?

Because temporary cement fillings take longer to fully cure than composite fillings, dentists advise against drinking for 1-2 hours after the procedure. Solid foods should not be consumed within 24 hours. At this time, you can have a snack:

  • soup;
  • pureed vegetables;
  • yoghurts;
  • smoothies.

But lollipops, toffees, chewing gums will have to be abandoned until permanent filling is carried out.

For a while, while there is a temporary filling, it is better to refuse solid products

5. How long can you walk with a temporary filling?

It is necessary to visit the dentist again at the appointed time. Depending on the initial problem, the patient is offered to come back in a few days or a few weeks. Do not delay the reception longer than the allotted time. Even if the material is well “held”, pathological processes can develop under it.

6. How long does a temporary filling last?

A temporary filling can last up to 8 weeks. However, the processes of destruction of the material usually begin as early as the third or fourth week.

7. What happens if you leave a temporary filling?

If the pathological processes were stopped with the help of medicines, then the temporary material in the tooth, over time, will crumble and fall out by itself. But keep in mind that under the soft material bacteria can multiply. In the end, a carious process and even a purulent abscess will develop.

8. Can teeth with temporary fillings be brushed?

Careful oral care will prevent the development of pathological processes. It is necessary to adhere to standard hygiene rules: brush your teeth twice a day, use floss and rinse aid. But dentists recommend temporarily abandoning the use of brushes with hard bristles, electric brushes.

Temporary filling can last up to 8 weeks

9. Can I drink alcohol?

Alcoholic beverages alone will not affect the effect of the medication or the life of the temporary filling. However, low-quality red wine can change the shade of the filling material. This fact must be taken into account by those people who have a smile in the zone.

10. What medicine is put into the tooth under a temporary filling?

In Soviet times, before a temporary filling, a cotton swab with iodine or even arsenic was placed in the hole. Modern materials for disposable fillings already contain active ingredients.

Eugenol, for example, is a natural pain reliever with an antibacterial effect. IRM (polymer-reinforced cement) can release fluoride over time, which prevents further tooth decay.

11. Does the medicine taste in the mouth after a temporary filling?

When iodine or arsenic is released, a bitter taste may appear in the mouth. But cements with eugenol leave a pleasant refreshing aftertaste of essential oils. Pasty cavisil may produce a metallic taste during the first few hours after setting.

Do not carry out additional rinsing to get rid of an unpleasant aftertaste. It is advisable to use aerosol sprays.

Arsenic is no longer used in modern dentistry.

Problems with temporary fillings

The most common problem: displacement or rapid destruction of the filling material. Some patients also complain of a change in color, a feeling of "bursting" of the tooth. Fortunately, most problems do not require emergency dental intervention.

12. A temporary filling fell out: what to do?

If a scheduled appointment for a permanent filling is scheduled for the next 2-3 days after the filling falls out, it is enough to use a rinse after each meal. In order not to provoke the development of pathological processes, it is worth temporarily giving up sweets.

13. What should I do if the filling material has darkened?

Soft pastes used for temporary fillings quickly absorb dyes, so they can darken even after a normal meal. Do not try to whiten the affected area or switch to abrasive toothpastes.

Any excessively intense impact can lead to the complete destruction of the dental material.

If the tooth hurts after installing a temporary filling, it is possible that the doctor did not properly clean and seal the canals

14. A toothache under a temporary filling

Short-term aching pains are a variant of the norm. You can take a paracetamol tablet or use a special anesthetic rinse, gel. Within a few days, the discomfort should completely disappear.

If the pain is sharp, throbbing, then you need to urgently seek medical help. It is likely that you will have to re-clean the root canals.

15. How is a temporary filling removed?

Since the temporary filling material is quite soft and plastic, its removal does not take much time. The dentist can use a burr or soften the filling of the tooth with special reagents. During the extraction process, the living tissues of the tooth are not affected, so there is usually no pain.

16. Can a temporary filling be removed at home?

Do not try to remove the filling material yourself. The use of sharp iron objects can damage the enamel. If the seal cracked or began to fall out in pieces, then it is allowed to use a rinse aid to wash out biological debris.

Don't walk around with a temporary filling longer than your dentist recommends.

If the filling is loosened and falls out in one piece, then you should not try to keep it in place with chewing gum or other improvised means. It is best to take a thin non-metallic object (for example, a toothpick) and carefully pry off the artificial insert.

Temporary fillings allow you to treat the tooth cavity with high quality, give time for the medicines to work. You should not refuse the procedure, especially if the dentist has made strong arguments in its favor.

Tooth pulpitis is treated in two main ways - biological and surgical. The method of therapy is chosen depending on the severity of the symptoms, the type of pathology, as well as the progression of the inflammatory process. Treatment is prescribed based on the results of the preliminary examination. Before the specialist, the task necessarily arises to save the patient from discomfort and, if possible, save the damaged tooth, so everyone will envy the situation.

How do dentists treat disease?

Treatment of pulpitis is desirable to start in a timely manner, as this can lead to negative consequences and certain complications, such as periodontitis. Dentists immediately try to get rid of the patient's pain, inflammation, eliminate the infection and gradually restore the functionality of the pulp, if possible.

As soon as a patient with acute pulpitis has got to a specialist, an anesthetic is injected into the carious cavity, and an analgesic is taken inside. After a thorough examination of the oral cavity, a treatment method is chosen - conservative or surgical.

Conservative treatment - helps to get rid of pain, inflammation with the help of medications and physiological therapies that are aimed at preserving the pulp. In such a situation, a biological method is used. Sometimes the patient undergoes a partial removal of the pulp, but at the same time its viability is preserved.

Conservative treatment in most cases is considered a one-session method of treatment, but it may take several days to resolve the problem. There are such indications for the biological method of therapy as focal pulpitis in the acute stage, exposure of the pulp when the dental crown is broken off, chronic fibrous pulpitis, the patient's age is not more than 29 years, no changes in the apical foramen, there is no possibility to carry out prosthetics and others.

Conservative therapy includes the following steps:

  • Anesthesia.
  • Treatment of the carious cavity with instruments and medicines.
  • Degreasing procedures, drying the cavity.
  • The imposition of an insulating gasket on the bottom of the pulp and the installation of a seal.

It is possible and desirable to treat pulpitis in an operative way only if it is impossible to carry out conservative treatment. It involves the removal of the pulp completely, then the canals and, accordingly, the dental crown are filled. This method of therapy is considered the most reliable and is carried out in several visits to a specialist:

  1. The use of anesthesia.
  2. Removal of carious tissue from the cavity.
  3. Protection of the tooth from moisture with a rubber dam.
  4. Removal of pulp from the crown and canals.
  5. Measuring the length of canals, their processing, expansion and sealing.
  6. Washing the canals with antiseptics, laying an antiseptic, then putting a temporary filling.
  7. Removal of temporary filling and preparation from the canals.
  8. Washing channels, drying them.
  9. Filling canals with gutta-percha.
  10. X-ray examination, which helps to track the correctness of the canal filling.
  11. Installing a permanent filling.

How much time is needed for treatment?

How long does it take to treat a disease to get a positive result from therapy? In this situation, everything will depend on many factors. First of all, attention is drawn to the stage of the disease and the inflammatory process. It is also necessary to take into account the general condition of the patient and other pronounced symptoms. Do not forget about the destructive process and the possibility of restoring a damaged tooth.

If it is possible to leave the pulp and not perform tooth extraction, then a conservative treatment method is used, which includes several visits to the dental office. If the patient is diagnosed with an advanced stage of pulpitis, then it is recommended to carry out surgical treatment, which also involves several visits to a specialist.

Why put a temporary filling with pulpitis?

A temporary filling is recommended for the conservative treatment of pulpitis and caries. It is installed in order to exclude the leakage of the anti-inflammatory drug from the root canal, as well as to exclude the ingress of pathogenic microflora and pieces of food.

What medicine is put into the tooth with pulpitis?

To treat pulpitis of the tooth is impossible without the use of various drugs. The medicine is placed under the filling to eliminate the infection and the inflammatory process.

Various anti-inflammatory drugs may be used. Very often, arsenic is placed in the tooth to kill the nerve and anesthetize the problem area.

Varieties of temporary fillings

A temporary filling is indispensable in the following cases:

  1. With conservative treatment of not too neglected pulpitis and neglected caries. After drilling out the inflammatory focus and treating the root canals, the tooth cavity is clogged with anti-inflammatory drugs, and a filling is placed on top. This is necessary so that the drug does not leak out and that microbes and pieces of food do not get into the aching tooth.
  2. For diagnosis in deep caries, when it is not clear whether the nerve is affected. They put a filling with medicine and observe the tooth - if it continues to hurt, most likely it is pulpitis.
  3. In the treatment of pulpitis, if there is a need to remove the nerve. Then the treatment is carried out in 2 doses: first, a filling is placed with arsenic or other, more gentle devitalizing drugs, and after the death of the nerve, treatment is performed.
  4. In prosthetics and restorations to protect teeth while permanent structures are being made.

Installing a temporary filling is absolutely safe, except in cases where individual allergic reactions to filling materials are observed.

Life time

The service life of a temporary filling varies from 3-4 days to 2-3 weeks. The exact timing depends on the specific dental disease and the drugs used in the treatment.

Here is how much a temporary filling can cost in different situations:

  • when using arsenic paste to kill a diseased nerve - no more than 2-3 days (usually - 24-28 hours), when using other means for the same purposes (for example, paraform paste) - 5-10 days;
  • when using antibiotics and antiseptics in the treatment of deep caries or pulpitis - from 3-4 days to 2-3 weeks;
  • in especially difficult diagnostic cases - up to 3 and even 6 months.

If you can not come to the doctor at the appointed time, be sure to notify him in advance. In this case, if possible, he will try to put the most durable reflective filling that can be safely worn for several months.

Potential Issues

Problems that may arise after installing a temporary filling:

  1. Tolerable and not too strong toothache after filling is caused by several reasons: infection, actual surgery and not completely killed by the pulp. But, if the pain is very strong, this may mean that the nerve has become inflamed, periodontitis or pulpitis develops, a cyst has formed, or there is an allergy to filling materials. In this case, only a visit to the dentist will help.
  2. If the filling crumbles or falls out, you need to urgently run to the doctor, otherwise the infection will penetrate into the affected tooth and the treatment will have to be started in the second round.
  3. Some antiseptic and drug preparations used in the treatment of dental canals have a pronounced specific taste. Therefore, a medicinal taste in the mouth for several days after filling is quite normal, albeit unpleasant. You can beat it off (or soften it) with rinses. But, if the taste is very persistent, this may mean that the seal is cracked, and then you still have to go to the doctor.

If the filling darkens, bad breath appears, the gums over (under) the affected tooth turn red or fester, you should also rush to the dentist.

Precautionary measures

In order not to bitterly regret the time spent in the dentist's office, after installing a temporary filling, it is highly advisable to follow the following simple rules:

  1. When brushing your teeth, especially if the filling is installed for a sufficiently long period, use a brush with soft bristles. Otherwise, oral care is carried out as usual: brushing 2 times a day, rinses can be used.
  2. Try not to chew on the affected side of your mouth, and temporarily avoid sticky toffee, chewing gum, hard nuts, bones, and hard candies. Do not put pressure on the tooth, testing the seal for strength.
  3. Within 1 day after installation, it is undesirable to eat beets, drink coffee, tea, red wine, since the filling may stain.
  4. Toothache will be relieved by rinsing with decoctions of chamomile and sage, an aqueous solution with sea salt and soda. As for painkillers, it is better to consult a doctor. Aspirin should be avoided: it is ineffective for toothache, and in large quantities it harms the stomach.
  5. The most pressing question that arises after the installation temporary filling: when can I eat? Modern reflective fillings harden almost instantly, that is, you can eat after 20 minutes. But this is theoretical, but practically it is better to clarify this point with the dentist. In most cases, you can safely eat and drink 2-3 hours after filling.

It is important to remember that the highest quality temporary filling is not a suitable replacement for a permanent one, so do not delay your visit to the dental office.

"Tooth root canal" is a term used to describe the natural cavity in the center of a tooth. This cavity contains the pulp (a nerve with a large number of blood and lymphatic vessels), which passes into the root canal.

Treatment and filling of tooth canals is performed to save and restore a tooth that is severely damaged or infected. During the cleaning of the tooth canals, the pulp is removed, and the cavities are cleaned and sealed. Despite the fact that the pulp is an extremely important part of the tooth, it contributes to the stimulation of regenerative processes, and the nerve formations of the pulp regulate the nutrition of the tooth.

High-quality filling of the canals of the tooth and prevention can save the tooth for decades!

The main method of root canal treatment is the removal of the infected pulp. This has to be done, because after the death of the pulp, bacteria begin to multiply in the cavity of the tooth. Bacteria and their decay products can lead to infection and cause granuloma formation on the root of the tooth. A granuloma (cyst) is a pus-filled pocket that forms at the end of a tooth root. In addition to a granuloma, an infection at the root of a tooth can cause:

  • Swelling that may spread to other areas of the face, neck, or head
  • Loss of bone tissue around the tip of the tooth root;
  • A fistula or fistula (a canal that burrows pus for itself to go out, through the gum or cheek);
  • Death. Yes, until now, and in the 21st century, people are dying from this ...

I am not writing this to kill or scare my appetite, I just want you not to start the disease to an extreme degree, and in my work I have not encountered such consequences, this is my personal interest =)

Inflammation of the tooth canal (pulpitis, periodontitis): symptoms

Sometimes there are no signs of tooth inflammation; however, almost always, there are symptoms that indicate the need for endodontic treatment (root canal treatment):

  • Severe pain when chewing or pressing on the tooth;
  • Prolonged sensitivity or pain when exposed to hot or cold;
  • Discoloration (darkening) of the tooth;
  • Swelling and inflammation of the gums;
  • Fistula.

The process of cleaning the canals of the tooth and their further filling

Cleaning of tooth canals is a complex microsurgical operation, coupled with high-quality filling of tooth canals, it determines how long the tooth can serve you. At the same time, the operation to clean the canals of the tooth is completely painless and you should not be afraid of the procedure itself.

The first step in the treatment of the roots of the tooth is the diagnosis and radiography. The x-ray allows me to see the shape of the root canal and determine if there are any signs of infection in the surrounding tissue.

Next, to isolate the tooth from saliva, during treatment, I place a rubber dam around the tooth. Now you can conveniently form access to the pulp chamber. I do not think that the cleaning of the canals of the tooth itself needs to be described in detail, in short, this is the removal of dead tissue and deep antiseptic treatment of the cavity of the roots of the tooth. Again, it's painless.

Once the tooth is thoroughly cleaned, I seal it. If the tooth is not neglected, then the entire treatment will take only one visit. However, if an infection is detected, it is necessary to lay the medicine and close it with a temporary filling for a period of 2 to 4 weeks, you can no longer walk with a temporary filling, there is a high risk of re-infection!

A temporary filling is placed for a period of 2 to 4 weeks, but it is highly not recommended to stay with a temporary filling for more than this period!

The medicine that is placed under the filling may be different. What's more, it could be arsenic! And you may not be able to get a temporary filling - these are all old methods of treatment, which, unfortunately, are still used in Soviet clinics or doctors of the old school. In any case, the doctor knows how he works and you need to follow all his recommendations. This is me to the fact that I am very often asked: "What could I put?" and “how long do I have to walk with this?”, and “did my doctor forget what?”, etc., etc. I don’t have answers to these questions!

Trust your doctors or be treated by others!

At the final stage, the canals of the tooth are filled. For this, most often, gutta-percha (special resins) with a sealer (aggregate) is used. The culmination of the filling of the canals of the tooth is the control x-ray of the tooth.

Every second patient of the dental clinic at least once in his life had a disease like pulpitis. Usually accompanied by terrible, wild, unbearable toothache. This is due to the fact that the nerve of the tooth is exposed. To get rid of pain, you need to kill the nerve.

This can be done with anesthesia and modern techniques, but a fairly large percentage of patients have severe allergic reactions to the components of a standard remedy. In this case, dentists have to resort to using a temporary filling to remove the nerve. This is a longer, but quite a way that suits allergy sufferers.

Arsenic paste often acts as a temporary filling, which removes all harmful substances from the damaged tooth and kills pain. Arsenic seems to be quite a substance, so many patients have a natural question - how long can a temporary filling be worn? The answer to this question is quite simple.

How long can you walk with a temporary filling

A temporary filling is made either from caustinerv (which is an arsenic paste), or from depulpin (which consists mainly of lidocaine and paraformaldehyde). You can walk with a temporary filling from a week to two, the specific time depends on the amount of the medicine and its strength. An essential factor is the individual tolerance of the components of the temporary filling by the patient himself.
A temporary filling can also be used with modern methods of getting rid of dental nerves, if the dentist has doubts about the correctness of the operation.
Temporary fillings are often used in prosthetics to protect the remains of the teeth from negative influences during the manufacture of the implant.

The fact is that a temporary filling (both arsenic and lidocaine) can be very dangerous during overexposure. If you spend more than two weeks with it, the active substances that were supposed to kill the nerve in the damaged tooth can become poison for the body. So if your dentist has not set a specific day for you to extract a temporary filling, it is advisable to contact another doctor no later than a week after installation. A temporary filling without unpleasant consequences can be overexposed for one or two days, the subsequent reaction to it of both the tooth and the body can be negative.

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