What to drink to stop vomiting. How to eliminate nausea in transport, if you feel very sick during the trip? What to give a child with vomiting

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Vomiting in the modern medical sense is a reflex extraction of the contents of the stomach or duodenum out through the mouth or nose. What are the main reasons for the development of this reflex? What first aid can be given to a person? Are there drugs to stop vomiting and should they be taken? You will read about this and much more in our article.

Physiological causes

Vomiting as a physiological act is regulated by a special department in medulla oblongata. This process usually preceded by nausea, accompanied by involuntary and swallowing movements, increased respiration, as well as a significant increase in the release of tears and saliva.

Vomiting itself is technically caused by muscle contraction abdominals with the closure of the outlet part of the stomach, the relaxation of its body, the opening of the entrance and the expansion of the esophagus with the oral cavity. Excreted vomit may consist of gastric juice, particles of food, bile, mucus, pus, blood and other impurities.

There are several reasons for the development of vomiting.:

  • Various poisonings. Including narcotic, food, alcohol, medication and so on;
  • Infectious lesions of a wide etiology.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. From gastritis to ulcers;
  • Damage to parts of the central nervous system. From meningitis and concussion to disorder cerebral circulation and even increased intracranial pressure;
  • psychogenic factors. Vomiting is sometimes formed with very strong emotions of a negative nature, extremely active excitement, and so on;
  • Irritation of the vestibular apparatus. "Seasickness", rides on attractions with a rapid movement of the center of gravity in different directions and so on;
  • Severe pain syndrome.

First aid for vomiting

It should be understood that with the help of vomiting, the human body tries to get rid of pathogens and various toxic substances, therefore, not in every situation, vomiting should be stopped.

An exception to the rule can only be traumatic brain injuries, severe stress With nervous tension and vestibular disorders.

The first aid algorithm for vomiting in an adult usually includes the following steps:

  • It is impossible to stop the process of vomiting abruptly, it is necessary to wait for its completion;
  • After the act of vomiting, the person sits down on a chair. His chest is covered with a towel, and a bucket or basin is conveniently placed nearby at an accessible distance;
  • In the event that the victim suffers from vomiting, but at the same time is inclusive in the prone position, it is necessary to provide him with such conditions that the head is located below chest level;
  • If the victim is unconscious, then lying position it must be turned on its side and the head bowed appropriately to prevent choking on vomit. After the perfect act, rinse your mouth with cool clean water;
  • In the absence of necessity, it is undesirable for a person to be in a supine position, since in this situation vomiting poses a danger to the respiratory tract. The exception is cases of severe intoxication and the impossibility of being in an upright position;
  • Care should be taken to use a variety of means that reduce the intensity of animal urges;
  • If you suspect food poisoning, you should drink any available enterosorbent.
  • If there are signs of gastrointestinal bleeding, seek immediate medical attention. medical care because there is a direct risk to the life of the victim.
You will be interested... Most often, with profuse vomiting, especially accompanied by severe diarrhea, a person quickly loses water, and prerequisites are created for the development of dehydration. In this situation, it is necessary to carefully monitor the patient's condition and give him liquid to drink in small sips, but regularly, at least every 15 minutes.

In addition to the usual pure water can be used the following means restoring electrolyte and mineral balance:

  • Home complex solution. In one liter of ordinary boiled water, a teaspoon of salt, 7 teaspoons of sugar and half a teaspoon of soda are dissolved, after which this complex is consumed in small sips for 5-6 hours;
  • Gastrolit. Given herbal remedy not only restore water balance, but also reduces the intensity of inflammation on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, since it contains chamomile extract. The complex is brewed in boiling water like regular tea, insisted until it cools down and allowed to be consumed by the victim in small sips;
  • Regidron and analogues. These specialized oral complexes prevent dehydration and restore the body's electrolyte balance. As a rule, one packet of the product is diluted in required quantity pure water, after which the mixture is consumed in small sips for several hours.

How to stop vomiting at home - antiemetics

Modern medicine knows dozens of varieties of drugs that can be used to stop the gag reflex. Before using them, you should accurately find out the cause of the development of vomiting.. Typical problems and methods for their medical elimination:

  • Failure of the vestibular apparatus. To stop vomiting, a drug such as Scopolamine is quite effective. The standard dosage includes oral administration tablets several times a day, 1-2 pieces. In case of using data medications it is undesirable to be behind the car or to carry out any work that requires high concentration attention;
  • Pathologies of the central nervous system. We are talking about such problems as atony of the stomach, migraine, traumatic brain injury, kidney failure, and so on. Effective relief is possible with Cerucal and Motilium preparations. Dosage medicines appointed individually and calculated by a specialized doctor;
  • Violation of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. With local localization of the pathology that caused vomiting from the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, it is rational to use Coordinax or Cisapride to quickly stop vomiting. They are taken before meals, 1-2 tablets daily;
  • Toxicosis in pregnant women. Often, one of the manifestations of toxicosis during pregnancy is regular reflex vomiting. Doctors do not recommend using in this situation potent drugs in mind potential danger for the fetus. As an alternative, you can use homeopathic remedies by the type of Kokkulin;
  • Secondary vomiting during therapy oncological diseases . As part of an integrated symptomatic treatment medicines such as Emetron and Setronon may be prescribed to stop vomiting. The dosage and scheme of use is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician, taking into account individual features organism, the severity of the pathology and other factors.

Does Smecta help with vomiting?

The drug Smecta is commercial name a common drug based on diosmectite. Main active substance It has natural origin and is a combination of magnesium with aluminum silicate. The basic scope of use is an enterosorbent for diarrhea, peptic ulcer stomach, gastritis, colitis, heartburn, and others dyspeptic disorders wide etiology. Does Smekta help stop vomiting?

As modern clinical practice shows, Smecta does not have a direct antiemetic effect.. However, in cases of food poisoning or a number of other pathologies localized in the gastrointestinal tract, this absorbent helps to effectively bind toxins, contaminated food residues and other pathogens, and then effectively and safely remove them from the body, naturally in the absence of intestinal obstruction.

Folk remedies

Vomiting as a physiological process of stomach emptying has been known since ancient times. Naturally, over the centuries and even millennia, hundreds of recipes for counteracting this problem have been effectively and successfully mastered by various peoples.

It should be understood that in most cases the gag reflex is a necessary and desirable condition. natural purification organism from pathogenic agents and other factors, respectively, any recommendations on this occasion, especially not official doctors, a traditional healers should be taken with caution.

No clarification exact reason development of pathology, none of the following methods can be used to stop or prevent vomiting, moreover, their use in without fail agreed with the attending physician.

  • potato juice. Take a few large fresh fruit potatoes, and then squeeze the juice out of them. Use half a tablespoon of the resulting liquid before meals, as well as with the appearance of nausea and vomiting;
  • Green tea. An effective oriental method of combating nausea and vomiting is the use of green tea. To implement the plan, it is brewed classic drink, but in double concentration, at least 2 teaspoons with a slide in one glass of water;
  • Effective herbal collection . 1 tablespoon dried mint leaves mixed with 1 teaspoon dill seeds, after which it is brewed in a glass of boiling water and infused for 2 hours. As vomiting attacks appear, several tablespoons of the finished infusion are taken until the symptoms disappear;
  • Antitoxic agent. As folk practice shows, grated ginger root, which is desirable to add to ready meals, helps to stop vomiting and reduce nausea in pregnant women during acute toxicosis;
  • lemon and water. One of the modern folk methods capable of stopping vomiting is the use of small sips of diluted lemon juice in a ratio of 1 to 8.

How to stop vomiting after alcohol poisoning?

Moderate and severe alcohol intoxication is almost always accompanied by fairly frequent vomiting. By this process, the body is freed from excess ethanol and tries to clear the stomach.

It should be understood that it is undesirable to forcibly stop vomiting in case of alcohol poisoning, because otherwise alcohol poisoning will last longer, and the risk of developing serious complications also increases.

It is necessary to help the body in cleansing from alcohol. During the first 6 hours acute period intoxication, you must completely abstain from food and do not take any medications unnecessarily and special purpose doctor.

As a supplement, after reducing the frequency and intensity of vomiting, it is advisable to use glucose or Regidron. In case of severe intoxication and hospitalization of a person to the department of the nearest hospital, the detoxification procedure is performed parenteral administration saline and forced diuresis, if necessary, hemodialysis.

Alcoholic vomiting can occur due to an overdose of alcohol or due to the use of low-quality alcohol. In any case, vomiting indicates ethanol poisoning. At the same time, the body seeks to cleanse itself of toxins, so it is not worth preventing vomiting. In some cases, in case of alcohol poisoning, on the contrary, it is recommended to induce a gag reflex by pressing on the root of the tongue to help the body cleanse itself of alcohol toxins and normalize the human condition. However, there is another situation when vomiting after drinking alcohol does not stop for a long time. In such a situation, a person needs emergency assistance. In our article we will tell you how to stop vomiting in case of alcohol poisoning.

Danger of incessant vomiting

If the human body is oversaturated with a toxic breakdown product of ethanol, called aldehyde, then you will definitely have nausea and vomiting. In addition to acetaldehyde itself, fusel oils, methanol and various acids significantly poison the body of a drinking person.

Why is alcoholic vomiting so dangerous? Describing the danger of such a situation, the following can be mentioned:

  1. Since the drinking person already has a disturbed water balance in the body, vomiting provokes even more dehydration. Moreover, not only water is washed out with vomit, but also useful trace elements and minerals. from lack of water and useful substances all organs are affected. In the most severe cases the case could be fatal.
  2. If a person vomits while drunk, when he sleeps soundly, then at a certain position of the body there is a risk of choking on vomit. That is why a drunk sleeping person should always be laid on his side so that he does not choke in the event of a spontaneous occurrence of such a reaction of the body. It is advisable, while he sleeps, to control the position of his body and not let him roll over onto his back.
  3. Vomiting blood or bile with alcohol poisoning can signal serious damage or disease to the digestive system. This situation calls for immediate medical assistance.

The reasons

To know how to stop vomiting after alcohol, you need to understand the causes of its occurrence. To begin with, let's clarify that this is a protective reaction of the body, which can occur for the following reasons:

  • If vomiting is single or repeated a couple of times, then this process should not be interfered with, because in this way the body tries to get rid of alcohol decay toxins. In some cases, if there is alcohol intoxication, it is recommended to induce an emetic process in order to clear the stomach of ethanol that has not been absorbed into the bloodstream.
  • Sometimes vomiting occurs even while taking a small amount alcoholic drink. This usually happens when taking counterfeit or low-quality alcohol. Fake alcohol is especially dangerous, which is made with the addition of methyl alcohol. In this case, there is a risk of death.
  • Alcoholic vomiting can occur against the background of individual intolerance to ethanol by the body or in case of an allergic reaction. This may be indicated concomitant symptoms, which manifest as choking, coughing, or skin discoloration.
  • If ethanol disrupts the biliary tract, then bile will be present in the vomit. There is an excessive production of bile, which penetrates the stomach and esophagus. Usually in this case, a person feels a bitter taste in the mouth. Sometimes this indicates an incipient inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis).
  • Alcoholic vomiting with blood is a very dangerous symptom that indicates damage to the stomach, esophagus, intestines or throat. Accurately diagnosing the cause of the appearance of such vomit is possible only in a medical institution. This condition also needs to be treated only in the hospital.
  • Black vomit can be in two cases, if something was eaten that caused such a color, or if there is hidden bleeding. In the latter case, the blood has time to clot, and therefore acquires such a color. This condition is very dangerous and requires medical attention.

What vomiting can be stopped?

Before you can prevent vomiting, you need to determine what type it is. This will allow you to assess the degree of intoxication and take appropriate measures. First, let's figure out what kind of vomiting stops:

  1. If the vomit contains particles undigested food and alcohol, the body itself seeks to clear itself of excess ethanol. Do not interfere with this process. Usually one or two episodes of the vomiting process are enough to completely stop the nausea and normalize the person's condition. However, from hangover syndrome this does not relieve, so the patient needs to drink more fluids in order to quickly remove toxins from the body and normalize the disturbed water balance.
  2. As you already understood, vomit mixed with bile, blood or black is not just a symptom alcohol poisoning, and more serious illness or damage to the digestive system. Therefore, to stop vomiting at home in this case does not make sense, you need to call an ambulance.
  3. The same applies to poisoning by alcohol substitutes. In this case, in addition to the vomiting process, there will be pain in the abdomen, pulsation in the temples, hallucinations. Toxic Substances can affect visual and auditory nerves. As a result, a person can become blind, deaf or die. Poisoning by surrogates - very dangerous state, which requires immediate medical attention, and not an artificial stop of the vomiting process.
  4. Sometimes the vomiting process with the remnants of food and alcohol does not stop for a long time. It is this nausea and vomiting that you can try to stop at home.

Ways to stop

To quickly stop vomiting, you need to help the body cleanse itself of the contents of the stomach. To do this, it is washed. It is necessary to give the patient to drink 2 liters of water, then press on the root of the tongue and cause a response reflex of the body. You also need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • For washing, it is better to use mineral or cool boiled water.
  • To prevent vomit from getting into Airways, it is better to seat the patient in last resort, lay on its side.
  • You can stop the vomiting process without gastric lavage with the help of a medical preparation - cerucal. It should be washed down with a minimum amount of water so as not to provoke another episode of gastric cleansing. After 15 minutes, you can take another tablet.
  • To calm the inflammatory process in the esophagus, you can drink decoctions of chamomile, calendula and rose hips.
  • Immediately after washing the patient, you do not need to feed and stuff with pills, it is better to let him rest and sleep. The first meal is allowed 3-5 hours after the unpleasant process stops. Suitable for food chicken bouillon, and salty and fried foods should be abandoned for now.
  • After stopping the vomiting process, a person needs to drink mineral water, rosehip broth, juice diluted with water, or green tea. However, in order not to provoke vomiting, you need to drink liquid in a sip every 5 minutes.
  • If even after washing the vomiting does not stop, you need to call a doctor.

Attention: gastric lavage is contraindicated in patients with ulcers, gastritis, gallstone pathologies, heart attack and hypertension.

Medical preparations

To treat the patient after washing, as well as to stop the vomiting process and nausea, you can use the following medicines:

  • After washing, you need to drink any sorbent: Enterosgel, Polyphepan, Polysorb, Enterodez or Activated carbon. Taking these drugs will speed up the elimination of toxins that may have lingered in the stomach.
  • Drugs that are used to relieve the symptoms of alcohol poisoning can also help. So, Zorex will accelerate the removal of toxins, neutralize the products of alcohol decay. Limontra is a medicine based on lemon and succinic acid, which reduces toxic effect ethanol, stimulates all physiological processes, increases efficiency and has an antioxidant effect. You can also take Metadoxil, Yantavit, Glycine, Biotredin, or Alka-seltzer.

Folk methods

There are many folk recipes decoctions and infusions, which are good for alcoholic vomiting. Here is some of them:

  1. To eliminate the nausea-vomiting reflex, you can drink ginger water. To prepare it, you need to grind the ginger root. Then the gruel at the tip of a teaspoon must be added to a glass of boiling water. After cooling, drink like tea.
  2. Good effect on nausea Mint tea. It not only stops vomiting, but soothes the esophagus and stomach, and normalizes the digestive tract. To prepare tea, you need to insist mint leaves in a glass of boiling water for several minutes. After that, warm tea is drunk in small sips.
  3. A decoction of valerian roots has a good effect. To do this, grind the root of the plant. After that, 3 g of gruel is poured into a glass of water and boiled for 15 minutes. The mixture is filtered and taken cold in a tablespoon 3 r / d.
  4. A noticeable antiemetic effect is given by lemon water and green tea. For cooking lemon water you need to squeeze the juice from half a lemon and bring the volume of liquid to 250 ml with water.
  5. You can make an infusion of lemon balm. To do this, pour 200 ml of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of dry grass and leave for 20 minutes. After that, the infusion is drunk like tea. If you prepare a steeper infusion, then you need to drink half a glass several times a day.
  6. Fresh potato juice also helps fight nausea. You need to take a teaspoon of juice before meals.
  7. An infusion from a three-leafed watch will reduce the gag reflex. To do this, 50 g of chopped grass is poured into 1/2 liter of boiled water and insisted in a dark place for several hours. Take 100 mg 3 times a day.
  8. To combat nausea, you can drink a pinch of salt with a glass of boiled water.
  9. Very helpful in this case Apple vinegar. One teaspoon of this remedy should be dissolved in a glass of water and drunk in one gulp. This procedure can be repeated several times during the day.
  10. It is recommended to drink a decoction of dill seeds. To do this, two tablespoons (tea) of seeds are poured into 1/2 liter of boiling water. The mixture is boiled over low heat for 7 minutes. After cooling, it is recommended to drink the decoction in small sips at a time.
  11. One spoon of marshmallow grass should be steamed in a thermos with 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse for half an hour. Then strain, mix with honey and drink a tablespoon several times a day.

Vomiting is not independent disease, but only a symptom that occurs with various pathological conditions. She is especially dangerous in childhood. After all, along with vomit, a large amount of fluid is lost and dehydration occurs. If you provide first aid in a timely manner, you can avoid dangerous consequences. Every adult should know how to stop vomiting in a child at home.

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    Causes of Vomiting in Children

    Gag reflex - protective function child's body arising for many reasons:

    • poisoning;
    • infection in the body (rotavirus or Coxsackie virus);
    • a sharp increase in body temperature;
    • appendicitis;
    • overeating and excessive consumption of fatty or spicy foods;
    • swallowing foreign objects;
    • intestinal dysbacteriosis;
    • heatstroke;
    • head injury.

    Besides, frequent occurrence vomiting in children may be the result of disorders in the central nervous system. In infants, this condition occurs after difficult childbirth. In older children, vomiting may begin with a severe headache.

    First aid at home

    It is not always necessary to stop vomiting immediately. For example, in case of poisoning, it is better to wait until the vomit becomes transparent. After all, all harmful substances come out with them.

    undertake Urgent measures to stop vomiting is necessary in situations where:

    • vomiting is accompanied by mucus, blood or bile. In this case, you need to immediately seek medical help;
    • the child is unusually lethargic and drowsy;
    • vomiting is combined with constipation, especially if this condition lasts more than a day;
    • pallor of the skin appears;
    • hands and feet become cold;
    • the heart begins to beat faster;
    • the child is crying due to severe pain;
    • convulsions occur;
    • bouts of vomiting become more frequent;
    • body temperature rises.

    The child vomits bile - reasons medical tactics

    How to stop vomiting in children under one year old

    Most often, vomiting in children under 12 months of age occurs due to imperfections in the lower esophageal sphincter (the muscle responsible for moving food from the stomach to the esophagus). As the child grows, the muscle becomes stronger and the problem disappears.

    There are several situations that provoke vomiting:

    1. 1. Frequent regurgitation of milk or other food up to a year is associated with overfeeding. The food does not have time to be digested and goes out. In this case, it is worth giving the baby less milk and after feeding, wear it upright for at least 30 minutes, avoiding active games. An adult should be careful not to put pressure on the tummy and not shake the baby.
    2. 2. If vomiting occurs due to overheating, then you should cool the room in which the child is located, give an antipyretic and actively solder.
    3. 3. If vomiting is accompanied by fever and diarrhea, then it is more likely that an infection has entered the body. The most important thing is to avoid dehydration. For this, the baby is given Regidron or other similar formulations of 0.5 tsp. every 5-7 minutes. In the absence of a ready-made saline solution, you can prepare it yourself. Per liter of boiled cooled water is taken 4 tbsp. l. sugar and 0.5 tsp. salt and soda. Plain water does not contain necessary trace elements that are lost with vomiting.

    In any case, you should contact a specialist. Dehydration at this age develops very quickly, so it will be better if the child is examined by a doctor.

    First aid for vomiting in children older than 1 year

    Vomiting in children after a year also causes a lot of concern, so you still have to seek medical help. Before a child is seen by a doctor, parents should:

    1. 1. Seat the baby or lay it on its side so that it does not choke on vomit. Keep a basin or other container nearby.
    2. 2. Rinse the stomach with water until the outgoing liquid becomes clear.
    3. 3. To make up for fluid losses, use saline solutions, dried fruit compote, mineral water without gas. For children from one to three years old, give them 2-3 tsp. every 10 minutes. Older children - 1-2 tbsp. l. At the same time, immediately after an attack of vomiting, soldering begins gradually: from 0.5 -1 tsp. no more than 1 time in 10-15 minutes. If a large volume of liquid enters the stomach at once, vomiting will not stop and may even intensify.
    4. 4. If blood appears in the vomit, immediately call a doctor, and at this time put the child to bed. You can give a piece of ice to swallow or hold an ice pack on your stomach. This will help narrow the blood vessels and stop bleeding. Do not drink before the doctors arrive.
    5. 5. After each attack, wash your face and rinse your mouth boiled water. This is done in order to avoid local irritation from the acidic contents of the stomach and bile.
    6. 6. Do not give any food without the consent of the doctor.
    7. 7. At a body temperature above 38 degrees, use paracetamol or ibuprofen, and not in syrup or tablet form, but in the form of suppositories.

    Regardless of the age of the child, you need to collect the necessary things for a possible hospitalization.


    The pharmaceutical market has a wide range of drugs that are used to treat vomiting. Some of them can be used independently (Regidron or Smecta), and some only after consulting a doctor (Cerukal or Enterofuril). Only a specialist can determine the cause of vomiting and prescribe the correct treatment.

    To navigate the variety of medicines, you should familiarize yourself with the following tables.

    Drugs approved for independent use:

    Name Release form Action Allowed age Dosage
    RegidronPowderRestores the balance of trace elements that are lost with vomitingSince birth50 ml per kilogram of body weight
    Essentuki or BorjomiMineral waterUsed in the absence saline solutions. You need to let off the gas first.From 3 years old10 ml per kilogram of body weight
    SmectaPowderRemoves toxins, has an adsorbing effectSince birthChildren under one year old - 1 sachet per day, over 1 year old - 2-3 sachets per day
    Activated carbonTabletsUniversal sorbent, absorbs various toxinsSince birth1 g per 1 kg of weight
    EnterosgelPasteEnvelops the stomach and normalizes bowel functionFrom 1 year5 mg 3 times a day between meals
    PhosphalugelGelAntacid drug, reduces pain in the abdomen, envelops the mucousSince birthUp to 6 months - 1 tsp. 6 times a day. After 6 months - 2 tsp. 4 times a day after feeding

All women know such a thing as toxicosis. Of course, this phenomenon is temporary, but it can really exhaust future mother. In this case, vomiting and nausea can be somewhat limited. in the following ways: have breakfast only with water lemon juice. For a drink you need lemon and sugar. Squeeze citrus fruit juice into warm water, sweeten and drink slowly. If you really want to eat, it is recommended to add croutons to the drink. Ginger grated through a grater, which is added to lunch dishes, helps well.

But if toxicosis, as it were, is a regularity under certain conditions, then there are cases of vomiting that are not at all associated with pregnancy.

Different causes - same result

There are many situations in which the stomach tries to get rid of "unnecessary" contents. First of all, such a desire in a wise body causes poisoning. This is not only poor quality food, but also carbon monoxide, alcohol and many diseases. How to stop vomiting at home, is self-medication dangerous?

This question can be answered as follows: if the malaise lasts more than two days, you should consult a doctor. Before the expiration of this period, you need to try to help the patient on your own.

Since a lot of fluid is removed from the body during vomiting, it must be replenished. To avoid dehydration, of course, drinks, liquid soups, plain water. The main thing is not to drink too many of them at a time. An overfilled stomach will work “to throw out” and the situation will only worsen. The best option there will be fluid intake with an interval of 15–20 minutes in small portions.

"Combined" attack

In the case of food or infectious poisoning, our body “turns on” the defense system and diarrhea is added to the exhausting vomiting. He will seek to get rid of the threat by all means.

Here, a gastric lavage must certainly take place. You can do it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or salt water. The volume of liquid for this purpose should be at least 1.5 liters.

Drinking water, salt, sugar and soda helps well with the disorder. All home remedy(1 liter) should be drunk in 3 times.

It is worth noting that you do not need to try to stop the cleaning process immediately when it occurs. After 2-3 trips to the toilet, when some of the toxins are removed from the intestines with stool and vomiting from the stomach, you can begin to help the body.

Nature has its secrets

As always, pantry folk experience gives us very affordable means for self-help.

The simplest and effective way, prepare a mint infusion. To do this, pour a tablespoon of mint (leaf) with boiling water (200 ml) and leave for 1.5–2 hours. Drink a fragrant drink three times a day, 1 spoon. It helps a lot in relieving the urge to vomit. Melissa has a similar effect (use 4 tsp of herbs). The volume of the decoction is 500 ml. divided into 4 doses.

Dill works no less remarkably: 1 tsp of seeds is boiled in 250 ml. water, cooled and taken when the problem comes from indigestion.

An excellent salvation from vomiting is the well-known green tea. Somewhat unexpected, but true. In these cases, it must be slowly chewed, then spit out.

The time for "Christmas chips" comes not only in December, but also when you need the strength of tangerines. The remedy from their crusts can be prepared in advance:

for 500 ml. vodka (not alcohol!) enough dried crusts from 2-3 fruits. After the antiemetic is infused for 7 days, it is ready for use. This medicine is taken before meals if nausea occurs. For one serving in half a glass of water, add 25-30 drops of the product. Note that this example is better suited for an intermittent problem, when the gag reflex needs to be urgently weakened.

If you know how to stop vomiting at home and what should be done for this, then you can give yourself or a loved one first aid in time to alleviate the ailment. It remains only to check with a specialist true reason the occurrence of a problem.

An unpleasant companion of many painful conditions is a feeling of nausea and subsequent vomiting caused by various reasons. You can and should manage these symptoms at home. Today, many antiemetics and methods are known to help stop debilitating manifestations with the help of drugs or traditional medicine.

What is vomiting

The involuntary unconscious eruption of the remnants of food eaten or other contents of the stomach through the mouth is called vomiting. It is accompanied by a characteristic sound and is the result of a sharp contraction of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. By itself, this reflex is not dangerous, but extremely unpleasant, it is difficult to tolerate by the body, the condition requires first aid at home.

What to do with vomiting

Faced with the appearance of nausea, you should immediately seek medical help to find out what caused the condition. Nausea may be defensive reaction organism, a symptom of a latent disease or the result of a pathology of the nervous system, so the manifestation of vomiting requires immediate response. Vomiting can be caused by hypertension. You need to check this by measuring your blood pressure. If gagging is the result sharp increase temperature, it should be brought down with an antipyretic. Call your doctor immediately if you suspect an injury.

First aid

The most important thing when vomiting occurs is not to panic (with hysteria, spasms are less controllable) and call an ambulance. Gagging can be stopped with medical preparations or simple home remedies. Efforts should be made to pinpoint the cause of the vomiting as soon as possible, as further actions depends directly on what caused it. The reasons may be as follows:

  • Food poisoning- spoiled foods often cause nausea. Such vomiting does not need to be stopped immediately, because the body gets rid of the source of intoxication. It is better if the entire volume poor quality food will be taken out of food ways. With the exception of the possibility of perforation digestive organs the procedure for washing the stomach with water with salt or potassium permanganate will be effective. After stopping vomiting, give the patient a fractional warm drink. Strong sweet tea or rosehip infusion, from chamomile flowers, lemon balm, is well suited.
  • Overdose of drugs - drugs taken in excessive amounts can quickly lead to grave consequences. Such cases require an urgent call for an ambulance and immediately measures taken to free the body from the swallowed medicine. Plentiful drink and gastric lavage are the first actions that must be taken to avoid the substance entering the bloodstream. If the victim has preserved the package from the drug, it should be shown to the doctor for a quick diagnosis and treatment. If the patients are a pregnant woman, an elderly person, or a person in a weakened state, intensive gastric lavage before the arrival of ambulance doctors is dangerous. It can cause dehydration due to the loss of a large volume of fluid. In such a combination of circumstances, it is better for the patient to only offer small portions of the drink before the doctor's examination.
  • Intestinal infection - pathogenic flora, which caused infectious disease stomach, removed from the body by defense mechanism vomiting. In between attacks, the patient is offered to drink small volumes of the Regidron solution. He restores the deficit essential substances removed from the body along with the liquid. If vomiting does not stop, you can drink Cerucal or Motilium.
  • Intoxication toxic fumes- inhalation of toxic substances (poisoning by gas or vapours) chemicals) can lead to nausea and vomiting. The victim must be removed as soon as possible Fresh air to provide oxygen to the lungs. Sweet weak tea or coffee will help stop vomiting. The victim should not be left unattended, in case sudden loss consciousness, he did not choke on vomit.
  • Motion sickness - a weak vestibular apparatus often causes nausea and vomiting in transport. Children are especially susceptible to this problem. To prevent such a development of events, you should try to provide yourself and loved ones comfortable position on the way (preferably reclining), avoid overfeeding children on the eve of the trip, take a few simple means, which can alleviate the onset of nausea:
  1. mint flavored caramel for sucking;
  2. a slice of lemon with a peel (hold by the cheek);
  3. sweet and sour lollipop (can be offered for vomiting to children);
  4. Validol tablet (keep under the tongue);
  5. ammonia.

Medical methods

Today, pharmacies offer a rich selection of antiemetics that have different effects on the body. Each of the drugs has its own scope. Depending on the pharmacological group There are the following types of drugs that help stop nausea:

  • M-cholinergic receptor blockers - drugs act on the peripheral nervous system reducing its activity. The drugs in this group include Meterazin - effective pills for motion sickness. The active ingredient of the drug is prochlorperazine. Take the remedy after a meal with water. Safe dosage limited to 4 tablets per day. List side effects remedies head drowsiness and dizziness. It is not recommended for people with impaired liver function, heart, vascular diseases.
  • Remedies for nausea central action stop directly the vomiting center of the brain. These include antihistamine Diprazine. Active substance promethazine reduces stimulation of vestibular receptors and has sedative effect. Take the medicine once an hour before the trip, children - 10-20 mg, adults - 25-50 mg. The drug is not prescribed for pregnant women, people with allergies to components, with diseases of the heart, liver, bone marrow and brain.
  • Antiemetics mixed action, blocking central and peripheral receptors, reduce the activity of the output section of the stomach, stop the reverse reflux of intestinal contents. This group includes metoclopramide - effective and cheap drug suitable for stopping vomiting in children. It is ineffective in the treatment of nausea of ​​vestibular origin. Available in the form of tablets and solution for injections. Dosage for adults - three times a day, 0.01 g.
  • Histamine H1 receptor inhibitors - drugs that reduce the amount of histamines in the blood, irritating vestibular apparatus. Pipolfen is widely used by travelers to help with motion sickness. The active substance of the drug - promethazine hydrochloride is classified as fast-acting - it stops nausea within 5-10 minutes after ingestion and lasts 4-12 hours.

Adults take 1 tablet before the road, if necessary, drinking 1 tablet every 4-6 hours. Side effects of the drug include: drowsiness, apathy, loss of strength and decreased blood pressure. It is not prescribed for chronic hypotension, persons suffering from bradycardia, impaired transmission nerve impulses, pregnant women, children under 6 years of age.

  • Sorbents (substances that remove toxins from the body) are used for vomiting caused by too much large quantity food, drugs or other drugs that have entered the stomach. Most famous drug this group - activated carbon. In case of poisoning, gastric lavage is prescribed with a solution of 1-2 tablets per glass of water. After that, coal is taken at the rate of 4-8 tablets three times a day, the treatment lasts several days. Prolonged use of coal can lead to hypovitaminosis, it is contraindicated in internal bleeding and peptic ulcer.

Antiemetic at home

If the cause of vomiting does not require treatment in a hospital, then take effective measures on her stop can be at home. With a mild intestinal infection, the doctor will recommend taking drugs from the nitrofuran group or an antibiotic from 5 to 7 days. To stop vomiting, it is better to drink solutions of Regidron or Hydrovit. For the first hour, you need to take at least 10 ml for each kg of weight. For an adult weighing 70 kg, 700 ml of the solution should be taken in small sips. Further, the dosage is reduced to 5 ml per kg.

What to give a child with vomiting

First aid for vomiting in a child is urgent measures to restore the body's water-salt balance, children are very sensitive to fluid loss. If the cause of vomiting is heat stroke, try to lower the temperature. For soldering children, Regidron is suitable in combination with a 5% glucose solution. Diluted preparations should be mixed in a ratio of 2:1. The solution should be prepared based on the norm of 25 - 60 ml per kg of body weight. This volume is drunk in 10 hours. After the dosage is reduced to 10 ml per kg of weight.

If a the right drugs to stop vomiting in a child, not at hand, you can solder mineral water Essentuki or Borjomi. The gas must first be removed from it. Sweet weak tea is also suitable. It is better to drink liquid in fractional portions, since babies can spit up for some time after the spasms stop. A sparing diet is recommended (feeding with cereals, vegetable and fruit purees, dried fruits).


After determining the cause of vomiting, the child is prescribed medications used in pediatrics. They can be classified into one of the following groups:

  • Intestinal septic tanks are medicines that act against disease-causing microbes in the intestines, destroying pathogenic bacteria. This group includes the drug Enterofuril. The release form is capsules or suspension, the active substance is nifuroxazide. The medicine is prescribed for babies from the age of 1 month (2.5 ml of suspension 2-3 times a day). Children from 7 years old can take 1 capsule 4 times a day. Side effects of the drug include allergic reactions, therefore, with individual sensitivity to the components, it is not prescribed.
  • Antibiotics are antimicrobial drugs that stop the development of intestinal infections. For children, the cephalosporin Ciprofloxacin or the macrolide Azithromycin is recommended.
  • Sorbents are substances that absorb toxins and remove them from the body. For children, doctors recommend activated charcoal, Smecta, Atoxil. From the first year of life, Enterosgel can be given to a child. Polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate in its composition is responsible for the absorption and evacuation of toxins. The cleansing gel is diluted with a small amount of water or milk and offered to children. To stop vomiting, infants up to a year are given 0.5 teaspoon of gel 6 times a day, older ones - a dessert spoon three times a day. The drug is not used for hepatic or kidney failure.
  • Enzyme preparations, restoring work digestive tract(Motorix, Pancreatin), give the child if he is older than 5 years. Doctors often recommend affordable remedy Mezim. The enzymes lipase, protease and amelase in its composition help with vomiting caused by intestinal infections, inflammatory processes, dysbacteriosis. Children under 7 years old are given 1 tablet 2 times a day, after 7 years you can take 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day. Rare side effects include allergic reaction. Mezim is contraindicated in intestinal obstruction, acute pancreatitis.
  • Antiemetics - stop nausea by blocking receptors. Effective Motilium. Its active substance domperidone is a dopamine antagonist. A child under 12 years of age is prescribed a suspension of 0.25-0.5 ml per kg of weight up to 4 times a day. The drug is contraindicated in patients with stomach bleeding, tumors of the pituitary gland, renal or liver failure. Rare side effects are observed in the form of allergies, drowsiness, stomach cramps.

How to stop vomiting during toxicosis in pregnant women

The appearance of vomiting in pregnant women is best prevented with the help of regime measures. Tireless walks are needed, a diet that excludes foods rich in fats, the rejection of harmful fried foods and fast food. A simple method helps many - brush your teeth with mint paste. The doctor can prescribe Aeron, Bonin, Cerucal or Etaperazine, which are allowed for pregnant women:

  • Aeron - tablets that stop nausea in transport. Active substances (scopolamine camphorate and hyoscyamine) have sedative effect, reduce the tone of the muscles of the digestive system. The drug is not recommended for glaucoma. An hour before the trip, you need to take 2 tablets on an empty stomach, and then 1 tablet 2 times a day. Maximum daily dose- 4 tablets.
  • Cerucal is a popular anti-nausea medication that stops vomiting within 30 minutes. The active substance is metoclopramide. The effect of the drug lasts 12 hours. Take 1 tablet half an hour before meals 3 times a day. Maximum dose- 6 tablets per day (2 times a day, 2 tablets). The drug is prescribed with caution for kidney and liver dysfunction.
  • Bonin - softly active drug. The recommended dose is 1 tablet 60 minutes before the start of the trip, and then 1 tablet per day if the need to stop nausea remains relevant. Reported side effects are fatigue, drowsiness, dry mouth, visual disturbances.

Folk remedies

Not only medicine for vomiting in children and adults can help, there are many effective folk methods that stop nausea. Before taking the pills, you should try the following:

  • Decoction of peppermint, prepared from 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves, poured into a glass of boiling water. He needs to stand covered for about 2 hours, after which the remedy is taken in a tablespoon during the day.
  • Green tea, prepared with the addition of honey, is also a good antiemetic.
  • Baked quince fruits or apples, eaten chilled in small portions - ancient folk remedies from vomiting in children.
  • healing drink from dried ginger, brewed with 250 ml of water, infused for a long time, drink before meals a teaspoon three times a day.
  • Dill water(brew a teaspoon of seeds with boiling water and leave for 2 hours), taken 5 ml during the day, will help stop vomiting in a child at home.


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