Causes and ways to combat increased blood clotting. The main causes of increased blood clotting

Here is the most banal example: We are preparing dinner and suddenly accidentally cut our finger with a kitchen knife. Blood flowed. But in a matter of minutes, she stopped on her own, and the finger healed on its own.

This is because in our body there are defense mechanisms that ensure that bleeding stops. And above all due to coagulation, coagulation, blood.

If the blood "wrong" clots

But if 8 minutes have passed, and the blood keeps flowing and flowing? There is a reason to pay attention to the coagulation system, because such bleeding is life-threatening.


Reduced blood clotting is observed, for example, in hemophilia (large blood loss during injury, hemorrhages in soft tissues and blood vessels). But there may be an opposite situation, when blood clotting is increased, and this threatens the formation of blood clots (blockage of blood vessels, stroke or heart attack).

The hemostasis system is responsible for the state of the blood. Its function is to maintain the liquid state of the blood, stop bleeding in case of damage to the walls of blood vessels and dissolve blood clots.

The vascular wall, namely its cells - endotheliocytes, provide a liquid (fluid) state of the blood, due to the release of anticoagulant factors. When blood vessels are damaged, the endothelium (a layer of flat cells lining the inner surface of blood and lymphatic vessels) releases a substance into the blood - thromboplastin, which allows blood cells to stick together and adhere to the walls of blood vessels(the thrombogenesis system is activated - the reaction of blood coagulation).

Then proteins are activated - blood coagulation factors. Platelets and other blood cells are added to them, and a thrombus is formed, which clogs the damaged vessel. This is such a difficult, but fast reaction of our blood clotting system.

Platelets are responsible for blood clotting(norm 170-450x109 per 1 liter of blood). Their deficiency (thrombocytopenia) may indicate a violation of blood clotting, bleeding, blood diseases.

Normal blood clotting time is considered if 3-4 minutes after injury(with slight bleeding) the blood stops flowing, and a clot forms in 5-10 minutes.


Blood clotting disorders lead to:

  • infectious diseases,
  • little physical activity (slows blood flow),
  • vascular atherosclerosis,
  • body dehydration.

It also increases the rate of blood clotting increase in blood adrenaline(the body's defense reaction to danger is triggered).

And the frequent use of painkillers, on the contrary, reduces blood clotting.

Complications of bleeding disorders include:

  • bleeding into the brain;
  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhoidal bleeding;
  • bleeding and joint pain and some types of infertility.

Of course, if you have problems with hemostasis, you need to contact specialists. But it's also important pay attention to nutrition, because with the help of properly selected products, you can significantly improve the situation, and in some cases even do without drugs.


Low blood clotting may be associated with a deficiency in the body of vitamin K. Therefore, to increase it, you should often cook dishes from spinach, lettuce, broccoli, carrots, legumes (soybeans, beans, peas, lentils, beans) and cereals (they contain natural vitamin K), buckwheat.

Also useful: cabbage, radish, red pepper, beet, turnip, radish, watercress, basil, dill, parsley, coriander.

Red-violet berries: black and red currants, blueberries, watermelons, blackberries, lingonberries, mulberries, dogwood, viburnum. Fruits: bananas and mangoes, quince, oranges, apples.

It is good to drink pomegranate and light grape juice, rose hips. Add to your diet walnuts and almonds(no more than 1 tablespoon per day).

Blood clotting increases and the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, which is essential for a quick stop of blood, with regular use of h rowanberry and its juice(an exception for hypotensive patients - it lowers blood pressure).

You can also cook dishes from fatty meats (including jelly), liver, kidneys, brains, use butter, lard, cream. But it is important not to abuse these products: such food contributes to the formation of blood clots.


Reduce blood clotting and dilute its fish fatty varieties(mackerel, horse mackerel, sardines, herring, capelin, catfish) and fish oil, magnesium-rich cereals: oatmeal, oats, hercules.

Dissolve blood clots onions and garlic. But garlic should be used correctly for these purposes: cut into thin slices and hold for 15 minutes in the air so that it wilts a little. And it is better to cook the onion whole in water or broth.

Useful cucumbers, Jerusalem artichoke, citrus fruits (especially lemon), natural red wine (30-50 ml per day), red grape juice (0.5 cup per day reduces platelet activity by 75%), cocoa, linseed and olive oil, bay leaf ( 3-4 pieces in a soup or in a second course), sunflower seeds, ginger, dark hard bitter chocolate, green tea, tomato juice.

From berries it is better to choose cranberries (cranberry tea - 2 teaspoons of berries per 1 cup of boiling water), blueberries, raspberries, cherries, cherries, plums, figs.

Herbs: white willow bark, meadowsweet, sweet clover (courses 3-4 times a year for 10-14 days of admission). As well as plain water. You need to drink it often, but in small sips.

In addition, it is very good to use non-traditional methods of treatment that affect blood coagulation: these are hirudotherapy (treatment with medical leeches) and apitoxin therapy (use of bee venom by stinging the patient at certain biologically active points).

These methods improve blood flow, increase microcirculation in the brain and in the heart muscle (myocardium), protecting them from such formidable complications as stroke and myocardial infarction.


  • 1 st. l. shredded willow bark pour 1 cup boiling water, simmer for 10 minutes. After removing from the stove, let it brew for an hour, after which it is filtered. Boiled water is added to the resulting broth to the original volume. Take 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals. Treatment lasts 10 days.
  • 1 st. l. meadowsweet flowers and herbs pour 1 liter of cold water at night, strain in the morning. Drink 0.5 liters of infusion during the day. Course 10 days.
  • - 1 tsp meadowsweet pour 200 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid, after five minutes the tea is ready. Drink before meals 100 ml three times a day. Course 10 days.

Feb 2, 2018 Olga

Such a property of blood as clotting does not allow a person to expire with a cut or any other injury. However, increased blood clotting is life-threatening, as it is the cause of many diseases.

Normal blood moves freely through arteries and veins, supplying tissues with oxygen. Clots and blood clots often form in the thick one, and an insufficient amount of oxygen enters the tissues of the organs, which leads to a deterioration in well-being and a decrease in human performance.

Norm and reasons for deviations

Normally, the density of blood in adults is from 1048 to 1066, and the density of plasma is from 1029 to 1034. Venous blood has a slightly higher density than arterial blood. The index of blood viscosity depends on the number of erythrocytes and proteins in it. Daily protein nutrition can lead to an increase in plasma viscosity, and, accordingly, blood.

Coagulation is influenced by many factors. Predisposition to pathology appears when:

  • An increase in the level of platelets and red blood cells.
  • With elevated hemoglobin.
  • With significant dehydration.
  • Insufficient absorption of water by the body.
  • Acidification of the body.
  • Massive blood loss.
  • Insufficient amount of enzymes.
  • Excessive consumption of carbohydrates and sugary foods.

Also, rapid blood clotting can develop as a result of radiation in the treatment of cancer, with thermal burns or food poisoning, which are accompanied by severe vomiting and diarrhea.

Sometimes increased clotting develops in people suffering from:

  • Hypoxia.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • thrombophilia.
  • myeloma.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Adrenal insufficiency.
  • pancreatitis.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Varicose veins.

Increased clotting in pregnant women

It is noticed that the blood becomes thicker during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the body of the expectant mother includes protective mechanisms that prevent large blood loss during childbirth. Therefore, throughout the entire period of bearing a child, the doctor must monitor the blood counts of the pregnant woman.

If normal values ​​​​are exceeded, the doctor may decide to adjust the viscosity level. The correction method depends on the degree of deviation.

So, slightly increased blood clotting during pregnancy is corrected with the help of a special diet and heavy drinking.

If the tests show excessive thickening, which can cause the development of a particular pathology, the woman will be prescribed treatment with special medications.

What is the danger?

Many people do not know the danger of a condition in which the blood becomes much thicker. One of the most dangerous consequences of this condition is the risk of blood clots in the lumen of blood vessels.

As a rule, blood clots form in small vessels. But when they are formed in large arteries, where blood moves much faster, the risk of a blood clot breaking off and blockage of a coronal artery or a vessel located in the brain increases. As a result of such thrombosis, tissue necrosis occurs in the affected organ, and the patient may suffer from a heart attack or stroke.

Other consequences of high viscosity include the development of hypertension, atherosclerosis, intracerebral bleeding.

Pregnant women with high blood viscosity are more likely to form blood clots, placental abruption, prematurity, or even death of the fetus.

The occurrence of this or that complication is influenced by the reason due to which the blood has become thicker than normal. Therefore, in order to cure a complication, you must first eliminate the underlying disease.


As a result of the deviation of the blood composition from the norm, the normal function of platelets and erythrocytes is disrupted. There is an increased adhesion of these cells, a mismatch in the ratio of the amount of fluid and cells in the blood.

People who are rapidly clotting have the following symptoms:

  • Chronic fatigue, feeling of weakness, drowsiness.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the legs, fatigue while walking.
  • Frequent pain in the head.
  • Bruising of the skin with slight bruises.
  • Increased bleeding gums.
  • Violation of the function of the gastrointestinal tract and organs that suffer from insufficient supply of nutrients and oxygen.
  • Swelling and soreness of hemorrhoids.
  • The formation of spider veins on the surface of the skin of the lower extremities.

It should be noted that the above symptoms are temporary and disappear after the causes are eliminated. As a rule, signs of increased viscosity are most often seen in people suffering from obesity, oncological and autoimmune diseases, and diabetes. The risk group also includes smokers and people subject to constant stress.

Treatment Methods

If the patient has the symptoms listed above and the treatment of increased blood clotting has become a vital issue, then the main task of the doctor is to identify the disease that caused the thickening. For this you need:

  1. Correct metabolic processes.
  2. Take steps to eliminate the causes of blood clots.
  3. Treat tumors of hematopoietic tissues.

The choice of a specific method of treatment depends on the cause that caused this pathology.

In diseases such as atherosclerosis and ischemic disease, drugs with a diluting effect can be used as a prophylaxis. These drugs include:

  • Cardioaspirin.
  • Cardiomagnyl.
  • Magnikor.
  • Thrombo ASS.

In some cases, the complex of therapy with pharmaceutical preparations includes:

  • Warfarin.
  • Heparin.
  • Fragmin.

Thinning drugs for each patient should be selected individually. Only an experienced doctor will be able to prescribe a safe remedy that does not have contraindications for use in the patient's existing diseases.

Thus, patients with myeloma should never take anticoagulants, since such drugs can provoke severe bleeding in the patient. And in order to prevent hemorrhagic syndrome, patients are given thrombomass transfusions, plasmapheresis, and other methods of symptomatic treatment are used in therapy.

Traditional medicine

To get rid of the condensed blood syndrome, it is also desirable to use all kinds of folk recipes. Many plants have liquefying properties, so they are often used instead of drug treatment.

However, before you start using this or that folk remedy, you need to consult a doctor and find out if there are any contraindications to its use.

Blood thinning herbs include:

  • Spiraea.
  • Willow bark.
  • Horse chestnut flowers.
  • Nettle.
  • Nutmeg.

The listed plants can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of tinctures or dry raw materials for making teas. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to carefully study the information on the package regarding the rules for preparing and taking the drug.

You can also prepare a liquefying collection, which includes:

  • Sweet clover is yellow.
  • Valerian.
  • Clover flowers.
  • Melissa.
  • Hawthorn.
  • Narrow-leaved fireweed.

All components in equal proportions are thoroughly mixed and used to brew medicinal tea. It is prepared as follows: 2 teaspoons of raw materials are poured into 400 ml of boiling water and infused for 15-20 minutes. Take this remedy 2-4 times a day.

What you need to know about products

Blood viscosity can also be corrected with certain products. So, some of them contribute to thickening, so it is better to exclude them from the patient's diet. Other products have the ability to thin. Therefore, every patient should know what increases blood clotting and what diet helps to make it less thick.

The liquefying properties are:

  • Berries - cranberries, grapes, gooseberries, cherries and cherries, strawberries, red currants, blueberries.
  • Fruits - oranges, apples, peaches, lemons.
  • Vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes, beets.
  • Spices - ginger root, cinnamon, celery root and leaves, garlic, chili pepper.
  • Seafood - red and white fish, seaweed.
  • Drinks - cocoa, coffee, dark chocolate.

Products that increase clotting:

  • Sugar.
  • Buckwheat porridge.
  • Alcohol.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Smoked products.
  • Bananas.
  • Liver.
  • Radish.
  • Nuts.
  • Pomegranate.
  • Parsley.
  • White bread.
  • Beans and peas.
  • Salt.
  • Potato.
  • Fatty protein food.
  • Butter.

Drinking regime

Not only diet and medications help reduce blood viscosity, but also drinking enough water.

Human blood is 90% liquid, and according to medical observations, the vast majority of people with vascular diseases drink insufficient amounts of water. It is in the summer heat that the number of heart attacks and strokes increases significantly, since increased sweating leads to a loss of moisture by the body, and, as a result, narrowing of blood vessels and thickening of the blood.

In order to ensure the full functioning of metabolic processes in the body and control the amount of moisture lost during the hot season, it is required to drink at least two liters of water every day. It should be borne in mind that the water used must be clean and of high quality.

Other factors affecting clotting

  • Medicines that have a diuretic effect.
  • Oral contraceptives.
  • Viagra.
  • Hormonal pharmaceuticals.

If you are taking one of these drugs and have thick blood, you should consult with your local doctor about the possibility of further use of the drug.

The state of the blood is also negatively affected by smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Drinkers and smokers need to get rid of bad habits as soon as possible.

If you can’t accomplish this task on your own, then you can seek help from specialists who have effective methods of treating nicotine and alcohol addiction.

Sometimes you can bring your blood back to normal with the help of a special diet and sufficient fluid intake. But more often, increased coagulability is a consequence of some pathological process occurring in the body. In such cases, blood counts can be normalized only after the elimination of the underlying disease, which led to its thickening.

Under normal conditions, the blood is constantly in a liquid state. If a vessel is damaged, tissue particles enter the bloodstream, and the process of blood clotting starts. In this case, a thrombus is formed, which clogs the damaged area.

Under certain circumstances, poor blood clotting may occur. This is fraught with severe bleeding and health problems. Therefore, it is important to find out the causes of this phenomenon in a timely manner and take measures.

What is this disease

Blood consists of many components: proteins, platelets, erythrocytes, fibrins and others. It is responsible for the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to all internal organs and tissues.

In order to prevent serious blood loss in case of damage to blood vessels, the process of formation of blood clots when tissue factor enters the bloodstream is provided. If this process is disturbed, this indicates the presence of a disease.

Poor blood clotting is associated with a lack of certain enzymes. There is a decrease in platelet production. Such a pathology is dangerous for human health and life. If damage to the vessels is severe, then severe blood loss can lead to death of a person..

Depending on the provoking factor, there may be several answers to the question of what the disease is called:

  1. If the pathology is associated with a lack of blood, then a clotting disorder is called fibrinopenia.
  2. When a hereditary factor plays a key role, the disease is usually called. Mostly men suffer from this problem.
  3. The disease caused by a lack of platelets is called thrombocytopenia.

These diseases have similar causes and are characterized by the same symptoms.

What is the cause of the disease?

The causes of poor blood clotting can be varied. Moreover, in men and women, the disease can be due to various factors. Nevertheless, there are a number of general prerequisites:

  1. Liver diseases.
  2. Malfunctions of the immune system.
  3. Long-term treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  4. Acute lack of calcium in the body.
  5. Allergic reactions, which are accompanied by a significant release of histamines into the blood.
  6. The development of cancer.
  7. Therapy with drugs aimed at the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
  8. Unfavorable environmental situation, employment in hazardous industries.
  9. Long-term treatment with potent antibacterial drugs.
  10. Taking drugs designed to prevent the formation of new blood vessels in the body.

In women, treatment of varicose veins often leads to the appearance of a problem. It is carried out with the help of specialized drugs, for example, Troxevasin, Warfarin, Detralex and others. These drugs can greatly thin the blood, which leads to the formation of a violation.

In men, a hereditary factor becomes a common cause of the problem. A disease such as hemophilia is often passed down from generation to generation through the male line.

Causes of the disease in children

Violation of blood clotting can be observed even at an early age. The most common causes in children are:

  1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Congenital hemophilia, which was inherited by the child.
  3. Lack of vitamin K in the body.
  4. Autoimmune diseases.
  5. Conducted.

Poor blood clotting in a child can be extremely dangerous for his health and even life. Therefore, it must be diagnosed and treated as early as possible.

Causes and risk of bleeding disorders during pregnancy

During the bearing of a baby, a woman's body undergoes tremendous changes, so he is forced to adapt to new circumstances. Changes are taking place in many systems. Often this leads to failures, including in the circulatory system. Among the main causes of poor blood clotting during pregnancy are:

  1. Premature detachment of the placenta.
  2. Amniotic fluid embolism.
  3. Restructuring of the immune system caused by pregnancy.

Violation of blood clotting in pregnant women can lead to negative consequences for health and even life. The likelihood of postpartum hemorrhage, premature birth or miscarriage is high. Therefore, specialists necessarily prescribe a number of appropriate tests to detect pathology.

A pregnant woman needs to be careful about her health. A complete cessation of smoking and drinking even small doses of alcoholic beverages is required. It is necessary to properly build a drinking regimen, since excess fluid in the body can provoke blood thinning.

How the disease manifests itself

The characteristic symptoms indicate the presence of the disease. These include:

  1. Prolonged and severe bleeding, even with minor damage to blood vessels.
  2. unknown origin.
  3. Increased bleeding from the nose.
  4. Too profuse menstruation.
  5. Bleeding gums when brushing teeth or eating solid foods.
  6. Hemorrhage in the intestine, which is detected by the admixture of blood in the feces.

These signs should be an occasion to immediately consult a doctor. The specialist will conduct the correct diagnosis, and find out the exact cause of the onset of symptoms.

What can the lack of proper treatment lead to?

If the disease is not diagnosed in time and treatment is not started, serious complications can develop. Experts give several answers to the question of what is the danger of a blood clotting disorder:

  1. Hemorrhages in the brain.
  2. Severe pain and bleeding in the joints.
  3. The appearance of bleeding in various areas of the gastrointestinal tract.

With serious open wounds, it will be quite difficult to stop the bleeding. Excessive blood loss will lead to disruption in the work of all internal organs. If a person does not receive help in time and does not receive a blood transfusion, he will die.

Therapy Methods

After you have found out the causes of the disease, you need to decide what to do next. Treatment of poor blood clotting will be difficult and time consuming. Only if all the prescriptions of the doctor are observed will it be possible to achieve a good result.

The main method of therapy is the use of appropriate medications. These include:

  1. Vitamin K for injection.
  2. Means that inhibit the destruction of fibrin in the blood. These include aminocaproic acid and some others.
  3. Medicines designed to improve blood clotting (coagulants). They can be direct or indirect action.
  4. Drugs that restore the normal production of platelets. Oprelvekin and hydroxyurea are most commonly used.

A good effect is given by the transfusion of donor blood plasma to the patient. It contains natural blood clotting factors.

Specific drugs and their dosages are selected by the doctor individually for each patient.. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for use, since an overdose of such drugs can lead to negative consequences.

Along with drug therapy, experts recommend adhering to a certain diet. A good result is also given by treatment with folk remedies.

The best folk methods

After you have found out why the violation occurred, you must immediately begin treatment. Simultaneously with taking medications, you can also use folk recipes based on medicinal plants. Among the most effective of them are:

  1. Nettle decoction. Thanks to the vitamins K and C contained in it, it is able to increase hemoglobin levels, as well as reduce the concentration of sugar. To prepare the medicine, take a tablespoon of dried chopped raw materials or five leaves of fresh young nettle. Pour them with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for at least half an hour. The prepared infusion is drunk in a quarter cup before each meal.
  2. A decoction prepared on the basis of walnut shells has a good effect. To prepare it, it is necessary to prepare the shell so that all the partitions that cover the core remain in it. A tablespoon of crushed shells is poured with half a liter of boiling water and boiled for 20 minutes. After that, the agent is filtered and taken 20 ml three times a day.
  3. Arnica has the property to improve blood clotting. An infusion is prepared on its basis. To do this, two tablespoons of dried raw materials are steamed with 200 ml of boiling water. After 40 minutes, it will be possible to filter the composition. Take this medicine in a tablespoon three times a day.
  4. An effective remedy will be a drug based on yarrow. Steam 15 grams of dry grass in a glass of boiling water and leave for about 15 minutes. It is necessary to take the filtered agent in a tablespoon before meals three times a day.

In some cases, the use of such products can lead to allergic reactions. Before use, be sure to consult with your doctor.

Proper Diet

An important aspect of therapy is proper nutrition. It is necessary to introduce into the diet as many foods as possible that improve blood clotting and favorably affect its composition. These include:

  1. Green cultures. Particular attention should be paid to lettuce and spinach. They contain large amounts of vitamin K.
  2. Be sure to eat fatty fish, such as trout or salmon. Introduce cod liver into your diet.
  3. The menu should include as many vegetables as possible. Cabbage, carrots, corn, cucumbers, tomatoes and celery are considered useful.
  4. There are more fruits: apples, bananas, pomegranates, pears. Drink juices.
  5. Red berries, such as raspberries, currants and strawberries, will also benefit.
  6. Walnuts.
  7. Legumes: beans, lentils, peas.
  8. White bread.
  9. Buckwheat.
  10. Animal fats: cream, butter. When choosing meat, it is better to give preference to lamb or pork. Useful and pork liver.

Try to completely eliminate the following foods from your diet:

  1. Alcoholic drinks.
  2. Strong black tea and coffee.
  3. Sausages.
  4. Fatty and donated dishes.
  5. Mayonnaise.
  6. Confectionery.
  7. Semi-finished products.

The diet must be balanced. You need a lot of foods rich in vitamins and minerals. This is the only way to quickly restore health.

Now you know what a bleeding disorder is called, why it happens and how to deal with it. Therefore, at the first alarming symptoms, consult a doctor and undergo a medical examination.

Interestingly, blood flows freely along the smooth walls of blood vessels and does not clot. Even if you place it in a vessel with a flat surface, nothing will happen, but if you lower a wooden stick or a chip into the same vessel, the blood will begin to actively coagulate. Why? The fact is that in order to start the process of coagulation or coagulation, a rupture of blood vessels or the presence of a rough pointed surface is necessary. In case of tissue damage accompanied by blood loss, the places of the vessels always have a torn edge, and it is to this surface structure that the blood reacts, receiving a signal to start coagulation.

As soon as you have damaged the skin, the most complex work begins in your body, capturing many systems. Indeed, in order for the wound to heal and tissue regeneration to be successful, a huge number of successively carried out chemical reactions, the work of many cells and tissues under the coordination of the endocrine system and the brain, is necessary.

At the moment of damage to blood vessels, a protective mechanism is launched, aimed at speedy regeneration, and, consequently, restoration of integrity. The torn edges become as if sticky, attracting to their surface those in the blood. At the same time, the endocrine system secretes substances into the blood that contribute to its thickening at the site of the cut, thus enhancing the formation of the primary loose thrombus. A stage passes - a change in the properties of the walls of the vessels, which prepares them for a further process - the formation of a dense clot, which will tighten the damaged area.

The primary task of the body at this moment is to stop the loss of blood, therefore, a blood clot is formed in the damage to the vessels, preventing the further spread of the flow from the torn vessels. This happens very simply: fibrin filaments are formed in the blood - a substance that acts as a kind of frame or web, blood cells get stuck in these filaments and cause congestion, preventing the general flow from moving further.

From the moment of damage to the walls of the smallest capillaries to the formation of blood clots, no more than 30 seconds. However, with a clotting disorder caused by genetic abnormalities or diseases, this time can be much longer. In patients with hemophilia, the blood is not at all capable of with a speed sufficient to stop blood loss.

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If there is a person with bleeding next to you, and the specialists have not yet arrived, it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim. To do this, it is important to determine the nature of bleeding, since for different injuries, first aid measures will differ.


Apply a clean bandage if the wound is small. As a rule, with minor damage in a short time without additional effort. If you have it at hand, you can treat the wound with cotton wool soaked in it. Do not press or rub on the bleeding site, this will only increase the pain and prevent self-healing wounds.

Elevate the bleeding part of the body if blood does not stop on its own. This measure will slow down its circulation, and the blood loss will not be so great.

Use your finger to pinch the artery above the wound, if blood has a bright red color and beats from the place of damage with a pulsating jet. It . With it, rapid blood loss can take life in a few minutes. Apply a tourniquet over the bleeding site, after covering the skin with gauze. Get the victim to the hospital within two hours, otherwise the lack of flow to the injured limb will cause it to die.

Give the victim at least a glass of water to drink to replace the lost fluid.

Call an ambulance if the victim has venous or arterial bleeding. If the bleeding is capillary, but the wound is very deep, you need to go to the hospital yourself. You may need stitches.

Various diseases and injuries can cause damage to blood vessels and lead to bleeding. To avoid major blood loss, it is very important to seek immediate medical attention.

The main causes of bleeding is an inflammatory process or neoplasm on the walls of blood vessels resulting from their mechanical damage or disease. It can also be caused by a violation of the integrity of the vessel wall caused by poisoning, infection, or a lack of vitamins. If we are talking about the causes of bleeding from, then this can be an increase in blood pressure, trauma, infectious and respiratory diseases. People often suffer from nosebleeds with sudden changes in atmospheric pressure, overheating, intense emotional and physical stress. The causes of internal bleeding of organs are usually a violation of the integrity of the intestine or the wall and mucous membrane. About fifty percent of this type of bleeding is provoked by an ulcer of the digestive organs. In addition, the outflow of blood from the rectum can be caused by a complicated diverticulum, oncological diseases of the colon or caecum, and chronic hemorrhoids. However, bleeding from the rectum is not always so dangerous, sometimes it can be caused by cracks in the anus or provoked by scratching in this area. Whatever the localization of bleeding, it is necessary to take into account the strength with which it flows, what it is. In case of bleeding from the anus, it is necessary to report other disturbing symptoms, for example, changes in stool, pain syndrome, etc. The presence of internal bleeding, which may be caused by bruising of internal organs, may not even be suspected for a long time. In such cases, gastric bleeding is especially dangerous, in which blood accumulates in the internal cavities. The signs of this condition include pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, general weakness, a rapid, weakly audible pulse, and low blood pressure. If we talk about uterine bleeding, then there are a lot of reasons for them. They can be caused by inflammation of the reproductive organs, dysfunction of the endocrine system, intoxication of the body, and even severe neuropsychic stress. Also, uterine bleeding can be provoked by the lack of rest during work, the presence of polyps and neoplasms of the uterus, the use of certain medicines.


  • Bleeding

Blood clotting is a protective reaction of the body that protects against blood loss in case of violation of the integrity of the walls of blood vessels. Deviation of its indicators from the norm can lead to the development of severe pathological conditions.

The purpose of the analysis for clotting

In the course of this diagnostic study (coagulogram), an assessment is made of the transformation into elastic, which occurs when fibrinogen (a protein dissolved in plasma) passes into a state of insoluble fibrin. The analysis is prescribed for thrombosis, autoimmune diseases, varicose veins, acute and chronic. In addition, it is an obligatory part of a preventive examination in preparation for childbirth and surgical treatment. Capillary blood is used for research.

Coagulation indicators and their norm

Bleeding time - the length of time during which a clot forms when the integrity of the skin is violated. This is a basic study, during which the functions and condition of the walls of blood vessels are evaluated. A healthy person has venous blood after 5-10 minutes, capillary blood - no more than 2 minutes.

- coagulation protein, which is an important constituent element of thrombin, normally it is 78-142%.

Thrombin time, or APTT, is the period of time during which blood clotting occurs, it is 11-17.8 seconds.

Fibrinogen is a plasma protein responsible for the formation of a blood clot. Its normal content is 2.00 - 4.00 g/l; - 1.25-3.00 g/l.

Antithrombin is a specific protein that ensures the resorption of a blood clot.

Causes of reduced clotting

The impossibility of rapid formation of blood clots indicates the development of pathological processes in the human body that provoke bleeding. Such a deviation is observed with functional disorders of the liver, a high deficiency of coagulation factors in plasma, DIC in the hypocoagulable phase, the use of heparin and indirect anticoagulants.

This is because there are defense mechanisms in our body that ensure that bleeding stops. And above all due to coagulation, coagulation, blood.

If the blood "wrongly" clots

But if 8 minutes have passed, and the blood keeps flowing and flowing? There is a reason to pay attention to the coagulation system, because such bleeding is life-threatening.

Poor blood clotting: What to do


Reduced blood clotting is observed, for example, in hemophilia (large blood loss during injury, hemorrhages in soft tissues and blood vessels). But there may be an opposite situation, when blood clotting is increased, and this threatens the formation of blood clots (blockage of blood vessels, stroke or heart attack).

The hemostasis system is responsible for the state of the blood. Its function is to maintain the liquid state of the blood, stop bleeding in case of damage to the walls of blood vessels and dissolve blood clots.

The vascular wall, namely its cells - endotheliocytes, provide a liquid (fluid) state of the blood, due to the release of anticoagulant factors. When blood vessels are damaged, the endothelium (a layer of flat cells lining the inner surface of blood and lymphatic vessels) releases a substance into the blood - thromboplastin, which allows blood cells to stick together and stick to the walls of blood vessels (the thrombogenesis system is activated - the blood coagulation reaction).

Then proteins are activated - blood coagulation factors. Platelets and other blood cells are added to them, and a thrombus is formed, which clogs the damaged vessel. This is such a difficult, but fast reaction of our blood clotting system.

Platelets are responsible for blood clotting (the norm is 170-450x109 per 1 liter of blood). Their deficiency (thrombocytopenia) may indicate a violation of blood clotting, bleeding, blood diseases.

The normal clotting time is considered if, 3-4 minutes after the injury (with little bleeding), the blood stops flowing, and a clot forms in 5-10 minutes.


Blood clotting disorders lead to:

infectious diseases,

little physical activity (slows blood flow),

vascular atherosclerosis,

body dehydration.

Also, an increase in the blood coagulation rate is facilitated by an increase in adrenaline in the blood (the body's protective reaction to danger is triggered).

And the frequent use of painkillers, on the contrary, reduces blood clotting.

Complications of bleeding disorders include:

bleeding into the brain;

bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhoidal bleeding;

bleeding and joint pain and some types of infertility.

Of course, if you have problems with hemostasis, you need to contact specialists. But it is also important to pay attention to nutrition, as with the right products, you can greatly improve the situation, and in some cases even do without medication.


Low blood clotting may be associated with a deficiency in the body of vitamin K. Therefore, to increase it, you should cook meals more often from spinach, lettuce, broccoli, carrots, legumes (soy, beans, peas, lentils, beans) and cereals (they contain a natural vitamin K), buckwheat.

Also useful: cabbage, radish, red pepper, beet, turnip, radish, watercress, basil, dill, parsley, coriander.

Berries of a red-violet hue: black and red currants, blueberries, watermelons, blackberries, lingonberries, mulberries, dogwood, viburnum. Fruits: bananas and mangoes, quince, oranges, apples.

It is good to drink pomegranate and light grape juice, rose hips. Add walnuts and almonds to your diet (no more than 1 tablespoon per day).

Blood clotting increases and the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, which is essential for a quick stop of blood, with regular use of chokeberry and its juice (an exception for hypotensive patients - it lowers blood pressure).

You can also cook dishes from fatty meats (including jelly), liver, kidneys, brains, use butter, lard, cream. But it is important not to abuse these foods: such foods contribute to the formation of blood clots.

Poor blood clotting: What to do


Fatty fish (mackerel, horse mackerel, sardines, herring, capelin, catfish) and fish oil, cereals rich in magnesium: oatmeal, oats, oatmeal, reduce blood clotting and thin it.

Dissolve blood clots onions and garlic. But garlic should be used correctly for these purposes: cut into thin slices and hold for 15 minutes in the air so that it wilts a little. And it is better to cook the onion whole in water or broth.

Cucumbers, Jerusalem artichoke, citrus fruits (especially lemon), natural red wine (30-50 ml per day), red grape juice (0.5 cup per day reduces platelet activity by 75%), cocoa, linseed and olive oil, bay leaf are useful (3-4 pieces per soup or second course), sunflower seeds, ginger, dark hard bitter chocolate, green tea, tomato juice.

From berries it is better to choose cranberries (cranberry tea - 2 teaspoons of berries per 1 cup of boiling water), blueberries, raspberries, cherries, cherries, plums, figs.

Herbs: white willow bark, meadowsweet, sweet clover (courses 3-4 times a year for 10-14 days of admission). As well as plain water. You need to drink it often, but in small sips.

In addition, it is very good to use non-traditional methods of treatment that affect blood coagulation: these are hirudotherapy (treatment with medical leeches) and apitoxin therapy (use of bee venom by stinging the patient at certain biologically active points).

These methods improve blood flow, increase microcirculation in the brain and in the heart muscle (myocardium), protecting them from such formidable complications as stroke and myocardial infarction.


1 st. l. chopped willow bark pour 1 cup boiling water, simmer for 10 minutes. After removing from the stove, let it brew for an hour, after which it is filtered. Boiled water is added to the resulting broth to the original volume. Take 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals. Treatment lasts 10 days.

1 st. l. flowers and meadowsweet grass pour 1 liter of cold water overnight, strain in the morning. Drink 0.5 liters of infusion during the day. Course 10 days.

1 tsp meadowsweet pour 200 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid, after five minutes the tea is ready. Drink before meals 100 ml three times a day. Course 10 days.

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