Violation of mineral metabolism in humans. Symptom of a metabolic disorder. Metabolic disorders: causes

    Doctors talk about problems with metabolism, manufacturers of various additives repeat, instructors do not forget to mention. Is metabolic disorder a reason for speculation or a real problem? Let's figure out what it is, what are the causes and symptoms, what is the treatment.

    What is a metabolic disorder?

    Metabolism, or - is a cycle of chemical reactions that ensure the activity and development of the body. Thanks to the most complex processes, substances coming from outside provide our vital needs at a basic level.

    A metabolic disorder is a failure in any system responsible for the flow of energy and biochemical processes. The adrenal glands, the thyroid or sex glands, the pituitary gland, etc. can fail.

    The problem may be in the wrong diet. Nutrition can be insufficient, excessive or completely defective. This is reflected in the work of the nervous system, which finely regulates metabolism. In separate brain centers the tone changes. In the context of metabolism, the problem most often concerns the hypothalamus, which is responsible for storage and building processes, for the nature and rate of energy conversion from food.

    Among the causes of metabolic disorders:

    Types of metabolic disorders

    There are several types of failures of metabolic processes. There are violations:

    • Protein exchange. Protein is an important component of hormones and enzymes. But there are no reserves of these components in the body, they must be regularly supplied with food. With a lack of protein, the body draws it from the muscles, internal organs and bones. This cannot but turn into metabolic problems. Too much protein is also dangerous.
    • Fat exchange. The causes of this pathology are malnutrition and obesity. Starvation leads to hormonal imbalance, reduced immunity, hair loss, hypovitaminosis and other troubles. With obesity, the risk of developing diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, and atherosclerosis increases.
    • The exchange of carbohydrates. Among the pathologies associated with carbohydrate processes, the most common are hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. In the first case, we are dealing with an increase in blood glucose levels. The problem can develop and worsen with overeating, diabetes, and certain diseases of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands.

    Hypoglycemia is the opposite condition, in which blood glucose levels are low. The problem appears with ailments of the kidneys, liver, as well as due to disorders of the digestive system.

    • Water exchange. Consequences - fluid retention or, conversely, dehydration. Both of these are very dangerous. For example, excessive fluid loss leads to thickening of the blood, dysfunction of the excretory systems, high blood pressure, etc.
    • Vitamin exchange. Pathologies associated with this are beriberi, multivitaminosis and hypoavitaminosis. In each case, there are serious problems.
    • Mineral exchange. Mineral imbalance leads to a weakened immune system, damage to tissues and organs, and other pathologies.
    • Acid-base balance. In a healthy body, the content of alkali and acids is stable. The imbalance of components can manifest itself in different ways - from irritability to death.

    The first signs of metabolic disorders

    There are a lot of signs of metabolic disorders. Their nature depends on the characteristics of the organism and the specific problem. But there are a number of "signs" that clearly indicate the presence of a failure in metabolic processes.

    Outwardly, a person may not show the existence of a problem in any way. But analyzes can reveal the real state of affairs. Low hemoglobin, high sugar, excess cholesterol and salts are a sign that not everything is going smoothly at the cellular level.

    Even before the Metabolic Syndrome blossoms into a riotous color, its sprouts can manifest themselves in apathy, weakness, chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, hair loss, headaches. With a decrease in energy and thirst for life, you must first dig in the direction of metabolic dysfunctions.

    Symptoms of a metabolic disorder

    Among the symptoms:

    • weight loss or gain;
    • suppressed appetite;
    • hair problems;
    • rash and redness of the skin;
    • fatigue and inability to regain strength even after a good sleep;
    • intestinal disorders;
    • (in children) developmental delay - physical and/or mental.

    This is the main symptom. We repeat - a metabolic disorder can manifest itself in completely different ways. Like the causes, the symptoms are very variable. Therefore, treatment may be difficult to find the root of the problem.

    Methods of treatment

    The fight against the causes and consequences of metabolic disorders is a responsible and complex matter. Congenital metabolic diseases require constant medical supervision and regular therapy. Acquired diseases can usually be stopped in the early stages of their development. Many diseases without treatment flow into very problematic forms.

    Nevertheless, even without doctors, victims of metabolic disorders have something to do. The main attention should be paid to the diet and diet. You should reduce and constantly monitor the amount of carbohydrates and animal fats consumed. - the ability to reduce the amount of food that comes at a time. This maneuver responds with a reduction in the stomach and a gradual decrease in appetite.

    Equally important is getting your sleep in order. The state of the nervous system is of great importance. You should avoid stressful situations and learn to adequately respond to those that do occur. Without regular physical activity, it is almost impossible to achieve one, the other and the third - physical education should become a part of life.

    But the basic and obvious points should in no case stop you on the way to a specialist - the doctor will tell you how to treat metabolic disorders in the body. The question is who to run to?

    Who to contact in case of metabolic disorders?

    At the first sign of a violation of metabolic processes, you need to go to the therapist. He will examine, prescribe tests and establish a primary diagnosis. And also send to the profile doctor. Almost any medical specialist can become such.

    In case of pathologies of the thyroid, adrenal glands or pancreas, you will have to go to an endocrinologist for an appointment. With disorders of the digestive system, a gastroenterologist will most likely take up the patient. And, perhaps, even a psychotherapist - his help is indispensable for those who abuse diets. To correctly compose a diet, you need knowledge - a nutritionist has it.

    Atherosclerotic signs are the reason to be in the office of a neurologist, cardiologist or vascular surgeon. If osteoporosis becomes a consequence of metabolic problems, a direct path to a traumatologist or rheumatologist. You will probably have to be examined by an immunologist - the immune system needs to be put in order for most of us.

    Kidney problems will be dealt with by a nephrologist. In case of menstrual irregularities and / or infertility, you should go to a gynecologist - these problems can also be a reflection of a metabolic imbalance. Noticing a rash on the skin, you need to contact a dermatologist.

    Let's get back to exercise. They are useful and necessary in any case, but it is always better to prefer participation in the problem of a specialist to amateur performances. An exercise therapy doctor will help you draw up a physical education plan, taking into account the problems and individual characteristics of the body.

    We have listed a large number of specialists - unfortunately, the range of problems is very wide. Be that as it may, an integrated approach is most important in treatment. Trouble does not come alone, and metabolic imbalance is extremely rarely local. Therefore, the best results are possible with combination therapy. Better yet, prevent the disease.

    Prevention of metabolic disorders

    The best defense is an attack. It is always easier to prevent a disease than to overcome it. Take care of nutrition, avoid nervous strain, let sports into your life. If you look at the problem from the point of view of strength sports disciplines, it is important to consider the amount of calories and proteins consumed. Excessively sharp reduction in calories, and muscle is lost. Skewed to the other side, and the fat layer remains in place. Fighting the problem, you have to walk the line and accurately calculate the components of the diet.

Sometimes it happens that a person significantly restricts himself in food, adds physical activity, but does not lose weight for a long time. Another eats for three and does not gain weight. The cause of such extremes may be a metabolic disorder. This phenomenon is the cause of the development of diseases. But let's take a closer look at what metabolism is, find out the causes of its violation and symptoms, find out how to treat the problem.

What is metabolism?

Everyone understands that energy is necessary for the healthy existence of the body. We draw it from food, that is, from proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The process of processing and splitting these three components of food is called metabolism or metabolism.

It, in turn, includes two vital processes: assimilation and dissimilation. Assimilation (anabolism) is the synthesis of organic substances, that is, the accumulation of energy. Dissimilation (catabolism) is the opposite phenomenon, consisting in the breakdown of organic substances and the release of energy. Violation of the processes of assimilation and dissimilation upsets the chain of metabolism. Let's go back to the example from the beginning. If a person with a metabolic disorder is dominated by dissimilation, then he loses weight, does not get better, but when assimilation predominates, then he gains weight. Ideally, a good metabolism is a balance of dissimilation and assimilation.

For each person, the rate of metabolic processes depends on the number of calories consumed and expended per day, on the genetic characteristics of the body.

It is impossible to influence genetics, but the daily diet and calorie content is quite real.

Causes of metabolic disorders

What affects the imbalance of assimilation and dissimilation? There are many reasons for metabolic disorders:

  1. Heredity, that is, a genetic predisposition to metabolic disorders. It is difficult to deal with this cause, but it is possible.
  2. The entry of toxic substances into the body. The solution to the problem is possible only after the elimination of the cause - the removal of toxins.
  3. Improper nutrition and overeating. By malnutrition, we mean an irregular diet, a chaotic daily routine, an addiction to high-calorie foods of the same type. Overeating is a discrepancy between energy expenditure throughout the day and the number of calories consumed. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle for a long time and at the same time eat the same type of food in the form of buns, hamburgers and sandwiches, then very soon you will have to change the size of your clothes at best, and at worst - work for medicines.
  4. Stress. Today they are the most common cause of disease and metabolic disorders. Nervous disorders, experiences and very often "jamming" of stress lead to an imbalance of assimilation and dissimilation.
  5. Hypodynamia or a sedentary way of life. Oxygen deficiency, the presence of the stomach and intestines in a compressed state, sitting postures for several hours also lead to metabolic disorders.
  6. Constant "sitting" on diets. If the body is subjected to constant changes in nutrition (and this is the testing of all kinds of diets on itself), then it will simply forget how to work in the traditional mode. The lack of protein food in carbohydrate diets and, conversely, the lack of carbohydrates in protein diets lead to metabolic disorders, especially if the body consumes little fluid.

These are the main causes of metabolic disorders. Very rarely, the cause of this phenomenon may be taking certain medications.

Main symptoms

How to find out that the metabolism is disturbed in the body? What signals indicate this? Here are the main ones:

  1. Change in complexion, unhealthy appearance.
  2. Deterioration of hair condition: brittleness, dryness, loss.
  3. Too fast weight gain.
  4. Sudden weight loss for no reason and changes in diet.
  5. Changes in thermoregulation of the body.
  6. Insomnia, poor sleep.
  7. The appearance of rashes on the skin.
  8. The appearance of pain in the joints and muscles.
  9. Swelling of the skin, their redness.

How to treat metabolic disorder

Treatment of any disease begins with the elimination of the causes that caused it. Therefore, first of all, you need to pay attention to the daily diet and diet. You should reduce your intake of carbohydrates and fats. Eating small portions 4-5 times a day allows you to reduce the amount of food consumed at a time, and this in the long term will lead to a decrease in volume, a decrease in appetite.

Next, you need to adjust the mode of rest and wakefulness, try to avoid stressful situations or respond to them more calmly. You should also introduce physical exercise or engaging in a feasible sport into the daily routine. This will increase the energy consumption of the body and give vigor.

All of the above concerns the causes of metabolic disorders, which a person can eliminate himself. If we are talking about genetic metabolic disorders or when the problem has gone too far, then medical care is indispensable. It is necessary to undergo an examination and, depending on whether there are pathological changes in the organs, specific treatment regimens are prescribed. It can be insulin for diabetes, thyroid drugs for thyroid diseases, hormone therapy for diseases of the endocrine glands. It is even possible to carry out surgical treatment if there are serious pathologies of the thyroid gland or pituitary adenoma.

When signs of metabolic disorders appear, you do not need to postpone a visit to the doctor, but tune in to a diagnosis. After all, the longer you put off solving your problems, the more difficult it will be to treat them.


Now let's talk about the diet, the purpose of which is to restore the balance between assimilation and dissimilation. It is based on the principle of proper nutrition, the use of healthy foods rich in trace elements and vitamins that have a low calorie content:

  1. You need to eat frequently. The optimal interval between its receptions is 2-3 hours. Why is it important to eat often? The reason is that each meal is a short-term stimulation of metabolism. The more often such stimulations occur, the faster the food will be digested, which will speed up the metabolism. If you allow large intervals between meals, then the effect will be the opposite. Fearing to be left without reinforcement, our body will store fat, and getting rid of it is quite difficult.
  2. Complete nutrition. You have to eat right. If you regularly eat high-calorie foods, then you will not be able to avoid “fat reserves”. Only light meals in small portions can normalize metabolism. A portion of salad, a bowl of vegetable soup, yogurt, fish, vegetables are those foods that are easily digested by the body, have few calories and are suitable for fractional nutrition. If it is not possible to eat in small portions 4-5 times a day, then you can have snacks with apples, dried fruits, and bread. Be sure to include fiber in the diet as a stimulant of the body's metabolic processes.
  3. The diet involves the main dense meal in the interval from 12.00 to 14.00. Lunch should contain 35% of the total daily food intake. As for dinner, it should be no later than 18.00. Given that it takes up to 4 hours to digest food, dinner should be light, and after it a walk is recommended to enrich the body with oxygen.
  4. A mandatory product of the diet to restore metabolism should be fish. It contains very strong metabolism stimulants - docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids, omega-3 fatty acids. They contribute to the production of enzymes that are responsible for the breakdown of fats and thus prevent their deposition.
  5. For greater effectiveness of the diet, you can additionally take docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids 300 ml per day.
  6. Do not rely on tonic drinks (tea, coffee) and spicy foods as metabolic boosters. They cannot affect the metabolic rate. The opinion about their effectiveness and supposedly the ability to activate the body, give tone - a myth.
  7. Proper drinking regime. Very often, water is needed to break down the products that enter the body, to remove the products of their processing. Two - two and a half liters of pure water - the rate of fluid intake per day for each person. Drink should be 30 minutes before eating and not earlier than an hour after that.

So, it is quite possible to restore the disturbed metabolism. But it’s better not to bring it to this, and spend every day intelligently, actively, and healthy.

Often, we can observe, metabolic disorders in women are pronounced, but we do not always understand them. If the metabolic disorder is acquired, in most cases we ourselves are to blame! Therefore, you need to change your lifestyle, which has already led to the disease.

Hello, friends! Svetlana Morozova is with you. I happened to be on Valaam twice. They showed me one monk (secretly, of course, so that he himself would not see) an ascetic, prayer book, fasting, who led such a strict life that he ate only lenten (vegetarian) food, and even that little by little and only every other day.

Friends! I, Svetlana Morozova, invite you to mega useful and interesting webinars! Host, Andrey Eroshkin. Health Recovery Expert, Certified Dietitian.

Topics for upcoming webinars:

  • How to lose weight without willpower and so that the weight does not return again?
  • How to become healthy again without pills, in a natural way?

The monk was thin, very thin, his cheeks were sunken in, what the soul is holding on to is not clear. From afar you can see - a real ascetic!

Two years passed, I again visited Valaam and saw the same fasting monk. Only now he was as fat as a barrel! What happened? The first thought was: “He decided to eat off the previous years of deprivation!” But no, this monk still led a very strict life, ate just as meagerly and not every day, but at the same time he was blown away - obscenely!

This happened because this poor fellow, with a defective diet, so destroyed his metabolism that even a small amount of food was instantly deposited in his fat. Not for the future he went reinforced fasting.

And here is the monk, you ask, my dear readers, when our topic is metabolic disorders symptoms in women. Yes, the fact is that the metabolism of women is an even more fragile mechanism than that of men, and it is much easier to break it!

Protein is the basis of everything

Proteins perform so many functions in the body that it's hard to list them all. They participate in the formation of the skeleton and muscles, provide movement that would be impossible without the myosin protein; in case of injury, stop bleeding (fibrin); antibodies (they are also of a protein nature) protect us from infections and, finally, proteins simply help our body to live and breathe, because hemoglobin delivers oxygen to every cell of our body.

Be sure to get rid of unnecessary stress and learn to give yourself positive emotions.

Nutrition should be in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements. Daily rates are shown in the table:

Folk remedies can be helped by using decoctions of herbs that normalize metabolism. It:

  • St. John's wort (if there is no hypertension);
  • succession grass;
  • melissa herb;
  • knotweed grass;
  • grass and dandelion flowers;
  • dog-rose fruit.

Either brew herbs separately or prepare preparations (2 tablespoons per glass of boiling water, strain after 15 minutes). They usually take a tablespoon 3 times a day for two weeks with a week break between courses.

Prevention will be our healthy lifestyle and good nutrition.

On this we say goodbye, my dear readers!

A metabolic disorder in each person can proceed in different ways, because the reasons for this deviation can be anything.

Major metabolic disorders:

A sharp increase in weight;
Tooth decay;
Change in skin color;
Bowel dysfunction (loose stools or constipation);
Problems with hair and nails, violation of their structure;
Puffiness is also a sign of metabolic disorders.

Many women who notice, in particular, excess weight, decide to cleanse the body on their own. JustLady strongly advises against self-medication: consult a doctor before taking any measures.

Why does a metabolic disorder require medical supervision? The fact is that these disorders primarily affect the processes associated with fats. The liver cannot process fats in full, so the body accumulates cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins. These substances begin to settle on the walls of blood vessels. As a result, the development of cardiac and vegetative-vascular diseases. Therefore, if there is, then you should immediately consult a specialist. After all, in the early stages, everything is much easier to treat, everyone knows this.

What is the cause of metabolic disorders?

There are a lot of reasons for this, and many of them have not even been studied yet. This violation can lead to dysfunction of the sex glands, thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands. The state of health in general and the correct metabolism in particular also depend on the lifestyle of a person and, of course, the diet. So, the overall balance of the system can be disturbed due to excessive nutrition or, conversely, starvation.

The most common causes of metabolic disorders include an unhealthy lifestyle, alcohol abuse, and low physical activity.

The realities of our time are such that sometimes a person is to blame for the fact that violations occur in his body. So, when a person deliberately oversaturates his diet with heavy, high-calorie foods, he risks disrupting his metabolism. The risk group also includes people who smoke, consume alcohol, lead an inactive lifestyle. Metabolic disorders can provoke hypodynamia, stressful situations, sleep disturbances, unbalanced, insufficient intake of vitamins and trace elements. may indicate the presence of any disease. Metabolic disorders can be caused by both hereditary causes and be acquired. Whatever it was, you should definitely contact an endocrinologist.

How is metabolic disorder treated?

Unfortunately, this process is rather complicated. If the violation is caused by genetic factors, then it is more complex, requiring constant medical supervision. If the violation is acquired, then in the initial stages it is much easier to eliminate the violation. The main thing that a person should do during treatment is to normalize the regimen and diet. First you need to reduce carbohydrates and animals, it is advisable to eat more often, but less. That is, split the amount of food that a person takes at a time into several small portions.

Signs of a metabolic disorder a person can detect after suffering stressful situations. It is clear that in order to normalize metabolism, you first need to normalize your mental state. Good sleep plays an important role in the treatment of the disorder, so it is extremely important that a person observe a sleep schedule. And, of course, you can not do without physical activity. Due to regular sports training, the body begins to expend more energy, and, as a result, excess fat begins to be burned.

Thus, you do not need to treat yourself signs of metabolic disorders and start with the reasons that led to this. It is important that it includes the whole range of measures in order to achieve a really good result.

JustLady reminds you that restoring a normal metabolism should be addressed immediately when symptoms of metabolic disorders. Otherwise, a neglected disease can lead to obesity or other health-threatening consequences. It is advisable to consult a dietitian who will help you create an acceptable diet and draw up a treatment plan. The main thing is not to start the disease and not self-medicate. Of course, at first it will be difficult, because you will have to change your lifestyle and radically change your diet, and how difficult it is sometimes to give up your favorite goodies. But now health is much more important, especially since there is a huge selection of healthy and no less tasty products. Be healthy!

Alisa Terentyeva

Metabolism or metabolism is a set of various interrelated chemical reactions that occur in the body and are the fundamental mechanism of its work. Metabolic disorders may be the result of dysfunction in the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, gonads, starvation and malnutrition. These disorders lead to many functional changes and are harmful to health.

Causes of metabolic disorders

Most often, in violation of metabolism due to changes in the functioning of the liver, the concentration of fats in the blood increases - cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins, which accumulate in the vessels and cause atherosclerosis. Excess intake of fats with food leads to suppression of the immune system and suppression of vital metabolic processes. Starvation or overeating, low-calorie, indigestible food cause disruptions in the regulation of the metabolism of the nervous system, affect the energy and building processes in the body. Metabolic disorders can be divided into two types, with the first, patients lose weight dramatically due to the rapid processes of decay and energy production, regardless of the accumulation process. In the second type, accumulation prevails over the processes of decay and development, this always leads to excess weight. There are many causes of metabolic disorders, to name some of them:

  • genetic disorders;
  • Endocrine pathologies;
  • Violation of the nervous system;
  • Unbalanced diet;
  • Violation of the synthesis of enzymes and immune proteins;
  • Hypodynamia;
  • Ingestion of pathogenic flora;
  • Age changes.

Also, risk factors include alcoholism, smoking, stressful situations, sleep disturbances.

Symptoms of a metabolic disorder

The symptoms of metabolic disorders are varied, with a disease they can appear one at a time, and in certain cases, the appearance of a whole group can be observed. Typical metabolic symptoms include:

  • Overweight or its sudden loss;
  • Insomnia, sleep disturbance;
  • Unhealthy skin, acne;
  • Tooth decay;
  • Weakened brittle hair and nail plates;
  • puffiness;
  • Shortness of breath.

Also, the symptoms of metabolic disorders include increased fatigue, frequent headaches, general malaise, diarrhea, constipation. In violation of carbohydrate metabolism, which is a risk factor for the development of diabetes and obesity, there is an unhealthy craving for sweets, confectionery and flour products. This leads to an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood, provoking the release of insulin into the blood, which enhances the synthesis of fats and contributes to weight gain. With any manifestation of signs of metabolic disorders, it is necessary to contact specialists and get qualified help.

Diseases of metabolic disorders

There are a large number of diseases of metabolic disorders, genetically determined or acquired. Let's consider some of them:

  • Gierke's disease. A congenital metabolic disorder associated with a lack of an enzyme necessary for the breakdown of glycogen, which leads to its excessive accumulation in tissues. Symptoms of the disease are growth retardation of the child, an enlarged liver, and a decrease in blood sugar levels. The only possible treatment is a high glucose diet;
  • Phenylketonuria. A hereditary disease caused by a deficiency of phenylalanine hydroxylase, without which the conversion of phenylalanine to tyrosine is impossible. As a result, there is an accumulation of phenylalanine, which has a negative effect on the brain tissue and leads to a delay in the mental development of the child, starting from 3-4 months of life. In this disease, early diagnosis plays an extremely important role, since the IQ decreases by 5 points every three months. The disease can be fought by following a constant diet and using synthetic products instead of protein;
  • Alkaptonuria. A congenital disease of metabolic disorders, characterized by a lack of an enzyme necessary for participation in the metabolism of homogentisic acid, which is mandatory in the exchange of phenylalanine and tyrosine. With accumulation, the acid is removed in the urine, giving it a dark brown color, as the patient grows older, the pigment is deposited in the cartilage and connective tissue, which leads to the development of arthritis. To treat the disease, a diet is prescribed that excludes phenylalanine and tyrosine;
  • Hypercholesterolemia. The disease manifests itself in the inability to destroy low-density lipoproteins and the accumulation of cholesterol in the tissues due to its high concentration in the blood, with possible enlargement of the liver or lymph nodes;
  • Atherosclerosis. The deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, for the treatment of the disease and its prevention, nutritional correction is also necessary;
  • Gout. A chronic disease, which is a consequence of a metabolic disorder formed in the body of uric acid, leading to deposits of urate in the articular cartilage and in the kidneys, provoking the occurrence of edema and inflammation.

Diseases of metabolic disorders require constant medical monitoring and regular therapy. The best results are obtained by treatment started at an early stage of the disease; if it is not carried out in time, serious complications are possible.

Treatment of metabolic disorders

Any of the identified symptoms of a metabolic disorder is a reason to visit an endocrinologist. Specialists will conduct all the necessary examinations and prescribe adequate treatment, which will necessarily include nutrition correction. First of all, in the treatment of metabolic disorders, you will be advised to limit the amount of light carbohydrates and animal fats in the diet, eat often and in small portions. This will reduce the amount of food eaten at one time, which will lead to a decrease in stomach volume and a decrease in appetite. Also, in the treatment of metabolic disorders, sports are necessary, which increase the energy costs of the body when building muscle mass and contribute to the burning of previously accumulated fats. An important role in the treatment is assigned to the normalization of sleep, since prolonged and deep sleep helps to accelerate metabolic processes in the body. All these methods, together with massages, physiotherapy, and, if necessary, drug therapy, will be included in your individual treatment plan, compiled by your doctor.

Do not self-medicate, only a specialist can draw up a competent scheme for restoring metabolic disorders.

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