What good water should be. What should be the water? Standards for drinking water. How is water quality determined?

Even a small child knows that all life on the planet consists of water - the basis of existence. Most land covers the seas, oceans, underground water resources are inexhaustible. Man, animal, plant - consist mainly of water. It nourishes, quenches thirst, promotes growth, provides vital activity. Of course, not all water has these properties. Various components often make the liquid unsuitable for drinking, use in the cooking process. Drinking water must be of high quality. This directly affects the health of a person. This is especially true for children. To be sure that you are drinking a pure product, visit the Okovtsy website. The products presented on it - bottled water from a unique source, will definitely satisfy the tastes of the most demanding customers. You can order bottled water by phone. Delivery - in the optimal time.

To consume pure useful water, you need to know its composition. The presence of a certain percentage of useful minerals in it helps to improve digestion, increase the tone of the body. As a rule, we drink a liquid in which up to two grams mineral salts, calcium, magnesium, iodine. These elements provide biological processes human body. It is important to follow the balance. The lack of these substances, their excess can harm. Sometimes bad water caused epidemics, the spread of which killed people.

Where to buy high-quality bottled water in Moscow

On the website of the company "Okovtsy" you can buy water that has been tested according to all quality standards, tasty, soft, slightly sweet, with an optimal acid-base composition.

Modern manufacturers often use distillation to remove chlorine from ordinary water and sell it as good. But the distillate is dead. It lacks essential organic matter. Drinking such water is not so harmful, but it disrupts the metabolism.

Liquid with excessive hardness harms digestion. Very soft - leads to an imbalance of trace elements in human cells. Experts call the best water for drinking artesian or taken from a natural source. Sometimes it has to be cleaned of contamination by bacteria or impurities of a mechanical nature. After carefully checking the product for toxins, it is bottled and offered to the buyer. But there are such sources, the water in which comes from the bowels, deep into which pesticides, various harmful substances do not reach, which, unfortunately, “flavor” the earth modern productions and agricultural processes. The Okovetsky spring belongs to the category of such rare phenomena. Order bottled water filled with a variety of useful substances, you can on the website of the company "Okovtsy"

Choosing water to drink

Many consumers drink tap water. Modern technologies offer many different filters that can clean it from chlorine impurities and heavy metals, rust residues from pipes. But experts still do not recommend drinking it. The reasons are:

  • Such a liquid, with constant use, acts slowly, over time causing gastritis and digestive complications.
  • Combining with chlorine, organic matter turns into a carcinogen.
  • Boiling does not solve the problem. In the process of exposure to high temperatures in chlorinated water, dioxin is formed - a potent poison.

Not every filter device can completely filter the water. This is achieved only by industrial equipment. As the best option, it is recommended to consume bottled water - in Moscow it can be purchased on the Okovtsy website.

One of critical issues that interests the consumer is the quality of the consumed product, including water. It would seem that the consumer, in principle, should be interested only in the quality of water at the outlet of the tap.

However, with a more serious approach, it is necessary to answer several related questions: what is quality in general? What should be the quality of water in the water source and when it is supplied to the consumer? What happens to water as it is prepared for drinking?
What is water quality

As you know, water bodies are used to meet the needs of various branches of human activity: for communal and economic needs, for the needs Agriculture and energy, fisheries, water transport. And in each case, water bodies of different quality are needed.

What is the quality of water in a water body and what does it depend on?

Water quality acts as a characteristic of its composition and properties, which determines the suitability of water for specific uses. At the same time, the main characteristics of water use are:

Objects of water use - surface and ground waters, seas;

The goals of water use are the needs of the population, industry, agriculture and fisheries, transport, etc.;

Nature of water use;

Method of using water bodies.

Thus, the water body is used in the interests of the consumer - the water user. Factors affecting the state of a water body can be both natural and anthropogenic, caused by human activities.

By regulating the factors that affect the state of a water body, it is possible to regulate the quality of its water.

What determines water quality?

The water body is characterized by a certain natural composition and properties of water, and the consumer forms his own requirements for the composition and properties of the consumed water. Based on data on the composition and properties of water, as well as consumer requirements, indicators (criteria) of water quality are formed.

Thus, a water body is characterized by the values ​​of quality indicators, and the type of water use is characterized by water quality standards.

Water quality control consists in checking the compliance of the values ​​of water quality indicators with established standards and requirements.

The water quality of a water body and the need for its regulation are determined by the purpose of water use, i.e. by the consumer.

With centralized water supply, it is legally determined that the water supplied to the consumer must be pleasant in organoleptic terms and safe for health; it is understood that the content of harmful substances in water should not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations.

For drinking and household purposes, in industry and agriculture, fresh surface and ground waters are mainly used. The range of quality indicators and drinking water quality standards change periodically. These changes are based on significant changes in the quality of water sources as a result of their pollution. At the same time, the main requirement for the quality of drinking water remains unchanged: drinking water should be safe for health, regardless of the degree of contamination of water sources with waste water.
Drinking water quality indicators

Traditionally, to assess the quality of water in a water body or in a water supply source, if we are talking about obtaining water for drinking, physical, chemical and sanitary-bacteriological indicators are used. The physical indicators of water quality include temperature, odors and tastes, color and turbidity. Chemical indicators characterize the chemical composition of water. Usually, the number of chemical indicators includes the pH value of water, pH, hardness and alkalinity, mineralization (dry residue), as well as the content of the main ions. Sanitary and bacteriological indicators include the general bacterial contamination of water and its contamination with Escherichia coli, the content of toxic and radioactive microcomponents in water. Depending on the contamination of the water body and the purpose of the water, additional requirements are imposed on its quality.

Let us dwell in more detail on such terms as quality, quality indicators and water quality standards.

Quality is a characteristic of the composition and properties of water, which determines its suitability for specific types of water use.

Quality indicators are a list of water properties, the numerical values ​​of which are compared with water quality standards.

Quality standards are the established values ​​of water quality indicators for specific types of water use.

Water quality indicators and norms are not rigidly established and unchanging. With the deterioration of the state of the environment as a result of its pollution, the establishment of a causal relationship between the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of pollution and negative changes, quality indicators and standards change. As a rule, they become more rigid. At the same time, these indicators and norms are directly affected by economic feasibility. Can be scientifically proven high standards drinking water quality, but high price production of water of this quality will not allow for its mass sale.

The shortage of fresh water leads to the need to use treated wastewater for drinking purposes, which basically replenish groundwater reserves. By the year 2000, 12 of the 24 largest cities in the world will be in Asia, in areas with limited water resources. A likely solution to the problem of fresh water scarcity will be the use of treated and recirculated wastewater for drinking water supply.

security settlements Russian water springs with water drinking quality nothing better. Pollution of water supply sources has led to the need to introduce maximum allowable concentrations of pollutants. Thus, the economic inexpediency of complete water purification with bringing its quality indicators to the best water quality was recognized in advance. natural sources.

In our country until recently hygiene requirements to the quality of water were determined by GOST 2874_82 "Drinking water". In accordance with this document, water quality indicators were divided into microbiological, toxicological and organoleptic ones.

Since 1996, hygienic requirements for the quality of drinking water in centralized water supply systems have been determined by sanitary rules and norms SanPiN "Drinking Water". In this document, water quality indicators are divided into:

  • epidemic;
  • organoleptic;
  • radiological;
  • chemical.
  • Epidemic indicators

Water is an ideal environment for the development of numerous forms of bacteria, protozoa and higher organisms. Some of the microbes that develop in water are carriers of "waterborne infections", which include pathogens typhoid fever, paratyphoid, cholera, dysentery, etc. Water can be a carrier various kinds germs of worms (ascaris, pygmy tapeworm, etc.) and protozoa (amoebae, giardia, etc.).

Due to the abundance of forms of pathogenic organisms, as well as the complexity and duration of their determination, they resort to analyzing water for the presence of "demonstrative" microbes in it, which indicates the possibility of water contamination by pathogenic microflora.

A significant part of pathogenic microorganisms enters water bodies with human and animal faeces. These contaminants, regardless of the presence of pathogenic microbes in them, always contain a non-pathogenic microorganism - E. coli (Escherichia Coli), which is constantly present in the intestines of humans and warm-blooded animals.

The number of Escherichia coli in water characterizes the degree of its contamination with fecal effluents. These data are used to control the quality of water treatment and disinfection at water treatment plants. Until recently, it was believed that reducing the number of Escherichia coli to 3 in 1 liter of water as a result of its disinfection ensures the complete death of bacteria of the typhoid-paratyphoid group, tularemia bacillus, brucellosis, etc. The number of Escherichia coli in 1 liter of water is called the coli index, and the amount of water , which contains 1 Escherichia coli, is called coli-titer. In accordance with GOST 2874_82, if the titer is equal to 333 ml, it must ensure the epidemic safety of drinking water. However, according to SanPiN, these bacteria should not be present in 100 ml of water.

Bacterial contamination of water is also characterized by the number of bacteria contained in it. It should not exceed 50 in 1 ml of water (50,000 in 1 liter). Protozoa should also be absent from the water.
Organoleptic indicators

Organoleptic indicators include smell, taste (taste), color and turbidity of water.

The presence of odors and tastes is due to the presence of gases dissolved in water, mineral salts, organic substances, and the vital activity of microorganisms.

The smell of water can be natural (marsh, putrid, earthy, hydrogen sulfide, etc.) and artificial (aromatic, chlorine, phenolic, chlorophenol, oil, etc.) origin.

The taste of water can be bitter, brackish, sweetish, sour, etc.

To quantify smell and taste, a 5-point scale is used:
1 point - very weak;
2 points - weak;
3 points - noticeable;
4 points - distinct;
5 points - very strong.

As a rule, odors and tastes intensify with increasing temperature. Water used for drinking should not have a rating of more than 2 points at a temperature of 60 ° C. Smells and tastes are determined by experienced laboratory assistants organoleptically, therefore this assessment quite subjective.

Chromaticity, i.e., the coloring of water in one color or another, is mainly characteristic of the waters of surface sources. It can be caused by natural substances (complex macromolecular compounds of soil origin, colloidal iron, some ions) and substances entering water bodies with wastewater. The chromaticity is measured in degrees of the standard platinum-cobalt scale by comparing the test sample with water of the reference chromaticity. The color of drinking water should not exceed 20°. AT exceptional cases, in agreement with the sanitary supervision authorities, this figure can reach 35 °.

The turbidity (transparency) of water depends on the presence of suspended particles in it and is determined directly - by the weight method or indirectly - by a font or a cross.

Turbidity is determined by the gravimetric method by weighing the filtered part of mechanical impurities on a laboratory balance. The turbidity of drinking water should not exceed 1.5 mg/l. The use of turbid water for drinking water supply is undesirable, and sometimes simply unacceptable.

With the indirect method, the turbidity estimate is the height of the water column in the cylinder, through which you can clearly see a special font or the edges of the cross. This height should be at least 30 cm when determining haze by font and at least 300 cm when determining by a cross.
Radiological indicators

Sources of radioactive substances entering water bodies are mineral and geothermal waters, which are formed in the immediate vicinity of natural deposits of radioactive ores, liquid and solid radioactive waste, radioactive materials, violations of the conditions for their processing and storage, as well as emissions and accidents at radiation facilities.

Isotopes of tritium 3H, sodium 24Na, phosphorus 32P, chromium 51Cr, cobalt 60Co, cesium 137Cs, etc. can be present in water bodies. These radioactive elements can be found both in the form of cations and anions, and in the form of complex compounds. The total alpha radioactivity should not exceed 0.1 Bq, and beta radioactivity -

1.0 Bq per 1 liter of water. Radiometric indicators are measured by dosimetric devices.
Chemical indicators

Chemical indicators of water include pH, total mineralization (dry residue), hardness, alkalinity, oxidizability - the so-called generalized, as well as the concentration of dissolved organic and inorganic substances- petroleum products, surfactants, etc.

Hydrogen index of water

The pH of water is an indicator of the concentration of hydrogen ions, numerically equal to negative logarithm concentration of hydrogen ions:

The active reaction of water, depending on the concentration of hydrogen ions, can be neutral, acidic or alkaline.

The water molecule belongs to weak electrolytes, the degree of its dissociation into the hydrogen ion H+ and the hydroxide ion OH_ is low. Out of 10 million molecules (107), only one decomposes into a hydrogen ion and a hydroxide ion:

H2O ® H+ + OH_.

The product of the concentrations of these ions is a constant value and is called the ionic product of water KW.

It's obvious that

KW \u003d (H +) (OH_) \u003d (10_7) (10_7) \u003d 10_14 (mol / l) 2.

Recall that a mole is such an amount of a substance that is numerically equal to its molecular, atomic or ionic mass.

In water with a neutral reaction, the concentration of hydrogen ions СН+ is equal to the concentration of hydroxyl ions Son_, which is approximately С = 10_7 g/l.

The pH value of water is numerically equal to the indicator of the degree of concentration of hydrogen ions, taken with the opposite sign.

For drinking water, the pH value should be between 6 and 9. Measure the active reaction of the water special devices- pH meters, sometimes - with the help of indicators.

General mineralization

Total mineralization is the total concentration of anions, cations and undissociated organic substances dissolved in water, expressed in grams per cubic decimeter or liter (g / dm3, g / l). The total mineralization of water coincides with the dry residue, which is obtained by evaporating a certain volume of water, previously filtered through a paper filter, and then drying the residue to a constant weight at a temperature of 105-120 ° C. The dry residue can also be calculated by summing the concentrations of anions and cations determined by chemical analysis methods. Mineralization of drinking water should not exceed 1 g/l.

Hardness of water

The hardness of water is due to the presence of calcium and magnesium cations in it. These cations form sparingly soluble salts with carbonate and hydroxyl ions normally present in water.

Available in natural waters bicarbonate ions, when heated, decompose into carbon dioxide and carbonate ion:

2H2CO 3 ® CO2 + CO32_ + H2 O.

If hardness cations are present in water, then, interacting with carbonate ions at high temperatures they form insoluble salts. Therefore, hard water can form scale and deposits on the household appliances, boilers, pipelines hot water. Hardness cations form sparingly soluble salts also with fatty acids included in the soap. Therefore, when using hard water for washing clothes, it must first be softened, i.e., hardness cations must be removed from it.

Water hardness is determined by titrating a water sample with the Trilon-B reagent in the presence of an indicator of murexide or dark blue chromium at a pH value of the sample of about 9. The amount of Trilon-B required to change the color of the indicator is used to judge water hardness. The concentration of hardness cations in water is determined in milligram equivalents per liter (mg-eq / l) or in millimoles per liter (mmol / l). Water hardness for drinking purposes is limited to 7 mmol/l.

Water oxidizability

The oxidizability of water is due to the presence of organic substances in it, as well as a number of easily oxidized inorganic impurities, such as ferrous iron, hydrogen sulfide, sulfites, etc.

The oxidizability of water, or chemical oxygen demand (COD), is determined by the amount of oxygen consumed during the chemical oxidation of organic and inorganic substances contained in water under the action of various oxidizing agents. There are several methods for determining the oxidizability of water: permanganate, dichromate, iodate, etc. The name of the method depends on the oxidizing agent used. In the practice of water treatment, the method of permanganate oxidation is widely used. Permanganate oxidation of drinking water should not exceed 5 mg/l.

Organic and inorganic substances

The total number of chemicals that, as a result of industrial activities, pollute natural waters and can cause adverse effect on human health is constantly increasing and currently exceeds 50,000. Therefore, testing to determine the concentration of all chemicals that may be present in water is simply not possible.

At the same time, the most common chemicals found in natural waters and formed during water treatment, which can harm human health, are systematized. SanPiN presents the maximum allowable concentrations of these chemicals.

Water is an inorganic, inherently unique substance that determines the existence of life on our planet. It is the basis for all biochemical processes, the universal solvent. This substance is unique, because it can dissolve both inorganic , and organic substances.

Throughout life, it accompanies a person, and our body mostly consists of it. Therefore, it is impossible to live without it.

In the article below we will talk about why it is good to drink water, how to do it right, and why you need to choose certain water in order to get maximum benefit for the body.

The question of what kind of water you can drink is relevant for most people. Very often we drink it without thinking about its origin.

However, you should always make sure that the fluid you consume is physically complete and healthy. When discussing whether it is healthy to drink water of a certain origin, the following factors should be considered:

  • natural origin is important - it must be mined from an underground source;
  • it should not contain any artificial additives;
  • it is important that there is no deep cleaning by osmosis;
  • it is desirable that it be slightly mineralized (0.5-0.75 g / l).

After all, only a liquid of natural origin, in its composition, has all the elements necessary for the body. Accordingly, it is difficult to find a more healthy drink for the body.

Of course, during the discussion, other questions arise - for example, what kind of water is better to drink - boiled or raw.

Which water is healthier - boiled or raw?

Since raw water contains many trace elements in the form of salts, it is better to drink it. Molecules in it are arranged in a peculiar way. That is why raw water is sometimes called living water. It promotes cell regeneration, prevents the formation of free radicals . However, it is often necessary to boil the water as the raw liquid may contain toxic substances and harmful bacteria .

However, boiled water is practically useless for the body. Moreover, it is even harmful, so sometimes it is even called "dead". This name is associated with the following factors:

  • after boiling, the oxygen content is significantly reduced;
  • useful for the body salt in the process of boiling, they precipitate into an insoluble precipitate;
  • if you boil water from the tap, then chlorine , which it contains, turns into toxic compounds, which can subsequently provoke the development of oncological pathologies;
  • since after boiling the structure changes, then after about a day bacteria begin to multiply in it.

But, when discussing the questions of how “dead” water is useful, whether boiled water can be consumed, its benefits and harms should be adequately assessed. After all, there is always actual question safety, and no one can guarantee that raw does not contain substances harmful and even dangerous to the body. Therefore, those who ask whether it is useful to drink boiled water can be answered that the benefits boiled water, on at least, in her safety.

But those who still choose boiled, should adhere to some rules. It is necessary to let the raw liquid stand for two hours, after which it should be boiled. Turn off the kettle as soon as it starts to boil. Then the liquid will already have time to be disinfected, but at the same time, part of the minerals will still remain in a form in which they can be absorbed by the body.

It is also important to drink boiled water only fresh and not store it. long time. But at the same time, it should be clearly understood that only in a liquid of natural origin there are all the important for health trace elements and macronutrients .

Is drinking water safe in our country?

Is it possible to drink water from the tap - a question that is relevant for many modern people. And not only from the tap, but also spring or bottled.

Thanks to the use of modern disinfection and purification systems, from the point of view of sanitary-chemical and microbiological indicators, tap water is safe. However, it must be remembered that in most settlements the water supply system is worn out, which leads to an excess of chlorine and iron in the liquid that flows from the tap. And sometimes it even contains bacteria and organic matter.

More preferably, when it comes to the water supply from an underground source. However, in most settlements, especially very large ones, the population receives it from various land sources - rivers, lakes, large reservoirs. Undoubtedly, it is purified, but still it remains not as high quality as it was raised from the ground.

What is the healthiest water to drink?

If we talk about raw, then the opinions of many differ. Some believe that it is better to buy bottled, even taking into account the rating of its manufacturers. Others calmly drink what runs from the tap.

Let's take a closer look at what water is best for drinking.

Tap water

It is pre-purified at enterprises that supply water to the population, to such an extent that it meets all the standards specified in the relevant documents. But still she is not the best choice. If other options are not available, the following guidelines should be followed:

  • practice boiling, taking into account the principles that were described above;
  • filter;
  • defend for two hours, and drink only the upper half of the settled liquid.

However, the latter method will not provide protection against harmful microorganisms and .


A good choice is bottled water. What it is? This is raw water that has been industrially purified beforehand. It is safe for consumption. It is also packaged in large bottles of 5, 10, 19 liters, etc. If we discuss the rating of bottled water, then we must take into account that it can be the first and the highest category.

  • The first category is tap water purified by deep purification, taken from surface water bodies.
  • The highest category - cleaned using gentle methods, disinfected with ultraviolet light, from an artesian well.

But before buying just such a variety for the whole family, you need to clearly know what bottled water is and whether it is useful. Provided that the cleaning has been carried out correctly, its benefits are undeniable, and it does not need to be boiled before consumption. But the reality is that many manufacturers, trying to save money, carry out certain stages of purification in bad faith. As a result, often the product is not as high quality as the annotations on the label indicate. And often low quality is confirmed by a control purchase.

To determine which bottled water is the best, and choose a good product, you need to consider the following:

  • a manufacturing company that has been operating on the market for a long time is more reliable;
  • conscientious manufacturers use high-quality packaging and labels;
  • a kind of "rating" of the best bottled drinking water can be found by talking with people - "popular" opinion is also important as an argument when choosing;
  • to fully ascertain the quality of the product, it can be taken to the laboratory and ordered for safety and quality checks.


Spring water, the benefits or harms of which are often discussed by users, undergoes natural purification, making its way through several layers of soil. In such a liquid, as a rule, there are no harmful impurities and, moreover, it is enriched minerals passing through the soil.

When choosing just such water for children and adults, it must be borne in mind that those springs that are located near large cities, highways or industrial enterprises, in this case not suitable as they are not clean and safe.

But there are a lot of springs, both widely known in certain regions, and small, but very clean, from which they take water that belongs to the highest category in all respects. Some of these springs usually have official passports and are restricted in access.

You can also find spring water on sale - it is also packaged and sold in bottles. But there are cases when, instead of spring water, unscrupulous manufacturers package ordinary artesian water. Its benefits and harms have already been described above. But in any case, artesian water is not spring water, so you should be very careful in choosing. In addition to following the recommendations that have already been described, you need to ensure that the label indicates the spring where the contents of the container were taken.

Those who prefer to collect water from a spring on their own must make sure that the container is always clean. Periodically, samples should be taken from the source and tested in the laboratory.


Mineral water comes from natural sources and contains a large number of salts and trace elements from the deep layers of the soil. When it passes through the soil, its mineralization gradually occurs. It is divided into three groups depending on the content of salts in it:

  • therapeutic - with a mineralization of more than 8 g / l;
  • medical-dining room - with a mineralization of 1-8 g / l;
  • dining room - with a mineralization of less than 1 g / l.

You can figure out what mineral water is useful for, and which mineral water is the most useful, by learning more about each of its varieties.


It can be drunk without risk, as it does not have an active effect on the body. It is useful to drink such mineral water for those who have recently suffered poisoning, intoxication, acute intestinal infection. However, drinking it all the time is still not recommended. And it is also impossible to completely replace ordinary drinking mineral water in any case. Children under 12 years of age should not be given it without a doctor's prescription.

Therapeutic mineral

It is prescribed by a specialist, be sure to determine the dosage and period of use. Like medications She has both indications and contraindications. Therefore, without the appointment of a specialist, such water should not be consumed.

Medical-dining room

Such mineral water is also prescribed by a specialist. But later the patient himself can apply it in the same courses, adhering to the previously received recommendations.

Filtered water is widely consumed these days, and many homes have quick filters for cleaning. This is the most economical way to get quality liquid straight from the tap.

An expert will help you choose the best filter for drinking water. You can purchase a flow filter that is built directly into the plumbing system, as well as mobile pitcher-type filters.

But in order to get the most optimal result, you first need to analyze the water coming from the tap. Since each filter has a special cleaning basis, it is necessary to understand exactly what undesirable substances are in the composition of the liquid.

Get "at the exit" safe and beneficial liquid can be subject to the following conditions:

  • choose the right filter to filter out specific substances;
  • change cartridges in a timely manner, ideally without waiting for the expiration of the time specified by the manufacturer;
  • periodically test samples in the laboratory to determine if filtration is helping.

Universal filters

They completely purify the liquid from bacteria and other harmful substances. Their principle of operation is the so-called reverse osmosis. Are there harm or benefits to the body when using such filters?

Such water is safe, as it is completely free of impurities. However, at the same time, it is also cleansed of salts. And distilled (salt-free) water is not very useful.

Distilled water: benefits and harms

If you regularly consume such a liquid, demineralization of the body develops. Liquid without salts will gradually take them out of the body. As a result, diseases of the heart, blood vessels, skeletal system. It will also take place premature aging organism, metabolic processes are disturbed.

Some modern expensive filters are equipped with a system that provides artificial mineralization of purified water. However, those salts that were artificially added to the liquid are not absorbed as well as natural salts. In addition, they can adversely affect the function of the urinary system.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that chlorine compounds, which are carcinogenic, penetrate back through the membrane. And this increases the risk of developing oncological processes.

Pitcher filters

They purify the liquid only from a specific type of contaminant. And if it was not previously held laboratory research, in order to determine the presence of toxins and contaminants, as such filtering may not be useful. And in cartridges they can multiply pathogenic microorganisms, subsequently only worsening the condition of drinking water.

Melt water: harm and benefit

Relatively recently, information that melt water is very useful began to be widely disseminated in different sources. In particular, much is written about the fact that the molecular structure of such a liquid ensures its positive impact on the body. It is believed that it activates, reduces blood levels, strengthens and improves physical and intellectual activity.

But in fact, under normal conditions, it is impossible to get a useful “product”. After all, even if, after defrosting, the upper part should be separated, then harmful impurities can still remain in it.


Wells are still often used in villages. But very often, well water is not safe, and if it is tested in a laboratory, it will not meet sanitary standards. Often such a liquid contains a large amount of nitrates, iron, sulfates. And sometimes they find in it pathogenic organisms hazardous to health.

It is extracted from surface aquifers, which are heavily polluted by sewage. Rainwater also enters the wells, polluting it even more. In addition, garbage, corpses of birds and animals often fall into the wells. Therefore, it is not necessary to talk about the safety and benefits of such water, alas.

Until the child is three years old, bottled water of the highest category should be given to him. It must be boiled. When the child is three years old, he can drink it without boiling. But you need to buy only a quality, proven product.

However, there is another opinion, less conservative: after a year, you can start giving your child clean, unboiled water, provided that the parents are completely confident in its quality.

As a rule, experts do not advise buying a special one for children. After all, it has few minerals and salts, and it can "pull" them out of the child's body.

In any case, conscious people should ensure that the whole family consumes only high-quality and proven liquid. After all, health and well-being directly depend on this.

Drinking water must meet certain established standards and GOSTs.

There are several standards for drinking water:

  • Russian standard, determined by the relevant norms and GOSTs;
  • WHO (World Health Organization) standard;
  • US standard and European Union (EU) standard.

The quality of drinking water on the territory of the Russian Federation is determined by the norms of sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation. The main Russian GOST for drinking water is the Sanitary Rules and Norms (SanPiN) put into effect in 2002.

In accordance with the current standards and norms, the term high quality drinking water means:

  • water with appropriate organoleptic characteristics - transparent, odorless and with a pleasant taste;
  • water with pH = 7-7.5 and hardness not higher than 7 mmol/l;
  • water, in which the total amount of useful minerals is not more than 1 g / l;
  • water containing harmful chemical impurities either make up tenths-hundredths of their MPC, or are completely absent (that is, their concentrations are so small that they are beyond the capabilities of modern analytical methods);
  • water with virtually no pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

An approximate standard for water is shown in table 1:

Table 1. Approximate water standard




up to 1.5 mg/l.


up to 20 deg.

Odors and tastes at 20 °C.



up to 5-30 mg/l.


140-300 mg/l.

Hydrogen indicator

General hardness

1.5-2.5 mg-eq / l.

* At a concentration of 2-8 mg / l, a disease of fluorosis is possible. At a concentration of 1.4-1.6 mg/l, dental caries develops.

0.7-1.5 mg/l.

* Excess iron gives the water a red-brown color, impairs its taste, causes the development of iron bacteria, sedimentation in pipelines and their clogging. Excess iron increases the risk of heart attacks, long-term use causes liver disease.

up to 0.3 mg/l.


up to 0.1 mg/l.


up to 0.0002 mg/l.

* Above 0.25 mg/l causes gout.

up to 0.05 mg/l.

up to 0.05 mg/l.

up to 0.1 mg/l.

up to 0.001 mg/l.

*At concentrations above 7 mg/l causes bone disease.

1.2 10(-10) Ci/l.

*When exceeded, causes liver disease, hepatitis and anemia.


up to 0.5 mg/l.

* When exceeded, it inhibits oxidative processes in the body, causes anemia.


up to 3.5 mg/l.


up to 3.5 mg/l.


up to 3.3 mg/l.

*When exceeded, nitrosamines are synthesized in the human body, which contribute to the formation of malignant tumors that develop into cancer

up to 45 mg/l.

The total number of bacteria in 1 ml is up to 100.



Cysts of pathogenic intestinal protozoa


Sum of halogenated compounds

up to 0.1 mg/l.


up to 0.06 mg/l.

tetrachloric carbon

up to 0.006 mg/l.

Oil products

up to 0.3 mg/l.

Volatile phenols

up to 0.001 mg/l.

up to 0.001 mg/l.

up to 0.0005 mg/l.

Hydrogen sulfide
*Appearance in water may be the result of putrefactive processes or the discharge of untreated sewage. At a concentration of 0.5 mg / l, an unpleasant odor appears, the process of corrosion and overgrowth of pipelines intensifies.

no more than 0.003

Table 2 contains general requirements for the composition and properties of water, indicating allowable norms. The quality of water for water intake is assessed not only by the presence of toxic and bad-smelling substances in it, but also by changes in physical and chemical parameters and properties of water.

Table 2. Indicator of the composition and properties of the water of the reservoir

Indicator of the composition and properties of water

Requirements and regulations

suspended solids

floating impurities

Floating films, oil stains and accumulation of other impurities should not be detected on the surface of the water.

Smells and tastes

Water should not acquire odors and tastes intensity of more than one point

Should not be found in a column of 20 centimeters


Summer water temperature as a result of wastewater discharge should not increase by more than 3 degrees compared to the average monthly temperature of the hottest month over the past 10 years

pH value

Mineral composition

Should not exceed 1000 mg/l in dry residue, 350 mg/l chlorides, 500 mg/l sulfates

Dissolved oxygen

Not less than 4 mg/l

BOD at 20 deg

Not more than 3 mg/l

Not more than 15 mg/l

Note: The water sample is analyzed according to the following indicators: general hardness, pH, iron content, color, odor, nitrates, nitrites, hydrogen sulfide, water microbiology, etc. In addition, great importance has the performance of water treatment equipment, which depends on the peak load of the object's water consumption.

A short list of inorganic and organic substances, as well as bacteria and viruses in drinking water that have an adverse effect on the human body, is presented in Table 3.

Table 3
The influence of inorganic and inorganic substances, bacteria and viruses on the human body

The name of the substance, bacterium or virus

Human organs and systems
which are affected by these compounds

inorganic substances


Gastrointestinal tract

Kidneys, liver

Skin, blood; carcinogen

Nitrates and nitrites

Kidneys, developmental delay

Gastrointestinal tract, blood, kidneys, liver

Nervous system

organic matter


Pesticides (DDT, anachlor, heptachlor)


Chlorine compounds (vinyl chloride, dichloroethane)

Blood, kidneys, liver

Liver, kidneys, metabolism

Nervous system, kidneys, liver

Bacteria and viruses


Gastrointestinal tract


Gastrointestinal tract

hepatitis virus

Drinking water parameters are divided into three groups:

  • organoleptic properties;
  • indicators of bacterial and sanitary-chemical pollution;
  • Chemical properties

Organoleptic indicators of drinking water- assessments of smell, taste, color and turbidity, each person can perform independently.

Chemical properties waters are characterized by the following indicators: hardness, oxidizability, pH value, general mineralization - the content of dissolved salts and elements in water.


Calcium is an extremely important mineral. The human body contains up to 30-40 kg of calcium, 99% of which is found in the bones and teeth. Calcium is involved in the formation of bones, it is necessary for the excitation of nerves, muscle function, blood clotting and transmission of hormonal signals. In addition, calcium regulates the activity of various enzymes and has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties. Lack of calcium leads to muscle dysfunction and is the cause of osteoporosis.


Magnesium, like potassium, is a very important element in the cell. It activates enzymes that regulate various chemical reactions in the body, takes part in the functioning of muscle and nerve cells and plays a key role in the normal functioning of the heart and blood circulation. The body loses magnesium when drinking alcohol. The consequences can be irritability, poor concentration, muscle cramps and heart rhythm disturbances.


Sodium is a vital mineral whose main task is to regulate the body's water and acid-base balance together with chlorides. Together with potassium, sodium plays a significant role in the formation of a nerve impulse.


Potassium is a mineral that plays an important role in the functioning of muscle and nerve cells. It is necessary for the muscle cells of the heart, which need a sufficient amount of potassium. Potassium deficiency can be expressed as general fatigue, and muscle cramps, as well as muscle weakness or heart rhythm disturbances.


Chlorides determine the amount of chlorine in the body, which helps maintain the acid-base balance of fluids and plays an important role in the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.


Chlorine disinfects water, because. chlorine is a powerful oxidizing agent capable of destroying pathogens. However, in the rivers and lakes where water is taken from, there are many substances that got there with sewage, and chlorine reacts with some of them. As a result, much more toxic compounds are formed than chlorine itself. For example, chlorine compounds with phenol; they give the water an unpleasant odor, affect the liver and kidneys, but in small concentrations are not very dangerous. However, compounds of chlorine with benzene, toluene, gasoline are possible, with the formation of dioxin, chloroform, chlorotoluene and other carcinogens. Disinfecting water without chlorine is not economically feasible, because alternative methods water disinfection associated with the use of gaseous ozone, ultraviolet and silver for this purpose are expensive.


Sulphates are salts of sulfuric acid, which, in combination with magnesium and sodium, stimulate digestion. Sulfates can also promote the excretion of harmful substances by the kidneys and prevent the formation of urinary stones.


In addition to the well-known anti-caries effect of fluorine, its property to serve as a biocatalyst of mineralization processes is noted, which is used for medicinal purposes in osteoporosis, rickets and other diseases. natural waters with high content fluorine in combination with calcium have a positive effect on the body's resistance to radiation damage. Fluorine can reduce the concentration of strontium in bone tissue by about 40%, and this process is not accompanied by calcium depletion of the skeleton.


The concept of water hardness is usually associated with calcium (Ca 2+), magnesium (Mg 2+) and iron (Fe 2+, Fe 3+) cations. They interact with anions, forming compounds (hardness salts) that can precipitate. Univalent cations (for example, sodium Na +) do not have this property. Hard water contains a lot of mineral salts, from which scale forms on the walls of dishes, boilers and other units - rock salt. Hard water is destructive and unsuitable for water systems. In such water, tea is poorly brewed, soap is poorly soluble. Table 4 lists the main metal cations that cause hardness and the anions with which they are associated.

Table 4
Principal metal cations causing hardness and anions with which they are associated

In practice, strontium, iron and manganese have such a small effect on stiffness that they are usually neglected. Aluminum (Al 3+) and ferric iron (Fe 3+) also affect hardness, but at pH levels found in natural waters, their solubility and contribution to hardness are small.

The source of calcium and magnesium ions are natural deposits of limestone, gypsum and dolomite. Ions Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ enter the water as a result of the interaction of dissolved carbon dioxide with minerals and other processes of dissolution and chemical weathering of rocks.

The water of underground sources has a high hardness, and the water of surface sources is relatively low (3-6 mg·eq/l). The content of hardness salts in drinking water in the range of 1 - 4 mg-eq / l contributes to the flow of normal metabolic processes in the body. FROM drinking water a person receives 1-2 g of mineral salts per day, and, due to the fact that, unlike many food products ions in water are in a dissolved (hydrated) state, their absorption by the body increases by an order of magnitude. Soft water should have a hardness of no more than 10 mg·eq/l. AT last years it has been suggested that water low content hardness salts contributes to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

pH value

The pH value can range from 0 to 14 and indicates whether the solution is acidic, neutral or basic. If the pH value is less than 7, then the solution is acidic, as, for example, lemon juice having a pH value of 2-3. Solutions with a pH value of 7 are neutral, such as distilled water. Solutions with a pH greater than 7 are alkaline.


Bicarbonates - necessary for the body an element that regulates the acid-base balance. It binds and neutralizes hyperacidity, for example, gastric juice, blood, muscles, without harming them. Together with carbon dioxide, bicarbonate forms the so-called buffer system which maintains the pH of the blood.

General mineralization

Total mineralization is an indicator of the content of substances dissolved in water or total salt content, since substances dissolved in water are in the form of salts (bicarbonates, chlorides and sulfates of calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium). Water from surface sources has less dense sediment than water from underground sources, i.e. contains less dissolved salts. The mineralization limit of drinking water (dry residue) of 1000 mg/l was once set on an organoleptic basis. waters with great content salts have a salty or bitter taste. Their content in water is allowed at the level of the threshold of sensation: 350 mg/l for chlorides and 500 mg/l for sulfates. The lower limit of mineralization, at which the body's homeostasis is maintained by adaptive reactions, is a dry residue of 100 mg/l, the optimal level of mineralization is 200-400 mg/l. In this case, the minimum content of calcium should be at least 25 mg/l, magnesium -10 mg/l. According to the general mineralization of water, they are divided into the following categories (Table 5):

Table 5. Categories of waters according to the degree of total mineralization

trace elements

Trace elements are a group of minerals vital for the body. They are needed human body in small quantities, but they are of great importance. Trace elements are important components of proteins, hormones, enzymes, participate in many metabolic functions, activate immune system and strengthen immune defenses. These include iron, silicon, zinc, manganese, copper, selenium, chromium, molybdenum.

Water oxidizability

Oxidability is determined by the content of dissolved organic substances in the water and can serve as an indicator of the contamination of the source with sewage. For wells, sewage, which contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, organic acids, ethers, alcohols, phenols, oil, etc., is of particular danger.

The degree of bacteriological contamination of water

It is determined by the number of bacteria contained in 1 cm 3 of water and should be up to 100. Surface water contains bacteria introduced by sewage and rainwater, animals, etc. The water of underground artesian sources is usually not contaminated with bacteria.

There are pathogenic (pathogenic) and saprophytic bacteria. To assess water pollution pathogenic bacteria determine the content of Escherichia coli in it. Bacterial contamination is measured by coli-titer and coli-index. Coli-titer - the volume of water, which contains one Escherichia coli, should be less than 300. Coli-index - the number of Escherichia coli contained in 1 liter of water should be up to 3.


The maximum permissible concentration of impurities of harmful substances, which, when exceeded, become harmful, is as follows: EU, US and WHO standards determine that it should not be at all. The Russian standard gives the following figures: no more than one hundred microorganisms per cubic centimeter and no more than three bacteria such as Escherichia coli in one liter of water, which, in principle, corresponds to world standards.

Table 6 shows MPC values ​​for some substances in water bodies for domestic and drinking purposes.

Table 6. MPC values ​​for some substances in water bodies for domestic and drinking purposes.

The standards for the most toxic substances in water are given in Table 7 (data taken from the book by M. Akhmanov. The Water We Drink. M .: Eksmo, 2006):

Table 7. Standards for the most toxic substances in water

Note. If the MPC is hundreds of thousands of micrograms, then the substance is not harmful. If the MPC is hundreds to thousands of micrograms, then such a substance can be dangerous. If the MPC is within units, tenths and hundredths of a microgram, then this substance is almost always poison (benzene, vinyl chloride, arsenic, mercury, lead).

EU drinking water regulations ( Western Europe) and the USA, the recommendations of the World Health Organization and domestic standards are shown in Table 8 (according to M. Akhmanov. The water we drink. M .: Eksmo, 2006)

Table 8. Standards for drinking water in Russia and abroad*


MPC, micrograms per liter (µg/l)







Vinyl chloride









Note*. Data taken from M. Akhmanov's book. The water we drink. Moscow: Eksmo, 2006

PAHs are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons similar to benzapyrene.

  1. In the EU data, the abbreviation of weeks. (week) is the average weekly dose of a substance that is guaranteed not to cause harm to the human body.
  2. The asterisk marks those MPC values ​​in Russian standards that are taken from scientific articles or new Sanitary Rules and Norms. The remaining values ​​​​are indicated in GOST.
  3. Two asterisks mark those MPC values ​​in American standards that are called secondary: they are not included in the national standard, but can be legalized by state authorities.
  4. A dash in any position of the table means that there is no data for this connection.

Tables 7-8 present various groups substances: light and heavy metals (the latter includes many metals such as aluminum, titanium, chromium, iron, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium, lead, mercury, etc.), inorganic and organic compounds. The data are generalized and most correspond to the Russian and European standards. In the US and WHO regulations, organic substances are described in more detail. So, the US standard lists about thirty types of dangerous organics. The most detailed are the WHO recommendations, which have the following separate lists of substances:

  • inorganic substances (mainly heavy metals, nitrates and nitrites);
  • organic substances (about thirty), pesticides (more than forty);
  • substances used for water disinfection (mainly various compounds of bromine and chlorine - more than twenty);
  • substances that affect the taste, color and smell of water.

The regulations list substances that do not adversely affect health at maximum permissible concentrations in water - these include, in particular, silver and tin. Some WHO recommendations against certain substances are marked: No reliable data to establish a standard. This means that work on their study on the body continues: hundreds of thousands of compounds are known, but only a few of them have been studied in terms of their effect on the human body.

In the Russian GOST there is no MPC for a number of substances noted in foreign regulations. Requirements for the quality of drinking water in the Russian Federation must comply with GOST standards and the new SanPiN. There are other regulatory documents that list more than 1,300 harmful substances and their MPCs. For most indicators Russian standard either complies with foreign ones, or establishes standards in some cases more stringent, in others softer. If we compare a number of MPC indicators given in Russian and foreign standards, for example, for aluminum: MPC for it is 200 µg/l according to foreign standards and 500 µg/l according to Russian standards. Despite the discrepancy by a factor of two and a half, these are quantities of the same order. For iron (200-300 µg/l), copper (1000-2000 µg/l), mercury (1-2 µg/l), lead (10-30 µg/l) - for these substances, compliance with MPC is performed, then there are differences of no more than two or three times. According to the EU standard, the presence of benzapyrene is allowed in the limit of 0.01 µg/l (or 10 ng/l), for aluminum the norm is 100 µg/l (or 0.1 mg/l), and sodium, sulfate and chlorine can be present in water in amounts of 200,000-250,000 µg/l (i.e. 200-250 mg/l, or 0.2-0.25 g/l). The difference in MPC in the EU, US, WHO and Russia standards is five to six times, and in some cases ten, twenty, one hundred. MPC for arsenic in Russia is the same as in the USA, the standard for benzapyrene is more stringent than in Europe and the USA, and only benzene can cause doubts about the correctness of the Russian GOST indicators.

Ph.D. O.V. Mosin

Lit. source : M. Akhmanova. The water we drink. Moscow: Eksmo, 2006


Every day our body needs correct water . Instead, we usually consume a variety of "substitutes" such as tea, coffee, sodas and lemonades, packaged juices, pasteurized beer, and others. Instead of saturating our body with water, these drinks lead to dehydration.

Fereydun Batmanghelidj, MD, stated: “Chronic dehydration at the cellular level is main reason development of degenerative diseases. (see the book by F. Batmanghelidzh “Your body asks for more water” - download for review)

In order for water to be absorbed and enter the cell, it must be correct- that is, water must have certain characteristics. The water we drink should be physiologically complete. Such drinking water contains the optimal amount of macro- and microelements and has a beneficial physiological effect on the human body. Only such water provides the necessary water-salt balance and acid-base balance.

What kind of water do we need?

According to the World Health Organization, drinking water must meet 120 parameters. Let's consider the most important of them.

To meet the necessary needs of the human body, the following requirements are imposed on water:

1. Water must be clean. Drinking water should not contain chlorine and its organic compounds, salts of heavy metals, nitrates, nitrites, pesticides, bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa.

Taste characteristics of water

The taste and smell of water depends on chemical composition, which determines the substances contained in the water of natural sources or added during processing.

Water quality is also affected by chlorination and other methods of water disinfection. Purified drinking water (tap, bottled) is not always physiologically complete.

2. Structure. We need water with the right structure, carrying information about health and longevity.

All fluid in the body is structured. Only in this state is it able to penetrate the cell.

Masaru Emoto conducted a unique experiment, proving that water has a memory. (See the film "The Secret of Living Water").

The structure of water after various information impact

3. Mineralization. Water carries dissolved particles of various minerals and trace elements. Minerals are the keys. Working inside and outside the cells, they open the doors to health and longevity.

A certain amount of macro- and microelements is necessary for normal state the whole organism. The water that people use must contain a certain amount of minerals, the level of which should not exceed the permissible values. Mineral water with high concentration salts with constant use can lead to kidney stone disease. At the same time, water with a complete absence of macro and microelements (distilled) can harm our health - water with insufficient mineralization leaches minerals and microelements from the body.

The water that the cage needs should be low-mineralized.

4. Surface tension (ST) is the permeability and solubility of water. The water that you drink from the tap or bottled has a surface tension of up to 73 dynes/cm and is very different from the water that surrounds the tissues and cells of your body.

Water should be sufficiently “liquid”, easily digestible, have a PN comparable to that of intracellular and interstitial fluid(43 dynes/cm). This facilitates the transport of nutrients into the cells and promotes the elimination of toxins from the body. Only water with low surface tension (43 dynes/cm) has the ability to penetrate the cell, carry everything nutrients and take everything out of it.

5. pH - an indicator of acid-base balance, indicates the energy of hydrogen and the level of its activity in liquid media. Nowadays, the body of many people is in an acidic state (pH less than 7.0) due to malnutrition, stress and environmental pollution. The main fluids and foods we consume are acidic. For example, sugar, premium flour, carbon dioxide (carbonated drinks) have pH=3.

It's believed that acidic environment is one of the main causes of cell destruction and tissue damage, the development of diseases and aging processes, the growth of pathogens. In an acidic environment, building material does not reach the cells, the membrane is destroyed.

Interesting to know: German biochemist OTTO WARBURG, awarded in 1931 Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine proved that the lack of oxygen (acid pH<7.0) в тканях приводит к изменению нормальных клеток в злокачественные.

The scientist found that cancer cells lose their ability to develop in an environment saturated with free oxygen with a pH value of 7.5 and higher! This means that when the fluids in the body become acidic, the development of cancer is stimulated.

His followers in the 60s of the last century proved that any pathogenic flora loses its ability to multiply at pH = 7.5 and above, and our immune system can easily cope with any aggressors!

Therefore, to preserve and maintain health, we need alkaline water (pH=7.5 and above). This will better maintain the acid-base balance of body fluids, since the main living environments have a slightly alkaline reaction (blood pH is 7.43, when it drops to 7.1, death occurs).

Already in a neutral biological environment, the body can have an amazing ability to heal itself.

Read more about acid-base balance here:.

6. Redox potential (ORP). The main processes that ensure the vital activity of any organism are redox reactions, i.e. reactions involving the transfer or addition of electrons.

Its positive values ​​mean the course of the oxidation process and the absence of electrons. Negative ORP values ​​indicate the occurrence of the reduction process and the presence of electrons. Therefore, positively charged water is dead water, which takes energy from us to restore. Negatively charged water is alive and gives us energy! ORP of the internal environment of the body is negative.

Indicators of measurements of the parameters of some liquids:

Fresh melt water: ORP = +95, pH = 7.0
tap water: ORP = +160 (usually worse, up to +600), pH = 4.0
Water infused with shungite: ORP = +250, pH = 6.0
Mineral water: ORP= +250, pH= 4.6
Boiled water: ORP = +218, pH=4.5
Boiled water, after 3 hours: ORP = +465, pH= 3.7
Green tea: ORP = +55, pH= 4.5
Black tea: ORP = +83, pH = 3.5 Coffee: ORP = +70, pH = 5.0
Coca Cola: ORP=+320, pH= 2.7
Water Coral Mine: ORP= -150/-200, pH= 7.5/8.3
microhydrin,H-500 : ORP=-200/-300, pH= 7.5/8.5
Iceberg / +150 / 7.0
Aqualine / +170 / 6.0
Arkhyz / +60 / 6.5
"Benefit" / +165 / 5.5
"Glacial melt water" Pre-Elbrus Reserve / +130 / 5.5
Uva Pearl / +119 / 7.3
Suzdal water "silver falcon" / +144 / 6.5
«Selters» Germany / +200 / 7.0
SPA Belgium / +138 / 5.0
Alpica (in glass) / +125 / 5.5
"Alpica" (in plastic) / +150 / 5.5
Essentuki-Aqua / +112 / 6.0
"Shudag" premium / +160 / 5.5
"Springs of the Caucasus" Essentuki 17 / +120 / 7.5
Svetloyar / +96 / 6.0
"Demidov plus" / +60 / 5.5
Aquanic "Source of Victory" / +80 / 6.0
"Kalipsik" Kazakhstan / +136 / 5.5
"evian" water of the Alps. France / +85
Aparan / +115 / 6.8
Quata / +130 / 6.0
Volzhanka / +125 / 6.0

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