Proteins in what products contain. Mollusks and crustaceans. Essential sources of fiber and vitamins

If your goal is to lose weight or vice versa to gain muscle mass, then you definitely need to pay attention to foods rich in protein. With the help of protein, you will be able to gain weight mainly due to muscle mass, and not to swim in fat.

Every cell in our body consists of protein, it is part of every organ and every tissue, in addition to this, it is diverse, it can play a role enzymes and hormones.

The human body contains 22 amino acids: 9 essential and 13 non-essential, which it can synthesize itself, and the essential ones can only be obtained from foods rich in protein. Protein (protein) in the body breaks down into amino acids, and already in this form is absorbed by the intestines. Proteins (in the form of amino acids) are part of the blood, are components of the hormonal system, the thyroid gland, affect the growth and development of the body, regulate the water and acid-base balance of the body.

As you already understood, for muscle growth you need to eat foods high in protein with a complete set of amino acids, so in this article I will only list the best sources of protein. Because there are many products containing protein with an incomplete set of amino acids.

From this article you will find out which foods are high in protein with a complete amino acid set.

You'll learn which foods are high in protein and the absolute amount of protein in each food, what makes each protein source unique, as well as the biological value and other characteristics of protein sources that will benefit your body. The main purpose of this material is to give you as much information as possible about high-protein foods and talk about how they affect muscle gain.

biological value

For each protein source in the article, their biological value (BC) is given, so you need to understand what it means. Biological value is the actual amount of protein that remains in the body and is used for protein synthesis. In essence, BC shows how much protein your body can use for muscle growth. Biological value varies from 50 to 100%, and the higher it is, the better. The following are foods that are high in protein and have a very high biological value and a complete set of amino acids.

Foods high in protein

  • Energy value 113 kcal
  • Biological value: 79
  • Proteins 23.6 g
  • Fats 1.9 g
  • Carbohydrates 0.4 g


Chicken breast is high in protein and is used in any diet to gain muscle mass. The main advantage of chicken meat is its high biological value of 79 and low cost compared to other protein sources. Chicken meat without skin and bones is on average 25% protein. This meat is easy to cook, but is best boiled or baked with seasonings.

Chicken can be used as an addition to any dish or eaten simply with vegetables at any time of the day, which is very convenient. I recommend that you consume at least one serving daily, which equals 150-300 grams of the product. It is better to buy and cook chicken meat without skin, because the skin contains the main part of fats and cholesterol, so eat breasts.


  • Energy value 78 -165 kcal
  • Biological value: 83
  • Proteins 17-25 g
  • Fats 0.7-8 g
  • Carbohydrates 0.1 g

Protein: 25 grams per 100 grams of product (25%)

Fish is an excellent product rich in proteins and omega-3 fatty acids, which are needed for many important processes in the body. Fish is a powerful catalyst for protein synthesis in the body, it is very easily absorbed by the body and, in fact, it is almost ready for absorption of amino acids. That is, the body will not need to spend a lot of energy to digest it. Like chicken, fish consists of 25% protein, but its biological value is higher - 83. There are many ways to prepare such a product.

Its main advantage is the minimum content of connective fibers, mostly represented in the form of collagen (gelatin). Because of this, when cooked, fish meat becomes very soft and easily boiled, and protein is easier to digest by our body. The only thing is to give up smoked fish.

Any fish is suitable for nutrition of an athlete, but in terms of price-quality ratio, the best option is tuna. This fish is an excellent source of protein that can be bought in a can at an affordable price. Tuna also has its drawbacks, it has a specific fishy smell and taste, but this problem is easily solved with the help of lemon, seasonings or sauce.


Nutritional value per 100 g of product

  • Energy value 254 kcal
  • Biological value: 80
  • Proteins 28.8 g
  • Fat 16.8 g
  • Carbohydrates 0 g

Protein: 28.8 grams per 100 grams of product (25%)

Beef is a high-protein product with a protein (protein) content of 25%. In addition, beef is rich in vitamin B12, iron and zinc, which are difficult to obtain from food, but they play a very important role in the development and functioning of the human body, they have a particularly tangible effect on the formation and strengthening of the immune system.

Meat from different parts of the carcass has different properties and nutrients. You can find many recipes for minced beef or minced meat. When choosing meat, always buy lean cuts so you don't add calories to your diet from animal fat. This is especially important if you want to lose weight and gain lean muscle mass.

To get enough amino acids to get the maximum anabolic effect on the muscles, you need to include beef in your diet at least two to three times a week.


Nutritional value in 1 pc.

  • Energy value 160 kcal Biological value: 88-100
  • Proteins 12.7 g
  • Fat 11.5 g
  • Carbohydrates 0.8 g

Protein: 12.7 grams per 100 grams of product (approximately 11%)

Eggs are the second best source of quality protein, second only to whey protein. The biological value of eggs reaches a fantastic value - 88-100. In addition to protein, eggs are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, increase the effectiveness of the immune response and accelerate the recovery of the body after heavy strength training.

The bulk of the protein in an egg is found in its protein. But by eating whole eggs, you increase the mass fraction of protein and get additional nutrients. True, the yolk contains a significant amount of cholesterol, so you can only eat protein. Or you need to make sure that your diet does not contain a large amount of other sources of "bad" cholesterol, and then you are not afraid of any problems.

If you are very afraid of cholesterol or you have problems with it, then you can safely eat 2 yolks at a time and throw the rest away (but I would not do that). Separating the yolk from the protein is easy, and you get the highest quality protein with a complete set of amino acids. If you buy eggs in a supermarket, then raw and it is better not to use.

Quail eggs

Nutritional value per 100 g of product

  • Energy value 168 kcal
  • Biological value: 88-100
  • Proteins 11.9 g
  • Fat 13.1 g
  • Carbohydrates 0.5 g

Calorie content and nutritional value of quail eggs

Quail eggs calories - 168 kcal.

Protein in quail eggs 11.9 g per 100 grams of product

Useful properties of quail eggs

Quail eggs are a hypoallergenic dietary product. Unlike chicken eggs, quail eggs do not cause side effects even in people who are forbidden to eat chicken eggs. They do not contain cholesterol and there are no contraindications for eating. And also quail eggs never have salmonellosis.

Despite its size, a quail egg (weighing only about 10 g) contains more than four times more vitamins, minerals (phosphorus, potassium, iron, etc.) and amino acids than in a chicken egg. Studies have shown that unlike a chicken egg, a quail egg contains five times more phosphorus, seven times more iron, six times more vitamin B1 and 15 times more vitamin B2. Quail eggs contribute to the normalization of metabolism, improve blood circulation, digestion, strengthen the immune system, help restore weakened organs, improve memory and develop the mental abilities of children, are useful in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, liver, eyes, heart, nervous system, gallbladder, pancreas , stomach and other organs and systems.

These eggs can be eaten whole, because the shell contains useful substances: calcium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, iron, the list goes on and on. The therapeutic effect of eating shells is obvious, especially for strengthening bones, teeth and hair in children. The use of powder from the shell of quail eggs practically does not give side effects in the form of deposits in the joints and in the organs of the urinary system.

A distinctive property of quail eggs is the ability to positively influence the reproductive functions of the human body.


Nutritional value per 100 g of product

  • Energy value 31-408 kcal
  • Biological value: 80
  • Proteins 3-30 g
  • Fats 0.1-28 g
  • Carbohydrates 0.1-5.3 g

Protein: varies depending on the type of product

Dairy products are an excellent source of protein, but their disadvantage is their high fat content. Therefore, it is better to choose skim milk and cottage cheese, foods rich in quality protein, without excess fat. These foods are rich in protein, contain virtually no fat, and are an excellent source of calcium. With each serving of cottage cheese or skim milk, your body receives from 150 to 350 mg of calcium, and calcium strengthens bone tissue and prevents the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is very important to remember that calcium plays an important role in the processes of muscle contraction.

Whey protein (sports nutrition)

Nutritional value per 100 g of product

  • Energy value from 110 kcal
  • Biological value: 104 - 159
  • Proteins from 80 g
  • Fats 1 g
  • Carbohydrates 10 g

Highest protein content in protein powders. Whey concentrate protein shakes contain 80 grams of protein per 100 grams of product. Such cocktails are quite expensive, but they have their own advantages: they are convenient to take at any time, simply by diluting it in a shaker with water or milk. There are different mixtures with different protein content, as well as additional substances, including enzymes, which improve digestion and protein absorption. I wouldn't recommend eating protein powder alone. You need to combine sports nutrition with regular food to achieve maximum effect.

Diversity is the key to success

All protein sources are good in their own way, and even those that are not included in this list due to the incomplete content of amino acids in their protein. Therefore, it is difficult to single out one best source of protein for muscle growth. At least because everyone has different organisms, and someone, for example, is not at all able to digest dairy products or is allergic to eggs. Therefore, to improve protein synthesis in your body, you need to use different sources of protein to gain muscle mass. This way you can maintain an optimal anabolic environment in your body.

Time of protein intake

In order for the protein obtained from food to be absorbed and spent on building new muscle fibers, and not on restoring energy costs after training, you need to choose the right time to eat. High-protein foods should be consumed when the body needs them most. The daily rate of protein should be evenly distributed throughout the day, dividing it into 5-7 meals. It is especially important to consume enough protein just before bed. Because we grow when we sleep, which means that the material for muscle growth is needed most of all at night.

But do not forget to feed the body with carbohydrates and vitamins. Energy is needed for any process that occurs in the body, whether it be physical activity or building new muscle mass. And vitamins are needed for a better flow of all processes, because they act as catalysts. Without enough calories (unless there is an excess of calories consumed over calories expended), you will not be able to grow and increase muscle mass. And without vitamins, all processes will be slowed down or will not occur at all.

Protein intake norms

There are certain daily requirement for protein, which limit protein intake and set clear limits on the amount of protein eaten per day, so as not to worsen well-being.

So, WHO (World Health Organization) recommends eating 0.5 g of protein per kg of body weight per day. So, if you have 60 kg, you should consume no more than 30 g of protein per day, and if 55, then even 27.5 g.
But if you are actively involved in fitness or classify yourself as a strength athlete, then the weight ratio of protein should be increased to 2 or even 3 grams per day.

Protein is an extremely important food product for the life of the human body. In the human gastrointestinal tract (GIT), plant and animal proteins are hydrolyzed into amino acids. Amino acids, in turn, are the main elements for the formation of tissues, including muscles.

The main source of proteins for the human body are eggs, meat, cottage cheese, dairy products, fish and seafood, poultry, that is, products of animal origin. Proteins of plant origin, which are found mainly in cereals and legumes, have a lower biological value and are not absorbed by the body as efficiently as compared to proteins of animal origin. Proteins contain the so-called "essential" and "essential" amino acids vital for humans. Non-essential amino acids, unlike essential ones, may not enter the human body at all and be synthesized autonomously in it. Essential amino acids do not have these properties.

The body of an adult per day needs a protein intake of 1.5 g per kilogram of body weight.

The body of an adult per day needs protein intake within 1.5 g per kilogram of normal (perfect) weight, which averages 90-100 g. 80% of this amount should be animal, and 20% vegetable proteins. For athletes who are engaged in bodybuilding, this rate is much higher and is approximately 300 grams per day, and the optimal dosage is calculated individually for each athlete. The ideal scheme for obtaining protein by an athlete is 50 to 50, that is, 50% of the proteins enter the body with food, and the remaining 50% is fat-free and other ballast components. In addition, the cost in the form of dietary supplements is equivalent to the cost of products containing protein.

When choosing nutrition for an athlete, two criteria should be followed: a high level of protein per unit of calories and the speed of its absorption in the body. Therefore, you should choose foods that contain a lot of protein and little fat.

More accessible to gastrointestinal enzymes and easier to digest proteins that have undergone heat treatment. At the same time, in the process of thermal exposure, some amino acids are destroyed, which reduces their biological value.

Protein quality

It is necessary to take into account not only the quantity, but also the type and composition of food protein. As you know, different types of proteins consist of different amino acids and have different amounts of proteins. The high biological value and ease of assimilation of food protein by the body is ensured by the level of proximity of the amino acid structure of the protein and the body.

Biological value of protein

The biological value of protein or food containing protein is the percentage of nitrogen retention in the body from the amount that is absorbed into the body. The higher the level of nitrogen retention in the body with a balanced content of essential amino acids in the protein that ensure the growth of the body, the higher the biological value of the protein.

Balanced amino acid composition

In the process of synthesis in the human body of the main types of proteins, all 20 amino acids are involved in certain combinations. In this process, the ratio of the essential amino acids closest to those found in the proteins of the human body is more important than the quantity. Any failure in the amino acid composition of a food protein can cause a violation of the process of synthesis of its own proteins in the body, and disrupt the dynamics of the balance of protein catabolism and anabolism, provoke the breakdown of its own proteins, including enzyme proteins. In the event of a deficiency in the body of any essential amino acid necessary to ensure the process of protein synthesis, the body automatically uses other amino acids instead. And in the case of an excess of essential amino acids in the body, highly toxic metabolic products are synthesized that do not take part in the formation of amino acids.

Availability of amino acids

If proteins and amino acids are thermally damaged during cooking, or if there are inhibitors of digestive enzymes present in dietary proteins, such as beans, the availability of certain amino acids may be reduced.

Protein digestibility

The level of digestibility (absorption) of a protein reflects its degree of breakdown in the gastrointestinal tract and further absorption of amino acids into the body. The rate of digestion of food proteins allows you to arrange them (according to the degree of its decrease) in the following sequence:

  • milk and egg whites
  • fish and meat proteins
  • vegetable proteins

Net protein utilization

Net protein utilization is an indicator of the quality of dietary protein, which in combination characterizes the degree of nitrogen retention and the amount of digested protein. It also characterizes the level of nitrogen retention in the body, taking into account the digestibility of protein in the gastrointestinal tract.

Protein Efficiency Ratio

This indicator is based on the hypothesis that the increase in body weight of growing animals is proportional to the amount of protein consumed by them. The protein efficiency ratio increases when combining food products, the proteins of which organically complement each other.

Protein absorption rate

At this stage, the quality of proteins contained in food is estimated by the value of their absorption coefficient. This coefficient takes into account the chemical (amino acid composition) and biological value (completeness of digestion) of proteins. The most balanced sources of protein are products that have a factor of 1.0. WHO assessed the quality of proteins contained in food products and presented them in the form of a table.

It is known that the biological value of a protein complex is much higher than the value of each protein separately. To this end, experts recommend food combinations that increase their biological value:

  • eggs + potatoes
  • eggs + wheat
  • eggs + corn
  • eggs + beans
  • milk + rye
  • soy + millet

When forming a diet, try to combine proteins of plant and animal origin (meat, milk, eggs, etc.).

Proteins (they are also called proteins or peptides) are substances that, along with fats and carbohydrates, are the main components of human nutrition. Getting into the body with food, they have a huge impact on the work of many internal organs. Their deficiency is fraught with serious health problems. Therefore, it is impossible not to use them for too long.

Modern dietetics has adopted the ability of these macromolecular compounds to be digested instantly and saturate for a long time and began to use protein products for weight loss. They make extra pounds melt away by leaps and bounds and at the same time form a beautiful, embossed figure, as they activate the growth of muscle mass during sports. They deserve close attention.

Action on the body

If you limit the intake of fats and carbohydrates in the diet, protein foods will quickly restore order in the body, which will eventually result in the loss of extra pounds. The mechanism of weight loss in this case has long been scientifically proven:

  • there is an effective cleansing of the body from toxins, toxins and other harmful substances that prevent many organs from fully functioning;
  • strengthening the heart and blood vessels by lowering blood sugar;
  • normalization of insulin, which leads to intensive burning of glucose absorbed by the muscles;
  • control of water balance in the body, removal of excess fluid, which is often the main cause of high weight;
  • maintaining muscle tone, which leads to weight loss, since only fatty tissues are burned, and there is no loss of nutrients;
  • improving metabolism, which is necessary for weight loss;
  • decreased appetite, dulling the feeling of hunger due to the long digestion of protein foods.

In addition to losing weight, as a bonus, protein products within the framework will have a positive effect on a variety of organs and body systems. Therefore, at the exit from such fasting, you will feel great.

If you want to know more exactly what will happen to your body, the information in this table will surely make you an adherent of protein nutrition.

A distinctive feature of proteins is that, once in the body, they are not deposited in the form of fats on the sides and are not converted into energy, like carbohydrates. All of them are used to restore organs and systems, decomposing into amino acids - another substance that is incredibly useful for humans. Therefore, it is so important to know what belongs to protein products for weight loss and what are their main sources.


Protein products can be of animal or plant origin. Each species has its own advantages and disadvantages, which is why it is so important to eat them in a balanced way.

  • Animals

Protein products of animal origin are fast-digesting, but they are quite high in fat, so not all of them are ideal for weight loss. If you choose meat, then chicken, turkey, rabbit meat are allowed as part of any diet, but pork and lamb are prohibited. If it is milk, it must be either fat-free or with a minimum percentage of fat.

  • vegetable

Protein products of plant origin are absorbed by the body much more slowly and worse than animals. However, they are good for weight loss because they contain virtually no fat.

Approximate lists of protein products of these two groups will present you with the following table:

For health and well-being, both types of food should be consumed as part of the diet. Therefore, a list of protein products for weight loss with an indication of their protein content against the background of fats and carbohydrates is useful to you.

We will familiarize ourselves with these lists below, and you will learn more about the nuances of such diets by reading one of our articles: "" and "".


To make a list of products for weight loss, you need to consider the following factors:

  • not only the protein content in them, but also its ratio with fats and carbohydrates: for example, there are much more proteins in pork fats;
  • their calorie content: if you eat a piece of goose meat rich in protein, after that you will have to work out well in the gym in order to use the 319 Kcal that it contains.

Therefore, always focus on the table below if you plan to lose weight with protein products. It takes into account both of these factors.

Meat, offal, egg

Fish and seafood

Milk and dairy products

As you can see, in addition to proteins, many foods contain too much fat or kilocalories, so they are not suitable for weight loss. If only carefully include them in the diet at the end of the hunger strike.

Therefore, nutritionists have compiled a more accurate table of protein products for weight loss that can be consumed without fear of gaining extra pounds.

Quite an impressive table, which included a lot of names. So a protein-based diet cannot be monotonous and boring. Well, those who want to achieve record results should splurge on foods in which the amount of protein just rolls over and which will definitely make you lose weight.

Top best

Nutritionists call the best protein foods for weight loss that you can eat in almost unlimited quantities during the diet.

  • Eggs

Chicken eggs are the richest source of protein. For weight loss, you can eat 7 proteins and 4 yolks per day. There are diets based on 5 eggs for breakfast during the week.

  • low-fat kefir

The main protein product in any weight loss system. The protein contained in it is easily digested with a minimum total calorie content. Improves digestion, rids the body of toxins. Extra pounds disappear quickly enough. Protein content - 28 gr. All these beneficial properties of this protein product formed the basis of the kefir diet (as an example,).

  • Cottage cheese

A protein product that is very fast digestible. For a long time provides a feeling of satiety, which has a positive effect on weight loss. Keeps nails, bones, teeth in good condition. Protein content - 20 gr.

  • natural yogurt

For weight loss, only a natural protein product without dyes, sweeteners and other additives is suitable. Such yogurt will be stored for no more than 3 weeks.

  • Milk

Compared to meat and fish, milk is higher in this rating, as it contains protein, which is much better absorbed by the body. At the same time, losing weight on milk alone will not work, since it does not have a very good effect on the work of the stomach. But for the preparation of protein dishes (the same cocktails) with a minimum fat content, this product will be ideal.

  • Meat

First, it's chicken breast. 200 grams of meat contains about 40 grams of protein, 2 grams of fat, 200 kcal. An essential protein product for weight loss. Second, it's beef. The ratio of the main substances is about the same, but there is a little more fat. It is an alternative to white meat chicken for a variety of diet in the process of losing weight.

  • Fish

The best protein product is salmon fillet. Contains fats, but much more proteins, as well as omega 3 acids. For weight loss, twice a week is to treat yourself to such a tasty morsel.

  • Legumes

These are vegetable protein products that are able to maintain normal muscle mass even in the process of rapid weight loss. In addition, they give a long and pleasant feeling of fullness, so hunger does not threaten you.

  • Protein Powder / Shake

Always keep this top protein food for weight loss in front of your eyes when making a menu. After all, it is these products that should be included in the recipes, thanks to which any diet will seem like a holiday, not a test.

Dish recipes

We invite you to try cooking various dishes from protein products: there are recipes for soups, salads and second. With such a variety, this weight loss system can hardly be called a hunger strike.

First meal

Do you think that making soups exclusively from protein products is impossible? Indeed, traditional first courses are a combination of protein (broths from meat, fish) and carbohydrates (various vegetables, cereals, pasta, noodles). But nutritionists do not get tired of repeating that liquid foods improve weight loss results, so it should not be excluded from diets. So we are learning to cook first courses from protein products.

  • spinach soup

Remove skin from turkey breast or drumstick. Boil, remove from the broth, let cool. Finely chop the spinach package (the frozen product will not spoil the dish), cook in the broth for 10 minutes. Separate the meat from the bones, finely chop, return to the broth. Cook spinach and turkey together for another 10 minutes. Cool the soup, turn it into a puree with a blender, adding 50 ml of skimmed milk, spices, 2 cloves of garlic. There is hot.

  • Salmon with milk

Pour boiling water over 4 medium-sized tomatoes, peel, finely chop. Peel and chop a large onion. 1 PC. grate carrots. Fry with onions, adding tomatoes to them at the end. Transfer to a saucepan with a liter of cold water, boil. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes. 450 g salmon fillet cut into cubes, put in the broth. After 5 minutes, add 500 ml of skimmed milk. After boiling, add spices. Insist 20 minutes.

  • Soup with meatballs

Prepare chicken broth. Make minced chicken breast, make meatballs out of it. Drop them into the boiling broth. Add after boiling 50 grams of chopped bell pepper, the same amount of green beans, greens. Cook for 20 minutes. Serve hot.

Main dishes

Second courses of protein products are the basis of the diet. Recipes include only low-calorie ingredients - especially for weight loss.

  • Chicken in kefir

Cut 100 g of selected, fresh chicken fillet, mix with salt, pepper, chopped herbs. Add 50 ml fat-free kefir, 50 ml filtered cold water. Put in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Put in a hot pan, simmer for 10 minutes on each side.

  • Scrambled eggs

Crack 5 eggs into a plastic container. Whisk. Put in the microwave for 2 minutes. It turns out healthy and incredibly tasty scrambled eggs. If you want to diversify the menu for weight loss, you can add chopped chicken breast and greens.

  • Baked fish

Pour salmon fillet with lemon juice, sprinkle with dried herbs and spices, bake in the oven on foil until tender.


Salads from protein products are indispensable for any weight loss system. They are nutritious, healthy, contribute to the diversity of the menu. They allow you to cook a quick dinner for yourself and at the same time not gain extra pounds.

  • Protein salad

Boil 3 soft-boiled eggs, chop chicken breast (150 gr), chop 50 gr of squid. Mix everything thoroughly.

  • Asparagus salad with chicken

Boil 3-4 inflorescences in one container with 100 g of chopped asparagus and 300 g of chicken breast. Grind 2 medium-sized fresh cucumbers and 60 g of celery root. Mix everything thoroughly. Add 2 tablespoons canned green peas. Add chopped boiled and already chilled products. Season with 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.

When choosing recipes for your protein menu, carefully look at what products are listed in them. Sometimes olive oil or lean lamb is allowed, but these should be exceptions to the rule, indulgences so that the diet does not seem completely debilitating.

But pure fats and carbohydrates are strictly prohibited. So there should not be anything starchy, sweet and fried in such a diet.

To lose weight with protein foods, you need to know how to use them correctly. A few useful tips will allow you to reduce your weight by an impressive figure.

  1. Meat protein products are best consumed in boiled form. For a variety of diet, stewing, baking and steaming are allowed.
  2. During the diet, in addition to protein foods, the body must receive fiber in order to burn excess fat as quickly as possible and ensure the proper functioning of the organs. Therefore, be sure to eat greens, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, cereals, whole grain bread.
  3. Many people ask what protein foods you can eat at night: an hour before bedtime, you are allowed to drink a glass of fat-free kefir or natural yogurt. Everything else is prohibited.
  4. Sweet dairy products (yogurts, curds with fillers), mayonnaise, sauces and other protein substitutes are harmful to health and do not contribute to weight loss.
  5. At one meal, the body is able to absorb only 30 grams of protein, no matter how many eggs, for example, you ate. The daily norm for men is about 2 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of body weight, for women - only 1 gram.
  6. To improve the digestibility of proteins by the body, you can put into practice the principles of fractional nutrition. According to them, food is taken up to 6 times a day in small portions.
  7. Dinner must be no later than 19.00.
  8. If you go in for sports during weight loss on protein products, you will not only reduce your waist, but make your ass more elastic and your chest tightened, since protein is an excellent building material for muscle tissue with sufficient physical activity.

As for each specific protein product that can contribute to weight loss, the features of their use as part of the diet are conveniently collected in the following table:

Now you know what protein foods include, and what foods are needed for quick, and most importantly, healthy weight loss.

It is important to remember that such diets are still a serious shake-up for the body. Therefore, firstly, they must continue or , but no more than that. Secondly, it is recommended to turn to such a figure correction system no more than once every six months, and even less often in case of health problems.

Proteins in products

Protein foods are an important part of the diet. They are a kind of "building blocks" that the body needs in order to build and renew muscles. Protein in foods affects the production of various enzymes, and for this reason, protein-containing foods should always be included in the diet.

Amino acid deficiency is very bad for the development of children. And for those people whose activities are associated with stress, a regular intake of protein is very important. They are absorbed quite easily and after entering the body, they very quickly enter the bloodstream.

Daily protein requirement

It depends directly on the characteristics of the body, on height, weight, loads, etc. It is especially important to have all the essential amino acids in the diet, since they are not produced by the body like nonessential amino acids. Protein is used to build muscle.

Protein is usually divided into complete, contained in various products of animal origin, as well as defective, entering the body from products of plant origin. The daily requirement for proteins is approximately 100 g, divided into 3 doses. The daily norm is contained in a piece of beef weighing about 250 g. Vegetarians should eat large enough portions of legumes, cottage cheese and sprouted grains to replace meat, because they have little protein, plus it is defective.

What foods contain protein

  • The most protein foods are eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, poultry. Egg white is well absorbed by the body, while eggs have a low calorie content.There is little of it in cottage cheese, and at the same time it is recommended to eat an exclusively low-fat product, because only in this way will you save yourself from eating extra calories. In order for the protein to be well absorbed, mix cottage cheese with yogurt and kefir, and also add a little sugar (it also helps digestion).
  • In cheese - about 30%. Please note that cheese is high in calories and should not be consumed in large quantities. It is advisable to eat it before workouts that require a lot of strength. In this case, the excess calories will burn during exercise.

    In the bird beef, liver - about 25%. Beef and poultry are recommended to be consumed boiled or stewed, liver - as a pate or stewed.

    A lot of protein is also found in fish. This is a dietary product, while low-fat varieties can be eaten in the afternoon, that is, at 2 noon.Protein-rich tuna, salmon, sardines, anchovies, mackerel, mullet.

    in soy - 14% of the daily value (the largest percentage among plant-based products). It is preferable to use soy as a garnish.

    In Brussels sprouts - about 9%, in cereals - 10-12%. Protein from cereals is well absorbed and also aids in digestion. But at the same time, cereals are best consumed as a side dish.It is low in fat and high in fibre. In addition, lentils are rich in B vitamins, which are important for the health of the digestive and nervous systems.

Protein table

Food rich in protein

Protein foods list

Proteins (per 100 g)

Meat 14-20
Fish 12-16
Egg 10,8
Cheese 30
Milk 5
Bread 5-10
Potato 1,7
Beans 19,6
Soya 34
Peas 19,7

Proteins are chemical compounds, without which human life is impossible, since they produce energy, actively participate in transport, metabolism and many important processes that occur in the human body. What foods have a lot of protein, how much a person needs and why, we will analyze in detail in this article.

Basic functions of proteins

  • plastic, supplies the body with plastic material, therefore all cells, organic tissues, enzymes and many hormones are characterized by the composition of the protein;
  • hormonal function regulates the system of biochemical reactions of the human body;
  • the catalytic function delivers energy to cells, since the enzymes consisting of this substance are involved in the breakdown of food into simple components;
  • the transport function is responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to the organs and tissues of the body;
  • the protective function consists in the work of proteins of the immune system, which are called antibodies and guard the health of the body, giving it the strength to fight bacteria, viruses and other harmful substances;
  • the contractile function is in the presence of special proteins myosin and actin, which provide complex work and coordinated muscle contraction;
  • the regulatory function strengthens the nerves and speeds up the production of conditioned reflexes.

The lack of this substance in food can provoke a number of pathological changes, such as growth and development retardation, a decrease in the body's defenses, and a deficiency of digestive enzymes. That is why a person should eat foods containing proteins.

In turn, healthy food can improve health, make the appearance attractive and even help in losing weight. Protein in the nutrition program is relevant for people who lead a physically active lifestyle, as it quickly replenishes the expended energy of a person.

What foods are high in protein: tables and description

Protein is found in products of plant and animal origin, and naturally, the second group is the leader in its content.

Animal products


Meat is well absorbed by the body because it contains protein and a full range of amino acids. A huge advantage over other products is a large selection of cooking methods and ease of use in large volumes. This is important if you need to quickly replenish the protein resources in the body.

poultry meat contains protein, which has reduced caloric values ​​and is easily digested compared to other types of meat.

Beef characterized by the most complete proteins, since the meat is rich in amino acids, vitamins, iron. For greater usefulness of the product, it is advised to stew or boil the product.

in pork contains a large amount of proteins. The dry weight of lean pork contains the nutrient, which is why it is considered one of the main dietary sources of protein.

Table of meat products that are high in protein

The product's name Amount of protein per 100g. The product's name Amount of protein per 100g
Goose 28 Beef liver 17
Chicken 26 pork liver 18
Turkey 25 Lamb liver 18
Mutton 20 beef tongue 13
Beef 20 Beef kidneys 12
Duck 19 Pork tongue 14
Pork 17

List of protein products from fish and seafood

Fish recipes are presented with dietary, healthy and delicious dishes. By the presence of proteins, fish is similar to meat. Its largest amount is in lobster, mullet, anchovies, tuna, salmon. Also in the fish there are many different amino acids and minerals such as: iodine, potassium, phosphorus, vitamins A, B, E, D.

Its main advantage is the minimum composition of structural fibers, represented by collagen. The meat of boiled fish is tender and soft, and the protein is perfectly absorbed by the body. Only you should refrain from eating smoked meats, both fish and meat.

Name Amount of protein per 100g. Name Amount of protein per 100g
Lobster 26 Caviar caviar 27
Mullet 26 Cod liver 24
Anchovies 24 Shrimps 20
Tuna 24 Squid fillet 18
Salmon 21 Crabs 18
Pink salmon 21 oysters 14
Salmon 21
Cod 20
Halibut 19
sardines 19
Herring 18
Pollock 16
Hake 15


Bird eggs are dietary foods that are high in protein. The yolk contains a significant amount of proteins, fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, and, of course, pepsin. Egg protein contains substances necessary for building muscle, nervous and skeletal tissue.

Which dairy products contain the most protein

In the composition of dairy products, in addition to minerals, there is an easily digestible protein.


Cow's milk, kefir, cottage cheese - suppliers of protein such as casein. It evenly distributes amino acids in the blood, which is why the feeling of satiety persists for a long period of time. This group of products should be consumed by people who restrict themselves in nutrition for a long time in order to lose weight.

Albumin and globulin

Serum, especially its concentrate, is rich in such useful proteins as albumin and globulin. They will help lower blood cholesterol, increase the metabolic rate, which will contribute to the rapid breakdown of fats. They are extremely similar in composition of amino acids to the proteins of human muscle tissue. They are also considered sources of essential amino acids. Whey proteins also have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, as they reduce the rate of the stress hormone cortisol in the body.

Cheese- this is a protein-rich product, if only it is prepared from natural ingredients in accordance with all the rules (not a cheese product!). For weight loss, when choosing cheese, it is necessary to give preference to less high-calorie varieties, for example, cheese. If enhanced nutrition is required to gain body weight, then fatty high-calorie cheeses are introduced into the diet.

What dairy products have a lot of protein: table

Product name Amount of protein per 100g.
Cow's milk 3,2
Sheep milk 4
Goat milk 3
Condensed milk 7
Sour cream 3,3
Cream 3
Yogurt 5
Kefir 3
curdled milk 2,8
Fat cottage cheese 14
Low-fat cottage cheese 18
Parmesan cheese 22
Cheddar cheese 23
Chees Feta 16
processed cheese 4
Brie cheese 19

Protein in plant foods

Vegetable protein helps to strengthen the immune system, prevent colds, saturate the body with fiber, restore natural microflora, improve metabolism, help normalize digestion, protect against obesity, energize, add strength and improve skin, hair and nails.

Plant protein is found in legumes, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, raw vegetables and fruits. What plant foods have a lot of protein - in detail.

Protein in legumes

Modern trends towards wholesome food consumption consist of a huge group of leguminous plants. They are varied and include significant amounts of protein, plant fiber, B vitamins, and minerals.

Legumes are affordable and can be used to make a variety of delicious dishes, making them popular among vegetarians. Legumes are also useful for people during fasting or when following a plant-based diet to cleanse the body, as they can satisfy hunger and provide the body with protein needs.

Nuts are the real leaders among plant foods that contain a lot of protein.

Peanut relieve hunger for a long time. This nut is best excluded from the diet for people who have problems with the stomach and intestines, kidney disease, and are also prone to allergic reactions.

Cashew nuts, in addition to protein, it also contains a lot of carbohydrates, so you should not get carried away with it. Mostly consumed fried.

pistachios consist of fiber, antioxidants, which are the first helpers for the skin, slow down the aging process, thereby prolonging youth and setting the body for longevity. Pistachios are recommended for those who are exposed to significant physical exertion and people prone to thinness.

Almond contains a sufficient amount of protein, but has almost no carbohydrates, therefore, it helps to remove “bad” cholesterol from the body, normalizes blood sugar levels. Significantly satisfy hunger due to high calorie content.

Advantage hazelnuts is a combination of protein and vitamin E, which has a positive effect on muscle tissue. When choosing hazelnuts, you should be aware that peeled nuts lose their valuable properties during storage, so unpeeled fruits should be preferred.

walnut nuts are very popular and sought-after fruits. There are many different recipes using this nut. Lowers blood pressure, calms and promotes brain activity.

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables contain a small amount of protein, so it is not advisable to consider them as a source of protein. Consist of fiber, vitamins and carbohydrates that the body needs for normal functioning.

Product name Amount of protein per 100 gr.
Garlic 6,5
Brussels sprouts 4,8
figs 3,1
Broccoli 2,8
Dates 2,8
Avocado 2
Potato 2
Leek 2
Banana 1,5
Beet 1,5
Onion 1,4
Sweet pepper 1,3
Green onion 1,3
Carrot 1,3
Radish 1,2
eggplant 1,2

Protein products for weight loss

When protein is consumed, the body is enriched with proteins and there is a shortage of such an energy source as carbohydrate. When losing weight, the body has to burn what is more available to it, namely reserves of fat. In this case, there is a change in metabolism. In addition, the protein that comes with food needs significant energy costs for splitting.

The list of products that are advisable to add to a weight loss nutrition program includes:

  • milk
  • low-fat cottage cheese
  • soy cheese
  • lean meat
  • buckwheat
  • beans and nuts.

Protein-rich foods are essential components of a healthy diet. When developing a menu, the presence of all food groups in which protein is located should be taken into account to ensure the supply of all types of amino acids. It is also necessary to control the protein content - its deficiency, as well as an excess, can provoke negative consequences for a person.

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