What anti-inflammatory ointments and gels to buy - how to apply. Eye ointments for inflammation of the eyelids

Eyelids close to eyeball and are part of its subsidiary apparatus. Therefore, it is not surprising that many inflammatory eye diseases inevitably affect the eyelids, as a result of which they turn red, swell (swelling is easily formed here), and there is a sensation of itching. Medicines used to treat diseases of the eye can also help with inflammation of the eyelids.

On the other hand, an inflammatory disease of the eyelid itself (allergy, furuncle, abscess) and its structures - cartilage, meibomian glands, eyelash hair follicles, can often occur. With such localization, it is much more convenient to use than eye drops, there will be an eye ointment for inflammation of the eyelids.

Ointments for the eyelids, as well as, can be divided into several pharmacotherapeutic areas: antibacterial, antiviral, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory.

Ointments for blepharitis

A group of inflammatory diseases of the eyelids is commonly referred to as blepharitis. Its decoding contains a clinical manifestation - inflammation of the edge of the eyelids, which can be caused by bacteria (scaly and ulcerative), mites (demodectic), allergens (allergic), hypersecretion sebaceous glands(seborrheic), obstruction of the meibomian glands (meibomian).


In the treatment of ulcerative blepharitis, it is necessary to use drugs with antibiotics in combination with an anti-inflammatory component of a corticosteroid nature. For example, Dex-gentamicin ointment (dexamethasone 0.1% + gentamicin 0.3%). The drug is effective against sensitive strains of bacteria and superinfection. It lends itself to blepharitis, conjunctivitis, barley, keratitis caused by staphylococci, enterobacteria, neisseria, pseudomonas, listeria, yersinia, bordetella, brucella.

It is important to remember that the ointment can be hypersensitivity, it can not be used in the presence of herpes and other viral eye diseases, as well as in tuberculosis, fungal infections, glaucoma, damage and ulcers of the cornea.

Dex-gentamicin can only be used as prescribed by a specialist. It is necessary to lay 1 cm of ointment in the affected eye 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician.

An adverse reaction may be contact dermatitis, itching, burning, swelling of the eyelids, eczema. In addition, with prolonged use, there is a danger of clouding of the lens, especially in children.

Maxitrol ointment

Maxitrol in the form of an ointment (dexamethasone - 1 mg / g, neomycin - 3.5 mg / g, polymyxin B - 6 thousand units / g) can be used for blepharitis, bulbar conjunctivitis and conjunctivitis of the eyelids, corneal infections, uveitis. Contraindications common to all hormonal ointments - viral and fungal infections, the presence of glaucoma. As with other antibiotics, prolonged use of neomycin and polymyxin may result in overgrowth of non-susceptible organisms. If superinfection occurs, Maxitrol should be postponed and alternative therapy should be found.

The spectrum of antimicrobial action of the ointment is extremely wide: aerobic gram-positive microorganisms - bacilli, corynebacteria, staphylococci, gram-negative - Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, Moraxella.

Maxitrol is used according to the indications and prescription of a doctor from 4 to 6 times a day, the main thing is not to stop therapy prematurely.

Among adverse reactions keratitis, blurred vision, discomfort in the eye, increased intraocular pressure, allergic reactions.

Hydrocortisone ointment

With seborrheic blepharitis, eye ointment with hydrocortisone comes first in the treatment. For example, Hydrocortisone - POS. As a rule, an ointment is used at a concentration of 1%, but in severe cases resort to ointment with a concentration of 2.5%.

Hydrocortisone has an anti-inflammatory effect, suppresses immunological reactions provoked by infections, allergens, and injuries. Ointment is prescribed in cases stubborn current diseases, as well as with allergic blepharitis.

Antiallergic ointments

Newer and safer hormonal drugs are Elcom, Advantan, Fluorocort, Lorinden C, Celestoderm. They are effective for indomitable itching, burning, severe redness and swelling.

Eyelid allergies can be treated with hormonal and non-hormonal ointments

To non-hormonal drugs can be resorted to with less pronounced inflammation. They also have antihistamine action(Fenistil, Psilo-balm), regenerating and moisturizing ingredients - preparations Bepanten, Actovegin.

The main action of antiallergic drugs is to eliminate swelling, burning, hyperemia, dryness, peeling of the skin of the eyelids and around the eyes.


There are also special preparations for the care of the eyelids. Blefarogel 1 and 2 based hyaluronic acid act on the skin of the eyelids, improving the condition of the skin, moisturizing it. The products have a hygienic purpose (help to get rid of seborrheic crusts and scales) and therapeutic (drain the ducts of the sebaceous and meibomian glands).

Demodicosis of the eyelids is treated antibacterial drugs and by special means care

The same funds can be used to combat demodectic blepharitis. Also, to eliminate micromites and the inflammation caused by them, combinations of antibiotics with corticosteroids (Dex-gentamicin, Maxitrol, ointment with metronidazole, tetracycline) are prescribed. The use of steroids allows you to save the patient from excruciating itching, which is provoked by irritation. nerve endings the vital activity of Demodex. The antibiotic is able to suppress these microorganisms.

For the treatment of demodicosis of the eyelids, Demalan cream is also used. This tool belongs to cosmetic, care. His multicomponent composition includes polysaccharides, olive oil, an extract from the raw material of chamomile officinalis, as well as metronidazole - antimicrobial drug, active against many protozoa. More cheap analogue- Demazol cream.

The use of the cream reduces inflammation, itching, swelling of the edge of the eyelids, and also promotes the healing of sores formed during demodectic blepharitis. Pre-treat the edges of the eyelids antiseptic tinctures marigold, eucalyptus, and then apply the cream with a clean swab. This procedure is carried out in the morning and evening or once a night. The tool is suitable for permanent care, the course is usually 45 days.

Infectious diseases

When barley occurs, it is also convenient to use an ointment, because it can be applied pointwise to the head of the abscess and it will have its effect longer than drops. antibacterial action. Essentially, barley is inflammation. hair follicle around the eyelash or adjacent sebaceous gland, which is due to the presence bacterial infection and is accompanied by the formation of pus. In most cases, an outer barley is formed along the edge upper eyelid, but it also happens internal form, in which the meibomian gland becomes infected and the abscess opens towards the eyeball.

Both types of barley are treated with antibacterial ointments.

You can lubricate the outer barley with Vishnevsky liniment, which has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. This drug is good for purulent diseases, but has a specific smell, texture and color that not everyone can tolerate.

With internal barley, as well as with external, antibacterial eye ointments can be used, which are laid over the centuries at the site of the formation of an abscess. Ointment tetracycline eye (tetracycline), erythromycin eye (erythromycin), Floxal (ofloxacin) is usually used 2-3 times a day for five to seven days. Antibiotics in the composition of the ointment inhibit the growth and development of bacteria, as a result, the inflammation subsides, the redness and swelling of the eyelid decreases, the local temperature decreases, after opening the abscess, healing occurs much faster. The main thing is that antibacterial ointments prevent further spread of infection to other structures of the eye.

With external barley, you can also use non-ophthalmic ointments based on the antibiotic levomycetin (synthomycin and levomekol). They are effective against the main causative agent of ophthalmic infection - Staphylococcus aureus.

The outcome of barley can be a chalazion. This is inflammation of the cartilage of the edge of the eyelid around the meibomian glands, as well as the mouth of their ducts during blockage. In this disease, the first combined ointments with an antibiotic and corticosteroids - dex-gentamicin, maxitrol, tobradex, as well as antiseptic preparations- yellow mercury ointment.

Viral diseases

Inflammation of the eyelids caused by viral infections is treated with virucidal ointments. Eye ointments and acyclovir (Acyclovir, Zovirax, Virolex) are widely represented.

Papilloma of the eyelids is treated with antiviral drugs

The active substance can disrupt the DNA synthesis of the following pathogens: virus herpes simplex, chickenpox, shingles.

Against papillomas on the eyelids, which also have viral nature, the most effective are Oxolinic ointments and Panavir cream.

Oxolinic ointment is also effective in the treatment molluscum contagiosum, Dühring's dermatitis, scaly lichen century, adeno viral infection. It must be applied 1-3 times a day, lubricating the affected areas or laying behind the eyelid. A course of treatment viral diseases at least 2 weeks, but can stretch for months, depending on the severity of the disease.

Panavir cream is a unique preparation made from a purified extract of tuberous nightshade shoots. In addition to antiviral activity, against cytomagalovirus of herpes pathogens, human papillomavirus, the drug also has immunomodulatory properties, which increases nonspecific defense mechanisms, in particular, the production of interferon alpha and gamma by leukocytes. The drug has no effect on reproductive function women and fetal development, but its use must be justified by the benefits in treatment. Children can be prescribed Panavir from the age of 12.

Effective treatment of inflammation of the eyelids can only be with correct definition reasons and correct selection medicines. To prevent unwanted reactions and successful therapy it is better to entrust their selection to a specialist doctor.

Medications local application that act on inflammatory processes in tissues and cells are called anti-inflammatory ointments.

The principle of their work is to suppress and reduce the production of inflammatory physiological substances by cells - mediators (lysosomal enzymes, prostaglandins, histamine, kinin). As a rule, all ointments that have the specified effect are intended for cutaneous use, but there are drugs that should be applied to the mucous membranes, or injected into the vagina, rectum.

Anti-inflammatory ointments are used in all branches of medicine. Most of them are used in rheumatology, orthopedics, dermatovenereology, infectology, gynecology and other fields. The advantage of this form of release of drugs is that they are not carried by the bloodstream throughout the body, but act only on the focus of inflammation. Anti-inflammatory drugs have an analgesic effect.

Ointments used for gum disease

Diseases oral cavity in 70% of cases are associated with inflammatory phenomena.

With periodontitis, gingivitis, stomatitis, teething in children, drugs in the form of ointments and gels are most effective and convenient to use.

The causes of inflammation in the oral cavity can be pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi. At poor hygiene In the mouth, plaque and tartar build up, which causes gum and tooth disease. Traumatic processes can also contribute to the appearance of inflammation.

The first stage of inflammatory gum disease is gingivitis. With the timely start of therapy, it can be cured without much difficulty with the help of ointments and rinsing. Having started the process, gingivitis turns into periodontitis, which is treated exclusively by a dentist and for a long time.

Ointment for gums from inflammation reduces the degree of bleeding, anesthetizes and relieves unpleasant itching sensations.

Cholisal is an anti-inflammatory drug used to treat gums. It is safe, has practically no contraindications, it does not contain lidocaine, which is often the cause of allergic reactions. The active ingredient is choline salicylate, which exhibits anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. The addition of cetalkonium chloride helps to inhibit pathogenic microflora. Cholisal is safe for children and pregnant women, has a pleasant taste, does not contain sugar.

Solcoseryl Dental is an anti-inflammatory drug that has a wound-healing effect, increases blood circulation, restores the cell, and normalizes metabolic processes in tissues. The ointment covers the gum with a thin film, providing a kind of protection.

The adhesive base, which has arisen due to pectin, is retained on the gum surface for up to 20-30 minutes. This property is inherent in an anti-inflammatory ointment called Asepta. The composition of the drug contains a proportion of propolis, which has an antimicrobial effect and reduces the sensitivity of the gum tissue.

When teeth appear in children, there may be different symptoms. In addition to crying due to pain and burning, the child begins to have a fever, or he develops manifestations of diarrhea, and the gums become inflamed in the oral cavity. To at least slightly alleviate the well-being of the baby, painkillers are used. These include Kalgel, Dentinox, Kamistad. Their main active ingredient is lidocaine. With symptoms of allergy to the latter, Cholisal is used. In addition to painkillers, children's anti-inflammatory ointments contain herbal ingredients.

Anti-inflammatory ointments for diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Today, a large percentage of diseases associated with damage to the joints, bones, and their destruction are recorded. Most of of which are rheumatic diseases. One of the main components of the treatment of such diseases are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments.

Pain sensations when gouty arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and other pathologies are so strong that they bring patients to the doctor. The first drug of choice belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. For more fast action apply anti-inflammatory ointments for the joints locally.

There are several groups of them, each of which is based on the active substance of the drug. These include: diclofenac, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, piroxicam, nimesulide, indomethacin.

Ointment for inflammation based on diclofenac is most effective for neuralgia, degenerative lesions of the joints, after past injuries. Its action is manifested in the reduction of edema, pain relief, reduction local temperature the affected area, contributes to more quick recovery joint mobility. Diclofenac should not be used by pregnant women and children under 6 years of age, it is forbidden to apply it to damaged skin. Persons with ulcerative defects the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum 12 should be used only under medical supervision. Trade names ointments - Diklak, Voltaren, Diclovit, Diclofenac, Ortofen ointment.

Ointments that relieve inflammation, which include ibuprofen (Dolgit and Nurofen) have the same indications as drugs based on diclofenac. The action is aimed at reducing pain and inflammation. Contraindications for use are: "aspirin" asthma, allergic reactions, age less than 2 years, pathologies gastrointestinal tract, kidney, liver, pregnancy and lactation.

Anti-inflammatory ointment with ketoprofen is used for degenerative processes in the joints and for traumatic injuries. This active ingredient, in addition to reducing inflammation, also prevents the appearance of blood clots. Do not apply to areas affected by eczema or with damaged skin, and also apply to pregnant women and children under 12 years of age. The most common ointments with ketoprofen are Fastum, Ketonal, Febrofid, Ketoprofen and Artrosilen.

Ointments with the active substance - indomethacin. Indovazin, Indomethacin Sopharma and Indomethacin-Acri have an effect, similar to drugs with ketoprofen, but less pronounced. Also, contraindications and indications are similar to anti-inflammatory non-steroidal ointments.

Anti-inflammatory analgesic ointment Fingalgel refers to piroxicam-containing drugs. It reduces the degree of swelling, pain in muscles and joints, without overdrying the skin. Effective for tendinitis, periarthrosis and osteoarthritis. It is forbidden to apply to pregnant women and persons under 14 years of age.

Nise is a drug whose active ingredient is nimesulide. It is the only one of the entire group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments that can be taken for a long time. Nimesulide is less toxic and does not have such a detrimental effect on the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. But, you need to use it only on doctor's prescriptions, since it is also harmful, but to a lesser extent. Indications for the use of steel traumatic injuries bones and joints, bruises, arthritis, bursitis, osteochondrosis. It can be used for children from 3 years old.

It is worth noting that the very process of rubbing anti-inflammatory ointment into the skin over the affected organ improves and accelerates the action of the drug. Medicines for external topical application give greater result in combination with phonophoresis. With this treatment, the absorption of the active substance increases, and the volume of the applied ointment decreases, which is not only economical and safer for the human body.

Anesthetic ointments for joints and muscles are used in the treatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system as analgesics for symptomatic treatment. They are characterized by a wide range of applications. External preparations are prescribed to reduce the severity clinical manifestations with chronic destructive-degenerative, as well as with muscle injury as a result of a fall or severe bruise. Anesthetic ointments and gels for joints differ in their mechanisms of action on the human body, they have quite wide range contraindications and side effects. The active ingredients of many of them are able to accumulate in the systemic circulation, so the choice of drugs should be dealt with.

Characteristic features of dosage forms

  • creation of a higher concentration of the active substance in the inflammatory focus, and not in the bloodstream;
  • high bioavailability;
  • the possibility of local and resorptive application;
  • safety against the background of mild systemic effects;
  • the duration of the therapeutic effect;
  • ensuring expressed therapeutic effect due to the combination of several active ingredients in one preparation;
  • wide range of applications.

Local treatment with anesthetic ointments for joint pain leads to a rapid relief of inflammation and swelling. Systemic side effects are extremely rarely diagnosed even if the patient has a comorbid pathology, that is, manifestations of an additional clinical condition, which exists or occurs due to diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

If the patient is found mechanical damage roots and peripheral nerves, then local therapy pain syndrome is carried out by a combination of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and agents with irritating and distracting activity, for example, Menovazin.

When choosing the best ointment, the doctor takes into account its composition, dosage form, physiochemical properties. The basis of the external agent is also important. The gel is easily absorbed and does not leave on clothes and bed linen oil stains. And the use of an ointment for joint pain will prolong the therapeutic effect due to the gradual release of the active ingredient.

Ointments with ketoprofen

Anesthetic ointment for joints and muscles with ketoprofen has analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity. The mechanism of action of the external drug is based on blocking the production of prostaglandins. It is these biologically active hormone-like substances that are mediators of pain and inflammation. The use of ointments and gels with ketoprofen also helps to stop the spread of edema in soft tissues and muscles. The patient disappears pain both while walking and at rest. Among medicines with ketoprofen:

  • Fastum gel (from 195 rubles);
  • Febrofid (from 185 rubles);
  • Artrosilene (from 220 rubles);
  • Quick gel (from 160 rubles);
  • Ketonal ointment and cream (from 200 rubles).

Since the bioavailability of ketoprofen is only 5%, it does not accumulate in tissues. Transformation of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs occurs in hepatocytes by glucuronization.

Ketoprofen, unlike diclofenac, does not form biologically active metabolites, which becomes additional proof of its safety.

The converted active ingredient leaves the body mainly in the urine (65%-80%), and only a small part of it is excreted along with bile acids during bowel movements. outdoor dosage forms with ketoprofen are not used in the treatment of pain and inflammation in the presence of scratches, cracks, rashes with open skin on the skin. wound surfaces. NSAIDs are not used to treat pathologies of the musculoskeletal system during lactation and on later dates pregnancy due to the ability of the active substance to penetrate through all biological barriers.

After applying ointments with ketoprofen, an allergic reaction of the type of urticaria may develop. AT medical literature described cases of systemic clinical manifestations ( dyspeptic disorders and neurological disorders), but they occur when medical recommendations on dosages and duration of the therapeutic course are not followed.

Ointments with diclofenac

All anesthetic gels and ointments for joints with diclofenac exhibit pronounced analgesic and decongestant activity. In the affected tissues, the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug does not selectively block cyclooxygenase, reducing the amount of prostaglandins produced and disrupting the synthesis of arachidonic acids. Preparations with diclofenac, prescribed to the patient for the treatment of rheumatoid pathologies, contribute to the rapid elimination of stiffness of movements, morning swelling of the joints. External funds are actively used and, the formation extensive hematomas after injury. Diclofenac is the active ingredient in the following ointments, creams and gels:

  • (from 20 rubles);
  • Diklak (from 190 rubles);
  • Diclofenac (from 25 rubles);
  • Voltaren (from 190 rubles);
  • Diclogen (from 105 rubles);
  • Diklovit (from 150 rubles).

Regular use of anesthetic ointment for joints with diclofenac significantly increases the functional activity of the affected. The drug is characterized by low bioavailability (6%), so skin or systemic side effects are rarely diagnosed after its use.

One of the advantages of diclofenac is high concentration active ingredient in comparison with its content in the systemic circulation.

Ointments with nimesulide

Any anesthetic ointment for joints with nimesulide has pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiplatelet, analgesic and decongestant properties. The non-steroidal agent is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and penetrates directly into the affected tissues, where it begins to block the synthesis of prostaglandin mediators. Selective inhibition of cyclooxygenase allows you to quickly stop the spread of the inflammatory process and restore joint mobility. In pharmacies, you can purchase such drugs with the active ingredient nimesulide:

  • Nemulex (from 220 rubles);
  • Nise Gel (from 170 rubles);
  • Nimulid (from 275 rubles).

Neuropathologists and rheumatologists prescribe external non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for, intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis of any localization. These strong anesthetic ointments for joints are not recommended for use longer than 10 days due to the likelihood of side effects, including systemic ones. The active ingredient easily penetrates biological barriers, so the products are not included by doctors in therapeutic regimens pregnant and lactating women.

During treatment with drugs with nimesulide, patients who are diagnosed with severe pathologies liver and kidneys, periodic laboratory control blood and urine to detect changes in their composition.

Ointments with ibuprofen

Pain reliever ointment for joints with ibuprofen exhibits anti-inflammatory activity by blocking cyclooxygenase and inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins. For external agents, an antiplatelet effect is characteristic due to the suppression of red aggregation. blood cells. During clinical trials, an interesting pattern was discovered: the more intense the pain experienced by a person, the stronger the anti-inflammatory effectiveness. non-steroid drug. Thanks to the auxiliary components, ibuprofen is quickly absorbed by the skin and accumulates in the affected tissues, normalizing the permeability of small and large blood vessels. This chemical compound is found in such preparations:

  • (from 200 rubles);
  • Dolgit (from 180 rubles);
  • Ibuprofen (from 20 rubles).

90% of ibuprofen is metabolized in the liver cells in the process of glucuronidation. About 80% of inactive metabolites are excreted by the urinary organs, and 20% are removed along with stool. The undoubted advantage of anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal agent- lack of absorption into the bloodstream, which explains the small number of contraindications and side effects of these external agents. 2-3 hours after applying the drugs to the skin, the active substance is found only in the synovial fluid.

Ibuprofen penetrates inflammatory foci by 60% in the form of an inactive R-form, then there is a transformation into the S-form, which exhibits pharmacological activity.

Combined ointments

Ointments or gels for joints with pain relief may have combined composition, that is, contain several active ingredients with diverse therapeutic properties. This allows not only to significantly expand the range of applications, but also to achieve a diverse therapeutic effect. The ability to apply only one external agent to the affected tissues is also important in order to avoid manifestations. more side effects. Efficiency in reducing the intensity of the pain syndrome is shown by such combination drugs:

  • Dolobene(from 250 rubles). An external agent with dexpanthenol, sodium heparin and dimethyl sulfoxide has an analgesic, thrombolytic and resolving effect. It is used as an anti-exudative and anti-inflammatory drug for the treatment of wounds, bruises, neuralgia, arthritis, extensive hematomas. The presence of Dolobene in the composition of dexpanthenol promotes rapid regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • Indovazin(from 300 rubles). The active ingredients of the drug are the NSAIDs indomethacin and venotonic troxerutin. Chemical compounds block the synthesis of mediators of pain and inflammation of bradykinins and prostaglandins, reduce the permeability of large and small blood vessels. Indovazin is prescribed to patients with thrombophlebitis, venous insufficiency, hematomas that form after bruises,.

The use of combined anesthetic ointments for joints is most relevant for injuries accompanied by severe swelling. Active ingredients penetrate into synovial fluid accumulate in soft tissues. Due to the increase in local immunity, the normalization of microcirculation, the healing processes proceed much faster.

Warming ointments

In the treatment of neuralgia, lumbago, sciatica, arthritis, arthrosis, warming anesthetic creams and ointments for joints are used. pharmachologic effect drugs is to restore optimal blood circulation in damaged tissues. They begin to receive nutrients and biologically active substances, as well as molecular oxygen. This causes an increase in metabolic processes and rapid tissue regeneration. The greatest therapeutic efficacy are:

  • Apizartron with bee venom(from 250 rubles);
  • Kapsikam with camphor and gum turpentine(from 300 rubles);
  • Viprosal with snake venom(from 260 rubles);
  • Finalgon with nicoboxyl and nonivamide (from 280 rubles);
  • Efkamon with mustard, cinnamon, eucalyptus essential oils (from 110 rubles);
  • Nicoflex with extract hot pepper(from 260 rubles).

Anesthetic gels for joints or ointments with analgesic action are not used in the treatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system that occur against the background of an acute inflammatory process.

The analgesic effect of external agents provides accelerated exchange substances and intensive nutrition fabrics. These drugs are prescribed for painful sensations middle and low degree expressiveness.


Chondroprotectors are not used for joint pain, which is subject to immediate elimination. External agents have a cumulative effect, that is, their therapeutic activity is manifested when a certain concentration of active ingredients is created in the affected tissues -. These organic compounds are incorporated into damaged joints or cartilage, restoring their structural integrity. It is the increase in the functional activity of tissues that helps to gradually reduce the severity of the pain syndrome. On the pharmacy shelves, a group of chondroprotectors is represented by the following anesthetic creams and ointments for joint pain:

  • Chondroxide (from 390 rubles);
  • Teraflex (from 350 rubles).

It takes several months to restore articular and cartilaginous tissues with chondroprotectors, and when diagnosing severe degenerative damage, treatment takes 1-3 years. Enhance therapeutic efficacy allows periodic course parenteral administration solutions with glucosamine and (or) chondroitin: Dona,. Doloron, an anesthetic spray for joints, can also be attributed to the group of chondroprotectors. Part local remedy includes chondroitin, camphor, silver ions and glucosamine. The spray is prescribed by traumatologists to athletes after sprains or fractures to accelerate tissue regeneration. And neuropathologists recommend Doloron to patients for the relief of pain in arthritis and osteochondrosis.

It is better to use chondroprotectors in combination with anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal ointments and gels. This method of treatment is practiced when diagnosing and.

Redness, soreness, bleeding, itching and swelling of the gums are clear signs dental diseases. They bring a lot of discomfort and complicate life. To alleviate and eliminate these symptoms, there are many various means. Many of them are available in the form of gels, which are very easy to use. They relieve pain, swelling and redness in a matter of minutes, and have a long therapeutic effect.

Features and Benefits of Dental Gels and Ointments

In understanding ordinary person There is no difference between ointments and gels. However, these forms of drugs differ in some ways:

  1. The gels are water-based, securely attached to the mucosa and are well absorbed into it. Due to this, the active substances act directly on the focus of inflammation, and the period of their "work" increases.
  2. Ointments are created on a fatty basis and penetrate poorly into the mucous membrane of the gums. They are easily washed off with saliva, swallowed or spit.

Nevertheless, the word "ointment" denotes many externally used agents.

perform several basic tasks:

Due to these properties, dental ointments and gels are used for periodontitis, gingivitis, stomatitis and other inflammatory gum diseases.

The benefits of gum gels include:

  1. Availability. Anti-inflammatory ointments, gels, creams, balms are sold without a prescription and can be used on their own.
  2. Easy to use. The tool is simply applied to the gums.
  3. Safety. Gali and ointments are used only externally, which virtually eliminates the ingress of their components into the bloodstream and exposure active substances on the human body.

Before using gels and ointments, be sure to brush your teeth rinse your mouth well and dry it. It is applied to the gums with a clean finger and rubbed into the mucous membrane with light massaging movements. After applying the drug for 30 minutes, it is not recommended to drink and eat. The course of treatment is carried out until the inflammation and other symptoms disappear.

Anti-inflammatory gels

Inflammation of the gums is one of the main signs of periodontitis, gingivitis and other oral diseases. You can get rid of inflammation with the help of special gels.

The new dental gel for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the gums and oral mucosa Dentamet contains an effective antimicrobial complex that affects the main pathogenic microflora of the oral cavity, which is main reason development of the inflammatory process.

Due to the adhesive properties of its gel base, Dentamet is securely fixed in the lesion, which ensures a long-term therapeutic effect.

Contains optimal amount gel in a tube (25 grams), sufficient for a course of therapy.

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the periodontium and oral mucosa:

  • Gingivitis: acute normal function gums, bleeding, ulceration) and chronic (growth of gum tissue).
  • Vincent's gingivitis is acute ulcerative necrotic (rapid necrosis of the soft tissues of the oral cavity).
  • Periodontitis: acute (as a result of trauma during orthopedic treatment) and chronic (hanging edges of fillings, abundant dental deposits, defects in dental prosthetics, bite pathology).
  • Juvenile periodontitis (an inflammatory disease that occurs in adolescents aged 10-13 years).
  • Periodontal disease complicated by gingivitis.
  • Aphthous stomatitis (defects of the mucous membrane of an oval or round shape).
  • Cheilitis (lesion of the lips in the form of their blanching, maceration with transverse cracks and a bright red border on the line of closing of the lips).
  • Post-extraction alveolitis (inflammation of the hole after tooth extraction).
  • Periodontitis (swelling of the fixed part of the gum, resulting from bacterial inflammation and impaired drainage of the gum pocket).
  • Periodontal abscess (as part of combination therapy).


The dental product contains phenyl salicylate, which in the oral cavity is converted to salicylic acid. It also includes those with antiseptic properties essential oils medicinal plants . Periodontocide is complex drug, which has the following therapeutic actions:

  • painkiller;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerating;
  • proteolytic;
  • antimicrobial.

He eliminates bad smell from mouth and prevents the formation of plaque on the enamel. The ointment can be applied to the gums with a clean finger or cotton swab and also use as an application.

Metrogyl denta

The composition of the drug includes the antiseptic Chlorhexidine and the antibiotic Metronidazole. Due to these active substances with the help of the gel, you can achieve an analgesic effect, relieve inflammation, reduce bleeding and reduce the sensitivity of the gums.

Metrogyl denta can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of inflammatory processes. It should be applied twice a day up to one and a half weeks. Children under the age of six, this drug is contraindicated.

If the instructions for use are not followed after frequent use gel, oral dysbacteriosis may occur.


The main qualities of the gel are analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, the drug kills microbes, relieves swelling, cools the surface of the gum mucosa. That is why dentists often recommend Holisal for treatment. various diseases gums

Dental agent begins to act within two minutes after application, and continues keep its effect up to 5-8 hours. For persons under 16 years of age single dose should not exceed 0.5 cm of the preparation. Adults can apply twice as much gel. The drug is gently rubbed into the oral mucosa with a clean finger. To achieve an analgesic effect, Holisal can be applied to the gums a few minutes before meals or after meals.

The gel is used in the following cases:

The drug is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.


The gel contains two active therapeutic components:

  1. Chlorhexidine.
  2. Metronidazole.

Thanks to them, the drug has antiseptic and antimicrobial action destroying various harmful microorganisms. Asepta is the source of various beneficial vitamins and coenzyme Q 10.

Due to its sticky base, the gel stays on the gums longer than other products and has a long-lasting anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. Asepta dentists prescribe for removal pain symptoms and itching, reducing sensitivity and strengthening the gums, eliminating bleeding and as a prophylactic.

You can use the drug three times a day for two weeks. In case of more frequent use gel, side effects may occur:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

The Asepta line, in addition to gels, includes balm, rinses, toothpastes and vitamin complex. Their use allows you to save healthy cavity mouth and cure gum disease.


Gel from inflammation of the gums Troxevasin is an angioprotector, which mainly affects the capillaries and veins. It is based on troxerutin, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves their elasticity. As a result, gum bleeding is significantly and permanently reduced. The drug also helps to relieve swelling and inflammation from damaged surfaces.

Elugel and Elgifluor

Both drugs contain a strong antiseptic chlorhexidine digluconate who fights with various types fungi and infections. Indications for the use of elugel and elgifluor are:

  • bleeding and inflammation of the gums;
  • gingivitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • stomatitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • trauma;
  • inflammation prevention.

Both drugs are used no more than three times a day until inflammation will pass. With the help of elgifluor, teeth are brushed, and elugel is smeared on the gums.


The composition of the gel includes dialesate from calf blood, due to which the drug has a pronounced healing effect. On inflamed and affected tissues Solcoseryl has the following effect:

The gel has the ability to form a protective layer over the damaged surface, so it is often used to heal weeping wounds on the gums and mucous membranes of the mouth.

The use of Solcoseryl will allow:

  1. Block pain for 3-5 hours.
  2. Accelerate wound healing.
  3. Protect gums from mechanical and chemical influences for at least three hours.

Gel is applied to clean gums thin layer and sprinkled with water.

Medicinal cryogel

To combat periodontal disease, dentists recommend using a modern highly effective remedy - bioactive cryogel. This finely porous agent consists of modified starch and active substances:

  1. Antioxidant L - restores, heals and nourishes tissues.
  2. Dioxidine, which is an antimicrobial agent.
  3. Sorbent with polyphepan.

Cryogel is not used on its own. Treatment of inflammation with this drug takes place only at the dentist. The doctor places the agent in the periodontal pocket, where the gel acts like a sponge. It absorbs bacteria and toxins, reduces the risk of suppuration, promotes drainage of pockets, and has a hemostatic effect.

It is not necessary to withdraw the drug, because It will clear up on its own in a day or two. while completely neutralizing the harmful substances absorbed into it.

Ointments for inflammation of the gums

According to statistics and reviews, the best ointments that help get rid of periodontal disease are:

  1. Traumeel S - homeopathic remedy, which includes only mineral and vegetable components. It has a good effect only in the early stages of the disease. The action of Traumeel S is aimed at relieving inflammation, restoring the density of vessel walls and improving their conductivity.
  2. Heparin ointment is an anticoagulant. With its help, eliminate inflammation and strengthen the gums. Heparin significantly reduces the level of platelet aggregation and restores tissue microcirculation.

Since ointments have a greasy base, they practically do not stick to the gums. Therefore, it is recommended to use them as applications. To do this, the agent is applied to cotton swab, which is fixed on the inflamed area with a special film or bandage. As a result, it will last for a long time therapeutic effect drug.

Gels for inflammation of the gums during teething in children

During teething, many babies get inflamed and sore gums. In these difficult days, the child needs parental help. If gum massage and teethers did not help, then you can use special gels:

  1. Baby Doctor. The composition of the drug includes only plant components - plantain, echinacea, calendula, chamomile. The gel has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effect. It can also be used to repair damaged oral mucosa.
  2. Kamistad. The drug contains not only herbal ingredients, but also lidocaine, which will quickly anesthetize the inflamed area. Thanks to the chamomile extract included in its composition, it is a natural antiseptic and relieves inflammation.

You can use dental gels and ointments for children only after carefully studying the instructions and consulting with a specialist.

It must be remembered that independent use gels and ointments inflammatory diseases gums is not a panacea. In any case, you should consult a dentist, take good care of your oral cavity and eat right, including foods fortified with calcium and vitamins in your diet.

Inflammatory processes in the eye area is a fairly common occurrence, which brings discomfort into our lives. Such unpleasant processes as: inflammation, burning, lacrimation, redness cause a lot of problems.

What ointments for eye inflammation can be used?

To solve them, use various drugs tablets, ointments, drops, sprays. However, ointments for inflammation are considered the most effective, and it is about them that we will describe in detail in this article.

Causes of eye inflammation

Inflammation of the eyes is caused by such processes as:

  • Viral infections.
  • allergic manifestations.
  • infectious bacteria.
  • Various diseases of the eye membranes.

At the slightest discomfort of the eyes, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist, otherwise the inflammation will progress, which will affect vision.

Allergic ointments for inflammation

Ointments are divided into hormonal, their effect is felt instantly, but reception allowed not all patients, and non-hormonal ointments have practically no contraindications, the effect is not so fast, but the reception is allowed at any age.

Full list ointment for inflammation

The best ointments from inflammation look like this:

Hydrocortisone eye ointment is hormonal drug, actively fights inflammation, burning, redness, swelling. Active substance is a hormone hydrocartisone, it is responsible for the rapid outflow of fluid from the eyelid, inhibiting the synthesis of histamine - these are substances allergic reaction that cause redness. Used for inflammation of the eyes.

Hydrocortisone ointment is an antiviral and antiallergic agent.

Mode of application

You need to use the ointment 2 times within 12 hours, you need to apply it to the lower part of the eyelid. The duration of treatment is up to ten days, no more. It is forbidden to use pregnant women and women during lactation, people with kidney disease.

Actovegin ointment is non-hormonal, used for inflammation and allergic reactions. Fights and eliminates itching, swelling, inflammation, redness. Most often, everyone uses the ointment during the period of seasonal allergies.

Mode of application

Lay 1 cm, pulling the lower eyelid 3-5 times within 12 hours, before washing the hands. It is allowed to start using children from 3 years old, has practically no contraindications.

Ointments for viral inflammation

Every day there is a possibility that viruses will enter our body and begin to multiply, harming us. This is possible with:

In the case of a viral infection, you will feel pain, the eyelid will noticeably increase, swelling, and fever is possible.

The ointment relieves inflammation and has an antiviral effect.

The most familiar and common drug in the fight against various viruses. Fights viruses such as:

Oxolinic ointment is an effective antiviral agent.
  1. Adenoviruses.
  2. Retroviruses.
  3. Flu.
  4. Cold.
  5. Herpes.

We know that oxolinic ointment They are also used in diseases of other parts of the body, therefore, no variants of the drug and concentration are produced. For correct dosage contact an ophthalmologist. It is allowed to use both children and adults, there are no contraindications.

Mode of application

Wash your hands before use, squeeze the ointment into the lower part of the eyelid about 2 mm. Apply 4-5 times within 12 hours. After the first application, you will notice an improvement. The course of treatment is not more than 7 days.

Bacterial infections

The most common infections are bacterial, they are on every surface and in the air.

Tetracycline ointment based on an antibiotic, has a wide spectrum of action, fights and destroys bacteria.

Tetracycline eye ointment is an antibiotic a wide range actions.

There are restrictions in taking the drug, namely, children are forbidden to use, due to the presence of an antibiotic in the composition. Apply ointment three times within 12 hours. If your treatment is complex, use in parallel antibacterial drops, but with a frequency of 1 hour after the ointment.

Inflammation of the membranes of the eyes

Inflammatory processes of the eye membrane are caused by such processes as:

  1. Keratitis.
  2. Blepharitis.
  3. Erosion of the cornea.
  4. chemical injury.
  5. Physical injury.

When treating the membranes of the eye, drugs should not contain hormones, antibiotics and antiviral components.

The ointment has a healing effect, it is possible to use it for prevention purposes.

Mode of application

Use by pregnant women is allowed, but if you have glaucoma, cataracts, consult your doctor first.

Apply 3-4 times within 12 hours, pulling the eyelid and squeezing out the ointment.

Inflammatory and allergic processes bring discomfort to our lives. Before treatment, it is necessary to undergo an examination and consultation with an ophthalmologist for quality treatment.

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