The wound becomes wet and some kind of liquid flows. Healing agents for weeping wounds - which ointments and creams are better. Creams and ointments for treating wounds at home

Treatment of most open wounds, including weeping wounds, is based on the ability of the body's cells to recover. Before healthy tissues in the wound begin to gradually recover, it is necessary to ensure that no necrotic areas remain in the cavity. The reparative abilities of tissues begin to manifest themselves only in "clean" areas.

Weeping wounds on the legs are the result of trophic disorders during varicose disease thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, erysipelas. The provoking factor is diabetes. When the disease is often formed.

The treatment of weeping open wounds on the legs is divided into several stages, coinciding with the stages of the course wound process. Flow physiological process healing of any wound directly depends on biological reactions in cells. Modern surgical science considers three main stages of the course of the wound process:

  1. Primary self-cleaning of the wound surface.
  2. Inflammatory reaction of adjacent areas.
  3. The formation of granulations.

Especially often such wounds appear on the legs. At the first stage, there is a reflex compression of the lumen of the vessels. This is necessary for the formation of an accumulation of platelets, the formation of a blood clot that will clog the lumen of the damaged vessel and stop the hemorrhage.

Then the lumen of the vessel expands, neurohumoral regulation of vascular tone is blocked. As a result, the blood flow in the wounded area slows down, the permeability of the vessel walls increases and the exit of fluid from the vascular bed into the soft tissues with the formation of edema. Excess fluid begins to stand out from the soft tissues, as a result, the wound begins to get wet. The described process contributes to the cleansing of dead areas. The main treatment at this stage is aimed at eliminating pathogenetic mechanisms and improved tissue cleansing.

The second stage of the course of the wound process is characterized by the development of clinical and pathogenetic signs of inflammation. Edema will increase, leading to increased wetting of the wound. The affected area becomes hyperemic, reddens, hot to the touch. In injured tissues, there is an intensive accumulation of decay products that have an acidic environment, leading to local metabolic acidosis. To remove damaged cells from the body, a large number of leukocytes rush to the wound, and antibodies are released. At this stage, emphasis is placed on anti-inflammatory treatment.

The third stage usually coincides with the second. There is an increased proliferation of new young cells of the granulation tissue. She begins to fill the cavity of the wound. With the formation of a weeping wound, granulation proceeds sluggishly and slowly.

Primary treatment of weeping wounds

Often weeping in the wound is caused by the attachment infectious process and increased inflammation. In such a case primary processing at the stage of first aid includes a thorough washing of the wound from pus, exudate and contamination. Most effective means antiseptic solutions become used to treat the surface of a weeping wound. Choose a solution of hydrogen peroxide, aqueous solutions of potassium permanganate or furacilin, chlorhexidine. The skin around the wound must be treated with an alcohol solution of iodine or brilliant green. The wound is covered with a sterile bandage, protecting from dust and pathogenic microorganisms.

Further treatment depends on the cleanliness of the wound, the removal of edema and the removal of necrotic particles becomes a principle that provides fast and effective treatment.

If the leg ulcer is deep, sometimes surgery in the form of excision of damaged areas. The method provides the fastest cleaning of the wound from pieces of dead tissue, which, according to surgeons, becomes an integral component that speeds up the treatment.

Under general anesthesia or local anesthesia the surgeon removes particles of dead tissue, blood clots, excised the affected tissue. Sutures are sometimes not applied immediately - the decision depends on the nature and condition of the surrounding soft tissues. In some cases, it is advisable to leave the wound open. The next step will be the application of a sterile aseptic dressing.

The measures described above help prevent formidable complications: sepsis, tetanus or gangrene. The earlier the treatment is made, the more favorable the prognostic process is.

Principles of treatment

Wetting of the wound on the legs is more often due to excessive secretion of serous or fibrous exudative fluid from the soft tissues. It is caused by an increase in pressure in the affected areas of tissues, reduced osmotic pressure in the blood plasma. The reason for the decline is low concentration plasma protein. These secretions reveal a physiological meaning and are needed for the healing processes to proceed faster. However, excess exudate can harm the wound and must be removed.

In the situation, the most reasonable approach would be frequent change soaked bandages. They need to be changed as soon as they get wet. After each dressing change, the wound surface must be treated with an antiseptic solution, for example, an aqueous solution of Furacilin. An alternative solution would be Miramistin, Betadine or water preparations based on iodine.

To reduce the amount of exudate, you can create conditions for the discharge of fluid along a gradient osmotic pressure. For this purpose, they are used for open injuries dressings that are moistened in a hypertonic solution.

The combined effect of ions in the solution leads to the normalization of the pressure of interstitial fluids, helps to effectively treat soft tissue edema. The bandage with the solution is changed at least every 5 hours.

To reduce edema and prevent infection, Fuzidin gel, streptocide-based ointment, Nitacid are used. Locally it is permissible to treat with sulfa drugs.

Levomekol ointment is considered an indispensable tool to treat a weeping ulcer. Popular among practicing surgeons, it perfectly promotes tissue dehydration and accelerates healing. The composition includes an antibacterial substance and anabolic, which promotes reparative processes. The ointment is usually applied on napkins or injected directly into the wound cavity.

To dry the excess liquid, Xeroform or Baneocin powder is used, which has an antibacterial effect.

How to cure a purulent weeping wound

The main task, the solution of which is aimed at the treatment of an open purulent weeping wound, is the creation of conditions for a constant outflow of purulent contents. If there is an accumulation of purulent masses, this is fraught with the spread of inflammation to neighboring tissues, the formation of extensive purulent processes, or even sepsis. Treating the described conditions will be more difficult.

Purulent weeping wounds necessarily expand and drain. Held local washing wound cavities with antibacterial solutions. For example, dioxidine. Since the ulcer can be extremely painful, it is acceptable to treat with local anesthetics: Lidocaine Spray or Xylocaine in aerosol form.

Proteolytic enzymes are widely used to enhance the rejection of necrotic masses. Trypsin or Chemotrypsin powders are dissolved in physiological saline, moisten them with sterile wipes, then apply to the wound. At deep damage the napkin is placed deep into the cavity. The tampon is changed every two days. Can be treated deep cavities dry proteolytic enzymes - poured into the wound in the form of a powder.

Prevention of complications

To prevent the spread of pathogenic microorganisms and the development of secondary infection, a patient in a surgical hospital receives parenteral antibiotics.

Introduced into the wound combined ointment, which contains antibacterial and wound healing substances. For example, Levosin effectively kills pathogens, eliminates inflammatory process, has an analgesic effect. Occlusive dressings with Synthomycin emulsion or Levomekol are used. In order for the treatment of open weeping wounds to be effective, surgeons recommend not using vaseline ointments.

Therapy at home

If the size of the lesion is small and shallow, treatment at home is possible. Allowed to heal salicylic ointment, applying the agent to the surface of the wound, covering it with a sterile dressing from above. It is possible to apply ichthyol ointment in a similar way. Grind a streptocide tablet to a powdery state, sprinkle the wound until complete healing.

You can use the Rescuer balm, which contains various essential oils, beeswax, vitamins. It should be remembered that the balm forms a protective film on the wound surface. Before application, it is shown to carefully treat the surface with hydrogen peroxide.

Solcoseryl ointment can be used to treat open weeping wounds on the legs. It has an excellent regenerating effect, removes well pain. The drug belongs to the group of repair stimulants.

The skin is the body's natural protective barrier with many additional features. Every day, the surface of the skin is exposed to aggressive environmental factors. In such cases, there are various kinds defects.

A wound is an injury to soft tissues, accompanied by a violation of their integrity and anatomical structure. With small abrasions, the layers of skin under the epidermis are exposed. Extensive wounds are accompanied by damage to the fascia, muscles and other tissues. Weeping wounds form under certain conditions.

Causes and conditions of occurrence

The main mechanism for the occurrence of a weeping wound is the excessive release of blood plasma through the damaged skin. This is due to a number of factors:

  • infection (bacteria, fungi);
  • burn (chemical, thermal and other types);
  • inflammatory skin diseases(dermatitis, eczema);
  • abrasions of the skin in places of close contact with linen;
  • allergic reactions to metals or synthetic clothing;
  • malnutrition of the skin due to lack of blood supply;
  • diaper rash due to increased sweating;
  • the formation of bedsores in bedridden patients and more.

All causes trigger a cascade of reactions in the body, the main result of which is increased permeability blood vessels located in the thickness of the skin. liquid part blood (plasma), as it were, sweats through the altered vessel wall to the surface and causes the formation of a wet wound.

Weeping wound - too defensive reaction organism. The plasma current through the walls of blood vessels and tissues carries away the products of cell decay.

However, plasma is also a breeding ground for infectious agents. Therefore, it is necessary to fight the process on early stages its occurrence until infection has occurred.

General processing principles

First aid immediately after injury is to wash the tissue defect. Use hydrogen peroxide. It will help stop bleeding by reacting with blood proteins. In addition, the oxygen bubbles formed during this reaction push out impurities and prevent the growth of bacteria. If particles of debris, scraps of tissue are visible, they must be carefully removed with tweezers. Hands and tools should be washed and treated with alcohol.

In the future, antiseptic solutions are used. Some are sold ready-made (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Dioxidin), others can be prepared from tablets (Furacilin, potassium permanganate) or home remedies (solution table salt 0.5 teaspoon per 1 glass of water). Processing must be carried out 2 times a day.

Each treatment ends with the application of a dry aseptic dressing. For this, sterile wipes and bandages are used. Plasters and other sticky materials should not be used. It is recommended to remove the old bandage in the process of soaking in antiseptic solutions. This is how disinfection is carried out and the risk of additional damage is reduced.

In any case, you need to see a doctor! Infection is possible when injured on the street dangerous diseases: tetanus, and when an animal bites - rabies, anaerobic gangrene may develop.

The doctor will properly treat the wound and, if necessary, inject special serums that prevent the development of these infections.

Usually these measures are sufficient for wound healing. However, with irregular processing or errors, as well as with the features of immunity, the wound begins to get wet.

How to treat a weeping wound?

The main goal of treatment is to ensure the outflow of tissue fluid. For this, ointments Levomekol, Levosin are used. They are applied under a dry bandage. They are soluble in water and almost do not create barriers to tissue fluid.

The wounds must be dried. This requirement is met by powder dosage forms. Combined powder preparations are used, containing an antibiotic (Baneocin, Streptocid, Penicillin). It is necessary to powder the wet surface evenly with a thin layer and apply a clean, dry bandage. In addition to drying, they prevent bacteria from entering the wound. Ointments with an antibacterial effect are not used due to the fact that they disrupt the outflow of fluid and increase the risk of suppuration.

Modern treatments include the use of special sponges. The composition of the sponge contains components that have an antiseptic and wound healing effect. The sponge is applied directly to the skin defect, does not require frequent bandaging, and can be easily removed if necessary.

The use of alcohol solutions (iodine, brilliant green) also has a drying effect. But handle them wound surface it is forbidden. By drying out exposed tissues too much, they further damage them and create a thick eschar on the surface, making it difficult for plasma to flow out. Therefore, it is possible to use them only along the edge of the wound defect. This reduces the number of bacteria by healthy skin directly around the damaged skin.

In situations where the eschar forms too quickly and is too thick, it must be softened. You should apply a hypertonic saline solution (1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water) 5-6 times a day. It will soften the crusts and help draw fluid out of the wound. If the crust is thin and formed after several days of treatment, the wounds can be left open for several hours a day.

A frequent companion of weeping wounds is pain syndrome, so sometimes it is necessary to use anesthetics (Trimekain). In addition, there are products that combine a number of components, including an anesthetic.

If such a wound was formed against the background known disease (atopic dermatitis, eczema), then in the treatment it is possible to use ointments with local corticosteroids. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, so the effect comes very quickly. However, these drugs have side effects, and the question of their appointment is decided only by the doctor in each case individually.

The use of these funds for a week gives clear results: the wound gradually decreases and becomes covered with newly formed granulation tissue.

Important! If the pain does not decrease during the treatment, swelling of the surrounding tissues and their pulsation appear, you should immediately consult a doctor! Delay is fraught with the occurrence of an abscess, phlegmon, sepsis.

How to improve healing?

During the formation of granulation tissue, wound healing agents are used. In part, Levomekol also has this effect. You can continue to use it, or you can move on to other means. Bepanthen, Panthenol, Astroderm, Methyluracil are considered effective. They provide recovery protective functions skin and cell structures, accelerate the processes of tissue regeneration.

Should know! The formation of trophic ulcers most often occurs against the background of diseases of the arteries or veins. In this case, the movement of blood and lymph in the tissues is disrupted, so even a slight abrasion can lead to the formation of an extensive ulcer.

The healing of such defects is extremely difficult. Treatment of trophic ulcers takes place under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital and may often require surgical intervention.

Folk remedies

Despite the wide range pharmaceuticals, gifts of nature can also be used to treat weeping wounds. However joint application both those and others wound healing agents help you resolve the issue faster.

Helps to drain fluid from the wound raw potatoes. Finely chop the potatoes and squeeze out the juice. The resulting juice should be applied to a clean cloth and applied to the wound. Similar procedure can be performed at night, and in the morning apply dry dressings and pharmacy antiseptics.

Often damaged tissue begin to be rejected from the wound surface after a while. Cleanse healthy tissues from dead particles will help onion. It is enough to grate it and apply the resulting mass in a gauze napkin to the skin defect. At first there will be a slight burning sensation, but this phenomenon is temporary. Onions contain phytoncides, which have antiseptic properties. In addition, onions will help relieve swelling and reduce pain.

Resins (pine, spruce), honey, wax have antiseptic properties. These components must be combined in a water bath in approximately the same amount and cool. It is recommended to apply this mixture to the wound from time to time. The ingredients are also used individually in small quantities.

Crushed willow bark is used as an antiseptic powder for weeping wounds. In addition, it will help stop bleeding. If you mix willow bark and a small amount of oil, you get an ointment with a wound-healing effect. For the same purposes, you can use aloe, golden mustache. The gruel from the leaves of these plants is used for compresses.

On the last step treatments to improve tissue regeneration are used natural oils. It is famous for its excellent healing effect sea ​​buckthorn oil. They lubricate the healing wound several times a day. It is important to note that the oil is used only in the treatment small wounds and only during the healing period. Oil makes it difficult for air to enter the depth. This contributes to the difficulty of the outflow of fluid and the reproduction of microorganisms.

It should be noted that if the wound does not heal for a long time, has a pale unhealthy color - you need to see a doctor! It is necessary to carry out additional examination for impaired blood flow. In this case, only a qualified specialist can prescribe treatment.

Summing up, I would like to note once again that wounds are our everyday life. However, in any case, you need to contact the experts. The doctor will assess the severity of the wound and decide on further treatment. Extensive and deep wounds are treated in a hospital with the use of antibiotics, detoxification methods and physiotherapy. If the wound is small, then you can be treated at home using pharmaceutical products.

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Probably every person had to deal with various wounds, but in order to take the right measures, it is important to accurately determine the type of lesion. Weeping wounds are often observed in the presence of burns, various dermatitis, as well as trophic ulcers. hallmark injuries of this type is a weeping surface with a pronounced separation of fluid.

How to treat a weeping wound and how to treat it in the future, what to do if the wound gets wet and does not heal, how to provide first aid in case of such an injury - you will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

What to do if the wound gets wet?

The state of weeping of the wound is often caused by an increase in the existing inflammation, as well as the addition of an infection.

The first (pre-medical) aid must necessarily include a thorough washing of the weeping wound from various contaminants, exudate and the resulting pus.

It is best to use special antiseptic solutions for this purpose, for example, Chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide, as well as other compounds. If ready pharmaceutical preparations not at hand, you can prepare a solution of furacilin or potassium permanganate, and also use ordinary laundry soap.

After washing, the skin coverings surrounding the wound should be treated, using brilliant green or iodine solution for this.

Treatment agents should not be poured into open wound, they can only treat the skin around it. After such treatment, it is necessary to apply a sterile dressing to the injury site, the purpose of which is to prevent air, harmful microorganisms and possible contaminants from entering the wound.

It is important to remember that the success of its treatment in the future will depend on the purity of the wound.

Therefore, any contamination, discharge, necrotic particles should be removed on time, while removing tissue swelling and inflammation. Only with proper and timely care, the treatment of an injury will be effective and faster.

After first aid procedures, it is very important to deliver the victim to the nearest clinic as soon as possible and hand over to qualified doctors.

Do not delay going to the hospital, as this is fraught with serious complications and consequences.

Rules for the treatment of a weeping wound

As a rule, weeping skin lesions are classified as open, and if there is a discharge in them a large number serous-fibrous exudate, measures should be taken.

The release of exudate on the condition of the wound usually has a very beneficial effect , because they help to clean not only its surface, but also the inner layers of damaged tissues, but doctors are trying to reduce the level of these secretions. This is done in order to improve blood circulation in the vessels and especially in small capillaries.

The main rule for the treatment and treatment of weeping wounds is the frequent change of dressings, which must be sterile.

When changing dressings, the injury needs to be carefully treated with special solutions of antiseptics, sodium hydrochloride or furacilin, as well as to remove the resulting pus and exudate. Dressings should be changed at least three times a day.

If there is an intensive release of exudate of a serous-fibrous nature, then special dressings are prescribed for treatment using sodium chloride, its aqueous solution at a concentration of 10%. In this case, dressings are changed within a few days with an interval of no more than 4-5 hours.

Also used for the treatment and treatment of wounds and special ointments, which are applied to the liner of the dressing, applied directly to the site of injury or to a cotton-gauze swab, which is used to clean and treat the surface. The applied ointments should have a pronounced antimicrobial effect.

In addition, an obligatory moment in the treatment of weeping wounds is the application to their surface of special drying agents in the form of powders that have intense antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, as well as a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Treatment of weeping wounds

For the treatment of weeping wounds, including those that do not heal for a long time, can be used various drugs, most of which can be purchased at every pharmacy.

Wound healing agents for weeping wounds:

  • salicylic, and Ichthyol ointment . Such products have an excellent antibacterial effect. Before applying any of these ointments to an injury, its surface should be carefully treated with hydrogen peroxide, pouring it over the wound and waiting for the end of the foaming period. Thanks to the formation of foam, all impurities are removed from the wounded area of ​​​​the skin, cleansing it and speeding up the treatment. After that, the surface of the damaged area must be blotted with a sterile napkin and apply the ointment in a sufficiently thick layer. After that, you need to apply a sterile bandage.
  • streptocide. AT modern medicine this tool is used very rarely, since pharmacology today offers a fairly extensive list of other effective drugs, however, in the old days, a couple of decades ago. It is important to remember that Streptocide has a very strong effect and causes accelerated scarring, therefore it is recommended to use it only for the treatment of superficial wounds that do not have deep damage. Before use, Streptocid in tablets is crushed into powder, which is sprinkled on the surface of the injury after it has been cleaned and processed.

Everyone should be able to recognize the type of wound and take appropriate measures. Correct treatment helps the wound to heal faster, and also eliminates the origin of the infection, which is not only painful, but also dangerous to the body. In this article, you will learn how to treat a weeping wound independently, as well as how to determine if a wound is too serious to heal on its own.

Weeping wound - what is it?

A wound is a soft tissue injury of any part of the body, of varying depth and with varying degrees lesions of the skin, blood vessels, cavities, organs and bones. It is also accepted in medical systematization that wounds include external, mechanical damage, and damage to tissues from the inside, say, with an infection, is considered ulcers.

To determine the snag, it is necessary to look at the wound surface. The decisive sign is continuous and copious excretion ichor - blood plasma. Thus, we are talking about tissue trauma, the surface of which is continuously wet due to the release of the so-called filtrate.

Causes of wounds of this nature:

  • burns with fire, burning objects, boiling water, steam;
  • sunburn;
  • burns from harsh chemicals;
  • electrical and laser burns (household or after cosmetic surgery);
  • impaired blood supply to a tissue site;
  • skin inflammation (dermatitis, eczema, etc.);
  • bacterial and fungal infections skin and mucous membranes;
  • irritation from synthetic underwear;
  • chafing and calluses;
  • diaper rash in the groin, under the breasts in women, in the armpits due to sweat;
  • umbilical wounds in newborns;
  • bedsores in bedridden patients;
  • torn skin, gaping cuts, etc.

What to do if the wound gets wet and is it necessary to deal with it?

This state, on the one hand, makes it possible for the ichor, containing the products of cell decay, to freely leave. But on the other hand, it invariably means abundant infection. And the threat lies precisely in the infection of adjacent tissues and organs, as well as each organism - sepsis.

To provide first aid, you need to do aseptic bandage. A sterile napkin or a primitively clean cloth is suitable, which needs to cover the wounded surface.

If the tissues are heavily settled foreign objects, bleeding increases, cut or torn tissues diverge by more than 1 cm, skin is missing in an area larger than a matchbox, there are signs pain shock- this all suggests that now it is necessary to go to a trauma surgeon. If there is no threat, it is allowed to continue processing on their own. How are weeping wounds treated?

How do we traditionally heal wounds at home? Smear with iodine or green. But remember that it is impossible to apply them to bare tissues, because they burn the surface, and the ichor has nowhere to go except to be absorbed into the tissues - this leads to severe inflammation and suppuration. It is necessary to use other preparations with an antiseptic effect for cleaning and processing.

An approximate list of antiseptics that can be used to treat fresh burns, abrasions, cuts:

  • bactosin;
  • horosten;
  • desmistin;
  • dioxidine;
  • decasan;
  • miramistin;
  • octenisept;
  • povidone-iodine;
  • unisept;
  • ectericide;
  • chlorhexidine.

For primary and further cleansing of wounds, prepare your choice: a solution of hydrogen peroxide 3%, one that does not disinfect so well, however, it perfectly cleans and stops bleeding, a solution of furacilin (1 tablet per 100 ml of warm boiled water) or isotonic solution- boiled chilled water with the addition of table salt in the proportion of 0.5 teaspoon per 1 glass of water.

Use the same solutions to soak and remove the previously applied bandage that has dried to the wound surface. It is allowed to clean the edges and, if necessary, remove the exudate with the same solutions on a gauze ball clamped in tweezers. Before manipulation, it is necessary to thoroughly wash your hands and wipe them with alcohol.

After removing the bandage and cleansing, it is allowed to apply a layer of drying powder with local antibiotics. For example, Zhitnyuk's powder is often used (powdered sugar + streptocide + xeroform + boric acid). Until formed granulation tissue, that is, while the place is getting wet or festering, it is better to use powders and solutions with a drying result externally, and refuse ointments.

What is the best way to dry a weeping wound?

Depending on the degree of infection are used different means. If the wound is not deep, but slowly heals, it is allowed to apply a mesh on its edges with iodine, brilliant green, fucorcin. The surface with exudate (ichor) is neatly wiped alcohol tincture calendula or birch buds.

If the formation of dry crusts is too rapid, and suppuration does not keep up with exudate, it is important to keep the wound surface dry, but soft. Suppurations do not actually heal in the “under the scab” state, therefore their surface must be softened hypertonic saline table salt. Unlike isotonic, in it the proportion of salt and water is 1:10.

In addition to drying, 10% saline solution fights putrefactive bacteria and delays purulent discharge out. Without removing the gauze napkin, it is necessary to water sore spot with this solution for about 1 minute (approximately 1 liter of liquid is needed) over a washbasin, bathtub or basin, every 4 hours. With this washing regimen, a fresh dressing and laying the medicine in the wound can be done every 2 days without damage to healing.

Treatment of infected weeping wounds

To cure infection and accelerate tissue regeneration, they put thin layer antibiotic powder. The powder will help to slightly dry the surface and destroy the population of microorganisms on it. Doctors prescribe for this purpose a powder of streptocide or sulfanilamide, penicillin, levomycetin, xeroform, as well as compound antibacterial and antifungal drugs, say, baneocin.

The laying of the powder is done as follows: on a cleaned wound surface, a thin layer of the drug is applied from a cotton brush (you can do it yourself), no more than 0.5 mm thick, that is, you need to carefully powder the place.

Then cover it with a dry sterile gauze and bandage it in 4-5 layers. After 4 hours, the dressing should be moistened more closely. saline solution, however, if there is little or no pus, it is allowed to stop such washing and confine yourself to daily treatment and dressing until complete recovery.

If a appearance injuries and pain worsen (tissues fade, swell, pulsate), and inflammation obviously captures neighboring areas, it is necessary to consult a doctor without wasting a day. In addition to the local treatment, the doctor will prescribe antibacterial drug inside (tablets, capsules, etc.) for systemic suppression of infection. In many cases, an oral antibiotic is indispensable.

Ideally, small wounds heal after proper treatment in 7-10 days, others need to be treated for 3-4 weeks and use quartz, heating, laser, massage.

Long healing ones leave severe scars and lead to the death of entire areas of muscles and skin, which really cannot be corrected. Therefore, be responsible in relation to your health and take care of it correctly!

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