Presses on the eyes and the back of the head causes. Increased intraocular pressure. Methods for treating a patient who has a headache and eye pain

If the head hurts and presses on the eyes, then this may simply indicate a strong overstrain of vision, or the presence of some kind of pathology. Therefore, this condition should alert and make you think about a visit to the doctor. He will help determine the cause of the appearance of such a pathology, and prescribe an effective treatment.

Reasons for the development of the disease

The following factors can provoke this condition:

  • Mental or nervous strain. In addition, excessive exercise stress on the eyes. How long the headache attack will last in this case is difficult to guess. But even after the attack is eliminated, the sensations can persist for a long time.
  • Migraine. This cause of headache is quite common. Moreover, unpleasant sensations can cover only the right or left temple. That is, the pain is localized in one half of the head. At the same time, she gives it to the eye or ear.

Neurologist Shlyapnikov Kirill Aleksandrovich tells about the most common factors in the appearance of headaches:

  • Increased intracranial pressure. In this case, work is disrupted blood vessels. In addition, intraocular pressure increases. This condition can be provoked by climate change, stress and even a stroke. Usually pain syndrome localized in the back of the head, gives into the ear, as well as the left and right temple.
  • Malignant or benign education in the brain, as well as a hematoma. Here, treatment is already mandatory, since delay can cost a person's life.
  • vessel aneurysm. In this case, the pain syndrome has a pulsating character. Its maximum intensity appears after sudden movement head.

  • Meningitis or encephalitis, and others organic lesions brain. At the same time, pain and pressure are felt not only in the head area, but also in the eyes.
  • Sinusitis, sinusitis. These inflammatory pathologies, in which discomfort covers the forehead, can be given to the ear, nose.

  • Pathology of the teeth.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • An injury to the forehead, ear, back of the head, or any other area of ​​the head that causes a concussion. However, symptoms may not appear immediately. Additional feature considered dizzy.
  • Cervical osteochondrosis. The nature of the headache may be throbbing, and there is pressure in the eyes.
  • Violation of blood circulation in the vessels of the brain. In this case, there is pressure in the eyes, and it presses, as it were, from the inside. The headache spreads to the forehead, the back of the head, the person feels an incredible heaviness in the head.
  • Glaucoma. Intraocular pressure rises, headache in the forehead.

In any case, if it presses on the eyes, it is necessary to be examined by a therapist and an ophthalmologist. You may need to consult another specialist.

Features of diagnostics

If a person feels heaviness in the head, there is a strong and constant headache, there is pressure in the eyes, he should definitely consult a doctor. He, in turn, will prescribe a comprehensive examination, which includes the following procedures:

  1. MRI or CT. These research methods are the most modern and informative. However, they are not always shown, so it is better to consult a doctor before the examination.
  2. Tomography of the cervical spine, which will allow you to establish the presence of osteochondrosis, often provoking a headache.

  1. Angiography. When using it, contrast agents are introduced into the vessels.
  2. Examination of the fundus. This procedure is performed by an ophthalmologist.

Thanks to comprehensive examination it is possible to determine the presence of tumors in the head area, degenerative phenomena of the cervical calving of the spine, aneurysms, intervertebral hernia and other pathologies.

First aid

In any case, the following recipes can be useful:

  1. Decoction herbal collection, which includes valerian, chamomile, plantain, lemon balm. All components must be taken in the same amount (1 tablespoon). To this mixture, you need to add another 2 large spoons of yarrow herb. All raw materials should be thoroughly ground with a coffee grinder. Next, pour 3 tablespoons of the mixture into 700 ml of boiling water, wrap and leave to infuse for 12 hours. You need to take 1/3 cup of liquid every 2 hours for 3 days. In this case, the infusion should be warm. Such folk medicine will help relieve heaviness in the head, pain and pressure in the eyes, which is bursting from the inside.
  2. Ordinary freshly squeezed juices from fruits and vegetables are excellent. Very effective with headache and pressure in the eyes, the juice from raw potatoes, strawberries and rose hips. Drink this juice should be every day for 100 ml.

For more recipes, watch our video:

  1. If the headache is not very strong, and also it is not felt constantly, you can use essential oils. Marjoram, lavender, menthol and basil are very useful. They are able to eliminate a headache in the right or left temple, calm nervous system. In this case, the oil can be poured into an aroma lamp or used for massage.
  2. Lemon skin. It quickly relieves headaches, as well as pressure that bursts the skull from the inside. The peel should be applied from above to the place where discomfort is most felt.
  3. bath based medicinal herbs or sea salt.
  4. It's good to drink a glass warm milk with honey at night. This recipe has a calming effect.

Folk remedies are not a panacea. It is better to consult a doctor first.

Prevention of a pathological condition

Pressure on the eyes from the inside is an unpleasant sensation that prevents a person from working normally. If it appears, then it is necessary to start treatment pathological condition, but only after the cause of the disease is established. However, its appearance can be prevented:

  • It is important to refuse bad habits: alcohol abuse, smoking, fast food consumption.
  • Eliminate all those factors that can provoke a situation when it presses on both eyes: unpleasant odors, exposure chemical substances, bright light.
  • Better get rid of excess weight, in which there is a violation of the hormonal background.

  • Get regular medical checkups.
  • Timely treat pathologies of the nose, throat, teeth, as well as infectious diseases respiratory tract.
  • Normal and good rest. Night sleep must be 6-8 hours. In addition, you should not neglect the daytime rest.

That's all the features of the pathological condition, in which it seems to press on both eyes. Naturally, it cannot be overlooked. Consultation with an experienced specialist will provide an opportunity to receive comprehensive and effective assistance.

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Any pain does not please a person. Head - familiar to everyone, sometimes it occurs even in healthy people.

When the head hurts, while the feeling that it also presses on the eyes is almost unbearable. A person is looking for relief, at the same time trying to understand, to identify the cause of pain.

Causes of pain

The source of painful sensations can be:

  1. Physiological causes - no disease.
  2. Development of the pathological process.

Headache-provoking factors not associated with the disease

Effect of emotional stress. People are vulnerable, overly emotional, perceive negative events more acutely than others. It is worth upsetting such a person, and a headache occurs instantly. Moreover, it is intense, it can be felt by pressure on the eyeballs from the inside.

Overwork. Workaholics, or people forced to work for a long time and without rest, periodically involuntarily rub brow ridges. This is a mechanical action. Gestures of putting a hand to the place of pain are programmed by nature. A person tries to show himself: it hurts here. But to realize: it hurts already, it's time to rest, maybe not always.

Unprofessional scoring. Features of the market economy made it possible for uncontrolled trading in points. Previously, it was impossible to get them without a prescription. But an independent "check" - whether or not the glasses fit a particular person - is incorrect. Be sure to take into account the distance in mm between the pupils. This value is individual. In the markets, in pharmacies, people look more at the frame. I liked it, you can read it - they take it. The probability of hitting correct distance between the focusing centers of the lenses is very small. Eye overload guaranteed. And this is a headache and eye pain.

Eye fatigue. Long work with a load on vision (needlework, typing, looking at the monitor, etc.) affects the well-being. The head begins to hurt, there is a burning sensation in the eyes, pressure from the inside on them.

fluctuations in blood glucose. You don't have to be diabetic to experience these fluctuations. If a healthy man have not eaten for a long time, blood sugar will inevitably fall. When its value is significantly below the norm, the headache along with the eye pain is debilitating. Take a bite and everything will be back to normal.

Non-physiological posture. Being in an unnatural position for the functioning of systems - in a dream, while reading, at a computer - is a provocateur of pain in the head. A curved spine, especially the neck, supplies the brain with less nourishment - blood. Disturbed blood supply forces the control center, the brain, to signal a problem with pain.

Bad habits. Suffering frequent pain in the head with pressure on the eyes may not see the reason. At the same time, smoke often and do not remove the glass from the table. The frightening inscriptions “smoking kills” on cigarette packs do not frighten smokers. True, they act on the subconscious, and they really kill. Before tormented by headaches. Tell the smoker about vasospasm with each next puff. What will he answer? It's good if he stays silent.

Drinkers get annoyed at any attempt to "denigrate" alcohol. And the mechanism is simple. First, a sharp expansion of blood vessels, then - their narrowing. The head hurts, a drunk person may complain about it. But then forget, "under anesthesia" was the same. Will remember tomorrow. And it will hurt your eyes, and whiskey, and your whole head. But those who drink are "treated" by the addition of poison. Making the condition worse.

Insufficient sleep. Regular lack of sleep- a prerequisite for equally regular pain in the head. Especially if “brain time” is missed - from 23:00 to 2:30 at night. The only period of time when the brain allows itself to rest. Conflicting with your own brain, forcing it to work during its legitimate rest hours, you will gain a headache.

Food for the night. Or drinking invigorating drinks like coffee. Instead of cheerfulness, you will get weakness.

Lack of physical activity. Mankind first lay down on sofas to watch TV. Then he moved to computers - he transferred part (sometimes significant) of life to the virtual. If the work is physically easy, the apparent comfort is disastrous for health. The headache comes first. If the “target” guessed what was going on, maybe the person would change their habits. Or at least try. No - the pain will progress. Move - it is necessary, moreover, actively.

All this is the cost of a lifestyle that depends directly on the sufferer himself. Headaches have other causes.

Factors triggered by diseases

Increased intracranial pressure. A disease that is not to be trifled with. There are pains sharply, can be associated with a quick tilt and straightening or effort. Weight lifting, seizure cold cough, strong sneezing. Strong pressure from the inside on the eyes, intense headache. Violations are visible on the fundus. There is a risk of stroke.

Tumors. The type of tumor (benign or cancer) does not always affect the intensity of pain. Initially, the leading cause of the pain syndrome is its localization. By squeezing certain areas of the brain, a small benign formation can also cause a headache. Often it is a cyst. Oncology often does not show up right away. But if it affects the receptors of the nerves, squeezing them, then it is detected quickly.

Problems of cerebral vessels. The medulla itself does not hurt. The pathology is “reported” by the nerves passing in the affected area. Spasmodic vessels or vessels with a thickened, swollen wall also give pain.

Sinusitis. Inflammation maxillary sinuses - frequent complication SARS. This disease is characterized by bursting, "pushing out" pains of the eyes from the inside. Headaches are unbearable. sharp shape can't go without painkillers. Both inflammation and pain are concentrated in the frontal part. When sinusitis chills (temperature) and you want to sleep (weakness). The pain extends to the temples.

Migraine. Previously, it was called the privilege of royalty. They deserved an unfortunate reward, presumably hypodynamia. After all, even putting on and taking off clothes on their own "excellencies" was not befitting. It was considered indecent.

Now we do the little things ourselves, but migraine is experiencing a second youth. Presses on the eyes, more often - on one, causes pain in the head. It is painful, and often long - up to three days.

The nature of the disease has not been precisely established. But it is noticed that the increase in seizures is provoked by:

  • Power supply errors;
  • Emotional shakes;
  • Insufficient sleep;
  • Change of weather;
  • Strong fatigue.

The disease warns of the next attack with characteristic symptoms:

  • drowsiness;
  • Despondency;
  • Anxiety;
  • tense state;
  • Visual effects - aura (colored circles, zigzags before the eyes, decreased vision).

Not all symptoms are present at the same time, but some are combined. Sometimes it is possible to stop, to prevent an attack. Patients usually know what works best.

Concussion. There are falls, blows to the head. Sometimes the bruise is insignificant, but after that nausea, headache and eye pain are observed. The possibility of a concussion cannot be ruled out. characteristic feature: with a bruise, at least a second loss of consciousness is noted. The victim may not notice this. But the situation is serious and requires treatment.

Hypertonic disease. High blood pressure, especially the crisis course of hypertension, provokes pain in the head. Only their intensity is different. When it is very large and is accompanied by pressure on the eyes, it is better to call a doctor. These are possible harbingers of a stroke.

Infectious diseases. Almost any "hit" on the head. First, the head will ache, and after a while, signs characteristic of specific diseases join. Depending on the nature of the problem, these may include:

  • Heat;
  • Rash;
  • Stomach ache;
  • Vomit;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Nausea;
  • Disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.

There are many symptoms, just a few are listed.

Glaucoma. A dangerous eye disease. Sharply increased intraocular pressure. Eye pains are strong emergency help. Without it, vision loss is possible.


use available to the patient methods:

  • Primary examination, survey;
  • Examine the biochemistry of blood;
  • encephalogram;
  • MRI of the brain is an expensive, but the most informative examination;
  • ultrasound ( duplex scanning) arteries of the neck - brachiocephalic;
  • Examination of the fundus.

These methods will allow you to clarify the diagnosis, choose an effective treatment strategy. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe additional studies.


Assigned by the attending physician. Follow the instructions strictly, this is important. Various diagnoses - different schemes overcoming illness.

Light uncomplicated cases (overwork, overheating, lack of sleep) you can eliminate yourself. If you cannot remove pain symptom for a long time - see a doctor. He will understand the situation.


Avoiding the causes that cause a headache with a return to the eyes at the stage of non-compliance with the regimen, you will insure yourself against the transition of pain into a chronicle. Sleep, eat natural food rest actively. Try to eradicate unhealthy habits. This will be the best prevention of headaches and others too.

There are no people asking in surprise: “What is a headache?” She is a bad friend of ours. But there is knowledge of how to feel this familiar guest less often. stock up on health all year round. Strengthen it even when you feel great. Your quality of life will greatly benefit, just put a little effort into it.

When the head hurts in the forehead, presses on the eyes and feels sick, this can be a symptom of the most different states- beginning with nervous strain and ending with serious illnesses. This article will describe possible reasons such ailments and how to deal with them.

What does headache, heaviness of the eyes and nausea indicate?

Types of headaches

Tension pain

The most common headaches are tension headaches. They may indicate overwork or, in the worst case, a head or neck injury. Basically, this type of headache is concentrated in the upper part of the head and may be accompanied by pulling sensations in the eye area. Any aspirin tablet will help to quickly get rid of such pain.

cluster pain

Most rare view headache - cluster. It manifests itself in the frontal part and can give to the eye area, creating an unpleasant pressing or squeezing sensation. Often such pains are accompanied by lacrimation and runny nose, but the causes of cluster pains, unfortunately, are still not exactly known.


Migraines torment a lot of people. These are pains that occur in the temples or forehead area, often there is a pressing sensation in the eyes and all this may be accompanied by nausea. In some cases, migraine is indicated by numbness of the limbs and impaired speech, in such cases it is necessary to urgently call a doctor. Anyway, migraine is the least of the troubles, which can be characterized by pain in the forehead and temples, pressure on the eyes and nausea.

What makes it hard on the eyes?

The feeling that it presses on the eyes occurs with overwork or severe mental stress. But most often it is a sign of increased intracranial pressure. Only competent specialists will be able to tell you for sure the cause of pressure on the eyes. Reason for discomfort eyes and headaches may be allergic, in which case it is necessary to pass the appropriate tests to identify the causes of allergies.

It is possible that you have recently changed the climate, having arrived from a distant country, or experienced stressful situation. Then pressing sensations on the eyes will soon pass, but, nevertheless, be sure to go to the optometrist and measure the pressure every day.

When does nausea occur?

Nausea can indicate many disorders and changes in the body. But when we are talking about nausea as a concomitant headache syndrome, most likely poisoning and indigestion will have to be excluded. If nausea is accompanied by headaches, this may indicate intracranial hematoma or brain tumors. The presence of this or that disease can be fixed only after an MRI, and the treatment should be prescribed by the surgeon, an operation may be required, so you should not delay visiting a specialist.

Pain in the head: in the forehead, combined with pressure on the eyes and nausea, indicate overwork or some kind of disease, in any case it is necessary to consult a doctor

How to get rid of a headache?

First of all, you need to contact the experts. The passage of Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the brain (MRI) and Ultrasound Dopplerography (USDG) of the vessels of the head and neck will help to immediately identify or, on the contrary, get rid of doubts about anomalies and pathology of the brain.

With regard to pressure on the eyes, it is worth contacting an ophthalmologist who will examine the fundus of the eye and be able to identify the causes of the resulting pressure. Perhaps, it is necessary to descend and to the neuropathologist. In general, if you are often tormented by all of the listed symptoms, it will not be superfluous to take sick leave and spend full examination organism, because simple symptoms how headache, nausea, and eye discomfort can be signs serious illnesses requiring immediate medical attention.

Comprehensive recovery of the body

When the head hurts in the forehead, presses on the eyes and feels sick, you need to take medication to get rid of the discomfort as soon as possible. But, since medicines must be prescribed by doctors, this article will provide recommendations on what can be done to get rid of and prevent discomfort.

Proper rest

Constant work, overexertion and nerves cause most of the modern diseases that cause headaches, nausea and general malaise.

Importance of fresh air

Banal recommendations to walk and breathe more often fresh air, seemingly easy to accomplish, but few people can afford more than a walk to the grocery store or to work. Try to go to a park or a village at least once a week on weekends, fresh, non-polluted air can work wonders and relieve the body of many unpleasant sensations.

quality sleep

Constant lack of sleep affects the accumulation of fatigue and overwork. 8 hours a day is a luxury for many in a busy environment. Nevertheless, airing the room before going to bed, purchasing an orthopedic mattress and a comfortable pillow is not so difficult, because your sleep will become much more effective, and the working day after such a dream will be more productive.

Proper nutrition system

At a minimum, start your day with porridge. Do not skip dinners with the obligatory presence of soup and do not fill up at night. Subject to such simple rules migraines and nausea will not bother you, to be sure, if you switch completely to a balanced diet.

It is obvious that the head does not hurt just like that, nothing presses on the eyes, and nausea does not come from nowhere. Timely appeal see a doctor will save you from more serious consequences, and in order not to suffer from migraines, try to relax more often, spend time in nature and get enough sleep.

Modern life, with a lot of stress, worries and large quantity time spent at the computer leads to the fact that very often our eyes and head hurt. This problem interferes with productive work and even nullifies rest. In addition, some diseases that cause headaches can even lead to heart attacks and strokes. Let's see why the head hurts along with the eyes and what to do about it.

The most common cause of headaches that radiate to the eyes is hypertension or high blood pressure. Pain in the eyes is associated with an increase intraocular pressure.

Hypertension is usually an age-related disease, however, now with the increase in the speed of life and the massive introduction of computer technology from high blood pressure already 25% of young people suffer. Sometimes this disease manifests itself during puberty due to a sharp hormonal surge in the body. Hypertension is often associated with overwork.

Migraine is another cause of headaches, usually in the temples where the pain radiates to the eyes. With a migraine, blurred vision and intolerance to bright light are possible. The disease is also hereditary, transmitted mainly through the female line and quite dangerous - with recurring pain, it can seriously interfere with work and even lead to disability.

The main factors causing an increase pressure and migraine:

  • smoking, especially in combination with alcohol
  • drinking coffee or energy drinks
  • intake of large amounts of salt
  • taking medications, especially hormonal contraceptives women
  • poor sleep hygiene - sleep significantly less or more than 8 hours
  • heavy, and most importantly, irregular physical activity
  • a lot of time spent at the computer
  • obesity
  • lack of outdoor activities
  • stress
  • mental and mental stress
  • sudden change in weather

Cervical osteochondrosis is another disease in which a headache radiates to the eyes. An artery supplying blood to the brain passes in the neck area; when it is squeezed, the “gray matter” does not receive enough nutrients and oxygen. As a result, there are headaches that have a pressing or squeezing character, which often radiate to the eyes. The risk group for cervical osteochondrosis includes the leading sedentary image life people, that is, the vast majority of us.

It can arise from and from simple overwork - in this case it is the least dangerous. The main causes are stress at work, in the family and a large number of time spent at the computer. Often this overwork is exacerbated by lack of sleep. Sometimes the eyes can also water.

Symptoms of simultaneous pain in the eyes and head

With hypertension, the main symptoms are: pain in the head in frontal lobes, squeezing the head as if with a "hoop", darkening in the eyes, tinnitus, sometimes nausea,. If you let the disease take its course and do not treat it, then there may be problems with coordination, significant reduction memory and intellectual abilities.

With a migraine, pain in the head is localized in temporal areas, as a rule, only on the right or only on the left. The pain is quite strong, throbbing, can occur both regularly and randomly. Moving, turning, or tilting the head often aggravates pain. Other symptoms include: nausea, sometimes vomiting, tingling and numbness of the fingers. "Flashes" before the eyes, a split picture - frequent companions migraine, and with its ophthalmic form, one suffers optic nerve(for example, pain is felt in one eye and head).

With osteochondrosis, there are very similar symptoms: in addition to headaches in the back of the head and deterioration of vision and hearing, nausea and vomiting are possible, often loss of consciousness, numbness upper limbs, dizzy. Sometimes cervical osteochondrosis can lead to hypertension, which further increases the pain of the head and eyes.

Pain from overwork, as a rule, is felt in the frontal part of the head or as a squeezing hoop. At the same time, the eyes are unpleasantly tense, may watery, they have a certain feeling of heaviness. Memory, attention, concentration deteriorate, absent-mindedness may occur.

Treatment and prevention of simultaneous pain in the head and eyes

Almost all diseases that cause a headache in which it also presses on the eyes are quite serious, so self-medicating them is ineffective and even harmful. You need to contact a specialist. In addition, the symptoms of the diseases are very similar, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to determine exactly why, for example, the head and left eye hurt.

As a rule, for all cases apply complex methods treatments that include:

  1. Medicines, incl. painkillers (paracetamol, antidepressants, antiemetics)
  2. Herbal medicines (motherwort, valerian)
  3. Taking vitamins
  4. With osteochondrosis - special ointments and gels
  5. Massage and manual therapy, acupuncture

If, upon the onset of pain in the head and eyes, if you are at home, then you need to lie down and relax, after closing the curtains and turning off the light. It is advisable to remove shoes, belt, other tight clothing, and glasses or lenses if you wear them. Relaxing music (ethnic, Celtic, New Age) helps a lot.

Pain caused by overwork and irritation is the only one in which you can self-medicate. The first step is to get rid of the source of stress. Then you need to rest for a few hours, do breathing exercises, listen to relaxing music. Yoga helps to relieve stress Eastern practices, autogenic training, light fitness. How additional remedy can be used light massage closed eyes warm palms.

Disease prevention must be causing pain in the head and eyes. This will help you healthy lifestyle life, proper nutrition, adherence to the daily routine and activities physical therapy. A good prevention of osteochondrosis is articular gymnastics. Then the questions why your head hurts and your eyes simply won't bother you and you can live life to the fullest.

Modern life with huge amount stress, spent many hours at the computer, contributes to the appearance of weakness, dizziness, visual pathologies. But we must not forget that the long pressing pain in the eyes and headaches are also caused by serious diseases. BUT correct diagnosis installed by a specialist.

Causes of discomfort

The above symptoms have many causes.

  1. Fatigue . At long work with documents, and even more so with a computer, sometimes you get the feeling that your head hurts and puts pressure on your eyes. They turn red and become inflamed, because when working with a monitor, the condition of the mucous membrane worsens.

    The pain in the eyes is also caused by glasses that are chosen incorrectly, because of which the optic nerve is overstrained. Trust the selection of optics only to a specialist.

  2. Hypertension - with high pressure a person has a feeling of bulging eyes, a heavy head. When it is lowered, on the contrary, the eyelids seem heavy, I want to cover them.
  3. With allergies, a headache in the eye area is accompanied by burning, itching, and lacrimation.
  4. Unbearable pain that radiates to the eye is a migraine. It causes distortions of vision, susceptibility to smells, lighting.

    Important: this state cannot last more than 70 - 72 hours.

    Pain that is similar to a migraine but causes watery eyes is called cluster pain. Why they occur is unknown.

  5. Sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary sinuses causes pain in the eyes, swelling, fever.
  6. Improper circulation cerebrospinal fluid (liquor) - if the movement of the cerebrospinal fluid is disturbed, pressure surges appear inside the skull, fever, dizziness, forehead and eyes hurt. Causes - inflammation in the brain tissues caused by cysts, neoplasms, hematomas, when the movement of the cerebrospinal fluid is impaired.
  7. Osteochondrosis cervical. When the spine is immobile, its deformations occur, pinched nerve roots, which causes pain in the back of the head, eyes. Soreness is concentrated in one part of the head, becomes worse when bending over. There are also discomfort in the arms and chest.

    Remember: movements the best prevention osteochondrosis.

  8. Infectious diseases- soreness in the head with sinusitis and meningitis is stronger than in the eyes. It seems that the cut is concentrated at the back eyeball. Discomfort increases with a change in the posture of the head and body.
  9. Ophthalmic disorders. False myopia or spasm of accommodation - spasm eye muscle when vision deteriorates, and the person does not react to changes in focal length. This causes pain in the eyes. In order to get rid of negative symptoms, you need to relax the muscle with the help eye drops or laser therapy.

    A serious problem is glaucoma, leading to blindness. When a person is ill, his eyes, head hurt, dizziness and nausea torment him. The pupil dilates and the eye swells.

How to remove soreness

most common cause discomfort in the eye sockets and head is fatigue. You can get rid of it with the help of simple relaxation techniques:

  • if you are at home - lie down, turn off the lights, draw the curtains;
  • try to sleep;
  • do not turn on the TV and computer for a day or two;
  • massage the head from the back of the head to the temples and neck;
  • pain caused by spasms is eliminated by spasmalgon. But if the symptoms recur, hurry to the doctor.

Techniques of traditional medicine

Pain in the eyes and headache are relieved with traditional medicine.

  • Mint decoction. Pour boiling water (1 cup) peppermint(1 tablespoon). After straining, drink 50 g before meals.
  • Elixir of garlic. Add 9-10 cloves of garlic to half a glass of milk, boil and cook for 4-6 minutes. Cool, strain. A few drops (5 - 7) of decoction drip into the ear. After a couple of minutes, remove by tilting your head.
  • Valerian decoction. Chopped rhizome (1 tablespoon) pour boiling water. Soar 25 - 27 minutes in a water bath. Consume before meals.
  • honey cocktail. Mix 1 part agave juice, 2 parts honey and wine (red). Drink a cocktail before a meal.
  • Therapeutic compresses. In order not to have a headache, compresses from cabbage leaves, gruel of raw potatoes are applied to the temples and forehead. A cold wet towel removes the pain syndrome too.

Important: if you have a severe headache in the eye area, do not self-medicate. Contact your doctor. This will help protect against the development of serious diseases and their consequences.



Severe soreness in the eyes and head has good reasons, they are detected using following methods diagnostics.

Usually complex treatment is carried out:

  • medication - taking painkillers, sedatives, antiemetics, antidepressants, also with osteochondrosis, the doctor prescribes medicinal ointments and gels;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • massage, physiotherapy.


In order not to suffer from pain in the eyes and head, you need to follow the regime, eat right, breathe fresh air more often, move more. Gymnastics is especially useful in the development of osteochondrosis.

By following these instructions, you will live full life, and the question: “Why do my eyes and head hurt” will never bother you.

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