If severe injury. Compresses for bruises: what to apply and how to apply. Classification of bruises by localization and severity

Soft tissue injury is the most common injury. Any person can get it: hit, stumble or drop a heavy object on his leg. Especially often such injuries are received by children, tourists and athletes. In icy conditions, the number of victims increases sharply.

Despite the fact that most people have experienced bruises, not everyone knows how to properly provide first aid and carry out further treatment.

Signs of a bruise

Skin and muscle tissue are damaged;

The site of the injury swells, pain is felt;

The area of ​​the hematoma depends on the strength of the blow;

In most cases, the bones remain intact;

Vessels and capillaries are often injured;

Blood, penetrating into the cavities located next to the bruise, causes hemarthrosis. Joints are affected;

The bruise can range in color from red to purple, almost black.

If the slightest movement causes unbearable pain, this may indicate damage to the bones. It is necessary to visit a traumatologist and make an x-ray.

Emergency care for injuries

Properly rendered first aid will help to avoid the development of complications and extensive hematomas.

Algorithm of actions in case of injury:

The bruised area needs to be kept calm. Keep your limbs in a natural position. Try to move less, if possible - lie down;

Apply something cold to the affected area. This will reduce swelling and make the hematoma smaller. It is best to use ice for this, wrapping it in a cloth, or cold compress from a terry towel or gauze;

If it is not possible to apply ice, substitute the bruised limb under a stream of cold water and hold for about seven minutes;

After a cold compress, blot the bruised area with a dry cloth and apply bruising medicine.

What is strictly forbidden to do in case of injury:

Take alcohol, as they dilate blood vessels;

Massaging the area of ​​injury;


Warm up the hematoma for the first day.

Improperly provided first aid can significantly complicate recovery.

Further therapy

Two days later, the treatment methods change dramatically:

Cold compresses are replaced with warm ones. They stimulate blood circulation, relieve irritation and pain;

Gently massage the sore spot;

Tighten and relax the muscles in the area of ​​injury. This will improve blood circulation;

Treat the affected area medications or folk remedies.

Treatment of bruises at home with medications

The bruised area should be at rest for the first two days. It is fixed so that the swelling does not spread to nearby soft tissues. To do this, use a special bandage or elastic bandage.

On the bruised place every two hours apply cold over the bandage and leave for a quarter of an hour. Diclofenac, Ketanov, Ibuprofen can be taken as an anesthetic. Local anesthesia will be provided by the Nise gel, which has a warming effect.

In the future, the site of injury is heated. This will improve the outflow of accumulated fluid and accelerate the resorption of the hematoma. Ointments are used for treatment: Badyaga, Lioton, Girudalgon, Troxevasin.

Voltaren, Indovazin, Dolobene - gels with a warming and analgesic effect. External ointments containing anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs- powerful analgesics that effectively relieve swelling and inflammation.

Treatment of bruises at home folk remedies

For the treatment of bruises at home, various healing recipes traditional medicine. These can be ointments, compresses or rubbing based on medicinal herbs, bee products, essential or vegetable oils.

Treatment of bruises at home with rubbing and compresses

Take plantain and St. John's wort in equal portions, pour boiling water over the mixture of herbs and leave for six hours. Strain. Soak gauze in the solution and apply to the bruised area;

Roast the onion in the oven until golden brown. Cool and cut in half. Apply warm to the injured area. onion juice, mixed with vegetable oil, can be rubbed into the area of ​​​​injury with light movements;

Wash the aloe leaves, cut lengthwise, smear with honey and apply to the bruise;

Rinse a white cabbage leaf, lightly beat off until juice appears. Apply it to the bruised area and fix it with cling film. Put the compress at night;

Grind flax seeds in a mortar and combine with olive oil until you get the consistency of sour cream. Put on bruise healing mixture and cover with foil. Keep the compress for an hour, then rinse warm water;

Combine a spoonful of vegetable oil, apple cider vinegar and water. Stir. Drop into solution gauze swab and apply to the hematoma. Cover with a film on top and insulate with a blanket;

Grate raw potatoes. Apply gruel to the site of damage and cover with a film;

Pour a spoonful of horsetail and birch buds with a glass of boiling water and put on a slow fire. Bring to a boil. Strain after forty minutes. Soak a cloth in the mixture and apply to the hematoma;

Soak a tissue in healing tincture mountain arnica and apply to the sore spot.

Treatment of bruises at home with therapeutic ointments

Take in equal proportions tar, pork fat and pine resin. Stir and leave for a day in warmth, tightly corking the container. The ointment is heated before use and rubbed into the area of ​​injury;

Place young hop cones in a saucepan, pour a glass of nutria and heat for ten minutes, without bringing the mixture to a boil. Strain the ointment, cool and lubricate the bruise;

Grind a small burdock root. Pour the crushed plant with olive oil and leave for 12 hours. Heat the oil mixture over low heat. Hold on for a quarter of an hour, spend it. Lubricate the injury site in the first minutes after it is received.

Take 15 g of wormwood powder, add half a glass pork fat and place everything in a heatproof bowl. Send for an hour in a preheated oven. Cooled ointment to lubricate the site of injury;

Grind the bar of households. soap on a grater, combine with a glass of turpentine and add camphor alcohol. Mix thoroughly. Apply to the area of ​​injury, wrap with foil and insulate;

Wash plantain leaves and grind in a meat grinder. Mix with vegetable or butter. Lubricate the bruise three times a day.

Of course, it is better to prevent an injury than to treat it later. Follow the safety rules when playing sports. Use protective equipment in areas of increased injury. Twice a year, it is recommended to drink a complex of vitamins and minerals to strengthen the immune system and bones.

Most of the actions a person performs with his hands. If their tissues are damaged, the implementation of any work is sometimes simply impossible. A bruised hand causes a person a feeling of discomfort. As a result of such damage, severe pain is felt, tissue swelling may occur. It is worth noting that hand injury is quite common. In addition, you can damage your finger and even a nail. What to do with a hand injury?

Main features

You can identify the main features. Such damage occurs as a result of physical tension and falls. At the same time, a person feels a piercing sharp pain. This symptom may also indicate a fracture, presence and dislocation. It is for this reason that it is recommended to consult a doctor for medical help in case of damage to the limbs. A thorough examination will rule out serious damage. If the integrity of the bones is not broken, then any injury from the hand to the forearm is differentiated as a hand bruise.

The main symptoms of such damage include:

  1. Throbbing intense pain.
  2. Formation of a large hematoma.
  3. The occurrence of tissue edema of the damaged area.


A bruised hand usually causes severe pain. Because of such sensations, the victim may lose consciousness. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary not only to immobilize the limb, but also to give an anesthetic drug.

AT similar situations drugs such as "Katanol" or "Analgin" are useful. Before using these medicines, you should carefully study the instructions and take into account contraindications.

Herbs for injury

Folk remedies can also be used for bruised hands. For these purposes, erect cinquefoil is suitable. You can buy the herb at any pharmacy. It is enough to grind the cinquefoil, and then apply the resulting powder to the affected area. After that, a bandage should be applied to the limb.

In the same way, you can use wormwood grass and oak bark. These components are also crushed to a powder state, and then applied to the injured area.

Recipes with onions

If it is not possible to use medicinal herbs, then you can apply more available products e.g. onions. It must be cleaned and washed thoroughly. The onion head should be chopped to a mushy state, and then applied to the damaged area. It is also recommended to cover such a compress with a plantain leaf and fix it with a bandage.

There is another method that involves the use of onions. AT this case ointment is being prepared. For its preparation, it is necessary to grind peeled, washed onions, as well as plantain leaves. The result should be a homogeneous mass. A little honey should be added to the resulting composition. Medicine should be used as an ointment.

Recipes for lotions and compresses

What to do if you get a hand injury? Treatment, of course, should be prescribed by a doctor. In the first days after injury to the limb, the use of cooling compresses prepared on the basis of vegetable oil, vinegar and water is allowed. In such a solution, it is necessary to dip a piece of cotton fabric, and then wrap it around the damaged area. After 4-5 days, the composition must be heated before use.

Laundry soap remedy

An ointment for bruises and wounds, which is prepared on the basis of laundry soap. This component must be grated, and then mixed with ammonia and camphor powder. For cooking, 30 grams of each ingredient is required. Lamp oil should be added to the resulting mass. Enough 200 grams of this component and 200 grams of turpentine. The finished composition has unique properties. It is used as an ointment not only for bruises, but also for wounds.

In conclusion

Hand injury is unpleasant phenomenon which requires appropriate treatment. At the first sign of such an injury, the victim should be taken to medical institution to rule out a fracture or crack. It is not recommended to self-medicate, as serious damage can lead to complications.

Experts do not advise rubbing the bruised area, as this can cause the development of thrombophlebitis. In this case, a blockage of a large vessel with a blood clot occurs. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe not only the use of medications, but also a course of physiotherapy, which involves the use of electrophoresis with solutions and a UHF apparatus.

What happens when you get hurt? What are the symptoms and consequences of bruises? What is the most effective way to treat bruises?

Injury- this is closed damage tissues and organs without significant disruption of their structure. This is the most common type of injury. To bruises can lead, for example, to a fall on icy conditions, or a strong blow if it is applied with a blunt object and there is no significant damage to the skin. Integrity upper layers the skin is not broken during a bruise, but swelling and a hematoma (bruise) quickly appear at the site of impact, pain is felt.

Distinguish soft tissue injuries, periosteum, joints, bruises neck, back, spine, chest, heads. When a joint (for example, a knee) is bruised, a few hours after the injury, its volume increases, function is impaired, pain increases (especially with movements). The leg in this case is slightly bent, its extension is sharply painful. honors joint injury from dislocation is the preservation of movements in it.

At bruises only a slight swelling (“bump”) can be noted on the head, which does not cause much trouble. However, if the injury was accompanied by loss of consciousness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, etc., then this may be a sign of a more serious injury - a concussion or even brain contusion.

At bruises neck, in addition to damage to soft tissues, the blood flow in the vessels passing here can be disturbed for the second time, which disrupts the blood supply to the brain.

With bruises of the back (spine), the blood circulation of the spinal cord may be disturbed (a decrease in sensitivity in the limbs, muscle function, etc. is noted).

At bruises chest, only local changes in the superficial soft tissues can be noted, but with a strong blow, for example, as a result of a fall, breathing may be disturbed, with blows to the heart area, it may stop. Abdominal injury is sometimes accompanied by damage to internal organs (for example, rupture of the liver, spleen, accompanied by internal bleeding).

What happens when you get hurt

At injury damage to the skin, subcutaneous fat and muscles occurs, and the blood vessels and nerves. Blood flows out of injured vessels. At soft tissue injuries at the site of damage, hemorrhage increases and a more or less pronounced swelling is formed. Blood gradually impregnates the tissues, may accumulate (hematoma) or pour into adjacent cavities, such as a joint (hemarthrosis).

Bleeding out small vessels spontaneously stops in about 5-10 minutes. Of the large ones, it can last more than a day. The color of the bruise depends on the duration of the injury: a fresh bruise has a purple-cyanotic color, after 3-4 days it becomes blue-yellow, and on the 5-6th day it turns yellow. On site injury swelling necessarily appears - edema, pain occurs, which passes with time, but discomfort when moving or touching, they persist for a long time. With strong bruises malfunction of nearby organs is not ruled out.

As a result injury shins in places where the skin and subcutaneous tissue are adjacent to the bone, necrosis of the skin and its subsequent rejection are possible. When hitting bones that are not protected by soft tissues, not only very painful bruises periosteum with its detachment, but also bone damage (cracks and fractures). A blow in an oblique direction with respect to the skin surface can cause its detachment along with subcutaneous tissue, followed by filling of the formed cavity with lymph and blood.

Bruises: symptoms and consequences. How dangerous is an injury

Main symptoms injury are: pain in the damaged area, hemorrhages as a result of vascular rupture, hematoma formation and edema. Very severe pain after a bruise may mean that the bones are damaged. Pain, the first symptom injury, appears immediately at the time of injury and is significant. Then the pain decreases somewhat or is of a moderate nature, and after 1-3 hours after the injury, it resumes or increases significantly. A change in the nature of pain, an increase in their intensity is due to an increase in traumatic edema, hemorrhage, or an increase in hematoma.

At injury joint movements in the joints are initially preserved, they become impossible as hemorrhage and edema increase, especially with hemarthrosis. This bruises differ from fractures and dislocations, in which active and passive movements become impossible immediately after the injury.

Pain is especially severe with injury periosteum, for example, with a bruise of the anterior surface of the lower leg or ulnar nerve. Due to severe pain, it can happen pain shock. Hemorrhages at the site of injury can be point, both in the skin and in the subcutaneous tissue, in the form of bruises, as well as in the form of significant accumulations of blood in the underlying tissues (hematomas). Bleeding that continues deep into tissues often leads to additional trauma to adjacent tissues as a result of their compression, which is accompanied by a gradual increase in pain and impaired function.

The time of occurrence of bruising depends on the depth of the hemorrhage. At injury skin and subcutaneous tissue it appears immediately, in the first minutes or hours. When muscles are bruised, periosteum bruises appear on the 2-3rd day and sometimes far from the site of injury. The appearance of late bruising, especially away from the site injury, is serious symptom and requires additional research, for example, x-ray - to exclude a fracture or fracture of the bone. The color of the bruise undergoes certain changes due to the breakdown of hemoglobin. A fresh bruise is red in color, then it turns purple, turns blue, after 5-6 days it turns green, and then yellow. The color of the bruise can indicate the age of the injury.

Treatment of bruises

First aid for injury

Very important in the first hours after injury to understand if the bones, joints and internal organs have been damaged, if there are any fractures, so it is better to contact a traumatologist. Immediately after injury, it is recommended to apply pressure bandage to the site of the bruise and create peace, for example, if a hand is bruised, its peace can be ensured with the help of a scarf bandage. If in place injury have abrasions or scratches, you must first use disinfectants. In case of leg bruises, it is given an elevated position, a sparing load regimen is observed for several days, and then, as pain and swelling decrease, it is gradually expanded. In no case should you steam your leg or arm - this can aggravate the injury. On the first day, bruises are treated exclusively with cold, its effect causes vasoconstriction, which stops bleeding, and in addition, it has an analgesic effect.

Treatment of bruises in the acute period

After 24 hours, refrigeration is no longer necessary. Next, you need to use another tactic - warming: warm baths, compresses, lotions help reduce swelling and resorption of the hematoma. At this stage of treatment bruises NANOPLAST forte, a therapeutic analgesic anti-inflammatory patch, can be used very effectively.

Thanks to their unique properties medical plaster NANOPLAST forte not only has an analgesic effect, but also improves blood circulation in the injured area, accelerates the resorption of hematomas. The course of treatment is usually from 3 to 9 days.

Bruise Treatment: Rehabilitation Therapy for Bruises

You can't grind yourself bruised place - this can lead to a serious complication - thrombophlebitis (blockage of a vein by a blood clot). If swelling and bruising do not disappear for a long time, you should consult a doctor. For moderate to severe bruises a course of physiotherapy with the use of UHF devices, a magnet, electrophoresis with therapeutic solutions will be recommended.

Diseases associated with bruises, sprains and fractures await every person, and at the most inopportune time and in the most unexpected, seemingly safe place. Hit in the garden, turned sharply and pulled the ligaments, the grandson fell off the bike and his leg was swollen? In any situation, the advice of our specialist will help.

Evgeny Tarasov, doctor the highest category, Moscow:

- With virtually any injury, if not appeared deep wounds, in without fail swelling and hematoma (bruising) appear. It is essential to prevent this.

Injury: easy to take but long to heal

1. It is necessary to easily rub the bruised place with ice for up to half an hour, without stopping.

2. AT warm time years, it is possible to attach bodyagi leaves (dry, but slightly wetted) to the site of the bruise, this will help soothe the pain and prevent the development of either a hematoma or a tumor.

3. It is possible to make an ointment: 2 tbsp. l. bodyagi, crushed into powder, diluted in 4 tbsp. l. boiled water and immediately apply a bandage with this mixture to the site of injury.

4. It is also possible to apply fresh cabbage leaves to the bruised place twice a day.

5. On the sore spot it is good to apply gruel from cooked and well-mashed beans.

7. Another simple, but almost trouble-free remedy: dilute any washing soap in water to milky, and then moisten a rag in this water and apply to the site of injury.

8. For severe injuries good effect rubbing the sore spot with a tincture of wild rosemary flowers in vodka or their decoction (for 1 glass of water - 10 g of flowers, boil over low heat for 15 minutes, then strain).

9. If the bruise continues to hurt, it is possible to apply potato slices to the bruised place, bandaging them on top with a rag or cotton cloth and leaving this bandage for the night.

10. For resorption of traces of bruises, it is good to apply a cloth with castor oil. The hardening remaining at the end of the bruise must be kneaded and massaged. It is possible to apply aloe with honey to the traces left at the end of bruises.

11. But from the official pharmaceutical ointments, perhaps the most demonstrated ointments based on snake either bee venom(such as viprosal, viprosal B and apizatron), and diclofenac ointment.

Bruises can be lubricated with a special ointment.
Thoroughly mix pine or spruce resin (resin), finely chopped onion, vegetable oil and bronze vitriol powder. Heat this mixture for 30 minutes. on fire without bringing it to a boil. Lubricate the bruised area every 4 hours.

Many do not know that a victim with broken legs must be carried with their feet forward up the stairs or uphill, and from the stairs or down the mountain - head first, so that the legs are always higher than the head

If your finger is pinched or hurt

Rub it for 30 min. ice or lower for 5-7 minutes. in cold water(preferably with arnica)

If necessary, repeat this procedure after a minute.

If the belly is injured

Take a horizontal position

Apply ice immediately to the injury

Try to bring to the doctor as soon as possible (especially if the bruise is accompanied by nausea, dizziness, and even more so vomiting)

Attention: In this case, do not rush to take analgesics - they can blur the picture of a probable internal bleeding when some internal organs are damaged, making it difficult to diagnose.

If the bone is broken

At closed fractures(especially, needless to say, if they are without bias) it is sometimes not uncommon for a non-specialist to make a correct diagnosis.

In contrast to a bruise, in most cases, movements in the injured limb are disturbed during a fracture, and pain sharply improves at the site of the fracture. This pain has its own peculiarity - it is local, and if you feel the injured limb, then at the fracture site pain sharply increase, and practically a few centimeters from this place they are not at all.

In addition, if it is not entirely clear whether it is a fracture or just a bruise, it is still better to play it safe and start providing appropriate assistance to the victim as quickly as possible.

The main help in this case is to give the victim painkillers and fix the injured limb. If there are no analgesics at hand in the situation, it is possible to resort to the help of alcohol.

2. Fixation - immobilization of a broken limb.
Put the limb in tires (lubok). If you don’t have them, then it’s possible to do the following: lubricate the skin at the fracture site with iodine (or at least wipe it with alcohol), close it with a clean rag, put as much cotton on top as possible and then carefully bandage it.

Take a couple of narrow wooden planks (like chips) and distribute them over the bandage - from above, from the sides, and then again bandage the injured arm or leg.

If there are no tires, no splints, and, moreover, wooden planks, it is possible to use the same shovel with a long handle or boards broken out of the picket fence. In the very last resort the injured arm can be fixed on the body, and the broken leg can be bandaged to the healthy leg.

When immobilizing a limb, it is invariably fundamentally important to remember that two joints adjacent to the damaged bone must be fixed without fail. For example, in case of a hip fracture, the knee and hip joints must be immobilized.

Ligament sprains can appear not only during falls or unexpectedly prohibitive loads. The leg can turn up when walking.

Much more often, a similar misfortune happens to the knee and ankle joints.

According to the symptoms of joint damage, there are 3 main degrees of stretching:

1. A little pain in the joint due to the rupture of several fibers of the ligaments.

2. Moderate pain, swelling, and difficulty in moving the joint due to wider damage to the ligamentous fibers. In addition, an increasing bruise (bruise) may appear.

3. Severe pain due to torn ligament and subsequent instability of the joint.

We provide first aid

be directed to release the damaged joint (if it is an ankle, then remove shoes and socks).

It is necessary to put the damaged joint on a soft cloth (stand).

Immediately after the injury, it is imperative to apply to the damaged joint (supporting it in the most ergonomic, pain-free state) not a warm, but a cold compress (or apply ice). Wrap the ice cubes in a paper towel or dense fabric and apply to the sore spot, constantly changing the ice as the compress warms up. If there is no ice, apply soaked water to the affected area. cold water towel. Do this for the first 1-2 days.

Apply well to the affected area iodine grid 2 times a day.

The joint in which the ligamentous apparatus is stretched should be immobilized as much as possible. Based on this, it is necessary to do a tight bandage of the affected joint during the day. elastic bandage. Or, it is possible to wrap the affected joint on all sides with a thick layer of cotton wool and tightly bandage it with a gauze bandage (making sure that the nails on the tips of the fingers or toes do not turn white or turn blue!).

You need to go to the emergency room or to the clinic (polyclinic) and take an x-ray.

If it is not possible to consult a doctor, start warming procedures from the 4th day - first of all, applications and compresses.

1. mix grated raw potatoes with fresh or sauerkraut and onion mashed with sugar, mix it all into clay diluted with yogurt, and make applications with this composition at night.

2. In the form of a compress, it is possible to apply a chopped medium-sized onion to the injured area.

3. Gauze folded in a couple of layers or terry towel soak in garlic infusion. To make it, pour 3 cloves of minced garlic with 50 ml of boiling water and leave for 1-2 hours.

4. Squeeze the juice of 1 lemon onto the gauze and apply to the affected joint.

5. To relieve pain and to combat increasing inflammation, it is also possible to take brufen, ibuprofen, ortofer, or use ointments: apizatron, efkamon, viprosal, diclofenac, fastum-gel. Pre-rub 2-3 g of ointment into the joint, and then cover it with a dry warming bandage. Huge healing effect gives a combination of ointments with taking tablet preparations.

But athletes have not only exorbitant loads, but also chronic overexertion joint can lead to sprain ligamentous apparatus. Well-known expressions are jumper's knee, swimmer's knee, tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, and baseball's elbow.
Unfortunately, in the winter-icy traumatic time from probable sprain bundles, alas, virtually none of us is insured.

The knee joint is very fragile, therefore, it is very easy to damage it: in an accident, working in the garden, or also playing beach volleyball

If the meniscus is damaged

Few adults can boast that they have never damaged, injured, or even torn a knee joint. Indeed, not only athletes with their usually sharp and exorbitant loads on these joints, not only accident victims, but also simply working, for example, in their summer cottage or those who like to play volleyball somewhere on the beach (especially on the sand) or in football, or perhaps just awkwardly crouching or twisting their leg during the wellness run, people can damage their knee joints. In addition, during the course morning exercises some people manage to get not only a tear, but also an important rupture of the meniscus. In addition, sometimes the cartilaginous lining between the bone structures in the knee joint does not withstand. Perhaps, first of all, this happens in older people, which is facilitated by the already existing age-related transformations in their knee joints.

Menisci, in other words, cartilage formations located on the condyles tibia, much more often (in 75% of cases) are damaged with inside knee joint. Along with this, usually along with this, a rupture or tear can also appear in the cruciate or internal lateral ligament.

Therapeutic action plan

1. We need to try to identify what happened to the knee joint.

Symptoms of a torn meniscus:

clicking sensation, as if something had cracked in the knee joint

acute pain that does not allow the victim to normally bend and straighten the leg - the joint seems to be wedged, with these attempts, in most cases, a sharp pain appears

the joint begins to swell due to the accumulation of blood in its cavity.

2. be directed immediately to provide rest to the affected joint by tightly bandaging it (it is good to rub an analgesic and anti-inflammatory ointment or gel like viprosal, diclofenac, fastum-gel into it beforehand).

3. It is necessary to immediately put frost on the affected knee - a container or a heating pad with ice.

4. With a pronounced pain syndrome, the victim should be given analgesics with an anti-inflammatory component - the same ibuprofen, brufen, indomethacin, orthofen (diclofenac), naproxen, or at least analgin, citramon or aspirin.

5. Significantly more often, with a pronounced lesion of the joint, a plaster splint is superimposed on it for an average of 10 days. If this is not possible, then go to immobilize (immobilize) the affected joint with an elastic bandage.

6. It is necessary during the day to try as long as possible to keep the leg with the injured joint above the level of the heart.

7. It is fundamentally important to avoid those positions of the leg that lead to increased pain in the affected joint.

Quite often it happens that the pain temporarily lets go. But this impression is in most cases deceptive - with any slightest noticeable physical activity pain returns in most cases. Along with this, the joint becomes more and more swollen due to the release of the so-called synovial fluid. Just on the basis of this, the struggle for the return of a crippled knee joint to the system should not be left to chance, it is best to seek advice and help from a surgeon or a traumatologist as soon as possible.

Attention: correct diagnosis rupture of the meniscus can only be delivered by a doctor at the end of the palpation study of the joint, or, in addition, by means of its magnetic resonance imaging.

If the diagnosis of a meniscus tear is confirmed, it is prescribed in most cases conservative treatment(the same analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs), and physiotherapy and in the future - a special physical therapy.

In order to prevent intensification of the inflammatory process in the once already affected joint, apply a sheet to this diseased joint 1-2 times a week. fresh burdock, bandaging it for 3-4 hours. winter period and in the off-season, dried burdock leaves should be used. Soak the prepared burdock in advance hot water and, having wet it, bandage this sheet to the sore joint at night 1-2 times a week.

If conservative treatment does not give a noticeable result, then you have to resort to surgical intervention.

Any person (but above all, of course, those who lead an active lifestyle) should train their knee joints so that they are able to cope with any load on them. And for this, not counting the special warm-up exercises for the joints included in the complexes of morning exercises or aerobics, all people were shown uniform jogging on flat terrain, swimming, and those who had already prepared their joints for stress - cycling.

From traditional medicine

Folk methods are advised to use silver water in the form of compresses when menisci are torn. It is not difficult to prepare it: it is necessary to pour 1 liter of unboiled water into an enameled saucepan and load a silver product into it, closing it well with a lid. Water is infused for 3 days.

To strengthen the menisci will help the performance of a special exercise that can be done at home, as well as in addition to the elderly.

Lying on your back, 3-5 min. rotate your legs, as if imitating cycling, after which, sitting down, thoroughly massage your knee joints.

In the first minutes after the end of the bruise, do not try to get up on your own or move the injured limb. call ambulance and wait for an expert.

If the pain is very severe, ask for an anesthetic injection. After that, the doctors who came to the rescue, in most cases, carefully move the victim onto a stretcher and take him to the clinic, where you need to do X-ray, which recognizes the presence or absence of bone fractures.

A day after the accident, I again turned to the traumatologist. I had to do magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound of the vessels in order to check how the joints, ligaments and blood vessels suffered, due to the fact that all the bones, fortunately, were preserved. The study showed that I had a ligament tear in my ankle and knee joints. The doctor immediately issued a verdict: lie down for a month and walk for 2 months with a plastic fixator put on the knee joint.

Be sure to systematically visit a traumatologist. Due to the fact that, in addition, torn ligaments with improper treatment they will remind of themselves all their lives: their legs hurt, they react to weather changes, they ache.

Counts internal damage tissues or organs when skin, bones and mucous membranes are not affected.

Bruises are formed due to various mechanical damage, shock or when dropped on hard surfaces.

With a slight bruise, pain is felt in the muscles, with more strong blows rupture of soft tissues occurs and internal bruising appears. Depending on the severity of the injury, this may be small bruise or hematoma after the swelling subsides. Lung bruises degrees can be treated at home, and with persistent pain, you should consult a doctor.

Also, the severity of the consequences of a bruise is determined by the location of the injury and the volume of the affected area. Bruising a finger against a wall with a blue nail is nothing compared to a head bruise of the same magnitude. Any bruise can be cured if you immediately contact a traumatologist.

Types of bruises and their symptoms

or shell shock are divided into types depending on the location and degree of damage to the body area. They can appear absolutely anywhere, from the eye to the foot, due to various random circumstances or simple inattention.

It can also lead to injury emergencies, accidents or production problems. It is an inevitable fact to get bruises and other types of injuries while playing sports, especially martial arts.

Medical practice, depending on the localization of the bruise, distinguishes the following main categories:

Head injury
One of the most serious types of injuries, which is often accompanied by a concussion. If the blow was strong enough, then the pain envelops the head. There is dizziness, weakness, slightly nauseous. Immediately after the impact, cold should be applied to the place where it hurts and lie down on a flat surface. If after a couple of hours the pain does not go away, you need to call an ambulance.

brain contusion- this is one of the types of traumatic brain injury, along with concussion and compression of the brain, according to the classification of the French surgeon J.L. Petit. Define by outward signs each type is quite difficult, so hardware diagnostics are required. Brain contusions are divided into 4 main groups:

shake- violation at the cortical level with clear consciousness;
injury mild degree - functional changes in the central nervous system in the form of damage to the vessels of the arachnoid;
injury medium degree - focal brain damage, accompanied by paresis of the cranial abducens and oculomotor nerves;
severe injury- damage to the brain stem, coma.

Immediately after the injury, it is necessary to put the wounded man on an elevated surface, make a tight bandage, and call an ambulance.

Facial injury
The face is the most visible part of our body, it cannot be hidden under clothing, so any bruises due to the slightest bruises and mechanical damage are immediately visible to others. As a rule, bruises on the face, nose, forehead or chin instantly turn blue. The first thing to do is to apply cold compresses to relieve swelling. Accompanying abrasions should be treated with iodine, brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide to avoid tissue infection. When the nose is bruised, it hurts a lot, swells and deforms. For facial injuries, you should consult a doctor and lie down in a hospital.

Bruised eye
Our eyes are very sensitive, and any mechanical impact, especially strong, immediately causes a bruise and filling of the protein with blood with the formation of bruises. When the eye is swollen, its function is impaired, as it swims completely. Depending on the strength of the blow, pain may not be felt in the very first hours. First aid for an eye injury should be provided by an ophthalmologist, since independent actions can lead to visual impairment.

bruised tooth
A closed wound of a specific tooth due to mechanical action without much damage to the integrity of the tissues. As a result of the tear, the tissues holding the tooth in the alveolus and pulp tissue are damaged.

These lesions are most often reversible timely handling to the dentist. A bruised tooth is characterized by pain when eating, darkening of the tooth, swelling of the gingival mucosa. The first steps in case of a bruised tooth are the application of ice and the exclusion of hard foods.

Chest injury
Most often, this kind of bruising occurs during accidents or other cataclysms and is accompanied by fractures of the ribs and damage to lung tissue. The injury is symptomatic severe pain, bruising and shortness of breath. The first aid in such a situation will be the location of the victim in an elevated reclining position and fixation of the chest with a tight tight bandage.

Back bruise
Due to the fact that in the center of the spine is a sensitive spinal cord, back bruise can have enough serious consequences. With a bruise of the spine, focal hemorrhages and circulation disorders are noted. cerebrospinal fluid.

When the spine is bruised, swelling occurs and a hematoma forms, all this is accompanied by pain and difficulty in defecation due to spinal shock. Additional features there may be a loss of sensation in the affected area and paralysis. Treatment of a back injury is carried out in a hospital.

Leg bruise
Severe bruises of the legs are characterized by swelling and pain in the foot, a lump is formed. In cases where the blow fell on the oblique, peeling of the skin may appear, which worsens the condition of the hematoma and can turn into a traumatic cyst. There is also a risk of blood getting into the thickness muscle tissue legs.

No urgent medical care This condition may result in tissue necrosis. The strongest pain syndrome observed with a bruise in the shin area. A bruise can provoke dislocations of the limb, muscle strain or fractures.

Hand and finger injury
The hands are most frequently exposed various injuries and bruises in Everyday life. It is not difficult to determine a bruise, while pain occurs in a specific localization, the bruised area swells and a hematoma occurs due to hemorrhage into the soft tissues. After applying ice, it is worth processing open wounds if there are any. If the pain persists, you should take general painkillers. If the nail on the finger is damaged, it is necessary to apply a tight bandage to the bruised place to fix it.

Bruised joints
When falling or hitting the elbow or knee with a hard object, acute pain occurs, it is difficult motor functions joints. Due to the fact that blood enters the joint, hemarthroses occur, sometimes of considerable size. To diagnose joint injuries, x-rays in two projections are prescribed. Treatment of joint bruises is carried out in a hospital, but in the first hours after the injury, you can take painkillers.

Injury to internal organs
Most complex type a bruise that may not appear outwardly in any way, except for symptoms of weakness and pain in a specific localization, such as the kidneys, heart, spleen. At the first information about a bruise, it is important to deliver the victim to a hospital for diagnosis and treatment.

Injury of the genital organs in men
As a result of a bruise, both the scrotum, and the testicles, and the penis can suffer. In addition to pain and redness, bleeding during urination and the formation of hematomas, as well as dislocation of the testicle, are noted. The injury can be either isolated, when only one organ suffers, or combined, if the bruise affects all organs at once. After a comprehensive diagnosis, appoint bed rest wearing tight swimming trunks and taking antibiotics.

According to the strength of the impact and the degree of damage to tissues and organs, bruises are divided into four degrees:

1. It is characterized by the appearance of edema and banded and accurate hemorrhages at the site of impact during the first hour;
2. Integrity is broken large vessels, bruises and hematomas are formed. Such injuries are accompanied acute pain at the site of injury;
3. There is a rupture of blood vessels, muscles, nerve tissues and tendons, as well as cracks and internal fractures of bones or dislocation of joints. Tissue nutrition is impaired, necrosis may occur if no action is taken. Such severe bruises are characteristic of the joints, coccyx, knees and head;
4. Crushing of bones and tissues, characterized by an unfavorable prognosis.

Most bruises, if treated promptly, are completely curable in less than a month, unless they are complicated by other serious lesions and injuries.

Signs of a bruise

Signs of bruises include severe pain at the site of the lesion, severe swelling and a bluish tint to the skin. Over time, the damaged area may change color to a greenish-yellowish or pronounced dark red, depending on the severity of the blow. Typical for head injury general weakness, dizziness, nausea and even fainting.

With bruises of the limbs or coccyx, sharp shooting pain intensifies when walking and other body movements, calming down in horizontal position. A frequent sign is hemorrhage into the joint and the formation of hemarthrosis. In addition, with severe bruises, the functions of the limbs are disturbed, coordination is lost, tremors and uncontrolled muscle contractions appear. With the resorption of the hematoma, the symptoms disappear. With bruised nerves, paresthesias, paresis, paralysis become a frequent occurrence.

The appearance of hematomas and persistent pain for several hours are serious reasons for contacting a traumatologist.

First aid for bruises

With bruises of any type and localization, ice is first applied to narrow the vessels damaged by the blow and relieve pain. It is applied through a dense tissue to avoid hypothermia in several sets of 10-15 minutes. If the bruise is accompanied by other skin lesions, then they should be treated immediately, but do not use iodine, they will do alcohol solutions and hydrogen peroxide. After the appearance of a hematoma, warming measures, such as warm compresses, are prescribed to help relieve swelling and reduce pain.

In case of brain contusions, it is applied to the head aseptic dressing. To prevent aspiration of blood and vomit, the upper respiratory tract. In an unconscious state, patients are taken out on a stretcher in a position on their side or on their stomach.

Possible consequences after bruises

The bruise itself is not as bad as it is. possible complications. A bruise can result in fractures and hemorrhages. With an oblique impact, detachment can occur subcutaneous tissue and the formation of large hematomas, which can eventually turn into blood-filled traumatic cysts. With suppuration of the hematoma, the body temperature can rise to 39 ° C.

In bruised places where large blood vessels pass, tears of the walls and the occurrence of blood clots and tissue necrosis can occur.

The fall of a meteorite on a person was recorded only once, but everything cost a bruise.
The pain threshold in the same parrots is much higher than the human one, therefore, even with obvious signs injury or fracture, the bird can be active and mobile.

In places where bruises can be exposed peripheral nerves(elbow, radial joints), symptoms of loss of their function may appear. As a rule, motor and sensory disorders pass very quickly, but sometimes there are cases when traumatic symptoms persist for quite a long time during intra-stem hemorrhages.

Diagnostic methods

After a fall or hit on a blunt object, a bruise can be diagnosed, and almost everyone can bruise, here you don’t even need to have medical education. The task of doctors is to determine the strength of this bruise and the degree of tissue damage, whether there are fractures or not, whether the internal organs are clamped. Already in the first hours after the bruise, you need to contact a traumatologist, especially if the pain is severe and does not go away.

The main instruments of traumatologists are the hands and x-ray examination for skeletal integrity. If injuries have affected the brain, x-rays may not be enough and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is prescribed or CT scan(CT).

With a bruise of the chest, which may be accompanied by a contusion of the heart or lungs, an electrocardiogram (ECG) becomes an obligatory research method.

Also, to assess changes in the organs and systems of the body due to injury, it is sometimes necessary to take blood and urine tests, which is especially important for bruising of the head and genital organs.

Only after the diagnostic procedures in a trauma center or in the department of traumatology and orthopedics, you can prescribe treatment, otherwise, out of ignorance, you can only do harm and remain disabled.

How to treat an injury?

Treatment of bruises also depends on the location and degree of damage to the body area. The easiest way bruises occur and pass in the thigh, where there are many soft tissues, the consequences of bruises of the joints, especially the shoulder and internal organs, are more difficult and difficult to treat.

The main thing is that the treatment of bruised tissues should be started immediately. The first remedy after an injury is applying cold to the site of injury in order to reduce swelling and relieve pain. With bruises of the limbs, a pressure bandage is applied to them.

After the appearance of a hematoma, a bruise can be treated various methods both medical and physical therapy. In most cases, doctors prescribe heat in the form of applying compresses, applying warming ointments, and applying an anesthetic cream. After the appearance of a hematoma, a plaster splint can be applied to the knee, elbow or foot.

Bruises on the body are treated with the help of thermal and physical warming effects. Great efficiency for resorption of hematomas has manual massage. Physiotherapy, especially magnetotherapy and laser therapy, relieve inflammation in 4-10 procedures.

For limb bruises, traumatologists recommend courses to restore function physiotherapy exercises. With bruises of the head and brain, rest and medications are mainly prescribed.

With muscle bruises, when hemorrhages appear from ruptures and fibrous degeneration of muscle tissue occurs, punctures are surgically performed.

The main thing is to consult a doctor in a timely manner in order to make a correct diagnosis, then the treatment will be as effective as possible.

Folk methods

With bruises, the first thing they resort to is just folk methods, since they are designed to relieve pain and speed up the process of repairing damaged tissues. Used to draw out hematomas various compresses and lotions:

cold compress from vegetable oil water and vinegar is applied to the site of the bruise for several hours and tied for fixation.
- With severe bruises and suppuration in the old days, it was used special ointment, which was cooked in the oven and consisted of spruce resin, birch tar and lard. All components were put into a clay pot and mixed. The resulting mixture was heated in an oven, and after cooling, it was applied to the sore spot with a cloth.
- Most well-known remedy from wounds and bruises - burdock. Based on it, special oils are prepared for the treatment of bruises. For this you need 200 grams olive oil and 75 grams of burdock root. Mix all the ingredients and put on fire without boiling. received medicinal oil you need to rub bruised places to relieve pain.
- Extractive properties have the juice of wormwood and bodyaga.
- Lotions from oak bark and daisy flowers effectively relieve swelling.
- Compresses of onions, crushed plantain leaves and honey will help to quickly get rid of bruises.
- An infusion of 2 heads of garlic in 6% vinegar helps with swelling and pain, such a compress can be applied even with an eye bruise.

For minor injuries and moderate damage folk remedy is fully justified and gives effective results, but at severe cases can not do without specialized medical care.

Prevention of bruises

Unfortunately, no one is safe from accidental injuries, fights on the streets and falls, so you can get hurt at any time. But avoid severe consequences and the complications are real.

For starters, you need to eat right to strengthen bones. AT daily diet must necessarily be fresh vegetables and dairy products high content calcium. Regular exercise will also help strengthen your muscles and protect your body from serious injury in the event of a blow or an embarrassing fall.

All this will make the skin more elastic, improve blood circulation, that is, bruises will heal faster and strengthen the bones, it will be possible to avoid fractures and cracks during bruises.

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