Bee venom as a remedy. Bee venom - benefit and harm

Bee venom (apitoxin) "Defensive weapon" of worker bees. It is produced by the large and small poisonous glands. In the minimum dose (when stinging insects secrete up to 0.8 mg of secretion), the biologically active liquid provokes a slight change in the functions of body systems, and in large quantities causes serious poisoning.

1. How much bee venom is produced by a bee?

The reservoir of poisonous glands of bees holds up to 0.008 g of liquid apitoxin. The dry matter yield from one honey harvester is 0.1 mg. To collect 1 g of funds, you will need to use up to 10 thousand bees.

2. Is there poison in bees that have just left their nests? Are they capable of stinging?

Bees that came out of the cells less than a day ago cannot sting. Their poison appears on the second day of life, and accumulates in sufficient volume after 10-18 days. From 20-30 days (the exact period depends on the time of hatching and the breed of bees), the vital activity of the cells that secrete this substance stops.

3. Will the bee retain its productivity and the ability to sting, receiving discharges of electric current used to select poison?

Having released the poison, but not having lost their sting, the bees continue their normal life. A toxic secret is produced in them for about 20 days from the moment of birth. If it was selected from bees 5-10 days old, then it is formed again. Their ability to sting will return. The Institute of Beekeeping confirmed that the selection of apitoxin does not affect the wintering of bee colonies, but it is possible that their productivity in the honey collection will decrease by up to 24%.

4. What components does bee venom contain?

Native (fresh) poisonous secret contains up to 60% moisture. In dry form, it includes groups of toxic peptides: the main ones are melittin (occupies 50-55% of the total mass) and apamin (2-3%). In addition to them, bee venom contains: proteins, amino acid compounds, carbohydrates, biogenic amines, lipids, aromatic and other substances.

5. How do the properties of apitoxin change under the influence of different temperatures?

Under environmental conditions, apitoxin dries out, losing up to 70% of its weight due to rapidly evaporating moisture and esters. If frozen or left in the cold, it will keep for several days. Apitoxin mixed with water (proportion 1:50,000) does not lose its antibacterial properties for up to 42 days. Fifteen-minute heating of the solution at t 100 0 C causes the breakdown of hyaluronidase, and exposure to temperatures from 150 0 C leads to the evaporation of melittin. Acidic or alkaline solutions do not affect the properties of apitoxin, but under the influence of sunlight it is destroyed.

6. Can bee venom be canned?

It is impossible to preserve bee venom. The only method of processing poisonous secretion is drying. It is carried out in a place closed from sunlight at t up to 40 0 ​​C. The shelf life of dry bee venom when stored in a dark, clean room at t from -15 to +2 0 C will be several years.

7. What indicators are evaluated during the quality control of bee venom?

The assessment of the quality of raw apitoxin is carried out by checking its consistency, shade, degree of irritation of the nasal mucosa. The characteristics of external features and the content of individual substances in its composition are determined by GOST 3042-97.

8. Do frequent bee stings affect the health of beekeepers?

Researchers attribute the clear mind, longevity and well-being of all beekeepers under the influence of apitoxin. Bee venom has a positive effect on the functions of the pituitary gland, regulating the formation of corticotropin, which has a stimulating effect on the adrenal cortex. These organs are responsible for the formation of the hormone cortisol, which strengthens memory, increases the protective functions of the body, and reduces psychological stress.

9. Is immunity to apitoxin developed?

The reaction of the human body to bee venom is changeable. If stings occur regularly, immunity will soon develop and susceptibility to their action will decrease. Just remember that apitoxin is a strong allergen, and people with intolerance to its components can suffer from anaphylactic shock. Symptoms of poisoning or allergies appear after several or one sting.

10. How serious will the intoxication be after 100 bee stings?

After 100 or 200 bee stings, a person's blood pressure decreases, nausea, vomiting, intestinal dysfunction, increased salivation, sweating, dizziness, and fainting occur. Apitoxin is especially dangerous for women and children. Men are less susceptible to its influence, and 500 simultaneous stings are fatal.

11. How to help a person stung by a bee?

To stop the penetration of toxic substances from the sting of a bee, you need to get it from under the skin. Rub the affected area with crushed validol powder, soda, ammonia, onion or garlic juice. When stinging in the area of ​​​​the eyes, neck, lips, palate or tongue, the reaction is stronger. To neutralize toxins, take diphenhydramine, milk, kefir, 50 g of vodka with the addition of 20 g of honey or a vitamin drink obtained by dissolving 0.5 g of ascorbic acid and 10 g of honey in 100 ml of water.

12. Why is bee venom banned for oral administration?

It is unacceptable to use apitoxin orally. Its substances break down under the influence of gastric and intestinal juices.

13. With what frequency can stings be performed on one area of ​​the skin?

Therapeutic sting in one place is repeated after 5 days, when swelling and pain disappear.

14. Can bee venom treatment harm people diagnosed with atherosclerosis?

May harm. The use of this remedy for medicinal purposes, like all bee products, is permissible only after consulting a doctor.

Bee venom is a miracle created by nature, with its help bees protect themselves from enemies. The composition of bee venom has not yet been fully studied. Despite the fact that the use of bee venom in the treatment of many diseases began in antiquity, official medicine recognized its medicinal properties only at the end of the 30s of the last century.

Why is bee venom called medicine? Yes, everything is very simple, thanks to its unique composition.

Composition of bee venom

It has been reliably proven that its main part consists of the melitin protein, it contains amino acids and enzymes. In large doses, it harms our body and can lead to poisoning due to cell destruction. And in a small amount, on the contrary, restores the work of many organs. Pain, itching and redness on the skin after a bee sting are caused by this particular protein.

Melitin enhances the production of a hormone by the adrenal glands (cortisol). Due to this property, bee venom can be successfully used in the treatment of autoimmune diseases (psoriatic and rheumatoid arthritis). Especially if the patients are hormonally dependent, the effect is very good. Due to melitin, bee venom is sterile, it has antibacterial properties. Its content in bee venom depends on the age of the bee, and the younger it is, the more it is. This protein is not found anywhere else in nature. And by the strength and effectiveness of the therapeutic effect, it can be safely called a medicine.

The composition of bee venom includes apamin. It improves the functioning of the nervous system, pancreas, stomach, intestines.

Bee venom contains inorganic acids: formic, hydrochloric, orthophosphoric. Chemical elements: nitrogen, zinc, sulfur, manganese, etc.

The poison also includes natural hydrocortisone, which is tens of times stronger than synthetic. It relieves inflammation, swelling, pain when applied topically and works well in the treatment of arthritis.

Well, after all that is listed, how not to call this invention of Mother Nature a medicine?

Bee venom protects our cells from radiation, reduces blood cholesterol, painful muscle tone, and improves local blood circulation.

Bee venom regulates the immune system well in people prone to frequent allergic reactions. Improves wound healing, especially trophic ulcers. The heart muscle is also not left without attention, since bee venom normalizes the heart rhythm.

But best of all, various lesions of the joints and spine are treated with bee venom. In some cases, a complete cure is possible.

It is not for nothing that bee venom is called a medicine; on the basis of its use in medicine, the whole science of apitherapy is based - treatment with bee venom.

There is several ways to treat bee venom:

Bee stinging.

The introduction of ready-made ampoules intradermally.

Rubbing ointments containing bee venom.


Or ultrasound.

Sublingual tablets.

It is not enough to call bee venom a medicine, you also need to know for which diseases it can be used, and for which it cannot. If you decide to try treatment with bee venom, then do not immediately run to the apiary in search of a bee, but first be sure to consult a doctor, because this method of treatment may not suit you. In addition, it has contraindications and side effects.

A substance such as bee venom is one of the most common types of medicine associated with the waste products of bees. This tool was widely used in ancient times, when medicine was just beginning to emerge, and there were no drugs created using chemistry. And then and now, bee venom is rightfully considered one of the best medicines created by nature.

What is bee venom

In fact, bee venom is a weapon of insects, with the help of which they protect their home - a hive from humans and other "enemies". A bee attacks a person by biting him and letting his poison into the blood. The insect itself dies, but the aroma warns its fellows of the danger.

Externally, bee venom is a clear liquid that can have a very pungent odor and a burning bitter taste. It has already been proven to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. And it is on these properties that treatment with bee venom is based.

Diseases for which the drug is used

Bee is an excellent medicine for such diseases:

  1. Radiculitis.
  2. Migraine.
  3. Thrombophlebitis.
  4. Disease of the human nervous system.
  5. Rheumatism.
  6. Hypertension etc.

This medicine can be used in several ways. Namely, with the help of natural bites, the introduction of poison through the skin using medical procedures, or by performing banal injections.

Why treats

The main reason why bee venom can be safely called a medicine is that it acts directly on the nervous system of the sick person. With the help of the peptides contained in this medicine, the poison introduced into the body has an analgesic and calming effect. Also, scientists have proven the anti-shock effect of this product of the vital activity of bees.

As for the cardiovascular system, even here scientists were able to answer the question of why the poison helps. The fact is that in a small amount it perfectly lowers blood pressure. That is why migraines and various inflammations are reduced.

As an anti-inflammatory medicine, the bee product can be used as an injection. In this case, the function of the gastrointestinal tract improves and the patient begins to feel better.

By the way, scientists have repeatedly proved that bee stings, in principle, improve the general condition of a sick person. The appetite and sleep of the patient improves, as well as the tone and efficiency increase.


There are a huge number of options on how to get bee venom. We offer only the main ones.

Mechanical collection method

It can be assembled by two methods - electrical and mechanical. However, if you decide to harvest by mechanical means, you must be prepared for the fact that the bees in the hives may begin to die. The fact is that with this technique, you need to carefully take the bee with tweezers (as a result of which the sting will stretch and the poison will begin to splash out) and attach the sting to the glass on which you will collect the poison. After that, the bee is released. Thus, it is possible to collect the poison of hundreds of bees on one glass.

With this collection option, it should be remembered that it can be stored on glass for a very short time. Otherwise, it will lose its medicinal qualities.

There is a second option for mechanical collection. In fact, for this you just need to make the bees sting the cellophane layer between the bee and the animal (for example, a pig, since it has thick skin and the animal will not feel pain). But both of these methods have a number of significant drawbacks.

Disadvantages of mechanical collection

Most often, as a result of these manipulations, the poisonous gland of the bee opens, and the insect dies.

  1. The extraction process itself is very laborious, and its efficiency is low.
  2. Service personnel are exposed to a large number of bites.

electrical method

When using the electric method of extracting bee venom, a special device is used, which is based on two main principles for obtaining a substance - bees secrete poison under the influence of a current that beats them and most importantly, insects do not lose their sting, which is why they remain alive, producing such a necessary medicine for a person.

Due to the fact that the bees survive, and the attendants practically do not suffer from insect bites, the second option for obtaining bee venom is more developed.

Preparations and contraindications for use

Today in pharmacies you can find a huge number of drugs based on bee venom. These are ointments and potions and even injections. Moreover, they are used for various diseases.

However, like any other medicine that exists today, it also has its own contraindications for use. It is forbidden to use it for those who suffer from mental disorders, diseases of the kidneys, liver and pancreas, blood diseases that are characterized by bleeding. Also, the use of drugs for pregnant and lactating mothers is not recommended.

The bee is a flying insect belonging to the superfamily of stinging hymenoptera. Its closest relatives are wasps and ants.
The coloration of the bee consists of a black background with yellow spots. The size of the bee can range from 3 mm to 45 mm.
In the structure of the body of an insect, three main parts can be distinguished:
1. The head, which is crowned with paired antennae, as well as simple and compound eyes, which have a facet structure. Bees have the ability to distinguish all colors except for red shades, smells and patterns of varying complexity. Bees collect nectar with a long proboscis. In addition to it, the oral apparatus has cutting mandibles.
2. Chest with two paired wings of different sizes and three pairs of legs. Between themselves, the wings of the bee are connected with the help of small hooks. The legs, covered with hairs, serve several functions: cleaning the antennae, removing wax plates, and so on.
3. The abdomen of the bee, in which the digestive and reproductive systems, the stinging apparatus and the wax glands are located. The lower part of the abdomen is covered with long hairs that serve to hold pollen.
Bees have a distinction depending on their behavior. These insects can live alone and form communities called swarms. In loners, only female bees are observed, performing all the work, from reproduction, building a nest to preparing provisions for offspring.
Insects living in a swarm are divided into semi-social and social. Labor in this society is clearly divided, everyone does their job. In the first type of organization, there is no distinction between worker bees and a queen bee. The second type of organization is the highest, the uterus here serves only to produce offspring.
Adults and larvae of bees feed on pollen and flower nectar. Due to the structure of the oral apparatus, the collected nectar through the proboscis enters the goiter, where it is processed into honey. By mixing it with flower pollen, they get a nutritious food for the larvae. In search of food, they can fly up to 10 km. By collecting pollen, bees pollinate plants.
In medicine, all the waste products of bees are widely used: poison, propolis, wax, honey and pollen. Single bites do not bring big problems, except for pain, itching and redness. If a person has an individual intolerance to bee venom, you need to urgently consult a doctor, if the bees swoop in all over and bite hard, the person may die.
The main component of bee venom is melittin, which has an antiarrhythmic effect and normalizes the heart rhythm.
Medicinal properties
The main medicinal properties of bee venom include the following:
- bee venom affects the functions of the cardiovascular system. In particular, there is a short-term decrease in blood pressure.
- preparations of bee venom are able to expand the vessels of the brain.
- bee venom has a stimulating effect on the activity of the pituitary-adrenal system.
- melittin significantly reduces blood clotting; thus, preparations based on bee venom can be used to treat diseases associated with the risk of blood clots.
- a substance with high anti-inflammatory activity was isolated from bee venom.
- the poison has a proven radioprotective effect, that is, it protects a person from the negative effects of penetrating radiation.

The use of bee venom for medicinal purposes has been practiced for a very long time. A long time ago, the benefits of apitoxin (as bee venom is scientifically called) on the human body were noted. When used correctly, any person will very quickly feel a positive effect.

Components and characteristics of bee venom

By its nature, the poison of field workers is a product of the activity of their secretory glands. Moreover, it should be noted that this substance is characteristic only for the working variety of bees. Visually, it looks like a liquid of thick consistency, which is essentially transparent, but has a slight tint of yellow. The reaction of the substance is sour, and the taste is bitter. They also note the presence of a somewhat specific smell, which is somewhat reminiscent of the aroma of honey.

The product of the activity of bees tends to quickly harden under the influence of air. As a result of this process, about 25% of all volatile acids in the product are lost. If apitoxin is stored in a dry form and in the right way, it will not lose its beneficial qualities for a long time.


  • specific gravity - 1.31;
  • dry matter (average) - 41%;
  • the amount of the released substance - from 0.2 to 0.3 mg;
  • the optimal age of the insect is 8-18 days.

Field workers use such secretions in order to protect themselves from various external factors, ranging from other insects to various animals. The bees also try to resist the actions of people, but thanks to protective equipment, the success of such protection can be considered minimal.

The impact of apitoxin is much stronger in the warm season than in the cold.

The effect of poison secreted by bees is based on its chemical composition, which is very complex. It includes various mineral and fat-like substances, proteins, and amino acids. It should be noted that the specified protein is the bulk of the dry matter.

In turn, melitin, which is a non-enzymatic, toxic variant of this component, has a significant effect in its composition. It is he who, with the help of a successful combination with magnesium and various types of acids, provides just the effect of a therapeutic nature required by a person.

Of the other constituent elements, substances such as glucose and fructose can also be noted. Apitoxin also contains a large number of different amino acids, common acids (one of which causes pain when bitten), minerals and other similar components.

bee venom as medicine

In medicine, the presence of very significant medicinal properties in. It is used in the treatment of a wide range of different types of diseases. Depending on the characteristics of the process of improving the state of the body, as well as on the personal properties of the patient himself, there are several possible options for the use of this beneficial substance.

List of diseases:

  • peripheral nervous system;
  • limb vessels;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hypertension;
  • migraine;
  • rheumatism;
  • sciatica and others.

The most natural most useful option is to enter with the help of the bees themselves. They sting the place that needs help, thereby facilitating the healing process. The second option is based on the introduction of the bee product using electricity. Here it is already applied directly to the skin over the sore spot.

In addition to these effective types of drug administration, it should also be noted the possibility of carrying out medical procedures using a cream with bee venom (method for joints), rubbing in ointments and even using inhalation.

The general effect of bee venom on the human body

Even in relatively small doses apitoxin has an extremely positive effect on the human body. It has been observed that a person's appetite improves, sleep improves, the nervous system strengthens, and so on. An interesting feature is that this substance is also able to give a protective effect against the effects of radiation.

The effect of these beneficial substances on a person and his well-being is comparable to a fantastic rejuvenating effect.

Substances such as peptides, which are part of bee poison, have an effect similar to that of aspirin. Moreover, the “power”, compared with most narcotic analgesics, is at least 10 times higher for apitoxin, and the fact that the substance also has an anti-shock effect, along with an increase in the pain threshold, makes it generally indispensable.

A clearly calibrated amount of the drug has the property of lowering blood pressure and reducing the inflammatory process. The speed of blood circulation increases significantly, and the vessels in the brain expand.

The total amount of blood increases, an anticoagulant effect occurs. The level of ESR, as well as the amount of cholesterol, is significantly reduced. The body's defense against stress is activated.

The product of the activity of the secretory glands of bees also has the ability to accelerate the metabolism of proteins, replace the lack of various variants of enzymes and peptides, and can also increase the activity of the adrenal glands. In addition to all of the above, in a stung person, the overall level of immunity increases and the activity of the gastrointestinal tract improves.

Creams and gels, as well as their benefits for joints and osteochondrosis

As mentioned above, the poison of hardworking insects has a positive effect on the entire human body. However, in addition to this, it can also be used in the form of gels and ointments. In this form, it is most often used to treat joint problems, and the use of bee venom also shows itself well in osteochondrosis.

The action of the cream is based on the influence of substances such as phospholipases and melitin. They tend to dilate blood vessels. In addition, the vitamins included in it, as well as extracts of various herbs, also have a positive effect. Cream with bee venom, intended for the treatment of joints, helps to reduce inflammation and has an overall relieving effect.

Approximate composition of the cream:

  • melitin;
  • phospholipases;
  • vitamins D and A;
  • corn oil extract;
  • olive oil extract;
  • extracts of wild rose, burdock, chamomile and wheat.

In addition to creams, there are also special gels with the same bee honey for the treatment of joints. The number of variations of such funds is very large, but in essence they all work on exactly the same principle as creams. Excipients (the list of extracts of herbs and oils) may vary slightly and the system of application may vary slightly. However, the basis of effectiveness - apitoxin - remains unchanged.

Instructions for the use of bee venom

The poison that the field workers secrete needs a clear dosage, because in large quantities it can lead to numerous negative consequences. It is recommended that any course of treatment be agreed in advance with the attending physician and carefully study the instructions on the use of bee venom.

Attentiveness in treatment is the key to successful healing and the absence of health problems in the future.

The application itself can vary greatly. Here, a lot depends on the choice of the drug made by the person. If we take as a basis the cream, which is most often used without medical supervision, then everything is quite simple.

With light movements, a small amount of cream is applied to the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. This procedure should be repeated regularly for at least one week.

The maximum period is better to coordinate with the doctor. The fact is that here a lot already depends not so much on the chosen remedy, but on the neglect of the disease, its type, features and many other factors that a non-specialist simply cannot determine on his own.

If you approach this problem wisely, the effect of the treatment will be noticeable very quickly. It cannot be said that such substances are a panacea for all diseases, but of all the drugs currently existing in the world, it is they who have come as close as possible to such a title.

Application Precautions

There is a whole range of problems that can occur in a person who has exceeded the dosage of drugs created on the basis of the described substance. In addition, there is a list of contraindications for which the use of such drugs is also prohibited.

In large quantities, the bee secretion product can depress the nervous system, cause depression, increase the amount of cholesterol, and also reduce the efficiency of the reproductive function.

In medicine, there is a special list of diseases that not only cannot be cured with this substance, but can even increase significantly with such an attempt. Special attention should also be paid to allergy sufferers. Only after finally making sure that there is no allergy to bees and their products, you can start treatment.

It is forbidden to treat with poison:

  • mental problems;
  • exacerbation of the pancreas;
  • infectious diseases;
  • kidneys;
  • liver;
  • heart;
  • diabetes;
  • tuberculosis.

To avoid negative consequences on their own or with the help of voluntary assistants who do not have the required specialization, it is strictly forbidden to carry out the treatment process with the help of bee stings.

It is not recommended to use the medicine on children, pregnant women and the elderly (unless there was a doctor's permission). It must be remembered that to kill a person, it will take about half a thousand bites. Given the fact that many thousands of bees live in one hive, care should be taken not to irritate these insects.

The first step in a bite, even if it seems insignificant, is to remove the sting. Do it with maximum speed. The affected area should be treated with alcohol, vodka, iodine or potassium permanganate solution. In most cases, this will be enough for a normal subsequent well-being. If a person has not been bitten by bees before, it is recommended to observe him in case of an allergic reaction.

The speed of providing first aid for a bite is a guarantee of the absence of health problems in the future.

If a person has suffered from a large number of bites, you should force him to take a horizontal position and give up to 50 grams of vodka. It really helps. In particularly difficult cases, you will have to start taking antihistamines. Naturally, if the condition of the victim is clearly severe, you should immediately call an ambulance, as well as, if necessary, provide first aid (external heart massage, artificial respiration, and so on).

Timely assistance can save a person’s life or at least have a beneficial effect on the body affected by toxins. As a result, without proper care, the consequences of bites, in particular, from the influence of toxins, can only negatively affect general health. In especially severe cases, death may follow. In the absence of self-confidence, without outside supervision, work with bees is not recommended.

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