How to pump up lips with hyaluronic acid without consequences? Hyaluronic acid injections in the lips: all the details of the procedure, photos before and after How to enlarge lips for a long time

Nowadays, the cosmetic procedure for lip augmentation is in great demand. Hyaluronic acid in the lips will help in cases where a woman has a desire to become the owner of sexy and full lips. Today, the type of filler in which it is contained is one of the most common.

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, a substance in its natural form related to the human body, will help increase their volume. The procedure does not pose any danger, does not cause pain at all and is easy to use. With the help of hyaluron, it will not be difficult for professional specialists to restore their former charm to the lips within a short time, which they have lost due to age, or simply to make the shape more seductive.

Mechanism of action of hyaluronic acid injections

The use of fillers based on hyaluronic acid helps restore skin elasticity and velvety.

Human skin contains collagen, which is supported by hyaluronic acid. If it is not there, collagen will also begin to break down. Injections with hyaluronic acid lead to the fact that it fills the destroyed places.

Injections consist of fillers - fillers. The basic component is hyaluronic biosynthetic acid. It is injected into the subcutaneous layer, after which it spreads there, forming support for the collagen fibers.

The cosmetologist is obliged to establish the place where the injection will be made. This must be determined with the utmost precision. So it is necessary to ensure that lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid is carried out without violations and errors, contact only specialized cosmetic clinics.

After injections with hyaluronic acid are made, under their influence the skin will begin to tighten, thereby straightening it.

Such injections have their own charm - the substance that enters the human body is not foreign, unlike silicone. It is also more difficult to make a mistake with the amount of hyaluronic acid injection. From the point of view of scientists, the presence in the body of an additional source of hyaluronic acid will only contribute to overall rejuvenation.

Benefits of Injections

After the injection, the lips become much more attractive:

  • Acquire a distinct and clear outline;
  • increase in size;
  • Their form improves.

Injection intervention to obtain a larger volume has many advantages, which include:

  • Observation of the size of the lips - such a correction allows you to control the amount of the injected substance;
  • Gradual injection - to achieve the desired effect, injections can be done not immediately, but in several doses;
  • The smallest number of bruises and bruises that occur, unlike other fillers;
  • The unlikely occurrence of allergic reactions after the procedure is due to the fact that hyaluron is close in composition to the human body;
  • A fairly long-term result after this procedure, when compared with other fillers in terms of volume increase.

However, if you are allergic to lidocaine, you should tell your doctor about it before deciding to pump up your lips.

With the help of injections of hyaluronic acid, various defects can be corrected.

Classification of fillers with hyaluronic acid

There are two types of fillers based on hyaluronic acid, these are biphasic and monophasic.

The structure of biphasic gels is very dense. Correction and correct even distribution with their help is difficult. However, there is a plus - after their application, the result lasts from 6 months to 1.5 years. The purpose of biphasic gels is to solve complex problems, for example, the creation of facial contours and so on.

Multi-phase fillers contain particles of the same size, thanks to which there is a uniform distribution and filling under the skin of gaps in wrinkles and folds.

Such fillers are very elastic, therefore they easily make their way into the layers under the skin. They contain analgesics, which is why these injections do not cause pain. Further correction is also not difficult, the doctor performs the distribution of the gel with the help of fingers.

The advantages of monophasic fillers include a reduction in the possibility of infection. This is due to the fact that in this case no re-correction is required. Monophasic hyaluronic fillers are injected into the subcutaneous layer for:

  • Lip augmentation or correction;
  • Smoothing wrinkles, including mimic;
  • Scar filling.

Indications for the procedure of injections with hyaluronic acid

Regarding the correction injection to give volume to the lips, specialists are mainly addressed by people who want to make their appearance better, more flawless. There are no age restrictions for contour plastic surgery.

  • not symmetrical;
  • Thin;
  • With a not very expressive form.

Those who want to change their lips using this procedure, depending on the purpose and age category, are divided into three types:

  • From 17 to 30 years old. These are the ones who try to appear seductive and sexy. It is for the sake of achieving these goals that they need sensual and plump lips;
  • After 30. From this period of life, the first symptoms of aging begin to emerge. These injections help to emphasize the outlines of the lips and correct the oval of the face. At this age, some women dare to change the disproportion and shape of the lips;
  • After 50. Having reached this age, most often women are faced with the presence of a large number of wrinkles, drooping corners of the mouth, changes in the contour, appearance and fading of the lips. Hyaluronic acid injections are the best way to solve such problems.

Before performing such a procedure, the specialist consults individually with each patient.

This will help him to correctly assess the situation, choose the drug, taking into account the personal characteristics of the body and all contraindications.

Carrying out the procedure

The filler is stored in sealed and disposable syringes, this excludes the penetration of infection under the skin. The specialist is taken to perform the injection from the middle of the lips. The filler is injected within 15-30 minutes. The doctor all this time observes how the hyaluronic acid spreads along the lip line.

For the procedure, a fan or linear technique for introducing funds is used. An important point - the doctor must make an injection so that no bulges form.

Hyaluron is injected into the place between the muscle and the skin, to a depth of 2-3 mm, using a thin needle.

If the injections are made deeper, then the duration of the result will be shorter, the filler is absorbed more rapidly.

The portion of the filler depends on the structural features of the patient's lips and on his wishes. The doctor controls the amount of hyaluron that is injected into symmetrical places so that it is equally equal.

It should be borne in mind that it is not possible to make full and large lips from small narrow lips. You can only correct their shape, and then within reason.

After the injection intervention is completed, the cosmetologist conducts a weak, gentle massage. It helps the filler to be more evenly distributed in the tissues. Then cold is applied to the lips. Some time after the procedure, a slight swelling will be noticed. The desired result will appear before your eyes after a few days.

Contraindications for hyaluronic acid injections

Clients speak of the method of lip augmentation with this drug only as a procedure that gives amazing results. However, she also has her contraindications.

Contour plastic is forbidden to be performed during pregnancy and lactation. There are also such contraindications as the presence of inflammation, herpes in its active phase, when ulcers and crusts form on the lips. The introduction of anti-aging drugs can contribute to the occurrence of unforeseen reactions.

You can not perform such manipulations for those who:

  • There are problems with blood clotting;
  • Viral diseases in the acute stage;
  • Diabetes;
  • Pathological fear of the needle;
  • Increased sensitivity to hyaluron and other components.

There are still contraindications - this is the presence of menstruation during the implementation of plastic surgery. This event significantly affects the duration of exposure to hyaluronic acid.

Side effects of the drug with hyaluron

The use of this drug does not entail the occurrence of side effects, however, in some cases, allergic reactions may occur. This is influenced by the origin of the filler-filler.

From the filler, which is based on the connective tissue of animals, allergies very often occur and this filler acts for a very short time. Such hyaluronic acid is most often extracted from chicken scallops.

The filler with biosynthesized hyaluronic acid is considered the best in quality, in this case it is produced by microorganisms. This hyaluron has a high degree of purification. Side effects include the appearance after a rejuvenating injection:

  • Edema;
  • Slight swelling.

All these symptoms disappear after a short period of time.

Lip care after the procedure

After contouring the lips, you need to follow some simple tips. Very important:

  • Limit physical activity to prevent bruising and bruising;
  • You can not massage your lips on your own;
  • It is useful to abandon the use of decorative cosmetics for 3-4 days;
  • Within 14 days it is forbidden to take a hot bath, solarium, go to the pool, bath, sauna;
  • For 2 weeks, you can not do facial massage.

If bruises occur in the area of ​​the lips after injections of hyaluronic acid, the use of ointments is allowed, for example, Arnica, TraumelS.

Every day the patient is obliged to drink the prescribed amount of water. It depends on the amount of filler introduced. It is also necessary to visit a doctor without fail 10-12 days after this rejuvenating procedure, the effect of which is immediately noticeable. And yet, the lips will acquire their final shape only after 14 days. This is the time during which the filler can be evenly distributed and collect as much moisture around itself as needed.

In fashion at all times, great importance is given to sexuality and naturalness. Modern cosmetology is able to give beauty, in a short time and very qualitatively eliminate minor flaws in appearance to achieve perfection.

In the human body, organic acid hyaluronate (hyaluronan) is found almost everywhere. Its largest amount is distributed in the intercellular substance of all soft tissues, and the maximum concentrations are found in the structures of the eye (crystalline lens and vitreous body) and joints (synovial fluid and cartilage cell membranes).

Daily exchange replaces about a third of the total amount of hyaluronate. Over the years, molecules are synthesized less "heavy" (fewer repetitions in the poly-chain), but their total number increases. The main function of hyaluron is the capture and retention of water molecules.

Is it painful to increase lips with hyaluronic acid?

The perception of pain depends on many factors: the height of the pain threshold, the number of receptors of sensitive cells at the point of application, the nature of the pain stimulus. Even the time of day and mood affects reactions.

Given the high sensitivity of the area, this procedure is carried out under local anesthesia by application (cream) or injection (subcutaneous micro-injections) method. Completely, of course, to turn off the pain will not work.

Adds pain and the substance itself is injected - the action on the internal receptors of a bursting nature. The active substance (drug) itself does not have a painful effect (as, for example, some antibiotics).

And thanks, as a rule, to a high pain threshold - women have specific analgesic protection - a comfortable office environment and an independent psychological attitude (awareness of why this is being done and focus on results), the sensations are reduced to a minimum.

Indications for the procedure

Direct medical indications for the appointment of conservative lip plasty include only one thing - the correction of a pronounced cosmetic defect due to injuries, surgical benefits in this area, congenital and acquired changes with asymmetry of the lip contour and nasolabial triangle.

The rest of the decisions are personal in nature - the individual's own desire.

These include:

  1. Age-related changes associated with the manifestation of wrinkles due to loss of elasticity of the basal layer of the skin and a decrease in moisture content in the subcutaneous tissue;
  2. Fashion trends or a solution to a temporary change in the shape and size of the lips.

Interesting fact! There is an opinion that the introduction of hyaluronate can reduce the impact of ultraviolet sunlight and create additional conditions for the accumulation (retention) of the interstitial fluid at the site of application.

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid - a possible option in case of real need

According to the International Association of Dermatologists, the additional introduction of hyaluron from the outside creates only a temporary effect. While the synthesis of acid's own structures slows down. And directly hyaluronin is the basis for "sunburn".

Read the site's popular article:

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid: contraindications

There are much more prohibitions on correction by introducing hyaluron, and their observance should not have any variable values.

  • Age! This procedure is considered a cosmetic direction. For this reason, it is strictly prohibited in childhood. Even at the written request of parents under 18 years of age, it is not carried out.
  • A short time (less than a month) after other cosmetic procedures, in which the effect on the deep layers of the epidermis and dermis, subcutaneous tissue was carried out. These include, for example, photoepilation, deep peeling, laser resurfacing.
  • Any stage of pregnancy or breastfeeding.

  • Allergic reactions to the components of the drug. Directly chemically pure hyaluronic acid is not an allergen. But additional compounds and other components of the ampoule solution can cause atypical reactions of the defense system. Up to anaphylactic shock.
  • Skin diseases in the areas of injections. There should not be any pustular-inflammatory changes or other dermatological ailments. The significance of infections in the modern world of people with forms of herpes type 1 (labial / labial) and type 2 (genital, which can also appear on the facial area) is great. Before carrying out the correction procedure, it is necessary to visit (if there is any doubt) a dermatologist.
  • Systemic or chronic diseases of internal organs. Hormonal dysfunctions, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and other systems - the procedure should not be performed if it is prohibited by the attending specialist.
  • Blood diseases and hemophilia are absolute contraindications. The female sex is not subject to a congenital clotting defect (only hereditary transmission). Considering that modern men also began to use the services of cosmetologists, this disease should not be forgotten either.
  • Oncological pathology. An existing (diagnosed) malignant process, as well as a suspicion of it, are a direct contraindication for the use of hyaluronic acid for any purpose. The proven effect on the acceleration of cell proliferation (multiplication) processes does not imply the use of hyaluronate in the presence or suspicion of tumor growth.
  • Diseases of the nervous system. First of all, epilepsy is due to the possibility of developing an attack. In addition, the procedure is not performed for diseases of the trigeminal and / or facial nerves. A very wide list of mental disorders adds contraindications, including dysmorphophobia - acute dissatisfaction with one's own appearance (as an extreme manifestation of a complex of many factors of various psychopathy).

It should be noted that none of the highly qualified cosmetic clinics will perform any cosmetic procedure without prior consultation with a specialist doctor.

How to prepare for a lip augmentation procedure with hyaluronic acid

You should finally make sure that you need injections. To this end, it is better to visit a specialist dermatologist and listen to a qualified opinion, and not to a "reflection in the mirror." In addition, at the same time it is possible to eliminate some of the contraindications to the procedure.

A week before the injection correction, an allergy test should be performed with the drug that will be injected. This must already be done in the clinic where the procedure will be performed. Despite the fact that cosmetologists have the primary qualification of a dermatologist, it is better to ask a doctor outside the beauty parlor about contraindications and the real need for correction.

On the eve of the injections, it is strongly not recommended to visit the solarium and stay in direct sunlight for a long time. You should also refrain from drinking alcohol due to the peculiarities of the metabolism of hyaluronic acid. Do not carry out other cosmetic actions in the lip area.

The psychological attitude to an instant, pronounced result can negatively affect the general emotional state.

Not all procedures are obtained immediately with the effect that the beautician's visitor hopes for. In addition, it is necessary to be aware that pleasant sensations during injections are not expected.

At a preliminary consultation before the allergy test, the cosmetologist will listen and take into account all the wishes for the expected result (shape, filling, etc.), select the appropriate filler. The specialist will provide information about lip care techniques and behavior after the procedure.

Lip augmentation technique with hyaluronic acid

The duration of the procedure depends, for the most part, on the result, but which it is aimed at. On average, a session will take about half an hour. Will add time spent in the salon-clinic preliminary anesthesia. Anesthesia is applied either by application (special cream) or infiltration (injection).

Given the occurrence of swelling during injections of anesthetic and causing additional discomfort, this method is usually used for large volumes of corrective measures, or if the application has failed.

Having withstood the required exposure (depending on the method and type of anesthetic), the cosmetologist will treat the injection area with an aseptic solution. Then the preparation of hyaluronic acid is injected with micro-injections.

Their number, localization and volume for each injection depend on the individual characteristics of the patient and the calculation of the expected effect. For uniform and complete distribution of hyaluronate in the subcutaneous tissues of the lips, each injection of the substance is accompanied by a micromassage of the area.

Important! It is clear that the procedure should be performed in a specialized clinic / salon room. It is necessary to comply with all the principles of asepsis and antisepsis (prevention of ingress and elimination of possible infectious agents).

After the injections are completed, the specialist is convinced of the complete stop of capillary bleeding. Performs the final processing of the injection area, issues recommendations. The time during which these actions are performed is also necessary to assess the patient's condition in order to exclude delayed and late reactions to the administered drug.

What not to do after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

The list of restrictions in the early stages after the correction procedure is very wide and varied. The period of primary reactions lasts several days.

During this time, edema and other inflammatory reactions are reduced, resulting from the mechanical impact of the needle, the expansion of the subcutaneous tissues from the injected substance and its molecular interaction with the body's own structures.

Within 3-7 days (depending on the individual characteristics of the recovery, the amount of hyaluronate injected, climatic and other factors), you will have to refrain from a lot.

Pronounced facial expressions and active speech

Do not touch lips with hands

No matter how much you want to check if everything is in order. In conversations, pronounced articulation should be avoided, do not speak loudly and much, especially do not shout. No one calls for a mask of indifference to be worn, but it is better if the manifestation of emotions is either a slight smile or an approving / negative movement of the head.

Sports and active recreation, bath/sauna and solarium, spa treatments

First of all, this is due to the hyaluronic acid itself, its physico-chemical processes in the first days after administration.

As for even minor physical exertion, the change in breathing is also taken into account. For the most part, additional lip movements as it deepens. Thermal and ultraviolet exposure negatively affect the structure of hyaluronate. The ban on spas is categorical for all effects on the face.

Food and drink

Hot and spicy foods, foods that require thorough chewing, or soups, berries, fruits and vegetables in general are excluded throughout the week. You can not and hot drinks, alcohol and drinking through a straw.

Under the ban chips, snacks, seeds. Smoking of all kinds: cigarettes (including electronic), pipes, hookah, etc. - ruled out.

Decorative cosmetics, oral hygiene and prevention of chapped lips

The appearance of peeling and cracks on the red border of the lips is generally not a very useful condition for them, and especially after correction with hyaluronate injections. You will have to brush your teeth with caution, avoiding sudden changes in the configuration of the lips and active rinsing of the oral cavity.

All cosmetics are non-sterile- the microflora present in them (inhabited after opening the package and the first use), as a rule, saprophytic (neutral) or conditionally pathogenic. But even these bacteria can cause inflammatory reactions in injured tissues.

In addition, chemicals in lipstick/lip gloss can have a negative effect on the structure of hyaluronic acid.


A kiss is the highest manifestation of intimacy that is possible to demonstrate in society. However, even its imitation can change the configuration of the lips due to the redistribution of the injected substance. It is better to exclude a passionate manifestation of feelings for a week.

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid: consequences (lips hurt, swelling, balls, bruises, other complications)

This type of correction refers to invasive methods of cosmetology. As a result, the early rehabilitation period passes with some unhappy changes.

Consequences such as slight swelling and redness, the manifestation of pain and slight itching are a common reaction of tissues to traumatic effects and the introduction of substances. The severity will depend on the number of injections and the total amount of hyaluronate injected.

Note! With proper care and compliance with all recommendations, provided that the procedure was carried out in a licensed clinic by a specialist with the necessary qualifications and experience, in compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, such imminent reactions last 3–7 days. No less important: the right filler, its expiration date and quality.

An increase in the time for reactions to subside, severe pain, significant swelling and / or itching (allergic manifestations of other localizations are possible), the spread of subcutaneous hematomas, a change in the shape of the lips or palpable local seals (balls), detection of infection, are the reason for an immediate consultation with a cosmetologist.

And in the manifestations of a significant degree - seeking medical help on an emergency basis. This is especially true for allergic reactions with a pronounced rash all over the skin, difficulty breathing and a feeling of palpitations.

Lip massage after hyaluronic acid augmentation

On the one hand, lips after the correction procedure should be protected. On the other hand, a light massage effect improves blood circulation, which positively affects the appearance, volume and reduces the inevitable consequences of injection exposure.

It is enough to massage during oral hygiene (morning and evening)

It is performed by the reverse (which is without bristles) side of the brush. With light movements in a circle, as when brushing your teeth, from the corner of the mouth to the center of the lip on each side at the top and bottom.

The massage ends with a gentle application of hygienic lipstick to moisturize and protect against chapping.

Moisturizing lips with hyaluronic acid without augmentation

A non-injection method for delivering hyaluron to the deep layers of the skin - electroporation, is based on the principles of active penetration of substances under the influence of an electric field of low intensity. Concentrated hyaluronate is applied to the lips and, as in electrophoresis, is carried through the epidermal layers into the dermis and subcutaneous intercellular space.

The method has a number of advantages:

  • without injections and does not require anesthesia, sterility and special injection skills;
  • no pronounced reactive changes;
  • there are no restrictions after the procedure.

But 7-10 sessions are needed to get a significant effect. And the duration of saving the results is much shorter than with injection correction.

How much does it cost to increase lips with hyaluronic acid: price

The average cost of the procedure depends on a number of components, the main of which is the price of the injected filler. What matters is the region of residence and the status of the clinic / salon, the qualifications of the specialist.

The minimum check is calculated at the level of 5000, maximum (average) - about 25,000 rubles of the Russian Federation. In elite clinics and SPA centers, the price categories are different.

How long does the effect of hyaluronic acid last?

General statistics and reviews from various sources indicate the duration of the visible effect from the corrective injection of hyaluronate in the range from 3 to 12–14 months.

Individual features, the type of filler, its volume and the correct implementation of recommendations for early and subsequent lip care are the main components of this period.

Interesting fact! According to cosmetologists, most women, 6 months after the correction, lose satisfaction with the appearance of their lips.

It should be noted that this phenomenon has a significant subjective criterion. And it is caused by high self-criticism and a desire for changes in appearance.

An increase in hyaluronic acid: pros and cons

The main positive component of the hyaluronate injection procedure is the supply of skin and subcutaneous intercellular structures with an additional moisture-retaining component.

Having a high biological affinity for hyaluronic acid molecules synthesized by the body, the injected exosubstance has a high bioactivity with minimal atypical reactions. As a result, it is reflected in the improvement of the patient's appearance and his psycho-emotional status.

The main negative point is the need for injection. This is accompanied by a very wide list of restrictive measures and the complexity of subsequent lip care. Abuse of the multiplicity of procedures (frequent conduction) creates conditions for reducing the production of one's own hyaluron.

Hyaluronic acid is a more gentle method of lip augmentation compared to surgery, but he also has enough contraindications and side effects. It is necessary to weigh the pros and cons before deciding on the procedure. In addition, it is important to carefully select a specialist for the procedure.

Useful video on the topic

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid. Everything you need to know. Watch an interesting video:

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid. Video review:

Hyaluronic acid injections into the lips are gaining more and more popularity. Now the request to “pin up your lips a little” has become almost as common in beauty salons as the phrase “wind my curls”. This gives rise to a logical question in men: how to distinguish whether my girlfriend’s lips are “made” or not?

They are "done" if:

1. First, if you have such a question at all. In anthropological terms typical Russian girl laid down lips thin and medium thickness (as a rule, the volume of both lips is 14–18 mm). The plump form is typical for representatives of the Far Eastern, South Asian, Australian and Ethiopian races.

2. Second, if lips visually dominate the face: the proportions of the human face are in most cases harmonious, and if a girl has small eyes, a compact nose, then the lips, most likely, are not prominent from birth.

3. Third, blurred outline with unpainted lips - injections make it a little blurry.

4. Lips are perfectly smooth: a syringe has definitely been here - natural lips are dotted with small wrinkles. Of course, there is a trick: if you inject a little bit over several years, the tissues will gradually stretch and new wrinkles will appear.

5. In 90% of cases after injections inflates the area around the lips and a swelling forms between the tip of the nose and the "arrow of cupid" (the upper contour of the lips).

6. Ask the girl to blow a kiss: if her lips curl into a mini accordion, they are real. If a form a heart, they have a gel.

7. Touch dense tissue around the lips, and from birth, these tissues are soft and full-blooded.

8. Not the best method for a first date: “If you lift the “made” upper lip and look at its inner surface, you will see a "curly outline"- with small lumps and irregularities that the filler forms, ”sabrina Ismailova, dermatologist and cosmetologist at the Millefeuil beauty salon, comments.

9. If the next morning after a stormy night with champagne, the girl's lips significantly increase in size that means they have hyaluronic acid: its molecules collect water, and the lips look swollen.

10. After injections over the upper lip is formed thin roller, which makes the lips slightly "inverted".

Hollywood stars who, according to our expert, Sabrina Ismailova, a dermatologist and cosmetologist at the Milfeuy beauty salon, did not resort to injection lip augmentation:

The cosmetic procedure for correcting the shape of the lips is very popular among women of all ages. Young girls want to achieve plumpness and expressiveness, older ladies want to get rid of lip defects that betray their age. Despite the apparent ease, this procedure requires prudence in the choice of the drug for injection and a specialist who has experience in lip correction.

About what questions are most often asked to a beautician by women who dream of lip augmentation, and what they need to know in order for the procedure to go smoothly. Anna Funikova, a dermatologist, head of the training center "Academy for Professional Training of Beauty Industry Specialists", told the site readers.

how to make lips bigger

This question is asked by a large number of clients of beauty parlors. The age at which patients begin to be interested in this topic is already around 14 years old. To begin with, good specialists recommend to their patients to use various professional glosses and lipsticks for lip augmentation. Usually such remedies are based on the use of various irritating components that cause a temporary rush of blood to the lips.

This effect remains exactly for several hours when applying lipstick. If we talk about how to increase lips for a long time, then we cannot do without injection procedures, because we cannot increase the volume and correct the shape for a long time only with cosmetics.

The procedure itself is correctly called lip contouring and requires the use of fillers. Lip contouring has been known for over 20 years. Previously, non-absorbable fillers were used: silicone and polyacrylamides. At the moment, it has been proven that these drugs cause many complications, migration of the drug, the formation of seals, ulcers, granulomas: the terrible programs that we watch on television, with a demonstration of the precipitation of the drug or deformation of the shape of the lips, describe just cases of using non-absorbable, permanent fillers. Now they are banned in the US and Europe, but unfortunately, we have procedures with them.

The patient needs to know that she will be injected

When a girl chooses a lip filling procedure for herself, she must definitely know exactly what exactly she will be pricked in order to enlarge her lips. A modern preparation for contour and volume modeling is synthesized hyaluronic acid, which is identical to human and has a biosynthetic origin. This means that the genetic code of a special bacterium has been changed, and when it eats wheat hydrolyzate, the bacterium itself synthesizes human hyaluronic acid. This process is similar to the synthesis of insulin, which is now prescribed to patients with diabetes.

There are a huge number of hyaluronic acid preparations on the market. They differ in density, ease of use for the master himself, and most importantly, in the purification of this hyaluronic acid from the bacterial wall and from drugs that stabilize the substance itself from decay in human tissues.

Therefore, when choosing a clinic in which the patient wants to undergo a lip augmentation procedure and change their contour, one should ask what company the drug is used for.

There are a lot of questions about the certification of these drugs: how they are certified in our country and in the world, whether they have American certification. We are especially interested in the FDA certification - this is the US Federal Department of Food and Drug Administration, i.e. US State Pharmaceutical Commission. It is one of the most serious in the world and can initiate, at its own expense, research on the safety of all drugs. At the moment, there are so many hyaluronic acid-based fillers registered in the world: these are woven, such as, for example: Juvederm, Restylane, etc.

Further, before lip augmentation, consult with a specialist who will do the procedure directly.

He must have a medical education and a certificate of completion of courses in contouring and volumization, i.е. volume modeling.

There are several cases when we need to increase the lips or change their shape. The first of these is constitutionally small lips, when they are congenitally very small, characterized by pronounced visual asymmetry, or have a very strange shape. Under such circumstances, the age limits for indications are shifted to a younger age - 18 years old, when the patient is already an adult and can decide for himself to undergo this procedure.

The work here will be quite complex, and the specialist must have experience in modeling and augmentation of lips that have constitutional features or are deformed due to trauma.

And the second moment when we increase lips is an aesthetic component. Lips have always been a very strong sexually attractive feature. They were emphasized with the use of cosmetics - lipstick and gloss. Lips are a sign of sexuality, as many of the patients believe.

What is important to consider during the first injection

When patients come for a consultation, the first thing they say is "I don't want very big lips." In our clinic, we explain to them that in order to make very large and even just large lips, you need to use a large amount of the drug, and this will be a very expensive procedure.

Therefore, when we use one syringe, one dose of the drug to model the volume and shape of the lips, we can only increase this volume by 15-20 percent and at the same time correct their shape, for example, raise the corners of the mouth or slightly enlarge the lip so that when smiling it does not completely exposed the gums and teeth. So the use of an ordinary dose initially looks like the right decision.

The drugs used for injections themselves are usually always called “For the lips” (Kiss, Lips, Smile), they are specially calculated both in terms of volume and thermal stability (so that when the patient consumes hot drinks, there is no rapid disintegration of the drugs and complications associated with with this).

Enlargement of lips is quite simple, drugs are used disintegrating, the shape is restored within 5 months. The procedure itself is quite effective, because it will be the prevention of premature aging and the appearance of so-called purse-string wrinkles - the vertical wrinkles around the mouth that most betray the woman's age. Additionally, the transverse striation on the red border of the lips will go away, which will really help to make the lips themselves as attractive as possible.

Unfortunately, we must always correctly understand what the patient wants, how much this or that form of lips suits him. We always start from what the patient has, because when clients bring a beautiful picture, and we see that the original material with which we need to work will not allow this to be achieved, the most important thing in such a situation is not to give empty promises.

We must also, as estestists, bring beauty and the standards of this beauty into society. Very often it is necessary to keep patients from doing a marginal and very pronounced, large lip shape.

We advise you to start with one or two syringes of the drug, and then go on with such new lips for several months and decide on their possible stronger increase.

It is important to note that at the moment there are fashion trends for lip augmentation: the so-called. baby face, when, regardless of the facial expressions of a person, his lips seem to be folded into a slight smile. I can safely say: baby face is not suitable for all patients! And regardless of the fact that this is a fashion trend, we still come to the conclusion that even enlarged or corrected lips should not be striking.

When, after contour-injection plastic surgery, the patient looks like that everyone around notices that something has changed, but they don’t know why, and they can’t point to a specific subject of change, it is in such cases that the success of the overall result can be summarized.

A large sensual mouth is the dream of many modern women. Beautifully contoured puffy lips look attractive and sexy. To improve the shape of the delicate area of ​​the face, it is not necessary to resort to surgical intervention. Cosmetologists offer a gentle method of correction - lip augmentation with the help of injection contouring. The result is achieved by subcutaneous injection of fillers - biocompatible fillers. The technique is very popular due to its high efficiency and reasonable price. According to psychologists, lip pumping increases self-esteem and gives self-confidence.

Gels based on hyaluronic acid are the most common type of fillers. Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of the connective tissue of the human body. It maintains the level of moisture in the cells, removes toxins from them. Hyaluron is produced in sufficient quantities only up to 25 years, then the synthesis stops. Because of this, the elasticity of the skin decreases, the lips lose their original shape, small wrinkles and age spots form around them.

Overview of drugs for lip augmentation

1. Hyaluronic acid.

Preparations based on hyaluronic acid are injected with a thin needle along the contour of the lips. The gel is evenly distributed over the tissues and provides an increase in volume. The most famous fillers: Teosyal Puresense, Surgilips, Juvederm, HyalStyle.

Advantages of injections containing hyaluronic acid:

  • safety - due to the natural basis, the preparations do not cause rejection and allergic reactions;
  • lifting effect - along with the increase, moisturizing and smoothing the skin of the lips, improving its elasticity;
  • speed - to increase the volume of the lips with the help of hyaluronic acid, a specialist needs half an hour;
  • painlessness - a thin needle and the use of anesthetics reduce sensitivity and make manipulation as comfortable as possible;
  • prompt removal - if the result of the increase is unsatisfactory, then the filler can be quickly removed;
  • biodegradation - over time, drugs break down and are completely eliminated from the body.

If you pump up your lips with hyaluronic acid, then for a long time they will look swollen and juicy. In addition, it helps to correct the asymmetry and fuzzy contour of the mouth. The procedure is fast and recovery is easy. Lips after the application of fillers retain their natural shape.

Disadvantages of injections with hyaluronic acid:

  • short duration - the effect of the increase remains on the lips from 6 to 12 months;
  • recurrence of herpes - the likelihood of development increases with weakened immunity;
  • swelling and redness - immediately after injections, the lips swell up and the increase seems excessive, hematomas appear on the skin; With proper care, everything passes in 3-5 days.

Regular repetition of manipulations increases the duration of the effect. This is explained by the fact that hyaluronic acid stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, and also improves tissue renewal.

2. Botox.

The main purpose of the filler is to smooth out wrinkles in the mouth area. With it, you can lift the corners of the lips, eliminate asymmetry, correct the shape. Botox injection into the lips is carried out with an insulin syringe with a thin needle, so the patient does not feel pain. The drug is injected along the contour of the mouth or in the center of the lips. This immediately causes slight paralysis of the facial muscles. After the operation, mimic wrinkles are leveled and the mouth seems to be immobilized.

For this reason, Botox is not used for lip augmentation, but exclusively for solving aesthetic problems. How long does Botox last on lips? According to cosmetologists, the effect lasts 4-6 months, after which the injection session must be repeated.

3. Silicone.

Interest in this artificial drug began to decline 5-7 years ago. Its advantage lies in the impossibility of resorption. If the lips are pumped with silicone, then their plumpness will remain unchanged for a long period. Getting under the skin, it is overgrown with collagen fibers, due to which there is a significant increase in the volume of the lips. Since silicone is a foreign body, the reaction of the body to it is individual, often negative. According to experts, in some cases the result can be even shocking.

4. Lipofilling.

The augmentation technique is based on transplanting the patient's fat cells into the lips.


  • safety;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • lack of rejection of transplanted tissues;
  • natural look.

A syringe with a cannula is used to collect donor adipose tissue. A special hollow needle with a rounded end and a side hole is designed to penetrate the body cavity. The pumped-out fat is carefully cleared of blood and fibers, then planted under skin. The session lasts about an hour. The result becomes noticeable immediately after the operation. It remains almost forever, as the transplanted fat takes root well and does not dissolve over time.

The disadvantage of this method is the increased complexity. Lip augmentation should be performed by a highly qualified and experienced surgeon. The disadvantages include the risk of developing infectious complications. In addition, after the procedure, the effect of settling appears on the lips. This requires additional corrective actions, which negatively affects the final cost of the increase.

5. Biopolymer gels.

The fillers are based on non-absorbable synthetic materials mixed with hyaluronic acid. The most famous: Matrideks, Dermalife, Matridur.

Disadvantages - High risk of scarring. If the lips are pumped with an artificial gel, then the flawless look will last no longer than 3-5 years. The material can then be moved into the lower jaw. This leads to deformation of the face, in some cases - to severe inflammation. Biopolymer gel can be removed from tissues only by surgery. After that, ugly scars and scars remain on the lips.

6. Biodegradable mesothreads.

An innovative technique for increasing the volume of the lips, which has been actively introduced in the Russian Federation since 2014. To date, only one type of material developed by Italian specialists is offered.

The essence of the procedure is to install threads of caprolactone along the contour of the lips. Resorption occurs within 1.5-2 years. In place of the threads, a framework of fibrous fibers is formed. It creates an increase in natural volume, lifts the corners of the lips, smoothes fine wrinkles around the mouth. The result is stored up to 3 years. For a greater effect, mesothreads can be combined with correction with hyaluronic acid.

How much does lip augmentation cost?

The price of the procedure consists of several components:

  • the cost of the drug and anesthesia;
  • the number of injections;
  • cosmetology clinic class;
  • qualification and popularity of the specialist;
  • the cost of the first consultation.

The highest prices for lip augmentation services are traditionally noted in Moscow, St. Petersburg, large regional and regional centers. On the territory of settlements, high prices are typical for specialized clinics located in the center. In sleeping areas, inexpensive beauty parlors are most often found.

1. The average cost of augmentation with hyaluronic acid in Moscow is 9,000-25,000 rubles per 1 ml. In St. Petersburg, the price starts at 32,000. In the regions, pumping up beautiful lips costs 10,000-15,000 rubles.

2. How much does Botox injection cost? The number of injections for the lips - 2-6 units. The procedure for increasing costs from 800 to 3,000 rubles.

3. Pumping up the volume and contour with the help of lipofilling will cost about 20,000-40,000 rubles. High prices are due to the complexity and subtlety of the work. The cost of manipulation is also affected by the way the fat is processed, for example, enrichment with stem cells.

In order to save the budget, you should not choose cheap drugs, since the success of the increase directly depends on the quality of the fillers and the correct dosage. The price of procedures can be reduced during the period of discounts and promotions. In some salons, it drops by 40-50%.

Features of lip augmentation


  • asymmetry of the mouth shape;
  • fuzzy contour lines;
  • insufficient volume;
  • increased thinness of the lips;
  • weak hue saturation;
  • age changes.

Injection augmentation technique helps to correct the line of the lips, make the appearance harmonious, and smooth the face from wrinkles and refresh.


  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • herpes, inflammation in the lips;
  • psoriasis, infectious skin diseases;
  • burns;
  • liver problems;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • predisposition to the formation of keloid scars;
  • individual intolerance to the components of drugs and anesthesia.

If the skin was peeled or laser / mechanical resurfacing, then lip augmentation manipulations can be started no earlier than after 2 weeks.

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