The molars of a child at what time erupt. Terms of eruption of permanent teeth in children. Care during a change of bite

When teething molars, children rarely endure this process painlessly. In most cases, an erupting molar causes a child a lot of trouble and discomfort. This article will tell about how many years the molars climb, as well as what order is observed in this case.

The first molars may erupt at different times. According to experts, molars grow from the age of six months in children. At the same time, they will be dairy, and not permanent (closer to seven years, they will fall out and be replaced by permanent ones).

The timing of the eruption of permanent teeth can be quite different, because it often happens that a baby, even at nine months, does not yet have a single molar. Dentists define this period of delay in the growth of molars in children as normal and justify this phenomenon by purely physiological characteristics of the growing organism.

Girls cut molars a little faster than boys. Rarely delays the eruption of permanent teeth in children such an anomaly as adentia. It can be identified by a pediatric dentist using x-rays. Fortunately, this disease is rare.

Differences between dairy and permanent

Despite the fact that permanent and milk teeth have the same physiological structure, they have a number of significant differences:

  1. Root molars are denser and have a greater opportunity for mineralization. They are also larger in size. Moreover, their length is greater than the width.
  2. Milk molars have a whiter shade of enamel. Permanent ones are usually light yellow in color.
  3. The root of milk molars is always thinner and shorter than that of permanent ones.

Symptoms and signs of eruption

Molar teeth in children, the symptoms of which can develop even a couple of weeks before eruption, can develop at different ages. Traditionally, molars are cut along with the following characteristic signs:

Growth order

The sequence of appearance of root molars is as follows:

  1. Molars erupt first in children.
  2. The central incisors appear second.
  3. Next, lateral incisors appear.
  4. The fangs erupt for a long time.
  5. The penultimate teeth are the second molars and the last are the third molars.

Molars do not always erupt in this sequence. Often this is violated. Dentists do not characterize this phenomenon as a pathology.

The timing of the eruption of permanent molars, as well as their symptoms, is rather blurred. Thus, for example, from five to eight years old, children may develop lower incisors, and from eleven to thirteen years old, upper canines.

Frequent problems

There are the following dental problems that may occur in children with molars:

If even a small piece has broken off, then you need to immediately carry out a correction. Otherwise, the tooth may start to hurt or further collapse. That is why, with the help of a specialist, it is necessary to completely restore the enamel, and, if necessary, install a permanent filling.

It is strictly forbidden to try to loosen, let alone pull out a tooth, on your own. This task is best handled by a dentist who can completely eliminate the observed problem and protect the child from infection. The same prohibition also applies to the independent fight against gum bleeding without medical supervision.

Molar teeth in children, the order of eruption of which is usually the same, require constant medical supervision, because only with a timely identified problem, a specialist will be able to solve it. Otherwise, in the future, the child may suffer from malocclusion and other dental problems.

    1. It is important to carefully and regularly care for the oral cavity. At the same time, it is necessary not only to clean the enamel, but also the tongue. Moreover, it is very useful to use special rinsing antibacterial and anti-inflammatory mouthwashes. If the baby does not take good care of his teeth, then this can lead to stomatitis, extensive caries or progressive pulpitis.
    2. To strengthen the enamel, it is useful to use special fluoride-containing creams. It is desirable that they are selected by the observing dentist for each child individually.
    3. For the prevention of diseases, it is allowed to use a paste with fluorine and calcium.
    4. For a general strengthening of the enamel, it is necessary to enrich the child's diet with useful substances and vitamins. It is especially recommended to give children fermented milk products and cottage cheese, which are rich in calcium.
    5. Limit the consumption of sweets and foods containing starch as much as possible, since these substances contribute to the destruction of enamel.
    6. You should give your child foods with coarse fiber more often, since it cleans the enamel no worse than a regular brush.

It is important for parents to treat the child's teeth carefully, and if they begin to stagger or appear in him, you should immediately contact the dentist. Otherwise, the tooth may begin to hurt, collapse and affect the adjacent healthy enamel.

Young parents usually have a lot of questions about how children's teeth climb. There is an opinion that most children are very difficult to endure this period. In many cases, indeed, the process of teething is accompanied by various unpleasant and painful symptoms. But in some babies, teeth can erupt completely imperceptibly, without causing them suffering and much discomfort. Consider how children's teeth climb, what are the main possible symptoms of this process, and how can a child be helped?

How do children's teeth fit?

Pediatricians indicate that normally a child's teeth appear in a period of 4-7 months. Although there are cases of both earlier and later appearance of the first teeth. In general, the time of appearance of the first tooth depends on many factors. First of all, genetic predisposition is taken into account. If the parents, especially the mother, had their first tooth rather late, you should not expect the child to have teeth early. In addition, the onset of teething depends on the general condition and rate of development of the baby's body, the presence or deficiency of certain vitamins and microelements.

The order of teething is usually the same for all babies. In some cases, it may change, but not significantly. And, again, as a rule, it depends on hereditary predisposition. So, how do children's teeth climb?

Usually in a child, the two lower incisors erupt first, then the two upper ones. After that, the upper lateral incisors appear, followed by the lower lateral incisors. Then the upper premolars, lower premolars, canines and molars climb.

As a rule, a two-three-year-old baby should already have twenty teeth. Milk teeth are finally formed by the age of three.

In addition to the question of how children's teeth climb, parents are often concerned about the main symptoms of this process.

What are the symptoms that a child is teething?

The signs of teething are individual for each baby. Moreover, in the same child, the symptoms of this process can change with each subsequent tooth. But still, you can highlight the main ones that are typical for most children.

Approximately two weeks before the eruption of the tooth, the child's gums turn red and swell at the place of its appearance. This process is accompanied by increased salivation. Due to constant discomfort in the oral cavity and frequent pain, the baby becomes restless, irritable, naughty, cries a lot. The molars in a child are especially hard to climb. This is due to the fact that the molar is wider, and it needs a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe gum for eruption. Which, of course, increases the pain in the baby.

During teething, the child pulls into his mouth, everything that falls under his arm. And it does not just pull into the mouth, but tries to scratch the gums, thus reducing discomfort. Parents can help their child during this difficult period. You can buy a special gel or drops on the gums at the pharmacy, which have a cooling and analgesic effect, and from time to time lubricate the swollen gums with them. There are also teething toys for the baby, with which he can scratch his gums.

Often, children during teething have other, more complex symptoms - diarrhea, fever, runny nose, cough. Although many pediatricians do not associate these signs with teething. They explain them by the fact that during this period the baby's body is too weakened and it is more susceptible to various infections that cause such manifestations. But many parents observe the above signs during teething in children. Therefore, we will consider them in more detail.

One of the most common symptoms that a child is teething is diarrhea (diarrhea). Its appearance is associated, first of all, with the imperfection of the baby's digestive system at this age. Provoking factors can be called nerve spasms of the stomach due to constant pain in the oral cavity, the ingestion of a large amount of saliva into the digestive tract. Diarrhea during this period usually has a watery consistency, not very frequent (about 2-3 times a day) and disappears after two to three days. As a rule, it does not require special treatment. It is necessary to ensure that the baby receives a sufficient amount of liquid during this period. If necessary, according to the doctor's prescription, you can give him a solution of Regidron, Smecta. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe a drug containing beneficial bacteria, such as Linex, to the child. But if the baby's stool contains traces of blood, becomes more frequent or lasts more than three days, it must be shown to the pediatrician. It should be noted that diarrhea often develops when a child's molars climb.

Another fairly common symptom of teething in children is an increase in body temperature. This condition is explained by the fact that during teething there is an increase in the production of biologically active substances. In addition, when a tooth climbs, it causes the development of an inflammatory process in the gum area. All this together leads to an increase in body temperature. If a child's teeth are climbing, the temperature, as a rule, rises to the level of 37.3-37.7ºС. But in some cases, the thermometer mark may show 38ºС or more. Pediatricians do not recommend bringing down the temperature of a child if it does not exceed 38ºС. But parents should monitor the condition of the baby. If it worsens, it is necessary to lower the temperature. Be sure to lower the temperature if the child develops convulsions, the baby's age has not reached three months, and the temperature does not fall below 38ºС. Also, if a child’s teeth are climbing, the temperature is brought down if he has diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous, bronchopulmonary systems. It is important to remember that if the body temperature exceeds 39ºС, lasts more than three days, the baby has other unpleasant symptoms, you need to call a doctor. All these signs can indicate the development of dangerous infections.

Symptoms and signs of teething in children

Parents had no time to solve the problem with gas and colic, when the time came for cutting teeth. It is rare that each new tooth appears in a baby painlessly and easily, and the mother finds out about it only when she notices it in the mouth of a toddler or hears a knock on a spoon. For many babies, the process of teething is restless and difficult. And during this period, it is important for parents to learn to distinguish which symptoms relate to cutting teeth, and when to suspect the disease and show the baby to the doctor.

When do the first symptoms of teething appear?

Parents may notice signs of teething long before the baby's first milk teeth “hatch”, because before a new white tooth begins to rise above the gums, it has a long way to go through the bone tissue and gums. As a rule, symptoms appear about 2-4 weeks before the moment when the crown of the tooth cuts through the gum.

In some cases, for example, when fangs are being cut, the teeth begin to disturb the child even earlier.

How bad are your teeth?

The severity of the signs of teething in each child will be individual. Some babies tolerate cutting teeth more easily, remain cheerful and cheerful, others are naughty, often cry, do not sleep at night or have a temperature. The first teeth (incisors) often appear without pronounced symptoms, and teething with large crowns is often more painful for toddlers, for example, when the first molars climb.

As for the change of teeth, the loss often does not bring much discomfort to the child, and the molars in most children are cut painlessly.

Most Common Symptoms

For many babies with cutting teeth, a general malaise is characteristic, caused by severe stress for the child's body. During the teething period, babies are lethargic and tired, their sleep may worsen, which also affects parental sleep. Babies often wake up at night with loud crying, and sometimes refuse to crib altogether, preferring to always be with mom and dad.

Common symptoms such as moodiness and irritability are not uncommon for cutting teeth. In addition, most children tend to constantly gnaw or suck on various objects ranging from toys to their fingers. Some children settle down with an orthodontic pacifier, others start biting their mother's breasts. All these are signs of itchy gums that bother the little one.

The most common sign that a baby will soon have a baby tooth is increased salivation. It is a response to irritation of the sensory nerves in the gums. Saliva is sometimes released in such a large amount that the child's clothes are constantly wet, and a rash may appear on the chest and chin.

The most unpleasant and uncomfortable common symptom that occurs during teething is pain. She worries the baby at the moment when the tooth is ready to cut through the gum to the surface. It is with pain that disturbances in sleep and mood of the child are associated.

The appetite of many babies with cutting teeth decreases, and some toddlers generally refuse any food due to severe discomfort in the mouth. Because of this, weight gain in children for the period of teething may be absent.

Separately, it is necessary to talk about the symptoms characteristic of the eruption of the upper fangs. They are called "eye teeth" not only because of the anatomical position, but also because the appearance of this pair of teeth can be accompanied by symptoms reminiscent of conjunctivitis. This is due to the proximity of the location of the cranial nerves.

Looking into the baby's mouth, the mother may notice redness and swelling of the gums in the place where the tooth will soon erupt. When the crown of the tooth moves as close as possible to the surface of the gum, it will look like a white dot under the gum.

Controversial Symptoms

This group of symptoms includes signs that may occur not only during teething. These include:

  • Runny nose. It is usually small, and the discharge is colorless and watery. In addition, if it is associated with teething, then other symptoms of SARS will be absent. Such a runny nose almost does not bother the baby and passes on its own in a few days.
  • Cough. Its appearance is caused by the accumulation of excess saliva in the throat. Such a cough occurs infrequently, is not accompanied by wheezing and breathing problems, and also quickly disappears in a few days.
  • Vomiting or diarrhea. The reason for the increased gag reflex and slightly liquefied stools is the excess saliva swallowed by the baby. When such symptoms appear, an intestinal infection should be excluded, the risk of which increases during teething due to the weakened local immunity of the infant. In addition, the baby drags various objects into the mouth that are not always clean.
  • Elevated temperature. For most children, it can rise to +37 or +37.5 degrees, so they don’t knock it down. In some babies, the increase is more pronounced, and occasionally the temperature can reach 39-40 degrees. As a rule, the fever is observed in babies with teething for one to three days, and if the fever lasts longer, it is more likely that the child is sick.

How to distinguish eruption from the disease?

When teeth are cut in the crumbs, the risk of infection with various infectious agents increases. Often, during the period of teething, a baby may begin with SARS, stomatitis, an intestinal infection, or another disease. In order to respond in time to her appearance, parents should be vigilant and watch the baby:

  • If the baby refuses to eat, the child’s temperature has risen, he is capricious, and sores have formed in his mouth, these are signs of stomatitis and the baby should be shown to the doctor as soon as possible.
  • If the parents looked into the mouth of a toddler with a fever and a runny nose, and noticed a reddened throat, then most likely the symptoms are not associated with cutting teeth, but with SARS or tonsillitis.
  • If the baby has liquefied stools, high fever, swollen and painful stomach, you should immediately call a doctor to rule out an intestinal infection.

When to see a doctor?

Consultation of a pediatrician, and sometimes a pediatric dentist, is needed if:

  • The child is already a year old, and not a single milk tooth has yet appeared.
  • The teeth of the crumbs are cut in an altered order.
  • The temperature has risen significantly or has not dropped for more than three days.
  • The child has severe diarrhea or repeated vomiting.
  • The child has difficulty swallowing and refuses to eat.

How to make the cutting process easier?

To help babies who are painfully teething, use:

  1. Teethers. So called toys that a child can safely chew on and scratch their itchy gums. Inside such toys, there is usually a filler in the form of water or gel. After being placed in the refrigerator, the filler cools down, and when the child begins to gnaw on a cool teether, this partially relieves discomfort in the gums.
  2. Massage. Mom can regularly massage the gums of the little one with a finger wrapped in gauze soaked in water or a silicone brush for the first teeth.
  3. Gels Kamistad, Dentinox, Doctor Baby, Kalgel and others. Such drugs have a local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect, so their use helps to make the process of teething milk teeth less painful for the crumbs.
  4. Antipyretic drugs. They are given when the temperature rises above +38 degrees, as well as at lower rates for babies with diseases of the nervous system or a tendency to convulsions. Most often, children are prescribed paracetamol preparations, which are found in the form of a sweet syrup, as well as in the form of rectal suppositories. Instead of paracetamol, ibuprofen is used in some cases.

In the next video, you can see how to help your baby survive the difficult period of teething and relieve pain.

  • Saliva that flows from a teething baby's mouth should be wiped regularly with a damp cloth to prevent rashes and irritation.
  • Do not try the child's food from his spoon. It is also unacceptable to lick the nipple of a toddler.
  • Do not give your child any medicines without consulting a doctor.
  • Take care of the first teeth, using special fingertips and children's brushes to clean them. Pasta for a child should be chosen according to his age.
  • In the diet of the crumbs, there should be enough foods containing calcium, and the excess of sweets should be limited. Also, don't give your child sugary drinks before bed.

For more information about teething, see the transfer of Dr. Komarovsky.

Eruption of molars in a child with fever

The first teeth in a child are joy and disappointment at the same time. First of all, the baby is growing, which is good news for parents, but at the same time, the appearance of milk teeth causes inconvenience and pain for the child. But how does the process of eruption of molars proceed, and can body temperature rise at the same time? We learn more about this from this material.

When do molars begin to grow?

In babies, the first teeth appear mainly from 5-6 months to 2-3 years. In total, there are about 20 teeth. Milk teeth are not permanent, therefore, closer to the age of 6-7, they periodically begin to fall out, and new ones grow in their place - permanent or indigenous. The molars in children are an even more important process than the eruption of milk teeth. When the first molars begin to appear is unknown, since for each child this process is individual and depends not only on physiological characteristics, but also on factors such as diet, climatic conditions and the quality of drinking water. When teething molars in children, the temperature rises, but whether this is a normal property, we will find out further.

If the eruption of temporary teeth took place without significant deviations in health, then this will not affect the molars in any way. It is worth noting that the molars erupt much longer in time than the milk teeth. For dairy, this process usually takes 2-3 years, and for permanent ones from 6 to 15 years. Until the milk tooth falls out, the permanent one will not begin to erupt in its place. Basically, for most children, the process of the appearance of molars is a process in which the baby experiences discomfort and pain.

It's important to know! The eruption of molars in a child may be accompanied by an increase in temperature, which is absolutely normal.

Symptoms of eruption of molars in a child

The main sign of molars eruption is an increase in the size of the jaw. The process of jaw enlargement indicates that the body is preparing for a change of teeth. The distance between the temporary processes is insignificant, therefore, more space is required for the eruption of permanent teeth.

Molar teeth in children are larger than temporary teeth, so they require more space to form. If the distance for the eruption of the molar is not enough, then in this case, some problems appear. These problems manifest themselves in the development of acute pain, as a result of which the baby has an increase in temperature to febrile values. At temperatures above 38.5 degrees, antipyretic drugs should be used.

The lack of space for the eruption of new processes leads to the fact that the teeth change the direction of growth, become crooked and ugly. This phenomenon occurs due to physiological disorders in the development of the child. In such a situation, the baby should be shown to the doctor in order to prevent the development of unforeseen complications that may be irreversible.

It's important to know! Very often in children there is a tendency for malocclusion, which is due directly to the lack of free space for the eruption of new teeth.

Visiting the dentist, parents will find out the unfavorable news that the baby has a malocclusion and needs to align his teeth. In order not to have to correct complications that take roots from an early age, it is necessary to pay attention to the process of the appearance of permanent teeth. The main signs of such a manifestation are the presence of such signs: capriciousness, irritability, loss of appetite, poor sleep.

Often, when molars climb, the reaction to this process is similar to that with the appearance of milk processes. It is possible that a viral or infectious disease may occur during the eruption process. This is due to the fact that when teeth erupt, immunity decreases, as a result of which the body is attacked by pathogens.

Excess salivation is the main symptom of the appearance of permanent teeth. If for the first time this symptom has strong signs of salivation, then with molars the process is much milder. In addition, at an older age, children can independently wipe their mouths, as well as rinse their mouths. The absence of these actions will lead to the fact that irritations may form on the chin and lips.

It's important to know! The composition of the saliva of each person contains a huge amount of bacteria, which, if it comes into contact with the skin, can provoke the development of irritations.

As soon as a child's molars climb, a manifestation of inflammatory processes is observed. Inflammation occurs both on the gums and in the oral cavity of the child. If during eruption there are signs of reddening of the entire oral cavity, then this may indicate the attachment of a viral infection. In this case, an increase in body temperature will necessarily be observed, as a result of which the well-being of the crumbs worsens significantly. With such symptoms, which are complicated by a runny nose and sore throat, you should not postpone going to the doctor.

Molar teeth are cut with signs of slight swelling of the gums. As soon as the first molar tooth erupts, the child quickly begins to pull everything that comes to hand into his mouth. The gums begin to itch a lot, so you can reduce the symptoms of itching and pain by chewing special rodents. If there is nothing at hand that can be gnawed, then the baby quickly pulls his hands into his mouth. Parents should not scold the child for this, but explain that this cannot be done. On the hands, the number of pathogens is extremely high, even if they are washed with soap, therefore, the addition of an infectious or bacterial nature is not excluded.

It's important to know! In some situations, the symptoms of pain are so severe that parents have to resort to the use of anesthetic drugs.

Another important sign of teething in a child is the disturbance and anxiety of night sleep. At the same time, the baby often wakes up at night, cries, moans or tosses and turns. All these symptoms are a normal sign, therefore, to improve the well-being of the baby's condition, you need to see a doctor.

Molar teeth and temperature in a child

The temperature during teething rises quite often to subfebrile and febrile values. There are disputes between doctors about whether temperature fluctuations can indicate an ongoing process. After all, besides this, children also have signs of coughing and runny nose. One thing is known for sure that if the thermometer readings exceed 38.5 degrees, then resorting to the use of antipyretics is required without fail. Many options for children's antipyretics have additional anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

It is important to emphasize that the temperature for teething can last up to 5 days, and in the presence of colds - more than 7 days. To clarify why the temperature of the crumbs constantly rises, as a result of which it is necessary to bring it down, you need to consult a doctor.

It's important to know! If the child complains of pain and discomfort in the oral cavity, which indicate the appearance of molars, you need to provide peace to the crumbs, but it is better to tell him to sleep.

The peculiarity of the order of the appearance of teeth

As soon as the first permanent tooth erupts, it will be clearly visible. Permanent processes differ from temporary ones in color and shape (milk ones are much smaller and have a yellowish tint). As soon as the milk processes begin to fall out of the crumbs, this is a signal that the process of the appearance of permanent teeth will soon begin. The sequence of eruption of permanent processes is due to the following scheme:

  1. The molars appear first. The main property of molars is the fact that they come out first.
  2. The incisors or central incisors appear next.
  3. Behind them, incisors or lateral incisors begin to cut.
  4. After the incisors, the premolars or central ones come out.
  5. Fangs are due to one feature; when they erupt, there is excessive soreness of the gums.
  6. Molars.
  7. Third molars, which in some children may not grow, depending on individual physiological characteristics.

Most often, teething occurs in this order. At the age of 20, more wisdom teeth may erupt. Parents should not panic if their children's teeth do not climb in the same sequence as described above.

Features of dental care

To exclude the development of serious complications, it is imperative not only to consult a doctor for help, but also to maintain proper dental care. Features of care are due to the following actions:

  1. Mandatory regular visits to the dentist. Not only adults, but also children need oral care. If you do not observe oral hygiene, then one of the following ailments can be diagnosed: caries, stomatitis, pulpitis, periodontal disease. If there are signs of the development of serious diseases, then treatment should be carried out immediately.
  2. Brush your teeth regularly. In this case, the toothpaste and brush should be correctly selected. Teeth should be brushed properly and at least 2 times a day.
  3. The use of fluoride-containing creams, which are prescribed by doctors if necessary.
  4. Strengthen the immune system. This requires giving the child vitamins, hardening the body of the crumbs, accustoming to sports.
  5. Eliminate the use of sweets and other types of sugar-containing products. Milk teeth are especially sensitive to sugar, so the process of their destruction will soon be observed.

It is impossible to avoid problems with temperature changes during teething in a child, so parents should measure the temperature and, when it rises, reduce it with antipyretics.

In the life of parents, the change of milk teeth to permanent ones is of great importance. This event is more important than the appearance of the first dental units, as it is often accompanied by complications. For this reason, every parent should have basic information about the eruption of permanent teeth and know what to do in a given situation.

Differences between permanent molars and milk teeth

A rare mother will not distinguish a baby's milk tooth from a permanent one, as she carefully monitors the eruption process. Permanent and temporary dental units have the same appearance, but differ from each other in the following ways:

  • the color of the enamel of milk teeth is lighter, the permanent ones have a natural yellowish tint (for more details, see the article: differences between milk teeth and permanent teeth);
  • molars are denser in structure;
  • temporary have an enlarged pulp (internal contents of the tooth) and thinner enamel;
  • in permanent teeth, length prevails over width;
  • the roots of milk units are thin and short.

Structure and function of molars

Dental units are necessary for a person to bite, hold, chew food and articulate. After the change of teeth, there should normally be 28 chewing elements, 4 wisdom teeth appear by the age of 25. Normally, adults have 32 molars, divided into groups and performing special functions:

According to the anatomical structure, all dental units are the same. They consist of several parts:

  1. The crown is the visible part located above the gum.
  2. The neck is at the level of the gums.
  3. The root holds the tooth in a special recess of the jaw - the alveolus. Chewing elements sometimes have several roots, for example, large molars have 2 to 3 of them. Small molars usually have 1 root.

There are several layers of fabrics:

At what age do permanent teeth begin to form in children?

Permanent dental units grow in children in the period from 5-6 to 15 years. Wisdom teeth climb individually. There are many cases when they erupted at the age of over 30 years. Parents should observe the process of changing the dentition and know at what age and order the teeth come out correctly.

Dental consultations must be held several times a year. If necessary, you can apply more often (units stagger, but do not fall out for a long time or grow crookedly, fever and other symptoms are observed).

The process of loss of dairy and the order of growth of indigenous

Starting from the age of 5, a person's dentition changes. The permanent teeth push out the milk teeth, so the second ones stagger and fall out. If they did not fall out in time, the permanent dentition is formed crookedly.

Indigenous chewing elements appear in the following order:

teething symptoms

The most easily recognizable sign of molars eruption in children is jaw enlargement. This is due to the fact that permanent teeth need more space. For the same reason, the distance between the milk chewing elements increases.

When permanent dental units erupt, the child may become more irritable, even capricious, and appetite may worsen. Children behave in much the same way as when teething baby teeth (see also: photo of gums before teething). The gums itch and hurt, which is why the child's behavior changes.

An obligatory symptom is increased salivation. Compared to the appearance of the first milk teeth, it does not appear as brightly, but is present. It is important to teach a child to wipe his mouth with napkins - at 6-8 years old it will not be difficult. Saliva contains many bacteria that can cause skin irritation.

Another sign is reddening of the gums as a result of the inflammatory process. However, inflammation can be caused by infection. To exclude this option, it is advisable to consult a dentist. The gums also swell, which can cause pain. In this case, you should stock up on special preparations.

It is impossible not to mention the main symptom of the eruption of root units. If milk teeth stagger, it means that permanent ones appear.

How to get rid of pain and other discomfort during teething?

When permanent teeth are cut, many children do not experience discomfort. However, if your baby is unlucky, you should know how to relieve pain and care for the oral cavity during this period:

In no case should you loosen milk teeth, eat nuts, caramel and other solid foods, treat the holes with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. The child should be examined by a dentist 2 times a year.

Possible pathologies of the formation of molars

In some cases, molars do not grow as they should (more details in the article:). There are many possible problems:

Since the appearance of milk processes at an early age is often accompanied by pain, the next stage of tooth formation will proceed with similar symptoms. Parents should know when molars usually begin to erupt in children. This period of formation of the child's body is considered one of the most important.

When they appear

The first milk processes in a child, which usually form at 2 years old, number 20. When they are replaced by permanent teeth, they become loose and fall out. Teething is a very important stage for children and their parents. There is no exact date and time for their appearance. This process can be affected by diet, climatic conditions, and the quality of drinking water. There is also a lot of important reason that can affect the change of teeth - heredity.

Some features of the parents may well be transmitted even in the womb. These include both positive and negative factors. If the parents did not have significant health problems and special predispositions that relate to the formation and growth of teeth, then you should not worry about this. If the growth of milk teeth usually takes a period of time from 1 to 3 years, then the growth of molars takes much longer. The first signs of changing teeth to molars appear at the age of 5-6 years, sometimes even later, and this process lasts up to 12-14.


The first characteristic symptom when the molars begin to climb in a child is an increase in the size of the jaw. The fact is that the gaps between the milk processes are usually not very large. When the jaw grows, it prepares for the change of teeth to permanent ones and creates conditions for them.

The size of the molars is always larger than the milk teeth, they need more space for growth and formation. This symptom leads to an increase in the distance between the milk processes, which "spread" in the oral cavity.

In the event that the gap does not increase when the molars begin to climb, some problems may arise. First of all, the child will have more acute pain, and the teeth themselves will grow crooked and break the bite.

After a while, this situation will have to be corrected if parents want their children to have even and healthy teeth. Sometimes they climb at 6-7 years old without causing absolutely no symptoms.

If parents pay attention to the restless state of the child, moodiness, irritable reaction to ordinary things or worsened appetite, these are teething symptoms.

Very often, children react to the second stage of tooth formation in a similar way, as with the growth of milk processes. When the baby has no other diseases, then their behavior will be appropriate.

Increased salivation is already considered an almost obligatory sign. This symptom is not as severe as the first time, but still not an exception.
At the age of 6-7 years, the baby can be taught to wipe his mouth on his own using a handkerchief or sterile wipes. If this is not done, then irritation will appear on the chin and lips. Delicate skin is very susceptible, and saliva contains a wide variety of bacteria.

When a child's molars climb, the inflammatory process again occurs in the gums and mucous membranes. The first signs of reddening of some areas in the oral cavity indicate the beginning of a change in their shift or the presence of a viral infection. To determine the exact cause, it is best to consult a doctor.

After a while, small swellings will begin to appear in the gums - this is the permanent tooth stretching from the inside to replace the milk one. If the children have experienced painful sensations in this case before, that in such a situation they will not keep themselves waiting. Parents should already be prepared for the fact that the child will again have periodic pain in the gums, and have suitable anesthetic drugs. If there is no severe acute pain, then the change is accompanied by a sensation of itching. The kid constantly pulls his hands into his mouth or foreign objects to scratch his gums.

The next signs are disturbed and restless night sleep. The child often wakes up, tosses and turns, or may begin to cry. The reason for the latter are pain sensations.

These symptoms may appear intermittently and are not considered mandatory when permanent teeth erupt in children. If there are also other signs that are given special attention: high body temperature in the baby, cough and diarrhea.

Video "Teeth erupt with temperature"


The appearance of molars in children has a slightly different sequence, in contrast to milk teeth. First of all, molars appear, which grow behind the second primary molars. Usually they begin to erupt after 6 years in a child.
Then the milk processes are replaced by molars in place of the central incisors. The first gradually loosen and fall out, this is facilitated by the eruption of permanent teeth. They begin to slowly squeeze out milk teeth, again cutting through the surface of the gum from the inside.

After the change of the central incisors, the lateral molars also appear. The formation of incisors can take a period of time from 6 to 9 years.

Indigenous first premolars and second erupt at 10-12, 11-12 years, respectively.
The second molars are usually formed by the age of 13.

The last molars of wisdom are able to start growing at a very different time. Sometimes they grow at 18, and sometimes they may not be at 25. There are cases when such wisdom teeth do not grow at all in a person - this is not considered a pathology, and in such a situation there is nothing to worry about.

If the growth and development of molars begins in some places at the same time or in the wrong sequence, then this is also not a cause for panic and concern. The individual characteristics of the body and the presence of essential vitamins and minerals in it can directly affect the growth rate of both milk and molars.

Parents should remember that permanent teeth should not loosen. If such a deviation was found, you should immediately consult a doctor for examination and diagnosis.

Related Symptoms

These intermediate signs of the change of milk processes to molars do not often accompany the process. However, they cannot be ignored. If a child has a fever, a rare cough and loose stools, then this may be like signs of many infectious and acute respiratory diseases. This reaction of the body is caused by the active opposition of the immune system against harmful bacteria.

The high temperature should not last longer than 3-4 days, and the mark on the thermometer should not exceed 38.5 degrees. Since this symptom is periodic, it should not accompany the process with constant hypothermia. If the temperature in children lasts longer than 4 days and does not go astray for a long time, you should consult a doctor and establish the true cause of such an organism reaction.

To date, there are still doctors of the “old school” who will immediately prescribe treatment for a cold or an infectious disease. They believe that teething has nothing to do with fever.

Many parents do not see the connection between teething and coughing. Usually a cough does not appear alone, but is accompanied by a runny nose. The explanation for this is very simple - the fact is that the active blood supply of the respiratory tract and the entire nasal cavity is very closely connected with the gums. At the time when new permanent teeth begin to be cut in the oral cavity and gums, blood circulation increases. Intensive blood circulation also affects the nasal mucosa, because they are nearby. For this reason, the nasal glands begin to produce a large amount of mucus, and children want to blow their nose to clear the airways.

Coughing is caused by the remnants of mucus descending into the lower part of the throat, starting to irritate the upper respiratory tract. Another symptom is diarrhea. Usually it can last several days, no more than 3 times a day. Loose stools are caused by a large amount of infection entering the body due to the fact that the child often takes dirty hands into his mouth or foreign objects. This is also facilitated by abundant salivation, which regularly flushes the intestines.

Diarrhea is not dangerous for the baby if it lasts for a short time. The stool should not have any admixture of blood bodies. Regular monitoring will not be superfluous, especially given the fact that during this period the child has a weakened immune system. Therefore, the probability of adding a new infection and exacerbating all symptoms is quite high.

Video "Indigenous cut through - what to do"

From the video of the Vrach.TV program, you will learn what this process accompanies in the life of a child and how to alleviate his condition.

An adult normally has 28-32 permanent teeth. During life, 20 teeth change once (during the eruption of permanent teeth, temporary (milk) teeth fall out, and the remaining 8-12 teeth do not change, they erupt initially permanent.

Many parents believe that the very first permanent teeth are the lower central incisors after the deciduous central incisors fall out. But it's not. The very first permanent teeth appear a few months before the first tooth falls out - these are the first molars (“sixth teeth” or “sixes”). Therefore, even if your baby has not yet lost a single milk tooth at the age of 6-7 years, this does not mean at all that he no longer has permanent teeth.

There is a special order of eruption and paired eruption of permanent teeth. Eruption pairing means that the teeth of the same name on each half of the jaw erupt simultaneously, for example, 2 lower central incisors.

Teething occurs in a certain sequence, which ensures the formation of the correct bite, and the average terms for the eruption of each tooth are established, taking into account their small natural deviations in one direction or another. And only sharp deviations from the natural timing of teething are considered by the doctor as an anomaly, reflecting the general condition of the child's body, as well as the presence of possible pathological processes.

Sequence of eruption of permanent teeth

  1. The first molars ("sixth teeth") - appear behind the second primary molar immediately permanent at 6-7 years.
  2. Central incisors - replace the fallen central milk incisors.
  3. Lateral incisors - replace the fallen out lateral milk incisors.
  4. The first premolars ("fourth teeth") replace the first primary molars.
  5. Fangs replace lost milk fangs
  6. The second premolars ("fifth teeth") replace the second primary molars.
  7. The second molars ("seventh teeth") appear immediately permanent at 11-13 years of age.
  8. Third molars ("wisdom teeth") appear immediately permanent and can erupt any time after 16 years of age. In many people, wisdom teeth may be completely absent.

The lower teeth erupt earlier than the upper ones. Premolars are a frequent exception.

Molar teeth in children: timing and order of eruption, symptoms, how to help

When children are 5-6 years old, their milk teeth begin to be replaced by molars., and the order of eruption of permanent teeth and the symptoms that occur during this period are the same in almost all babies. However, there are still some differences, so you can and should prepare for such a difficult period.

How are permanent teeth different from milk teeth?

After a change in bite, the rules for caring for the oral cavity also change, since permanent and temporary teeth are very different from each other:

  • Indigenous are denser, they have a high degree of mineralization.
  • Milk teeth are much whiter than permanent teeth. The enamel of molars, canines or molars naturally has a light yellow tint.
  • The pulp (a bundle of nerve endings) in permanent teeth is more developed, because of this, the walls of hard tissue are much thinner.
  • In a young child, the dentition has a less developed root system; after a change in bite, it becomes more durable.
  • Even outwardly milk teeth are smaller. The jaw is not yet fully developed in babies, so the standard row on it simply would not fit.
  • More permanent teeth. In adolescence, sixes begin to form, which young children do not have.

At what age do molars begin to climb in children

Usually the first molars appear in children at the age of 5-6 years., but sometimes the milk lower incisors fall out in four-year-old babies or even in children younger. In pediatric dentistry, the exact timing of the change of the dentition is usually not indicated, since each child is individual. In some, the milk incisors begin to fall out immediately after the complete formation of a temporary bite, while others, even in grades 2–3, still do not have a single permanent tooth.

The last temporary molars are replaced at the age of 12–13 years. The period when the teeth of the six erupt in children does not begin at all until after 14 years. These premolars no longer have milk antecedents.

The order and timing of eruption of molars: table and diagram

First, the child's teeth change in the same way that they are cut in newborns. Only at the age of 14–15 will additional molars grow, which were not present with a temporary bite.

The table below shows the timing of eruption of permanent teeth in children. You should not rely exactly on the indicated age, the period of mixed dentition can pass much faster or drag out.

The age when teeth begin to grow in children may be different, but the order of eruption of permanent teeth is almost always the same as in the table. Only in rare cases does everything happen in a different sequence.

Scheme of eruption of permanent teeth in children:

Symptoms of teething

If you have the following signs, you should prepare for a change of bite:

Temperature during eruption of molars in children

Often the appearance of molars in children is accompanied by a temperature, but it should not rise above 38 °C and stay longer than four days. If the fever lasts longer than a few days, is accompanied by a runny nose (copious and opaque), dry and frequent cough, you need to show the baby to the pediatrician. Such symptoms indicate an infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract, which often develops during teething due to the increasing vulnerability of the body.

How to relieve unpleasant symptoms when teething molars

Toothache is an extremely unpleasant symptom even for an adult, not to mention kids. Teething is accompanied not only by discomfort, but also by general malaise, so it is better to know in advance at what age the molars in children climb and prepare for this period.

How to relieve symptoms:

What problems can arise during the period of changing teeth

There can be many problems when molars climb in children. The most common complications include:

  • Absence of permanent teeth.
  • The growth of a permanent tooth before the loss of a temporary one.
  • Pain in the molar.
  • Loss of a root tooth.

For each case, dentists have a solution, you just need to detect the problem in time and seek help. The last two phenomena occur due to low mineralization of hard tissue, and such anomalies appear regardless of how old the molars climb.

A new dentition is always very vulnerable in the first few weeks after formation. If little attention is paid to caring for the oral cavity, caries will quickly form on permanent incisors, canines and premolars. Physical impact on hard tissues during this period also leads to a lot of consequences.

Why does a molar tooth not grow for a long time after a baby tooth falls out?

As soon as a child's milk incisor, canine or molar fell out, it is usually already possible to feel the root on the gum. Even if this is not the case, then within a week it should appear. If there is no seal, then the baby tooth fell out too early. Many children loosen their teeth, sometimes the parents themselves take part in pulling them out.

In the worst case, a similar symptom may indicate adentia. Such a pathology is extremely rare, it is caused by a serious violation of mineralization even in prenatal age. Sometimes the disease appears already during life due to infectious diseases. The problem is easily solved by prosthetics.

Another reason for the violation can serve as a physiological delay in tissue growth. The eruption of all permanent teeth with such a pathology ends much later than usual. If the dentist finds a similar defect, he will advise to make a removable denture. If you do not take advice, permanent incisors and canines will grow crooked.

What is the danger of the growth of molars before the loss of milk

Usually, the growth of a molar tooth leads to loosening of the milk tooth, but there are exceptions. It is possible to understand that the bite is changing incorrectly if there are all the signs of eruption that were mentioned earlier, not accompanied by loosening of the milk incisors or canines.

Such a problem with the growth of a permanent tooth can lead to a number of problems:

How to take care of the oral cavity during the period of change of bite

It is necessary to teach the child to care for the oral cavity from an early age. By the period of change of bite, he should already be able to use a brush and paste. During the germination of molars, other recommendations must be observed:

  • It is better to use pastes with an increased amount of calcium and fluoride.
  • Make sure your child regularly uses antiseptic mouth rinses.
  • It is worth limiting the amount of sugar consumed by the child, as it leads to the development of caries. When the molars in children are just being cut and have not yet had time to get stronger, the disease can form in just a few weeks.
  • Include more fruits, vegetables, and dairy products in your diet. All of them have a positive effect on oral health.
  • Don't limit your child to hard food, it massages the gums and improves the growth of hard tissue.
  • Consult with your pediatrician and together with him select a complex with a high content of vitamin D, which improves the absorption of calcium.
  • Try to show your baby to the dentist for the first time no later than 3-4 years. When the first molars begin to erupt, the child should no longer be afraid of the dental office, since he will have to go to the specialist very often.

You should not let the health of your child's milk teeth take their course, and even more so, you should not ignore it when a permanent bite begins to form.

Molar teeth in children: myths and truth about teething and growth

Most mothers and fathers believe that molars are permanent teeth that replace the milk dentition.

In fact, molars are both temporary and permanent.

The first inhabitants in the oral cavity

Milk teeth are the first to erupt in a child, and their function is to chew and grind food. These are the back teeth, or as they are also called molars, growing at the end of the jaws. There are four of them above and below.

The first large (central) molars ("fours") or first molars first erupt from above, at the age of 13 to 19 months, then on the lower jaw at the age of 14 to 18 months.

The second large (lateral) teeth or second molars appear on the upper jaw at the age of 25 to 33 months, the lower ones erupt at the age of 23 to 31 months.

However, it must be remembered that any child is individual and a number of factors affect teething:

Therefore, you don’t really need to worry if the tooth erupted earlier or a little later than the due date. But it is worth paying attention to the order in which the teeth erupted and fell out, since there is still an approximate order in which the teeth appeared.

Signs of the appearance of molars

The eruption of molars in children is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. As a rule, it is the first molars that give the child the most trouble.

He experiences pain, becomes capricious and irritable, sleeps poorly, refuses to eat, or vice versa often requires breasts.

The gum at the site of eruption swells and itches, the child tries to tighten everything into his mouth. A special teether can help the child during this period, as well as wiping the gums with a bandage dipped in cool water. As prescribed by the doctor, the gums can be lubricated with an analgesic gel.

Baby teethers

The process of molars eruption usually lasts 2 months, all this time the baby has increased salivation.

To avoid irritation of the skin of the chin, it must be constantly wiped and lubricated with a protective cream. The child may have a fever, loose stools, a runny nose, and a wet cough.

Moreover, the temperature can manifest itself not only during the eruption of the first molars of milk teeth, but also with the appearance of permanent molars, when the child is 9 to 12 years old.

At a high temperature, the doctor may prescribe antipyretic drugs based on Paracetamol or Ibuprofen to the child, which, moreover, will also eliminate the pain syndrome.

How permanent teeth erupt in children - timing and scheme

Dairy VS permanent

Many people think that only a permanent tooth has a root, while a temporary one does not, because of this it easily falls out. This opinion is erroneous, each milk tooth has both a root and nerves, and they have a more complex structure than permanent ones, so they are more difficult to treat.

Temporary teeth are less mineralized, they are smaller in size, have a bluish tint, are softer, their roots are weaker. In addition, there are only 20 of them, while there are 32 permanent ones, if a person has not erupted "wisdom" teeth, then 28.

In milk teeth, a carious cavity can also form, and the child experiences pain. They also need to be treated and preserved until the moment when permanent teeth appear in their place.

When the time comes for the temporary tooth to fall out, its root will resolve, and its crown either falls out by itself, or is quickly and painlessly removed by the doctor.

Permanent indigenous - when do they appear?

A permanent bite begins to appear from 5-6 years to 12-15, usually during this time the message of the dentition comes out, although some wisdom teeth erupt only after 30, and some do not have them at all. They grow in the same order in which they fall out.

This diagram of the eruption of permanent teeth in children is indicative. But the sequence of appearance of teeth in the absence of pathology should be constant.

From the beginning, when the baby is 6-7 years old, the first permanent molars (the “six” molars) will erupt behind the entire milk row. They will appear in a place where milk teeth never grew. Then temporary teeth are replaced by permanent ones, exactly in the same order as they erupted.

First, two incisors are changed on both jaws, then two more. After them, small molars (“fours”) or premolars erupt.

They change when the child is 9 to 11 years old, the second premolars or "fives" should erupt before the age of 12. Until the age of 13, fangs erupt.

Following them, in an empty place at the end of the dentition, the second large molars (“sevens”) erupt. They change until the age of 14.

The last to erupt are the third molars, the "eights" or "wisdom teeth". In some, they appear before the age of 15, in others much later, in others they may not be at all.

What are they like on the inside?

Permanent molars are divided into small (premolars) and large (molars). An adult has 8 small molars, located 4 above and below. Their main function is to crush and crush food.

They appear in place of the fallen milk molars. Premolars combine the features of large molars and canines.

They have the shape of a rectangle, on the chewing surface there are 2 tubercles separated by a fissure. The small molars of the upper jaw are similar in shape, but the first premolar is slightly larger than the second and has 2 roots, while the second has only one root.

The lower premolars are rounded, each of them has 1 root. They differ from each other in size: the first premolar is slightly smaller.

Large molars grow behind the second premolars. There are only 12 of them, 6 pieces on both jaws. The biggest "six". The upper first and second molars have 3 roots, the lower "sixes" and "sevens" have 2 roots.

The structure of the third upper and lower molars (“wisdom teeth”) differs from each other both in shape and in the number of roots. Some don't have them at all. Very rarely, as a rule, among representatives of the eastern equatorial race, additional fourth molars are found.

Out of my head…

If a permanent one has hatched at the site of a temporary tooth, and the milk one is not going to fall out yet, then the doctor will advise you to remove it.

It is undesirable to remove milk teeth ahead of time - this will lead to bite pathology. Therefore, in the presence of caries of temporary teeth, the doctor resorts to conservative treatment. If a child has a permanent molar tooth, the dentist will try to save it.

The indication for the removal of a molar permanent tooth is:

  • cyst or granuloma;
  • complete destruction of the dental crown;
  • inflammation of the root of the tooth and mandibular nerve.

In order for the molars of an adult to be healthy for the rest of his life, you need to properly care for them from the very beginning. So that temporary teeth do not fall out ahead of time, and their crowns do not collapse, it is necessary to limit the amount of sugar in the child's diet.

It is impossible for a child to give him a bottle of sweet water before bedtime, as sugar turns into lactic acid, which destroys the dental crown.

From childhood, you need to teach your baby to brush his teeth in the morning and in the evening. It is very important to clean them before going to bed, because it is at night that intensive reproduction and growth of pathogenic microflora.

It is better, of course, for the child to clean them after the next meal or rinse the mouth. Be sure to visit the dentist every 6 months for a check-up and professional cleaning.

To strengthen tooth enamel, it is desirable to use pastes with calcium and fluoride. In some cases, it may be necessary to apply special fluorine-containing products.

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