Myopia. Mild myopia: who and why it manifests Eye disease mild myopia

Many people suffer from insufficiently sharp eyesight. Unfortunately, not everyone takes preventive measures. As a result, the eyes are overstrained, and extreme conditions and overloads lead to a decrease in vision. Sometimes the disease is congenital. Today we will find out what mild myopia is, how treatment can be carried out to improve the situation, what symptoms, clinical signs it is important to pay attention to in the first place.

Features of myopia

The nature of this pathology is known. With myopia, there is an incorrect refraction of rays passing through the eyes. A person suffering from mild myopia can distinguish well only objects that are close to him. If anything is further away, the image of such objects is not properly focused. This does not occur in the retinal zone, but already in front of this area. As a result, the image is poorly visible. There are statistics, according to which 8 out of ten people suffer from various types of myopia. In most cases, mild myopia is diagnosed. The disease can affect the eyes individually and together.

There is a modern typology of myopia in accordance with the number of diopters. Here is how scientists, ophthalmologists decided to classify the disease by degree:

  1. Weak, myopia of the first degree: vision less than three diopters;
  2. Medium, second degree: vision in the range from three to six;
  3. High, myopia of the third degree: vision of more than six diopters.

Obviously, according to this typology, mild myopia is the mildest form of the disease. But here we must not forget: the disease can begin to progress. Sometimes this process happens so quickly that then it is not even possible to correct the situation. It is extremely important to take preventive measures, to be regularly examined by specialists.

This requires particularly careful
approach to the prevention of visual impairment in children. Keep an eye on your child, arrange regular tests for him, take him to the optometrist twice a year for an examination. After all, it is children and adolescents who most often suffer from progressive myopia. It must be detected as early as possible in order to immediately begin to take action, start therapy.

Types of mild myopia

First of all, it is customary to distinguish between the disease in accordance with the causes of occurrence. It can be true and false. With true myopia, the causes of the development of the disease are difficult to eliminate, more serious. False can be cured if the spasm of accommodation is removed. It usually occurs when the eye muscles are strained. As soon as the spasm is eliminated, vision returns to its former sharpness. There is also a classification, which is based on the nature of the development of the disease. Let's look at the types.

  • Progressive. In one year, vision reduces sharpness by one diopter (or more);
  • Stationary. There is an anomaly in refraction, but it is stable, over time, the indicators remain the same;
  • Malignant. The heaviest. Initially, myopia is also weak, but the disease progresses so quickly that it can reach 30 diopters. In the end, patients even get a disability.

Experts note: it is extremely important to immediately correctly diagnose myopia. It is necessary to distinguish between benign and malignant, imaginary and real, in order to immediately prescribe the correct therapy.

The reasons

Let us consider in more detail what specific reasons, risk factors can provoke the development of mild myopia of the 1st degree. They can be internal or external. Try to remember the main points in order to control everything that can, one way or another, affect your visual acuity:

It is especially dangerous when there are several negative factors at the same time. Be careful, try to minimize all negative effects on the eyes.

Clinical picture

At the initial stage of development, myopia of the 1st degree does not manifest itself strongly. Signs can be so insignificant that a person does not even pay attention to them. But as the disease progresses, discomfort increases. Gradually, it is no longer possible to ignore the symptoms, as visual acuity obviously decreases.

It is necessary to remember all the most common typical signs in order to have time to contact an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. Here are the important symptoms:

  • The eyes turn red, capillaries expand in them, blood vessels may burst;
  • The whites of the eyes have a bluish tint;
  • There are discomfort, pain in the eyes;
  • You can notice the flickering of the so-called flies before the eyes;
  • If it is important to see something in the distance, the person begins to squint. Over time, this already becomes a habit;
  • You can often catch yourself wanting to bend over to a book or notebook, to sit very close to the TV screen, to the computer monitor;
  • Regularly there is dryness, as well as a burning sensation in the eyes;
  • Eyes begin to tire faster even with minor, short-term loads.

There is another point that deserves attention. Sometimes some symptoms are not noticed by people suffering from allergies. It is advisable to consult an ophthalmologist anyway, just in case, even if your eyes turn red and itch during the flowering period. A trip to the optometrist will not be superfluous, and you will exclude the possibility of developing myopia.

Doctors strongly recommend: if you notice such signs for yourself, for your child, you should definitely go to a specialist. It is impossible to self-medicate, because with progressive myopia, this may well even lead to blindness.

Age features

Elderly people rarely suffer from the progression of myopia. But with some diseases, such as diabetes, the risk of deterioration in visual acuity increases dramatically.

Children need special attention. They are at risk because there are several negative factors at once:

  1. body growth. The child is constantly developing, his eyeball is growing. If there is a weak myopia, the bottom is quite loose, the disease can progress so much that surgical intervention is required;
  2. Overloads. It is in children that the eyes are forced to cope with extreme overloads, which is directly related to the tough school regime, a complex curriculum;
  3. Another factor is the lack of good opportunities for prevention and control. The child is not able to independently monitor his vision, take all necessary measures. In addition, children do not always generally notice changes in vision, signs.

Unfortunately, with all the negative effects and risk factors, mild myopia often begins to progress. It is necessary to regularly visit an ophthalmologist, try to reduce eye strain. Parents are advised to devote more time to prevention, ask children about their vision, and also teach children to do eye exercises.

When a woman is carrying a child, there are two major risk factors. With hormonal changes, disruptions in the hormonal background, visual acuity may begin to decrease significantly. Here it is important to independently carefully monitor the condition of your eyes, test visual acuity and regularly consult with an ophthalmologist. This is a mandatory measure if vision was poor even before pregnancy.

Another important point is related to the process of childbirth itself. Even if the doctors do not say anything, do not ask, a woman with poor eyesight must raise this issue on her own without fail. Sometimes myopia becomes an indication that it is necessary to carry out a caesarean section, to refuse natural childbirth. To find out if a woman can give birth herself, they examine the eyeball. The main thing is what shape it has. If it is greatly changed, the retina becomes thinner, and during the stress of childbirth, it may well become thinner. It is also important to find out exactly how strong the fundus is. With a loose fundus, natural childbirth is also prohibited.

At the same time, the expectant mother can have myopia of the 1st degree without complications, but give birth on her own. However, a thorough examination and permission from ophthalmologists is necessary.

Normally, with the help of the ciliary muscle of the eye, the lens, changing its curvature, focuses the image clearly on the retina. If, for some reason, he cannot do this and the focus moves forward from the retina, then the person begins to poorly distinguish objects located far away.

There are 2 main causes of forward focus shift away from the retina:

  1. Loss of elasticity of the lens, when it can no longer sufficiently change its curvature.
  2. Increase in the size of the eyeball in the anterior-posterior direction.
  3. Sometimes there is a combination of these reasons.

What is mild myopia characterized by?

A weak degree of myopia for quite a long time may not bother the patient at all, since there is no noticeable loss of image clarity.

For this reason, the patient often learns about a slight decrease in vision only during a preventive examination.

However, there are a number of signs that may indirectly indicate the onset of myopia:

  • squinting when looking at distant objects
  • the desire of students or schoolchildren to sit on the first desk near the teacher,
  • vagueness of images of price tags in stores, car numbers,
  • a feeling of discomfort when watching TV at a normal distance from the screen.

Also, myopia can be accompanied by headache and eye fatigue.

What are the types of mild myopia?

Myopia in both eyes can be:

  1. Stationary - vision does not deteriorate over time.
  2. Progressive - there is a deterioration in vision by 1 or more diopters per year.
  3. Transient - a temporary deterioration in vision due to any somatic disease or taking certain medications.
  4. Twilight - vision deteriorates only in low light (night blindness).
  5. False - occurs due to improper functioning of the ciliary muscle (spasm of accommodation).

How is myopia diagnosed?

What can a person notice before going to the doctor

  1. Loss of image clarity when looking at objects that are far away, for example, blurry faces of people, car numbers, price tags in a store.
  2. Constant squinting when looking at small details of objects.
  3. The desire to move closer to the TV or monitor screen.
  4. Rapid eye fatigue.

How does an ophthalmologist diagnose myopia?

First, the doctor will conduct an external ophthalmological examination and assess visual acuity using the appropriate tables. In children who do not yet know the letter, their eyesight is checked according to tables with pictures. A weak degree of myopia is characterized by a decrease in vision by no more than 3 diopters.

The final diagnosis of myopia is made after an in-depth examination, which may include:

  • biomicroscopy,
  • skiascopy,
  • fundus examination,
  • eye ultrasound,
  • slit lamp examination
  • measurement of visual fields, etc.

How to treat myopia

Medical therapy

It is believed that preventive courses of treatment can prevent the progression of myopia. As a rule, they are held 1 or 2 times a year and include:

  • vitamins C, group B;
  • calcium preparations;
  • mydriatics, relieving spasm of accommodation - mezaton, irifrin;
  • means of tissue therapy - aloe, vitreous body, FIBS;
  • drugs that improve cerebral circulation, and nootropics - pentoxifylline, cinnarizine, piracetam.

Vision correction with lenses, glasses and devices

Depending on the preferences of the patient and his age characteristics, with a mild degree of myopia, glasses or lenses can be selected in such a way that the reserve of accommodation is preserved (the method of incomplete vision correction). In recent years, orthokeratological lenses have been increasingly used, which are worn at night and provide 100% vision during the day. These lenses are used to treat mild to moderate myopia from 6 years of age and older.

Orthoptic treatment of myopia is carried out with the help of negative lenses, training the ciliary muscle. In addition, special devices are used that increase the accommodation reserve and stimulate the optic nerve (for example, a color pulse, an accommodator, a laser).

Surgical and laser treatment

Surgical treatment for mild myopia is rare. It is indicated in the case of progressive myopia. Typical operations are thermocoagulation of the cornea, scleroplasty.

Laser correction is performed when it is impossible to wear glasses or contact lenses due to professional activities, concomitant astigmatism: with the help of a laser beam, the shape of the cornea is changed and the image is again focused on the retina.


Eye exercises improve the blood supply to those muscles of the eye that are responsible for focusing. Their regular implementation can significantly improve vision.

Myopia during pregnancy

A weak degree of myopia is not a contraindication to natural delivery, however, during pregnancy, in order to prevent visual impairment, ophthalmologists recommend undergoing an in-depth ophthalmological examination, including examination of the retina and examination of the fundus.


To prevent the development or progression of myopia, you must follow the basic rules of visual hygiene:

  • give visual rest to the eyes for 15 minutes after every hour spent at the monitor or in front of the TV screen;
  • do daily exercises for the eyes,
  • limit TV viewing for preschoolers to 45 minutes, and for schoolchildren to 1.5 hours a day,
  • provide the workplace with sufficient lighting,
  • do not read books while lying down.

The diagnosis of "myopia of the first stage" is made if the patient's vision varies from -0.25 to -3 diopters. This is expressed by the blurring of distant objects and good near vision. For some time, the accommodation apparatus can compensate for the disturbance by adjusting the lens of the eye for normal vision. But the compensatory possibilities are gradually exhausted, after which complications begin to develop.

Myopia is also called myopia. This condition causes discomfort, but it is easily treatable in its early stages.

What is considered mild myopia

Mild myopia (ICD code H52) is a visual impairment in which there is a pathological fracture of the rays passing through the eye. Defocused rays fall on the retina of the eye, resulting in a blurry image being projected.

Almost 80% of the world's population faces myopia, most often doctors diagnose myopathy in one or both eyes.

The severity of the disease depends on the degree of development:

  1. Weak (1 degree) - from -0.25 to -3 diopters. Eye length deviated by 1-1.5 mm from the norm. A person sees well near, but a slight blur appears in the distance.
  2. Medium (2nd degree) - from -3 to -6 diopters. A person cannot read the text at arm's length, objects and people in the distance become blurry. Good vision is maintained at a distance of 20-30 cm.
  3. High (3 degree) - over -6 diopters. The maximum can reach -30 diopters. A person sees only at a distance of 3-5 centimeters. After that, everything is vague and blurry.

Diopter (dptr) - a unit of measurement of optical power in optical systems.

Weak myopia is the initial form of the disorder, which can very quickly progress into a more complex disease. It most often occurs in children and adolescents. But in all cases, without exception, myopia begins with a mild form. Therefore, it is important to notice deviations in time and contact an ophthalmologist.

The average degree of myopia is of several types. In particular, false and true myopia are distinguished. In the first case, the violation occurs due to overstrain of the eye muscles. As a result - a spasm of accommodation. After the spasm is eliminated, the condition stabilizes. As for true myopia, it is associated with other causes and requires a more serious approach.

According to the nature of the course, myopia is divided into several types:

  • Stationary - mild myopia remains stable, no progress is noted over time.
  • Progressive - per year, the violation is aggravated by one or more diopters.
  • Transient - temporary disturbances caused by taking certain groups of drugs or concomitant diseases: diabetes mellitus, the initial stage of cataracts, etc.
  • Twilight - a person sees poorly after dark and in poor lighting.
  • Malignant - rapidly progressive myopia. In a short time, vision can decrease by 20 or more diopters. This condition often leads to disability.

First of all, the ophthalmologist must distinguish benign from malignant myopia, false from true. You can determine after a comprehensive diagnosis in our clinic.

The reasons

Usually myopia occurs due to the elongation of the eyes along the anterior-posterior axis. Also, the cornea can bend light too much, causing distant objects to appear blurry.

The main causes of mild myopia:

  • Heredity. If the disorder is present in one of the parents, the risk increases by 25%. If both parents suffer from myopia, the probability of visual impairment approaches 50%.
  • Hormonal imbalance. Most often, the violation manifests itself during puberty, but can develop at an earlier age. The degree of pathology increases with age.
  • Increased eye strain. If you focus on a computer or portable devices for a long time and regularly, the risk of developing myopia increases many times over.
  • Unfavorable environmental background. Children are most sensitive to environmental pollution.
  • Malnutrition with a lack of important trace elements for vision. These include vitamins A, B, C, E, zinc, Omega-2, etc.

The more provoking factors present in a person's life, the higher the likelihood of developing eye pathologies. With myopia of both parents, in 50% of children, the disorder manifests itself before the age of 18.


Myopia -1 and less diopters may not manifest in any way. But with the development of pathology, discomfort begins to increase.

The main clinical manifestations of myopia:

  • Pain in the orbit due to overwork of the eye muscles.
  • Dry eyes.
  • Flashing flies before the eyes.
  • There is a desire to reach out or come closer to the subject in order to better examine it. Constant focus leads to eye strain.
  • The sclera acquires a bluish tint due to translucence of the capillaries.
  • Due to constant attempts to focus on distant objects, a habit of squinting develops.
  • Bulging associated with distension of the eyeball.
  • Redness of the eyes due to dilated capillaries.

Often patients with myopia complain of headaches, which are associated with constant eye strain.

Features in childhood

Since the eyeball grows with the child, myopia tends to progress rapidly before the age of 18. In addition, during the school period, the load on the eyes increases, which only aggravates the situation. For 2-3 years, mild myopia can transform into myopia of the 2nd and even 3rd degree. It is important that children undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist at least once a year.

Regardless of the presence of violations, pregnant women require an examination by an ophthalmologist at 12-14 weeks. Alertness in relation to ocular pathologies is associated with the risk of complications during this period.

The manifestation of disturbing symptoms, for example, clouding before the eyes, flickering and light flashes, distortion of the shape of objects, etc., may indicate complications of myopia.

Until recently, a high degree of myopia was an indication for a caesarean section. But recent studies have shown that the presence of myopia and retinal detachment during childbirth do not have a direct relationship. In addition, the risk of complications in mild myopia is often overestimated. If there are no severe complications, a woman can give birth naturally.

Comprehensive diagnostics

Initially, the ophthalmologist collects an anamnesis and conducts an eye examination. To make an accurate diagnosis, a number of diagnostic methods are used:

  • Special tables with letters, symbols or animals to test visual acuity.
  • Ophthalmoscopy - checking the fundus with an ophthalmoscope, special lenses and a slit lamp.
  • Tonometry - determination of intraocular pressure.
  • Refractometry is a test of the eye's ability to reflect light rays.
  • Ultrasound examination - determination of the length of the eyeball.
  • Perimetry - definition of visual fields.

The need for one or another method is determined individually. If myopia is detected during the study, the doctor makes appropriate recommendations for treatment.

How to treat mild myopia

Modern hardware methods


Often, for the treatment of mild myopia, the Vizotronic eye simulator is used. This is a desktop device, in the module of which there are drums with a set of lenses for each eye. Cylindrical and spherical lenses have a relaxing effect on the eye muscles. The procedure takes place in the far vision mode, when the gaze is directed at a contrasting object, which is located at a distance of 3-5 meters.

After the session, the accommodative and ciliary muscles relax, which most often suffer from myopia. Improvement is noted by 100% of patients.

Apparatus "Brook"

The device "Brook" is no less effective in the treatment of myopia. Improvements occur in 98% of patients. The device is used both for the treatment and prevention of eye diseases. The device is designed to train the accommodation system. The patient observes a moving symbol that approaches and recedes in a chaotic manner.

Pankov glasses

Another effective way to treat myopia. With regular wear, the device gives a lasting positive effect. Outwardly, it looks like a frame with light emitters on diodes. Light impulses act on the eye, provoking the pupils to reflex constriction and expansion.

Special exercises accelerate blood flow and saturate tissues with oxygen. With myopia, it is recommended to do a set of exercises:

  1. Eye movements left and right to the maximum pressure.
  2. Change direction up and down.
  3. Circular rotations clockwise and counterclockwise.
  4. Intense squinting and opening eyes.
  5. Movement of the eyes diagonally: from the upper right corner to the lower left and vice versa.
  6. The set of pupils to the bridge of the nose.
  7. Fast and frequent blinking.
  8. Stick any mark on the glass, then step back one and a half meters and alternately look at it, then at the object located behind it in the distance.

Exercises should be done every day for 15-20 minutes.

For a pronounced effect, it is necessary to combine the wearing of night lenses, gymnastics for the eyes and hardware methods of treatment.


Of the drugs, drops are used to reduce the spasm of accommodation. Relaxation of the eye muscles normalizes and restores visual function.

Medicines normalize the tone of the eye muscles due to the vitamins and trace elements that they contain. But it is impossible to cure myopia with medication alone.


For the treatment of myopia, physiotherapy methods can be used:

  • Electrophoresis - the introduction of vitamins to improve metabolism and blood circulation in the organs of vision using electric currents. This method provides targeted delivery of medicines.
  • Centimeter wave therapy - treatment with currents, the length of which does not exceed a few centimeters. The currents cause heat to expand the vessels of the eyeball. As a result, the amount of oxygen that feeds the retina and eyes increases.

Ultrasound therapy is also used to improve blood flow and metabolism.

Laser treatment

Mild myopia is the mildest form of refractive error. Often at this stage of development, it does not make itself felt. It can only be diagnosed in the ophthalmologist's office. Although this condition is considered safe, it needs to be corrected. In the absence of correction, weak myopia progresses.

What is mild myopia?

Myopia (nearsightedness) is a refractive error that causes a person to see poorly at a distance, but well at close range.

In this article

The problem is that the light rays are focused in front of the retina, not on it. The peak of myopia development occurs at school age. At this time, the eyeball is actively changing in size. Due to the high visual loads faced by students, it is stretched in size. The normal length of the eyeball is 23-24 mm. With myopia, it reaches 30 mm or more. This visual impairment is very common and a serious problem.
There are three degrees of myopia. The classification is based on the level of visual impairment. A weak degree of myopia is characterized by visual deviation ranging from -0.2D to -3D. Usually, many people do not even know that they have begun to develop myopia, since they do not experience serious problems. Most of the time they can do without ophthalmic products. Optometrists prescribe glasses for distance vision. Mild myopia is the mildest form of this refractive error. But in some cases, it can progress and lead to the development of medium and high degrees.

Types of weak myopia

Depending on the mechanism of development of myopia, several forms of this refractive error are distinguished. Mild myopia may be stationary. Decreased vision is stable. The optical power of the eyes may not change for a long time. The progressive form of myopia is much more dangerous - vision is reduced by one or more diopters per year. A weak degree of myopia can turn into medium or high in a short time. The most serious condition is a malignant type of myopia. The loss of vision is very fast. It can reach -30D and cause disability.

There is also such a condition as accommodation spasm. This is a visual impairment, which is characterized by failures in the contraction of the ciliary muscle of the eye. There are several varieties of it. Spasm of accommodation can be:

  • physiological;
  • artificial;
  • pathological.

The physiological form is a response to high visual loads. With a pathological spasm of accommodation, a change in refraction occurs. Sometimes it happens that a far-sighted person begins to experience difficulties in seeing far away. This is due to the pathological form of accommodative spasm. The safest is considered an artificial type of violation. Its cause is long-term use of myotic drugs, which are used to constrict the pupil.
Spasm of accommodation is often called "false myopia". The symptoms of this condition are similar to those of this refractive error. But accommodative spasm is not myopia. It often leads to its development and belongs to the category of common causes that cause this visual impairment.

Diagnosis of mild myopia

The initial form of myopia often goes unnoticed by a person. You should visit an ophthalmologist once a year in order to timely diagnose visual impairment and take measures to correct it. Whether the patient has a pathology of the visual organs, the doctor will determine. He will conduct several examinations, including:

  • ophthalmoscopy;
  • skiascopy;
  • ophthalmometry;
  • keratotopography.

In some cases, the ophthalmologist may order an ultrasound of the eye. This method allows you to calculate the size of the eyeball with maximum accuracy and determine whether a change in its shape is pathological. If the length of the eyeball is more than 24 mm, then the doctor diagnoses "myopia". To determine visual acuity, oculists use the Sivtsev or Golovin tables. When examining children, the Orlova table can be used, which was developed specifically to determine the level of vigilance in preschoolers.

Treatment of myopia of the initial degree

Unfortunately, the only way to completely get rid of myopia is through surgery. Myopia occurs due to a change in the natural size of the eyeball, which becomes more elongated. It often happens that the refractive system of the eye focuses light rays more than necessary. Because of this, they are concentrated in front of the retina.
A refractive error can develop due to other diseases, for example: keratoconus, keratoglobus, subluxation and dislocation of the lens. The progression of myopia is affected by traumatic brain injury, lack of vitamins in the body.
The main task of treating mild myopia is to prevent its transition to more serious forms. To do this, ophthalmologists prescribe glasses or contact lenses, as well as prescribe medications.

Wearing glasses for mild myopia

Optometrists do not prescribe glasses for all people who are diagnosed with the initial form of myopia. Many can successfully do without them, for example, people whose optical power of the eyes is no more than 1-1.5D. The use of glasses is not a treatment for myopia, but only a way to correct it. Ophthalmic products can normalize vision and eliminate headaches, dizziness and signs of asthenopia. Spectacle correction helps to reduce the risk of strabismus, amblyopia, dystrophy and retinal detachment.
With mild myopia, you can use different types of glasses. With diopters today computer, photochromic, sunscreen models are produced. Negative diopter glasses are usually prescribed to correct myopia. In this visual impairment, they are considered traditional ophthalmic products. These glasses are made with diverging lenses that provide good distance vision. It is not necessary to wear them when working nearby.

Weak myopia can also be corrected with glasses with positive diopters. This technique was popular in Soviet times. These glasses are usually recommended for children. The use of such ophthalmic products made it possible to activate the natural capabilities of the eyeball. Wearing such glasses helps to eliminate the spasm of accommodation. Some oculists think so. In their opinion, this stimulates the body to fight myopia on its own.

Contact lenses for mild myopia

For the correction of vision in the initial form of myopia, contact lenses are rarely prescribed. Usually at this stage, permanent correction is not required. Glasses are much more convenient to take off and put on when necessary, because most doctors prescribe them. For mild myopia, contact lenses with negative diopters are prescribed. "Minus" optical products help reduce the power of the refractive apparatus and concentrate the focus in the center of the retina. It is very important that the diopters of the lenses fully correspond to the refraction of the eye. You should not buy ophthalmic products on your own. Before purchasing them, you need to consult with an optometrist. In the recipe, he will indicate the necessary parameters. If this is not done, then the lenses can freely "sit" on the cornea and move during the day. People who have a mild degree of myopia do not always quickly get used to the presence of a foreign body in the eye. Therefore, oculists often prescribe biocompatible models for them.

Myopia of a low degree: treatment with drops

In the initial form of myopia, eye drops are often prescribed by optometrists. These drugs allow you to relax the ciliary muscle and relieve the spasm of accommodation. Usually, drops such as Taufon, Irifrin, Emoksipin, Ujala are used for this purpose. Drug therapy for myopia is aimed at strengthening the visual apparatus, reducing the permeability of the vascular wall, and normalizing cell membranes.

A person faced with such a diagnosis as mild myopia, or myopia, asks the question - what is it? This is a pathological condition of the eyes, in which a person sees well objects that are close, and poorly - at a distance. This is due to the abnormal elongation (elongation) of the eyeball, the focusing of the light rays passing through the eye is not carried out on the surface of the retina, but at a point located in front of it. The retina can only capture blurred objects.

The problem of vision is widespread among adults and children. According to statistics, every third person suffers from myopia. The quantitative increase in cases is associated with increased visual loads when working with computers, digital gadgets, and other modern electronic devices at close range, in combination with hereditary predisposition.

The danger of this visual defect is the likelihood of developing the first (weak) degree into the second (medium), and then a high degree. Usually both eyes are affected, but unilateral myopia also occurs in medical practice. The changed state of refraction is measured in diopters, which have a minus value. Experts do not call myopia a disease, but only a feature of vision.

Pathology is usually distinguished by degrees:

  1. Up to 3.0 diopters - weak.
  2. 0 - 6.0. diopter - medium.
  3. More than 6.0 diopters - high.

Clinical picture of myopia

The course of the disease can be non-progressive (stationary) and progressive. The first form is not subject to therapy, since it does not violate the structure of the fundus. When wearing glasses, you can achieve 100% vision. A progressive type of flow can just lead to a high degree of pathology (up to 30 diopters). This form is called "malignant", as it is fraught with disability of the organs of the visual system.

It's important to know! A weak degree of myopia is inherent in children 7-12 years old who have a hereditary predisposition. Every fifth child has mild myopia. It is during adolescence that the formation and growth of the eye occurs. At the same time, the visual system is under heavy load, which is associated with learning activities. Up to 20 years, an aggravation of the situation can be recorded, and after this age normalization and stabilization of vision occurs.

Causes of mild myopia

As it turned out, this feature of vision appears as a result of a discrepancy between the length of the eyeball and the power of the eye of an optical nature.

The direct causes of the development of myopia can be called:

  1. Increased anterior and posterior size of the eyeball.
  2. The presence of a refractory type (changes in the visual system).

There are a number of factors leading to the manifestation of mild myopia, expressed in:

  • unfavorable heredity (from myopic parents in half of the registered cases, vision pathology was transmitted);
  • prolonged intense stress on the eyes, for example, when working on a nearby computer, watching TV, etc.;
  • weakness of accommodation of the congenital plan, contributing to the lengthening and deformation of the eyeball;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • eye injuries and infections;
  • vascular diseases;
  • cataract.

Signs of developing myopia

The main signs indicating the development of a pathological condition of vision include the following:

  • eye fatigue for a short time;
  • the desire to bring a book or newspaper close to the eyes for reading;
  • small black spots appearing;
  • arising pain in the eyeballs;
  • eye fatigue when watching television;
  • cyanosis of the sclera;
  • redness;
  • dry eye syndrome.

The main symptoms of myopia

During the development of myopia, the main symptoms appear, which are:

  1. Decreased visibility of distant objects. They are seen by a person indistinctly and blurry. But as soon as he squints his eyes, i.e. “pull up” the image to the retina, the object acquires clear contours and becomes visible.
  2. Visual impairment at night. The pupils dilate and the depth of field is lost. Objects located far away, through the perception of a near-sighted person, acquire a blurry shape.
  3. Distorted, doubled form of the object.
  4. The ability to see straight lines curved.

The latter signs appear in cases of a combination of astigmatism (a condition of the eyes associated with a defect in the shape of the eye itself, its cornea / lens) with myopia, which is often found in medical practice.


Myopia should not be taken lightly, experts warn that this is a serious pathological condition of vision that can lead to dangerous complications. This is due to the fact that the basis of the mechanism of the developing disease is the increased size of the eyes. Accordingly, there is an influencing effect on their vascular systems, on all structures, membranes, functions.

Most often, a high degree of myopia contributes to the manifestation of this type of complications, expressed in:

  • retinal detachment;
  • complicated cataract;
  • blindness
  • retinal dystrophy;
  • lattice dystrophy;
  • fuchs spot;
  • destruction of the vitreous body;
  • dystrophy of the "Trace of the snail" type.

Important to remember! The high stage of myopia is the final degree of pathology. It all starts with mild myopia, when timely treatment can prevent future complications from occurring.

How is myopia diagnosed?

When visiting a doctor, data is collected: the main complaints of the patient, an initial examination is carried out, during which the need for an additional narrowly focused study is clarified to clarify the preliminary diagnosis.

The ophthalmologist uses the following diagnostic methods:

  • ophthalmological tables to determine visual acuity;
  • ophthalmoscopy - the study of the fundus (for this, an ophthalmoscope, fundus lens is used);
  • refractometry, which determines the width of the pupil;
  • slit lamp for microscopic analysis of the eye structure;
  • measurement of pressure inside the eye;
  • Ultrasound to determine the length of the eyeball.

Correction of myopia of the first degree

Wearing glasses or contact lenses , providing good distance vision, is one of the main ways in correcting the refraction that causes the symptoms of myopia. Temporary improvement in vision is not considered a cure. A slight degree of myopia can be completely corrected and 100% vision can be achieved.

You can wear glasses / contact lenses only when necessary, since a weak degree of myopia allows you to see close objects well. On the contrary, constant vision through glasses can impair vision.

Myopia correction

Therapy for myopia occurs through the following medications and vitamin supplements in complex:

  1. Eye drops. They are prescribed for minor visual impairment. Preference is given to "Taufon", "Irifrin", "Udzhal".
  2. Retinol (vitamin A). It has an effect on the mucous membrane of the eye, improving visual acuity.
  3. Riboflavin (vitamin B2). Serves to strengthen blood vessels, eliminates eye fatigue.
  4. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6). It has a positive effect on cell metabolism.
  5. Lutein. Able to protect the eyes from the action of negative factors.

Vitamins are available in the form of drops, tablets or injections.

Surgical and laser methods in the first degree of myopia, they are used only in cases where developing astigmatism is combined with myopia, and if the patient cannot wear lenses and glasses for one reason or another.

Surgery is carried out as a last resort, helping patients with the most severe form of the disease. Laser correction is not used with a negative indicator (over 15 diopters).

There are two types of operations:

  1. An IOL, or intraocular lens, is placed in place of the removed natural lens. Any severe form of myopia can be cured in this way.
  2. A phakic IOL is placed in front of your own lens or directly on it, which is able to correct vision and return the “image” to the retina. This method is not widely used.

Methods hardware correction with the first degree of myopia give good results.


  • laser stimulator allows you to relieve eye fatigue, increase visual acuity;
  • color magnetic stimulator - eliminate spasms and improve the function of the optic nerve;
  • electrophoresis - lower eye pressure and eliminate tension.

The use of hardware correction every 5-6 months has shown its effectiveness.

Eye exercises help improve the quality of vision, so experts strongly recommend them to their patients suffering from myopia.

It is enough to perform the following exercises to relax the eye muscles, improve vascular microcirculation, relieve eye tone, normalize metabolism, activate oculomotor muscles and slow down degenerative processes:

  1. Move your eyes along horizontal (left-right) and vertical lines (up-down) for 10 seconds in each direction.
  2. Cover open eyes with palms, sit in this position for 5-7 minutes, in this way relaxing the muscles of the eye.
  3. Write out a figure eight, a rhombus with your eyes. Perform each "drawing" three times.
  4. Blink at a fast pace for two minutes.
  5. Focus on your own tip of the nose and hold it for 20 seconds.

Contraindications for myopia of the first stage

In order not to provoke the development of myopia, its transition to more severe degrees, it is necessary to take into account a number of restrictions:

  • do not engage in heavy physical work, boxing, equestrian sports, football, volleyball, basketball;
  • adults work and stay at the computer for no more than four hours, for children - no more than an hour;
  • do not overload the eyes;
  • do not use fluorescent lamps, which additionally "load" the eyes;
  • consider all objects at a distance of 25-30 cm from the eyes;
  • do not drink alcohol, as it is contraindicated in myopia;
  • daily walk in the fresh air, giving rest to the eyes;
  • protect your eyes from injury, try to prevent sharp shocks, falls, vibrations, etc .;
  • to be examined by the attending physician every 3-5 months.

Ignoring the myopia of the initial stage is unacceptable, since life and safety can directly depend on the inability to see objects in the distance. If myopia is not treated, the process of vision deterioration is inevitable.

Treatment of myopia with traditional medicine

The use of medicinal plants firmly occupies its own niche in the process of vision correction. Recipes proven for centuries and many generations are in great demand in our time with the approval of ophthalmologists.

Traditional medicine prefers the following:

  1. Blueberry infusion. Dried / fresh berries are taken in a teaspoon / tablespoon, respectively, poured with half a liter of boiling water, put on a weak and slow fire, bring to a boil, hold for five minutes. Then insist an hour, strain. The infusion is ready to use.

Blueberries contain many trace elements that are beneficial for the body, the berry helps to correct vision. In the form of an infusion, it is taken in a tablespoon three times a day. Also, blueberries should be eaten fresh (half a glass a day), in the form of jam or jam.

  • Aloe leaves(centennial). This recipe is suitable for people over 20 years old who are ready to use the remedy on an ongoing basis to cure myopia, as well as prevent it. 200 g of agave leaves are taken, crushed, mixed with cornflower blue flowers and eyebright grass (50 g of each component). 600 ml of red wine and the same amount of chalk are added. An hour is prepared in a water bath, cooled and filtered. For three months, the infusion is taken three times a day in a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals.
  • black currant leaves. This berry is not without reason called the “queen”: the content of vitamins and nutrients in it helps the body fight many diseases, including strengthening and correcting vision. From dry crushed leaves, filled with half a liter of boiling water, a drink is prepared. Drink as tea throughout the day.
  • Stinging nettle. The leaves and shoots of the plant contain sodium salt, iron, manganese, pantothenic and ascorbic acids, vitamins, calcium salt. Fresh / dry shoots or leaves are taken in the amount of 25 g per half liter of boiling water. It is infused for three hours, filtered and taken in 2 tbsp. l. twice a day before breakfast and dinner.
  • There are hundreds of folk recipes. You can find them on the Internet or in special reference books. The main thing is to take into account your own sensitivity to allergens and properly prepare decoctions / tinctures, taking them by course methods. Consulting with your doctor will help you make the right choice.

    Prevention of myopia

    Prevention of the development and complications of myopia is possible if you follow some rules, including the following important points:

    • regular visits to the ophthalmologist to control the level of vision;
    • the use of vitamin complexes;
    • performing exercises for the eyes during the working period;
    • ultrasound examination to determine the longitudinal size of the eyeball;
    • proper equipment and lighting of the workplace with natural light lamps;
    • the use of special glasses when working at a computer;
    • avoidance of heavy physical work, falls, sudden movements;
    • lead an active but moderate lifestyle, including outdoor activities;
    • eat properly and fully, adding fruits and vegetables of bright red, purple, orange colors to the diet. As well as greens rich in pigment (preference is given to spinach, celery, parsley, dill, etc.).

    It's important to know! Prevention of myopia is helped by various devices that affect color therapy, massage. Amblyocor develops the natural ability of the brain to compensate for blurry images. With the help of "Brook" - hardware prophylaxis with a special lens - stabilization of myopic processes is carried out, the muscular system is trained, accommodation develops.

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