Oxolinic ointment: indications, application, reviews. Oxolinic ointment: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Oxolinic ointment is an almost transparent substance, which is available in 10 mg tubes with different concentrations of the active substance oxolin - 0.25% and 3%. The drug is a synthetic antiviral agent, the application of which to the mucous membrane of the nose or eyes has a virucidal effect against herpes, influenza and adenoviruses. Oksolin blocks the reproduction of the virus in the affected cells. Previously, warts were removed with a 3% ointment (applied every day directly to the focus for 2-3 months). Today, there are more effective and faster methods of dealing with this disease. 0.25% Oxolinic ointment was used for laying under the eyelid and nasal application for viral conjunctivitis and rhinitis. But if the disease is running, then the ointment will be of no use, besides, it causes severe irritation. To date, Oxolinic ointment is used for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections - 0.25% ointment is lubricated with the nasal mucosa twice or thrice a day for a month.

Oxolinic ointment for children

In various epidemics, parents are ready to do anything to prevent their children from getting infections. Some use onions, garlic, honey, herbs, others are ready to buy expensive immunomodulating and antibacterial drugs. Often the salvation for children and parents is Oxolinic ointment. It is easy to use, does not accumulate in the body and does not have an irritating effect. Therefore, it can be used to prevent influenza in children. The instruction states that the ointment is prohibited for children under 2 years of age. In this case, it simply needs to be mixed with a regular baby cream - so the concentration of the active substance will be small and suitable even for babies. Apply Oxolinic ointment in a thin layer on the wings of the nose, slightly affecting the mucous membrane at the entrance. This should be done a couple of times a day or before going outside or to the hospital. It is undesirable to apply ointment inside the nose, as it is viscous and will make it difficult for the baby to breathe.

Oxolinic ointment during pregnancy

This drug is not prohibited for use during pregnancy and lactation. For the prevention of viral diseases, it is necessary to use 0.5% ointment, and for treatment - 1% or 3% ointment. Before using Oxolinic ointment, you should consult your doctor. The drug is used for the primary symptoms of herpes, laying it behind the eyelid or applying to the skin. Also, the ointment helps to eliminate sour eyes and nasal congestion. But speaking about the benefits of the ointment, one should not forget that it can cause hypersensitivity of the nasal mucosa, an increase in blood pressure, which is fraught with uterine tone. In addition, it is not always effective - with mutated viruses or infections, it is useless.

Registration number P N003085/01

Trade name of the drug

International nonproprietary or grouping name


Dosage form Nasal ointment


1 g of ointment contains:

  • active substance: dioxot(oxonaphthylin, oxolin) - 0.0025 g;
  • excipients: vaseline - up to 1 g. Description

Ointment from white to light yellow. During storage, a pink tint is allowed.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Antiviral agent for topical use

ATC Code: J05AX.

pharmachologic effect


Antiviral agent for nasal use. It has antiviral activity against the influenza virus, blocking the binding sites of the virus to the surface of the cell membrane, and prevents the reproduction of the virus in cells. Viruses of Herpes simplex, herpes zoster, adenoviruses, viruses of infectious warts and molluscum contagiosum are also sensitive to the action ofhalene.


When applied to the mucous membrane, up to 20% of the drug is absorbed. It does not accumulate in the body and is excreted mainly by the kidneys during the day.

Indications for use

Prevention, treatment of viral rhinitis.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Pregnancy, lactation, age up to 2 years.

Dosage and administration

For the prevention of influenza- every day, 2-3 times a day, lubricate the nasal mucosa during the period of rise and maximum development of an epidemic outbreak of influenza (for 25 days) or upon contact with a patient with influenza.

Treatment of viral rhinitis: the nasal mucosa is lubricated 2-3 times a day for 3-4 days.

Side effect

Burning of the nasal mucosa, rhinorrhea. In rare cases, blue staining of the mucous membrane is possible.


Cases of overdose of the drug Oxolin nasal ointment are unknown. Interaction with other drugs

Cases of interaction or incompatibility with other drugs have not been identified.

Release form

Nasal ointment 0.25%. 10 g or 30 g in aluminum or polyethylene laminate tubes. Each tube, together with instructions for medical use i of the drug, is placed in a cardboard pack.

Storage conditions

Store at temperatures between 5°C and 15°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

2 years. Do not use the drug after the expiration date.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Without recipe.

Manufacturer/organization accepting claims OAO NIZHFARM, Russia

Oxolinic ointment- This is a drug for the common cold with pronounced antiviral properties. Thanks to them, the drug fights influenza viruses, freeing the breath and nose from congestion.

It was developed in 1970 by Soviet pharmacists and will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 4 years. The tool quickly gained popularity for effective use and a price of 30-50 rubles. At that time, the remedy had the only competitor - the antiviral Rimantadine, but it had disadvantages in the form of side effects and contraindications.

The composition of the product includes one active substance. Its abbreviated name is Oksolin, which gave the name to the remedy.

It comes in 2 types: 2.5% and 3%.

Nasal ointment 2.5% is suitable for getting rid of viral diseases, for their prevention and treatment of conjunctivitis. In abbreviated form, its name is written as "Oxolinic ointment" or simply "Oxolin".

A 3% ointment treats lichen, herpes and warts, and is abbreviated as "Oxolinic Ointment 3" or simply "Oxolin 3".

Composition per 1 gram:

  • Active substance: Dioxot- 0.0025 grams.
  • Auxiliary substance: Vaseline - up to 1 gram.

Properties in the treatment of the common cold

Due to its good antiviral properties against the influenza virus, the drug blocks the points of contact of the virus with the surface of cell membranes, preventing the further development of a viral infection. Therefore, it is ideal for the prevention of influenza and other viral diseases.

Oxolin interferes with the reproduction of the virus, killing it, and it does not have time to infect new healthy cells.

When applied to the nasal mucosa, up to 20% of the drug is absorbed into the blood, unlike other tablets and syrups with 90% absorption. Therefore, Oxolin has practically no side effects and is excreted from the human body by the kidneys in 1 day, without accumulating in it.


Nasal ointment 2.5% is used for:

  • Viral rhinitis (with SARS, influenza);
  • Viral eye diseases (conjunctivitis);
  • Influenza prevention.

The course of prevention can last up to 25 days. After application, there is a slight tingling in the nose, but after 2-3 minutes it ends. When treating a child, distract the child for this time until the burning sensation passes.

Mode of application

In the prevention of influenza, the ointment is applied 2-3 times daily. Apply up to 25 days. It is successfully used in influenza epidemics or with frequent contact with already sick people. For example, when one of the family members falls ill or for children in kindergarten.

For the treatment of viral rhinitis, the sinuses are lubricated with a remedy up to 3 times a day for 4 days. Do this carefully, without damaging the mucous membrane, with a cotton swab, apply a thin layer.

For children under 2 years of age and pregnant women, use with caution according to the annotation, which reports that there is no data on the safety of the drug during this period. This phrase means that no clinical trials have been conducted during pregnancy and lactation.

Release form

Oxolinic ointment 0.25% has a transparent structure with a light yellow or gray tint, but it may turn pink as it is stored. It is dense, thick, without additional inclusions. It is made in 5, 10, 25 or 30 grams, placed in aluminum tubes. Packaging - a cardboard box, a tube and instructions for use are placed in it.


Oksolin has practically no contraindications, except for individual intolerance.

And although the drug has not been tested in women during pregnancy and lactation, according to the description in the instructions, doctors advise boldly using it during these periods.

The children's age from which ointment treatment in the annotation is allowed is 2 years, but it is often prescribed to children before reaching this age.

How often, having traveled in a minibus or visiting a crowded place, do you feel unwell, sore throat and runny nose in the morning? During the epidemic, Oxolinic ointment helps to avoid infection, protect the nasal mucosa from the effects of harmful microorganisms. How good is this drug? How to use it correctly for children and adults? What is the cost of medicine in pharmacies?

Ointment Oxolinic

Oxonaphthyline, Tetraxolinic or simply Oxolin is an antiviral agent, which is based on the external drug naphthalene-tetron. There are no drugs completely similar in composition or principle of action outside the CIS countries, since the effectiveness of this remedy has not yet been scientifically proven. However, the developers claim that the drug has a bactericidal effect on herpes and influenza viruses. The effect is achieved as soon as the microorganisms enter the mucous membrane, lubricated with the drug.


Outwardly, the ointment in its structure is more like a gel-like substance: it is dense, with a whitish-gray tint, viscous and without any impurities. The chemical compound tetrahydronaphthalene or simply oxolin, the abbreviated version of which gave the name to the drug, acts as a fundamental component of the agent. As an auxiliary substance in the composition of Oxolinic ointment, manufacturers have included ordinary medical purified vaseline oil.

Release form

In pharmacies, the cream is sold in cardboard boxes, inside which there are aluminum tubes of various sizes. There are two types: 0.25 and 3 percent. The first is an effective nasal remedy for fighting germs, the second is only suitable for external use. The percentage notifies the buyer about the concentration of active ingredients. In addition, each variety has its own production volume, for example:

  • Oksolin 3% is sold only in tubes of 10, 25 and 30 grams;
  • A 0.25% remedy can be found in volumes of 5-10-25 and 30 grams.

pharmachologic effect

When applied externally, the active ingredients ensure the binding of herpes viruses, influenza, and other microorganisms with epithelial cells, thus increasing the ability of the immune system to resist respiratory viral and infectious diseases. After application to the skin, about 5% of the drug is completely absorbed into the blood. If you lubricate the mucous membrane of the nose or mouth, the body will receive 20% of the active substances. All components are completely excreted by the kidneys per day. At the same time, the drug does not have a negative effect on a person, and subject to the instructions, it does not irritate the skin.

Indications for use

A three percent ointment, according to the instructions, can be used externally when:

  • warts caused by the causative agent of papilloma, including genital warts and thorns;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • herpes simplex virus;
  • dermatitis;
  • psoriasis.

In addition, the annotation to the drug indicates that the cream can be used to treat herpes zoster, scaly or vesicular lichen. However, at the moment, in practice, this method of getting rid of skin lesions is rarely used, since there are other more effective external remedies. If, for some reason, treatment with other drugs is not available, Oksolin will have a therapeutic effect.

Ointment 0.25% will help prevent the development of many respiratory viral infections, and the treatment of diseases in the acute stage of development will not give the desired result. Instructions for use states that the gel can be used to prevent diseases such as:

  • ARVI and ODS;
  • viral rhinitis;
  • early keratitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • barley;
  • blepharitis;
  • prevention of viral infections during an exacerbation.

It is worth considering that the use of Oxolin for the treatment of viral eye infections is an indication only in the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Products with oxolin produced in Belarus in inserts with useful information do not have such indications. In addition, some domestic annotations indicate that the treatment of conjunctivitis, keratitis and other infections is not recommended, so you should consult your doctor before using it.

From papillomas

In the treatment of warts, Oksolin is applied in a light layer to the entire infected area of ​​​​the epidermis several times a day. When rubbing the product, it is necessary to make light stroking movements, trying to prevent pressure or strong rubbing of the product. After application, the skin is covered with a sterile bandage, cotton pad or gauze bandage.

During the treatment of severe skin lesions, an occlusive dressing with cellophane, wax-coated paper, or polyethylene should be applied to the treated area. It is necessary to leave a bandage on the body for no longer than one day, then repeat the procedure. The course of treatment for papillomas is from 14 to 16 days, depending on the severity of the disease.

For the nose

For the treatment of a mild runny nose caused by a respiratory viral infection, the agent is placed directly on the mucous membrane in each nasal passage 2-3 times a day for 4 days. Before the distribution of Oxolin, the nose is cleaned with sea water. For the convenience of distributing the product, it is better to use a cotton swab or a soft silicone spatula so as not to damage the mucous membranes in the process.

The drug for the nose is not combined with any drugs, including vasoconstrictor drops. For the prevention of influenza, the agent must be applied up to two times a day, before each use, washing the nasal passages with saline. Average prophylactic use ranges from two weeks to 25 calendar days.

Instructions for use

When choosing Oksolin in a pharmacy, it is worth considering that at a dosage of 0.25% it is available for application to the mucous membranes of the mouth or nose, and 3% of the drug can only be distributed externally. It is unacceptable to use a three percent solution on mucous membranes, as this can lead to severe burning, redness and other allergic reactions. In contrast, 0.25% ointment should not have any effect in the treatment of skin infections.


For the prevention of influenza and SARS in a child, it is recommended to use only 0.25% ointment. It is necessary to apply the product with a cotton swab before each exit to the street. For example, if your baby goes to kindergarten, then he needs to treat the nasal canals in the morning, after a daytime sleep and before an evening walk, each time washing off the remnants with warm water.

If Oxolinic ointment for children will be used as the main remedy for the common cold, then you should use the scheme for adults: put the medication in the nose 3 times a day for 4 days. Dr. Komarovsky strongly advises all parents to remember that the remedy is not suitable for every child. If the baby does not tolerate such treatment, feels slight discomfort or suffocation, the drug should be replaced with a nasal spray.

For babies

According to the instructions, you can use the ointment on children starting at the age of two years. Such restrictions are not accidental and are associated with insufficient maturity of the respiratory tract and nasal mucosa. The problem is that in babies, the passages from the nose communicate well with the ears and tear ducts of the eyes. This anatomical feature leads to the fact that the fatty ointment can get into the ear or eyes, provoking the spread of infection. In addition, the nose of the newborn is too narrow and a large piece of the drug can lead to severe spasm, up to suffocation.

Oksolin during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Regarding the use of oxolin ointment during pregnancy, scientific studies on this topic have not been conducted. Because of this, drug manufacturers often write in the instructions that they do not recommend using the drug after conception. However, many years of medical practice claims that Oxolinic ointment during pregnancy is absolutely safe for the fetus.

The active components of the drug enter the body in a minimal amount, so you can lubricate the nasal passages during breastfeeding. Treatment and prevention of influenza, SARS and other respiratory viral diseases in pregnant women is carried out according to the standard scheme: 2 times a day for 4 days. Regular use of drugs with oxolin during this period for 25 days is recommended.


The main contraindication to the use of ointment with oxolin is hypersensitivity to the active ingredient or auxiliary drugs of the drug. In addition, it should be used with extreme caution by people prone to allergies and asthmatics. Due to the excessive sensitivity of the epidermis during pregnancy, external Oxolinic ointment 3% should not be used by women while expecting a baby. Many doctors also recommend that pregnant women in the first trimester refrain from such flu prophylaxis.

Side effect

Cases of overdose have not yet been registered. However, extremely rarely, the drug can still cause side effects, including:

  • a feeling of severe burning and itching;
  • skin redness;
  • hives;
  • increased mucous discharge from the nose;
  • tearing when used during the treatment of eye infections;
  • the risk of developing skin dermatitis;
  • blue coloration of the skin when using the product externally.

Best before date

The effectiveness of oxolin ointment in the treatment of influenza is already assessed by many doctors as very low, and the result of using an expired remedy can be completely unpredictable. To avoid possible side effects, you need to store the packaging at an air temperature of no higher than 10 degrees, so the bottom shelf of the refrigerator will be an ideal place. Under all storage conditions, the shelf life of the drug is 3 years.


If there are contraindications or adverse reactions, you can buy other drugs at the pharmacy that are similar in composition, properties or principle of action on the body. For example, an analogue of Oxolinic ointment 3% is:

  • Alpizarin;
  • Vivorax;
  • Bonafon;
  • Herperax;
  • Hyporamine;
  • Zovirax;
  • Gerpevir;
  • Devirs;
  • Acyclovir;
  • Fenestil;
  • Epigene labial.

A good alternative for use on the mucous membranes of the mouth or nose will be:

  • Thylaxin;
  • Nikavir tablets;
  • Tetraxoline cream;
  • Lavomax capsules;
  • Oksonaphtilin;
  • gel Panavir;
  • tablets Ergoferon;
  • capsules or dragee Arbidol;
  • Viracept powder.

The price of Oxolinic ointment

You can buy a proven antiviral agent without a prescription at any pharmacy in the country. In addition, it is possible to deliver funds to your home when ordering from a photo through official pharmaceutical online stores. Before purchasing, do not forget to check the expiration date of the medication, the package for opening and make sure that the instructions are available. How much does Oxolinic ointment cost in Moscow can be found from the pivot table:

Video: Oxolinic ointment against viruses

Oxolinic ointment is a nasal and cutaneous preparation that has antimicrobial and antiviral effects. The tool has an active preventive and therapeutic effect, fights nasal congestion and prevents acute respiratory infections. The antiviral and antiherpetic effect of this drug allows you to use the ointment for lichen, herpes lips and other skin diseases caused by viruses.

Interesting! Oxolinic ointment is a popular drug, the demand for which is rapidly increasing during the period of the flu epidemic and respiratory diseases. Many people prefer to use this particular antiviral agent, since it is characterized by excellent action and inexpensive cost. Oxolinic ointment has been very popular for many decades. However, the use of even such a safe drug as Oksolin must be agreed with the attending physician.


Oxolinic ointment is a pharmaceutical drug intended for the treatment and prevention of respiratory viral diseases, inflammation of the skin and nasal mucosa. The tool has a multifunctional effect, is prescribed for children and adults.

What is Oksolinova ointment used for:

  • Ophthalmic diseases of infectious and viral etiology;
  • Dermatoses caused by viral etiology;
  • Rhinitis;
  • Lichen;
  • Papillomas and warts;
  • Herpetic lesions of the skin;
  • Molluscum contagiosum;
  • Psoriasis;
  • Prevention of acute respiratory infections and influenza.

It is forbidden to use Oksolin ointment if there are such contraindications:

  • Allergic reaction to the components of the composition;
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin at the site of application.

With caution use this remedy for the treatment of children and during pregnancy. At the same time, it is important to consult a doctor and clarify the nuances of using the ointment in your particular case.

Important! Prolonged use of the drug can cause a number of side effects: burning sensation and itching when applied to the mucous membrane; skin dermatitis; staining of the epidermis; liquid discharge from the nose. Side effects disappear on their own after discontinuation of the drug.

Composition and properties

In the pharmacological industry, two forms of Oxolinic ointment are distinguished, which differ in the concentration of oxolin:

  1. 0.25% drug is intended for the prevention of respiratory diseases and influenza. The product has a mild effect, so it does not irritate the delicate skin and mucous membranes of the nose and eyes.
  2. 3% ointment is recommended for the treatment of viral dermatological diseases. A high concentration of the active substance allows you to provide the necessary therapeutic effect when applied to the skin.

The basis of Oxolinic ointment contains only two components:

  • Oxolin is the active component of this drug;
  • Vaseline is a substance that creates an ointment base.

Oxolin is a simplified pharmacological name for a specific chemical compound,halene. This substance has an active antiviral effect, providing treatment and prevention of many viral infections.

Vaseline, present in the base of the ointment, provides a softer and more comfortable application of the drug to the skin and mucous membranes, without injuring them.

Price. The price of Oxolinic ointment is 30 rubles per tube of 10 grams of 0.25% of the drug. A tool with a higher concentration costs 50 rubles.


Oxolinic ointment is a prophylactic and therapeutic agent that is prescribed to prevent acute respiratory diseases or to treat viral dermatitis. At the heart of the ointment there are only two ingredients - oxolin and petroleum jelly. It is recommended to use the drug only after consulting a doctor.

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