Pain in the joints of the fingers - is there a way out of this scourge? Symptoms of various forms of hand arthritis. What to do if there is pain in the joints of the fingers

Now this disease has become much younger, so understanding what can cause such a deformity, what are the first signs of the disease and how to treat it is an important question for everyone.

What is arthritis?

This term is called a disease in which the inflammatory process starts in the joints.

Initially, inflammation usually occurs in the inner shell of the joint capsule (this is called synovitis), as a result of which an inflammatory fluid, exudate, accumulates in the joint cavity.

Nutrition of articular structures precisely due to normal synovial fluid, therefore, the exudate accumulated in the bag will significantly impair the venous and lymphatic outflow from them.

As a result, all the elements that make up the joint are involved in the inflammatory process:

  • cartilage;
  • tissue of the articular bag;
  • those parts of the bones to which cartilage is attached;
  • ligaments;
  • tendons.

Reasons for the development of the disease

There are quite a few of them - these can be:

  • microorganisms that have entered the joint cavity;
  • joint injuries: acute - fall, blow, injury; chronic - constant friction, overload associated with professional and sports activities;
  • allergic processes;
  • autoimmune diseases, in which the immune system recognizes the tissues of its own joint as foreign bodies, begins to attack them.

Most often, the joints of the fingers are affected by gout, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis.

No less often, with constant stereotypical movements, a degenerative process develops in the articular cartilage.

Consider the most common reasons in detail.

Causes of gouty arthritis

This disease develops as a result of a violation of one of the metabolic links - purine metabolism(these are substances that are part of nucleic acids, including DNA and RNA).

The disease is mainly associated with a genetic predisposition.

The provocative factors of its development are:

  • work in conditions of high humidity;
  • significant fluctuations in temperature during the day;
  • the main factor is food: the abuse of meat and offal (liver, kidneys), alcoholic beverages, fish, asparagus, mushrooms.

Causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis

This disease has an infectious-allergic nature.

The mechanism of the development of the disease is not fully understood.

There is a disease after an acute (influenza, acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, pyelonephritis) condition or exacerbation of a chronic disease.

In some cases, the disease develops after infectious or reactive arthritis.

Sometimes the provoking factor of the pathology becomes a strong emotional stress, and in 10% of people the disease developed after hypothermia.

Causes of psoriatic arthritis

This type of arthritis usually occurs already on the background skin manifestations diseases, significantly aggravating the course of psoriasis.

The causes of psoriasis itself are considered to be a change in the genetic program of skin cells, as a result of which they begin to divide in some areas much faster, forming psoriatic plaques.

Stress, trauma, infectious disease “activates” such a genetic program.

Figure: Psoriatic arthritis

What provokes the transition of psoriasis to the joints is unknown, however, almost 25% of patients noted that before this there was a joint injury.

Causes of deforming arthritis

The main trigger of the disease is the inflammatory process in the joint, which can be caused by:

  • injury;
  • stretching;
  • dislocation;
  • intra-articular fracture;
  • microtrauma of the joint and surrounding tissues.

What causes this disease in adults?

The causes of the disease are diverse, some of them are described above.

The triggers for arthritis can be summarized as follows:

  • Infection: bacterial, fungal, viral, which could get into the joint as if it was a penetrating wound or open injury, and from the focus of infection that exists in the body;
  • Injury;
  • Allergy;
  • Metabolic disease;
  • Lack of vitamins;
  • autoimmune processes.

Why does it occur in children?

The main cause of the disease is colds followed by reactive arthritis.

Also, the reasons can be identified:

  • injuries, bruises and operations on the joints;
  • genetic pathologies, as a result of which the structure of the joint is disturbed or the chemical structure of some of its components is modified, as a result of which their own antibodies begin to “bomb” them;
  • hypothermia;
  • primary decrease in immunity.

The latter cause leads to the development of a juvenile variant of rheumatoid arthritis, which occurs in children under 16 years of age, is characterized by a rather rapid progressive course, leading to disability.

The causes of this disease are still not exactly established.

It is only known that children suffering from it have defects in the genes of the immune complex, provoking the appearance of an inadequate immune response to such stimuli as:

  • injury;
  • common viral or bacterial disease;
  • hypothermia;
  • quite a long stay in the sun;
  • administration of proteins.

This causes the development of arthritis in a child.

During pregnancy

During this period, the woman's immunity is specially reduced so as not to harm developing fetus(it is a foreign body for the mother, as it has its own protein composition).

Therefore, it is during pregnancy that all diseases “raise their heads”.

Arthritis can be caused by any of these reasons:

  • injury;
  • infection;
  • gout;
  • exacerbation of rheumatic or rheumatoid arthritis;
  • psoriasis.

What is a hygroma of the wrist joint? Find out here.

Symptoms and signs

Signs characteristic of arthritis of any etiology are:

  • the joints of the fingers are edematous, swollen;
  • the skin over the inflamed joint is red, tense, and may be hot;
  • the affected joint hurts even at rest;
  • when moving the brushes, a crunch occurs in the joints of the fingers;
  • mobility in the joint changes.

Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by:

  • symmetry of the lesion, that is, the joints on both hands are affected;
  • the joints between the phalanges become inflamed, as well as between the bones of the metacarpus and the first phalanges of the fingers;
  • pain appears late at night or in the morning;
  • in addition to pain in the morning, stiffness of movements in the joints is felt;
  • pain and stiffness are short-lived at first, may last up to 3-4 hours as the disease progresses
  • during the day and in the evening the joints of the hands almost do not hurt
  • symptoms appear general intoxication: fever, weakness, chills, lack of appetite, weight loss
  • "favorite" joints: between the bones of the metacarpus and 2 and 3 phalanges, between the first two phalanges of the hand; knee, wrist, metatarsophalangeal, ulnar and ankle joints;
  • the process does not affect the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb, as well as the joints between the nail and the second phalanx.

A photo: rheumatoid arthritis fingers

Gouty arthritis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • general symptoms of joint damage are pronounced, paroxysmal;
  • joint pain is accompanied by fever, weakness, other symptoms of intoxication;
  • on the skin there are nodules with a diameter of 1-2 cm, over which the skin has a yellowish color. They crunch when pressed, painless. These are tophi, that is, the accumulation of excess salts uric acid under the skin, the "calling card" of gout;
  • the joint of the big toe is usually affected, but the joints of the fingers can also be included in the disease;
  • sore joints are red, very painful and sensitive to the slightest touch, the skin over them is hot;
  • arthritis symptoms develop most often in the morning, so pronounced that the person can no longer sleep;
  • manifestation of arthritis - after drinking alcohol or a large amount of meat food.

Psoriatic arthritis is manifested by its characteristic features:

  • arthritis can develop both acutely and gradually;
  • no morning stiffness;
  • one or more joints may be affected for a long time;
  • joints are involved in the process randomly;
  • on the hands, the joints between the nail and second phalanx of any finger most often suffer, arthritis of the thumb may occur;
  • when the joint is damaged, dactylitis occurs, that is, inflammation of other tissues of the finger, as a result of which it acquires a “sausage-like” deformation;
  • the criterion for diagnosing the disease is psoriatic plaques on the skin;
  • characteristic is the simultaneous defeat of three joints of one finger (any): between the metacarpal bone and the phalanx, and two joints between the phalanges;
  • the skin over the sore joints is cyanotic-purple;
  • limited mainly by flexion.

Photo: psoriatic arthritis of the fingers

Reactive arthritis and infectious arthritis appear common symptoms, they do not have clearly defined characteristic features.

Degrees of the disease

In its development, the disease goes through several stages.

So, there are 4 degrees.

1 degree

This is the very beginning of the disease.

There are painful sensations and stiffness in the joints of the fingers. A person does not always seek help, since the symptoms are minimal: they just cannot open the tap in the morning, it’s just hard to turn the stove knob.

Only the first signs of thinning of the bones are visible on the x-ray.

2 degree

The joints begin to swell, make a crunch and noise when moving.

X-ray reveals bone erosion, the bones continue to thin.

3 degree

Gradually, self-service skills are lost due to severe stiffness of movements.

In the fingers, there is no longer only morning pain: this syndrome occurs every time you need to perform an action involving the joints of the hand.

The radiograph shows the deformity of the joint, its tension and looseness.

4 degree

The mobility of the fingers is completely lost due to the fusion of the articular cartilages.

Self-care skills are completely lost.

X-rays show irreversible changes and deformities of the bones and cartilage of the joint.

Diagnostic methods

In order to establish a diagnosis of arthritis, the following studies are carried out:

To determine the cause of the disease, determine the level of uric acid, rheumatoid protein, LE cells in the blood.

The patient is consulted not only by a rheumatologist, but also by other specialists.

How to treat arthrosis of the hip joint? Find out here.

Why does pain occur under the scapula on the left? Read in this article.

Treatment of arthritis of the joints of the fingers

Effective therapy consists of the use of several methods at once: medication, physiotherapy, exercise therapy.

Also important in this period are the means of traditional medicine.

But all these methods must be used only in combination with proper diet(it has differences with different etiologies of the disease), since constantly incoming harmful substances with food neutralize the entire effect of medications and folk remedies.

Medical treatment

Anti-inflammatory drugs (Indomethacin, Ibuprofen, Celecoxib, and others) can be taken no matter what the cause of the arthritis is.

Also, in an acute and very painful process, hormones such as Diprospan or Hydrocortisone can be injected into the joint once or twice.

The rest of the drugs are used after confirming one or another cause that caused arthritis.

For the treatment of an acute attack of gouty arthritis, the drug "Colchicine", anti-inflammatory and hormonal preparations.

Subsequently, they switch to drugs that reduce the level of uric acid in the body.

Continuous adherence to a purine-free diet during treatment and for prevention - required condition the effectiveness of therapy.

In the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, two types of drugs are used:

  • basic preparations, the action of which is aimed at stopping the aggression of one's own immunity to the structures of the joints. Such groups of drugs as cytostatics, antibodies to TNF-alpha, selective immunosuppressants, glucocorticoid hormones are used;
  • medicines to eliminate pain and inflammation: Celecoxib, Meloxicam, Nimesulide.

In the treatment of psoriatic inflammation of the joints, antipsoriatic drugs are used, locally, to reduce inflammation in the joint, administered hormonal medications both in the joint and in the systemic circulation.

To treat infectious arthritis, antibiotics, antiviral or fungicidal agents are prescribed, anti-inflammatory and hormonal drugs are also used.

In the treatment of all types of arthritis, ointments containing anti-inflammatory drugs are used to reduce the side effects of systemic drugs.

Such dosage forms can also be used by patients suffering from peptic ulcer(who are contraindicated in the use of drugs such as "Ibuprofen" or "Indomethacin"), and people who have heart disease vascular system(they should not use Celecoxib and drugs of this group).

Before use, you need to consult a doctor.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine advises the use of recipes that will be in addition to the main treatment.

They do not differ for different types of arthritis.

Here are the most common recipes:

  • We heat the sea salt in the oven, wrap it in a cloth, put it on sore joints, put a layer of cotton wool on top, put on cotton gloves. We hold the compress for an hour, then we rub the joints with pure fir oil, which does not need to be dripped more than 5 drops on each hand.
  • Cooking cereals let them cool down to a temperature of degrees. Then we impregnate the fabric with a decoction, put it on the affected area, on top - a film, then - cotton wool, put on cotton gloves. We hold such a compress for an hour.
  • Mustard ointment: on a bottle of 70% medical alcohol we take 50 ml of camphor oil, here we add 50 g of dry mustard powder. We mix all the components, add separately beaten whites of 2 eggs, mix. We put this ointment on gauze, which we wrap around the sore spot, fix it and sleep at night with such a compress.

You can use compresses with blue clay, mumiyo.

Treatment at home

The following sequence of actions is suggested:

  • in the morning, fresh burdock juice mashed with a rolling pin is applied to the fingers (back side);
  • it is changed each time for a new leaf of burdock and worn until the evening;
  • then they change the burdock for the cake of the golden mustache soaked in vodka (the leaf of the plant is ground in a meat grinder, poured with vodka 1: 1, infused for 2 days), which is slightly squeezed from alcohol, applied to sore joints for 4 hours;
  • after that, the cake is changed to mustard ointment, the recipe of which is described above.

The course of such treatment is 2 weeks (we finish when the skin from the sore finger is almost gone.

After that, during the day we use a compress from those remnants of vodka in which the golden mustache was soaked, at night - mustard ointment.

So we continue to do until all the skin comes off the finger

Recipe number 2

We take 2 tbsp. knotweed, birch leaf and wild rose, pour a liter of boiling water, insist overnight.

In the morning, add 2 tsp there. salt, mix, soak gauze with a decoction, put on the joints, insulate with a scarf, hold until the heat disappears.

We finish the course of treatment when the pain disappears.

Gymnastics Qigong

  • With the back of the wrist joint of one hand, clenched into a fist, we lightly knock on the back of the same joint of the other hand. Repeat - times.
  • We knock the fists of one hand with the other. The areas of the thumb and forefinger touch. Repeat - the same.
  • The fist of one hand strikes the fist of the other. Areas of bent four fingers touch. We repeat the same number of times.
  • We knock our fists against each other so that the areas of the little fingers and the hypothenar touch.
  • The splayed fingers of one hand slip between the splayed fingers of the other.
  • The areas between the index and thumb of both hands are in contact with each other. The four remaining fingers are folded together.
  • With the back of the fist of one hand, we knock on the palm of the other hand. We repeat the same with the other hand.

Other exercises

  • We squeeze our fingers into a fist, make circular movements with them to the right and left.
  • We bend and unbend the brushes.
  • We squeeze our fingers into a fist - we spread them.
  • We bend and unbend the first two phalanges of the fingers.
  • Twist in a circle (left - right) with each finger.

Video: arthritis treatment

What doctor treats?

Treated by a rheumatologist.

In some cases, you may need to consult an allergist, dermatologist and immunologist for joint treatment.

Nutrition and diet

The way you eat depends on the cause of arthritis: what may be beneficial for one disease can be harmful to health in another.

With rheumatoid arthritis, the rules of nutrition are as follows:

  • you need to limit the amount of salt;
  • exclude sugar and products from it;
  • animal fats are replaced by vegetable ones;
  • limit fluid intake to the minimum necessary;
  • eat often, in small portions;
  • refuse any (except vegetable) broths;
  • you can not eat dairy products, pickled vegetables, pickles, spicy snacks, canned food;
  • you can: fruits, berries, vegetables, juices, rosehip broth.
  • limit - fats, carbohydrates, flour;
  • less meat, more fish;
  • vegetables, fruits, berries - more;
  • dairy products - only fat-free;
  • try to eat more garlic, fish oil, honey.

To cure psoriasis, follow these rules:

  • mushrooms;
  • red berries;
  • citrus fruits, except grapefruit;
  • red meat and fish;
  • legumes;
  • nightshade vegetables: peppers, tomatoes, eggplant.

If arthritis is gouty, then you should completely eliminate such foods:

  • any broths, except vegetable;
  • game;
  • sausage;
  • legumes;
  • smoked meats;
  • salty and fried fish, caviar;
  • sorrel;
  • spicy foods;
  • alcohol in any amount.

Patients with traumatic or dystrophic arthritis should heavily consume:

  • fruit and berry jelly;
  • meat broths in which meat was cooked with bone;
  • aspic;
  • dairy;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • porridge from buckwheat;
  • bean and lentil soups.

There was pain between the shoulder blades - what to do? Find out here.

Prevention measures

  • Do not carry colds "on your feet."
  • Go in for sports.
  • When working at a computer, periodically practice qigong exercises for the hands, or use certain mudras for the hands.
  • Include foods rich in omega fatty acids in your diet.
  • Do not lean on dishes from fatty varieties meat or fish.

Thus, arthritis of the joints of the fingers is a disease that can have many causes.

Each of them requires its own approach both in the diet and in the set of drugs for treatment.

The main thing is to pay attention to the disease in time, as it tends to progress, and this can lead to a complete loss of the ability to serve oneself.

Video: prevention methods

Reviews about the treatment of the disease

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What to do if the joints of the fingers hurt: causes and treatment

Human fingers are the main working tool with which any physical task is performed. If the legs are designed for movement, then the fingers serve to perform any functions, including the most subtle operations, the implementation of which is almost impossible without them. During operation, the more a tool is used, the faster it fails if not properly maintained.

Many of us often complain that sometimes, after a working day, the joints of the fingers hurt a lot, or the fingers completely go numb during sleep, but few people pay due attention to this, and in vain. If you do not identify the symptoms, causes and do not carry out proper treatment, neglected disease can lead to more serious consequences.

In this article, we will take a closer look at why the joints of the fingers hurt, we will name the common causes, and actual ways treatment of joint pain.

Causes of pain in the joints of the fingers

So, why does pain appear in the joints of the fingers, and how to treat this problem? Rheumatologists divide all joint pain into 2 large categories: mechanical and inflammatory nature.

  1. Inflammatory pains are characterized by manifestations of prolonged stiffness in the morning, which can persist for an hour or more. Pain decreases with movement. In addition, with inflammatory pain, patients also note other symptoms: redness in the joints, swelling, a decrease in the range of movements performed, impaired flexibility.
  2. Mechanical pain may be accompanied by signs local inflammation. But the latter, as a rule, are insignificant and poorly expressed. Often patients do not even notice them.

Let us consider in more detail why the joints of the fingers hurt, and what diseases can provoke this symptom.

  1. Rheumatoid arthritis. Chronic autoimmune inflammatory systemic disease, which mainly affects the small joints of the body, but it is possible that large joints and internal organs. Pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis accounts for 5-7% of all cases. The metacarpophalangeal joints of the index and middle fingers become inflamed. The joints swell, redden, the skin over them becomes hot to the touch. The joints hurt a lot, a person cannot even clench his hand into a fist. The lesion is often symmetrical on both hands. A characteristic feature is that the inflamed joints hurt in the morning or in the second half of the night, this is accompanied by stiffness of movements in the hands. By the evening pain pass.
  2. Psoriatic arthritis. It appears on the surface of the outer cover - the skin. Pain in the joints of the fingers occurs in the area of ​​the distal phalanx. It is manifested by swelling to the extent of acquiring fingers in the form of sausages, which have a red color with a slight cyanosis. Symptoms of psoriasis are characterized by difficulty in extending the hands and thumbs.
  3. infectious arthritis. Systemic symptoms in the development this disease may be absent altogether. The development of the disease is characterized by the appearance of acute pain, which can last from several hours to several days. The affected joint is hot to the touch. In some cases, you may experience fever, as well as chills.
  4. Gout is a fairly common disease that affects mainly people over 50 years of age. The cause of gout is a violation of the metabolism of uric acid - the latter is poorly excreted from the body and is deposited in the joints and cartilage, interfering with them. normal function. A characteristic symptom of gout is intense burning pain.
  5. Osteoarthritis is a non-inflammatory deformity of the joints, characterized by their thickening and limited mobility. This disease is closely related to the estrogen background, therefore it is typical for older women. Among the causes of osteoarthritis, the following are distinguished: hereditary predisposition, metabolic disorders in the body, professional stress, and others. The main symptom of the disease, in addition to pain in the joints of the hand, is the formation of subcutaneous nodules and edema. They contribute to the appearance of a characteristic deformity of the fingers: a thickening in the middle and a general appearance of the spindle.
  6. Stenosing ligamentitis. Pathology is similar to two ailments at once - arthritis and arthrosis. Only an X-ray can determine the true cause. The clinic of the disease is quite typical. It hurts to bend and unbend the wrists. Sometimes the clenched palm can jam. When unbending, clicks are clearly audible.
  7. If you are worried about pain in the joint of the thumb, the most probable cause may be rhizome. Its appearance is associated with a significant overload of the joint, past infection, intoxication and trauma. Already on examination, the diagnosis is beyond doubt: a specific point of pain, increased pain during a characteristic load - turning a key, opening lids, rotating door handles. At the initial stage of the disease, the thumb on the hand hurts only after exertion, as the disease develops, the pain occurs at rest. Gradually, the joint deforms, active actions become impossible.
  8. Rheumatism is known for very unpleasant sudden sharp pains. He brought this sharpness of his manifestations to the joints of the fingers, also accompanying the whole process with redness, swelling and impaired freedom of movement. Add to this the possible rash and fever, and a complete picture of the disease will be drawn, the treatment of which is already possible only with the help of a doctor.
  9. Pain in the joint of the index finger can lead to the so-called tunnel syndrome, which is most often diagnosed in young people. He appears at long work at computer. Almost all professionals whose activities are related to such an occupation, sooner or later may experience similar symptoms.

Risk factors

Factors affecting the development of various diseases of the joints of the fingers:

  • hormonal changes;
  • pathology of the immune system;
  • various hereditary factors;
  • infections (often chronic);
  • metabolic disease;
  • exposure to various harmful factors, such as: the frequent presence of hands in cold water(on the long time) etc;
  • microtraumas that occur as a result of trauma to the hands (most often in athletes or on a slave that requires special physical exertion).

Determine whether a patient has a specific disease causing pain in the joints of the fingers, and only a traumatologist or a rheumatologist can prescribe the correct treatment.

Pain with flexion and extension of fingers

Pain during flexion may indicate the presence of the following diseases:

  • pinching of the vertebral nerves;
  • stenosing ligamentitis;
  • arthrosis of the joints;
  • tunnel syndrome;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • tendovaginitis.


Signs serious illnesses finger joints are the following symptoms:

  1. The appearance of nodular formations in the joints;
  2. creaking of fingers;
  3. Pain on pressure;
  4. Sharp piercing pains;
  5. change in skin color (redness);
  6. Difficulty in fine motor skills;
  7. Increase in body temperature;
  8. Joint transformation;
  9. Seals at the bend of the finger;
  10. Difficulty squeezing the finger;
  11. The development of inflammation and tumor formations around the joints;
  12. Wavy pains (discomfort increases at night and almost disappears during the day).

Find a cure and accept preventive measures Knowing the causes of joint pain will help.


Before figuring out how to treat pain in the joints of the fingers, it is necessary to correctly diagnose. Therefore, for people who experience pain in the joints and severe discomfort when bending the upper limbs, the following diagnostics are recommended:

  • blood biochemistry;
  • radiography;
  • CT scan
  • blood test (general), urine;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging
  • checking blood for the presence of rheumatoid factor, purines, antistreptococcal antibodies in it.

The occurrence of discomfort when bending the fingers should not be ignored. Ignoring the problem can have serious consequences. Often there is a loss active movements. And subsequently, such a seemingly insignificant problem as the inability to bend a finger can lead to disability.

What to do if there is pain in the joints of the fingers?

It is worth contacting a specialist surgeon if:

  • Severe joint pain does not go away even after the use of painkillers;
  • Joint pain is accompanied by increased general temperature body or other pathological symptoms (conjunctivitis, skin rash, etc.);
  • Pain in the joints appeared after an injury and is accompanied by severe swelling, as well as deformities of the contours of the joint;
  • Pain in the joints of the fingers does not disappear for a week.


If pain occurs in the joints of the fingers, treatment should first of all be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. If pain in the joints of the fingers occurs due to an inflammatory process, antibiotics, hormones and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

In case of a dystrophic lesion, it is first necessary to restore the damaged articular cartilage with the help of chondroprotectors and auxiliary measures: massage, manual therapy, physiotherapy.

Medical treatment

In inflammatory processes, the patient is prescribed a course of painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (indomethacin, ibuprofen, piroxicam, voltaren and many others).

At severe pain use hormonal corticosteroid drugs that can be injected into the joint cavity. With osteoarthritis, chondroprotectors are prescribed for long courses, which nourish the cartilage and help stop its destruction.


Pain in the joints of the fingers indicates a malfunction or some kind of failure. First of all, you need to step back from doing any physical activity.

Physiotherapeutic methods are important and effective in the fight against pathogens of diseases of the joints of the fingers. These methods include: electrophoresis with novocaine (exposure to current), resonance therapy and electrosleep.

During remission, therapeutic effect on fingers by conducting a massage session, smearing with mud, manual therapy and therapeutic exercises. It is also recommended to visit hydrogen sulfide, radon, mud springs in sanatorium conditions. Treatment in the sanatorium is carried out without exacerbation of arthrosis and is prescribed only after a thorough examination by a specialist.


Foods that help with joint pain:

  1. Fish and other seafood. The calcium, iron and phosphorus contained in them contribute to the normalization of mineral metabolism;
  2. Flaxseed oil or fish oil. The omega-3 fatty acids included in these products improve the condition of blood vessels and help restore fat metabolism;
  3. Apple cider vinegar promotes the process of alkalization of the blood and the removal of salts.

In addition, add to your diet:

It should be limited or excluded completely: high-fat dairy products, sweets, pastries, spicy or salty foods, mayonnaise, smoked meats, strong tea and coffee, as well as products that contain oxalic acid (spinach, sorrel, rhubarb).

Folk remedies

At home, you can try some folk remedies that can complement the main treatment and relieve pain in the joints of the fingers.

  1. are crushed bay leaves and juniper needles, and then added to the butter. Hands should be massaged daily with the resulting ointment.
  2. A compress of crushed chalk and fermented milk product(kefir, fermented baked milk) should be applied at night. Boiled oatmeal can be used in the same way.
  3. Inside you can take birch sap. It is a source of many vitamins, useful substances, which positively affects not only the joints, but the whole body as a whole.
  4. A tablespoon of olive oil mixed with a few drops of fresh garlic juice should be drunk in the morning before the first meal. Thus, inflammation can be removed during exacerbation of pain in the joints of the hands.

Don't forget about others non-drug methods treatment: physiotherapy, mud therapy, massage, paraffin therapy and ultrasound.


They help to keep the musculoskeletal system in good condition, are quite simple and do not require much time. A few minutes a day can give you a disease-free old age.

Remember: the answer to the question of why the joints of the fingers or toes hurt and what to do about it should worry you in the first place. Trust the doctor, but keep the situation under control yourself. How to treat joints, in what way - only you decide.

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One comment

I work at a children's art school, teaching vocals and piano. She also gave piano lessons at home. Now I have not been working at home for half a year - the joints of my fingers hurt very much. Swelling in the morning. Barely kept up with the main work. For a musician, this is a very serious problem. I went to the clinic - they prescribed pills. I drank, but did not get a clear result. Colleagues advised flex pro. I got it, I have been drinking it for three weeks. The pain still persists, but not so strong and not all day. And the swelling is completely gone. I will continue treatment as long as it helps.

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only a qualified doctor can treat diseases.

Most often pain in fingers cause:

  • polyosteoarthritis of the fingers;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • psoriatic arthritis;
  • gout, or gouty arthritis;
  • de Quervain's tenosynovitis;
  • rhizarthrosis.

In addition, pain in the fingers (together with their numbness) causes carpal tunnel syndrome and Raynaud's syndrome. In sum, carpal tunnel syndrome and Raynaud's syndrome cause approximately 30-35% of cases of pain in the fingers.

Probably, after reading the entire extensive list above, you are now thinking with horror that it will be very difficult to understand so many diseases and understand which one is caused by pain in your fingers. But actually it is not. It won't be too hard to figure it out.

For example, two diseases are immediately distinguished from general list are carpal tunnel syndrome and Raynaud's syndrome, they always leak with numbness of the hands .
Therefore, if you have pain in the fingers combined with their numbness, read articles about carpal tunnel syndrome and Raynaud's syndrome.

If you have pain in your fingers, but there is no obvious numbness in your hands, you can safely turn off carpal tunnel syndrome and Raynaud's syndrome from the list in question. The remaining diseases of the fingers have such characteristic symptoms that it is most often not difficult to distinguish one disease from another. And below I will tell you about these characteristic symptoms. You just have to read carefully and compare your feelings with my descriptions. So:

Polyosteoarthritis of the fingers, "knotty fingers"

Polyosteoarthritis of fingers gives approximately 40% of all cases of pain in the fingers. People are ill at least 40-45 years old (people under 40 years old suffer from this disease only in rare cases), but people aged 50-55 and older are especially often affected by polyosteoarthritis of the fingers. Women get sick much more often than men.

For polyosteoarthritis of the fingers, the occurrence of special nodules (the so-called Heberden's nodules) on the back or side surface of those joints that are closer to the nails. Heberden's nodules most often develop symmetrically, that is, on the right and left hands at the same time and in the same places. However, they can form on any fingers, from thumbs to little fingers.

During the formation of Heberden's nodules in the joints under them, burning and pain may occur; sometimes these joints swell and turn red. But in a third of patients, the formation of Heberden's nodules occurs asymptomatically, without pain and burning.

In addition to Heberden's nodules, with polyosteoarthritis, painless nodules appear on those joints that are located approximately in the middle of the fingers (proximal interphalangeal joints). These are Bouchard's nodes. They are spindle-shaped, develop very slowly and, with rare exceptions, almost do not hurt.

Psoriatic arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis- less than 5% of all cases of pain in the fingers. The disease affects most often people aged 20-50 years. In most cases (but not always), the disease develops in people who already have skin psoriatic manifestations - dry, scaly reddish spots on the body or on the scalp (psoriatic plaques).

For the defeat of the fingers in psoriatic arthritis, the so-called "axial inflammation" is characteristic, when all its joints swell at once on any finger. The finger itself turns red and looks like a sausage. Similar pathology and is called - "sausage" finger.

In psoriatic arthritis, axial inflammation can occur in any finger. But note that with this disease, inflammation of the fingers on the right and left hands is most often asymmetrical, that is, fingers on one hand are usually affected; and sometimes on two hands at once, but then on one hand one fingers and joints become inflamed, and on the other hand - completely different.

For more on psoriatic arthritis, see Chapter 19.

Gout or gouty arthritis

Gout, or gouty arthritis - less than 5% of all cases of pain in the fingers.

People call gout a deformity of the big toe, which usually develops in women. But in fact, this is not gout, but arthrosis of the big toe. But the "classic", real gout (gouty arthritis) often occurs in men. Women suffer from gout several times less often.

And although true gout does often (but by no means always) begin with long-suffering big toes, it can affect any joint, both in the hands and feet.

Gouty arthritis usually appears between the ages of 20 and 50. The first, as already mentioned, the joints of the toes or the knee or ankle joints are more often inflamed. On the hands, the joints of the thumbs become inflamed more often than others (but any other fingers can also become inflamed - both on one hand and on both).

Inflammation of the joints with gout occurs in the form of attacks. In most cases, a gouty attack happens quite unexpectedly: it usually begins against the background of full health, most often at night. The pain in the joints during a gouty attack is often very acute: according to the stories of patients, "it makes you want to climb the wall." The affected joint turns red during such an attack, the skin over it becomes bright red or purple and hot to the touch.

Although in some patients, especially in women, the attacks are milder, without reddening of the joint and without such acute pain. But in any case, an attack of gout occurs unexpectedly and lasts from 3 to 10 days; then it suddenly passes as if nothing had happened. However, after some time, the attack just as suddenly repeats itself again.

This paroxysmal course of the disease is the hallmark of gouty arthritis.

Tenosynovitis de Quervain

Tenosynovitis de Quervain- Approximately 5% of all cases of pain in the fingers. This is an inflammation of the ligaments and "small" muscles in the area of ​​​​exclusively the thumb. Other fingers with de Quervain's tenosynovitis do not become inflamed.

De Quervain's tenosynovitis can occur at any age in both men and women. Characteristic symptoms: pain at the base of the thumb and under it, where the thumb comes into contact with the wrist joint.

Pain can occur spontaneously, "out of the blue", but most often they appear when the thumb is loaded, when you try to press your thumb on something, or when you try to grab something with your thumb and forefinger. In addition, the pain intensifies when the thumb is extended towards itself, i.e. towards the elbow.

For more on de Quervain's tenosynovitis, see Chapter 6.

Rhizarthrosis - arthrosis of the thumb

Rhizarthrosis- Approximately 5% of all cases of pain in the fingers. Rhizarthrosis affects the joint located at the base of the thumb and connecting metacarpal bone thumb with a radial joint.

Usually, rhizarthrosis is one of the manifestations of polyosteoarthrosis of the fingers, and then it is not difficult to make a diagnosis. But in about 20-30% of cases, rhizarthrosis occurs as an independent disease, usually in people who are constantly heavily loading or once extremely overloading the thumb. In this case, it can be quite difficult to distinguish rhizarthrosis from de Quervain's tenosynovitis, since the symptoms of these diseases coincide by almost 90%.

There are plenty of causes for pain in the fingers: prolonged hypothermia, past infectious diseases, injuries, lack of a number of minerals in the body, diabetes, and other ailments. Arthrosis, arthritis - disfigure hands, cause severe pain, and Reine's syndrome can even lead to gangrene. Only early diagnosis help you heal quickly and completely.

Why do finger joints hurt?

There are a number of major diseases that cause pain in the fingers:
  1. Osteoarthritis . More common in older people. Causes of occurrence: professional activity, metabolic disorders, hormonal changes, genetic predisposition, trauma. The disease is characterized by the gradual destruction of the cartilaginous tissues of the joints, resulting in pain during or after physical activity on your hands. Initially, Heberden's nodules appear on the back or side of the nail joints, their location on both hands is the same. For example, on both middle or ring fingers. During the period of formation of nodules, pain can be severe or quite tolerable. Swelling, redness of the joints are not found in everyone.
  2. Rhizarthrosis . The disease that strikes thumbs hands The causes and symptoms are the same as those of osteoarthritis. In the event that the disease is not treated on time, the joints gradually begin to lose mobility and undergo deformation.
  3. Gout or gouty arthritis . The disease usually affects the toes, but with an atypical course of the disease, the metatarsophalangeal joints of the thumbs are affected. An excess of uric acid in the body, excessive consumption of salty, fatty foods, and a passion for alcohol are to blame for the appearance and development of the disease. The disease begins with damage to the joints, which becomes painful, there is a gradual deformation, tophi are formed. At the acute stage of the disease, the joints swell, redden, hurt a lot, to the point that the patient cannot walk.
  4. Psoriatic arthritis . Almost one-quarter of all people with psoriasis experience joint pain in their fingers. The inflammatory process can affect all fingers, and may be limited to 1-2 fingers. In psoriatic arthritis, the diseased finger is colored purple, thickens greatly, resembles a sausage in its shape. There is clouding of the nail plate, which becomes as if mottled small dots. The fingers are almost impossible to bend.
  5. Rheumatoid arthritis strikes regardless of age, although it is more common in women after 30-35 years. Transferred stresses, flu, consequences infectious diseases, acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis can cause inflammation of the joints of the fingers. The joints begin to noticeably swell, whine, hurt. A vivid symptom is that pain, tumors appear simultaneously on both hands, symmetrically. Usually the disease occurs from the metacarpophalangeal joints, the further course of the disease is already wrist joints, after - elbow, etc. Of course, it is not worth bringing the disease to such a state. Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by increased pain at night, in the morning the patient may feel numbness of the fingers, chills, joints become stiff, it is difficult to bend and unbend them, often fever, weakness, dizziness. If numbness of the whole arm occurs, then he will tell about the reasons.
  6. Infectious and septic arthritis . They appear due to the penetration of infection into the joints of the fingers with blood flow as a result of injuries. The disease can affect both one and all joints. In children, the development of the disease is more intense. In the purulent form of the disease, the following are characteristic: heat body, chills, the patient is feverish.
  7. Stenosing ligamentitis . With this disease, the annular ligament of the fingers is affected by the inflammatory process. There is burning, swelling, the appearance of cyanosis. All fingers, except the little fingers, are very sore. It is difficult to bend and unbend the fingers. Increased pain at night and up to complete disappearance in the daytime.
  8. Bursitis . Inflammation of the joint bags with accumulation in the fluid of the fingers. The affected joints swell, the skin turns cherry, and the finger is hot to the touch. If the disease has developed as a result of an injury, then there is a danger of the disease moving into a purulent stage, which is characterized by fever, pain throughout the arm, general weakness, nausea. Often accompanied by headaches.
  9. carpal tunnel syndrome . A disease of neurological origin. In the carpal tunnel, compression of the median nerve occurs due to excessive stress on the ligaments and joints of the hands. The disease is often found in programmers, typesetters, musicians, artists and people who, by virtue of their profession, are forced to bend and unbend their fingers a lot. Symptoms: pain in the thumb, forefinger; the accuracy of work decreases when making small movements; reduction of muscles on the hill of the thumb. When these symptoms appear, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, otherwise the prognosis is disappointing, up to disability.
The symptoms of diseases of the fingers are simple even at home, but still, leave the final diagnosis and treatment to the specialists. If your hands hurt, then you will find out the causes and methods of treatment.

How to treat if the joints on the fingers hurt?

It is possible to cure pain in the joints of the fingers with the help of traditional and alternative medicine.

traditional medicine

Conventional medicine offers several remedies for relieving joint pain:
  • With minor pain, without swelling, deformities of the joints, it is recommended to apply elastic or gauze bandage, give your hand a rest.
  • Pain caused by trauma - the joint should be applied cold compress , it is enough to withstand half an hour, after - a 2-3 hour break. After a day or two, apply compresses to help the joint recover, increase blood flow.
  • Antibiotics, antibacterial, hormonal nonsteroidal agents the doctor prescribes for the inflammatory nature of the disease.
  • For the speedy recovery of damaged joints are prescribed chondroprotectors, as well as physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massages, acupuncture, and other procedures . Chondroprotectors are made from natural substances, which are present in healthy tissues of the human body, supplemented with minerals, vitamins, and also extracts are added to them medicinal plants. The anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties of chondroprotectors stimulate the restoration and healing of joint tissues.
  • To relieve severe pain - painkillers .

All medical appointments should be done only by specialists. You can learn more about joint pain here:.

Alternative medicine

Traditional medicine also offers its own set of remedies to relieve joint pain:
  • Can be applied to affected areas compress with apple or wine vinegar .
  • Apply to joints compresses from boiled potatoes, bacon, baked onions, garlic vodka tincture .
  • Apply to problem areas heavily crushed (until juice appears) fresh cabbage leaves .
  • Helps well compress from sea ​​salt . Apply a cloth with heated salt to sore joints, hold for 10-15 minutes, rub with fir oil.
  • crushed fresh burdock leaves apply for 10 minutes.
  • Lubricate your hands ointment from vegetable oil and a small piece of propolis .
  • Inside traditional medicine recommends taking bay leaf infusion .
  • Therapeutic clay, mud very helpful in relieving pain.

Traditional medicine recipes

Baked onion and wax ointment

You will need:
  • 1 baked onion;
  • 1 tsp. honey;
  • 1 tsp. vegetable oil;
  • 10 g piece of beeswax;
  • 20 g of chopped golden mustache grass.
  1. All ingredients are placed in a water bath, where they are brought to a homogeneous state.
  2. It is necessary to lubricate hands with warm ointment, put hands on cotton gloves.

Ointment of honey and mustard with herbs

You will need:
  • 20 g of dry chopped grass hellebore Caucasian;
  • 1 tsp. honey;
  • 5 g mustard;
  • 1 dec. lies. vegetable oil.
  1. All ingredients are mixed.
  2. They are heated in a water bath until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  3. The mixture is cooled, stored in a dark glass vessel.
  4. Lubricate sore spots until the pain is completely gone.

Herbal baths

Trays from medicinal herbs, such as: chamomile, sage, calendula, string, are prepared according to the following recipe:

5-6 art. lies. plants pour 1-1.5 liters of boiling water, insist for 2 hours, strain. To keep the bath warm, pour hot water. Hold hands for about 20 minutes, and so every day for 2 weeks, after - a break of 1 week and the course can be repeated.

Baths with oils

Baths can be made with the addition of fir, eucalyptus, thyme oils. per liter warm water dissolve 3-5 drops of oil. Keep 15-20 minutes. Course - 2 weeks of daily baths, a week break.

Straw baths

Steam 100 g of straw with a liter of boiling water. Leave for 3 hours, add warm water, hold hands for 10 minutes.

What to do if the joint of the thumb on the hand hurts?

The basic principles and sequence of actions in the treatment of the thumb, which differs from its other counterparts in size and in the presence of only 2 joints, are the same:
  • First you need to remove swelling, inflammation.
  • Anesthetize, for this you can use ointments, gels - ketanol, voltaren, nurofen, etc. Pills and injections will help.
  • Make a bandage.
  • Remove the deformation of the joints, restore their mobility, restore the health of cartilage tissues.

Only after the diagnosis is established, the doctor prescribes treatment.

Finger joints hurt during pregnancy

Pain in the joints, in particular the joints of the hands, in pregnant women from the second or third trimester of pregnancy is not uncommon. 60-70% of women note them. Causes of pain: lack of calcium, magnesium, hormonal changes in the body, carpal tunnel syndrome.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is usually preceded by swelling. In addition to pain in the fingers, the disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

Consultation with a doctor is strictly necessary!

After delivery, usually, all these pains in the joints of the fingers disappear.

Who to contact for pain in the joints of the fingers when bending

With the appearance of pain in the joints of the hands during flexion and extension, of course, it is necessary to consult a specialist doctor. Who to contact in this case:
  • Therapist . He will give directions for research and analysis, after that he will make a diagnosis, in the case when an accurate diagnosis requires clarification, he will write out directions to other doctors.
  • Rheumatologist . A doctor who practices the treatment of joint diseases.
  • Surgeon if a rheumatologist is not in the clinic or an operable intervention is needed for treatment.
  • Neurologist , apply for numbness or numbness of the fingers.
  • Traumatologist prescribe treatment after a hand injury.

During operation, the more a tool is used, the faster it fails if not properly maintained.

Many of us often complain that sometimes, after a working day, the joints of the fingers hurt a lot, or the fingers completely go numb during sleep, but few people pay due attention to this, and in vain. If the symptoms and causes are not identified in time and the correct treatment is not carried out, a neglected disease can lead to more serious consequences.

In this article, we will take a closer look at why the joints of the fingers hurt, we will name the common causes, and the actual methods of treating joint pain.

Causes of pain in the joints of the fingers

So, why does pain appear in the joints of the fingers, and how to treat this problem? Rheumatologists divide all joint pains into 2 large categories: mechanical and inflammatory.

  1. Inflammatory pains are characterized by manifestations of prolonged stiffness in the morning, which can persist for an hour or more. Pain decreases with movement. In addition, with inflammatory pain, patients also note other symptoms: redness in the joints, swelling, a decrease in the range of movements performed, impaired flexibility.
  2. Mechanical pain may be accompanied by signs of local inflammation. But the latter, as a rule, are insignificant and poorly expressed. Often patients do not even notice them.

Let us consider in more detail why the joints of the fingers hurt, and what diseases can provoke this symptom.

  1. Rheumatoid arthritis. A chronic autoimmune inflammatory systemic disease that mainly affects the small joints of the body, but it is possible that large joints and internal organs are involved in the pathological process. Pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis accounts for 5-7% of all cases. The metacarpophalangeal joints of the index and middle fingers become inflamed. The joints swell, redden, the skin over them becomes hot to the touch. The joints hurt a lot, a person cannot even clench his hand into a fist. The lesion is often symmetrical on both hands. A characteristic feature is that the inflamed joints hurt in the morning or in the second half of the night, this is accompanied by stiffness of movements in the hands. By evening, the pain is gone.
  2. Psoriatic arthritis. It appears on the surface of the outer cover - the skin. Pain in the joints of the fingers occurs in the area of ​​the distal phalanx. It is manifested by swelling to the extent of acquiring fingers in the form of sausages, which have a red color with a slight cyanosis. Symptoms of psoriasis are characterized by difficulty in extending the hands and thumbs.
  3. infectious arthritis. Systemic symptoms during the development of this disease may be completely absent. The development of the disease is characterized by the appearance of acute pain, which can last from several hours to several days. The affected joint is hot to the touch. In some cases, you may experience fever, as well as chills.
  4. Gout is a fairly common disease that affects mainly people over 50 years of age. The cause of gout is a violation of the metabolism of uric acid - the latter is poorly excreted from the body and is deposited in the joints and cartilage, interfering with their normal function. A characteristic symptom of gout is intense burning pain.
  5. Osteoarthritis is a non-inflammatory deformity of the joints, characterized by their thickening and limited mobility. This disease is closely related to the estrogen background, therefore it is typical for older women. Among the causes of osteoarthritis, the following are distinguished: hereditary predisposition, metabolic disorders in the body, professional stress, and others. The main symptom of the disease, in addition to pain in the joints of the hand, is the formation of subcutaneous nodules and edema. They contribute to the appearance of a characteristic deformity of the fingers: a thickening in the middle and a general appearance of the spindle.
  6. Stenosing ligamentitis. Pathology is similar to two ailments at once - arthritis and arthrosis. Only an X-ray can determine the true cause. The clinic of the disease is quite typical. It hurts to bend and unbend the wrists. Sometimes the clenched palm can jam. When unbending, clicks are clearly audible.
  7. If you are concerned about pain in the joint of the thumb, the most likely cause may be rhizarthrosis. Its appearance is associated with a significant overload of the joint, infection, intoxication and trauma. Already on examination, the diagnosis is beyond doubt: a specific point of pain, increased pain during a characteristic load - turning a key, opening lids, rotating door handles. At the initial stage of the disease, the thumb on the hand hurts only after exertion, as the disease develops, the pain occurs at rest. Gradually, the joint is deformed, active actions become impossible.
  8. Rheumatism is known for very unpleasant sudden sharp pains. He brought this sharpness of his manifestations to the joints of the fingers, also accompanying the whole process with redness, swelling and impaired freedom of movement. Add to this the possible rash and fever, and a complete picture of the disease will be drawn, the treatment of which is already possible only with the help of a doctor.
  9. Pain in the joint of the index finger can lead to the so-called tunnel syndrome, which is most often diagnosed in young people. It appears when you work at the computer for a long time. Almost all professionals whose activities are related to such an occupation, sooner or later may experience similar symptoms.

Risk factors

Factors affecting the development of various diseases of the joints of the fingers:

  • hormonal changes;
  • pathology of the immune system;
  • various hereditary factors;
  • infections (often chronic);
  • metabolic disease;
  • exposure to various harmful factors, such as: frequent exposure of hands to cold water (for a long time), etc.;
  • microtraumas that occur as a result of trauma to the hands (most often in athletes or on a slave that requires special physical exertion).

Only a traumatologist or a rheumatologist can determine whether a patient has a specific disease that causes pain in the joints of the fingers, as well as prescribe the correct treatment.

Pain with flexion and extension of fingers

Pain during flexion may indicate the presence of the following diseases:

  • pinching of the vertebral nerves;
  • stenosing ligamentitis;
  • arthrosis of the joints;
  • tunnel syndrome;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • tendovaginitis.


Signs of serious diseases of the joints of the fingers are the following symptoms:

  1. The appearance of nodular formations in the joints;
  2. creaking of fingers;
  3. Pain on pressure;
  4. Sharp piercing pains;
  5. change in skin color (redness);
  6. Difficulty in fine motor skills;
  7. Increase in body temperature;
  8. Joint transformation;
  9. Seals at the bend of the finger;
  10. Difficulty squeezing the finger;
  11. The development of inflammation and tumor formations around the joints;
  12. Wavy pains (discomfort increases at night and almost disappears during the day).

Knowing the causes of joint pain will help find a way to cure and take preventive measures.


Before figuring out how to treat pain in the joints of the fingers, it is necessary to correctly diagnose. Therefore, for people who experience pain in the joints and severe discomfort when bending the upper limbs, the following diagnostics are recommended:

  • blood biochemistry;
  • radiography;
  • CT scan
  • blood test (general), urine;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging
  • checking blood for the presence of rheumatoid factor, purines, antistreptococcal antibodies in it.

The occurrence of discomfort when bending the fingers should not be ignored. Ignoring the problem can have serious consequences. Often there is a loss of active movements. And subsequently, such a seemingly insignificant problem as the inability to bend a finger can lead to disability.

What to do if there is pain in the joints of the fingers?

It is worth contacting a specialist surgeon if:

  • Severe joint pain does not go away even after the use of painkillers;
  • Joint pain is accompanied by an increase in general body temperature or other pathological symptoms (conjunctivitis, skin rash, etc.);
  • Pain in the joints appeared after an injury and is accompanied by severe swelling, as well as deformities of the contours of the joint;
  • Pain in the joints of the fingers does not disappear for a week.


If pain occurs in the joints of the fingers, treatment should first of all be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. If pain in the joints of the fingers occurs due to an inflammatory process, antibiotics, hormones and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

With a dystrophic lesion, first it is necessary to restore the damaged articular cartilage with the help of chondroprotectors and auxiliary measures: massage, manual therapy, physiotherapy.

Medical treatment

In inflammatory processes, the patient is prescribed a course of painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (indomethacin, ibuprofen, piroxicam, voltaren and many others).

For severe pain, hormonal corticosteroid drugs are used, which can be injected into the joint cavity. With osteoarthritis, chondroprotectors are prescribed for long courses, which nourish the cartilage and help stop its destruction.


Pain in the joints of the fingers indicates a malfunction or some kind of failure. First of all, you need to step back from doing any physical activity.

Physiotherapeutic methods are important and effective in the fight against pathogens of diseases of the joints of the fingers. These methods include: electrophoresis with novocaine (exposure to current), resonance therapy and electrosleep.

During remission, a therapeutic effect on the fingers is carried out by conducting a massage session, smearing with mud, manual therapy and therapeutic exercises. It is also recommended to visit hydrogen sulfide, radon, mud springs in sanatorium conditions. Treatment in the sanatorium is carried out without exacerbation of arthrosis and is prescribed only after a thorough examination by a specialist.


Foods that help with joint pain:

  1. Fish and other seafood. The calcium, iron and phosphorus contained in them contribute to the normalization of mineral metabolism;
  2. Flaxseed oil or fish oil. The omega-3 fatty acids included in these products improve the condition of blood vessels and help restore fat metabolism;
  3. Apple cider vinegar promotes the process of alkalization of the blood and the removal of salts.

In addition, add to your diet:

It should be limited or excluded completely: high-fat dairy products, sweets, pastries, spicy or salty foods, mayonnaise, smoked meats, strong tea and coffee, as well as products that contain oxalic acid (spinach, sorrel, rhubarb).

Folk remedies

At home, you can try some folk remedies that can complement the main treatment and relieve pain in the joints of the fingers.

  1. Bay leaves and juniper needles are crushed, and then added to the butter. Hands should be massaged daily with the resulting ointment.
  2. A compress of crushed chalk and a fermented milk product (kefir, fermented baked milk) should be applied at night. Boiled oatmeal can be used in the same way.
  3. Inside you can take birch sap. It is a source of many vitamins, useful substances, which positively affects not only the joints, but the whole body as a whole.
  4. A tablespoon of olive oil mixed with a few drops of fresh garlic juice should be drunk in the morning before the first meal. Thus, inflammation can be removed during exacerbation of pain in the joints of the hands.

Do not forget about other non-drug methods of treatment: physiotherapy, mud therapy, massage, paraffin therapy and ultrasound.


They help to keep the musculoskeletal system in good condition, are quite simple and do not require much time. A few minutes a day can give you a disease-free old age.

Remember: the answer to the question of why the joints of the fingers or toes hurt and what to do about it should worry you in the first place. Trust the doctor, but keep the situation under control yourself. How to treat joints, in what way - only you decide.

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One comment

I work at a children's art school, teaching vocals and piano. She also gave piano lessons at home. Now I have not been working at home for half a year - the joints of my fingers hurt very much. Swelling in the morning. Barely kept up with the main work. For a musician, this is a very serious problem. I went to the clinic - they prescribed pills. I drank, but did not get a clear result. Colleagues advised flex pro. I got it, I have been drinking it for three weeks. The pain still persists, but not so strong and not all day. And the swelling is completely gone. I will continue treatment as long as it helps.

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Pain in the joints of the fingers - is there a way out of this scourge?

Pain and limitation of mobility in the joints of the fingers is a common occurrence among people of older age groups. According to pathology statistics small joints brushes in people over forty years of age occurs in every tenth, and after sixty - in every third. In women, this may be due to age-related hormonal changes. However, the joints of the fingers hurt not only in people after forty - there are diseases in which such a problem can occur at any age.

Without fingers, we can hardly do anything physically.

Why does pain occur in the joints of the fingers?

The causes of pain of this nature are usually diseases or damage to the joints and periarticular tissues. The nature of the pathology can be judged by the degree of damage - for example, with chronic processes joints can not only hurt, but also deform. Pain in the joints of the fingers - feature pathologies such as:

Rheumatoid arthritis is a common systemic disease associated with an autoimmune (non-infectious) inflammatory lesion, mainly of the small joints of the hands and feet.

Osteoarthritis or polyosteoarthritis is a non-inflammatory deforming process characterized by thickening of the finger joints and limitation of their mobility.

Stenosing ligamentitis is an inflammatory disease of the annular ligaments of the finger joints.

Gout is a disease of meat lovers; associated with the deposition of sharp crystals of uric acid salts in the articular cavities.

Psoriatic arthritis - inflammation of the joints against the background of psoriatic skin lesions.

Infectious arthritis is an inflammation of a bacterial or viral nature.

Predisposing factors for the development of various lesions of the fingers are:

  • pathology of the immune system;
  • chronic infections;
  • hormonal changes;
  • metabolic disease;
  • hereditary factors;
  • hand injuries, including frequently occurring microtraumas (sports or professional);
  • long acting harmful factors: constant presence of hands in cold water, etc.

Let us dwell in more detail on each group of diseases.

In the photo - a hand affected by arthritis

Diseases affecting the joints of the hands

Rheumatoid arthritis

This pathology is one of the most common causes of damage to the small joints of the hands. Rheumatoid arthritis can occur at any age, from childhood to old age. It is characterized by a symmetrical lesion of different groups of joints, but especially strong - in the area of ​​​​the fingers. Pain is accompanied by signs of inflammation: swelling and redness. On the affected areas under the skin, you can sometimes feel dense formations - rheumatoid nodules. The disease proceeds in waves - with periods of remission and acute attacks.

With long-term current rheumatoid arthritis, a characteristic deformity of the hands often develops like “hands with lorgnette”, “boutonniere” or “swan neck”.

Osteoarthritis and polyosteoarthritis

This group of diseases is more typical for older women, since the nature of its development is directly related to the estrogen background. However, there are other causes of osteoarthritis: heredity, metabolic disorders, occupational stress, etc.

In addition to pain, osteoarthritis of the hands is characterized by the formation of subcutaneous nodules in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdiseased joints, which, along with swelling, contribute to the development of finger deformity - they take on a characteristic knotty appearance. Sometimes the fingers look like a spindle, because of the thickening in the middle. Outwardly, this may resemble rheumatoid arthritis, but with arthrosis there is no damage to other groups of joints and internal organs.

Often, osteoarthritis of the hands proceeds as rhizarthrosis, when the joints of the thumbs are isolated. Rhizarthrosis often develops as a result of prolonged excessive stress on the thumb. A lesion in this area always has to be differentiated from such pathologies as gout and psoriatic arthritis, for which this particular place is a favorite localization.


This disease is associated with a violation of the metabolism of purines - products of protein metabolism, which leads to the deposition of uric acid salts (urates) in the inside of the joints. Although the joints of the feet are primarily affected in gout, the hands are often involved as well. First of all, the metacarpophalangeal joints (closest to the tips) of the thumbs suffer.

Pain in gout can be very intense, paroxysmal and have a burning, tearing character. They are accompanied by swelling and redness of the skin over the affected area. Movements in the thumb (usually it is he who is affected) during pain attack extremely difficult or impossible. Men suffer from gout more often, aged 40 - 60 years.

Gouty nodules - tophi - a characteristic symptom of gout

Stenosing ligamentitis

This disease is associated with inflammation of the periarticular tissues - the annular ligament of the finger. Outwardly, the pathology resembles arthritis or arthrosis, so an x-ray is taken to clarify the diagnosis.

Clinically, ligamentitis proceeds typically: with pain during flexion and extension, and sometimes with jamming of the finger in a bent state, when its extension is possible only with effort. At the same time, characteristic clicks can be heard. Why does such a picture emerge? The annular ligament thickens and loses elasticity during inflammation.


Psoriatic arthritis of the fingers is one of the forms of psoriasis. Along with characteristic lesion skin, in 10-15% of patients the joints are involved in the process, mainly the distal (nail) phalanges of the fingers and toes. The disease sometimes takes the form of dactylitis - general inflammation finger tissues. They swell, redden, painful and hard to bend. Outwardly, they take the form of sausages.

The diagnosis of "psoriatic arthritis" is usually not difficult to make, since the disease develops against the background of a specific skin lesion.

Septic and infectious arthritis

They can occur both in the form of pathology of a single joint (monoarthritis) and multiple (polyarthritis). The cause is always an infectious agent that enters the joint tissues or through damaged skin or with the blood stream.

The clinical picture can be varied depending on the form and severity of the lesion. If there is purulent inflammation, the symptoms will be not only local pain, but also a violation general condition- high body temperature, fever, intoxication.

Pain treatment

First of all, therapeutic measures should be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. If pain in the joints of the fingers occurs due to an inflammatory process, antibiotics, hormones and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. With a dystrophic lesion, first it is necessary to restore the damaged articular cartilage with the help of chondroprotectors and auxiliary measures: massage, manual therapy, physiotherapy.

With severe pain, painkillers are prescribed in the form of injections, ointments, tablets, etc. Although, with the elimination of the main pathological process the pain will pass.

To make recovery go faster, folk remedies can be used in the treatment of this kind of disease. Here are some popular recipes.

Ointment from the herb hellebore Caucasian. To prepare it, mix 20 grams of dry hellebore grass and honey, add 10 grams of vegetable oil and 5 grams of dry mustard. Melt all the ingredients in a water bath and mix until smooth. Cool and transfer to dark vessel. Lubricate the joints at night until the pain disappears.

Make compresses on the affected areas using fruit table vinegar.

Melt a small piece of propolis and mix it with sunflower or corn oil. Use as an ointment.

For treatment to be effective, it is necessary strict observance all recommendations of your doctor. And then the chances of recovery or significant relief of the condition will be high.

At the top of the comment feed are the last 25 Q&A blocks. I only answer questions where I can. useful advice in absentia - often without personal consultation it is impossible.

Good afternoon. I have undergone 5 heart vessel stenting surgeries. I still have diabetes sarcoidosis and osteochondrosis of the 5th cervical vertebra. A year ago, my right shoulder began to hurt with the transition to right hand and joints on the hand. They hurt until now. In addition, my middle finger is tickling. I am 55 years old. what to do

Hello Murat. anesthesia, side effects many drugs could worsen the condition of the musculoskeletal system, especially since there is osteochondrosis and diabetes. The latter diagnosis most often gives complications such as diseases of the joints. If the finger has completely lost mobility, surgery is indispensable. But if flexion and extension is still possible, it's worth a try. conservative methods corrections pathological condition. It is quite possible to cure trigger finger syndrome at an early stage (stenosing ligamentitis) and fully restore limb function. First of all, the diseased hand needs complete rest to allow the tissues to restore their physiological integrity. At the first stage of the development of the pathology, if there is no pain syndrome, it is necessary to direct all efforts to strengthen the affected tendon, ligaments and muscles. For this purpose, they use: fixation in a physiological position, therapeutic massage, special gymnastics(ask the orthopedist to explain) and reflexology.

Treatment at home may include self-massage and gymnastics.

This video also explains therapeutic exercises:

Hello! I am 34. My middle finger has been hurting on my right hand for more than 2 weeks. Not swollen, not red. I feel that it is the joint at the base that hurts. It hurts more in the morning. I thought at first that after sleeping I lay down. It is difficult to clench into a fist - it hurts. In what diseases is this a symptom and which doctor should I contact? Thank you!

Hello, Tatyana. This may be ligamentitis, the development of arthrosis, the deposition of salts, and many others. etc. It is necessary to seek advice, examination and treatment from an orthopedic doctor.

Often this happens after monotonous classes, for example, after working with the “mouse” at the computer. Here you need elementary exercises for the joints of the fingers. Nearby there is a video given to Murat, check it out.

Hello. I have had gout for 8 years. There are tophi on the toes but they don't bother me. Several times there were attacks on the flanks of the fingers of the right hand. Now, thanks to diet and uric acid-lowering drugs, seizures can be avoided. However, the joints of the fingers of the right hand are somewhat thickened and in the morning it hurts to bend and unbend the fingers. After a few bends, the pain goes away. The next morning it repeats too. I have a question - is this a consequence of gout, or do I have some other problems with the joints?

Hello Oleg. Similar complications with the fingers are observed with gout and other diseases. joint diseases such as arthrosis.

Good evening. Doctor, tell me please, the finger in the proximal interphalangeal joint does not bend, at all (was comminuted fracture with displacement of fragments). 2 years have passed since the fracture and more recently the joint began to prick and often hurt, a slight redness under the skin that appears with pain, and then goes away, I am 26 years old. And it always hurts if you squeeze the joint. What could it be? And is it worth going to specialists and which ones? Thank you for your reply

Hello Ekaterina. You need to go to the surgeon, do an x-ray. It is possible that the joint did not grow together correctly, or fragments remained.

Doctor, please tell me, there is pain on the right hand (middle finger), when bending, it is impossible to either pinch or squeeze anything, sometimes there is numbness of the hands!

Which doctor should I contact with such a problem?

Hello Ekaterina. Pain in fingers and hands different nature can occur due to diseases of the spine. Any pain in the hand can be the result of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and associated dystrophic changes in the muscles (loss of elasticity). If the middle finger aches and hurts on your working hand, then these symptoms may be associated with a tunnel syndrome that is common in our time. Promote development tunnel syndrome may some metabolic, endocrine diseases(eg, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism); diseases accompanied by changes in the joints, bone tissue and tendons (rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, gout); conditions accompanied by hormonal changes (pregnancy or menopause), volumetric formations of the nerve itself (schwanomma, neuroma) and outside the nerve (hemangioma, lipoma).

Numbness can be with osteochondrosis, circulatory disorders, insufficient heart function. That is, there are many reasons. An examination by a neurologist and an orthopedist is necessary.

Hello. 12.08.17 extensor tendon ruptured ring finger arms. 05.09.17 they sewed up a needle and a splint, after 7 weeks everything was removed. A month has passed, the finger in the first flank does not bend (where exactly it was stitched), the nail was deformed and, along with the growth of the nail, green threads came out. 08.12.17 I turned to the microsurgeon who operated on me, diagnosed a ligation fistula, he removed the threads (he said that everything was), recommended a long-term development. I'm worried about itching and pain in the first phalanx. What could it be? Is it normal? Tell me please. Thanks in advance.

Hello Olga. Itching and pain usually occur as the tissues begin to heal. Tissue coverings and nerve endings were broken, so for some time the discomfort will persist. The main thing is not to start an abscess, redness and sharp throbbing pain. Follow your doctor's instructions for development, otherwise the finger will not perform well.

Hello doctor, a little over a month ago I pricked my middle finger with a knife, somewhere in a day it was very swollen and very sick. The surgeon prescribed antibiotics and injections of diclofenac, after five days everything went away, but after two weeks, everything happened again, I drank the antibiotic again, it went away and now the situation is the same again, the finger swells, sometimes it hurts when bent, sometimes not, then the bone itself hurts a lot inside. Tell me, please, what can it be?

Hello Svetlana. You can anoint with Levomikol or Vishnevsky's ointment, if there is pus inside, it can break through. But it is better to consult a surgeon, because the recurring situation is not good. Don't pull.

Good evening! Within six months, constant pulling pains on the left in the pelvic region appear. They appear when bending, turning the body, raising the left leg towards you, which is also accompanied by a crunch in the pelvis. When walking, pain is completely absent. Also almost absent in a static sitting or lying position. There is no stiffness in movements, only pain associated with tension. The pain gets worse in the evening. The use of NSAIDs does not give changes in sensations. Nothing was revealed during the examination by the gynecologist and proctologist. After performing gentle LF exercises for the spine and pelvic muscles for three days, the pain first subsided, but now intensified. What could it be? To what doctor will address and what treatment can be carried out?

Marina, you need to contact an orthopedist and a neurologist. Until a diagnosis is made, there is no question of possible treatment. And for diagnosing, you need an x-ray and an internal examination.

Hello, tell me please, is it pain from the non-vaccination or will there be complications later?

My work consists in the fact that it is necessary to drag a heavy pallet with a weight of 1 kg.

I have been working for only two weeks, but for a week now all my fingers have been hurting, I especially feel it when bending.

Alexander, out of habit, joints and muscles always hurt, but from such hard work as you do, they really can be in the future various complications. For example, arthrosis or deformation of the joints and bones may develop.

Hello, please advise. On the index fingers of both hands, on the joint of the uppermost phalanx (if I call it correctly), bumps appeared, painful when touched. It hurts to bend the fingers, and on the left hand it is more painful. On the right hand, the thumb goes numb, pain radiates to the elbow and under the shoulder blade. What could it be? Who to contact? I am 44 years old, I work at a school, I do not lift anything heavier than a pen. Something like this.

Hello Allah. The main reasons for this phenomenon (bumps on the fingers are not a pathology, but its consequence) are age-related changes body, especially during menopause in women or at the beginning. Numerous violations metabolic processes and changes in the hormonal background lead to a water-salt imbalance, and the result is the formation of bumps on the joints, and bumps on the fingers, most often on the big one, less often on the middle toe of the foot or hand. The formation of cones is influenced by such factors: salt deposition, malnutrition, the development of arthrosis, etc. an examination by an orthopedist and a consultation with a gynecologist are needed. Treatment should be comprehensive, primarily aimed at normalizing metabolism.

You can try folk recipes.

In equal parts, take fresh wormwood and cabbage leaves. Grind, mix with honey. Coat the joints with the resulting mixture, apply polyethylene on top, wrap it warmly, leave it overnight.

They help to quickly cure bumps and compresses from 70 percent alcohol.

Hello, Doctor. Help, please, to understand my problem. I work at a truck service station, I always have a heavy tool in my hands. After a month of such work, the joints of the hands began to hurt very much and 2 fingers on the right hand began to go numb. In the morning, without training the fingers, it is impossible to even take a toothbrush, the pain is terrible. What to do with it? How to treat?

Hello Eugene. Numbness of the fingers of the right hand most often occurs when there is a violation of the blood supply to the hands and problems with the spine. This symptom is also included in the clinical picture of many diseases that can lead to very serious consequences. The causes of numbness in the fingers of the right hand can partly be determined by which fingers are numb. For example, if hypoesthesia occurs in the index or middle finger, then this may be due to injury or inflammation. elbow joint, and numbness of the ring or little finger often indicates a malfunction of cardio-vascular system. In any case, if there is numbness, tingling or pain in the fingers, then you need to contact a neurologist and establish accurate diagnosis to avoid complications. Excessive voltage muscles of the neck-collar region also leads to numbness, for example, with the wrong position of the head and neck during work, heavy physical exertion.

Treatment for numbness of the fingers is prescribed according to the results of the diagnosis.

Hello, doctor! If possible, help me figure out what is happening to me. I was at work in Poland, I worked there for a month cleaning and cutting citrus fruits. The work took place in the workshop at a temperature of 2-4 degrees, the citrus was very cold and at times and frozen, after three pairs of gloves, the hands were very cold. They worked for hours, while constantly working with a knife. After two weeks at such work, the joints of the fingers began to hurt very much, at night it became unbearable, they twisted their fingers so much that it was often not at all up to sleep. In the morning, the fingers did not obey at all, it became very difficult to bend and unbend them. Plus, the phalanges on all fingers were very swollen and the hands constantly pierced with electric current. A week has passed since this work, but the situation has not changed. Severely painful sensations in the fingers do not allow me to go to another job. I returned home a couple of days ago. I understand that I need to be treated, but I don’t know which doctor to contact and what to do. Help , please. I would be very grateful to you for your advice.

Maria, the joint pains in your fingers are caused by prolonged hypothermia and heavy mechanical stress. You need to seek advice and treatment from an orthopedist and rheumatologist.

Hello, doctor! At the 9th month of pregnancy, the right hand first began to go numb, then it began to hurt both day and night! A month after the birth, the left hand began to hurt! The hands swell and hurt! good picture! sent to a rheumatologist, wait almost a month before the appointment! I tried a lot of ointments and folk remedies! the pain became even stronger! I really hope for your advice and help! many thanks

Katya, many women experience numbness of the arms or legs, back, and pain during pregnancy and / or after. Often this is due to an additional load on the joints and spine due to fetal growth, circulatory disorders, lack of minerals and vitamins, a sharp metabolic disorder, and changes in hormonal levels. But sometimes, during pregnancy or after it, the existing chronic diseases, which the woman did not know about, since they have not yet shown themselves. There are many reasons for numb hands: tunnel syndrome, osteochondrosis, diabetes mellitus, etc. Compression of nerve endings is also possible. If you are breastfeeding and you have not indicated so, then you should not take any medications so as not to harm the baby.

There are many patients who in this case were helped by ordinary compresses. fresh leaves cabbage. They are applied to a sore spot or wrapped in a leaf around the joints, bandaged on top so that they do not fall off, and kept all day. After 8 hours they change. Some cured a variety of diseases in a month. Cabbage draws out inflammation well, in return it saturates with useful vitamins / minerals and other beneficial substances. If you are not allergic to honey, then you can put it on cabbage, then on a sore joint. Folk methods treatments are sometimes more effective than all traditional ointments.

Hello, I work as a cook, the ring finger of my left hand has been bothering me for two weeks now, there is no pain during the day, but after sleeping I feel pain when bending, please tell me which doctor should I contact?

Hello Sonya. The zone of the ring finger of the left hand is a projection of the heart, therefore discomfort in the ring finger, numbness or pain, often indicate disorders in the cardiovascular system. This fact becomes obvious when the symptom intensifies at night. Also, the ring finger on the left hand becomes numb even when violations occur in the musculoskeletal system, for example, with osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic spine, as well as in the presence intervertebral hernias and unilateral scoliosis. Sometimes there is a pinched nerve brachial plexus which also causes pain and/or numbness in the fingers.

You can contact a therapist first. Be sure to do an EKG.

Hello, my middle finger began to hurt both on my right hand and on my left, after sleep they hurt very much and unbend badly, they hurt constantly, what can this mean? and what can be done, thanks

Hello, Tatyana, I need an examination, as there are many reasons why the joints of the fingers hurt. This can be compression of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel (the space between the bones and tendons of the wrist), Raynaud's syndrome, hormonal changes, damage to the joints and periarticular tissues, and many others. etc. Depending on the diagnosis, appropriate treatment is also prescribed.

Hello! My son is 10 years old. About 2 years ago he started having problems with his fingers. This is rare, in the morning his fingers do not bend, they are swollen, and they hurt very much. Maybe in an hour to let go, or maybe in a day or two. What to do? Which doctor should I contact?

Hello Olga. It could be arthritis or rheumatism. Be sure to see a rheumatologist.

Hello, I am 44 years old, please tell me what to do? Recently, I noticed pain in the joint of the index finger of the left hand, I thought it might hurt and I don’t remember when, but the pain did not go away, plus pain in the joint of the thumb of the same hand was added to it. And in the morning the hand goes numb .. tell me what to do and what it could be? Thank you.

Svetlana, inflammation of the articular tissues often occurs due to the development of polyosteoarthrosis. A larger percentage of patients are just over the age of 40 (mostly women). In the case of this disease, the main discomfort brings pain in index finger, while sometimes numbness is added, sometimes convulsions, thickening of the nail plate, etc. Lack of timely treatment can lead to narrowing of the channels of the arteries of the extremities, and this leads to impaired blood flow.

Raynaud's syndrome can also be the cause, rarely rheumatoid arthritis. You cannot treat the symptom, you must remove the source of the problem. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis and determine the course of therapy based on the history of the disease and additional research. Consultation with a qualified specialist is required.

HELLO MY SECOND DAY THE INDEX FINGER STARTED CLICKING, it clicks and unbends, there is no redness, but when bent, all fingers hurt, a little, they don’t swell, advise what can be done.

Gulnar, the cause of the trigger finger is the narrowing of the tendon sheath in the area of ​​the annular ligament on the proximal side of the main joint of the finger, or thickening of the tendons. Trigger finger treatment is carried out with immobilization of the hand with a removable plaster splint, relief of pain and inflammation, and physiotherapy. Subsequently, if there is no positive dynamics, subcutaneous dissection of the annular ligament is possible, allowing the patient to freely bend and unbend the finger. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. To relieve pain, Ketorolac or Ketorol drugs are prescribed. But it is not the cure itself. An examination is needed.

Hello, after a long work in front of the computer, my right hand began to hurt, I feel crunches in my fingers, well, I can’t hear others, (what is it called?) bend unbend, hands fingers, I can, but there is pain and tingling, the simplest tasks, I can perform , but I'm afraid of a complication, what does it look like and how to be? Before that, they were diagnosed with gout, but this is the first time.

Daniyar, if gout was diagnosed earlier, then perhaps this was a complication. Gout affects any joint: fingers, hands, elbows, knees, feet. Provoking factors can be: prolonged stress on the joints (in your case, work at a computer), reception alcoholic beverages or some diuretics, a cold, etc. It is also possible to develop arthrosis or arthritis.

It is necessary to consult a rheumatologist and take tests. The diagnosis of "gout" is established on the basis of the presence of such criteria: the content of uric acid in the blood is above 416.4 μmol / l (in men), the presence of tophi, the detection of uric acid crystals in the synovial fluid or tissues. You also need to determine the daily excretion of uric acid in the urine, examine the condition of the kidneys (general urinalysis, creatinine and urea levels in the blood, Rehberg's test, preferably ultrasound of the kidneys and urinary tract).

Natalia, without examination it is impossible to answer why there is pain. There are always many reasons. And for each disease, appropriate therapy is applied. So try to get to the doctor for your own good.

Valentina, if the ring finger and the small one hurt and go numb, then often the reasons can be the following: disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system, deviations in the work of the nervous system, problems with the spine, development of osteochondrosis, pinched nerve, and many others. etc. As you can see, there are many reasons.

With regard to pain and numbness in the ring finger and little finger, it is necessary to get an appointment with a neurologist and a cardiologist as soon as possible. Specialists should prescribe the following examination: a blood test for a deficiency of amino acids, vitamins and minerals; a blood test for ALT and AST, ultrasonic dopplerography of blood vessels, X-ray of the spine, ECG and ultrasound of the heart, etc. The more extensive the examination is, the more accurately the diagnosis can be made.

Each finger is responsible for certain systems and organs, and it is possible to say exactly what the problem is only after a full examination.

Good afternoon. Help me to understand. In the morning, the middle joint of the ring finger hurts, the pain is symmetrical (on the left and right hand). Sometimes there is symmetrical pain in the middle joint of the middle finger. No redness. Sometimes it even jams, I can’t straighten my ring finger. What could it be? Thank you.

Ruslan, it could be osteoarthritis. The reasons may be hormonal changes, occupational stress, heredity, age-related metabolic disorders, various traumas in the past. The gradual destruction of cartilage tissue initially causes pain only after physical exertion, as the disease progresses, fingers hurt even at rest. At the beginning of the disease, the nail joints are affected with the appearance of Heberden's nodules on the back surface or on the side. They are located most often symmetrically on two hands, so the index fingers hurt, or, for example, both ring fingers. Swelling and redness of the joints does not appear in everyone.

Anti-inflammatory therapy can only be complex. It includes elimination of pain, reduction of inflammation, improvement of blood circulation, return motor function. Medical treatment is mandatory, painkillers and various anti-inflammatory drugs are used. I also need a massage phytotherapeutic treatment (laser treatment, electrophoresis, resonant microwave therapy, amplipulse therapy).

Hello, I'm Nadezhda, that's how half a year I got sick fingers, and Now they are already deformed, I went to the doctors, I was diagnosed with arthrosis, and I received the answer - there is nothing to do and there is no treatment, patience is all for you., but is there any treatment? maybe here are doctors who don’t care about someone else’s pain, help

Hope, often the fingers start to hurt when doing monotonous work. Pay attention to this factor and eliminate it if possible. This is seen in painters, seamstresses, typists, etc.

Complete and stable remission is achieved through complex therapy, including the following methods: massage, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and chondroprotectors. It is possible to cure deforming arthrosis of the interphalangeal joints and restore cartilage tissue only on early stages. All medications are taken exclusively as prescribed by the doctor after examination and taking into account the patient's history.

Together with drug treatment You can also try folk. For example, a popular recipe is the use of Caucasian hellebore. Plant powder is mixed with sunflower oil, mustard powder, honey. Heat in a steam bath until the composition thickens. Apply for pain. Baths can be made from sea salt. It also helps to rub your fingers with oils: eucalyptus or lavender.

Good morning Alex. 3 days ago, the index finger of the right hand on the bend of the 1st phalanx began to swell. At first I thought that I had driven a splinter, but the skin is clean. Now the whole finger is swollen and it goes on, the pain is very strong, it feels like the finger is about to explode. What do you say ?

Alexander, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer in absentia via the Internet, since there are several reasons for the described complaints. You need to contact the surgeon as soon as possible for a full examination and appointment. adequate treatment Otherwise, delay and self-treatment can lead to very negative consequences.

In the second half of the night, the fingers of the left hand do not straighten, when trying, there is a sharp pain. Then I start to slowly knead, then it comes back to normal. Fingers swell in the morning for the whole day. And last for 10 days. Didn't go to the doctor. What to do?

Rimma, to your question “what to do?” I answer that you need to immediately go to the hospital to get qualified assistance specialist, pass the necessary laboratory tests and pass the recommended studies. The reasons why this happens are many. Contact a therapist. After the examination, the doctor himself will know which specialist to refer you to.

The symptoms you listed are observed in disorders of the vascular system, carpal tunnel syndrome, osteochondrosis, after stressful situations, infection, etc.

I have a job related to water. My hands are constantly in the water, the joints of my fingers began to hurt. What can you advise for treatment.

Aigul If your finger joints hurt, try not to postpone a visit to the doctor, otherwise the running inflammatory process will lead to deformation of the fingers and hands and end with disability. You may have developed rheumatoid or infectious arthritis. Any treatment can be prescribed after a personal examination of the patient and diagnostic measures(laboratory tests of blood and urine, X-ray examination).

After making a diagnosis, the doctor will select a treatment regimen depending on what causes pathological changes in the joints. The principles of treatment, if the joints of the hands hurt, are based on the use medical preparations, physiotherapeutic procedures, therapeutic exercises, diet and lifestyle adjustments.

Joint pain is usually associated with diseases of the elderly. However, this is not quite true. There are many diseases that can cause this symptom at a fairly young age. What to do if the joints of the fingers hurt, and what causes it?


In everything musculoskeletal system there are more than 300 joints. Some are involved in human movements constantly, others function less frequently. The most mobile are the joints of the fingers. In addition, they are quite small, which increases the likelihood of their destruction at the slightest excess of the load.

A joint is a junction of bones that is surrounded by:

  • synovial fluid;
  • hyaline cartilage;
  • Articular bag;
  • Synovial membrane.

Anatomy of the hand

Pathology of any of the above structures leads to various diseases that affect the entire joint and provoke pain.

Diseases with pain in the fingers

Each finger of the hand has 3 bones and 3 joints. The cause of pain may be inflammatory or traumatic.

Below are the main diseases in which it can appear joint pain in the hand.


This is a disease of inflammatory etiology. It can occur both acutely and chronically. The joint itself and adjacent tissues are inflamed.

Arthritis symptoms:

  • Pain on movement or at rest;
  • local edema;
  • Redness and local fever;
  • Crunch;
  • Restriction of mobility;
  • Shape change.

Rheumatoid arthritis

The connective tissue becomes inflamed, and the symptoms are more likely to bother on the middle and index fingers. Characteristic features are the symmetry of the lesion on both hands and increased pain at night.

If untreated, the disease from small joints can spread to larger ones.


It occurs as a result of metabolic disorders, in particular, purines. The accumulation of salts in the joint provokes inflammation, pain and limited mobility.

It usually starts in the big toe and then spreads to other joints. Inflamed and enlarged bones swell and bake. The exacerbation can take up to several weeks.

Psoriatic inflammation

The defeat is not symmetrical. All the bones on the finger are aching. The disease leads to deformation of the joints, as a result of which the fingers of the two hands look different.

When an infection enters the bones or other structural elements of the joint, infectious arthritis appears. How to treat such a disease depends on the nature of the pathogen and the localization of the lesion.

Such pathologies are accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • General intoxication;
  • An increase in body temperature;
  • Violation of the patient's condition.

Stenosing ligamentitis

Occurs when a ligament is damaged. Pain appears in all fingers except the little finger. The patient complains of burning and numbness, cyanosis and swelling are visually visible. With this disease, the knuckles are poorly extended. Symptoms disturb mainly in the morning. Inflammation of the thumb ligament is called de Quervain's disease.


This is the name of the condition when the cartilage tissue is destroyed. Why is this happening? The reasons may lie in hormonal or metabolic disorders, genetic predisposition, long-term increased loads.

The patient is concerned about:

  • Movement restriction;
  • Crunch;
  • In the morning the joint aches and does not bend;
  • Increased discomfort during exercise.

When the joint of the thumb on the hand hurts, rhizarthrosis is possible, which is also a degenerative disease. If the thumb is under constant stress, the likelihood of a problem increases.


The cause is bacteria that trigger a purulent-necrotic process in the joints and soft tissues. General symptoms join local symptoms - fever, headache, malaise.

The result may be a curvature of the bones and immobility of the joints.


Inflammation is localized in the joint bags, where fluid begins to accumulate. You may notice that the finger is swollen, does not bend, and on palpation there is a sharp pain. It is possible to attach a secondary infection to the process and the onset of purulent bursitis.

Vascular disorders

If the pain is accompanied by certain changes in the skin (cyanosis, cooling, and then redness), an angiospastic crisis of peripheral vessels can be assumed.


Injury to the radiocarpal joint of the left hand provokes pain in the fingers of this hand. On the advanced stages joints are very difficult to bend and unbend. Raynaud's syndrome also belongs to disorders of nerve conduction, when during uncomfortable sensations the fingertips turn white, since blood does not flow to them.

White on fingertips distinguishing symptom a condition that is quite dangerous due to the high probability of tissue necrosis.

median nerve clamp

Cervical osteochondrosis

Shooting pain, like a discharge of current, penetrates the patient from the joints of the forearm to the phalanges of the fingers. It usually hurts after a load on the spine.

An additional symptom is a violation of mobility in some part of the spine and pain when tilting the head.


Dislocation of a joint or bad bruise phalanges can cause sharp pain. As a rule, the patient himself knows where he hit.

Visible symptoms may be bulging of the joint of the thumb or, for example, the little finger, redness, local fever.

vibration sickness

Occurs due to frequent work with vibration mechanisms. At first it is manifested by periodic discomfort, tingling more often than the middle or ring finger of the right hand. Then the paresthesia becomes permanent and turns into loss of sensation and whitening of the phalanges from the base to the tips.

tunnel syndrome

Quite common in the modern world, although few know what it is. The reason is prolonged work at the computer, as a result of which the nerve leading from the wrist to the thumb, index, middle and ring fingers is pinched.

Features of pain

  • Sometimes the nature of the pain can highly likely point out the reason. For example, pain in the morning when bending is most likely a symptom of inflammation in the joint, in particular arthritis;
  • If the joints are swollen and twisted during pregnancy, then the aches are associated with hormonal disorders. This may be a softening of the ligaments or, for example, a calcium deficiency. Often the joints ache after childbirth;
  • If the fingers do not bend well after sleep, this may be due to vascular pathology and swelling;
  • Unpleasant sensations after exercise also indicate problems with blood vessels. It hurts not only to clench your fist, but also numbness is felt and convulsions are possible.

Who is prone to joint disease?

The likelihood of problems with the joints of the fingers depends on several predisposing factors:

  • Frequent infectious diseases;
  • Increased load and premature wear of the joints;
  • Age over 40;
  • Hormonal and metabolic disorders;
  • Hypothermia and injury.


Diagnose, why the joints began to hurt, the following methods will help:

Additionally, the doctor may prescribe a urine and blood test.

Which doctor treats diseases of the joints?

At the first complaints of twisting and aching in the bones, you should contact a therapist, who will then refer you to a narrower specialist. Depending on the cause of the pathology, it can be an orthopedist, neurologist, surgeon, traumatologist and rheumatologist.


The basis of therapy is drugs of the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Movalis, Nimesil). In most diseases, they help eliminate the very cause and discomfort (when small or medium joints twist and hurt).

With poor efficiency, they switch to hormonal drugs (Dexamethasone, Metipred)

At degenerative changes, which are especially visible on the little finger and index finger, chondroprotectors (Don, Structum, Chondroxide ointment) should be prescribed.

Many drugs have side effects, therefore, should be selected only by a doctor after determining exact reason diseases.

Folk methods of treatment

If the joints are very twisted and the pain reduces the quality of life, the patient can use folk remedies in parallel with medications:

  • Lotions from a mixture of vodka, honey and aloe will help relieve pain in the joints of the elbows and hands;
  • Infusion of lingonberry berries and leaves - they drink it inside, like tea. Removes discomfort in the little fingers, ring and other fingers, and is often used for arthrosis;
  • A piece of propolis is mixed with sunflower oil, getting an ointment. With fingertips, it should be easily rubbed into sore joints.

Video exercises for the joints of the fingers

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