Vegetative-vascular dystonia. Vegetative-vascular dystonia: types, causes, symptoms, treatment in adults and children

This many-sided ailment has several names, but two are most famous - vegetative- vascular dystonia and cardiopsychoneurosis. In recent decades, doctors have refused to consider VVD as a disease and speak of a complex of disorders caused by a disruption in the activity of the autonomic nervous system. This system regulates many functions of the body, therefore, in case of failures in its well-coordinated work, various symptoms similar to organ diseases. Although pathologies are usually not found in the organs themselves. Whether or not a patient has vegetative-vascular dystonia, how to determine? The doctor helps the comparison of a bright picture clinical symptoms with scant evidence from objective studies.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia: how to determine the symptoms

Both the patient himself and an attentive doctor of almost any specialty are capable of suspecting the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Especially when patients complain "about everything at once":

  • on the heart - discomfort, compression, pain in the cardiac region, not associated with a load or a change in body position, tingling, "fading", irregular heartbeat, slow or rapid heartbeat;
  • tendency to hypertension or hypotension, instability of blood pressure, periodic coldness of the hands and feet, their cyanosis, or bouts of unexplained heat with redness of the skin;
  • respiratory disorders - shortness of breath, asthma attacks, feeling that there is not enough air, dissatisfaction with inspiration, feeling of a coma stuck in the throat;
  • pain different nature in the abdomen, frequent or infrequent stools, increased gas formation in the intestines, nausea, frequent belching;
  • headache, dizziness, blurred vision, noise in the head, tinnitus, drowsiness or insomnia, sensitivity to the weather, fainting;
  • change in sensitivity - paresthesia in different parts of the body - "goosebumps"; numbness, tingling;
  • increased or meager allocation sweat, change in body temperature for no apparent reason;
  • frequent and sometimes painful urination, decreased libido, sexual weakness in men, in women - loss of the ability to orgasm and menstrual irregularities;
  • a constant feeling of anxiety, irritation, fatigue, fear of going down the subway, other phobias, decreased performance and inability to concentrate.

All these symptoms appear due to a mismatch between the work of the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for activation and excitation, and the parasympathetic, which, on the contrary, reduces the severity of reactions.

The course of VVD can be exacerbated when either the sympathetic or parasympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system is excessively activated. A sympathoadrenal or vagoinsular crisis develops, respectively. The first proceeds with an increase general temperature, BP, increased heart rate, with trembling cold hands and feet, restless movements and fear of death. After such an attack, the patient urinates profusely.

The second type of crisis, called vagoinsular, is characterized by a slowing of the pulse, a drop in blood pressure, salivation, a feeling of nausea, bloating and frequent urges for defecation. The skin of the hands and feet becomes red and warm.

Most often, mixed crises are noted - when, for example, against the background of a vivid picture of a vagoinsular crisis, manifestations of activation of the sympathetic system can also be noted.

They say about a panic attack when a crisis is accompanied by an uncontrollable fear of death.

How does VVD manifest itself in risk groups

Naughty children may have VSD

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is manifested not only in adults. Often the roots of the problem grow from childhood. In addition, the life of babies can be overshadowed by hereditary predisposition to VVD. Adults often underestimate such features and complaints of the child:

  • headache,
  • lack of appetite,
  • increase in body temperature,
  • capriciousness, conflict,
  • poor tolerance to various loads.

Meanwhile, this can be a manifestation of vegetative-vascular dystonia, and if you do not pay enough attention to it, it will certainly make itself known more and more.

Especially tormented by VVD adolescents. On the background hormonal adjustment body, the mismatch of the autonomic nervous system causes a lot of trouble for sensitive children:

  • sweating,
  • skin redness,
  • cardiopalmus
  • headache,
  • stomach ache,
  • dizziness,
  • tinnitus.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia during pregnancy

After going through adolescence, many women again meet with VVD during pregnancy. Change hormonal background an increase in circulating blood volume, increased load on all organs, of course, cause tension in the autonomic nervous system. If it is weak, then symptoms of its deregulation will appear.

It is quite difficult to separate the symptoms of VVD from the usual ailments during pregnancy, but more pronounced sweating, palpitations, headaches, fatigue, dizziness, and blood pressure instability help to suspect problems in autonomic regulation and start treatment on time.

Climax and VSD go hand in hand

Menopause - usually difficult stage in the life of any woman, everyone has heard about the painful manifestations associated with changes in the level of sex hormones. Against this background, the autonomic nervous system also experiences considerable stress, which leads to its periodic breakdowns.

The manifestations of VVD are similar to the symptoms associated with menopause, but it is still possible to distinguish them, since they are not directly related to the level of hormones. For example, pain in the region of the heart, frequent urination with VVD, they occur, even in premenopause, when there are no hormone-dependent heart lesions and there is no prolapse of the uterus associated with menopause, pressing on the bladder.

You should be suspicious of manifestations of discomfort in the abdomen, unstable stools, fluctuations in blood pressure and severe anxiety, on the verge of panic - such signs are characteristic of VVD.

How is VSD diagnosed?

On the initial stage diagnostics, the patient must be examined by several specialists, undergo an examination corresponding to their profile (ECG, ultrasound of the heart, rheovasography, MRI, etc.) in order to exclude organic damage to the organs and systems associated with the patient's complaints.

With absence significant pathology, neurologists prescribe specific studies of the autonomic system - they determine its tone, ability to respond to changes in working conditions - reactivity, and, in fact, how well the autonomic system regulates the activity of organs.

  1. Tone. It is determined, for example, by the Kerdo index: positive values show a more pronounced effect on the heart of the sympathetic nervous system, and negative - parasympathetic. They also use tables-questionnaires with the calculation of the total number of points. If the maximum amount is collected, then the diagnosis of VVD becomes more likely.
  2. Reactivity. Spend various samples- measure changes in heart rate and blood pressure when lowering the hand into a cold or warm water, count the pulse after pressing on the eyes (oculocardial reflex), with straining (Valsalva test). According to the compliance of these tests with the standards, the possibility of VVD is judged.
  3. Vegetative regulation of organ function. It is investigated using tests with physical (bicycle ergometry, several squats), emotional (showing pictures or videos that evoke emotions) or mental (solving puzzles and crosswords) load. Measured blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate and the percentage of certain hormones and neuro active substances in the blood at rest and during exercise, then the results are processed using formulas and interpreted by the doctor.

In favor of the diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia is the absence of any changes in instrumental examination organs in the presence of shifts when testing autonomic functions.

This way of establishing the diagnosis of VVD is clear and logical. But in reality, the patient, in anticipation of adequate assistance, goes through more than one fruitless round of specialists and examinations until an attentive doctor is found who will analyze the situation and add a direction for the study of autonomic functions, suspecting VVD.

On the basic principles of nutrition in VVD.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD) is clinical syndrome, which includes the most diverse in origin and manifestations of violations of work internal organs associated with a fickle disorder of their nervous regulation.

In the human body, the work of all internal organs is controlled by the peripheral (vegetative) nervous system, which consists of two parts: sympathetic and parasympathetic. They have the opposite effect on the heart, vascular tone, blood pressure, and the work of other organs. For example, sympathetic system speeds up the heart rate, and the parasympathetic slows it down.

Normally, both parts of the autonomic nervous system are in a state of equilibrium without the predominance of one of them. But with VVD, provoking factors lead to the fact that this balance is disturbed and either the sympathetic or the parasympathetic system. In this case, the symptoms of the disease will depend precisely on which part of the action is stronger.

The frequency of occurrence of vegetative-vascular dystonia in children can reach 25% and gradually increases with age. Among the adult population, VVD affects up to 70% of people.

The accelerating pace of life, stress, adverse environmental conditions have caused a steady increase in the number of detected cases of this disease in recent decades.

Causes of VSD

AT childhood reasons development of the VSD there may be hereditary factors or a discrepancy in rates physical development the level of maturity of the neurohormonal apparatus.

In adults, the following can provoke the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia:

  • Exhaustion of the body due to acute or chronic infectious diseases or intoxications.
  • Sleep disturbances in the form of insomnia, early awakening or difficulty falling asleep.
  • Chronic fatigue, depressed mood, depression.
  • Irregular not balanced diet.
  • Excessive exercise or physical inactivity.
  • Hormonal changes in the body during puberty in adolescents, pregnancy or menopause in women.
  • Change of climate or time zone.

The impact of these factors against the background of reduced adaptation of the body leads to an imbalance in the activity of the peripheral (vegetative) nervous system. This stimulates the activation of the production of biologically active substances and metabolic disorders in the tissues of the heart and blood vessels, which begin to respond inadequately even to a normal load.

Symptoms of VVD and its main manifestations

The manifestations and symptoms of the disease can be very diverse and mimic others. severe illness. But most often they occur in the form of several syndromes:

  1. Cardiovascular syndrome is characterized by the appearance of disorders heart rate(tachycardia, bradycardia or arrhythmia), changes in blood pressure levels, inadequate reactions of the peripheral vascular bed (pallor, marbling skin, flushing of the face, chilliness of the extremities).
  2. Cardiac syndrome, the main symptom of which is the occurrence of a feeling of discomfort, burning and pain in the region of the heart or behind the sternum on the left. These feelings are not related to physical activity and can appear even at rest.
  3. Hyperventilation syndrome, manifested by an increase in the frequency of breathing with difficulty inhaling and a feeling of lack of air.
  4. Irritable bowel syndrome, which is characterized by pain in the lower sections abdomen, loose stools with bloating, and frequent, irregular bowel movements. There may also be indigestion in the form of nausea and vomiting, lack of appetite.
  5. Syndrome of disturbed sweating, characterized by increased sweat separation in the area of ​​​​the palms and feet.
  6. Syndrome of altered urination, in which, against the background of the absence of signs of inflammation, patients note frequent and painful urination.
  7. Syndrome of violation of thermoregulation, expressed in a persistent slight increase in body temperature without deterioration general well-being and signs of infection or in a decrease in temperature to 35-35.50C. These symptoms may be intermittent (paroxysmal) or permanent. The long course of the disease without appropriate therapy leads to secondary asthenia of the patient, the development of depression in him, various phobias and to the aggravation of the course of VVD.

Types of vegetative-vascular dystonia

The disease can progress in several clinical forms, which have their own distinctive features:

  • hypertonic type. It is characterized by an unstable and unstable increase in the level of blood pressure without changing the general state of health. In some cases, patients may note the presence of headache, weakness, fatigue.
  • hypotonic type. Manifested by a decrease in blood pressure below 100 mm Hg. Art., dizziness, severe weakness, increased sweating.
  • Mixed type. It is characterized by an unstable level of blood pressure, recurrent pain in the region of the heart or behind the sternum, an increase or decrease in the heart rate, severe weakness and dizziness.
  • Cardiac type. With it, patients most often complain of pain in the region of the heart or in the chest, which are not associated with any active physical activity. Characterized by transient cardiac arrhythmias, passing without medical intervention.

VVD diagnostics

The diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia is made only after a comprehensive examination of the patient and the exclusion of other pathologies that have similar manifestations with VVD.

Scroll diagnostic measures includes:

  1. Laboratory study of a general blood test, biochemical composition plasma, clotting parameters, hormone levels. If necessary, urine tests are performed. Most often, the indicators of these studies do not go beyond normal values.
  2. Functional techniques, including ultrasound examination of internal organs and vessels of the head and neck, ECG, monitoring of blood pressure levels.
  3. radiography spinal column, tomography of the brain and spinal cord.
  4. Consultations of experts of related specialties.

Only after confirming the absence of other diseases can a diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia be made.

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Most patients with VSD do not need drug therapy. The basis of treatment for them is methods aimed at changing the patient's lifestyle and normalizing the functioning of the nervous system.

  1. Compliance with a stable regime of the day with the obligatory good rest. Normal duration night sleep for each person is individual. But for most, this figure should not be less than 8-9 hours. Importance have conditions for sleep. The bedroom should not be stuffy, you need regular ventilation and wet cleaning. The bed should be comfortable, suitable for the height and build of the person. It is better to give preference to an orthopedic mattress and pillow.
  2. Optimization of periods of work and rest. In order to get rid of the symptoms of VSD, you should evenly alternate mental and physical labor, minimize the time spent in front of a computer monitor and TV. In the absence of such an opportunity, take a break every 60-90 minutes, do gymnastics for the eyes, and warm up for the back.
  3. Adequate exercise stress. Optimal are classes that take place on fresh air or in water, but at the same time do not give a significant load on the muscular and cardiovascular systems. Most of all, a patient suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia is suitable for swimming, water aerobics, dancing, skiing and cycling. With such loads, gentle training of the heart occurs, normalizes psycho-emotional state. At the same time, sports should be avoided in which it is necessary to perform jerky movements, high jumps or stay in static tension for a long time. It creates additional load on the vessels and can lead to a worsening of the course of the disease.
  4. Diet with the inclusion in the diet of foods rich in potassium and magnesium. It is these minerals that are involved in the transmission of impulses in nerve endings, improve the activity of the heart and blood vessels, restore balance in the work of the nervous system. Therefore, with VVD, the use of buckwheat and oatmeal, legumes, dried fruits, nuts, greens, potatoes, carrots and eggplants.
  5. With VSD on hypotonic type it is necessary to use products that increase vascular tone: green tea, natural coffee, milk. With a hypertensive variant of the disease, foods that provoke a rise in blood pressure should be excluded from the diet: strong tea and coffee, pickles and savory dishes.
  6. Physiotherapy methods have a positive effect on vegetative-vascular dystonia due to the normalization of interaction various departments nervous system, vascular tone. Such procedures improve blood circulation in organs and tissues, activate metabolic processes. The list of methods used is quite large: electrophoresis with medicinal solutions on the cervical region spine, applications of ozokerite or paraffin on the collar area, laser irradiation in combination with magnetotherapy. They have excellent action water procedures. For all types of VSD showing contrast baths, circular and fan showers, underwater massage, swimming.
  7. Acupuncture and massage promote relaxation, eliminate anxiety, normalize blood pressure levels, restore sleep. In the hypertonic type, massage movements are shown at a slow pace with an increased effect on collar area. With the hypotonic variant of the IRR, on the contrary, the massage should be fast and intense.
  8. The use of drugs plant origin. With VVD with an increase in blood pressure, herbs with sedative and hypotensive action(tincture of valerian, peony, motherwort). The hypotonic variant of the disease requires taking drugs with a stimulating and activating effect (eleutherococcus, aralia, ginseng).

If the above methods do not lead to positive dynamics in the course of the disease, there is a need to take medicines:

  1. Potassium and magnesium preparations (magnefar, magvit, asparkam, panangin), which improve conductivity nerve impulses, normalize the tone of the vascular bed.
  2. Nootropics (phezam, piracetam, pyrocesin) - means to improve blood circulation in the nervous system, activate metabolic processes and restore balance in the work of various organs.
  3. Beta-blockers (anaprilin, atenolol, metaprolol) - drugs to lower blood pressure when it rises.
  4. Tranquilizers (phenozepam, diazepam) - drugs with a pronounced sedative effect that eliminate episodes of panic and anxiety states with VSD.
  5. Antidepressants (amitriptyline, lerivon, cipralex, Prozac) - drugs that regulate the functioning of the central nervous system and eliminate the symptoms of depression in VVD.

Prevention of VVD

Prevention of the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia must begin in childhood. It is often argued that VVD in a child is a disease that, even without treatment, disappears with age. However, it has been proven that the majority of adult patients already in early childhood had certain clinical manifestations dystonia, which only intensified over time.

In order to prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary:

  • Normalize the daily routine, fully rest at least 8 hours a day.
  • Eat right, regularly and varied.
  • Reject all bad habits and drinking coffee.
  • News active image life, avoid stress and nervous overload.

Thus, vegetative-vascular dystonia is a disease that does not pose a threat to human life, but at the same time significantly reduces its quality. The presence of any signs of VVD is a reason to consult a doctor. After all, only timely and proper treatment is a guarantee of improvement or complete recovery.

The topic stated by the author of the commentary, Victoria, what to do with vegetative-vascular dystonia is very relevant for many.

I address my answer not only to Victoria, but also to everyone who is interested.

Victoria's comment (style and punctuation preserved):

« Hello! I began to feel bad about half a year ago. Sudden seizures started panic attacks, lump in the throat, shortness of breath, dizziness, sinus tachycardia, pain in the area chest, fear. The doctors diagnosed VVD, underwent a course of treatment in a neuropsychiatric dispensary. They prescribed ciprolex and tereligen tablets, but nothing helped. Again I experience seizures, insomnia began. Tell me what should I do? Victoria».

Dear Victoria!

I will list by points what you should do if the doctors have diagnosed you with vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Firstly. Calm down!

You belong to the majority of the population of large cities today with this kind of condition. A greater or lesser degree of severity of autonomic regulation disorders are now observed in more than half of the inhabitants of megacities.

The manifestations of VVD are different: from dizziness and loss of balance with a sharp rise from the bed to panic attacks.

It is difficult to call vegetative-vascular dystonia and a disease. This is a functional state that occurs when there is a failure in the regulation of work, primarily of the cardiovascular system. More precisely - because of the randomness in the regulation of the tone of peripheral vessels - capillaries.

Capillaries with their thinnest network penetrate all organs and tissues - from the brain to the skin of the little toe of the left foot. They carry oxygen, trace elements and other substances important for tissue nutrition through the tissues. And evacuate the substances used by the tissues and carbon dioxide. If the capillaries narrow, then this metabolic process slows down. If they expand, the process accelerates.

Vascular tone is regulated by the subcortical structures of the brain. What command these structures will give to the vessels in the next moment is influenced by various factors. The most important of these are signals coming from consciousness (the cerebral cortex), from neighboring subcortical structures, and from the capillaries themselves.

An example of when consciousness affects vascular tone is, for example, excitement when a person thinks about something unpleasant.

An example of when the subconscious mind influences vascular tone is, for example, a sudden fear, when an even more frightened bird suddenly flies up from under a person’s feet.

An example of when the vessels themselves affect their tone is, for example, the abrupt rise from the bed that I have already mentioned.

The last example illustrates the importance for each of us to maintain good physical fitness.

Therefore -

Secondly. Get exercise!

To eliminate disruptions in the regulation of your vascular tone, be sure to include physical exercise in your routine. Better - cyclic: swimming, walking, running, cycling, rhythmic repetition of any movements, oriental wellness systems(including my Chinese wand"), etc.

Mandatory for training capillaries - water procedures with a change temperature conditions(pouring, cold and hot shower, the "correct" bath).

The meaning of physical education is a training effect directly on the vessels themselves and streamlining work subcortical structures brain.

Thirdly. Take care of your head!

Most of our worries, anxieties, fears, doubts and other negativity are contrived by ourselves. As one of my acquaintances, a highly respected and highly professional psychotherapist, says, “nonsense”. For the most part we really “play the fool”, drawing false conclusions, fearing imaginary fears, obsessively adheres to some delusions, sometimes perfectly aware of this.

The problem with this "fool" of ours is that we are biased towards it. That she is familiar to us. That it sits deep in the subcortex, and we often cannot control it. That we needed her...

I used to need it, but not now! Now she's bothering us. And if so, then it needs to be corrected. (Attention: do not get rid of, but FIX!)

Sometimes it's hard to do it on your own. That's what psychotherapists are for.

It is the psychotherapist who helps a person to separate false values ​​from true ones, real fears from imaginary ones, “empty” from “full”.

In the case of panic attacks, the therapist:

1. will help to neutralize unpleasant memories of past panic attacks, changing the attitude towards them from biased-obsessive to indifferent;

2. will help to transform the old "panic" behavioral reactions to new ones - constructively positive ones;

3. teach voluntary control of their thoughts and some physiological processes (muscle and vascular tone, breathing).

Remember that all "biochemistry" along with "pharmacology" is in our head. That is why the patent-expensive latest developments of the pharmaceutical mafia do not get rid of the VVD.

Fourth. Get on it immediately!

Remember: no one has ever died from panic attacks!

On the contrary, this is a kind of way for your subcortex to train a detrained organism: “As soon as the Master does not do this, I will do it myself ...”.

But, the longer the start of work is delayed, the longer the way out of this state.

Fifth. Having done this, tune in to constant, hard and long-term work!

Do not be under the illusion that the VSD will go away forever after a week after the start morning runs and a single dousing with cold water after a bath in a girlfriend's country house.

Think back to the path you have taken while nursing your dystonia. How long have you been doing nothing to help your vessels? To understand how much time you should let go of yourself in order to become healthy, if you adhere to the principles of constancy and perseverance, divide this period in half.

The term VVD is used in their practice only by doctors of the CIS countries, in the West there is no such disease. As a result, there is some confusion.

Some experts do not recognize the existence of vegetative-vascular dystonia in adults, while others, on the contrary, consider it a conditional nosological form.

The complex of symptoms and causes of dystonia are extensive, so the examination must be comprehensive and qualified. However, in most cases, the syndrome is not associated with any serious illness, being a sign of functional disorders.

So what is it in simple words? Vegetative vascular dystonia is a reduced vital activity of blood vessels circulatory system, including those associated with infringement or squeezing blood vessels, supplying food to the brain tissue, in the area cervical vertebra. VVD can turn the life of an adult into hell, because this disease contributes to disruption of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, and can also provoke mental disorders.

To find out if it is possible to get rid of vegetative-vascular dystonia forever, you need to know its symptoms and current treatment regimens, including folk remedies. It is these aspects of VVD in adults that we will consider in the article.


To date, the only IRR classification not developed. According to various authors, autonomic dysfunction differs according to a number of the following criteria:

  1. By mixed type . Occurs when there is a conflict between parasympathetic and sympathetic. It looks like a struggle for leadership in the nervous system and this is also not normal.
  2. hypotonic type.. If during the day the parasympathetic nervous system significantly predominates, the body is overwhelmed with energy, but cannot use its forces, depression, hypotension, etc. occur.
  3. By hypertensive type. If the sympathetic nervous system prevails throughout the day, a person feels a heartbeat, a feeling of fear, the body gets tired quickly, sleeps poorly, the parasympathetic can not cope, and strength is not restored.

According to the nature of the attacks that complicate the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia, sympathoadrenal, vagoinsular and mixed crises are distinguished. Light crises are characterized by monosymptomatic manifestations, proceed with pronounced vegetative shifts, last 10-15 minutes.

Crises moderate have polysymptomatic manifestations, pronounced vegetative changes and a duration of 15 to 20 minutes. Severe course Crises are manifested by polysymptomatics, severe vegetative disorders, hyperkinesis, convulsions, an attack lasting more than one hour, and post-crisis asthenia for several days.

The reasons

Why does VSD occur, and what is it? Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a violation of the autonomic nervous system. The ANS is responsible for maintaining internal balance in the human body, affecting all organs and organ systems. Violations of the work of the ANS are manifested most often in the form of violations of the function of blood circulation, digestion, heat transfer.

In adults, the prevalence of the syndrome is high in age group 20-30 years, while in women, manifestations of dystonia are more common than in men. In old age, the likelihood of developing VSD sharply decreases.

Among external factors , contributing to the appearance of signs of VVD, distinguish:

  • severe stress, depression;
  • severe viral infection;
  • exposure to electric current;
  • radioactive exposure;
  • excessive insolation;
  • unfavorable ecology;
  • alcoholism, drug addiction;
  • insomnia, mental fatigue;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • protracted bacterial disease(for example, ).

The risk group affects enough a large number of population:

  1. Women. Oddly enough, women, by nature, are more emotional, vulnerable and receptive. Respectively, mental condition easier to break.
  2. Adolescents, pregnant women, women during the onset of menopause (sharp hormonal disruptions).
  3. People whose work is closely related to traveling (constant acclimatization), a sedentary lifestyle.
  4. Men and women diagnosed with cervical osteochondrosis.
  5. Living in constant psycho-emotional discomfort.
  6. VSD can occur in people who have had birth trauma, oxygen starvation, even at birth.
  7. Suspicious and stressed people are also at risk.
  8. People in whom the majority of family members are diagnosed with VVD (hereditary predisposition).
  9. Suffering from chronic diseases.

The disease manifests itself certain symptoms that occur intermittently or are permanent. Moreover, the presence persistent symptoms speaks of the innate instability of the nervous system.

Common signs of VVD in adults

Vegetative-vascular dystonia in adults has very different symptoms depending on the weak spot in the body that responds to the stimulus.

However, most often, experts note such signs:

  • flushes of heat;
  • vasospasm;
  • superficial sleep;
  • and even legs
  • fainting states;
  • strong heartbeat;
  • apathy and lack of strength;
  • severe lack of air;
  • frequent headaches and even migraines;
  • in all its manifestations;
  • internal trembling and various manifestations of fears;
  • joint pain, regardless of and;
  • cold hands at any time, even at positive temperatures and heat;
  • neurotic deviations from overexcitability to active passivity.

This is the most characteristics VVD, which adults often ignore, attributing to individual physiological characteristics.

Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia

In the case of vegetative-vascular dystonia, the symptoms are very diverse, due to the multifaceted effect on the body of the VNS, which regulates the main vegetative functions respiration, blood supply, sweating, urination, digestion, etc.

In this regard, there are several groups of symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia in adults according to predominant activity disorders. various systems organism. These disorders may occur in isolation or in combination with each other:

  1. AT cardiovascular system : violations of the heart rate (acceleration or stop), fluctuations in blood pressure, pain in the left half of the chest;
  2. AT respiratory system : a feeling of lack of air, suffocation, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, rapid breathing;
  3. AT digestive system : nausea and vomiting reflex, flatulence, belching, heartburn, constipation and diarrhea;
  4. In the thermo-regulatory system: chills, coldness in the extremities, excessive sweating, against the background of stress, an increase in temperature;
  5. in the vestibular system: dizziness, pre-syncope;
  6. In the urinary system: frequent urination, pain and itching in the genital area;
  7. AT emotional sphere : anxiety, restlessness, phobias, fatigue, decreased performance, permanent emotional stress, low mood background, tearfulness, appetite and sleep disorders.

The course of vegetative-vascular dystonia may be latent, may be permanent, or may manifest paroxysmal ( vegetative crises). Most often, crises occur against the background of mental and physical overstrain, with increased emotional stress, as well as for various infectious diseases. Their duration can vary from several minutes to several hours.

Attacks of exacerbation of VVD

An attack of vegetative-vascular dystonia begins abruptly, suddenly. A person suddenly has a heartbeat, blood pressure rises, the skin turns pale, the body temperature rises and chills develop. During an attack, a person has a pronounced intense fear. After the crisis, a large amount of light urine is released and develops great weakness, up to trembling in the legs and the inability to move normally. In the period after the crisis, a sharp decrease in blood pressure is possible.

In addition, exacerbation of the VSD can occur in the form of a vagoinsular crisis. It is characterized by the appearance of a sharp faint, which is preceded by short-term pre-syncope phenomena (for example, darkening in the eyes, noise in the head, severe weakness, a feeling of unreality of what is happening). Also, during an attack, a person may experience a sharp and strong pain in the abdomen, an imperative desire to empty the intestines, increased organ motility digestive tract, decreased blood pressure, bradycardia, increased sweating, as well as a feeling of heat, nausea, melancholy and pronounced fear.

VVD diagnostics

To figure out how to treat vegetative vascular dystonia, it is necessary not only to diagnose the disease, but also to determine the cause of its development.

Therefore, in order to correctly diagnose VVD, professionalism is required, as well as the coherence of the work of such specialists as a cardiologist, neuropathologist, therapist. It is necessary to weed out other diagnoses that have similar symptoms.

To do this, you will have to pass certain examinations:

  • computer electroencephalography,
  • electrocardiography,
  • magnetic nuclear resonance,
  • vegetative tests.

Of course, diagnostics will be assigned based on the results of a conversation with the patient, after reading his complaints.

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

When vegetative-vascular dystonia is detected, treatment is carried out depending on the type of the syndrome, and the therapeutic strategy should also take into account other existing somatic diseases.

The treatment package includes medicinal methods supervising VVD and non-drug methods, which can sometimes be very effective and even replace basic drug therapy.

Therefore, treatment with this syndrome should begin not with the use of drugs, but with a change in diet and lifestyle. It is necessary to observe:

  • adequate regime of work and rest;
  • balanced and healthy diet;
  • an adequate level of physical activity;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • elimination of occupational hazards;
  • avoiding stressful situations or developing stress resistance;
  • normalization of the body mass index.

They also have a great effect on VSD treatment the following methods:

  • water procedures;
  • reflexology;
  • massotherapy.

Also, the physiotherapeutic effect will depend on the type of dysfunction of the autonomic system.

  • with vagotonia, electrophoresis with calcium, caffeine and mezaton is prescribed.
  • with sympathicotonia - with papaverine and bromine, magnesium and aminophylline.

If these activities, which are aimed at a general strengthening effect, do not help much, then they are prescribed pharmaceuticals. They are selected individually for each patient, starting with minimum doses and gradually brought to the desired concentration. Special attention devoted to getting rid of chronic foci infections in the body, treatment of endocrine and other pathologies.

Drug treatment of VVD in adults

Treatment of vegetovascular dystonia is carried out mainly according to the symptoms. It is impossible to say exactly which drugs will be prescribed for treatment, it depends on the characteristics of the case, they are selected only after examining the patient.

First of all, antidepressants and tranquilizers are prescribed. The dosage is selected based on the severity of the symptoms. In addition to them, there are antihypertensive drugs or, conversely, caffeine to raise blood pressure. B vitamins, ginseng and beta-blockers are considered mandatory.

A special group in the treatment of VVD are nootropic drugs(such as "Nootropil", "Piracetam"), which have the ability to improve energy processes and processes of blood supply to the brain, increasing the resistance of the brain to oxygen starvation. These drugs activate intellectual functions, improve brain memory. However, they cannot be taken on their own.

Consider some drugs used in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia:

  1. Persen. Has a calming and relaxing effect.
  2. Novo-passit. The herbal preparation has a pronounced sedative action Helps fight fears and anxiety.
  3. Corvalol. Calms the body, promotes normal sleep. It also has a slight relaxing effect.
  4. Valocormid. It has an antispasmodic, relaxing and cardiotonic (reducing the load on the heart) effect. Corrects the excitability of the nervous system.
  5. Normatens. An agent that fights hypertension. Also, the drug causes vasodilation, minimizes the overall resistance peripheral vessels. Makes physiological sleep deeper.
  6. Azaphen. Eliminates anxiety, improves mood, eliminates sadness.
  7. Vinpocetine. medicine that improves cerebral circulation. Produces a vasodilating effect.

Thus, the range of drugs used to treat VVD is quite wide. This is due to the fact that, along with the treatment of the underlying disease, it is necessary to carry out effective symptomatic therapy aimed at stopping the painful manifestations of VVD.

Alternative treatment of vegetative vascular dystonia

Usage folk methods classified according to the type of VSD:

  1. At vegetative disorders by hypotonic type herbs such as ginseng, aralia, sandy immortelle, zamaniha, eleutherococcus, safflower-like leuzea, juniper, bearberry, Chinese magnolia vine, lingonberry are used. They are intended for improve well-being and increase blood pressure.
  2. At disorders of hypertensive or mixed type widely applied herbal preparations and plants with a calming effect: mint, valerian, sage, motherwort, peony root, lemon balm, hops. These herbs are the opposite. soothe and reduce blood pressure.

Vegetative vascular dystonia is primarily a disorder of the nervous system. Therefore, in most cases, treatment VSD folk means based on the intake of sedative decoctions medicinal plants with the function of normalizing blood pressure and the activity of the heart muscle.

  1. Taken in equal quantities, calendula flowers, valerian root and rhizome, cumin fruits, motherwort, dill seeds, mix thoroughly. 1 teaspoon of collection per 200 ml of boiling water, let stand for two hours, filter. Use with vegetative - vascular dystonia 4-5 times 1 tbsp. spoon a day.
  2. We use 0.5 shares of juniper fruits, 0.5 shares of calamus rhizomes, 2 shares of rose hips, 2 shares of yarrow grass, 1 share of strawberry leaf, 1 share of Veronica grass, 1 share of St. John's wort, 1 share of chicory flowers, mix. Let's take 2 tbsp. l. collection, add 500 ml of boiling water, insist in a thermos overnight. We filter and take the infusion in 3 doses on an empty stomach.
  3. Motherwort tincture. Take 40 - 50 drops 3 - 4 times a day. In terms of effectiveness, this drug surpasses even valerian tincture. It relieves pain in the heart, relieves nervous shock and palpitations.
  4. It is necessary to mix 200 ml of natural Cahors, honey and freshly squeezed juices of carrots, garlic, lemon, radish and beets. Take this medicine 15 ml (tablespoon) half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  5. Chopped valerian rhizome - 15 g, yarrow - 50 g, lemon balm - 10 g pour 1 liter hot water, put on a small fire and boil for 20 minutes, filter. Drink a decoction with vegetative - vascular dystonia, 150 ml 3 times a day before meals.
  6. 200 g dried apricots, 25 g walnuts, pitted raisins, figs - preferably dried, chop everything. Use 1 time per day for 1 tbsp. spoon drinking kefir. The course of treatment is one month, take a break for 1 week and repeat. The mixture is useful for vegetative - vascular dystonia and also has taste.
  7. One glass of dill seed and 10 g of crushed dry valerian root pour 1 liter of boiling water in a thermos, let stand for two days, filter, then add 50 g of honey, strain. Drink 2 tbsp. spoons before meals.

Healing herbs do not cause addiction and addiction, they can be taken long time. They have a mild effect on the body. therapeutic effect; in addition, it is possible to quickly determine whether they are suitable for treatment in each specific case. However, before taking folk remedies You should check with your doctor for any contraindications.


To the methods of physiotherapeutic treatment of this autonomic disorder relate:

  • electrosleep;
  • electrophoresis;
  • inductothermy;
  • darsonvalization;
  • galvanization;
  • laser therapy;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • aeroionotherapy.

Physiotherapy in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia is aimed at regulating vascular tone, normalizing metabolism and eliminating pain. The nature, regularity and intensity of the procedures are selected by the doctor in accordance with the characteristics of the disease.


Massage for vegetative neurosis should be carried out in accordance with the type of disease. In the hypertensive type, massage of the collar zone, legs, and abdomen is recommended. Percussion techniques along with tapping should be excluded.

With hypotensive vegetative-vascular dystonia, do point and general massage using such elements as stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration. Massage helps to normalize the functionality of the nervous system, eliminate headaches, improve the patient's sleep.

Physical exercises

Relief of the condition is brought by daily walks in the fresh air, moderate exercise. It is especially good to visit the pool regularly, swimming is recommended by all doctors. Skiing in the winter forest, hiking - everything that gives a sufficient load to the muscles and brings joy.

The latter is especially important. Exercise must be enjoyable. You can do the development of belly dancing or Latin dance. Movement to music, live communication is an excellent cure for depression.

Prevention of VVD: how to avoid crises

These preventive measures will help to avoid crises that can occur in people suffering from VVD.

First of all, it concerns the observance of certain rules:

  1. Rational balanced nutrition with the rejection of junk food (salty, spicy, fried, floury, sweet, fast food, etc.);
  2. Complete night rest (sleep should last at least 8 hours in a well-ventilated area);
  3. Sports activities (required: 10-15 minutes morning exercises and 2-3 times a week visiting the sports section);
  4. Daily 1-2 hour walks in the open air;
  5. Harmonization labor activity and rest;
  6. Rejection bad habits.

In this way, vegetovascular dystonia is a disease that does not pose a threat to human life, but at the same time significantly reduces its quality. The presence of any signs of VVD is a reason for consulting a specialist. After all, only timely and proper treatment is a guarantee of improvement in the condition, thereby increasing the chances of getting rid of VVD forever.

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