Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD) with folk remedies. How to get rid of vegetovascular dystonia (VVD) with folk remedies

Normally, many body functions (respiration, heartbeat, blood pressure, digestive tract, etc.) are supported automatically. The autonomic nervous system is responsible for this, which, analyzing the needs of the body at any given moment in time, transmits the appropriate commands to our internal organs. For example, when a person is actively engaged in hard physical work, the autonomic system makes the heart and lungs work harder, providing the needs of the heart and tissues for more oxygen and nutrients.

The use of traditional medicine is allowed only by agreement with the doctor.

If the work of the ligament of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems fails, they speak of vegetovascular dystonia. This is a pathological condition characterized by a large number of diverse symptoms. It is for this reason that drug therapy often does not bring relief - too vague symptoms require the use of a whole range of medications, the effectiveness of which in some cases is insufficient to overcome the crisis. In such cases, the treatment of VVD with folk remedies, of which there are also a considerable number, may be more adequate. The action of such drugs is milder, the number of harmful side effects is minimal, unlike medications, recipes based on the use of folk remedies are not addictive.

Methods for the treatment of VVD using folk remedies

The main cause of VSD is an imbalance between the work of the sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic systems, but science cannot yet explain the exact cause and mechanism of such an imbalance. There are many reasons for the appearance of pathology:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • being in a state of permanent nervous tension;
  • transferred infectious diseases;
  • pathology of the nervous system;
  • increased physical and emotional stress;
  • adolescence (time of hormonal changes).

For this reason, the (vegetative-vascular) type is classified not as a separate disease, but as a neurological syndrome, often manifested as the consequences of previous systemic diseases. In particular, the symptoms of VVD are manifested in peptic ulcer, heart failure, hypertension, during puberty, being the body's response to malfunctions in other organs and systems.

There is an opinion that dystonia does not need to be treated - it will pass if you get rid of the underlying disease. Such beliefs are not true: according to statistics, the crisis conditions characteristic of VVD can last long enough, becoming chronic, regardless of the initial causes of the syndrome. Therefore, the treatment of vegetovascular dystonia, including folk remedies, is mandatory, otherwise such conditions can lead to partial or complete disability, which, given the low average age of establishing such diagnoses, can be a big problem for society.

Folk methods of treatment

VVD is a pathology that is treated on an outpatient basis, while the patient is offered, first of all, to put the daily routine in order and be sure to adhere to it throughout the entire period of therapy. Excellent results are demonstrated by physical education and sports, including non-traditional methods such as auto-training and yoga. A lot of attention should be paid to good rest (good sleep for at least 8 hours) and a healthy diet. To strengthen the nervous system, it is useful to watch a good movie before going to bed, listen to music, take a relaxing bath. Daily walks are one of the best ways to tidy up the nervous system, including the somatic and autonomic departments.

Yes, it is difficult to get rid of vegetovascular dystonia at home forever, but it is quite possible. All possible assistance in this should be provided by relatives of the patient, both in terms of providing methodological assistance, and regarding moral support.

Types of crises in vegetovascular dystonia

Although the causes of VVD can be different, there are three types of manifestations of the syndrome:

  1. The adrenaline type is characterized by the presence of frequent headaches, which can be intense. Such conditions are accompanied by the appearance of a feeling of chilliness in the limbs, tremor. The patient becomes excitable, the feeling of anxiety increases, giving way to a panic attack. Such an attack is usually characterized by an increase in blood pressure in relation to the nominal values ​​​​by 40 - 60 mm. First aid for such attacks is reflex: it is necessary to ensure deep and even breathing with a slight delay in inhalation. You can massage the patient's eyeballs for 1 - 2 minutes, and then start a back massage in the collarbone area and above. Mustard plasters on the neck from the back can also alleviate the patient's condition.
  2. The vagoinsular type of an VVD attack is manifested by dizziness, deterioration in visual acuity, and the occurrence of headaches of unilateral localization. Among the optional symptoms are increased sweating, rumbling in the intestinal area, shortness of breath caused by a lack of oxygen. With prolonged abstinence from eating, fainting and loss of consciousness are possible. Lower blood pressure can drop to 60 mm. First aid in such cases is foot massage, rubbing the ears and the area around them, drinking plenty of water.
  3. The mixed type of VVD attacks is characterized by the change of adrenaline and vagoinsular crises.

VSD and psychology

It would be wrong to ignore the fact that vegetative dystonia often develops not as a consequence of a systemic disease, but as a result of psychosomatic disorders, when the patient himself causes an appropriate response of the autonomic nervous system with his anxious thoughts. Moreover, such close interaction usually occurs on an increasing basis, regardless of the presence or absence of objective reasons for excitement. This state of the nervous system is probably familiar to each of us, but most often it quickly passes without any consequences for the body. When the syndrome develops into a chronic form, the diagnosis becomes obvious.

It should be borne in mind that all over the world, except for the post-Soviet space, vegetative dystonia is not on the list of diseases, and many doctors in our country are rather cool about such pathological conditions, not wanting to delve into the causes of their occurrence. Perhaps that is why the statistics studying the effectiveness of drug therapy for VVD are far from positive, and many patients are forced to look for ways to self-treat the disease, including folk remedies.

VVD treatment: traditional medicine recipes

It is possible to improve the condition of the body with autonomic dysfunction at home, there are many methods for treating this disease with folk remedies. In any case, you need to prepare for the fact that such treatment will be quite long, since the effect of using herbal preparations appears slowly. But the number of unwanted side effects will be minimized, in contrast to drug therapy.

Important: before starting the treatment of VVD with folk remedies, you should definitely consult a doctor who will exclude prescriptions that can have a negative effect on your body. Self-treatment is always a risk, because with the wrong use of medicinal herbs, you may not eliminate the symptoms, but aggravate your condition.

Recipes for VVD that can improve cerebral circulation

One of the most effective ways to get rid of many symptoms of autonomic dysfunction is the use of drugs that improve cerebral circulation. For this, a collection of herbs is used, consisting of the following components:

  • dried chopped nettle leaves (1.5 tablespoons, about 4 g);
  • creeping thyme (5 tablespoons, about 7 g);
  • spring adonis (1.5 tablespoons, or 7 g);
  • dried hawthorn fruits (0.5 tablespoons, about 5 g);
  • fragrant amorphous fruits (1 tablespoon, about 7 g);
  • mint (3 tablespoons, 5 g);
  • dried inflorescences of shrub elderberry (1.5 tsp, 5 g);
  • licorice root (1.5 tsp, 5 g);
  • dried petals or leaves of lily of the valley (2 tablespoons, about 7 g);
  • medicinal valerian root (1 tbsp, 5 - 7 g);
  • willow mistletoe (6 tablespoons, 12 g);
  • peel of the fruit of the stomach (1 tablespoon, 10 g).

Method of preparation: mix all the ingredients, pour vodka or diluted food alcohol (45% strength) in a volume of one and a half liters, let it brew in a dark place for three weeks, strain to obtain a clear liquid. Reception scheme: this plant-based tincture is taken twice a day for 1 - 2 teaspoons (diluted with 5 teaspoons of boiled water) before breakfast and dinner. The course of treatment is 25 - 30 days with a week break. The minimum number of courses is 3, repeated admission is used depending on the patient's condition. As a rule, noticeable improvements are observed after a week of taking the herbal collection.

For patients who have had a myocardial infarction, the daily dosage should be reduced to 15 drops of tincture, which should be taken three times a day.

Remedies for VVD for insomnia

Sleep disorders are one of the most common manifestations of vegetovascular dystonia. Folk methods and methods of treating this disorder are diverse, here is a recipe for one of these infusions:

  • 25 g dried chamomile flowers;
  • 20 g fennel leaves;
  • 20 g. dried peppermint or garden mint leaves;
  • 20 g fennel fruit;
  • 25 g of medicinal valerian.

Cooking method: mix all the ingredients, pour water in the proportion of 200 g of water per tablespoon of herbs, bring to a boil, cook for 3-5 minutes. Allow to cool, insist in a dark place for 2-3 hours, strain to obtain a clear liquid. Reception schedule: one glass in the morning and evening (with unexpressed insomnia, it is allowed to drink a glass of infusion before bedtime).

Restorative folk remedies for VVD

Calm the nervous system, tidy up the blood vessels, improve the general condition of the body - a similar complex treatment of autonomic dysfunction is also carried out using medicinal herbs. An example of a herbal collection that can have a general strengthening effect on the body in the presence of symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia:

  • 1 st. a spoonful of marsh calamus root;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of dried leaves of bird mountaineer;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of juniper berries;
  • 6 art. spoons of ordinary oregano;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of bitter mint;
  • 15 art. spoons of leaves of an ordinary St. John's wort.

Method of preparation: mix all the ingredients, pour boiling water in a volume of 3 liters, let it brew for 50 hours. How to take: twice a day, drink 4 tbsp. spoons of infusion (morning and evening).

No less effective traditional medicine is tinctures prepared using the following recipes:

  1. 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons of medicinal valerian root mixed with a glass of dill seeds, pour a liter of boiling water, leave for 24 hours. Add 2 cups of liquid honey to the resulting mixture, mix and cool in the refrigerator. Take tincture one at a time. spoon three times a day before meals.
  2. well treated with the following remedy: mix art. a spoonful of magnolia leaf extract, 2 tbsp. spoons of willow mistletoe, 0.5 tbsp. spoons of dried currants and blueberries, st. a spoonful of calendula petals, 0.5 tbsp. spoons of dried barberry berries, a tablespoon of fennel leaves, 1.5 tbsp. Spoons of pepper / garden mint, 1.5 teaspoons of dill seeds. Scald the resulting herbal mixture with boiling water in a volume of 3 liters and let it brew for 24 hours. Drink strained tincture of two tbsp. spoons three times a day for a crescent.
  3. You can strengthen immunity in case of autonomic dysfunction with the following tincture: mix 50 drops of pharmacy valerian, 3 tbsp. spoons of immortelle, 5 tbsp. spoons of carrot juice (freshly prepared), st. a spoonful of elecampane root, st. a spoonful of dried hawthorn berries, one glass of decoction of rose hips. Pour the resulting mixture with 2 liters of boiling water, insist in a dark place for a day. Take tincture for 10 days, 3 tbsp. spoons morning and evening.

Regular use of medicinal herbs in recommended dosages allows either to completely get rid of disorders in the work of the autonomic nervous system, or to significantly improve the patient's quality of life.

Prevention of autonomic dysfunction

VVD is a syndrome that affects regardless of age. Moreover, the frequency of symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia during puberty gives a noticeable surge caused by adolescent hormonal changes in the body. However, even in early childhood, it is not uncommon for a child to have certain clinical symptoms of dystonia.

There is an opinion that with growing up they disappear, but this does not always happen, and in some cases pathological changes progress. In order to prevent the development of VVD into a chronic form that is difficult to treat, it is necessary to begin the prevention of dystonia when the first signs of the disease appear. A lifestyle that prevents the development of vegetovascular dystonia includes the following measures:

  • a balanced daily routine, involving deep sleep lasting 8 to 9 hours;
  • an active lifestyle with the mandatory inclusion of moderate physical activity (swimming, running, skiing, aerobics) with regular;
  • diet food rich in vitamins and microelements (in particular, potassium salts), animal fats should be preferred vegetable fats, with hypertension, use foods containing magnesium, chocolate strong tea;
  • do not neglect physiotherapy procedures (oxygen, sodium, coniferous baths).

In any case, the appearance of VVD symptoms is a reason to consult a doctor, who, based on the patient's complaints and anamnesis, will allow you to choose a treatment regimen that can significantly alleviate the patient's condition.

Non-drug treatment will help the patient only with a mild degree of illness. Self-medication and unreasonable refusal of drugs will lead to the progression of the pathology and the appearance of complications. Therefore, tactics should be determined only by the attending physician based on the results of a complete examination.

Types and general characteristics of VVD

There is no generally accepted classification of vegetovascular dystonia, but there are several clinical classifications that divide VVD into etiological forms (depending on the probable cause of the pathology), according to the leading clinical syndromes and according to the type of hemodynamic disorders.

For the purposes of treatment among clinicians, the hemodynamic classification is considered popular, according to which vegetovascular dystonia is distinguished:

  • by hypertensive type (manifested by an increase in blood pressure (BP), palpitations, headaches, agitation);
  • hypotonic type (characterized by a decrease in blood pressure, pressing pain in the heart, shortness of breath, sweating, weakness);
  • according to the normotonic type (expressed by autonomic disorders of a different nature against the background of normal blood pressure);
  • by mixed type (combines manifestations of different types of VVD).

The amount of therapy also depends on. With a mild degree of VVD, treatment with folk remedies in many cases is effective. With moderate dystonia, one non-traditional treatment is not enough: drug therapy is required. Severe VSD needs complex complex therapy, including both medicinal and non-drug methods of treatment (psychotherapy, physiotherapy, balneotherapy, massage, physiotherapy exercises).

Treatment with folk remedies as monotherapy is recommended only for the first degree of severity of VVD. The combination with non-drug methods makes herbal medicine more effective. It is important for the success of treatment to take with great responsibility the recommendations of doctors about changing the rhythm and lifestyle, as well as a possible change of job.

Medicinal herbs are selected taking into account the symptoms present in patients, as well as the magnitude of blood pressure. So, with a hypertensive type of dystonia, hypotensive herbs are useful, and with hypotonic - herbs that stimulate nervous activity. You should not expect a quick effect from herbal medicine: treatment with folk remedies takes time, so it is not used to stop emergency situations (crises). Treatment with folk remedies is used only in the remission stage.

Phytotherapy of VVD according to hypertensive type

Phytotherapy involves not only the internal use of infusions, decoctions or tinctures of medicinal herbs. General and foot baths, phytocompresses are also useful. The use of medicinal herbs for VVD is shown for life. Long-term herbal medicine reduces the likelihood of vegetative exacerbations (crises).

In the hypertensive type of vegetovascular dystonia, herbs that have a hypotensive effect are useful (dill seeds, hawthorn fruits, calendula officinalis, periwinkle, mistletoe, peppermint, shepherd's purse grass, cudweed, flax seeds).

Plants with a diuretic effect reduce the volume of circulating blood, which also helps to reduce blood pressure. Diuretic herbs include: thyme, milk thistle, birch, linden, lemon balm, St. John's wort, chamomile, chicory, nettle, horsetail.

With the hypertensive type of VVD, a frequent symptom is heart palpitations. To normalize the heart rate, it is useful to use mint, calendula, celandine, cranberry juice, hop cones. To avoid attacks of headaches, it is necessary to use folk remedies made from cinnamon, lilac, nettle grass, plantain, clover, strawberry leaves, oregano.

It is better to prepare and use folk remedies that will show multidirectional actions from herbal preparations. You can cook them yourself or buy ready-made in pharmacies.

In the hypertensive type of VVD, a drug collection is effective from:

  • 4 parts motherwort herb;
  • 2 parts cudweed herb;
  • 1 part hawthorn fruit;
  • 0.5 parts of mint leaves;
  • 1 part shepherd's purse herb;
  • 1 part dill seeds;
  • 1 part flax seeds;
  • 2 parts strawberry leaves.

These components are collected in appropriate proportions, crushed and stored in a sealed glass container in a dark, dry place. To prepare an infusion for a one-day intake in the evening, take 2 tablespoons of the finished collection, pour into a thermos and pour 2.5 cups of boiling water. In the morning, filter and divide into 3 servings, which are taken warm half an hour before meals. Treatment with this infusion should last at least 3 months to achieve a sustainable therapeutic effect.

To prepare a medicinal bath, you can prepare a collection of equal parts of valerian, motherwort, calamus, yarrow, dill seeds. 100 g of the finished mixture must be poured into 3 liters of boiling water and insisted for 2 hours. After straining, the infusion should be added to a warm bath (no more than 36 °). A feature of taking such a bath with a hypertonic type of dystonia is that the left half of the body is not immersed in water. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes. The number of procedures is 8-10.

Phytoapplications (compresses) are made from a mixture containing horsetail grass, cudweed, St. John's wort, birch leaves, dill seeds in the same amount. Phytoapplication will require 50 g of collection for every 1 sq. see the part of the body on which it is planned to be applied. The required amount of the collection is poured into a container, poured with boiling water, insisted for 2 hours, the water is drained.

In the hypertensive type of VVD, the phytocompress is applied to the kidney area. On a piece of linen fabric, a herbal collection is applied in an even layer 2 cm thick. The cut is wrapped in the form of an envelope so that the steamed collection does not spill out, the excess liquid is squeezed out. The fabric envelope is heated up to 38-42°C. The patient lies on the couch on the stomach, a heated compress is applied to the lumbar region. Phytotherapy lasts up to 40 minutes, after it you need to lie down for 1.5-2 hours. The course of treatment is 10-12 procedures, which are carried out every 2 days.

Treatment with folk remedies for hypotonic type of VVD

The treatment of vegetovascular dystonia according to the hypotonic type differs from the therapy of the hypertonic or normotonic type.

Hypotension in VVD is treated with herbs that have a tonic, tonic and vasoconstrictor effect. These herbs include: calamus root, immortelle, elecampane, nettle, juniper, oregano, knotweed, sage, wild rose, budra, verbena, fireweed.

When showing the reception of infusion from the herbal collection, which consists of:

  • 0.5 parts of calamus root and juniper fruit;
  • 1 part verbena;
  • 1 part knotweed;
  • 2 parts of budry;
  • 2 parts oregano;
  • 2 parts of fireweed;
  • 3 parts rose hips.

To prepare the infusion, you will need to pour 2.5 cups of boiling water over 3 tablespoons of the collection in the morning, insist in a thermos until the morning. The resulting strained infusion is divided into 3 servings and taken half an hour before meals during the day in a warm form. Warm baths can be made from the herbs listed above. Compresses from these plants can be applied to the forehead, chest and neck.

Other types of dystonia are treated with combinations of herbs that show the actions that are required for the patient's symptoms. Only a specialist should choose herbs for VSD herbal medicine. Herbs can exhibit side effects from interacting with each other. The doctors who prescribe them know about the possible side effects of medicinal herbs, so you should not experiment on their combinations on your own, and also take them together with medicines without consulting a doctor.

The disease, which is manifested by various cardiovascular, respiratory, vegetative disorders, asthenia, poor tolerance to stressful situations and physical exertion, is called vegetative-vascular dystonia. Diagnosing this pathology is not always easy, because for this it is necessary to refute a number of diseases that have a similar clinical picture. Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD) is the designation of autonomic disorders that are diverse in origin and manifestations, but basically functional, caused by neurohumoral regulation of autonomic functions.

Little is known about the term "vegetovascular dystonia" (VVD) in medicine. We used to call this disease “vegetative neurosis”. There are many synonyms for VVD, probably reflecting its peculiar forms. And each synonym is sometimes investigated by doctors separately, as a special disease. This is neurocirculatory dystonia, and vegetative dystonia, and vegetative neurosis.
Research in this area has shown that with a variety of manifestations of this syndrome, there are a number of common diagnostic features that indicate the central brain, i.e. regulatory nature of disorders. Namely, on the dysfunction of the deep zone of the brain, which is called the "limbic-reticular complex" (LRC). LRC is a kind of supercomputer, but its operation can be disrupted under peculiar external and internal harmful influences.

VVD refers to those diseases that can be determined only by symptoms.
The fact is that structural disorders in the brain with VVD have not been identified. Other studies also do not show significant changes in the body. But the person is sick and not feeling well. In the course of various tests, it was found that with VVD, a delicate balance was disturbed between the most important parts of the autonomic nervous system: sympathetic and parasympathetic. Therefore, all symptoms are based on imbalance and disharmony of internal physical and biochemical processes.

VSD symptoms.

Symptoms of vegetative-vascular (vegetative-vascular) dystonia: Tendency to high or low blood pressure, high or low pulse rate; feeling tired, decreased exercise tolerance; cold hands and feet, chilliness, or, conversely, a desire for coolness, a feeling of heat, hot flashes, a spontaneous increase in body temperature is possible; neurosis-like symptoms - mild mental exhaustion, irritability, headaches, dizziness, unsteadiness, sleep disorders, decreased sexual activity; disorders of the gastrointestinal tract - constipation or loose stools, gallbladder dyskinesia, spastic pain; skin manifestations - dry skin or sweating; fainting, panic attacks, paroxysmal conditions, sympathoadrenal, vagoinsular or mixed crises.

Traditional remedies for vegetative-vascular (vegetovascular) dystonia and recommendations

    Take 20 drops of Valocordin or Corvalol.

    If breathing is fast, it is best to take a paper bag, exhale into it and inhale air from there - carbon dioxide will normalize breathing.

These are psychological disorders and neurological and cardiological and vascular.
The first area is psychological. VDS manifests itself in the form of increased fatigue, psychological vulnerability may be aggravated by personality traits (for example, in a person prone to shyness or anxiety, these character traits become more noticeable).

In second and third place are neurocardiological and vascular disorders.

Their most common manifestations are: interruptions in the work of the heart (feeling that the heart "knocks", "freezes", etc.); cold hands and feet; increased sweating; "jumps" in blood pressure; heaviness or pain in the head and temples; fainting states. With VVD, changes in skin color are also observed. It becomes pale or bluish in color. And if you draw a pencil over the skin, then red or white marks appear that do not go away for some time. There are so-called nervous redness: after a person is nervous, red spots appear on the skin of the face, neck, chest, this happens more often in women. Outwardly, VVD manifests itself not only on the skin, but also in a change in the autonomic regulation of the eyes (pupils either dilate or contract); as well as in the degree of dryness or moisture of the mucous membranes. For example, if a person is worried, his mouth dries up. Sometimes, on a nervous basis, the temperature rises. Many internal organs are touched tangentially, for example, when stressed in the stomach, it can rumble. The urinary system can also respond to stress, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent. Metabolism is disturbed, a person can begin to lose weight.

People subject to VVD begin to feel the weather changes more sharply, they become "meteopaths".

The adequate reaction of blood vessels to internal processes in the body and external influences is disrupted. The most striking example is fainting. In this case, the vessels respond inadequately to fluctuations in the external and internal environment. As soon as a person stands up abruptly or in some other way changes the position of the body, he becomes dizzy and darker in his eyes, which in turn can lead to fainting. The fact is that normally the heart begins to drive blood faster: even a healthy person simply does not notice this through the vessels, because. This is all fully regulated by the autonomic nervous system. The vessels narrow and expand exactly to the extent that the body needs at the moment.

With VVD, the vessels do not expand enough or contract more than necessary, which leads to the fact that insufficient oxygen and other necessary substances enter the brain with blood. A person begins to perceive the internal processes of the body more sharply. He may sometimes feel his blood pressure rise or fall. If it is low, this is expressed in a weakening of vitality, fatigue, lethargy, poor health, weakness of the whole organism. This is due to the fact that the vascular system does not fully supply the brain with blood. And with increased pressure, a person feels a headache, dizziness and other ailments. The reason is that there is already too much blood flowing to the brain. Protective spasms of blood vessels occur - the body thus protects the brain from the pressure of excess blood.

The risk of getting sick is primarily genetically predisposed people, as well as those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. VVD can be a consequence of the flu or stress.
These are endogenous, i.e. internal factors.

There are also exogenous (external) - these are all kinds of intoxication, poisoning, concussion. But most often there is a mixed origin, when external and internal risk factors are intertwined, and then even in a very strong physically and mentally person, vegetovascular regulation can become loose and develop VVD. In a word, there are many causes of the disease, but the main ones are psychological (these are overwork, stress, neurosis, depression) and biological (this is a metabolic disorder caused by a variety of diseases: diabetes, other endocrine disorders, infections, obesity, etc.) How to cure it Now the most important thing is the treatment of this disease. As already mentioned, VVD is a syndrome, i.e. set of symptoms. Treatment can only be complex. Treatment by one method does not usually work.

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Basic therapy for VVD.

These are general health measures in order to eliminate overwork, insomnia, and stress. First of all, the optimization of human motor activity in the form of light systematic sports, physiotherapy exercises. You need to move more, do exercises. Without this basic complex, all other methods of VVD treatment are ineffective.

Drug therapy for VSD.

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the underlying disease that caused the VSD.

Since VVD is still a psychovegetative syndrome, it is impossible to do without psychotropic and neurotropic drugs. If the drugs are prescribed correctly, they help to cure the disease relatively quickly. Improper use will result in poor health and lack of results, as well as the development of side effects of these drugs.

Sometimes homeopathic remedies are used, but not as the main, but as an auxiliary treatment.
A very promising, effective method of treatment is reflexology. These are acupuncture, treatment with Chinese cigars, manual therapy, massage, impact on reflex zones and points.

Psychotherapy also helps a lot as a component of the general complex (hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming, etc.).
A very useful method of independent psychoregulation is autogenic training, i.e. therapeutic self-hypnosis. How to properly perform this training, you should be told by a psychotherapist, or a neurologist who understands psychology.

Prevention of VSD.

To avoid VSD, you need to take care of prevention. Physical activity is the most powerful and natural method of VSD prevention. After all, this disease most often affects people leading a sedentary lifestyle, which leads to detraining of the body and the vegetative-vascular system. When is the best time to recharge? It depends on the vegetative portrait of a person. Easily excitable people feel good in the morning, but they run out of breath faster in the evening. If they do physical exercises after work, it will help them more. And with parasympathetic dystonia, it is more useful to do physical education in the morning. Because in such people life processes are more inhibited, and physical exercises will help to activate them. It is necessary to monitor the time of work and rest, observe the sleep regimen, try to avoid overwork and overstrain, i.e. anything that can lead to an ASD.
Swimming and running are among the most beneficial sports because they involve a long and even load on all muscles. This also includes skis, bicycles, etc.

A properly balanced diet also plays a role.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia. Treatment of folk remedies, herbs of vegetovascular dystonia

Modern medicine considers vegetative-vascular (vegetovascular) dystonia not as an independent disease, but as a syndrome, i.e. a consequence of any violation, from simple overwork to diseases requiring treatment. The only complete way to treat dystonia is to find and eliminate its cause. In addition, vegetative-vascular (vegetovascular) dystonia is well corrected by folk remedies.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia- this is a violation in the work of the autonomic nervous system, the main regulator of internal balance in the body.

The autonomic nervous system constantly calculates and maintains optimal blood pressure at a given time, heart rate, heat transfer, bronchial width, pupils, digestive system activity, urine production and much more in the human body, including the production of adrenaline and insulin.

Errors in the work of the autonomic nervous system are manifested by violations of internal balance (circulation, heat transfer, digestion) - this is what is called dystonia. Manifestations of dystonia can be permanent or crises (panic attacks, fainting and other paroxysmal conditions).

Modern medicine considers vegetovascular dystonia not as an independent disease, but as a syndrome, i.e. a consequence of any violation, from simple overwork to diseases requiring treatment. The only complete way to treat dystonia is to find and eliminate its cause. Often we find that vegetative-vascular dystonia is a consequence of a disease that, at first glance, does not affect the autonomic nervous system. These are, first of all: neurosis and depression, diseases and consequences of injuries of the cervical vertebrae, brain (for example, traumatic brain injury), diseases of the endocrine glands, gastrointestinal tract, allergies, infections (for example, tonsillitis), overwork.

Folk remedies for vegetative-vascular (vegetovascular) dystonia

    Mix 1 part aralia root, 2 parts rhodiola root, 2 parts leuzea root, 4 parts licorice root, 2 parts angelica root, 3 parts valerian root, 2 parts mistletoe herb, 3 parts hypericum herb, 5 parts rose hips.

    Mix 2 parts of wormwood, 2 parts of dandelion root, 2 parts of knotweed grass, 3 parts of angelica root, 3 parts of viburnum fruit, 2 parts of rose hips, 2 parts of aralia root, 2 parts of rhodiola root, 2 parts of leuzea root, 2 parts of nettle leaves, 1 part coriander fruit, 2 parts licorice root.

    Eat the fruits of the common juniper, starting with one berry per day, increasing daily by 1 berry until their number reaches 12, and then reduce again to one.

    Mix 2 parts of yarrow herb, 2 parts of knotweed herb, 2 parts of knotweed herb, 3 parts of hawthorn fruit, 2 parts of rowan fruit, 1 part of aralia root, 1 part of leuzea root, 2 parts of licorice root, 2 parts of stonecrop herb, 2 parts of flowers tansy, 1 part of the root of the muzzle.

    Mix 2 parts of leuzea root, 3 parts of St. John's wort, 2 parts of mordovnik root, 3 parts of licorice root, 2 parts of toad grass, 2 parts of volodushka grass, 1 part of juniper fruit, 2 parts of chicory root, 2 parts of dandelion root, 3 parts of valerian root .

The above fees are prepared as follows: 2 tbsp. pour 1 liter of boiling water over spoons of the previously ground mixture, let it boil, boil over low heat for 10 minutes in a sealed container, pour it into a thermos with the grass, insist overnight. Take the entire portion during the day, 100-150 ml half an hour before meals. The main dose (about 100 ml) should be taken in the morning. You can add honey, sugar or jam to taste. The course of treatment is 3-4 months.

At vegetative-vascular dystonia there is a violation in the work of the autonomic nervous system. As a result, there is a feeling of lack of air, pain in the heart, arrhythmia, headaches, hands and feet freeze and sweat heavily, panic attacks: when in a crowded place, the patient begins to choke, his pressure jumps sharply, his heart beats furiously, cold sweat comes out. All this is accompanied by intense trembling and fear of death. In no case should dystonia be ignored and hope that it will disappear by itself, because one of the main targets of dystonia is the heart. In the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, contrast showers, dousing with cold water, therapeutic baths, herbal medicine, breathing exercises, and yoga are quite effective. People with this diagnosis need to sleep at least eight hours a night. If it is difficult to fall asleep, before going to bed you can drink a glass of hot milk with honey to taste, then lie down and consistently completely relax the muscles of the legs, back, shoulder girdle, neck and face.
In addition, you need to ensure that a sufficient amount of potassium enters the body. There is a lot of it in potatoes, eggplant, cabbage, apricots and prunes. But pickles, strong tea, coffee, nicotine and alcohol are best limited or completely eliminated.

Breathing exercises from the Austrian doctor Rudolf Breuss for problems with blood vessels.

Breathing exercises. They take a deep breath through the nose, then, exhaling, pronounce the sounds: i, e, o, u, a, sh. The inhalation should last about 7 seconds, the same exhalation. Exercises should be done from 5 to 10 minutes and the more often, the better (20-30 times a day). The sound "and" affects the brain, vision and hearing, the sound "e" - the throat, "o" - the heart, "y" - the stomach, and the sound "a" affects the limbs (arms, legs), especially with paralysis, the sound "sh" - for the whole organism as a whole. This breathing exercise acts on the brain like a massage on the body.

Complex of exercises "Five Tibetans"

This is an amazing set of exercises "Five Tibetans", which not only have amazing rejuvenating power, but are also able to induce hidden forces and dormant creative abilities in a person. You will easily cope with routine work, you will be full of energy, fit. This complex is especially useful for people suffering from vegetative-vascular (VVD) dystonia. Doing "Tibetans" in the morning, combined with a contrast shower, in a month, you will feel like a healthy person!

Folk recipes for the treatment of vegetative-vascular (vegetative-vascular) dystonia at normal pressure:

You can drink valerian tincture 3 times a day, regardless of food intake, 30 drops diluted in 50 ml of water. Dry extract of valerian drink two tablets 3-4 times a day.

Useful infusion of immortelle sandy. 1 tbsp dry chopped herbs pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, let it brew and drink for a month, 0.5 tbsp. three times per day.

30 g of dry crushed elecampane root pour 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, strain.

Drink 1/3 tbsp. 3-4 times a day for a month.
In addition, three times a day it is advisable to drink 1 tbsp. mixtures of freshly squeezed juices of carrots and rose hips (5:3).

Effective in this disease and infusion of hawthorn. 1 tbsp dry crushed fruits pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, insist two hours in a warm place, strain. Drink 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.

Recipes for the treatment of vegetative-vascular (vegetovascular) dystonia at high pressure:

Prepare an infusion of mistletoe. 15 g of dry chopped grass pour 200 ml of boiling water. Insist hour, strain. Drink 1/3 tbsp. three times per day. Drink courses. 3 weeks - drink, a week - a break. Conduct up to 3 courses.
To maintain normal pressure, drink 3 times a day, 20 drops of magnolia pharmacy extract per 50 ml of water, in courses of 10 days monthly.

You can prepare the tincture yourself: Take 1 part of medical alcohol for 1 part of crushed magnolia leaves, leave for 14 days in a closed vessel in a dark place. Strain and store in a dark place.
Tincture reduces pain in the region of the heart, normalizes heartbeat and high blood pressure, improves the general condition.

It is better to replace tea with infusion of dry crushed blueberries, black chokeberries, black currants and barberries taken in equal parts. Brew like regular tea.

30 g of dry crushed valerian roots, peppermint leaves and calendula flowers pour 1 liter. boiling water, insist. drink 1 tbsp. 3 times a day. Store the infusion in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

Prepare the collection: motherwort grass - 15 parts, marsh cudweed herb - 10 parts, hawthorn flowers - 10 parts, peppermint grass - 2 parts, dill seeds - 1 part, white birch leaf - 2 parts, oregano grass - 5 parts, sweet clover grass - 3 parts. Every evening 3 tbsp. pour into a thermos, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist overnight and drink the next day 170 ml 3 times a day, warm, for 30 minutes. before meals. Drink for a long time with breaks in a week, after a monthly intake.

Folk remedy "7 glasses" will alleviate the condition with vegetative-vascular dystonia, cleanse the vessels and blood.
Prepare a mixture of juices, Cahors wine and honey in a volume of 200 ml of each component:

1. Wine Cahors
2. Garlic juice (about 15 heads)
3. Carrot juice
4. Beet juice
5. Lemon juice
6. Radish juice
7. Honey

Take this mixture for 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day for 30 min. before meals. It cleanses the blood and blood vessels, rejuvenates the entire body, improves the general condition of the body. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. It lasts for about a month and a half.

Ginkgo biloba (two-lobed) and clover "put in order" the vessels.

Ginkgo biloba tinctures with red clover help to alleviate the condition with vegetative-vascular dystonia. Pour 0.5 l of a glass jar with dry green leaves of ginkgo biloba, fill the rest of the jar with dried red clover heads. Pour all the contents with vodka under the neck. Cover with a tight lid and keep for 1 month in a dark, cool place. Next, drain the tincture, filter and drink 1 tsp. before meals 3 times a day, diluted with 50 ml of water. The course of treatment is 2 months. Then a break - 2 months. and again drink tinctures. Tinctures go well with chemical and herbal preparations prescribed by your doctor.

Treatment of vegetative-vascular (vegetovascular) dystonia with herbs

Treatment of vegetative vascular dystonia with herbs should be carried out by acting on the very cause. Phytotherapy will help you in the treatment of stomach ulcers. Herbal medicine holds back the progression of any disease and gives you control over it. It describes the fees of traditional and alternative medicine, which are intended for the treatment of vegetative vascular dystonia. Herbal preparations can be used in combination with other medicines.

Improvement with daily use of herbs comes in 2-3 weeks. However, herbs need to be applied over a long period of time.

Doses for different age groups. For children under one year old, half a teaspoon per day is recommended. Children under 3 years old one teaspoon per day. Children from 3 to 6 years old, one dessert spoon per day. Children 6 to 10 years old, one tablespoon per day. People over 10 years old, 2 tablespoons of the collection per day

  1. Collection for men. Take 2 parts of leuzea roots, rhodiola, angelica and mistletoe grass, 3 parts of valerian roots and St. John's wort, 4 parts of licorice roots and 4 parts of rose hips.
  2. Collection for women. Take 2 parts of dandelion roots, leuzea, licorice and rosea rhodiola, nettle leaves, rose hips, knotweed and wormwood, and 3 parts of angelica roots and viburnum fruits. Grind all herbs in a coffee grinder and mix everything together. Pour two tablespoons of the resulting herbal powder into a thermos and pour half a liter of boiling water over night. Drink a third of a glass 3 times a day. The course of treatment of vegetative vascular dystonia with herbs should be continued for 6-8 weeks.
  3. Take 2 parts of licorice roots, knotweed grass, yarrow, 2 parts of tansy flowers and rowan fruits, 1 part of skullcap roots and leuzea roots, and 3 parts of hawthorn fruits. Grind all herbs in a coffee grinder and mix everything together. Pour two tablespoons of the resulting herbal powder into a thermos and pour half a liter of boiling water over night. Drink a third of a glass 3 times a day. Course of treatment 6-8 weeks
  4. Take 2 parts of volodushka herb, chicory, leuzea roots and dandelion roots, 3 parts of licorice roots, valerian and St. John's wort, and 1 part of juniper fruit. Grind all herbs in a coffee grinder and mix everything together. Pour two tablespoons of the resulting herbal powder into a thermos and pour half a liter of boiling water over night. Drink a third of a glass 3 times a day. Course of treatment 6-8 weeks
  5. Take 1 part of juniper fruit and calamus roots, 2 parts of mint leaves and knotweed grass, 4 parts of fireweed and oregano herb, 6 parts of plantain leaves and rose hips, and 14 parts of St. John's wort herb. Grind all herbs in a coffee grinder and mix everything together. Pour two tablespoons of the resulting herbal powder into a thermos and pour half a liter of boiling water over night. Drink a third of a glass 3 times a day. The course of treatment of vegetative vascular dystonia is 6-8 weeks.
  6. Take 1 part of elecampane roots, mint leaves, 2 parts of meadowsweet grass, nettle and horsetail, 2 parts of nettle leaves, 4 parts of birch buds and dandelion roots, and 6 parts of rose hips. Grind all herbs in a coffee grinder and mix everything together. Pour two tablespoons of the resulting herbal powder into a thermos and pour half a liter of boiling water over night. Drink a third of a glass 3 times a day. Herbal treatment course 6-8 weeks

Comments on folk remedies for the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

The fundamental difference between vegetative-vascular dystonia and other diseases similar in symptoms is the absence of organic changes. Patients with this disease are an ideal object for herbal medicine. Medicinal herbs are very often the main and only type of treatment (along with diet, physical education, auto-training). Pharmacological preparations are used quite rarely (and if used, then together with herbal ingredients).

The recipes given in the article should not be used (although for the most part they will be useful), but there are four main forms of this pathology (and each requires its own fees), so fees for one form may worsen the condition in another form. But before you start using them, you need to see a doctor to diagnose and rule out a serious pathology.

Hypertensive type of vegetative-vascular dystonia. With this form, a diet is needed that limits the intake of table salt, with an excess of body weight - to limit the calorie content of food. Phytotherapy of this form is strictly individual. Usually the first course lasts at least four months, and the next two months with breaks of up to ten days. In between, you can use infusions from one plant or use pharmaceutical preparations. It is not recommended to completely stop using during the first year, in the future, if there are no clinical manifestations, you can take breaks for up to one month. Collections of medicinal herbs for the treatment of hypertensive type of vegetative-vascular dystonia:

1) Herbs of sweet clover, horsetail, peppermint, valerian rhizome, white mistletoe shoots - equally - six grams in 0.25 liters of boiling water, heat in the bath for fifteen minutes, leave for one hour, drink 0.25 cups four times a day, the last time before going to bed;
2) Herbs of lemon balm, marsh cudweed, lingonberry leaves, hawthorn flowers - equally - eight grams in 0.35 liters of boiling water, insist in a thermos for two hours, drink 0.05 liters five times a day, the last before bedtime;
3) The fruits of chokeberry, hawthorn, rose petals, kidney tea shoots, periwinkle grass - equally - eight grams brew in 0.3 liters of boiling water, boil for three minutes, leave for one hour, drink 0.25 cups four times a day, for half an hour before meals, the last time before bedtime;
4) Herbs of rue, motherwort, shepherd's purse, linden flowers, fireweed leaves - equally - as No. 2;
5) Raspberry and viburnum shoots, seedling hops, yarrow grass, valerian rhizomes - equally - eight grams in 0.3 liters of cold water, leave for three hours, boil for three minutes, leave for half an hour, drink everything in one day in small portions;
6) Motherwort and lemon balm herbs, sophora buds, hawthorn fruits, coltsfoot leaves - equally - six grams in 0.25 liters of boiling water, heat in the bath for ten minutes, leave for one hour, drink 0.06 liters four times a day day;
7) Herbs of verbena, sweet clover, agrimony, dill, wild rosemary shoots - equally - as No. 1;
8) Flowers of hawthorn, calendula, clover, initial grass, rowan fruits - equally - as No. 6;
9) Herbs periwinkle, sweet clover, peppermint, cudweed, seedling hops, lingonberry leaves - equally - as No. 2;
10) Leaves of butterbur, lingonberries, herbs of the initial letter, motherwort, flowers of calendula and clover, shoots of kidney tea, rose petals - equally - as No. 1;
11) Strawberry leaves, hawthorn flowers, raspberry and white mistletoe shoots, lemon balm herbs, rue, cudweed, seedling hops - equally - eight grams in 0.3 liters of boiling water, heat in the bath for fifteen minutes, leave for three hours, drink 0.3 a glass five times a day before meals half an hour, the last time one hour before bedtime;
12) Herbs of astragalus, periwinkle, cudweed, yarrow, butterbur leaves, lingonberries, fireweed, valerian rhizomes, linden flowers, rowan chokeberry fruits - equally - as No. 3.

For a more pronounced hypotensive effect, it is necessary to use collections containing (one of the components) rhizomes of Baikal skullcap, Daurian moon seed, broad-leaved ragwort, white water lily and horse sorrel, white magnolia flower petals, eucommia elmifolia bark, solonets spherophysis grass:

13) Herbs of astragalus, sweet clover, rue, shepherd's purse, cudweed, viburnum shoots, hawthorn fruits, sophora buds, skullcap Baikal rhizome - equally - eight grams in 0.3 liters of boiling water, heat in a bath for fifteen minutes, insist three hours in a thermos, drink five times a day, the last time one hour before bedtime;
14) Ledum shoots, butterbur herbs, dill, spherophyses, lingonberry leaves, coltsfoot, wild strawberries the whole plant, meadow clover flowers, rose petals, rowan chokeberry fruits, moon seed rhizomes - equally - as No. 5;
15) Rhizomes of valerian, horse sorrel, magnolia petals, horsetail grass, lemon balm, verbena, ordinary mountain ash fruits, viburnum flowers, raspberry shoots, white mistletoe, kidney tea - equally - as No. 13;
16) Herbs periwinkle, drop caps, peppermint, motherwort, agrimony, calendula and linden flowers, asparagus and ragwort rhizomes, seed hops, eucommia bark - equally - as No. 13.

With stable normalization of pressure for two months against the background of taking fees No. 13 - 16, you can proceed to receiving fees No. 1 - 12. Then you should alternate the fees of these two groups with each new course of treatment. For prevention, these fees should be used with significant neuropsychic or physical stress, as well as after infectious diseases. The positive effect of taking the collection usually occurs within the first week of use. The daily doses above are indicated for people weighing up to 70 kilograms, with a larger weight, the dose can be increased, but not more than twice.

During breaks (as monotherapy), you can use pharmaceutical preparations: liquid extract or tincture of hawthorn fruit (twenty drops four times a day), valerian tincture (twenty drops four times a day), valerian tablets (two tablets three times a day) , camphor-valerian drops (twenty drops three times a day), drops containing lily of the valley (with valerian and adonis or bromide, with motherwort - thirty drops three times a day), motherwort tincture (forty drops four times a day), motherwort extract (twenty drops three times a day), calendula tincture (twenty drops three times a day), viburnum liquid extract in 50% alcohol (thirty drops three times a day), peppermint tincture in 90% alcohol (thirty drops three times a day ).

In addition to them, you can take infusions prepared at home:

infusion of marsh rosemary herb (two grams in 0.25 liters of cold water, bring to a boil, insist in a thermos for two hours, drink 0.05 liters four times a day after meals, the last time one hour before bedtime), hawthorn fruit infusion (three grams in 0.25 liters of boiling water, heat in the bath for fifteen minutes, leave for one hour, drink 0.06 liters four times a day), steam hawthorn flowers (one gram in 0.2 liters of boiling water, leave for fifteen minutes, drink all three times after meals), lingonberry leaves infusion (three grams in 0.25 liters of boiling water, boil for three minutes, leave for one hour, drink 0.05 liters four times a day 0.3 hours before meals), valerian rhizomes infusion (two grams per 0.2 liters of boiling water, hereinafter referred to as wild rosemary), calendula flowers infusion (one and a half grams per 0.25 liters of boiling water, insist in a thermos for two hours, drink four times before meals for 0.3 hours), fireweed steam leaves (as a steam of hawthorn flowers), a steam of peppermint or lemon balm leaves (as a steam of hawthorn flowers), motherwort herbs th (as an infusion of wild rosemary herb), cudweed marsh grass infusion (as an infusion of calendula flowers).

For maintenance therapy with normalization of pressure, you can use the following fees:

17) Herbs sweet clover, periwinkle, fireweed leaves - equally - five grams per 0.25 liters of boiling water, leave for two hours, drink 0.3 cups after meals four times a day;
18) Clover and hawthorn flowers, lemon balm grass - equally - six grams per 0.3 liters of boiling water, leave for two hours, drink half a glass three times a day after meals;
19) Cowberry and wild strawberry leaves, viburnum flowers - equally - six grams per 0.3 liters of boiling water, boil for two minutes, insist for half an hour, drink 0.3 cups three times a day after meals;
20) Herbs of a drop cap and peppermint, linden flowers - equally - five grams per 0.25 liters of boiling water, leave for 0.3 hours, drink 03 glasses a day with or instead of tea;
21) Kidney tea shoots, mountain ash fruits, marsh cudweed grass - equally - as No. 19;
22) Herbs of garden dill, motherwort, raspberry forest shoots - equally - as No. 19;
23) Herbs of sweet clover, agrimony, field horsetail - equally - as No. 17;
24) Melissa grass, rose petals, marigold flowers, hawthorn fruits - equally - as No. 18.

It is also very useful to eat any fruits and vegetables (raw and as juices). And baths prepared from the following fees have a very good effect:

marsh cudweed herbs, oregano, chamomile and linden flowers, seedling hops, birch leaves - equally; herbs of thyme, sage, peppermint, calendula flowers, birch leaves, shoots of pine and birch - equally; pine shoots, hop seedlings, chamomile flowers, herbs of oregano and peppermint - equally; herbs of sweet clover, oregano, meadowsweet, lemon balm, leaves with birch shoots - equally; shoots of birch and pine, herbs of sweet clover and oregano - equally; herbs of sweet clover, oregano, sage, peppermint - equally; herbs of oregano and meadowsweet, chamomile flowers - equally; shoots of pine (three parts) and birch (two parts), sweet clover grass (one part).

Baths are prepared as follows: one hundred grams of raw materials are steamed in a sealed container in two liters of water, without boiling, for one hour, then filtered and added to the bath. The duration of the bath is 0.3 hours (water is not higher than forty degrees), taken after a shower, one hour before bedtime, three times a week for at least two months.

Hypotonic type of vegetative-vascular dystonia. The treatment of this form should also be complex: the optimal mode of work and rest, physical education, spa treatment. For phytotherapy, the following fees are recommended:

1) The fruits of hawthorn, wild rose, lure roots - one part each, chamomile flowers, St. John's wort grass - two parts each - pour ten grams into 0.25 liters of cold water, leave for four hours, heat in a bath for fifteen minutes, leave for one hour, drink all three times before meals;
2) Immortelle flowers, peppermint leaves, valerian rhizomes - two parts each, lemongrass seeds, celandine herb, angelica rhizomes - one part each - ten grams of the collection in 0.3 liters of cold water, leave for six hours, bring to a boil, boil for five minutes, drink 0.25 cups twice a day half an hour before meals;
3) Chamomile and tartar flowers, wormwood grass, angelica rhizome, lemon balm leaves, wild rose fruits - as No. 1;
4) Leuzei roots, gorse dyeing leaves, herbs of hyssop, rue, St. John's wort, chamomile flowers - equally - as No. 1;
5) Flowers of tansy, hawthorn, immortelle, hoof rhizome, fruit muzzle, oat straw - equally - as No. 1;
6) Rhodiola rhizomes, angelica, valerian, celandine grass, peppermint, wild rose fruits, chamomile flowers, viburnum - equally - as No. 2;
7) Aralia roots, lemongrass shoots and leaves, viburnum leaves, valerian rhizomes, immortelle flowers, common wormwood grass - equally - as No. 1;
8) Angelica rhizomes, eleutherococcus roots, wild rose fruit - two parts each, ephedra shoots, chamomile flowers, lemon balm grass - one part each - as No. 2;
9) Herbs of common wormwood, celandine, St. John's wort, chamomile and tansy flowers, angelica rhizomes, valerian - equally - eight grams in 0.25 liters of boiling water, boil for three minutes, insist in a thermos for two hours, drink everything twice half an hour before meals ;
10) Hawthorn fruits, celandine herbs, lemon balm, watch leaves, flowers of tartar, immortelle, viburnum - equally - like No. 9, just do not boil;
11) Herbs of celandine, St. John's wort, tansy flowers, watch leaves, wild rose fruits, rhizomes of valerian and calamus - equally - as No. 9;
12) Viburnum shoots, tansy seeds, wild rose fruits, peppermint leaves, urban rhizome gravel, oat straw, celandine grass, hawthorn flowers - equally - as No. 9.

Also, in addition, you can use herbal biostimulants, which are prepared in pharmacies:

zamanihi or aralia tincture (30 drops three times a day before meals), saparal (a preparation from the root of aralia - one tablet three times a day after meals), eleutherococcus extract (thirty drops before meals for half an hour twice a day), tincture ginseng (up to twenty drops twice before meals), rose rhodiola liquid extract (up to forty drops twice half an hour before meals), streculia tincture (up to forty drops two or three times before meals), lemongrass tincture (thirty drops two or three times per day), Leuzea liquid extract (up to forty drops twice a day) or alcohol tincture (up to thirty drops twice a day). Also, for the treatment of this form of the disease, you can use infusions of individual plants (but the effect will be weaker): Schisandra chinensis fruits (two grams in 0.25 liters of boiling water, leave for two hours, drink 0.3 cups three times before meals), Schisandra chinensis leaves (three grams in 0.25 liters of boiling water, leave for one hour, take as an infusion of lemongrass fruits), rhizomes of pink rhodiola (one and a half grams in a third of a liter of boiling water, heat in a bath for ten minutes, leave for one hour, drink half a glass twice a day half an hour before meals), angelica rhizomes (three grams, like Rhodiola rosea), ephedra two-spike shoots (one and a half grams in 0.25 liters of boiling water, insist for two hours in a thermos, drink like lemongrass), prickly flowers (two grams in 0.25 liters of boiling water, then as lemongrass), the roots of safflower-like leuzea or Manchurian aralia (like pink radiolus).

All of the above fees and preparations must be taken up to seventeen hours in courses of about twenty days. You can conduct three courses with breaks of two weeks or alternate courses with preparations from individual plants without interruption for six months. Even with persistent clinical well-being, it will be useful to carry out such treatment during periods of high physical exertion, neuropsychic stress, under adverse climatic conditions and during influenza epidemics.

Cardiac type of vegetative-vascular dystonia. The course of treatment fees usually lasts five weeks (every new course fee changes), the breaks between courses are three weeks. Treatment is carried out for eight months, and then four times a year for one month. A positive effect is usually observed after ten days. For some patients, only continuous therapy will be effective. The following fees are recommended:

1) Valerian rhizomes and watch leaves - two parts each, fennel fruits, lemon balm leaves, sweet clover grass - one part each - eight grams in a third of a liter of boiling water, heat in a bath for 0.4 hours, insist in a thermos for two hours, drink a third of a glass three times a day after meals (you can add sugar or honey);
2) Hawthorn and chamomile flowers, peppermint leaves, fireweed, oregano grass - six grams per 0.25 liters of boiling water, boil for three minutes, leave for one hour, drink 0.25 cups four times a day;
3) Hawthorn fruits in two parts, nettle grass, rose petals, linden flowers - in one part - as No. 2;
4) Motherwort grass - three parts, wild strawberry the whole plant, St. John's wort grass - two parts each, lavender herbs, celandine, calendula flowers - one part each - as No. 1;
5) Herbs of motherwort, lemon balm, rue, tricolor violet, seedling hops, meadow clover flowers - equally - as No. 2;
6) Herbs of adonis, yarrow, raspberry and peppermint leaves, valerian rhizomes, viburnum flowers - equally - as No. 1;
7) Herbs of oregano, agrimony, borage, St. John's wort, flowers of tartar, linden, wild rose fruits, valerian rhizomes - equally - ten grams in half a liter of boiling water, insist in a thermos for four hours, drink half a glass three times a day half an hour before meals;
8) Herbs of motherwort, astragalus, sweet clover, thyme, marsh cudweed, valerian rhizomes, peppermint leaves, primrose flowers - equally - as No. 1;
9) Rhizomes of valerian, licorice, hawthorn fruits, herbs of oregano, sage, speedwell, nettle, peppermint leaves, chamomile flowers - equally - as No. 7;
10) Rhizomes of Baikal skullcap, licorice, cyanosis grass, St. John's wort, celandine, dill, wild rose, watch leaves - equally - as No. 1;
11) Herbs of sweet clover, nettle, lemon balm, thyme, tricolor violet, fireweed, rose petals, seedling hops, hawthorn fruits - equally - as No. 7;
12) Hawthorn flowers, herbs of motherwort, St. John's wort, sweet clover, peppermint, watch, oregano, celandine - equally - as No. 7.

Mixed type of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Fees will depend on clinical manifestations. With increased pressure, along with cardiac symptoms, it is necessary to take the following fees:

1) Herbs of adonis, St. four times;
2) The fruits of dill and hawthorn, grass speedwell, sweet clover, horsetail, verbena, fireweed leaves - equally - seven grams in a third of a liter of boiling water, leave for two hours, drink half a glass four times a day before meals;
3) Watches leaves, herbs of oregano, motherwort, periwinkle, initial letters, meadow clover flowers, shoots of mistletoe and kidney tea - equally - eight grams in a third of a liter of boiling water, boil for two or three minutes, leave for two hours, drink 0.3 cups four times a day before meals;
4) Valerian rhizomes, wild strawberry leaves, coltsfoot, nettle herbs, lemon balm, astragalus, shepherd's purse, fennel fruits - equally - eight grams in a third of a liter of boiling water, heat in a bath for twenty minutes, insist one hour, drink half a glass four times a day;
5) Herbs of sweet clover, horsetail, flowers of calendula, viburnum, linden, chamomile, fruits of chokeberry, dill, wild rosemary shoots - equally - as No. 1;
6) St. John's wort, marsh cottonweed, tricolor violet, periwinkle, leaves of lily of the valley, primrose, butterbur, mistletoe shoots, meadow clover flowers - equally - as No. 2;
7) Herbs of sweet clover, St. John's wort, thyme, verbena, wild strawberry whole plant, calendula flowers, leaves of fireweed, cranberries, fennel fruits, kidney tea shoots - equally - as No. 3;
8) Herbs of oregano, lavender, lemon balm, wormwood, motherwort, drop cap, wild raspberry leaves, wild rose and dill fruits, wild rosemary shoots - equally - as No. 4;
9) Herbs agrimony, celandine, horsetail, astragalus, sage leaves, lingonberries, coltsfoot, licorice rhizomes, mistletoe shoots, sophora buds - equally - as No. 4;
10) Flowers of hawthorn and chamomile, leaves of watch and lingonberries, herbs of rue, violets of tricolor and shepherd's purse, hops of seedlings, fruits of chokeberry and dill - equally - as No. 2.

These fees are accepted for two months for six months, with breaks of up to one week. Fees for the treatment of cardiac symptoms along with low blood pressure:

1) Herbs of sweet clover, St. John's wort, nettle, wormwood, yarrow, celandine, tansy flowers, angelica rhizomes - equally - eight grams in 0.35 liters of boiling water, heat in the bath for fifteen minutes, leave for one hour, drink 0.3 cups three times a day after eating;
2) Leaves of wild strawberries, fireweed, flowers of red clover, linden, tartar, rose hips and lemongrass, oat straw - six grams per third of a liter of boiling water, boil for three minutes, leave for an hour and a half, drink 0.3 cups four times a day after food intake;
3) Watch leaves, sage, calendula flowers, immortelle, rose petals, tricolor violet grass, angelica rhizome, ephedra shoots - equally - eight grams per 0.35 liters of boiling water, leave for two hours, drink 0.3 cups three times a day day 0.3 hours after eating;
4) Herbs Veronica, celandine, flowers of viburnum, immortelle, lily of the valley and lemongrass leaves, hop seedlings, celandine grass - like No. 3 - equally;
5) St. John's wort, motherwort, agrimony, yarrow, hyssop, fennel fruits, clover and chamomile flowers - equally - as No. 1;
6) Herbs of sweet clover, lemon balm, primrose, tricolor violet, calendula and tansy flowers, oat straw, wild rose fruits, angelica rhizomes - equally - as No. 3.

The duration of the course is usually two and a half months, with breaks lasting up to ten days.

Have you decided to treat VVD with folk remedies? Well, it's popular these days! After all, medicine itself decided to approach science, but move away from people.

Let's start self-healing! Oh, how doctors do not digest this term!

Where do we start? Let's start with herbs. After all, you consider them folk remedies. Is not it?

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About herbs

Before starting our conversation, I want to warn you that medicinal herbs are not so harmless that they can be used uncontrollably with VVD. They can cause unwanted effects in the same way as medicines.

For example, when taking soothing infusions, blood pressure may decrease, weakness and dizziness may appear. Therefore, it is necessary to comply with the norm and monitor the symptoms. If the condition worsens, stop treatment with folk remedies.

In addition, herbs do not cure vegetovascular dystonia, but only alleviate the symptoms. But there is a way out. It is described in the article

Medicines from nature

With VVD, all medicinal herbs can be divided into three types:

  1. Antidepressants.
  2. Sedatives.
  3. Nootropic.

Some of them have a wide range of action, so they can be present simultaneously in several types of folk remedies for the treatment of VVD. For example, motherwort is known not only as an antidepressant, but also as a sedative.

Which of the medicinal herbs are used to treat vegetovascular dystonia, and for what symptoms?


Antidepressants are used in the treatment of VVD to relieve depression, anxiety, as well as to elevate mood and stabilize sleep in the treatment of VVD.

Be careful! Many of the antidepressants do not improve mood in healthy people! Therefore, use them only for the treatment and prevention of VVD!

List of the most common plants of this type in central Russia:

  • Melissa;
  • rose hip;
  • St. John's wort;
  • peppermint;
  • hawthorn;
  • hops (cones);
  • motherwort;
  • nettle;
  • valerian.

I will give a couple of folk recipes for the treatment of vegetovascular dystonia from my grandmother.

St. John's wort and Melissa. We put one tablespoon of St. John's wort and lemon balm in a half-liter thermos and pour boiling water to the top overnight. In the morning we filter and drink half a glass. We repeat this day and night.

Mint. We throw a pinch of grass into a glass of water and boil for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, wait half an hour and strain. We take 3 times a day for a tablespoon.

More folk remedies for the treatment of depression in VVD:

  • Hops are placed in the pillow before bed to improve sleep.
  • Aromatherapy. To do this, take a bath with plants rich in essential oils: jasmine, geranium, basil, rose, orange peel, bergamot. You can also use an aroma lamp and extracts from these plants.

Plants for sedation

To calm, relieve disorders of the nervous system with vegetovascular dystonia, plants with a sedative effect are used. Their short list:

  • hawthorn (flowers and fruits);
  • valerian officinalis (roots);
  • motherwort heart (tops of stems during flowering);
  • lemon balm (herb);
  • passionflower;
  • thyme;
  • oregano;
  • sweet clover;
  • spring adonis.

The easiest way to use herbs is to infuse them in boiled water. Let's look at some examples.

Hawthorn. We insist fruits in a thermos. A glass of boiling water requires one tablespoon of fruit. After four hours we filter. Half an hour before meals we drink 3 times a day.

Valerian. One tablespoon of the crushed root of the plant is infused for 8 hours in a glass of boiling water. After straining a tablespoon, take 3 times a day.

Motherwort. Pour the crushed plant (1 tablespoon) with boiling water (1 cup). We defend for a couple of hours, filter and use before meals 2 tablespoons 3 times a day. Motherwort is easy to assemble yourself. It grows in wastelands.

Attention! Motherwort has a diuretic effect. Keep this in mind when treating!

Nootropic Plants

To improve the processes of brain activity in vegetative-vascular dystonia, to increase the endurance of the central nervous system, nootropics are used. Plants with similar properties in our country are common in the Far East. Their representatives are:

  • ginseng (root);
  • rhodiola rosea (root);
  • Amur maakia (bark, roots, seeds).

At home, they are used in the form of alcohol tinctures.

universal grass

Of all the herbs listed, motherwort is the most versatile. It is valued by the people for many of its properties and has virtually no side effects. The plant has 24 species. With VVD, motherwort is used.

Other folk ways

In addition to infusions, tinctures and decoctions, VVD can be treated with other methods used by our ancestors. First of all, it is proper nutrition. People say: "You are what you eat."

How should you eat?

Ration. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers used products directly from the garden, garden, forest. This does not mean that if you live in the center of a large city, on the ninth floor of a high-rise building, then you need to buy a dacha and make garden beds. It is enough that you streamline the assortment of purchased products and focus on fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereals. Then you will provide yourself with a complex of vitamins and microelements necessary to strengthen the body from vegetovascular dystonia.

First meal. No need to force yourself with a cup of coffee in the morning. It is better to bring a glass of water from an artesian well with you to work and drink it before 10 am. Then you will have a natural appetite, thanks to which you will feel the joy of eating at breakfast.

Not every job, unfortunately, can be adjusted to fit your breakfast. But if you find a way to organize the regime according to this principle, then stressful situations will scare you no more than a warm summer rain after a hot day. And there will be no stress, there will be no VSD!

How to drink water correctly? You need to drink in small sips. It is better to drink a glass of water in several approaches for 10-30 minutes.

An example from nature is pets. Watch how the cat and dog drink water. They take many small sips. As a result, water is absorbed by the tongue, oral cavity, esophagus, and only then enters the insatiable stomach, which absorbs the liquid, like a native coconut juice during the dry season. This technology contributes to the complete absorption of fluid by the body.

Products are good. After the absorption of water by the body, food is perfectly absorbed. It is important that you do not overeat. Let yourself get a little hungry. But do not take breaks between meals for more than five hours.

Why is good digestion required? To ensure that every cell of the body has enough nutrients. Then you will remove one of the most important causes of vegetovascular dystonia - insufficient supply of certain parts of the nervous system with the necessary components.

It is not important how much you eat, but how much you digest and get to your destination!


According to the same principle of assimilation, you need to adjust your breathing. This is achieved by special exercises. There are many, but here I will give one of them so that you understand their meaning. It's called Full Breath.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides. Take a slow breath. But do it in order:

  1. First, fill the lower part of the lungs, inflating the stomach.
  2. Then their middle, expanding the chest.
  3. Finish filling the lung capacity in the clavicle area.

It is important to synchronously rise on your toes with a set of air. For convenience, you can raise your arms up through the sides.

After filling the lungs, freeze for a couple of seconds. Feel the oxygen being absorbed by your body.

Now exhale and lower yourself onto your toes. Do it in the same order:

  1. Blow out your belly.
  2. Push the air out of the ribs.
  3. Finish the process with the upper part of the lungs.

If you raised your hands, then lower them forward and down.

This exercise with daily practice will improve the blood supply to the brain, metabolism, and your well-being. Your unbalanced state, rapid breathing, unstable pulse will head towards stabilization! Oh, how vegetovascular dystonia does not like this!

Calming breathing lesson in the video below. This technique will help you both when approaching PA, and with VVD symptoms in general.

Energy of the Universe. Go to the forest, to the lake. Feel the smell of nature! It will give you fresh ideas for putting your nervous system in order!

Your health is in every leaf of living matter!

Shortness of breath with VVD is the most frequently manifested symptom, which greatly frightens the patient. Normally, the nature (frequency, depth, involved muscle groups) of breathing in a person is constantly regulated by the autonomic nervous system: it adapts to the work of the heart muscle and environmental conditions. Under stress, the respiratory movements of the chest become more frequent and intensified, and at rest they return to normal. In this case, the heart can be absolutely healthy.

Many are concerned about the question: why is it difficult to breathe with VVD? Vegetovascular dystonia (VVD) is a syndrome caused by a functional disorder of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), characterized by nonspecific symptoms from the following organ systems:

  • cardiovascular system (pain in the region of the heart (cardialgia), pathologically high or low blood pressure, tachycardia);
  • respiratory system (shortness of breath, respiratory arrest);
  • digestive system (stool disorders, flatulence, abdominal pain);
  • nervous system (sleep disorders, mental processes).

What are the prerequisites for difficulty breathing in VVD?

Violation of the function of the ANS under the influence of a provoking factor leads to the fact that the frequency of respiratory movements increases without a physiological reason, they become intermittent and superficial.

The balance between breathing and blood flow in the lungs is disturbed. At the same time, carbon dioxide passes into the lumen of the alveoli without accumulating in the blood. Its deficiency occurs, and a reflex reaction of narrowing of the lumen of the vessels is triggered, which is why there is a lack of air during VVD. At a certain point, a panic attack occurs, breathing begins to catch, and suffocation occurs. A provoking factor leading to the fact that a person begins to suffocate is physical or emotional overstrain. But this is not the main cause of the disease.

Subjective symptoms of suffocation

In clinical practice, it is important to be able to distinguish between suffocation in bronchial asthma and VVD. In the first case, the patient cannot inhale, and in the second, he cannot exhale. Asphyxiation that occurs with vascular dystonia is characterized by the following subjective symptoms (according to the patient's feelings):

  • feeling of a "chest corset", squeezing from the outside, making it difficult to breathe;
  • loss of sensation in the fingertips;
  • dry cough followed by yawning;
  • acute pain in the region of the heart (cardialgia);
  • feeling of "coma in the throat" that interferes with breathing;
  • yawning can also disrupt breathing;
  • muscle weakness, dizziness.

Without proper measures, prolonged suffocation is dangerous: it can lead to hypoxia and loss of consciousness. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent such a situation.

What to do with lack of air

What to do in case of lack of air during VVD?

If a patient with vegetovascular dystonia experiences such a sensation, then first of all he needs to try to calm down and act according to the following algorithm (if the situation allows):

  1. Get on your knees, pressing your heels to your buttocks.
  2. Exhale deeply, at the same time leaning forward, trying to touch the chest with the hips.
  3. Do not breathe for 2-3 seconds while in the "fetal position".
  4. Return to starting position, inhale slowly.
  5. Lean back as much as possible.
  6. Hold your breath for 2-3 seconds.
  7. Repeat point 4.

This procedure, which allows you to relieve tension and restore breathing, must be repeated until the symptoms of shortness of breath disappear. In addition, there are a number of exercise therapy exercises that stabilize breathing well.

Physiologists in clinical practice often recommend the following 3 methods that have a therapeutic effect:

  1. "Calm": taking a deep, slow breath, while raising both hands up. The breath is held for 8 seconds, then the patient exhales slowly. At the same time, the arms are bent at the elbow joints, spread apart and sharply lowered, slightly hitting the lateral surfaces of the chest.
  2. "Steps": a deep exhalation, then an inhalation, passing in several stages. First, the patient needs to fill the lungs with air about half, then hold the breath for 3 seconds and continue to inhale again. After a full inhalation, the same phased exhalation is performed, and the cycle starts again. The procedure is repeated 5-10 times.
  3. "Sounds": slow, gradual inhalation through the nose, lasting 7 seconds. Then, while exhaling, the patient should pronounce some vowel sound, such as "O" or "A". The cycle is repeated 10-12 times.

Important! All of the above exercises are performed only in the supine or sitting position.

To recover from seizures, if breathing is disturbed, a stay in a health-improving sanatorium can help. The voucher, if indicated, is issued by the attending or consulting physician. As a preventive measure, the patient is strongly recommended to give up bad habits and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Constant physical activity (walking, running, visiting gyms) is necessary.

Treat shortness of breath with VVD should only be complex methods, necessarily including psychological assistance and psychocorrection, without which it will be difficult in the future to have a positive impact on the dynamics of the development of symptoms.

Medical methods of treatment

In critical situations, if it is difficult for the patient to breathe with a diagnosed VVD, and shortness of breath still turns into an asthma attack that threatens the state of health, it is advisable to use sedative drugs. Influencing the nervous system, they allow you to normalize the respiratory function and eliminate all dangerous symptoms. However, their action often has side effects and develops only some time after administration, but not instantly.

Specialists often use the following drugs from the group of neuroleptics and beta-blockers:

Traditional medicine methods

In the field of traditional medicine, many methods have been developed to relieve attacks of shortness of breath and suffocation. They are based on the use of drugs based on medicinal herbs produced using various technologies. Medicinal herbal preparations and mixtures also help. People who experience shortness of breath with VVD are advised to drink a cup of hot water infusion of hawthorn or chokeberry in the morning. Since ancient times, valerian or motherwort tincture has also proven its effectiveness as a sedative.

To get rid of shortness of breath, having a positive therapeutic effect, will help a simple folk way. Make a mixture of the following components:

  • finely grated onion;
  • granulated sugar;
  • beetroot juice;
  • celery juice;
  • carrot juice.

The above ingredients are mixed in a ratio of 5:1:1:1:3. 10-15 grams of honey is added to the resulting mixture, then the preparation is boiled for 3 hours and taken 3 times a day before meals. This method of treatment is very effective.

Advice! It is important to understand that herbal preparations are medicinal treatments, and therefore, before using them, in order to avoid complications, it is recommended to consult a doctor in order to prevent a negative vegetovascular process. If you have difficulty breathing, you can buy a ticket to the sanatorium.

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