Vlok procedure contraindications. Intravenous laser irradiation of blood, indications and contraindications. What does vlock do

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The procedure for intravascular cleaning with a laser began to be used already 20 years ago. It is common in all countries with developed medicine. Laser blood purification has a wide range of applications, it helps to achieve the desired effect where medicines, hemosorption or plasmapheresis did not help.

What is laser blood purification

This is a unique procedure, which at the moment has no analogues. Intravenous laser blood irradiation is based on the fact that blood cells have light-sensitive photoreceptors on their surface. An optical waveguide, which is inserted into a vein, emits a 630 nm wave of red light, sometimes a blue spectrum is used. Contact with photoreceptors excites, activates cells, activates certain biochemical reactions that accelerate the functioning of vital body systems. This effect provides a therapeutic effect.

For most patients, the word "irradiation" becomes intimidating. It is associated with cancer therapy when radioactive substances are used. The laser for blood purification is absolutely safe, because short wavelengths are not capable of causing any harm to the body. For example, a two-minute conversation on a mobile phone gives off more electromagnetic radiation than a blood purification procedure.

Who is eligible for laser treatment?

The action of laser blood purification can have a positive effect in a variety of areas of medicine. As a rule, the doctor independently determines the need to use this method of therapy for the patient. Laser cleansing of blood and lymph can be prescribed for the following reasons:

  • burns;
  • phlegmon;
  • reduction of pain symptoms after surgery, with vascular diseases, injuries;
  • non-healing ulcers, purulent wounds;
  • bedsores;
  • infiltrates;
  • arthritis;
  • stomach ulcer
  • haemorrhoids;
  • anal fissures;
  • mastitis;
  • atherosclerosis.

  • infertility;
  • benign formation in the area of ​​appendages, uterus;
  • inflammation of the appendages, uterus.

6. Pain is relieved when:

  • epilepsy;
  • depression;
  • relieves withdrawal symptoms in drug addiction, alcoholism;
  • episyndromes.

9. Skin diseases:

  • furunculosis;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • flat red lichen;
  • hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • vitiligo;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • allergic dermatoses.

Contraindications to laser blood irradiation

This procedure has a positive effect on many systems of the human body. However, laser blood purification can cause side effects, so you can not conduct a course with a number of general contraindications:

  • epilepsy;
  • diabetes;
  • infectious diseases in the acute phase;
  • malignant tumors (the negative effect of laser blood purification has not been clinically proven);
  • weakened immunity;
  • hypotension;
  • mental disorders;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • sensitivity to the rays of the sun;
  • elevated temperature;
  • blood diseases in the acute phase;
  • renal, hepatic insufficiency;
  • disease of the circulatory system.

What is laser blood cleaning used for?

The purpose of therapy will largely depend on the recommendations of the attending physician. Not every patient will agree to undergo the procedure due to its high cost. Laser blood purification can be used for the following purposes:

  1. Accelerating the recovery of the body after diseases (including mental ones).
  2. Reducing the rehabilitation period that comes after laser resurfacing, chemical peeling.
  3. Improving the general condition of a person, relieving muscle tension after intense physical exertion.
  4. Laser blood purification is included in the indications for chronic fatigue, the symptoms that are associated with it.
  5. Prevention of keloid scar formation.
  6. Improvement of the body before and after surgery.
  7. Prolongation of remission period after treatment of chronic diseases.

How is the VLOK procedure

As a rule, one course of laser cleansing consists of 5-10 procedures, even during pregnancy is allowed. The amount depends on the patient's condition, doctor's recommendations. Intravenous laser therapy can be carried out every day, the average duration is from half an hour to an hour. A second course can be prescribed only after 2-3 months. The blood purification process is as follows:

  1. The person is placed on the couch, one of the hands is freed from clothing.
  2. Before inserting the needle, the injection site is treated with an antiseptic.
  3. A little above the wrist, the indicator of the device is attached.
  4. A tourniquet is applied above the elbow bend.
  5. The catheter is inserted into the vein, the tourniquet is removed.
  6. Turn on the device. While the device will clean the blood, the patient will not experience any pain.

How does an intravenous laser affect the body?

Laser irradiation of blood is still distrustful for many, given such a wide range of possible applications, moreover, a full cycle of procedures is relatively expensive. The uniqueness of the procedure lies in the fact that the target of exposure is the blood cells responsible for nutrition, the functions of a huge number of systems in the body. This is the case when the price is fully justified. During blood purification with a laser, the following effects on the human body occur:

  • the procedure improves metabolism;
  • blood enzymes are activated;
  • easier breathing;
  • arterial pressure gradually normalizes;
  • the ability of cells to remove CO2 and carry oxygen to tissues increases;
  • the level of LDL cholesterol, lipids, blood glucose decreases;
  • improves blood circulation by reducing its viscosity;
  • the inner walls of the vessels are cleaned of deposits, toxins are removed;
  • blood oxygenation increases, nutrition with minerals and vitamins of the body improves;
  • sclerotic phenomena disappear, memory improves, overall brain functioning improves;
  • normalizes immunity.

The price of laser blood purification

All the people who have used this procedure say that the main disadvantage of laser blood purification is the price. For one session, on average, you will have to pay up to 600 rubles. For one procedure it is relatively inexpensive, but the full course includes 10 visits. The price for it is obtained in the region of 5000-6000 thousand, which is very expensive for preventive therapy.

In many cases, 6 visits are enough for a person, therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary expenses, consult an uninterested specialist. Some institutions offer a discount for more sessions. The price under such conditions for 8 and 10 sessions of laser cleansing will be the same, so it makes sense to order more procedures. There is a variant of the procedure called "over-venous", which has a lower price.

Video: laser blood purification

At the city hospital, the doctor discharged me ahead of time. I constantly felt unwell, I did not have a cough, I was constantly tired. I turned to another specialist. Together with medications, he prescribed me a course of ILBI. After cleaning the blood, the recovery went much faster and there were no more relapses of the disease.

I have an allergy that I didn't have before. Together with antihistamines, the doctor prescribed laser cleansing (ILBI). It turned out that my case is included in the indications for this procedure. After treatment, I never had any problems with allergies. The only unpleasant moment is the high price of blood purification.

By the age of 30, acne began to appear on my face again, although adolescence had long since passed. Washing and hygiene products did not help to get rid of them. The specialist prescribed a laser treatment. I went through 7 procedures, my body began to work much better. Gone not only acne, but also the general malaise that tormented me for many years.

I suffer from chronic bronchitis, every winter the disease manifests itself. On the recommendation of the doctor, she began to undergo blood purification procedures using a laser. The price in our city is 400 rubles for 20 minutes, but for 5 years now I have not suffered from bronchitis. At first, the laser scared me a little, I thought it would hurt, but the whole treatment is absolutely painless.

Intravenous laser blood irradiation (ILBI)

Intravenous laser blood irradiation (ILBI) is a modern method of light therapy, which is based on a low intensity effect of a laser beam on leukocytes, platelets and erythrocytes in the cardiovascular system.

Many patients are interested in why intravenous irradiation is required and laser therapy cannot be carried out by exposure through the skin. This is due to the fact that the penetrating power of the beam is insufficient to reach deeply located tissues and internal organs. The laser affects only the surface layer of the skin, where the blood vessels are located. Numerous studies have established that the therapeutic effect of ILBI is much higher compared to irradiation through the skin.

Benefits of the procedure

The ILBI procedure has been used for a long time in various medical fields. It is widely used in the treatment of pathologies of the respiratory tract, diseases of the heart, genitourinary and female reproductive systems. The technique is also used in cardiovascular surgery and endocrinology. This procedure has repeatedly demonstrated its effectiveness in the treatment of various diseases.

Intravenous laser irradiation of blood contributes to positive changes in the state of the body. These include a decrease in the likelihood of blood clots, an improvement in blood circulation, the elimination of vasospasm, an acceleration of metabolism, the disappearance of signs of oxygen starvation of organs, and an increase in the rate of recovery of damaged tissues.

Positive dynamics is also observed in the work of the nervous system. The VLOK procedure helps to bring the processes of excitation and inhibition in the brain to a normal level. All this in a complex has a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system.

ILBI contributes to the achievement of the following therapeutic effects.

  • Relief of inflammation.
  • Beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Anesthesia.
  • Reducing signs of allergies.
  • Removal of spasms.
  • Strengthening immunity.
  • Reducing the level of toxins and cholesterol in the blood.

It should be borne in mind that when it comes to strengthening the body's defenses, laser therapy is highly effective, regardless of the type of pathology of the internal organs. A similar method can be used in combination with drug treatment. In addition, ILBI accelerates the healing process, which in some cases allows you to reduce the dose of the necessary drugs. To achieve a stable effect, usually 5-10 sessions are required. Each one is 20 minutes long.

ILBI of blood №5 (5 procedures)

ILBI of blood №10 (10 procedures)

Intravenous laser irradiation of blood helps to provide a powerful healing effect for a long time - several months. With a protracted illness, the course of procedures should be repeated every 2-3 months. This method can be used in patients of all ages.

Prices for intravenous laser blood irradiation are posted on the website. You can also clarify them by calling our specialists. You will find information about indications and contraindications by clicking on the link.

Intravenous laser irradiation of blood is one of the methods of its purification, which consists in treating blood with a light wave directly inside the circulatory system without removing it from the patient's body.

Light waves are able to act in a complex way, normalizing the work of various systems and metabolic processes of the body. The method is effective in the treatment of serious diseases and is often used in conjunction with drug treatment.

Indications for the procedure

ILBI is indicated for various diseases of the body, such as:
  • inflammation of a different nature in a chronic form;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • pathology of the digestive system;
  • joint diseases;
  • dysfunction, pathology of urinary and genital infections;
  • skin diseases of various etiologies.
ILBI is a unique and highly effective way of influencing the body, which ensures the activation of all body systems and the correction of existing disorders.

The effect of the procedure

The procedure provides a versatile effect:
  • improves blood composition;
  • the work of the bone marrow is activated;
  • the lymphatic system heals;
  • the supply of oxygen to organs is accelerated;
  • spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs are stopped;
  • allergic reactions are reduced;
  • edema subsides;
  • metabolic processes are stimulated;
  • increases the body's immunity and resistance to diseases.
The ILBI procedure can also be used to prevent the development of diseases and facilitate the process of rehabilitation after surgical interventions.

Order of conduct

To perform the procedure, we use an optical waveguide that is connected to a source of low-frequency laser radiation and is injected into a vein.

SM-Clinic specialists perform ILBI with a red and blue spectrum laser.

The duration of the session in the first case is from 15 to 20 minutes, in the second - 3-5 minutes. The effectiveness of the procedure using a blue laser is higher, which reduces the time for its implementation.

To obtain the expected therapeutic effect from ILBI, it is necessary to conduct 5-10 sessions.

If ILBI is carried out for the purpose of disease prevention, then the procedure can be repeated every six months.

Benefits of treatment at SM-Clinic

  • Highly qualified doctors.
    The procedure is performed by transfusiologists of the highest qualification, who have extensive experience in performing such manipulations.
  • Complete security.
    ILBI is performed only after consultation with a specialized specialist, in a specially equipped treatment room of the clinic. During manipulations, we use only sterile disposable consumables.
  • High efficiency procedures.
    Our patients note a persistent therapeutic effect, which is achieved due to the quality of the procedure.
Blood cleansing is a procedure that is periodically necessary for everyone, because the health of a person as a whole depends on the state of the blood. VLOK is a modern and effective way to improve the body. Experienced specialists of "SM-Clinic" will perform intravenous laser blood irradiation with high quality, safely and in comfortable conditions.

The human body is exposed to numerous negative effects of a polluted environment, numerous radiations, and low-quality products. Frequent stress, lack of sleep provoke the onset of diseases at a young age.

Scientists have found a way to support the body, strengthen immunity, restore strength and health. Intravenous laser blood irradiation helps a person cope with the problems of the modern world.

VLOK- so abbreviated in medicine is called intravenous laser irradiation of blood.

The essence of the method

The therapeutic effect on the body of ILBI is distributed through the circulatory system. Low-intensity are fed into the vascular canal, causing a reaction in the blood.

Light therapy in various manifestations was tried to be used for the treatment of diseases many centuries ago. Only modern technologies have made it possible to obtain amazing results.

The laser energy acts on the electric charge of the blood cell, knocks out an electron from its molecule. The structure of the cell changes, the motor ability increases, the cell seeks to recover. This is how cells are renewed, then tissues, thanks to intravenous exposure.

The ILBI procedure is carried out in specialized rooms. Devices are used that can reproduce the light wave of the red and blue spectrum. When exposed to red radiation, the session lasts half an hour. Modern technology allows you to produce a blue wave, in which the procedure is reduced to seven minutes.

The patient is asked to lie down on the bed before the session. He measures the main parameters (pulse, pressure). Then a special needle with a diode attached to the laser source apparatus is inserted into the vein. After a certain time, the system will turn itself off. The client does not feel pain, discomfort. The session passes quickly, no lifestyle changes, preparation, dietary restrictions are required.

The number of sessions depends on the age of the person, his health, the presence of chronic diseases.

The standard course is 8 - 10 procedures. After six months, you can re-treat. Positive changes will be felt after the first procedure.

Application area

Under the influence of the ILBI procedure, there are significant improvements in the blood supply system. For example, the mobility of red blood cells increases. They better carry nutrients, oxygen to the tissues of organs, penetrate into small vessels, where they have not reached before.

Thanks to laser exposure, platelets begin to work actively, which normalizes blood clotting.

After irradiation, the elasticity of the vessels is restored. They expand, thereby lowering blood pressure. Blood circulation in all internal organs is restored, toxins and decay products are removed faster.

Leukocytes begin to actively destroy viruses, thanks to irradiation. The interaction of different types of leukocytes is restored, due to this, immunity improves, pain sensations decrease, and inflammatory processes decrease.

Indications for the procedure:

  • bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, other pathologies of the respiratory system;
  • sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • pathology of the heart and blood vessels;
  • eczema, psoriasis, herpes, urticaria, other skin lesions;
  • stomach ulcer, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gallstone pathology, numerous problems of the digestive system;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • hepatitis of all kinds;
  • inflammation of the fallopian tubes, infertility, mastopathy, other gynecological problems.

There are indications during pregnancy - this is toxicosis. It is used during lactation to increase lactation.

In cosmetology, the inside of the vascular has found its application. With its help, scars dissolve better, scars are smoothed out. The skin of the face and neck is toned, rejuvenated, better restored after plastic surgery.

Possible contraindications

This laser cleansing procedure has contraindications. With mental disorders, epilepsy, ILBI is not performed. High temperature for no apparent reason, unstable blood pressure before the procedure are reasons for refusal.

Contraindications will be malignant and benign tumors, low blood clotting, hemorrhagic stroke, taking certain medications, such as heparin. With photodermatosis (allergy to light exposure), sessions are also not carried out.

This method of maintaining the body is not suitable for people with diabetes, active tuberculosis, kidney, liver failure, sepsis, low hemoglobin.

Before starting treatment, you should consult with your doctor. He will determine the indications or identify the reasons for the refusal to conduct such therapy. This will help avoid possible complications.

Imaginary danger

Often, patients at the word "irradiation" begin to fear the procedure.

Asking if it is dangerous to carry out the ILBI procedure (intravenous laser blood irradiation) and what is it?

The radiation dose during a session is many times less than that which a person receives from the sun, talking on a mobile phone, or watching TV.

The laser does not bring anything foreign into the body, to which the human body will respond with a disease or disorder. During the sessions, the blood element is corrected, which allows the body to recover itself.

Due to these characteristics, this method has become universal, effective, and helps with many pathologies.

There are no side effects during intravenous laser blood purification. If a person came to the procedure, following the testimony of a doctor, fulfills all the recommendations of specialists, then the session is safe.

Advantages of the laser procedure

It is difficult to find a similar procedure with such results and numerous indications. The versatility of the method allows it to be used for treatment and prevention.

Benefits of intravenous blood purification:

  • does not cause an allergic reaction;
  • medicines are not used in the treatment;
  • does not lead to addiction;
  • the procedure is painless, carried out without hospitalization;
  • the recovery time is significantly reduced;
  • a positive result is maintained for a long time;
  • laser treatment in the acute stage leads to recovery;
  • a full course of treatment restores the reserve forces of the body, this reduces the possibility of a heart attack, stroke.

Intravenous laser irradiation of blood can rejuvenate the body, free it from ailments earned by malnutrition, lack of physical activity, and bad habits.

Indications for sessions make it clear what a wide range of possibilities this modern high-tech procedure has.


The method of laser blood processing has proven to be ideal means to improve the condition of the body.

The effect is observed after the first session. Many patients do not expect that such a positive effect will be exerted on all diseased organs almost simultaneously. Passing the full course consolidates the result, the body's own regenerative forces begin to work, immunity is strengthened.

Intravenous blood purification by laser method is widespread in Russia, and is used in Asian countries. In other parts of the world, this method is not widely used. Medical science believes that there is not much evidence collected, not enough research has been done on the effect of the laser on the blood.

The laser has a large list of indications for use. Favorably affects the human body. The method has existed since the end of the 20th century. During this period, it has proven to be the most effective healing procedure.

Intravenous blood irradiation with a laser is used in various medical fields. Sessions start recovery processes in the body, improve metabolic reactions. Laser blood cleansing is considered safer and more effective than drug treatment.

Laser blood purification is used in many areas of medicine.

The laser beam reduces inflammatory reactions, stabilizes the state of the body. Irradiation soothes skin rashes, normalizes the level indicator, and supports immunity.

Improves the recovery period after illnesses. Laser irradiation has anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, immunomodulatory effects. Removes toxins from the body.

The laser stimulates the work of the adrenal glands, ovaries, endocrine system. Normalizes hormone levels. The beam helps to reduce and adhesions, restores damaged tissue cells.

Intravenous cleansing with a laser beam improves blood flow. Increases oxygen access to vital systems. Increases ATP levels involved in the metabolism and energy of the body.

The anti-inflammatory effect is manifested in the reduction of histamine and other biological, chemical substances that cause inflammation. The pain is also reduced.

Laser purification of blood flow activates the work of connective tissue cells. It has an antibacterial effect.

The positive effect of the rays

Laser cleaning of blood leads to a decrease in blood clotting

Laser blood cleaning is used in the fields of medicine: urology, narcology, cardiology, dermatology, gynecology, pulmonology. This technique is effective, has a minimum of negative reactions.

Laser irradiation stimulates the work of body systems. A course of 3-4 procedures strengthens the immune system, lowers cholesterol, eliminates muscle pain. Significantly reduced the duration of treatment of diseases. Improving the health, mood and quality of life of the patient.

After radiation, the blood is cleaned of slag impurities and disinfected. Toxins disappear, the inflammatory process stops. The laser has a positive effect on the chemical composition of the blood. It becomes thinner, the distribution of oxygen throughout the body increases. Decreases , which leads to a decrease in and .

After the first procedure, the supply of oxygen and nutrients improves. The composition of the blood is updated, the formation of erythrocytes and leukocytes increases.

Healing effects of the laser

After cleaning the blood with a laser, there is a decrease in the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Laser blood purification is an effective procedure. Note the advantage over other pharmacological methods. Allocate therapeutic and general positive reactions of laser cleaning.


  • reduces areas of non-living tissue
  • dilates blood vessels, relieves spasmodic conditions
  • , reduces clotting
  • dissects small blood clots
  • relieves symptoms of inflammation
  • heals damaged tissue
  • improves labored breathing
  • normalizes ovarian function
  • stabilizes the adrenal glands
  • increases the amount of breast milk
  • increases susceptibility to drugs, which allows you to reduce the dose of the drug
  • helps with toxicity
  • relieves allergies
  • improves metabolism
  • lowers cholesterol level
  • supports the immune system
  • destroys bacteria


Laser blood cleaning is used even with weakness and malaise

Blood cleansing sessions are prescribed in the following cases:

  • Prevention and therapy of infectious pathologies
  • Stabilization of well-being after cosmetic procedures: peeling, skin resurfacing
  • Relaxing muscle tension after hard work
  • Treatment of weakness, ailments
  • Support for human health after surgery
  • Relief after bruises, injuries, sprains
  • Prevention of keloid scars
  • Increased remission period in severe illnesses

In addition, laser cleaning of blood flow is used in gynecology, urology, psychiatry, neurology, dermatology. Laser therapy operates in many areas of medicine.


Like all medicines and procedures, laser blood cleaning has contraindications:

  • malignant tumor
  • weak immunity
  • diabetes
  • increased thyroid function
  • infectious diseases
  • epilepsy
  • sun intolerance
  • mental disorders
  • high body temperature
  • vascular disease, heart disease
  • pathology of the kidneys, liver
  • blood disease

Sequence of treatment

The device for laser blood purification is connected intravenously using a catheter

The course of therapy is 5-10 procedures. The number of manipulations depends on the well-being of the person. Irradiation is done every day. Less often - with a break of 1-2 days.

The session lasts from 30 minutes to 1 hour and goes like this:

  1. The patient is placed on a flat surface
  2. The puncture area is lubricated with an antiseptic
  3. A little above the wrist is placed, fix the sensor
  4. Tighten the hand with a medical tourniquet
  5. Insertion of a catheter tube intravenously
  6. Untie the tourniquet
  7. Connect the device

The procedure is second to none. The positive effect lies in the photoreceptors located on the surface of blood cells. A device inserted into a vein emits a reddish or blue light that hits the photoreceptors.

Cells become excited and activated. There are chemical processes. The work of the body accelerates, improves. There is a healing, healing effect.

Patients are afraid of the words "laser irradiation". But the laser beam is not dangerous. The short wavelength of the radiating wave is harmless to humans.

During the manipulation, the patient does not feel pain and discomfort. On the recommendation of a doctor, laser therapy is repeated after 3 months.

Adverse symptoms, benefits of therapy

After laser blood cleansing, there is a slight short-term increase in pressure

Cleansing blood with laser beams is an affordable, non-hazardous procedure. Therefore, the negative effects are minimal. Expressed as a slight increase. 30 minutes after the session, the pressure stabilizes.

Unlike hemosorption and plasmapheresis procedures, laser cleaning sessions have the following advantages:

  • safety
  • sterility
  • painlessness
  • wide scope
  • lack of anesthetics
  • session speed
  • effectiveness of therapy

The cost of procedures, patient reviews

The price of one procedure ranges from 8 to 20 EUR. It depends on the status of the clinic and the place where the patient lives. A course of 10 sessions will be expensive. Doctors recommend 5-6 visits for familiarization and recovery.

Some medical centers offer discounts for more pure procedures. There is a variant of laser blood purification - "supervenous" irradiation. Has a price lower than standard manipulation.

Medical statistics, after analyzing the responses of patients, writes about the predominance of favorable, positive reviews.

More than 95% of people who have undergone VLOK talk about:

  1. Noticeable improvement in well-being after 3 sessions
  2. Comfort, sterility of procedures
  3. Opportunities not to change the usual rhythm of life
  4. Expected result - 100%

Intravenous laser beam has been used since 1995. During this period, the technique has become well-known, popular. The procedure is common in many countries. No medical therapy has shown such results.

Watch a video about intravenous laser blood cleansing:

A wide range of indications for use and laser blood purification is a special method of healing the body. Activation of protective, vital systems. A special technology makes the sessions comfortable, without negative reactions and consequences. This is confirmed by positive reviews and medical practice.

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