How long to treat vsd. Symptoms and types of VSD. Breathing problems

Vegetative-vascular dystonia worries many people, regardless of gender and age. It is difficult to cure VVD once and for all, the rehabilitation process will take a long time. Dystonia strikes vitally important organs and systems in the human body, negatively affects the mental health of the patient.

What is VSD?

Vegetative-vascular dystonia - the appearance of a complex of different symptoms, due to disruption of the autonomic nervous system. This nervous system is divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic, they are responsible for the performance of internal organs. Dystonia is characterized by failures in these systems, they manifest themselves in violations of the physical state of the body and mental health person.

Enter your pressure

Move the sliders

This disease is characterized by exacerbations - vegetative crises, they occur as a result of overwork or emotional shock, hormonal failure, diseases of the heart and blood arteries. With VVD, due to an attack vegetative crisis the patient feels strong panic fear, acceleration of the heartbeat, increasing . At the time of exacerbation, sweating increases, the patient throws into a fever or cold sweat, also there is a weakness of the whole body and an increase in the risk of fainting.

How is it manifested?

Vegetovascular dystonia has several types:

  1. , accompanied by jumps in systole and diastole pressure, systolic blood pressure often increases;
  2. hypotonic, there is a sharp drop blood pressure;
  3. normotensive, accompanied painful sensations in the chest area, failures in blood pressure are not observed;
  4. mixed, combines the symptoms of all types of VVD.

Symptoms appear depending on which system of the body has malfunctioned (nervous, respiratory, digestive, and others) and what type autonomic dysfunction prevails.

Symptoms of VVD negatively affect a person's life.

These violations make themselves felt in the form of such manifestations:

  • panic attacks;
  • dizziness;
  • decreased performance of the body, fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • nauseating sensations;
  • deterioration in bowel function;
  • failures in systolic and diastolic blood pressure;
  • heartache.

Causes of VVD

Disturbances in the autonomic nervous system appear due to stress, overwork and disease infectious nature. Also, the root causes of VVD are psychological disorders and deviations in hormonal background. Affect the manifestation of the disease and bad habits: smoking, alcohol, overeating. Lack of normal physical activity worsens the condition of the body.

Is it possible to permanently get rid of VSD?

To get rid of VVD forever, the use of drugs is not enough. It is impossible to quickly overcome the disease. Irreversible deliverance from dysfunctions of the autonomic nervous system includes whole complex treatment methods. First, you need to reconsider your lifestyle, change it to a more mobile one. Watch your diet and completely give up bad habits(smoking, alcohol). Secondly, do not succumb to stressful situations, control your emotional state. Thirdly, take care of your health, because even a complication after a cold can contribute to the development of more complex diseases.

Methods of treatment

Treatment is individual, depending on the causes that provoked the disease.

Nervous system dysfunction is curable, for this you need to overcome the causes of the disease, and not its symptoms. Initially, a neurological and therapeutic examination of the patient is carried out, tests are taken to assess the hormonal background, an examination of the heart, its valves and blood vessels is carried out. Having established the root causes of the disease, prescribes best practices struggle with dystonia and gives advice on how to improve the quality of life. Treatment methods for dystonia for each patient are selected individually, they depend on the underlying causes and type of illness. Those cured should never return to their previous way of life.


Treatment medications gives a positive result, but it should be remembered that drugs have side effects.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is cured with the help of drugs that act directly on the functioning of the nervous system, they are presented in the table:

Drug groupsNames of medicinesModes of action
  • "Cipravlex";
  • "Amitriptyline";
  • "Lerivon".
Struggling with depression and depression.
  • "Piracetam";
  • "Etiracetam".
Improve brain performance, stimulate the development of mental functions.
  • "Tizercin";
  • "Aminazin".
They help with panic attacks, soothe psychomotor agitation, normalize sleep.
  • "Relanium";
  • "diazepam";
  • "Phenazepam".
They struggle with anxiety, with a sense of fear and anxiety.
  • "Stugeron";
  • Vinpocetine.
Restore blood circulation, improve brain function.
Herbal remedies
  • "Novo-Passit";
  • "Valerian forte".
They have a calming effect, improve the functioning of the heart and large arteries.

Lifestyle and diet

A healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition are the best prevention of vegetative-vascular dystonia. The fight against dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system is successful due to such factors:

  1. Healthy sleep, at least 8 hours a day.
  2. Adequate physical activity, it can be hiking, therapeutic exercises, cycling or morning exercises.
  3. Compliance. You should fill the dishes with useful and nutrients, fatty food to exclude. Enrich the diet with cereals, vegetables and fruits, it is also recommended to eat lean chicken meat.
  4. Refusal of alcohol and smoking.
  5. Emotional state control.


Psychotherapy will help to cure VVD forever, it is aimed at improving mental state sick. For each patient, a specific therapy program is drawn up, which helps to recover from dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Thanks to psychotherapy, the patient will be cured of fictitious fears, panic attacks and nervous tension. Psychotherapy has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

VVD is a chronic disease in which compensatory processes in the body are disturbed.

For the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, in particular, symptoms, the most effective is complex therapy, which includes both medication and treatment folk remedies.

In accordance with ICD 10, vegetative-vascular dystonia is classified as a manifestation of an autonomic disorder of the cardiovascular system, which combines several diagnoses.

The reasons that affect the appearance of vegetative-vascular dystonia:

  • Increased fatigue;
  • Smoking;
  • Coffee (often consumed);
  • Alcohol (in large quantities);
  • Frequent stress;
  • viral infections;
  • climate change;
  • Diseases thyroid gland;
  • Traumatic brain injury;
  • Vertebral injuries;
  • heart disorders;
  • Hormonal changes in the body.

Signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia:

  • pain in the chest area;
  • lack of air;
  • slow or fast heartbeat;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • increased sweating;
  • blood pressure may rise or fall;
  • irritability;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • phobias may appear;
  • in some cases, loss of consciousness;
  • weather dependence appears.

To get rid of vegetative-vascular dystonia, folk remedies are used forever, physical exercises at home, as well as emotional and mental peace.

In this article we will talk about how to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia at home.

For treatment vegetative dystonia use collections of plants such as mint, motherwort, lemon balm, hawthorn, St. John's wort. They are used to prepare decoctions or insist on alcohol. Mint and lemon balm are added to tea. These plants can be consumed continuously without harm to health.

Teas from such plants are considered light, if they do not help get rid of the manifestations of VVD, then herbs are chosen to treat a specific symptom of this disease.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia, get rid of forever at home

For the treatment of symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia associated with cardiac manifestations, a special tincture is used, which is prepared from such herbs:

  • Valerian tincture (100 ml);
  • Hawthorn (100 ml);
  • Peony (100 ml);
  • Motherwort (100 ml);
  • Eucalyptus tincture (50 ml);
  • Mint tincture (25 ml).

The above listed ready-made tinctures (you can buy them at a pharmacy) are mixed, 5-9 spicy clove inflorescences are added. The finished tincture is placed in a dark, cool place for 14 days, after which herbal preparation ready for use. Take the infusion three times a day half an hour before meals, 25 drops. The course of treatment lasts about a month.

For a general tonic effect on the body, an infusion is used using echinacea, hops and rhodiola (golden root). To make this tool you will need:

  • Echinacea inflorescences;
  • Rhodiola rosea root;
  • Hop cones.

Mix in a ratio of 2:2:1 and add hot water at the rate of a glass of water per tbsp. collection. When the infusion has cooled, you need to add one tbsp. l. honey. present herbal remedy drink during the day in three divided doses. Use this remedy every day for a month. It is desirable to carry out such treatment once a year.

Causes of headaches in vegetative-vascular dystonia may be insufficient blood circulation in the brain. The following tool will help to cope with the reasons:

  • 2 tbsp. l. honey (liquid, light);
  • 1 st. l. butter;
  • 25 g propolis (powder).

All ingredients are mixed to form a homogeneous mass. The ointment is rubbed overnight into the calves, as well as into the area of ​​the temples, forehead, and hairy part heads. Well given treatment lasts about two weeks.

A recipe for a folk remedy in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, which allows you to stabilize the general condition after the first course of use.

100 g of dry herbs are taken:

  • Chamomile;
  • Elecampane root;
  • St. John's wort;
  • birch buds;
  • Rose hip;
  • You will also need two glasses of water, and 1 tbsp. light honey.

After mixing all the herbal ingredients in an enamel bowl, pour them with water and put on fire. After boiling the broth, turn it off after a minute. The finished broth remains to be filtered and add one tablespoon. honey.

The herbal remedy should be taken in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast and at night an hour after eating.

All herbal remedies are used in the absence of hypersensitivity to herbs and honey.

To cope with the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia, you can use this remedy:

  • Valerian infusion;
  • Motherwort tincture;
  • Corvalol;
  • Hawthorn tincture.

Each of the tinctures is mixed in equal proportions. Take diluted 15 drops per ½ cup boiled water in the morning (20 minutes before breakfast) and at night. The course lasts up to two weeks.

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia with the remedy described below is useful for pregnant women, because the decoction increases vitality and fight fatigue.

You need to take:

  • Oat grains (1 cup);
  • 1 liter of purified water;
  • Milk;
  • Light honey (5 tablespoons).

Oats are poured with water and put on fire, after boiling, boiled until thick. Strain and add milk in a ratio of 1:1 and honey, mix well.

This tool is stored in the refrigerator, and is good for up to two days. Take ½ cup 3-4 times a day, regardless of food.

The result will be noticeable within 3-4 weeks after application.

A few more recipes that are used at home:

  • Yarrow herb (2 parts);
  • Knotweed grass (2 parts);
  • Hawthorn fruits (3 parts);
  • Rowan fruits (2 parts);
  • Aralia root (1 part);
  • Licorice root (2 parts);
  • Grass stonecrop (2 parts);
  • Tansy inflorescences (2 parts);
  • Mordovnik root (1 part).

Or in another composition:

  • Mordovnik root (2 hours);
  • Licorice root (3 hours);
  • Flax grass (2 hours);
  • Juniper (1 hour);
  • Chicory root (2 hours);
  • Dandelion root (2 hours);
  • Velerian root (3 hours)
  • St. John's wort (3 parts).

These two collections are prepared in this way: 2 tablespoons of mixed herbs, pre-chopped, pour 1 liter of hot water, put on fire and after boiling, boil for about ten minutes under the lid. Pour the broth into a thermos without filtering and leave overnight. Drink the infused broth throughout the day, dividing 150 ml for a single dose. Take before meals for 20 minutes. For better absorption, add honey or sugar. This remedy is taken for about four months daily.

The so-called folk remedy of “seven glasses” will help to significantly alleviate the condition:

  1. Cahors wine (200 ml);
  2. Garlic juice (from about fifteen heads);
  3. carrot juice;
  4. Juice from lemons;
  5. Radish juice;
  6. Liquid honey (200 ml).

Take this mixture three times a day for half an hour before meals. Very well, such a remedy acts on blood vessels and blood, cleansing them, rejuvenates the body and tones the general state of health. Store the prepared mixture in the refrigerator. The course lasts 45 days.

Juniper berries also have a good effect. You need to eat berries every day, starting with one piece, and adding one more every day. Having reached twelve berries, we reduce again one per day.

A simple recipe for an infusion for cleaning blood vessels:

Take 1 cup of dill seeds, 2 tablespoons of valerian root. All this is poured with boiled hot water and poured into a thermos. It is necessary to insist within three days. After that, filter and add 2 cups of honey. Mix everything very well, put in the refrigerator. You need to drink such a remedy one tablespoon three times a day, before meals, for 30 minutes.

All folk remedies, with vegetative-vascular dystonia at home, can only be used after consulting with a specialist and undergoing an examination to identify the initial cause of the VVD.

Self-treatment, as well as self-diagnosis, can be harmful to your health!

In order to completely get rid of VVD, in addition to the above-described treatment with folk remedies, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, and the whole body as a whole: start the morning with exercise, temper, you need healthy sleep (at least 8 hours), relaxing massage, swimming, yoga helps a lot . It is very important to establish psycho-emotional state: in case of depression or neuroses, it is necessary to consult a specialist for qualified help.

Note also that in hypertensive VSD type it is necessary to carry out treatment in no case without increasing the pressure, acting only on lowering blood pressure. Conversely, in the hypertensive type of VVD, treatment is aimed at increasing pressure.

vegeto vascular dystonia children also suffer. For treatment in children, a pediatrician's consultation and examination are necessary to diagnose vegetovascular dystonia and get to its causes.

It can be concluded that the treatment of VVD is possible, but the most effective is complex. Herbal infusions and decoctions have a calming effect and have an antispasmodic, analgesic effect, help to cope with depressive states. Physical exercises strengthen blood vessels and muscles, improving blood circulation, helping to reduce the symptoms of VVD.

Nutrition for VVD

During the VVD, vascular tone is disturbed, so you need to include in daily ration food containing calcium, magnesium and potassium. These are products such as: buckwheat and oatmeal, legumes, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, honey, dried apricots, prunes, walnuts, parsley, dill. It is best to use olive oil and sunflower oil (unrefined) in cooking.

It is necessary to use more freshly squeezed juices, various compotes (from dried fruits or fresh fruits and berries). Drink about two liters of water per day. It is necessary to eat during the day 3-5 times.

In combination with proper nutrition, folk remedies, in a healthy way life, you can forever get rid of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

They also prescribe rest in a sanatorium for rehabilitation. Climate therapy works well. Very useful Spa treatment, which includes balneotherapy, massage, exercise therapy, as well as procedures using physiotherapy.

Most often, from physiotherapeutic procedures, electrophoresis is prescribed with medicines(with calcium, magnesium, bromine, novocaine, caffeine), electrosleep, various baths, mud treatment, some patients - acupuncture.

If the patient has vegetovascular dystonia, you can get rid of it forever at home. Dystonia neurocirculatory type not isolated as a separate disease. It refers to syndromes of a neurological nature, which are concomitant with various diseases.

Symptoms and treatment depend on many factors. The main causes of the onset of the disease include constant stress, changes in the hormonal background, diseases of the organs. endocrine system, strokes, injuries, etc. Hereditary predisposition can influence if psychopathy, neuroses, hypertension, etc. have been noticed in the family of people. How to cure completely VVD, the doctor will tell. Many techniques have now been developed to help cope with this pathology.


Many of our readers actively use widely for the treatment of HEART DISEASES known technique based on natural ingredients, discovered by Elena Malysheva. We definitely recommend checking it out.

It is quite difficult to get rid of such a disease as VSD forever, but it can be independently controlled using preventive measures. Now scientists and doctors have been able to prove that VVD manifests itself due to the fact that there are inconsistencies in the work of the organs of the endocrine system, the hypothalamus and nerve centers in the brain. If a patient develops a vegetovascular disease, then most often a breakdown occurs in school period life. It's connected with heavy loads as well as puberty. Such mechanisms are initial in hypertension, ischemic disease, peptic ulcer and other ailments.

If you do not treat VVD in young age, then in the future the ability to work is lost, various chronic diseases. The clinical picture of vegetative-vascular disease is characterized by the appearance of sharp crises that can torment the patient for a long time. Therapy varies depending on blood pressure. Crisis can be caused menstrual bleeding, drastic changes weather conditions, etc. To treat VVD, you need to understand several types of crises.

First, they distinguish the adrenaline type. A person often and severely has a headache, tachycardia appears, a tremor of the hands occurs, chilliness is felt in the feet and palms. There is a feeling of fear and excitement, which will gradually increase in the form of panic attacks. The upper mark of blood pressure can rise up to 180 mm. AT this case reflex methods of treatment. The patient should breathe deeply, while inhaling while making a delay. You need to do 6 approaches. It is allowed to massage the eyes with your fingers for several minutes. Good massage in the area above the collarbone helps. If the patient is at home, then you can use mustard plasters by attaching them to the back of the neck. If there is no effect, and vegetovascular dystonia has not receded, then the patient can be given Corvalol or Valocordin. Helps Diazepam, Propranolol.

Secondly, the vagoinsular type of crises is distinguished. Dizziness and weakness appear if a person does not eat for a long time. There are vision problems. The headache may be on one side. Rumbling in the stomach, frequent urge to empty the bowels, increased sweating, lack of oxygen - this is the list. additional features. Rarely, the patient may lose consciousness. The lower mark of blood pressure can drop to 60 mm. You need to know the measures that will help against attacks. In this case, foot massage helps. It is best to massage the central dimples. It is useful to rub the ears and the area around them. The patient should drink sweet tea. Of the drugs, Corvalol is suitable.

In addition, a third type of crisis is distinguished, when the described symptoms can abruptly replace each other. In this case, the crisis is mixed. Treatment at home (VVD must be treated) is carried out depending on which signs of a crisis in a mixed form prevail.

Treatment at home involves the use of a number of methods. First, it is imperative to put in order the regime of the day. Secondly, you can play sports. Yoga and auto-training will be very useful for VVD. If the patient has dystonia, physiotherapy, medicines, and treatment in sanatoriums will help get rid of it. Be sure to follow the diet and diet.

As for the daily routine, you need to sleep at least 6-8 hours a day. This will eliminate irritability, improve the reaction of the nervous system, relieve anxiety and fear. Rest should be complete. You can listen to music before going to bed, take a bath, watch a movie - in general, relax. Every day you need to walk in the fresh air. The room also needs to be ventilated. In the living room you need to use pleasant bright colors. The same applies to clothing.

Be sure to follow the diet. You will have to give up coffee, alcoholic drinks, strong tea, spicy dishes, fast food, fatty meat and other products that irritate the nervous system. The last meal should be 2-3 hours before bedtime. Fruits and vegetables are welcome. Can be applied fasting days to cleanse the body.


Many of our readers actively use the well-known method based on natural ingredients, discovered by Elena Malysheva, for the treatment of VVD. We definitely recommend checking it out.

Many people are interested in how to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia with folk remedies. Now there are many recipes based on natural ingredients that will help to cope with this problem. For example, the most popular is next collection. You need to take 0.5 tablespoons of all components. You will need hop cones, hawthorn inflorescences, motherwort, mint, oregano, lemon balm and thyme. You also need to add 2 tablespoons of mistletoe, sweet clover, St. John's wort, chamomile, valerian, calendula, yarrow, wormwood and dill grains. Then all components are thoroughly mixed. Then you need to take only a spoonful of herbal collection and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. After 30 minutes, the remedy will infuse, it must be filtered. It is allowed to store it in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. The course of treatment is 20 days. Take a glass three times a day. Then a pause is made for a week, after which you again need to return to such a procedure as herbal treatment. You will have to repeat the course 4 times, but after the second approach, not 1, but 2 tablespoons are brewed for the same volume of boiling water.

Treatment VSD folk means suggests the use of not only herbs, but also berries. The following berry composition is very popular. You will need to collect rose hips (40 g), blackcurrant (20 g) and barberry (20 g). It is allowed to add 30 g of nettle leaves and lungwort to the mixture. VSD folk remedies are treated according to a certain dosage, so you need to monitor the preparation and use of the formulations. All assembled components must be thoroughly mixed. Then 2 tablespoons of the collection are poured with 400 ml of boiling water. The container should be tightly covered. After 4 hours, the tincture will be ready. It needs to be filtered. You can take the medicine before meals 3 times a day. A single dose is 100 ml.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia, which is treated with folk remedies only after the permission of the doctor, can be different types, so be sure to consider that some drugs can affect blood pressure.

Treatment of VVD with alternative methods involves the use various tinctures, which you can either cook yourself or buy ready-made in pharmacies. For example, motherwort tincture is suitable. It will take 10 g of the dried ingredient. Motherwort should be poured with a glass of boiling water. The entire volume is taken 4 times a day. Last time you need to drink the remedy before going to bed. Treatment can be continued up to a month.

Another healthy drink is valerian-based tea. It will take 15 g of roots per 200 ml of water. The root must be carefully crushed. It should be poured with boiling water and close the dishes. This is what a thermos is for. After 12 hours, the tincture should be filtered and taken 3 times a day, 20 ml each. Be sure to drink it before bed. If a person's health worsens, then it is allowed to increase the dosage by 2 times. Treatment with folk remedies of this type can be carried out without time limits.

If the patient's pressure is normal with vegetative-vascular dystonia, then traditional medicine suggests using immortelle. For example, a spoonful of grass should be poured with boiling water. After 20-30 minutes, the tincture will be ready, it can be filtered. The course of treatment is 4 days. Drink the remedy should be 0.5 cups 3 times a day. Folk methods differ depending on the symptoms. If with this disease in a person normal pressure then you can drink fresh carrot juice. He will be very helpful. An equally effective remedy is tea based on rose hips. These drinks make you feel better. You can cook a decoction of elecampane. It will take 30 g per 0.5 l of water. You need to cook for 15 minutes. When the product has cooled, it is filtered. The course of treatment is a month. It is allowed to take 4 times a day for a couple of spoons. The mixed species requires other medicines.

If the patient has high blood pressure, then a decoction of hawthorn is prescribed. It is necessary to process 10 g of fruits in a steam bath for 15 minutes. Three times a day you need to drink 1 tbsp. l. decoction. Fortified teas are also suitable for this type. For example, a drink can be prepared on the basis of barberry, blueberries, chokeberry and black currants. All these berries can be used in different proportions for making tea leaves. The drink can be drunk at any time like regular tea. Treatment with folk remedies will help to restore strength faster. Highly useful plant considered magnolia. You need to finely chop the leaves, and then pour them with alcohol. After 2 weeks, the tincture will be ready. You need to take 20 drops 3 times a day. It is allowed to dilute the product with water before taking. Treatment with folk remedies will restore the heart rate and remove pain and cardiac discomfort.

If vegetovascular dystonia is characterized reduced pressure, then the patient can be prescribed herbal collection based on 30 g of nettle leaves, 10 g of dandelion and 20 g of blackberry leaves. All components must be crushed and thoroughly mixed. The collection must be poured with a glass of boiling water, then boil for 5 minutes and let it brew for an hour. You need to take the drug 2 tablespoons after meals 3 times a day.

You can treat VVD at home with St. John's wort and angelica if the patient is prone to hypotension.

The remedy is prepared like regular tea. It has a pleasant taste and aroma. To prepare the correct collection, you need to take 10 parts of St. John's wort for 1 part of angelica. It is allowed to drink such a drink for a long time without interruption - it will not bring harm. It is best to drink the remedy at least twice a day. Useful for such symptoms is considered to be a tincture based on the rhizome of Rhodiola rosea. It is necessary to pour 100 g of raw materials into 0.5 liters of vodka. In a week the medicine will be ready. Every time you need to breed in clean water 10 drops and drink 3 times a day. The course of treatment can last 2-4 weeks.


Folk remedies for vegetovascular dystonia are one of the methods of treatment. The treatment itself depends on what type of crisis is observed in the patient. As for the methods of treatment that will help get rid of VVD forever, the patient must definitely normalize his daily routine, play sports, monitor nutrition and follow all the doctor's recommendations.

And some secrets...

  • Do you often have discomfort in the head area (squeezing, pressing or throbbing pain)?
  • You are haunted by a feeling of fatigue, depression, apathy, loss of strength ...
  • Pain in the joints and muscles, spasms in the internal organs ...
  • There is nothing to say about shortness of breath after the slightest physical exertion ...
  • And you have been taking a lot of medications for a long time ...

But judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, victory is not on your side. That is why we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the new technique of Elena Malysheva, who has found an effective remedy for the treatment of HEART diseases, atherosclerosis, hypertension and cleaning of blood vessels.

Vegetovascular dystonia is directly related to diseases of the musculoskeletal system - arthrosis of the joints (metabolic disorders), osteochondrosis, scoliosis, discogenic disease, vertebrobasilar insufficiency. On the early stage of the above diseases, signs of VVD appear, disguised, slightly. But if you do not turn to a specialist for help in time, then the “snowball” of sores will increase with an arithmetic progression. And if we add adrenaline (stress, domestic conflicts), viral infections, injuries, weather factors (atmospheric changes) to these problems, then there will be a full bouquet of sores with blurred symptoms that mimic pains in various internal organs.

Imagine a patient suffering from scoliosis, who has deformities in the bones, including the spine, skull, joints, or suffering from discogenic disease (including herniated discs), for example, with lumbago in the cervical and lumbar region. In such patients, the posture naturally adapts when moving, walking, sitting, lying down. The pose is chosen in such a way that pain syndromes are less felt. If this forced habit is accompanied by years, then as a result of such a “twisted” state (forced posture) the load on musculoskeletal system distributed unevenly. Hence, the left and right half of the body have different volumes of muscle and fat mass, the vessels naturally also do not function in the same way, and the temperature in different parts of the body, respectively, also differs. Over time, the pain goes away, as the pinched nerve dies off in a month, and the problem has not gone away.

What is Vegetovascular Dystonia?

-VSDmalfunction of the human body, manifested by a combination of symptoms of various diseases. With VVD, a delicate balance is disturbed between the most important parts of the autonomic nervous system: sympathetic and parasympathetic.

Therefore, all the symptoms of the disease are based on the imbalance and disharmony of internal physiological, biochemical processes. Changes in autonomic vascular regulation can occur at different levels and to varying degrees, both within the central nervous system and in peripheral nervous structures. Involvement in these processes of sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions The autonomic nervous system is different for everyone.

There are systemic and regional vegetative-vascular dystonias. Systemic VSD are characterized by small and transient rises in blood pressure within 140/90-159/94 mm Hg. and a variety of neurovegetative symptoms (restless sleep, fatigue, increased and unstable heart rate, sweating, etc.).

Regional VSD from the point of view traditional medicine insufficiently studied, these include local spasms or expansion of the muscular arteries, asymmetry in blood pressure, skin temperature and sweating, migraine, Raynaud's syndrome.

Diagnosis from the point of view of traditional doctors is still approximate.

Who is more susceptible to this disease?

Most often, this disease affects weakened people with an underdeveloped or deformed skeletal system leading a sedentary lifestyle. VSD occurs at any age, in women more often after 25-30 years, in men after 40-45 years, and also in childhood. Children often get sick, do not tolerate physical exercise, capricious, conflict, unbalanced, complain of dizziness, palpitations, headaches, redness of the skin. In children, the onset of the disease is promoted by scoliosis, birth injuries, oxygen starvation of the fetus during pregnancy (entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck), hypoxia, diseases infancy etc. In adolescence, dystonia can manifest itself paroxysmal from 2-3 minutes to several hours. So that this does not become a lifelong problem, it is better to treat it from infancy. In adults, VVD is much more difficult due to chronic intoxication, overwork, prolonged and significant violations of the regimen, physical inactivity, emotional stress, unstable pressure.

Manifestation of VVD

The therapist is difficult to put accurate diagnosis and choose the right technique treatment. Some patients are dominated complaints on the heart, in others - on migrating pains in the stomach, intestines, gallbladder. In the third - for migrating, simulating pain in the kidney area, in the groin, between the shoulder blades, behind the sternum, chronic fatigue in the whole body, all kinds of phobias, including a feeling of closed space, suffocation, a feeling of fear, loss of consciousness, painful sensations of “lack of air”, irritability, impaired memory, sleep, appetite, headache, dizziness, palpitations, which often predominate over objectively detectable disorders (sweating, tachycardia, hand tremors). Frequent heart changes systolic murmur, violation of the heart rhythm (respiratory arrhythmia, brady or tachycardia, extrasystole, etc.). May occur dystrophic changes in the myocardium, as a result of prolonged vascular disorders and dysregulation of blood circulation.

All this can be associated with the spine. Therefore, all kinds of medical laboratory examinations (ultrasound, ECG and others) do not confirm the disease of any internal organ: liver, kidneys, ovaries, appendages, heart, prostate etc. Almost all indicators are within the normal range. Often psychiatrists consider the patient to be a simulator or write off the age (40-60 years), prescribing antidepressants.

For comparison, the reader must understand that a miracle - "healing" does not happen by itself, one must look for true reason and not engage in self-hypnosis, that it is incurable. A patient suffering from VVD, first of all, needs to believe in himself, in his strength, to choose the treatment correctly and on time. The more time passes, the faster the processes associated with the violation of trophism in the spinal motion joints occur. If you do not remove the true cause of pain, but look for imitating reflected pain, then there will be no positive, lasting results. It is not for nothing that VVD was previously called Vegetative neurosis. .

Human organism- this is one system, and if a disease of any internal organ occurs, then this will certainly be reflected in pain in the spine, and vice versa, often with diseases of the spine, pain is reflected in the internal organs.

For example, with vertebrocardiopathy, there is pain in the region of the heart under the scapula, radiating to left hand, sensation of angina pectoris attacks, tachycardia, which appear during movements, and are absent at rest while lying down, while the cardiogram is normal.

At organic lesions(metastases, hematomas) or osteoporosis (loose bone, like a sponge), manipulations are contraindicated. And, on the contrary, with functional disorders (the arm does not rise, pulls the leg, pulling back pain, etc.), with difficulty in venous outflow in the spine, joints - direct reading to manual medicine.

Can VSD be cured?

Yes, you can. First of all, you need to put correct diagnosis, and for this it is necessary to investigate the internal organ that worries, and make sure that there are no serious organic violations. Then it is necessary to undergo an additional examination, which will appoint chiropractor(X-ray, MRI, etc.). Then, if there are no contraindications by special techniques, good specialist eliminate all kinds of functional blocking of the vertebrae, improve joint mobility, normalize blood circulation. After all, at VSD vessels do not expand enough or contract more than necessary, which leads to the fact that insufficient oxygen and other nutrients, resulting in headaches and so on most often. In the treatment of VVD, I achieve positive results thanks to the use of not only manual therapy, but also reflexology, herbal medicine, acupuncture, as well as, if necessary, clay therapy, apitherapy, hirudotherapy, without using psychotropic and other drugs.

Case from practice:

A 34-year-old patient came to the appointment with complaints of constant dizziness, malaise, weakness throughout the body, pain in the neck, she often lost consciousness in the subway, she could not even put on her shoes on her own. Because of the fear of losing consciousness, she was afraid to leave the house alone.

In the polyclinic, she was “kicked off” from one specialist to another, since no significant violations were observed during the examinations, in the end, she was sent to a psychiatrist who prescribed antidepressants, which she categorically refused.

Already after 3-4 doses without drug treatment she felt much better, and a year later, at a preventive appointment, there were no signs of VVD and other concomitant diseases was not, i.e. the patient is completely healthy.

A 24-year-old patient was diagnosed with scoliosis of the first degree and VVD in the clinic. He complains of fatigue, chronic fatigue, cannot sit at the computer for a long time, is irritable, he is worried about pain in the groin, in the kidney area, nagging pain in the lower back, a feeling of discomfort between the shoulder blades. In addition, at the appointment, it was found that due to the twisted pelvis, one leg looked shorter than the other. At the first appointment, I eliminated multiple functional blocks throughout the spine, and also eliminated the torsion of the pelvis, after which a feeling of lightness appeared in the whole body. Going to the 4th reception in a month - there were no complaints.

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