How is neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypertensive type manifested and treated? Ncd by hypertensive type - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods

  • Causes of the disease
  • Characteristic features
  • Treatment of neurocirculatory dystonia
  • Non-drug support

One of the diseases of the nervous system is neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypertonic type. What is it, what causes it and how to treat it? You can read about it below.

Hypertensive neurocirculatory dystonia manifests itself as a violation of the circulatory system, accompanied by problems with the respiratory system, nervous breakdown, increased excitability, fear and other associated syndromes.

This disease is mainly characteristic of young people.

NCD is a complex disease characterized by a range of different symptoms. Neurocirculatory dystonia is accompanied by disruption of the body's vessels. Depending on the type of such a violation, the vessels may narrow or expand. From here, high or, conversely, low pressure appears. That is why neurocirculatory dystonia is distinguished according to the hypertonic and hypotonic types. Each of these types of NCD has its own manifestations, as well as methods of treatment.

In more detail, neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypertensive type will be considered here.

Causes of the disease

The causes of NCD in the hypertensive type can be very different and, which is very important, in no way related to its functioning itself.

Basically, the causes of dystonia are associated with the external influence of the environment and the individual lifestyle of a person.

These include:

  • chronic lack of sleep, overwork of the body;
  • the presence of concomitant infectious diseases;
  • transferred psycho-emotional trauma;
  • influence of hot climate, shaking;
  • the period of pregnancy or menopause in women;
  • alcohol, tobacco or other intoxication of the body;
  • an excess of physical activity or, conversely, an acute lack of it.

It is believed that the appearance of neurocirculatory dystonia can be directly related to heredity and structural features of the body.

Neurocirculatory dystonia occurs as an abnormal reaction of blood vessels to an irritant that has appeared. This disease is undulating in nature, i.e. alternate periods of exacerbation of the disease and periods of rest.

It is worth noting that such a condition is not dangerous for a person, but it can bring him many different unpleasant sensations and uncomfortable conditions.

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Characteristic features

Since NCD of the hypertensive type is a complex disease, it is characterized by a wide variety of symptoms. A single patient, of course, does not have all the signs at once, usually there are 9-15 characteristic symptoms:

  • palpitations, accompanied by minor pain in the region of the heart;
  • feelings of anxiety, fear, irritability;
  • weakness, loss of strength, fatigue;
  • insomnia, bad mood;
  • the appearance of a headache, often dizziness;
  • disorders of the respiratory system, shortness of breath;
  • chills, cold extremities;
  • heat in the face, neck;
  • pain in the abdomen, often - a feeling of nausea;
  • feeling of pulsating blood vessels.

Almost all patients suffering from neurocirculatory dystonia experience pain in the region of the heart, which is undulating in nature.

How to determine that you have neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypertensive type, and not hypertension, cardiology and nervous breakdown?

Unlike serious diseases, NCD type hypertension is accompanied by a wide range of different complaints. On a detailed examination, at the same time, there are no changes in the fundus of the eye, as well as in the region of the heart, which are characteristic of other human diseases.

In patients with dystonia, there is increased sweating in the armpits, palms. Palms become cold, wet. Often there is a rapid heartbeat, which can reach up to 100 beats per minute.

In addition, the patient complains of frequent breathing, the appearance of shortness of breath, breathing mainly occurs through the mouth. With a contact examination in the intercostal region, a pain syndrome appears, similar to intercostal neuralgia.

In order to make sure that the patient has NCD of the hypertensive type, and not any other disease, the doctor usually performs the following medical procedures:

  • biochemical blood test for composition and hormones;
  • an electrocardiogram showing changes in more serious heart disease
  • daily monitoring of blood pressure, which shows its wave-like change, which indicates the symptoms of neurocirculatory dystonia;
  • ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland and abdominal cavity.

If the patient has all the above symptoms and a medical examination, which indicates the presence of this type of neurocirculatory dystonia, then the patient is prescribed a course of treatment to alleviate and relieve the accompanying symptoms and eliminate the characteristic signs of the disease.

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Treatment of neurocirculatory dystonia

Before starting the treatment of neurocirculatory dystonia, it is necessary to establish and eliminate the causes that contributed to its appearance. If possible, it is necessary to eliminate stressful situations, calm down, put sleep and nutrition in order. In the presence of chronic diseases, special attention should be paid to their treatment and cleansing of the body and processing of the oral cavity and nasal passage to facilitate breathing.

If the appearance of neurocirculatory dystonia is associated with psycho-emotional stress, it is necessary to change activities if possible and give the body a rest.

Since this disease is not dangerous for the body, the patient himself must tune in to recovery and well-being, take care of his health, and improve his mood. The emotional state of the patient plays an important role in the patient's recovery process.

Therefore, it is important to convince yourself that these symptoms will disappear faster if he can properly set up his body for recovery. Auto-training and relaxation attempts are of great importance.

To help the patient calm down and relieve a stressful situation, he is prescribed sedatives. In a mild form of the disease, motherwort and valerian herbs can be taken, which have a sedative effect and positively affect the functioning of the brain. It is necessary to take such herbs in a course several times a day and always at night.

In severe forms of the course of this disease, tranquilizers are prescribed, which have a powerful sedative effect. However, when taking such drugs, you need to be especially careful not to cause addiction and the appearance of side effects. Taking tranquilizers is aimed at relieving feelings of anxiety, fear, increasing efficiency and reducing fatigue.

If the patient has prolonged depression, then he is recommended to take antidepressants. Reception of such funds lasts up to 4 weeks and is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.

In order to improve the functioning of the brain and the entire autonomic system, drugs that normalize cerebral circulation can be prescribed, which helps to reduce headaches, dizziness, and pain in the neck.

Neurocirculatory dystonia: causes, signs, types, treatment

Obviously, the essence of the numerous names of the syndrome of neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD) is the same - impaired autonomic regulation of primary organs reduces the quality of life, starting from childhood or adolescence, therefore NCD is considered a "youth" disease.

Most often, neurocirculatory dystonia ( , syndrome of vegetative dystonia) begins in the pubertal period, when secondary sexual characteristics are just about to be determined, and hormones begin to be active in connection with the upcoming restructuring.

The disease, as a rule, is associated with certain causes, which gave impetus to a persistent violation that remains for life and makes a person "neither sick nor healthy."

Why does this happen?

autonomic nervous system permeates the entire human body and is responsible for the innervation of the internal organs and systems of the lymph and blood circulation, digestion, respiration, excretion, hormonal regulation, as well as tissues of the brain and spinal cord. In addition, the autonomic nervous system maintains the constancy of the internal environment and ensures the adaptation of the body to external conditions.

The operation of all systems is ensured by the equilibrium behavior of its two departments: sympathetic and parasympathetic. With the predominance of the function of one department over another, there is a change in the work of individual systems and organs. The adaptive abilities of the body with such a phenomenon, of course, are reduced.

Interestingly, damage to some organs and malfunction of the endocrine system can themselves lead to an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system. Neurocirculatory dystonia is the result of an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system, therefore, the form of NCD depends on the predominance of a particular part of the ANS (sympathetic or parasympathetic).

Lead to disease

The question of why someone is sick and someone is not is inherent in NDC as well as in other diseases. In the etiology of neurocirculatory dystonia, the main factors can be distinguished:

The combination of several or all factors together leads to the body's response to stimuli. This reaction is due to the formation of pathological conditions, which are manifested by violations:

  1. metabolic processes;
  2. Innervation of internal organs;
  3. Work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. In the blood coagulation system;
  5. Activities of the endocrine system.

The course of the mother's pregnancy and birth trauma also have a negative impact on the state of the autonomic system and can cause neurocirculatory dystonia in children.

The inconsistency of the work of the systems ultimately leads to a response of the vessels - them. Thus, the manifestation of neurocirculatory dystonia begins.

Video: neurocirculatory dystonia - Dr. Komarovsky

Types of NDC

Each neurocirculatory dystonia proceeds differently. The essence of these phenomena lies in the predominance of a certain department of the autonomic nervous system and in the formation of the type of NCD. For one, for the other, only the ambient temperature will change by a degree or two. And, if God forbid, excitement, stress or a sudden change in the weather - there is generally an uncontrollable reaction. The symptoms of neurocirculatory dystonia are bright and varied, but the sensations are always unpleasant.

You can feel anything. Dizziness, fainting, accompanied by nausea or an unpleasant "lump" in the stomach. The feeling is that sometimes you want to lose consciousness in order to get relief later. Often, fainting for some people is a salvation, because after it comes a pleasant languor and relaxation ...

Treatment of neurocirculatory dystonia is long, due to the undulating course of the process, and is aimed at preventing relapse. In addition, the complex of medications directly depends on the type of NCD and changes in the cardiovascular system.

Types of neurocirculatory dystonia are divided depending on blood pressure indicators:

  • Neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypertensive type - blood pressure tends to increase, regardless of age and circumstances;
  • Neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypotonic type - lethargy, weakness, decreased pressure and pulse;
  • Neurocirculatory dystonia of a mixed type, it’s hard to keep track of how and when everything will turn around. The worst thing is that the patient does not know in advance and with a shudder is waiting for either an increase or a decrease in pressure.

Hypertensive type NCD

Neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypertensive type is characterized by an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system, expressed by the predominance of the tone of the sympathetic system over the parasympathetic division ( sympathicotonia) and is expressed:

  1. , which depend on physical activity and increase with it;
  2. Dependence on weather conditions (headaches, rise in blood pressure);
  3. Rapid heartbeat, sometimes intermittent;
  4. with ultrasound examination of the heart;
  5. Violation of thermoregulation - high body temperature in children with infectious diseases;
  6. Changes in the gastrointestinal tract in the form of weak peristalsis, and hence a tendency to constipation;
  7. Lack of function of the lacrimal glands ("dry tear");
  8. Mood changes (longing and melancholy);
  9. Rapid fatigue.

Hypotonic type of NCD

With the predominance of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system ( vagotonia) develops neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypotonic type, the main features of which are:

  1. Rare pulse (), which can quickly increase ();
  2. Pain in the heart (cardialgia);
  3. dizziness;
  4. Frequent fainting, especially characteristic in the presence of neurocirculatory dystonia in children (mainly girls) in the puberty period;
  5. Headaches associated with weather conditions, physical and mental stress;
  6. Increased fatigue and low performance;
  7. Dyskinesia of the biliary tract, which is associated with uneven and chaotic contraction of the gallbladder;
  8. Digestive disorders (tendency to diarrhea and flatulence);
  9. Violation of thermoregulation: a decrease in body temperature and prolonged subfebrile condition with infections in children;
  10. Complaints about "shortness of breath" and "sighs";
  11. Tendency to allergic reactions;
  12. Pallor of the skin (marbling), cyanosis of the extremities;
  13. Cold sweat.

Mixed type of NDC - when there is no agreement between departments

Uncoordinated work of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions leads to dysfunction of systems and organs. If the pressure "jumps", if the complexion suddenly turns red or pale in a matter of minutes, if the body reacts unpredictably even to minor events, then you can suspect mixed type of neurocirculatory dysfunction.

Signs of neurocirculatory dystonia of a mixed type include symptoms characteristic of both hypotonic and hypertonic types. What part of the autonomic nervous system, at what point will prevail, such signs will be inherent in the patient's condition.

Video: how does NCD manifest itself?

Crises of neurocirculatory dystonia

Neurocirculatory dystonia, which arose in childhood, over time can “enrich” with symptoms and in young people give more vivid vegetative manifestations in the form of crises. also depend on its type, although they often do not have a clear picture of belonging, but are of a mixed nature. High activity of the parasympathetic division of the ANS can give vagoinsular crisis, which is characterized by the following features:

  • sweating and nausea;
  • Sudden weakness and darkening of the eyes;
  • Decreased blood pressure and body temperature;
  • Slow heart rate.

After a vagoinsular crisis, the patient still feels weak and weak for several days, periodically dizzy.

When the sympathetic department takes the “primacy”, another kind of neurocirculatory dysfunction develops. Neurocirculatory dystonia with sympathoadrenal crises makes itself felt, to which are quickly added:

  1. Intense headache;
  2. Heartache;
  3. Increased blood pressure and body temperature;
  4. The appearance of chills;
  5. Redness of the skin or the acquisition of pallor.

Video: how to deal with exacerbations of NCD?

Autonomic dysfunction and pregnancy

Although pregnancy is a physiological state, it is then that neurocirculatory dystonia can manifest itself, which proceeds latently (hidden), because during pregnancy the body is rebuilt and prepares for the birth of a new life. The hormonal background, the regulator of all pregnancy processes, undergoes significant changes. The internal organs "stack" in a different way, making room for the ever-increasing uterus. And all this is under the control of the autonomic nervous system, which did not always cope even without such a load, but here ...

Women suffering from NCD can find out about their pregnancy even before the test, because the first sign can be. Neurocirculatory dysfunction during pregnancy has a more pronounced clinical picture, so pregnancy is more difficult.

The reaction to everything that is “wrong”, tears for every reason, pain in the heart and tantrums, a decrease in blood pressure, and it’s better not to go into transport ... Pregnant women often experience a feeling of lack of air and stuffiness, and those with neurocirculatory dysfunction even know “the smell of fresh whiffs."

But it may not be so bad and you should not be upset. Many cases of disappearance of manifestations of NCD after childbirth have been noted. What is the reason for this - either "putting things in order" in the woman's body, or a responsible occupation associated with caring for the baby - is unknown. But patients themselves often note that if they are distracted by important matters, then the vegetative-vascular complex recedes.

Disease or Syndrome?

Talking about vegetative-vascular disorders, about how to call them after all, scientific minds have not decided. Vegetative-vascular dystonia is considered a more correct name, as it expresses the pathogenesis of the disease. The most recent trend in defining this condition has been autonomic dystonia syndrome, which from this did not become an independent unit in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD).

ICD 10 code for neurocirculatory dystonia - F45.3, where the letter F indicates a psychogenic origin, which, in general, is the case. According to the same classification, NCD is not recognized as a disease, butsymptom complex, arising as a result of inadequate behavior of the autonomic nervous system (inconsistent and non-equilibrium interaction of two sections of the ANS: sympathetic and parasympathetic). It is unlikely that people who are well acquainted with this complex of symptoms will “feel better” from this, but today it is so.

Many questions are raised by vegetative-vascular dysfunction when it is time to repay the debt to the Motherland. How are neurocirculatory dystonia and military service compatible? As the manifestations are varied, so should be the approach.

Preparing for Military Duty: NDC and the Army

Of course, some are so eager to join the ranks of the defenders of the Fatherland that they forget about the disease. Or are they hiding? Others, on the contrary, having an entry in the NDC card since childhood, are trying to save themselves from military duties. In this regard, the commission's approach should be objective and diversified. On the one hand, seeing a conscript for the first time, who does not make any complaints and “rushes into battle”, who is given out only low or high (below 100/60 or above 160/100) pressure and obvious autonomic disorders on the “face”, in breathing and heart rhythms, you can satisfy his desire. However, a qualified commission should find out for the first time, periodically or permanently. The same is the case with those who make a lot of complaints, and only meager entries in the children's card speak of illness. Of course, there is an average: the clinic is evident and complaints indicating the presence of autonomic disorders. In all cases, the task of the commission is to find out:

  • Are the complaints persistent;
  • Whether persistently increased or decreased blood pressure;
  • Are there cardialgia and;
  • To what extent NDC symptoms affect the work capacity of the conscript.

Allied specialists (neurologist, cardiologist, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, otolaryngologist) are necessarily involved in studying the state of health of a young person.

In addition, when deciding on the suitability for military service in the case of neurocirculatory dystonia, differential diagnostics with other diseases are carried out to clarify the diagnosis and exclude diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and lungs, which may be similar to NCD in symptoms.

To whom does "Farewell of the Slav" sound?

For an objective approach to resolving the issue, the conscript is sent to a hospital for examination, after which he may be recognized as temporarily unfit under Article 48. In this case, the young man is subject to treatment for neurocirculatory dystonia, but if it turns out to be ineffective, and the symptoms indicate persistent disorders of the autonomic innervation, then the conscript is not subject to military service and receives a military ID with a mark of unsuitability under Art. 47 "a".

Similarly, the commission acts with those young men who have clearly traced persistent vegetative-vascular disorderswith an increase or pressure drop, there are explicit signs of violation heart rate, a heart pain is constant.

Well, and the one who had the only record of the disease of the autonomic nervous system, but did not confirm it, should go with honor to serve the Motherland and Fatherland. The ancient, but still unchanged and inimitable, march of Vasily Ivanovich Agapkin with its solemnity will make his mother and beloved girl cry ... Nothing terrible - a little time will pass and a healthy, mature and self-confident yesterday's conscript will return home, completely forgetting about the disease.

And yet, what to do with it?

You can talk about neurocirculatory dystonia for a long time and a lot, since there are numerous names for this pathology, and this diversity allows. But those who have such "happiness" are looking for ways to escape from this with impomocomplex, which pretty much poisons life and manifests itself in the most unforeseen situations. In general, a significant part of humanity is occupied with the question of how to treat neurocirculatory dystonia, which has a dozen more names. After all, changing the name will not affect the well-being of the patient.

Oddly enough, vegetative-vascular dysfunction does not like physical inactivity. And despite the fact that the manifestations of the disease are especially noticeable after physical activity, physical education not only does not harm the patient, but is also indicated. True, we should talk about purposeful, physiotherapy exercises, dosed and deliberate.

Mandatory observance of the regime of work and rest is also an integral part of the healing process. Of course, night shift work, lack of sleep, long pastime near the monitor are unlikely to help you feel light in your head and body. But fresh air, calm evening walks, a warm bath with soothing herbs, on the contrary, will provide a good healthy sleep and improve your mood.

Patients should pay special attention to the psycho-emotional state. Avoid stressful situations, engage in auto-training, take soothing tea and do everything possible to create a calm, friendly atmosphere at home and in a team for yourself and others.

No matter how trite it may sound, but here a significant role belongs to the diet. Neurocirculatory dystonia "does not like" neither spices, nor spicy dishes, nor alcohol. Anything that excites the nervous system can aggravate the course of the process, so it is better to avoid excesses and not be loaded. But potassium-rich foods (eggplants, potatoes, bananas, prunes and apricots) will “like” the “capricious” nervous system.

Treatment prescribed by a doctor

Drug treatment for neurocirculatory disorders is highly desirable to be carried out with general health measures and physiotherapy. Therapeutic massage, electrophoresis with sedatives on the collar zone, electrosleep and circular shower will help strengthen the nervous system and give positive emotions that patients with neurocirculatory dystonia so need.

What an amazing procedure. acupuncture. Using it, you can for a long time to refuse medicines and feel great only thanks to the annual repetition of acupuncture. Put in neuromuscular bundles, thin gold or platinum needles will lead to a long and stable remission, and the disease will recede ...

And the antioxidant complex (Dr. Theiss, gerovital, etc.) will be a great addition to general strengthening activities.

Medicines for the treatment of neurocirculatory dystonia are taken on the recommendation of a doctor and are prescribed by him. No advice from friends and the Internet is inappropriate here, since drug treatment is prescribed taking into account blood pressure, the presence of cardialgia and the state of the heart rhythm. It is clear that it will help a patient with high blood pressure, but it can have a detrimental effect on the condition of a person with low blood pressure, so it is unlikely that Egilok (beta-blocker) will be indicated for the hypotonic type. Drugs that regulate the heart rhythm are serious and require special care, so "amateur" in such cases is useless.

Often, patients with autonomic disorders are prescribed drugs from the group of tranquilizers - adaptol, afobazole, grandaxin. The herbal preparation gelarium, which has antidepressant properties, has a remarkable effect. To relieve spasms, bellataminal is often prescribed, which also gives a sedative effect.

Hawthorn, valerian, motherwort - alcohol infusions of these plants are very familiar to patients with neurocirculatory dystonia, they are constantly stored in the home first aid kit and perform the function of an "ambulance".

Video: expert opinion on NDC

How can traditional medicine help?

The variety of recipes for the treatment of folk remedies for neurocirculatory dystonia is even more striking than the variety of clinical manifestations. Contrasting souls, breathing exercises of Tibetan monks and the Austrian healer Rudolf Breuss are undoubtedly wonderful, but for some reason people prefer Russian "creation" more. A popular drink from the church "Cahors" and a mixture of juices of garlic, lemon, beets, carrots and radishes, flavored with natural honey, is passed "from mouth to mouth and from generation to generation."

However, for the treatment of NDC folk remedies, one should not forget about pressure, so folk healers also recommend different treatments. For example, with increased blood pressure, people use infusions of mint leaves and white birch, calendula flowers and dill seeds. Alcoholic infusions of magnolia and white mistletoe well reduce pressure.

Strong tea and coffee are not recommended for the hypertensive type of NCD, but in the morning you can drink amazing tea prepared at home:

  • Dry berries of blueberries, chokeberries, currants and barberries are taken in equal parts, ground, mixed and consumed, filled with boiling water.

With normal blood pressure and a downward trend, prepare infusions of elecampane, immortelle, drink freshly squeezed juices of carrots and rose hips. They say it helps a lot.

Of course, valerian root (you can take it orally, you can do baths), hawthorn, hot milk with honey at night - everyone knows. Such folk remedies are, perhaps, in every home, even where there are no neurocirculatory disorders.

How is the diagnosis established?

Syndrome of vegetative dystonia is not based solely on patient complaints. Before the doctor makes a diagnosis, the patient must pass tests and undergo instrumental examinations, so the main stages "on the way" to the NDC will be:

  1. General blood and urine tests, which do not deviate from the norm in this disease;
  2. BP profile within 10-14 days to determine the type of NCD;
  3. Ultrasound of the kidneys and heart to exclude independent diseases of these organs;
  4. , FKG, ;

Neurocirculatory dystonia of hypertonic type is one of the frequent reasons for patients to visit doctors of various profiles.

The disease is a type of vegetovascular dystonia, which is based on a violation of the adequate interaction of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the visceral nervous system.

In modern medicine, this condition is considered to be not even a disease, but a set of symptoms that accompany certain pathological processes in the body.

According to the generally accepted classification, neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD) is of four types:

  • cardiac, where functional disorders of cardiac activity predominate in the form of pain and arrhythmias;
  • hypertensive, characterized by an increase in systolic blood pressure (BP) with preserved diastolic;
  • hypotonic, flowing with low blood pressure (100–95/60 mm Hg);
  • mixed.
Depending on the prevailing symptoms, this autonomic dysfunction is divided into the following clinical syndromes:
  • tachycardial;
  • asthenoneurotic;
  • cardialgic;
  • myocardiodystrophic;
  • respiratory;
  • syndrome of peripheral vascular disorders;
  • syndrome of vegetative crises with panic attacks.

Based on an objective assessment of the patient's condition, there are three degrees of severity of NCD: mild, moderate and severe.

Causes of the disease

As the cause of the development of this pathology, an imbalance between the processes of inhibition and excitation in the nervous system under the influence of adverse external conditions or due to an unhealthy lifestyle is most often considered, for example:

  • physical and mental overwork;
  • irrational mode of wakefulness and sleep;
  • physical inactivity;
  • chronic stress, psychotraumatic situations;
  • bad habits: smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • unbalanced nutrition.

A certain role in the development of the disease is played by such factors as:

  • traumatic brain injury;
  • acute infectious and inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract;
  • severe somatic pathologies;
  • intoxication;
  • neuroendocrine disorders.

It should be noted that in the development of hypertensive NCD, hormonal changes often come to the fore, which accompany menopause and puberty, as well as pregnancy and lactation.

The hereditary-constitutional aspect cannot be discounted either. In this case, the symptoms of the disease in patients appear even in early childhood, and their close relatives often have diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Cause dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system is also capable of taking certain drugs:

  • amphetamines;
  • bronchodilators;
  • caffeine;
  • Levodopa;
  • ephedrine.

Symptoms of neurocirculatory dystonia by hypertensive type

Despite the fact that the signs of this disease are diverse, a number of patterns in its manifestation can be identified.

From the side of the cardiovascular system:

  • cardialgia with aching, stabbing, squeezing or pressing pains radiating to the upper half of the chest;
  • sinus tachycardia from 90 to 140 beats. in minutes;
  • increased systolic blood pressure - up to 140 mm. rt. Art., especially during physical exertion or emotional stress;
  • heaviness, pain and discomfort in the region of the heart: interruptions, tremors, a feeling of emptiness or fading;
  • labored breathing;
  • visible pulsation of the popliteal, radial and carotid arteries.

From the nervous system:

  • migraine;
  • sleep disorders in the form of drowsiness or insomnia;
  • dizziness;
  • high fatigue and weakness;
  • asthenia;
  • memory loss;
  • slowing down of attention;
  • irritability, nervousness;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus;
  • low performance;
  • emotional lability;
  • fear of death in panic attacks.

Gastrointestinal tract:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • gastralgia;
  • bloating and flatulence;
  • stool disorders.

Other symptoms:

  • hyperhidrosis of the palms, feet and armpits;
  • appetite disorders;
  • weakness in the morning and evening hours;
  • cold extremities;
  • hyperemia of the face.

Not many people know that vegetative vascular dystonia can be cured. And although it is difficult to get rid of this disease, it is still quite possible. This topic presents the most effective treatment methods.


Along with a physical examination of the patient, if hypertensive NCD is suspected, a number of additional medical studies are carried out:

  • ECG at rest and with stress tests (veloergometry and treadmill test);
  • Echo-KG of the heart, ultrasound of blood vessels;
  • daily monitoring of ECG and blood pressure;
  • thermometry with keeping a diary of body temperature measurements;
  • laboratory hormonal diagnostics;
  • chest X-ray, etc.

Since the clinical picture of the disease often has a number of symptoms similar to those of other diseases, experts strongly recommend differential diagnosis of neurocirculatory dysfunction with the following pathologies:

  • neurosis;
  • myocarditis;
  • hypertension;
  • heart defects;
  • hyperthyroidism.

It is most often necessary to distinguish NDC from essential hypertension. In this case, the data of instrumental and laboratory research methods, as well as the absence of changes in the fundus vessels and left ventricular hypertrophy, help to make a correct medical conclusion.

Excluding the somatic nature of the disease and making the correct diagnosis to the doctor will also help identify the relationship between the aggravation of the clinical picture of the disease in a psychogenic situation, along with an assessment of the patient's personal qualities.

Neurocirculatory dystonia by hypertensive type - treatment

The amount of medical care and treatment regimens are determined by the patient's symptoms.

In the presence of foci of chronic infection, antibiotic therapy is indicated under the strict supervision of a specialist.

An important factor in the success of the cure for the disease is the normalization of the psycho-emotional state of a person.

With depression, phobias and increased anxiety, antidepressants and tranquilizers become the drugs of choice. In milder clinical cases, Corvalol or Validol is prescribed, as well as sedatives based on herbs: motherwort, cyanosis or valerian.

To reduce blood pressure, depending on the concomitant pathology and the presence of contraindications, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • beta-blockers;
  • ACE inhibitors;
  • diuretics;
  • calcium antagonists;
  • angiotensin receptor blockers.

Since the development of hypertensive type NCD in women can provoke the onset of menopause, experts recommend that they take phytoestrogens in the premenopausal and menopausal period, which, unlike hormone replacement therapy, have a mild effect and safety.

Considering the fact that infectious diseases can become an impetus for the onset of the disease, the body's defenses should be maintained by taking multivitamin complexes and immunomodulators.

An important role in the treatment of neurocirculatory dystonia is played by spa treatment and a variety of physiotherapy procedures:

  • galvanization according to Shcherbak's method;
  • general cryotherapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • radon, pearl, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide and oxygen baths;
  • balneotherapy;
  • massage of the collar zone;
  • hypo- and aeroionotherapy;
  • electrosleep with a frequency of 10–25 Hz;
  • electrophoresis with bromine preparations, aminofillin, papaverine, propranolol according to the general or "collar" method.

Classes with a psychotherapist, breathing exercises and auto-training are also useful.

Traditional medicine can offer alternative remedies in the form of infusions of soothing, hypotensive and vasodilating plant extracts: sweet clover, hawthorn flowers, lemon balm, mint, oregano and meadowsweet, as well as baths from pine needles, wormwood and valerian roots.


The primary task of the doctor supervising the patient should be to introduce the latter to a healthy lifestyle, which includes:
  • exclusion of the negative impact of harmful environmental factors and occupational hazards;
  • normalization of sleep and wakefulness;
  • eradication of bad habits;
  • avoidance of nervous and physical overstrain;
  • sufficient physical activity.

The best results in getting rid of the disease can be achieved when the root cause of the pathological condition is established and eliminated, but it is often necessary to resort to symptomatic therapy.

Despite the complexity of the pathogenesis and clinical picture of hypertensive NCD, modern medicine is armed with effective methods for diagnosing and treating the imbalance of the visceral nervous system. At the same time, in order to avoid relapses of the disease, the patient should be constantly in touch with the attending physician, scrupulously follow all his recommendations, and also keep his well-being under control.

If you notice in your child symptoms of deviations in the functioning of the heart, digestive and excretory systems, then this is an occasion to consult a doctor, including a neurologist. most often occurs in children and adolescents and only a doctor can diagnose it.

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The busy rhythm of modern life, accompanied by stressful situations, harmful working conditions, excessive physical exertion, negatively affects the state of human health. The cardiovascular system suffers especially from this, signaling problems with multiple symptoms. Every third patient who seeks medical help with complaints such as sleep disturbance, arrhythmia is diagnosed with NCD of the hypertensive type.

Neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypertonic type is manifested by an increase in systolic pressure.

Varieties, adverse factors, symptoms of NCD

Hypertensive neurocirculatory dystonia is a disease that provokes a functional failure of several body systems at once. Pathological failures are determined in the functioning of not only the cardiovascular system, but also the respiratory, as well as the nervous. The cardiovascular system begins to respond inadequately to dysregulation of the tone of blood vessels and the release of hormones. Neurocircular dystonia does not pose a particular danger to humans, but such disorders should not be left unattended either.

As medical practice demonstrates, hypertensive type NCD in adolescence can be eliminated even on its own, without the use of drugs. Adults are prescribed medication that allows you to restore health without leaving any trace of such a disease. However, the older the patient, the more difficult it is to treat NCD, so doctors have to develop special therapy regimens in order not to allow the pathology to progress and worsen the condition of patients. But before choosing methods of drug therapy, the doctor must specify what caused the pathological failure, what symptoms the patient most often notices. Based on the information collected, it is possible to establish a type of dystonia.


NDC code according to ICD 10 (international classification) - F45.3. He indicates that the patient has circulatory problems, the roots of which are psychogenic in nature.

Doctors distinguish four main types of neurocirculatory dystonia:

  • hypertensive;
  • cardiac;
  • hypotonic;
  • mixed.

Each type is accompanied by different symptoms. During the first visit, the doctor asks the patient to list all the symptoms that began to appear and disturb the person himself. The doctor carefully listens to the patient, because he is faced with the task of differentiating at least two such pathologies as hypertension and NCD. Also, neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypertensive type is very similar in symptoms to myocarditis, neurosis.

During the first visit, not only an examination is necessarily carried out, but also the patient's blood pressure is measured. If he really develops neurocircular dystonia of the hypertensive type, then the systolic pressure will moderately increase upwards, and the diastolic pressure will practically remain unchanged.

Most often, with this type of dystonia, patients complain of rapidly developing fatigue, despite the fact that no physical exertion was performed at that moment. Due to the rapidly developing fatigue, of course, performance is sharply reduced. Headache joins such unpleasant symptoms. Against the background of a general deterioration in well-being, patients notice. Obvious signs of arrhythmia provoke increased sweating.

It is quite difficult for a person to perform any actions at such a moment, since dizziness is also noted. Persons who are close to the patient note an increase in his irritability. The patient at the doctor's appointment also complains that he cannot fall asleep peacefully, so he has to wake up in the morning when the body could not fully rest.

Even the same characteristic symptoms can occur in different patients in completely different ways, since such a disease is classified into three degrees according to the severity of the manifestation:

  • light;
  • average;
  • heavy.

The worst degree of NCD is tolerated, in which the patient feels disgusting, noting absolute impotence.

The reasons

There are several adverse factors that can serve as an impetus for the development of VVD. Most often, the disease occurs when it is preceded by:

  • high physical activity;
  • severe emotional stress;
  • hypodynamia;
  • short night or disturbing (restless) sleep;
  • head bruises;
  • brain infection;
  • hormonal failure (pregnancy, abortion, menopause);
  • failure of the endocrine and nervous systems.

Hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia often occur in children who are overly loaded with educational and extracurricular activities. Often the culprits are the parents themselves, who strive to raise the child as a comprehensively developed personality, but at the same time they do not notice at all that their son or daughter is subjected to excessive stress, they are constantly in a stressful situation. In children, neurocirculatory dystonia can develop as a result of birth trauma or brain damage with complicated intrauterine development of the fetus.

Diagnostics and therapy

If the patient experiences any ailment, it is important to immediately seek medical help to prevent the occurrence of dangerous complications. Unfortunately, often the patients themselves create the basis for the development of more serious pathological failures, leading to serious consequences.

When a patient contacts the clinic for help, the doctor carefully listens to the patient, clarifies which symptoms often appear. Based on the information collected, it is possible to suggest which pathology provokes a deterioration in general well-being. However, to clarify the diagnosis, doctors must send the patient for a diagnostic examination. In no case do not refuse such recommendations, arguing that you do not have time to undergo a diagnosis. Treatment, which is carried out according to an erroneously established diagnosis, is not only unable to eliminate the underlying pathology, but can also provoke side effects.

Diagnostic examination

The primary diagnosis is established by the doctor, based on the symptoms that the patient himself lists during the first visit. Most of all, such signs indicate NCD as an equally rapid decrease in blood pressure, tachycardia that occurs spontaneously, as well as respiratory arrhythmia. All these signs can be observed even by the attending physician during the examination.

To confirm the diagnosis, the patient is sent for instrumental diagnostics. First of all, an ECG is done, the result of which in the case of the presence of the disease. Also, the doctor may recommend performing ECG tests with a special load:

  • physiological test with hyperventilation;
  • orthostatic test;
  • drug test.

Thanks to such tests, the attending physician is able to differentiate NCD from diseases in which the heart muscle is affected.


Since neurocirculatory dystonia in most cases is amenable to non-drug treatment, doctors are in no hurry to stuff the patient's body with a variety of pharmaceuticals. Initial treatment involves:

  • physiotherapy exercises;
  • autogenic training;
  • acupressure;
  • acupuncture.

Physicians orient the patient to maintain a healthy lifestyle, as well as perform actions aimed at strengthening not only physical, but also mental health. Of course, sports activities have proven themselves to be highly effective in this matter, and with them hardening and psychotherapeutic sessions.

If the prescribed treatment is not accompanied by tangible results, does not help to alleviate the general condition of the patient, improve his well-being, then doctors reconsider the tactics of providing assistance, refocusing on drug therapy. Patients are prescribed pills, using which, it is possible to improve the functioning of the heart muscle, as well as normalize blood pressure with a hypertensive drug. Antidepressants, tranquilizers or sedatives may be prescribed if during therapy it was not possible to normalize sleep and eliminate excessive irritability.

You can restore vegetative functions with the help of physiotherapy procedures:

  • electrosleep;
  • reflexology;
  • electrophoresis (carried out with the introduction of magnesium, bromine or novocaine).

Modern doctors, using the most diverse, including innovative, treatment methods, using modern equipment, still do not refuse positive changes, a good therapeutic effect that traditional medicine can bring. It is for this reason that patients are recommended to have a sedative effect. Chamomile, mint, calendula, dill - a small list of those herbs that are accompanied by high efficiency in the treatment of NCD. The only thing that the patient will have to tune in to is the long-term use of healing decoctions, since a single or short-term intake cannot eliminate pathological disorders.

If the disease is diagnosed in a young man of military age, doctors pay attention to the symptoms, which indicate persistent disorders of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. If such suspicions are confirmed, the army is contraindicated for such a young man. If the doctor does not notice any serious and persistent pathological failures, the young man will be considered fit for military duty.

So, neurocirculatory dystonia is a disease that can be completely cured, the patient returns the opportunity to regain good health, improve the quality of his life. If there is a predisposition to NCD, it is useful for patients to take preventive measures that prevent the development of pathology.

Neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD) is a synonym for vegetovascular dystonia. The disease is described by a specific symptom complex. There are NCDs according to the hypertonic type and the hypotonic type. In the first case, the violation is always accompanied by an increase in blood pressure.

NCD is manifested by a number of disorders in the cardiovascular and nervous systems. The development of the disease is directly related to the dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system (the so-called autonomic dysfunction).

According to the latest data in hypertensive disease in young people, the diagnosis of NCD of the hypertensive type is confirmed in 70% of cases.

It is impossible to single out one main cause of the development of the disease, since the symptom complex manifests itself under the influence of a number of factors, including:

  • physical and psychological stress;
  • chronic stress;
  • violation of sleep and wakefulness;
  • violation of cerebral circulation;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • bad habits;
  • unbalanced diet.

Smoking plays an important role in the development of the disease, since nicotine depletes the nervous system and negatively affects the condition of the walls of blood vessels.

Most often this diagnosis is made in adolescents.

In most cases, NCD is diagnosed in adolescents and young children, which is primarily due to the rapid development (growth) of internal organs with insufficient ability to control their functioning by the autonomic nervous system. This discrepancy is due to the peculiarities of the growth of the organism during puberty.

In older people, NCD of the hypertensive type is diagnosed quite rarely, but can manifest itself against the background of the onset of menopause, chronic stress, or a lack of nutrients entering the body.

According to statistics, residents of large cities, but not rural areas, are more susceptible to NDC. This is due to the rhythm of life of the modern metropolis.

There is a theory about the relationship of personal qualities, temperament and specific character traits with the development of dystonia.

The main feature of the disease lies in the absence of organic disorders in the structure of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. This also determines the psychosomatic nature of the symptoms that patients with NCD face.

In the international classification of diseases (ICD-10), hypertension against the background of NCD by hypertensive type is assigned code F45.3. Thus, the violation is attributed to psychogenic diseases, but not to cardiovascular pathologies.

Characteristic symptoms

The symptom complex of neurocirculatory dystonia according to the hypertensive type has more than a hundred specific manifestations, most of which are due to psychosomatics, but not physiological disorders.

Symptoms characteristic of this disorder can be divided into two groups - objective and subjective.

Objective symptoms are what the doctor sees when examining a patient. Such signs of neurocirculatory dystonia according to the hypertensive type include:

  • increase in systolic pressure while maintaining normal diastolic blood pressure (upper and lower pressure);
  • increased heart rate by 10-15% of the norm;
  • redness of the skin of the face with pallor of the epidermis of the extremities;
  • pain in the chest on palpation.

As a rule, despite the increase in blood pressure, the patient's extremities remain pale and cold, which is due to impaired peripheral circulation. With this form of VSD, there is always an increase in the pulse to 100 beats per minute.

Symptoms include always cold hands and a rapid pulse.

Subjective symptoms are classified as psychosomatic. This is what a patient with such a diagnosis feels, however, it is not possible to confirm such symptoms with laboratory or diagnostic examination methods. These features of NDC include:

  • dizziness and disorientation;
  • periodic migraines;
  • tremor of fingers;
  • lack of air;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • chills with increased sweating;
  • deterioration of cognitive functions of the brain;
  • decreased appetite.

Subjective symptoms may vary; in total, more than 100 different complaints of patients with this diagnosis are known. The appearance of such signs is directly related to the psycho-emotional state of the patient, so it is impossible to identify them during the examination. In moments of stress and mental stress, the symptoms intensify, but at rest they completely disappear without any treatment.

Types of disease

Depending on the physiological manifestations, there are several types of NCD:

  • hypertonic type;
  • hypotonic type;
  • mixed type;
  • cardiac type.

For hypertonic type NCD, an increase in the upper indicator of blood pressure (systolic) is characteristic, while maintaining a normal lower indicator (diastolic). Against this background, a rapid pulse is always noted.

With NCD in hypotonic form, there is always a steady decrease in blood pressure by 20-25 mm Hg. compared to the norm. The pulse is lowered, about 60 beats per minute.

With neurocirculatory dystonia of the cardiac or cardiological type, cardiac arrhythmias, bradycardia or tachycardia are noted. Patients complain of recurrent pain in the region of the heart, but the pressure remains within normal limits.

The combination of all of the above clinical manifestations of NCD is called a mixed type of disease. At the same time, the patient has periodic jumps in blood pressure, both downward and upward, pulse disturbances, bradycardia or tachycardia, pain in the heart and respiratory failure.

Neurocirculatory dystonia is divided into types depending on the indicators of blood pressure and pulse

NCD diagnostics

To make a diagnosis, a consultation with a neurologist and a cardiologist is necessary. Since changes in blood pressure in neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypertensive type are episodic, it is necessary to conduct a differential diagnosis to exclude the following disorders:

  • hypertonic disease;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • climacteric syndrome;
  • neurosis;
  • depression;
  • myocarditis.

A feature of NCD is the symptomatology that is vividly described by the patient in the absence of visible disorders. It is from this that doctors are repelled when making a diagnosis. Since the violation is psychogenic in nature, it is imperative to undergo a comprehensive examination by a neurologist.

Principle of treatment

With vegetative-vascular dystonia (neurocirculatory dystonia) of the hypertensive type, the symptoms characteristic of hypertension determine the further treatment regimen.

First of all, it is necessary to identify the causes leading to the exacerbation of symptoms, and take all measures to eliminate them. Usually, the development of VVD or NDC is due to mental stress, which is often associated with working conditions or work schedules. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the workload and abandon processing. After eliminating the factor that provokes the appearance of symptoms, they proceed to drug therapy, which is aimed at improving the functioning of the autonomic nervous system.

An important role in the treatment of the disease is played by a radical change in lifestyle - the rejection of bad habits, the normalization of the regimen, a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Need to make lifestyle adjustments

Medical therapy

Conservative treatment is aimed primarily at minimizing the destructive effects of stress. To improve the functioning of the nervous system appoint:

  • vitamin complexes;
  • sedatives;
  • antidepressants;
  • drugs that stimulate blood circulation;
  • tranquilizers.

The basis of treatment is the intake of herbal sedatives. In tablet form, take Novo-Passit or Persen, in the form of drops - alcohol tinctures of valerian, motherwort or peony.

With an increase in heart rate, it is possible to take Corvalol drops to improve well-being and relieve symptoms. With pronounced jumps in blood pressure and the cardiological form of the disease, it is possible to prescribe drugs used in the treatment of hypertension: calcium antagonists, ACE inhibitors.

To improve the functionality of the nervous system, B vitamins and magnesium preparations are prescribed.

For dizziness and headache associated with impaired cerebral circulation, the doctor may prescribe the amino acid glycine in tablets or the drug Cinnarizine.

The treatment is based on natural sedatives


Physiotherapy plays an important role in the treatment of NCD. Its goal is to consolidate the result of drug treatment, improve blood circulation in the brain and metabolic processes. In the treatment of NCD use:

  • acupuncture;
  • massage;
  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetotherapy.

A good result is achieved after massage of the cervical-collar area. Current methods of treatment are often used, for example, electrophoresis of the cervical-collar zone using nicotinic acid. This procedure has a positive effect on vascular tone and stimulates cerebral circulation, thereby eliminating specific symptoms and improving the functioning of the nervous system.

Non-drug treatment

Effective non-drug treatments:

  • taking decoctions of medicinal herbs with a sedative effect;
  • breathing exercises;
  • yoga and swimming in the pool.

Chamomile, lemon balm, valerian root or sage can be brewed and taken as a sedative. To prepare the medicine, place 2 large spoons of the plant in a thermos and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Infuse the decoction under the lid for 4 hours, and then take 100 ml before each meal.

Breathing exercises help reduce the appearance of stress, as well as saturate the body with oxygen and improve sleep quality. For the same purpose, it is recommended to do exercise therapy, yoga or swim in the pool - such sports have a positive effect on the state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

All methods of dealing with stress will reduce the manifestations of NCD

NDC and age

The disease is often diagnosed in children and adolescents. In this case, the violation is due to rapid growth. Usually, in children under 12 years of age, NCD is diagnosed according to the hypotonic type, which is accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure.

The development of hypertonic type NCD during pregnancy is due to hormonal changes in the body and an increased load on the nervous system. Women usually experience high blood pressure due to stress at the end of the second trimester of pregnancy. The symptom complex can persist until childbirth.

As a rule, NCD in children and pregnant women is a short-term disorder and completely resolves without treatment after the restoration of hormonal levels or cessation of growth.

NDC and the army

The army with NCD for hypertensive type is not intended for the patient, in the case of:

  • sustained increase in blood pressure over 160 per 100;
  • the presence of constant complaints;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • violation of the heart rhythm.

With the initial statement of such a diagnosis, the conscript is sent to the hospital. The commission meets again in six months. If during this period it was not possible to achieve an improvement in well-being, during the examination of the patient, increased blood pressure is also observed, with neurocirculatory dystonia or hypertonic VVD, the conscript is considered unfit for military service.

As practice shows, a delay or unfitness for military service with such a diagnosis is very rare. This is due to the fact that only the average daily change in blood pressure is taken into account. In young men diagnosed with NCD, the pressure rises in jumps, so the average daily blood pressure is below 160/100.

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